Advertising nates. We Oolite It lo be distinctly understood tttt (io AdTertlsemenU jH be Inserted la the eo1tn o "iHiCiMOK Abtociti tbat may be receWo ftatii unknown partleserBrms.unVeiBMeoinpaoied with tbeCiiH. Thertlowlngiu-eouroiaterssti Advertisement for 1 year, per Uth e1 Insert!. . . . . ? RitMaathi,perliKheaeb(DMrtton IS Cents. ' Three Month!, " luOnw. LeM tban three aaonths, firstlnaer- tien $1, each Wient Insertion 23 Outs U. V. MORTIHMKR, Publisher. SATtjltPAY MOIQIKO. NO.rKMBKIt 22, 1873. Local and Personal. Thanksgiving day, next Thursday. Cool I The thermometer stood four degrees above zero on Friday morning. Tlio time has now arrived when a good, overcoat, is necessary. TryT. D. Clauss if you .want a serviceable ono. He keeps the very best of material, and always warrants his goods to glvo satis faction. Gen. Chas. Albright and lady will leave Iauch Chunk for Washington on Monday next. The Fort Allen Rolling Mill Is onco more In full blast. The new emery wheel manufactory of Messrs. Marsh & Co., In Welssport, is under root. A number ot liaucli Chunk and .Welssport bcnzlnlsts, succeeded in de monstrating to the people, of tho later place, a fow night ago, that' they were most liberally endowed with all tho qualities for making first-class rowdies. Tho citizens are so thoroughly con vlnced of the fact that no repetition of the' brutal, beastly scene is needed.- L. F, Klepplnger. the livery man, lias-now got one of the very best lots 'of horses and buggies la this section, which' Ho wlU'liIre out at the very low est terms. Housewives should not fail to call atWjAf Graver's,- and ex!mlno hjs large stock of 1'blankets and' comfort' afcleS tlicy are Just Hie' thing for this coldr weatheri Also, dress and dry good's 'jn'cndhjss variety. M E. 'Church. Services ns usual to-morr6w (Sabbath) In this cb'urchi Preaching at'lO.HO n. m. Theme! The "Valley of Dry Bones. At 7.00 p'. m. . Subject: The Choice of -Voses. Sabbath school at 2.00 p. nil Protracted meet ing are still In progress. Drll: T. Bond, who has been stopping at tho Exchange Hotel, in tills place,, during the present week, has met with marked success. Tie devotes his, attention entirely to thu treatment of skin diseases, rupture, plies, tape worm, &c. Tho Dr. remains In town to-day, and will return again In the month of January. In the meantime may be consulted by letter. See adver tisement in another column. We learn that the Welssport School Board has fixed up tho school houso, so as to 'make It convenient for holding re ligious services therein, and that the Mennonltes will hold meeting as fol lows:' this (Saturday) evening at 7.30 o'clock", and to-morrow (Sunday) after noon nt'2.00 j also, In the evening at 7.30, atjMorlah Furnaco. .411 are cor dially' invited to attend. .Candles', wlidlcsnlo and retail, at Ilausman &Kuhns'. For the well-known aud genuine Cucumber (Pump, go to F. P.-Seminel, Leb'lghtou, Pa. For family flour, of the very best quality go to J. K. Rlckert, East Weiss. port. ILUmber and coal in large or smalVquantltles at lowest market rates. A few lots in Rlckertown still unsold fruv at nnr.n. , ' , I Wo'liear a'ru'uior to the effect 'that work Is to bo suspended' on the now school .building until sprlug. Wu liope that such, will not bu tho case, and do not see why It should bo, as wo are re liably Informed thero Is no lack of means for pushing tho work. Then why not push ahead while bo many of our people iiro Id';, and will work for less wages than lueu can bo got for when all kinds of work opens in the sprlug. In other towns the officials are pushing all kinds of public works, why not do so hero ? llAUsman & Kuhns are already making great preparations for tho holi days. Their storo, Is