rEbattint pailettiott evr 3631 .a. res JOB PRINTING OFFICE. PRINTING: OF MCP LI:7MM? Via MEC OS ria El CP CP CEPS2 Neatly and Promptly Executed, ath e ADVERTISER OFFICE, LEBANON, PENN'A Tom establishment is now slipped with on exteneive mortmout of JOH TYPE, which will be increased as the patronage demands. Tt can now turn DI PRINTING, Of description, in a neat and expeditious manner— end en very reasonable terms. Such as Pamphlets, Checks, Business Cards, Handbills, Circulars, Labell4, Bill Headings, Blanks Programmes, Bills,of Bare, Invitations, Tickets, &c., &c. /Er Mips of alikinds, Common and Judgment BONDS. 4cllool, Jnatteee, Constables' and other BLANKS, printed correctly and'neatly on the beet paper, constantly kept (or sale at this aloe, at prices "to suit the times." Rated of Size. lt. at. am. sm. ly. 1 Square, 12 lines, $ .50 $l.OO $3.00 $5.00 $ 8.00 2 24 lines, 1.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 12,00 3 " lines, 1.50 3.00 T.OO 10.00 15.00 For lixecutor's and Administrator's Notices, 2.00 For Assignee, Auditor and stroller Notices, 1.50 For yearly (lords, not exceeding 8 lines, 8.00 For 00113133 advertisement, 1 year, 50.00 For 3.4 column " For ki column " 11 i'or Announcbmcandidates for office, In advance, 2.00 For Annonnelng sale, unaccompanied by adv't. 1.00 For Locst Notiees, Iscletyrosolutions, de., 8 ots per line, For Bishops or Spacial Notices, 80 cents per line por year. Yearly advertisements for Merchants and Bust nee, men cui agreed upon. ***O ne u Sbscription price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER Dollar a Half a Year. Address, Wt 4, ht. linsnitr, Lebanon, Pa. Dr. S. H. GOIranLFO R ir rr 11, (0 raduste of the Penn'a College of Dental Surgery.) ROOMS—in 0. Henry's new building, opposite the Eagle Hotel, Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa. ' Ika„. Ether and chloroform admlnie RA cto tered when desired. Lebanon, June 14,1805.—tf. DENTISTRY. C B. Wagner. alliseas • INSERTS Artificial Tooth on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite, at from $5 to $4O. Tooth filled at 76 carat and up. wards. Residence and OM*, Cumberland street, Ban Lebanon, Owens Benton's lintel. where he has been practising the last eight yam. Lebanon, April 5, 1805. JOHN P. BOWMAN, Surgeon 2►,m 23. t 3 t ROOMS over Mr. Ad. 0 ' am Rise's Rat Store, Onm. I w • berland St., Lebanon, Pa. Lebanon, March 29, 1865. CARIPBELL Atllorm.ey at XJ air. n, FYIOII, 2d Floor, under Funek 'e Hall, Cumber- J laud St, Lebanon, Pa. W ill also attend promptly to the collection of all War Maims. Referencee—Gov, A. G. Maim, Harrlebnrg, Pa.; 11.111. Watour, State Reporter, Allentown ; M'AILIBTER & Bemis, Attys. , Bellefonte, Pa 4 Men. & DEAN, Attys. Ilollidayebare, Pa. Lebanon, June 21,1805,-Ire. JOHN BENSON, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. 11. wit h A . R. Boyear, ,.. l.lq.,_Cumberland Lebanon, H. T. BIBI.GHAUS ATTORNEY - AT - LAW (VBIOE , in Sticbter's Building, Cumberland Street nearly opposite the Court Home, Lebanon. Lebanon, June 16, lB64.—tf. CYRUS P. IRILLER., At - torney-at-Law o fflg te ti W att a d lnin w t:tr d e o a o t t , li newly o f tor n alte xa tii r e m ß a r s Hardware otore. tobanon, April 6,1864.—1 y. • ICJ SSEEIt 11011 ER, 411. tt ce xi. et 3r t Taia V I G r fAFFION removed to Cumberland street, one door NJ East of the Lebanon Valley. Bank. opposite the Buck Hotel, Lebanon, PIS. GRANT UT EIIIMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. (VTIOI, Otimbberland street, a fow doors east of ‘ 1 1,) the Nagle Hotel, in the office late of his father Capt. John Weidman, dec'd. Lebanon. Sept. 8,1888, HENRY J. LIGHT, ar.u.ifiltiio4o of the. Peter. frillE subscriber, having been elected Justice of the Pease, would respectfully inform the public that he is now prepared to attend to the duties of bloodies, as well as the writing of Deeds, Bonds, Agreements, and all business pertaining to a Scrivener, at his resi dence In North Lebanon Township, about two miles from Lebanon, near the Tunnel, on the Union Forge hoed. lIENRY J. LIGHT, N. Lebanon township, May 3,1.865.-3 m. R MOVAL. A. STANLEY 'ULRICH, ATTORNEto the Y A ildin T g, LW, Ilea removed his office bu one A do ore ea of laudermilch 'e Store; opposite the Washington lime Lebanon, Pa. BOUNTY and PliNtriON claims promptly attended (April 8,'83.-Bm. REMOVAL. S. T. MeADANI, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 111 Atitfildant his office to Market Street, one door _LI South of the American home, better known an bluttbee' Hotel. Lebanou,'ApriM, pa. :JOSIAH IFIMCK, 416 ttco i• xi. 4, is el wvir. f VINCE, nexttior to the a tiational Flank, (late Depoit Bank) Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa. March 29,1865. _ _ :OFFNI AN (Late amt. in the 142 d Pb. V 01.,) 3Bcrwaixi:t - r, 330,013, pew AND Pension Agent. . . OFFICE WITIT 110 N. J. LEBANON, PA. . W RILLINGEB, Lebanon, !Walk, 1885.—t1. ARMY AND NAVY PENSION, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND BOUN -2 TY LAND AGENCY. 