friiangit Aiintion SS vi' .A. JOB PRINTING OFFICE. . p±~INTING: OF WirCPUZIVWV i2DVIAWICRIVESUCIPIXEIetia. Neatfy and Promptly ha waled, al the ADVERTISER OFFICE, LEBANON, PETICA Tuts establishment is now supplied with an extensive inisortment of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the patronage demands. It can now turn out PaII4TING, of every description, in a neat and expeditions manner— and on very reasonable terms. Snub as Pamphlets, Checks, Business Cards, Handbills, Circulars, Labels, Bill Headings, Blanks, Programmes, 'Bills of Fare, Invitations, Tickets, Ike., dm. Aar Thine of nakluds, Constinon and .T.udgment'Borrns. Senod, Justioes , i Oonstabtss'; null other *Min t printed sorrectly tnd neatly on the'bost nipor, constantly' kept fur sate nt this case, at prises "to suit the times." Nl.eztelio or ..4416..cinvertiossimagg. Size. It. 3t. 3m. 6m. iy„ I Square, 12 lines, $ .00 $l.OO 23.00 $5.00 -$ .B.oo' 2 " 24 . 11ne5, 1.00 2.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 3 " 36 lines, 1.50 3.00 7.00 , 10.00 15.00 For Exeouttie. and Administrator's Not ' 2.00 For Aseigmee, Auditor and similar Notices, 1110 For yearly Cards, not exceeding 0 lines, ' ' 8.0 0 0 0 For column advertisement, 1 year, , 50.00 For 14 C o lumn o " .. 80.00 For . Z column " o 18.00 For Annotinelim candidates for ollice, in &dratted, 2.00 For Antionneing sale, unaccompanied by 4v't. 1.00 For 'Local Notices, Society natolutions, &a., 8 U ts . per line. For Bishops or Special Notice., 80 cents per line par year. Yearly advertisements for Merchants and Bust nsse men PS agreed upon. * * *Subscription price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER One Dollar and a Half a Year. Addraaa. Wm. M. BIIEELIN, Lebanon, Pa. Dr. GEORGE G LEIN Jr . 1 , I ,TFLOE in Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa., in j r the r ooms lately ocoup led by LEVIL Erma, Esq., deceased. June 28, 1885. JOHN P. BOWMAN, Surgeon • 4,0111;.•:!, • 4gr - R 00929 over Mr. Ad -1 A cot # 6 , am Rise's flat Store, Cum. , beMand SL, Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, March 29, 1895. Dr. S.H. GIIILFOa,D 3 • s. E t , (Graduate of thsPentea College of. Dental Surgery.) ROOMS—in C. Ilenry's new building, •_>. opposite the Hoe; Gotel, Cumberland street Le 'Eth b e a r n an n i etioro form adrainis 4, "t. tared when desired. Lebanon, June 14,1865.--tf. DEJVTISTRY 77_ C It. Wagner, T MARTS Artificial Teeth on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite, at from $5 tg fn. Teeth ;filled able, oente end.. up wards. Residence and Office, Cumberland street, East Lebanon, opposite BAnaordif wherophejms beOn , pritetiaintAhdisat eigiONtrlP laibanolik April 508no.;r:„. M. CAMPBELL, AtL.ttorn.Q szt X. 1:4, w. FFJOH, 2tl Floor, under, Funek's Hall, Hornbec k" land St., Lebarton,'Pi. ' • 5 Will also attend promptly to the collection of all War Claims. References--Hov. A G. Commg, 'Harrisburg, Pa.; R. E. WR/OHT, State Reporter, Allentown ; AVALLIsTra k nEXTER, Attya., Bellefonte, Pa.; Ruda & DEAN, Attys. Hollidaysburg, Pa. Lebanon, June 21,1865,-Iy*. • J 0 14-N FAI C) N.: ATTORNEY AT LAW, rt i FFICE with A. R. - Douglste r, Esq., Cumberland J Street, nearly opposite the Court Homo. Lebanon, February 8, iBBB. -------- 11. T. BIBIGHAS , AW ATTORNEY-A U T-L, IFFICE In Stlehter's nuildlog, Cumberinnd Street nearly opposite the Court Mouse, Lebanon. Lebanon, June 15, 186.4.—tt, CYRUS P. MILLER, .Attoriaey-at-Lave 0 ' 11: Jr' a W u n d l rrte doorseet 7 neatly sou h opposite x the a r m n u; , It s Ilardwars store. L3banon, April 6, 1861.-Iy. BASS/LER A% OVER, .EIL ttor e• 3r , art 1-malver Fnelii ramostid to Oumberland strait, one door East of the Lebanon Valley Bank. opposite the O Duck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. 13,'64. GRANT wEIDIIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. copiolo, iu Cumbberland street, a few doors east of the Nagle Hotel,,ln the office late of his father Capt. John Waltham", dee'd Labium'. Sept. pmts. • ARMIT - ANDIVAVY PENSION, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND BON TY LAND AGENCY. acitella dab- t ma. 45, Nr &wt.. 'Li Vcr 111111 W undersigned, having been licensed to prosecute claims, and having been engaged in the Bounty and Pension business, offers his services to all those who at e thereto entitled, in accordance with the various acts of Congress. All such should call or address at ones, and make their applieations.thyough , BABBLER BUYER, Attorney at;lstw; OPTICS removed to Cumberland St., one door Nast of the Lebanon Valley Bank, opposite the Buck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. [Jan. 6, '64. REMOVAL. S. T. MeADA.NI, ATTORNEY AT LAW. T3l AS ItSMOVED hie office to Market Street, one door IA South of the Amerloau Mouse, better known BB klatthee' Motel. Lebanon, April 12,1865. k J OSIAH FUNCK, t t ma "jr t W. next door to the First National' Bank, (late / Deposit Dank,) Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa. March 29,1885. J. HOFFMAN. (Late Capt. in the 142t1 Fa. rut.,) 3514cria.ri:ty - , 334aLcs7x. lasswsr AND Pension Agent. MICE WITH MONON. N J. W. MUNGER, W. PA. Lebanon, March 15, 1886.