iC oritiv. BELLMERENT SOCIETY.—John and Charles limble were sitting one night in the pit of Convent Garden, listening to a play. Charles remark ed to his brother, "I really think this the very best play for representation that Shakspoare ever wrote." No sooner had he made this re mark, than a huge, rod headed, broad shouldered Irishman who sat imme diately behind him, leant forward and tapped him on the shoulder to se cure his attention. "I think, sir," he observed, with a strong brogue, "ye said it was one Sbakspeare what wraught that play. It was not Shaltspeare what wraught that play." "Oh, sir," replied Mr. K., cooly, "very well." A short time after this the Irish man tapped him on the shoulder again. "Do ye belays, sir, it was me friend, Linnard M'Nally, what wraught that play?' "0 h, yes, certainly, sir—if you say so," was the peaceable answer. For a while he remained unmolest ed, but at last he felt the heavy fin gers once more. "Your friend that sets on your left, hand," exclaimed the Irishman, "don't look as if be belayed it was me friend, Linnard MrNally, what wraught that play !" This was too much for the brothers; they rose and left the house, not deeming it either pleasant or safe to stay in such belligerent society. THE WORLD CAN GO ON WITUOUT Us.—A branch, broken from the tree by the tempest, rode en the rapid current of the swollen stream. "See how 1 lead the waters," ho cried to the banks. "See how I corn wand and carry the stream with me," he cried again. A jutting rocky ridge, over which the torrent dashed, caught the branch and kept it shattered and imprisoned, while the waters flowed on and on. "Alas I" cried the branch, "how can you hold me thus? Who will govern the stream ? how will it pros per without my guidance ?" "Ask the banks," said the rocky ledge. And the banks answered : "Many, like you, have been curried by the stream, fancying that they carried it. And as to the loss you will be to the waters, don't be uneasy. You are already forgotten, as arc those who came before you, and as those will soon bo who may follow. off" A farmer told a friend of his, who had come from town for a few days shooting, that ho once had an excellent gun that went off upon - a thief coming into the house although not charged. "Wonderful gun, in. deed," said the sportsman ; "hut how did it happen ? Must have been an Irish gun. "Not at all," said the far mer; "the thief and it went off to gether, and before I had time to charge him with it." Oz As a Surgeon in the army was • ..w•gollo.rr L - .0:444112 - ,.,rig - LILO pa tients, ho came to a sergeant who had boon struck by a bullet in the left breast, right over the region of the heart. The doctor surprised at the narrow escape of the man, exclaim ed, "Why, my man, where, in the name of goodness, could your heart have boon ?" "I guess it must have been in my mouth just then, doctor," replied the poor fellow, with a -faint and sickly smile. VW' A jockey furnishes some hints as how to sell your horse : °•t toll you its all by comparison--have the crit ter for sale long side of a scrub—ain't one in fifty but what'll get fooled. They look first at the scruband -then at the other; and they think its a 'traordinary critter. That's the way I mime it on Jenkins, the livery man, with that gray colt." "SIR," said a sturdy beggar to a beneVolent man, "please to give me a quarter; lam hungry and unable to procure food. The quarter was given, when the beggar said ; "You have done a noble deed: You have saved me.from something which I fear I will yet have to come to."— "What is that ?" said the benefactor. "Work," was the mournful answer. AN OLD BACILELOR'S REMARKS UPON WOMEN.-IS you don't marry them they despise you. If you du they !bum you. If you don't let them have their own way, they hate you. If you do, they ruin you. If they see a better looking fellow than yourself, and take a fanny to him, why, ten to one, they run away from you. Get married 1 Not if I know it. i Horace Greeley said at a re cent gathering at the sale of Dr. Grant's grapevines : “T we n ty. five acres of my farm, or rather of my wife's is forest, fenced so as to ex clude all the grazing animals, and it is the only part which does not cost more than its return." stir A Danish writer speaks of a hut so miserable that it did not know which way to fall, and so kept stand ing. This is like the man that had such a complication of diseases that he did not know what to die of, and so lived on. no. Read the following so as to make good sense: thee read see that me Love is down will I'll have But that and you have you'll One and up and you if imr. Popularity in politics is to BC° your name in large type posted to a fence. Somebody will inquire who you are, and when the first rain comes you will disappear. 4 A Mouse recently traveled 600 loot on a telegraph wire at Chicago, having passed out of the window of the telegraph office 911 to the wire. LEMBERCER'S DRUG STORE MM=l=Ml=l FIRST IMPORTANCE L. moinurtolill, Graduate of the Phila. e) . dolphin College of Pharmacy. offers to the, citizens at Lebanon anti s urrounding 1101111trY.1 it PUBF selection of Drugs. Medicines au& CllMllirein. and the first quality of Perfumery a ad Toilet and Fancy Snap. 4, embracing thel lOat inanufactere in the country, and a large variety of Tooth Brushes, Nail, Flesh, Clothes end Bair Brushes. Pocket. Toilet and Fine, Combs of ivory, Shall, lion and India Rubber.' PURE SPICES. PURE SPICES. Pure whole and ground Spices are offered for sale in large and small quantities at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. GARDEN- S E EDS, FLOWE R SEEDS, You will Sod a full assortment and a large !variety of FItESII Garden and Flower Seeds at. LENIDERAIER'S. ! Condensed Lye, Concentrated Lye, Soda Ash, and Potash, in large and small quantities at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. Washing Soda, Baking Soda, Pearl Ash, Sal ern tus, Cream of Tartar, all pure, and for sale , In large and small quantities at LEMBERG-El - VS Drug Store. If you are in want of good Washing Soap, pure white or red Castile Soap, Country soap, Evasive Soap to remove grease spots, superior. Shaving soap, tiny the same at. LEMBERGER'S. Do you want a good Hair Tonic? something, to make the hair grow, to cleanse the