13141 LIES UOVEilt, t t z- ma. e. -yr " En -ocr /11111F1 undersigned, haying been licensed to prosecute claims, and having been engaged in the Bounty and Pension business, (Mere his services to all those who ate thereto entitled, la accordance with the various acts of Congress. All such should call or address at once, end make their applications through BASSLEH.BOYEIt, Attorney-at-Law, Orrice removed to Cumberland St., one door limit of the Lebanon Valley Bank, opposite the Boa llotel, Lebanon, Pa. Von. 6, '64. Z. 11. DREG'S LIQUOR STORE, Dlarket Square. oppositethe Market House, Lebanon, Pa. rill® undersigned respectfully Informs th e public that he has received an extensive stock of the choleeet and Purest Liquors of all descriptions. These rtotde sntedly he Is inva low riabl ic e s. disposed to sell at an. I - 4 L rece, p p • Druggists, Farmers, Hotel Keepers, and oth• eve will commit their own interests by buying ofEG. the undersigned. 1,. It. M *a,- Also, for asio; - MISIILER'S maim BITTERS- Lebanon, APO It, 1 4 53 . 1 COOPERING. SPUR subscriber respectfully informs the public that be has commenced the COOPERING Duel - or MSS et his residence on Plank Road •,!-"!—" A street, about a square south of the • bird Reformed Church. Tube, VStands, Barrels, Hoge:made, Caeks, or anything in Ids line made or RE PAIRED at short notice and on rea eonabte terms. Re sfilleits the patronage of the pub- Ho t fooling confident that hie work trill compare fav orably in workmanship and price with rimy minor. JOSEPH H. GARIBIAT, I,ebarion t April 5, 1864. Leb 4ton VOL. 17---NO. 1. Wistar's Balsam WILD CHERRY. ONE OF TEE OLDEST AND MOST RELIA BLE REMEDIES IN TILE WORLD FOR Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, Hoarse ness, Bore Throat, Croup and every affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, INCLUDING ZYNN CONSUMPTION. Wistaes Balsam of Vv lid Cherry. So general has the use or this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, that it . is unnecessary to recount its virtues. Its works s ak for it, and Audi utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony o the many who from long suffering and settled disease have by its use been restored to pristine vigor and health. We can present a mass of evidence in proof of our assertions, that CANNOT BB DISCREDITED, 30.00 8.00 The Rev. Jac4b Seekler, Well known and mucli respected among the German population in this country, makes the following state ment for the benefit of the afflicted. II&IIOYZE, Pa., Feb 16,1869. Dear Sirs :—Tilaving realized in my family impor tant benefits front the use of your valuable preparation —WIER WS BALSAM OF WILD Cusaar—it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the pubUc. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a de aline, and little hopes of hor recovery were entertained I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I have In my individual ease, made . frequently use of your valuable medicine, and have always been benefit ed by it From Jesse Smith, Esq.; President of the Morris County Bank, Morris _ town, Are w Jersey. "Raving need Dr W/SIAII'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY for about fifteen - years, and having realized its benefi cial results in my family, it affords me great pleasure in recommending it to the public as &mamba, remedy in woes of weak lungs, colds, coughs, &c . and a reme dy which I consider to be- enterely innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate in health. From Bon. John E. Smith, a Distin- guished Lawyer in Westmins ter, Maryland. I have on several occasions used Dr. MUSS'S .BAL en( or Wuxi OMAR! for severe colds, and always with decided benefit. I know of no preparation tbet is more efficacious or more deserving of general use. The BAlsem bee also been need with excellent effect by J. B. ELLIOTT, Merchant, Haire Croce Roads; Md Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. None genuine unleas signed "I. BUM," on the wrapper. POR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, No, 491 Broadway, New York. S. W. POWER kOO,. Proprietors, Boston. And by al Druggists. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Forty years' Experience Ha; fully established the superiority of 1111CIPertra - s iret - - Trariarar.r. Over all other healing preparations It ewes all kinds of SORES, OUTS. SCALDS, BURNS, BOILS, ULCERS, SALT RHEUM, ERYSIP ELAS STIES, PILES, CORNS, SORE LIPS, SORE EYES , &c., itc. REMOVING IM PAIN AT ONCE., AND REDUCING THE MOST ANGRY LOOKING ICSWP.LLINGS CENTS 25 AND INFL A AMMATION ASH' BY MAG- . ONLY BOX. Fon BALE Br 3. P. DINSMORE, N 0.491 Broadway New York. S. W. FOWLS CO.,Noall .18 Tremont Bt., Boston And by Druggists. June 29, 1804.