literally crammed with every description ot toys, .suitable for piesentft for, young and old, rich. and poor. Easton National Bank stock sells at from $31 td 83 a share. The second track -of tho Loltfgh & Susquohauna Railroad, between Easton and BethleWm, Is now completed, and trains have commenced to run over it. Threo tailoreeses, on custom pants, waiitcd I immediately , at T-S. Beck's merchant tailoring establishment, Lo- lilghton, fa'., For paints, Unseat oil, glass, white leAd, Jtc, go to F. P. Semmel's'bard' ware store, Bank street, Lehighton,- Cheap as tie cheapest good as the best'. Charles Trainer, corner of Lehigh IX Hogs i you witbq from 0 to ' gardens or Ex-Sherlft and Iron .streets, will supply flour and feed, plow your gardens do your, hauljng at reasonable rates. Fresh bread and cakes dally at Ilausman & Kuans'. Tho fair for thq benefit of tho M. E. church, of Mauch Chunk, will open In tho Town Hall on Monday evening. Tho Switch-back Railroad' closed for tho winter on Saturday last. The Question Settled. Thoso emi nent men, Dr. Jas. Clark, Physician to Queen Victoria, and Dr. Hughes Ben nett, say that consumption can be cured. Dr. Wlster knew this when he discover ed his now widely known ,i?alsam of Wild Cherry, aud experience has proved the correctness of his opinion. Our old friend 'David Ebbert, tho popular livery man, Is still doing n' rushing business notwithstanding thu "panlcy" times. No ono can resist the temptation of enjoying a ride in ono of his handsome 'turnouts. Try It. Terms low. Z. II. Long Is offering extraordi nary inducements lo purchasers of dry goods, groceries, provisions and Queens waro. fall and Inspect his Immense stock. The Slatlngtou bridge company has earned a semi-annual dividend of nlml per cent. In the last, six months.. During Friday night last some un known purloining party broke into the slaughter house of Mr. Moses Hellman, at Stemton, nndpllla'ged Itof'ftlltho meats tha, had been prepared' for next day's market. On Thursday a young lady namijd, Cl.l. t Tin 1 1. TTnl..l Bath, was fearfully burnt, her clothes catching In tho flames of a Arc kindled In tho yard. Finding her apparel aflame, she ran for tho creek, but In her fright tuined around and ran back to the hotel, where the fire extinguished, but not until she was severely, perhaps 'fatally, Injured. Allentown Democrat. Fred. Douglass' lecture at Calasau- qua. whicii was to navo come otion mo evening of Dec. 5th, has been postponed until spring, owing to the dullness of the times. Not to bo outdone, J. 'Fatzlngsr & Son desire It to bo1 universally known that they aro not to be undersold In. tho grocery and provision line, and that they furnish as good articles lor the money us any "other man." Call aud examine their goods. If you are in want nf a good suit of clothes, for dress-up or service, call at Thomas S. Beck's, Bank Street. Hu is prepared to manufacture garments for men and boys at the shortest notice and most reasonable tor ms. Singing schools, spelling matches, hog rallies, turkey hustled, and old time frolics, will soon be tho country rage. Tho Crane Iron Co., will make a re- duclion of 20 per cent In wages afierthe 21th inst. Tho winter time tables of tho N. Penn., L, & S., and P. & E. llallroads will be found on our first page. Tho 11.03 a m. passenger on the h. V. Railroad collided with a gravel train at East Mauch Chunk, on Mon day. Both engines and the baggage car were somewhat damaged. The train was delayed about 30 minutes. The attention of our lady readers Is directed to tho advertisement of II, A. ifeltz In'auother column. He is offer ing his stock at cost, aud those who de sire bargains should not fall to take ad vantage of the immense reduction. , To-day's