The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, June 14, 1865, Image 2
the adjacent forest. We soon bad the pleasure of safely ensconsing our selves in an almost impenetrable thicket, from which we had the pleas ure of watching the robs, in their vain attempt to discover our place of shelter. Continually venturing furblier, we again commenced our wanderings over the delectable compound of mud, wet grass, and swollen streams, which composed not the "terra firma" of mythical navigators ; but a most wretchedly, treacherous and diaboli cal unpleasant terra infirma, as we found to our cost. In truth our rath er precarious tenure of life, and liber ty, both being at the entire mercy of any squad of wandering Johnnies, whom wo might chance to encounter, numerous as they wore in parts ad jacent to us, was far from being pleas ant,—which in addition to various physical causes of discomfort, such as hunger, thirst, extreme weariness, and last, though not least, bruises innemerable, and mud unwadeable, had highly depreciated my precious valuation of my own corpus. I fer vently wished the Southern chivalry in Richmond, Charleston, or a place warmer than either, for we were "played out." But wishing would not destroy the absolutely incontesti bit) fact, that, they not only abound ed in all the 'above mentioned places, but, that s there was also a large dele gation in Pennsylvania. But hark did all , the fiends of PandetnoOirim ever produce so fear ful a yell, as that whieh suddenly burst upon my ears. No one hesi tated a moment about insuring that pair of lungs. Whether it : meant sport or clangor, I was determined to seek the originating cause of that vivid combination of 4 shriek, groan and yell, which had so abruptly startled me from my not very pleas ant.musings. At all events, thought 1, matters can become no worse, than they are at present, surrounded as I am on all sides by followers of Jeffer son. Proceeding rapidly through the woods, I espied a short distance heyound, a large dwelling house, faintly outlined thrOugh the foggy mist which overspread the whole faee of nature. From the rear of this farm, house, again came one of those unearthly yells, which had startled me a short, time previously. Having assured myself by a hasty view of the sur roundings, which showed me no men in coats of grey and breeches of but ternut, that the coast was clear, I proceeded towards the farm house ; the yelling all the while increasing in intensity . and volume, in inverse - • • proportion to the dimunition of the diatauco..- If. rathov untritioical, wliOn first heard, a _rover acquaintance failed to discover any redeeming traits. Hastily passing the house, I fi)und myself a few feet frbm the barn which being immediately in the rear, hard heen hitherto concealed. Here, there was suddenly presented to my distended optics, a scene at once in teresting, amusing, and intensely grotesque. Let me, gentle reader, sketch for you the tableau, 413 presented to my wondering vision, Dramatic Personae, No. I. A grey back, principally- distinguished by sergeant's stripes, and enormous ro tundity of addomen, indicating be yond a doubt, that hard tack and cold water, wore not his only means of sustaining existence ; that On the contrary Air. Reb was quite an co euro, and had previously ascertained the fact, that poultry houses usu ally contained excellent eating.--' Said grey-back had bGwever, evi dently got himself into a; dilemma quite undignified, for one wearing the triple stripes. Said dilemma be ing nothing more nor less, than a slate of suspension by the seat of an unmentionable article of masculine apparel, from an enormous wooden pin near the top of a cow rack, fixed up beneath a species of seed, usnally called by farmers an "over jet." The rotund sergeant was pendant ; exe cut ing a fantastical jig upon the little end of nothing, to accompaniments of imaginary . music ; imaginary did I say? no, for a dull continuous whack —whack—whack, furnished the illus trious sergeant with a music rapid and sprightly, if it was played in the monotone key. But we anticipate matters which will receive a more lu cid explanation, when characters nos. 2 and 3 of this little farce or tragedy, (call it which you choose, fir opinions will differ in this mun dane sphere, and I doubt not that my own opinion in this case differed widely from the sergeant's as to thc merits of the performance,) have been introduced. Nos. 2. and 8. were nothing less, than two misses aged respectfully, probably sixteen and eighteen, who were most unintermitting in their attentions to the bodily (dis)-comfort of the sergeant, as was illustrated by the zeal with which they applied to his pendant form, their extemporiz ed means of warfare, that ever handy article of feminine belligerents—th e hrooni-handle. The two maidens, to whom active exercise had lent the rosy glow of health, were really beau tiful, despite the grotesque forms whieh they assumed, in order to be enabled more readily to plant effec tive Wows upon the already castigat ed corpus of the conquered sergeant. Their black and some-what tangled ringlets of glossy hair, entirely un vonfined by Cap or bonnet, swayed backward and forward with the cor responding motions of the body, as they sought to add additional mo mentum to each repeated blow.