iv, v. ntoRTiiiaici IffiIBESr3E2MrlF---IarrE JkJXI LET IIVE." TUltiiis : One Dollar a Yoar In Advance. Editor anil Proprietor. VOL. II., No. 1. LEIIIGnTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1873, SINGLE COPIES, THREE CENTS Lehighton Directory Agent "W. C. Fredlrlfl, Singer Sowing MachiJU and In surance, next to K. It. Snyder'i, Biol street. Ilarber R. B Wlddcw, Shaving, Hair Cutting and Sham pooing, under Klchnnge Hotel, 1tpfc -flrge t. Boot anil Shoe MnkcrJ ChftrleR Yenner. nearly opposite theptuum Batik utroot; alsof dealer tn Cbnfcctitmery, 4 Clinton Ilretney, in Tvan't building, Bar utreet. All orders promptly jilled work icarranb-J. Confectioners. Hansraaa A Kuhns, opposite Obert's itorl Bunk Ktreet. All orders promptly Jilled. Dry Goods and Groctrleil 7- II. Long, opp. L, A S. Depot, Hank t tftaUr in Hardware, queensware, Ladies; Drm Goods, fc. II. A. Bclb, iouckel's IMock, ltank Bt Dry! Goods, Groceries, Queenttvare, Carpets, Oil GAh jf- Coal. K. II. Snyder, Banli street, Dry Gontlt, JftfiVmi, Drat Goods, Groceries, Queenswarc, Ilardwkre,dc. Drugs and Medicine. A. J Durllng, flr6t door above P. 0., 'ftank atreet. Oils, Faints, Ftrfumery, Patent Medicinetfa. )ad Hardware. F. P. Bemmel, nearly opp. Exchange Hotel, Bank Qireet, vuutvaiors, vtts, jxunis, uuanntax, Hotel. 1 Thorn ai Mantt, " Ilxchange," tpp, Puhltc Siqae, Dank ft. Idronagt solicited. 1 Merchant Tailors. J Clause 4 Bro., Bank ttreet, and dealers in Gmtt" Furnishing Goods Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ctipi, Jc, Thomaa 8l Heck, P. 0. building, Hank at., GtVs Furnishing Goods, Hats, Gaps, School Pool I, tic. , Milliner Mrs. K. Fath, Bank street, 2nd door below the J5. Utiurcn. vVOiums ana inmmxngs Physicians and Surgeons. j Sr. 0. 8. German, corner of Bank and Iron ttr i Consultation in English and German. Dr.N. B. Heber, next door to P. 0., Bank street. Consultation in English and German. Provisions. ' Jos. Obert, Bank st.. Packing, Curing and Smoling Establishment. AU orders promptly Jilled. J. Fatrrtiger'ASon; Bank st., dealers'in Flour and lead, Qrocirits,'Fruitsand Vegetables. 'Watchmaker and Jeweler. A. G. Pollenmayer, South street, above Bank nt.' Dealer in Watches, Clocks', Jiingt, fc. Railroad Guide. PENNSYLVANIA KA1LUOAD. Past Time and Sure Connections I Five Bxpreii Tr-ilne Dally from IlarrUPurg to tlie.Weat. Pullman-Palace Cars through from Ilar . burg to Chicago, Cincinnati, Louis 1 vllleand St. Louis. The'number of miles operated and controlled by this Company enable' It to run er through with fewer changes than by any other line. Passengerswill find this, In all respects, Tlic Saf est, QuIcKcst & most Comfortable Route! BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH J3& For" .Rates, Tickets and all In formation.apply at all Principal Offices on Lino of Lehigh Valley and Lehigh & Susquehanna Railroads, and at, 1 . It. R. Depot, Harrisburg, Pa. A". J.'CASSATT, (leneral Manager. B. M, BOYD, General Passeoper Ageut. J. N. ABBEY, Eastern Traveling Agent, March 8, 1873 901 Cheatnut St., Phllad'a. o KNTIIAL, Jl. n. OP N. J. . LKIIIGII & SUSltUKllAfflNA AllVlo.U.s. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, Gonimtnolng Nov. 17, 1873 Bowk Traixs. No.l. No. 3. No.B. No. 7. Leave Ai at. A. M. A. M, P. M. flreen Kldce 7.30 10i') 1.23 Seranton ?M 10,10 1.3U l'lttaton 8.(12 10.57 4.53 VVIlkeillarre 8J0 11.15 2.20 White IlaiBD DM iiM 3.V) l'onn lla'n June ....... 10JI7 1 39 4.19 ilauch Chunk...., 7J0 11.U0 4.W Cataiauiua ' 8.3S 11.(3 3.17 6.19 All61lto )...... 8.43 ' I2.0H 3.20 S.47 Bethlehem O.otl 1: 17 3.17 0,(0 Arrive KalMB 0.27 12.43 4.U3 G.25 Up Trains, No. 10. No. 4. No. 0, No.14. Lent a. u. a. m. r. m. i, m, EantOn.. 8J0 11.60 35 7.15 llethlehein.j..,, 8A1 12.13 4.27 7.45 Allentown D.lfl l'iy t .,t CaUiauiu 9,24 12.3i 4.45 8.00 Slauch Chunk in,23 Al.25 A5.4 Ll.4. tAln 0.10 1'cnn Haren J'u. 10.45 2.02 0 29 White UtTeu.. nxi 2 40 710 ...... Wllkee;llarre.... 