issue of the Oauuon Au vooatk Is tho first number of the second volume. A good time to subscribe fl a year In advance. John J. Stecker, of Trochsvllle, a day or two ago killed three rats their combined weight was 40 ounces. John must raise good grain on his 'farm. We wcro pleased to greet the fol lowing gentlemen In' our sanctum du ring the past week Messrs. Kemerer aud Smawley, of Blc Crct-k, and Messrs. Straup and Serfass, of Trochsvllle. Call often, gentlemen. Mr. Leonard Bauer when returning homo from his work at. Packertou, on Tuesday evening, fell from the truck, aud sprained his ankle. Wo aro informed that Prince's paint mill will suspend work next week. Mr. J. W. Itaudenbush Informs us that he expects to moro Into and open tho .American Hotel, in this borough, on or about tho 2nd of December, E. II. Snyder, Esq.', announces that lie Is prepared to attend to all mat ters pertaining to the bffleo of Justice of tho Peace for this borough, i Collec tions and drawing up of deeds prompt ly attended to. See card. Tho "phunny phellow" of the Morning Herald htcnis to enjoy cousld erablo lun In speaking of our .boots ns $o. 11. 'We need tsmpiy state that wo can pull them on ourselves, 'while his shoes, though small, must be fitted by a. blacksmith. With his ears pinned back he can, undoubtedly, make, an ass-tqu-Islilnc anncarance. HiiU jf' We are sorry to learn that Mr. b. Graver, of this borough, ffilljlhroiigh the trap of his hay loft, on Friday night of last week) aud seriously injured himself internally. Wo are pleased to .state that ho Is able to be about. are selling in this. 1 1 f uorougli.iit 7Wcts, per pound live weight. Amos Itelgel states that he last week sold 340 head ot hogs, and for the month, up to t)io 15th Inst., he had lie had Lf;, Vo told 157 head of c.ttlo. TENTn ANNUAL SESSION OP TIIR Carbon County Teachors' Institute. Monday, JVov. 17, 1873. The Insti tute was called to order by the Presi dent, It. F. Hofford, O. S., at 2 o'clock r. M. The following officers were duly elected : Vice-President, Prof. H. O. Youngman ; Secretary, T. W. Itcnshaw; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Frlsbio j Trea surer, Prof. B. C. Youngman. Tho following Commltteo on Itesolo lions wos then appointed by tho Presi dent : Rev. C. Kessler, Mr. D. S. Gross mm nnd Miss Sue E. Zern. It was, on motion, resolved, that tho fees of male teachers be GOc. and females 25c. as heretolore. Time at this point was allowed for the enrollment of members 30 teachers handed in their names and paid their fees. The President In a short address, wels.imed tho teachers j encouraged them In their work, pointing to the times as Indicating the course they should pursuo In tho future. Among other Important thing, he said he be lieved that the present state of tho country was owing, in a great measure, to the neglect of moral culture In our schools for the past twenty years. A motion to meet Tuesday morning at 8.30, was negatived, and the Insti tuted then adjourned to meet at 0 A. M. SECOND DAY. TUESDAY. Morning Session. Tho President called tho Institute to order at 9 o'clock. Minutes of Monday's proceedings read ilnd approved. Singing and prayer by Rev. Lelghton Coleman. Messrs. Rowland and Ren shaw and Miss Jones sang tho beautiful trio of " Lay liim low," which was highly appreciated. Mr. Motzer was iheu called upon to give Ids methods of teaching geography. A discussion upon thu subject ensued, which was opened by D. S. Gro3sman and participated In by Rev. L. Coleman, Messrs. Ed wards, Youngman, Itcnshaw, Van Sheetz and Ilollinger. Recess of 15 minutes. On the call to order, a trio was fang by Messrs. Ren shaW and Rowland and Miss Jones, which was followed with exercises