Ifttantot Nurtioer ~i'l'EAM JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Ia RINTI~TG: OP rsaNyongrue ER G 29 Oil OEI CI COD . 11' Neatly and Promptly Executed, at the ADITZRTIOER OFFICE, LEBANON, PEN'N'A Thus establishment is now supplied with an extensive assortment of JOE TYPE, which will be increased as tho patronage demands. It eon now turn out PRINTING, Of overy description, in a neat and expeditions manner— aryl on very reasonable terms. Such as Pamphlets, Checks, Business Cards, Handbills, Circulars, Labels, Bill Headings, Blanks, Programmes, Bills of Fara, Invitations, Tickets, dm .tom DUDS or all kinds, Common and Judgment BONDS. dehool, Justices', Constables' nod other BLUM, printed correctly and nently on the best paper, constantly kept for sale at this office, at prices "to suit the times." Rates of Jl.clvrertiosiirk.g. Sloe. It. Bt. Bm. Gm. ly. 1 Square, 12 lines, $ .50 $l.OO $B.OO $5.00 $ 8.00 2 " 24 liner, 1.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 3 " 30 lines 1.50 300 7.00 10.00 16.00 For Executor's arid Administrator's Notices, 2.00 For Assignee, Auditor and similar Notices, 1.60 For yearly Cards, not exceeding 0 lines, 3.00 For column advertisement, 1 year, 50.00 Po r ' ?2, t, au in n ". " " ?glib" For Annonnoingeandidates for office, in advance, 2.00 For-Announcing sale, unaccompanied by &Wt. 1.00 For. Loyd Notices, Society resolutions, he., 8 cts per line, For Bishops or Special Notices, 80 cents per line per year. Yearly advertisements for Merchants and Baei• nem men as agreed upon. 1. 4 ,* Subscription price of the...LEBANON ADVERTISER One Dollar and a Half a Year. Address. Wrt. M. Bineanni, Lebanon, Pa. DENTISTRY. .0 B. Wagner aims& NS M'S Artificial Teeth on Gold, Silver, Vulcanite, T at from $5 tos4o. Teeth filled at 75 cents and up wards. Residence and Mee, Cumberland street, East Lebanon, opposite Benson's Hotel. where he has been practising the last eight years. • Lebanon, April 5, 1885. JOHN P. BOWMAN, Surgeon 33eri.tirst 65Y ROOMS over Mr. Ad a * am Rise's Hat Store, Mo t I beriand St., Lebanon, Pe. Lebanon, March 29, 1 865 REMOVAL. S. T. MADAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HAS REMOVED hie Mee to Market Street, one door South of the American Mouse, better known as Matthew' Hotel. Lebanon, April 12,186 A. JOSIAH FUNCK, t tcyr ma.fo 73r At& Mil no svr. VFICE text door to the - First National Dank, (late Deposit Dank ,) Cumberland etreet, Lebanon, Pa. March 29,18136. J. HOFFMAN. (Late Oapt. in the 142 d Pa. Vet ~) 3Elcriamut3r, 331a.a15. pay AND Pension Agent. OFFICE WITH HON. J. W. HILLINGER, LEBANON, PA. Lebanon, March 16, 1866.—t.f. ARMY AND NA VY pENAToIt, NTY LA OUNTV. RACK PAY n AND ta BOUN- ND AGENCY. aatatLElß ug, t t r mi. v• ca. t Xi "t:717 . q lIIE undersigned, UV/mg been licensed to prosecute claims, and hiving been engaged in the Bounty and Pension boldness, offers hie services to all those who e thereto entitled, In accordance with the various sets of Congress. All such should call or address at mote, and make their appi Icat ions through HASSLER BOYER, Attorney at• Law, OFTICIi removed to Cumberland St., one door East of the Lebanon Valley Bank, opposite the Buck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. Ran. 6, '64. JOHN BENSON, ATTORNEY - AT -LAW. OFFICE with A. R. Boughteri Esq., Cumberland Street, nearly opposite the Oattrt Blouse. Lebanon, February 8, 1865. - - H. T. BlBlGititVg ----- ATTORNEY - AT - LAW) IMICE in Stlehter's Building, Cumberland Street O nearly opposite the Court House, Lebanon, Lebanon, June 16, 1864.—tf. CIERCS: P. mittEß Attorney-at-Ea-vv olftet7 a tia t u w t o or d e o ct o t 4 ne s a o % ro i t i dte k - a th rm e Leek hardware store. Lebanon; April 6,1864.4 y. ISJASSAGER ILBOYER,„ A;L:tt4c)x-xx Pir t XJ.O4, k IFFIGH removed to Cumberland street, one door' kir Haat of the Lebanon Valley Bank, opposite the Buck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. Van. 6,44. CA RANT WEIDMAN ATTORNFIV AT •-.IE,AW. IFFICE , In Cumobecland street, a few doors east of II the Eagle Hotel, In the office late of his father Capt. :John Weldman,dec'd. Lebanon. Sept. 8,1863. HENRY J. LIOHT, alrizsitioe , of the. Pormze. r UE eabecrlber, having been elected anotlce of the Peace, would respectfully inform the public that he la tiow•prepared to attend to the dotter of hie office, am well no the writing of Deeds ' Bootle, Agreenteuto, and all liuminesm pertaining to aScrivener. at 614 reel. derma In North Lebanon Townehlp, about two talks from Lebanon, neer the Tunnel, on the Union Forge 11 ItNILY 3. LICIIIT, N, Lebanon townebtp, May 3, 1365.-310, RBINIOV4IL. A. STANLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW , IMs removed lib °Mee to the betiding, 0111.1 door Vail of Lendermileh 'ekitore, opposite the Washing ton 'Home Lebanon, Pa. BOUNTY end PENSION claims promptly attended to [April B, L. R. DE LIQUOR STORE, Market •Illuare, oppositeibe Market House, Lebanon, Pa. pima undersigned respectinily Informs the public 1, that lie has received an- extensive stock of the choicest Nial purest Liquors of all descriptions. These •••• Litionle ho le Invariably disposed to sell at an .. ••••preeedentedly law prices. V Praggintni Partners, It Mel Keepers, and oth• era will conduit their own interests by buying of the Undersigned. L. K. DERG. air Also, for sale, Mitilitailt'S II KKK MITERS- Lebanon, April IC., 11303. COOPERING• rutilkl subscriber respectfully Informs the public 1, that ha has corammteed the tIftoCBRING Masi - nese at h is residence on Plank Road 17„,.. 41 " . /2,1' ' street, Ftbnia 11l square sm i th o f t h e ' 1 11 . = ~...-", , I First Betbrmed Church. Tubs ( ~' ' •..-.."'-- --., ', ill Bletnitt, Barrels, hogsheads Casks, '' ,-- : - '--; - 1 . , - . - IF 'or anything in his lino mad'e or ilk:- PAIRED lit short notice and on rea sonable tetras. lie solicits the patronage of the pub• Ile, feeling confident that his work will compare fav orably In workmanship and price with any other. - JOS 11 pu if. 0 ASS totp. Lebanon, April 5, 1855. . THE NEW BAKERY, 1111 E undersigned would reopectfully Inform the eit- L sena of Lebanon, that he has coremenced the BAK ING BUSINESS, In all its varieties, at his.stand, in Cumberland street, baremon, nearly opposite - the Buck Hotel, and will supply customers with the boot BREAD, CANA!, & 0., &o. Fleur received from customers and returned to them in bread at short uotice. CONFECTIONERIES, or all kinds, fresh and of the best quality, constantly on hand, sod furnished at the loweet prices. Th 3 public is invited to give me a Irbil. Lab no% May 4,1881, F. 'P. IL EMIR. For Rent. ROOMS on tho second-Moor of Bunch's Building J. adjolnyug the Advertiser Oftlee, are offered for Rent Mem the of Aprll. These rooms ere well located or nu oftlog, or meohankel business. Apyly to J. YOWL petitioa, Feb. 16,1855. 'cb anon VOL. 16--NO. 50. IMPORTANT TO ALL INVALIDS. IRON IN THE BLOOD• IT le well known to the medical profession that IRON is the Vital Principle or Life Element of the blood. Thia is derived chiefly from the food we eat ; but if the food is not properly digested, or if, from any cause whatever, the necessary quantity of iron le not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system suffers. The bad blood will irritate the heart, will clog up the lunge, will stupefy the brain, will obstruct the liver, and will amid Its disease-pro* ducing elements to all parts of the system, and every one will pilfer In whatever organs may be predisposed to disaiee.' The great value of IRON AS A MEDICINE Is well known and acknowledged by all medical IWO. The difficulty has been to obtain such a preparation of it as will enter the circulation and assimilate at once with the blood. This point,says Dr. Ira'yes, Massachu setts State Chemist, has been attained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combination in a way before unknown. The Peruvian Syrup is a protected solution of the PROTOgIDE OP IRON theM E TAVYNRY IN iIIFIDICINE, that Strikes at is Vital PrincipieTirraelaiiiiffiktriite- 14 “no ,v;th. The Peruvian Syrup Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy. Fever and Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Sp/rite. The Peruvian Syrup Infuses strength, vigor, and new life into the/vs/sin, and MAIM/ up an "Iron Constitution." The Peruvian Syrup Cores Ohroniu Ltiarrtnon, Scrofula, Built, Scurvy, Lo of Constitutional Vigor. The Peruvian Syrup Cures Nervous Affections, Female Complaints and nit diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder • The Peruvian Syrup I. a Specific for all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accomplutied by Debility or a Low State of the System, Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and recem• niendations from some of the most eminent Physician Clergymen, and others, will be sent free to any ad dress. We select a few of the names to show the characte of the testimonials. JOHN E. WILLIAMS, ESQ., President of the Metropolitan think, New York, REV. ABEL BTEVENS, Latta Editor Christian Advocate and Jonrual REV. I'. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle. Rev. John Plerpont, Lowie Johnson, M. D., Rev. Warren Burton, Roswell Kinney, M. D., Rev. Arthur B. Buller, S. K. Bendel], M. D.. Rev. Gordon Robbins, W. It. Chisholm, M .D., Rev. Sylvania Cobb, Francis Dana, M. D. Rev. T. Starr King, J. Antonio Senates, M. D., Rev, Ephraim Note, Jr., Abraham Wendell, M. D., Rev. Joseph 11. Clinch, A. A. Hayes, N. D., Rev. Henry Upham, 3. It. Chilton. ill. 1)., Rev. P. O. Headley, It. E. Kinney, M.D., Rev. John W. Olmstead, Jerem Jab Stone ,M. D. Prepared by N. L. CLARK & CO., exclusively Or J. P. DINEMORE,No. 01 Broadway, Now York. Bold by all Druggists Redding's Russia Salve. - Beals Old Sore?. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Burns, Scalds, Cuts. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Wounds, Bruises, Sprains. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Bala, Ulcers, Cancers. riedding'S fitlbeicc - earc, Cures Salt Menem, Piles, Erysipelas. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Ringworms, Corral, &c., NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Only 25 cents a box FOR BALE BY J. Y. DINSMORE. No. 491 Broadway, Now York. S.W. FOWLS & CO. No. IA Tremont St., Boston, And by all Druggists and Country Storpkeepers. June 28, 18434.