124U, 4.00 3i .... l'lttaton ..; 1.U3 4i 8.55 Bcranton 1J0 4A5 9.25 Air, Oreeullldge 5.00 0.30 COXNBCTIOIfS. JVcwucAonlnj Vallty R.R-Vovin tralniNoa.3 t and 7, and Up tralni Nos. 10 and 4 connect at Maueh Chunk, North Jtnn'a R. 7?. Down tralna No. 1, 3, 6 4 7 connectatBethlehemtor Philadelphia. Up tralni Noe. 10 i 4 connect at Bethlehem for I'lilladelphla. Iteturntng leave rhlladelpbla at 7.10 a. in, for Kai. ton, Mauch Chunk, Bath, IVIIkea Uarre, Tamitqua, 8cranton, Sbarcn, icj at 9.45 a. m. for Katton, Mauch Chunk, Tamaqua, M'llilainiport, Wllkea Barre and Scranton; at 2.10 p. ni. frr Scrauton, Wllkea Barre and Intermediate atatlona; at 3J0 p, m. for Hath and Jiaitou 1 at 5.15 p. in, fir Mauch Chunk. Tamaqua Branch. Vf tralui Nc. 10 It 4, and Down trains Nos, 3, 5 A 7 counect at Mauch Chunk to and from Tamaqua., Lehigh Lackawanna R. R Down trains Koa. 1 Jt 7, and Up tralna Nos. 10 A 0 conuect at Beth, lehem for Bath and Chapman Quarries. Jleturn. Ing leave Chapman's at 7.40 a. in. and 2.15 p. m. denim! Railroad of,NiioJeriy-Ml tralna make clos. connectlon'at Latton'wlth traluaon Central llallroadof New Jersey. JJeividere-Delawart R. 7?-Down trains Nos. 3 A 6, and Up trains Nos. 4 4 H connect at l'hilllps. burg with BelDel. It. It. to and from Trenton, l'blladelphla and Belvlderei I'hUaaelphia tJt Reading RaClroaa.'lho Depots of the Csst Penn It. B. and the U. A 8. Division ore connected by Ktreet Cars. . U. 1. BALDWIN, Gen, IXuienaer Agent. Not. 22, 1873- ' u. iv. n. iiKuicn, PIlACTlCINd PI1YSICIAM AND BUROEON, Office, Uaki Sired, next door above the PoitofBce, Lehlshton, Pa. Omce Hours Parrjvllle each dsy rom 10 u (2 o'clock, remainder of day at ofllce iu Lshlghto. Nov W, '72. Railroad Guide. N1 ORTII I'liNNA. RAiriltOAD. Wlsiin Arran(iement. Passengers for Philadelphia will leave Lehlghton at follows'.: 5.(19 a. m , via L. V arrive at Flilla at 7.37 n, m. via I.. 8. " " R.W a.m 11.10 a.m. 11.10 p.m. 2.13 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 5.35 p.m. 8.20 p.m. 8.20 p. ni. 7.39 a.m. via L. V 11.07 p. in. via L.A-8. li.u p. m, via i. v. 2.27 n. m. via L. S. " 4 47 p. mi via L. A 8. " 4.44 p. m. via. I,. V. ' 7.38 p. m. TlaL.V. " 10 .10 p.m, Beturnlntr, leave depot at Berks and Amerlran Streets. Phlla., at 7.10, 8.10 and 0.45 a. 111.; 2.10 3.30, and 5.15 p. in. Fare from lhlghton to Philadelphia . . $2.M Xov. 22, 1873. Ebl.IS CLARK, Agent. TIIILADEt,PIHA et, ERIE R. It. Jk . win Tint TiMn TAnr.K. On and after SUNDAY. NOV. 2t. 1873. Train. on the Phlla. A Erie Bnllrond Division will run as follows WnSTWARD, BcrrALO ExrRiss leaves Philadelphia, 12.55 p.m. " ." " Ilarrlnburg . 6.O.-, p.m. " " tVilllamsport 0.10 p.m. " " " Emporium . 1.45 a.m. " " arrive at Rnftaln . 0 00 run Erie Mial leaves Philadelphia . . . 10.20 p.m. " " " Harrhburir . . 3.(1". a.m, " " " Wllllamsport . 7.15 a.m. " " " Lock Haven . . 850 a.m. " " " Bcnnva . . 10 16 a.m. " " arrive at Kris . . . 7.4U p.m. Elvira Mail leaves Philadelphia . . 8.00 a.m. " " " nrrlburk- . 1:30 p.m. " " " Wllllamsport . 0.20 p.m. ' " arrive at Lock Ilaven 75 p.m. Bisoya Accom'k leaves Ilarrlihurg . 8.23 a.m. " " " Wllllamsport . 1.10 p.m. " " arrive at Benova . . 3.15 p.m. EASTWARD. Buepalo Express leaves BntTato . 230 pm. " ' Emporium . 8.33 p.m, " " " Williamtport . 1.03 am. arrive at llarrhhorg . 4.V) a.m. " " " Philadelphia . 11.10 a.m, Elhira MaiL leaves Erie t - . 9,13 a.m. " " " Lock Haven . 8 30 p.m. " ' " Wllllamsport . p.m. " " arr. at Uarrlsburg . 2i0 a.m. ' " arr at Philadelphia . . 8 00 a.m. Kluira Mail leaves l.rcK Haven . 8.00 a.m. " " " Wlllianuport . . OJOam. " arr. at Harrlsbur . 1 60 p.m. " " arr. at Philadelphia . 0 60 p.m. lUnRissi'Ra Accom'n leaves Benova . I.00 p.m. " " ' Wllllamsport. .1.30 p.m. " " arr. at Harrisburs . 