In mental arithmetic by P. Edwards, upon.i vtliich a;voiy Interesting discussion en sued, participated lii 'by' Jfessrs. Hol liugci, Urban and others. On motion, it was Resolved, That the scsslonSyOf the lnsjljute should brheld as follows :'urulug from 8".30 to 11.30, and afternoon'from 1.30 to 4.30. Afternoon. Iustitute called to order at 1.30. Alter calling the roll, the lu stltuto sang " Fair as the morning.", t it it.. ii.ji.1.. ,i- , aj. ii. liiuuei men uiuh iiiu jiuui mm Introduced thp subject of "English Its History." The speaker, at some length,- traced the origln'of .our langu age to its many sources ; and was list ened to with marked attention. He was followed by Rev. E. i-'errler, of Mauch Chunk, who made some very interesting remarks on tho sam'o 'subject. Rev. A. R. Urban asked a question, which being answered tho subject was dropped. Alter an Interval of. is. minutes, Air. J. P. Rowland and Miss Jones sang the ' Photograph," which afforded much pleasure. Prof. A. it. Horn then took-up uie subject of " History," handling It in a very masterly style, and occupying the time until four o'clock. A discussion followed I u regard, to the Committee on Resolutions. Thirteen teachers were enrolled du ring the day. Evening. Prof. A. R. Horn, of tho Keystone Normal School, delivered a' lecture upon inosuujector "illustrative Teaching." He made it plain that teaching might be made attractive to tho children in schools by .methods of illustration.- Tho gentleman spoke at sbmo length upon the deleterious effects of defective ventilation In school-rooms and public lialls arising from poisonous ... . . i t . i. .. i n.i speaker was listened to attentively by a run nouse. Tho publication of, tho Lectures de livered before tho institute: yvjll, pom mence In 'our next Issue. " Out till Finger Oft Dr. C. S German, of this borough, was engaged chopping firewood on Mon day afternoon last, when ho unfortun ately struck tho second finger of his left hand, performing one of tho neatest surgical amputations with that instru ment we ever witnessed. Dr. N. B Reber was sent for, and speedily and neatly dressed the stump. We are phased to state tho Dr. is himself again, A Relic. Georgo Kemerer, of Mahoning Valley, n tearing dowu a chimney in au old .lug house, a few days ago, found an Iron plate about two feet square, bear ing the following Inscription : das, weib. des svcht Joseph. Zv. cutzvvde Int. I. B. moso. 12. 0, 1740. Beneath which Is a man holding a club In his uplifted hand over a woman in a recumbent position. Can any of our readers give us light in regard to tlds ancient plate ? DurRlary. , Wo learn that ou Sa$urday evening last, some base scoundrels broke Into tho dwelling house of Harrison Smith, situated near the paint mill, In Towa msnslng. The 'family were absenat 'the, time, attending' '.a' SedulgTin thi "neighborhood. The thieves bursted tfio lock off the door, to gain admission to tho premises, nnd after ransacking the promises, they left, carrying off on old trunk, which they broke open when a snon uisuinco iron) mo House. Finding Al V.' .rf:u Vf0""." I!"1 two de.eds xjniy mreu promissory aim iwo ueeds in I "uua, tuvy iciv ii. mere, mm went I on 'to seek some more fottunate spot, where they might find a bunch o tureen- back to rewaid them for their toll. Tho Keystone Lyceum will meet in Leber's Haltf Mon'day"ovefilng at 7:30 I'CIOCK. Teachera' Institute. LEiitaiiTON Academy, Nov. 8th. Institute was colled to order by the President ati 1.45 o'clock r. m. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adop ted. The members of tho lusiltuto wero all present. Misses Zern and Baker, and Messrs. Hofford, Itcnshaw, Rowland and Horn favored tho Insll tu to with their presence and assistance. The first exercise was tho reading of an essay by Miss Waver, subject: "The Teacher's Influence over the Pupil." An animated discussion followed the reading of the essay j tho speakers were Messrs. Rowland, Rcnshawand Hofford Thu next subject taken up was Mental Arithmetic, by Miss Bauer ; after read ing an essay on tho subject and suggest ing methods of teaching tho branch, problems wcro given to tho different members of tho Instltuto j this proved to bu an interesting and instructive ex-' erclse. An essay wos next read by D. S. Grossman, subject : " Composition ;" tho reading was followed by an nble discussion of tho subject. The subjeets adopted for discussion at the next meeting wero as follows : "How teachers should employ their time outsldn of the school-room," Miss Paul ; "English Grammar," Mr. Reu shaw j " How teachers .can best secure the regular attendance of the pupils," Miss Hellman ; "Theory and practise of teaching," Rev. C. Kessleri Institute adjourned to meet '.Dec. 0, at 8:30 a. m. Rev..O. Kessleu, Prcs't. D. S. Grossman, Soc'y. ! rfuan- Tlie Coal Trnilc. Tho following table shows the tlty of coal shipped over the Lehigh Volley Railroad for the week ending Nov. 15, 1873, and for the year as compared with the same time last year: l-'runi WeeK. YMrt Wyoming.... 25,010 10 .. '841,374 00 Jlazleton .... i,lHiiiUS . a,U33,037 09 Up. Lehigh.. 12C JO .. 3,800 03 Bea.Meadow. Maliiiiioy. . . . iu,uir u .. U12,u93 14 y, '-i ll .. 480,118 13 .)3 10 .. 3,211 15 Mauch Chunk Total 70,852 dl . Last Year.... 78,017 10 . Increase 1,234 05 Decrease 3.098.0C0 18 11,734,014 13 . 204,880 00 Mr. A. Buckmau, cartiage builder, of this place, drove past our oflUe on Saturday afternoon last, In a new park wagon, built at his manufactory. It is one of the neatest, easy going vehicles wo have seen in some lime. If you want Job Printing of any desctlptlon, you should call at the CARBON ADVOCATE OFFICE, where you cau get It done as quick' and as well as elsewhere, and SAVE 25 PER CENT, on yo'.ir order. Come along. We aro ready to servo you. Married, In I'arrTVlllo. on tlio SSIli ult., liv'ltcv. j. 1. .Miller. Archibald l'lillcranit ilmy Aim ZilMille, botli of Purryvllle, 1'n. By ltev. A. H.utlioloincw. On tlio Jfitli nit, James 1". D'orwort and Mary L. Wenvcr, botli of Franklin twn. On thuaith nit., Josiah lIontz,of Wcath crly.nnd Sarah Cutlu Uerliart, of l'ackcr township. On the nth Inst. Daniel Itelnoril nnd Airs. Tolly llobbos, both of MuhonlnKtwp. On tho 15th inst. Franklin Hnlin, of Tow nniensliijf.nml Miss Catharine Iliutman, of Franklin township. Olcrt', On tho 24tli tilt., in Fuckcrtou, Catharine Louisa, wife of Joseph SuUp.nuuU 3'J years, 4 months and 23 daya! In Frtnklin towiiilllifon'thri noili ultimo. Mnilii Annn,wlf of VVllHnm Thomas, aged 4tciiM, 10 months and 17 days. In Lohuthtnn, on tlio.7tli inst, Henrietta, wifo of William Watcrbair, aged 41 yuan, 10 months and SI days, Special Notices. CAUD TO TUB LAU1KS. Duponco's Golden Pills There U not a lady living, bat at omen, rlod ur other of her ltfo will fiud DUPON'OO'ti QOMK' .'ILLS Just tbo lijMlclno iho nK. For Nrrvnui Debility, Iletulache. F&tlltltCM, 4&C, they 4cter fall, andmarheilerwndttl unon In r?rv caw ai-lsintt from any tlJfficuIUe thruuU cold or dlMite. They alwiji rjc Imniedlal relUf. A lady writes: DupoDtro'a (loMcn l'llla relltfrttl me In ojie diy, without lncoim'tileure, wOe, Genuine are In OVfmr) Hoxea, qd upon each box my private KevcnI's rVAtir. aud tho wordi PUrOKCO'ft tlOLUtiN PlLbS, lu White Letter, without which none are gcuuluv, and ihtt b0Jtflo'ned"S. D.HOWK" . Full aud explicit dirVctlopi accompany each box, Vrlce t IJ00 per box, Mx boxei for 3.00. Sold by one Drujtglit