Milt Mum. SHERMAN ON THE HORSE.--'1)1 a lowing letter, dated Augusta, Ga , Rcpt., 14, 18G4, furnishes a humorous illustration of camp characteristics : -, Confederate Army: DEAR Sift :—Your letter of Septem ber 14th is received. I apprc,ach question involving 'a "horse," with deference for the laws .of war. That mysterious code, of which wo talk so much, and know so little , is remark ably silent on the "horse." He is a beast :so tempting to the soldier, to Um of the wild cavalry, the fancy artillery, or the patient infantry, that I find more difficulty in recover ing a worthless, spavined beast, than in paying a million of "greenbacks ;" so that:l fear I must reduce your claim to one of finance, and refer you to the great board of claims in Wash ington, that may reach your case by the time your grand-child becomes a great•grand-father. Privately, I think it was a shabby thing in the scamp of the Thirty-first Missouri:who took your horse; and the colonel or his brigadier should have restored hini. Bat . I cannot undertake to,,make.good the sins of omission or comnaission , of my own colonels' or brigadiers, much less those. of a former generation. "When this cruel war ever," and. peace once more_gives you a parish, I will praiiiie,jf near .you, to procure out of one of,lTnele,Sarn's'cOrrals a beast that will-replace the one taken from you so wrougftilly.;..but now it is im possibl.e..--- We have a big journey be lordUci; and need - ill 'We have, and, I fear, maykfao ed look out when the Yanks ahout,and hide your beasts for my.opinion is that all soldiers are vpry pareless ii ar search for ti tle. AI ' , know that 4ets; Hardee will confirm this, ray,advlce. With great respect, yours ulfiy; W. T. Sumtmas, Maj. Gen. • 'l- --- A'GOODITORY OF - GEN. HANCOCK A .private letter received in this city roihtes the foll Owing good story of bow,iGen-..Hanceek, took down a parcel of swaggering officers. It seems that a number of officers and soldiers crowded past the conductor of one of the trains at Baltimore bound North, and seated themselves in the ladies' car. They were drink ing, smoking, swearing, and conduct ing themselves in the most disgust ing manner. The conductor came in and ordered them out of the car, whereupon a captain in the party placed .him under arrest, and . com pelled him to sit in the corner of the car and keep quiet. A stranger in a military cloak had. beeil watching the manoeuvres of these swaggering bullies, and atthis juncture stepped up to the captain, and demanded to know the ended of the -disturbance.— "Hold your tongue," said the captain, "or I wiiLput you ":under arrest too," "I think not," said the stranger, and beckoning to ani orderly who had boon sitting near him, ho said, "Put these men ,in irons,". and throwing off his cloak'disclosed to their aston• ished view .the stars of a Major-G-en oral. "Give me a full list of those men," said the General. His demand Was instantly.complied with. i'Now go to the smoking car, and. report to me at nine o'clock to-morrow morn ing, at NO.—in Philadelphia." They reported the next morning, and the privates were deprived of their fur lough, and the officers dismissed.— Manchester (N. H.) Union. LADIES SHOULD REM) NEWSPAPERS. —lt is a Mistake in female education to keep-a young lady's time and at. tendon devoted to the fashionable literatu i re of the',day. If you would qualify her,, for- conversation you must give, her Something, to talk about-give _her cducatien . with this actual :its , ,Orld and its transpiring events. 7 : l3rge her to read the news papers and beconie aequinted with the pregent character and_ improve ment ofcur race. History is of some importance ; but the past: World, dead and we have nothing to do with it. Our thenghts and our _ concerns should be for the present ;Lworld, to know what it is, -and improve the condition of it. Let her have an in telligent opinion, and be able to sus. tain an intelligent conversation, con cerning the mental, moral, political and religious improvements of our times. Let the gilded annals and poems of the centre table. be kept part of the time covered with weekly and daily journals. Let the whole family, men women and children, road the news papers. Effect of Laziness. A lazy boy makes a lazy man just as sure as a crooked sapling makes a crooked tree. Think of that my lit. tlo Inds. Who ever saw a boy grow up in idleness that did not make a lazy, shiftless vagabond when he was old enough to be a man, though he was not a man in character, unless he had fortune left him to keep up appearance? The great mass of thieves, paupers, and criminals have come to what they are by being brought up to do nothing useful. All those who are good men now, and useful to the community, were indus trious when they were boys. If you do not like to work now, a love for industry can soon be .acquired by habit. So, my little reader, I want you to - look around at once for some thing to do, in doing which you can benefit somebody. Shun Idleness as you would the evil one. Cltr The gospel of the day-=-the gospel necording to St. Lucre. Kir When is a river like a mad dog ? When it foams at the mouth. Stir When is a cigar like an old maid ? When there is no match fin• it. PRIVATE SALE. SabeerlbeeolTere at Private Sale a TWO STO -IItY FILAII4I4 DWELLING HOUSE and LOT O 1 GROUND, (being lot No.llll Milner] addition n f Lebanon) located on the Old Forgo Rand r • In the North•Wastern part or wild borough.— For particolara apply to JOSEPH U. I.U.WER. .Lobauon, January 26,1866 Magnificent Sale. GOLD AND SILVER WAR R'S, SEWEARV I) &C. On the One Dollar Plan. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF One Gold and Silver Watch Manufac tory, Tws Immense Jewelry Establish ments, One Silver PlatingW are-house, One Gold Pen and Pencil Maker.— To be disposed of with dispatch. WITHOUT REGARD T.O•COST ! r lIIE goods aro of fashionable styles and most excel. 1 lent workmanship, and ore sacrificed in this way to relieve the proprietors from embarrassment occa sioned by n distracting civil war. It should bo promi nently stated, also, that they are mostly of AMERICAN MANUFACTURE rind therefore greatly superior to the goods imported from abroad and hawked about as the cheapest ever sold. The simple duty on imported goods, and the high premium on gold (all foreign bills Prepayable in gold,) amount to mom than the entire coat or many of the articles °Tem) by us to the public. To facilitate the sale. ONLY ONE DOLLAR will he charged for any article ou our list, and this sum tho purchaser need not pay until he knows what ho is to get 1 This plan accords with the method re cently become so popular for disposing of large stocks of Jewelry and similar productions THE PLAN IS SIMPLE - - - - - The name of each article offered far sale—as "Gold Hunting Watch," "Gold Oral-Band Bracelet," "Pearl Breastpin and Ear Drops," "Gold Enamelled Ring," 'Silver Plated Cake Basket," &c., is written on a card and enclosed In a sealed envelope ; these envelopes are then placed in a drawer and well mixed ; then As an order is received, with twentyfive cents for return postage and other charges, ono of the cards or .certifi cates is taken at random and sent by first mail to cus tomer, who will see at 'once what he can get throne dollar. If he is pleased with his fortune he can for ward the money according to directions on the certifi cate and secure tuo prize. If the article awarded should be unsuited to the purchaser—as for example, a set of Pearl Ear-Drops and Breastpin to a young man who could not weer them, and had no one to give them to —we will send any other article on the catalogue of equal price which may be preferred. Or if, for any reason, you choose to venture no further, then you can let the matter drop whore it is and spend no more. Examine carefully our Catalogue! WATCH DEPARTMENT 300 Gents' Patent Levee Gold Coating Case, $5O to $2OO 300 Gents' Dctuch'd Levee Gold Hunting Case 400 Gents' Swiss Gold Hunting Case, 200 Ladies' Gold and 'Enameled _Hunting Case, - 30 80 400 Gents' Patent Lever Silver Hunting Case, 30 90 400 Gents' Det. Lever Silver Hunting Case,. 30 85 800 Gents' Bet. Lever Silver open face 20 50 300 Gents' Patent Lever Silver open face, 25 60 300 Gents' Swiss Silver, 18 40 JEWELRY DEPARTMENT 200 Diamond Rings, 300 Gents' Diamond Pins, 3000 do California Diamond Pins, 3000 do do do Rings. 6000 do Gold and Eosin. Fob Chains, 4000 do do vest chains, 4000 Pair Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons, 4000 do do do and Beam. do, 0000 sets Gents' Gold Studs, 8000 Gents' Stone Set and Signet Rings, 8000 do do do nam. do, 6000 Ladies' Gold Neck Chains, 4000 Gold Oval Sand Bracelets, 6000 do and Jet do _ _ 6000 El+ Enameled do 3000 do Chatelain Chains, .... .. .. . „ _ . 6000 Pair Ladies' Gold Sleeve Buttons, 3 8 4000 do do do Baum. do 4 10 8000 Solltare Gold Brooches 3 12 0000 Coral,Opal and Amaral Brooches, 3 12 5000 Gold Cameo and Pearl Bar-Drupe 3 8 7000 Mosaic, Jet. Lava & Florentine do 3 10 5000 Gold Thimbles, 6 10 10000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Ear-Drops, 3 10 10000 Miniature Lockets 4 10 10000 Miniature Lockets—magic spring 8 25 10000 Plain Gold Rings, 4 12 10000 SetsLadiee' Jewelry ,Gold and Jet, 6 20 10000 do do Cameo, Pearl, &c ~ 5 20 10000 Ladies' Gilt and Jot Bracelets, 4 17 10000 do do do llat Supporters 2 12 SILVER PLATED WARE. - - 10000 Cupss 2 to $2O 8000 Goblets ' 3 - 12 10000 Pair Napkin Rings 2 - • 10 2000 Card caskets . 4 • 16 3000 Cake Baskets 4 - 20 4000 Castor Frames—complcto with bottles 5 - 20 2000 Ice Pitchers 10 • 20 6000 Pair Butter Knives 3 • 8 . . .... 5000 Soup, Oyster and Gravy Ladles 2 - 8 1000 Engraved Pie Knives 3 • 6 8000 Dozen Ten Spoons per dozen 5 - 15 6000 Dozen Table Spoons per dozen 8 - 24 6000 Dozen Table Forke per dozen S • 30 6000 Dozen Dessert Forks per dozen 7 - 25 GOLD PENS AND PENCILS. 12000 Gold Pew, Silver Extension Holders $3 to $lO 12000 Gold Pens, Silver Mounted Holders 2 - 8 8000 Gold Penn, Gold Mounted Holders 3 - 15 6000 Gold Pens with Sold Extension 'Holders 10 • 25 6000 Gold Pens, Gold Holders and Pencils 10 - 30 6000 Gold Pencils 6 - 20 REMEMBER TBE PLAN! In all cases we charge for forwarding the 'Certificate, postage, and doing the business, the sum of Twenty five cents, which moat be enclosed in the order. Five Certificates will be sent for $1 ; eleven fur $2 ' • thirty for $5 ; sixty•five for $lO ; one hundred for $l5. AGENTS ARE WANTED Throughout the Country to operate for us. A large compensation will bo paid. Send for terms, &o ,en closing stump NEWBORN & CO., • 75 Fulton Street, N. Y 5, 1565.-3 m = A New Firm. Cheap Cash Store, and Milling and Grain Business. undersigned having formed a partnership in the MERCANTILE, MILLING AND GRAIN BUSI NESS, would respectfully invite the attention of the public to their establishments. They will contiue to keep, at the late stand of SHERK, GIIESAMAN & LONG, a most complete stock of all kinds of GOODE. usually kept in a country store, which they will re. tail Cheap for CAW, or COUNTRY PRODUCE. They alte want to Tilly for cash %, , :-50,000 Bushels of WHEAT, 30;00-Bushels of RYE, 20,000 Bushels of CORN, 25,000 Bushels of OATS. Forwhich they, will pay the bi k ,hest Market Prices.— They will also take GRAIN on STORAGE. The will keep always on hand and sell at the lowest prices, COAL, by the-Boat Load or by the Ton; all kinds of MILL FEED, SALT, PLASTER, ice. ARP. They solicit the business of all their old friends and the public, :Ind will endeavor to deal on such lib. eral audjust principles as will give satisfaction to all. EIIERK di LONG. North Lebanon, May 4,1884. alrUlie ulna tria PEDLERS ALSO TO THE PEOPLE OF LEBANON, MARCUS NATHAN respectfully informs the people of Lebanon and vicinity that he Lae opened a No tion end Fancy Dry Goods Store in Lebanon for the WHOLESALE and RETAIL Trade of all articles in his lino at the most reduced prices possible. Ills stock consists in part of all kinds of Woolen and Cotton Stock legs and Hose, Undershirts, Drawers. Woolen Caps and Nutrias, Id its and Gloves, Scarfs, all kinds of Handkerchiefs, Collars [or Ladies and Gentlemen, Halrdresses arid Nets, Ribbons and Velvets, Spool end Patent Sewing Thread, Buttons, Scissors, Combs. Ste., &e. A large assortment of 1351.IIRRIAAS and PARA SOLS, at the lowest pr ices. Spectacles, Pocket-books, Portinonaires, Dominoes, Cards, kc. I. large assort ment of Musical Instruments,Violins, Accordeons Banjos, Tamborinea, Flutes, ifes Baskets, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Satchels, and all kinds of Toys, in fact everything almost that can be tbonght of in the Notion and Fancy line. Also a large variety of JEWELRY and WATCHES. Pedlars and Storekeepers will find It their interest to buy of us. Our Store is in Cum berland Street, in Fueck's bulidrng, between the Court House uud Market House. *Jacob E. L. Zimmerman FH M CLASS lIAIR.DRESSINO AND lIAIR-DYE INC SALOON, Blark.ct street, near Cumberland, and opposite the Engle Hotel. Being Omaha for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, be would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Lebanon, July 2, 1882. N. IL—The Saloon will be closed on Sunday BOOKS & STATIONERY A NEW FIRM, WALTZ & HOUCK OULD inform the Public, that having bought and Y, consolidated the Book and Stationery Stores of U. U. Iloedel and George Waltz, they are now prepared to wait on all who will favor them with a call, at the old stand (12. 11. Reeders) in Cumberlanil street, where they will always have ou hand a large and well se lected supply of School, Blank and Sunday School Books ' and as an inducement they offer their Miscella none books at greatly reduced prices. The New York and ki lladelphia Dni]y end Weekly Papers, and Magazines, can be bad and subscribed for, on reasonable terms, by calling at their store. Anything wanting in their lino will be cheerfully at tended to with promptness and dispatch Lebanon, May 4, BAC' trawmemsrra REMOVAL, Lorenzo IL, ltobrer, • OULD respectfully inform tho chi. V, sons of Lebanon uml vicinity, that he has REMOVED his Tailoring estb lishment to .Eust Cumberland at., about square east of lienson'shotel,where lie will make up the must fiuhienalde Clothing: ALL work entrusted to him will be manufactured in the best manner, on mod erate terms. Good tits and substantial making guar anteed. Thankful fel the liberal patronage extended to him thus far, he hopes by strict attention to his business to merit a continuance of the same. Ile cor dially invites the public and hie old customers to give him a call. [Lebanon, April, 12. lest, e D :+ 1 *4.* g • (rob ma. ip "z"-- -- crq hail C 4 11% LW S 5 5 Kg . 1* P - 7u K 4 em wet IN VAC.• C 3 S I 1 cf.: L ; E Mkt 0 175 30 100 $4O to $l2O 20 100 3 15 1.- 3 40 5 40 3 10 3 10 3 8 3 12 4 15 5 50 3 10 8 12 L K LAUDERMILCH LEBANON, PA. New Goods ! New Goods GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS, French Merino, all colored. 8 I 6 8 30 ENGLISH MERINO, all colored All Wool Delains, all colored. POPLIN 1/lUSLIN DEGAINS, & BEAVER Over Coating. CLOTH for LADIES, CLOAKS, from $2,00 to $4,00. Fancy and Black Cass. Satinettes, sold from 50 cts. to $l,OO Shirting, Flannel, Shirting, Flannel Calicoes and Ginghams. Woolen and , Cotton Hoseiries. Ladies' arid' Gents' Gloves. Hoop' Skirts Hoop Skirts!! ? Balmoral Skirts. Umbrellas I Umbrellas I Linen and Paper Collars. A full line of. Ladies and Misses Shawls. Woolen Hoods ! Woolen floods !! General assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, & Queensware. L. K. LAUDEBMILCH. Or All kinds of .Country produce taken in exchange for Goods. LEBANON VALLEY INSTITUTE. DAVID S. LONG AT ANNVILLE, LEBANON COUNTY, PA. W.. 7. B URNSWE , A. M., Principal. THE ENSUING SESSION will commence on MONDAY, July 21st. TEI SCHOOL has the advantages of n. pleasant and beautiful Location—spacious Buildings—Ventillated Rooms—a fine Library and Cabinet. THE COURSE OF STUDY is not fixed; the studies of each pupil being directed according to the time he can afford in School, or to the profession he designs to pur, sue. THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT offers special 'Ovalr tageo to those who propose to engage in Teaching; as the Course pursued conforms strictly to the require. merits of the County Superintendent. and to the Course of the State Not mal School. is... CIRCULARS and feather information can be ob tained by addressing the Principal. W. J. BURNSIDE, Annville, PR. • REMOVAL. ILTICTIAEL HOFFMAN would respectfully inform Itlitho Citizens of Lebanon, that he has REMOVED his TAILORING Business to Cumberland Street, two doors East of Market Street, and opposite the Bugle Hotel, where all persons who wish garments made up in the most fashionable style and best manner, are in cited to call. TO TAILORS I—Just received and for sale the N.York and Philadelphia Report of Spring s Summer Fashions. Tailors wishing the Fashions should let the subscriber know of the fact, so that he can make his arrangements MARCUS NATHA WI 5 1 ti a z. gg l ct , P• 1 tr 4 l E u l Ef. CD I+' E CD ei colz c eiP tli " 901 5.- n L -4 0 ps 1.03 ft 1 OR AA z IN] 0 1-3 9 VII CD El EXCITING NEWS At the , WrCIMLNI •ar CUMBERLAND ST Black French Cloth. Bed Check and Ticking. Bleached and Unbleached Muslin Woolen Stockings. June 25,1862. Fashionable Tailoring. accordingly. Lebanon, May 4,1864 Philip F. ilreatily , FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER /AN Cumberland Street, one door East of kJ the Black horse hotel. Thankful for the very liberal patronage extended to Die for the short time I have been in business, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of the public. e has at all times an assortment of BOOTS and SHONS of his own manufacture on band, which will be disposed of ou reasonable terms. FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, /cc Those desiring a neat, well made article, are invites to give me o trial. ChiWrens' Shoes of every variety and color on hand. heavy work made to order. All work warranted harges mule moderate. NEW CABINET AND Cll4l R aILIAWI I .II C TORY if ME subscriber respectfully informs the public that Ihe has the largest and best assortment of FURNI TURN and CHAIRS, ever offered to the public of Leb anon county. lie has on hand at his Cabinet-Ware rooms, in North Lebanon borough, nearly opposite Zeller's Hotel, and a few doors south of Bergner's, a splendid assortment of good, substantial and fashion. able Parlor, Cottage and Chamber FURNITURE, con sisting of Sofas, Tute a-totes, Lounges, What-note, Par arelor, Centre, Pier, Card and Common Tables; Dressing and Common BUREAUS; Bed steads, Work-stands, Wash-stands,and II i tell en Furniture of all kinds. Also, a large and elegant variety Of EWEN= BAGS, SPRING SEATED Chairs, Common Spring-seated Chairs; all kinds of sprin g . seated Rockers. Also, Windsor, Cane-seated. and Com- mon Elmira and Reckon of every descriptiUn. WI.. All Goods sold LOW and WARRANTED to give satisfaction. Persons desirous of knowing the character of the goods here offered for vale, can be fully satisfied of their durability by reference to those for whom ho has man• ufactured or to whom sold. Old Furniture and Chairs Repaired and Varnished. N. B.—Coffins made and Funerals attended at the shortcut notice. JOSEPH BOWMAN. North Lebanon, Slay 4,1864 Wanted ! Wanted ! 500,000 more Men, Women, and Chit dren, Wanted t AT 3. A. SPENGLER'S Photographic Gallery, in Adam Rise's Building. Call and see his pictures. They are more life-like and natural than yen can get them at any other place in town. Ho has alWays on hand a large assortment of Rosewood and Gilt Frames and cases anti kinds: Ile takes Photographs, Arnbrotypes, Stereotypes, and Procelain Pictures, at the lowest prices. Pictures taken in all kinds of whether, Ho is prepared to take the latest style of pictures.— Come ono, come all, and see for yourselves. Lebanon, May 10 , IEOS. J. A. SPENGLER. The Bridal Chamber. A NOTE of warning and advice to those suffering AL, with Seminal Weaku ess, General Debility, or Premature Decay , from Whatever cause produced:— Read, ponder, and reflect! Do wise iu thee. Sent FREE to any address, for the benefit of the ef. Bided. Sent by return mall, Address JA ES S. BUTLER, 420 Broadway i NOW York. April Pp 1885.-3 m, LEMBERCER'S DRCG STORE Ell TN MEDICINES QUALITY IS OF FIRST IMPORTANCE. G. LErilitilitCßlt. Graduate of the - Mita-1 ;Mph in Col le,re of Pharmacy. niters to tbel citizens of Lebanon and surrounding country- - a PURR Selection of Mugs. MediefileB Chemicals. and the first quality of Perfumem a rad Toilet and Fancy Soaps, embracing the IPst manufacture in the country, and us large variety of Tooth Brushes. Nail, Flesh, Clothes' a nd hair Brushes. 'Naha, Toilet and Fine Combs of Ivory, Shell. Horn and India Rubber. PURE SPICES. PURE SPICES. Pure whole and ground Spices aro offered for [sale in large and small quantities at LEMBERGED'S Drug Store. GARDEN SEEDS, FLOwER SEEDS, a You will find a full assortment and a large m variety of FRESH Garden and Flower Seed, at ss LEMDDRGER'S. so( Condensed Lye, Concentrated Lye, Soda Ash. and Potash in large and small quantities at .53 LEMBRITGER'S Drug Store. • Washing Soda, Baking Soda, Pearl Ash, Sal stse* eratus, Cream of Tartar, all pure, and for sale Mil in large and small quantities at Or , LEMBEIVIBR'S Drug Store. la If you are in want .. , f good Washing Soap, ok a , pure white or red Castile Seap, Country Soap, Ir Erasive Soap to remove grease spots, superior Rio Shaving soap, buy the Same at 02 © • LEMBERGEWS. Do you want a good Hair Tonic? something ss, to make the hair grow, to cleanse the head, and p. 13. tOprevent falling out of the hair; if you do =Call at LEMBERGER'S. 0 X 1 TRUSSES! TRUSSES! im, , ,41 0 The afflicted are requested to call and mama. WI ine my stock of Trusses, Supporters, &c., cont. M 6 prising a variety of Manufacture. teu."Marsh's" Genuine "Improved Self Ad justing TIE Pad Truss." Se , , "Marsh's"Catamenial Itandage. An invaluable article for the purpose. 1j If you are in want of any ot the above you : : • PO can be suited at PigA LEMBEDAER'S Drug. Store. - (t) Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, Cp. WM 0 r+ CD D. S. RA,BER'S WHOLESALE ANp RETAIL DRUG STORE Has been removed to his New Building. on Huniberland Street, opposite the Bogle Buildings, Lebanon, Pa. statlN subscriber respectfully announces to his aequain rip tames and the public in general, that he has con ntly on band a large stock of DRUGS, PERFUMERY, MEDICINES,SAINTS,CHEMICALS, fix DYESTUFFS, VARNISHES, i TURPENTINE, GLASS WARE, BRUSHES, HAIR OILS, EXTRACTS, Burning Fluid, Surgical Instruments, Toilet Soaps, Sc. gars, Tobacco, &c. Also a variety of Fancy Articles too numerous to mention, which he offers at low rates, and wauadts the qualities of the articles as represent ed. Purchasers will please remember this, and exam ine the qualities and prices of his goods before purchas ing elsewhere- WPhysiefan's prescriptions and fam ily recipes carefully compounded, at all hours of the day or night, by calling at the Drug Store, opposite the Eagle Buildings. On Sundays the Store will be opened for the corn. pounding of prescriptions betvieen the hears of 7 and 10 o'clock, A. 31., 12 and 1, and 4 and 6 P. EL Lebanon, Aug. 131862. DAVID S.• RARER. Attention .Sportsanem). subscriber'would respectfully inform the pub lie that be hasjust returned from the city, having laid in a flue assortment of GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, POWDER, CAPS, &c., which are now open for inspec- tion and sale nt his Stare, on Alerke t street. n few doors North of the L. V. R.. R.eLebanon , Pa. Jar All kinds ofßepeiring done at the shortest pos sible notice and in the best style of workmanship. Lebanon, Oet. 19. 1864.-2 m 1564 NEW STYLES. 1.864 ADAM RISE, in Cumberland Street, between Market and the Court llouse,north side. has now on hand n splendid assortment of the New Style of HATS AND CAPS, for men and bays,. for 1858 to which the attention of the public is respectfully inv, ted. flats r,f all prices, from the cheapest to the mos costly, always on hand. Ile has al sojust opened a Wen did assortment of SUMMER lIATS, , embracing such a STRAW, PANAMA, PEDAL, PEARL, BORN, LEG HORN, SENATE, MEAN. and all others. .He will also Wholesale all kinds of Rats, Cups &c., to Country Merchants on advantageous terms. Lebanon, May 4,1864. ADOLPHUS REINDER L - • - • LUMBER & COAL REINOEHL &_ MEILY At the UNION CANAL, on the East and West sides of Market Street, North Lebanon Borough. 9111 E subcribers take pleasure in informing the cith sena of Lebanon, and surrounding counties, that they still continue the LUMBER AND COAL BUSI NESS, at their old and well known stand, where they are daily receiving additional supplies - of the BEST AND WELL SEASONED LUMBER, consisting of White and Yellow Pine BOARDS, PLANK end SCANTLING. Hemlock BOARDS, PLANE, and SCANTLING. RAILS, Pans, PALINGS and FENCING BOARDS ASII, front 1 to 4 inch ; CHERRY, front sy to 3 inch POPLAR, from to 2 inch. Poplar and Hardwood SCANTLING. Onk end Maple BOARDS and PLANKS. Roofing and Plastering LATHS. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! I SUING LEs ! Also, Pine and Hemlock SHINGLES. COAL! COAL!! COAL I hITCH./I.;f. HOFFAIAN A large stock of the best quality of Stove, Bridsen, Egg and Limeburners' COAL; and also, the best Alle gheny COAL for Blacksmiths. Eir Thankful for the liberal manner in wP At they have heretofore been patronized, they would extend a cordial invitation for a continuance of favors, as they are confident that they.Aaw. have the largest, best.ancl cheapest stock of LUMBEIt on hand in the county, which will bo sold ate reasonable per centalp. Please call and examine our stock and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. REINOEIIL & 31F.H.Y. North Lebanon borough, April 5,1865. Repairing neatly done anp A. J. NV EIDENER, 38 South Second Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets, PIIILADELFHIA. Manufacturer of Coal Oil Lamps and Wholesale dealer in Glass Tumblers, Patent Jars and Glassware generally DEALERS will find it to their advantage to exam ine our stock and and compare prices before purchas ing their goods lbr the spring sales. 117 e won bl ea l I•the attend ion of the public particu. larly to oar NEW STYLE OF PATENT JAR FOR . PRESERVING FRUIT WITHOUT SUGAR. We can refer to hundreds of respectable persons who put up peaches and other fruit in our Jars last seasnit without the u -e of Syrup, and found upon opening OW the Fruit retained its natural flavor, and in fact was just the Same as when put into the jars. . A . J. WEIDENER, Ns. 38 South Second Street April 19,1865. 7 3 m. Philadelphia. Mtn Cif A rirt TA ILORIN ( V.S. IIA,NISAY, in Flinch's building, corner of Clun k). beeland street and Doe alley, has on hand and tar sale, either by the yard or made to order, a large lot of GLOTTIS, CASSIAS ERES, and - - - VESTINGS, well selected from flood Homes. Coed ills and sub• tam:alai making guaranteed to all. A's° llninlker. chiefs, Cravats, Uloves.llesicry, Suspenders, Fancy and Plain Linos Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers. S. S. RAMSAY. Lebanon, May 4, 18134, READYRIADE CLOTIIING ill be sold at EXtromelt; Low _Prices. inr ' , ABER, ono of tilo firm of Robot; & 'Bros., has Al. taken the stock Of lteady-made Clotbiug at the apprnisement, which will enable him to salt lower thou anywhere else can be bought. Call and see for your sal va gofore you realm your Fall purchase. 11131. THREE DOORS WEST FROM. COURT HOUSE Lebanon, May 4, 1864; HENRY RARER The genuine article for Medicinal Purposes, to be bad in all its Purity at LIDIVIBERGER'S Drug Stare, Opposite the Market House. Anything you want that is kept in a well conducted First class Drug Store, cep be furn ished_ you by _ _ LEMBERGER, Chemist and Apothecary. eaFeeling thankful for the'very liberal patron age thus far reebived from the Physicians, Mer chants, and Citizens of Lebanon and surround ings, I again solicit a share, promising to use every effort to please all. /a-Special attention given to PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECEIPTS, and all medicine dispensed Warranted PURR, always as good as can be obtained anywhere, and sold to suit the times. Remember the Address, JOS. L. LEMDERGER, Druggist, Chemist and Apothecary, Feb. lb, Me, Market street, Lebanon, Pa J. G. AIILIONBAOII . _ _ _ CHARLES H. MEILY A. Friendly Invitation - To all desirous of purchasing To the best advantage. at the old established a well-know Ft LUMBER YARD 1865 "13 years established in N. Y. City." "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Unman Family." Rats mono OUt, of their holes to die." "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Exter's, Is a paste—owed for Rats, Mice, Roaches, Black and Red Ants, &c., dm., he., 'Costar's' Bed-Bug Exterminator, Is a Budd sr wash, used to destroy, and also as a pre ventive for Bed-Bugs, Bm. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects Is for Ildoths, Mosquitovs, Fleas, Bed-Bogs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. agir Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. I i Itswsne i I! of all worthless imitations. Altif- See that"Cosysn's" mime is on each box, bot tle , and Mask, before you buy. ITENRY R. COSTAR. * Principal Depot, 482 Broadway, N. Y. 03. Sold by Dr. GEORGE ROSS, and all Druggists and Dealers at Lebanon, Pa.. 1865• 'INCREASE OF RATS.—The Farmers' Gazette (Eng lish) asserts and proves by figures that one pair of rats will have a progeny and descendants no less than 651, 050 in three years. Now, unless this immense family can be kept down they would consume more food than won Id sustain 65,000 human beings. *IM See "Costar's" advertisement in this paper. 1865• RATS vertus ElRDS.—Whoever engages in shooting small birds is a cruel man ; ; whoever aids in extermi nating rats is a benefactor. We should like, some of our correspondents to give Us the benefit of heir ex. perience in driving out these pests. We need some thing besides dogs, cats, and traps for this business.— aluntific American, N. Y. .4E%. See "Costar's" advertisement in this paper. 1865. "COSTAR'S" RAT Exterminator is simple, safe, and snro,—the most perfect RAT-ifiention meeting we have ever attended. Every rat that can getit, properly pre pared according to directions, will eat it, and every one that eats it will die, generally at some place as far possible from where the medicine was taken.--Lake Shore, Mich. Mirror. See "Costar's advertisement in this paper. i 865 A VOICE FROM THE FAR WRGT.—Gpeaking of "Costarisiz Rat, Roach, &c., Exterminator—more grain and provisions are destroyed annually In Grant Coun ty by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer.—Lancaster, Wis., Herald, M, See "Costar's" advertisement in this paper. 1865. FARMERS AND HOUSEKEEPERS should recol lect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Gom in, 'Previ sions, &c., are annually destroyed by Rats, Mice, Ants, and other insects and vermin—all of which can be prevented by a few dollars' worth of "Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c., Exterminator, bought and used freely. See "Costar's" advertisement in this paper. Dar . Sold in Lebanon, at Dr•. Geo. Rosk , • Brun' Stores Cumberland st., opposite Court House, throb. 29,1865.—Gm. ' WALTER'S MILL. riIIIE enbecriber respectfully informs the public the he bus entirely rebuilt the Mill on the little Swa Cara, formerly known as "Straw's" and later as "Wen gert's," about one-fourth of a mile from Jonestown Lebanon county, Pa.; that he has it new in complete running order, and is prepared to furnish customers regularly with a 'very superior article of 311-4 as - as cheap as it can be obtained from any other source.