7.60 p.m. " " arr at Philadelphia . 20 a.m Mall Kast connoots east and west at Erie with L. S.'i M. S, B. W. and at Uorry and Irvloeton with Oil Creek A Allegheny 1L P.. W. Mall Weat with east west trains on L. S. A M. P. It. W. and at (Jorry and Irvineton with Oil Croek A Allegheny B. It. W. Llmlra Mall aud Buffalo Express make close connections at Wllllamsport with N. C. It. W. trains north, and at Harrisburg with N. C It. W. tralna south. WM. A. BALDIVIN, Not.22,1873. GErl'LSupt. Klliail VALLEY 11.11; 8UUMEK Arranqeuent. Paisenger trains leave Lehlghton as follawss NORin 7.40 a. in., for M'h Chunk, White Haven, J?.",'010'1' Mahanoy City, Jit. Carmel, l'lttaton, llkes-Barre, and all stations. 11:3(1 a n. for Mauch Chunk, Glen Onoko, White Haven, Ilaileton, Mahanoy City, Wllkes-barre, Mount Carmel, l'lttaton, Tunkhannock, Tow. anda, Klmlra, BulTalo and Niagara Falls. I. 20 p. m, for Mauch Chunk, Plttston, Waver ly and Intermediate statlona. 6.35 p. m.for Mauch Chunk, Olen Onoko, White Haven, llasleton. Mabanoy City, Wllkes liarre, and l'lttaton. Bouill 5.09 a. m. for Allentown, Bethlehem, Eas ton, Philadelphia. New York and all stations. 7.39 a. m.for Allentown, Beading, Bethlehem, PottsWlle, Harrisburg, llastou. Phlladelphla, N. Y ork city and all stations. II. 02 a. m.for Allentown, Bethlehem, Beading, Harrisburg, Easton, Philadelphia and N. York, 4.44 p. in. for Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia, New York and all stations. . 7.38 p. m. for Slatingtou, Catasauqua, Allen, town, Bethlehem, Easton, PhUadelphia, Haiti tnore and Washington, i B011EBT II. SAYBB, f une 30, 1872. Supt. and Engineer, ontractor & Builder, LEIIIQIITON, FENN'A. I'laiis and .Spcolllcntlons 1'ot all kinds of llulldlngs made at the stortcst notice. NO CHARGES Male for Plans and Specifications when til contract U awarded to the under sized. A. W. EACIIES. nne 14, 1873-yl BUILDER & CONTRACTOR I BANK 8TKEET, LEI11GIIT0N, PA, Rtyectfully .announces to the citizens of Lchishton and vicinity that ho Is von prepared to contract for tho erec tloi of dwellings, churches, school hoites, and other buildings. Also, tlmt he leeps constantly on hand a full as. soraneut of ovciy description of conijstlng of flooring, siding, doors, sasl blinds, shutters, moldings, &o wuiih he Is prepared to furnish at the veryllowi'st tnaiket rates. Purouage respectfully solicited, I W. R. REX. Lehlghton, May 17, 1U73, ly BOVU IICKHI, Arohitect and Superintendent, No, 143 N. 7th Street, Allentown, Pa., furnishes Plans. 'Specifications and Esti mates for Publlo and Private buildings. Stairs, Ralls. &e.. Cnnotiuotpri nnii Set-Up by.thj most approved method, ...... oiiwn iiuiicc. A utruuanu is res pectfully Bollclted. aud satisfaction guaranteed. nnr. 2Cyl ssswaswM.1 .iwi.ii ro. J.W. EACHES, a THE S 1J M- WEEKLY, SEMI-WEEKLY &DAILY THE WEEKLY SUN Is tcowldely known to re. quire any extended recommendation; butthe rea sons which hava already clven It fifty thousand subscribers, and which will, we hope, give It niauy thousand more, are briefly as follows: It Is a first-rate newspaper. All tho news of the day will bo found In It, condensed when nn1tnpsr tant, at full length when of moment, and always presented In a clear. Intelligible and Interesting manner. It I. a flrst-rato family paper, full of entertain lng nnd instructive rending of every kind, but con. talning nothing that cau offend the most delicate and scrupulous tas'o. It Is a first rate story paper. The best tales and romances of current literature aro carefuUy selec ted and legibly printed In its pages. It Is a flrat-rnte agricultural paper. The most fresh and Instructlvearticeson agricultural topics regularly appear In thlstlepartment It 1. an independent political paper, lttlonglng to no party and wearing no collar. It fights for