ferred to North Carolina, when Gen eral Foster placed him in command of his old brigade again, which he re tained, with an occasional change of Regiment, until nearly the end of his term of service. His command was transferred to South Carolina, in January, 1863, with the army that was intended to attack Charleston.— Ho commanded a brigade, or division, in the subsequent operations before that city. He was with General Terry in the action on James Island, July 16th ; he was next placed in command of the important post of Folly Island ; thence transferred to Morris Island, and assisted in the siege operations against Wagner and Sumter. His brigade was one of the two selected by General Terry to make the first assault on Fort Wag ner, the 7th of September. From the Bth of January until the 25th of April, 1864, Colonel Davis was in command of the operations on Morris Island against Charleston, the only place in the department where active hostilities were constantly carried on. This was at a time when there were eleven general officers in the de partment. The fact that Colonel Davis was entrusted with the com mand of honor, gives evidence of the great confidence his superior reposed in him. From Morris Island he was transferred to the command of the important District of Hilton Head, extending from Saint Helena sound, to and including, Fort Pulaski, at the mouth of the Savannah river, a distance of sixty miles. When a combined attack was made on Charleston, in July, 1864, Colonel Davis commanded the first brigade of Hatche's division. He led the ad vance up Johns' Island to within sight of the city. On the morning of the sth, while - examining with a glass, a rebel battery that was play ing upon his men, he was struck on the right hand by a shell, which carried away the fingers and tore the hand terribly. Of course he is made a 'cripple for life. After be had so far recovered from his wound as to be able to do light duty, he was made President of a general court martial, in Philadelphia, where be remained until he was mustered out of service, the first of October, 1864. Colonel Davis was never promoted, the reason of which the War Depart ment can give. He entered the ser vice with more knowledge of, and ex - perienoe in, military matter* than ninety-nine out of every hundred of ficers in the 'volunteer army. He has in his possession the very highest tes timonials from his superior officers, and was frequently recommended for promotion. He was honorably men tioned in orders for his conduct at Fair Oaks. After the fall of Wagner and Sumter, the Adjutant General of the army wrote to General Gillmore, and requested him to report the names of the officers of his corps who deserved promotion. In the reply the name of Colonel Davis stands number two, but there it ended.— The others, we believe were all pro moted. Four out of five of the regi mental commanders.in Colonel Da vis' brigade, and of course his juni ors, were made enerals. We are eon. The" War Department would not promote Colonel Davis. The Popu lar Department in Pennsylvania will probably correct executive errors so far as to elect him Auditor General. COL, JOHN P, LINTON, Our candidate for Surveyor Gen eral, Col. John P. Linton, is a young man of about thirty-three years, a native of Cambria county, a pure pa triot, an honest, upright man, and a splendid representative of the incor ruptible mountain Democracy. lie is the son of Robert P. Linton, at various times Sheriff of the county, and grandson of Peter Levengood, Esq., who, many years ago, was Ca nal Commissioner of the Common wealth. By profession, Col. Linton was lawyer, and before the war ho was fast making his way to eminence at the county bars. In general in telligence he is far above the aver age, and professionally he is well known among the legal fraternity for his acquirements. He was a stu dent of Jefferson College, and subse quently studied law with and became the law partner of Hon. Cyrus L. Pershing. This latter fact is of it self a guarantee for his intelligence and ability. When, in 1861, the war was brought upon the country, ho was a lieutenant in a holiday volunteer. company. Mainly through his ef forts the organization was retained, the company recruited to the max imum number, and, upon the decli nation of other officers, he was unan imously proclaimed captain: With his company he faithfully served du ring the three months' campaign. At the termination of the three months' campaign, Cols. Linton, Campbell and M'Dermott at once re cruited a regiment, (the 54th,) and the officers were soon after, in August, 1861, commissioned as fol lows: Colonel, Jacob M. Campbell; (Republican candidate for Surveyor General ;) Lieutenant Colonel, Ber nard McDermott; (one of the sol diers of the war with Mexico ;) Ma jor, John P. Linton. Subsequently Col. M'Dermott resigned on account of ill-health, which, on February Ist, 1863, advanced Major Linton to the position of Lieutenant-Colonel. The regiment was immediately assigned to duty along the Balti. more & Ohio Railroad. During the whole of the early period of the war, when the mouth of the Shenandoah Valley was the scene of constant a larms and raids, the 64th Regiment was stretched as a cordon of protec- tion to the lower tier of Pennsylva nia counties. We have not time nor space in this article to follow the-reg. iment through its later history ; this will afford matter. for subsequent ar ticles. It is sufficient to say that af ter about two years of detached ser vice, the regiment was' ordered to take part in the active operations up the Valley. During most of this lat er and more active period of service, Col. Campbell was away from the regiment—in temporary command of a division or a brigade, it is stated— so that Col. Linton had the honor of leading the 54th in the battles of Newmarket and Piedmont. And moot bravely and gallantly he led his regiment on those disastrous fields.— In both those battles he was severe ly wounded, bat although for a time compelled to go home for treatment, he scarcely remained long enough from his post to fully recover—so wedded was he to his regiment, his duty and the serious work required of him. When the 54th was subsequenty ordered to the front, before Peters• burg, Col. Linton, we believe, still re tained direct command, and again led his men in those hard-fought engage. meats which proved so disastrous to that gallant old regiment. -Hereaf ter we shall furnish a detailed histo ry of this regiment and its common. der in battle. Col. Linton is a candidate of whom the Democracy may well feel proud. There is not positively a speck or flaw in his history or character. His claims do not rest alone upon his mili tary services. He is a just man—an honest, an honorable and true man. He could not evade a duty if he would and he would not if he could. He never compromises with wrong, and in the same manner that be performs his own duty he is exacting upon oth- ers subject tb his' - teobtroll But, though firm and unyielding where right and honor are concerned, he is one of the most temperate, genial and agreeable of men in all the social re lations. Should he be elected, the peo ple can rely upon having secured an officer who will be an ornament and gain to the State—one whom neither party nor personal nor family friend ship, can swerve from duty. itfitintitifr WHEN DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLZB CUM TO 1.7.13), WI °IASI WIC Er. BRESLIN, Editor and Proprietor. LIMANON, PA. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1885 DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS, FOR AUDITOR GENERAL : COL. W. W. H. DAVIS, OF BUCKS COUNTY. FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL: MAJ. JOHN P. LINTON, OP CAIKBRIA COUNTY. NARY A SOLDIER—In Philadelphia the Republican convention, a week ago, nominated eighteen candidates for the Legislature, and not a single e rea TiE SOLDIERS ON THEIR OWN HOOK. —The soldiers of lowa met at Des Moines on the 23d and nominated full State ticket against the Republi can negro suffrage candidates. The Democratic Convention met on the following day and ratified the sol diers' nomination. • se‘ John Brough, Governor of Ohio, died at Cleaveland on Tuesday last, 29th August, in the 54th year of his age. He is succeeded by Lieut. - Gov. Anderson for his unexpired term. The Delegates to the next Democratic Gubernatorial conven tion from Berks and York counties have been instructed for Ileister Cly mer. stir Junius H. Browne, the. noted prisoner of war, and correspondent of the New York Tribune, has writ ten a letter on the responsibility of causing the death- of our soldiers in the Southern prisons, in which he says that "the reason the lives of twelve or fifteen thousand of our heroic soldiers were not saved was owing to Mr. Edwin M. Stanton's peculiar policy and dogged obstinacy, and that he is unquestionably the digger of the unnamed graves that crowd the vicinityof every Southern prison with historic and Jiever . to be forgotten horrors." If this is so, and the authority comes from a "loyal" source, ought not Stanton to be tried with Wirz, the keeper of the Ander sonville prison, by a military com mission of his own getting up ? 0111•• "The Copperhead, organs of this and other States, heartily endorse the action of the State Convention of Mississippi, now in session, looking to the proteotion of the rebel citizens of that State, by a constitutional provision, from all consequences of their treason, so far as the State laws are concerned. These tories may ev er be expected to endorse whatever looks to se curing complete immunity to rebels fur their crimes, as they have never uttered a word a gainst those crimes when loyal men were the sufferers. It would be impossible to find a rebel sheet in the South more completely devoted to the interest of treason."—Harrieburg Telegraph. logi. Does the Telegraph mean An dy Johnson when it talks of "Copper head organs , " "treason," and "tories" in the above 'as the President is the only one who has publicly endorsed the action of said convention and sent it a letter of congratulation to_ It is reported that twenty a gents from the Southern States have sailed for Brazil to examine and re port on the advantages of that em pire as afield for emigration. Fifty thousand Southeners are said to be ready to emigrate thither. TO 1 , OLLOW ." LEE wn aye/ I*%, The Republican party just now is anything but a harmonious organization. Cameron, Curtin and Kelly arc keeping up their spat with a vigor that is commendable in the annals of )atriotism and rascality. Montgomery Blair, late of the Lin- coin Cabinet, made a speech at Clarkesville, Md., last week, on Sew ard and Stanton, in which he charges them with being original se cessionists, that they advised and en couraged the South to take up arms, and that they gave open "aid and comfort" to the enemy. He says that his assertions can be proven in a court of justice, and would have been before if "military necessity" had not smothered the attempts. It is said that -Blair speaks for the Presi dent. These are pretty charges to come from leading republicans them . - selves. A. D. Richardson, a correspondent I of the New York Tribune, who was a prisoner in the South, has written a book, in which he charges the deaths in Southern 'prisons on Stan ton, because of his stubbornness, in refusing to exchange prisoners. In Lancaster county "the party" is split-up, and the Examiner, the repub lican organ, says that those of its own party, who differ with, it, are "Worse than rebel bayonets and rebel dungeons,—political assassins."- In return the others are saying the same, if not worse things of the "Ex aminer's" party. So we have .the whole of them condemned out oftheir own mouths. Up the Juniata they have a repub• lican member of Congress, elected last ifall, who sports the name of "Hon. A. B. Barker." The Hunting don Journal, the republican organ of that county - , a week or two ago, said— "We will agree that we did play the part of "fools" when we• supported this big-footed Yankee, without brains, for a seat in the councils of the Nation. He is about as fit for Congress as Billy Dunn is to teach Theology." - •• So they go on tearing each other to pieces, politically, exposing the vile carcass which has ruled and tyranized the past four years and a half. The chapter might be extOnd ed indefinitely, but the above must suffice for the present. "Speenlatch's are engaged in buying up rebel . currency, in expectation that eventually it will have an appreciable value. The assertion is openly made in Washingion that inducements will be brought to bear upon some future Con gress that will secure a recognition of the rebel debt." ilk The above we find in a Re publican exchange, and is, of course, a lie, manufactured for the purpose of a little political gas; still, if true, it would only show that fools and their money are easil arced. How went should the Republican party maintain its ascendency ? Wendell Phillips and hosts of others of the Republican party are openly advo vocating a repudiation of our own debt, because, as they say, "the war and the debt were a fraud and should be ignored if negroes are not grant ed the right to vote and hold office." Hence, what folly to talk of recog nizing the rebel debt, or baying its currency. Kr The Democratic State Conven tion of New Jersey has nominated Major-General Runyon for Governor, Or Spaff Hyman, the "side show" man, was arrested at Harrisburg the other day for gouging a man out of his watch in a game of cards known in blackleg circles as "monte.". see- A passenger and a freight train collided - on the Oil Creek railroad, near Titusville, on Thursday. Nine persons were killed and ten to fifteen injured. G An ex-Treasury clerk, dismiss ed for drunkenness, committed sui cide in Washington on Tuesday night. see. A large party of Swedes ar rived in Richmond on the 21st, to settle in the valley of the upperJamee river. NEWSPAPER STEAEING.—.OhaTiOS An. derson, James Flemming and Barney Sullivan, were convicted in Philadel phia last week of stealing Philadel phia Inquirers, and each was sentene. ed to 18 months imprisonment. seir In the cemetery at Sharon, Ct., is a very unique family grave consisting-of a verdant mound with a circle of six gravestones around it, facing outward. Six of these com memorate the virtues of the six de. parted wives Of D— S--, and the seventh, a more stately slab than the rest, bears the simple but affect. ing inscription "Our Husband." lII' "Where aro you going ?" ask ed a littlo boy of another who had just slipped and fallen down on an icy pavement. "Going to got up," was tho blunt reply. A PRACTICAL YOUTR.---"Suppose you wore to see the sun rising in the middle of the night, what would you call that ?" said a teacher to a plow boy pupil, whom,he was examining on "Miracles." "The mune, please sur," "But suppose you knew it was not the moon, but the sun, and that you saw it actually rise in e middle of the night, what should you think?" "Please, sur, I should think it was time to get up ?" no- Oil City has now nearlyfifteen thousand inhabitants, the population having doubled within the last year. stir Why is the emancipation proclamation a demoralizing edict? Because it brings so many blacklegs into the Northern States. POLITICS TEN YEARS HENCE--ADDRESS OF MR. CROW TO HIS 'CONSTITU ENTS IN 1875- The following is supposed to be the address of an enlightened colored gentleman, Mr. J. Caesar Crow, who has represented this district in Con gress for one term, and is seeking a re-election. It will be seen that Mr. Crow is a politician of tlio liberal stripe, and is for allowing white mon some very important privileges, par ticularly the right to marry colored ladies, &c. To my Colored and white Constituents ob de 10th Congressional District FELLOW CITIZENS : --I hab felt greatly flattered by 4.e call you hab made on me to beam° - a Candidate for re-election -to C6ngress from dis district.- De•knowl6dge ob de fact dat I bab done my dity for two years as your representative hab been, a great source ob consolation to me, and dis great publieendorsement ob my course in de leg j slatib halls as a statesmen and patrl t, hab filled de measure ob my'politi I glory full to de top. Widout flattering -sof, (I hope you all know I wo Id scorn to do dat,) I tick I can sa wid propriety' dat hab did as muc if not more so to elevate de sharact‘r ob do black race abroad as any odler man' ob my limited experience. Already de for eign countries wid om we hab had domestic relations ob de internal polieY ob - Oaf - gobernment wicl a proper -res ,:e, and, while a is free to admit dat o r course 'towards de sufferin whiterob dis country hab not been as lib., al and - just as hab advocated, I • ill tink we will sooner or later con • to dat stage oh 1 de game which ' requirel us to show great magi nimousness, and forgetfulness ob ou forefathers' inju ries. It am my gr t desire to estab lish de superiority Al) de colored race to any in de wbrld, land to dis, it am i necessary dat we hould exhibit a noble and generou impulse toward our fallen foes. Fr my part I am for doing de white ihan justice when eber his necessity,relluires and de exi gency ob de case will admit. lam confident dat by a proper legislatiOn and a yieldin policy on de part ob de administration ob which de venera ble and de Honorable Mr. Fred. Douglas am de head, de white man may soon' be restored" in some meas. lire to de rights andlposition in socie ty-which (dar is no use disputip de fad) he once - held. While it am true dat de white race in America am-rapicly_passing - away, afore do superior blood ob de colored mau—as de white feam goes before de dark strong waves—still while there is yet lef a restage ob de white blood it am our duty as . a great' na tion to protect it in - ebery lawful and honotable manner. It will neber do for die great colored nation to hab such a history ob de white man, as de white man hab ob de Indians. In conclusion my' fellow citizens I will say dat I am : First, In faber ob. a .repeal'ob de law which prohibits a White man from`marrvin a lad ob- color. prohibite a white man from owning more than one acre of land. Third, lam in fabor ob white suf frage and always , will be. Do white man am as much entitled to vote as de colored man if he behabo himself in a proper manner. Dare are many odder minor issues —such as de employment ob de white man on guberment works'—de raising ob three regular new white regiments, &c., which I am in fabor ob, but wimicli I hab not time to dis cuss. I will meet my opponent de Honorable Mr Dugy at all ob his appointments where my views can be ,heard at greater length. Wid many more tanks for your flatterin call, I hab de honor to be gentleman,' ' Your humble obedient servant, J. CIEBAR CROW. ' BURIED ALIVE.-A man belonging to the 202 d Penna. regiment, was captured by the rebels last winter, near Fairfax Court House, Va. A$ has been the ease with other . prison ers, when released and returned to our lines, partook too freely 'of the food placed before him. Sudden death apparently followed, and, the soldier was buried. Recently his re mains were brought to his home in Cumberland county ; and upOn open ing the coffin it was discovered that ho was lying face downward, having turned'himself in his "narrow houSe,' and there were other evidences that he had been buried alive. His family is horror-stricken at this discovery.-- It is indeed sad to think that a hu man being should awake irrhis grave, to meet death. ** FEARS FOR VICE PRESIDENT Fos- TER.—A letter dated July 15, pub lished in the Montana Post, gives an account of an attack upon one ,of the overland Stages to California, by a party of robbers, at a place called Pointneuf Canon, on the:l3th of July. There were 'seven passengers be sides the, driver, four of whom were killed—the rest escaped into the bush. Vice President Foster, Sena tor Ashley, and party, were follow ing in the next stage, which had not been heard from at last accounts. It is feared that they have also been attacked by the robbers, of whom there is a large - gang, and probably murdered. Vice President Foster was making the overland journey to. California. Stir The public, debt of the United States on August 31st was 82,75'7, 689,571 43. Otr The lateit invention of India rubber, in Paris is "a false bust and neck" for females—a perfect' imita, tion of flesh and blood' and (as they say of good counferfle'te) "well calcu lated to deceive." At the circle where the true and fidse neck are connected, is worn a band of ribbon or a white necklace, which complete ly concealS the junction. And conceals 'a false heart under this sham bosom, ' ABOLITION CATECHISM What party declared the Star Spangled banner a "flaunting lie," and "hates polluted rag ?" The Abolition party. What party declared the Constitu tion of the United States, a "cove nant with death and a league with hell?" The Abolition party. What party gave aid and comfort to the rebels, by furnishing them with arms and amunition, in ex change for cotton and tobacco ? Tbe . Abolition party. What party supplied General Lee's army with bacon and blankets for a bout eighteen months before the close of the war ? Members of the the Abolition par tv. What party has swindled the peo ple-out of millions of money, by ap pointing dishonest officials to high offices ? The Abolition party. What party has suspendid the writ of habeas corpus and set up new courts of "Military Justice," which were never known before in this coun try..? The Abolition party. Wirt party is working for the ad viincernent of the negro and the de grading of the white man ? The Abolition party. What party is in favor of placing negroes in our Juries, county offices and other places' where they will be brought into asspoiating. with the white people The Abolition - party. What party was itlbat suppressed papers, free speech and ruled by mob law ? The Abolition party. What party was it that used The bayonet to - carry elections in Tennes see, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri and other States? The Abolition party. Who is the leading saint of the Abolition party.? John Brown, an Abolitionist. Who tried for nineteen years to destroy the government of the Uni ted States ? Wendell Phillips, an Abolitionist. Who resisted United States officers in the discharge of their duties un der the laws of the government ? The Abolitionists of Oberlin. Who was in favor of letting the South go at , the commencement of the war? - - Horace Greely, Lloyd Garrison, Henry Ward Beecher, and hosts of others. Who furnished out soldiers with poor rations, shoddy clothing and rotten vessels ? Members of the Abolition party. Who said that if it had not been for the negro soldiers, we never would have whipped the South? The Abolitioniits. Who are now in favor of giving to the negro the right of suffrage, and placing him on an equality with the white man ? The Abolitionists. Who are in favor of striking the word "white" out of Constitution of Penns lvania ? 'la o ler name 10111/boll tion party known ? . - The Republican-union-loyal-league miscegenation-negro-Suffrage.shoddy- bond.holder-negro-equality-party. What is the object of this party? The object is,to get'the poor white people down on an equality with the negro. - How can thi.s be prevented By voting the party that .now has Control of afthirs'buf of power, and never giving them a chance to obtain it again. Ksgt. Recruiting is quite active for the regular army, and regiments which a few Months ago numbered two and three hundred men now number from. five to sixhundred. One of ; the divers employed in the construction of the railroad bridge at Havni-de-Grace, Maryland, was, smothered to death in his diving clothes. NEGRO EQALITY.—In the Abolition convention of Susquehanna, county, Galusha A.. Grow made a speech-de nunciatory of President Johnson's restoration policy, asserted that the worst dangers wore yet to be met, and declared that the equality of all colors was the true policy- I 0:r A Treasury, Depititmen t" order has boen issued informing the clerks that if they do not refrain 'from get ting drunk in,..business hours, they will, be. discharged. Or One of 'Dan' Rice's elephants got furious in IndlanapOlis, lately, and broke into A-graveyard, and de st:royed gravestones, shrubbery, &e. He was finallyseeured without in juring any one. no_ Two, young ' competitors for the love of the same girl, at Fort Ed ward, N. Y., met the other evening, when one proposed to drown their enmity in friendly drink. The invi tation was- acCeptedV but dote was poison in the cup; and the loved finds one lover dying and the other wait ing to be hanged. The height of an iceberg, seen late in July, could not have been less than 90 feet, and as there are 8 feet Of ice below the water for ,every foot a.bove, its 'total height must have been - 810. g During the reception. of Gen eral Grant at St. Paul, Minnesota, on Saturday last, a balcony in one of the principal streets gave way, injuring twenty persens, two or three of them, it was thought, fatally. ser It has been ascertained that the man who cut off• Col. Dahlgrc,n's finger to obtain,the diainond ring, on ,it, was killed in battle; that the one who stole his watch met with a simi lar fate; that the one taking his pants and underclothing, has been made a, hopeless cripple for life, and that the one taking the coat was killed in a home quarrel. Verily, vengeance is mine, and -:,I will repay, saith a Greater one than one of us. A YOUNG LADY DROWNED.—The Harrisburg papers state that early on Tuesday morning, a young lady nam• ed Sarah Schwarm was drowned in he canal, at the foot of Second street, n that city. She was employed in the family of Mr. J. S. Springer, who resides near Hummelstown, and some ten miles from Harrisburg. At a very early hour in . the morning, she, in company with some of the members of the family left home, in a wagon, to come to the city, and as they were crossing the canal bridge, on Second street, Sarah attempted to leave one seat in the wagon, and occupy anoth er. While in the act of doing so, she accidently fell from the wagon, and, it is supposed, was stunned by the fall, as in attempting to rise she roll ed off of the side of the bridge, and disappeared in the water, which is very deep, at that point. A number of men were immediate- ly engaged by Mr. Springer, to search for the body, by diving, and a seine was used, but up to the time of writ. ing this the unfortunate girl bad not been found. LATER—Probable Case of Suicide The Bodyfeund.—Since the above was put in type, the body of Sarah Schwarin has been recovered. It was found some fifty yards below the bridge. Further particulars have been learned, from which it seems highly probable that the girl commit. ted suicide. It appears that some time ago she gave birth to, an illegiti• mate child, the father of which refus ed to marry her. ' She became de spondent inconsequence'of her be trayal, and occasionally threatened self-destruction, on account of her loss of character. This morning she and Mrs. Springer occupied the mar ket Wagon, and when upon the canal bridge Sarah requested that the team might be stopped, as Mae desired to exchange seats. .For this purpose, as was supposed, she jumped out of the wagon, and instead of. seeing her re-enter the wagon, Mrs. S. heard a plunge in the canal. Mrs. S. called her but received no reply. Sarah did not reappear, and was not again seen until the lifelees body was taken from the water, late in the afternoon. If her death was one of aelf.destruction, her premature end is chargeable to her seducer, and although ,he may not be punished here, he cannot be considered innocent of the murder of Sarah Schwarm. _ Coroner's - inguest.,---The Coroner held an inquest on the body, at noon to-day, and alter hearing the etridence the jury rendered a verdict of Suicide. THE LATE SIIWIDE.—W 0 have heard numerous and conflicting sto ries relative to the causes which in duced the y oung girl, Sarah Schwarm, to commit suicide yesterday. One attributes the rash act to seduction by a young man Who subsequently proved to be a "gay deceiver" and cruelly abandoned his victim. An other statement presents the affair in a different light, and implicates a married man whose intimacy with the dOcea,sed is belieired to' have been of a criminal . nature. From all we can learn there is no doubt that the girl *as the victim, of some 4 -unprin- Isponstble Or her inurde;r. Wh — o the individual is remains to be developed. MURDER OE A READING MAN AT EASTON, Pa.—John M. F. Steen, a citizen of Reading, and a brother-in law of William Y. Lyon, of Reading, was killed at Easton, Pa., on last Sat urday evening, under the following circumstances. . Steen arrived in Eas ton on Friday afternoon, the day pre vious, and was at a tavern in - the western part of that borough, in company with two Easton men named George Hutman and Peter Wellers. Wellers asked Steen to take a drink with him, which Steen refused. Some angry words then took - place between the parties, on the porch of the tavern, When man interfered, and told Wellers to knock Steen down. Steen, in reply told Hutman that the quarrel was no business of his, whereupon Hutman struck Steen a very powerful blow on the temple - knocking him against the side of the house. Wellers then rushed in and gave Steen several kicks:: Steen- died in a few seconds after being struck, by Huttnan. A post mortem examination ehoWed that Steen's neck bad been _dislocat ed. In the confasien that ensued Ilutman and Wellers. made their es cape. The _ Sheriff -of Northampton county has offered a 'reward Of $lOO for their apprehension. • - zeir A Detroit officer who was tak ing a female prisoner from . Saginaw in the cars left her for a few minutes to go into another-ear, when the con ductor came along, _and tho woman refusing to pay her .faro, he put her off the.tru.in. The officer was not a little chop-fallen on. learning how he lost his prisoner. - Otr STEALING PRINTING OFFICES.- 'Brick Pomeroy of the La Cross Democrat, has the following item con cerning a couple of his abolition con temporaries. He says: “The press and type on which the Fon du Lae Commonwealth, a Republican paper, is printed, was stolen from a print ing office at Columbia, Tennessee, by its present user, the editor of the Commonwealth. There is a prospect of the 'loyal' confiscationist coming to grief over it. A Republican print ing office in this city has lately re ceived aiot of second-hand type won down South when, the owner, was a way. We admire a fighting rebel more than a thieving patriot, and are not afraid to say: so. If:these South ern printing office stealers could have stolen a few brains at the same time they would have been better off than now. A pity this cruel war is over. . . THE NEW BAKERY ino, p undersigned would respectfully Inform the cit. I zees of Lebanon, that he commenced the BAK ING BUSINESS, in all its varieties, at bis stand, in Cumberland street4AbAnon, nearly opposite the Bock Hotel, and will supplyeustomers with the best BREAD, CAKES, Ac., &O. Slonr received from customers and returned to thorn in broad at short notice. CONFECTIONE:R,IES, • of all kinds, fresh and of the best quality, constantly on hand, and furnished "at the lowest prices. Ths public Wiriiited to give me a trial. Lab men, Hay 4, 18114. P. 11. BM. . Orphans' Court Sale OF BOROUGH PROPERTY. 7- 11RSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court of Lebanon County, will be exposed to side by public vendue or outcry, at the public house of H. D. Car many, on Saturday, September 23, 1865, the following Borough Property, late the estate of PATRICK and LIANNAII CASIDAY, dee'd., viz : A LOT OF GROUND, on It ill street, between Walnut and Pinegrove streets, in said borough, adjoining property of Philip Arnold and Benjamin Young, front ing on 11111 street 86 feet, and 158 feet deep to an alley, having erected there on a one story frame weather boarded . YI V DWELLING HOUSE, 22 by 2.1 feet, .; . good BARN, Corif Crib, Pump with , ~ r, well of nevor-failing Water, Cistern, all kinds of Choice Fruit, and ether improvements. Good, title and possession will be given on the let of April, 1806. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 151., when terms will be made known by PUILIP FERNSLFR, WILLIAM SPAHR', Guardians of the minor Children of Patrick and Hannah Casiday, deed. By the Court :—SOL. W. STROLI6f. Clerk. lfrir If the above property is not sold, on said day, it will be rented for one year. Lebanon, Aug. 23, 1866. ORPHANS' COURT SALE REA.II. ESTATE. T3URSEANT to an order of the Orpbans' Court of Lebanon county, will be exposed to sale - by pub lic vendee or outcry, on premises No. 2, on Saturday, September 30, - 1865, the following valuable Beal Estate, late of PaTLIP MAAS:, deck."., viz : NO. A. PLANTATION or Tract of Land, situate in South Lebanon township, Lebanon county, Pa., about 4 miles from Lebanon and 2 miles from Cornwall, near the Old Shaefferstown road, adjoining lands of Rudolph, Shank, Samuel Brubaker, Aaron Breidenstein, Moses Breidenstein, Isaac Brubaker and others, containing 108 ACRES and 60 PERCHES, be the same morn or less, of good Limestone Land, under good-fences and in a high state of cultivation. The improvements are a large two story Stone DWELLING HOUSE, SUMMER HOUSE, large Stone arse SWEITZER BARN, Corn Crib and We . gon Shed, and ail other necessary out " 1" -- buildings. An Orchard of good 'Fruit TREES, and a well with pump of never falling Water near the house. A lane passes through the p rem is e s making all the fields convenient of access. About 12 Acres a excellent heavy WOODLAND is in cluded in the above. This is One of the finest farms in South Lebanon township, tip garden of Lebanon county, MX! A TRACT OF LAND in South Lebanon township, about 3-miles from Lebanon, on the old Shaefferstown road, adjoining lands of Rudolph Shank, Joseph Beek. ley, Jacob Brubaker, Samuel Grumbine and others, containing 30 ACRES and 28 PERCHES. The, m. provements are a two story log DWELL ING HOUSE, new stone SWEITZER BARN, Summer House, Smoke House, • a Wagon Shed, Pig Sty. and all other neces- .1! vary improvements. The land is of • • • Limestone, in the very best condition, - good fences, and running water in every field NO. 3. • A TRACT OPLAND containing, about 2 AORES, 'adjoining No. 2, landsoaoseph Beckley, George Zerbe, and other lands of Philip Shack, deed. The improve ments are a one and a half story Brick DWELLING GOOSE, with KITCHEN attached, frame DARN, and other Improvements. Well with Pump between house-and stable, ex cellent young Orchard of choice fruits,&e 130.4 A Tract of WOODLAND, in South Lebanon town ship, on the road leading from the Red School House to Zinnia Mill, containing 5 ACRES and ]5 SENORES, more or leas, adjoining lands of Samnel Grumbine, Dr. T. W. Gloningsr, Rudolph Shaak and Isaac Smith, NO. 5. A Tract of CHESTNUT TIMBER LAND,'"fit to cut, in said township, containing 2 ACRES and 120 PERCHES. adjoining len& of Rudolph Shook, Heirs of R. W. Coleman, dec'd., and others. Good title and possession will be given on the Ist day of April,ll6B. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when terms will be made known by Adm in istrators of the Estate of Philip Stank, deck]. By the Court W. STRUM, Clerk. Aug 23 Public Sale Of Peirional Property. w ILL BE SOLD at Public Sale, on Thursday, September 14th,.1865, At the late residence of PHILIP MAAS., dec'd., in South Lebanon township, Lebanon county, about 3 miles south-east of the borough ofLebanon, the follow ing personal property, to wit :- 4 good BEDS and BEDSTEADS, good Cradle, Bed ding, Comforts, Blankets, Chests , Bureau, Woodehest, Tables, 2 Coal Stoves and 1 Wood Cooking Stove, with Pipe, Oun,2 Iron Kettles, crook, - ' large EIGHT-DAY CLOCK and CASE, Buckets, stands ' / Salt. 3 barrels VINEGAR, numerous ü b s y to th e m t e o rtf n i mention. . -ray7Tardurnan-Ilither articles too lot A o is f o' STßAW , lot of BOARDS, lot of POULTRY, lot of POTATOES, do, • One hundred Leather HALTERS. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. ?J., on said day wher terms of sale will be made known by JACOB SHAAK, JOH Phi H. SHAAK Administrators of the estate N lip Shaak, 'ddec Aug, 23, MIS. PRIVATE OR PUBLIC SALE Wt. c) a 1 Mg tat o. undersigned offere at private sale, the following Real Estate. viz : NO. 1. The undivided halfof the well known.STORE and TAVERN STAND, known as Sherk A . °mamma's, on the bank of the Union Canal, in North Lebanon town: ship, adjoining the borough, connected therewith are • two LOTS of GROUND, a good SHED, 32 by 45 feet, and other improve mots. The Store end Tavern Stand ‘,t, is large and commodious, and well ar ranged for both businesses, is one of the beet business places in the ion'', ty, and enjoys alarge custom. If desired, the whole property can be bought or the undivided half. NO. . - The undivided quarter of a STOREHOUSE, adjoining No. 1 and the Union Canal. NO. 8. A now STIED, 32 by 45,feet, on a lot of 75 by 45 foot, adjoining No. 1. and the Canal. NO 4 A TRACT OF LAND,. containing 4 LOTS, each ZO feet front and 122 feet deep, fronting on Pinegrore etreet,adjoinin2 property ofJeseph Petere and the old burying ground of the United P.rethreu. NO. 5 19 ACRES of LAND,und improvements in Swatara township, Lebanon county; adjoining land of Peter Ar• nold, alfelmel D-rman and others. About, 2. acres are WOODLAND, the rest good Farming Lend in a high state- of cultivation. Running water through the fields ; Orchard with good Fruit, As. This property is about 3 miles from the-borough of Lebanon. NO. 6. The undivided half of a DOUSE and- Let of GROUND, in . North Lebanon township, Light's* Addition, near the • borough, adjoining lands of.Taimb Boyer and David Light, deed. The House is a good new brick Dwelling. Also Well with Pump and other improvements. Good title andpossession will be given on the 31st ollitarch, 1866. Terris easy. For further information call on the undersigned In North Lebanon township, near the borough... " If the above property is not sold at private sale It will be positively sold at PUBLIC SALE, on Friday, September 15, 1865, At the public house ofE. G. Lantz, as the under- Biped bas purchased property in an adjoining county. JONATHAN ODESAKAN-. 1==133 PUBLIC SALE. Peronal Property. . . . ...„ • -. . --" 0 - - 41/47111Y( 11114c0; .t. ( --.'' F.--' -- - 7 •.7' \ . p .:1 , ---_ . W ILL, be sold at public sale, Monday, September 11th; 1865, at the public house of John 11. KOhr; in Fredericks burg, Bethel Township, the following articles to wit: LOT OF IiAY, S Beds and Bedsteads. Cooking Stove with Pipe, Parlor Stove with ' Pipe, one small Coll Stove with Pipe, °of Cannon Coal Stove, 4 Tables, Cupboard, lot of Chairs,- 5 Washstands, 50yards of NEW CARPET, 2 Clocks, 2 Wood Chests. ,Barrels, Tubs, Deruijohus, I Buggy 'farness, Slay, Fly Nett Iron Kettle, Chimney Crook, HOGS Lot of Pommel noarde, 2 Strings. of Balls, double bar relied GUN, Battles and Tumblers used in t. e Bar, Wheelbarroir, Lot otßoarde, Halters and Cow Cludini, 3 Riding Bridles, and a variety of othernousehold and . Kitchen Furniture too numerous to mention. . Sale to commence at 32 o'clock. 111., vixen cond Mom will made known by. JOHN IL KOIIR. Fredericksburg, Aug. 30, 1265: • PUBLIC SALE NORTH LEBANON BOROUGH PROPERTY. THE subscriber will sell at,publio sale, at the pub. lie house of Henry Siegrist, in the borough of Leb anon, on Friday, September 15, 1865, If a desirable Property, situate on Plank Road street, near. ZioreirLutberart Cemetery, North Lebanon Bor ough;cdualstint of a LOT OF GROUND, frdnting 28 feet on said street, and 198 feet deep, baying erected thereon a new two story brick DWELLING m. z. HOUSE, Summer HOUSE, Cistern, 'Pig Sty, and other necessary outbuildings. . Hood title and possession' will be given at any time. Salo to commence at 6 o'clock, P. ILL, when terms will, be made known by SEBASTIAN ULRICH. N. Lebanon, August 28,1866. JACOB SIIAAK, JOHN H. SHAAK,