The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 13, 1865, Image 4
II lpomtv. UP A TREE Aristottlo's patriotiam broke out demonstratively upon his receipt of ttle news of the fall of Richmond.— •b'd have the biggest star-spangle banner and the tallest flag-staff in Arks county—that's what he would, hi told Aunt Hannah so. So Ark rushed down to Philadel phia by express . train, purchased a forty feet flag, and rushed home a- On by next express. Then Ark s$ aboutnebieving the longest liber- Vpolain Barks,. out of a straight hundred and sixty feet—more or less—tpine tree, standing on a , 'knoll back of .the.; house. With the big bunting lashed about his shoulders, and armed with a hatchet, he op euded .aT long hay-ladder against the Om, scrambled in among_ the lower branches,- ,and began..cutting his course:.nptiards, :trimming close to the trunk every knot and branch as hiri_prbgreaseo. Having cut his way to- the tip top of the_ pine, Ark flung his flag to the. imlieXeijaShed ,:it , hard, ttnd.. fast to. tlitt kat, liirralied lristily for . Grant, "tigered" far Sheridan,: and , then made the discoverey that he had cut off his .retreat. -There he was, &bun-, dad and flfty' feef.up' le the 'air, arid ev-ry individnal thing that he could ha e climbed,' down, cut oirsirtootii A 's'iMthitsittarn oollitpsea in-'.a:'see and, and -he hailed the house • _ !ailarinah 1 0--Hannah I. say=--- 'Linnet] !—Come out hero." Out came Hannah, and seeing _her husband humped dpinto's, ball,-a\rily up there under' tbe "flag of the free," the old lady piped out at him in key major; "Mhy,, sakes o'me I. What '.Dod darn it Hannah! I'm up a treq. Can't ye are tonsket an shoot my dinner up here?" °""Why, dear me, Aria, how will yea !I } • ev,g_ge.4,down from. there.?" — Dunno Hannah, 'less ye zit some body to.ehop the siert - m:1 tree. down, and that.would eon most kill me.— Dail blast the luck !" Aris clang to his perch just about its-tong as he could, rind .then clasp inrhis leg about the trunk, he began to slide down stern foremost like -a bear; ripping, scraping, and tearing over the rough surface in a way that by,ihe time he touched terra firma, it was about an even question which had' lost the most bark--.Aris or the trati. . "I'll be dod blamed ! if ever I go to cut another tree into a flag staff, 1 , 11 begin at the, upper send. " Aiis swore, as Aunt liannali !ad him a way ragged and bleeding. Tu NUMBER or BATTLES. The number of battles fought during the late war, is given. .by an -;ex change, who, We — tlfin, Understates the„number, at two bond-red and, rift ty Vvo. Of tbEise; . tho soil of Virgin ia drank - the bleocL.of ,, Tennessee witnessed thirty-seven, Missouri twenty-five ' Georgia twelve, South Carolina ten, North Carolina eleven, Alabama seven, Florida five, Ke4ueky fourteen, the Indian_:!fer, ritoty and New' M.exieb ,one each Once the wave of war rolled into a Northern . _ State, and broke in -thn: groat bile of Gettysburg. Of the tftleff'tintitnerated, sixteen were na val' aehievements:—.Richmond Whig: tits.. There is a grape vino in 7 Caii - - for4ia si : ,,ty-five years nid. which has prod eight thousand pounds at crop. It has never been the ° of-close pruning, but spreads ••:' a Space . Proportioned to its pro et. It is only in a very young vineyard .that.the—produot .per acre ' roportioned to the - number vniao;!"-• tifir When Caesar was advised by his i trieniis to be more eautious of the socifrity of his pe7rson, and nbt walk among the people tvitlmut arms or anPone to defend liim,,he always re pliod to the_ admonitions, "Ho that livos in fear of death, every moment fee* its tortures. I will die but once." Dm. So long as you sea , one Star in• the sky, the mun is not risen; so long as are leak atirnitS the 'water, the shit as not safe; so long tm one sin reio•fts in a man's heart and is prac ticed in his life, Jesus is neither his Saviour nor his King. . UP? Stephen A. DOughtig and his brother, Robert 111.:, sonli of the de ceased statesman, .are students at the Gootetown; D. C. college. The for mer is said to be an original thinker and-an excellent speaker. rom he depitol in Richmond severe Vol mes of theljoemtrano ri-iblvea of 0 'o •liy of Virginia, frOm the eeting of.thb 6rSt General Ass in. is to. 1692. Ip• VIC They are troubled in England by typhoid foyer among swine and smalF- 4 pox among sheep; •The only , hunian disease that is very fatal to , in this conntry is consump tion. Or!r,,The bay ov meny oy the ser mons4hat iz preached, consists in thoir4reat length, for if it warHt for 7.trittie4ever, their would'nt be much of thein.—Josk seir A French cheinist asserts that if tea,be ground like coffee, before hot w . gter is put upon it, it will yield double the amount of oxhilirating qualities. O :You may not think much of ~.I..liagara at a distance, - but go right :,up uner Wand you will find it over whelming. ttgylpWhy don!,t, you wash your f act , rt am afraid ,to; a bridge near Oy house was Washed sway I.ltinaht." 13.MISTITIER'S CELEBRATED HERB BITTERS, THE UNIVERSAL HOUSEHOLD REMEDY. A Grand Specific for all Diseases Aris ing from an Impure State of the. Blood or Disor dered Stonzach, It is now five Years since B. Mishler's Herb Bitters were first prominently introduced to the public and during that time their success in cur ing all diseases arising from en impure • state of the blood or diseased stomach , bas been so great that the proprietor is ;instilled in offering them as a specific remedy for all diseases originating from the above causes, and is willing to refund all money expended for these Bitters if they rail to perform all that is claimed for them. A. Mishler's Herb Bitters are guaranteed to cure Dysticiitia, - Liver ,Complaint. 