principle, and for the election of the be"t men to ofllce. It especially dovptes Its energies to the ex por.ureofthe great corruptions that now weaken and disgrace our country, aud thi eaten to under mine republican Institutions altogether. It has no fear of knaros, and asks no favors from their sup porters. It reports the fashions for tho ladles and the markets for the men. especially thncattlo-markets, to which it pays particular attention. Finally, It is the cheipest paper published. One (1olar a )ear will secure It for any subscriber. It I. not necessary to get Up a clah In order to have Till: WEEKLY BUN nt this rate. Any one who sends a single dollar wl1 get the paper for a year. 1 o have no traveling agenta. The Weekly Sun, Klght. pages, fifty-she rolumos only 91.00 a year No discount from this rate. The Sei'il-Weekly Sun. Same size as the D.illy.Sun SU.OO a joar. A discount of 20 per rent, to clubs of 1 0 or over. The llntly Sun, A large four-psgo news paper of twenty-eight cohunus. Daily circulation over 120,000. All the newsfor cents. Sub scription price 50 cents a month, or 90.00 a year. To clubs of 10 or over,lav.discount of 20 percent. ADDKEiS, TUB SUN," New YorU'CUy Nov. 15, 187J.-wO rYUlF, MANHATTAN Spring J-- iicil and Combination MATTRESS. P. J. KISTLER. TOSTM.4STER OF WE1SSPORT, has been appointed ylgent for Lchlgl'ton, Welsspnrt and vicinity to glvo our citizens a chance to see nnd test the merits of the arrange ment of springs. He Is willing to put them on trial for any person lor one week, nnd If they do not paove supe rior to tho Woven Wire Mattress, Put nam, Yankee, Norfolk, Wright, Spring field, Howe, Tucker, Eureka, Junroe, Imperial, United States, Walker, Con necticut, Eaglo, Salem or any of tho ouo thousand and ona Spring Rods that have been put upon the market, you aro not asked to buy It. Tho abovo named beds have been discarded to make room for tho improved. It has no hiding place for bugs, has no slats on top of the springs, but heavy duck canvas, hooking at the baso of tho spring, that may be taken off and tho slats removed (for cleaning or other wise,) by anybody in five minutes and replaced at pleasure The springs may be changed to oilier portions of the bed with very little trouble. Tho springs are watranted to keep place and last longer than any other in use. For In valids it cannot be surpassed. He fits Ihem to any bedstead or different weight of persons, the largest number under tho heaviest part of the body, aud with i light covering of husks, cotton, straw bed. or hair mattress, they adapt them selves completely to tho body. Tho ladles should call and see the arrange ment of springs for the cradle, and not have to use feathers In warm weather. They aro bolter than soothing syrup or, cordials for the little ones. Tho springs aro made from tho very best cast steel from the celebrated Sheffield wokrs of England. Come one and all nnd seo them. Thcso beds have been fully es. tabllshcd In twelve different States. The Furniture men aro especially in vited to call and examine these beds. Reds put upon trial and no ono asked to purchase until after a fair trial. P, J. KISTLER nov8 '73-tf Agent, Welssport. oi-tli and Meauty! Wood's Household Magazine And the Chromo Yo Semite I Having control of the magnificent Oil Chromo, YO SEMITE, we are able to offer n combination of literary and artistic work of gcnuluo worth, and at prices unprecedented. This fine copy of a piece of Nature's grandest work, Is not presented In the usual limited style, its dimensions, 14x20, making a picture of very deslrablo size, In Itself An Ornament to the Itootn graced by Its presence But few copies of tills beautiful Chromo will be allowed to go to the retail stores, and those will be sold at their Actual lletail Price, 80,00, while If ordered In connection with our Jlagazino, botlt