In etery town. Tillage,. city aud haw lot throughout the world. Sold by A. J. DURIilNQ, DRUGGIST, Solo Acout for LehlKhton, Penu'n. Liullul by MDillDg $1.00 tu the I,elilliton, P., l'oht Office, i-aa bur. tlie.nlld Mat br unit to any part of the country, free of pMlige. jmtull-Gai Tupo lVorml Tnio Worm: ItemoTed la a few hours with harmlesi Vegetable Medicine. .No fee niVed until 'tho eullre worm, with brad, pallet: Kefer thosa aflllcUJ to rn.l ucuia vi tnoruy wnouvi ogve cortu. lual uaa fetni untuenuifully treated at I bo JoUrrjn Medical Col oik Tenth afreet; hvl .taken lu Tain ti hitlue,-tli wvfilljd-aiciBl.! afdtniknoan'i I medlci. Df. E. l').KVRttd N0.TB0 North .Vlo oirrei, i-uuaaipui4, ine uocior7 lja teen In buhitieta for ovr Iwehty-ttve'yeari, and la perfect, ly reliable. Call and ao. AdTlrefiee, lUmntwt tapeworm fnuu a child Mi jeara(dd,ueuua 29 feet, At'blf ofllce cau be keen ipeciinem, jjih o( them over forty feet In leufib, which hate ta remored in leea than three bourf by taking one doae or bla medicine. Ur. Kunkel'a, treatment ii aimuU, aafti and iwrfrctly-rellable, aud uo feeun til ibo worm, with head, paiaev. Dl. U. k'.Kl'.vkU., M North Mnth Street, 1'hlladelphla, 1'a. fcept. 0, 1873-ly ATTORNEY AT' IAW, UAU01I CHUNK, PA: Oct 16, 1873. Tho Most Popular Modioino Extant 1810. Over 80 Years. .ftY!). SINGE THE INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS' Paiii-Kilter I And nfter thirty years (rial, thn PAIN KILLER may jnotly be styled the great inerllclno of tho world, for there Is no region of .(he glohn Into which It has not found Its way, nnd not e where It lia not been largely and hlehly prized. Moreover, there Is no climate to which It has not proved Itself to be well adapted for thn cure of a considerable variety of diseases : it Is admirably suited for every race. It has lost none of Its good name ly repeat.! trials, but. continue to occupy a promi nent position In every medicine chest j nnd Is still receiving tho most unquali fied testimonials to Its virtues from per sons of tho highest character and re sponsibility. Physicians of tho first respectability recommend It as a most effectual preparation for tho extinction of pain It is not onlj tho best remedy ever known for Bruises, Cuts, IJurns, &c. but for Dysentery pr Cholera, or any sort of bowel complaint, It Is a remedy unsurpassed for efficiency nnd rapidity of nction. In the great cities of India and other hot climates, It has become the Standard Medicine for all such complaints, as well as for Dyspep sia, Liver Complaint and other kindred Disorders. For Coughs and Colds, Canker, Asthma and Rheumatic dlill culties, it has been proved by the most abundant and convincing testamony to be nn invaluable medicine. No article, ever had such unbounded popularity. Aa an external and Internal medicine, the Pain Killer stands unrivalled. Thirty years are certainly long enough time to provo tho pfflcleney of any medicine, and that tho Tain Killer is deserving of all Its proprietors claim for It, is amply proved by the unpara lelled popularity it has attained. It is a buke and effective remedy. It is sold In almost every country In tho world, and Is becoming more and more popular every year. Its healing prop erties have been fully' tested, all over tho world, ahd It needs only to be known fp bh prized. iJe'suro you buy none but tlio genuine, minufaetured by Perrv Davis & Son.'Provldenpe, R. I. KTSold by'all Druggists. ' nlw4 'run most woNDnrtFDu nisoorcitv of A TUB 10TI1 CKXTUKY. Dr S. ft. MOWE'S Arabian Milk-Oure FOR CONSUMPTION, And all Diseases of tho Throat, Chest and Lungs. Tlio only Medicine of the kind lii thn world. A Sutittitute for Cod Liter ?i'i. Permonently cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, Loss of Voice, Shortues?. nf, Breath, Catarrh, Croup, Cough', Colds, Ac, In Jew days, like magic. Price SI per bottle, (1 for $.". AIso. 