—1y.e0w. The Phoenix Pectoral WILL CURE YOUR COUGH, THE PIHENIX PECTORAL OR COMPOUND SYRUP OF 'WILD CHERRY AND SENEKA SNAKE ROOT, - WILL CORE THE DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. uch as olds, oughs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hoarsness, hooping Cough, &c. ITS TIMELY 15SE WILL PREVENT pulmonary Consumption ND EVEN WHERE THIS FEARFUL DISEASE A has taken bold it will afford greater relief than any other medicine. Miss Kate Vanderslice of Pottsville, says, "I was benefited more by using the Phoenix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever used." Elias Oberhaltser, Lionville, Cheater comity, was cured of a cough of many years' standing by using the Phoenix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of hall street, Phoenixville, certifies that ho wos cured of a cough of two years standing, when all other medicines bad failed, by the use of the Phoenix Pectoral. Jacob Powers certifies that ho has sold hundreds of bottles of the Phoenix Pectoral. and that all who used it bear testimony of Its wonderful effects in curing coughs. John R.syer, editor of the Independent Piton - ix, hav ing used it, has no hesitation in pronouncing it a com plete remedy for cough, hoarseness and irritation in the throat. .• The West Chester Johrersonitin says : "We have known Dr. Oberholtler personally a number of years, and it gives us the greatest pleasure to recommend his medicines, inasmuch a' the public rarely bare the benefit of family medicines prepared by a physician of his acquirements and experience. "Dr. Oberhultzer is a member of the Alumni of the Medical Department at the University of Pennsylvania, at which institution Ito graduated in 1854." Parrsrows, January 3d, 18135. This certifies that I have used the Phoenix Pectoral In nvy family,and I recommend It to the public ae the Tory best remedy for Coughs and Colds that I have ever tried. One of my children was taken with a cold accompanied with a Croupg.Cough • so bad indeed that it could not talk or scarcely breathe. Having heard so much said about the Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose relieved the difficulty or breathing and before the child had taken one•fourth of the bottle it wax entirely well. livery family should have It to their house. Signed, ' D. I'. CILOSIIY. Mrs. Mary Butler. mother of 'Lion. Wm. Butler, President Judge of the Chester and Delaware Districts, says that she cannot do without the Phoenix Pectoral. Dr. George B. Wood, Professor of the Practices of Medicine In the University of Pennsylvania Hospital, and ono of the anthers or the United States Dispensa tory, Rays of the Soneka Snake Root : "Its action is osOolally directed to the lungs." The proprietor of this medicine lott so much cenfi dance in its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will he re funded to any parelta.er who is not satisfied with its effects. It is SO pleasant to hike that children cry for it . It costs only 35 cents—large bottles ONE DOLLatt.— lt is intended for only one class of diseases, namely those of the tunas and MOAT. Prepared only by Levi Oberholttor, M. D., Phcenix villa, Pa. Johnston Holloway A Cowden, No. 23, N.Sisoth et. Philadelphia, and T. O. Wells & Co. N0.,115 Franklin at,, New York, General Wholesale Agents. Bold wholesale and retail by J. L, Lemberger, Dr. Oeu. Roes and D. 8. Reber, Lebanon, and by nearly every druggist and storekeeper In Lebanon county. N. B.—lf your nearest druggist or storekeeper tdoes not keep this medicine do not let Ilia put you off with some other medicine, because-Is makes more money on it, but send at once to one of the Agents for it. March 8,1885.-6 m. --- The Bridal Chamber. A NOTE of warning and advice to titan suffering 11, with Seminal Wealth efts, General Debility, or Premature Decay, from whatever mum produced.— Road, ponder, and reflect I Be wise in time. Sent FREE to any address, for the benefit of the af flicted . Sent by return mail. Address JAMES S. BUTLER, 420 Broadway, New York. Axil 19* /8610,4 m -ffii%rtflaitfou. ADVENTURE OF A RANGER. We do not know that we can fill a column more profiNiltdy, than by re lating an adven.tureeof our neighbor and friend Mr. Higgins, as we have heard it from his own mouth. He resides within a few miles of Vanda lia, and receives a pension from the United States for his services. Mr. Higgins is a man of strict veracity ; his companions _have corroborated his narrative, and his wounds afford ample proof of his courage and suf ferings% Tom Higgins, as ho is usually call ed, is a native of Keutucky; and is one of the best examples extant of the genuine backwoods-man. During h h lifthad lei:ll 6 l'TO 01.11, 4 - nin Aktfre of mounted men, raised expressly for the protection of the western fron tier. On the 30th of August 1814, he vas one of a party of twelve men under the command of Lieutenant Journey, who were posted at Hill's Station, a small stockade, about eight miles south of the present village of Greenville, and something more than twenty miles from Vandalic. • These towns were not then in existence; and the surrounding country was one vast wilderness. During the day last mentioned-, Indian signs were seen about half a mile from the Sta tion, and at night they were seen prowling near the fort, but no alarm was given. On the following morn ing early, Mr. Journey moved out with his party in pursuit of the In