will bo fdrnlshed for ( $1.50. As a Premium the picture may be ob tained by smiling Two Subscriptions for the Magazine at $1,00 each, or by subscribing for the Mogazlue two years In advanco, at $1.00 per annum, Ad dress, " Wojd's Household Magazine," Newburgh, N. Y. ' X. E. SHUTES, Publisher. j5U. c. nmiMioK, district attobnky; attobney at law. Otlice, on llROAOWAr, first door below American Hotel, MsuchChunk,l'onn'ai Collections prompt. xad. Nur, 21. Mrs. Jones' Pirate. A sanguinary pirate sailed upon tho Spanish main, in a rakish looking schoo ner which was called the -Mary Jane j she carried lots of howitzers and deadly rilled guns, with shot nnd shell and powder, and percussion caps In tons. The pi rate was a homely man, and sh irt and grim and fat, ho wore a wild ofd awful scowl beneath his slouching hat ; swoids, pistols and sttllettocs wero arranged upon his thighs, and demonia cal glaring was quite common with his eyes. His heavy black rnustacho curled away beneath his nose, and dropped In elegant festoons about Ills very toes ; he hardly every spoke atall, but when such was tho case, his voice, 'twas easy to perceive, was nutto a heavy bass. He was uot a serious pirate, and de spite his anxious cares, he rarely went to Sunday school, and 'seldom ealil his prayers j he worshipped lovely women, and his hope In life was this : to calm his wild, tumultuous soul in pure do mestic bliss. When conversing with his shipmates he very often sworo, that he.longed to give up piracy and settle down on shore. He tired of blood and plunder, of tho Joys that they could bring ; he sighed to win the love of some affectionate young thing. Ono morning, as tho Mary Jane went bounding o'er the sea, tho plrato saw a merchant bark far off upon his lee. He ordered a pursuit, and spread sail thnt hocould spare, nnd then went down, In hopeful mood, to shave and curl his lnir. lie blacked his boots nnd pared his nails, aud tied a fresli cravat ; he cleaned his teeth, pulled down his cuffs, and polished up his hat ; he dimmed with Hour tho radiance of his fiery jed nose, for, hanging with that vessel's wash, he spied some ladles' hose. Once more on deck, tho stranger's hull he riddled with a .ball, aud yelled : " Ahoy, what boat is that?" In answer to his call, the skipper on tho other boat answered iu thunder tones : "This is tho bark Matilda, and her captain's name Is Jones." The pirate told hlsbold corsairs toman tho Jolly boats, to boatd tho bark and seize thocrow,aud silt their tarry throats. and then to give his compliments to Captain Jones nnd say, he wished that ne itnu jurs. Jones would como and ept-.ul tho day, They reached tho bark, they killed tho crew, they threw them In the sea j and then they sought the captain, who was mad as he could be, because his wifo who saw the whole sad tragedy, It seems mado all tho ship vociferous with her outrageous screams. Rut when tho pirate's message came, sho dried her stieamiug tears, and said, nlthough she'd like to come, she had unpleasant fears, that his social status being very evidently low, sho might meet some common people, whom sho wouldn't care to know. Her husband's aged father, sho ad mitted dealt In bones, but tho family descended from the famous Duke do Jones ; and such blue-blooded people, that tho rabble might bo checked, had to make their social circle excessively select. Before she visited him In tho ship sho wanted him to say, tho Smythes had re cognized film In a social, friendly way ; did tho Jonsons ever ask him round to their aucestral hall? Was he noticed by the Thomsons? Was he asked to Slniuis' ball ? The pirate wrote that Thomson was his bost and oldest friend ; that be bad stopped at Jonson's when he bad a week to spend. As for the Smythes, they worried him with their luteisant calls, his very legs wero weary with the dance at SI