'Fever at d A gua, intermittent, Remittent and Typhoid Fe ver, Loss of Appetitc,,. Nervous Affections, Gen• end Debility, or lt f ettkoess caused by excess, itn prudeAce, or exposure, Coughs and Colds, Rheu matism, Dtarrbma,, Cholera Morbus ' Cramp in tun Stomach, Piles, Diseases of the Skin, such as Scrofula, Ulcers, ect., etc. In renerio Dis eases these Bitters-are a sure cure. It is else certain - to remove all obstructions to the regu• tsr course of nature in Females, and will ruts Green Sicktess Chlorosis, Lettcorrbcca or Whites, Womb Complaint or Falling of the Womb, otc., and Altus preserve the Fair Cent plealon of those who tt,e it ; but, like all reme dies ..f this class, should l•e used with caution by married ladies. As "Tonic and Appetizer these . bitters are unrivalled. Heidi° other popular remedies the ei , tilpissi Eton of B. Mb-filer's Beat Bitters if lie senrer, for the proprietor has no hesitaney in making known their ingredients. They are composed of Idle campane, Burdock, Spikenard, Soapwort, Peru vian Bark s .Buchu, Spieewood, Mallon, Slippery. Kim, Sassafras, Sarsaparilla, Gentian Root, Juniper, Spirits of Nitrn, Balsam Copavia, Ca. bebs, Dandelion, Pure Spirits, and Barberry. Any person who is at all acquainted with medicine will at once Perceive what a powerful combination of curative powers is embraced in the above list .of medicinal agents. It is im possible for-disease to withstand this formida ble phalanx, and when once it is attacked by Miebler's Herb Bitters it is forced to leave the system. The recipe for making these - Bitters has been in existence and was used in Germany since the 16th century. It was brought into this coun try by an old ,Gorman about 1825. Mr. John Mishler, father of the present proprietor, bought .the recipe, wltieh had been recommended to him as a sure cure iin ii certain disease, which pre that time had been considered ineura bleity all medical works and physicians, and by Jts use saved many dollars for himself. About five years afterwards the recipe was used again for the same complaint, by Squire Shimp, of Brecknock township, Lancaster county, Pa., and was again successful. Some- four years ago Mr. B. Mishler made eleven gallons of these Bitters for-Mr. Henry Schied, hostler of the Cross Keys Hotel, Lancaster. About nine gallons of it was was need, and the remaining two gallons Mr. Sehied gave to several of his acquaintance who were affected with different diseases: To the surprise of an it cured a great many complaints, and this induced Mr. Mishler to commence its manufaeture for the public at large. Since that time-its progress has been upward and onward. It has cured every disease for which it is rec ommended, of which fact the proprietor bus suf ficient evidence in the 1200 certificates he has received in the*post five years. It was only yes terday that Captain Leonard, mayor of Altoona, Pa., informed Mr. Mishler that he could get over 160 certificates in that town of cures effected by these Bitters. Readers if you are afflicted with disease or siehriess try B. bristlier's Herb Bitters. Remem ber that if that do not cure you, your money will be refunded by the proprietor. B. E. Cor. Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. Below we give a fore morenames of the many persons who have been eared of various diseases by using Misbier's Herb Bitters. Andrew Eberly,-Lancaster, cured of cramp colic— was so severe that he was apprehensive of a rupture . Thos Groom., Glen Rope, cured of disease of the back and nervous system. A.Oonder, Lancaster, says that the J 3 Mere cured him of a severe attack of paralysis. Wm„, 11. Jourdan, Lancaster, relieved of cholera 4morbus in ten or fifteen minutes, by the Herb Bit "tars.. John C. Walton, Lancaster, cured of diseases of the spine and kidifeys, fic., contracted hi the army.. Jacob B. Amwake, Bag., Lancasterovas injured at Atenia Lanaing last Jo nnary—tho Bitters cured him. John A. Tryer's wife, Lancaster, wan cured of liver complaint and loss ofappetito by the Bitters. David'Pats, near Lancaster, testified that the Bit tvr.,..rrea rartrwrirstaiierwartacir trrrkeueeatleiff.---- Levi Hart, sen.; Lancaster, eared pf rheumatism oc casioned by exposure in the army. Theodore Wendltz, of Pennsylvanig Leserves, ens shot in the arm at the battle of Fredericksburg. Ey using the Bitters he was anon relieved. from pain in his arm. ' Joseph 11. Wittson, J.:monster, rel loved of paios is his shoulders and limbs, that he was unable to sleep. John Conley, Lancaster, states that the Bitters cured him of fever and ague, which he i/li three months. John Lemon, Lancaster, had cramp in the stomach for fee-re—the Bitters cured him. Joseph Wimer, Philadelphia, certifies that Itlishler's Bitters has restored him - to health, having been much afflicted with various aihnents for a long time. James Kennedy,Latieaster, cured of chronic diar rhea and rheumatism. Daniel Finefrock, Lancaster, cared of chronic rheu matism, which he was murk afflicted with while the army—recommends the: use of the Bitters to sol diers and others similarly afflicted. ii. it. _Rhoads, Reamstown, Lancaster Co., cured of inflammatory rheumatism of some years' standing. 'Mary Maderf, Lancaster, was cured of a difficulty in gassing his seater, by the use of the' Bitters, and. h is wife also relieved faint rho/Matto pains. Bence, Dafecostir, cared of an affeetion df the kidneys and bladder ; by the use of Mistiler'ii fferb Bitters. Mrs. Coodenkonder,lLancaster, says that she bad se vere pains in her side, but was soon relieved by the Bitters. Her husband also took the medicine for pains occasioned by a broken leg. . HUGH DOUGMERTX, Lancaster, says his • daugh ter was cured of weakness, phthisic, sore throat, & , c. 11 - . G. lientlig. Farmer, near Lancaster, was cured of a = evert, attack of Dyspepsia, by tho Hitters. Robt. McClelland, near Baltimore, writes that Bre. J. U. McCord had a second attack of Diarrkcea, but tha use of tbeßitters soon cured him. Isaac B. Ilese,Lancesier, cured of u bad cough and bleeding of the lunge,. A. 11. Riot, Alaitheitti; 'Lancaster Co., states that ho has used ;dishier's Bitters with excellent effect for Neuralgia. • Joe. 11. Brown, Altoona,Pa., writes to Mr. blisiller that he Lae used Lie Herb Bitters for a severe cold on the breast and foilliarrhcea, and wee Bolin cured. Jobn Schack, Peques, Lancaster county, woe rellev. ed from an attack of the gravel, hy the Bitters. Joseph Myers, Laucester, was cured of w alines, mid nausea nausea of the stomach by the use of the Bitters. X. B. Truchen, Lit:master, was cured or grovel by the use of ißishier's Bitters. Isaac Quigley, Lancaster, says that his son was cured of typhoid lever by Mishier's Bitters, P. T. Weiser, York, Pa.,writes that he had been af filiated with Piles, and by the use el two bottles of the Bitters be was cured. 