—tf. HENRY J. LIGHT of the. Peaes.clie.... MEM subscriber, having been elected Justice of the 1, Peace, would respectfully Inform the public that he is now prepared to attend to the duties of him office, is well as the wilting of Deeds Bonds, Agreements, and all business pertaining to a 'Scrivener, at his resi dence In North Lebanourrowaylilg, -About two miles from Lebanon, near the Tunriel,'o if nthe Union Forge F.NRY J. LIGHT. IL Lebanon township, May 9, 1965.-3ni. REMOVAL. A. STANLEY ATTORNEY AT -LAW,. Has removed his office to the bo tidin, one door eas of Landerruileh 's Store, opposite the Washington noose Lebanon. Pa. BOUNTY and PONS - lON claims promptly attended to LAPril '63.-3m. - R. 'DREW c LIQUOR STORE, Market Square, opposite the Market House, Letxmon, Pa. !VMS undersigned respectfully informs the üblic that he has received an extensive stock p of the choicest and purest Lignors of all descriptions. Them Llquoto he la invariably disposed to mill at u o . t t,m precedeutedly low prices. $ • Druggists, Farmers, 46tsi genets, and oth• ers will consult their own laterektithy liming of the undersigned. L. R. DY.I.:Ct. air Also, for sale, 511811LER'S ITERD BITTERS- Lebanon, April 15, 1863. HOWARD ASSOCIATION) PHILADELPHIA, PA, Is ease a of the Urinary and Sexual Systems, Dnew and reliable treatment. Also the BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Batty of Warning. and Instruction, sent in sealed envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. .1. MILIAN HOUGHTON, Howard Amooleflon, No. 2. South Ninth Street. rbiladelphta, Pa. anon, VOL. 17---NO. 2. Wistar)tßalsam WILD 'tficanny. ONE 01? THE OrsIiEBTAiND MOST RELIA— BLE REMEDIAS &IT THE WORLD FOR. Coups, Colas, lArtiotiiimg Cough, Bronchitis, %Soulty of Bring. Asthma, Hoarse ness, Sore T t, Croup aud every aff'ootiou of THE THROATi tUINGB: AND CHEST , ''''` u r iai . ~,,61, . . IN(} .EITEN , , ... . ~ , . CONS - _ TION. Wi*taes Salaam ot . Cherry. *43 general has the use of this remedy , become., and so popular ie it or errflidre, ifiat=it is nertiecessifil4t' o recount its virtues. Its tforita sak L for it, and iindi utterance in the RbuiiiiiitireniliciluxitarY tatimouV'w the-many who from long sulfating and settled disease have by its use been rest:tired 'ristiiie -rigor and health. We can present.* mass of proof of our assertions, that L.! Qd.NNOT BB DISORBDITBD, The Rev. Jacob Sechiet Well known and =nob' relftlagtedurroong the Berman population to this country, makes. the following.state ment for the benefit of the afflicted. Ifanovra, PA., Feb 16,1859, Dear Sirs :—having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the use of your Valuable preparation --Wurraals BALSAM or WILD Camay—it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a de cline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there 'WASp groat improvement in her health. I bare in my individual case, made frequently use of your valuable medicine, and , have always beau benefit _ ed by it. From Jesse Smith, - Esq.' President of the Morris County Bank, Morris: town, New Jersey. 'glaring rased Dr Wisraa'a BALSAM or Wan CIIERRT for about fifteen years ' and having realized Ite benefi cial results in my family, it affords me great pleasure iu recommending it to the public as a raluable remedy In cases of weak lungs, colds, coughs, 4c , Wall a reme dy whirls I consider to be enterely innocent, and may betaken with perfect safety by the most delicate in health. From Bon. John - E. -- -Smith, - a Distin guished Lawyer in Westmins ter, Maryland. I have on several occasions used Dr. Wurran's sex or WILD CHERRY for severe colds, and always with decided benefit. I know of - no preparation that is more efficacious or more deeerving . of general nee. The Balsam has also been used'with eicellent. effect by J. B. ELLIOTT, ➢ierchant, Mars OrOsa Roads, hid Wistar's Balsam 'of Wild . Cherry. prone genuine unlese 'signed "I. BUTTS," on the wrapper. FOR SALE BY 3. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York. S. W. FOWLE de CO,. Proprietors, Boston. 'And by ai Druggists.' REDDING'S RUSSIA. SALVE Forty Years' Expe,rience Has fully established the superiority of REDAING'S RUSSIA Over allotter latudiug preparatioim It cures all kinds ot SORES, CUTS, SCALDS, BURNS, BOILS, ULCERS, SALT RHEUM, ERYSIP ELAS, STIES, PILES, CORNS, &ME LIPS, SORE EYES, &c., dm. REMOVING TIIE, PAIN AT ONCE, AND REDUCING TUE MOST ANGRY LOOKING SWELLINGS AND-INFLAMMATION ASIF BY MAG IC. ONLY. 21 CENTS A BOX. FOR SALE BY ' J. P. DINSMORE, N 0.491 Broadway Now York. S. W. FOWLS & CO., No. 19 Tremont St., Boston And by all Druggists. June 22, 1861.—1 y row. The Phoenix Pectoral WILL CURE YOUR COUGH. TRIE PliffiNlX PECTORAL lESII COMPOUND ;SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY ANDkSENEEA. SNAKE , ROOT, WIbL OBBEiTEIE DISEASES OF TUE THROAT AND LUNGS, elcghs,croup, Asthma, Bronchitis; Catarrh, Sore Throat, . .Hoqrsness, h ooping C'onglt, (k.c. ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVENT pulmonary Consumption ND EVEN IVUERE 11115 FEARFUL DISEASE Ahas taken bold it will affonl greater relief than any other medicine. Miss Kate Vanderelice of Pottsville, ease, "I wus benefited more by 'using the Phoenix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever need." Eliae °herbs:Baer, Lionville, Chester county, was cured of a cough of many years' standing by using the Phoenix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of Ball street, Phoenixville, - certifies that he wee cured of a cough of two years standing, when all other medicines had' failed, by the use of the Phoenix Pectoral. • Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hundreds of bottles of the Phoenix Pectoral, and that , all who teed It bear testimony of its wonderful ' effects in curing roughs, _ John 114yer, editor of the IndepenneaL7nrent;F Saar lug used it, has no hesitation in pronouncingcom plete remedy for cough, hoarseness and irritation in the throat. The Nest Chester Jeffersfmian save : "We have known Dr. Oberholtser personally a number of years, and it gives us the grekteet pleasure to recommend his medicluee, inasmuch as the public rarely . have the benefit of family Medicines prepared by a physician of hie acquirements and experience. "Dr. Oberholtzef is a member of the' Alumni o the Medical Department at the University of Pennsylvania, at which institution he graduated in 1854." • Purrs:row:, .7tinuary id, 1965. This certifies that I have used the Pimento Pectoral in my family, and I recommend it to the public as the lery best remedy for Coughs Anil Colds that I have ever tried. One of my children was taken with a cold accompanied with a Crimpy Cough ; bad indeed chat accompanied could not talk or scarcely breathe. Having heard so much said about the Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose relieved the difficulty of breathing and.before, the child had taken one fourth of the brittle it was entirely well, Every family .should have it in their house. Sighed, a P. CROSBY. 'Mrs:Mary Butler, mother of lien, Wm. Butler, President Judge of the Chester and Delaware Districts, says that she cannot do without the Phoenix Pectoral, ' Dr. George B. 'Wood, Professor of the Practices of Medicine in the. University of Pennsylvania Hospital, and one of the authors of the 'United States Dispensa tory, says of the Seneke Snake Root : "its' action is especially directed to the lungs." The proprietor of this medicine has so much coon- I deuce In its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds who have used It, that the money will be re funded to any purelimOr who is not satisSed with its effects.. It is 'so pleasant to take that children cry for it It costa only 35 cents—large bottles Oka DOLLAA.- 11 Is intended for only one Mass of diseases, namely those of the Luna and Mural. Prepared only by Levi OLerholtuar, 51. D., Pluenir. vale, Pa. Johnston IlollOWay & Coivden, No. 23, N.Sixth st. Philadelphia, aridT. e. Wells Ss Co. No. 115 Franklin at., Now York., General Wholesale Agents: Sold wholesale nod rolait by .1. L, ,temberger, Dr. Geo. Ross and D. S. Reber, Lebanon, and by nearly every druggist sad storekeeper fn Lebanon county. N. 11-11 your MUM druggist or storekeeper {does not keep this medicine do not let biro put you off with some other medicine, because hi makes more money on it, but send at once to one of the Agents for it. March 8,1865.-6 m. Blanks for Bounty and Invalid Fen ston Claims just printed and for site at the AD. VEXTIBIR , Mee. • TEEM JACOB SECJILBR. 'Muttlnvouti. THE. WRONG MAN IN THE WRONG PLACE. Are people to blame mo for what is . unavoidable ? That is a question I should be remarkably happy to have solved to my own satisfaction and the satisfaction of others. Once I : doubt on the subject ; but now, judging from what has happen ed" tor• int in' the past few days, I must confess my opinion is somewhat Shak en. It was entirely foreign from my • tip t ion o. create:a Otisation, or en- act a deception, when .1 packed my carget'baktastweek, and 'donned my best suit 'p'repar'atory to setting forth on, wait, to_my t i NabbY:-.78.1q(34- Aul4,Nabby :resides in the 'north-, eastcoyner pf - Maiiii; in, a town Whleb: I Nilkden„omintiteTineville. I hope the reader will excuse me for alluding to my, personal appear ance. I have a military air, and per haps my-dress may , be a little more martial than exactly befits a non re sistant. But tho ladies assure me that blue• is becoming, and who will gainsay the ladies ? I have been strongly advised to en list, 'but Lam totally unfit for the ser vice. -The smell of gunpowder makes me faint, and I never fired a,-gun but oncein my life, and I was confined. to my bed for a fortnight afterward. Not exactly from fhe effects of the fright, but because the confounded fire arm resented my awkward hand ling, and kicked me so severely that my, right eye was in mourning for months, and my nose was knocked out of the perpendicular into the slantindicular. I arrived in Pineville rather late one Friday night, and as it was ton miles further on to my Arnt Nabby's rustic cottage—towns have some.ex tent of territory in Maine—l put up at the Washington house—a one horse affair in the straggling village of Pineville. 1 registered, my name—P. Sheri. dan—on the hotel book. My chris• tian name is .Philornetheus, but ow ing to the - oddity of the title, and the ominous length, I rarely write it in I got some supper, and retired ha mediately to my room. I had just fallen asleep, and was dreaming se renely of .kissing Natty Baker, my sweetheart for the time, when I was aroused by a great .commotion under my window. 'Trot him out.l" "Three clierereTfOr the .gallant,Phill",rent the air. I comehieled some gieat 'character had, arrived in town, and in my anxi• ety to behold the curiosity with the rest, I forgot ray yellow, flannel night cap, and sparse toilet, and springing out of bed I threw up my window and loaned out. Just as 1 had got my eyes fixed on the swaying crowd below, there was a rap at my door.- "Come in !" cried I fearing to an• sorer personally to the summons lest 1. should miss my chance of seeing the celebrity. The landlerd and landlady came in but the lady retreated instantly, and remained :giggling outside the door. "Dear sir," said the landlord, "you must go. down. They won't till they see ye." “They? who are they ?" asked I. "The peOPle around - here;"•said he. "It hairit often such an 'extinguished character comes here; and taint no use to try to, put 'em off !" "I'm obliged to theinmetch eblig cdto them,".said;l, "but really- -" "Taint no use," said he doggedly," you must go down, or the Washing ton Rouse will go -down.The're sure to do it • "Oh, Well," said I—"in that easel will ,go down, surely"-,and . I began to dresS. In a hurry I knocked over the candle, and was obliged to corn• plete ray; adornment .in the dark., I got into my pantaloonswith the hind part in Irma, but, there was no time to remedy the error, as the vocifer ous- calls of the landlord:ft:it me to hur ry assured me. I flow: down the 'stairs two at a Ltme—.steppc.a on m 5 Ownp d ore, went half way down, and was preci pitated to the next - floor, where 1 was brought -ap in the arms of a plump chambermaid, who was evi dently waiting on purpose to catch me. Before I could resist, she planted a sounding smack on my blonde mtius lac.he---and cried delightfully to her companions— " There:! I've kissed hiM first !" I Mentally rejoiced that Matty Bak er was not present, and resolved that sheshould neverknow anything about it, . Matty is red haired, and folks Pretend to say that she has a tem- per. - - I freed - myself from my saluting fe male, and advanted to the door. My appearance was greeted by yells and shouts, and cheers,.perfect ly deafening. • Men, women and chil dren to the number of: several Score, were congregated in' front of the hotel, waving • their hats and . handkerchiefs, and hurrahing. "There ,he comes ! that's him ? three times three for the. conquering Sheridan I" , "I'm obliged to you gentlemen and ladies—greatly•obliged to you," said I modestly making my best bow. , "He comes 1" cried the crowdsway ing frantically ahout, and swinging their handkerchiefs more Justily.--• And 1, not Wishing tobe.behindband in the_ Anthusineim;:pulleclip3o,oy - LEBANON, PA., WiDNESDAY; JULY 5, 1865. han dk e.r a l iand swung, it crying at the top of:" lungs. Yes, homes, he comes Hur rah 1" Whatartiat air," exclaimed an ancient fel , e ,h , e m su r r e t s 'e e yin b g les m t e he through her glass of Wellirm."— wor' he's , inarried 7" said a red cheel girl in a cloud of yel low curlid. Pink ringlets. - "No fT darling," said I "but I want t 0 .,, . .w. 1!' . ow faced gentleman .aide, "I wish to ,niuetbing which I 'you. I deem it my the Pineville meet ukc sin, always. I arked that, you are e soldiers." ehend you," said I. I be clearer. I have re addicted to the ifitne language, and esent to-you this -profanity,. hoping and profit by it., Said I, "you mean must say I don't int." inion of Sherman?" ttic daudy, swing removing his cigar, g enough to pro- "What* asked a bru ing his ratta from his mo pound the q mp !" said I with "Sberma , enthusiasm “A.h, me,' 'y tract distribut ing friend, ' ye cards as well as swears.” "What d 'link of the negro race ?" ask ark complexioned man. "I think melt stronger than the deuce," , beginning to lose my patienel "Iferciful6 !" exclaimed the sallow-faeeche is pre,slevery." "Sir," sail'andlord 7 --who had been in earijiversation with a half dozen ltir the last five Min uses—"the omen folks, won't be satisfied t kissing of ye ! They want t said:that they've kissed-Sher hair. - ) -;.. , .i.. 7 "Law/god - l et he is," .said one hf, my Me -- friends.; , "He's as red as!'key;gobbler:" Thcit:t of being' ,kissed by 'some a pretty girls was decid edly a 3-I felt, ,delicious over it—bu vinegar visaged old womelrnnk from the ordeal. But Iprally , a gallant man, and rq that I could wag) my face atly-4 consented. 1 "C come all I" said I. .Th ed. They. flung their arms any neck, and surround ed ineiT hand. 1. felt like a picklete. I smelt musk, lon ions, y, snuff, jockey club, hard °gnu, doughnutl, boiled mutt mon, mustard seed, car clamor(' every other odor uncial]. liisit grand invention, but there choice in it I think. Atir had all kissed me but one , was standing a little apart . preparations. I notic edl he mighty trembling. She was' n ogre, and the look of dogg mination on her wizen ed fa iced inc that I need from her mercy: Id taste anything, with, i' she exclaimed in an d instantly out came a tki and she rushed to grew giddy with the I.lturning , I fled be -1 h billows before a hur hope toy icier ' t se ' ward fora ti a c Y. h; 0 , 0-ht for. the figure 1 cut. d jot was to get out of Iler, 'hrough the entry— down 4 • back stairs, knock in-g-ovqp tier and the cook who w ng the together on the steps- 7 left . th • yard, where I rt of my coat tails in the pp o f a covetous dog— and ove into -the open conn `trY. A e time I, could hear the step, pursuer close behind me. "You catch ye. wimmen Sheridan Good ,'• cried she, "but I'll n't be said all the ills kissed General I'll do it or die." ! • so I had been .al Sheridan. No e bad turned out le me. taken fo wonder t en masse t And sti was deep and 1 sun ry step. me and concealed by the .90 clear mysi d : on. The snow very . nearly blown Ind deeper at eve e friend gained on 11 headlong into a , she, grasped me ,d before I could bad done the deed She had had follow; ed ten aunt Nabb: He aced') fore day-brel my respect I laid abe too much saw a copy and in it thl "GROSS hi The landlord • hind and I offer get me to my igbt. ibe, and ik at the feet of ek afterward— to stir, but I !inevilie Eagle paragraph low-lived critiscr. wretch passing himself off as General Phil Sheridan, arrived in our village, and put up at the Washington House on Friday evening. There was quite a demonstration among our citizens before the imposter was discovered.— The bogus general has gone to parts unknown. •lt is supposed he was some drunken lunatic, from his con duct." I make no comments, but judge my sensations. A GHOST STORY. To those who read this story, I would say; that. however badly told it may be, it is the truth ; a simple statement of facts, unaided by fancy or - imaginatlen. I was never calmer; More collected', or wider awake,in my life than when the occurrence lam about to relate took place; and al though it terrifiectand appalled me, I 1 - A13,65 - that it 'wouldhave produced that effect upon persons •wi_th strong. et nerves than mine. A few words by way of explanation will be neces sary. • Previous -to my marriage, which took place nearly three years ago, I Was much annoyed by the persistent • attentions of Robert Lisle. He was aviolent, self-willed, headstrong boy, whose many good and generous qual ities were obscured by ungovernable passions. The only child of a rich widower, he had been indulged until any opposition to his wishes made , him perfectly furious. Had', accept ed hiS suite, he would most probably have tired of me; but my rejection and the knowledge that I was be trothed to another, enraged him, and made him More determined in bis purpose. I was poor, and therefore his father had not approved of the match, although he would'have con sented to it, to please his son ; but al though mortified, he was scarcely re joiced at .my refusal, and, exerting his authority for once, finally suc ceeded in sending Robert away, greatly to My relief Not long afterward I was married and, with my husband, went on a visit to hiS relatives, who resided at Some distance. We were gone three months. On my return, one of the first per sons whom I recognized was Robert Lisle. He was reeling down the street, intoxicated and half senseless, in the uniform of a private soldier.— Ile had returned home a few days previous to my return, and, hearing of my marriage, in a fit of rage and intoxication he had enlisted. He had benn.intoxicate.d CAVAP airiPP him to reason. With characteristic obstinacy, he persisted the more strongly in his_purpose the more he Was-opposed to it, and the utmost his father could do, was to obtain a lieutenancy for• him and let him go to war. He went, leaving the poor old man nearly broken hearted. For myself, I was both glad and grieved at his departure ; glad to be relieved from his presence, for I dreaded him, and grieved to have been the cause of so much trouble. A year passed away ; a year ,of quiet, uneventful happiness to me ; of what terrible suspense, agony and dispair to thousands of others, let those tell whose homes and hearts have been left desolate by this horri. ble war. At the end of the year a change came, a great joy and a great sorrow. My baby, my precious little comforter, was born ; and a few weeks afterwards my husband, a young surgeon struggling upwards in his profession, received a highly advantageous offer from the military authorities, which he felt that be had no right to decline, although it in, volved our separation for a. time, as he could not take me with him. So that when 1 had entirely recovered my strength, he went away, and I was left alone with my baby and my sorrow. It is true he was in no ac tual danger, but it was our first sepa ration, and it was hard to bear. I did not go home, although he propos ed jt, thinking I should feel less lone ly. I preferred to remain in the lit tle cottage on the outskirts of the town, which .we had occupied since our marriage. Some time after my husband's de- 1 1 parture, Robert Lisle came home on a furlough, his first visit home since his enlistment. He was much chang ed. The stern' discipline of a sol dier's life seemed to have tamed even hiS wild spirit. He was quiet in man ner, never drank, and indeed, seemed so steady in every respect, that his father's delight was equalled by his sorrow at losing him again so soon.— He made no attempt to renew his ac quaintance with me, further than by a quiet bow when we met, as we did, once or twice, in the street. He was a captain, having been promoted, it is but just to say, for his gallant con duct in some engagement, and not from any influence of his friends.— He remained at home but a few weeks, and then rejoined his regiment, somewhere in Virginia. And now comes a part of my story which, were it not broad noonday, and people passing my window, 1 fear I should not have nerve enough to write for the recollection of it sickens me with terror. it was the night of the ninth of August. Robert Lisle had been gone some weeks, and I had entirely for gotten him ; at least the thought of him never once crossed my mind on that evening. I had put my baby to sleep, and laid her on the bed; I and then, not being sleepy myself, went back into the sitting-room, and sat down in the moonlight by tbo WHOLE NO. 886 open window. I sat there until I was startled from my reverie by hearing the town clock strike ten. I arose, lowered and fastened the win dow, and taking a lamp went through the house to see if all the doors and windows wore properly fastened, as had been my habit ever since my husband's departure. There was no danger, I suppose, but as there was only myself and a servant girl in the house, it was more satisfactory to know that_ everything is secure.— Having completed my survey, I re turned to the sitting room and fas tened the door of that, which led into the hall; then I went into the bed room and placed the lamp on a small table by the, bed. I had commenced to undress, by loosening and combing out my hair, when the thoughtstruck me that I bad not wound up a clock which stood on the mantel in , the sitting-room, and I returned for the purpose of doing so. As 1 passed through the-door a cold shudder ran over me, and I was seized with vague terror, which 1, was angry with my self for feeling, I went to the man tel and began to wind up the clock, when the cold shudder shook me again so strongly that the key of the clock dropped from my hand. In voluntarily I laoked backward, over roy shoulder, and there, great God ! between -me and the open door, the light of the lamp streaming full upon me, stood Robert Lisle ! Even in the moment of wild terror my mind seemed to grasp, how, I know not, every detail Of his appearance. He wore a dark blue uniform coat, much soiled and disordered. His head was bare his hair if blown back by the wind. His face was ghastly pale, and seemed to wear a look of mingled rage and defiance. He did not move, and, for an instant, Idid not stir from my place; I stood perfectly 1 paralized. Then, shrieking, wildly for help, I sprang to the door, which I sought with frantic haste to unfas ten. Doing this, I cast a terrified glance backwards, and, to my utter astonishment, perceived that be was gone.. I thought of my child, and, seized with a new fear, rushed wildly into the bedroom. Lisle was not there; nothing was disturbed. 3ly baby was awake, however, awakened by my screams, probably. The sight of her innocent face seemed - to give me courage. Catching her up, and hastily wrapping her in a shawl, I fled from the house as fast as my trembling limbs eould carry me. My mother lived not far away, and for tunately I reached her house without meeting any one. My knocks soon brace; / ilia e w r ii t e n n I l to A in d ihristtfrP kit ' laughed at me, and declared that I, had been dreaming; a theory in : which she persisted , :, in spite of all that I could say to the contrary. i Now, although I knew I MICL nut dreamed it, I never doubted but that it was the living Robert Lisle that I had seen, until, about ten days later, a letter from my husband filled me with a new horror, and my mother with dismay. I give the part relat ing to my story in his own words.— "I'am sorry to say that Robert Lisle is killed. Re was not killed in ac tion, but after the battle, through his own_recklessness and want of self-control. You have probably read in the paporshow dreadfully our men, especially Crawford's Brigade to which he belonged, were cut up and scattered. After the last charge of that gallant and ill-fated brigade, perceiving that the rout was hope less, Lisle and about 15 of his COM , pally, who were all that remained to gether, took refuge in a a patch of wood, intending to wait a favorable moment to-join Pope's division, which was momentarily expected on the field. This they found it impossible to do, and but that the night had closed in, would inevitably have been taken prisoners. As it was, they kept bidded in the woods, listening to the gradually increasing sounds of the battle, which ceased at last, but, left them no better chance of escape for numerous parties. of the enemy were moving about the field between them and our lines. At length, about ten o'clock,Robert's impatience could no longer be restrained, and calling to his men to follow him he made a dash across the open space towards our lines, the camp fires of which they could see in the distance.— There 'was a clear brilliant moonlight and they had not gone far when they Were seen by a mounted, .party of rebels, who dashed after them, call ing upon them to surrender. The rest would have done, so, for it was folly to resist, but Robert's blood was up, and for reply, he turned and dis charged his pistol at the leader. The next moment he fell, shot dead. The rest of the men were taken prisoners excepting two, who contrived to make their escape in the confusion. I I have these particulars from them." This battle was fought on the 9th of August, shortly after ten o'clock Robert was killed. I leave the read er to make such explanation as he or she pleases. For myself, if I did not know that it was no dream, I would most gladly persuade myself that it was one. A class was reciting a lesson on metaphysics—the chapter on motives operating on the humane will—when a mackeral vender went by shunting, "Alackrel, fine fresh mackrel !" Sud denly, disturbed by the noise, the master inquired of the class what motives the man had for making such a noise. No answer being made, he said - they must be deaf as had docks and flat as flounders, not to perceive that it was a sell fish motive. --- , 1 lif aft fintfifo. A FAMILY PAPER FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY, IS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY By WM. N. BRESLIN, 2d Story of Funck.'s New Building, Cumberla St At One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Foal /far ADVERTISEACENTS inserted at the usual rates 4GPITANDBILLS Printed at an Lome notice. RATES OOS In Lebanon Co ß unty, postage free TAGE. u PennsylTania, out of Lebanon county 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents a year. Out of this State, 6X cts. per quarter, or 26 eta, a year if the postage is ngt paid in advance, rates aro donwe A LONG GRACE AT BREAKFAST Edward Irving sometimes taxed the patience of his host and a Jai'ge company of invited guests, by con suming fifteen or twenty minutes in invoking the Divine blessing. By the time be ended, the devotional frames of the company were as cold as the dishes on the table. But their sufferings wore light, compared with those of a circle of Scotch ministers, from the Synod of Cleishmaclaver, on their way to the General Assembly of the Scotch Kirk. They wore well punished for their forgetfulness. A humorous contributor to Frazer's Magazine, tells the story in a recent number. The brethren had started by coach at an early hour, and had traveled some twenty miles before they reach. ed the inn where breakfast was pre pared, for them. The keen air of our northern hills sharpens the appetite ; and" When the brethren drove up to the inn:they were almost famished with hunger. "Now, gentlemen,just ten minutes for breakfast," says the coachman, as ho entered the landla dy's snug little parlor, to have his own. Ten minutes. The time was short, so they must make the most of it. They rushed into the room where the breakfast was spread, and there, basking his ample person be fore the fire stood a portly dressed gentleman, dressed somewhat like a dignitary of the Church of England. Their appetite was keener than their curiosity, so they scarcely looked at the stranger, but concentrated all their attention on the viands. Half way in the air, before the mor sel had reached theirlips, theirhands were arrested by a sudden cry of "stop 1" It was the supposed dean or bishop. "Good heavens, gentle men," he exclaimed, "have you so far forgotten your sacred profession, as to partake of food without invoking a blessing ?" The brethren looked like school-boys detected in some fla grant fault ; but before they had time to remonstrate or explain, the same voice exclaimed, in a tone which en forced obedience, "let us pray."— They instinctively sprang to their feet, and assumed the attitude of de corous devotion while the stranger offered up a prayer which they them selves admitted was superior in ac tion and expression, to those of Dr. Drawitout himself. He had only one fault ; he did not knoW when to stop. The minutes rolled rapidly away, but the stream of fervent supplication flowed on without a break. They ,aatßlx bbet4r l 2,lll` lo .4)-V..-ybr-41:itex1- with the 'other ; but when a hand ap proached it drew back before the stern glance of the stranger, which seeerned to comprehend them all. Th e anffeinffEl of Tantalus wore nothing to the sunerie 6 . putation„ from the Synod of Cleish maclaver ; but all things mnstsome to an end. "Time is up, gentlemen," said the coachman, opening the door, and wiping his mouth with the air of one who had enjoyed his breakfast.— The appearance of the coachman, and the sound of his familiar voice, broke the spell , _• but there was no time to be lost. The horses were shaking their heads and pawing the ground, in their impatience to start; so they had to take their seats, and turn breakfast and dinner into one.— "Was that the Bishop of D said one of the famished brethren.— "That the Bishop of D ?" said the coachman, contemptuously; "why that was Lord P., the maddest wag in the kingdom." The brethren said nothing, but "chewed the cud of sweet and bitter fancy," until they reached the next halting-place, where they got somothing more substantial to chew. Somehow the story oozed out and . the trick played on the members of Cleishmaclaver called forth many a hearty laugh at the _Lord High Commissioner's levees, and seriously affected the gravity of the Moderator himself. DRESSING UP J. DAVIS. Never was mortal so dressed up as Jefferson Davis has been by the de spatches and letters announeinc , his capture. The accounts vary materi ally. But never mind. .Here they are, in brief. 1. Davis was captured while run ning towards the woods dressed in his wife's gown and petticoats, and calf-skin boots—a revolver in one hand and a bowie knife in the other. His wife being a little woman, and Jeff. being rather tall, her dress would not have fitted him well. But no matter ; the story is jitet as good.) 2. e was caught with his fami ly in a tent, asleep. 3. His tent was surrounded, when his wife asked for protection till she could dress. This was granted. She then came out with Jeff. dressed in petticoats and wrapper or lady's frock, with a hood upon his head and a pail upon his arm—his wife saying, "please, gentlemen, let my old grand mother pass—she wants to go to the spring for some water." A soldier, lifting the hood and. catching hold of Davis's whiskers, said "how are you, grandma ?" and added, "this is Jeff. Davis." As you pay your money you take your choiCe.—Hartford Times. see- Presentations are getting com mon. The captain of a canal boat out West, has just been presented with a service—of five years in the penitentiary, in consideration of the distinguished ability with which he plundered a passenger and then kick ed him overboard.