'Dn. S. D. HOWE'S Arabian Tonlo Illood Purifier. Which differs from all other prepara tions in its Immediate action upon the Liver, Kidneys and Blood. It is purely vegetable, and cleanses the system of all Impurities, builds It right up, and makes Pure, Rich Blood. It cures Scrofulous Diseases of all kinds, re moves Constipation, and regulates the Bowels. ,lor " Ueneral Jjeulllty, " " Lost Vitality," and " Broken Do.i Constitutions," I " challenge tho lUth century" to nnd its equal. Every liot llo Is worth its Weight In Gold. Trice, tl per bottle, 0 for Spld by A. J, DURLING, Druggist, solo agent tor .ueiiigmon, ra. ur. a. u. jiuwjs, Sole Proprietor, 101 Chambers Street, Kew lurK. Juue iiS-oin rjplli: LAUOlt SAVUIl! The undersigned respectfully an nounces that he" has beeii appointed Ageni tor ine Universal Wringer AND - Doty'sClothesWasher. I would also an LiJf nouiico' to my frlniuU nnrl thn public in general, that I iavo opened first-class Livery StaMo nnd that I cau furnish Horses, Buggies nnd Carriages of the best description, for Pleasure, BuslnesTTor Funeral put poses, nt very Reasonable Charges. Also, that having engaged a Reliable Driver, I am prepared to do HAULING of every kind on short notice. In con. neetlon therewith I shall continue my Carriage Manufactory where the people can get their Carriages Wagons, etc., RliPAlUED on short no tice and at reasonable prices. The patronagu of the public Is most respecttuny solicited. L. F. Kleppingei Cor. INK nncHRON : Feb. 22, 1873, Lehfi WANTED The LKIUGI1TON JsOnOOL 110AHD desire the .... LOAN OF $10,000, for which they will lssuo Interest Bear Ing Bond?, ,f ret); from .Taxation. Thoso persons ivlio have money to loAn'wlll find this to bo' a good aud safe Investment. Apply to A. J. DUKtlNO. Secretary of tho Board. lhlsUton, Ta., May 21, 1673-601 2SU?7iiWiSl Now Advertisements. 2500 A YJEAM MAKE WITH OCR JTLIMDID Combination ProsncctiiN. It rcpreentKfmplriSP and atylea of binding of 6 O inttmihi intmttinq and U'eful hooka, that aell In etery fnmllr But thinjttirttMby CUnro'rl. Agenta Wanted, tn make a rtitUixiTT nca. NE14 on theae work lu rery countr. l'rmpectui aont pot paid on receipt of price, l.fi0. For rlrcti. Inraand llWral term., addre's JOHN K. POTTKll & CO., I'ubllsbera, Philadelphia, la. noi w4 POI.A 1118" irflTsTiaTfiES aolreds dl.aa tera and eacapearlTldlvp'Ttriyed, Seo Froz en Zone and lta Cxntnrera. A KnletiriM nc. tarn i,( 800 m?e, mo-t profusely llluitraled with olerant itetl aid wood enraTluta. A facinattng ltitry 0 Anile Adrrnturr. The moat aaleabls book out, Aieit Wasiio. Send for te rm and aimple p.voH to Mutuil t'ubllsblng Cbmpany, Ilarifml, O.inn. rjoTlw4 dJIO Of In ConrVtek'Caiirau iflTlt'OU l"l "aa one azent'e profit on Hryunt a Lihraru nf i:tru nnd Sma: 70 In one WMk 011 The AV10 lliuulttpcr 't Manual, by Mi lleecherand Mra. Stowe. Attractive m.ia or worn in can luvenn agency. J. 11. F.)ltl) A CO., ow aoru, jtoaton, unicigo an.l cm r ranctaco. Rich Farming Lands ! jFOIl SALE VKIIY CHEAP I THE BEST INVESTMENT! ' No Fluctuations I Always improvlog In Yatual The Wealth of m Country is made by the Ad" vance in Heat Ettait. NOW 18 T It 12 T 1 PI E I Millions of acre of thu fine -it Iindu nn tlio Pnn. Hneit, In HistCRN XeuniSK. now forfwle rtutnv .afUtrm neuer before in the marketAt prices tint Five and Ten Tears Credit Given, with Interest ai .mx per tnt. The Liti'lOrint Bonds of the CooiDinv iaktnat par for hmd. The; caa uovr bo purchased at a Wee dlVount. Full rirtl:u!ar(iKlrcti,naTnuld9 with new. 3Iapi umlljJ ftg, hv ailJreslni; O. F. DAVIS. lAtnd atmmiisuiner V. r. It, Je, novtw4 Omuia, Neb. AOUVTS WASTHI). SEND KOIt CATAI.OdUr. Doraeitle Sewing Ulnahlne Co., N. Y $20.00 SAVED! 