The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, July 19, 1865, Image 1

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    Ifbannit Zft hsttint
tamp uwavor msmmAtAKIICPCP
Neatly and PromptlyEx . a t the
Tuts establishment le now supplied with an eztensive
assortment of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the
patronage demands. It min now turn out Panes - two, of
every descriptionitnit neat and expeditions manner—
and on very ressonabletarms. Such as
Pamphlets, Cheeks,
Businan , Cards, Handbills,
Circitlate, Labels,
MIT Headings, Blanks,
Programmes, Bille of Pare,
Invitation*, Tickets, &c., &c.
Jar Dana of all kinds, Oonlmon and Judgment Beans.
lichdol,Unstieeri, Constables' and other Sutras, prir.ted
correctly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept
Me sale at this office, at prices "to snit the times."
rt.sielcoms Qf "elmreirtiiil23.4g
Size. .. it. 3t" . 3m. 6m. ly.
1 Square, 12 linot, $ .50 $l .
$3.00 $ 6.00 $ 8.00
2 ~ 2 4 Nies, 1.00 2. 5.00 8.03 12.00
3 " &nines, 1.50 .8. 7.00 10.00 15.00
Tor Executor's and Admitillitrator's Notices, 2.00
For Assignee. Auditor and el:Miler Nuticae, . 1.1111
Nor yearly Oarde, not exceeding 6 Howl, 3.00
For column ad verti!eniopt. ;* rir.i:. ' - 6eft*
ll* yettlltann ' ' '
or fiYck.. . _..
Vor A column " " 18.00
For Annonnoltigoandidatre for Oilloe, to advance, 2.00
-For Announcing sale, unaccompanied by adv'i. 1.00
For Local Notices, Society resolutions, Be., 8 cis
per line. .
For Bishops or Special Notices, 80 cents per line
Yearly adyfittivomettts for Mercbatits and Bunt-
rums men ew agr!Redupon
***Sobecriplid,tt price dela LEBANON ADVERTISER
One Dollar ands Ralf a Year.
A 441.211116 M. BHEBLIR, Lebanon, Pa.
infisoisnat gaitt.s.
air ROOMS over ISlr.Ad
em Rh/WA Bet MOM Own
terlatid St., Lebanon, Pe:
Dr. S. 111..GIIILFORD,
10 1 ,21 1 2 . : 33 'V
(Graduate of Penn'a College of Dental Surgery.)
C. Henry'e new building,
dOpoeite the Engle liotel, Cumberland
etrent, Lebanon, Ya.
'l. t'" t et! :Iter4eent re c d h . loro tbrm admlnle
Lebanon, Jnneot4,lB6s.—tf.
Dr. oEolicalFA GLEIM 5 Jr
cikryncE in Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa., in
I_,P the rooms lately ocatip lad by Lm RUNS, Esq.,
deceased. ' [June 28, 1806.
CB. W agrAer
-.Osseo B.
INSEIRTS Artificial Teeth on Gold, Silver, .3fnicanite,
at from sstos4lo. Teeth filled et if, centa•and up.
'weitill.•,.fieehinnee and Office. °lambert:mut . street, East
Lebanon, opposite , Genaon's Hotel-re/two be Mae boat
practising the...last:eight Tear&
Lebanon, Aprilibt. IRO& •
lions andersisitte*,'llaittlig born Itemised td erbtacnte
1. claims, and' having - baeti engaged in th d Bounty and
Pension busisteas,
_oMrot 'big ' serrices• to all than. who
m e thereto entititslV In accordance with the raking
acts of Congress. An such should Calf or 'address at
onsd, and mks theirappitsations through • •
BABBI,III DOYEN, Attorney at-Law,
•• 07111 CI removed to Cumberland • Bt., one
door East—atilt, Lebanon - Valley Bank, opposite
tbaluck Hotel; Johan cm, Peri --- • pitil .8,464:
111;1, CA - 111r1tRIGL;
t t ck.r 7h B.zr .
OPFIOE, 2d Oloor,.andar. PuneMa. Hall,. Cumber
land. St., 'Lebanon, . . • •
Will also attend promptly to the collection of. all
War Claims.
7 References-40Y. A.. G 1 Clownrc, Harrisburg,. Pa.:
It. E. Wsuanr, State Reporter, Allentown ; M'aumrrsa
Bum, Attyc s .Bellefonta, Pa.; Bunt A Date, Attys.
ITollidayaborm44i4 • • • L •• • •
Lebanon, June
-RdISS 4 R"' it'OVER
..s.ttor aa. eo !yr arum t
OIPPICEI ref:Coded" to Ciltot/eihted 7 street, • one door
&at of thd lactorad irallriy;panfr;.'opfioafte: the
Buck Hotel, Let +, • "kglla.e.' 64 •
einacr., fn:unmoborlannatreet, &few doorreast of
lit: the Eagle llotal, la. the aloe late -or.hht father
Capt. John Wall4matt,dao'd. :
Lebanon. Sept. 9,.1158...._ . .
H. 1 . cithoN -
Olagg,TiMiyAintMinzuC,'. ll d
Lototiloopi &Alm .8p • ; . :
11 : 14' in DiGHAIT 99
Omoz to Btlcbter's BuildingK Cumborland,Street
wavy optiogtei thcootatinuee, , lAbanon.
I.oitooDOolotok p 11364.-tt, , •
• „ • .•
rig n it tr a t 4 n ra l k o rn ete xa tl rinL a y e,k lr a .
lillaware store.
Lablinors, April Q,1864.-Iy.
:RMtOV M.i
AT:TO Fk_, Ng,Y,
Flea'romeled lilt (Adel - 6 The bnildtnk; oile . dOor 'We•
or Laudermlloh 'e Otero, opposite tbeWaehing ton Howe
Lebanon, Psi..
BOUNTY and IioIONSION elalthe promptly attended
to. B, '03.-3133.
T. •
DAS REMOVED hie (Ace to Market Street, one'deor
SCUM of the American nonce, better known ae
tbes' llotet.
LebekW9nr• #1004 29/ 1 43 1 , ' .
.. • .
A. tt ti . 'zi:eit , ' ,6 ;SlLle•eZaA'emir.
tlfklol34 next door td the Birit:Nailonal Batik, (late
I Dproolt Bank ) ) Cumberland street, Lobanon,
Marc , • 1886. • •
•• . .
7.4.1 41 1:ft• 00/1 1 1031 AN!,
(i awl. in Me 142.1 Ph f7O/Q .
• 74P711,"r' s34*°*,
* g" -
°'all limn HON, J. W. KILLINOER:,..'
i t A MMON. PA. ; t
Laig4;00110 . 10 Iptyk-Sy . . ,-• f:
• HENWIO44 1 111:IGHT
9 .
WI-1410tictiek TDENtraksztei.
rrHE eubsoriber, having Ileen, elected Jeeps* of the
11 Nate, would teepeettoily ihforiii t 156 'public that
he is now prepared to attend to the duties of his race,
as well as the writing ,of Deeds, loads,; Agreements,
and all.bitehteee pertaltittg to iiiiBdrlvener', at 'IN test!
deuce in Korth Lebanon Township, abont s , ewn plies
from Lebanon, near the Tunnel, op the Unloq Forge
Road-!!) • • !
N. L? , • towaabip, Mar d, 180.-Bairi
14.1411311, :STOILE;
Marks! Iquars, wavy's, t/14 . itarkftrlpusei, Lebanon, Pa,
ri MIT Undersigned respectfully informs the public
that ho'hes received an eatenelve. attick of the
choicest and purest Liquors of all descriptions. These
Liquors ho is invariably disposed to sell at no.