dians. Passing around the fence of a cornfield adjoining the fort, they struck across the prairie, and had not proceeded more than a quarter of a mile, when in Crossing a small ridge, which was covered with a ha zel thicket, and in full view of the station, they fell into an ambuscade of the Indians, who rose suddenly around them, to the number of 70 or 80, and fired: Four of the party were killed, among whom was Lieut. Journey; one other fell badly wound• ed, and the rest fled, except Higgins. It was an uncommonly sultry morning, the day was just dawning; a heavy dew had fallen the preceding night, the air was still and humid ; and the smoke from the guns hung in a heavy cloud over the spot. Un der cover of this-cloud, Higgins' sur viving companions bad escaped, sup. posing that all were left dead, or that at all A-V4ll - 11F.-.; t—w-au Id. be....rash•naaa—to. attempt to rescue them from so over• whelming a force. Higgins' horse had been shot through the neck, and fell to his knees and rose again sev. oral times. Believing the animal to be mortally wounded, he dismounted, but finding that the wound had not greatly disabled him, he continued • to held the bridle; for as he now felt confident of being ale to mike good his retreat he determined to fire off his gun before he retired. He looked round for a tree. There was but one, and he made for this, intending to shoot from behind but at this moment the cloud of smoke•rose partially before . him, disclosing to his view a number of Indians, none of whom discovered him. One of them stood within a few paces loading his gun, and at him Higgins took a deliberate aim and fired, the Indian fell. Mr. Higgins still concealed by the smoke, re-load ed his gun, mounted and turned to fly, when a low voice near him hailed him with, Tom, you won't leave •me? On looking round, he discovered the speaker to be one of his companions named Burgess, who was lying wounded on the ground, and he re plied instantly, no, I'll not leave you; come along, and I'll take care of you. I can't come, replied Burgess, my leg is smashed all to pieces. Higgins sprung from his saddle, and picked up his comrade, whose ankle bone was broken, in his arms, he proceeded to lift him on his horse, telling him to fly, and that he would make his way on foot. But the horse taking fright at this instant, darted off, leaving Higgins with his wound ed friend on foot. Still the cool bra very of the former was sufficient for every emergency, and setting Bur gess down gently, he told him now my good friend, you must hop off on your three legs, while I stay between you and the Indians and keep them off—instructing him at the sometime to get into the highest grass and crawl as close to the ground as possi ble. Burgess followed his advice and escape , ' unnoticed. History does not relate a more disinterested act I of heroism, than this of Higgins, who having in his hands the certain means of escape from such imminent danger voluntarily gave them up, by offering his horse to a .wounded comrade; and who when that generous inten tion was defeated, and his own re treat was still practicable, remained at the hazard of his life, to protect his crippled friend. The cloud of smoke which had partially . opened before him as he faced the enemy, still lay think behind him, as he plunged this, ho, left it together with the ridge, and the hazel thicket be tween him and the main body of the Indians, and was retiring unobserved by them. Under these circumstane- I es ' it is probable that if he had re treated in a direct lino towards the station he might easily have affected his escape; but Burgess was slowly crawling away in that direction, and the gallant Higgins, who cooly sur veyed the whole ground, foresaw. that if he pursued the same track, Burgess should be endangered. , He therefore LEBANON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1865. took the heron resolution of diverg ing from the rue course, so far, as that any of tit enemy who should linger behindvould not fall in with Burgess. Wth this intention, he moved stealthily - along through the saokc and bushes, in tending when he emerged, to retreat at, full speed. :But as be left the thicket, he biheld a large Indian near him, twctothers on the side in the direction ofthe fort. Tom coolly r l surveyed his ft) , and began to chalk out hie track, f although fn the con fidence of his •tivity and courage, he felt undismayed at such odds, yet he found it .neceissary to act the gen eral. Havinganenemy on each flank, he determined to separate them and fight them singly. Liking for a ra vine, which was not far off, he bound• ed away, but soon found that one of his limbs failed him, having received a ball in the fit.47 - 1,17 - ticeti l l l- lif; - 11nebr - -I`ad,,ioAß as following him closely. Higgins several times turn ed to fire, but the Indian would halt and dance about - to prevent him from taking aim; and Tom knew that he could not afford to fire at random.— The other two were now close upon him and he found that unless he could dispose of the first one he must be overpowered. He therefore halt ed determined to receive a fire, and the Indian, at a few paces distant raised his rifle, Higgins watched his adversary's eye, and 'just as he thought his finger pressed the trig. ger, suddenly threw his aide to him. It is probable that this motion saved his life, for the ball entered his thigh which would have pierced his body. Tom fell, but rose again and ran, and the largest Indian certain of hisprey, loalled again and then with the two others, pursued. They soon came near. Higgins bad fallen, and as he rose, they all three fired, and he re ceived all their balls. He now fell and rose several times, and the In dians throwing away their guns, ad• vanced on him with spears and knives. They frequentlY charged upon him, but upon his presenting his gun at one or the other they fell back. At last the largest Indian thinking prob ably from Tom's reserving his fire so long, that his gun was empty, charg ing boldly up to him; and Higgins, with a steady aim shot him dead. With four bullets in his body with an empty .gun, two Indians before him, and a whole tribe but a few rods off, althost any other man would have despaired.. Bat Tom Higgins had no such notion. The Indian whom he had laSt slain was the most er-....i5q-cnre-rur "a,R: Vas u - little fear of the others. He bad been near enough to see their eyes, and he knew human nature sufficient. ly to discover that he was their . su perior in courage.• He therefore faced them and began to load his ri fle. They raised a whoop and rushed on him. They liept their distance as long as my rifle was loaded, said he, but now whefi they knew it was empty they were better soldiers. A fierce and .bloody contest ensued.. The Indians rushing upon Tom, stab bed him in many places; but it hap pened, fortunately, that the shafts of their spears were thin poles rigged hastily for this occasion, which bent whenever the point struck a rib, or encountered the opposition of one of Higgins tough muscles. From 'this cause and the continual exertion of his hand and rifle in warding off their thrusts, the wounds thus made, were not deep, but his whole front was covered with gashes of which the scars yet remain in honorable proof of his valor. At last one of them threw his tomahawk ; the edge' sunk deep in Higgin'a cheek, passing through his car which it severed, laid bare his skull to the back of his bead, and stretched him on the plain; The Indians rushed on; Tom instantly recovered his self possetsion and kept them off with his feet and hands, un til he succeeded in grasping one of their spears, which, as the Indians attempted to pull it from him aided hi in to rise; and clubbing his rifle he rushed upon the nearest of his foes, and dashed his bruins out; in doing which, he broke the stock to pieces, retaining only the barrel in his hand. The other Indian, howev er warily lie hpf - fitight before, now came manfully into battle. It is probable that he felt his character as a warrior at stake. To have fled from a man desperately wounded and almost disarmed, or to have suffered his victim to escape would have tar nished his manhood. Uttering a terrific yell, be rushed on, attenipt ing to stab the exhausted ranger, while the latter warded off the blow with one hand and brandished his rifle barrel in the other. The Indian un wounded was now by far the most powerful man. But the moral Liner: , ago of our hero _prevailed, and the savage, unable to bear the fierce glance of his untamed eye, began slowly to retreat towards the place where he had dropped his rifle: Tom knew that if the Indian recovered his gun his own case was hopeless; and throwing away his rifle barrel, he drew hie hunting knife, and rush ed in upon him. A desperate strife ensued, and several deep gashes wore • inflicted, but the Indian succeedecrin casting Higgins from him, and ran to the spot where be had thrown down his gun, while Tom searched for the gun of the other Indian. Thus the two, bleeding and out of breath: were searching for arms to renew the conflict. •By thig time the smoke which lay between the combatants and the main body of the Indians had passed away, and a number of the latter a • ~ . ,t it Alf . ~ having passed a hazel thicket, were in full view. It seemed, therefore, as if nothing could save our heroic ranger. But relief was at hand.— The little garrison at the station, six or seven in number, had- witnessed the whole of this remarkable com bat. There was among them a heroic woman, a Mrs. Parsley, who when. she saw: Higgins contending singly With 'the foe urged the men to go to his rescue. The rangers at first con ' sidered the case as hopeless, as the Indians out numbered, them ten to one. But Mrs. Parsley declared that so fine a fellow as Torn should not be lost for want of help, snatched a rifle out of her husband's hand, and junip- , ing on a horse, sallied out. The men who would not be outdone by a wo man, followed, full gallop, towards, the place of combat. A. scene of in idatigAlkust ensued. The Indians Tom, and were rushing down to wards him with savage yells ; his friends were spurring their horses to reach him first—Higgins exhausted 1 with loss of blood had fallen and fainted. While his adversary, too intent on his prey to observe any.: thing else, was looking for a rifle.- The rangers reached the battle ground first. Mrs. Parsley, who knew Tom's spirit, thought he had thrown himself down in despair for the loss of his gun, and tendered him the one she carried ; but Torn was past shooting. His friends lifted him up, threw him across a horse before one of his party, and turned to re treat just as the Indians came up.-=: They made good their retreat; and the Indians retired. After being carried into the fort, he remained insensible for some'days, and his life was with some - difficulty preserved by his friends, who extract ed all the bullets but two, which re mained in his thigh ; one of which gave him a great deal of pain for several years, although the flesh was healed. At length he beard that a physician had' settled within a day's ride of him, whom he went to see.— The physician was willing to extract the ball, but asked the moderate sum of fifty dollars for the operation.— This, Tom flatly refused to give, as it was more than a half year's pen sion. And as he rode home be turn ed the matter in his mind, and deter mined upon a cheaper plan. When he reached home he requested his wife to hand him a razor. The exer cise of riding so chafed the part, that the ball which usually was not dis covered to the touch, could be felt.— IRA t tiVindf l ijaub-Oleas% thigh until the edge of the xazor touched the bullet, and inserting his two thumbs into the gash, fired it out, as he assured us, without costing a cent. The other ball remains in his limbs yet, but gives him no trou ble except when be uses violent exer cise. He is now one of the rpost suc cessful hunters in the country, and it still takes the best kind of a man to handle him. RODS An JEWELRY. A prominent featurein the person al appearance of all men and women is the hang. It is, also, one of the most neglected. In fact, the only two classes of men I know of who invariably care for their hands properly are the gamblers and chiropodists. The in herent good taste of the other sex shows up brilliantly in this particu- I ar. But people generally hack off their nails with dull knives, and scrape the roots so that they are rough' and one-sided and fluffy. A very little care, even when one is engaged in manual occupations, will suffice to keep the nails smooth, regular, and rosy ;and that a great deal. were absolutely have seen many hands that were absolutely an indecent exposure, Some of my readers will say, per haps, that I wish to encourage and promote foppishness. :• I don't know but that they are right. The foppish man is a clean man, and in these days-it is better to be clean than to be rich. The dangerous people are ' never foppish. The drunkards, the thieves, the pot house politicians, the 'rioters —these are not the felloWswhestand before mirrors half an hour .every morning and require two glasses to part their back hair by. The amount of uncleanliness that 0)1C encounters, even amongrother-' wisp respectable people, is appalling. The average morning ablution, among a majority of men, is merely a superficial rinse, in cold water, of the thee—and of the hands, from the wrist 'downward. Once a week, -it may be, they are more thorough, but it would take a purer man than . 1 ever saw, to keep reasonably clean on one bath a week. The only deduction I can draw from all this is, that most people are dirty. There is no excuse for it. The poorest, as well as the richest, can af ford soap and water ; 'and it is by no means the poor alone that I am writ ing about. In the matter of dress, we arc naturally somewhat hampered by pecuniary circumstances. A cheap tailor can hardly take as much time to devise an elegant garment as should be bestowed upon it, and • cheap cloth is not so agreeable to the wearer as a finer fabric. There are some poor devils who never can look well dressed. 'We have all known snob. They may go WHOLE NO. 832 to the most fashionable tailors and pay the most awe-inspiring , priers, but somehow, when fully rigged, with all the care that they are capable of, they have an undeniable air of hav ing slept in their clothes. These, we can only pity, and pray for. There is no help for them. Others again,, have a happy facul ty of looking llest in ancient habili ments. I know a man who can take a hat a year old, brush it and go forth to be selected by his intimates as the • wearer of•a new one. If he hangs up a classic coat for two months, and then wears if, again, the more pordus of his friends insist upon his 'wetting' it at the nearest bar-room. The truth-of the matter is,. as a crony, of mine enunciates it, when one feels well ,dreeSed one looks so, and only then: • It is not, -a difficult matter for a man whose costume, is irreproacha. lA. smoil all by a single _piece of - • Our diamonds are the precious rocks on which we are apt to split. The cluster diamond—either as a pin or a ring --should be deft sacred to the Ethiopian delineator. It be longs to . him; I wouldn't give six pence for him without it ; and for any one else to pirate it, is a cruel imposition at the least. The purple amethyst seal-rine is very admissible. So is any other seal save that cheap looking white one with a masonic emblem on it. I don't object to emblems at all, but that is not the way to wear them. Neither do I love the seals engrav ed with mysterious and occult hiero glyphs. They suggest nothing, ex cept, perhaps, that other learned seal at Barnum's. After - the seal ring, wear a single stone only; a diamond is the bright est and best of its race. I need not say that a large one is to be pre ferred. Never purchase a scarfpin rashly. Give your days and nights to the choice of a design, before you buy.