-1 y cow. The Phoenix Pectoral WILL CURE YOUR COUGH, THE PIIKEIVII PECTORAL COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY AND SENEKA. SNAKE ROOT, WILL OURB . T.UN DISEASES OF THE - THROAT` AND LUNGS. uch as olds, oughs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarsness pooping Cough, &c. ITS TIMELY USE. WILL PREVENT pulmonary Consumption ND EVEN WHERE THIS 'FEARFUL DISEASE Ahas taken hold it will afford greater relief than any other medicine. lilies Rate Vanderslice f Pottsville, says, “I wee o benefited more by using the Phoenix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever used." Elias Oberheliser, Lionville, Ckester county, was cured of a cough of many year's' standing by using the Phoenix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of Hall street, Phoenixville, certifies that he was cured of a cough of two years . standing, when all other medicines bad failed, by the use of the Phoenix Pectoral. Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hundreds of bottles of the PhoeniX Peden], and that all who used it bear testimony of its wonderful effects in curing coughs. John Bayer, editor of the independent Phenix, hay ing used it, has no hesitation in pronouncing it a com plete remedy for cough, hoarseness and irritation in the throat. The West Chester affersonian says t "We have known Dr. Oberholtrar personally a number of years, and it gives us the greatest pleasure to recommend his medicines, inasmuch al the public rarely have the benefit of family medicines prepared by a physician of his acquirements and experience. "Dr. Oberholteer lea member of the Alumni o the Medical Department at the University of Pennsylvania, at which institution hPOgTrTaTuOatW e N, January 3d, 1885. This certifies that I have used the Phoenix Pectoral in my family, and I recommend it to the public as the wry best remedy for Coughs and Colds that T . have ever tried. One of my children was taken with a cold accompanied with a Croupy Cough ; so bad Indeed that it could not talk or scarcely breathe. Having heard so much said about the Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose relieved the difficulty , of breathing and before the child bad taken one-fourth of the bottle it was entirely well. livery family sbpuld have it in their house. Signed, D. P. CROSBY. Mrs. Mary Butler, mother of Hon. Was. Butler, President Judge of the Chester and .Delaware Districts, says that she cannot do without the Phoenix Pectoral. Dr. George B. Wood, Professor of the Practices of Medicine in the University of Pennsylvenia Hospital, and one of the authors of the United States Dispensa tory, says of the Seneka Snake Root : "Its action is especially directed to the lunge." The proprietor of this medicine has so much confi dence in its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will be re funded to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects. It la BO pleasant to take that children cry for it - It costa only 35 cents—large bottles ONE It is Intended for only one class of diseases, namely those of the LUNGS and TMIOAT. Prepared only try Levi Oberholtzer, M. D., Phcenix villa, Pa. Johnutou Holloway It Cowden, No. 23, N .Sixth et. Philadelphia, and T. C Walls & CO. NO. 115 Franklin at., New York, General Wholesale Agents. Sold wholesale and retail by J. L, Lemberger, Dr. Geo. Roes and D. S. Reber, Lebanon, and by nearly every druggist aad storekeeper fu Lebanon county . N. B.—lf your nearest druggist or storekeeper ideas not keep this medicine do net let him put you off with some other medicine, because he makee more money on it, but send at once to one of the Agents for it. IMarch 8,1886.-Bm. Blanks for Bounty and invalid Pao 'ion Maims jail printed and for sale at the Ke- Yillllllllll Qgtoih OF JACOB SECTILER. 1 .40 in A CURIOUS ACRO We find the following curious p an of poetry in a late number of the Presbyter n Magazine. The initial capital letters spell "Tr boast is in the glorious cross of Christ," and he words in SMALL CAPITALS read from top to ottilm with those in Italic read from bottom to', top, ? make the Lord's Prayer : Make known the Gospel truths, Oidi Father -; - Yield us thy grace dear RATHER, from above Bless us with hearts watts n feelingly can sing Our life thou ART for ever, God of love. Assuage our griefs sic love far Christ, we pray Since the bright Prince of HAMM and glory (114 I Took all our shame, and /TALLOW)) the display, In first an-ing man and then being crucified. , Stupendous God I TRY grace andpower make knoti In Jeans' NAME let all the world rejoice , New labors in THY heavenly Kingdontowa, Thy blessed HINDDOII for thy -saints the choice! How vile to come to thee, is all our cry, Maud ies to mrr-self and all that's thine I Graceless our WILL our lives for vanity, • Loathing the truths, suing alit in design. Oh God, thy will be Dons from earth to Heaven, Reclining ore the Gospel, let us live, In MAWR. *Om Sins deliver.ed and forgiven, Ob, AS, thyself, but teach ns to forgive, Unless id's power temptation doth destroy = Bare is our fall into the depths of woe ; Carnal ire mind, we've not a glimpse ofjoy , Raised against Gums, in us no hope can flow. OWE us grace, and had us on thy way Shine on us with thy love, an give us.peace ; Self and Tam sin, which r lee against us, slay ; Oh ! grant each DAY our trespass-es may cease ; Forgive ova evil deeds that oft we do, Convince as DAILY Of them to our shame, Help