:lE. yettedentedly low POMP , • • • •
DFUnists, Farmers,HOtel Keepers, and oth
ers will consult their own. Interiete by buying of the
unOlfri •, : 7 • L.* Dna.
matt tßeatirit'S HEIM ITTTRRB,-
Labletortrioatiaglsaik T ., • • • ' • 1..,
Brae Acrantt aid buena '
Ilion (Haim! jug punted ra st , IV AIM (
Vll2lOlll oMoe.
X)orLtio►t .
"Having used Dr Wisraft's. Bataan or Nun Ctmaar
for about fifteen years; and having realised its benefi
cial results in my flunity,:it affords - me great :pie:taws
in recommending It tothe as a valuable remedy
In cases of weak lungs,. colds, nought., to.; and a reme
dy which I consider terbennterely innocent, and' rimy
be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate to
From Hon. Joho Snzith a Dist' in:-
guished Lawyertre , Westmins- ,
tet; aryland. ' .
I have on severs) occasions used Dr. Wurna's Bal
sam or WILD CIUDAD for severe colds, 'and always with
decided benefit. I •know of no preparation that fit
more efficacious or more deaerrlng of gammen/Si •
. .
The Balsam has also beenoned with SzselbraVeffitoi
by J. B. ELLIOTT, .Merchant, Ores likkada; lid
Wistar's lits,/psini: of;;Wild
None genuine BUTTS," on the
FOR 1 0 t xml, 1 1 hi ' . •
J. P. DINSMOB.E, Xo;..]. ... way, Now York. •
• 8. W. POWLE & CO,. PiciPrititers, Boston.
And by al Drigglate.
Forty. Nearg' Experience
Ulu hilly es tablielp)d the Betketleti 0!
It cures all kinds 'of BORES, CUTS, SCALDS,
IC. ONLY 23 'CENTS A 808.
The Phoenix Pectoral
0 5
vch as olds, oughs, Croup, Aithma,
Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore ;Throat,
Pulmonary Consumption
has taken hold it will afford greater relief than
any other medicine.
Kiss Kate Vanderslice, of . Pottsville, says, was
benefited more by using the Phoenix Pastoral than
any other medicine I overload." . .
Elias Oberheltaer, Lionville, . Chester county, was
cured of a cough of many years' standing by ,using the
Phoenix Pectoral.
Joseph Lukens, of Hall street, Phoenixville, eertifles
that be wee cured of a relish of two, yea's ; standing,
when all otherreedloines bad failed, by the nee o the.
Thoenix Pectoral.
• Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hundreds of
bottles of the Phoenix Pectoral, and that an who used
'it bear testimony of its wooderfal effects to curing
• • John Riper, editor of the htdependent Phistrix, hay
ing"ueed it, bas no hesllat t ion in pronouncing it a cam-.
pieta remedy for cough,,hearsenesa and irritation,i*,
the throat. . ,
The Weal Chester JAffersonian says :
"We have knowp Dr. Oberboltser personally a
number of years, ardi it gives us the greatest pleasure
,to recommend hispedicines, inasmuch as the public
Andy have the benefit of family medicines prepared by
'l4.Dhysician of hie,acquiremente and experience.
"Dr. Qberhoitrar lea ninsabei of the Alumni o the
Medical Department at the University of Pennsylvania,
at which institution he gradUsited in 1864."
Pcmiirrowit;Januery 3d, 1865.
'This certifies that I have need the Phdeolx Pectoral
in my family, and I recommend it to the public as the
¶ cry best remedy for Coughs and Colds thit I have
ever tried. One of my children was taken with a cold,
accompanied with a Croupy Cough ; so bad indeed that
It could not talk or martial,. breathe. Baying heard'
,so much said about the Phoenix 'Pectoral I procured . *
brittle of it. The first dose relieved tho difficultyOf
breathing and before the child had taken one-fourth of
the bottip it was entirely well. livery family,iimitild
have it in their house. •
Signed, D. P. OBOSBY: ,
Mrs. Mary Butter; mother of Ron. Wm. Butler',
'President Judge of the Chester and Delaware Dietriptp.
says that she cannot do without the Phoenix Pectoral,'
Dr. George B. Wood, Professor of tbe Practices of
Medicine in•the University of Pennsylvania Iloapital,
agd one of the authors of the United Btates Dispenser
'thty, says of the Benoks Snake Root : "Its notion is
especially directed to. tho lunge."
The proprietor of thls medicine has so meet conli,
depee in its curative powers, from the testimony of
hundreds who have used It, that the money will be re
funded to any purchaser whO is not satlaled with its
It is so pleasant to, take that children cry for it.
,It costs only 38 cents—large bottleii ONE DoLLAIL
-I.t is intended for only one clue of diseases, nanialy
those of the ionali and THU'.
Prepared only by Levi oberholtur, M. D., Phccnix..
villa, Pa. Johnston Hdlinway Sr Cowden, NO. Vd,
X:sixth at. Philadelph and T. 0: Wells .4. Co . . No. US
et., New York, General Wholesale Agents.
vsold wholesale and retail by J. L, Lemherger, Di;
Geo. ltoss and D. B. Lebanon, and 'by nearly.
every druggist sad storekeeper fa.Ecibanon county.
N. B. If your nearest drugglet or storekeeper Of*
not keep this medicine do not let him Rut you off with%
some other medicine, because bo makes more money
on. It, but send at once to ono of the Agents for it.
Much 8,1808._6M.
, ?
• is ease a of the Vrlitary and, Sexual Seen
new and reliable treatment.. Also the II Al !
AMMO., an ;X 44 essy. WWII lag and lgistrgat rAis
as t in wiled etivt:Vree of
.Ohalcii,, .. . :liiirl.. , s
# 7 111(ILLIN EOM :_ll6,w,arti, • tapyppla . rh, U.:
L Oquth Ninth Ste t. iladelphis, Pa.
Aim 21, 1866.
.- . ' s .< . 'Ol 1 0.:.• q:
-- ....
. , •
VOL. 17--NO. 4.
I,le ••/ ••I :T. • • . •
ConFhi, Cala*, Vhicmpirig 0014114 ,2ratittaist
Difficulty of Breathing. Asthma, Boarsi—
nese, Bore Throat, Orot9 qtnee.. 4 rrerr
affiretioh • ' . '
„ .
.INQLIIDENQ•BViBrad 1.1. u,.;
Wistaros•ot WWI
' OS' iiko• - ' 41
• so general bap the usenf this .rem y ins, # 4
so popular Is it bveryerliere; that it 111:tinneceestry'te
1 7
recount its virtues. its w o rks sak 'r ,it, awl :find(
utterance ro the ibittidiiint and 'Vann te s tim
_ony o'
the many who from long We/bring an eett . led:dlecese
have by Its' cure been restored to pri OA yigot' and
isAalth. Wei nentlicenent a Mass or *hie in rirnocof
chrr aßsertions, that. , '''' . ' .'- - . l .l
The Rev. Jacoh , ler'
Well known and much respected'aMong the Ge4man
population in this country, Makes the following stile.
went for the benefit of the afflicted.
11.1.0ovim, Pt.;'Web
Dear Sirs :—Efavlnglilalited in' my fam ily', Liver
taut benefits from tbe , .core ofyorir valuable. tiMparation
—Wnitrea's Laski oP Vita Cgs:am—it ifflorits me
pleasure to recomirnind it' to the public. Some eight
years ago one of toy daughtere 'seemed to 'be in a do.
Mine, and little hopes of beicrecovery were entertetivid.
I then procured a bottle''.of your excellent Balsam, and'
before she had taken the whole of the contenteof the
bottle there wean giesit improiement in her health. I
have in my individual case, made frequently use of
your valuable medicine; and have always been benefit.
ed by It.
From Jesse Vent of .
the Morris County- nk,.iforris- .‘
town, New jerky.
Over all other healing preparatiom
Yon Bens By
J. P. DINSMOBJII, N 0.491 Broadway New York.
:8. W. FOWLS 8, CO.,No.lB.Yremont St., Boston
_ And by all Druggists
June 22, IBM-1y sow.