8.0. Itowthoru, Lancaster, saps that Mishier's Bit- ters curial him . of as attack,of Congestion of the Sp hue occasioned by a violent cold. O. A. Bill, Huntingdon Co., writes to the pro prietor of tho Bitters, that be is highly delighted with the virtues of his medicines Anule Funk, Motown, Lancaster Co„ informs '3lr. l%listiler that she has used his medicines, and finds it to &ore Tepresentea.* . Lipton, Altoona, Pa., Writes that the nerb Bit ting has effectually, cured his son or what is called heald head—a very serious ease. - Jas. Hudson, Altoona, L'u., says that his appetite and general health are much improved IICU he has been using bllshler's Bitters, 11. Schollmayer, Lancaster, elates that Lhe Bitten, cured him of Cancer In the:Stomach. A. Barman, Street, Lancaster co., says the Bitters curial his wife of at severe Cough teed Pifins in leer Limbs; several members of the family &Leo, used tl e medicine with much benefit. - J. Yanuabacker, Durtaela, Lancaster tounty, , Says in writinglo Air. !dishier that "the Herb Bitters has done more for nie then any niediclue I have ever used," and recommends it to others. John Lusher, of Resinstown, Lancaster county, was cured of a swelling of the neck and jaw by the use of the !Leib Bitters. John V arnee r Lancaster, testifies that the Bitters re lieved him entirely of Inflacumetory Rheumatism , end, recommends it to others similarly uttlieted. J. 11. McCord; Baltimore, Did., states that he wee permanently cured of Diarrhea. Anna Mune!man, Lancaster, states that blishler's Bitters cured her of Liver Complaint. of ID years. Wtu. J. Beatty, of Marietta, Pa., , testifica that am Herb Bitters cured him of Rheumatism. . . June Carter, Lancaster, was relieved of a very se were attack of Crump in the stomach by the Bitters. ie. : Amelia Nicholas, Lancaster, says her daughter was cured of ScrOfuta of 7 years Alluding, by the Bit ters. J. W. C ,Jack, Lancaster, was cured by the bitters of itlieumaibun with mil ich . lie Was afflicted for 5 years. . . Jact.h Effinger, Lancaster, was relieved by the Bit ters of an attack et Cramp lu the t 9 Malec!). Jas. Rially, Dra more, Lancaster co., says that the Bitters relieved bins of severe pain in the breast, side, Juba Eauts , Laucaster, , hail a slight attack of lock jaw, which was cared by the Bitters S. ALLORIEIt, Lancaster says that Ms daughter will, newt,' blind from a cod—waa cured by tba Bit tern. Jacob 'Faber, Lancakacr, wit. curet or gravel of 10 years otamnag, by the use of the /Sitters. Mary Craxel, Laucaxter, was cured of cramp in the stomach by the use of the Litters. Freas, Lancaster, Was cured by in ieh ler Bitters, from a severe tird#Wia. tti cramp iu the ewe, ach. SOLD AT DR, GEO. ROSS' DRUG STORE, LEBANON, 2A. Aug. 23,1865.-Iy. NATTIIM "Tr PrWil AA Al A f Irhese 'es are ddesignedd es peeiulty for Country Printing 0 WI ees. They are simple, cheap, and will not get out of order, and can be run by the youngest boy in the office after a few minutes instruction. With less than one bushel of coal steam can be raised and the engine run. five hours. This engine is so constructed that it can be placed in the second or third floor of the office, and is more safe than an ordinary stove in regard to fire. References from parties using them arc furnished. Address, Wii. M. BRESLIN 3 Gen. Agq., Lebanon, Pa., Who is authorized to dispose of the Engines at the same price as they can be obtained from the manufac turers. Lebanon, Aug. 16, 1865 D. S. RABER'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DR U-C STO R E Ilas been removed to his New Building. on Cumberland Street,opposite the Eagle Buildings, Lebanon, Pa. stall!: subscriber respectfully announces to his aeonairi• t 1 tances and the public in general, that he hes 'eon; ntly on band a large stock of . DRUGS, PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, PAINTS, CHEMICALS, DYE-STUFFS, VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, GLASS WARE, BRUSHES, ;HAIR OILS, EXTRACTS, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Toilet Soaps, Se gura, Tobacco, &o. Also a variety of Fancy Articles too numerous to mention, which he offers at low rates, and warrants the qualities of the articles as represent ed. Purchasers will please remember this, and exam• ine the.gualities and prices of his goods before purchase log elsewhere. Dir•Physieian's prescriptions and faze. ily recipes carefully compounded, at all hours of the day or night, by calling at the Drug Store,opposite the Bugle Buildings. on Sundays the Store will be opened for the cbm• pounding of prescriptions between the hours of 7 and. 10 o'clock, A. M., 12 mid 1, and 4 and 5 P. Lebanon, Aug. 181862_ DAVID S. RADER. 1864 NEW - 8TY4.4E81..1864 A DAM RISE, in Cumberland Street, between Market and the Coitrt ffonso,north side, has now on band a splendid assortment of the New Style of HATS AND CAPS, for men anti boys, for 1858 to which the attention of the public is respectfully hey, ted. Mats c: all_ prices, from the cheapest to the Noe costly, always on hand. He has al so just opened a olden STR AW, PANAMA, PEDAL, PEARL, 1101iN, LEO ROHN, SENATE, CUBIAIS, andall others. 10.110 will arse Wholesale all kinds or Mate, Caps Att., to Country Merchants on advautageous terms. Letauou, Fay 1,1884. at 040, MS r " : 7 r CD ..4 0" g Q. izi : r - 4 _ SW - Pe = l P g.- tri `-‘- g -0, o Clg t..., cis 0 til g:!, C - crT z o co = cp ,„ q " M s' ) -.. 6 7 4 ...."1 0 tt' pa ,t 15, t' '' A ... F: • n.., 9 1 2 W , P.', 'ay.r P.. " M .0 . '"74 R. . . 