DS with heavenly lumen ; forgive us too Recurrent lusts AND we adore thy name. In thy vonarveness, we as saints can die, Since, for us and our tresspasses so high, Thy son, ova Saviour, bled on Calvary. iudiaittuto. DOG FIGHT IN FROGTOWN. There is an excellent moral to the following story, which is told with great skill. It shows us how a vil liage is sometimes torn to pieces by a fight between two puppies. The most remarkable dog fight on record came off at Frogtown, on the fronties of Maine, some years ago. A fanciful genius, named Joe Tuck er, a man about town, ." a lounger, without visible means Of supporta do-nothing, loafing, cigar-smoking, good natured fellow, owned a dog ; sleek intellgient, And rather pretty beast, always at Joe's' heels, "and known as well as his master, and liked far more by the Frogtowuers. One day Joe and his dog were pass ing Bunion's , gFoCery store ; when 'a pie-bald ugly looking dog standing by a wood wagon, bounded on to Joe Tucker's—knocked him" heels over .iead, and so frightened Bob Carter's wife, who was passing towards her husband's blacksmith shop with his dinner, that she stumbled backwards b o . dihriA3o - mkttifbutoi - Go'irlagtnr. He started, hit Latherm's 'barber pole, upset a load of . wood, , . all of which falling down Gumbo's refresh ment cellar, struck one of Gumbo's children on the head, killing it fora short time, stone dead, and so alarm ed Mrs. Gumbo, that she draped a stew pan of boiling hot oysters into the lap instead of the dish of the cus tomer who sat waiting for the savory concoction by a table in, the, corner. Mrs. Gumbo rushed for the child ; the customer- for- the door. Mrs. Gumbo screamed, the child screamed, and the customer yelled : "Oh, oh ! oh, oh; oh 1- my poor child!" cried Mrs. Gumbo. "Eb, eh ee e e e," screamed the poor child. • "Oh, murder! Oh, my everlasting sir,. I'm scalded to all. eternity Murder, murder 1" roared the poor customer., • The horse, a part :of • the; wagon, and-some wood wore in their mad career. The owner of the -strange dog came out of the storejustintime to see Joe Tucker seize a rock -to de molish the savage dog ; and not Waiting to see Joe let drive, gave him such a pop on the back, that poor Joe fell forty rods up the street; and striking a long ladder upon which Jim Ederby was perched, paint pot in hand, some thirty feet from 'terra firma; brought ladder, Jim and paint pot sprawling to the earth ; crip pling poor Jim for life, and sprink ling the blue paint over the broad ' cloths, sattinetts and calicoes of Abraham Miller, a formal and even . tempered. Quaker, Who ran out of the door juats the two dogs had . gone fairly at it, nip and thigh, - nip and catch. A glance at matters seemed I to convince Abraham of the true state of the case ; and in an unusual :ly elevated voice; Abraham called out toloc Tucker, who • had righted up-: . "Joseph Tucker, thy dog's a fight ing !" "Let 'em fight it out, yelled the pug nacious owner of the strange dog. —"Let them fight it out ; I'll bet a log of wood - my dog can eat any dog -in town, and I can eat the owner." We have said Abralifim. Miller was a quiet man ' • Quakers are pro verbially so: But the gauntlet thrown down by the stranger from the country stirred the gall of Abra ham, and he rushed in the .store.— 'From the back yard, having slipped his collar, Abraham brought forth a brindle cur,'strong, long and power ful. "Friend," said the. excited Qua ker, "thy dog shaltbe-well- beaten, I promise thee ! Ilyke; seize upon him l---Turk here boy," and thodous . went at it. Bob Carter, the smith, coining up in time to hear the stranger's defiance to the town, - and bent on a fight with somebody for the insult and damage done -to his wife, clamped the collar' of the stranger, and by a series of ten pound ten upon the face, back and sides of his.. bully antagonist, with his natural sledge' hammers, Bob stirred up the strength and ire LEBANON, PA., WEP,S ESDAY, JUNE 28, 1865. of the bully strangey to . the top of his compasS, and they madelhe sparks fly dreadfully. .! . Joe Tucker's 4g, reinforced by Abraham Miller'slook a fresh start, and - between the f , 'wo strange dog was being cruelly 4,t0: his trumps. i l l, Deacon Pugh, one f the most _ Pions - and substantial mn in FrogtoWn, came up, and indee, the whole ;town was assembling,' fill,d Deacon „Pugh; armed with a h'' - walking stick, and shocked at , 'ectae]o hcfore him, marched ogs, al; 'd exclaim , ing, as he did so "Pie, ~ fie for J !,:disgraceful ! you mean eitize) Frov own will you 1 • you standby an "Don't thee, dog, Deacon Pal Miller, advancin thg.. re was about to cat the dogs with his eyrie. "Your dogs !' sir , utei p q aci3n with evident "Not my dogs - eaeop Pugh ; the Quaker. • • •. •= "What did you. s ,fay so for,tuen Shouted the bencoil, " never said &Sae' I. Deacon `Pugh` "You did !" respnnded the Deacon, 'with excitement. "Deacon Pugh; thee speaks grottad lessly," said the baker. "You tell a falaehood l Abraham "Thee utters.a , ,n , endacions asser ion " reiterated Aiabarn. "You—you—y9u tell `.a lie," bawl d the Deacon. "Thee has' provflked evil` pas ion, Deacon Pugh;" shouted the stal art Quaker " and I will chastise hee." And into the Dettam's wool 'went ' he Quaker .. con, nothinglotb, • 1 t.