head, and toprevent falling out of:the hair; if you do . Call itt LEMBERGER'S. I ts,.. TRUSSES! TRUSSES! The afflicted are requested to call and exam ine my stook of Trusses, Supporters, kc., corn pricing a variety of Manufacture. v6."Marsh's" Genuine "Improved Self Ad, minting Pad Truce." "Marah's"Cataukenial Bandage. An invaluable article for the purpose. If you are in want of any of the above you can be suited at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. ' 'Pure Ohio Catawba gruudy, The genuine article for Medicinal Purposes 30 be bad in all its Parity at LEMBERGERIS Drug Store, Opposite the Market Mese. Anything you want that le kept to a well conducted First class Drlig Store, can be furn ished you by LEMBERGER, Chemist and Apothecary. aFee/ita g thankful for the'very liberal patron-, age thus farreeeived from the Physicians, ?der, chants, and Citizens of Lebanon and sm round, logs, I again solicit a share, promising to use every effort to please all. frit -Special attention given to Pnratcwes, PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECEIPTS, and *CI medicine dispensed Warranted PURE, always' I as good as can be obtained anywhere, and sold Ito suit the times. Remember the Address, JOS. L. LEMBERGER, Druggist, Chemist and Apothecary, IFeb. 16, 1560. Market street, Lebanon, Pa D. S. RABER'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG STORE Has been removed to his New Building on Cumberland Street, opposite the Bugle Buildings, Lebanon, Pa. stall Esnbseriber respectfully announces table acquain• rII tancee and the public In general, that he has con. ntly on hand a large stock of DRUGS, PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, PAINTS, CHEMICALS, "ff. • • DYE-STUFFS, VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, • GLASS WARE, BRUSHES, HAIR OILS, EXTRACTS, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Toilet Soaps, Se gars, Tobacco, &c. Ale. a variety of Fancy Articles too uutnerous to mention, which he offers at low rates, and warrants the qualities of the articles its represent ed. Purchasers will please remembar this, and exam. ins the qualities and prices of his goods before purchas ing elsewhere. ISV - Physieleti's prescriptions and fanc ily recipes carefully compounded, at all hours of the day or night, by calling at the Dreg Store, opposite the Eagle buildings. On Sundays the Store will be opened for the com pounding of prescriptions between the hours of 7 and 10 o'clock, A. 31.,12 and 1, and 4 and 5 P. M. Lebanon, Aug. 131362. DAVID S. RA.BER. • Attention Sportsmen. fiflE subscriber W0111(1 respectfully inform the pub -Ilic that be basjust returned from the city; having laid in a fine essortment of GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, POWDER, CAPS, &c., which are now open for inepec- Mu and sale at his Store, on Merle t street. a few doors North of the L. V. R 'Lebanon, . SitirllCAPAßAPAUPWlltrrALOWthigta g a-Pg 3 ' Lebanon, Oct. 15. 1864.-3 m, 1864 NEW STYLES. 1 - 844 }MB, In Cumberland Street, between AL Market and the Court MAID; north side, has now on hand a splendid assortment of the New Style of HATS AND CAPS, for melt and boys, for 1868 to which the attention of the public is respectfully inv, ted. Mats all prices, from the cheapest to the mos costly, always on hand. Ile has also just opened FL splen did assortment of SLIMIER 'HATS, embracing such a STRAW, PANAMA, PEDAL, PEARL, HORN, LEG HORN, SENATE, CUBLAN, and all others. fitlt,-Ile will also Wholesale all kinds of lints, Caps &c., to Country Merchants on advantageous terms. Lebanon, May 4,1884.. RIERCHANI"fAILORING S. S. lt Affl SAY, in Punch's building, corner of Cum- be:land street and Doe alley, has on hand and for Bate, either by the yard or made to order, a large lot of • CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and VESTINGS, well selected from Good Dolmas. Good Fits and sub stantial making guaranteed to all. 10so Handker chiefs, Cravats, - Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Fancy and Plain Linen Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers. S. S. RAMSAY. Lebanon, May 4, 1804. It EADICItt ADE CLOTHING Will be sold at Ex 'remelt, _Low Prices. HI'ALLER,•one of the firm of Reber & Bros., has .-taken the stook of Ready-made Clothing at the appraisement; which will enable him to sell lower than anywhere else can be bought. Call and see for your salve before you make your MI purchase. **. TIMER 000ltS RO 11 COURT HOUSE Lebanon, May 4, 18d4. HENRY RARER A. J. WEIDE B , 38 South Seetnid Street, Between Morket and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Manufacturer of Coal Oil Lamps and Wholesale dealer in Glass Tumblers, Patent Jars and Glassware generally DEALERS will rind It to their advantage to exam ine our Mock and and compare -prices before parches log their goods for the spring Bales. We would call the attention of the public particu larly to our NEW STYLE OF PATENT JAR FOR PRESERVING FRUIT WITHOUT SUGAR. We can refer to hundreds of respectable persons who put up peaches and other fruit in our Pare last season without the u o of Syrup, and found upon opening that the Ytuit retained its nett/. al flavor, and in tact was just Um same aa•wbon put into the jars. A. J. WEIDENER, No 38 South Second Street April 10,1805-3 m. Philadelphia. ADOLPH 3 ItEINOMIL. WIARLES H. MOLY A Friendly invitation To all desirous of purcbaKing LUMBER & COAL To the beat advantage, at the old established a ud well-known LUMBER YARD IiEINOEHL F & MEILY At the UNION CANAL, on the East and West sides o; Market Street, North Lebanon Borough, rpm: suberibers take pleasure in informing the cid " sans of Lebanon, and surrounding counties, that they still continue the LUMBER AND COAL BUSI NESS, at Their old and well known gland, where they are daily receiving additional supplies of the BEST AND WELL SEASONED LUMBER, consisting of White and Yellow Pine BOARDS, PLANR uid SCANTUNG. Hemlock BOARDS, PLANK and SCANTLING. RAILS, POSTS, PALINGS awl FENCING BOARDS ABII, from 1 to 4 inch ; CHERRY, from an to 3 loch POPLAR, from 5g to 2 inch. Poplar and Hardwood SCANTLING. Oak and Maple BOARDS and PLANKS. Roofing and Plastering LATHS. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! t SHINGLES!!! Also, Pine and Hemlock SHINGLES. COAL! COAL I I COAL! I A large stock of the best quality of Stove, Broken, Egg and Limeburners' COAL; and also, the best Alle• glieny COAL for Blackankithe. Thankful for the liberal manner in they have heretofore been patronized, they would extend a cordial invitation for a continuance of favors, as they nre confident that they now have the largest, beg and cheapest stock of LUMBER on band In the county, which will be Cold lita reasonable per cordage. 40- Please call and examine one atoek and prices be fore purchasing eleewhere. REINIL /413/1.7. North Lebanon borough. April b, l OMeak Wanted I Wanted 500,000 more Men, Women, and dren, Wanted I AT J. A. SPENGLER'S Phottgraphic Gallery, in Adam Rise's Building. Call and see Ws pictures. They are more life.like and natural than yon can get them at any other place in town. Ile has always on hand a lar, assortment of Rosewood and Gilt Frames and eases of all kinds. Ile takes Photographs, Ambrotypes, Stereotypes, and Procelaiu Pictures, at the lowest prices. Pictures taken in all kinds of whether. Re is prepared to take the latest style of pictures.— Come one, come all, and see for yourselves. Lebanon, May 10,186,5. J. A. SPENGLER. PRIVATE SALE. 91111 E Subscriber offers at Private Salo a TWO STO RY FR Matt; DWFLIANO MUSK and LOT OF GROUND, (being lot No .1 In tilder'u addition eitof Lobanon,) located on the Old Forge Road in the North-Western part of raid borough.— For particulars apply to ,JOSEFII . UHLER. Lebanon, JAMMU 25, 1565. McCormick ' s Improved Sell-Raker. GOOD NEWS LET FARMERS REJOICE ! NO MORE HARD WORK HARVEST ! MONEY, TIME, LABOR AND ORAIN SAVED. Superior to all others is the market, and fully warranted to Reap and Rake. heavy, light. tangled, or lodged grain, where hand Rakers or Droppers will fail. Two Machines in one. It can be quiekly changed to an efficient Mower either with or without a Reel. The Self Baker is no experiment, thousands having been in use the past four years. Competition invited. Sat infection and durability warranted. For sale by JOHN B. ERB, Agent, May 17. IS6s.—St] Litiz, Lancaster county, la. N. 8.-The Agent will be at Cooper's Hotel, Lancas ter, every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Philip F. • FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER (AN Cumberland Street, one door Nast of the Black horse betel. Thankful fur the very liberal patronage extended to me for the short time I have been in business, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. e has at. all times an assortment of BOOTS and SIIOES of his own manufacture an hand, which will be disposed of on ream:Kimble terms. FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, dec. Those desiring a neat, well made article, are invites to give me a trial. Chaldrens' Shoes of every variety and color on hand. Heavy work made to order. Ai- All work warranted. Repairing itottUy done anp harges made moderate. CAM I I R ALINUF.ICTORI' ri ME subscriber respectfully informs the public that 1, he has the largest and best assortment of FURNI TORE and CHAIRS, ever offered to the public of Leb anon county. Ile has on hand at his Cabinet-Ware rooms, In North Lebanon borough, nearly opposite Zeller's Uotel, and a few doors south of Bergner's, a splendid assortment of good, substantial and fashion• able Parlor, Cottage and Chamber FURNITURE, con sisting of Sofas. 'Vete a-tetvs, Lonoges, What-note, Par lor, Centre, Pier, Card and Common Tables; Dressing and Common BUREAUS; Bed steads, Work-stands, Wash•etaods.aud Kitch en Furniture of all kinds. Also, a largeand elegant variety of Fastiert BACK, SPRING SEATED Chaim Common Spring•seated Chairs; all kinds of Spring seated Rockers. Also; Windsor, Cane-seated, and Com mon Chairs and Rockers of every description. iss%. All Goods sold LOW and WARRANTED to give Satisfaction. Persons desirous of knowing the character of the goods here offered for sale, can be fully satisfied of their durability by reference to those for whom he has man ufactured or to whom sold. Old Furniture and Chairs Repaired and Varnished. N. 8.--Coffins made and Funerals attended at the shorteut notice. JOSEPU BOWMAN. North Lebanon, May 4, 1864 MICHAEL ROFFMAN wonld respectfully inform the Citizens of Lebanon, that he has REMOVED hie TAILORING Business to Cumberland Street, two doors East of Market Street, and opposite the Eagle hotel, where all persons who wish garments made up in the most fashionable style and best manner, are in eked to call. TO TAILORS I—Just received and for sale the N. York and Philadelphia Report of Spring a Summer Fashions. Tailors wishing the Fashions should let, the subscriber know of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements accordingly. O}lA L ROFFMAN. Lebanon. Illay 4.1864 ot, (9) gr o 0 OM ✓ so ;:r' pli ho n i. 1:0 6 1: CCI I:**4 0 • • E... • .0 ,... . 4., ; resi F . CD :: 1111 pp, Cr (Iq l I l a 1....1 CD 111111 W. Mr' 5 . ti l t 0 liq ° I =NM '5 6 / * - F,1611211 P P..... {1 0 0 8 ce co immil "„ r•;* , [6 l PO I ~, 4 aim ...,-...s to - -t . ga wet W i ltli Pel 'S:Le . 1 . ` 111 Oa P t" 6 S" sl t 5 0% i.. 7 j ei c i 1,, cp to p P4O l =el 0 = M „ n h i tr 14. Pia 0 • e, 0 )"" • g e ;Ca tl g 0 Ak e* 211 1.1 pro 1 / 4 b , gi a L.4:1 ' il: I 1 = 1 " r , i bE 4 t,,. „ , 111 1.3 M MIIE Cfc2 liP" -- ml -o,rcl ,C? ..., 7; - ft - - J. 9. AL/LIMBACH In a CD . VII vt, Q 1•161 t 4 Pii•4 , P q tl ll uto 0 V 4 roo. c 5 ;g; X ct , r , =4 • _ 1 , 4 {6-21 L K LAUDERMILCH LEBANON, PA. New Goods New - Goods GREAT. INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS, French Merino, all colored. ENGLISH MERINO, all colored. All Wool Delains, all colored. POPLIN MUSLIN DELAINS, & BEAVER Over Coating. CLOTH for LADIES, CLOAKS, from $2,00 to $4,00. Fancy and Black Cass. Satinettos, sold from 50 ets. to $l,OO Bed Check and Ticking. Bleached and Unbleached Muslin Woolen Stockings. Shirting, Flannel, Shirting, Flannel. Calicoes and Ginghams. Woolen and Cotton Hoseiries. Ladies' and Gents' Gloves. Hoop Skirts! Hoop Skirts!! Balmoral Skirts. Umbrellas ! Umbrellas! Linen and Paper Collars. A full line of Ladies and Misses Shawls. Woolen Hoods ! Woolen Hoods ! I General assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, & Queensware L. IL LAUDERMILCIL Wr All kinds of Country