letb aitllll TERMS, - . LEBANC.N, PA WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 6 1865. COI alfttivo. There was quite a lively time among the Republicans in this borough, last week, to carry the delegate elections. There were two parties of them, the Court House Clique and the anti-Clique. The anties carried the day in both wards. A boy, about 16 years of age, named Adam Heck, son of Benneville Heck, of East Hanover, driving a mule team on the canal for Mr. A. Light, of North Lebanon, was kicked on the fore head by one of the animals last week, in the neighborhood of Wilkesbarre, on the West Branch. He was brought to this place; to 'Kuhnle's Hotel, where he is re ceiving medical attendance and kindly care, with a prospect of speedy recovery. The Session of the Normal Class in Lebanon, closed on Friday last. The number in attendance was sixty-three. The first Prize, (for Spelling,) was award ed to Ezra Grumbine, of Fredericksburg; the second, (for Mental Arithmatic,) to John A. Robb, of North Annville ; the third, (for Progress in Grammar,) to Margaret Snavely, of Cornwall. Certi ficates for "Superior Attainments" were given also to Mary L. Raybuck of Wash ington co. and to Sainuel Grumbine, Pe ter Duper, Enoch Light, Jacob Berg ner, and John H. L. Bicksler, of this co. Found, a Lady's Hair Plat. The owner can: obtain it by applying at this office We are indebted to John L. Mil ler, of Mll!creek, for as ,fine a bunch of sweet Grapes, as can be grown. Major JOHN FRITZ, of the 93c1 P. V., received a day or two ago a. Com mission from the War Department at Washington, appointing him Brevet. Lieut. Colonel "for gallant and meritorious ser vices at the storming of Petersburg, April 2d, 1865." NEW Fall arrival of Hats, Boots, Shoes, /se. As good Stock as is made in Lebanon, or any other place. It bears examination. Decidedly the Cheapest in town. We will not be under sold; we feet confident that we can give satisfac tion to our customers. Call and examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere,—in C. Hen ry's New Building, opposite the Eagle Hotel, one door west of Hauer &Capp's Tobacco Store, Cum berland St., Lebanon., Pa. WINTON * SHEEN. The Republican Convention of this county, met in secret, in one of the Jury rooms, in the Court House, on Mon day, and nominated the following ticket : Assembly, Capt. Jueob B. Melly, of East Hue ovor. _ Treasurer, Capt. Wm. Tice, of Jackson. District Attorney, John Denson, Esq., of Leb anon. Commissioner, Adam Heilman, of Bethel. Direetor, Jacob Long, of South Aunville. Auditor, Ephraim B. Sbuey, of Union. Small Change, —Ex-aavern.or POTRYEE, Director of the United States Mint at Philadelphia, informs the public that small coins are now plenty, and can be had in any quantities, without delay, in exchange for greenbacks. The de nominations are one, two and three cents. The coins will be sent to the purchasers, by express, at the expense of the United States. This will be the means of withdrawing from circulation three cent fractional currency, and even tually also the five cent scrip. The Mason Ir Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty different style!, adapted to sacred and secular music, WsBo to MO each. TIIIR TY•FIVE GOLD OR SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address, MASON! HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New Yurk. Sept. 6,1.865.—1 y. We are glad to see that the Re publicans of this county put several officers on their ticket, but they might as well al so have put on one or two privates.— They talk a great deal of the soldiers for the offices, but they always happen to mean and select officers. We are cer tain the privates deserve as well at the hands of the people as they who had the fat places Col. AlLeman, of Dauphin_ coun ty, has been nominated by the Dauphin county soldiers as their candidate for the Legislature, in opposition to the regular• ly nominated Republican candidates. The Democracy of Berks county held their convention on Tuesday of last week, and nominated the following ticket : For - Representative, Frederick Horner, of Bethel, Beaty B. Rhoadi, of Colehrookdale, •John Mtssimer, of Reading ; For Sheriff, Tobins Dario, of Reading ; For County Treasurer, Isaac B, Fisher, of Reading ; For District Attorney, *Wharton Morrie, of Reading ; Fur County Com missioner, William S. Young, of Reading; For Director of the Poor, George Lash, of Spring; Fur County Auditor, John G. Gloss, of Wash ington ; For County Surveyor, Daniel S. Zacha rias, of Read log. Flour—The market is very dull, and prices are without any quotable change.— About 600 bias told nt s9@9 25 for northwestern family, end sio@io 50 per bbl for Pennsylva. nia and Ohio do. The retailers and bakers are buying in a small way at. From s7@7 75 for su perane, SSW 75 fur extra ; $8 50010 50 for extra f a tuity ; and $1.1@12 per bbl for fancy brands ae to quality. Rye flour is selling in a small way at $6 25 per bbl. Corn meal is dull at $4 TS per bbl for Pennsylvae in. Grain—Wheat continues dull and prices are -weak and rather lower. Sales reacb about 6000 %us. Red at $2 10@2 16 for new, and $2 7.0@ 2 25 for old Pennsylvania anti western ; the int der rate for - amber . White is scarce an ti we here 'of no sales. Rye is selling in a small way at $1 00@i. 10 per bus. Corn Is plenty; sales of yellow are making at 98(4)90o ; 5,000 bus white sold at 950 per bus, Oats are rather dull ; 3,000 bus sold at 530 afloat ; 600 bus prime barley malt sold at $1 90 per bus. CATTLE MARKET.—The offerings of Beef Cattle were larger than for some time past, reach ing 2400 bead, an increase of 600 over last week. The market was dull at about previous quota tions, buyers generally having the advantage.— Prices ranged at 10013 e for common ; 14@15c for fair to good, and 15i®16ic 3, tb for prime and extra quality. Cows were firm, and about 150 head sold at the Avenue Yard, at from $3O to $6O each for springers and $4O to $BO for cow and calf, as to quality. Bogs were in demand at full prices ; about 2000 head sold, mostly at Glass' Yard, at from $l5 to $l7 the 100 Its net, an to condition. Sheep—The receipts were large and prices rather better ; 8000 head sold at 6}@7io 16 lb, gross, for fat sheep; $3 50@4 50 each for stook iSheop, and s4@B for lambs, as to condition. At a regular stated meeting of the Union Fire Company, held on Mon day evening, September 4, 1865, the fol lowing Officers were eleeted for the ensuing six months, viz:— President, Franklin Greth ; trice Presi dent, George H. Spang ; Secretary, Adam . McConnel ; Assistant Secretary, Daniel P. Witmeyer ; Treasurer, Chris tian Henry ; Chief Director, Jos. Shantz ; Assistant Directors, L. S. Hollinger, Au gustus Bower ; Chief Engineers; E. G. Walther, John G. Aulen bach ; Assistant Engineers, Wm: Beicher, Wm. Gasser ; Janitor, Henry Geib ; House Committee, Franklin Greth, Geo. H. Spang, Geo. W. Hoffman. - $1 All Although the Court house Clique was defeated at the delegate elections in this borough on Monday evening, it seems that it accomplished its object in nomi nating the ticket, thus showing that it is still the power with the leaders, in the county. The anti-cliquers got in one or two candidates, because there was no op position, and hence no contest aside from that at the delegate elections. Our Public Schools were re-open ed on Monday, September 4th. After the long vacation, teachers and pupils were doubtless were glad to resume their duties. The buildings formerly known as Marshall College, and located at Men cersburg, have been sold, by their own ers, to Mercersburg Classis of the Ger man Reformed church. The establish ment of a high school t's ;contemplated. At the residence of James Rog ers, sr., in Hill street, may be seen and purchased the Soldier's Certificate, which contains many attractive features, among which is the Goddess of Liberty, holding in one hand the Stars and Stripes, and in the other a sword, ready to maintain our Standard in defiance of the world. The Republican convention on Monday, being held in secret, we can not give the proceedings, but learn that some of the ballotings were very close.— For instance, for Treasurer Mr. Hoffman had 16 votes and Mr. Tice 18. For the Assembly there were also only a few votes difference between Mr. Meily and Mr. Abraham Sherk. We also learn that a resolution was unanimously adopted requesting the U. S., Revenue officers in this county to re sign in favor of soldiers. Of course all these matters will appear in the official proceedings if they are correct. "SoLn."—The other day when Bailey's circus was performing at Lewis burg, the constable of that town arrested Mr. Melville, who pesonated "Pete Jen kins," when that Individual entered the ring. The constable believed him to be a real drunkard, and made the arrest to prevent a disturbance ofthe performance! The circus company had considerable trouble to convince the officer that he had arrested one of their own men while in the performance of his duties as "Pete Jenkins." A "Young RAT TERRIER. nearly black, smooth hair, brown feet,brown spots over the eyes, ears unelipped, and long pointed tail, STAYED from the owner in this borough on Friday last. A reward of $2 will be paid for the return of the dog, or such information as will lend to .h le .zeen very.. An ttl,, at th is °EPICS.- A nomination now a days on the Republican ticket in this county is so very uncertain of being followed by an election, that the convention on Monday had the greatest trouble to induce some of its nominees to accept. Such was par- ticularly the case with the nominee for District Attorney. He had peremptorily declined, and it was only at the pressing instance of some of the members of the convention that he was finally induced to accept. Other candidates for the same office had withdrawn previous to the meeting of the Convention. CIRCUS COMING.--Gardner and Hemming's Great American Circus will give two _performances In this Borough, on. Monday afternoon and evening, Sep tember 11th. This Circus has visited this place on former occasions, and from its well known character has al ways com manded success. It has of late added great additions to its performances, and is now one of the best and most respecta ble Circusses traveling. We anticipate considerable crowds wherever this com• pany performs. Don't forget the day.— See advertisement in another column. Two persons, a man and a girl, were killed at an Evangelical Camp- Meeting, on Sunday a week, in Perry county, by kicks from horses. Persons visiting camp meeetings can not be too careful of themselves when passing through the woods, where horses are tied, as may of the animals are vicious and are liable to injure passers-by. Rats Mice, Roaches, Bed Bugs - . —All the popular Exterminators, "Costar's," "Burt's." "Glen twortb," "Hodgson's," "Hirner's Union," and "Furo Arsenic," For Sale at Lem berge ea Drug Store, Market iiiquare. 1 t. The Perseverance Engine & Hose Co., of this borough having .an intention to, purchase a new engine, are obliged to erect a new engine•house, their present building being entirely too small. It is to be erected on a different site, as the lot on which they are now located be- longs to the "Seminary Property." Our citizens will be waited upon by a com mittee authorized to ccliect funds towards this useful object, and it is to be hoped every one will cheerfully respond. Con tributions can also be left with the Trea surer, Mr. ADAM RISE. We learn that it is contemplat ed to run a telegraph line along the turn pike, from Harrisburg to Philadelphia. Wrapping paper can now be bad at the paper mill of Stine & Ross. tf. No House-Keeper should b e without a bottle of Spear 'a Patent Fruit Preserv ing Solution. For sale at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. Spear's Patent Fruit Preserving Solution for sale at Lwainenuzu's Drug Store. Spear's Patent Fruit Preserving solution for sale at LEMISZELGER'S Drug Store. No House-Keeper should be without a bottle of Spear's Patent Fruit Preserv ing Solution For sale at Leunanoen's Drug Store. Photographs.---J. Daily is turn ing out very fine pictures at his new Gal lery, opposite Siegrist's Hotel. All are invited to call and see his specimens. * lam' Miss Dissinger, U years of age, was killed on Friday week, by being catight.by a revolving shaft attached to a threshing machine She was a child If Samuel Dissinger, receding a few miles below Shrelloratown.in Lone sister county. Supposed to have have been killed at the grit revolution et the shaft Housekeepers look to your interest. Preserve your fruits with Spear's Fruit Preserving Solution, and save the ex• pense of Sugar and Sealing Jars. It is warranted to prevent decomposition, or fermentation in all kinds of Fruit and Vegetables, keeping them in a perfectly fresh and wholesome condition for years. It contains nothing that is injurious to health, or objectionable in articles of diet. Fruit preserved by it, requires neither Sugar or Sealing . Jars ; old fashioned glass or earthen jars, or even barrels can be used. Sold at Dr. George Ross' Drug Store, opposite the Court Rouse, Leba non, Pa. June 28.-2 m. gilt dal gnitcs. Remember it Ladies. Remember that if you apply Radway 'a Ready Relief to the spine or.baok-bone, rubbing it well in, it will effect a surprising cure of many of the peculiar complaints incident to your sex exclu sively. In all kinds of weakening discharges, in obstructions, retentions and prolapses, in bye terics ; headaches ; dm, you can find nothing to equal the delightful effects of an application of Radway's Ready_Relief. Rub three times adaj the whole length of the spine, and rub it from ten to twenty minutes on each occasion, and you will be amazed at the result. At the first rub bing all the agonizing pains often disappear.— The second rubbing is certain to - make them sur sender, and a few applicants readily convince the most incredulous that the disorder is broken up and must, depart. No lady,is subjeatto pains in the small of the back, who suffers from weak ness and lameness in the back or limbs, who is' inflicted with any complaint of the kidneys or bladder, who has a pain in the hips, who is nervous, is troubled with neuralgia rheumatism, lumbago, sciatia, should hesitate to rub. often and'vigoursly with Radway's Ready Relief. The sense of comfort it will at once produce will be worth ten times over the amount expended for a bottle, and the cure, which will be certain to-fol low, cannot be estimated in value by dollars and cents. Radway's Ready Relief is a blessing to the afflicted. They should never be without it. It is so cheap, so convenient, so easily applied, so quick in giving relief, so- never-failing, as an ultimate remedy, that it should be considered in despensiblo ns a domestie remedy. Sold by drug gists. Also by Dr. Rose, Lebanon. August 30,.1865.-2t. Deaf -Blindness and ness, Catarrh, REATED with the utmost success, by Dr. J. Isaacs, T Oculist, and Aurist (formerly of Leyden, Reliant* No. 519 Pine Street, y'hiladalpbia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at his Office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no Beasts in his praetice. ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without pain' No charge made:for examination. February 8. 1868. 11at itn©niiat. - AMES AND GENTLEMEN t if you wish to marry I you can do soby addressing me. I will send you, 'Without money-and witboat-prica,-valuable informa tion, that will emtble you to-marry happily and speed. Hy, irrelitlectivehf age, wealth or beauty. This infor mation will cost you - nothing and if you wish to marry I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confi dential. , The desired information sent by return mail, and no reward asked. Please inclose postage or stamped envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, SARAH B. LAMBERT, Oreenpoint, Rhsgs Co., N. Y. May 24, 111.66.-3 m CAUTION ERODI THE AMERICAN WATCH CO. It having come to onr knowledge that imitations of the American Watch have been put upon the mar ket in great number; calculated by their utter worth lessness to injure the `reputation of our genuine pro ducts, to protect our own interests and the public from imposition , see again publish tbe trade marks by which our Watches mar invaribly be known. We manufacture four a ty les of Watches. The Enter bas the name "AMERICAN WAITE( CO., Waltham, Mass.'; en. graved on the inside plate. The &mewl has the name Theoa-bira-itadao-piater-, The Tamp has the name "P. P. B.ARTLETT, Waltham. Man.," engraved on the inside plate All the above styles have the name American Watch Co.paiuted on the dial, and_ are warranted in every respect. The FOUIITEI has the name "WM. ELLEItY, Boston, Mass.," engraved on the in side plate., and is not named on the dial. - All the above described watches unmade of various sizes and are sold iu gold or silver-cases, as may be required. It is hardly possible for us to accurately describe the numerous Imitations to which we have alluded. They are usually inscribed with names some nearly approaching our Own as to escape the observation of the unaccustomed buyer. Some are represented as made by the "Union Watch Co., of Boston Mass.' —no such company existing. Some are named the "Soldier's Watch," to be sold as our Fourth or Wm. Ellery style, usually known as the "Soldier's Watch " Others are named the "Appleton Watch C 0.." others the "P. S. Bartley," instead of oar P. S. Bartlett :" besides many varieties named in such a manner as to convey the idea that they are the veritable produc tions of the American Watch Company. We also caution the public, and particularly sol diers, against buying certain artiles called *niches, so freely advertised in illustrated prpere as "Army Watches," "Officers' Watches," "Magic Time Obser vers," "Arcane Watches," Ac., the prices of which are starekto be front seven to sixteen dollars. A good wit:akin these times, cannot be afforded for any such money A little attention on the part of buyers will protect them from gross imposition. ROBBINS & APPLETON. Agents for the American Watch Co., . 1.F2 Broadway, Now York. Aug: 30,1865,-Im. • DR - TOBIAS' VENETIAN HORSE LINIMENT. IN PINT BOTTLES AT ONE DOLLAR, cures lameness, cuts, galls, colic, Ise. Reed the following BosToN,ly 7th, 1860 Dn. TOBIAS : We have used for the past year your Horse Liniment for lameness, kicks, bruises, colic and outs, and in every instance found it the beet article I ever tried in this circus company. Please send six dozen, as it is the only liniment we We cow. We have 108 horses, some very valuable, and, do not want to leave town without it. HYATT Fitt/ST. Manager Van Amburgh gt Co's. Menagerie. Sold by all druggists. Office 56 Cortlandt at., New York. July 26, 1705,-lin. Reeognition The Southern people have given up all expee tation of being recognized, and it is equally dif ficult to RECOGNIZE NORTHERNERS whose heads of gray, yellow, white. brown, or red hair, have SURRENDERED THIER COLORS under the wonder.working influence of CHRISTODORD'S RAM DYE, which plants permanently in their stead such black and brown as nature might mistake for her own. Manufactured by J. CHRISTODORO, No. 6 Astor (louse, New York. Sold by drug gists. Applied by all Hair-Dressers. • July 26, 1865.-Im. The best Strengthening Plaster is the Por ous,laster of Dr. Alleook.—They are warrant ed keep good many'years, but may be return ad for freEh plastars without any charge. IMPORTANT QUALITIES. They will cure a Weakness of the Back, Pain in the Side, a Lameness of the Knee or of the Ankles, or Cold Feet, sooner and with more com fort than any other application. KNOXVILLE, Albany Co., Jan. 16, 1852. Da. T. ALLCOCIK.—Dear Sir : Seventeen years ago I was surely injured in my back. At length I was induced to use your plasters. I wore one constantly for six months, and did more bard milk in those six months than in the proceeding fifteen years. I have net worn a plaster for over eighteen months, and have had no return of the gnawing pain and weakness in my back, but have been entirely well. I am_your obedient servant, JOHN G. ORARY. Principal Agency, Brandreth House, New York. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. July 28, 1865.—1 m. A GENTLESILN cured of Nervous Debility,. Prema j% ture Decay, and the effects of youth ful indiscre tion, will be happy to furnish others with the means of cure. (free of charge.) This.remedy is simple, safe and certain. For full particulars, by return ma JOHN B. il, pleas OG e ad DEN ,dress 60 Nassau Bt., New York. June 14,1565.-3 m. Blanks for Bounty and Invalid Pen sion Claims just printed and for sale at the An- TERMER Office. on Market. • feted Weekly. z, SEPT EMBER 6,1885. !Eggs, It dos., 26 Butter, lb., 24 Tub or salted butter, 10 Lard, 20 Tallow, 12 Ram, 22 Shoulders, 18 Sides, 16 Soap, 10 Bees-wan, 25 white Rags, 6 Mixed Rags, 3 ilex, 'ft lb., i 24 Bristles, 15., 40 Seathers,f lb., 6234 W001,.t lb., 40 Soup Beans, II qt., 8 Vinegar, Ts gal., 20 The Leba Carefuny LEBARON, Warms° Extra Family, $lO /SO Extra Floor, 9 50 Prime White Wheat, 220 New lied Wheat, 200 Old Red, ..295 Prime Rye, Corn, 85 Oats, 50 Clover-seed, 6 00 , Timothy-seed, 3 50 Flax-seed, 1 50 Dried Apples, pealed,2 50 Peach "Snits," 4 00 Peach "Maze's," 20 00 Cherries, 2 25 Onions, "150 Potatoes, tiff bus, 100 Apple flutter, Vicrock, 70 A i ~----# 4, , 3 day morning in Salem's , —Ssrvices every Sunday ' eture on Wednesday eve eliginu English service on next Si Lutheran Church. ST • JOUN't3 REFORMED Cnum Morning and Evening. n ing. Next Sabbath morning in Evening in the English II formed Church. german preaching next SUM lish services at 534 P. 51 he German, and in the t gunge, in the Fleet Re• 1 ay at 10 A. M., and Eng• , n the Moravian Church 1, On the 31st ult., by Riv.B. W. Schmauk. Mr. JOSEPH PEFFLY - to Miss CATHARINE BIXLER both of N. Lebanon twp.. • . On the 31st ult., by the Rey. P. W. Kremer, Mr. JOHN ARMEL, to Miss tEMILINE CULLER, both of Swatara twp, this county. On the sth inst., by the same, Mr. HENRY L. STELE,. of N. Annville,tollies PRANCES;;MIIIIN NEM of Cornwall twp., this Cotuty. Oa the 25th ult.. by AIR.' Mr. Glerhwt, Mr E. P. KANE, of the 11. 8 Navy, to 11 ise MIS& 51, daughter of Dr.. Barry, of .JoJestowo • Oo the 17th tilt., by Re) ... l AD it•tAtuh, Mr. WEND LINO FULMER, of Aotville, to Miss AMANDA sauvc ERS of Palen, ra. On the 22d ult, by thr Mite, Mr. TACOd B. BALS H BACK, of ErilLinneleto WI/. 11+ k phio county, to LEA A BOMBE tO PAS ; f Lord ntie y, Lebanon Co. • On the 27th ult , a' the Liu 3r naive; oy toe ite7. Is. 8, I.:wary, Mr.-WI 1.L183.t, 11451/1.,5r to Hiatt MARY LANTZ tutu of Annvilte.---- 'gat 1 , SAMUEL BEIM, son WOE,- aged 6 years , 6 beautiful . in life as ho knew him. Xis i g affliction. The eye ;ration a ,source- not y because the unerring as, loved him well, ips of life began to He took him away, ry and the un Littera prepared for such as their Creator and , on the 29th ult., AMA, y NITIU.I7 Elt, aged On the 27th ult. in . Lehen , of Richard and Maria F. months and 22 days So winning in manner, ,to endear himself to all death was indeed a crushii of faith sees in this dispe' only oT comfort but of joy; Father above, whose he 1 and ere the toils and berth press heavily upon him, home to the angels, the gl ble happiness of the bettv , love and serve and trust Redeemer. In North Lebanon Doram, RAM, child of Danietand Mt 9 months, and 5 days. Du the &I inst., in Jonestona, Mrs. MARY, widow of Peter C. FREYLINWIAIIBi formerly county corn mtesioner, nail about 70 year; Os the 17th ult.. of cobra ption. in North Lebanon township, MARY KREIDER, ged 52 years, 8 months mid 2 drys. thi the 27th tilt at Derry tatfon, ANT DONY KAlt. NY, of k Ben ery, aged 781yeare .0 months and 13 days. 