— Let it be small, simple, and have some color about, it. If you must rush into the gorgeous and startling anywhere, waste : your money on sleeve buttons. Occasional glimpses only are seen of these, and they may be like glimpses into the mines of Golconda, if you choose. But keep your heart pure and your scarf-pin simple Recollect that it comes at about the height of your lady love's oyes ; and further, recollect that it has, so to speak, your whole personal appear ance by the throat. - haYbeStyob dAiegrgb this article of ornament. If you ,do, be sure you draw it mildl • By strict attention to these few mandates I have here laid down, those who are beautiful may increase in beauty, and those who have been homely, may cease to be so longer. If eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, it is also the price of good looks. By unremitting attention on ly, can we arrive at the fulfillment of that part of the whole duty of man, which demailds that we shall present agreeable emotions to the optic nerves of our neighbor. Amnesty Proclamation By the President. By the Prestclo,nt of the Unites States of America, A PROOLAM.A.TION. Whereas, the President of the United ' States, on the Bth day of December, A. D , eighteen hundred and sixtyithree, and on the 26th day of March, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, did, with the ob ject to pappress the existing rebellion, to induce all persons to return to their loyalty, and to reatote the authority of the United States, issue proclamations offering amnea ty and pardon to certain persona who had directly or, by implication participated in the said rebellion; And whereas, Many persons who had E o engaged in said rebellion have, since the issuance of said Proclamation, failed or neglected to take the bent tits offered th , reby ; And whereas, Many persons who have been justly deprived of all claim to am nea'y nod pardon thereunder, by reason of their participation, directly or by implica tion, in said rebellion and continued hos tility to the government of the United States since the date of said proclamation, now desire to apply for and obtain amnesty and pardon. To the end. therefore. that the authority of the government of the. United States may be restored, and that peace, order and freedom may he establiabed.: I. Andrew Johbsoy, President of the United States, do proclaim and declare that . I hereby grant to all persons who have directly or indirectly participated in the existing rebellion, except as hereinafter excepted, amnesty and pardon, with resto ration of all rights of property. except as to slave:, and except in ca-eit where legal prat:et-dines under the laws of the United Suites proviaine for the cot flea :lion of property of persors eitgaged, i rebellion have been inetituted ; but upon the 4,,untii Mon, nevertheiess, that every s: deb person shall take end eobser.be to the I' ilewieg oath or uffirmetion, and theeceforward keep and maintain ialld oath i violete ; sad which oath hull be registe-ed tor perm.A. tient preseohitieti, and shail be of the tenor and effect folio lihg, to wii : Ido solemily eweer o r affirm, in the presence of Almighty G,d, that I will henceforth faithfully eupport, p7oteet, end defend the Coostitution of the, Uuittd States awl the Union of the. States there ander, and that I manner, abide by end t support ail laws and proclarnetiona which i have been made dur• log the eamiting rebeflion with ref, rence to the emancipation of slaves. So help me God. The following' class& of pereona are ex cepted fiom the benefite of OMB proclama tion : First. Alt who are or shall have been pretended civil or diplomatic officers, or otherwise domestic or fomign agents of the pretended confederate. government. Second. All who left judicial stations Wit Affittrfititr. A FAMILY PAP.F.R FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY, IS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY - - . By Wk. BRESLLN, 2d Story of Boners Now. Building, Ciunberlatia St At One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year. AnviiaIISESERNTS inserted at the usual rates. 'VA 4dIANDBILLS Printed at an boors notice. BATES OF POSTAGE. In Lebanon County, postage free In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon county 5 .cents pet quaiter, or 20 cents a year. Out of tbie State, 63,4 cta. per quarter, or 26 cte, a yew If the postage is not paid in advance, rates are double under the United States, to aid the rebel lion. Third. All who shall have been military or naval-officers of said pretended confed. erate government, above the milk of colo nel in the army or lieutenant in the navy. Foarth. All who left seats in Congress of the United States to aid the' rebellion. Fifth. All who resigned or tendered resignations of their commissions in the army or navy of the United States to evade duty in resisting the rebellion. Sixth. All wbo have engaged in any way in treating otherwise than' lawfally, as prisoners of war; persons found in the United States service, as officers,•soldiera, seamen, or