produce taken in exchange for Goods. - NEW CABINET AND Fashionable Tailoring. REMOVAL. EXCITING NEWS ALt tb.e. EirrOX=l.36l' CUMBERLAND ST Black French Cloth. REMOVAL. FITS! FITS.; FITS! A. Merchant Tailor, respectfully wa nounees to the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that be has removed his place of business to Market street, between Cumberland and Chestnut, second door north of Mathes' lintel, where be will continue to keep, as heretofore, a fine asgortmet of cLoTHs, CASSIMERES, all of which ho will sell or make up to order at pless to stilt the Gums. Ali wort: entrusted to Mecum, will be marinfartur ed in a workmanlike nia.iner es to fashion mtal Goods purchased eleewhere will be cheerfully made wp to order Oil the usual moderate terms. Having had years of experience in tite Tailoring and Dry Hoods bus Wens, and bring inclined to turn to the advantage of his customers, all the advantages result ing froth said necliarements, be feels satisffial that it will be responded to by a very liberal share of the pith lie patronage. Friends call ouee• to please In after that please your selves. April 12, 186 =Ei=EMIE fiLOTTI, WOOLEN CLOTHING of all colors, , lyed.let U Black or Blue Black, pressed, the color warrauled Rad goods to rood Out equal to new, by LYON LEMBERG ItU, Ent Ilv,,orer. Kir Articles to lie dyed can be left at Jos. L. Lembo' , gee's Drug Store u here ell orders for the above will be attended to. March 11, 1 na Tam owtat REMOVAL© WM. M. SNYDER NVOULD respectfully informthe eiti tens of Lebanon and vicinity, that he has removed his Tailoring Establish- Inent to the room lately occupied by Ds IL Ir. Schneck in Walnut street, three doors south o David Hollinger's Hotel, next door to &Mc D. Krause', store, where be will make up the most Trish. lortable clothing. All work entrusted to his care wilt be manufactured in the best manner, on moderate terms, Good Ste and substantial making guaranteed, especially for the stout as well as Aotthe slender. Ito is ready to accommodate his • anstomers by having a suit of clothes made ou short notice. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to him thus far, he hopes by strict attention to his business, to merit a continu ance of the -ante.. Pie cordially invites the public and hie old customers to give hint a call. Torino cash. Lebanon , 'March 23. 1806. STOVES. STOVES. Now is the time to buy your STOVES before cold whiter is here, and the beet and cheapest place is at the Lebanon Staire, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufac tory of James H. Rogers, Two doors &mil from the Lebanon Bank, where can be bad the largest and' beet assortment of PARLOR, HALL, and COOKING STOVES, ever offered in Leba non, Gas Burners for Parlors or - Bed Chambers of his own make, with a general assortment of Parlor Stoves, and a large variety of thelmst Cooking Stoves in the county or borough, which he warrants to bake or roast WASH BOILERS con lantly on hand of all sizes, and the best material. COAL BUCKETS—the largest aseortment, the hear iest iron, and the best made in Lebanon. Also, a large stock of TIN WAKE, made of Lite best material and in a workmanlike manner. As he is a practical Workman, and bait had an experience of twenty-five years, he teals confident that be can gire general satisfaction. He takes this method of returning big thanks to his onmeronscastoniere for their liberal support, and he licpcs,by strictly attending to his own business and .etting other people's alone, to still receive a share of pupils patronage. JAMES N. ROGERS. .Iliir• Particular attention paid to all kinds of Joanne such as Roofing. Spouting, &c., and all work warranted AI tY 11. 1864. Boot and Shoe Store. JACOB BA:BDBL respectfully in forms the public that he still COI/ tin - ues his extensive establishment In where he hopeso render the setae satisfaction as heretofore to all who may favor him with their Custom He invites Merchants and dealers in BOOTS.and SIEIOESand every one who wishes to gurchase fashionable and, durable nrtielrs in his line, tl; call and examine for themselves, his large and varied stock. He IA determined to surpass altermpetitinu in the manufacture of every artielein his 'business, sui table for any Market In the Union. A due care taken in regard to materials and workmanship; none bt the best quali ty of LEATHER and othermaterialsare used, and none but the best workmen are employed P. B.—He returns his sincere thanks to his friends for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on him. fiehopes by strictattention to busiecsaand endeavoring to please his customers, to merit a share of public pat ronage. ( - Lebanon, May 4, 1864 Removal OF THE NEW AND - CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE. ruin E subscriber would respectfully inform the sit 1, trees of Lebanon and vicinity, that be has remov ed his HOOT and SHOE STORE to,likarket street, next door south of )firs. Rise's Hotel, Lebanon, Pa, • • wbeie he keeps,on band al arge and well assorted stock of all kinds of BOOTS and SHOE S. lie will - • di gilig„. make to order nil ~•' kinds of BOOTS and aims, Bud at very • • short notice. Ho al so keeps on hand a ' • -_ large and well-assort ed stock of LEATHER; such as RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER, CALF. AND KIP SKINS, MOROCCO AND IPANCTLEATURIL KID, LININGS; ROANS, BIND INGS, Itc., and ail kinds of Shoemakers' TOOLS AND FINDINGS, such as BOOT.TBEES, LASTS, BOOT COEDS and WEBB% AWL-BLADES, KNIVES. PUN CHES, HAMMERS, PINCERS, RASPS, TACKS.— Constantly on band an assortment ofLastings, Threads, Shoe-nails, Peg-bitaks, Sand-stones, Pegs, Bristles, Kit and Shoe Tools of every description. Staving been en gaged in the business more than twenty years, he feels satisfied that he can give satisfaction to all who will favor him with a call. Shoemakers front the country will do well by calling on him before- purchasing else where. SAMUEL. lIAUCK. Lebanon. Jan. 27 1864. REMOVA AN L O . NORTH LEBN Saddle and Harness 1i anu factory. rpuE undersigned has removed L his Saddlery -nod 'Harness ManufaCtory to'a few doors South . • . - Ak .. l,V of the old place, to the largo room lately occupied by Biliman & Bro., as - a Liquor store, where he t will be happy to see alt his old it friends and estomers,And where be has increased fa ellitielfrif attain:l%g All - thedeparttnents of his busi ness. Being determined to be behind no other estab lishment in his abilities to accommodate customers, he has spared neither pains nor expense to obtain and Make himself master of every modern improvement in the business and secure the services of the beet work men that liberal,wages would command. He will keep a Mtge stockmfband t and mikieufacture at the short est notiee,4ll desmititinhs- of WA,RNESS; snob as Sad dles, Bridles, Carfiage Harness - , of all kinds ; heavy Harness, Buggy Whips Lf the beat manufacture, .linf fele Robes, Aly Nets, such as Cotton, - Worsted, Linen, and a new kind- lately invented; WHIPS of every kind, such as Buggy Whips, Cart Whips, Ac.; Barnes of all descriptions. Halter Chains, home-made Traces, &c., &c., air of which he will warrant to be equal to any that can be obtained in any other establishment in the country. All he asks that those desiring any thing in this line, should call at his place and examine al/ stock. lie feels the fullest confidence in his ability w give entire satisfaction. *N. All orders thankfully received and prompily at. ended to. SOLOMON &W M. North Lebanon Borough. Aug. 18,1562. COOPERING. subscriber respectfolly informs the public I. that he has commenced the COOPERING hest. nese it his residence on Plank Road jmim 18 street about a square south of the 4112 • First Reformed Church. Tubs, VStands, Barrels, Ilogsheade, Casks, or anything in hie line made er RE PAIRED at short notice and on rea sonable terms. Ile solicits the patronage of the pub lie, feeling confident that his work will compare fav orably in workmanship and price with any other. JOSEPH 11. GASSERT. Lehrman, April 5,1865. TAKE NOTICE. B UILDERS will do well by calling on J. 11. Bar t skAa Agent, as be is prepared to do all kinds of TIN ROOFING, SPOUTING and JOB WOltK generally, at the very lowest prices.' lle also has on hand a large and good assortment of all kinds of TIN WARE, and 44 all 0/ . the moat improved Gas Burning COOK STOVES and PARLOR. STOVES. Also, all the different and latest improved RANGAS AND BEATERS, of all kinds. Ile also; keeps ten atantly on hand a large stock of all kinds of ROOFING, SLATE, which he offers at less price than they can he bought of any other sla tauten in the county. Uotls_el WA R alnu t R St E-OOM reet S , —O ebanon, r ne doo South of the "Buck ," W L Pa. Lebanon, Ray 4, 1864. cider Vinegar. Ala ffered rge quantity et excellent CIDER VINEGAR la o far sale py one or TR For fare! , er particulars, and earuple, apply at lite Moe. Jaw 1T,1906. *. Magnificent Sale. GOLD AND SILVER WATIIPAS, OZWEARIts' N f&t. On ihr Oar Dollar Plan. THE ENTiRE STOCK OF One Gold nd 671 ver !Witch Manufac tory, Two Immense Jewelry Est blish ments, One Silve r t. Wre , house. One Gold Pen nd Pencil Maker.— To be disposed of with disp tch. WITHOUT RSOLIBD TO COST ! rllifil goods are of thelkionable styles and mast excel 1, lent workmanship, and are sacrificed in this way to relieve the proprietors from embarrassment occa sioned by a distracting civil war. It should be pto hi nt:l3'oy stated, also, that Vey are mostly of AMERICAN MANUFACTURE and therefore greatly superior to the goode imported from abroad and hawked about as the cheapest ever sold. The simple duty on imported goods, and the high premium on gold (all foreign hills aro payable in gold,) amount to more then - the • entire cost or many of the articles offered by us to the public. To facilitate the sale. will be charged for any article on .our list, and this Ruin the purchaser need not pay until b'e knows what' be is to get 1 This plan accords, with: the method cently becoine so popular for disposing of large stocks ofJewelry and similar productions. TILE PLAN TS SIMPLE ! - - . The name of each article offered far sale—as "Gold Onnting Watch," "Gold Mel-Bend Bracelet." "Pearl Breastpin and Bar Drops," 6 •Gold 4ninnelled Ring," 'Silver Plated Cake Basket," &c., is written on a card and encldied :in a senled'envelope ;'these envelopes are then placod in a drawer and well .mixed ; then as an order is received, with - . twentyllas 'Cents for return postage and other ch erges, one of the cards or redid cotes is taken at random and sent by first mail to cus tomer, who will eee 'at - once what }Mean get for one dollar. If he is pleased with his fortune he can for. ward the money according to directions on the certifl cats and secure tne prize. If the article awarded shOuld be unstilted to the purchaser—as for example, a set of , Pearl Bar-Drops audfireastpin to a young man who could not wear them, and hod no num to give' them to' —we will send any other article on the catalogue of equal prliewhicli may`be preferred. Or if, for any reason, you choose to venture_ no further, then you can let the matter.drop where It 'band spend no more. Examine carefully our Catalogue - . WATCH DF,PAHT&IB.NT: ;,: t 1= hot " 43 4 U 0 SO gl 0 a r »FIV-'• 2 r a .. 4 P l =4 i=e4 E .. 7 . v•- 4 1 1 PP, w.f e ll c_be;`,z, - I==t r,v2:t• 4's• 2 --,- p=q 03 0 Eo, P..' I"'" D 1.7 4 a t 300 Gents' _Patent Lever Gold Bunting Case, $5O to $2OO 300 Gents' .Detaeled Lever' Gold Bunting Case 40 175 400 Gerita' Swiss Gold Hunting Cese, 30 100 200 Ladies' Gold and Enameled Bunting . Case,' . 30 ' 80 400 Gents' Patent Lever Silver finutmg Case, 30 90 400 Gents' Det. Lever Silver llnnting Case, 30 85 300 Gents' Det. Lever Silver open face 20 50 300 Gents' Patent Lever Silver open face, 25 00 300 Gents' Swiss Silver, 18 ' 40 JEWELRY DEPARTMENT, 200 Diamond Rings, $4O tosl2o 300 Gents' Diamond Pins, - , 20 100 5000 do California Diamond Pins, 3 15 3000 do do do Rings, 3 12 5000 do Gold and Ennui, Fob Chains, - 3 40 4000 do do vest chains, ` 6 90 4000 Pair Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons, - 3 10 4000 do do do and Enam. do, 3 10 6000 sets Gents' Gold Studs,3 8 8000 Gents' Stone Set and Signet Rings. 3 12 8000 do do do Enam. do, 4 , 15 8000 Ladies' Gold Reek Chains, 5 . 50 4000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 3 10 6000 do and Jet do 8 12 6000 d. Enameled do S 15 3000- do Cbatelain Chain, 8 30 6000 Pair Ladies' Gold Sleeve Buttons, 3 8 4000 do do ildEnam: do 4 10 8000 Solitare Gold Brooches . 3 12 8000 Coral, Opal and Emeral Broonims, 3 12 500 Gold 'Cameo and Pearl Ear-Drops 3 8 7000 Honk, Jet. Lava & Florentine do 3 .10 5000 Gold Tkimbles, 5 10 10000 Coral:Opal and .Emcrald Ear• Drops, • 3 10 10000 Miniature Lockets 4 10 10000 Miniature Lockets—magic spring 8 25 10000 Plain Gold Rings, 4 32 10000 Set-sLadies' Jewelry, Gold and Jet, 5 .20 10000 do do Cameo, Pearl, &c., 5 20 10000 Ladies' Gilt and Jet Bracelets, 4 . 17 10000 do do do Mat Supporters 2 12 SILVER - PLATED WARE. 10000 Cup .._ . $2 to $2O 800 Goblets - 3 • 12 10000 Pair Napkin Rings 2 - 10 2000 Card Baskets 4 - 16 3000 Cake Baskets 5 - 20 4000 Castor Frames—complete with bottles 5 • 20 2000 Ice Pitchers 10 • 20 6000 Pair Butter KIEIIII'OE4 3 • 8 5000 Soup, Oyster and Gravy Ladles 2 - 8 1(00 Engraved Pie Knives 3 - 6 8000 Dozen Tea. Spoons per dozen s—* 15 6000 Dozen Table. Spoons per dozen 8 - 24 ' 6000 Dozen Table Yorke per dozen S • 30 6000 Dozen Dessert Perks per dozen 7 - 25 GOLD PANS AND PENCILS. 12090 Gold Pens. Silver Extension Holders $3 to $lO 12000 Gold Pens, Silver Mounted Holders 2 - 8 8000 Gold Pens, Gold Mounted Holders 3 - 15 #OBB4O - 40,VittlU x nr" 112 1 2 8rg 14 ), •: 25 6000 Gold Pencils 6 - 20 _ _ _ . all Meese we charge for forwarding the Certificate, postage, and doing the business, the sum of TM-WY firs cents, which must be enclosed in the order. Five Certificates will be sent for $1 ; eleven fur $2. thirty for $5 ; sfxl.y.five for $lO ; one hundred for $l5. AGENTS ARE WANTED Throughout the Country to operate for us. A large compensation will be paid. Send for terms, &c, en closing stamp. NEWBORN 75 Fulton Street, N. T April 5, 1865.-3 in. =1 A New 'Firm. Cheap Cash Store, and Milling and Grain Business. 111.11.6 undersigned having formed a partnership in the I MERCANTILE, MILLING AND GRAIN BUSI NESS, would respectfully . invite the attention of the public to their establialnnents. They . will confine to keep, at the late stand of MIMIC, GEESAMAN & LONG, a most complete stock of all kinds of GOODS usually kept in a country store, which they will re tail Cheap for CASH, or. COUNTRY PRODUCE. They also want to buy for cash . . 50,000 Bushels of WHEAT, 30,000 Bushels of RYE, 20,000 Bushels of CORN, 25,000 Bushels of OATS. For which they will pay the biahest Market Prices,— They will also take GRAIN on SIOnAgE. The will keep always on hand and Bell at the lowest prices, COAL. by the Boat Load or by the Ton; all kinds of MILL FEED, SALT, PLASTER, &c. Air They solicit the business of all their old friends and the public, ud will endeavor to deal on such lib. oral and just principles as will give satisfaction to all. SREBR & LONG. North Lebanon, May 4,1884 TO rrov &MEM TO THE PEOPLE OF LEBANON. IurARCUS NATHAN respectfully informs the people .LYIof Lebanon and vicinity that he has opened a No tion and Fancy Dry Goods Store in Lebanon for the WHOLESALE and RETAIL Trade °fall articles in his line at the meat reduced prices possible. His stock consists in part of all kinds of Woolen and Cotton Stockings and Hose, Undershirts, Drawers. Woolen Cape and Nubias, Id its rind Gloves, Scarfs , all kinds of Handkerchiefs, Collars for Ladies and Gentlemen, Ilairdresses and Nets, Ribbons and Velvets, Spool and Patent Sewing Thread, Buttons, Scissors, Combs, Ac., Ac. A large assortment of UMBRELLAS and PARA SOLS, at the lowest prices. Spectacles, Pocketbooks, Portmonaires, Dominoes, Cards, Ac. L. large assort ment of Musical Instruments, Violins, Aecordeo»s Banjos, Tamborines, Flutes. Fifes, Baskets, Trunks - , Carpet Bags, Satchels, and all kinds of Toys, in fact everything almost that can be thought of in the Notion and Fancy line. Also a large variety of . JEWELRY and WATCHES, Pedlars and Storekeepers will find it their interest to buy of us. Onr.Store is in Cum berland street, is Funek's buliding,dietween the Court Gomm and Market House. *Jacob E. 11..- ZiminerialaWsl; CLASS HAIR-DRBSSINCI AND 11AIRDY.B. I -MO SALOON, Mark el stredt, near , Currtherland; and opposite the Nagle Hotel. Being thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore ektended'te him; he would respectfully solicit a eontinuance.of the same. Lebanon, July 2, 18112. ' • N. 11.--ThiSaloon will be closed on Sunday. BOOKS &STATIONERY A NEW FIRM;' WALTZ - Ilk HOUCK wuitinf,rz: Public, that avintliogbt and eoniidatedl L; no r tioneyoreaof IL IL Roedel and George 'Waltz, theyare now prepared to wait on all who will favor them with a call; at the old stand (IL H. Deeded's) in Cumberland street, Where they will always have on hand a large and well se lected supply of School, flank and Sunday School Books ' and as an inducement they offer their Miscalls neousbooks at - greatly reduced prices. The New York and P , iladelphia Daily and Weekly Papers, and Iffagazines, can be had and subacribed for, on reasonable termaby calling at their store. Anything wanting in their linewill be cheerfully at• tended to with promptness and dispatch Lebanon, May- 4,168 C Tams= 11 H; _AI 0 V . A: E Lorenzo -IL ltolbrer 7 iN r out, respectfully inform the cal l; n sena of Lebanon and vicinity, that he has REBIGVED his Tailoring sahib. lishment to Ilaattlitinberland at.. about square east of Benson's hotel, where ho will make up the must flu h (enable Clothing. ALL work an trusted to him will be manufactured in the best manner; ou mod erate terms. Good tits and substantial making guar anteed. Thankful fel the lib oral patronage extended to him thus far, he hopes by strict , attention to his Mildness to merit a continuance of the BUM- Re cor dially' invited the iinblic and old customer's to give kau l a min. rLebautha, April, /3, 18t3.. ONLY ONE DOLLAR REMEMBER THE PLAN! PEDLERS ALSO 'MARCUS NATHAN 1865 1865 yeerP estnbl 'shed in N. V. City." "'Only infallible remedies known." Free from Poisons." -Not dangerous to the Unman Family." Rats eemo out of their holes to die." "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Exter's, is a paste—used for Rats, Mice, Roaches, Black and Red Ants, &c., &c., &c., &e- 'Costar's' Bed-Bug Exterminator, Ts a liquid or wrsh, Used to destroy, and also as a pro , ventive for Bed-Bugs, &e. Costar's Electric Powder for In sects Is for Moths, Mosquitors, Fleas, lied-Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. egar:sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. AIGP,!! I Ilawmte ! !! of all worthless imitations. fa- See that"Coantea" name is on each b ox , hot, lie , and Filisk;nefore yon buy. HENRY R. COSTAR. Prineipal Depot, 482 Broadway. N.V. VP— Sold by Dr, HEORDIt ROSS, and Pll Druggists and Dealers at Letinou, Pad INCREASE OE ItATS.