— He keeps also on hand and at the lowest cash prices CHIP, BRAN, snowrs, Ste. He is also :pre pared to do all kinds of Cusrowcas' WORK, for Farmers and others, at the very shortest possible notice and in vites all to give him a trial. The machinery of the 'Mill is entirely new and of the latest and most im proved kind. By strict attention to !tininess and fait dealing be hopes to merit a share of public patronage. WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, &c., bought, for which the highest Lebanon Market prices will be paid. FRANKLIN WALTER. May 4, 1864. WANTED TO BUY 3 50 ,000 BUS i IE , LS 0 000 h it ullt ; ls CORN 50,000 bushels OATS: 50,000 bushels WHEAT. Also, CLOVER SEED, T.I3IOTICY SEED, Flaxseed, for which the highest CASH prices will be paid at the Leb anon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. GEORGE 110MIAN. Lelianon, July 17. 1861. Look to Your Interest. EBA has taken the Conch Making INI Shops, in this borough, forpserly known as Ar nold's, opposite the old Lutheran Church. lle has en gaged first class city workmen in all branchelt - of his business. His stock of material Is well seasoned, and of the best quality. He is prepared to manufacture on order, or sell and deliver Carriages and Buggies, of all •i•r.eit!tiytri-7:44-,.-....--1.: descriptions. it is work will favorably compare in taste, finish and proportion; with any turned out in the State. A newleature will be his shifting top, leather covered BuggiM lined with broadcloth, and made after the most a pproved Connecticut style. Prompt attention will be given to REPAIRING, and the charges will be reasonable. lie has also taken the shops formerly occupied by IT. C. Nipa and J. Ir. Miller, in SITAEFFERSTOWN.— Experienced hands are working at both places. At these shops attention will be paid mainly to building EXPRESS WAGONS, and repairing. Samples of Bug gies and Carriages can be seen at all the shops. April 19, 1865. TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned having taken the Large and Comma dione Hotel, In Pottsville, known as the MORTIMER HOUSE, Wonid respectfully announce to his old friends and for mer patrons that he is prepared to accommo date all who may favor him with their patronage. The MORTIMER HOUSE has been newly papered, painted, and refurnished throughout, and the PROPRIE. Tom feels warranted in saying that it is UNSURPASSED BY ANY HOTEL IN THE Borough of Pottsville, for comfort and convenience. NO Pains will be Spaed To render it en agneeeble and comfortable stopping place for strangers and travelers. The Stabling and Shedding, Attached to the Hotel, are sufficiently large for the ay. commodation of the horses and carriages of his guests. - The Hotel is now open for the Reception of the Public. Cu He will be happy to accommodate all who may give him a eall. JOSEPH M. FEOn, Pottsville, April 8, 1863. Proprietor: CLOCKS. Thirty Ffras . l Eight Day, Thirty Hour, CLOCKS, Just Received at J. BLAIR'S Jewelry Stare, Lebanon, Pa A. -gieigerwales CABINET WARE ROOMS AND CHAIR. MAN UFACTORY, Lately occupied by OWED/ LAIMACU, Market street, 3d door north of the L. Valley Railroad, LEBANON, PA. Largest Manufactory and Best Assortment of Furniture and Chairs-in the County. rritE undersigned would most respectfully ask the public to bear in mind that he has still on hand at his Rooms the cheapest, largest and best assortment of the most fashion. • tr' - ' •• t able mid handsome stock of Purtn. lure and Chairs. Persons, in need of anything in his line, would best call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Ho warrants all his stock to be of a superior quality to any hi the market In the country, as it is all of his own melte. Prices will also be lower than at any other place, either in the borough or main', ty:of Lebanon. He will also have on hand an extensive assortment of Cushioned Spring, Cane Bottomed and Windsor 011 A IRS. All orders promptly attended to, and speedily exe cuted, at the very lowest prince. All persons purchasing Furnitnre from him, will be accommodated by having it delivered 'to them to any part of the county, free of charge, and without the least injury, as he has procured one of the bet Cush toned Furniture 'Wagons, especially for that purpotle, Lebanon, April 17, 1805- REMOVAL. NORTH LEBANON 1865 Saddle and 'Harness 'Mann. factory. t., rr. undersigned has removed tf ,.._....., 4 1 his Saddlery and Harness gi . zi,t '4, - Manufactory to a few doors Souti4rw.-...• ~..-st l of the 'old place, to the large re0rat.4. 4 ... lately occupied by liillatun & lire., sts, -- - ,- : —. a Liquor store, where he will be happy to see all his old friends end customers, and where - beluta increased fa cilities for attending to all the departments of his busi ness. Beinpletermined to be behind no other estab lishment in his abilities to accommodate customers, - he has spareil neither pains nor expense .to obtain . and make himself master of every modern improvement . in the business and secure the services of the best work men that liberal wa,,,sras would command. Ile will keep a large stock on hand, and manufacture at the Skin-t -est notice, all descriptions of MAIM IaSS, such as Sad dies, Bridles, Carriage Harness, of all kinds; heavy Harness, Buggy Whips cf the beet manufacture, huf foto Robes, Fly Nets, such as Cotton, Worsted, Linen, and a new kind lately invented; WHIPS of every kind, such as Pugg - y Whips, Cart WhiPs &c.; names of all descriptions, Halter Chains, home-Made Traces, &c., &c.„ all of which he will warrant , to be equal to any that can be obtained in any - other- establishment in the country. All he asks that .those deelring any thing in this line, should call at his place and examine ni4 stock. He feels the fullest confidence in biaability to eive entire satisfaction. . isa.. All orders thankfully received and promptly at ended to. SOLOMON' SMITH. ' North Lebanon thorough, Aug, 13,1862. NEW AND. CHEAP ROOT • AND SROE STORE. fIIIIE subscriber would. respeittntly .inforin the sit Maxis of Lebanon and vicinity, that he, has remov ed his BOOT and SHOE STORE to Market - Street, next door south of Mrs. Rise's llotel, Lebanon. Pa. where he.keeps on. hand a large and,well assorted stock of all kinds of BOOTS' and' S-HO ES. He 'will ?;".,_ make to order all kinds of BOOTS and . - SHOES, and at very . short notice. He al so keeps on hand a large and well assort ed stock. of LEATHER, such as RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER, CALF AND KIP SKINS, MOROCCO AND FANCY LEATHER, KID, LININGS, ROANS, BIND INGS, An., and all kinds of Shoemakers' TOOLS AND' FINDINGS, such as BOOT-TREES, -LASTS, , BOOT CORDS and WEBBS, AWL-BLADES, KNIVES, PUN CHES, HAMMERS, PINCERS, RASPS, TACKS.