The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, March 29, 1865, Image 3

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    ftllaton gartintiost,
WEiikkStAt, litAiteLt 20, )865
Nita:tem of la.cl4ox-tindLlo.g.
The publishers of Lebanon have agreed upon the
ftilloirlog charges for Advertising, rim :
Size. It. 3t. 3m. am. ly.
1 Square, 12 lines, $ .50 $l.OO $3.00 $5.00 $ 8.00
2 24 lines, 1.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 12.00
3 . 4 - .30 lines, 1.50 300 7.00 10.00 15.00
For Exeeptor's and Administrator's Notices, 2.00
For Assignee. Auditor anti similar Notices, 1.50
For MAY Cards, not exceeding 0 lines, , 7 3.00
For column advertieensent, 1 year, 60.06
For 34 column " 30,00
For g column " If 18.00
For AnnoUnelogcondklotes for office, In advance, 2.00
Yor Announcing sale, qinncoompoolod by MIT 't. 1.1:0
For Local Notices, Society resolutions, As., 8 cts
per line.
For Bishop or Fpeolnl Notices, 80 min per liroi
por year.
Yearly advertisemente for Merchants and Busi
ness men as agreed upon.
The following Sales of Personal Property will
'beheld at the times and places designated. For
)plittionlars see Advertisemeits, which will, op-
Isettr'in another column in due time :
iVedneaday, March 29—Stock, Farming Imple
ments and Household property of Charles
TiMienberger, in Londonderry township.
Thursday, March 80—Henry Loy's sale in North
Lebanon Borough.
Friday, March 31—Peter U. Strickler's sale in
this borough.
BorolliftVlopirty of James N. Roger'',
Patin alqicob Whiner, Jr., In Cornwall Town-
Town notitflohn SV., Mish,
Borough property of Jos. 1.1. Uhler.
IL. Rank, a son — of Judge
wen has been in rebel prisons for
several months, returned to his home last
Lieut. Richard Herbert, of Leb
anon who was a prisoner with the rebels
has been exchanged, and is now at his
The following . is a, list of members
of the 107th P. V who were taken pris
oners by the rebels on the 19th of Au
gust lastin the operations on the Weldon
Railroad and who have died under reb
el barbarities while in prison atSalisbury,
Sergt. John Ellinger, Hummelstown,
Dauphin co; Corporal Wm. Bretz ; Leba.
non; James Kennedy, Scranton ; Jesse
Brinard, Pa; Samuel Eckert, Annville,
Pa. ; Wm. Miller, Lebanon ; John Still,
Lebanon ; Samuel Nagle, Shaefferstown ;
John Steely, South Annville tp ; David
Lonen, Newmanstowri ; Wm. Reedy;
Jacob Clay ; Wm. nigher, Lebanon ;
John Therwachter, Hanover ; Sylvester
Herman, Germany ; George Black, Ger
Zimmerman & Co's NEW YORK
GALLERY is taking the Best and Cheap
est Pictures in Lebanon. Stine's Build
ing, opposite Lebanon Valley Bank. *
Canine .Affeetion.—Whan Robert
Wright, who was recently accidentally
killed, came home from the army, he
brought with him from Virginia a terrier
do,g': - Great 'affection existed between
Robert and his dog. When the unfortu
nate accident happened which resulted in
the death of Robert, and when the body
was taken home, it was with great diffi
culty that the dog could be prevented
from springing upon it to lick it, and ex
hibit other marks of affection. From
that moment the dog commenced to pine,
refused food, and on Thursday night o
last week he died, unquestionably of grief
for the loss of his muster. it is a re
markable and touching instance of ca
nine affection.—Pottsville Journal.
The woman who left her infant
child at the Birdsboro' Station one day
last week, an account of which we publish.
ed in the last ADVERTISER, was arrested
in Reading and taken before the Mayor
on Tuesday. She waived a hearing,
and entered bail for her appearance at
next court. The cruel desertion appears
to have been determined upon on the spur
Of the moment, without considering con
sequences, and was followed by the deep
est distress. She went back a day or so
ago and reclaimed the child, the kind
family who had it in charge giving it up.
Her name is Louisa Heckenrode.
Photographs.--J. Daily is turn
ing out very fine pictures at his new Gal
lery, opposite Siegrist's Hotel. All are
invited to call and see his specimens. *
The annual commencement of
the 44th session of the Philadelphia Col
lege of Pharmacy Wok place on Satur
day evening, March 11, 1865, at, the Mu
sical Fund Hall. Among the Graduat
ing Class we notice the name of Jon W.
RANK, a son of Dr. N. Rank, firmerly of
this place.
The firm of Reinoehls & Meily,
Lumber Merchants, in North Lebanon,
has been dissolved, by the withdrawal o
the senior partner, Mr. Samuel Reinoehl.
The business will be continued as usual
by Reinoehi & Meily. The breaks in
the Canals, by the recent freshet, will not
affect their business, as they now receive
their supplies of Lumber by Railroad.
We have received a large lot of
good Connecticut Seed Leaf Tobacco
Seed, from Hon. Myer Strouse, for dis
tribution. Any person desiring of said
seed will be glally supplied gratis, by
Calling at, or sending to, our office.
1700 Beaves were offered, a falling off of
700 head compared with last week, and
the market was dull at la2c per lb lower.
The decline was chiefly noticed in low
priced cattle which were neglected ; the
sales ranged at sloal3 for common • $l4
alB for fair and good, and $19a2 1 2 for
prime Including a few extra quality taken
at the highest figures.
COWS were rather lower; about 100
head sold at from $25 to $45 each for
springers, and $35a75 for Cow and Calf.
11008 were dull and lower, with light
receipt; only about 1050 head were dis
posed of, at the different yards, at from
817 to $l9 the 100 .lbs net.
SHEEP were in good demand and
scarce at an advance, with sales of '251Y0
head, all offered, at from 11 is to 13c per
lb gross, as to condition.
Horse Bills printed at this office,
promptly and at moderate rates.
The following is a copy of the General
bounty Lavt , as it passed the Legislature.
Sic. 1. Be it enacted, &c. That so
Much of the sixth section of the act re
lating to the payment of bounties to vol
unteers, approved March 25th, 1864, as
limits the amount of bounty to be paid to
each and every noncommissioned officer
and private soldier who may hereafter
volunteer and enter the service of the
United States to the sum of three hun
dred dollars be and the same is
repealed; and that hereafter it shall and
may be lawful for the ; authorities men
tioned in the act t) which this is a sup
plement and the several supplements
thereto, and in the mode therein pre
scribed, or for any special commissioners
appointed by any of the courts of guar ter
sessions in this Cdnittronwealth by au
thority of existing latte, Which commis.
siunert are also hereby invested with all
the other powers norhe'rein specially enu
merated, conferred by the act to which
this is a supplethent, together with the
several supplements' thereto, upon the
authorities therein specially mentioned, to
raise a, sufficient sum to pay a bounty to
each volunteer enlisted Under the present
call, or who may hereafter be enlisted
under the pending or 'future calla, not ex•
ceeding four hundred dollars: Provided,
That the authorities mentioned in the act
to which this is a supplement and the sev•
eral supplements thereto, are hereby au
thorized to levy and collect a pd. capita
tax not exceeding Aventy
,dollars each
upon persons liablettir roilitarydUty, arid
Upon all able-bodied .tuale taxable Inhab
itants not liable to military duty between
the ages of twenty one and forty five
years : Provided further, That non-com
missioned officers and> privates now in
actual service of the United States or of
this State, and persons who have been
honorably discharged from such service,
who were permanently,disabled in said ser
vice sha 11 be exempt from the per capita tax
herein specified, and the prorerty of wid
ows and minor children, and widowed
mothers of non-commissioned officers
and privates who died in such service, is
hereby exempt from the payment of a
bounty tax: And provided further, That
it shall and may be lawful for the author-
ities mentioned in the act to which this is
a supplement, to pay the amount of boun
ty herein prescribed to any person draft
ed into the military service of the United
States, and serving therein, or to the ram•
flies of the same, at such time and in such
slims as the said authorities' shall deem
proper; or to any person furnishing a
substitute for said service who may be
credited to the quota of any county, city,
ward, borough, township, or enrollment
district of this Commonwealth: And
provided further, That any county or
district having a special bounty law, shall
be entitled to the provisions of the same,
or of this supplement.
The Philadelphia Conference of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, was in
session in Philadelphia week before last.
The following are a list of appointments
for the Reading District, for the ensuing
Reading Diertet.—W. L. Gray, Presiding El
der..—Read log, Ebenezer. G. W. McLaughlin ;
St. Peters, J. F. Meredith; Mnnnynnk, Mt. Zi.
on,H. E. Gilroy; Ebenezer, J. R. Turner ;
Fels of Schuylkill; J. S. Muses; Roxboro', S.