--,lrbe Farmers' Gazette (Eng lish) asserts and proved by figures that one pair of rats will have alirogeny and descendants no less than 051, 050 in three years. Now. unless this immense family can be kept down , they-would eonsume more food than won id' stigtain ,65,000 human beings. See "Costar's" advertisement in Rai paper. • 1865. • RATS 'versus 11111 1 / 3 :--Whouver engages - in shooting small birds is email man ; whoever aids in extermi nating rats is a benefactor. We should like some of or correspondents to give.lls the benefit of their ex perience in driving out those pests. We need some thing besides dogs, eats,;and traps for this business.— Scientific. American, IV. r. See "Costar's" adveitisement in this piper. "COSTAR'S" RAT Exterminator is simple, safe, and sure,—the most perfect RATaCiltioll meeting we have ever attended. livery rat that can get it, properly pre pared according to directions, will eat it, end every one that eats it will die, generally at some place as flu' possible from where the medicine was takon.—/:ake Shore, Mich. Afirror WS_ See "Costar's advertisement in this paper A VOICE FROM. TIIE FAR WEST —Speaking of "Costar's" , Rat, Roach,. - &c., Exterminator—more grain and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant Coun ty by verso in than would pay for tons or this Rat and InsectKiller.—Laneaster, Wis., Berra& gay See "Costar's" advertisement in this paper. FARMERS MW lICIUSEKEEPRES—shouId recol lect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Grain, Provi sions, &0., aro annually destroyed by Rats, Mice, Ants, and other insects and vermin—all 'of which can be prevented by a few dollars' worth of "Costar's" Rat, Roach, .2c., Exterminator, bought and used freely. Air Sea "Costar's" advertisement in this paper. 4/RP' Sold in Lebanon, Pa., at Dr, Veci. "toss , Drug Store ) Cumberland st.. opposite Court Rouse, March 29,1865.-6 M. WALTER'S.MILL. rrITE subscriber respectfully informs tho public tha J_ he has entirely rebuilt the Mill on the little SWII tarn, formerly known an "Straw's" and later as "Wen gert'e," about one-fourth .of a mile from Jonestown Lebanon county, Pa; that be has it now in complete running order, nod in prepared to furnish customers regular/y.a - ltb a very superior article of -- 1311 . 1 W-1 1 17-441:11C1NE.1.311131C.... as cheap as it can be. obtained from any other source.— lie keeps also on baud and for sale at the lowest cash prices CHOP, BRAN, SHORTS, Az. He is also pre pared to do all kinds of OUSTOKERS' Wonw, for warmers and others, at the very shortest possible notice and in vites :all to give him a trial. The machinery of the 'Mill is entirely now and 'of the latest and most im proved kind. By strict attention to business and fait dealing be hopes to merit a share of public patronage. WHEAT' RYE CORN, OATS, &c .) bought, for which the highest Lebanon Market prices will be paid. FRANKLIN WALTER. May 4. 1:864 .. ANTED TO BUY 50,0()0 BUSHELS RYE; 50,01)0 bushels CORN 50,000 bushels OATS ; DAVID 3. LONUI 50,000 bushels WDEA7.'. Also, CIL,® V ER SEED, TIMOTHYgEIED, Flaxseed, for which the highest prices will lie paid at the Leb anon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. EORR 131 ROFFMAN. lelutrion, July 17, 1861 TO HE PUBLIC. , . The undersigned having taken the Large and Comm° C 1 1 ,6118 /lOW, in Pottsville, known as the MORTIMER • IOIUSE, Wbnld respectfully announce to his old friends and for mer patrons that he is prepared to: accornmo. date all who may favor him with their patronage. The MORTIMER HOUSE has been newly papered, painted, and refernisbed throughout, and the PROPRIZ TOR feels warranted in saying that itis_ UNSURPASSED BY ANY HOTEL IN THE Borough of : Pottsville, for comfort and 'convenience. No'Pains will be Spezed To render it an agreeable and ceomtortable stopping , place for strangers and travelers. The StAbiiiv- and Shedding, A:Um:bed : to the Hotel, are suf f iciently large for the Re commodation of the horses and carriages of his guests. The Hotel is now-open for the Reception of the Public. lie will be happy to accommodate all who may give him a call. JOSEPH ht. FEGER, Pottsville, April 8, 1863. Proprietor. LUAU LONG A ORR. J 411.1.1 G. GABEL LEBANON Door, Sash and. Steam Planing TIM ILL Located on (be Sleam-liouse Road, near qamber/and ..lareet, East Lebanon. frILLE undersigned respectfully inform Ithe public in general, that they t o t I till manufacture and 'keep on hand; - Door, Satoh, Shutter, Blinds, Flooring, Weather-Boards, 0 Gee Spring r' Mouldings, of all sizes, Wash-Boards, eating, Surbace, Cornices, and nil kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS far Rouses. We also construct the latest and moat im proved Stair Caving and brand Railing, suitable fur large and small buildings. We now invite Farmers, Illeclutnics and Builders to call' Mul examine our stock, which we- will warrant to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor the under signed with their custom. Lebanon, XINy 4,1804. LONGACRE & GABEL. P. S.—There is also all kinds of TURNING at the same Mill. Plunivg, S 7. wing, ke.„ promptly done for those who may furnish Lumber. NEW' Wine and:Liquor Store. • snbscriher would, respectfully inform his: j_ friends and the public in, general that be has opened a new' WINE AND LIQUOR STORE, in Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa., nest door to the Washibgton llotel; where he intends constantly to keep mrhand all kinds of Wines, Brandies, Whisky; tev., &c. .All of which wilt be of the beat and purest quality, and will be sold at the lowest prices. The 'patronage of the public is solicited. , DR. D. D. lluoutlit. N. B.—tie has a good article of Whisky at $2,25 per gallon. Lebanon, April 26, 486,5, _ NEW BAKERY, pint undersigned would respectfully inform the ei IL rens of Lebanon, that he has commenced the RAR ING BUSIMISS, in all its varieties, at his stand, in Cumberland street„-Lebemen, nearly opposite the Buck Lintel, and will supply customers with the best BREAD, CAKES., 4c., &e.. Flour . received from customers and returned to them in byetutat short notice. CONF-ECTIONERIES . , of,all kinds, fresh ,and of-the best quality,. constantly on hand;' and furnished at the lowest prices., Ma public' is invited to give me a trial. Lob win; May fj 1884. F. U. ZBUR., 1865. 1865. 1865. 1865. CLOCKS. • Thirty Day, ' Eight Day, • Thirty. lientr, CLOCKS . 3 Just Received at J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Store, Lebanon , Pa HELMBOLD'S 'FLUID EXTRACT BUGliti, A. positive and Spec!.fic ilemedy fur diseases of the igi a 4d er ,lzseyg, Gravel Isropoltul StveGlasg4 This Medicine increases the powers of digestion, and excites the absorbents into licznhy action, by whirl tim wateryor calcareous dcpositior.::, and all unnatural largements are reduced, as wcil as pain and inflammation : and is good for men ; women cud cuadren. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Ivor weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipa• 'non, Early Indiscretion, attended with the fonowlnit Symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Dirdeuity of Breathing. Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain In the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body. Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions of Um Face. Universal LasslLade, Pallid Conn'cornice. These symptoms, if allowed to go on (which this 2,1edl doe Invariably removes), soon fottow— FATUITY. EPILEPTIC FITS. Li one of which the patient may expire. Who can say they are not frequently followed by those "direful (Ns. eases." rwsANTrie . AND CONSUSIPTION? 111a.ny are aware of the cause of Qv it sullering,but none will confem. The records of the insane asylums and the melancholy deaths by consumption bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once affected by organic weaknerz, - requires the aid of medicine to Btrengthcp and Invigorate the systecn, which HELM - BOLE'S EXTRACT OF DECEIT Invariably does. A. trial will convince the most sceptical. In many aficolons peculiar to Females. the EXTRACT Ducar IS unequaled by any other remedy, and for all :omplalnta incident to the sex, or In the DECLINE OR CIIANGE OF LIFE, ' Car BEE Sympioma ABOVE. Cif " No Family should be without it. Take no taiStUZI., Mercury. or unpleasant medicine foe anplesemut and dangerous diseases. ' EXTRAcT UUUIIU ArD IMPR.OUE' C.l* - @E-V7/;, , Z P 3 Cures Secret .Diseases in all their stripe little expense, little or no clomp of , no inconvenience. raml ITO EXPOSURE. USE HEI_,MBOLD'S EX - I - RA(IT 9LICHU or nit affections anti diseases of these organs, whether EXISTMG IN ]SALE OP. FEITALLE. erom whatever cause originating, and no matter how low, standing. Diseases - of these organs require the aid of e diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. And It is certain to bavo the desired effect In all illation Or which it is recommended. EMI li=!GM t • r V T t_; L.: C • nr pwrilyit •*, , r:outti awl the only c , :re of t.tt r-tr.ovirtr t'sn eleartic eur.stila ;:t i :.-. ....._trl:rf the rlool . :::1‘..r.; renzedy for th. c‘ Legs, 1:10; and all scaly Env tha AND 2 _ LA - .`La c,...NtrLimox NW: A FEW of the worst titsortiers that si,',ut maul:lntl arise from its corruption that tteemmuisi sit; in the Llootl. Cf all the die eeverics that have neon made to purge it out, nom CA equal in Mica E.L.I.I:I:CT.Vr; COILVOtZ:11 EXTI:ACT c.:^.11 . 1 - I' A.,. It cleanses and renovates the Mod, instill the vigor of Lealth into the system, EMI purges out tit humors which mate disease, , tt stimulates the health; functions of the body, mid Limes the disorders that gret• and rankle in the blood. Snell a remedy that coal ec:ied on has long been sought ler, and now, for the ie. thme the public have one en whieli they can depend. Cs tp ace here does not admit of etztincutus to show its ero.t but the trial of a tingle bottle gill show to the Atli Ms; i has its virtues surpassing anything they have ever tales Two tablespoonful of the Extract of Sarsaparilia aside 't9 a pint of water is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink. as One bottle is thlly'equal to a gallon of the Syrup of SIIIIII patina, or the decoction as usually made. RELMBOLD'S •72,. OSE wAsff, An excellent Lotion for diseases arising tram bablts dissipation. used in conseetiOn with the Extracts nicht anu in snob diseases as recommended. ro'd dem esponalble and reliable elae. seta ail ac,,. .....deines. Also explicit directions to :a/a-yr:Ras nring witnersca, nuil up ed certificate; and recaanneada h aro from the highat source.{ . .sm, clergymen, Statesmen, &C resorted to their publication not do ON front tl.c fact that ht ESE Preparations, and do not Mei a c'e-- to be propis,: ,y, cacti ileatca. The Science (if Netltc:lne, like the Doric Column, shoal , Stand simple, pure, majestic, baying Fact for lie bash Induction. for Its pillar,and Trut h aloud :Or Its Capital. *Dstract Carsaparllla is a Flood - Purifier ; my Extra° Machu is a Diarelle, end will eat es such in ull cases. Both are prepared on purely scientific principles — Al vacua—and are the mart active manse/vs of sillier OS VAT; be made. A ready coil cOU UghT test will he a corn position Of their properties with these set forth is die fol lowing works: See Dispensatory of the United States. -See Professor Drw= - .s' valuable works on the Practici of Physic. Sec remarks made by the celebrated Dr, r::7 , See remarks made by Dr Ermum brated Physician and Member of the Lori.l Surgeons, Ireland, and publiKlicil la the Transactions the King and queen's •Sea Medieo-Chircirgical Eerier, published by DEW: Te.s.cans, Fellow of the Doyal College of Surgeons. 800 most of the late Standard works on Median's. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERMIF-11E. Address letters tor Intorrastion, In eoutldenrv. H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist PRINCIPAL DEPOTS— Elelmbold'a Drug and Chemical Warehouse , No. 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, owl Efelmbold'a Medical Depot, No. 104 SOUTH TENTH ST., PHILADELPHIA , BEWARE OF COUN TEUFF , ' ASK POR,H.ELMBOLD T i " ' l " u ' 40 OTHER ! BE Prins our ll= of 11:o ILroA aai :..e.:l,TettLr, Faystvehu