— Their unconfined feet were rather un aristocratically large ; but, the loop cd up dress displayed an ankle of whose fine proportions many a titled dame might well have been proud of. The sleeves of their plain calico dress were rolled up far above the elbow displaying arms, not as snowy-white perhaps, as some,Tor sun, and work, and weather had-left their impress, but, there was a quantum sufficit of muscle there—at least the sergeant thought so. Although I had now arrived with in a few feet of the feminine repre sentatives of Bellona, so fully were they absorbed by their course of at tention to the. rotund guerilla, that I remained an unnoticed spectator of tho performance. As to the recipi ent of all these delicate (2) favors. who, on account of his elevated po sition, could not avoid observing my presence, it probably did not appear to him like mending matters fast ; for, if, the maidens should at some future period of the world's history become exhausted (of which judging by the alacrity with which they plied their weepons, there appeared to be little probability, until they had every bone in his obese carcass) a fed eral soldier would in all probability, not be the most acceptable sympa thizer. But human flesh and blood could stand it no longer. With one final, fearful yell, as if wrung from the voice of despair itself, the wandering rebel gave one more desperate gyra tion of legs and arms, resulting in changing his base from the cow-rack to the ground beneath ; leaving, how ever, at his late place of temporary abode, the major part of a pair of dir ty well, I wont say what.— Perhaps if I did, you might blush, just as those belligerent young ladies did, as they, at that moment, noticed my proximity. About a second thereafter, something much resem bling a streak of greased grey light ning on two legs, might have been observed leaving across a contiguous rye-field. During the few minutes of conversation, which ensued between myself and the young ladies, I learn ed, that their father bad gone away with his horses. Nor was he away too soon. Scarcely an hour after his departure, the valiant sergeant had made his advent in quest ofhorse flesh—not finding that, he probably concluded, that, if he could not ob tain horse-flesh for the benefit of the guondam confederacy, he might, at all events obtain, some chicken-flesh for the benefit of his own epicurean palate. But, in his case it was truly a pursuit of rations under diffidul ties. It appears, that- on account of the unsettled state of affair, the over jet had been boarded up and was used as a hen house. No sooner however, had the would 3e-thicken-dealer, entered the small rudely-swung door, which gave ad mittance, than a pitch-fork attack from the rear made by one of the irate maidens, caused him to make a hasty exit from the opposite end, where n couple of loosely nailed boards enabled him to make an aper ture. But a leap, more expeditious, than cautious, resulted in his impale ment and castigation, as related. But, the sound of numerous voices in the forest beyond, told of the ap preach of the foe in great numbers, and much as I would have loved an hours'rest, beguiled by a merry chat with my new found acquaintances, I was obliged to bid them a hasty a dieu, having received from the di rection to Heidlersburg, a few miles distant. The sergeant had beaten so precipitate a retreat, that he had left both carbine and horse, the lat ter being a serubby-raw4mned, lookinii specimen of the equine geni us. Having confiscated both articles to Uncle Sam's use indirectly and my own personal use direaly, without taking time to read the Constitution fo the purpeatie ofaseertaining, wheth er such confiscation -was- consti tu tion al or ,not, I started off at an ambling pace,:which- under other circumstan ces would leave been far more agreea bip ; - the laSt.sotind I heard as I left the vicinity of the barn, being the reiterated assurances of my late found friendkr,' that they "were not one bit afraid, and that, no two reb els could take-their chickens. But this random sketch has grown unpar donably long, and I mus, leave for a future paper, au account of the man ner, in which I lost my horse and found my regiment. Lebanon, June 10, 1864. THE ATLANTIC CABLE.