The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 13, 1865, Image 3

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    EI anon ZOVerti,sfr.
TERMS, - - -
Montt 2t tido.
We shall take pleasure next week
in presenting the Advertiser to its
Teadera in an enlarged form, made
necessary by our largely increased
subscription list and advertising
It is the desire and the request
of the Treasurer that all those who paid
to the Military Fund , to exempt the Bor
ough from the last , draft, will attend at
the Court Hou,se; on Thursday evening,
14th inst.,,at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of
disposing of the ballance of the unexpend
ed Fund remaining in his hands.
Information is wanted, by her
mother Mrs. Julian Zohn, of her daugh
ter- Mary Ann Zohn, aged about 11 years.
She left her mother's residence on Sun
day, the 2d Inst. Any information in re
gard to her will be •thankfully received
by her distressed mother in this borough.
The Clerk of the street Lamps
of this place is a great . joker. Whenev
er there is no urgent occasion for light
he is sure to set all the lamps a blazing,
and when the night is dark as ebony,
and darker still, he keeps us in darkness,
at the Imminent risk of bloody heads,
broken limbs and bruised shins. Dark
ness seems to have become a second na
ture with some people since they have
taken the darkey to thsir "buzzums."
A 18. d named Danial Gehris a
bout 16 years of age, was run over by a
train near the Lebanan.iTalley Railroad
Bridge, Reading, on Thursday afternoon,
cutting off one of his legs and mutilating
his body. He died the same night.
Prof. & Madame Millar will give
two entertainments. in Puock's Hall, on Wed
nesday and Thursday evenings of this week.—
They are represtn led to us, by good authority,
as giving a first class exhibition. The follow
ing notice is copied from an Unhinge :
We bad the.felicity of being present at Profes
sor Millar'a entertainment on Thursday evening.
Madame Millar made her debut on the occasion,
and altogether startled her auditory. In com
mon with the bulk of those preset:A, we had ex
pected to find a good, fair, but in no way par
ticularly noticeable vocalist. Her range is al
together extraordinary—while the educated fin
ish and unlade.. expression with which she sings
such high•elass songs as "Kathleen Mavour
neon," fairly captivates her-auditory. Profes
sor Millar's entertainment was uncommonly
good—his sleight of band tricks being marked
with the Professor's recognized excellence of
conception, and dexterous manipulation. He
uses none of the elaborate machinery or the aid
of confederates ' ',bleb rendered Professor An
derson's tricks astounding, but be is as far
ahead of Anderson in sleight of hand as An
derson was of his eotemporaries, in mechanical
con trivances.—Glaecoto Herald.
The attention of Teachers is di
rected to the notice of. Teachers wanted
in Pinegrove, Schuylkill Cou ty.
H. Raber bas just returned from
thecity and opened a large and splendid lot of
men's Furnishing Goode. Call" and see before
~urchaaing elsewhere.
The Doylestown Intelligeneer
ays : The subject of seed wheat is now
!aiming the serious attention of farmers
n this county, The crop just harvested
sso very poor that many farmers are
:milling to use any of it for seed, and
hey hardly know .where to get better in
ime for sowing. ,
Jos. L. Lemberger, Apothecary,
Druggist and dealer in Perfumery and Fancy
goods, offers a choice Stodit of Perfumery and
Fancy Goode, Fine Wallets, Bank Note Holders,
dm. Please call and examine. Remember the
lace opposite the Market House. It.
A Visitor at Ephrata Springs,
located an ankle the other day in at
ding to pull off one of his boots. He
• red severely, and will be likely,
after to forswear tight boots.
The contracts for building the
ranch of the Reading and Columbia rail
oad, running from Lancaster to Man
elm, have been awarded. Six sections
o H. R.. Hawman (f , Co., of Reading, the
remaining three sections to James March
dc Co; of Lebanon. The work will be
commenced at once, and -will be pushed
forward vigorously.
Soldier's Certificates.—Geo.
Uhler, late of the 93 Pa. Vets., has shown us a
beautiful Soldier's Certificate, for which he has
an agency. It is a lithograph In oil, in 13 colors,
representing the Goddess of Liberty, supported
by a soldier, and protecting a group of refugees.
In the distal -- -,pears a view of the Amerl.
, angements With a competent per
' his certificates neatly and cor
without additional cost• to the
- - of Mr. Elijah
in North Le ownship was
'ed by fire early ,
of,lt week. It w
r barn and well filled. 4 rge
Aso burnt. How the fire origina
toss through incendiarism, Mr. All
is unable to Imagine. The loss is
which is insured to the amount of
in the Washington Insurance Com
of this place.
Ming in Plainfield township, North-
Am county, last week, three or four
'see with the conveyances, ware stolen
le thieves getting into them and &Irking
iff unobserved. One thief was followed
Stroudsburg, where all traces of aim
le lost.
at every family in the country have
ie materials for manufacturing pure cider
lnegar, tithey will only use them. Corn-
Nn dried apples, are all you need to
lake the best cider vinegar. Soak your
fipples a few. hours—washing and, rub-
Ing theni occasionally, then take them
it of the water and thoroughly strain
to latteC.through a. tight woven cloth—
'itin a jug, arid hilf a pint of moles
, to a gallon of liquor, and a piece of
immon brown paper, and set in the sun
, by the fire, and in a few days your
vinegar will be fit for use. Have two
jugs, and use out of one while the other
is working. No family need be desti
tute of Kid vinegar who will follow the
Jefferson Ristenbatt, sou of Her
man Ristenbatt, of this place, a coach.
maker by trade, fell from the 3d story
window of the Hotel he was boarding at,
in Reading on Friday night, while suf.
fering under an attack of nightmare, to
which he was subject, and sustained such
severe injuries as to cause his death on
Sunday. He was aged about 30 years.
He was burried in this place on Tuesday.
The receipts and Stocks in the
' Philadelphia Flour Markets, continue light ; the
market in consequence is very firm, but the sales
are limited ; about 1,200 bbls sold et s9(x)9 25
per bbl for good northwestern extra family, and
$9 50®10 50 per bbl for Pennsylvania and
Ohio do. The retailers and bakers are buying
at from $7 ®7 50 for superfine, $8(4)9 for extra,
$9 25®10 50 for common to good extra family,
and $l2 ®l2 50 for fancy brands as to quality.—
Lye flour is selling in a small way at $6 25 per
bbl. Corn meal is quiet at about former rates.
GRAlN—Wheat is less active and prices are
unsettled and drocping ; about 3,000 bus sold at
00 for good new Delaware reds, and $2 19®
2 26 per bus for Pennsylvania and western do ;
white is scarce and held at $2 35®4 45, as to
quality. Rye is doll; 600 bus Delaware sold at
90c ; Pennsylvania is held at $1 05®1 10.—
Corn is also rather dull ; 5,000 bus sold at 95c
for white,
and 980 per bus for prime yellow,
afloat and in the ears. Oats continue very quiet;
6,000 bus are reported at 45®500 for fair to
prime new, afloat and in the cars. The receipts
to-day are as follows : 1,000 bbls flour ; 9,700
bus wheat; 8,800 bus eorn, and 10,200 bus oats.
CATTLE MARKET.—The offerings of Beef
Cattle continue large, reaching about 2500 bead
this week, 100 more than last Monday, and the
market was without any material change,
very dull. Prices ranged at from 15i to Mc
for extra western and Pennsylvania ;13©150
for good, and 10@12o 7 lb' for common quality,
including some disposed of at 6@iB3elct lb gross.
Cows were in fair demand, and 145 head sold
at from $30070 each for Springers, and s4o®
80 for Cow and Calf, as to condition.
Hogs.—Prices were rather better, end 2300
head mid at the different•:yards, at from sl6®
17 60 the 100 lbs., as to quality. •
Sheep were rather dull, but prices show little
or no change ; 800 head arrived and sold at 61.
®7io 3 lb gross for fat, $4 50®5 each for
stook Sheep, and $4 to 6 for Lambs.
Battery H. 152 d Pa. Vol., will
please meet at the Court House, on Sat.
urday, Sept. 23d, 1865, between the hours
of 1 and 2 o'clock, P. M. Every mem
ber is earnestly requested to be be pres
ent or else no action can be taken.
GEO. H. SPANO, Chairman.
Lebanon, Sept. 13, 1865.-2 t.
WANTED—A room suitable for a
first class Lager Bear and Eating Saloon. Ad•
dross, "A. 11./' Lebanon, Pa.
lir Mr. Samuel. Houck has opened a
tine assortment of Boots, Shoes, Sc.. for ladies and
gem lane., a t his Moro on' Market !Wrest, which he is
•eJing at the lowest price.
car Mr. A. Bteigerwalt, at his Furni
ture Elora Jo Mr." Let strrat, north of the FiMoo&
on hand o large asscrtmeot of all kind% of chairs,
which will be Ciaptced of cheep. -
tarty-four ',moue were rce - alvtd Into full insulter.
ably in toe Metholeit 11?:6 , 741a1Ohurch, in Ltbanon,
Rev. Id H 815ty, vterOr Thli Is a In'Bt encouraging
addleon to the church.
ice' The fine farm belongiek to the estate
of John Funk, &c.d....Huai° OP the Pike, aeon a mile
west of Lebanon, and containing 120 acme and 42 perches
of land, was cold at public rale, on Friday last. Mrs.
EI/Z Brut:molter, one of the heirs, wee the purchaser, at
$4lO per acre.
'Stanton Ivo notified Captain' Penrose B. Mark pud B.
Frank Rein, of the 08d. that the “Preeldent of the
Bolt, d states has appointed you, for gallant and marl
bedews se, vices in the austifit t efore Petersburg, Va., a
Mej r of Volunt- era, by brav4t, in the movies of the
ed awes, to rank tee ouch from the second day of
April, 1865." We congratnlete-the gallant on this welt
merited reCognition of their services -
or The United States Mining Register
of last week hea:the follow ir g:
LEBAVON AND PI snows Rall.llolo.—The surveys fur
this road have been completed and the work will coon
he pat uuder contract, with a view to its early comple
ti o. The length of tee line inc eted from Pinegrove to
eboo.erris shout 23,mile wiqr a ..aximum grade• - not
exceeding 3J feet in t a mile, exalnpt the owl era le,
encnttuterwl in mounting over the gravel ridge through
which the Union canal panes in a tunnel.
the Ulna Mountain...which is between Lobanoti •nd
VtingtiVATilttlnis t . p '" Le; ll4 ' 4 v— t F 4 - I SES e XP- r - 3 10
The hot tat Lebanon Halle oad wai built to carry iron
ore from the Cornwall Hills t Lebanon, and the Pine
grove road will l e built to carry auth.acite caul to
Lebanon. thereby giving Lebanon great adventagea for
the Malin illOttita of lig iron, by reezeon of its proximity
to ore and tool. And when the railroad surveyed from
Carliele,to the South Xenolith' Iron Company's vast
dap Alt of hematite ores shalt have been completed.
theme urea will be mixed with the magnetic ores of
Cornwell. juht as Iron ores of New Jersey are carried
Juts the Lehigh Valley for a imix lure with Lehigh meg.
Lebanon is a moot. faverable point 'or the matinf.ciure
of iron, and mutt become aplart distinguished as well
for the quantity and quality as the- theapneeo of its
pig metal; for Lebanon is sitar sutlaacito mlneo, is claw
to mountains of magnetic one. is conventeat • o richest
hematite') , and loin the lap of a Jimesto , le valley of
unrivaled rural beauty and egriaultur..l produ..eive.
NEW Fall arrival of Hats, Boots,
Shoes, &c.
As good Stock as is made in Lebanon, or any
other place: It bears examination. Decidedly
the Cheapest in town. -We will not 'be under
sold; we feel confident that we eon give eatisfbc•
tion to our customers. Call and examine our
Stock before purcbasing elsewbore,—in C. Hen
ry's New Building, opposite the Eagle Hotel, one
door west of Hauer daCapp's Tobacco Store, Cum
berland St., Lebanon., Pa. WINTON A SHEOL,
Housekeepers look to your interest.
Preserve your _fruits with Spear's Fruit
Preserving Solution, and save the ex
pense of Sugar and Sealing Jars. It is
warranted to prevent decomposition, or
fermentation in all kinds of Fruit and
Vegetables, keeping them in a perfectly
fresh and wholesome condition for years.
It contains nothing that is injurious to
health, or objectionable in articles of diet.
Fruit preserved by it, requires neither
Sugar or Sealing Jars ; old fashioned
glass or earthen jars, or even barrels can
be used.
Sold at Dr. George Ross' Drug
Store, opposite the Court Rouse, Leba
non, P. June 28.-2 m.
A Young RAT TERRIER nearly
bluck, smooth hair, brown feet, brown spots over
the eyes.oars unclipped, and long pointed tail,
STAYED from the owner in this borough on
Friday last. A reward of $2 will be paid for
the return of the dog, or such Information as will
lead to his recovery. Apply at this OFFICE.
Wrapping paper can now be had
;the paper mill of Stine & Ross. tf.
wabouniouse-Keeper should b e
Spear's Patent Fruit Preserv.
Ing SolutionN, o f
Store. L'e,le at LEMBERGER'S Drug
Spear's Patel_
Solution for sale at LEW".
No House-Keeper s 11
nig Store.
without a bottle of Spear'a Patent Filk.-„L 1 ,
ing Solution For tale at LEDIIIERGEIrMe
Photographs.--J. Daily is turn
ing out very fine pictures at his new Gal
lery, opposite .Siegrist's Hotel. All are
Invited to call and see his specimens.
gptcial, gtititts.
The Mason 4- Hamlin Abinet
Organs, forty different styles adapted to sacred
nod - secular music, for $BO to $6OO each. THIR
other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated
Catalogues free. Address, MASONI/6 HAMLIN,
Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New York.
Sept. 6,1865.—1 y.
Deafness, Blindness and
TREATED with ibe utmost sUCC4US, by Dr.
Oculist, and Aurlst (formelly of Leyden, Rovand,)
No. 519 Pine Street, Pbiladelpbi- Teatime's' from
the most reliable sources to tl.e City and Cauchy cau
be seen at his Of fice, Th e medical faculty RI a invited
to accompany 'their patients, as be 1' ,no be zets in
hie pea ctice. ARTIFICIAL EYES, inn: tad without
pain' No chvege madelor examination.
February 8, 1855.
Remove Your Bad Breath?
A foul breath is one of the most unpleasant
things a man or woman can be afflicted with.—
It makes your friend turn away his head from
you when you speak closely to him. It Makes
the lady who would otherwise love you wonder
why you do not get rid of a defeat so offensive.
For you can easily drive it away in, at least,
nine cases out of ten. Radway 's Regulating
Pills we have known to render a breath sweet
in a short time,
which, for years, was next to
unendurable. Sometimes a bad breath arises
from decayed teeth, and sometimes from
the bad condition of the gums. A tooth
brush and soap, a little magnesia, a bit of alum,
quickly remove the cause in such cases, and
with it the evil, But in a majority of instances
a fetid breath is occasioned by a disordered
stomach, and that will only yield to a suitable
use of Radway'a Regulating Pills. The judi
cious use of these pills renders all the secretions
healthy, and gives such tone and vigor to the
stomach that, even if the teeth are decayed, the
aroma from them becomes imperceptible. The
odor of good health, so to speak, neutralizes the
odor of dissolution, and the slightest application
of magnesia now and then to remove the tartar
from the teeth, leaves the mouth in an enviable
state of purity. No young lady need fear the
effect of a kiss stolen froin her lips by a fastid
ious lever, if Radway'e Regulating Pills have
been her reliance for the purification of her
health. She will fascinate, not shock his good
taste. For what is more ,fascinating than a
breath redolent of "Arabia's roses?" Yet Rad
way's Regulating Pills are only 25 cents a box.
N. B.—Dr. Radway's Pills are elegantly coat.
ed with gum, and free from taste or smell. They
are the only vegetable substitute for calomel or
mercury known. They purge thoroughly, with
out produoing cramps, pains, nausea, or vomit
ing. If used when afflicted.. with Liver Com
plaint, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Constipition,
Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, a cure will
follow. Sold by Druggists. Also by Dr. Ross,
Lebanon. Sept. 13, 1865.—it.
DINT BOTTLES at one Dollar each, for lame.:
riess, cuts galls, collo, sprains, &.0., warrant
ed cheaper ' tben any other. It is used by all
the great horsemen 'en Long 'eland courses. /I
will net cure .ring bone nor epavin, as there is
no liniment in exigence that will. Wbat. it is
stated to cure it poeitively does. No owner of
horses will be without after trying one bottle.—
One dorm revives and often saves the life of an
over heated or driven horse. For colic and bel
ly-aehe it has never failed. Just as sure as the
sun rises, just so sure is this valuable Liniment
to be the Horse embrocation of the day.: Sold
by all druggists. Office, 56 Cortlandt Street N.
York. - . [Sept.l3, 1865.-Im.
Ibis is the motto of our Government ; and its
Grant and Shermen
are writing it in words of fire on the
in the meantime throughout the-whole land
is winning its silent victories,- chaning rebel
lious reds, grays and yellows into rich blacks
and browns, and convertink, in a moment un
sightliness into. beauty.
only will eventually be recognized in the world
of fashion, yiz :—that manufactured by T. CRIS
TADORO, No. 6, Astor House. New York. Sold
by Druggistii. Applied by all Hair Dressers.
Sept. 13, 1865.—1nt.
Alileock's Porous Plasters.
A Droggist said the other day, you have no
need to advertise your . Porous Plaster for every
one sold, certainly causes a dozen to be sold, and
a dozen sells a gross, and so on. You will not
be able to supply the demand soon. But we can
supply a thousand yards a day, -
Hartford, Conn., Nov. 11th, 1561.
Messrs.. Thos. Allcock & Co.—Please send,
with dispatch, twelve dozen Allcook's Porous
Plasters. Our daily experience' confirms their
very superior excellence. At this moment of
writing, amen applies for one, who, by entangle
ment in the shaft of machinery, had both his
legs broken, spine severely injured, era was.for
nearly a year entirely helpless. This man found
relief very soon by the application of a piaster
to his spine. He was soon enabled to work, and
now labors as well as ever. He would chrerfnl
ly pay".ls fora single plaster if they could not
be had at a lower rate. I am surprised that
surgeons do not make use of these perforated
plasters, to the exclusion of all others, as their
flexibility and adhesiveness are greatly in ad
vance of all o tbar-ulasters with. which .1.--amo tiCt
quaturscrrwriTre — tne—prriu pue. aft .
them rendered them greatly superior tc all
others for ordinary Surgical uses. Knowing the
Plasters to be so useful, I have no scruples that
My sentiments shall be known.
Principal Agency, Brandreth House, New
Sold by' ll dealers , in Medicines,
Sept. 13, 1865.-Im.
It having coma to onr knowledge that imitations of
the American Watch have been put upon the mar
ket in great number, calculated by their otter worth
le wiess to injure the reputation of our genuine pro
ducts, to protect our own interests and this public
from imposition ,we again publish the trade marks
by which our Watches may invaribly be known.
We manufacture four styles of Watches.
The Maar has the name
"AMER/CAN WATCH CO., Waltham. Mass. , ; en
graved on the inside plate.
The Swarm has the name
"APPLETON, TRACT & Co., Waltham , Mass,' en
graved on the inside plats.
The Texan hits the name
"F. B. BARTLETT, Waltham. Ideas.," engraved on
the inside plate.
All the above styles have the name American Watch
Co. painted on the dial, and are warranted in every
The FOURTH has the name
..W.M.ELLERY, Boston, Mass.," engraved on the in
aide plate , and is not named on the d lat.
All the above described watches are made of various
sizes and are sold in gold or silver cases, as may be
It is hardly possible for us to accurately describe
the numerous imitat ions to which we have alluded.
They are usually inscribed with names some nearly
approaching our own as to escape the ohserstetion of
the unaccustomed buyer. Some are represented
as made by the "Onion Watch Co., of Boston Mass. ,
—no snob company existing. Some are named the
"Soldier's Watch," to be sold as our Fourth or Wm.
Ilery style, usually known as the "Soldier's Watch "
Others are named the "Appleton Watch C 0.." others
the "P. 8. Bartley," instead of our P. S. Bartlett :"
besides many varieties named in such a manner as to
convey the -idea that they are the veritable produc•
tions of the American Watch Company.
.We also caution. the public, and particularly sol•
diere, against buying certain artilos called watches,
so freely ad vertised in illustrated papers as "Army
Watches," "Officers' Watches," "Magic: Time Obser
vers," "Arcane. Watchea," dm., the prices of whicli
stn stated b be from seven to sixteen dollars. A
good watch, in these times, cannot be afforded for any
such money.
A little attention on the part of buyers will protect
them from gross Imposition.
Agehta for the American Watch
102-Broadway, New York,
Aug. 30, 1865,-1m
A GENTLEMAN cured of Nervous Debility, Prema
ture Decay, and the effects of youth ail indiscre
tion, will be happy to devilish others with the means
of cure, (free of charge.) This remedy is simple, safe
and certain.
For full particulars, by return roan, please address
00 Nassau St., New York.
June 74,1865.--3 m
The Lebanon Market.
Carefully Corrected Weekly.
LEBANON, Wan/maw SEPTEMBER/8, 1865.
Extra Family, B'o 00 Eggs, 116 doz., 26
Extra Flour, . 910 Butter, iii lb., . 26
/me White Wheat, 220 Tub or salted butter, 10
ed Wheat, - 200 bard, 20
Oats, 210 Tallow, 12
90 Ham, 22
Thnothy-se 65 Shoulders. 18
Flamaaal, 0 8100, ' 18
DriedApples,pealt , -„, 8 "P, 10
Peach "Butts," a 8- waa, 26
Peach "llntaele," 2 013 thaßage, 6
Cherries, 236 96. Rag i .„...„ ,
1 Onions, l5O Woo Po.- 1234
potatica,lB hue, 100 lgoup Bee „, . 40
AppleE utter, iiicrock, 7.5 Vinegar,lBl; -, 82.1 z
.... -''.
English prenehinguext Sunday at 10 A. M., at the
Horse Shoe Pike blunting House.
English preaching nose Sabbath morning, in the First
Reforme , i Church.
German preaching next Sunday intoning end English
in the evening, in Salem's Lutheran Church.
Sr. JOlll , Ol ItspOWILED CntraCri—Servimes every Sunday
Morn f ng end Evening.. Lecture on Wednesday OTO
H. S. Spannutles sale in Joa
nn township, will take place on Monday, Octo
ber 2. We received it too late for insertion tbie
On the 100 h inst., by the Ref. P. W. liroblor, Mr .
Bethel township, this county.
Oa the 3d last., by the Bev. J M. Deanler, hir.JER
On the r9th ofJoly, by the Rev. A. Stetgerwelt. Mr.
L. W. FV411314101, t) Mies REBBOJA DISSINGER
both f Elhitatfai3towo.
On Aug 240, by the ezme, Mr. JOHN MARK, to
Mix HA i.LY HUFFS% bth of Humme'dawn. . . .
On August 31a1, by the es ne, Mr. JOHN A HETBET,
to Aire FANY HOFFER, both of South A bovine. Lob
snob county.
un the Slot ult., by the Roy. John Stamm, Mr
JBAAO FOX, of Cornwall, to fillet LEALI 001tRY, of
Swatav a, Dauphin county.
On the seoond font, by the Roy. W. 8. Emery, Mr.
JOSEPH H. GERNERT. of Lob3non eaunty, to Mtn
ELIZAILERH MORN, of Dauphin county, Pa.
In Phi'adelphia, on the sth inst., IDA, child of
Irrieh and Lovina FIZANTZ, agod 1 ye:z.r, 4 months,
and 28 days.
In Cornwall township, on the sth mist.. WILLIAM
11. SMUT, aged 51 year', 2 months, and 18 days.
On the 22nd of Angint,3lr. DAVID Loaex, of Lon
donderri township, aged CS years T months and 23
On tho 30th ult , Par. JOHN MARTIN BABMIN, in
Ormpble4tswa, of cholem morbas, trod 72 yEars. 5
months and 25 days.
Iltbx atturtiztinsitto.
Re-opened on Sept. 4th.
The 14th Terin of Lebanon Female
Also the sth Term of Lebanon Valley
Principal, Mee SARAH ELLIS EDDY.
Preceptreas, Mies ELSIE A. CHOATE.
Teacher °Ulnae, Iltes ELIZA K. ALTEMUS.
TOBBBONS desiring :Or their eons and daughters
careral and Thorough training, will do well to in
quire into the claltasof these !Schools. 4.d. STINE,
Iris.. Board Or:Trustees.
CLebanon,'Segt.l3, /885.
J. W. Wan, See
Notice. to Teachers.
A N Examination will be held for 9 Teachers for
Pinegrove Township, br the County Superiinten•
dent, at the Public House. of JOSEPH MILLER,..In
the Borough of Pinegrove, on Tdesday,..September 213th,
1866, at 834 o'clock, A. M. The term ze four months,
to commence the first Monday In November. Wages
Lora g. 1.2% to $lO aocording to certificates.
. By order of thelloard,
WAS. UHLER, President,
JACO Wiscsa., Secretary. Sept. 13, 1865.-21.
Executor's Notice.
Ii k TOTME is hereby given that Letters Testamentary
lr on the estate of DAVID LOGAN, de.3'd., late of
Londonderry township, Lebanon county, Pa, have
been granted to the undersigned, residing in the town
ship, county and state aforesaid. Therefore, all per
sons indebted said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims wilt present them,
duly authentle7.ted, without delay, to the undersigne d
for settlement.
- THOMAS LOGAN, Executor
Loudondery tp,. Sept.lB, 1865.-6E.*
WILL be sold at public sale, at the public house of
Conrad U. forgoer, in North Lebanon Borough,
Saturday, October 14, 1865,
A LOT Olt PIECE OF GROUND, situate on Plank -
Road street, between Guilford and Mifflin strerts in
the borough of North Lebtni4in, adjoining property of
George Fisher and an ally, having erected
n. thereon a two stqry Brick Dwelling-ROUSE,
•,! with Bn i ement MOURN, Summer
n EN - Pi , Sty, , nd other necessary ontbuild.
doc 4 title and -possession will be given on the let
day of April. 1866,
Sale I.i mramerter at 1 o'clock, P. AL, when terms
wilt be male known by
Executor of Ma 7 Sholly, dec'd.
7 7 be SG pet lie see; a the late residence
• • •
nen Itc . cn:btp; -- on the new bee' erstnivir — road, about
434 miles tom Lebanon and 8 nine.? from Shaeffers
t 7Wtt. on
Thursday, September '2B, 1865,
the following Pervonal Property, - viz
1 COW, 2 FAT stAls, 2 Shoats, GEESE, CHICK
ENS, Stove with Pipe,Bels and Bedsteads. Bedding,
Tables, Chairs .Choot3; Ward rote, Barrels,.Pots,'Pana,
Tubs. FLAX SEED, WC3L by the pound, Tree Saw,
Quarrying Ttole, old Meat, TOP BUGGY, Carrrage
Harnes;'Hcase powder Mill, Fly Nets, POTATOES by
the bushel, SALT, Bags, Woad HAY by ttie
Ton, 3 kale CORN FODDER, Boole, Doctor Book;
and many other articles too numerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., when terms
w i l to medo known by
Admio Written' of Nicholas Becker, deo'd
At the same time and place,
NO. 1.
A Tract of CHESTNUT SPROUT LAND, (some of it
cut 20 years, and some lest,) con' aiming . 4 Acres
and .184 perches, in neldieberg township, Lebanon
county, near M iller's Hlll , about 2Kmiles from Shaer
ferstown end I mile .from the road leading to Millers
Mill, adjoining lands M . O. Btrocir, 8.. Kreider, Weigly
& Bomberger, and John Bomberger.
- N 0.2.
Also, that in the fourth, section of an act of Am m•
My, entitled "An Act relating to executions and for
other purposes," approved Aprill6, 1840, it is enacted
that the aforesaid Lath section ' - shall not be so con
strued as to prevent any militia officer or Borough of
ficer from serving as judge, inspector or clerk at arty"
general or special election in this Commonwealth."
Also, that in the blot section ofaald act, it is enacted
that '-every general and special election shall be open
ed between the hours ofeight and ten in the forenoon,
and shall continue without interruption or adjourn.
nrent,until seven_o'elock in the evening, when the
polls shall be closed."-
The General„ special, city, incorporated district and
township • electione, and all elections for electors of
President or Vice President of the United States shall
be held and conducted by the inspectors and judges
elected as aforcraid, arid by clerks appointed as here•
leafier provided,
No person shall be permitted to vote:at any election
as aforesaid, but a white freeman of thii age of 21 years
or more, who shall have resided in this State at least
one year, and in the election district where he offers
to vote at least ten days immediately preceediug such
election, and within twopence paid a State or County
tax,lwhich shall have been assessed at least ten day,
before the election. Bat a citizen of the United States
who has previously been a qualified voter of this State
and removed threfrom and returned, and who shall
hive resided in the election district. paid taxes as
aforesaid, shall be - entitled to vote after residing in
this State six months : Provided, That the white free
men, citizens of the United states, between the ages of
21 and 22 years, and have resided in the election dis
trict ten days as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote,
although they shall not have paid taxes. ,
No person shall be admitted to vote. whose name
is not contained in the list of taxable inhabitants fur
nished by the- conamiesionera; unless: First be' iro
duce a receipt for the paYmerit within two years, of
a State and County tax, assessed' agreeably to the Con
stitution and give satisfactory evidence, either
on his own oath. or affirmation or 'the oath or ,
affirmation of another person, -that he hes paid !
such a tax, °von failure to produce a receipt, shall
make oath or payment thereof: or, second, if he claims
a vote by being an elector between the ages of 21 and
122 years, he shall depose on oath or affirmation that
he has resided in the State •at least one year before
his application, and make such proof of his residen , 3
in the district as is required by this act, and that he
does verily believe from the accounts given him that
he is of the age aforesaid, and give etch other evidences
as is required by this act, whereupon the - name of the
person BO permitted to vote Shall be inserted in eh
alphabetical list by the inspectors and a note made
opposite thereto by writing the word 'tax,' if he shall
be admitted to vote by reason of having paid his tax,
or the word 'age,' if he shall be permitted to vote by
reason clutch age, and in either case the reason of
such vote shall be called out to thee:larks who shall
make like notes in the list of Voters kept by them.
In all cases whore the_ name of the person claiming
to:vote ie not found on the list furnished by the corn
missioners and assessors, or his right to vote, whether
found thereon or not, Is objected to by any qualified
citizen it shall be the duty of the inspectors to exam
ine such .person on oath as to his qualifieati One, and if
_ he claims to have resided within the State for one year,
IL LECTURE or more, his oath will bo sufficient thereof, but . shall
make proof by at, least one competent witness who
r riCe
shall be a qualified elector, that he has resided within-
IrCel.ll3.ic - M11A.1341..
1! Pablithedk in a Sealed TavelePe- : Price six QM& the district for more than ten days immediately pre
ig said election and shall also himself swear
: '
LECTURE on the nature, treatment and Radical that his bona Ode reeldense in pursuance of hi;lawful
cure of Spermatorrinea or Seminal Weakness, In- calling is within the district ; and that he did not re
intary Emblatents, Sexual Detillity, and Impedi- move- into said district km the prolapse of - voting
Baehlarriage generally, Nervonsnes, Conaump- therein.
......:,glary , and. Fite ; Medal and Physical Ines- Every pe. son qa" fled as aforesaid, and. who shall'
from Ilelf.A.buse Ai:. By ROBED& make doe proof, If required, of his. residence and pay
tiVil. D., Author of the "Green Went of taxes aforesatd, shall be permitted - to vote in
, quo..
ally removed wittagnoitned author, in this ad- mild
. township, worth or district in which he shall re
one surgicaLoperationePglearly proves from hie ,If any person shall vrevent, , r attempt to prevent
or cordials, pointing out ...
ic lathe awful. °ones- ally officer of any election under this act from holding
tabu and effectual, by wh ,... h .„,‘Vmay be effectu- inch election:or use or threaten goy violeoce to any
what 108 condition =V . .... ... , nthßut danger- inch officer, or shall Interrupt or irqs.roperly interfere
rings with him in the exec..tion of his duty, or shall Mix&
,cer- up the window of the avenue to any window where the
pbroSiovenantrelayta°oltudsanradically. seal, d S
thanadncl'..h address , Thousands . l '
s o la r ts treor.„ came May be holding, or shall riotously disturb the
envelope, •on receipt 9. 2" cents , , limo at anch election, or shell nee Intimidating threats,
stainer by alidrells'EFonAB.- J. C. gLygE & Cii)., - -ixa or violence, a ith a design to Influence or overawe
. .
ilisotor or prevent him from voting, to reetrair
beltn, of choice, inch a person on conalletiott,
: - la any sum not exceeding one, hundred
"honed for any time not less than one
Sept. 12 8 7:16 18 ° 65 wery , , New York, Poet . Wm . box 111 586
-u twelve months and if it . Shall be
"e-the trial oemuell °Palmlike!!
-mending was not a resident
Spron s,) containing 4 Acme and 141 perches, in Hai
dleberg township, Lebanon county, in the same neigh
borhood as No. 1, adjoin log lands of Miller's Mill,
Weigly & Bomberger, John Mors and C. Streak.
• y Any pei con wishing to view the above land will
call on either of the undersigned.
Sept. i 3, 1865.
Splendid Farm.
WILL be sold at public sale, on the premisos of the
P V undersigned, on
Monday, October 2, 1865,
llle fine Farm located in. Cornwall township, Leba
non County, about 3 nines from Lebanon, on the
road leading to Eby's Tavern, near Ziun'l Mill, eon
tutu ing
90 ACTOR and - 41 Perches
of good LIME STONE LAND, under good fences and
• • laid off into Convenient Bel& with run
ning water. 'Also running water through
%slim m
the house and in the barn yard and
MI 1, 1
wells with pumps at the house and near
_ the barn. Water can be reached by the
cattle from every field with Out going on
the road. The improvements are a large two story
stone MANSION HOUSE with kitchen and wash
Souse attached. largo SWITZER BARN and other
Barn,Oarriap U otleta',..Wagsn Phed, and. in fact all
necessary outbuilding : •An excellent - Young OR
CHARD and all sof Fruit Trees. This `To one of
the moat desirable and•BEST FARMS in LEBANON
7 Acres of Woodland,
HEAVY WHITE OAK, in Cornwall town
ship, about two mica from No. 1.
NO. 3.
5 Acres and 11 Perches
1 2 1 i,I B' R
- Hde1 ,:1 45 berg oWnsh fromShelferatowo
,yio r
on the mad leading .to Baekley's. Ralf
the timber of the above tract is St to cut.
NO. 4.
3 Acres and 17 Perches
of CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND about a mile flrom
N 0.3.
lir The whole can be bought together, or singly, to
snit purchasers. Good title and possession will be
given on the let of April, 1803.
Sale to commence at 'clock, P. 11., wheur terms
will be made known by
Cornwall tp. Sept. 13, 1865. , .
:- .5. ,
Who hrsharl the honor of appearing before the most
n'ect audiences, and pronounced by the public and the
press of the above named countriea, one of the first of
liviog ballad lagers.
Another great feature in the entertainment is the
astonishing and extraordinary exhibition of Prof. Mil.
The performance of these beentlfal and highly
trained °artery Birds baffles all deocription s and moat
be seen t.. be appreciated. The Fairy Songsters being
drilled and taught to perform wonderful feata, rivalirg
theme of intelligent twinge.
The Extraer&inary, Inexplicable, Mystic and Magic
Programme will contain a v tzlety of new
and Incredible Peat" In
Never before vvittemed in America, which in the hands
of the present performer, are made the means
of an agreeable oveaing'm treat
Ea- Doors
14op, en
1885. at 73 ole'onk. To .mmeteare at 8.
TVIREGANT to owlet of the General .dosembly of
tbeCOmmonwealth of Pennaylnnis entitled "Ati
Act relating to the elections of this commonwealth,"
approved the 2nd day of July, A. 1)., one thousand
eight hundred and thirty nine, I, D. S. MATTHEWS,
sheriff of the county of Lebanon, in Pennsylvania,
hereby make. known and give notice to the electors in
the county aforesaid, that a General Election will be
held In the said county of Lebanon, on the aeavred
Tuesday, (being the 10th day) of October, 1885, at which
time the electors of the county aforesaid will vote -in
their respective districts for
One person for Auditor General.
One person for Surveyor General.
One person to represent the county of Lebanon In
the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania.
One person to fill the office of Treasurer for the
county of Lebanon.
One. person to fill the office of District Attorney, for
the county of Lebanon.
One person to fill the office of County Commissioner
for theorem:l ty of Lebanon.
One person to fill the office of Director of the Poor
for the county of Lebanon.
One person to fll l the office of dud itor for the corm
' ty of Lebanon.
NOTICE that the places of holding the aforesaid Gen
eral election in the several wards, boroughs, districts
and townships within the county of Lebanon, are as'
follows, to wit -
The Electors of the East Ward Borough of Lebanon 1 1
are to meet in the Commissioners' rooms in the Court I
House in said 'Borough.
The Electors of the West Ward of the Borough of
Lebanon are to meet in the Jury Room, on the west
side of the Court House in said Bi rough.
The Electors of South Lebanon tewnsh ip are to meet
in the Grand Jury room at the Court House in the
Borougn of Lebanon,
The Electors of North Lebanon Borough are to meet
at the Public House of Benjamin Zeller, in said Bor
The -Electors of North Lebanon township are to
meet at the Publiollonse of E. G Lantz, in said town
The Electors ofJaekson township, are to meet at the
Public House of WM. P. Rapp, in said township.
The Electors of North Annville township, are to
meet at the Public House of Jacob Germany, in said
The Electors of Heidelberg township, are to meet at
the Public House of A. Steinmetz, in said township
The EleCtors of Londonderry township are to wet
at the Yublio HMO of John Wheland, in said
The Electors of East Hanover township are to meet
at the Public House of Jacob W. Adams, in said town
The Electors of Swateratownship are to meet at the
Public House of Simon Heilman, in said township.
The Electors of Bethel township are to meet at the
Public House of John H. Rohr, in said tchwinship. -
The Electors of 'Union township are to meet at the
Public Rouse of Daniel Bordner, in said township.
The Electors of hisillcreek township are to meet at
the Public Rouse of Joseph Matthews, In said
.The Electors of South Annville township are to
at the Public House of S. hi. Cral I, in said township.
The Electors of Cold Spring township are to meet
at the School House, at or near Eausch Gap, in said
The Etectors of Cornwall township, essbraced In the
southern district of said township are te meet st the
Public Bowe of J. do G. Eby, in said distriet.
The Electors of the Northern district of Cornwall
township are to met in Traverse Jury room on the
west side of the Court Rouse,. in the Borough of Debit
The election to be opened between the hours of eight
and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and shall continue
' a al e ir o lesZtietion e i edVr i nmene,reod janot_tosta
The several Judges, Inepectere and Clerks who
shall have attended at the preceding election for mom
berg of Assembly, ere required to attend and perform
at ; said election, the like duties, and be subject to
to the like penalties for neglect or misconduct as they
tv:e liable to at the election of members of Assembly;
and in ease of not/attendance, by reason oT sickness
or some other unavoidable C 2,1190, so that the appoin'
meat of euch Judge, Inspector, or Clerk, would d(
volve on the officers of election present, I hereby give
I also Make known and give notice, as in and by the
lath section of the aforesaid act I em directed, "that
every person , except Justices of the Peace, w ho shall
bold any office or appointment of profit or trust under
the governinent of the United States or of this State
or any city or incorporate district whether a commis
sioned officer - or otherwise subordinate officer or agent
who is or shall be employed under the legielativejn
diciary or executive department of this State or the
United States, or of any city or incorporate district,
and also. that every member of Congress and the
State Legislature, and of theeelect or common council
o ramp city , commissioners of any incorporate district
is by law- incapable of holding or exercising at the
same time the office or appointment of Judge, inspec
tor or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
and that no inspector or Judge, or officer of any such
election,' shall be eligible to any office then to be voted
for." -
Agents for the lieire
Sep(ember 13th, and 14th.
The Phrld r. nowned
AFTER a tour of near y five years in
EngrianJ, Scotland, North anu Son th Wales, the
Otos le% New _Foundland. Nova Scotia and New Brune•
week, bop leave In announce his Grand Unique Butes
taln went, entailed
In covinneallon with
of the city, ward or district, or township where the arid
arm was committed, and not entitled to vote therein;
then, on conviction. he shall be sentenced to pay a fine
of not less than $lOO and not more than $lOOO, and be
imprisoned not lam than six months or more than two
In ease the person who ebal !have received the second
highest number of votes for Insp , otor shall not attend
on the day of election, then the person who shall have
rc ceivbd the next highest number for Judge at the next
spring election shall act wins octor in Ma place. And
In case the person who shall have received the highest
number of votes for inenceor shall not attend, the
judge shall appoint an inspector in his place, end in
case the meson elected Jodge ehn,U not stand then the
inspector who received the highest number of votes
shall spit a judge In his place, or if any vacancy
shall cmtinne in the board for the space of one hour
after the time fixed by law for the opening of the else
tine, the qualified voters of the township, ward or die.
Wet for wbkb the atid officer shall have been elected,
present at the place of election, a All select one of their
number to fill such vacancy.
It shall be the duty of the several aseeellOre, respect•
fvely, Oe attend'at the place ,of holding eve:y general
election, during the time said election Is kept open, for
the purpose of giving infermatlon to the inspectors
and judge) when called owl in relation to the right of
any person assessed by them to vote at .such eleethiss,
or such other matters in relation to the asometnent of
voters as the said inspectors,-or either of them shall
from time to time require.
MRITINE 07 riEltralt JD➢QB6
Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 78th see-
Mu of the act aforesaid, the judges of the aforesaid
districts shall respectively take charge of the certifi
cates or return of the election of their respective dis
tricts, and produce them at a meeting of one judge
from each district, at Lebanon, on the third day after
the day of election, being FRIDAY. the 13th of OOTO
BE% then and there to do and perform *e duties ro.
gutted by law of the said judges.
Also, that where a judge by slokne: - a or unavoidable
accident Is unable to attend to such meeting of judges,
than the certificate , or return aforesaid shall be taken
charge of by one of the inspectors or clerks 01 the
election of said district, who shall do and perform the
duties required of said judges unable to attend.
Given under my hand, In my cillte In Lebanon, the
Bth day of Beptember, A.D.,lBfb.
Sheriff of Lebanon 170.
SimsuPro Wide, Lebanon, Sept, 14 1885.-4 t
Stray Cow.
("AMR to the premises of the undersigned, in Corn.
11 1,) wall township, at! the Plank road, about 2 miles
Prom Lebanon, about a week ago, a brown --
COW, (since with Calf,) having an ear \ - Trifki
mark, and about 8 years old. The owner
is a requested to come for Ward, prove ilm• •
property, pay charges, and take it away : , or-It wilt b.
disposed of according to law.
Cornwall, Sept. 6,1865."
Guns, Rifles / Pistols.
MEIN subscriber would respectfully inform the pub•l. lie that the largest and best assortment of
in the county, may be found at his ea
tablisbment, on Market street, a fete
dons north of the Lebanon V. It. R.,
Lebanon, Pa.
He hue Just returned from the city,
with another fine assortment o f GUNS, RIFLES, PIS
TOLS, POWDER. OAPS, &c., to which the attention of
the sporting fraternity, as the Beaton is now bare, is
Alai-M1 kinds of repairing done at the shortest pose
bla notice and In the best style of workmanship.
Lebanon, Sept. 6,1865.
Cheaper than the Cheapest
Just received from New York au Immense
Stook of
And QUEENS WARE, &c., at a great
Reduction of Prices, at tho
Next door to Adam Rise's Hat Store
Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa.
- -
All colors French Merinoes, - Very Cheap .
All colors all Wool Reps , Very Cheap.
All colors all Wool Detains, Very Cheap.
All colors Plain Mohairs. Very Obedp.
Splendid Detains, 31 cents r yard.
Merrimack CaHanes. 30 cents a yard.
- Full Madder Calico, 25 cents a yard .
Good Styles Calico, at 20 ets. a yard.
1 yard wide beat heavy Unbleached Muslin, at 331-3
eta a yard.
1 yard wide heavy Unbleached Muslin , at 30 eta a yard
7-8 yard wide Uubleach Muslin, at 20 ate. a yard
Unbleached Muslin, 16 do
1 yard wide very beet bleached Muslin, 45 do .
do Bleftthedlttualln, - do
, Bleached Muslin, 26 k 10 do
All colors °fall Wool Flannels, at 3734, 45 and 50 do.
Jeans, Satinets, Cassimeres, Cloth, at
Price to Salt the Times.
3 pounds very best RIO COFFEE
for $1 00.
- 8 pounds bright SUGAR for $1 00.
Call before purohasing elsewhere and see bow
Cheap, you can buy at
Cheap Cash and . Preatice Stote.
Lebanon, Sept. 8, 1885.
Poor Man's Cash
Shoe Store!
, Our Business Increasing!
Promise to give Costomers the Benefit
Rally Men
and Buy Win. Shoes Cheap
Oont buy .until you seP our Stock
Quick Sales and Small Profits is our
Motto !
Market street, Lebanon, Pa
' Public Sale
Of Personal Property.
yij ILL BE SOLD at Public Salo, on
Thursday, September 14th, 1865,
At-the late residence of PHILIP. 811AAK: dec'd., in
South Lebanon township, Lebanon county, about 8
miles south-east of the borough ofLebanon, the follow
ing personal property, to wit :-
4 good BEDS and BEDSTEADS, good Cradle, Bed
ding, Comforts, Blankets, Chests , Bureau, Woodchest,
Tables, 2 Coal Stoves and 1 Wood
Cooking Stove, With Pipe,
Gun, 2 Iron Kettles ' crook,
and CASE, Buckets, stands
Salt, 8 barrels VINEGAR,
Sink, Kitchen Cupboard, Looking-glasses,
Dough Tray, and many other articles too
numerous to mention. Also,
HAY by theAC, a lot of STRAP, lot of WARDS,
lot of POCI,T ', lot of POTATOES, itc.
One hundred tither HALTERS.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day
whe: terms of sale will be made known by
Administrators of the estate Philip Ratak, dec'd
Aug, 23,1885.
For School Year, une,lB6s—June, 1866
11THACHERS.—The examination of Teachers few
the above District will take place at Jonestown,
on Saturday, September 16, 1865.
NAPOLEON DEMI , President.
BILENEY, Secretary.
Q TDADEIERS.—TI;e examination of Teachers for the
L., above District will take place at Neumanstown, op
Wednesday, &Amber 20.1865.
MED. A. SCHULTZ, President.
JACOB C. Prez, Secretary.
19 TB ADIIERS.—The examination of Teachers for
JAI the above District will take place nt Schaeffcre•
town, on Thursday,'September 21,1886.
MAST D...11e, Secretary.
The New York
S -1 4 0\ R 4 rri
$30,000 Worth
NEW GOQDS to be sold immediately, Wash,:
atprieee that will
Or" Not one Dollar's worth of old shelf-wO.Oll
goods ; all NEW and direst from the InitiOterst
and Manufacturers. The
That you have all. read of has at last soma,. wl4lll
you can boy Goods
At "Before the War" Price*
Would respectfally announce to tEle MEMO
of LEBANON and surrounding country - thug_
they have opened a -
• .. .
Zimmerman Stand 4,
Which they have filled with an (mike NW .
STOOK OF GOODS, just purchasierin 'tiffs
prices for Clash, consisting of
Fancy and Staple Dri:Goodv.
Cassimezes, Vesti n g s Readjo.
Made Clothing, Boots and ' Shoe;
Hats and Caps, Groceries, Crodtro,
ery, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Notion;
&c., &c.
All of which will be sold at prices less tailor
any other Store in the County.
LADIES call and examine our line of:DRILO:
GOODS ; they cannot be excelled anywhews.
They would respectfully ask ALL to sell _ 10:i
THE NEW YORK STORE, and examine Go*
and prices before purchasing elsewhere as *lt
can and will give bargains that cannot be halt}
• •-
Merry &
Lebanon, Aug. 16, 1866
Personal Propelly.
at I 4441
---,--... •,.1. .../A . ,
• .12t
WILL be eold at public bale, on
Friday, September 22, 186 - - 1 - -
At the late residence of Christian Bricker, dee'd4lll2o
North Lebanon township, in Pinegrove street,;-,ial*
the borough, the following Personal Property, vinpeNl ,
1 one-hoists WAGON, Sleigh, 2 Plonos, Rare' •-
Sitdellw - ,;, I side Saddle, Chains, Traeliai'ft2eidadMion ,
Forks, Wheelbarrow, Windmill, Straw Bench, Bath '`.
(wood, coal and cook,) all to good as new, 4 BEDS .a *,
Bedsteads, 4 Chaste, 1 large 0.7,CK, Bureaus, 2 Tald ~'
Chairs, good al new, 50 yards of CARPET, goed dita 2
Kitchen and Corner Cupboard, tin, Earthen, Iron et
Queensware, Iron Kettle, Knivon, .cen.ti r •Tulssri
Barrels, Scaldinz Trough, Meat Cuthr, and aya
o f other Household and Kitchen Furniture. Mesa.
lot of CARPENTERS' TOOLS, such as Planes, eh'
Saws, Axis, Tree Saw ; alto CORN and POTATO
lot of CHICKENS, lot of PINE BOARDS, and'
other articles--
Sae to commence at 12 o'clock, M., erheate
be made known by AARON BRICKS% A' . ".
- MOSES I3RANDT, : 'i. -..':
Adaanb3trates3Cs - :
FL Moms, Auctioneer
Borough Property.
L ba sold at Public Sale, at, the pablie tusel
David Hollinger, on y
Saturday, September 30, 1865
AL corner LOT or GROUND, on Water strot,
side, half a square e7.St from Salem's Lutheran oh
fronting 22 feet on Water street, audt fet d
having erected therem ernew two'ab:Or :
HOUSE, witb. Kitchen atismbedi pi •
/ ALSO, with the above, A LOT OP GRA -4
11 back of and stiloining the above, 83 feet
4il, fronting on the alley. Thil is a very I}i63 and 77'
nimble property km a mechanic' or laboring Mtn;Z.
10 located, and wortbty the attentio*Wattao* - +: 4 l
siring a cheap home. .
Poeseasion and good title will beg *Lew_
of Aprll, 1866.
Sala to commence at 6 o'clock,.. P. M.,
will be made known by GEOREDI-4/RfOLIX-,-.
Lebanon, Sept. 6,1665.
TE subscriber will sell at public sale,-.:artidr ,
lie house of Fleury Slegrist, in the .1-eckyposU ;
anon. on
Friday, September 15,1615.-
e desirable Property, situate on Plank Road titrook
near Zion's Lutheran Cemetery, North Lidianottrßee.
°ugh, consisting of a LOT OF GROUND, *Outing SB .
feet on said street, and 198 feet deep having erected ; there3n a new two story brick DWELLINEV'
it. HOUSE, Summer HOUSE, Cistern,. Pig Pik
HI and other necessary outbuildings.
" Good title and possession will be "given f.
any time. Sale to commence at 6 o'clock, P. It, witosts,%,, :
terms win be made known by
N. Lebanon, August 28, 1865. -
. . ,
Orphans' Court Saks
PIIRSIIANT toan order. eg the
Lebanon County; will bie.'ez'po . eeTtir tral
lie vendue or eatery, at the Public House of 14011111e.,-,i;
Siegrist, in the Bereugh.d.Lebanon, on
Saturday, Septeffilial‘lB6s
The following Real Eatate, late of WILLIAAWODV
deed viz :—A certain Brick one stot7 HOOSSIto .
half LOT OF GROUND, with the.apwriew
aa es, situate in the Borough of behttnedi
situated and described as follows, ViE
ing west on Market street, thirty. three. lb
ad uining lot of John Bs_ Aar on the-south, Cia,
Strickler, on the North, and extentlinionitiva#,
ninety eight feet back to Doe Alley, on theelkt,i
Good title and vessession will be given orttlie ; rttinlitt,„='
of April, 1860.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. X., tv_ter* , ,:
will be m: de known by MARTHA . M a,. •
By the Court STROHM., A
Lebanon, September 6,1805. •
$l.O REWARD.. •
rion School Directors ofeorawalLtownship .pOr
I, a reward of $lO to any person-who Will give lei*"
mation r.s to the person or persons' who do any . wltja '
thl injury to, the School Howes or other operthay.,':,
the District. By order of the
Cornwall, Aug. 30, 1805. , -
North Lebanon Town
Bounty Tax.
rjirm BOOKS confining the Amen:Lei:4f 40.1
1864, have been placed in the bander& thoiltrain
ad for colh Alen; and against all owing onelifs
and who do not settle the same before the 12Ni.
tsraber, proximo, snits will be it:tea:Wad.
By order of the Board of Sebcollitrect*L .
SOLOMON SMITE, Justice °film
N. Lebanon Tp., Aug. '65.
For Sale. ' ....,., . ,-:.;-
THE subscriber offers at private eale .hin . ROUR
1 and L 'IT OF GROUND, situate in- Oorn-T4 , to
autken* il
ship near the Toll Gate, on the old Lan ; ; -- bli 7
fourth of a mile from Lelalie% - - ui l o
111 property of R. W. Golerean's•ileirstin KM
ill Marguart. The ROUSE la a two frste,
11 weather.); - mrded, good as new. •
For Anther Information apply t ] the undersign
residing near Independence Corner. -- •
JOSEPH . 17-, .
Cornwall tp, Aug; 80,1866.—*
`. 3# ..J