'l.td...::.gttitat,titiiitut,s.... H. T. BIBIGHAUS, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, j'AFFICE: in Blichter's Building, Cumberland Siren, ki` nearly opposite the Court House, Lebanon. Lebanon,' • Sept. 6. 1865.—tf. Stray Cowo fIARE to the premises of the undersigned, in Corn 11_, wall township, at' the Plank road, about 2 miles from Lebanon, about a week ago, a brown COW, (since with Calt,) having an ear' ^ mark, and about 3 years old. The owner la is a requested to come forward, prove RR) property, pay charges, and take it awry, or it will be disposed of according to law. JOSEPH IILEISTONE. Cornwall, 5ept.6,1885. Guns Rifles, - Pistols. lug subscriber would respectfully inform the pub in the county, may be found at his es tablishment, on Market street, a few ‘ 4 q 4 9 4 ,- does north of the Lebanon V. It. it., f ( A..if:L.,: Lebanon, Pa. ' Ile has just returned from the city, with another Hee assortment of GUNS, RIFLES, PIS TOLS, POWDIUt. CAPS,-.14c., to which the attention of the sporting fraternity, as the Bowen is now here, is invited. , ,-All kinds of repairing done at the shortest possl- - hle notice and in the best style of workmanship. J. G. A OLEN RAM. Lebanon, Sept. 6, 1865. Orphans , Court Sale. URSUANT to an order of the- Orphans' Court of P Lebanon County, will be exposed to sale by pub Its voluble or outcry, at the Public house of henry Siegriat, in the Borough of Lebanon, on Saturday, Septeml?er 23, 1865, The following Beal Estate, late of WILLIAM MUTCII, dec'd viz i—A certain Brick one story HOUSE, and half LOT OF OItOLIND.. with the uppnrta. ini noes, situate in the Borough - of Lebanon, rf :i a ttinted nod described its follows, viz:—Front-" ing west on Market street, thirty three feet, tiojoining lot of John Becker on the south, lot of Geo. Strickler. on the North, and extending one hundred and ninety eight feet back to Doe Alley, on the east. Good title and pone:mien will be given on theist day of April,lB66. Sale to comiuence at 2 o'clock, P. M., when terms will be made known by MARTHA MUTCU, - A dministratrix. By the Court :—S. W. Simms, Clerk. • Lebanon, September 6,1865. PUBLIC SALE OF . Borough Property. - UVILL be sold at Public Sale. at the public house V V of David Hollinger, on Saturday, September 30, 1865, A. corner LOT OF GROUND, on Water street, north side, half a square east from Salem's Lutheran church, fronting 22 feet on -Water street, and 56 feet deep, having erected thereon a new two story frame HOUSE, with Kitchen attached, pig sty, Ate. HI ALSO, with the above, A LOT OF GROUND " back of and adjoining the above,. 33 feet by 43, fronting ou the alley. Thigh; a very nice and de sirable property far a mechani., or laboring matt, eligi bly located, and worthly the attention of persona de siring a cheap home. Possession and good title will be given on the let rf April, 1866. Salo to commence at 6 o'clock, I P. M.. when terms will be wade known by (IWItGE ARNOLD. Lebanon, Sept. 6 1865. PUBLIC SALE Personal rtoperiy. or AvILL be sold at public bale, on Friday ; September 22, 1865, At the late residence of Christian Bricker, deed., in North Lebanon township, in Pinegrove street, near the borough, the following Personal Property, via :- 1 one horse WAGON, Sleigh,2' Ploughs, Ramose, 2 Saddles. I side Saddle, Chains Traces, bay and manure Forks, Wheelbarrow, Windmill, Straw Bench. 3 Stoves, (wood, coal and cook,) all as good as new, 4 BEDS and Bedsteads, 4 Chests, 1 large CLOCK, Bureaus,.2 Tables, Chairs, goo t as new, E.Ct yards of CARPET, gooti k po new Kitebeti and Corner Cupboard, Tin, Earthen,'lron and Queensware, Iron Kettle, Knives, Grin, Tubs, Stands, Barrels, Scalding Trough, Meat Cutter, and a variety of other Household and Kitchen Furniture. Also a lot of CARPENTERS' TOOLS, such as Planes, Chisels, Saws. Ax,s, Tree Saw ; also CORN and POTATOES, lot of CHICKENS, lot of PINE BOARDS, and many other al Coles, Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M-;riben terms will be made known by AARON BRICKER, MOSES BRANDT, R. Munn, Auctioneer. Administrators Sept A, 1865. 6000 AGENTS WANTED, to sell SIX NEW IN VENTIONS, of great value to families ; all pay, groat profits, Send 15 cents and get SO pages, or 28 cents and get 80 pages and sample gratis. EPHRAIM BROWN, LoweS;Mass. Aug. 23,1885.-3m*. A MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY ! _lnteresting to Agents,. Farmers, and Ladies. VIT E are making a single machine which comb inCe Y$ the beat and cheapest portable Wine and Cider Press, the dryest Clothes Wringer, and the most pow. erfnl lifting Jack in the world. It .is the only press adapted to making Apple Champaign, which is now regarded as one of the most important discoveries of the age. A good agent wanted in every county, to whom we will bold out such inducement, an to insure $lOOO before Christmas. The first one making appli cation from any comity shall have the exclusive agency. Full particulars, germs, etc., by Circular. Address HALL, AHED is CO., No. 65 Liberty St.. N. Y. Cheaper than the Cheapest Just received from Now York an Immense Stook of And QUEENS WARE!, &c., at a Great Reduction of Prices, at the Chealp oß • GOODYEAR 8i DIFFENBACH Neil door to Adam Rise's flat Storo, Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa. astim. All colors French Aterinoes, Very Cheap. All colors all Wool Reps , Very Cheap. All colors all Wool Detains, Very Cheap. All colors Plain llobairs. Very Chedp. DRESS. GOODS, ALL KINDS AND STYLES. Splendid Delaine, 31 cents r yard. Merrimack Calicoes, 30 cents a yard. Full Madder Calico, 26 cents a yard . Good Styles - Calico, at 20 cts. a yard. 1 yard wide best heavyiUnbleaelied Muslin, at 351-3 cte. a yard. 1 yard wide beavy Unbleached Muslin , at 30 eta a yard 7-8 yard wide Uubleach Muslin, at 20 ets._a yard Unbleached Muslin, 16 do _ 1 yard wide very beet bleached Muslin, 46 do do boat Bleached Muslin, 42 do do Bleached Muslin, 3734 do Mooched Muslin, 25 A - 16 do All colors of all Wool Flannels, at 3734, 45 and 50 do. MEN WEAR. Jeans, Satinets, Cassimerea, Cloth, at G-rebeerie S. 3 pounds very best RIO COFFEE for 1 00. 8. pounds bright SUGAR for $1 00. ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES CHEAP, Call before purchasing elsewhere and see how Cheap you can bay at GOODYEAR & DIFEENBACH'S Cheap Cash and Produce Store. Lebanon, Sept. 6, 1565. GREAT AMERICAN CIRCUS GAIODNER, TrwAthrroTOS &CO - DAN GARDNER, - - - .4wdll ' ' tT = "4 It - 7,' [ r47oiet / i 7*. Le---.-- . , MAGNIFICENT BAND CHARIOT Constructed expressly for the season at the cost of $OOOO by Fielding Brothers, the celebrated Coach Builders of New York City. The design of this chariot is of the most uniquo and most elaborate description. The pre. colors are gold, red and blue, and as it enters town upon the morning of exhibition drawn b' 12 S'px.ate. DID CHARGERS gaily comparisoned, a tout ensemble is presented of Impossing richness and grandeur. THE PAVILLION which is capable of seating 3000 spectators is entirely lifer and was manufactured expressly for this Season, at a cost of IMO° by Mr. Henry Dougherty of South St., New York. The CARRIAGES, HARNESS, HAG. CAGE VANS, PROPERTIES and APPOINTMENTS are beauti ful in the extreme. The STUD of Hoes's, PONIES and Minas are of the finest and best trained collection in the world. The Troupe of Performers compose the Elite of the Profession. Look at the Names.; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. READ ! READ ! ! DRY GOODS, GROCERIES Store OBEN WON Prico to Suit the Times GARDNEII 4a, HEMMING'S The Management takes pleasure in announcing that for the season of 1861, they are enabled to pre sent many new and startling nov elties, among which may be na med ; A Troupe of Real Arabs 5 Male and Female CONTORTIONISTS, ACROBATS, And Stroorxne, Of the" most extraordinary de cription, foremost among which is Z AR A, iM The Beutiful Arab Girl, THE ONLY FZNALE 'CONTORTION IST LK THE WORLD, whose fens are of so wonderful a character, that they have been a theme of conversation wherever she has appeared. - r ii ' • A.,..- 7 .- 16 ) • I ;ALI HASSAM, Passim Gyranssz. of the TnpUrn The great original single Trapeze Performer. This young Arabian Gymnast, during his extraosdina. ry Act, HANGS.BY THE NECK on the Fragile Bar of the Trapeze and while thus appended beats a GRAND MARCH IMORr THE DRUM. This Son of the Desert performs many other new and startling feats totally unlike anything ever before seen in this country. Ben Mahommed. the Man of Strength. ZELA, the Female Gymnastic Wonder Ali Mahorompd, • nisbiriaraidsn.pusnact, • --stre - orner' fainters of the troupe, who all apneas . in ifTry, PYRAMIDS, DARIIVG LEAPS, &c., illustrating Gyronas-ics upon the Great Desert of the Old World. DAN GARDNER, the People's Favorite Clown Richard Hemmings Equestrian and Tight Roge Artist JOHN RIVERS, Punster and Comic Vocalist. Frank Carpenter, the Celebrated Equestrian. Signor De Louis, the Best Gymnast of the Age. Frank Whittaker, the accomplished Madre De Cirque. GEORGE BROWN, the Great American Tumbler. Miss Eliza Gardner, the Pride of the Arena MME. CAMILLA, the Panted Parisian Equestri- La Petit Camilla, the Infant Prodigy. YOUNG DAN, _ zl--- 41 vot 17-11, " the Pocket Clown. Also Messrs. Dubois, Velande, laentle, Bolino, Sweet, Nuda, Cooper, &c., together with numerous well Se lected Auxiliaries The above Talented Artists will appear at each Exhibition, in conjunction with . The Arab Troupe, in every variety ofScarm RwzxG t TRICK RIDING, GYMNASTIC and ACROBATIC 'EXERCISES, TANN MING, DANCING, SacGlrro, &c. • THE BAND, or Grand Orchestra, is compecod of many musical ce lebrities, headed by the great Maestro, FBI= BARTMIat. The Grand Procession, will be of the most elegant chit , eater, headed bir the Royal Band Chariot, and wilt enter the town between 0 and 10 o'clock, A. M. Two Exhibions each day. Af ternoon and Evening. Deers Open at 2 and 7 P. M. Performance to commence half an hour later. M ADMISSION 50 and 25 CEN'IS Don't forget the Day and Date, but wait for the Big Show and She Real Troupe of Arabs. Don't confound. this 7 ith any other establishment. We der's? oompeti ton WILL EXHIBIT LEBANON, Monday, s eptember 11, 165 Paper and Rag Store. Charles Magarge di; Co,, 32 South 6th Street, Philadelphia. FOR SALE—Printing, Writing, and all ;other kinds of PAPER. Sutlers, Binders, and Bonnet Board* also, Bags, and paper makers' mater lab. Jul) 12, 1885.-3 m! A. FRANK SELTZER : . att or 32. 4) 3r at 31-1 OFFICE on Cumberland Street, one door east of the LEBANON VALLEY BANK, with Daimler Boyer, Esq. Lebanon, Aug. 30,1866. -Iy*. $lO REWARD. TEM School Directors ofOornwall township will na y n reward of $lO to any porson who will give infer. Institut as to the person or persons who do any Will. fut injury to the School Houses or other property of the Metric t. By order of the Board. JOSEPH G. HEILMAN, Prest. CORIUM RISSER, Sect'y. Cornwall, Aug. 30, 1805. North Lebanon Township Bounty Tax. WITH BOWS containing the Assessment of BOUNTY TAX for NORTH LEBANON TOWNSIIU, for 1864, have been placed in theethanda of the undersign ed for collection ; and against all owing such Macs, and who do not settle the samo before the 12th of Sep tember, proximo, snits will be instituted. By order of the Board of School Directors. SOLOMON SMITH, Justice of the Peace. N. Lebanon Tp., Aug. 30, '65. HOUSE AND LOT OF GROUND IN CORNWALL, For Sale. PUB subscriber offers at private sale his ROUSE j and LOT OF GROUND, situate in Cornwall town ship near the Toll Gate, on the old Lancaster road, one fourth of a mile from Lebanon, adjoining w property of R. W. Coleman's heirs and Mrs. Marquart. The HOUSE is a two story frame, weathor•boarded, good as new. For further information apply to the undersigned residing near Independence Corner. JOSEPH FIDES. Cornwall tp., Aug. 80,1865.—* THE REBELLION IS ENDED, Slavery is Dead. The fetters are Struck from the Manacled Limbs of four Millions of Slaves !! rpr e i o ce n s se i r an oo c t e le o l f i : v l o l t b h e e e s n e r m e r u r e i d ou a t achievements, L K .LAIMERMILCIES Sky-Light and Well Furnished r - AP car am. and be is prepared to sell all kinds of DRY GOODS at an unprecedented low price, and the people can be ac contmodated with a countless variety of Ladies' Dress Goods. French Merino, all colors ; Drown, Black, Fancy and 'Colored Silks ; 34 Black and 5-i Colored all Wool Delains ; Bombazines and Lustros ; A. full line of _Wu's Wear; A full line of Black Cloth-; A full line of Fancy Gaps ; A full line of Vestings • A full line of Boys' Wear ; A full line of Balmoral Skirts ; A full line of Duplex Eliptic do.; A full line of Hoseries ; A full line of Ladies' and Gents Gloves A full line of Lock wood Paper Collars; DOMESTIC I DOMESTIC ! ! Bed Ticking, and Furniture Cheeks; Bleached and unbleached Muslims; 104 Shirting, Bleached and Unbleached ; Gingham's, Calicoes, &c.. A full line of OROCERIES ; A full line of MIJEENSWABB. The public is invited to call and examine the large and well selected stock of.DItY GOODS be fore purchas log elsewhere - Pnorßrerous - - IviANAGER. Consisting of L. K. LAUDER:IIII,CH. Ail kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, taken in ex change for goods. Lebanon, august 30, 1865. TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS IN LEBANON COUNTY, For Sehool Year, dune, 1865—June, 1866 NORTII LEBANON. 12 TEAMERS.—The examination of Teachers for the above District will take place at the Double School house, ou Saturday, September 9, 1805. JAOOI3 lIECKENDORN, President, Jos, Dorm Secretary. SWATAIIA. 1 TEAMIERS —The examination of Teachers for the above District will bike place at Jonestown, on 'Saturday, September 16.1865. NAPOLEON DEBIT, President. WM :BERNEY Secretary. NTLLensBK. • Q TB AMER .—The examination of Teachers for the 0 above Dinirict will take place at Neumnnetown, on Wedneacty, Sepiolite?. 20,1865 . FILED. A. SOMILTZ , President. Anon C. PrestSeerotary. 1 .T.E.A..o.l.lPata.—The examination .91,_Zeachers for It.P the above District will take place at Schaeffere tecvn on 77•terselast, September 21, 1865: JEREMIAD STEIDOLETZ, President. Danny B. TDA, Secretary. UNION. 0 TI AOLIEILS.—The examination of .Teachers for the above District will take place at the Union Forge, on Monday, 'September 25, ISGS PETER K. 13 ASEEEOR E Z7e 7etary BAST I=LANOVER. 1.0 'rEACLIERS.—The examination of Teachers for the above District will take place at the Washing ton School Ifetw: 3 on Wednesday,,Yententber 27, 1865. DANIBL, IIIEASE, President. Joss ll SHUET, Secretary. BETHEL T1L1.01 , 1111.9.—Th0 examination of Teachers Per the above District will take place at Fredericks. burg, ott Friday ; September 29, 1865. GI D EON SLINOTTERLY,President Isar +a LIG lIT, Secretary. (1 TEACIIERS —The examination of Teachers for the iJ Schools of the above District will take place at the Lebanon Acetinny. on Saturday, September 80, 1865. HENRY DO Presid en t.LlNEDT - JOHN Surnka, Secretary. I9TEAMIERS.—The examination of Teachers for the Schools of the above District will take place, at the Alyerstown Academy, on Saturday, October 7, 1565. ISRAEL ICE, President. IiENIVZ KREMER, Secretary, . RULES. I —Oundidatos for liXaalluation will bolo attondanoo, prthocrodiy, at -34 o'clock, A. 3.. I.l.—Apptlearata for schools will present themselves fir examination in ti at district in which they propose to teach. an•l ntt with for a private examination. I, I —Tverbo. e holding Certificates of a farmer year are rrqntatrd pre-ent them. IV —o:irtificetns. to be legal, must have a five-cent tin, Stamp efflani, which the Superintendent will lurid - eh • To , trwr. will pease make the 033 go V —No ‘i.rtiEeates will be granted that. do not aver. ale 234 in the encomon Branches, including the Theory of 1. that., in cramming up, amount to mote than t t --A vplics:Lts uro requested to write out, before the it:lw of rx- allow ion, th. following (Orations, with tha tort c or., und pres3nt -hen, on the day of exam insvion es els cimena of unravel:tip:- 1. Whet e •N • or nu me silo Pont Office address? 2. In what 3 - ate and County were you born? 3 How many u-rets have you taught? 4. Wh t•or(4 -, 0 firths :sod Journals have you read du g'the 1)144. :tom 2 5 Were, p.m c re4niar member of a District Insti tute during Iho last term ton taught? 0 DM yon ever conduct a recitation or exercise at any of the Inadithte n,eotings? 7. II .w m"ny delis were you in attendance at the twit County Institute? S. Whit No, mat Saheb' have yeti attended, if any? A. How oftwit hove you boon examined, and by whom? 10 Call you furnish Testimonials of Character? Sutecripli tie will be received; as heretofore, for the "gentirylveMrSchool Journal." Directors, and the Public generally, re respectfully levtte(l to be pressor. ffli ii • arT os i W ; 1 , tok d trot Sla ci 11 - * c pp MN os A }..—.. 0 Ira u-= & = ~ isS n CiS 2 0 0 E i'tt2 4 ' E. 'a) , ' ' l, 2 I _ l ~ . ...... c p Z FQ ii M:Z 4) 8 = = GI 4 ri 2 g> a ----,.i 641 a ,pOO r zoi CO. c o l . , 4. 04 0 P 'D " • , , 6 ;.t t) U. G o v' CO = 51t:114 041 F il l" to. 04E co --- 4 y es '''' 0 24 .Ir---,—= 0„ rg, •,5-. zi 0 -6 --'-`,, •M A " - L a t:-,A Si pc F., d. t_-.. Deg fin a PR 71 ~.; I®S Oi tS -2 • ! ~, ;A 5 0 • as . ./2 CI OS El = ing Q tr 2 1 4 g. 2 d VI : C.) eLI 4 1 ) al 6- : , .5. tg f.. . 0, 0 . _ ca .F.l 4 1 1 t ) Q 'e; 4 / 2 :"' : t,_. B • • _ ''' .... .., Jat .0 i ZI V 02 '... -c - 2: 03 . 4 .5 73 .... •.• 0 or pi CEI WI W pla 0. 0 t. MR ma M o . l° • 4 1, ° E l C • rip, 0 o .c A Imv (AU MI aEs SOUTH LEBANON ACE 0 HENRY HOUCK, Co. Bop( Lebanon, Only 12, 1865 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The New York H ) GREAT BARGAINS DRY GOODS $30,000 Worth NRW GOQDS to be sold immediately, for Cash, atpricee that will ASTONISH THE NATIVES. AgNi- Not one Dollar's worth of old shelf-worn goods ; all NEW and dirost from the Importers and Manufacturers. The GOOD OLD TIME That you have all read of has at last Come, when you can buy Goods At "Before the War' , Prices. MERRY & BUN Would respectfully announce to the Citisene of LEBANON and surrounding country that they have opened a ST RE, Zimmerman Stand, ORNER OF MARKET AND CHESTNUT STS, Which they have filled with an entire NEW STOOK OF. GOODS, just purchased in the GREAT EASTERN MARKETS, at the lowest prices for Cash, consisting of • Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Cassimeres, Vest in g s Ready- Made Clothing, Boots and. Shoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, Crock ery, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Notions, &c., &e. All of which will be sold at prices less than any other Store in the County, LADIES call and examine our line of DRESS GOODS ; they cannot be excelled anywhere. They would respectfully ask ALL to call at THE NEW YORK STORE, and examine Goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere as we can and will give bargains that cannot be had elsewhere. Merry & Bißig. Lebanon, Aug. 16, 1865 Poor Kan's Cash Shoe Store! LARGE. STOCK at OLD PRICES EW STOCK SOLD AT LOW FIGURES! Our Business Increasing ! MORR . TRADE WANT= TO BROWN PRICES Promise to give Costomers the Benefit ! 11151MAY0Il1 lit i 4511171411 J 454 Rally Men .61nal Ray Your Shoes Cheap Presid n ALL WORK WABBANTBD Dont buy until you seee our Stock Quick Sales and Small Profits is our G. L. ATKINS, Market street, Lebanon, Pa. The Phoenix Pectoral WILL CURE YOUR COUGH. 11 Ij Di JI Li Dia 120 hi Drat OR COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY AND SENEKA SNAKE ROOT, WILL CURE THE DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. such as colds, coughs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarsness, Whooping Cough, &c. ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVENT pulmonary Consumption AND EVEN WHERE THIS FEARFUL DISEASE has taken hold it will afford greater relief than any other medicine. Miss Kate Vanderslice of Pottsville, - says, "I was benented more by using the Phoenix Pectoral than auy other medicine I ever used." Elias Oberheltzer, Lionville, Chester county, was cured of a cough of many years' standing by using the Phoenix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of Hallutreet, Phoenixville, ()utilise that ho was cured of a cough of two years standing, when all other medicines bad failed, by the use of the Phoenix Pectoral. Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hundreds of bottles of the Phoenix Pectoral, and that all who used it bear testimony of its wonderful effects in curing coughs. John Boyer, editor of the independent Monis), Wv log: used it, has no hesitation in pronouncing it a com plete remedy for cough, hoarseness and irritation hi the throat. The West Chester Jeffersonitm says : "We have known Dr. Oberholtzer personally a number of years, and it gives us the greatest pleasure to recommend his medicines, inasmuch as the public rarely have the benefit of family medicines prepared by a physician of his acquirements and experience. ' "Dr. Oberholtzer is a member of the Alumni o the Medical Department at the University of Permeylyania, at which institution he graduated in 1854." POTTSPOWN 2 January Bd, 1865. This certifies that I have used the Phoenix Pectoral in my family, and I recommend it to the public as the very best remedy for Coughs and Colds that I have ever tried. One of my children was taken with s'cold accompanied with a Croupy Cough ; so bad indeed that it could not talk or scarcely breathe. Raving heard so much said about the Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose relieved the difficulty, o& breathing and before the child had taken one-foorth of the bottle it was entirely well. Every family should have It in their house. Signed, D. P. CROSBY. Mrs. Mary Butler, mother of Hon. Wm. - . Butler. President Judge of the Chester and Delaware Districts, says that she cannot do without the Phoenix - Pectoral. Dr. George B. Wood, Professor of the ' Practices of Medicine in the University, of Pennsylvania Hospital, • and one of the authors of the United States Dispensa tory, sayi of the Seneka Snake Root "Its action Is especially directed to the lungs." The proprietor of this medicine Las BO much confi dence in its curative powers, from the testimony Ot hundreds who have used it, tbat the money will be re funded to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects. It is so pleasant to take that children cry for it. It costs only 35 cents—large bottles ONE DoLLS2,— lt is intended for only one class of diseases, namely those of the LONGS and rattOßT. Prepared only by Levi Gherholtaar, M. D., Phoenix. vine, Pa. Johnston Holloway k Cowden, No. 23, N. Sixth at. Philadelphia, and T. C. Wells As Co. N 0.115 Franklin st., Now York, General Wholesale Agents. Sold wholesale and retail by L, Lemberger, Dr. Geo. Noss and D. S. Reber, Lehanon, and by nearly every druggist and storekeeper In Lebanon County. N. 11.—if your nearest druggist or storekeeper ideas not keep this medicine do not let him put you off with some other medifilue, beeanse he makes more money on it, but send at once to OM of the Agents for it. March 8, 1865;-43m. AT THE OLD Motto 1