— Constantly on band an assortment of Lastings, Threads, Shoe-nails, peg -breaks, Sand-stones, Pegs, Bristles, Kit and Shoe Tools of every description. Having been en gaged in the business more than twenty years, be feels satisfied thgt he can give satisfaction to all who will favor him with a call- Shoemakers from the country will do well by calling on him before - purehasing else- Where. SAMUEL HAUCK. Lebanon, J:411. 27 1864. 7- Boot and:Shoe Store. JACOB RCEDBL respectfully in forms the public that he ettlioontin nes his extensive establishment hi 61111‘ et" his new building ' in Cumberland st., t or where he hopes to render the same satisfaction as heretofore to all who may favor him with their custom .11einvites Merchants and dealers in BOOTS and -SMOBSand every one 'who wishes to purchase fashionable and, durable articles in his line, to call and examine for themselves, his largo and varied stock. . . . . . He is determined to surp!iss allecmpetitkui in the, manufacture of every article in his business, suitable for any Market in the Union. A due care taken in regard to materials and workmanship; none bt the best quali ty ofLLiMIER and ether materialsare used, and none but the best workmen are employed' P. S.—He returns his sincere thanks to his friends for the very liberal patronage,' heretofore bestowed on him. Hehopesby strict attention to business and endeavoring to please his customers; to merit a share of public pat renege. [Lebanon, May 4, 1664 STOVES.. STOVES. ' oNy is the time to buy your STOVES before cold winter is here, and the best and cheapest place is at the Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Iron Manufac tory of James H. Rogers, Two doors South from tbe Lebanon Bank, where can be bad the largest and best assortment of PARLOR, HALL, and MMHG STOVES, over offered in -Leba non, Gas Burners for Parlors or Bed , Chambers of his own make, with a general assortment of Parlor Stoves, and a large variety of the best Cooking Stoves in the enmity or borough, which he warrants tot:10(013r roast WASH BOILERS cointontly on hand of all sizes, arid the Bost material. COAL BETORETS—the largest assortment; the bear , ' lest iron, and the best made in Lebanon. - Also, a large stock of TIN WARE, made of the best, material and in a workmanlike manner. As he isra practical Workman, and has had an expetionce of twenty-five years, he feels confident that lie can give general satisfaction. He takes this method 'o4l4eturning hhithanks to his' numerous caktomers for their liberal. support, and he hopes, by strictly .at tending to his own busineas and letting other people's alone, to still receive a share. of puplic patronage. ' JAMES' N. ROGERS'. Particular attention paid to allkitide ofJonitho such as RooAng.Spouting,ke., and all-work warranted HAY 11,,18t4. , ROTIISCHIL OPEN MS 'FRANK rya invest a large Capital in Groceries andTrevlsionS At Dillerls old Stand , Lebanon, Pa. HE will keep all kinds of Dried Fruits, (Imported and domestic,) also Peas, Beans, Earley, Rico, Farina, Corn Starch, Rise Flour, Prunes, Currants, Peaches, (dried and canned,) also canned Tomatoes, Tomato Ketchup, Sauces, L imberger's, English and Green cheese, &c. All kinds of Groceries, such as Molasses, Sugars, Cof fees, Fish, (salt and Pickled,) Bard Ines, Holland Her ring, together with a general variety of all articles kept in a first class Grocery Store. JZiPT. He solicits the patronage of the public, assur ing his Customers that his goods will always be of the first quality, and will be disposed of at a reasenahle profit. . _ - - iSisecres asmcl.- 'l"colcoac,c), Of all kinds and quentitttm. Como Mud INVEST IN THIS BANK I It will pity the purchaser. REMEMBER DILLER'S OLD STAND, nest door to Henry & Heinoehl's store. N. ll.—Marketpricea will be paid In cash for country Produce. March, 23, 1866. WOOLEN CLOTHING of all colors, dyed Jet v l / 4 _, Black or Blue Black, pressed, the color warranted and goods turned out equal to new, by • LYON LEMBERGER, - East Irenorer. . Articles to be dyed can be left at Jos. L. Lenaber ger'e Drug Store yv here all orders for the above will be attended to. • [March 11,1888. - Taaawas Elvi - ,0 V AL-0 in. SNYDER IXTOULD respectfully inform the eiti 'FF sena of Lebanon and 'vicinity; that • be has removed his Tailoring itotablish meet tothe room lately occupied by'Dr 11. F. Schnook, in . Wn Imit•strootil three • doors south o . David liellinger's Hotel, next door to John D. Krause's store, where he will make up the most fash ionable clothing. All work entrusted to his care will be manufactured in the best manner, on modentte terms. pad fits nud substantial making guaranteed, especially.for the stout us: well miler the slender. Ile is ready to iteconimodate his customers by having a suit of clothes made on stiriit`notiee. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to h ins thus Mr, he hopes, by strict attention to his businecs, to mor it a centinu once of the mine. Ile cordially invites the:public and his old customers to give him a , Vitas cash. Lebanon, March 23.1865. -- • . • , M 0 VAL. FITS! FITS ! FITS! 7 .fI. MUM% Merchant Tailor, resPeetfell no nounces to the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that he baSTCUIOVC(I his place of business to Iklarket street,.botween Cumberland and Chestnut, second door Borth orMatthes' Hotel, where ho will continua to keep, as heretofore, it fine assortmot of CLOTHS, C ASSIMERES, nil of which ho will sell or make tip to order itt 1 1 prices to suit the times. An work entrusted to his care, will be manuthetur ed inn workmanlike meaner as to fashion and dura bility. Goods purchased elsewhere will he cheerfully illllll . O Op to order on the usual moderate terms. :. Raving had years of experience in the Tailoring and Dry• Goods business, and - being inclined to turn to the advantage of his customers, all the advantages resuit ing from said acquirements, bo fools satisfied that it will be responded to by a very liberal share of the pub tic Patronage. Friends call once to please me after that please your selves. Aprlll2, 1865. Removal OF TLIF. w . l = : 4 . g - -p P=IT4 : 2 bt,R : I=cl '• A ...a:4 H 41,.. Q 51 V. ' talg ""2 e L ,; I=4 t .P S W ' 4 12 . I=e4 -#2,75 .1 7 1 1 g I=l 01 - 0, .0 0 ° 0 rt.S 11 AL' Hollo ! WILL ALSO Blanket Shawls, _ UM 1 - #llo4lla - 1:I.)A DIA FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, positive and Specifies Remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel and Droppleal swellings ,This Medicine increases the powers of digestion, and • 'excites the absorbents into healthy action, by which the wa4Lry or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural en largements arc reduced, as well 1113 pain and inflammatiou, and is good for men, women and ebildren. _ _ HELMBOLD'S'EXtRACT BUCHU, For wealmess arising from:Rini - Ekes! lErtitilts of Dinars, tion. Early Indiscretion: attended rsiitli:;the following Symptoms: Indisposition to Eiertion, Loss Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the BaelF, • Hot Hinds, 'Flushing - of - the Body. Drfnesi of the. Skin:, Eruptions universal Lassitude, , Comutinance. - . These . iymptonisOf allowed te k - 9 tide Hod . einelintirlably rernevei), soon follow FATUITY, ErILFinIO FlTS:rami, In one of :which the . 'ilatlent may expire. jirho can say they Are not frequently follniired by these direfulclls• ease Serf.. ,,, , • tic • • V :INSANITY ii,l+TD CON'SumiTION? • ' 'Binh.) , are aware of the Cause of thrir auffcring,but MOM Will bontess.' • Ilia , ideorcilibf;ttievinaneMitiyltians and the melancholy deatirepßeoltsrmmtionhear ample witnessto the truth of the assertion—, , The Conetitutto n ee ,affected by organic Weakness, requiiee the Old of medtcinb'to s:trqngtlien 'and thyit r Otate the eyetem, whiehrEEELSEIkiLIPS-EXTRACT. 01 0 - 11 CHU Luitartoply doe& Atrial will dopvinco tha,uliost ecepadaL ME , . rn many affections peculiar tb - Temales;llie Erma Btrcnu le unequaled by .any other remedy, and for all :omplalnte Incident to the sem, or In tills . DECLINE. OR CILANGff, OV • 'I Ban liirsirroais - .anovs: • Cr No Family-shOuld be without it. Take no Balsam; lierm4y, or unpleasant medicine fox Im • pleasent end ilingFro6 11ELMBOLD'S' EXTRACT. BUCITU OW.PROWIE Cures: tseeret -Diseases• is all their' atageo, ;Mtla oxpeniooittle or no change of itet., no inconvonienc.o. and.,Np E*PRatrRE., USE - 1-lEEMBOLD'S E X • - r . 11 , A .(T „C H or all affections and thaeasee of these Orgins, whether EXISTING DT MALE Oh IMMIX from whatever cause originating,Und ntheatter how lonA standing. Diseases ot these organs, require the , aid of a diuretic: HELMBOLDt"tirRiCT"BIJCHU the ,Great, Diuretic. And it is ceitrdzi to have 'the desii•eci effect la all Omani aro wideliiiikieVoiainended: • • ' •ruTn.a,;:Ll) 'X : G:T SMISAPARILLA. p,:r•l•fylr.; the L1ce.1,1•.•.-r.fraing• till chronic co: stinl tleaal riffs ^s tUirl , impure state or the 1n....1 and Cm only Lmown rcutedy cure of Scroll:la, l".:11t Moran" Fair.:.... 177,t - clltngs• of the llenes; t'lecrations e.f.the Throat :.ti ilotches, Pimples on tne Peru, Tetter, Erysipelai anti ell scaly Eruptions of tha shin, * . , . .0.3.21) 3.1 m: 4. tan: . cpaux,umse NOT A FEW of the work' diSorders that ardctmankind arise from th , corrobilon that accumulates te , the Mood.. Of all.the coveries that have been made to purge it, oat, none equal in 'effect UTI2XI3OI:D'S CO3thOiNIO72:Tir:A . CT OF S.:: 6.3.7..A.M1LL.i.. It cleanses end renovates l the Elood, the vigor, of health: into the :slatem, sail purges oat t;.‘ Manors which make disease., „Irstimalates the healti.: fuention.4 of this body, Xnkl.a - pelStlie diSerders that and rankle' in . the blooe 'Seat a reinedY; that could relied on has long been sought for, =Miaow, tbr the ill. , time the puhlic havoene anwhlch.they can depend. 0.. space here fit - leen:et ad nttof ceritlitehtei; to sti3Ow its meet • fiat the 'trial of a eingbatittle will show to the sick that : has its vitituesetimasshiranythingthey have ever taken. Two tablespoonsraleif the Extract of Saisaparilla addc tor6int of 'Water is equal to the 'Lisbon . Diet Drink, an one bottle is fully equal to a &ion of the Syrup of Sam raffia, or the decoction as usually made. 1tE12111014i13, APSE WASH, An excellent Lotion for diseases arising from habits is dissipation, need In connee'tioix -- erith the Extracts Burls and Sarsaparilla; in such diseases as recommended. Evi• deuce of the most responsible aniLreliable character vcil accomp-ey the - medicines. .dlso explicit directions fox Use, ?VIC, 11*(:. thOilBandB livialfintnesseß. and U P "wards .t.t certiiicatetr and recommends tory S e which are frein the highest sources limbed ••= • hysicians, ciergymen,Etatesmen, ite The I .. cf resorted to their publication it tiwzPv!.. • does;not.dothisfrointhefact that hi. ordains re.'als ;..ttuulard „Treparagone; not noel to be propped up by cerilticatee. The Science of Medicine, like the Dodo Column, dor& stand simple, nitre; majestic, hiving Fact for . its beak Induction for ltopillar t and Truth alone for its Capital. My Extract stimaptirilla is a Blood Purifier: my Extra° iftiebrt is a Diuretic, and will act as such than eases. Bath arp prepared on purely scientific prinelplea—i tracuo—mad are the most active measures of either the. Pan be made. A ready and conchisive 'test will be a corn parietal of their properties with those sat forth in the fol lOwing works: • ; See Dliftensatory of the United States. See Professor Dnurcr.s! valuable works on the Predict. Of Physic. ' S See remarks made by the, celebrated Dr. Parstc, Piffle See remarks made by Dr. Ermtnau llicirownr , L, a cote brated Physician mid MeMber of the Dora College Surgeotui,lreland,ind published in the Trannetione the Ring and. Queen's! Journal. .See MedicitChirurgical Review, published by Bawer Trawrias, Palely of the Itofral College of Surgeons. 1100 most of the lattistandard works on Medicine. e BOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS BYERMTERE. Address letters for information, in conedenee. to IL: T. ITREYBOLD, Chemist. PRINCIPAL:DEPOTS - Helmbold's Drug and Chemical 'Warehouse. No, 694 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, awl Helmbold's Medical Depot, leo. 104 BOMA TENTH ST., PRILADELPILIA. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR, HELMBOLDSI TAKE' NO OTHER! 12,0ev, , z , ga%m