Hoarsness, h ooping
Cough, &c.
I-T9P NORi 113THMT.L 1 143Y.:0fig TFA:II
.h,)titYA 3INI :-.*li - T 'lO 593T2 3HT
.1 .
1.1 1•; 4 11.
... ...%!
JO :iv , .'ii!!!111-.
i t ,
t .!'.• , i i': V.:liiiiie '144 • A 10.0 f): 4 1 I?(
.., c• l ilti It daiti4.l4G%
.1: 1 . I ...) • 111() $ ti - •• ,
• i.,
1.: •-•1:14 illvl k .11 .i W tiJ DY.n.:7,WAt: triv-.
'Jr.! ssiiliclgim-eit i •litq l
roP3 rn Let art on , golinti, after kbeLeloao:kif•fti I
B ft k . er/ . l ,l!t..q t . f t li°n .•••tJ: •,ic
-/tl.: sl (9l9 ol P.B.;AVAgligleime)6.ostui - lketeisi :1 .i::::1
. „ ; .We19q939, weloom i e, yvelrfn?lymittri 1 . ,,,:.. 0 • F
''' 1 .14 i lib - Audi(' thiti ,iogiiii tie s'ass; ''''''
:siqleaStit aife-elotPthetW,ou'l'ilL %well buzi
(DI II 7. ,,, ivi-Ilni crr,...ttiii:L::..l., - 1 to 9e.og
..Isttin y orn j and dqiind with,
g Or
b i r i 9dl l Adlnd'hae'left'tho'Suniycitht g -, ":.Whete yodioft'in bittleizori f J - . 1 "
."`- rli
•:.; .ftsavoly,fatted(theiesulionlsmotithil ‘lllO iiit
O n 1t ', !Id i,/ S , I;;I:Je - . 1411,. 3-,,q
'Woo yit, so weequisbed roes =opin+ . -
' ? , WfiiieoPlie oldld'eisie ( yu'i'e aiiii‘''" '' ''' "'1
r; t "hOlthies; Cs pto tell Ibreliebes m len tedi ). ) ifto
1 •:.F-l a "P.9fr d on lau F . 9 4l ‘ l9 P• t)..):,:ir:t..1
;( 1 1 14111Allihillig'60Y1311r - fi;e . iiiittcil! lvts
• .:I•TopthesSiwased. from; eiidleis shahiel:li; -- -et'l
I:,:iwattAfit'N, 111 1 13 1 5-014 1 4: 1 0 , ftwelicAtiling
. .11 ~ wssath ,mastml fame. r • -
r_ Alla . . 5%11 at trt:l,l /11,1111.) 4 I :1i , ..) :uric::;
•l• Teehotit bisintoreoni.the atily-irV.,.11:;, 11.17,
.; t ,Xithdits,fitigpes,and with , ' ..43.1STS, ,i,i in 11:
AlfltittSfe:rn ineilliiicipit'r• I Ty, . ' t
,1 ‘ White the' 8 tiiiiii'ogaus6t lc lifits. w" `'' 1
72,i1f,b:M!.. ,
:)' 9° , °urt blinSertio.ntff.ti Aiitte.reid.i'll it li 7/
. ~ . e t tlfikk .):,:y m i tsz.ti,, ittile'sjireatb, ,;.„ ; ii i ;
i ii
•• ' i Ilkok fl atlet tio4res'Shateiid,. -• ' , '''L ' :
--•Spealte-oLliOroie Voltt ll:dim/1W VI.- -' '' : Alf '
-.!..„,1f I! l' *• 5 -:: ::i ,7:p1.11 IL !,:; _ .t 1; :.
• utssoet evewAs swe ep'sgeortiffm, .. .. .. :.,
• • 'sllllKriiiWrotriiiiiii'y'Whit , -'"; ,'. ' '
• 'i • Iteiwrde of4h!loved•!Oheis sietttlik ':: '.; ' •
: OrPheille. Oriels' Siiiiiitioo9o.4:4lll.l: ,: - -,;:i.,,.
t..J f •
• ' jP,i ; deatli„wiik °ratio 11tazi • • .
Of theiVfobutitiyi thef , bade ' ,' ;
1 0 4 1 ? 1 PW: ,1.: ; I 1.
Ihoy are i(iiiilforever,;: - 9 " 11
Britolk Nit for fneditiq right:o 1.: 11.1%;;1
Yee,tgrßei,ihem we ehelHigeli!~j,.
I n;lmiCont
n; • g..;i: ..•!1,11
ii . !hoy sr.eiliv4pg, exerailingji •
Ifinn i a!lti dinikugh.pAterifs
Pitture "geik will:be gaiving.
?;0:: r)01 rt:l77
And to y '
j oa ,Iyhtikfccun,tho dittanon, ,;,,
Cothei from By's); variant ahoy a ! :
. 1 aughed'iiithloy - 63 ! ocir 11)86,4014,. / "' "
; !Pißed / out:Mkt:bp lady Atom.
*. ,-!;;
'Now to. yo.ifi t tipp4imseOp4l,.
' boa * thiit bon ogyPbelio*;; •••
, For yonive , batabil;gtoleCii6od'otilfiltird,
~.@AFFert stmtroutlielk.o billogvxesi n.:
I I .•' 1,. ' • . .• •
W1441411* BtitsapPrb i ale:6,` . /' • .••
(JWartiortitrod I
. Who pjtki val'or-fogibt,Seoeseiimi r; Id!
exteaci e a
.brOther'i hp,nd
drat.: the deaaly'lAillete i 'LI 414-
f AVM' fear 7Pa - 'An .thOffielii;. I') i ff ..
jiop r itgt}i.upt tjrapnjo mior ..,, „I l i
~ B44Spopreseed yogi Ails to shield: - .
---.1) 7 (1.,... ,:-.,,, •.;;Wlf 'l. ,:•.': 1'.',...:'; .
iltrot,tiero.glikdlyflioirO moot ;.i
earthy vr,o takeq,ohr.bwkd r
; ,: ; „i-! •
yypikeTs,.idsiiinly" do wa . ghat ion
• !Mrs thi'Yodiodbited , ladO:''f'f:' 11 . ; • '
•••• .1:::•1..•••• ,
thi.BiLand the 9 P.TIP".. 3I Trt.. 1.. . 10‘,
iteunitici ire lts t iarte r ; •
!Let our Motto tie foitiver,:i
ifrAM .4. 3 / 3 414,11d044- 1) -)'4. 1 :' .
. - .
'or. , e • 00. o every no 10 , 7, , . ,
tri! , ibis 801 l 'Was ' " '
Therefore grant.iis.dedioation'' ,- • !
05e, who ,Ratr,io!qvity:fii e, phic,
, •
No more Yankees, Irish, G ermane,
All have bled anilltd'tlßnramo,
• Let, there , only:he , Arner'eens,!' ; • •,,
This shall be our glorious. name. : • ,
And now 'kin& the war ie over, .
Come thou _Peace; doligh tful•pleb t,
Build, once, more ' thou•gentle „
Ih this land thydoWny nest..
Let the sword again;ba ploughshare;
Let .the liattlfie wjiiriwind cease, ;
Caltnness,fplloV strife warfare,
.Set / •
„:j ,h;,„•ri ,1 :A/. 1 1 id
,And.tho world galn,thli impression,: •,
Th a t in raw w e wish no
,ttarm t , I
*ben WptoOM'opfweedion, . ”
e; O
--Dreadful deal' (Mr 1 •' • ••tv.:
••••• • • •.:•; I
Relcome„wolceme reof
i i welcome he, b ar 1 „
Welcome lame;
4ejrabbutids, theijon are near iis4wP ' 1 :
ijearte#e glad that yon4hgvo.coinej
Be~e~ : ~~.7°}~~~thte~ii:~v.~ , ri:ti~aJ~t~a 'r
~r#7 ' ! `. 4 91,11°9X:kq ' 7 nl4
With 'an edlii6 tobtll, due toning% "!
