The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, April 12, 1865, Image 3

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    lebaunn glltuttistr.
tVtbidSbAt, At 12, 1365
JEtartekos of gdvortiffeil2.s.
The publishers of Lebanon have agreed upon the
following charges for Advertising, Tit
Size. it. it. Bt, 3m. 6m. ly.
1 Square, 12 lines, $ .60 $l.OO $3.00 $6.00 $ 8.00
2 . 4 24 lines, 1.00 2.00 5.50 8.00 12.00
8 " 80 lines, 1.60 800 7.00 10.00 16.130
For Executor's and Administrator's Notices, 2.00
For Am braes. Auditor and similar Notices, 1.80
For yearly Cards, not eaceedirtgB lines, • 3.00
For column adVertisement, 1 year,
For 34 colt:Min " 80.00
Fory 4 counto " 18.00
For Altlriotinclug candidates for office, in advance, 2.00
For Announcing este, unaccompanied by ad, 't. 1.00
For Local Notices, Society resolutions, de., 8 eta
per line.
For Bishops or Special Notices, 80 cents per line
per year.
teeny advertisements for Merchants and Bust-
nen men no agreed upon
Lieut. Schugar, of. Capt. Wei
die's Company ' was paralized in one of
the late battles before Richmond by a
shell. He was not hit, but the missile
passed so close to him that the concus
sion knocked him senseless. We have
not learned how he Is doing.
The Furnaces at Rebesonia, and
also several at Reading, are being blown
out,—some say to make the usual repairs,
while others assert that It is on account of
the fitil of prices in iron.
The Union COnal was to be
opened for navigation on Monday, the
10th inst. A brisk transportation trade
is atitiOpated for the present season.
FIRIL—On Sunday morning a
week the barn belonging to the North
ampton county Poor House was destroy
ed by fire. Nothing was saved but the
live stock.
The amount of Coal transported
east over the Lebanon Valley Branch
Railroad, last week, was 6,133 tons.
Rev. Jeremiah Shiudel, of Al
lentown, formerly State Senator has re
ceived and accepted a call from congre
gations in Lykens' Valley, in Dauphin
county, to which place he will remove
and immediately enter upon his pastoral
On a bust--The buds and blossoms.
Do. Some of the "boys" on Monday.
Do. Some of the "men."
Do. The Rebellion.
Mr. Henry 'Krause has just re
ceived from the Eastern Markets a fine
and cheap assortment of Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, &c. He has bought his g oods at
the greatly reduced prices, and invites
the attention of the public thereto. *
Mr. Winton of the firm of Win
ton & Sherk is now in the east buying a
Spring stock of all Goods In his line. In
a day or two great bargains, at Peace
prices, may be expected at their estab
Mrs. Briel hits jfiat rettitiiM
from New York with her Spring Stock
of Goods. See Advertisement.
Messrs. Geo. Krause and Henry
Weaber have just placed a new and hand
some Car on the railroad, for a general
transportation business. The Car is run
by. Mr. Weaber, who will attend to all
orders in that line promptly and faithfully.
They have named their business the
"Lebanon Valley Line."
Mr. Lorenzo H. Rohrer has re
moved his Tailoring establishment to
East Cumberland street, about one-half
square east of Benson's Hotel.
Good Bargains.—Mr Lauder
milch is now gone to the eastern
Cities, to purchase a large stock of goods,
which are now being received and open
ed at his store daily, and offered at the
latest declined prices for cash. Come
one, come ail, to see the new and latest
styles of dress goods, for Ladles and
Gentlemen. We will be glad to see you
The Income Tax.—The internal
revenue taxes for 1865 will be made out
upon an amended form. The Assessors
are required to ask the following ques-
tions :
Had your wife any income last year I
Did any minor child of yours receive
any salary last year ?
Have you included in this return the
income of your wife, and salary received
by minor children I
Have you any stocks, and what are
Is your report made out on the basis
of g old I
Have you bought or sold stocks or oth
er property I
Have you any United States securi
ties ?
Do you return the premium on gold
paid you as interest on United States se
Have you kept any book account ?
Is your income estimated, or taken
from your book
Have not the expenses, &c , claimed as
deductions, already been taken out of
the amount reported as profits
Did you estimate any portion of your
profits in making your returns for 1863
Was any portion treated as worthless,
and If since paid, have you included it in
this return I
It is admitted by all, that Zim
merman & co's New York Gallery are
taking the best Pictures in Lebanon.—
Stine's Building, opposite Valley Nation.
al Bank.
There is some little export de
mand in the Philadelphia Flour Market,
but prices remain about the same as last
quoted; 1,500 bbls sold at $7 for fine,
$7 50a7 75 for superfine ; $8 25a8 75
for extra, and s9alo for extra family, in
cluding 500 bbls city mills extra on terms
kept private. The home trade are buy
ing In a small way within the above
range of prices for superfine and extras,
and 810 50 per bbl for fancy brands.—
Rye flour and cornmeal continue dol,
and there is very little doing.
Wheat is rather dull, and prices are
unsettled; with sales of about 5,000 bus
at 206415 c for fair to prime reds,. and
white at from 230a235c per bus, as to
quality. Rye is scarce and in demand
at 125a130c per bus. Corn is without
change ; about 2,000 bus prime yellow
sold at 1221 c afloat, 3,000 bus at a price
to be fixed, and 3,000 bus at 118a120c in
the cars and in store. Oats are selling
at 83a84c per bus.
Whiskey continues very quiet, and the
sales are in small lots only.
About 1500 Beef Cattle were offered
in the Philadelphia Cattle Market, last
week,—an increase of 800 head over the
previous week— and the market was
dull, and prices 2a3c per lb lower, rang
ing at from $l5 to $23 the 100 lbs for
fair to good and prime, including a few
extra quality taken at the highest figure.
Cows were rather dull ; about 110
head sold at from $3O to $5O each for
springers, and $35 to $BO for Cow and
About , 4800 Hogs .were offered, and
the market was very &111, prices ranging
at $l7 to $lB the 100 lbs, net.
Sheep were more plenty; some 5000
head arrived and so'd at 10a10/c for
clipped, and 12ia14c per lb, gross, for
wool sheep.
Photographs.--J. Daily is turn
ing out very fine pictures at his new Gal
lery, opposite Siegrist's Hotel. All are
invited to call and see his specimens. *
We learn that Mr. ISAAC EBA
has taken the COACH 4AKING SHOPS, in
this borough, fortnerly 4 known asArnold's,
opposite the old ttitheian Church. He
has'engaged first class
city workmen in all
branches of the busi
ness. His stock olma
teria lis well seasoned, and of the best
quality. He is prepared to manufacture
on order, or sell and deliver Carriages and
Buggies, of all descriptions. His work
will favorably compare in taste, finish
and proportion, with any turned out in
the State. A new feature will be his
shifting top, leather covered Buggies, lined
with broadcloth, and made after the most
approved Connecticut style.
Prompt attention will be given to RE
PAIRING, and the charges will be rea
He has also taken the shops formerly
occupied by H. C. Nipe and J. H. Miller
in SHAEFFERSTOWN. Experienced
hands are working at both places. At
these shops attention will be paid mainly
to building EXPRESS WAGONS, and repair
ing. Samples of buggies and Carriages
can be seen Mall the shops.
Feb. 22.—tt
ACCIDENT.--On Tuesday even
ing of last week, a serious accident oc
curred to workmen on the Reading and
Columbia Railroad. The men, eighteen
in number, were returning from below
Ephrata on two hand cars, and when a
bout a mile east of Litiz, going down
grade, and at crossing of a wagon road,
where the track is on an embankment
some 12 or 15 feet high, the first car ran
against a piece of timber laying across
the track, and which was not observed
until too late, and was thrown off. The
other car being close up, run into the
first and caused a.regular smash, break
ing the latter ear to•pieces and injuring
more or less all 4o1". ~the.. men. William
Watson, of .Manliefin, boss of Section No.
2, had his shoulder blade fractured, and
John Oechsle, also of that place, had his
skull fractured and was otherwise severe•
ly injured. Messrs. Stork' and Tshudy,
of Litiz, were also severely injured. The
injured men were taken to Litiz, medical
aid procured, and their wounds dressed.
The 200th Penna. Regiment.—
This Regiment was in the late fight, and
suffered severely. Its losses were 25
killed and about 100 wounded. Company
D, Captain Hoffman, of Lebanon county,
lost 2 killed and 14 wounded. One of
the killed is Conrad Slessler, of Derry
Station, on the Lebanon Valley Railroad;
the other one Nathaniel Bierman, of
Coxtown, Berks county, both good young
grpt 40tires.
Sutler's Fiasco
At Forfrisiter, was scitreeiy a greater failure than is
daily made by most of the advertised hair
dyes; nor was•
More complete, perfect and glorious, than the um
quest achieved by
Oyer gray,, red and sandy beads of hair. The obnox
ious brie is wiped out in Are minutes, and a magnifi
cent brown or black, glossy and natural. takes its
place. Manufactured by J. CHRISTADORO, No. 6
Astor House, New-York Sold by Druggists. Applied
by all Hair Breparra.
April 12, 1865.—1 in.
Dr. Tobias'
. few hours; Dysentery In half en hoer ; Tooth
ache In fife mineteg. It le perfectly Innocent to take
internally, and is recommended by the moat eminent
phyliclann in the Milted . States. Price 40 and 80 eta.
TONiu'supi, Pa., August 6. 1859
Pr. S. T. Tebb), New York : Dear Sir:—l have used
your Venetian Liniment with great decease, both as
an internal as well as an external medicine. In cases
of Bilious Colic and Cholera Morbus I regard it as a
sovereign remedy. Your Venetian Horse Liniment
stands unrivalled se a horse liniment among farriers
and boatmen on this canal.
Elnp't North Branch Canal.
Sold by all Druggist'. Office, No. 56 Cortland St.,
New York.
April 12,186b:-1m
A Single Box of Brandrelhls
contains more vegetable extractive matter than twen•
ty boxes of any pills in the besides ; fifty.ilve
hundred physicians use them in their practice to the
exclusion of other purgatives. The first letter of
their value Is yet scarcely appreciated. When they
are better known sudden death and confined sickness
will be of the past. Let those who know them speak
right out In their favor-. It is a duty which will save
Our race are subject to a redundancy of vitiated
bile at this Reason, and It IN dangerous as it ir prem.
lent ; but Brandreth's Pills afford an invaluable and
efficient protection. By their occasional nee we pre
vent the collection of those impurities, which, when
in sufficient quantities, cause so much danger to the
bodes health. They soon cure liver complaint, dye
Pepsin, lose of appetite, pain in the bead, bee rt•burn
Min in the breaet•bone, sudden faintness and costive-
DM. 8014 l D,.43 . g0. Bogg, Lebanon, and by all
respectable dealers in medicines.
A pr 1112,. 1868.-1 m
It h made on the beat principle, while the foreign
match Is generally made on no principle at all. The
Lareigu watch le , meetly made by women and, boys, rr
mar.. mole their %Weil cheap, their work le.,deer
at any price. finch tuatehee are made erttliout Vtan,
and sold without guarantee. They are 'irreignlai: in
etrnetruction;and quite u irregular in movement,
They are designated only to sell, and the buyer is the
party most thoroughly sold. Those Who have kept
"senores," "'opines" and "Swiss levers" in professed
repair for a fees years will appreciate the truth of our
Instead of being made of several hundred little
pieces, screwed together, the body of the American
Watch is formed of SOLID PLATES. No jar inter
feres with the harmony of its working, and no sudden
shock can throw its machinery out of gear. In riding
or any busi rises pursuit, It Is all held together as firm.
ly ne a single place of metal. It Isjuet what all me -
ehinery should be—
let. ACCURATE. 2d. SIMPLR. 3d. STRONG 4th.
We not only secure CHEAPNESS by our system,
but QUALITY. We do not pretend that our Watch
can be bought for less money than the foreign make
believer, but that for its real value it is sold for one
half the price.
OUR SOLDIER'S WATCH (named Wm. Ellery) is
what its name ind icates—Solid, Substantial, and al-
ways Reliable—warranted to stand any amount of
Marching, Riding or Sigh Mag.
(named P. S. Bartlett) is similar in size and general
appearance, but has more - jewels, and a more elabor
ate finish.
OUR LADIES' WATCH, recently brought. out, is
put up in a great variety of patterns , many of them or
rare beauty and workmanship, is write small, bat
war, anted to keep time.
not large, and Just tins thing for the pickets of Young
TRH PROOF of the merits of our watch may be
found in the fact that we now employ over seven bun
kred workmen in our factories, and that we - are still
unable to supply the constantly increasing demand.
and lighter than the others we have described. Its
fine chronometer balance is delicately adjusted to cor
rect the variation caused by changes oPtemperature.
These watches are the fruits of the latest experiments
in chrofihmetry, and are made by our beet wo. kmen,
in a seperate department ef oer factory. For the fin
est time keeping quilt - Wee they challenge comparison
with the bust works of the most famous. English and ,
Swiss makers.
Agente for the American Watch Company,
182 Broadway, N. Y
April 12, 1865 .-lut
To Consumptives.
THE undersigned having been restored to health in
a few weeks, by a wary simple remedy, after having
suffered several years, with a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious tci
make known to his fellow sufferers the means °retire-
To all who desire it, be will send 'a copy of the pre
scription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for
preparing and using the same, which they will find a
sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds
Coughs., &c. The only object of the Advertiser in
sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and
spread information which be conceives to be in
valuable; and be hopes every sufferer will try his
remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may proven
Parties wishing the prescription will please address
Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg,
Kings County,
New York.
February 15,1E035.-3m.
A Card to Invalids.
A CLERGYMAN, while residing in South America
ill as a m issionary, discovered a safe and simple rem
edy for the cure of Nervous weakness. Early Decay,
Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the
whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and
vicious habits. Great numbers have been already
cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to
benefit the afflicted and nn fortunate, I will send the
recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a
sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of
Please inclose a post-paid envelope, &dressed to your
New York aty.
Feb. 22, 1865.-3 m
Deafness, Blindness and
Catarrh, •
REATED with the u ttno et 81/CCet3B. by Dr. J. Isaacs
, Oculist. and Auriet (formerly of Leyden, Holland,)
No. 559 Fine Street,. Philadelphia. .Testimonials from
the moat reliable Immo In the City and Country can
be seen at hie Office. The medical faculty are invited
to accompany their patients, as be has no towels in
hie practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without
palm No charge made for examination.
February e; MOO; • - - -
Old Eyes made New.
APAMPHLET directing bow to speedily restcre
sight and give up speetacles, without aid of doc
tor or medicine. Sent by mail, on receipt of 10 cents.
E. E. FOOTE. M. D.,
1130 Broadway, New York
dd ese,
Feb. 3, 1861-001
If Yon Want to Know
ALITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating to the hu
man system. male and rem ale; the nausea and
treatment of diseases ; the marriage customs of the
world ; bow to marry well and a thousand things
never published before road the revised and enlarged
edition of "Medical Common sense," a curious book for
curious people. and a gcod hook for every one. 401
pages,loo Illustrations. Price $l4O. Contents table
sent free to any address. Rooks may be bad at the
Book stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid on re
ceipt of the price. Address
E. B. FORTE, M. D.
1130 Broadway, Naw York
Feb. 1,1865.-6 m.
Ayer's Ague Cure,
Intermittent Fever, or Felker and Ague.. Re
mittent Fever,. Chill Fever, Dumb Ague,
Periodical Headache or Billions Headache,
and Billions Fevers, indeed for the whole
class of diseases originating in biliary de
rangement, caused by the Malaria of Mies
matio countries.
FEVER and Agne Is not the , only consequence of
the miasmatic poison. d great vat iety of disor
ders arise from its irri ation. In missions d istrits,
among which ar e Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Cont., Head
ache, Blindness, Tholhaelfe, Earache. Catarrh, Asthma.,
Palpitation, Painful .A f feetion of the Spleen. Hysterics
Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis and Derangement
of the Stomach., all of which, when originating In this
cause put on the intermittent type, or become periodb
Cal. This "Coax" expels the poison from the blood•
and thus cures them a like. It is not only the most ef
fectual remedy ever discovered for We clase of com
plaints, but It is the cheapest and moreover is perfect
ly safe . No harm can arise from its us-, ad the pa.
tient when cured Is left as healthy es Vim bad never
bad the disease. Can this be said to any other Cure
for Chills and Fever? It Is true of this, and
Lance to those afflicted with the complaint cannet be
over estimated. So swe is it to cure the Fever and
Ague, that it may be truthfully said to be a certain
remedy. One Dealer complains it ie not a good medi
cine to sell, because one bottle cures a whole neigh-
Prepared by J. C. AIRR & CO., Lowell, Mass., end
sold by all the druggists in Lebanon and dealers in
January 18. 1865.-2 MO.
The Lebanon Market.
Carsfully Corrected Weekly:
Extra Family, $ll 00 lEggs, lit dot. ' 20
Extra Flour, 10 01 Rutter,* lb., 29
Prime White 'Wheat,2 15 Tub or salted butter, 10
New Red Wheat, 200 : Lard, 22
Old Red, 000 Tallow, 12
Prime Rye, 140 Ram, 22
Corn,' 1 25 Shoulders. 18
Clove, -
00 25 Sides 18
r-seed, 12 Soap , 10
Timothy-seed, 250 Rees-wax, 26
Flax -seed, 260 White Ram 6
Dried Apples, pealed,2 50 Mixed Rags, 3
Peach "Sults," 400 H* 1 , 1 411 9 12%
Peach "Ilutsels," 200 Bristles, t lb., -40
Cherries, 225 Feathers,* lb., 62%
Onions, 150 Wool,* lb., 40
Potatoes,* bus, 100 soup Beans,* qt., 8
Apple 13 utter, *crock, 75 Vinegar, Ili gal., 20
On Good Friday at 10 A. M., German service ; at 234
P. M., English service. Easter Snuday Morning,
Liturgy at 8 o'clock. Preaching in English and Ger
man at 10 /L. M. Lord's Supper at 234 P. M., in the
Moravian church.
ST. LUKE'S CHURSH,--SerVieoSOU Tuesday, Wednesday,
and Thursday before Good Friday, at S A. M. and
7% P. M.; on Good Friday at 10 A. M. end 4P. M.
and on Saturday at BA. M. and 4P. M. On Easter
Day services at 53 o'clock in the morning and at
lo A. M.
St. Luke's Olittrch.—Services every Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock.
Preaching in the M. E. Church every Sabbath, both
morning and evening. Also services on Thursday
St. JOHN'S Canaan.—Service neat Sunday morning and
evening, in the English language. Lecture on
Wednesday evening.
On Good Friday morning in the German, and in the
afternoon in the English language, in the First Re.
formed Church. Also services in the English lan
guage on Sabbath morning.
German service on Good Friday, and on Easter Sun
day morning, and English on Sunday evening, in
Salem's Lutheran church.
English divine service next Sabbath morning and
evening, in Zion's Lutheran Church.
3; atria.
On the With sit , by tbaßev.Thoataa L Leintaab, Mr.
A:mama gam, of North Idepopaoa, to. Mn. MART
AN S NIILLEN, of Obaefibriptoink,
In this 'Borough. on the 2tul Inst., SARAH SIATIL
DA, child of William and Susan GERHART, aged 7
years. 4 menthe and 1 day .
Iu the vicinity of Shalferstown,
on the 4th Inst.,
SAMUEL H. 0. STRINU ETZ, child of Samuel and Cat hap
rine Steinmetz, aged 2 years, 5 months, and 4 days .
On the 6th inst., by Rev. B. w.schmnuk. JOHN
Cornwall township•
On the sth inst.. "ELIZABETH,. relict of George
lIOLLINOER, aged 73 years, 10 menthe. and za days.
gEin . 210 itti.dtmotto.
Spring and Summer
N . R g . L . BIJOU rapid respectfully inform the pub•
13 1 1 lie that she has just returned from New York
with a large and fashionable assortMent of
Flowers, Laces Straw Bon.
nets, Bats, .Dress Caps, Infant
Caps, &C.; &c.,
to h ich attention Le '! oitel4 Herfriendsaden t t,m;ismet
resriietfull; itt•
sited to call at her" Stork: in !Ountlierland street, a
square east from the Court Mini,.
Lebanon, April 12,1885.
A . ssignee 7 s Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that JOHN K. MILLER
and ELIZADETH. his wife, of the township or
Union, Lebanon county, Da., have assigned their
property and effects to the undersigned ,of the town
ship, county and State aforesaid, for the benefit of
creditors. All persona having claims against said
parties, as well as those indebted, are requested to
make settlement without delay,
Assignee of John K. Miller and wife.
Union township, April 12, 11365•:--4t. •
rriTE subseriber wood tisPectfully inform the pub.
lic that he still coapinamthe Pump Making Bufli
nese, as hereto fore. Rftfakpeo; Market. street, Son%
Lebanon, 3 squares from•Matket Square. The public
patronage is soileited. - GEORGE ORAN.
Lebanon, Aprill2, 1865.-2Pe
HA L llti7 LTbf to3:rke S tr eet,
Mattbee' note!.
Lebanon, April 12,1805.
A- IL RICIMIN, Merchant Tailor, respectfully an.
nounces to the citizens of Lebanon and vicinit y
that he bas removed hie place of business to Market
street, between Cumberland and Chestnut, second door
north of Matches' Hotel, where he will continue to
keep, as heretofore, a fine amortniet of
_ _
all of which he will sell or mate np to order at
prices to snit the times.
All work entrusted to his care, will be manufactur
ed in a workmanlike mutter as o fashion and dura
Goods purchased elsewhere will be cheerfully made
up to order on the usual moderate terms.
Having bad years of experience in the Tailoring and
Dry-Goods business, and being inclined to turn to the
advantage of his customers, all the advantages resuit
lug from said aequirementa, he feels satisfied that it
will be responded to by a very liberal share of the pub
lic patronage.
Friends call once to please me after that please your
selves. • Aptil 12,1865.
t AMIMIXI - 321T0
Lorenzo IL Rohrer,
OULD respectfully inform the eiti
jr- acne of Lebanon and vicinity, that
he has REMOVED his Tailoring estab
lishment to East Cumberland st.. about 3.4
square east of Benson's hotel,where he will make up the
most fashionable Clothing. ALL work entrusted to
him will be manufactured in the best manner, on mod
erate terms. Good fits and substantial making guar.
anteed. Thankful fru the liberal patronage extended
to him thus far, he hopes • by strict attention to his
business to merit a continuance of the same. fie cor
dially invites the public and his old customers to give
him a call. [Lebanon, April, 12. 1865.
Market Street, Lebanon,
THE proprietor of Mils uIC established andlpopnlar
HOTEL would reipectfrißrinforin -the pthille that
it will ho conducted at all times to the comfort and
convenience of its guests. It has been thoroughly re
fitted and renovated: and no pains will be spared to
make the Table and the Bar , at all times, equal to any
in the county.
The STABLING, SHEDS and -Yard are superior too,
anti more extensive, than any other in Lebanon:
The patronage of the Farmers and the Traveling public
generally is respectfully solicited.
FLAOH—West side of Market street, and half a
square south from the Market House.
Lebanon, April 12, 1865. JOHN MATTHES.
Ili 0:
Po- •
W ILL be cold et Public Solo on
Friday, April 28, 1865,
ON the premises of John K. Miller, in Union Town
ship, Lebanon county, near Bordner's Store, the
following Personal Property. its :-
2-Horse power THRESHING MACHINE, Patent
Windmill . 4-horse Wagon, with lime box, 3 bongo
Wagon, pair Hay Ladders, Trotting Buggy, 1 sett new
Buggy llamas. Lot of Horse Gears, Log Chain, Forks.
Axe. Wedges. Shot Gun, Meat Cutting Bench. Grind
stone, Bedstead, Meat Stand, Cupboard, Lot of Old
Iron, and many other articles too numerous to men
tion. 'ALSO,
AT the same tine and place the following Real Es
tate, viz :-
it Plhintationt
Or tract of LAND„containing 87 ACRES of good farm
ing land, situate in Union Township, Lebanon county
near Bordner's Store,adjoining:lands of Daniel. Wal
ter, Widow Coppenhaver, and John &Bring. The im
provements are a large two-story weather boarded Log
muss, with porch, new ZWRITRER BARN, and
other improvements. A never failing Well of Water
near the Rouse, and Sowing water on the land.
6 Acres of WOODLAND, on the summer side of the
mountain, iu said towoship, adjoheing lands of Jacob
Rank and others..
lift` Any one wishing to see the property will please
call on John K. Miller, residing on the premises, or
on the Assignee living near by.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. IL, when terms
will be made known by DANIEL WALTER,
Assignee of John K. Miller.
HENRY 0. MILLER, Auctioneer. April 8, 1865.
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IS ; ,.
Pn n $1 el,' tt r
1 g .ir $-. I P'S
50 1 000 BUSHELS
woo bushels CORN
50,000 bushels OATS
MAO bushels WHEAT.
Also, 01,8VDRSRED, TIMOTHY SEED, Flaxseed, for
Which the highest CASH prices will ha paid at the Leb
anon Valley Railroad Depot, Debowsw.
Lebanon, July 17,1561.
Blanks, for Bounty and Invalid. Pen
Edon Clainut drat 'printed and for salt at, thafA
WiNTOVA, OglOtt .
A positive and Specific liemedy for diseased of the
Bladder, 'Kidneys, Gravel land Dropsical Swellings
This 'Medicine Mamma the powers of digestion, and
excites the absorbents into bealihy action, by which tt•.o
wateryor calcareous depositions, and all unnatural en
largements arc reduced, as well as pain and inflammation,
and Is good far men, women and children.
For weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dimly&
tion. Early Indiscretion, attended with the following
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of For. - er,
Loss of Memory, Drtheulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling,
Donor of Disease, Wakefulness,
Dimness Of Vision, rate in the Back,
Rot Muds, Flashing of the Body.
Dryness of 'the Skin, Eruptions of the race.
Universal Lassitude, Faith! Countenance.
These symptoms, if allowed to go on (which this Medi.
elite invariably removes), soon follow—
Ia one of which the patient may expire. Who can say
they are not frequently followed by those " direful dis
Moly ere aware of the cause of Or I r Eufferin,g,but rum
will confess. The records of the Mame asylums and the
melancholy deaths by consumption bear ample witness to
the truth of the assertion.
The Constitution, once affected by organic Arealmess.
requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate
the system, which BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT OT ROCllit
invariably does. A trial will convinCe the Most sceptical.
In many unctions peculiar to Femaies, the rarnucr
Drcun to unequaleid by any other femedy, and for all
,lomplalnta Incident to the sex. aria the
itar . Sss sTxrproms Azovz.
Lam" No Parnily should be without it.
. ;
Take no Malsam, Mercury., or unpleasant medicine for
2npleasant and dangerous diseases.
PROV oec. wawg
CAres Secret Diseases
In nil their stages little expense, little or no change of
3let, no inconvenience. and NO EXPOSURE. -
or all affections au diseases' of these organs , whether
drozn whatever cause originiting, and no matter hew 104 A
standing. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a
Is the Great Diuretic.
And it is certain to have tt.Le.det4ect effect 1414.1peuet
for which It SaxeComxpenOeil.
For purifying the Blood, removing all chronic cocaina
tional disemses arising from an impure state of the Blood
and the only reliable and of:totem' known remedy for thf
cure of Scrofula, Scald Head, Salt Rheum, Palms ant
Swellings of the Eones, 'Ulcerations of the Throat era
Legs, Blotches. rimples on the Face, Teller. Erysipelas
and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin,
of the worst disorders that aiLict mankind arise from tho
corruption that accumulates In the Blood. Of all the did
coveries that Dave been made to purge it out, none cal
equal In Cl!feet UE.I.SIIIOLD'S C01170Valt) ErrisAcr or East
eareurzsa. It cleanses and renovates the Blood, instill
the vigor of health into the system, and purges out thi
humors which make disease. It stimulates the health 3
functions of the body, and expels the disorders that gro\'
and rankle In the blood. Such a remedy that could bi
yelled on has long been sought for, and now, for the firs
tame the public have one on which they can depend. Off.
space here does not admit of certificates to shOw its effects
but the trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that I
bus its virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken
Two tablespoonful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla add°
top pint of water Is equal to the „Lisbon Diet Drink, ow
sue bottle Is fully equal to a gallon of the Syrup of Sang
patina, or the decoction as usually made.
An excellent Lotion for diseases arising from 'habits o
dissipation, used In connection with the Extracts Ductal
and Sarsaparllli, in such diseases as recommended. Evl•
dente of the most responsible and reliable character nil
accompany Cm medicines. Also explleit'directions fot
list, with (1 thousands living Witnesses, and up
wards of I'AVZ unsolicited certificates and recommenda
tory let tms, VlCay Or which era from the highest sources.
Including ,:lelana, Clergymen, Statesmen, .te
The Fropric:::.. toyer resorted to their publication it
the pc valirpers ; does not do this from the fact that hit
articles rank ca !landard Preparationa, and do not neet
to be propped up by certineateS;
The Licieneoof Incdfelne, Mt. the Doric Column, shoal(
stand simple, pure, majestic, having Fact for its bait
huinction for its pillar, and Troth Moto for Its Capital.
:r A
ry.tractCarseparilla is a flood rari2cr toy Extract
Duchu is r. Liurcilc, end will cot es such in all cases.
Loth ore prepared on porely &Ocotillo principles—Li
vacua—end tro the most ::cave measures of either that
Von be made. A reedy and conclusive test will ben corn
purism of their properties with those set forth in the fol
lowing worts
See Eispenantory of the rnited States.
Bee Trofeseer ealuablo works on the Procnei
of rb:gle.
Ece rep:tulles made by theseelebratecl Dr. rurstc, rtztla
See remarks made . by Dr rrunstic alcDoivnt.L, a cele
brated rayeletat arid lk:ember of the royal College
Surgeons, Ireland, and 11-X011cl:ed. the Transactions o
the ring and QUCCII'S Jourb.ul.
-Vat Medleo•Chirurgical review, published by BEzre:
Tiu.vmss. rob) rr of the royal College of Surgeons.
800 most of the intestarniard worsts on Medicine.
.. ~,..
~~ . _._ 4
Address letters for information, In confidence. to
H. T. lIELMBOLD, Chemist.
Revalboura Druji, pawl Cuemicul Warehouse.
Halmbold'e - Medical Depot,
TAIXE Z.: fa OTlrFall
A List of Retailer:4 ,
Any Foreign and Domestic Goods, 'Wares, Morahan
kJ Wee, An. which were returned by the Mercantile
Appraiser of kebanon County, for the year 1865. No 4
tice is hereby given that the Appraiser will hold his
appeal at the Commissioners' Office, in the Borough of
Lebanon, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of Ili f, lf. 11.1865 i at
which time and place those desiring to appeal may at
Your attention is called to the late Act of Assembly,
passed April 11, A.D.1802, entitled "An Act
tory of the License Laws of this State," which malces
it obligatory for you to pay your License on or before
the Ist day of July, in each and-every year.
I have Special notice from Auditor General to follow
instructions, and must bring suit Within ten days
thereafter. Give this your immediate attention.
Lebanon, April 5,1805. Mercantile Appraiser.
Lebanon Borough.
List of Retailers. Clam License
Cyrus S. George, Hardware & Coal, 10 20 00
George Roos, Drugs, • 14 700
do Patent Medicines, 3 10 00
0 . L. Atk ins, shoes, 14 7 00
John - Aulenbaeb, - Y 4 7 00
Bailey Thomas, grain and fruit, 14 7 00
Joseph Bowman, shoes and hats, 14 700
John L. Recker,stationery, 14 7 00
Barry & Anderson, tobacconists, 14 7 00
Reuben Bender, confectionery, 14 7 00
J. U Bressler" (agent.) stoves, 14 7 00
Robert Buck, confectionary, 14 7 00
Towle & Carlisle, merchant, s. 14 7 00
D. It. Deabler, grocery, 14 7 00
Goodyear & DEfenbach, merchant, 11 15 00
F. h. Ebur, confectionery, 11 7 00
John P. Rbur, confectionery, 14 7 00
Fisher & Arndt. loather, 14 7 00
George 31. Fauber, merchant, 14 7 00
John George & Sons, merchants, 12 12 50
John Graaf, confectioner, 14 7 00
John Gerhart, merchant, 14 7 00
C. Greenawalt, Hardware, 14 7 00
Daniel Graeff, shoes. 14 7 00
J.O. Planer & Co., tobacconists, 13 10 00
Samuel Renck, shoes, 14 7 00
George Hoffman, grain, salt, 'Arc, 10 20 00
J. R. Kelly, Jewelry, 14 7 00
Miss L. Krause. merchant, 14 7 00
Henry Krause, mereb tut, 13 19 00
J. D. Krause & Co., merchants, 9 25 90
L. K. Landermlich, merchant, 12 ' 12 50
Joseph Lowry, ,00nfectionery, 14 7 05
William Light, brewer, , II 15 00
J. L. Lemberger, drugs, 13 10 00
do patent'medicine 4 5 00
John Loeser & Pro., merchants, 11 15 00
P. P. ItleCaully, shoes, 14 7 00
Moore & shirk, shoes, .14 + 7 00
Charles McCarron, fruit; &a., 14 7 00
Markus Nathan, notions, &c., 14 7 00
L. B. Oppenheimer, clothing, 14 7 00
Jacob Refuiel, shoee, 14 7 00
C. E. Hohland, oboes and bate; 14 7 00
D. S. Reber, drugs, 14 7 00
do patent medicines, 4 5 00
Adam Rise, bats, &A," 13 10 00
Henry & Reinoebl, merchants, 12 12 50
James N. Rodgers, stoves, 14 7 00
S. S .Ratusey, merchant tailor, 13 10 00
If .3. B. Smith, groceries, 14 7 00
Henry Reber, clothing, 13 10 00
Edward Strickler, grain. 14 7 00
Abraham Strickler, grain, 13 10 00
J. A. Smith, buckstei 13 10 00
Jacob Siegrist, fruits, ' Am., 14 7 00
Waltz & Houck, stationery, 13 10 00
Daniel hi. Wittorsfilour and meal, :4 700
hn Yost, brewer, 11 15 00
John Yordy, saddlery, 14 7 00
Winton & Shirk, hats and elutes, 14 7 00
Myer Rothchild, groceries, 14 7 00
Henry Shenk, clothing, 14 7 00
J. J. Karmany, tobacconist, 13 10 00
A. licrabberger, furniture, 14 7 00
J.J. Blair, Jewelry, 14 7 00
Charles Shriver, groceries, 14 7 00
Steigerwalt, furniture, 14 7 00
John Wonderlicb, grain, coal, &c., 14 700
A. II .Embich, merchant, 14 7 00
_North Lebanon Borough.
Martin W. Eberdt, drugs; 14 7 00
Solomon Smith, saddler and coal, 14 700
Reinoehl & Melly, lumber and coal, 12 12 50
William Eckenroth, grain, coal, &c.,13 10 00
Jacob If. Fends, merchant, 13 10 00
Joseph Bowman, furniture, 14 7 00
Joseph R. Easton. tobacconist, 14 7 00
Frederick Gardner, confectionery, 14 700
John Paine, Grain. &c., 13 10 00
Christian Lung, merchant, 14 7 00
J. S. !deity, merchant, 14 7 00
A. J. Light, Wood and coal, ' 14 700
Avatara Township.
Brunner & Treichier, merchants, 13 10 00
Levi Heilman & Bro.,merchazits, 14 700
Amos S. Walmer merchant, 14 7 00
Planer 8. Arndt, leather, 14 7 00
J. &W. Souders stoves, 14 7 00
Abraham U. Sherk, huckster 13 10 00
Tkomaa Capp, merchant, 13 10 00
do drugs, 14 700
John Philips, merchant . 14 7 00
Emanuel Camber, huckster, 13 10 00
, Union Itionship,
Hiram Garnet, huckster 13 10 00
Nichol . .ri Rigel, huckster 13 10 00
Henry Rimu.grain and hay 14 7 00
31 ally & Brother,.grain and coal 14 7 00
Eshleman & Heil nen, lumber & coall3 10 00
John Hisinfelter, coal and grain 14 7 00
Dan iel T. Bordner, merchant 14 7 00
Amos Wolf, coils 14 7 00
Henry Bch e, coals 14 7 00
David Hummel, c,,ala 14 7 00
East Hanover Ibsonshiy.
J. A. ladinasu, merchant 14 7 00
Cyrus Banter, huckster 13 10 00
Thomas A. liarner,membaut 13 10 00
David Buck, leather 14 7 5 0
Cath"loo.sloFAXsooSClsaut & feed 13 10 00
-- 03 - vtauts. Bann; Ine: chant. - 14 - 700
Henry. Holieriworth, mei chant 13 10 .0
Henry Liolienworth,grain l4 7 00
Williston Miller, huckster ' 13 10 00
North Annvire !zownship
Gabriel Wolfsrmie gar, merchant 14 700
William Auld, leather 14 - 7 CO
George Petere s huckster 13 10 00
Jr:Stuntmen/. fureiture 14 7 00
hinge:is et Kreider, merchant 12 12 20
Jona filnitb, stows 14 7 00
I. mar tiray bill, thous • 14 7 00
Jacob Kiiiinger, grain and coil It 16 00
Johwilening shoes 14 7 00
E Bergner. ratichant 18 10 00
ret'r Forney, furniture . 14 700
Cyrus Mark, merchant 13 3.4 00
Shirk k Long, grain mad come 13 10 CO
South Anatutte Township.
John blabs, huckster 13 19 00
Rudolph Herr, lumber` l 4 7 00
A. a Ir.. Kreider, grain he ` 13 10 00
.7 G. Fritz, tit use! - 14 '7 00
William /Bever, leather 14 7 tO
Weyer it Brother, merchant ' 13 10 00
A. V. E. Steinmetz, merchant 14 7 00
William Carper, merchant 13 10 00
Landondery Township.
Martin Early, merchant /0 20 00
Martin Early, pain and coal 13 10 00
John .rightbill, merchant 18 10 00
Martin IL Botema .1, merchant 13 10 CO
Mama Fei ry, • toves 14 7 00
John Form, fossitttra 14 ' 700
Adtvard Dissinger, merchant taller 14 7 CO
Samuel Johnaton, stoves 14 7 00
John Delninger, merchant 13 10 00
John . Wolmrsherger, jr, Tobacco
and grain 14 7 CO
William Brunner, merchant
Jonas Backenetose, huckster
Routh ; Lebanon T...vmshigi.
Wel*. Hoak, grain, coals and salt 13 10 00
D. T. Werner, grain. coal, salt, &c. 13 10 00
North- Lebanon Township.
lieneT Flartinan, brewer 10 r.. 0 00
Joseph °Mgr eh, merchant 14 7 00
Israel Light, merchant 14 7 00
Shirk & Long, merchant 14 7 00
Shirk & Long, grain 14 7 00
Andrew Light, merchant 13 10 00
A. B. Light...merchant 14 7 00
Jacob Riddle, buckster 13 10 00
Johl Li. Grob, mei chant 13 10 00
C.• moon Tranship.
H. & S. Irby, merchant 12 12 56
JO IL Ramsey, merchant tailor 14 7 01
John Gasser. grain 14 7 00
Bucher & Kurtz. merchant II 10 00
iffinetberg TotonsA p
A. E. Grob, mei chant 13 10 00
Opus M. Orall, merchant 13 10 CO
Henry llom erg - r, eather 14 7Ou
Sucher & Knots., 10 20 tO
Bu her & Kurtz, grain, &e. 14 7 tO
Bucker & Kartt, merchant 13 10 00
Job& Fees, huckster 18 10 00
Joseph S. Leaser, =timbal:it 13 10 UO
Fronk dechriet..„ m. 0.( bent • 14 7 CO
John Backenstose,hccketer 13 1.1 tO
Valentine Graaf, Irons Reading, .
lit.ckster, . 30 20 00
William weitiMg, hiehstir 10 60 00
.litokaott Tmenship.
*arab Shack & Co., , inerchant 14 7 CO
Spengler & Musser,:merebaut 18 10 00
A. Weigly We. Chant, 18 10 00
Deeps & Stram; merchant 12 12 60
derkiamin Ariz stores 14 7 00
Samuel Shell, Moves 34 7 00
Franklin Wolf, shwa 14 7 00
Xmas L Bowman, merchant la 10 CO
J.& 11. Lome, feather k Balt 14 7 00
Colmar & Heat, grain, coal, Bat, &a 13 20 Co
Jacob A. Wolf, coal and lumber 14 7 00
hinderanth & Boyerrlumber 34 7 Ou
Miller, Painter & Millar, grain sad
coals 34 7 (0
George L. Seltzer, grain & cooks 33 10 00
G U. Happen, lumber and coal 14 7 00
Henry gawk, drugs 14 7 00
Henry Shirk, patent raodiaine 4 600
Daniel Drink, coats 14 1 00
C. Wolf A it Alta, grain 14 7 00
Henry Tice, hnehati , 13 10 Oki
Hosea Frantz, merehank 14. 700
Mows Pranlz,larckater 13 30 00
Henry Eml h, merchant 14 7 b 0
Daniel Hassler confectiontoy 24 7 00
0. Q Spingler;merehaat 16 10 00
erk TOtoarhip.
J. A. Weigly. merchant 14. 7 00
J.H. Walter, merchant P 8 7 00
Elias S. Long. bucacter 13 10 00
John Zimnarrman, grain 14 7 00
John S. Richard, Ist min 14 7 (0
John U. Seibert, wain 14 • 700
J. Z. Stewart, merchant 14 7 t 0
It. W. Landis, merchant • 14 7 00
Daniel Zug, grain and coals , 13 10 00
Hoary M. Clouse, huckster 16 20 0.)
James Valentine. huckster 10 a 0 00
Levi Shultz, huckster 10 20 00
Bethel Tettnishrp.
Thomas S. Wrlmer, merchant 18 10 01
Ler r Shull, bucneter la 30 00
Shelf & Haifa, merchant IS 10 GO
John Weller, grain and coals 14 7. o o
J.B. Bomberger, huckster 10 go 00
Joseph Light, leather 14' 7. 00
George Hirst, doves 14' - 7 00
&rime Weaker, merchant IS 70 00
Lent Shiltiler,merchant 18 10 00
J. S. tiring. merchant /6' 10 00
George Broteman.huoltster 11; 10 00
Levi Paine, huokstes is 10 00
Peter Shock... r hea/titer 1s 10 00
blertin Rudy . , loathes 14 7 00
J. K, Bolts, huckster ID 20 00
Levi Dubbs, huckster 10 20 00
D i f:i y orv ont . m.A r rabil A-ORO:6 New Soot aud Oboe
Poor Man's Cash
Shoe Store!
Our Business Irci•tasing
Promise to give Costomers the l3ene4t
and Bug imour Shoes Cheap
Dont buy until you sef , our Stuck
Quick Sales dnd Small Profits is our
IT le Well known to the medical profession the
IRON IS the 'Vital Principle or Life Element of th
blood. This is derived chiefly from the food we eat
but if the food is nth, properly digested, or if, fron
any saute r(Pinferir , the neseesary quantity of Iron is
not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced, thi
whole system suffers. The bad blood will irritate the
heart, ; wllll . cloruplet lungs, will sinner, the brain
will obliffint the lfref, lea wIU, aend itd disease•pro
ducing elements to all parts of the dysterk- and every
one will suffer In whatever orgaini may be Pfedsposet
to disease.
The great value of
is well known and acknoWledged by all medical mem
The difficulty has been to obtain Bibb: d preparation o
it as will enter the circulation and assimilate at one
With the blood. This poiut, says Dr. Hayes, Massada,
setts - State Chemist, has been attained in the Permeat
Syrup, by coinhinutlon in a way before unknown.
The Periivian Syrup
is a protected solution of the PROTOXIDE OF IRON
elur,ltoot of the Disease by supplying the blood wit)
de Vital Principle or Life Element—lron.
The Peruvian Syrup
Cures llyanamilaiLiVer Complaint, Dropsy. Fever an
Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Spirits.
The Peruvian Syrup
Inftises strength, vigor, and new life into the systole
and builds nti "Iron Constitution."
The Peravian Syrup
Cures Chronic I/lard:ea, Scrofula : Boils, Scurvy, L
The Peruvian Syrup
Cares Nervous direr tione, Fettlele Complaints, and
diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder.
The Peruvian Syrup
Is a.. Specific for all disee.sen originating in a J . pl
STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accorapatilea by Debtli
or a Low State of the System.
Pamphlets containing certifleatof of Mikes and recor
mendatione from some of the moat eininent'Physleito
Clergymen, and others, will be sent free to any si
We select a few of the name,* to' BMW ehateet
of the testiotontiele:
P'reahltert of the Metropolitan sank, New York,
Late EdlUn: Christian Advocate and Journal
..Editor New York Chronicle.
RAW. Ohn - Piiiinitint, Lewis Johnson, ILIY,
Rev. Warren Button , ,
it:omen Kinney, re.
Rev. Arthur B. E. K. Kendal', M. D..
Der . Gordon Robbins, W. R. Chisholm, .D.,
Rev. Sylvanite Cobb, Dreads Dana, M. D.,
Rev. T. Stair Ring, J. Antonio Bunches, K. D.,
Rev. Ephraim ; Nute,..n., Abraham Wendell, M. 8.,
Rev. Joseph itt. Cl WWI', A. A. Hayes, M. D.,
Rev. henry Upham, • J. R. Chilton. M. D.,
Rev. F. C. Headley, - H.R. Kitiriey,
Rev. John W.Ohnstead, J'erediiah Stone ,M. IL
Prepared be N. re. OILARK & CO., eielueivery foe
DINSBIONE,Ne.4OI.Nree' dway, New York.
Redding's Ralssia Salve.
}teals 014 Sores.
Redding's Russia Salve
Cures Burns, Seal 47 Ctitlr.
Redding's Russia Salve
Cures 'Wounds, Bruises, Sprains.
Redding's Russia. Salve:
Cures BOAT, Ulcers, Caueete.
Redding's Russia Salve ..
Cures Salt Rhuem, Piles, Erysipelas.
Redding's Russia Salve
Cures Riugutruts Corns . Ste, i,
NO FAMILI snot& Bt.wrmotrf rt.
Only 2 i delfts a box
Fog tr..Ctit iiy
J. P. Drilsmokut. No. 491 DroadviaY, - ,New York.
S.W. FOWLS k CO. No. 18 Tremont St., Boston,
And by'all Druggists and Country littdrykeepera.
33 10 0
13 30 00
Real and Personal Property
East Hanover rind Cold Spring, on Thursday,
lath, at the Public House ofJacob W. Alkdattit.
Londonderry, on Friday, April 14t% air tbd Public!
House of John Wealand.
North and South Annville, on Saturday,. Alia. I.sth,
at the Public Ronne of Simon Crall.
Jackson, on Tuesday, April 18th, at the Pubilo
Mouse or John Benethum. ,
M illcreek, on Welnesday, inesday, 19th , at the Pub
lic House or Frederick AL Shultz.
lieidelherg,,eti Theiaday. Aril 208 s, at the Public'
R id
euse 'Altizandier Steinmetz.
P. 8. Nalco Is bereby given tilig this Abeeesors
have made tbeif rolls-of all persons litibld to enroll
ment for State service according to Law. and that a
copy therefif he iii MIS Commissioners' Office, where the
same may lie seen or' examined, by any person inter.
acted therein, and that, the Milltimy Appeals w ill also
be held on the above Mentioned difys.
THOMAS' LEBENtt Commission ers JACOß BRUBAbaiR,}
WILLIAM BAItLIr, Lebanon county.
Attest. CYRUS &Mr, Clerk.
March 1, MM. . . .
Court Proclarmattoit.
If V President of the several Cotirttfof CoMnicin Pleas
in the district composed of the counties of Leb‘nonandf
Dauphin, and Judge of the Courts of Oyer and Termi
ner and general Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital
and all other offences in said counties; the Judge of the.
General Court of Quarter Sessions of the ' , Were' and
General Jail Delivery, in the county of Lebanon; and
Wzursat Balm and THOMAS KRAMER, Moira, Judges of
the General Courts of Quarter Gteslbtte, a the Courts
of Oyer and Terminer, Generbi Peate aqd Jml Deliv
ery, for the trial of capital and other dffdimee, in said
county of Lebanon—through their precepts to me di
rected the 2d•dity of January, A. D., 1885, to hold a
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
and'a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace iif-Leba
non for the county of Lebanon, 9n the .
Third Monday- of April, next,
,naeb will be the 17th day of said month, to continue'r
ONE Week.•
Notice le therefore herbliy given; to the Coroner, the'
Justices of the Peace, and to Constables within the'
county of Lebanon, to appear in their own persons,
with their rolls, reeognizances, inenliciticeis, examina
tions and other documents, and present the eame bi the
Prosecuting taturbity at Mat' ten days before the meet
, iv el' the Court, conformably to the provisions of the
Act of Assembly, passed at the late session of the Leg
islature. Also, all those who intend to prosecute pile
oners which now are or then may be ni the Jailer Leb
anon county, II ill have then and there to appear, on
the Sd Monday of AWFUL to proceed against ,
them as then may beast
Given under dry hand; is the borough of Lebanon;.
the 15th day of March, in the year of out Lord; one'
thonsand'eight hundred and siity-five.
Sheriff's (Mee, Lebanon, March 22, ISO.
OF k
Brickyard& Building Loire
rruis suliscriber offers at private sale, a valuable'
Tract of Land in North Lebanon Borough, near
the line of North Lebanon Borough; on- Sinegrove ,
atreet,containing about a . /cßwat This tract' is ex
cellent ground Yogi Bab* hieving Sees used'
for that poi pose; midis also eligibly located to be cut
up , intbßi i LDING LOTS. A good kiln for burning
Mak is on the premises . For fiirther• particulars ak ,
ply to
BENNY A-101051).
Lebssion, 1.865:
Rally Men
Motto I
Market street, Lebteon, Pa
of Constitutional Vigor
Sold by all Magi;!War