-into the ng, - abd we leave teem thus-to "nip find tuck," to Wok a, the stranger and =Bob' Carter;'-Wh i o foight and fit, acrd •fit and fought;:un tiNquire Catchom and the Confitit blqiarne up, antliin - the attempt. to preserve the penceand.arreist , the Of fenders, theSquireiwastbrust through the window Of a , n'ighboring watch maker . doing , a hettp of damage;.wbile lawyer Hooker, in -attempting to' aid the p,onstanJo, wits-struck by the fu rious blacksmith, An the short ribs, and Aent' reeling down Gumbee's cel lar with frightful velocity. The friendS and fellow churchmen of Dea con Pugh took Stde's against thegukk er antagonist, boys of Abraham, seeing their employer thus beset, came tol.tire , reseue;:svhileltwo t r....... 4. Irishmen,' believ'in it to be a ofree fight," tried their , - atlas ' and - sticks ryy-...-4.-rvi • 4—..a..,..;.......t.. the happy villagifrofTrogtown was shaken from propriety bygone grand, sublimely ridiculous and Most'terrifi ic battle. _ ' Heads and windows were smashed, children and women--:screamed, dogs barked, dust fiew, labor ceased, and so furious, mad and excited became the whole community, that a quiet looker on, if there had been any, would have sworn the evil ones were all in Frogtown. - A heavy thunder storm -finally put an end to the row, the dogs were all more or less killed, a child wounded, a' man scalded, a •wagon broke, the horse ran himself to death, his-own er badly beaten by Bob Carter, whose wife and the wives of many others were dangerously seared, the painter was crippled ; dry goods ruined ; Quaker and a Deacon, two Irishmen, Joe Tucker, the Oyu) constable, law yer Hooker, squire Catchem, and some`-fifty others' most shamefully whipped. Lawsuits ensued, - feuds followed,.and the' entire peace 'and good reputation of•Frogtown was an nihilated, all by a- remarkable dog fight. hoeetrilc,e my 16 'd" Q.Denextn; %nd lef among. NATURAL HISTORIES OF BABIES. Babies are of two kinds, male and female, and are usually, put up in packages of one, though sometimes two, in which case they ,are called twins, when nearly of the same age. They are not confined to any particu lar locality, but are' found plentifully distributed over ail parts of the in habited countries. Their ages are various and have a wide range. Wo have known them as' young as 'Ms easy to calculate time on swatch dial, and then again we have seen them where they have acquired the heal thy age of 25, with a fair prospect of 'advancing still further to babyhood. Thelr weight dePends on their heft ; but as they have years to grow in before it costs them any thing, it don't matter so much how big they happen• to be when they commence. • Probably babies._ have more pet names than any other article of their size. In the tender 'years of their life, say the first two, they are lov.. ing:ly ncidressed by such endearing names as Old Beautiful, Sweetness, Honeycomb, Rim darling, Papa's Hope, Old Blessed, Mama's Soy; No ble Andsome ' supposed to be a, con tradiction of Old Handsome, and lion dreds of other appellations which we 'never, could' translate. - * 'Fot several years, until they could get old enough to play out of doors and soil their faces, their lives are dne long continuous game of Copenhag en, everybody laboring under the' &- lesion that all babies are good for is to kiss, consequently to see one is to kiss it. We cannot recollect of ever finding ourself in the presence of a baby, but what the fond mother would say to it, "Now be a good little deo, ry, and give gentleman a nice - sweet kiss." Of course we accepted it,. ttf.pugh. kissing ain't our forte,. We. modestf and! , don 4. are to - be seen kissing anybody. We a.,,0 - .:t'Ati'6,:''t:.,- don, t . It'atiker - after 'it as'some of our friends do. We are willing to kiss a pretty girl occasionally for her moth• er's sake or even for her own, rather than 'have any trouble, yet we think, if said pretty. girl .owed us a kiss, we should much prefer to have it remain enjraPrest to having it paid when it became due ;we -never should pre ' , sent our bill and demand pay,ment— net if we continued perfectly sane:— We understand that there are quite a number' of persons - WhOdiffer from us in regard to 'lckgoing ; if so,jet t.hem .differ„ we cannot stop ',to argue-the point; zs our shhjecv treats of ba the monotony of babies' lives -is varied by such little incidents as' , an attack . , of, the measles,, mumps, or eroup,anclwewOulduotnegleet to speak of cutting teeth.- A btiby that.baslot 84,41571t4r0,agh f,th ese e tiles, is Considered wortlitneme haU them , ' in propeq s diseases afire, liOwPier 4 we'asily t;rPated,,-Und in a. ease of the Measles, all that is ne.ces hitry is to have thembretik out well, and to see to it that they don't strike in." With the mumps, just let them "mump" round a day, or two, and they will come out all right. ' With the croup it is necessary to "strike ile," generally "goose and if ap. plied in season, 'twill soon lubricate the throat without much trouble.— Cutting teeth runs longer than either of the other diseases, yet by a timely investment of a, rubberlin, and rat -tie; you. get rid of a 4 cter's bill.— When we were youtig, we cut ,our teeth on a silver dollar, but as dollars are now made of paper, they won't stand the wear and tear of a whole _set of teeth, and 'tis cheaper in the end to invest in the rubber rings. Learning to walk and talk are two achievements about which too much cannotbe said. Thew_ alkingthough is a mere nothing compared to talking, yet it is more dangerous, and accident often occur; still they ,usually acquire the art with the nec essary breaking of some crockery or furniture, which they frantically clutch at, in order to save a fall.— During the season of practising, noth ing can drop in the house, or the least noise be made, but what mother drop whatever she has in her hand and cry. out, "There.goes Wil lie • what has he, done now ?" and rushl to the scene of action : to find perhaps a flower-pot on the floor, and Willie engaged in scattering its con• tents about the room. After clearing up the debris, mother returns to her -wprk4hanking.ber_stars..that it waa eu.ana not vv iilie's neck% Their conversation in the begin ning is, a little difficult to understand. They abbreviate a great deal, and throw aside all pronouns as perfectly useless. Listening to that talk is like attending an Italian Opera; one hears the noise but cannot understand wbat it, means. The first "papa" or "mamma," distinctly spoken, is worth five dollars to either of the de- lighted parents. Babies must not only talk themselves, but must be talked to, and the amount of baby talk used iii a common sized family is : :prodigious.• Baby's appearance opens a new field to all. The old hands who have seen babies - before, CQI3VOITO in the language quite fluent ly, but'tis ludicrous to hear a begin ner undertake to master this difficult tongue. Talking baby-talk is an art which few ever acquire to perfection, though, by constant practice, the most stupid can partially acquire it, yet it takes two or three generations of babies to make a perfect linguist. The effect a baby produces on a family, no matter how sober, said fatally-may be; is wonderful to be hold. It completely turns the heads of all. If any particular one behave more insane, or is carried away more than the rest, we think grandma will bear off the palm, although pa, ma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, and a long list of cousins, are not counted out by any means. We think the mother acts . the most sensible, though even she has her failings and weak points in regard to baby, and will occasion ally-exhibit a trace of insanity when dilating upon his charms and accom• plishments. _ The effect babies have on progress lion is self-evident. No one ever knew of a baby inferior to any other preceding baby. On the contrary, each one is a little in, advance of any yet born ; and when we think of the vast number yet to be, and how every one will be a trifle superior to its predecessor, what a glorious future awaits us l We shall eventually reach perfection. How can tlrose persons who believe that we retrogade instead of-progress, reconcile this fact with their absurd theory Some people, a little enthusiastic, look upon a baby "as a thing of beau ty and joy forever." Now we have soon some whom we thought bad a liberal discount of their beauty,.and their “joy forever" would quietly van ish on having it commence to cry and refuse to be comforted, when left in our charge, and we busily engaged in reading, or, writing. It must be comforting to a man, 110 matter'how ugly or despised he maybe, to think that he was once a baby / heloved by ii-large circle of rel atives and friends. It is a comfort we would not.ieny. him. There are quite a number of this world's people who were not loving babjes a great while; they .arrived at years when people ceased to love theta, quite ear ly in life, and have never been babies since. • Babies resemble wheat in many re spects. First—neither are good l'or mach until they arrive at maturity. WHOLE NO. 835 Seeondly=both are bred in the house and also the flower of the family.— Thirdly- 7 both` have to be cradled.— Faurthly—bath are generally well thrashed before they are done with. THE. TRAGEDY IN IVIASSCHUSETTS—FULL . DEI AILS OF THE :SHOCKING AFFAIR, [Froze the Boston Journal, June 19.] One of tire most terrible and revolt , .irig crimes which has ever occurred in Ne'w England,Waß revealed in Rox bury late yesterclayafternoon. It' is one of those .horribledouble tragedies which sickens the human beaxt and makee'tbe blood,boil with a volun taxi- desire to intiet summary ven geante upo'rvtbe'llibum'anund fiend ish-perpetrators. , 'lt will be, recollect ed,, as ttated, in: . the, papers of last week, that on MOhday. last two chil dren—brother" And sister—geft their mother's hoe:seta walk but'''tO Rox- ,whereabouts,had beep tinsuccessfal, beyond ,the,laCt'lhat a nine! itißox bury saw two children answering their des'cription, on the day of their disappearance, wandering in the di rection of Dorchester. The mystery was solyed-yesterday hoivever, by the discovery of their lifeless bodies, bearing nnmistakabie evidences of a terrible outrage and :murder. The discovery was purely accidental, notwithstanding active and thorough search was in progress to discover the cause of their absence. Two BoSton merchants had gone' to Roxbury for the purpose of recreation and while strolling through what is knOwn as Bussey's woods, they were su.ddenly startled: by discovering the rnurdered body of the little girl Isa bella. They at once notified _the city authorities, who immediately proeeedeno the scene of the tragedy. The only means by which the body could' he identified was the clOthing. The features which the little one re sembled 'in life were succeeded by those of a terrible and painful death. Upon examination it was discovered that she had been outraged in 'a fear ful manner, and frOm the manner 'in which her e clothing was torn 'it was apparent that she had violently re sisted the assaults upon her until completely- overpowered. After com pleting their terrible villiany, the fiends sought to cover up the awful crime by another scarcely less horri ble. Murder followed, and this was accomplished by beating and stab bing. 'As incredible' as it may seem, not less than sixteen stabs were in. Rioted upon her body, mostly' in the Coroner - Ira Allen an Dr. Arno were called, and the coroner took charge of the body. The girl was only fourteen years of, age, but was very fully developed, and the appear ance of being scarcely less than eigh• teen. After the body bad been identified as that of Miss Joyce, and the cir cumstances made known that her lit tle brother Johnny was also missing, a search was immediately commenced to ascertain what had become of him. The fearful anticipations that he too had shared the same fate of his mur dered sister were soon a painful real ity. After two or three, hours' searching, his dead body was found only a few rods from the spot where his sister bad been outraged and killed. He was lying upon his.face, and death had been caused by sever al stabs inflicted with a dirk or some similar instrument, in the small of his back. Appearances indicated that the w,ounds were inflicted while running,, and it, is reasonable. to sup pose that be was being pursued or driven away by the wretches against whom he Was feebly resisting to save the life of his sister. Ile VMS twelve years of age, two years her junior. Near the scene of the diabolical crimes were found several wreaths of flowers and evergreens, wrought with great care and taste. They were apparently engaged in this in nocent and childish amusement when set upon by the brutal murderers.— When they left home each had ten cents, but only three cents was found with them yesterday. _They had probably 'spent - Abe rest to pay their fare iu the horse cars. The bodies of both of the deceased are now in _charge of Coroner Allen, who will hold an inquest at once.— There is, of course the most intense excitement in the, vicinity where the brutal affair occurred, and mingled with the expressions 'of ven geance upon the perpetrators of the brutal crime, there is also much sym pathy manifested for the bereaved parents, who live in Concord street in this city. That such fiends as per petrated the horrible deed exist in this community seems almost incred ible, and it can but be the hearty de sire of every good citizen that they shall be speedily arrested and pun ished. There is as yet not the slight est, clue to the authors of the brutal outrage, but if the adage is true that "murder will out," it would seem al most impossible that the wretches who perpetrated this, double crime should-escape. A reward of $5OO has been offered by , Alderman W. W. Clapp, of Ward Eleven, in behalf of the citizens of that ward, where the unfortunate victims resided. Stir The trial of Jeff. Davis, it is said, has been postponed until Sep• tember. - Mark our prediction that if tried by a civil court, the defence will get, at, least one postponement, then the prosecution will ask one, the case will not go to , a jury within a year from this date, and Jeff's neck will not be stretched, I 6,t ~66En~isan. A FAMILY PAPER FOR TOWN AND 00UNTRY, IS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY! By WM, M. BRESLIN, 2d Story of Punch's New Building, Cumberla• SC At One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Yea: AM' ATATATISIineNTS inserted at the usual rates NEE AtirRANDBLLLS Printed at an hours notice. BATES OF POSTAGE. In Lebanon County, postage free In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon county 6 cents per quarter, or 20 cents a year. Out of this State, 634 cta. per quarter, or 26 Us. a vat if the postage is not paid in advance, rates are donLile BALLOTS AND BULLETS. The New York Tril ne says, sett ten tiously : "If.we give the negro