7b meet the urgent demand of the. tines the Florence Sewing Jtlaphlne Company Have dtterminedto REIIICC I It ICES, ami will hereafter sell their $(J3 iljchinefor $15, and other styles in proportion. THE FLORENCE St the OWI' Srwtng Machine that fiedt tht'mrk backwird and farwardor to right and UJti at Mei pttrchatfr mav prefer It hannbern. arently JU- PIIOVED AM) aiMPtJFlF.O, and ii far bitUr than any other machine in the marUt. IT IS now tub: cheapest. Flnrence, .Vim., .Yap. 1. 1873. Agents Wanted. CIDCCinC iHN'aK.coNB hukskii ton. r IHUOIULSU.V CIIIm'KV3, made by I'l-imi.", Ob AT WOOD.- nrodurea the lirirent llzht. Can boxiaed on any coal oil lamp. rer sale by all lamp dealer. nof.wj ii pjYCUOMANOV, Olt SOUI, CUAUMlNd.". ' 1 1 5w et (her aex ulay fascinate and gala the lore and affections of any parson they ehooarf, In atantly. This simple mental acquirement all pari p iiw, free, by mail, for 2 centa; together with a MarrhgeQulde, KwptlHn Oracle.'Dreauis, Hints to I, idles. A queer book. 100,U0i)"aold. Address T. WII.I.IAM k CO., Publishers. Philadelphia. ' VV KJ IVXXLj eit to sell our French and Ainerlcau .TdWrlry, llo .k" (lames, 4c, In tb.lrowq looilltlea Xocapltalneedel. Cttalogue, term's, Ac. sent nil. 1'. II. VIOKKKY A CO.. Me.' M H M CJ Made Rapidly with Stencil Key' IVIUINCI Check Outfits. Catalogues and mil panlculara rltUK. S. 31. Snxcra, 1,7 tupver Street, Iliaton. novl.w4 500Ai3ENTSi.rdD?:-,r.r.'"i historical CI1AIC.TS. Splendid assortmautl Largo sales) Large prolitsl Address 1IAASIS A. LUIIItKCIIl', Kmpiro Map and Uhlrt 1-j.Ubll.U-input, lu; Liberty it.. New York nor! wl The 3d ofDecember I Thoso who propose lure&ttng (and who doei not 1 ) to tlckula Ijt the Fourth grand Gift Concert van THE BENEFIT fjf THE puiicic MniiARVor KE.VTUCKY. Whlcri tomes o!t in Lhulsrllle, on Iho Sd'pf De6 . . ljr uext, have no tflne to lose; OJiY CO.OOO-f I.OKETS' Have hoon Issued and 12,000 OASUGIFTS, Imouhtiho Tf 0,000, wii.tfnu DisrftinnrBn as follows , LIST OF GIFTS, oxb ciiasii cash niPT". UXK (IllANII CASH OUT. 10O.O10 OSB OIIAND CASH OlIT. 60,0)0' ONE UltANIl CAII O "!'.... (.., '85,00(1 UN K llllANU CASH (IIIT 17,000 10 CASH OIFM IO.Uewh 100.000 Rrt L'AKII OUTS ,0. each j lM.fSM fi'l CASH UIKTS 1,110 each 40,000 8') CASH UUTll loo cash oirrs ISO OtSII (HITS UO UASII UltTii 3J5 CASH (Ill'TS ouu eacn iofloa 400 each ........ tOflM 300 each 45 000 ItiO.ctch .......i :bl)jU 100 each 320,1 li.ouo cash a ins 60 each 660,000' WholoTiekeU, S50. Coupous(10lh),.5. KLEVKN TICKKW I'OH 500. ' For TlcVetsr luf6rmatlon,kddrrss THOS. K. llRAMLKTTE, Agoot Tub. Library Ky., Loulsrllte, Kr, or THU11AS II. HAYS. A CO, dqtI-wI (SOU llllOAUWAV, ,N. Y. "pi 0 icTs A IaI2. A nico Hoiise wltji 7 rooms, garret and cellar, Barn aud Outhouses, with NIXE ACIiKS OF GIIQUND, beautifully located near the brlckeburcli, In Lowjr Towitnienslng, 1 mile from Lehigh Gap It. Ii. station audl mile from Millport ; a very pleasant houso. Price, ?3,000. Term very oasy. Also, a small Farm of 80 ACHES with' small House, good Barn, 1 fino spring' nnd spring-house, located on Franklin Turnpike, 8 miles from' Weiss, port, halt the laud under cultivation. lVlce fS00, half cash, baWnee 1 ntl.2 yean. This place Is offered for u song. Address or apply to IJaMtlNOK, Wulsv port, Carbon co., Fa. oet4-3m 000000009 p 0 0 o ,0 0, 9 q P 0 o 0 o O A RARE CHANGE.! o 10,000 Full I'articulits Free; or 500 o til fcuuplaa for ttW- Ad,- o Agents! area 1'iTTSBuxau euppLV OOMl'ANYi tmnrtm, Vi. A o oWtrrtB. o Mci.0 0000 OOOUOQtlQO o OOOO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers