The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, April 26, 1865, Image 1

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    ) 01 41 rinting:
my EIMPUDI32OOP inemasclunziamPacors - 3.
Neatly and Promptly Extauted, th<
Tins establishment is now supplied with an extensive
assortment or JOB TVA% Which will be increased u the
patronage demands. It can now turn out PIINI7IIO, of
every description, in a neat and expeditious manner—
audon very reasonable terms. Such as
Pamphlets ) Cheeks,
Business Cards, Handbills,
Circulars, Labels,
Bill Headings, Blanks,
Programmes, Bills of Fare,
invitations, Tickets, &a., Ike.
sir DIEM of all kinds. Oonunon and Judgment BONDS.
1141001;3W1110416 Ommtabletaiur other Mance, printed
earreettY and neatly on the beet papa, constantly kept
for sale at this office, at prim' "to suit the times."
o'elPittlbscrlption price of the LEBANON ADVBETIBBR
Otte lkdlar and *Male a Tear.
Addeo's. Wu. M. Bantry Lebanon, Pa.
Il B. Wagner.,
NSIRTS Aitifiatal Teeth on Gold, Bitter, Vulcanite,
M from $5 to $4O. Teeth tilled at 75 cents and .np
wards. Residence and Mee, Cumberland street, Nut
Lebanon, amine Benson's Hata. where he has been
ractising the last slab% years.
Lebanon, April 5, 1865.
, Olkairigeoc.33.
tionty's New Building, oppoeite the
ki lag rioter, tebanon • Ps.
Lebanon, January 95, IsO.
t gat
• •:- over ?dr.
`II dd.
r u ZW lstGrn
lti erl St., Ps.
lebatton. Starch lted.
JILASII.IOIOIIZD hie office to 'Market Street, one door
sOugt °Otte American Howie, better"-known se
Hotti. •
Lebanon, April 12,1804.
. A
*Lighilvil3o;:mrelnirretNnaettk:alltnokti ( take
March 49,11306,
1101 4 itIAN.
(Late. Capt. in Om ind Pa. p o w
Makcas. i3say-
Pension Agent.
einnor. WITH HONON,
N, 3.
Lebanon, March 15, 180.-0.
ant •
rft, UO7lll O
AL'ltitCoz-zz.erv.malbt =7-1114,1M7'.
undersined, having been licensed to prosecute
1, chime, and having been engaged in the Bounty and
Pension business, offers his services to all those who
a. thereto entitled, In accordance with the various
acts of Congress. All such should call or address at
one., end make their applications through
BABBLER BOYER, Attorney etZaw,
°moo COMMA to Cumberland St., ono
door East of the Lebanon Valley ,Bani, opposite
the Back Uotel, Lebanon, Pa. [Jan. 6,'64.
etMCllleiltb A. Beaststee, Esq., Cumberland
Mreet, nearly opposite thiamin House. ,
Lebanon, Nabrnarre, 11166.
(AMOR Sticbter's Building, Cumberland Street
1J nearly opposite the Court Houle, Lebanon.
Lebanon, June 1.5,
Artnic. In Italuatatreat, neatly' otipodte - thelletek
UP hotel, snd two doors 'oath (re.* garmany'e
hardware store.
Lebanon, April 6,1664.-Iy.
A., is it cs x* rt. -sr is, It MIEVIVIT
011iON removed to Oumberlapd street, one door
East of the Lebanon Valley B*nk. opposite the
Buck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. [Jan.
Office North. West orner of Water
and Market Streets
X. n I.IIEI3ELALIVC 3 P I V, Z 4.44.
I,Bbsun , NOV. 18, 1883.-Iy.*
RNEY In Curobberlend street, • few &ore east of
IL/ the Eagle Hotel, In the OM* late of hie fattier
Capt. John Wehtman,deed.
Lebrinon. Sept. 9,1883.
Nee removed bie oMee to the building, one door: IM
of Laudermileb 'Whore, oppositethei Vitutbington Muse
Lebanon. Ps.
BOUNTY. and .1 1 111 4 1BION otaitlif pruriently attended
L. R. DE
Market Square, oppositethe Market - Eons', Lebarsieg,.. :. Pa.
rll/114 undersigned respectfully , Informs ti.• „public
that be bee received en extensive stock of
ebolisest end purent Liquors er all description'', Thaw
4 Liquor site beitivartabil . disposed to sell •at
,recedentedly low prices.
Drugglots. Stainers, Ilittel Keipers , and oth
ers consult their own intereit&by boying of the
otidthligned. L. IL DRS°.
Lebanon, April 16, Idea.
George 00' louts
Itt .
v o.
. _
. ._
1r . Si'QRT,A.TION L : .
y Lebanon Valley Railroad. '
PARTIOULAR a ttention will be paid-to Goode shipp
-441.4 the Lotyinon Valley Railroad. Goods will be
want dailrlto god frOm Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers-
Sown aneleimville Stations; and ill other points In the
loRC 31.
'OLIO contracted ice at distend Paesible rates
leered with dispatch.
Tbs proprietor will pay particular attention to land
trend porsooally, to the receiving and delivery of all
Preights. .-
lop (upilitnationopply at hie °Mee at the Lebanon
*alley itahley i Detot, Lebanon.
Jammu) Rilkhis Agent in Philadelphia, will a l .
ways be ibri id 13r: H. Best's Merchant , : Held, North
Third st„ Alantiallbtin.
May 4, '614: J '
MR* sitislcriber respectfully inform. the public
_L that he kis commenoed the COOPRRING Bust.
4;nese at hie residence on Plank Road
. ▪
. e m e , A, street, aboot a square south of the
—,- ' First Reformed Church. Tube,
V Stands. Barrels, llomiheads, Casks,
w' or anything in his line made or RR
. PAIRICD at short notice and on rea
ednable terms, He es:Melte the patronage of the pub.
... lie, feeling confident that Ida work will compare fav
orably in workmanship and price with
.mey other.
i Lebanon, April 5, 1855. JOSRPII R. O.AB6.ICRT.
wins ii, to notify eJlearpentere and Cabinet makers
/ A th at no . NM throning will be paid by the Direr..
, / tors of the Poor for poor pereone dylog within a circle
of the miles of th e Poor Hauge • se all such persons
will be furniabeg.wlth Coffins free of expense on appli.
Wien to the &award at the Poor flown.
iblAll 'WALBORN, Diree:ore of the Poor.
ONO. rametiamAN,
May 27,1668.
ITlMl.Obloribir olieri at iiiiate Oak, a TWO 040-
GROUND, (Ikelstirlot. No .11n Uhler's addltkon
ilko LieberutY lanai(' ou the Old low Road
In *lv orllVlthathiipait tif sad hogongh,—
Ifor pakitoolaro 14
. Iply' to •
-Zotmoon, asooot7 26, 1566. - .
Assignee's Notice.
PTmoil V bamrlAtitiven that MILLU
and ILIZABBm, wile, of the towaeltU!
Wen, Letionon county, Pg. ; -Mow ,
property an4olfeehi to the undeni g lied im OZ ScW.'
ship, noordrandltatosibrendd, tof
crlditore, All T otems haulmclaims appaitriiiiiir
PartiseAe. Irenlamatliou4ndebted, ere regenAed to
of J0A*112.11211.1111,-
And i teet hn E. Misr end wife.
Dolan tenteldp,AprO 12,1665.-4 i,
VOL. 18---NO. 44.
f -
)L 451
Whilst trying Coffee +Atilt the Tartans brands. .
Remember "BROWNING'S RXIISLISIOR"—at the heed
. it stands. . . ,
True, It'enot like others that are "SOU) EVERT
WHERN." • • .
A little stretch, we all do know, gad gooda rilll easily
bear '
(But a etreteh like this.'Wold everywhere—l s rer
apt to tear.)
Now, I can wifely say, without any hesitation.
There's none like "BROWNING'S BXCIELBIOR" in
this enlightened nation.
Skilled ehemiete hare. not found a Coffee from any
Poetlemming the same Ingredients se "Browning's
Nor le there any one, In or• out of the Coffee trade.
Who knows the artiste. from which "Browning's
Excelsior's" made..
I'm told its made from barley, ryti, wheat, beans; and
Name a thousand other things—hut the RIGHT ONE
ifyou please.
But with the Coffee men I will not held contention
For the many, many things.they . say-rtoo numerous
to mentam. .
Whilst they're engaged in running round from store
to store
To learn the current wholesale price of "Browning's
ANUS who know my Co ff ee glyee perfect satisfaction,
Have firmed a plan by which they hope to eons* a
quick reaction.
The eire--'tis with a few; no deobtAwill be more—
To name their Coffee , after mine, (BROWNING'S
Some sty tholes the only brand that will stand a
ready test. .
Now,try a little of them all—see which you like the
Three year's have passed away since I first . sold a
Never have I in your paper advertised- before ;
Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish more,
If like some usedby"everyboo ," "Mid everywhere,"
in "every store."
A trade like this I do not wish ; the orders I could
• not till ;
The factory all Jamey's land would. take—leave not a
foot to till.
My trade is not so very large-; still think I have my
share ;
But, reader you may rest assured, 'tis NO r "SOLD „EV
Manufactured and for Sala by the writer,
George L. Browning
No. 20 Market Street, Caliosien N. J.
This coffee is not composed of poisonous drugs, it
contains nothing deleterious; many persons nee this
Coffee that cannot use the pure coffee; it take, but
.one and a half ounces to make a quart of good strong
coffee, that being just one•half the quantity It takes of
Java Gdfce, and always less than half the price.
RETAIL DEALERS may phrehltie It In less quanti
ties than ten gross at my prices from the Wholesale
4ffir Order' by mail from Wholesale Dealers prompt
ly attended to.
reb.. Lsos.—Am.
TRH undersigned• are 'about loading in Lebanon,
what la essentially a
Isoou ri Tobacco -Factory,
for the manufacture of Plug Tobacco. Our stock is
Mlasootilleaf, made up by lidieseurf hands, and our
machinery k of the latest and moat efficient character.
We shall determinedlyadhere to the policy of making
and selling only •
aid deafen', tierobants and others, - while they have
the privilege of buying directly , . from the manufactur
er. thus saving to themselves the intertnediete profits
heretofore paid the jobber , are saved the risk of get
ting adulterated or poisoned tobaccos as when buying
unknown or !despot:table tnakes..
We shall be ready to till orders by the 10th of March
' WS. We can retail none—can sell to no purchaser
ism than 20 pounds.
Circulars and price list sent to any address on appli
grir-In s few Gets we shall be prepared to mann.
facture An e eu swing and smoking 340Ra:es of va
rious grades.
rear: ar
The Phoenix Pectotal
1_ 0 .1444.
J A o
uch as .olds, oughs, "Croup, Asthma,
.Bronchitis, Catarrh; Sore Throat,
lloarsness; Whooping
cough, &c.
Pullinmenary Coinpuliaption.
XS_ has takenfio it Wiirefford greater re lief than
any Other medicine.'
Miss Kite Yarldeditilea' of PotttorMe, mays. "I was
benefited' niorilvildelbg the Phoenix Pectoral thin
any other medicine I ever . used."
Elias Oberheltser s Lionville, Chester county. was
eared of a coughof many years' standing by using the
Phoenix Penton&
Jos* Lukens of Hellntreet, Phoenixville, certi fi es
that he wee cured of s cough of two years standing,
when all other modicinaa had failed, by the use Of the
Phoenix Pectoral.
Jamb Powers certifies that be has 'sold hundreds of
bottles of the Phoenix Pectoral. and that all who used
ft bear testimony of Its wonderful effects in Miring -
John R,,yer, editor of the independent Pampas, hat
ing used it, has no hesitationin pronouncing it a cont.
plate remedy for cough, hoarseness and irritation in
The West Chester lefferemtion says :
"We have known Dr. Oberholtser personally a
numlier of years, and it gives us tisk greatest pie:inure
to recommend his medicinee, fnasnineh - the plastic
rarely have the benefit of family medicines prepared by
a physician of his accoirements and'experience:
"Dr. Oberhuitsor isa inenitier of the Alumni of the
litedichl Department lathe University of Pennsylvania,
at which institution he graduated in 1854." ~,_
Pograrowx, January 3d, 1865.
This certifies that I hale used the Phoenix Pectoral
in my fically,Ond I recommend it to the public as the
very !said remedy for Coughs and Colds that I have
ever tried. Ouo of my Children wiuntaken with a cold
accompanied with a Croitpy Cough.raa bad Indeed that
it could not talk or smrcely brtstae. Boring heard
so much esAbant the:Almada Pectoralprocured I a
bottle of it . `''Chilirst dose 'relieved the difficulty of
breathing and before the 'child had taken onefourth of
thebottleit was entirely 'well. Every family Adult*
have it in their house. •
Signed, D. P. CROSBY.
Mrs.• Mary Butler, mother of Eon. Wm. Butler,
President Judge of the Chester and Delaware Districts,
says that cannot do without the Phoenix Pectoral.
Dr. Georgie B. Wood, Profeasor of the Practices of
Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania - Ifrispital,
and one of the authors of the 'United States Dispense.
tory, Mips of the &make Snake Root : "Its action is
especially directed to the lungs."
The proprietor of this medicine has so mach MlA
deuce in its curative powers, from the testimony of
hundride whclinere used it, that the motley be re
funded, to any purchepor who is not "tugged with its
It tali() pieftgant to take that children! !try for it.
It costefirily 35 cents—large bottles Ona-Dot&an.--
lt is.hitended for only one class of diseases, namely
Win of the Lomb end 11114 DAT.
Prepared only by Levi OLerholtzer, M. D., Phoenix
THIN Pa. ',Johnston Holloway & Cowden, No. 23,
et. Philadelphia,mnd T. O. Welbl'A Co. No. its
Pranklin st., New York,i3oneral Wholesale agents:
Soldierhalebtle and retail by J. L, Lembergor, Dr.
Geo.ltOssin&D. 8. Reber, Lebanon and by nearly
erery•druggist and storekeeper fn Le banon comity..
N. nearest dknalet or:etorekeeper tdoes
not keep this meclicisfe - cle,not let him, put you off with
some other med loins, ha metres more money
on it, but send at unwire/ Woof the ..tgents for it.
March 8,1845.-BM.
:Disiolotion Or Cf)...lPaitiniey,-
ship. •
ta rtne—hip .heattotoil; "%Ming between
int A4olpluml 4+4 4,tilit=t s
N " ' - 14.4h gttr; ,of Reridebi ,
/SAN imaleohild bylitabsital Aiosll4lo4'elt tbo at
eittZrzatiivilbillmer4l4l.llllul4,4ol/0 4 0-
Wil4 allt.continulgi atthik 44d-. goad. Os
toi e l
4NiAna 1 4t a&ox icalti N 4tf. th,
,air 4117, • ,
a 1 •
. laNUZltiltaMi , .
' ' aimaZthauto , lip -
, ;a - , Ca*._ . ME.Thr. ,, . ,
Nsigib ppbal",}psegett ~ t , ,
. ,
TNID you Ns ATI PM 1 pao.l,
if Pon!
F. G. SMUT= A 00.
4:1 1 itittfttusous.
The Three Vishes.
There was °nee a whin Emperor
who made a law, that to every stran
ger who came to his court, a fried
fish should be served. The e servants
were directed to notice if, when a
stranger bad eaten the fish to the
bone on one aide, he turned it over
and began on the other side. If be
did, he was to be immediately seized
and on the third day thereafter he
was to he put to death. Pat by a
great stretch ofimperial-, clemency,
the culprit was permitted to utter
one wish each day, which the Em
peror pledged himself to grant, pro
viding it wee not to Tire• his life.—
Many had already perished in 'conse
quence of this edict, when, one day,
a count and his young .son presented,
themselves at court. The
_fish was
served as usual, and when the count
had removfd the fish from one side,
he turned at over, and Was about to
commence off the other when he vas
seized and thrown into prison, and
was told of his approaching doom.
Sorrow-stricken, the count's young
son besought the Emperor to allow
him to die lathe room of his father;
a favor which the monarch was
pleased to accord him. The count
was accordingly released from prig
on, and his son was thrown into his
cell in his stead. As soon as this
had been done, the young man said
to the jailors—"You know I have a
right to make three demands before
I die; go and tell the emperor to
send me his daughter and a priest to
marry us." This first demand was
not much to the emperor's taste, nev
ertheless he felt bound to keep his
word, and he therefore complied with
the request, to which the princess
had no objection. This occurred in
times when kings kept their treas
ures in a cave, or in a tower set .a
part for the purpose, like the Em
peror of Moscow in these days; and
on, the second day of his imprison=
- ment the young man demanded the
Emperor's treasures.
If his first demand was a bold one,
the second was not less so; still an
Emperor's word is sacred, and hay
it% made the promise, he was forced
to keep it; and the treasures of gold
and silver were placed at the disposal
of the prisoner. On getting posses
sion of them, he distributed them
$ DineelY-SLI an talli
Boon he had made a
by his liberality.
The emperor began now to feel
exceedingly uncomfortable. Unable
'to sleep, he rose eaPly on the third
morning and went with fear in his
heart to the prison to bear what the
third wish was to be.
"Now," said he to his prisoner,
"tell me what your third demand is,
that it may be granted at once, and
'that, you may be out of hand, for I
am tired of your deniands."
"Sire," answered the prisoner, "1
have but one more favor to request
of your majesty, which when you
have granted I 'shall die content. It
is merely that you will cause the
eyes of those who saw my father
turn the fish over to be put out."
"Very good," replied the emperor,
"your demand is but natural and
springs from a good heart. Let the
'hamberlain be seized," he continued,
turning to his guards.
"I mire !" cried the chamberlain;."l
did not , see anything—it was the
But the steward protested with
tears in his eyes, that be - had- n%t
witnessed anything of what had been
reported, and said it was the butler.
The butler declared that he had seen
nothing of bile matter and tbat it
must have been one of the valets.
But they protested that they were
utterly ignorant, of what had been
charged against the count; in short
it turned out that nobody could be
found who had seen the count com
mit the offense, upon which the
princess said:
appeal to you, ther, as to
another Solomon. I ijhody saw the
offense committed, tile count cannot
be guilty, and my husband is inno
The emperor frowned and forth
with the courtiers began to, murmur;
then,he smiled and immediately
their visages became radiant.
"Let it be so," said his majesty;
"let him live, though I have put
many a man to death for a lighter
onse than his. But bolo not hung,
be is married. Justice is done."
Not long Since a shrewd Yankee
came to Boston from New Hampshire
to engage in business. His first en
gagement was to drive a hack for the
accommodation of the visitors at that
fashionable and elegant hotel, the
Revere house. He was soon put in
charge of two English gentlemen,
who desired to see Boston and its
environs. After a brief visit to the
Navy Yard they ordered the driver
to take them to Bunker Hill. Ar
riving there, the twogentlemen spent,
hutch time in making kthorough ex
amination 'of the ground; and. its Nur
roundirige. Having satisfied their
curiosity so far as the Monument was
concerned, they returned to the hack
where they found the driver sitting
quietly.npon his seat. "I say, driver*'
says one of the Englishmen, "this is
the place, believe, where we,Eng,
Nehmen •gave yoti•Yankees a
thrashing about eighty years since.."
"1010 now
as I ever heard tell -about thile;
who owns the land now ,?"
Somebody hae,cciminitted to paper
the folloviing common sense advice;
touching tbe duty of the sterner sex.
Let those Who are bleagej w ith a
partner of tbeir.tails have it llritited
in letters of gold, road. it over once a
week, and redtice it to daily practice,
and our word for,* it will bring
blessings innuinertible around' tile do
mestic 'hearth.
Praise your wife, man.; <for pity's
,ahe give her a little encouragement;
t won't hurt her. She has made
your home comfortable, your hearth
.right and shining, your . food agree
bre • for pity's 'Sake Tell ber you
hail her, if nothing more. - She
• on't expect it; it will make her,
eyes open wider ktsso they have done
'sr these ten, yetilli; tut it will ,do
er good for all IthaWand yiriii too.
There are;n3an ' , Tsvntricin to•day
WI-rating- fortam
anguage of encon enTent:Mbrough
:ummer'e heat had - winter's coll,'l
hey haiedrtidgild uncomplainingly,
; nd soaccustomeaiave their fathers,
srothers and "husbands:' become to
heir monotonous' labors, that ' they
opk - fOr and upon them as they do
he daily Airing of he s'unand its dai
y going down. Homely everpday
ife may be made beautiful by an ap
sreciation of its vary homeliness.—
You know that if the , floor is 'clean,
anual labor has been performed - to
nice it so. You 'know that if you
an take from 'year drawer a . - clean
-hirt whenever you want it, some
iody's fingers 'have ached in the toil
f making it so fresh and agreeable,
.o smooth and lustrous. - Everything
hat pleases the eye and the senses
nas been produced by constant work,
uch thought, great care and untir
rig efforts, bodily , , and mentally.
It is not that by.., men ... -do not
, ppreciate these' , hingi3, and feel a
low of gratitud eor the numberless
attentians bake" , 4 upon them in
zicknesc and beallb, but they are so
:elfish in that feeling. They • don't.
ome out with a liparty "Why, bow
s leasant you makOliegi3 look, write;"
•r, "I ate Anted'eit You for taking
-o much paini. ..P.They thank the
• ilor forgiving .. 'ti;' em tot they
hank the marlin full omnibus Oho
_ivies them a spat they 140 •the
.oung lady who • o ves along in the
oncert room; in ort, they thank
:veryhody and rything, out of
'oors, because it it' the custom, and
ome home, tip thMr chairs back and
heir heels up, pull oat the liewspa.
i er, sca ld if the fide has gdne 'down.;
or, if everythin: 1' ust ri , ht, shut
ost -. 6
faction, bat never say ,to tb sok
I tell you what, men, young and
old, if you did but show any ordinary
civility toward those common articles
of housekeeping—your wives; if you
give the one hundred and sixtieth
part of the compliments you almost
choked them witb before they were
married ; if you would stop the ban.
(linage about who'you are going to
have when number one is dead, (such
things wives may laugh. at, but they
sink deep, sometimes;) if you would
cease to speak of their faults, howev
er banteringly, before others, fewer
women would seek for other sources
of happiness than your. 140-60 ish af
feotions. Praise your wife,_thsn, for
all good qualities,she has, and you
may rest'assured that her deficien
cies are fully counterbalanced by
your own. i 7V-#7/' ,frh
Rovefo Prevent a Divorce.
When the senior Jenathait Trum
bull was Governor of Connecticut, a
gentleman called, at his house re
questing to see ills Excellency in
private. Accordingly he was shown
into his sanctum. sanctorum ; and the
Governor came forward to moot
Squire W., saying "Good morning,
air ;I am glad to see you." Squire
W. returned the salutation, adding
ite. he did so, "have, called on a very
unpleasanto•erranitzsir, and want your
advice. My wife and I do not live
happily together, and I have been
thinking of gettinga divorce. What
do you advise, sir?"
The Governnpsat a few minutes in
deep thought ; then turning to Squire
W. said, "How did,yon treat Mrs. W
when you ivere*Ourting her and
how did you feel towards her at the
time of her marriage ?" Squire W.
replied, "I treated her as kitidiy as 1
could for I loved her - dearly at.that
"Well, sir," said the Governor, "go
you home and court her now just as
you did then, and love her as when
you married her. Do this in the fear
of God for vie year, and - then tell
me the result," The Governor then
eakt,'irt e e j ig pray." They bowed
in prayer and separated. When a
year had pegged away, Squire W.
called again to see the Governor, and
grasping his hand,said : I have call
ed, sir, to thank you for the advice
you gav e me , and to tell you that
my Wife andl are as happy as when
we were married. I cannot be grate
ful enough for your good counsel."
"I am glad to bear it Mr. W., and I
hope that you will continue to court
your wife as you live." The
result was that Squire W. "'and his
wife lived happily together to the
end of their married life. -,let those
who are thinking of separation in
fleite days go and do Iniewitie..
Why I f a talkative young man
like a pig? Because, if be Jives, be is
likely to become a great -bore.
Ila.Diil the: many who "loighed
theses; and after,wited B
feet trillis native iisll; bar
test s crops ? ' ' -
praise Tw' Wife.
Worms, In the course of Inhu
man Yankee events the capifil of the
Confederate- -States of, America no
longer afford An eligible and healthy`
residence for, the. members -of the
present:cabinet:, not to speak of the
chief magistrate - himself, the Vice-
President, and the members of the
twco congtesiional bodies; do there.
,fore by the power bested in my two
heels proclaim my intention to trav
el instanter, in company with all the
officer's of the Confederate States gov
ernment, and LP take up such agreea.
ble qnarters as may yet be Granted
.unto me.
_To such persons as are in arms
against the Contederate States Gov
lirntifitert of Aineriesj dr* hefelfy: ten
der atitblite , ‘tWiftieity otitilidition that
they forth*lth desist from asnoying'our
patriotic population.
Under the circumstances, slavery had
.betiet be abolished
The capital, of the Confederacy will
_henceforward be found “up a stump" on
the picturesque - beinks.of the celebrated
"Last Ditch."
To the foreign subscribers to the
'confederate► loan I, return sincere
Major-General Grant., U. S. A., will
please see that they get •their cotton.
All persons having claims against
this government will please present
them to the President of the United
States, at Richmond, by whom all
such nccounts will be most cheerful
ly audited.
- It is not altogether improbable
that the glorioaL experiment of a
slaveholders coZederacy may yet
prove a delusion and a snare. I kayo
often thmight—so. So has General
4ee, who. has lately been fighting
mostly for his last year's salary.
The confederate treasury being light,
think I will take it in my valise.—
Gineral Lee thinks that we have a
good opening before us, and that we
have seep the last or =the first fratri
cidal war. I hope. so. Stephens
thinks peace more imMinent than
It the - United Stateit persists in re=
fusing: to recognize the Confedeittey
on my return, 1 shall again urge the
arming of the negroes.
Office-seekers are respectfully so.
licited to cease their importuning B.—
Fellow-citizens, farewsil.
President Confederate; States of
Done at Richmond, April 1,1865.
" EATH 2. — rfnu.
"death watch" (Anobiumstliattim) ie ft
very common inmate of our house.
Among those who are unacquainted
with the habits of insects, therois.a
common superstition that the strange
ticking sound often beard in old
houses is a sign of approachingdeath.
The noise, however is caused by, a
small beetle which during its boring
operations, rubs its neck and thorax
(chest) together by which means
this (to some persons) terrible omen
is produced---a fact which, if more
generally known, would save a world
of useless anxiety and uneasiness.
In the larva state these insects do
great injury to our furniture and the
wood work of old houses which tbey
gnaw continually. When captured
this beetle feigns death, and with
the, strangest pertinacity, preferring,
it is said, certain death under a slow
fire rather to betray the least sign of
vitality. The "death watch" on ac
count of its habits, minute size and
dark color is very seldom seen, and,
as there ire often several individuals
workinglt the same time at their
operations the sound seems to pro
ceed simultaneously from opposite
directions thus adding to the super
stitious terror, wherewith by some
persons, it is regarded*. The great
est evil however to be dreaded from
it is the injury it doss through its
excavai3ation in the wood work of
our houses. It is not larger than a
good sized flea,
A. FAIR OFFER.-A veteran relates
the following : it once happened
that a mule driver was engaged in
leading an unruly mule for a short
distance, which,job proved about as
much as he was able to do, and gave
full employment for both his hands,
as he was thus engaged, a newly ap
pointed brigadier rode by him In all
the consequential radiance of; his
starlight; . when the mule driver hail
ed him as follows:
"I say, I wish that you would send
a couple of men down here to help
me to manage this mule."
The brigadier, indignant at being
so familiarly addressed, sternly re
"Do you know who I am, sir ?"
"Yes," was the reply, "you are
General -, I believe."
"Then why do , you not salute me
before addressing me? inquired the
"I will," responded the M. D., if
you will get off and hold the mule.
The brigadier retired in good or
sea- A young woman in England
aged twenty-two, born "stone-blind,"
was recently restored to perfect.vis-.
ion in .four days by a surgical ophre
tion. She: bad at first no idea what
ever of perspective. She pet her
hand to the'vandow to try to catch
the trees on .the other side, of the
street; 4113 e was alio utterly ignorant
of common things; viz :—what such
things as a bribeh of keys were, or
a silver w,atch, or a - common cup and
saueer, ; but,when she shut her' eyes
sad vin,u.,alickw4 to, tiouch t4eul
etiiieitetrseitie) . ' she told them ai
. .
once: ,
or THE xtovraparx .OF
J. Wilkes Booth
AblitOCtil'iliittiL& -
We extract, tbe whole Of the fol
lowing account of the conduct of the
assassin on the day preeeding the
night of the tragedy frorn , the corres
pondence of the New York World , by
Jerome B. Stillifion. Without any
exception, it is the best and - moat cir
cumstantial account, if- the whole of
it be based upon , fact, of 'ally which
we have hitherto seen , ; and, if we
dare, say so, is one of the, most dra-
Matically detailed accounts of an ap
palling.inctdent in 'mationalhistory
which-bass ever been * offered- to 'any
nation : ' -
Some very deliberate, but not at
all extraordinary, movements were
made by a handsome and extremely
well dressed young man in the city
of Washington last Friday: At
about 111-2 o'clock, A. M , this per
son whose name is J. Wilkes Booth,
by profession an actor, and recently
engaged in oil speculations, saunter
ed into Ford's Theatre, on Tenth, be
tween E and F streets, and exchang
ed greetings with the man at the box
office. In the conversation which
ensued the ticket , agent informed
Booth that a -box was taken for Mr.
Lincoln and General Grant, who
were expected .to visit 'the Theatre,
and contribute to, - the benefit of Miss
. LAttra Keene and satisfy the curiosi
ty of a large audienhe. Mr. Booth
went away with a.jest, and a lightly
spoken "Good afternoon." Strolling
down to Pumphrey's stable, on C
Street, in the rear- of the National
Hotel, he engaged . a saddle horse, a
high strung fast 'beautiful bay mare,
telling Mr. Pumpbreys that Jte should
call for her in the middle of the after
Prom here be Wpdt- to the Kirk
wood Hotel, on the_corner pf Pepu
sylTartia avenue and Twelfth strqq,
where, calling for a card and a sheet
ofnote, paper, he sat down and
wrote upon the first as follows
For 41: r. Andrew Johnson :
I don't wish to disturb you ; are'
you at home? S. W. BOOTH.
To this message, 'which was sent
uR by the obli. ing
y engaged. 3;G: 7 ;3oath arnife - 71.= - 7
turning to his sheet of note paper,
wrote on it. The fact, if fact it is,
that he bad been disappointed in not
obtaining an examination of tbe Vice
President's apartment and a, knowl 7
edge of the Vice President's probable
whereabouts the ensuing evening in
no way affeeied his composure. The
note, the contents of. which are un
known, was signed and sealed within
a few moments. Booth arose, bowed
to an acquaintance, and passed into
the street. His elegant person was
seen on the avenue a few minutes,
and was withdrawn into the Metro
politan Itotel.
At 42. M. he .again appeared at
Pumphreys' livery stable, mounted
the maro he had engaged, rode
leisurely up F street, turned into an
alley between Ninth and Tenth
streets, and thence into,:; an alley re
loading to the rein' of Ford's Theatre
which fronts on Tenth street, be
tween E and = F streets. Here he
alighted and deposited the mare in a
small, stable off the alley, which he
had hired some time before for the
accommodation of a saddle horse
which he had recently sold. Mr.
Booth soon afterward rbtired from
the stable, and is supposed to have
refreshed himself at a neighboring
At o'clock the same evening,
President Lincoln and Speaker Col
fax sat together in a private room
at the White House, pleasantly con
versing. Gen. Grant, with whom
the President had engaged to attend
Ford's Theatre that evening, 'had left
with his wife for Burlington, New
Jersey, in the six o'clock train. Af
ter this departure Linepin rather,
reluctantly determined to keep his
part of the engagement, rather than
to disappoint his friends and the
dienee. Mrs. Lincoln, entering the
room and turning to Mr. Colfax, said,
in a half laughing, half serious way,
"well, Mr. Lincoln, are you going- to
the Theatre with Me or not ?" "I
suppose I shall have to go, Colfax,"
said the President, and the Speaker
took his leave, in company with. Ma
jor Rathbcme, of the Provost Marshal
General's office, who escorted Miss
Harris, daughter of Senator Harris,
of New York. M. and Mrs. Lincoln
reac'hed Ford's Theatre at twenty
minutes before 9. o'clock.
The house was fated in every part
with a large and- brilliantly attired
audience. As the Presidential party
ascended the stairs, and passod be
hind the dress circle to the entrance
of the private box reserved for them,
the whole assemblage having in mind
• recent Union victories, arose,
cheered, waving hats and
chiefs, and raangitStinig • every other,
aecuetorded sign of.enthnsiasm. Tl*
,President, last toenterthe box, turn
ed' before doln - g so, - and bOwed a
courteous aehito)srledguinut of his re
ception, At the -moment: ' Of . the
President's ari l val,: Mr. Hawks, one
.Of the agtoFii, performing : the_ well
iknotirn part of ~d d -,ex
aaimed : "ThiErieliands mit et ikiitory
as Mr. TAikerfin sars." This audience
By WY.
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At One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year.
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forced him, after the interruption, to
tell the story aver again. It evident
ly pleased Mr. Lincoln, who turned
laughingly to his wife and made a re
mark which was not overheard.
The box in which the President
sat consisted of. two boxes turned
into one, the middle_ partition - being
removed, as on all occasions when a
state party visited the theatre. The
box was on a level with the dressir
de, about twelve feet above the stage.
There were-two entrances—the door
nearest to the wall having been clos'ed
and locked ' the door nearest the bal
ustrades of the dress circle, and at
right angles with it, being open- and
left open after the visitors had enur
ed. The interior was carpeted, lined
with crimson paper, and furnished
with a sofa covered with crintsou-vel
vet, three arm chairs similarly .cover
ed, and six cane-bottomed chairs:—
Festoons of flags hung before the
front of the box against,a background
of lace.
President Lincoln took one - of the
arm chairs and seated himself in= the
front of the box in the angle nearest
the audience, where, partially screen
ed from observation, he had the best
view of what was transpiring on the
stage. Mrs. Lincoln sat next him,
and Miss Harris in the opposite
gte nearest the stage. Major Rath
bone sat just behind Mrs. Lincoln and
Miss Harris. These four were the
only persons in the box..
The play proceeded. The au
dience at Ford's, including Mrs.:Lin
coln , seemed to enjoy it very much.
The worthy wife of the President
leaned forward, her hand upon her
husband's knee, watching every
scene in the drama with amused at
tention. Even across the President's
face at intervals swept a smile, rob
bing it of its habitual sadness. •
About the beginning of the second
act, the mare standing in, the stable
in the rear of - the . theatre, ,was dis
turbed in the midst of her meal by
the.entrance of the young man who
had quitted her in the afternoon. It
is presumed that she was saddled and
„bridled with exquisite care..
Having completed these prepara
tion§, Mr. Booth entered the theatre
by the stagedoor ; summoned one of
the scene-shifters, Mr:John Spangler,
emerged through the same door with
that individual, leaving the doOr open
and left, the mare in his hands to be
1 :
Oa' tiI I IJ I LP UPON Oligeia l siitaa
bly and richly dressed than usual;
walked thence around to the front of
the theatre and went in. Ascending
to the dress eirele, be stood fora Miff)
time gazing around upon the audi
ence, and occasionally upon the stag;
in his usual graeeful manner. He
was subsequently observed by Mr.
Ford. the proprietor of the theatre,
to be slowly .elbowing. .his .way
through the crowd that packed .the
rear of the dress-circle, toward the
right side, at the extremity of which
was the box where Mr. and Mrs:
Lincoln and their companions- wets
seated. Mr.. Ford casually noticed
this as a slightly extraordinary syrup.'
torn of interest on the part of an ao
tor so familiar with the routine dale
theatre and the play..
The curtain had arisen on the third
act, and Mrs. Mountchessington and:
Asa Trenchard were exchangipg vi
vacious stupidities, when a young
man, precisely resembling the one de= .
scribed as T. Wilkes. Booth,.appeared
before the open, door of the Presi-,
dent's box, and prepared to enter.
The servant who attended Mr.-
Lincoln • said politely : "This is the
President's box, sir; no one is per 4•
mitted to enter." "I am a Senate," ,
responded the person, "Mr. : Lincoln;
has sent for me." The attendant
gave way, and the young man parsed
into the box. • -
art TBN BOX.
As he appeared at the door taking
a quick, comprehensive glauke at tha ,
interior, 'Major Rathbone
"Are you irware, sir," he said, cciarte:.l
ously, "upon whom you are intrud- : ,
ing ? This is the President's box,
and no one is admitted." The intro-
der answered not a word. Fastening'
his eyes upon Mr. Lincoln, who li4d,
half turned his head to ascertain what,
caused the disturbance, he stappi3d!
'quickly back without the door. '
Drawing a Derringer pistol, and
taking, by means of some almost, Mi
raculous calculation, a deadly aim, -
be fired through the closed door, on
his right, the ball passing through
the door, and entering the brAittotif
the President
The movements,' of the assassin
were from henceforth quick as the
lightning. Springing into the box
through the door of which he had
just retreated, he dropped his' pistol
on the floor, and drawing a bowie
knife,. struck Major Rathbone, ho
oppoied him, ripping thrOugh his_
coat in& the shoulder down, andlu:
flicting,seme flesh wouOil in: his - 4
arm. -leaped then upon the-vel
vet covered bilistrade at the front pf
the box, between Mrs. Lincoln 'add'
Miss Rarris, and, partini
handathe flags that drooped. 6u *pith
er side, dropped to tlity stags beneath.
Arising, : and , turning, full upon ; the..
audience, with the knife lifted in kid.
'right hand above his head, hi shotit
-ed "sic - sCipper Tyrannisirginia
avenged r Another instant =O,
be had Jed across the stage and lie,
i2ind the seenes. Colonel