in other capacities. " Seventh. All persona who have been, or are, absentees from the United States for the purpose of hiding the rebellion. Eighth. All military and naval officers in the rebel service who were "educated by the government in the Military Academy at West Point or the United States Naval Academy., Ninth, All persons who held the pre tended offices of Governors of States in insurrection against the United States. -- Tenth.. j #.llpersons who left their homes within theurisdiaiotr and protection of the United States and passed beyond the Federal military lines into the so-called confederate States for the purpose of aid ing the rebellion. Eleventh. All persons .who have been engaged in the destruction of the com merce of the United States upon the high seas, and all persons who have made raids into the United States from Canada, or been engaged in destroying the commerce of the United States upon. the lakes and rivers that separate the British provinces from the United States,• Twelfth. All persons who at the time when they seek to obtain the benefite hereof by taking the oath herein prescribed are in military, naval or civil confinement or custody, or under bowie of the civil, military or naval authorities or agents of the Un:ted States as prisoners of war or persons detained for offences of any kind, either before or after conviction. Thirteenth. All persons who have vol• umarily participated in said rebellion, and the estimated value of whose taxable pro. party is over twenty thousand dollars. Fourteenth. All persons who have taken the oath of amnesty, as prescribed in the President's proclamation of De cember Bth, A. D. 1863, or an oath of alls• giance to the government of the United States 'rune the date of said proclamation, and who have not thenceforward kept and maintained the same inviolate. Provided, that special application may be made to the President for pardon by any person belonging to the excepted classes,and such clemency will be liberally extended as may be consistent with the facts of the case and the peace and dignity of the United States. The Secretary of State will establish rules and regulations for administering and recording the said amnesty oath, so as to insure its benefit to the people and guard the government against fraud. In testimony - whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of 'the United States to be affixed. "nnno _Abst_ _c„,432.-cd.,121r.. } year of cur Lord one thotaurrrd iL. S. eight hundred and sixty-five, and of tue independence of the United States the eighty-ninth. ORBW JOHNSON. By the Presideot : WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State. [From the Springfield {Base.,) Republican A RELIGIOUS CIVILWAR. The question seems to be an ab surd one and yet, some of the secta rian newspapers are discussing it and attempting to prepare the public mind for it. They could hardly un dertake a more wicked and mischiev ous work ; but they assume to be merely giving needful warning of what must soon come. The pretense is that the Roman Catholics have a deep plot to get possession of the Government of the United States, destroy her free institutions, make their religion the state religion, and in fact establish a despotism, with perhaps the Pope in person at its bead ;at any rate with all the hide ous machinery of the inquisition to torture us into support of its faith and authority. The description giv en of the frightful things to be done by the Pope's government of the United States, when Billy establish ed, are enough to make one's blood freeze with horror, if read with seri ousness and credulity. The mon strous barbarities of the darkest of the dark ages are all to be reproduc ed here. What do our protestant editors mean by attempting to ex cite such sectarian alarm and hostili ty ? It is impossible to suppose that they believe there is any cause for it. They bring no facts to show that the Catholics of this country seek politi cal power as a sect, or that they car ry their sectarianism into politics.— In fact, they are less obnoxious to this charge than the Protestants, for while in many parts of the country a Catholic cannot be nominated for any office because of the fact that Protestants will not vote for Catho lics, we never heard of an instance of a Catholie.refusing to vote for the candidate of his party because of his .being a protestant. If there is any bigotry in this matter, the Catholic is by no means the chief offender.— But let us see what some of the prophets of evil have to say. This is from the Boston Recorder, the organ of the first' proof Orthodoxy in Mas sachusetts : "The real extent of Romish.control at this moment is unexpected. It may be sufficient in 1866 to give us a President, two-thirds of both houses of Congress, and the Governors and a Majority' in both houses of three fourth's of all the States. An Amend ment of the Constitution could thus be effected, making Papacy the na tional religion and the only one to be tolerated. But the most Sanguine may not hope so much so soon.— Rome may see it safe. to aspire no further in 1868 than for a Vice Presi dent. To make a President of him would need but a skillful dose of poi son—a trifle that Rome never want ed when the motive was adequate.—