Pat Donnegsatlefiltie bdmbj GI it I
The • 'murder in ' blamardrip , 111,41114101:;;;
Had made poor Donifigan Moan, :
ht. 1.• tt I.
With 'ocirewfdl pbii aiiditib ayn
Pat tracked , tilone Jim ilie•roliq 44 •• ' 4 %/'
When these ;; worde.hfe Optiesseltaseedite;epyi .1;
"Teeth polled without Only " •
Down :wen t hie shovel; ' ' l ' •
Like a " bro of] a‘hey"iaalte*A*l 4 ..
And down In the.plin Oat?! okalr ,i;
Wit . h'wide; dlatendedrjawe.
•, ;), 44;•-evp.l.ll ii. • ji tin
In went,the nipperaiend but eatovibel tooth; •
"yen miserabla onlib k ". ssid g l 4l ( + , .; -.7 ,
troUble'rai no Mein 'fOrsooth, s '
And be made hit' ti le" Old •irb IttiVitti • ;
"; ityaa:pletete,"rbayv the deettaymi‘
.oeb atarder Arhat's
Ye bloody aid pirate,. tiott't - it . toet on, your !lil t: .
Teeth' pulled *Omit; eif
•,,d) ..:•.f
itt i r r anal
'l,ongiiinftihsen idelild; ] .'tifitOir•
wildd yo'ung:pub/teed to ity. 116'
the•w Wdzildt l 'He
: England - with the , . intiiftion" 'Of• set
tlini in; Attieriiiit,'Wit; Ito! th 4 ittirptise
Of his friends, he returned home"in '
• middiej,tge, an i alterp_d map, settling,
A0 . V1,4 1 av ia litstle o ,;74 lll Agq,, wheiNt,,tke,
live!! s e ,bachelpr:a .tbe•encl.of.
his days. : .. *Ms lwasitXorosikee
'of souka: l l:iißd ,q9PP2cted3 Witt the old
in, art i §.§ o ?Cggß,W.,4-Plegi4 l 4).7ali
4 PPovni k .P 4 .ll 11 . 149 PattiOsistwere nem:,
er di t vittio , gwin,,yeaxs before,
his 44atb„when ,tke'
episode to, wrw : hi eh i eatlismi its ir4i
turn to !England. Thelollowing, is
as ribtailie in" ow
w ords ~ 1 „.;,1,014tr. c.l t t;j 14 1 4;
When first I saw the 1 44)iti n iffig:
sonri; noiwthite: ti• bad: ever crossed
Blaok.Hilhvor , wokomithNhiii ri
'fie thetlenhoes Lthepßookyl..:inoun.;
taine. ,TAS vitetnrifiesi l: 'whieh
at dia base ofithe
ding for. bundieds pfAleaguwaowards
the Mississippi, had nciverdieartthe
;2,llofee of a pale taee or-- been pressed
by tbp.S99.ti
,wild, so litary, and sulAtrig i alamil,
the trader had not penetrltted this
ifl '...: 1
• t!;
1-41 ti ..1 P 1441 ,:r.
• i••,,iymy t ri.i f tsk.: , -.... vA.119 _ D v „..„i-E
3* ...10;.tti,r8
"'LEBANCO,i PA ! , ki-(1100110615,01 !IA C . :: 1016 A. ad Hom,„Noid.BBB
, , •
:.) J , • j•dyf •
q:( /! !moos 9' allt, 7.:111741( 0 I
aI: •
t Ivitti
~ t1i..,~
der:- r.::,
. .
17jJdOrPsSii * T!'• thil h.Saislerbbitilk the,
bitirafe herd cl i the ; Aagie l somfl,..and
ihki'ie4 014 iii untecT,safe from, abrii;:
G a itgAtithe3. i li fifil oyes ,w4l(ltisno (: J
`; , St: LOttie • (thenltiffMntilinvatbiini
and ...still:it ik)the;.: ;possession-oft Um. t tStAi io94nniOn:
:t - bmigA.T t(lt e. 5 A- tre t'e trli e: A_ foto 4afe ot
t iiiiiiittoii leitgrOiiiiiet t ritlTMC:
lumotibitti , tapperov4rheoilii . a42ll';'We
isOon got q UniAttimatdo Efer.fwasi.tai
;noble fello :-and--graceful as
:anapollei; • Cdr vatteg ~ i f tivn i ii*go f
iiiiiimy, - A10... VA haYolleetkitlieimod.l
ist.fsr: APrn ;914(Nt We NVRAZ/ 5 °.:4. A
Ile to ..
chin e-_, names, , and he al-.
.4010W - etilTed b`c'tile'Vriki.'''Faiiall - 3. 6 ,..L':
jA4 llagt; lib , a Yegittatt' to' if itli t' , hi idiiiffi - -7 .
!try;!tiu& lin b thO - buffaliobbnatithttliej
'Black Hills Xining and'yAnttir.esoms t ,C
4 was the v - :thing L A . irm ,t 6 o,,, .T. d t,
=was smile . ' ' o 4- . eltate wberb
ino.xyliitelP44 l .c, ..clievOve' R.. : . r9,,,„d..
dliik ltdWii V ci,iiiikation" I II Wirer,
of 144-itligi Wid.. phut 1 tiritliic!
patbisse wififeitisitslnitd it . Stliel . gad;
Annel of mytt' inigiSiboxibravettj il:,. 9 -
' ..fWg , f er,O ~, p rairieSl cipen.i4hich;
4 ,1
°Alt m3 7 v.PCS , L. . l9T.iP l O,O4l l l7tNY:i t li9.O t
seeing'a ~l-ii14 1 , 6 '
i trp,,or l ,tippiallipg,t9,,a,
bliniat?liepeg ' The sunrises and sep3
i f
inktibounitl 'it*afiielelideli. lt.
times 'Ton -'34 , it ?indlitibefuttiiiirie , iiti
layekeAl., the vaetin -linpanalm , .; ',an&
t't!ft'? isiTrlffital3FfigftrAir.MA *l l itr4l:::
el among Aptling, uplands. , .lijre t ;the
same ocean ' i'etor4b ; 'lit:i hi--ai,id
Iby you wilt:* me upon short • iitetifi .
I bills„lika t .posB. p. ogfe - d _ spas -, at
ifigiiitrititithl 'a t`fdil"riVei, l°-- N .
_434, a
herdnottitht 'died ib'iiiiiiand' liiiffitlnB
*Mtge thin) ' ing,l3 . 3i , ,sliakingthe!dolL
icl.: , ,SP:i.4,i lilif4 aXt.O eArAttigliAketijdandt.
n 0.57 the ppp.gowy i outline -o€ J 4144111
.bohlemeti'' ivill' - ` be: seep sweeping
griibefiillY ifOng ifiblat olt,lTOtizbn.
' Aniid iliunh bibilimii *et/ jeirbefed"ibio
tvikeks4 i ! IViii Ob , , deicer: i oweitook; der .
we w:c.) 1 14; 1 )098 (I.42lY,n.AthilffitlOirlight ,
a fire, ankigeetr02.7, 6110 ,;1.90040M,0 1
And have a Zia worth . rings';
and at ,niglitlaT,lFkieading;o4r,bnffa : -
kr 4Obet; Ilentitth lit ii‘elailleivnhiin
t:l3'o4dk , (itsfOt'wtfkit,l24 fun *Aid
.iiiiiikiettww.kieiiiwt . &a', . iiiltdobi:or
:suite gl .. Nikkg* tb iSVal'm 6110 . 'llo'
"itktvik ' ,sYs Itagfiirilebiitilaseinifilig
lifej , ;tiverili ';'-or' b`rilliat ;4ifile t tf`
..Nci*" , coe4ti tbe iiiii6liin'e, fii 'tea:
:.wigviraiii. tei3 "6 fi;ifetidiy9i*Pfe, alli4
now passing : Some trtbel 4 df: hOStiliati-i
dians. At such 1.1%.5. Eki j ap a 9hotp,
.fello* was, zitky: tO. -. A :1511; 1 7e I , Hoyt
le i tiOntr''' fi tter ip.".llll4nl4'' l nliletik
;ae l d'tidrk: 6 . 6 • reit' medi.44 l oii44
. :aslik'cielfeW "e. r - iriVe',: . titorilit . ,
i thlit'ii4hld4i. .AL---•- Eivi&alihtfroil
•ou ...„ - ~......
''O' O nc e .
. . e nip t or lye "se p..
to - biitt •
.tir" wit* ifiridnahl . 'nod . * orfl:
:Iy l 4eittatiCit thifringhnrcl Ptiiknees, in
, eafikVed ' off °' 186'.' Pliitte ::ettt . 41104
'witlethe eitriedt:Racktheieln's:, liatTE :
catioe duringOiglitcstiii*.` `'tt It
I we Wield lb e Sii?iit M11i0,,, 'o'4We:
.on . the. horizon' i Reffit bneidied.Wiiii•':.
:right :digicOsitriiig writ - iinee,goopiiii
i pp their 164' itendil;* . ''?wii,Ving,,tbeii •
1 14neic , iiiifr'slibfitink 'iiiidliytd• . iiiiiV,
Icenie'Auf;:';'Tlies- ti4briio;aii.onei".l,eato 7 '
;ed 41i ati Tivas-atehl 'reii - 15f" pionelitid' .
',e*tt'flbef6yet Ida Ailiii.teiiian=illgii .
Ikidy.'ilinist . iti4ligtid!' iil e"ll4*, 'thy '
f ilorini ...Mid bark" tire 'liil,riiiiol4, .
i . tk l ieri p iiiii i ag l 3. • : )-, 1 ~.0:. , :, .....;:,: ; iz,i ...: : :Li k; •
If. • Hero 1 liVei).:,flV.:.:iiipiii4B;,..r:.,.V, *ft „
it,,,,,ilT•iriidthe' "'shad - of' iii.y . ,..1, mu, .
;friend, a being all grace and'heitity,
And with a ,eiin: - Vre'liAir,so.,faiitkat
lodic wasiicalleditihleVile likßlVer . /i
;Few is apiclims,iikiiii9jtgalttgut as. •
i asraisllideneafeeali': , - 114”, lkail li i.f . e.,..?ye ;
iiiikeihe - gazelle; ikriF. ;, and, - )angmsk.
'ing ; hair stift , "Itell:2silk s y 'like the'
ttifeeess. , of,immonetajn . f.l;istmpli;Andf..w
form i as )10t.„e14s.tic i : and, .44ph,like,!
As 97vor , tro), groom war:bier, hutted,
the_el,aolo ( WftglillatOSi3Of old! Greiece,
And, Oen,.hpw.,:artless,lshei .Iwas'lr#-
"Pis,P.o, 7 ,nae,f9; 0 cud - DA:4 iiikoinan;. .enz, .
'di:4)4:4lg woikiNgi.4ll i‘a.viceet,. the,. wider
4'644 icoVkl% i; ,41. d. Withlwhati,,ehatter,..•
iihkAp,l:44,Siottx; i And: telling . , moon",
Iliekt tale6c,of,my Amin; land ? , =l., began,
to look r . voni . hgtr talniestle3 ra 1 sister; 'y
'and the dflitr 4 creature'. I.;treally:ibek , . , •
lievo, l ,t i honfkkAf me ;wlt,hf,tiven ; ; ten-;
de rer.p*otions 4 , : i.)Ant, ifAhe .did; then
tongs, neir4,l4 , 4l,hed it... A 101 l AO.
once, ari(ksh9,- ; wasi.ray:uars, t i Alre4l-.•
I, iFinly 1 44* A ..i t tittliValt.. b 495% flu.. 4.0 i,
t4I44_.:AAOP* f
.4Xe _i idiell.,Ohe ,
fb'atlie4 my,,,fiyoo#,..hea4lo,:saisgAa
if i eiVT4 o ,! l ?ii,449,PAl),P o o;samlielmest:
:IY°EkristilvimPlJ:roggiTcrii • •
Well, At /this ; ti ma the.. Bionic were •
.:War with ,the Pawnees, war s
not tiiL.six months :af tor; tiny. *lva,
that's great.sinolse.was held between:
:the boatile . :the illiktehet
'buried in,therbiglodge , 'olthevillhge."
;As 800.11 as this was:settledony Skutt
&lead Cotind escort/ intscito
the ; Rooky. ;Jliountains,,,iwbbre,:t *lce s
Went for a great hunt.
In:a. fortnight we; reachell
tination---and; stood , droohLthle
their.h!oftrpeaks iarnidoihn - lregihnib
eternalisnOww• ',What a miagpitieent
soened- Belbw 4 Lpeakilelifflaid gen 4
, tle , slope fell doWn'into'othe*, 131iiirivdn
, each side ; while far away to. the ,
west, over forest ands-river; the set
ting 'sun• titirdzinto.. th 0; 'Vast Pacific:
The. eaglessa,iled)unharmedonn :dined
solitary recesses,.anAlthe, %sun !, shone
:down on clouds thousansis; Of, ifeat; blev
low. Now the hoarse roar of . 4t!eat4i •
.aractlbroke majeStidallybonutay . 'earl
stiffen iintiktil t , '
.somes;dark ravine.: • I•l4lifted ??1,-
moiee, ,, wakink $lO '66401
. ot4'
onsahlitne emotions throngedin..nal
toosont • brliver " t . tip
C l igto6 l :CLA: ~,,,,,,,,,,,,
.was ,beneath, rae•; its paat,s.history
was , aitle - ,arty thevpapiett'l ;the
li l
acet5#'44. 6 i1ith 3 4. 1 %...: n iar,4 1 1 1 4 1 103'4 1 , 4 1
De graves of nationaiwaite'uniciarNnyr.
. . . •
.11,.. ,i.; '-r , null 1.0 i: ~ .....i.ral ila.: i)j ..wil , i 7 .ild 7„ ; t1 ..:
3: - . -. A. -di ~, • ( in. 7i.iff.t ~., eel . 0 „..71 , 1 7( (7,..37,1( b' u 7., ..
, (ffl i w .. :.,
... i ?.. ....( 7 .., p, ar 4. . .
. tell )1 II V. Ou . yr):;i , tat . :1 A 1 ai
- , 4 ,1 . c iii : Aft Pa. 1. ., t .:). .i
lital 1)1.1 71' j:..r/14 . # .111•'( ISO.
Aelii *on
( eiLuifit foi•
Sintkiwittilhliial riiitettjde th 4
rota speolno: andvihmi eige•rdesit ,
N1240X*4 IY9flcAltsaPd,Pili*Prfoss
prairie to rea",o11 ; ,our koples,,,,hoforou
Mishear Bairde,nly . eve saw a crowd
ingnearenly a singlwaritor:flataaill
of the wild tumult uous joy. -whinir@tit
:tended our-first-arrival -when a hun
dned &A:swat isizept- buzzmraiiitufdltts
t., 11 91r fleet: lititusesp Ivo] were matt
' l ° l 9 l , o, l l'%ls l M9Pfht.l l oAllgalc Rtf9 ll l.
m toe ,
Inpian entivaoper The
*of , Onii Sioux fiiendA;-*lfeli kiettirniifit
'from invisititn'a neighboring - 3411444 -1 .
'4a,d •OPPR:IwaYMIIiA -.l?YfirtheroPonleeak
.7 3!?RiVcftr WF.51R0RgtA"?.!?%7 4 44 1 4
earrn off Aro. Tropen i ca,ptiyps.--
Mriwaiepialitik 4rak t oiiii of
:thy zsy" it,. o ).} J ..:“1 : 1
- tif.ftnomy: *MO titirdeliTer Veer IMA.
8 144 *PA turning, tD . ;witti
opiaturse palsm i sstb, hut,.a ; fire hurnn
ln t . in agvi 'eye_ thio, ffiribilae a
feaffhl lientegneez 2 j. r ckees'
brtitheif hear " r.'i
4.lf;toktghint that bovotildigOLictitht
him_ taimescue
n '
rp. to
Lllitateeah.; aM l t o bSin _WI: ek,
nn e countenance , of
the yoliiig.aiktaijiiii ifi"
deep s , gatturel „tones._ !,ieood 7 -v.oty
good:'NE; IfiiEigletiiiiithiebiiith
er Pvvrieee
before Irp,il;:n.,?. !AAP
IThewepeeitioir.Amoh - iiiled witli
131 49 1 41;iWe made.,onrlpreparatione for
the v .. c . -a,r .var i tz; apd,. hefore thp, mppn
was,lieuritigh,, we were alreftdy
far ulSoil;thtilekbrihe ~
n0e5.:";n..... !, ;,:,. • - • ;
4,ll:might we continued the Rur
suit); Fitid..l only .; ;the anormug.
did' we, wise /cog AP
'We "regitined our Mara:.
mine Milt
TrairievbefOrel ive thited td l biirbutir
till 14 ornhig.,, ,Wie bad mosiedtforvistdi
. fm;•01 1 19 h.fgkr B l:9l.lo extgeltiOgaution,;.
for we stteirtod the enemy . t o;
°nit ; iand 'accoid
ingly, When rafe sfoiped, rtirakieri Were
'sent: oat ;to: recomfolire • the -Pawnee`
camp, etld:eoptitsztationed.toiirevent
t, my ATgqoA , A99.nelit'li AO. been ,
..YPARg. Rhi"ltlico
Due oftheee outpraets,,
wae,h lazr , ‘Tening.
stars flickered through the mist;,...the
moon waded. heavilylimid the clouds
above, and , occasionally ibe'' wind
inQane4.aet:Pse tbeisiletttpraiiie 'with
tine' I:
„, •
.. . •
the lighiland a' ffifek . ' pilplble 'dark
n ess 'isettled down around be. dada
idonallY a low:. sound, . like the-stifled
neigh of a , horse, would-be).heard a.
Iraq ,thetitpiness,;,and then theminde.
ipg tones s of the 'night-wind ;would
6°61'6'1,8 tile' SO With, a strange Mys:
4erlotis'soubd.' A ddriple of honrehad
.passed, wheo I fat:lol6dd. heard a cry;
4ikeAhat i of ahuman• voice; - d o m ing,
out of the dhArpecian, short. distance,
'stead.f pati my or 4o the ground,
andliiiiirt sliViiiiik iroitibli'nOnvers(n i g._
'Whit they • tillid;mhiiiiiiviiil z watitilva
l'anguage Ilkottiv not. I .l ll lodkeittur:.
me ly arotind to appriseimrcompan-;
ion ,of our • don ger ; flit, I fetind c Myn
',fielfl-r &laid scarcely credit—aloce.
IfOr s ;one minute I fancisd.l saw a
'dark orm stitkaTiligi e
e the.pneer-:
tai h . " - gl oom '; bit. tivii t i Wink? •.t fox; li e cl . ,
the* egbity iil'itiyancs..vienished. 7
LeftiO'ai s irorqi 4 . o4r i arti; X.:AO : l'lqt ..
iiniiit Miiiii3d V 'f.iyitiiii ill ' my. ills.
acriiiiiii.ii‘iiiirirwitii:Oiki foot•p . Ftend 7 ;,.
ed; 'kW edgrifiiiintle alive with exejfet
mentiVikwiiiiiite the approach of s rm,
'foes. Rad the chance been givqn mei
I , otioile Wipe sold to4liie Alimrlii,;,
it ),, itiailic'qiici4 ,' ae, - ,Aißk..i t tior9.),..:ToNl:
sildireli4 ,- , before ixici T 'OW DIYIB,At
ntrip s peB:4, s ll4 fil!, PrO.fitiate:cM the
framt,"" 4 6 °,0t1T)illit4n4, 6 1,1'41YRTi
:thy 'fighreVgiiili4Y.Piakii2Y-40.)1140,!
4,fotilid 'iiiiitelf . s a pitsoner. .11Iy hands.
werii'iyikantly . trOuTiond.l t wesiit 7
, rie . d . ' Off thWailif .40 ;..#.rn o pi camp.—;; Thiii. 'lll4.l44hitd:pproffChed hy iiiiii,wlt, .
i iiii s isitleasly fin L .titieir ' iiatida,and .
<felt ~.4 1 tufa : 'While n om '
iim. 1 oeNng , for ;
i h e6 10'11.3104°4a li e ; ,b84!:910.111.,
,roadk`44 4 oo, J ii ,.ii°7 l l'.i.. .. . i
.‘: i bteVer.phalll:forget, the emotion of-
Abet:night: ;I well..knew•the manner
:iii iiil„i:akP i Tioßike_rh,'",(Re,lxtiated, and:
. 11.:1000f0n744.,i,0 a..destb of atom,
bare., , si X.Aizkingkat ~, length, ,dawn.edk.
'but:iilliron,glitoPe:Pq r.Q9Mfott. ;
vaitivngin mho •ti elckme! j ic. 4 their.•on i sto-..
I;dY Chemed CO iolftA,AsmitiAk, dehot:
'in anticipating-the tortures
nrs they, in,..-
tended fori•iii I Itrhid ,, (iii;'*ain ,
,topen.a odnvellatiolik liiwi , tlietin ; - clieft'
Abek.,:pretehdhdr iroilt&itiliderstab e d•
mo muirttainineW &de
' e sil °nee. --- '
#,Mt las t , 'w e-• r 4Sac lied' thsei r ' vi I I ag f v.-i .
13cys;iwomen, , zintPhhildien thronged
around; heapinglapprobAcitis':epitilith
upon aie,' , .jbetlihg,lilitiltihg;"!pittitii
. npo n ,mNt an d ihhohti rig 'I til ddrifii oh' 'at
(my bonds. I knew it was nselessid
tail( of mercy—l'd t svper ) die, tbm
f 3 b o * .i Vi' . .
i to as" a strait oil'? aaiii' A Vii W . esh ; teed' ip ?
suelcifdh*iSii4 1 4i ^: :ii i i I ff1 ) -? a ;' , 1
fried — titititiptikiiff,Y,lii iir.lq se in • the
lAD tie' lit i6e ' 014igp ol itlY3' s ' I cfi 'tc' iliii
Adze bi c %:ll . !id'le'tig: oailiipii wh il e tilitt
431d . w . ‘11 :9 ,11 .1 4 ,i ii ht k l,'"fi4Vi l 'o lii 7k e. 11.71,
"' , ..ffr i ,,Mi_ere t ipy ~enikotion.o, ,dhricg , J'Pl)hiftS , YlYA IA I'M - 0 4e.ttli li
' 5 . , aPPliurislN94l) PR Vic O P. PAI feel- : ~,
,shudoiired . to think of my: probable
:doom ; and I saw no hope of averting
'it,;' . My.Bioux friends, Ildonbtedilioc
would.,hasten to my rescue htit'-that
_seen enough of -the strength. of the'
village; in, my :hasty passage through.
.it; to , feel lei:lain .that , its-waririoris
trebledztlici,t iforee':,oft 4iik. ••friendio=
:Tberectwaelao ,gleam;bf tope..i , :thia , l
iresol vadi told ie.alo became 44/
. bviovu
ur..rolt night the lodgiAitta'iloallierrele,i
though a couple of warriors kept
I hiw
Ist tt
wlt i cy bur. eAbp,,fiostr..,ii.fAexAt t 44,ll
orakon, i' Was. glgut
tostaishoidtv lievi3l 4 44dyltintith'At . '‘
; ..s
lisiae buried int - ,abdp repose, when;
/;:tifinsiftdTik!arcl 14y ; P flin4 f 'breathed
bookie gip, ancrawe i kkog i at.thp,fß4o,;
I 'NAM& bkit' around
i e6l' biwin : ItvidlirAnsu met
Titltiwas dfiep i ni; thud dtgatcT and 'ev
iiiyAing in,•the+ villagfnwai
The fire had gone out in the lodge,
and its whale integer-4as• wrapped
if!,ol4 l lc9esa,:. .daon) t.* dE4 open,
a el? AV:MOfe
itr4o4t ynfitar.
aloft? in the heark; i it,
foi'm Dire' of * 64 , jailoirs eat mo t
less 4011PatatneLlii&in g thWillnii °Ufa: .
i wns about . l% - oiranta fay
rgclit pillow , tsatisfied that thei date&
I hag jif‘tened was,jusused -.l)yimYt
fahey,..when' has" hmit:l,,p47,.pgsge:
:relitiater i destfrietl4 in a whisper gtt.
L' F f y i / 4 3164 .1 yr afor ,
around" ibelield to'lmy thie
fo i rralpf ilkfAkkesitabltb.(,(Ailtonishment•
fora morapa i t cippr)vedglne of; speech,.
anc `before 1. ui 0, utter- ,
acme, .afillilltioned.. her
isr• on, her OsViy,
wards, iha nninotapla
,sentinek„a i my
door;' at the' - eiate'fil l staiitf . 6d6re
col ud ch pre h en& her
severed, the. bondsiram turban ds arid'
ankles.: stagf,eitt.o. my.: feetwith•a:
joy w iirdii - 0a11P0ti940. 11 .9:;,*1t, alp*:
lion from again. warned
me to be. ,silent;: _She: Lbeekoned , me
to , follow. her, and' ilialstilyliqing:ikol
corner .of the 0 1 . 4 ;7,04'0k: 6 k ; otie.
the air. Pausing. isnat . a , moa ,
meat. to listen if our escapehad . kciak .
detected, she" again inopoeed' @
"uPon me bra* golkire; - atilt' i dab
way swiftly9ondostlentlYgonklekillitil
Damp...; /c::.L;• .ttsk ,
was top welt acquainted , wikli•Xsi-,
dian HA not kno7...„ . or?,
Mentitilly list 9f,
'idesih a
waited •us ifg surprised
:an 0 13 . 0 4P1 3 .• inrear',.:prompt- in
action, re,leiiitfess in rsysaga l it,,was f
an'act aMonnti4 to madness, tp.ak
temptour 's avage , fOes.— ..
As 'we:stolelnoiagleSs through r iil6 vfl
lags,. I scarcely dared to breatlnfi
-lest we should-arouse-the sleepi,r t ig
!ustea.:within. 4:hie(); 'the bay of-a
disk 4 l4.4og startled ,ue, and: the Wind
sighi . ag ; oyer the .
. prairie
fled into the voices Qf four.St F s• lien 7
sionally • fiadeing - tii - lilien; and theii
stealing: softly Among'. the
hor toroirclo •thq: ootskirtoof the: tvillage;
lata- .t h fl no oe AP - •
oppOitti s ie'd is7t
, . o had . .1311' e
ed her Aliberlyl-` By what"mbainiiVas
tiy-prison :house unobserved ? . EireS
ali s our danger. I could :scarciely ,
retrain fora inquiring,; : but mysweet
guide alWays silenced me hy,t,he same ;
hurried gesture. 'We lia4)tifit reach:
Sd thb edgetOof-the
'denly a dark figure emerged% ittolhe
light. It was - a Pawn ee . abbfit rsturu-,
ily title to:glide behild-.• the-shadow.
of a lodge what he• came• so. oloseth
I could - have touched pelt
`fnoment hel d-Jrny d breath! infliigOny;
ibut_the,scoAtipaaeed us; 4144 wait lost
.to t iodges, l
; With a thrill we. fwd our- .
Selves 'in'iintother
prairie. 'A• momentary ejae'ulgtioti of
,'Heavqn turst from -My
bosom, and then, turning to my guids,...
I, inquired in _w-hat--manner she had
been, enabled to ittllisuspicion4iid to
.9Pme• to !my • • •
.•Un ti I this 01 1 9. 1 40,9*elYkatceall had :
,c l ot rittereciaivoid,ppilitid alie:Boaree:t
When , abeifid'so nci4^, it.:Was 2 With t4iti:
uncertairki dottbt
what manner I might regard her sow.
duct. The excitement •which bad
)14herto sustained. har had Intssed - ii::
,way, i and,b,er, native modesty begat
to, assar ‘ kitssupremasy. Her words,
thoiigh'sVft as mimic, were. trembling
"ThS.Pii,lo Flower," "sli.s
Agana a great thing in-iha-eyes of the
whitot b w i arrior--has..she.not ;The' ,
maicipQ l this t own., land., come not to
. ttielodge'Of !manly . to set free
their - warriors, and IsteneMedah should
not have' dnne•eo, 'mien though she
loved the Warlßagle a , brotlier."
...,'No, no," said - t - talcinrra l hand;.
AiheilWarßagte owes lila - life : to 3W:
,mitetalv.zjelbot.Pald Plociikiiiefdiitti tit
41 7 '4 gottcl-then-Allneateoalc bits•
knot tibne twrOnk T" 'said "the: ilialan
0100 king
her dark,oim- 1 fristftn tn
. .tea,re , of ipy illie , tionld'Ecit'Teyiiteet""
no omelet:kit& aye iyittistaktliat;
;111)1.660,d 'be If°6bdoiii . :i•t i lii rbe iied •
aay likk : tealt ;
a w rtless dbirpriftiontq Ji
• litiOrt I clo"
I :ohoulder. • u *••• -• 11 -*
••1 r •
, 'Butiiiii*iiiii*iti eiiiiilteyouretelf ?)
l'oald , l, , ilterla; .letie ' iloinen te . '6 i 1,014 e
I 'lean di *kb e n kdidi yobil esti il I wati . it,iiiiti.'
iiiierli - ).W4 1 / 4 1VeiPaieulelowei-teii.ili,k ,
liicithormAll tt st: ..tvluit.l. ? :: <,:4l:ii.:,
, . She loo : lEed a v i .
.A 5 f ad e wi th: a iitance of unreservea ul 4fdera"ard
l igtir:attidlher earloate;i4nd lier,'"vik
,ivedint4l,elitsid Whis. iippearkneir .
:IR: 41.Y:ic4r it iI, siltrti I , Air. •, ‘ .ii 44 ,-
. •
w r oite •dbyee
tliff k tiN'llitii. 6Wi'Lhe
mid-ultindthiteliiin'y'dieeli. wad' 'll9ll.
son2Aiiiisolie l d aersiiiitiipokigiiketd
69'nfe l hei'aithe likiiie of iebilaiiiaii!
:youttglPavAiii ch,i.i3l . :"ltii,ltkif"idell
Sher: itili)ev't illiko;'iffteici - , it itatitiling
'the ikt`a6ll'ioiitir to, blii ,-- 'tieftait . itro
. 6:ir:Olitlr 'iltithiCilol iii aired bi. , ..1
inulseelfo 'heilla Ilieregard64"tih*
admoEitio lila thla'alif lien; iiiid - iiii if.;
ednVL;altyliciat the lieadeafißPtio ~
p ly
with *hick - gib W634C-ilfgr,. : ':.
As soon as they reached the Pawnee
9 . 171-: 11 iIIY . 8 1'
r.:ltet)El trpviv
'if:Of :. :c.a.ii:iiiiistiL
,By 77*. 111{
fil l *lvy of , jrnpoic'e New BuilhAng„ , prunberiaTt. Elt
'One DOlir:and Fifty Cfnts, a Year
cid et ihe,tansi rates vs
AlarlitailiDßlLLS Printed at s&f bouri botiee.
; RATE/3 0Y POST,AI:t*.f
'ln L6thinOn aonoTtac noitage free •
In ennoylrinla, Out of Lobakmi octant/ Nits poi
qif„tor, or 20 cents a yea". , , - ' . • s
'Oaf of tide Stnte,l44 Oro. per . •M'r, or IS obi. tr year
irthintootogoasinotvoid ip!adlnWooi ratolisortdonode
village she was adoptedfinto•the fami
ly aher conquerorii and though load-.
ed.with ornaments and .treatedlike a
princcEls, had , beon narrowlrwatched
Wpreventlher'eliape. ,To:overynn
troatylto•!•-wed him; hOwever,. she
ttiriledia ;Ilea ear: AP' last intelli
genceiarrivedi:that vmedicine - -man
ofNher tribe; aspalefaceflifirrior, had'
Wen .1 brought; Prisonef,i and' .was ,
the ixextinovnixig.talfeburnod at'tlae.
stake in ,tberceitre - tiff the village: In:
akinstant she rescue
bins - Assuming tatsudden. cheerful
nut* .flo ;longer .turnedi tv;deaf ear
toltho galliuthry 'of her. Captor; :but
prisimisedtabwhis it the moo*. Ake
Great Spirit having - -warned e her :In
a,dtbanutomamc that tittle. •
.I.Weirkhe.Pgiwrides are superstitiOus
andoefreri zbesairdor - of la layer is flotil
la.); to a dream. So the young bravo
made Lt.-virtu:waif neeessity,. and was
gladrto W,keitiatfortnigilt to secure a
willing bride. :lathe . extravagance
of liiisfjoy,lte didif what M.eneateeab
hud'Arspectedgibetgavo. orders. that
she should no longer be' a
captive.' She contrived, !luring the
day'? to learaimhere was confined.,
Nightzamei. , . She, affected to sleep,
but in reality was :waiting for the
vilrlage to(beiburiedin repose. Lang
aftermilliiightl she rose stealthily
from her couch, escaped unnoticed
from the_lodge,i as* &weeded. in .set
ting me free. .*Ri.'i•J 1•;, 1 `)
w hiUt i n ;Mid -.14- as-she ceas
ed her. narratitte r / and , pointed to
the , n ow- t) distant:6lo%v, /whieh we
had. left - .already ii Miles ,behind, << is
mots thatl:the barkiagiof- , dogair'
She (startedilike• frighteded fawn,
and theupas , the sound brokp distinct-.
ly theutilbair ) , ta4d, in alToidu of
Alarm,:isThe Pawnee , brav es are ttp;---
,they) fkdtbat .thesgartEagle:is,flown.
Seepthey- , sisekblmll' , '• and as she
bpdkey the iflashing.of: lights, among
the ledges; , alongothe .horizon., . ,told
that:our , en emlearwere awake , to-their
logs. .(1 7.;te
What , dean? ?.••We lad
`scarcely an holies 'start, . were' with.
'outLhorses',• and uncertain 'whither to
to-lnworders tci - lreseti lour friends. We •
Alga in - fact sbeifurther from them
now than, when'iwe left the , village ;
for - theipight was so dark that we
could not see a , dozen yards before
us.;'• and, from the 'absence'qof both
moon-and stare,l.Lknew:notswhether
morning was' near or distant. Our
enemies, on.the other band, would
soon be on our trail, and were more
o v er.anctuute&on,the..fie e tog-As:trees .
42.t t ry.,..__:141 . __•.ew would be death--
Naas tintl'weilsum'izsxs_J;l`l - qttir r - -
Nimble as a mountain deer, my csim
-panion advanced with a rapidity that
set e' ermine at 'defiance. But "we
soon found' that ricithing could save
as..::: Already-the :loud shouts of our
pursuers, as they _followed up
trail, grew nearer and nearer. In
?spite•of every•exertion, - by the end of
half•an 'hour, it became evident that
they would'soon overtake-us.- had
.no arms, and what defencsei, csould
make 7 - But, thank (hod, the increas
ing darkness had , been , the • sign of
•claybreali,....and. ;the gray .raorning.,
.elowly•aßpearing ? disoloseci to my joy, a
inesi a 'adfantilig'toward as;
L ib Mei 'nai's - Alin' light,.
kneW Mr: - &six 'warriors:`
n umbers, ctop, T provect thatAmir .ow'. ;
'brart PATM.) 31 . 4 ,0. , 1net Wita that
4 1% "" fir
bad set < out befcre. sy were s
farlAiris on 'the ' hoilizeli f t olketieVer'
• ?
and' knit. =pursu ers' were Precis •
ing on-our real,.:.:
“There is hope;' Inditys
girl; in a tone of joy; but oft ;
. 11CCOUrit mine-than herti';'etliemsbitii
134 the - War BaglaahalllnotArrinibe:
-Pawnee lodge.i. will,retnrq
people. See, the.brav : es of ray tribe
are nighTi'
'Yell are weary, lieneateeah,"`iiiiT,
I, pareiviving she fell behind' as '-stie
spoke; "you , cannot go on:any longer.;
I will remain with, you, and meet our
fate. Or stay, I can in my
"NO no" said she, eagerly,
Pule'Flower if3''not weary. .11tir`if
the Pawnee'e arm* is=-sharp; luictiit
not better. pierce the weak girl
the great brave 7" , , ,
-"What ?" said I, stoPping Suffaenl
ly, but half Penetrating her •
"Only the. Pale , 'Floiver• eau;
die for the whitelwartior,r
sis l P4 - sas@wer, l lsOLisdTP.w. , ih9Nt., l : ll bc+'•
around . ,her, and looked if49,P 1 7, 1 aP9 f 3:
abut har k ilia Pawnee dogs, see ns
you beenztherei•saill'l'Mycild.''
friend,_on that treeless , prairie, , and,.
tsSen a horde of enraged - savages
loping in your I ,rear, waving their
arms.frantietillY on high and shcinfo.
ing With den:ionise oVerl
the anticipated slaughter ;their ' , l'
victims; you wool .have =.-som a s. - Adead.
of what , ds , Dger.x94lly
troble.devo,tip9, of the : . suLc i et
..Words,droye all this for a nionient.2 -
,froarrnY' mind ind it 'Was
,iint - nniil‘
,she hiked raw again tiklinateri forw d.
, that-1 forgot: mydadiniration.ofAer :
hrthe senseiof mutual danger ;
cast,„a,iinrrind l Ook hehin:d ? ,anti
"w 640‘ re i five'ninutia,
lan ceS 4eifild - be driven through-tis...,
'igur-only -hope wasin theotinopox :.of,
the sien-x ;who were ~PP,Wq
k9wn,qn tbeir,ficiy horsesAkth the
speed a.whirlind: Two warriors';
: ,fromtheir body; as,aWfin'utilijar. , , •
t4Ty siVage'froln"oUrVailti4raP were '
respectively' far in advance ‘of ttheir:
several , parties3 And : if vvo es
,cape the latter, we should' gain Alio
protection of our-friondo--tefore the
, fornel could/ come
T Awarocof this,,theiPANcese 'was ,urg
ap . „,eed,f9rwmi wAthiincredible
'All at once Lear
r hiindrpp
his spear, and I sheik& gnsEairiging
ly to my companion thinking that