2 rt, CS > V 0 ~.._ 73 $ C 4 OP lOC rffERCIIANT T I LOB S. S. ItAaISAY, in Funek'sbuitding, cernerof Cure bezland street and Doe alley, bee on hand and for eate, either by the yard or made to order, a lark* lot of CLOTHS, OASSIMERES; and • ; - 'VESTING . well selected from Good Uonies. Geed Fits and sub stantial making guaranteed to all. Also 'Handker chiefs, Cravats, Gloves, Itosiery, Suspenders, Fincy and Plain Linen Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers. S. S. RAIIISAY• Lebanon, May 4,' 1864. An Ordinance, Amending nu grdinanee Prohibiting VAST DRIVING through tho steete, ]anew, orolleys of the. Borough of Lebanon, passed August 6, 1865. TT is hereby ordained by the burgess and Council of the Borough of Lebanon .That if any person appre— hended for fast driving in the said Borough, in viola tion of an Ordinance of said Borough, passed the 6th day ofAngust,lBsB, should fail to pay the fine impos ed by said Ordinance he shall be, committed to the county Jail for the spine of twenty-four- hours. -Enacted, August 7th, 1885,- Attest, , L. K. LADDEILIIIILCIT, D. PI 5111-une, Clerk. Assistant Burgess. Lebanon, Aug. 19, 1865. ADOLPHUS RHINOEZIL. OHARLPA:U. =Mir A Friendly IlltYiliatiiint 401 U g,"l*4 .1., E lEM .3' , - " To all desirous of purcbmaing ' LUMBER ,Sz. COAL To the beet advantage, at the old eutablished ed - well-known LUMBER YARD REINOEHL & MEILY At the UNION CANAL, on the East and Westsides Market Street,North Lebanon Borough. ' rMIE suberibers take pleasure in informing the citi- J_ term of Lebanon, and surrounding counties, that they still continue the LUMBER AND COAL BUSI NESS, at their old and Wen known stand, where they are daily receiving additional supplies of the BEST, AND WELL SEASONED LUMBER; consisting of White and Yellow Pine EOARDS, PLANE and SCANTLING. Hemlock BOARDS, PLANK and SCANTLING.' RAILS, POSTS, PALINGS and FENCING BOARDS ASH, from 1 to 4 . inch ; CHERRY, froni 5-i i " to 3 ir POPLAR, from to !a inch. Poplar and Hardwood SCANTLING. Oak end Maple BOARDS and PLANIcd. Roofing and Plastering LATHS. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! ! SHINGLES!! I Also, Pine and Hemlock SHINGLES. • COAL! COAL!! COAL I VI A largo stock of the best quality of acne, Broken, Egg and Lino:burners' COAL; and also, the beef Alle gheny COAL for Blacksmiths. . Thankful for the I iliflnt manner in wl..di , they na:Fe heretofore been pattkinixed,.they would extend a cordial in vitetion for a continminee 'of favors, tie they ere confident that they now have the /cutest, best and cheapest stock of LUMBER on 'hind in the County. which will he sold ata reaagnable per cen tags, .OZ-- Please cull and examine our stock and prices he fore purchasing eleewheire: w" • RBINOBRL & North Lebanon borongh, April 6, 1866. REMOVAL. FITS! FITS! FITS! A: IL RICITEY, Merchant Tailor, respectfully an nounces to the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that he bus removed his place of business to Market street, between Cumberland and Chestnut, second door north of Matches' note!, where he will continue to keep, as heretofore, u fine. assortmet of CLOVIS, C A SSIM ER ES, nil of which lie will sell or make up to order at ti ;Aims to suit the All work entrusted to his cure, will be manursetur ed inn workmanlike meaner as to fashion and dura bility. Goods purchased eloewhero mill he cheerfully made up to order ott theMintiii moderate teems. Miring had years of experience in the Tailoring and Dry-Goods bietiness, and being inelined - to turn to tan advantage of his customers, all the advantages remit lug from said Requirements, he feels satisfied that it will be responded to by a very liberal share In the pub lie Mitrounge.• Friends call otter to please to after that please your stares. April 12, ltli. iLOTII, WOOLEN CLOTHING of all colors.' , lyeAlSot Black or 13140 Black, preaccd, the color warraoicti .tti goods turned ant Nola to now, LYON LE31.13141t0111i. Articl .a to be dyei can be left at Jos.: L. Leo ber isn's Drag Store whore all orders for the above will be stranded to. • [March 1.1. 1 SO3 , T AVM (AIDE UCE =OVAL] E *NYDER, •-••• — " x" AVOULD respectfally inform eitk sew, of Lchnnen and vicinity. that he has removed his Tailoring gstablish ment to the room lately oecapied by Dr it. Sett tteek .to Walnut street; three int a I)ot id llollinger'S' 111 . 40, nest door to hn D. ranSe's store, where - he will make np'the ma..t fash ionable clothing. All work entrusted to his cir n trill loft Math/ filel nrell in the best manner, On moderate leto,.v, timid fitintnylanbstantial making'-:guaruntecil, "PeckllS fur the afoot as, troll as for the slender. is ready to accommodate his customers _ 'raving's snit of clothes made on short notice, Thankful Mr the liberal patronage extended to hint thus thr, he hopes • by strict attention business, tomer it a continu ance of the Rise. ISt cerdiittly Invitee the politic and his old customers to givobint ft call. Terms cash- Lebanon , March 23. 15155. STOVES. - vow 1e the timeCO buy your.7STOVIvS before cold _l:‘ whiter in here, ands the bsst and - clienpost:filace is at the Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Menefee - tort' of 'James N. Rogers, Two doors Sou th‘from the Lebanon Bank, whore can be had the' largest and best assortment of PARLOR. HALL, and COOKING STOVES, ever offered in Leba non, Gas Burners for Parlors -or Bed Chambers of his own make, with a general assortment of Parlor Stoves, and a large variety of the best. Cooking Stoves in the. county or borough, which he warrants to bake or roast WASII ROILERS con tautly on hand of all sizes, and the hest material. COAL BUCETE—the largest assortment; the heav iest iron, and' the best made in Lebanon. Also, a large stock of TIN WARE .mado of the hest material and in a workmanlike manner. As be is a practical Workman, and has had an experience of twenty-five years, he feels confident that he can gire general satisfaction. - Be takes this method of returning his thanks to his numerouscastoiners for their liberal support, and he hopes, by strictly attending to' his own business and setting other people's alone, to still receive to share of puplio patronage. JAMES N. moms. Air. Particular attention paid to all kinds of Joninuo such as llociflug',Stionting, 81c., and all work warranted MAY -1864. ' JACOB ILCSDEL respectfully in forms the public that he still amain nes his extensive establishment in efaig s , ~gin his new building,in Cumberland t., • where he, hopes to render the same , satisfaction as heretofore to all - who may favor him with their custom Re Invites Merellanti and dealers in BOOTS and SllOESand every ono who wishes to purchase fasitionable.and, durable artieles in ~aentserrea,..t..--. a and varied sleek. Re is :determined to surpass all coupetition in the Manufacture of every article in his busuttiSs,sui table fOr any Market in the Union; A due care taken in regard to materials and workmanship; none bt the best quid). ty of LB Avn BR and othermaterialsare used, and none but the best workmen are employed J '4 -4.101 g T _P. B.—lle returns his*sineero thanks to his friends for the Yery liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. lie hopes by - striet attention to 'business Mal endeavoring to please his customers, to merit a share - of public, pat renege. ILebanon,3lay 4, 1864 NEW AND CHEAP ROOT ANI-D'SHOE STORE. rIRE- subscriber viciuhl respect fully inform- the eit izens of Lebanon and vicinity, that he has remov ed his 1300 T end SHOE STORM to Ille*et street, next door south or .Mrs.ltice's Hotel, Lebtmon, Pa. - where he keeps on hand a. large and well assorted stock of all kid& of BOOTS and SHOES. Ile will make. to order all kinds of BOOTS and SHOES, and at very short notice. He al so' keeps on hand a large and well-assort. ed *debit of LEATHER, such as RED.-AND OAH SOLE LEATHER, CALF AND KIP SKINS, MOROCCO AND FANCY LEATHER, KID,. LIMNOS, ROANS, BIND INGS, &c., and itHitinds of Shoemakers' TOOLS AND FINDINGS, such as BOOT-TREES, LASTS, ROOT CORDS and WEB BS,-AWL-BLADES, KNIVES, PUN CHES, HAMMERS, PINCERS, RASPS, TACKS— Constantly on band an assortment ofLastings. Threads, Shoe-nails, Peg-breaks, Send-stones, Pegs, Bristles, Kit and Shoe Tools of exerydes.cription. Ilavias-been en•, gaged in the hail:netts more than twenty years, he - feels satisfied that he can give 'satisfaction - - to all who will favor him with a call. Shoemakers fr:in the country Will do well by . calling on.him beforeepurchasing- else where. ' SAMUEL HAUCK.. Lebanon, Jan. 27 18114: . . • ... • WM 1 461. " • 31 'Saddle:and illarnesg rpHEundersigned has reasoved • factory.. his Saddlery and lls - rneSs- • .1 % Manufactory to a few doors South 7l¢ , at' the old place, to the largo room 1 r lately occupied by Bilhantt & tiro:, as • a Liquor store, whore he will butieppy to see nil his old friends and customers, and where he has increased- fa cilities for attending to all the departments of his bug , ness. • Being determined to be behind ne - other astab listunenfin his abilities to accommodate customers, he has spared neither pains nor .expense to obtain and make himself inastasuf, every,tundernyiniprovement is the business and secure thettarigerau6flipe Mist work- men that lißerni *ages Would command. - ISa will keep a large stock on hand,and manufacture at the short est notice, all descriptions of 11A.1INNES, end, O s t l / 2 ,1- (Bea, Bridles, Carriage Harness of all kinds; heavy harness, Buggy Whips cf the best manufacture, falo Robes, Fly Nets,'siich as Cotton, Worsted. Linen, and a ,new, kidd lately invented; of every kind, such as Buggy Whips, Cart; Whips, &c.; Eames of all descriptions. halter Chains, home-made Traces, Sc, all of which he will warrant to be equal to any that can be obtained in any other establishment in the country. All'he asks that those desiring any in this line, should call at his - place and examine al; stock., He, feels the fallesteontidance in his ithility to entire satisfectiom• ' ' ea— All ordertothankfully received and prompily ended to. SOLOMON SMITH, North Lebanon Borough, Aug, 13, 1862, = A Npw Fir m Cheap Cash Store, and 41111i0 Viand Grain Business. r MIR undersigned having formed a partnership in the MERCANTILE, MILLING AND GRAIN BUSI NESS, would respectfully invite the attention of the Public to their establishments. They will confine to keiii,* at the late - - stand -GEESAATAN & LONG, a most complfite itoek-of all kinds of GOODS usually kept in, a collutil store, which. theY will re tail Cheap for CASH, or COUNTRY PRODUCE: They also want to buy for cash 50,000 Bushels of WIIEAT, 30,000 Bushelsiof Itll, 20,000 Bushels of 00.1tN, • 23,000 Bashi:Ts of OATS. For which they will pay the bik,hest Market Prices They will also take GRAIN on STOILACIE. The will always on baud and sell at the lowest pricee, Ct do the Mat Load ,or by the Ton; all kinds of 11.1,6 lib• SALT, PLASTER, ke: „lima toll). Asp- They solicit the business of tiar.t ION(/„. and the pabite, will.endoaver = eral and just principles as will .• 4 - North Lebanon Itlity egar. 6ntoutaiv ,. viivEGAß 18 " ----°4l „ . ne of .oxigaformers. Nor foal:t it. mplevapNiatt, thin oltcr. A large < • ~ ~ ' „...,,,. • ..- '4,11,,,,,,: :)t- ' l.- or ' , `".'=.- ~-..,--, • . . = RD .4 . 49 , r+t" E. 1:94.4 P=.l V- 1 2 1 1-• : f 1 W"-.4 Alg; 92 1 , 1 •a--4 E. pi sra P , •4 7142 E r. 4 455. STOVES. Root and Shoe Store. JBenuoval O 1 THE - REMOVAL. NORTH LEBANON =I Wanted I Wanted 500,000 more Men, Women, and Chil dren, Wanted ! • A T J. A. SPENGLER'S ,phangrapbie Gallery, in Adam Rise's Building. ttCCaII und see his pictures. They are more life-like and natural than yen van get them at any other place in town. He has alwaYi on hand a large assortment - of Rosewond and Gilt Frames and cases of all kinds. lie takes Photographs, Ambrotypes, Stereot , .) , ,pos, and Propel:tin Pictures, at the lowest prices. Pictures taken in a❑ kinds of whether, He Is prepared to take the latest style of pictures.— Come one, come all, and see ter yOUrseiven. Lebanon, 'day 10, 1565. J A. SPENGLER. Philip F. clllcaihly; FASTICONABLI: BOOT AND StIOB MAKER CV? Cumberland Street. one door Bast of kith(' Illack orse hotel. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to me for the short time I have been hi business, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. c has at all times an assortment of wow and MOBS of his own msonfacture on hand, which will be disposed of on reaSonahle terms. FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, &c. TIJOU thidfring a neat, well etude eitiele. are invites to glie etc a trial. ChiWrens' Eltoec of every variety end, color on band. Cleary work made to order. Tr All work warranted- liepairfng neatly done anp barges inatie gast 11,.11over N E W WAN ET AND CMS I a .111,101 4 UF.1 C . TV:PRY riliMAnitserib,r resew-11,111y informs the public that 1 he has the largest. and best aasortment of TERM 'CURE and Mil Et ti. over offered to the public of Leb anon county. lie has on band at his Cabinet-Were rooms, -in North Leber& borough. nearly opposite Zeller's Hotel. and a few doors south of Itorgner's, a splendid assortment of good, substantial and fashion able Parlor, Cottage and Chamber %FURNITURE, con sisting of Sofas. Tete a4etvs, Lounges, What-nuts. Par ' lor - , Centre. Pier, Card and Common Tables; Dressing and: Common 111311,EALTS; Bed - , steads, Work-stanols, Wash-stands,and Kitch-, est:en Furniture of all kinds: Also, a largeand elegant variety'of Facacu anca, SPRINGSZATED Chairs, Common Spring-seated Chairs; all kinds a Spring seated lidekers. Also, Windsor, Cane-seated. and Com mon qlntirs and Rockers of every deseription. ItEil..:All Goode sold LOW and WARRANTED to give satisfaction. . Persona desirous of knowing the character of the :Dods here offered for sale s :CSU be fully satisfied of their durability by reference fObase for whorl be lots man ufactured or to . , klioni . , :• - Old Furniture - and Chairs Repaired and Tarnished. N. B.—Collide made 'and Funerals attended at • the hottest notice. • • • JOSBPIL BOWMAN, North , Lebauon, May 4, 1864. Fa:Atli:oft:LW Triiloring. REMOVAL. IjorICIIAEL . .IIOFF la MAN buld re r speetfully inform iiithe Citizens of Lebanon; that he • haw - B.EIBOVEII Ids TAILORING Business to Cumberland Street, two boors East of Market Street, and opposite tho Eagle note', where all persons who wish garments made lip in the meat fashionalile style and best manner, are in Med to call. TO TAILOICSI—Just received and for sale the N. York it'd. Philadelphia Report of Springs Summer Fashions. Callers wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber know of the fact, so that he eau make his arrangements wicoadingly. MIONZEL lIOFFFIAN. Lebanon, 81ay4.1864 , • L-1 et - . - -'• ' ‘.. ' - " * iml pi. 0 . = : .... : ~.., :, .7`3 , . . ... -- ... ~-) • c• - :.g- ' 8 to : Likt ~i . .. 1 Z - In tiji le4 -, '1 eon -4. ... rA- r 0 oal cr„, cz) =EN 0 . 5 . ... 4 C3l - 02 ' - g 0 1:0.' A _ Vd ,• 0 0 p . gl, gam' ,--,...1.4 ~.qv., Atli . .: ft . .b 4 t-., cov co .D... , - ii : rmt S' fa 0 ' II 59 " = ig , .., o e. ~.. _...,,,.. m e. n------,, . - lg . •-• . v....,:d 40. 1 „„..... 1, .... gimi ~ ,, ,g ;:'.'co a 45 CD ct r - CD giz.B 1' ;7 _R$ - r,, G 0 . in Ad pninistroitors , i%oticc. moncv :wreby given that Letters of Adminis. tra ;nn . tlidestatiinf PTIILIP SITAAK, dec'd., late of Son: Lebanon township, Itebimmi county, Po, have been nted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will pleasemakepayment; and those having claims will present them without delay, duly anthertiented. to-the untlersigned,for settlement. ' 'JACOB 'SfIA AK, Milloreek tp.. JOHN IT. SIIAAK. Cornwall tr.,' Administrators of the estate of . Philip Shook, dec'd. July `18,18n5; Administrator's Notice.. OTIC.}: is hereby given that Letters of Atlminis -11 tratim, on the Estate of WILLIAM LUNA late orlieidlehura . township, Lebanon county, Pa., dec'd., have Leen granted to the under:signed, of the town- Ma ill, county-and State aforesaid. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make payment, and those having rlaitns w ill present theta. duly authenticated, to the undersigned. MICIIAET. neldleburg, Aug. READING RAILROAD Scannter 'Arrangement JULY 20, 1805.. • MIMI ._ _ - G.~~~._~ RE AT TRLINK; LINE PROM THE NORTE AND North-West for PIiILADELPII.I A, NEW-YORK, R-EADINO, POTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, kn., AM. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows ; At and 8.15 A. M and 1.45 P. M.:arriving at New York at:10 A Al,. and 10fo P. M., passing Lebanon rit 3.53 0.08 A. NI., and 2.50 P. P.M. The above nun Beet with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Rail Road, and Sleeping Cars accompany the -3.00 and 8.15 trains, without change. Leave for Beading; Pottsville, Tamaqua, Min , milk,. Ashland-, Pinagreve, A IlentOWn • and "`Philadelphia at 8.15 ; 51, and 1,45'P. M.. stopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only; pasaing Lebanon at 9.08 A. 51.. and 2.50 P. M. Way Toxins, stopping at all points, at 7.25 A. 51. anal 440 P. M., Passing Lebanon at 8.35 A. M., and 5.53 P. NN. Returning: Leave New York at 9 A. - AI,. 12 coon, and 5440 P. M. Philadelphia at BA. Al and 3.30, P. M. ; Pottsville at 3.15 A AI. and 2.38 P. ; Ashland at 0.10 A. 51 , and 1220 noon ; Tama. qua, at 3.15 A, Al. and 2.15 P. SL, and headin, at mid , night, and 10.45 A 1.33 and 0.08 ' P._ M., passing Lebanon at 2.09. 8.54, 11 58 A. and 2.35 and 1.24 P. M. - Bentlin„ ,, Accommodation Train Leaves Reading at 0.00 A. M., retui ning from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. 51. Columbia. Railroad Trains leave Rending at 6.00 and 10 55 A. N. and 0.15 P. M. for Ephrata, Jai; Collin. Ac. On Sundays ; Leave New York at 8 I'. M., ;Mimic . ) plait 3.15 P. M., Pottsville 7.30 A. M., Tamaqua 7 A,,,t1 Liarrlsburg 8.15 A. M., passing Lebanon et i.. 08 and Reading at 1.00 A. M., lot Lebanon at 2.00 A. N. 1...,08r11440.14; Commutation, Milo. , ge, Seas , ;;,,fl a ijo„4 d ." Sion Ticket' , to and Frain all - Baggage checked thro . --(4 4%1 , 11C0LL5, • Passenger. „es.,,o4taba.tiperintendent. DAVID S. LONG Reading 114 - raiz° IL IC itihrea• „ $." A T °ULF) respectfully inforiti the cili %ens of Lebanon and vicinity, thecil - he hue REMOVED I th:o'Z - inuring estab lishment to Ifkisteamberland st.. about 36 'square otte! of liensoids hotel, where be Will uniko -- ou th e roost h itinabLer Clothing. ALL work entrusted lt him will be manufuctured in tire best neumei, on mod es ate terms. Good fits and . substantial maki gime anteed. Thankful or the liberal patronage extended to hint thus far, he• hopes by- strict 'attention to his business to merit a continuance of the same. Ile cor dially invites _the public and his old customers to give hi m a-pita, fLebanon, April, 12, 18615. • • Administrator - -:,.--~ v~ J ' 1 d ::° ) ' .----.`" ..R ''' ~1 47441"ifigegP 1865 1865 years established in N. V. City." remedies ktmem." Free from Voisons." "Not dangerous to the llnnurn Fam Hy." Rats e. , ,me, out or their Wee te die." "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Exter's, Is n parte—used for Rats-, 31 ice . itoneltos, Black and Rod - Ants, he., &e.. &e., &e- Costar ' s ' Bed-Bu; Exterminator, Is a liquid or 'Nook, used to destroy, and also as a pro• rentive for Iled-riup, &e. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects rx for Moths. Mom nitors, ISed.Buge, Insects on Plante, Fowls, Animals, &c. ire' Sold by all Druggfere and Retailers everywhere. AM - I I BRWARN !1! urea worthleee intitetions. 0.4. - r- See Dant "COSTAR'S" mime is en each box, bot tle . mut Flask, before yon buy. UMW,' It. COSTAR. inf. Principal Depot, 441. Bromihrit:,•. N. Y. Sold by Dr. ORURO R ROSS, aint ill Druggists and Den iera at bebanup, Pa. 1865. INCREASE OF ItAtS.—The Farmers' Gazette (Eng lish) asserts and proves by figures that one pair of rats .will have a progeny and descendants no less than 051, 050 in three yearst. Now, unless thiZ huniense can be kept down, they would consume more food than would sustain 65;000 human beings. Sew "Costar's" advertisement in this paper. 1865. RATS versus BIRD - S.—Whoever - engages in shooting small birds is a eruel nian ; wboever a ids in extermi nating rats is a benefactor. We should like some of our correspondents to give us the benefit, of Choir ex perience in driving out these 'pests. We' need some. thing besides dogs, cats, and traps for this business.— Scientific American, Y. See "Coker's" advertisement in this paper, 1865. ‘TOSTAR'S" RAT Exterminator is simple, safe, nod sure,—tbe most perfect Razification meeting we have ever attended. Ivory rat that can get it, properly pre• pared according to directions, will,est it, and every one that eats it will die, generally at some place as far possible from where the medicine was taketi.=Lake Shore, Mich. Mirror. OIL See "Costar's ndvertisetnent in this paper 1865. A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST.—Speaking of 'Costar's" hat, Roach, &c., Exterminator—more grain and provisions are destroyed annually in Grunt Coun ty by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killen—Lancaster, Irts., Herald. IS. See "Costar's" advertiseme tin this paper. 1865. , - FARMS AND MOUSEKEEPERS---sltonld recol lect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Gvt la, Provi sions, arc annuli* destroyed by - liats, Moe, Ants, and other Insects and vermin—all of which -can be prevented by a few dollars' worth of "Costar's" Itat, Rofl.oll, Scc., Exterminator, bought and used freely. Ja' Ste "Costar's" advertisement in this paper; . 410" Sold in. Lebanon, Pa., ai. Dr. Geo. Ross' Drug Store. Cumberland st., opposite Court Home. March 20, 1869.-6 m. • WALTER'S MILL. IIIE subscriber respectfully informs the public the he has entirely rebuilt the MEI on the little Swa tare, fottrierly known as "Straw's" and literati "Wen gert'e," about one-fourth of a mile from Jonestown Lebancn county, Pa.; that he has it now le complete run ::ing order, and is prepared to furnish customers regularly with a very superior article of AV' 11E...1113111111L.T.111E4C.. 5 ,, as cheap as it can be obtained froni any other source.— Ile keeps also on hand and for' ale at the lowest cash prices CUOP, BRAN, SITORTS, &c. lle is also pre pared to do all kinds of Cusromeas',Wou's, for Farmers and others, at the very shortest possible notice andin vitas all to give urn a trial. The machinery of the 'Mill is entirely new and of the latest and 'most inr= proved kind. By strict attention to business and 'fen dealing lie hones to merit a share of public, patronage. WILEAT,' RYE, CORN, OATS,' &c ., bought, for which the highest Lebanon Market prices will be paid. , ritANKLIN WALTER. May 4, 18C4. TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned having taken the Large n nd Comm() diens Betel, in Pottsviim, known so the MORTIMER 110UsE, Would respectfully announec to his old friends and for men patrons that he Is prepared to •tteconnno date all who otter favor blot with their patronage. The 51011TWE3t MOUSE has been newly ,upered, painted, and refurnished throughout, and the PROPRIE TOR feels warranted in saying that it is • UNSURPASSED BY ANY HOTEL IN TIIF Borough of Pottiville, for comfort and convenience. No Pains will - be 'ASp' aed To render it, an egreeahle„ut.ll 'coultorts4d9 stopping place for strangers acid tide-Clem „ . The - Stablino' and Shedding, Atlathed tt -, the Hotel, are sufficiently large for these commotlittion of the horses and carriages of ” his gueSts, 'Plie Hotel is now open for the . • Reception Of the Public. 13a. lie will be happy to accommodate all who watt give him pall, :10SEV1l 1+E131.111,. Pottsville. April 8,.18G3. CLOCK,F: „:„1i : 7, ,, Thirty Dalia:- „,,,: --% ic,b 11, ' . '• • 1 .Igr eft ~ s 4- FZA I tedll7,ll4Y NZ otl ; , rW— ..., c.. ..... ;..e`iTust, Received at 1 .11 . 131.,A1R'S jewelry Store, Lebanon, Pu, • 0,:i” LODTO OAR. - .14.1 t BAN ON 'Door;Si di and Steam Planing - 1111,11 L jIlujEL, Located on the Steam-Rouse Road, near ' 7 elmberiatut Street s Nast Lebanon.. rilra undersigneti respectfully inform the public in general, that they kgo i „ till manufacture and keep on band,, !"'n. Door, Sash, Shutter, Blinds, Flooring, Weather-Boards, 0' Goo Spring Mouldings, of all sizes, Wash Beards. eating,' Surbacc, Cornices,• and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS far Houses. We also construct the latest and most im. prorod Stair Cavihgl and Hand Railing, suitable for large and small buildings. . We now invite Farmers, Mechanits and Builders to gal! and exam iumom stock Maki) ire will warrant to giMi entire saUs fi tction toa d who may farm the under signed with their custom.. Lebanon, -Say 4, 19t54. S.—Thrre ir olno ell Mode of TURNING *A Mr same itlill. _Planing, Sawing, &c., promptly done for those who may furnish .Lumber. Manisa tor Bounty and Invalid Pon- Mon Claims just: printed and for ask et the Ao -ITX MELEE Office. .74T.FX a. GAID3. PRIDOEPAL -DEPOTS— lielmbold'a Drug and Chemical Warehouae• NO. 694 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, and aelinbold's Medical Depot, 1Y0..1.04 SOUTH TENTH BT., PIDIADELPIILL BEWARE OF . COUNTERFEIT. ' FOE •ll'Elaftl3ol,Dtel To t " 4 10 OT/IXIII LON6ACIU & GABEL. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCITU, A positive and Specific Remedy for diseases of the 'Madder, Sidney., Gravel and ',replant welting,' This Medicine increases the pOWers of,digeetiee, m 2 excites the absorbents Into healthy action, by whirl ! th e Wateryor ca,Leareons depositioni, and all unnatural en. largements are reduced, as 'well es pain and Infleamatioa, and le good for men : women and children. Hamsouys EXTRACT BUCHU, For weak:ems arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissips• tion, Early Insiscretion, attended with the following Symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Sorter of Disease, Wakefulness. Dimness of 'Vision, Pain in tbe Back, Hot Rands, huthing cif the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions of tho Face. Universal Lassitude, Pallid 4 .l , amenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on (wismt this' Medl clue invariably removes), soon follow— FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, Scc., In one of which the patient may expire. :Who can say they are not freenently followed by those "direful dis• oases," INSAIUTY AND CONSUMPTION? Many are aware of the cause of thr it stnteritq, , ,lnat no: will confess. The records of the Insane asylums and II melancholy deaths by consumption bear ample witness t the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once affected IV organic 'weakness, requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which ii.m...MBOLD!S EXTRACT OF BUCIi Invariably does. A trial will convince the most sceptical. In many affections:Pica:tiler to Females, the EsreAc t Ducncr >a anevualed by ,any other remedy, and for ell complaints Incident to the sex, or In the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE, Ur Ban SYMPTOM .111092. lir No Family - . ehavld be without it. Take no Balsam, Alaintiii. or unpleasant medidne tor aupleasant and dangerous diseases. irELHBOLD'S EXTRACT Bt Cii'L; Ea ~MPC3C7t''IC Cures Secret Disease 3 In all their stages' little expense, little or no Osage of ilet, no inconvenience. and NO EXPOSURE. USE lIELMBO_LD'S EXTR A r!T gUCHU or oU affections 'and diseases of these organs, whether k/CISTTNer IN DIALE OR FEMALE. from whatever cause originating, and no =tier how lett, standing. Diseases of them organs require the aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. Led it is certain to have the desired effect In al! disesso for which It ta recommended. e11:n.17. d'S HIGHLY COM.POIT.N.'D FLUID EXTRI:Z:I Si'iSAPARILLA, tional diseases ;:a I -..TlAate. Of the Mood and the only reliable Imorm remedy for cure of Scrofula, £e,:!l Lead. Salt. 'Rheum, Palla aue "Swellings of the Eate,3, Ulcerations of the Throat ant Lege, rh.,p1.25 C. 3 the Thee, Tetter,tryelpetat and all scaly Eraption.s of the Skin, .AND DEA k' I:\G TUI GIY3LPLES.IO37 NOT A FEW Of the worst disorders thct cf.:i et moukind arise from the corruption that accumulates in the hood. Of all the dit coveries that have been 'made to purge it out, none cal equal In effect Ilm.anoLn's Conroe :in EITE,..CT OF SSG s-s-Palll-ad. it cleanses and renovates the Illood,insail the vigor of health into the system, and purges out the humors which make disease. It stimulates the health: functions of the body, end eNTielsibe disoricysthat grog and rankle 133 the blood. Such a remedy that could yelled on has long been sought for, and now, for the firs time the public have one on which they can depend. Ou space hero does not mina of eertiataies to show iNelretti bat tho trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that lens its virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken Two tablespOonsful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla adds to a pint of Water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drinks, as one bottle is folly equal to u gallon of the Syrup of Sane Farina, or Cho decoction as usually made. BELISIBOLV6 ROSE WASEto An excellent Letitia for diseases arising from habits 0 dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Dude and Sarsepn rilia, in melt diseases as recommended. Ert• deuce cr the ost responsible and reliable character wil aceots; .i rt..,:, ef...:dicirtes. Also explicit directions fe. use, tr.': rr t :::c...fbanttllivinit*ritnesses, and up ward. , " certificates and recommends tort' IA are from the highest Betimes sos, Clergymen, Statesmen, te The 1 - :needed to their publication it the ne • h. not do this from tbe fact that a articles .' lard r'reparatioas, and do not neel to be prepped np i.y certificates. The Science of Medicine, like the Doric Coltman, anti Stand simple, pure, majestic, haring Fact for its basil Induction for its pillar, and Truth alone for its Capital. f 4 l_ S n"'My Extract Eamo tiood - Puriaer ; mY Extra(' -, -can will act as such in all cases. all i , c , l ll ll .„ Si t il ' rc itaitil on purely scientific principles-1 aro the most active measures of either the, .?, A .de.ready and coact save test will be a coin ' P NWiref.their properties with those set forth in the fol torwing works: See Dispensatory of the United States. • Set Professor DEWSES . valuable works on the Ititetio. of Physic. See remarks made by the celebrated. Dr. nrrele, See remarks made 'by Er E£112.1.111 alcDowzr../., a eels brated Phystc!an and llaLaber of the Royal College 42. Surgeons, Ireland, end the. Trartaastioas a the Sing and Queen's Journal. •See Idedleo-Cldrurgleal Review, publtsbed by BlEtiel 'aux - zits, Fellow of ttie Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the lite standard works on Medicine. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERTWIThrna. Address letters for information; in confidence. to H. T. ±I.ELLEBOLD Chemist. GIO@E ZVi.:7.:,,VA 2=7=l