a bay net, why Gan we not give him a ballot? If he gives his life to save the country, should we nct give him a voice in its management?" It does not follow that every ne. gro who has held a bayonet has serv ed the country ; nor does it appear that every negro who "gave his life• to save the country"=that is, who went into the army—did through. patriotism. Perhaps the least said about negro patriotism, in the face cle the bounties offered, the:equality prom teed, the persuasion used and the force employed to get up a black ar my, the better for both the negro and consideration of om his admirers. As to the military ser oh black the troops , ballot vice performed with the bayonet by claimed the whi is c onsid use the current phrase, "they can't see it." Taking, their number into consideration, there could not proba bly be selected from any of the ar mies of the Republic an equivalent number of white troops who -have performed less service. Perhaps this may have been owing tothe fact that that class of troops, through special favoritism, were always , kept in re serve, in holiday. trim—to grace re views and dress parades, and to take quiet possession of cities and battle fields after the white veterans had de feated androuted the foe. 'Whatev er may have been the reason, we ask if such is not the truth ? If denied, will the negro advocates please eon trast the services of the white and black soldiers, numbers with num bers, and show wherein the latter have been superior. It is well known that the late Abo lition Congress passed a law giving to the black soldiers the -same pay, rations, clothing, bounties and pen sions as were enjoyed by the white troops and besides this, it was or dered that camp duties and laboring service should be shared alike by white and blacks soldiers—thus granting privileges to the blacks nev er before enjoyed by them. And yet, after thus giving to an inferior race (and who dare deny that the South ern negro is greatly below the most humble class of white men, both in intelligence and natural abilities) such extraordinary and unlooked for privileges, it is proposed to grant them—in consideration of their myth ical services with the bayonet— still greater favors • full citizenship What will the negro s e u cates propose to grant to the white veterans, upon whose shoulders have rested the burdens of the fight, as an offset to these favors to be bestowed upon the black ? Are the negro troops to be the only gainers ? Are they to receive all the material benefits that the whites have received, and are they then to be burnished up with glories stolen from the white soldiers, in order that they may go to the bal lot-box and oppose the cardinal prin ciples in the political faith of those very white veterans to whom they owe not only their freedom but that very privilege of suffrage which they will thus pervert ? It will not do.— If let alone by designing politicians the negroes will be content with free. dom, and will not ask to be made the tools of ambitious demagogues at the expense of the veterans who have fought out freedom for them.—Pa riot & Union. HOW TO DISPOSE OF YOUR FRACTION AL CURRENCY, Many persons in business are con stantly inquiring how to dispose of surplus quantities of fractional cur rency, which they find no small an noyance compared with the "solids" they were wont to handle in days gone by. We would inform such the redemption of'their currency is con stantly taking place at the Treasury Department in Washington, and at the various Sub-Treasuries. In or der to redeem, it is required that the currency bo put in packages contain ing, as nearly as may be, even hun dreds of pieces, or, in other words, that each package of five cent pieces contain $5, of ten cent pieces $lO, &c., that different varieties of the lissame denomination of currency be ent in separate packages, faced uni formly upwards, and that mutilated currency be sent separately from the whole. If the packages of currency thus arranged are addressed to the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, and registered at the Postoffice, returns by check on New York may be expected in from eight to ten days. ler A Russian soldier recently, while .enjoying himself at a rustic ball in one of the Polish villages said be could put a bullet through a man's hat at one hundred paces without touching his head. A peasant ac cepted the wager, but in order to foil the marksman, squeezed his hat so low down over his eyes that the ball went through bat and bead both, and left him a corpse on the ground. The soldier was sentenced to a month's imprisonment for homicide by imprudence, but he appealed 'a gainst his sentence, alleging that the fault lay with the peasant, and offer ing at the same time to repeat the experiment with the judge, provid ing the.latter did not "bonnet" him -self so completely. Moniteur de 1' j Arnzee from which we extract the Istory, does not inform us whether the learnivl functionary accepted the soldier's very liberal offer.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers