The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 13, 1865, Image 1

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    gdrantat Btiturtioet
ILI 30 .4%.,
L211.7-I^X U..) 1.. M CMILIA LTall..-I=z-rS 3
Neally and Promptly Executed, al the
TNFs .78811.1118188011 t is now supplied with ilia extensive
looortment of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the
introtiage demands. It can now turnout
• •vary description, ill 8 fleilt 100 014 , 01itic818 nu+na.•r—
-ut.l of very reasonable 1811181. SllOll 08
Pamphlets, Cheeks.
Rosiness Cards, handbills.
Circulars, Labels.
Bill Headings, Blanks,
Programmes, Bills of Pare,
Invitations, Tickets, lc., &c.
414 , Deans of all kinds. Common and Jadgment BONDS.
*hold. Justices', Constables' and other BLANKS, printed
Jorreetly and itently,on the heat paper, catistantly kept
for sale at this office, at prices "to suit the times." •
3E11.44.104ct0g5,. oir
Bite. 15. 3t. 3m. 6m. ly.
1 5 1 quarr, 12 Mice, $ .50 $l.OO $3.00 $5.00 $8 00
2 .. 24 liner, 1.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 12.00
3 '. 36 lines, 1.60 300 7.00 10.00 15.00
For Haeoutar's and Administrator's Noticaa, 2.00
For Assignee. Auditor and similar Notices, 1.50
For yearly Garde, not exceeding 0 liner, 3.00
For coinion,idserlirement. 1 rant, -- 60-00
For 3.45 column 30.450
For V s column " 1.1 • 10.00
For A nnouncingeandidateelor oilier, in advance, 2.00
For Annodnelng Rale, unaccompanied by adet. 1.00
For Local Notices, Society resolutions, &r., 8 eta
per line.
For EdAnipa or 'lrpoelo'lliOtteet, 8( cants' par" line
per year.
rerirly advertisements for Merchants and Baal
arse 41812 AO "lobed upon.
Subscription price of the-LEBANON Aroma - isEft
One Dollar and alfalf a Year.
Addrese. Wu. AI: banuo, Lebanon, Pa.
t t z• 33. .3 3r es, t XJask W.
f FFION on. Cumberland Street, one door east of the
1J LEBANON VALLEY BANK, with Bossier Boyer,
Esq. Lebanon, Aug. 80,
OVlllOlt In Eitlebter's Building, Cumberland Streu
nearly oppudte the COurtalouse, Lebanon.
Lebanon, bept.d. 1566.—t1.
A.ttC,Z" o.fat - Law. FFICEI near . the North Weat Corner of Market
0 Street and the Lebanon Valley Railroad.
Lebanon, Anglin! 2,1805.
.Elttoar• ucttul ovain.
am. AFL .T-8 .isk - 1787 - .
11 1 1118 undersigned. having been licensed to prosecute
claims, and having been engaged in the Bounty and
Pension business, offers his services to all those who
e thereto entitled, in accordance with the various
acts of Congress. All such should call or address at
once, and make their oppl tendons through
BABBLM - 110Tellt, Attorney at-Law,
OFFICE rumored to Cumberland St., one
door East of the Lebanon Valley Panic, opposite
the Book Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. pen. 6, '64.
t t - z• 30. - let yr at Ta et, vv.
Orielog, 2d Floor, under Funck's Hall, Cumber
land St, Lebanon, Pa.
1. iv 111 also attend promptly to the collection of all
War Claims.
Reforenees—Gov. A G. CURTIN, Harrisburg, Pa.;
R. E. WBlGirr, Stnte Reporter, Allentown ; Wellman
& Beavßit, attye., Bellefonte, l's ; BLAIR rt DEAN, Attys.
liollidayeburg, Pa.
Lebanon, June 21,1605.-Iy*. ,
Dal SISIaER 0 1! E R
t t cak 3r.
APPIOR removed to Outnberland street. one door
1 1,1 East of the Lebanon Valley Bank. opposite the
Bunk Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. [.Tan.
dr \MOE , in Cumbherland street. a few doors east of
jr the Eagle Hotel, in the office late of his father
Capt. John Weidman, dec'd.
Lebanon. Sept. D 0.803.
0 PPM with A. It. Boughter, Eeq., Cumberland
Street, nearly (inmate the Court Ilouse.
Lebanon, February 8,1865.
ciritus I'. NIILLER,
rink° in Welantana, neatly opposite the Buck
VI MAW, and Mt; doors south in Karmany's
Hardware atom.
L,banon, April 6,1864,1 y.
Has removed Mu office to the building, one door eau
of Lenderthileh 'a Store, opposite the Washington /louse
Lebanon, Pa.
BOUNTY and .PANSI.ON clainea,proutptly attended
to " LApril 8, '&l.—Sm.
HAS UNMOVED hisoilice to Market Street, one door
South of the American House, better known au
Matthee Hotel.
Lebanon, April 13,1806.
t a lac , .
FFICE, next door to the First National Bank, (late
Deposit Bank') Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa.
March 29,1865.
(Late 'Capt, in Ehe leal Pa. V 01.,)
33011ut - 3r, 33at.c1s. pay
Pension Ageni.
Lebanon, March lb, 18115.—tf.
J z tioo of time. soave.
subscriber, having been elected Justice of, the
I Peace, would reopectfally inform the public that
no is now prepared to attend to the duties or his office,
no well an the writing of Deeds, Bonds, Agreements,
and all bunlneee pertaining to a Scrivener, at hie real.
dente in North Lebanon Township, about two miles
from Lebanon, near the 'funnel, on the Union Forge
N. Lebanon township, May 3,1365.-31 n.
t t .
- • ROOM; over Mr. Ad
! i t #4 '"i
.e 'l4 flat Store. Cu in
vormiti St., LebtinOn,.
"Lebanon, March 29, 1868.
_0,,M.VGZ30 1 2
(pra'huite of the POllleft College of Dental Surgery.)
TtOOMS-,.in C. Henry's new bundlmg,
opposite the Eagle lintel, Cumberland
c -±ss: street, Lebanon. Pe,
444440- El. tined w hen desired,ther end chloroform adminle
Lebanon, June 14,1865.—tf,
()MOD In °Ti ng m n mberland street, Lebanon, Pa.,in
the rooms lately mounted by La Rums, Rq.,
deceased. [Jima 28, 1865.
, 13 , 11 Wagner
47 441'i1ia ' ' 7
MARTS Artificial Teeth on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite,
I, id. from $5 to $4O. Teeth filled at 75 cent.) and up
wards. Residence and Office, Cumberland street, East
Lebanon, opposite Benson's }lntel. where he has been
practising the last eight years.:
Lebanon, Aprll 5, 1865.
6000 AGENTS WANTED, to sell 151 X NEW IN
VENTIONS, of great value to fam DieS ; ull
pay groat profits. send 15 cents and get 80 paged, or
28 coat and get 80 papa and sample grille.
SPNRA/11 BROWN, Lowell,Nuo.
Ways. 28, 1245,0-8120.
VOL. 17-NO. 12.
' Shaw & Clark's
FOR durability and convenience .they cannot he
equalled, and the style of finish' make them a
boututifrl Ornament the the Sitting ;room or Parlor.
Large Machines, Gold . Leaf Finish • $25 00
Small Machines, do 20 00
Table and Treadle, Walnut Top,•extra 10 00
Rommel . , No. b 3 00
Hemmer, No. 6 1 50
Extra Needles, eloh 10
These machines elm be used with or without a
stand, work equally well with the hand as with the
foot, and aro not liable to get out of order.
Kir Oar terms are Ortsh on Deliver', of Madames
Sample Math itles can be seen, orders left, and puce.
tually attended to at the Agency in Plank Road Street,
next door North of Moravian Church,
Orders by mall must eontatu one red stamp for re„
turn postage. Rev. WM. L. LENNERT, -
Lebanon, Jely 19, 1865.-Brn Authorized Agent.
Market Street, Lebanon.
r 11118 Proprietor of this well-known hotel respectful
ly informs the the; he has egain taken p 0-
sees , n of it, and eninestly, .solleits' s contlatinciao of
the 'Patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. ,Br
Big eligibly located and provided with every -convent'
once, it offers to the public all the cornfarteand 4rue,
tides or a arta class'Hotel. Exteensive gntbling Is at ,
latched with trusty and obliging ostlers. Theßsr is
well stocked with the choicest liquors and, the Table
will not be anyotherAu Lebanon • parm
ers,and all others are invited to call. -
• ; AronN rfri:,M*llll:
Lebanon. April - 5, 186 5 •
Market .Street lAanori '
1 1 IIN proprietor of, this old established and popular
110TRL would respectfully inform the public that
be conducted et an -times to the comfort and
convenience of its guests. It has been thoroughly re
fitted nod renovated; and no pains will be spared m
make the Table and the Bar, stall times, equal to any
in the county.
The STABLINO, SHEDS and 'Yard are superiortod
and more extensive, than any, other In Lebanon.
The pattonago of the Farmers and th e Traveling public
generally Is respectfully solicited. •
YLAOE—West side of Market, street, and half a
square south from the Marketlionse.
Lebanon, April 12, 1865 JOHN MATTIIES.
E-1g)4110 Ili !
A I KS vie a.
• zs ift itiEl 11.1 Ph
‘1":3 g d a
R eitagl uf,
• 4 a 1 W76,
a; 'A„V3 te 0° 81,2
t .-4 4
VV:2 Vijiri
• iu- N MA rlszO'
itar 2 r2 26 :i ' 4 olg tvliß
r'"" Vs .Oul
m 4.GR5 0f.27. 21 „
cd6- 7 . 44,Tm
Ort s ''2,ll3, 4 GH.Estgifir.g s
4- p ig 141.0
0 4mat2;:aV2=7.
4 , 11 1 1AZiE.1; 74 0 4 ; 4 t -t tg l
ATOULDlnfrr the ub ic,tg avingbogh t and
colid : tet L oiantioneryorosof
It. 11. }Model and George Waltz, they are mow prepared
to wait on all who will favor them with a call, at the
old stand (H. H. RoedePs) in Cumberland street, where
they will always have on hand - a - large and well se
lected supply of School, Blank and Sunday School
and as an inducement they offer theieMiecella,
neous books at greatly reditced prices.
The Now York and PI ihulelphia Daily and Weekly
Papers, and Magazines, can be bad and subscribed for,
on reasonable terms, by calling at their store.
Anything wanting in their line will be cheerfully at.
tended to with promptness and dispatch
Lebanon, May 4,1864.
Manhood :
UST published, a new edition of Dr. Oulverwell's
Celebrated Seaay on the radical cure, (without
medicine) of Spermatorthoca, or seminal Weakness,
Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and
Physical Incapacity, Impediments to
Marriage, etc; Consumption,
and Pits, induced by self-indulgence or
4111131 . 111 " 1 sexual extravagance.
.WEB- Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents.
The celebrated author in this admirable essay'elear
ly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful prac
tice, that the alarming cossequenzes of sel6abuse may
be radically cured without the dangerous use of inter
nal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing
out a mode of cure at mice simple, certain, and effect
ual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what
his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri
vately, and radically.
This Lecture should be in the bands of every
youth and every man in the land.
Sent, under seal,in n plain envelope, to any address,
post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post ' stamps.
Address the publishers, MIAS. J. C. KLINE Bt. CO.,
127 Bowery, New York, Post Office box 1,586
June 13,1865 —ly.
A. Slcigerwiilils
Lately occupied by Owen LAUSACHI,
Market sired, 341 door north of Me L. Valley Railroad
Largest Manufactory and Best'Aisortment of
Furniture and ; Chairs lo the County
111111 undersigned would most respectfully ask the
JI public, to bear in mind that be has still on hand
at his ROOM the cheapest,
f eet-largand best assortment
of hemet fashionable and
handsome stock of FURNI
Persons in need of anything in his line, would beet
call and examine his stock before purchasing else
where. He warrants all his at k , to be of a superior
quality to any in the market in the county, as it iq all
of his own make. Prices will also be lower than at
any other place, either in the borough or county of
He will eiao have on hand an extensive assortment
of Cushioned Spring, Cane Bottomed and WINDSOR
All orders promptly attended to, and speedily exe
cuted, at the very lowest prices.
- All persons purchasing Furniture from him will be
accommodated by having it delivered to them to any
pert of the county, Free of Charge, and without the
lewd injury, as he has procured oue ofthe best Cnch
foncd Furniture Wagons, especially for that purpose.
Ara- READY MAIM COFFINS' will be kept on baud
od COFFINS will be made to order at abort notice
and FUNERALS attended. -
Annell 17, 1886.
Tuttatsekcareil)ceormmiTeeeelfutZ the
', - • nese at his residence on Plank Road
WWI se
or my 1111 street, about a square south of the
First /Informed Church. Tubs,
Stands, Barrels, Hogsheads, Casks,
or anything in his line made or BE.,
PAIRED at short notice and on rea
sonable terms. Re solicits the patronage of the pub
lic, feeling confident that his work will compare fav
orably in workmanship and price with any other,
Lebanon, April 5, 1865.
TAKE ril wr teE .
UILDERS will do
well by calling on J. IL BRESBLER
1) Agent, as he is prepared to do all kinds of TIN
ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WORK generally, at
the very lowest prices. lie also has ott hand a large
and good assortment of all Mode of TIN WARN, and
all of the most improved Gas Burning COOK
STOVES and PARLOR STOVES. Also, all the
different and latest Improved RANGES AND
HEATERS, of all kinds. lie also keeps con
stantly on hand a largo stock of ell kinds of ROOFING,
SLATE, which he Wien at lees price then they mid hb
bought of any other slatemen in the county.
la. wAitz-ROOSTS—One door South of the "Buck
Hotel," Walnut Street, Lebanon, Pa.
Lebanon, May 4. 1864.
NOT= is hereby given to all MUM thorlzwl persons
TREURFROISI, in the western part of North Lebmion
township, Any person who shall disregard this notice
will be prosecuted according to law.
N. Lebanon tp.,Ang.9, 1866.
Borough PrOperty.
WILL be sold at public sale at the publle i 113.1180 of
John Manliest, on
, .
Saturday, September 16, 1865,
That valuableproperty, late the estate of IVIL
LIAM BLEISTEIN, dec'd., South east corner of Wal
nut and llill-streete, in the Burough:off. Lebanon, con
aiding of half a LOT OP GROUND, more or leer, front
ing on Dill etreel, and extending along Walnut street
to an alley, having erqted thereon n good two
r story DWELLING ROUSE, with Kitchen at
tached, Seminar Manse, Wood Shed, good
frame EARN, Corn Crib, Pig Sty, Well with
ruinp, and a variety of Pewit Treee.
Geed title and posseselon will be given on the fat
day of April, 1866. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock,
P. M., when terms will be made known by
Executorn of the Estate of mEleistela, deed.
Leblkilon, avg. SQ, 1665. . . '
Orphans' Court Sale
Real JEw,tati,
. _
DIIIISCANT to An order of the orphane' Court of.
Lebtition "empty , will be expOsed to sale by pub.
lie !fondue or outcry, on the premises ofNo. Lon
• ' Saturday; September 23, '1865,
The 461.16iing-iteal Estate, late of Findley Clayton,
" 4 ",_ I " PR A • 0/q 1 44,1_1. k con 4:2 , 2t40R85, Merit
1 0 r.ifell•iAittWite :Aar LOndonderryistoWnship, Lebanon! ,
teAktity , edthe mut leading Prom - Cainpb,sllstriam : to
; 0 9 1 FIMPOra% Mile :fronil the former place, and 34 a
anilefrom Colebrook Ming, adjoiningJonda or David.
public road and
hr. - j u s.• No. She timprovercents stre 134
*tory ,Log DW KLLINO. MUSE, Spring
• • rtlfOnse, Stelae hank! good as
•new, Orchard, never-failing _Spring,
and all other necessary improvements.
This property is under good Fences. and water si caw
venteet to cattle from every field. About 2 -Acres is
,A TRACT OS LAND containing "Acres . more or
less„ tap same township, adjoining lands of joseph.
Gingrich, , David Flinn, John X.andi r,•and No. I. This
tract ie excellent (arming or pastern land, has two
good Spring!! of- Running Water„ and .is under good
Ig_. The above property will be sold in whole or in
parts to,suit purchasers. •
tiocurtitle and poeseseion will be given on the let of
Aprij, 1866.-
Persons Wishing. „o view the said property ' will call
on either of the undersigned.
Sale to commence a 1 o'clock, P. 'M., when terms
will he made known by
Administrators of the Estate of Findley , glayton,
ity the Crtirt W. Svemot, clerk. '!rdee'd.
Augnst 30 ; 1865 '
0P • _
it. .
•• eal Estate. -„
AXTILI. be Sold at public- sale, on the premises,
, .
rl' on
Saterday t . September 16, 1865,
the following Real Estate, viz .-.
One LOt Of Ground ,
Containing ONE ACRE, more or-less; at Indidendence
Corner,' Horse Shoe Turnpike, Lebanon county, Pa.,
having , erected thereon a two story
_log Dwelling
• 2 ROUSE. 28 feet square, frame SUM
;yz- i 51Elt HOUSE, 16 feet square, trame
- ' 4;; • • STABLE, 16 feet scuare,, &e.
5 1 i Good title at ,d possession will be
given on' the let of April t l.B66,
Sale to commence BO o'clock, P. 51.,
when terms will be.made known by
Independence, Aug. 23. 1835.
TILE undersigned will sell, at private sale, hie dealt.
able HOUSE and LOT OF GROUND, in Eaat street,
Nast Lebanon. The House is a new Iwo
story BRICK with Kitchen attached, all wall
1 - built and well arranged With' all' neceesary
I conveniences. Also CI etern, Bath House,
an.?lblukt r _ 4
„v is of "irrxrans'rece on the
further information apply to J AIMS N. ft GERA
Lebnnon,"Aug. 16, IS6&-3m. Thisthith.
TILE Subscriber offers at Private Sale a TWO STO-
GROUND, (being lot No .1 lu Uhler's addition
aof Lebandti,) located on the Old Forge Road
. in the NorthMeatern part of said borough.—
For particulars apply to
Lebanon, January 25, 1865.. .
Administrators' Notice.
"MOT= IS HEREBY GIVEN that Leiters of Ad•
minietratiou 011 the estate of NICHOLAS BECK
ER, dec'd, late of South Lebanon township, Lebanon
county, Pa ~ have been granted to the undersigned of
the township, county, and State aforesaid.. All per
sons indebted to eald estate are requested t 6 make
payment, and those hailing claims will present them
without delay, duly authenticated, to the undersign •
ed for settlement.
South Lebanon, Aug. 23,1805,
Executor's Nolice.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamentary
jr on the estate of MARY E. FOLMER:, late - of the
borough of Lebanon. Lebanon county, Pa „deceased,
have been granted to the - undersigned. All persons,
therefore, having claims against said estate are re.
quested to present them, duly authenticated, and
those indebted to make payment at an early date;
DANIEL FOLMER, South Lebaran Twp.,
Aug. 23, 1865 .-8m . Executor.
Will be sold at
Extremely Low Prices.
LTT FABER, one of the firm of Raber A Bros., has
jl . taken the steeknf Ready-made Clothing at the
appraisement, which will enable him to sell lower than
anywhere else can be bought. Call and see for your
solve before you make your Fall purchase.
Lebanon, May 4, 18e4. await:sr RARER
Ueorge lio it man s
c :, l7 - 1 - 7 H '=m=='l.
By Lebanon Valley Railroad.
n ARTICULAR attention will be paid to Goods tihipp
ed by the Lebanon valley Railroad. Goods will be
sent daily to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers.
town sod Annville Stations, and all other points in the
FRIiIGUTS contracted for at theleist possible rater
and delivered with dispatch.
The Proprietor will pay particular attention to,iand
attend personally, to the receiving and delivery• of all
For information, apply at his' Office at the Lebanon
Valley Railroad Detot, Lebanon.
EDWARD MARK, hie Agent In Philadelphia, will al
ways he found at W. X Blah'S Merchant's Hotel, North
Third st., Philadelphia.
May 4, '64.1 ROFFMAN.
A LL persons in Lebanon County returned for U.S.
Taxes on Licences, Incomes, Earnings, At., will
have to make payment to the undersigned on or before
Saturday, the 2d of September, 1865.
The penalties will be added after that date. Pay
ments must be made in U. S. Treasury notes or notes
of National Banks. For further notice see bills.
Deputy Collector for Lebanon County.
is eases of the Urinary and Sexual Systems,
j.../ new and reliable treatment. Also the . BRIDAL
CHAMBER- an Essay of Warning and Instruction,
sent in sealed envelopes, free of charge . Address Dr.
J.•SKILLIN 11OUGHTON, Howard Association, No.
2. South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
Jnne 21, MI6
*Jacob E.-L.-Zillimersinan s s*
INO SALOON, Mark 11 street, near Cumberland,
and oppesite the Eagle Motel. Being thankfUl for the
liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, he would
respectfully solicit a continuance of the same.
Lebanon, July 2, 1852.
N. IL—The Saloon will be *dosed on Sunday.
tug between C. C. LOWER and U. W. RANK, Sn
the Wholeeale Tobacco Business, unner Um' firm of
LOW EIL & RANK, ia Ode day dissolved by mutual
consent . . ,The Mistime of the late ftrm %ill bu settled by
either of the partnere at.fle. 140 North Third St.
Philadelphia, July 1, 1861.
11. W. RANK, of the late firm of Lower do
will continue the business ^as heretofore,, at saute
place. 11. W. 'BANK.
Philadelphia, July , 13, 1864 --FL
Just printed and for sale at this
offiee, ! Conditions - ,for ;the Sale:of Real.Es,
~iy ~O~C~ d~~i.
I do not like to hear Aim pray,
• who loans st twenty-five per cent,
For. then I Wink the borrower may -.
Be pressed to pay for food and rent,
And in that bddk are 'ail should heed,
Which says the lender shall bo blest,
As sure as I have eyes to read,
It dOes not Say "take interest.",
I do not lEllo s t° hear him. ray,
On banded knees about an hour,
For grace to vend aright the day, '
. Who knows his neighbor inut no flour ;
IV rather see him-go to mill
And buy tholnehiess brother breed,
And 'see ble children eat their 'EI
And latish beneath their humble. shed .
I do nititifike to ;htar him pray, . •
"Lettirteasings MI the :widow be !"
• Who niiirewelts harhomelogßYs •
"i f want Wertidtes you, owns ie ma.".
I bate the prayer so „hind and and long,
Thant offered for the - MEM:MAL . •
By MM. ',who sem hini .wrong, ' .
And only with the lips doth feel. , - •
I do notAlkelo i bbarhegpray,, •
With *Wed .ear and'allken Areas,
• Whose wirsiternathien - Aene f allsday4
An thou*Ad to `#,,oyX.,fortiltat,"-,
hu*lphaua - -
Cata i i l e a mid airs demure, .
They lift to:hetra - theirAnngel eyes,"
tr. ~'' Then‘steil the ea lugs of the poor!
I not lihe ouch elinliesepAterti ;
If.wrong. I hope to be:Sargiven
• , No angel; wing them upward bears—
They're lost x millhon miles f,rouf Heaven .
I do not like long h t to'ar,
. • And studied from the lips-departi
Our Father bends a ready ear„
Let words be few, lie beam the heart.
The Dreadful Widow.
I was making' my way through. a
crowd in a by street which h soppos
e& had collected for the contempla
tkm and enjoyment of some trifling
and Contemptible disturbance,' hut in
to which at the time 1 was not in a
mood to inquire, When, my course
was arrested by a - pair of beautiful
black eyes' under a lady's veil, which
met mine with a mute appeal that
could not for a moment resist.
"What is the matter ?" I de
manded of the possessor of the black
A remarkably sweet voice replied,
"I have ventured to interfere in be
half of a child I saw the people abus
ing,'but I am afraid'that, without
some assistance my effort. will be
"%'c wasn't !abusing it," critd s6v..
oral Tough voices together. "She
was only fighting with . little Mike,
and she'd a got the - best of him, tOo,
if ye'd-let her alpne" ' •
It gx.KV — lre --- r 17 4 -
With spirit, her splendid eyes flashing
as she spoke, "that your sex should
disgrace itself in this way. I shall
not allow mine, especially such a lit
tle creature as this, to make a savage
brute of itself, if I.can help it"
"You are right madam, , I said.—
"The man who would see your sex
dragged into the prize ring must
have little respect for his own moth
er. You are Quixotic, however, to
assume the duties ofthis
,child's nat
ural protector. Where. are its pa
rents ?"
"Dead," cried phe three other
roe_ in chorus. 1 . • . : .
"Where—bow: does this girl
live then ?"
"She:lives with Miss Vennjr,
and does errands for yer"
. . .
"What _sort of a
.person is.. this ?"
inquired the 'dark eyed lay . •
"She dresses,finer than you do,
ma'am," replied.. one of the female.
bystanders,- "but she is . not :exactly
the, person to bring up a child in the
way it should go, as she has strayed a
long .way out herself?'
. The pointed truthfulness of this
remark raised a laugh, 'among the ac
quaintances of Liss Fanny Flink.
The lady in the meantime,iha.d not
let go-her hold on the half-clad, sturdy
little girl, whose -. face was flushed
with passion, and discolored with
blood., dirt and tears. Stle stooped
down to her, raising her veil and
said—" Little, one, if you will go with
me I'll find you . , a good, home. You
shall have nice clothes, enough to
eat, and be taught to read and write.
What' do you say ?"'
The sweetness and beauty of the
lady's race Ifni-prised Mel the child
seemed quite..overpowered by 'her
gentle influence,. and. replied, "Yes
ma'am • 1 go: with you .anYL
• At this,conjuncture' a policeman
arrived on the spot, and the lady at
once addressed herself to him, ex.
plainipe• the case, and shortly after
-I,vards,t7he walked away leading her
little charge, escorted by the guardi
an of .the peace. Although much
pressed for time I lingered to look af 7
ter her till she had "turned the cor
ner ; for I never :had seen a face
Which was half so lovely. as "hers, and
it haunted me ever after: '
I had, however, at that time, too
many troubles of my own to afford
time to look after those of pthers. , --
A. very long and em)ensivO law suit
bad exhausted tho' once handsome
fortane that had long kept my fami
ly in so enviable a position, and left
me nothing but fallacious hopes and
illusive expectations. My father died
during the slow progress of the liti
gation ;: the lawyers who had coui
meneedi and so long conducted it also
died before its conelusion and it ap
peared too prObable that my mother,
too, would pass away without the
satisfaction of knowing:that so' much
money, thought, ankietyitod, suspense
had not been entirely thrown away.
She was very ill; and I foresaw
with certainty that the. slender
_thread which held her to this life
1111 C .
• • ••- • - 41 4 •
would snap, if the final decision in
our cause, which it was believed
would soon be rendered, should be
against us'; for it' .would necessitate
the sale of all that remained- to.ns,
and leave us little .better than beg
gars. It was our last stake, upon
which all our hopes and confidence
had- gradually . concentrated;: and if
that were lost we bad nothing more
to lose—nothing but blank despair to
encounter, which we durst not antici=
pate. ..
The lawyer, who, at the time, con
ducted our suit; was an old friend of
nay fatber's—saccesiful, rich, inde
pendent, and surly ; and as he had .
undertaken the case more from
friendly than pecuniary - motives, did
not attempt .'to disguise. the truth
and probabilities from me. But
coulduot look forward: to anything
but triumph, and chose rather to re-,
gard discouragingtoneawone of
the mearis.he employad to enhance
the value of:his services in: achieving*
success: lie Was a good Mali' at
heart, that 'old -lairyeri and his pene
tration was - - wonderfull; but- he was•
not'apt to spoil iris nredicine by , over
sweetening i.t, and iny'panapered pal
ate rebelled not a- little' againit its'
disgusting... but 'Wholesome bitter
Iliad a long. hunt after• an. iinpor-7
taut, female w i itness, whom -I found,
at lasOn a garret, dying of consump
tion., Aind whpm should. Itrftud,, sit
ting like" a ministering angel at.her
bedside, but the beautiful black eyed
lady whom I had: lately: met, the
companion of the little orphan girl 1"
"It is in such places as, this, where
a good angel is most needed, and not
in the circles of gayety and fashion,
that I must seek you, I see," exclaim
ed I gazing upon her with irrepressi
ble •admiration.
The lady bjushecf deeply;; apd,, as
soon as she had re-covered. frorn. her
momentary confusion; observed quiet
ly, that she was simply performing a
duty to which an old - friend ofler
mother's was fully entitled.
While obtaining the deposition of
her patient I. had several opportAni
ties of conversing with this-excellent
beauty; and her - modest elegance
and graceful ease captivated- my
One evening I was permitted to
accompany her in search Of , a con
veyance.; and, as I bad resolved to sentiments freely. to her
on the first available occadion, I was,
as is usual in such cases, much ern
barrassed when it presented itself
"Your patient is dying; I fear."
"She is conscious of the _approach
of deliverance ; and such she regards
, tr*
,Vlie, you fdl:in
Smoothing her path to the grave."
"Do not flatter me, sir. It is but
little lean do and flattery seems to
me to Flake that little nothing."
"I assure yowl express my admi
ration inmost stinted terms ; were I
to tell you all I think and feel I
might indeed surprise you."
"Then let me entreat you for your
forbearance." -
"It is unkind, not to say barsh r in
you to forbid tlic utterances -of a
heart so sincere and full as mine."
"It is my -kindness, my considera
tion, for you, that induce me to ebeck
this excessive language because
know you will repent it."
• "impossible I not only admire
you: more than any being Lever saw,
but I feel: that.yeu are worthy of my
worship, and that I love you."
',Say- .
, say- -no m0re,..1-entreat: If -you
kneiv who and what I arn,you Would
cenfess the folly 'of which are
You-tell me you are unfor
tunate and unhappy ;-I • pity you—
but there is a gulf between us„.and
you would - only render yourself more
wretehed by attempting 'blindly-and
rashly to cross it."
"Are you, married r
"Do not ask. Here let our ac
quaintance cease. You have no
• more occasion to visit my patient ;
and you surely-would not -deprive
her of the presence of her last re
maining friend,•as you-will do' if you
persist in intruding upon her. Here
, then let us part and forever."
_She stopped a cab;- allowing me-to
_help her into it, and left me in my
mystery and glooin. She had cross
ed my dark path like a heavenly ap
paration, and her disappearance ren
dered everything about me hopeless
and dreary as despair.
The treacherous law, after having
-lured us. on to ruin, decided against
our claim's, and extorted. the last
remnant of our property to pay its
costs. To communicate this fact to
my mother, would have been like. in
flieting her death blow,. and after
meditating long upon the subject, I
found' myself unequal to the painful
task ; I went once more to our old
lawyer to ascertain whether there
was no possibility of compromising
the matter, so as to postpone the evil
day, and leave my mother awhile in
possession of her home and com
I met a lady descending thastairs;
who had just come out of his office,
whose physiognomy was of that un
usually repulsive character which irn-.
prints itself indellibly on_ the meino
ry, and ever after, in dreams and
reveries, in sleep and in:wakefulness,
rises from time to time to our mental
vissidn with horrible distinctness ;
shocking us with the. fullest sense of
the dread ugliness of.human -malfor
mation- I thought 'of the wonder
ful contrast between this . creature
and the delicate- beauty i loved in .
vain. • - •
The old lawyer was in and grasp
ed my hand with sympathetic eordi
ality.. I stated the object of my
"Well, my young friend," said he,
"I have anticipated your wishes, and
kave just•been talking with the suc
cessful party. She is by no means
inexorable but, to tell the truth,
there is no ground of compromise
left: You kave lost all. If she ac
cords you anything, it will be simply
a donation—nothing more or less."
"Is there Do resource left by which
I can fora time ward off this final,
and"to my mother I fear fatal blow?"
"None in law'?"
"In what then ?"
"In yourielf ?"
_ "How in myself
"In your person. You are young
and` liandeome. I don't• say so to
ffatter yett•but to make my meaning
eliar. • ' '
"Well '1"
"Well, marry the widow.!'
"Marry her? I would rather bun g
Myself at onee."-
shonbi knoni best`bOvi fit you
acre to4ie. I am' afraid your educe
tiOn totallyettafitbed
ypAiffort hupineog
t93ot . thirpmarriage-iu abeArd
possible "
t •
"Val' tfotlyrihe hibit of
absurdities and' '-iMpnatiibilities. If
yOu:wiil authorize me- to ant, you"
will find 'no such thing... Will you
do so?" .
- "Not for the world'?"
"Vuderstand th'atl havn't urged
this matter on your behalf, but for
the. sake of your mother and sister—
especially on account of your mother
for whose life you pretended a me
ment ago to feel an amount of solici
tude, that' would enable you to make
any sacrifice:" '
"For.the -moment T did, not 'think
of.t,h,fp2l:4; • :
"It's time you dial Since my.coun-,
eel. so very unpalatable , perhaps yon
will-condescend to inferni - me' what
, you
• • ,
, propose to ,
• •"Anything else, but this is too hor
The old lawyer, turned his chair
round, and - commenced writing at his
desk as -coolly as if - he had been an in
genious, machine i evented :for no oth
ertpurpose.. I thought on his' propo
sition till I grew sick andlaint. The
recollection of theconsummatecharnis
of her I loved added a horror to the
aspect of . hate, such as -she wore
whom I• was invited to make thrown,
and Loduld net bring ray heart and
lips to-say i such a destitly.—r-
At, last I rose and said,
"I' will call to morrow. and give you
my decision."
"Very-well," replied the- old man,
without :turning his head or ceasing
to write. • '
I went home and atten:iptedAo pre
pare-m-y.nrcytherfor the rfiln''tliat had
befallen us : but in approaching the
subject, found that it was-more than
she could endure, and relinquished
the effort in despair. To my sister I
ventured to tell the truth;and she
wept bitterly, not for hersef, but for
our only parent, who she assured me
wonid inevitably expire on hearing
the news.
"Is there nothing on earth that you
can, do, Edward, tn, prevent this ?"
rv•~~~Yes f
"And wont you do it ?"
"I. cannot bring rny - mind to it ?"
"It is dishonest ?"
"N—o, I don't know that it is, but
very repugnant to my feelings."
. "I am sure I would do anythingfor
g'Would you marry the man you
abhor." •
"To save mamma's life—yes."
"Well, then,l will not_be outdone
by you in, filial affection."
"What do you mean, - Edward ?"
"I will tell you to-morrow. In the
meantime cheer up - . I will save our
mother and you, , but at a. great sacri
fice—Heaven only know how great."
My sister flung her arms around
m y neck, kissed me affectionately,
called me by many endearing names,
and I felt as if I almost deserved them,
exaggerated as they were.
I communicated my decision to
my lawyer the next day, telling him
that since I could not marry for love
I would marry for hate.
He uttered a sort of grunt, and re
plied :
• "Few marriages begin in that way;
but with too man, love is merged tin
antipathy as soon as the honeymoon
is well over. Your prospect of con
nubial happiness is the brighter, as
it cannot change but for the better.
If you knew the lady as well as 1 do,
you would entertain no misgivings
on the subject."
On the second day after this inter
view I received Mrs. Barrington's card
and a written request from my law
yer that I should call upon her with
out delay, as hc had settled the pre
liminaries in the most satisfactory
manner. I did not fly on the wings
of love to the stately mansion of my
bride elect, as there bad been little
choice in the matter, but walked
thither like a man who bad volun
teered to be hanged . .
On my arrival - I was ushered into
a handsome drawing-room, in which
I was kept waiting for about a quar
ter of an hour ' when, at last the lady
appeared. She did not look hand
somer than when I met her on the
stairs, loading to the lawyer's office.
On the contrary, the' relation in
whieh,she now stood with respect to
myself, and the finery she had piled
upon her person, rendered her, in my
eyes, more hideous than ever.
I responded to her salutation, and
remained silent for a few moments.
She appeared desirous of manifesting
- a certain measure of maidenly coy
ness; and I was not indisposed "to al
low her all the leisure she required
for the performance of her part.—
When she had enacted the role to her
I X l $ afikrtiur.
2d Story of Bouck's New Building, Comireris •St
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saisfaction, and lost a little patience,
she opened upon me With the voice
of a dying screech-owl, that made we
"Well, Mr. Ingleton, the object of
your visit is - , I presume*"
"Yes, madam, it isms you shy, to
propose for your band and heart ;
they are conventionally supposed to
go together—" - •
-"My hand and heart l" she ex
claimed, laughing.
"What a laugh it was ! A ruined
hurdy-gurdy, a maniac's scream, and
the serenade of a starving eat cow
tined were music to it.
"Yes madam ; and does this appear
so absurd to yon ''
"My lawyer has been authorized
by me to make a proposition, which
he has given me to understand, has
been favorably received. Has he de
ceived me ?" , •
"Not at all • but you: have made a
slighV.miSfike in the person."
"Are yon;tiot Mrs. Barrington ?"
"That is thy name ; but I presume
you refer to my niece.". .
"Thisis, very ridiculous . Shall I
havee the pleasure of seeing the right
lady ? --
"In a moment. She sent me to pre
pare. you for her coming."
"I do not see the necessity."
"r presume not. I will explain, al
though the subject is'a delicate one
to handle. A better-hearted girl
than my niece Clara never lived, bat
she has setae personal defects`whieb,
perhaps, only the eyes of affection
can overlook. I' mean to say for in
stance, that she does not enjoy the
same personal advantages as myself."
.I looked at the ,speaker for a mo
ment in ainazement, and - an.inirolunL
tardy groan escaped my lips.
"It catinotgie possible ! Is she de
formed ?"
"Oh, so.; she is as perfectly shap
ed as I aim."
"Indeed ?
What lilt then:"
-"A slight obliquity of vision, which
adds a puzzling and peculiar,expres
sion to -the eves. Her hair is of col
nr against _wlich there is a, very un
merited prejudice ; but, for 'myself, I
never saw a finer or more brilliant
red. With: these exceptions, there
exists -a - strong family likeness be
tween us, especially as respects the
roundness and height of the shoul
ders, and the size of the feet"
What an image of horror was con
jured up before me.
"Say no more 1"- I exclaimed
wildly,. "This suspense is too dread
ful. Let IM 0 see the woman herself,
though the sight, of her kill me !"
"Then turn and look upon your
deeth 1" cried a sweet voice behind
Ina; in a mock tragic tone, followed
by a silvery ring of laughter.
I turned, and, to my inexpressible
delight, beheld -my adored black-ey.
ed beauty.
And you—you—are------"
"Not Miss Eastburn. That was
my maiden name ; but Clara Barring;
ton, widow."
I fell at her feet, half disposed to
worship her, covered her hand with
kisses, and , finding no resistance of.
fered, sprang to my feet and clasped
her in myarths. - -
"Clara Barrington, will you become
Clara Ingleton
"In what excellent, practice you
are ! We shall' have you proposing
to the whole family. You have be.
gun bravely, first to the aunt, and
then to the niece within five minutes.
Aunt has fled, as well she may from
so dangerous a creature. What would
tiave become of her hadi not rushed
to the rescue, heaven' only knows !
I promise you I shall 'be dreadfully
jealoui of her and the superior per
sonal advantages she enjoys."
"Oh, you have been playing a rare
game with me I" •
"A fair one. I have won your love
fairly, and learnt at the same time
that there was right on your side as
well as on 'mine, and I will be my
own court of equity, and do justice
more even handed than the law."
“May I not praise you now ?”
"No, but you may—"
"Do what ?"
"Love me just as much as you
please. lf
"I will not believe anything but
what I understand," said a self-confi
dent young man in a hotel one day.
"Nor will I," said another,
"Neither will 1," chimed in a third.
"Gentlemen," said one well-known
to me, who was on a journey, and
who sat close by, "do I understand
you correctly, that you will not be
lieve anything that you don't under
stand ?"
"I will not," said one, and so said
each one of the trio.
"Well" said the stranger, "in my
ride thiS morning I saw some geese
in a field eating grass; do you believe
"Certainly," said the thiee untie.
"I also saw pigs eating grass do
you believe that?"
"Of course," said the three.
"And I also saw sheep and cows
eating grass, do you believe that?"
"Of course," it was again replied.
"Well, but grass which they had
formerly eaten bad, by digestion,
turned to feathers on the backs of
the geese, to bristles on the backs of'
the swine, to wool on the sheep, and
on the cows it bad turned* to hair;
do you believe that gentlemen."
"Certainly," they replied.
"Yes, you believe it," he rejoined,
"but do you understand it ?"
They were confounded, and'silent,
and evidently ashamed, as they well
might be.