—Our read ers are aware that another attempt will be made this Bummer to lay a 'cable between the two Hemispheres. The Groat Eastern has been charter ed to transport the cable, and it is said, will commence her voyage ear ly in Jnne. In its construction, the now cable is said to differ much from the old one, and it is asserted with confidence that the problem how to corn bine the greatestpossi ble strength with the least possible specific weight, has at last been solved. The cable, as stowed on the Great Eastern, will be separated into three divisions, that will represent respec tively, 633, BC3, and 817 miles. The three lengths into which the cable is divided, will bo fused by a peculiar process. The weight of the cable a mounts to 5,000 tone. In laying the cable,'attempts will again be made to connect some point on the Irish coast, probably Valera• tia, with New Foundland—most like ly at Bull's Buy—and for this pur. pose its length (2,253 miles) will not only he sufficient, hut leave a re serve of 520 miles for possible devia tions from the normal course, such detours as may be caused by cur rents, unfavorable weather, or to a• void unusual depths of water. The greatest depth to bo overcome in the proposed route is from 2,000 to 2,500 fathoms, while the absolute strength of the cable is each that it could sup, port the strain of its own weight in tranquil water four times as deep. xfp afifitdiup WHEN DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES CEASE TO LEAD, WE CEASE TO FOLLOW." WM. M. BRESLIN, Editor and Proprietor LEBANON, PA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1885 air A vast amount of dissatisfac tion was occasioned upon the recent discharge of the one-year's men, by the refusal of the• paymasters to pay one of the instalments of bounty, a mounting to about thirty-three dol• lars. The refusal is in consequence of an order from Secretary Stanton from the War Department, at Wash. ington, and is based upon the plea that the men did not serve their full time, and hence are not entitled to the fall bounty. The soldiers under stood the law to mean that they were to receive $lOO bounty, and if it means anything else it was rather a petty piece of business for Con gress to make it appear to have one meaning while it really bore another. Moreover, the real meaning should have been explained at the time the enlistments were made, thus avoid ing the present dissatisfaction, and saving the national reputation from charges of trifling deception. xtel. At the city, election held in Washington on Monday of last week, the anti-Republican ticket was tri umphantly elected. 047" The government dispatched on Friday three boats to Belle Plain with ambulances, intrenching tools, coffins and five 'hundred men, who have been instructed to proceed to tho Wilderness battle field, and de cently inter the remains of all sol diers, both rebel and Union, there exposed to view. at- The radical portion of the re. publican party are getting up a con spiracy against President Johnson and his policy on reconstruction, ne. gro suffrage, and kindred subjects.— Chase, the Chief Justice of the 11. S. Supreme Court, is traveling the South making speeches against the Presi dent's policy, while Woodall Phillips, is doing the same thing in the north. It is very strange what a difference some things made. If a Democrat had done a few months ago, what these men aro now doing, he would have been a secessionist, traitor, cop perhead, and very likely been arrest ed and imprisoned -for "embarrassing the government." bar A meeting was hold in New York, last week, to endorse the ad ministration of President Johnson.— An attempt was made by the radi cals to get possession of the meeting, change its purpose into one of ap proval-of negro voting and against the President's reconstruction policy, but the opportune - arrival of Generals Grant, Logan and Blair, foiled the conspirators. The Gcneirals named made speeches in opposition to ne gro suffrage,' and in approval of the. President's policy. The soldiers, as a general thing, are against the radi• cats, and with the Conservative De mocracy who will stand by the Presi dent as long as be follows out th 4 path of the Constitution. "In Virginia the farmers have come to •an agreement with the negroes to fix the hire of field hands at five dollars per month, the negro to furnish his clothing and pay his doetor's bills. One dollar per day is given to hands during harvest. These prices will rule throughout the State."—Republican Exchange. BEil. We congratulate the negroea of Virginia upon their emersion from a bondage which only clothed and fed them, with the trifling additions of doctoring when sick and mainte nance in old age, to the glorious privilege of freedom which gives them five dollars per month to maintain themselves and families, and the ad- Vantage of buying their own clothing and paying their own doctor's bills. Nothing is said of what is to become of them in old age, but, we presume, if they are improvident enough not to accumulate a fortune from five dollars a month, they will be main tained in the poor-houses. The latest reports of the chang es in the Cabinet state that the Hon. Charles Francis Adams is to succeed Secretary Seward ; that Senator Sum ner is to be Minister to the Court of St James ; that . Preston King will succeed Secretary \Voiles, and that Mr. Stanton is "Shermaned" out, and will be complimented by a high Foreign mission. The successors named by gossip for the latter gen tleman are Gen. Butler or the on. Montgomery Blair. Cal. Forney is also spoken of in connection with a Cabinet appointment. , 0:!T The Whiskey insurrection, dur ing Washington's administration was wound up by the indictment of five of those engaged in it. Ono of these proved to be the wrong man ; to o were discharged because of in sufficient evidence, and two were found guilty of treason in levying war against the United States.— These two Washington pardoned. THE TROUBLES OF THE REPUBLICANS. The Republican party . is splitting up just now in a beautiful manlier, on the trial for treason of Teff. Davis, the negro voting business, recon struction, and kindred subjects.— President Johnson is sworn to sup port the Constitution and enforce the laws, hence, together with his past experience with, and knowledge of, the negro, he is opposed to granting them the right of suffrage, knowing that he must in that event override the constitutions of the States, and thereby admit that certain of them had seceded from the Union, thus acknowledging the power of seces sion. In his position on this subject he is supported by the entire Demo cratic party, while the party which elected him to office is at loggerheads —some in favor of, and other against negro suffrage. Others again are for considering the rebel states in the light of territories, thus admitting secession, while others again of them agree with . the President and the Democracy, and consider them on the same footing as they were pre- . vions to the passage of the secession ordinanees, and consequently with their State Constitutionsjp fall force, which specify who shall vote and who shall not—saving the right of the general government, which may disqualify fOr national offices but can not qualify for either state or nation. On these questions the Republican party is like a parcel of frightened chickens running in every direction, without end or aim. The same party is in just a like quandrary on the question of trying and punishing Jeff Davis and the leaders of the rebellion for Treason. One portion of them are thirsting violently for "blood I blood ! I" while another, and not an inconsiderable one, led on by Wendell Phillips, Gree ly, Gerrit Smith, Sumner, Chase, et cetera, swear that neither Jeff. Davis nor anybody else committed treason ; that it was a civil war; that they were recognized as belligerents ; and that while the rebellion was the great crime of the age, to hang the leaders thereof would be the mean crime of the age. G-erret Smith made a speech, last week, in the Institute,N. York, which was filled to overflowing, not by the Democracy, but by a "largo and intelligent audi ence" of the republican party, with Horace Greely on the stand. His whole speech was a plea for Jeff. Da. via and our Southern "brethren," as he called them, and was most enthu siastically applauded. There are other subjects of radical differences in views among the Re: publ ipan_par ty.__b_ut _on hose tw o— the negro suffrage ana. 't he trial and punishment of the leaders of the re bellion,—the lines are becoming most distinctly drawn. While the bears are fighting the Democracy are look ing on, and in the end the result will be, as it always is in such eases, the conservatives will be called in as moderators. ()r - It is amusing to see the ground and lofty tumbling of the republicans on the negro suffrage question. Some of them go in with a tremen dous bound for negro voting,. think ing that that is the only Way to keep down the Democracy; while. others are more careful in their leaps, fear-, ful that they may over-do the thing, and that giving niggers votes might after-.ail not be a very great acces sion of strength to 'them They would, most of theai, be .very glad to give them votes, but could they be relied on for voting the "right tick et" after they are qualified ? The right to vote also presumes the right to vote as you please, and the negroes know well enough that the one is of little use without the — other, and will not thank their "friends" for the one if denied the other. Unless meas ures arc taken to prevent them from voting as they please, their "friends" know well enough that it would be a very "unsartain" proceeding, and that it might soon be necessary to mark the negro votes in their politi &al registers as "doubtfuL/ 1 ' For this reason they moderate their bounds considerably on the negro voting suffrage question, and properly, for our own opinion is, gathered from the experience of the white laboring men in the north, that a million of voting negroes, employed at "$5 a month and finding their clothing and paying their doctor's bills," are very apt to be influenced by their employ ers. This is a ticklish subject for our republican friends, and we "sympa thize" deeply with thorn in their troubles. The only way we can suggest for them to get out of the serape, is to pass a law giving all those voting their ticket the privilege, and disqualifying those who would vote any other. It is true, President Johnson might veto it, but that would not matter, as they are bound to fall Out with him anyhow. His veto of such a law would be evidence with them that he is not "loyal." sm.; M. C. Good, Democrat, was elected Mayor of Wheeling, West Virginia, on Thursday, lot inst., by 300 majority, over his "Loyal League" competitor. A GOOD TAKE-OFF ! A week ago some of the Philadel phia loyal papers, got up a lot of sen sation reports that rioting and rebel lion was going on in Schuylkill coun ty. The first object they had in view was, to create a sensation to sell their papers, and the second was to induce the government to seed sev eral regiments of soldiers there to keep the terrible copperheads in or der, and prevent them from support ing President Johnson. The Potts ville Standard, thus burlesques ,the reports. There were no riots nor in dications of riot. STARTLING NEWS ! Riots In Schuylkill County. CAPTURE OF DISPATCHES FOR THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, By the capture of despatches in tended for the Philadelphia Inquirer, we are enabled to give the news from Schuylkill county in advance of that re•lia-ble paper. These des patches wore taken from a "reliable gentleman," who took them from a "rebel deserter who had always been a Union man," who..stated that he had been sent to Philadelphia with them. by "an intelligent contraband" who was "the first nigger wounded in the war." The despatches wore addressed, "To the Philadelphia In quirer, care of Jeff. Davis' coachman." From the fact of all these well-known contributors to the Inquirer being concerned in their transmittal, there can be no doubt of their genuineness. We copy them entire: War in Schuylkill County !—Great battle among the Miners !!—Ban. nan, of the "Journal," Fortified ; • his man "Friday" up a tree.—Minis. tars of the Gospel leading charges! —lO,OOO Irish infantry in arms ! The mines pumped full of water.-- Heavy firing heard at Pottsville— A Division in line of battle !—Great consternation.-400 regiments sent to Schuylkill County.—Great ba.t tle expected I !--All the mechanics striking for wages !—Horrible A trocities !!! POTTSVILLE, May 35th, 1865.—War has broken out in Schuylkill county. There has been a bloody battle among the miners. Several thou sand have been killed. The Irish are murdering everybody. The county in general, and the streets of Pottsville in particular, are crowded with blood-thirsty miners who kill all but Irishmen. Banner), of the Miner's Journal, has retired to I.lismatle, pulled up the drawbridge, nailed--up the doors of the hen-roost and dog-pen, and mount ed a joint of stove-pipe in each win. dow. His man Friday has not been heard of, but is reported to have been seen up a tree, on Guinea Hill, fairly white with fear. Mfiniisters command the rioters, and rr - eve - teajd charges, playing on - harps' and lyres. Many women . have been arrested and fined. Ten thousand Irish infantry are known to be in arms. They were drilling constantly in fine weather. Last week the miners. rose and pumped all the mines full of water in three hours. Heavy firing wag heard at Potts ville on the 27th, and a division, in line of battle, was soon on the moun tains. Everybody is. killing every body .else, and the rest are fleeing in 'ter . ror. Men with both legs off are running for life, and women' who have lost both arms are clasping their children to their breasts in despair. 