ni ins' balls, Tho scouudrel fibbed most Bhanie lessly, In fact he only knew a lot of Smiths without a y a most plebian crowr Ills Jonsons used a vulgar h, hie Thomsons spelled with p, his Simmies had but one m, and they wero common as could be. Then Mrs. Jones mussed up her hair nnd donned her best delaine, nnd went with Captain Joues aboard the schooner Mary Jane. The pirate won her heart at once, by saying, with a smile, ho never saw a woman dressed In such ex qulstto style. The pirate's claim to status she saw was very Just, when sho noticed how familiar the Jonson's ho discussed. Her aristocratic scruples then were quickly laid aside, aud when the plrato smiled on her, reciprocally sho sighed. No sooner was the newer love within her bosom born, than Jones was looked upon by her with hatred and with scorn. She bald 'twas true his ancestor was famous Duko do, Jones, but site shud dered to remember that his father dealt In bones. So then they got at Captain Jones and backed him with a sword, aud chopped him Into little bits and tossed him over board. The chaplain read th service, and the captain of, the bark, before the widow's weeping eyes, was gobbled by a 6hark. Tho chaplain turned the prayer-book o'er, the bride took off her glove, they swore to honor, to obey, to cherish and to love. And freighted full of happi ness, across tho ocean's foam, the schooner glided rapidly, toward the pi rate's home. " 4nd when of ecstacy and Joy their hearts could 'hold no more, that. pirate dropped Ills anchor down aud rowed his wife ashore. And as they sauntered up the street, he gavo his bride a poke and said, " In them thoro mansions lire the friends of whom I spoke." Sho glanced her eyo upon tho plates of brass upou each door, and then her anger roso as It had never done before, " That Johnson has n h I That Thomp son has a p I That Smith that spells without a y Is not tho Smith for mo." And darkly scowled she then upon that rover of the'wavo : "Falsel falsel" slo shrieked, and spoko of him ns "mon stcr, traitor, slavel" Andthen sho wept nnd tore her hair, nnd filled tho nlrwlth groans, and cursed with littterness the day sho let thetn cut up Jones. And when she had spent on him tho venom of her tongue, sho seized her pongee parasol and stabbed him In tho lung. A few energetic stabs wero at liN heart required, and then this scand'lous buccaneer rolled over and expired. Still brandishing her parasol, she sought the pirate's boat ; shn loaded up a gun and jammed her head Into Its throat; and fixing fast tho trigger, then, with string tied to her toe, she breathed "Mother!" through the touch-hole, and kicked and let her go. A snap, a fizz, a rumble, some stupen dous roaring tones, and whereon earth's surface was the recent irs. Joues ? Go ask tho moaning winds, the sky, tho mists, the murmuring sen ; go ask tho fish, the coroner, the clams but don't ask me. THE Rirm SELLER, by on. JosErn cuoss. What Is murder? Must thero be "malice pretenso," with an Intention to kilt ? No. Tho sacrifice of human lifo from a sordid love of gain, Is often mur- ucr in me nignest uegree. oo says Blackstone and all the best expounders of tho law. Who then is guilty of blood, If not the rumseller ? Does ho not vend death for dimes, and perdition for picayunes? Is ho sure that the dram ho is now measuring out will not prompt to the murder of a wifo or a child, and result In the drinker's sui cide? What cares he, while ho cai, accumulate filthy lucre, how many hopes ho blights, how many hearts he breaks, how many homes ho desolates, how many cemeteries ho peoples with the loathsome victims of his cupidity. What, though there bo no "malice pre tence," we challengo the rumseller to show a better motive than often Impels the midnight assassin 1 Tho rumseller is actuated by mcro love of gain ; so Is the assassin I The rumseller declares ho does not llko his business ; so does tho assassin. Tho rumseller would change his course, had lie any other prospect for a living ; so would tho assassin. ".But," says tho rumseller, " I do not stoal to my neigh bor's bed and kill him in his sleep." True : but If you did, the act would bo less criminal and less calamitous. Then his victim would die Innocently, but now he puts tho Instrument into his hand and makes him his own murderer. Better than the assassin I The assassin Is an angel of mercy In the comparison! The assassin can kill only the body ; tho rumseller destroys both soul nnd body, In hell. All the heroes whose deeds are recorded In the annals of persecution could not invent a ruin so complicated and dreadful ; a ruin which Satan himself could not achieve with out tho agency of tho rumseller. Oh I class him not with men I Ho belles every attribute of his species. Better rank him with wolves, hyenas, alligators and boa-constrictors. Money Is the goal of his wishes and the god of his worship. Money he will have, though ho get It by vending poison, ruin and despair. Ho wants but tho toleration of law, and the fascination of the coin, and ho would vend vipers to your children by the bushel and scorpions by the score. Such Is the rumseller, nnd such Is his work. WOMAN'S UOKK. A woman who is able to systematize and carry on smoothly tlto work of an ordinary family, Illustrates higher saga city than Is called for by seven-tenths of tho tasks done by man. Men take one trade, and work at It ; a mutter's and housekeeper's work requires a touch from all trades. A man has his work hours, and his definite task ; n woman has work at all hours, aud an Incessant confusion of tasks. Let any man do a woman's work for a single day wash and dresi the child ren, having provided their clothes the night before ; see that breakfast is un derway to suit a fault-flndlug husband; the wash boiler on with water for tho wash, and the clothes assorted ready for the washing ; the dish-water heating aud tho luncheon brought out ready for tho school children ; a nice dinner for the father's dinner pall ; the beds made and the home put to rights ; sew- ng. mendimr, &e., occupy tne uay until the children return home, when thero are questions to answer, the supper to be laid and cleared away, and the child reu to be put to bed. Verily, tho scribe was right, when no said : " A man's work, lastn from sun to sun, A woman's work Is novor ilouo." Response to prayers aud sermons may bo good If thoy come In at tliu right place. Not so, however, came In a response recently to a minister In an African church. He had como down from the pulpit to Invite a stranger In one of tho pews to preach for him, but was unsuccessful, "llrelliren, earn he, 4'I Invited Brother S to preach, but ho declines." "Thank God!" roar ed out a man frox tho middle of tho church. IIUiUOKOUS. An exemplary but Impecunious member of the church rollltantln Hous ton, Toxas, put his revolver Into tho contribution-box a few Sabbaths slnco. A Lady who was not n Shakespear ian scholar hearing tho "Merry Wives of Windsor" highly praised, Inquired how many wives Mr. Windsor had. The most bashful girl we ever heard of was tho young lady who blushed when sho was asked it sho had not beon courting sleep. Tho story that a man died from In juries received from falling on the fork of a country road Is now denied. "Lot tho toast be, Dear womanl" as tho man said to his wife, when ho wanted to eat It all himself. The meanest man on record Is a Vcrmonter who refused to pay his first wife the money which ho borrowed from her to buy an Indiana divorce and cover the expense of his wedding tour with another lady. Tho wife of a Louisvilo lawyer made a bustlo of some Impoitant legal docu ments, nnd court had to adjourn until she could go homo nnd return' with them In proper shape. An Irish lady once declared that sho could not understand how gentle men could smoke. "It certainly short ens their lives," said she. "I don't know that!" exclaimed n gentleman. "There's my father who smokes every blessed day, nnd ho Is seventy years old." "Well," was tho reply, "if ho had never smoked, ho might havo been eighty by this time." Six feet In his bootsl" exclaimed Mrs. .Beeswax. "What will the Impu denco of this world come to, I wonder? Why, they might as well tell me that a a man had six heads In his hat." A Doctor went out for a day's sport, and complained of having killed nothing. "That's tho consequence of having neglected your business," ob served his wife. f When a man's income Is llko his umbrella, only large enough forhlmself, ho will be wrong If he sliaro It with a lady: both will get nothing but drip pings, wo; through, and in a mess. Tho melancholy days are come, tho' saddest of the year, when piercing winds and drifting snows tempt loving wives to remark: "Oh, what a b-c-a-u-t-i-f-u-l set of furs Mrs. Jones has got. Only two hundred and fifty dollars -dirt cheap; aud mine, you know, aro hardly decent." . An exchange puts it truly, although, in a facetious manner as follows: A fel low, who has actually tried It, says that although thero aro threo scruples In a dram, tho more drains you take, tho less scruples you have. A country editor reports money "close but not closo enough to bo reached." Tho woman who never wntched her neighbors, is said to be a cousin to tho woman who didn't know how many dresses her sister-in-law had, "I'm not In mourning," said n young lady frankly to a young lady querist, "but ns the widows are getting nil tho offers nowadays, wo poor girls havo to resort to artifice." A young man, tho other night sought to secure hissweetheartby strat- i.frv. fin Iim tnnV lipr nut fnr n linnt vMKn J , - - - .1. w on the romantic Wissahickon, and lureaieucu to jump overooara it alio wouldn't marry him. It did not work. She offered to bet him a dollar that he daren't dlvo In. A young man whoenjoys tho sobri quet of Frank, parting wilh a young lady the other night, up town endeavor ed to Impress his cust.imary kiss, when she forcibly pushed back his head, and said, "No, sir, you don't the franking privilege Is abolished." That fellow got the "sack," we'd bet, A nlco old man a vegetable gard ener, recently called at our ofllce aud Inquired very anxiously If tho editor had been anything in the papers recent ly about n worm that was doing much damage celery. "I Intended," said lie, "to have raised a good deal of celery this year, but durn me, If I thing It'll pay If that durned celery grub that btarted at Washington a while since, about what 1'vo been hcorn so much on, Is coming this way," Doubtless ho meant the "Salary grab." A Quaker lately popped tho. ques tion to a fair Quakeress, ns follows: "Huttil yea and verily, Penelope, tho spirit urgeth aud movelh mo wonder fully tn licseech theu to cleavo unto me, tlesli of my llesh aud bone of my bone." "Hum! truly, Obadlah, thou hast wisely said. Inasmuch as It Is written that It is pot good for man tu o alone, lo, I will sojourn with thee." Two ladles weie In conversation tho other day. One lady remarked that sparrows were useful In ridding certain cities of canker worms. Tne other lady said sho would rather bo tormeuted by the latter than sparrows. Just then a youth approached and was appealed to, "Mr. , which do you think the woist, tho sparrows or worms?" He blushed a little and said, "I don't know, I never had sparrows." "Do you suppose that you can do tho landlord in tho "Lady of Lyons?" said a manager to a seedy actor In quest ot an ongaOement. "I should thin); so, I have done a great many landlords.," . ,The alp causes many (tilings: whUo beer brings many to tho beir,