400 regiments of troops have been sent to the rebellious district. They will be-followed by all the troops un der command of Gen. Grant, with as be hired from England, Germany and Mexico. The: delphia Grey Reserves refuse• to go, and the Pottsville militia cannot be depended upon. Two special ambassadors have been. sent to the, king of Dahomey, in Af rica, with a cargo of cracked fiddles, red ribbons, yellow flannel and min nie-rifle whiskey, to buy up recruits. They will be. commanded by Ben Butler and Barman's man Friday. A gentleman was heard to say in a saloon fast night, that we would have a few glorious battles soon: All the mechanics are striking for wages. An Irishman toasted .a Scotch man on a spear. An Irish woman burned a negro in a wood-pile, and said she such horrid acts. LATER. Another despatch has been taken from one of the Inquirer's contribn tors,"a lady recently from the seat of war." We copy it, as follows: THE WAR IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY! Later News ! The Correct Account. POTTSVILLE, 36th, 1865. = We are in possession of later advises from the rebellious county of Schuylkill. - The war still continues. We are able, however, to make the following corrections : The battle among the miners was a fight between two boys at the High School, both of whom, however, are minors. Banner'. is only supposed to be in his castle, as he has been missing for several days. His man Friday was not up a tree. He only felt "high" when he saw the soldiers. The story of his being white is positively denied. Ministers did not lead charges, plying on harps and lyres. Two of thqm "charged' each other with be ing The &ingot females was to punish some girls fur listening—a revenue on female curiosity ta pity — thly• • ek• penses of the war. The 10,000 Irish infantry in arms appear to have been ten Irish infants, who were being carried out in the arms of their mothers for an airing. They "wear drilling" in warm weath er. Instead of the miners rising and pumping the mines full of water, Norwegian creek rose and filled some cellars. The heavy.firing - heard:o4 the 27th was Jame Co± and Jab 'Green' shooting pigeons.w. Lawton's. and the line of battle was the crowd who witnessed the proceedings. 400 men, not 400 ieginientn, were sent to Schuylkill county. The crowds of .minors in the streets wore children going home from school. It seems that a gentleman in a sa loon expected a few. more glorious "bottles, not "battles,' as reported. The only meehanics striking for wages are the bla,cksmiths and stone cutters, who 'strike' Constantlyliviien at work. An Irishman Aid;9ot toaqt, o.§ept p ubvt manor) a spear .The two drank etoaW "to, the Old Dart." The Irish woman only said it was "hot enough wood pile to burn a nigger, using that horrid axe." THE VERY LATE§Ti 2,,L Special Dispatch. to the inquirer.:i , POTTSVILLE, May .38th, - , 1.865. There has been no rioting in ,§ebuyl kill county: vir. It is very well remembered that the abandoned and confiscated lands in the South were promised to the soldiers. How that promise is being fulfilled may be gathered from . the following. Cameron, Chairman of the Republican State Committee:. Wade, .Republican Senator from Ohio; and Doolittle, .Republican Senator frOm Wisconsin, are pretty-soldiers, but their anxiety to have , the South ern Estate's Confiseate.d-J:s::i6of The Port Royal New South says; 'at': the Gov ernment sale of abandoned plantations on and, near Copper River, Col. Leabroolt's plantation of 700 acres was bought by S. Cameron, B. F. Wade, and James N. Doolittle, for $2,700. The United States became proprietor of several plan tations. In this connection it must be remembered that persons cannot visit the places -where these sales occur without special period& -vil3ieh are al most exclusively granted Office' bolding Re publicans, leaving competition frona any other quarter quite out of the question. ' The 700 acres alluded to is probably'' Swell worth $lOO,OOO, and the soldiers who have se cured it to the Government oatfiet it 'Wel have no doubt, by paying into the ; pockets of those privileged Republicans fen 'or tifteen.,hundred per cent. on their investment. SAD AFFAIR , AT ODLPMDTA I 4I?Otir Boys Shot—To then!: On Sunday night, a few minutes be fore 8 o'clock, the report of a gun was heard, in the npigh; . -ho,roo:oDij Erisrnan's Sa.ldon, corner of Front Locust streets, , Columbia,,.foupyed soon after by screams of distress. j .ft appears that a number of sn3allboys, two of them 'sons . of Mr: Eriaman, proprielfor of the saloothvl the Otl-. er children of Mrs. r el gra Dick. inson and Mr. Charles Rafw t lings, were playing in Mr. Eristuan'syard, when Mr. E.'s eldest son, a lad of ten or eleven years, went into :the , Salcien and came to the back door with a gun in his band. tie told the boys ,he was going to shoot thorn, and' imtne diately drew up the gun and fired, the whole load taking effect, upon, four of the boys. Mr. E.'s second son was killed almost instantly,, re ceiving Some sixty-seven shot 4 in dif-, ferent panta•,,of.his hotly. -.The "sonCof Mrs. Felix, aged „6 or 7 ,years, ; Ives shot in the abdomen and lingered until this morrii4gat 7. teekiele, - when death put an end,to.his sufferings.— The son of Mrs.. Die in son was not seriously woundeittand •Mr. Wwlings' son received but OA' sliot-penetrs.t ing his- - breast. ,The gun wasAerit4 loaded for the purpose.of killing rats, and the lad who fired it was not a ware of its being loaded. DQptity Coroner Hunter held an inquest o,n the bodies of young Erisman and. Fe lix this morning. The affair has eau's ed a general gloom in Columbia.-- Lancaster lntelligencer, June 5. SINGULAR CASE OF POISONING.-O Thursday, the barber: at the Phila delphia Almshouse was poisoned by .one of the inmates of that institution and died from the effects thereof in a' short.time. The man who gave the barber the paison bad .got shaved, and as a compensation gave the-bar ber aconite mixed with syrup. :The - V both partook, ofthe mixture, but the man who gave the4oison took an , emetic, and, in .the,,:evening .was,,re= covering. It is said that the - poison was got out of a cellar of the 'Alms house, appropriated for the' storage of medicines, &c. • .. A fire broke out on Friday in Nashville in an immense buildingoill ed with government stores, and 'One half the structure was consumed.—, Several dwellings were, also destr6Y-' ed, and two or three per Son are:sup : posed to have perished in - the'llanies.: The loss is estimated at•from eight Lb ten milliOnS'of dollars. The ordnance building, at, Chattg nouga exploded On Friday !sit caus ing the destrudtion 'of .thW,:govern recut warehousei. From ten to firl teen persons were killed or wounded. Both fires are supposed to !laic bean caused by sparks from lonotno tives. Stir A case was tried in Cleveland before the United. States court against:: Wm. Ewing, Postmaster at Huth Prairie ; Wood county, on indictmet for stoaling s a watch from the The evidence was circumstantiaf en tirely, but of such a nature as to make a very strong case, and one, proba bly, w hi c h would produce conviction. At the last moment, the defendant introduced his daughter as a witness who swore that her mother was the robber. The defendant of course was acquitted, but at the expense _of ex postrig his wife's guilt. ea:- The work upon the Capitol extension at Harrisburg is going on, nand : the foundation walls are already I'p' u'The extension is made in the rear of the : .edified fronting towards the canal, and is intended for Con- Mittoo rooms on the first floor and for the State Library on the second. The election on the adoption of the new State Constitution of Mis souri, held in that . State last Monday resulted prohable majority of 5,000 aggitist :the Constitution. he- The hills - of McKean, .-Penn sylvania, are covered with a plant claimed to f bc a ,successfal competitor of the Chinese tea. A quantity of it will be in rnarkd the coming:lo=n. tigk. Monroe, "Michigan; in said to have eighty-two marriageable girls ; and only three single men.: • The ploughman's is a danger ous occupation around:''RiChtrAind. and Petersburg; hdeause : 'of '6 ilex ploded CIIARGE DIPPERENCE,,—T h e ex• pence of our goyernment, after tho army disbanded, it is estimated will be four hundred' millions a year, - 'lit,. used to be ninety-mi t lions. Char:go, thiPiiiiteethia ad 1111Egt: di t aff' South Carolina -The New York Tribune has paid OA. Mund'(Who:was One of Gov-:3 ezTor Soymoni's ':agtitnts , tov.tellect proiy votes laiir . the Bunt Of 5506 and :'made public retraction of a'.! charge - Chem macie that Mundy Wa Ft a forger of Democratic oicliers' hallotFi. Mundy had been imprisoned by Stan.: ton on this false charge. Thus, time , makes all things even. lam,, The Wrashingian correspon dent of the Springfield, Mass., Re. publican @ciao) writep "gresident RTo.uNsor? ithe-'„ (lifter . day 1: t0 T 1,.. , a prominent Republican, 'There's a class of :men_ aln : qdy) ti raaily4hritat the negro "at me whatever they're not pal isfied with knytbine.l"'.' etr A man who foi two venwa we t s purser of the Corded exaCe! privateer Alabama, has .be first-elags flee; Washi L ilgton — . (": NOW. IS THE TIME TO:BUY OiltAP. DRY 00040 AT ~ ? t;' i <' GOODYE I St 111FTE:NBAtal$ v G*32.. , 6t03 1 L• .bmeitiz - Wit.±:oxNa, (.RAHER' SVIE 06K,) :;' Cumberland Street, :Lebanon , • 4-1 ALL and seektho larlreatitlid lit#,ttaigeotelPeicok n 1„,) SPRING AND . strmmtß GOODS, and at the low est price,,- - Cheatler-than the cheapest, ed cheap is to astonish the world,.; acd.seo for yonreelves. • All Shades of 64.ti1l wool detains, , • . • dO 34 all wool detains, do - 3-4 all woolebepard do . -,f134,8:113. popliiiqs " #. - do ,54,panIde do '54 moliaira,, 54 Mancboder dolaina, 54 Pp.eise 84 Lancastirilalettnii‘ Dress goods of ali descriptions. . Ladies' coats, circulars and basquos, . do fancy and black silks. A full line calico at all prices. do bleached me lie, at nil prices,`... do unbleacbed do' do Best assortment of Thibets, 'Dreaming 4ral of Summer shades. All kinds and prides of 'Ticking, flannels, Balufamla, hosiery, Hoop;Skirte,. Umbrellas,. Jcp.,Ece, . Rieutiemen near. , + A tall 'fine eh' ',CLOTHS, CASSIREABS, SATTI. NETS, VESMIGS, Jean's, Bottorades, all prices and very cheap. • . Best Stock of MOURNING GOODS in. the country, as we pay particular attention to tbieDepartment. 54 Black all wool delains, Very cheap. 34 do ;* ,do • 54 do Canton cloth do 5-4 do Persian sloth •* • do, - • f 5.4 do — sdiiacco, ~ do 54 do ' bombazines * do do r crap veils; 'zone veils' " " N../V IdnderYTgleives;4e.a 1. Groceries Sruour . -Nolassas . • Spices, 4r,c' ) all at LO - PRICES 4 • W W' Ate' Call onlk and , and :look th 12. rough Aar Large and well Selected Atock.of hoodsoltd,gel l tbuprices r aer, tis no tioubl&in,show Qoslia A ii .istoo43& 4ss "Small Profits;,anck.,•Quick :Salesr ana V . GOODYEAR I DIFFENBIIkeg. Lebanon _ , ;'/aY ;0, 8 041V . -P. Y. ' S NEWGOO D : " , ,L k e c lo t to 4 1.) Market Square, AeAraitoq, Rae just peeiveir ' , a* ( 'ConeraK Aslielllrt i Of. Dry-Goods, Groceries, queensware, dice. WHIMS will be sold int the redlicedirprniel "of Particplernttentlon_is directed* his large assort. - mental* • • ' Ladies' Spring. Coats, and Hoop Skirts: Which for quality, price and variety, are not to be 119.-Purehasers are respectfully invited , to =entitle hie stock before purchasing elsewhere. P. S.—CASll.paid,for all Ends of Conntry , Prednee: Lebanon, .441[19, 1869. , READING:RIVILIOA T D, Winter ArrAng:oll4 T NOVEMBER 7th, 1864. ;=1- - . , irrt GREAT TRUNK.. LINE, 211.0410,11 E ROWED AND "Ur North-West forePHILADMPER - A, NEW-YORK, RRADINO,TCOTSVILLR,,ZRDANON, ALLENTOWN 4 BASTONote., Ao; "2, r 7.4 . . TrainsTetivellirrisintrg,toiNew York,,as follows . ;, At 3,ooand 8:15 A. M and P. M., arriviikAt'fty York at 10 A. M. and 2.45 and' 10.00 P. 54.",,,- - paesbig, Lebanortat 3.53;9:08 A. M.; and 2.50 -The above connect with similar Tinnia on 'the ailyania Rail Road, and' Sleeping Care 'acCoMi l ltuy. th' e first two tra ins, without change. '. Leave for Reading, Petteville, Allentown and Philadelphia 8.15' `2,:.'llr,`and 1.45 • P . . 14., stopping at Lebanon and prinnipal,Btationa only „Passing Lebanon et 9.08 A. 15.1.,1titd m a y Trains, stopping at all pointsi'it - 7.25' A. M. and ' 4.40 P. M., Passing Lebanenbt. and 5.53 P. 51;. Returning : 'retWKNOWriZerli - - ( at 9 A. ,51.,12 noon, and 7.00 P. Philinfellitilitlit 8 A. 31. and 3.30 ; Pottsville at 8.50 2.35 P. M. ; Tama. 'qua, at 8.10 A, M.-and 2.15 P. 51.; and Reading at - 1 .midnight, 7.35 andlo.4BA. 1.38 and -6.05 •. passing Lebanon at 2.00,-144, 11.58 A. M., and 2.35 and .7.241'. M. . • Reading Accommodation Train : --Leaves Readideat ,-, 8 - 3 _,O;A A. Mu.returntrig- from Philadelphia at 4.39 viin,,..nallaißailroad Trains leave Reading at 6.40 Mid it A. ni.-ftw i ßphrata,•Litisi Columbia, &c. -• • On Sundays,:. Leave Now York at 7 P. 51., Philadel. ,• phis 3 . 1 5 P. M.,.Pottsville 7.30 A. M., Tamaqua 7 Ai M.- Itarrieburg 8.15 A. M., passing Lebanon at 9.08 A. M., .and Reading at 12 midnight, for Ilarrifilnirg, passing Lebanon at 1.05 A. 51, 'Oninnuitatitn.,ltileage, Season,' Scheel. and Exeur-- Ilion Tickets to and from all points, at reduced Rates. Baggage - n*l4nd tbrongh : 80 pounds.allewed each pais:anger. • - 0. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent, y era tie r 23, ristun ILERETTETIiIi •EXIST, _I. Mg between C. C. LOWER and 11. W. RANA.; in the Wholesale Tobacco' Businese, uneer the ' flem'of LOWER & RANK, le this, day dissolved by! , mitual consent. The business of the late firm o beliettled by either of the partners at En. 346 North , Thita'St. • 10864. RANK, of theilate; firal o I f Lotrii, Itenh,o wilt eoutihue the ISuEritthsh as 4 ,hetetofore, at ecne . place. • W. RANK, , Philadelphia, July TEO