B. Best 1 GermatttoWn,i-„HaittesStreit.. J. K..
Maddux I St. Stephens, W. Kennedy . ; Chesnut
Bill, haat 'Mast' Conshohocken, R. Owen.;
Marion Square, B. Reidy 1 Norristown, De
Kalb street, J. Pastortield ; Oak street, (1. Orem;
Perk tomen, J. Baud ; Montgomery Square, J.
L. Tett ; Phoenixville, A. John; Salem, J. Ed--
wards; West Cheater, C. F. Turner; Grove, J.
.; Pottstown, S. G. Hare ; Springfield
D. L. Patterson, C. J. Little; Waynesburg, J.
Allen ; Birdsboro', T. Sumption, J. S. Conno
way ; Lebanon, M. 11. Sisty ; Cornwall, W. Swin
dells; Cressona, S. Lucas; Pottsv Ole. J. B. Mc-
Cullogh ; Alinersvillo, J. Aspril ; Tremont. J.
Slid) ter ; Port Carbon, W. McCombs; New
Philadelphia, J. S. McConnell ; St. Clair, G. T.
Barr; Manch Chunk, G. Heacock ; Parryv ille,
N. D. Dtirell Nesquehoning, S. 11. Reisner ;
Allentown, W. C. Rest; Bethlehem, G. Cum
mins ; Catosaqua, 11. F. Sett; T. S. Thomas,
Chaplain United States Army. Rev. V. T.
Thompson goes to the First Church, Lancaster.
Mr. James 0. Fries' has opened
the Restaurant, Eating and Drinking Sa
loon, in the Basement of Funck's Build.
ing, which he purposes to carry on in No.
1 style. Oysters and all the delicacies
of the season will always be kept on
hand, to which he invites the attention of
the public and. solicits a share of its pa.
tronage. .
SAVE YOUR .13 - A - coN.---Otte of our
largest farmers informs us
_that the ex•
treme and long continued cold weather
of the past winter prevented pork from
taking the salt etrectually ; and that there
is danger of its spoiling if hung at the
present time. Persons will do well to ex
amine the condition_ of their meat before
taking it out of the brine.
Marriage Certificates.--It is a
marrying time now and the young folks
had better make the minister give them
a certificate. it may save trouble one of
these days. A great deal of troub'e is
experienced by the widows of deceased
soldiers who make application for back
pay and pensions, whii cannot produce a
certificate of. marrlge. -The records
have to be - searched, and certified to, and
often is difficult to find the proper record.
A marriage certificate is demanded of
those who wish to' visit their husbands
in camp. In many other circumstances
they betotne not only valuatile but ind is.
The Commissioner of Internal
Revenue has decided that "all instruments
issued or used by officers of a State,
county, city or town in their official ca'
pacit.y are exempt from stamp duty."—
Orders of officials upon their treasurers
are not therefore required to be stamped.
St. Luke's Church.—Rt. Rev.
Wm. Bacon Stevens, D. D., assistant
Bishop of Pennsylvania, will administer
confirmation on Tuesday evening, March
The successfat candidate for
Judge of Elections in the South Cornwall
district, was Peter S. Lineaweaver, and
not Peter Zimmerman, as we had it last
There is very little demand for
Flour in the Philadelphia Markets, either
for export or home use, and the market
is very dull and prices drooping. Sales
comprise about 5,000 bbls at sloall for
extra family, end 89 50a9 75 for extra,
including 1,500 bhls City Mills family on
private terms. The retailers and bakers
are buying in a small way at from sBa9
for superfine, 89010 for extra; 810,411 25
for extra family, and 811 50012 per 1351
for• fancy brands, as to quality. Rye
Plain' and Corn Meal continues dull, and
prices are rather lower i small sales of
the former are making At sBaB 25 per bbl.
GltAlN.—Wheat continues scarce, and
prices are unsett lel and lower, with sales
of about 15,000 bus at 230a235c for red,
(the latter for choice,) and white at from
240a250c per bus, according to quality.
Rye is lower, small sales are making at
158a160c per bus. Corn is rather firm.
er ; about 30,000 bus sold at 136a138c
for prime yellow in store, and 1400 per
bus afloat. Oats are dull and lower;
small sales are making at from 85a88c
per bus.
FIRE.—The House and. Barn of
Mr. David Wilhelm, about a mile north
of Palmyra, were burnt on Thursday
evening, between 9 and 10 o'clock. The
house, a large brick, was unoccupied, the
tenant, Mr. Henry Stouffer, havinemov
ed out the same - day: In the Barn a
.quantity of hay and straw was consum.
ed. The property was - insured in the
Northern Mutual Insurance company of
Lancaster county. It is the opinion that
the property was set on fire wilfully by
some one.
George Ely, a member of Com
pany B, 10th Regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteers died on the sth of December,
1864, while undergoing imprisonment at
Salisbury, North Carolina. He was 33
of age, and leaves a family in this place.
young man dressed in military clothing,
was killed 'on the Reading Railroad on the
evening of the 16th inst., between 6 and
8 o'clock, about one-fourth of a mile
East of Valley Forge Station. His head
was severed from the body, and his
breast was much bruised. The Coro
ner of Montgomery county held an in
quest, and a verdict of accidental death
was rendered. The body was taken to
Norristown, and placed at a public house,
for the purpose of recognition, until Sat
urday morning last, when it was interr
ed In the Potter's Field. An old knife
was all that was found in the pockets of
the deceased, and the initials H. R. C.
were cut with a knife in his hat. The
hat and boots are In the possession of the
The act of Congress as finally
passed, relative to the currency, imposes
a tax of ten per cent. after the first of
July, 101 on all State bank paper :paid
out by the National banks. This iv,hl, as
a matter of course, drive out of existence
all State bank circulation, and leave the
field entirely, to the National banks.
MAKE A NOTE or Tits.—Every
body who has not been vaccinated with
in five years should again endure that
easy operation. In New York smallpox
is raging to a fearful extent. There is a
great deal of disease prevalent that may
be contracted w here least expected. Un
der these circumstances let the head of
every family summon his household phy
sician' and see that all its membership
have the sure protection of vaccination.
This is a matter requiring very little trou
ble and involving no pain.
Mutilated Currency.—There is
an Itapression prevailing among 'many
persons that postmasters are -compelled
to redeem mutilated currency. This is
an error. The United States Mail, the
official paper of the Post office Depart
ment, states that the law does not pro-
vide for redemption by the postmasters,
but any one can send letters to the Trea
sury Department, on official business, free
of postage, and that it is the duty of the
Department alone to redeem mutilated
We learn that Mr. ISAAC EPA
has taken the COACH MAKING SHOPS. in
this borough, formerly known as Arnold's,
opposite the old Lutheran Church. He
has engaged first class
ir.;; city workmen in all
VAllovArriati_ branches of the bust
rims. His stock of ma
terial is well seasoned, and of the best
quality: He is prepared to manufacture
on order, or sell and deliver Carriages and
Buggies, of all descriptions. His work
will favorably compare in taste, finish
and proportion, with any turned out in
the state. A new feature will be his
shifting top, leather covered Buggies, lined
with broadcloth, and made after the most
approved Connecticut style.
Prompt attention will be given to RE
PAIRING, and the charges will be rea
He has also taken -the shops formerly
occupied by H. C. Nipe and J. H. Miller
in SHAEFFERSTOWN. Experienced
hands are working at both places. At
these shops attention will be paid mainly
to building EXPRESSVAGONp, and repair.
ing. Samples of bug g ies and • Carriages
can be seen at all the shops.
gps ciat 4)atlrez.
To Consumptives.
TILE undersigned bavinebeen restored to bytith in
a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, afteX
~h aring
suffered several years, with a severe Intig affection,
and that dread disease Consumption—is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure,
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre
scription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for
preparing and using the earns, which they will find a
sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds
Coughs., &e. The only object of the Advertiser in
sending the Prescription iII to benefit the afflicted. and
spread information which ho conceives to be in
valuable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his
remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a
Parties - wishing the preeeription will please address
Rev EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg,
Kings County,
New York.
February Ifr, 1865.-3 m.
A. Card to Invalids.
A CLERGYMAN, while residing in South America'
an a nilseionary, discovered a safe and simple rem
edy for.the cure of Nervous weakness. hasrly Decay,
Diseases of the Urinary nod Seminal Organs, and the
whole train of disorders brought on by yaneful and
►icious habits. Great numbers have been already
cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to
benefit the afflicted and on fortunate, I will send the
recipe for preparing and using this Medicine, in a
sealed envelope, teeny one who needs it, Free of
Please inclose a post-paid envelope, adressal to your
STATION 0, IleucE nous;
New Dirk Oily.
Fab. 23,1885.-3 m.
deafness, Blindness and
it EAT ED with the utmost success, by Dr. J. Isaacs,
Oculist, and Aurist (formerly of Leyden, Itollend,)
No. 518 Piuo Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from
the most reliable sources in The City and Country can
be seen at his Office. The medical faculty are Invited
to accompany their peAlstits, , Its he has no morns in
his prastice. .ARTIFICIAL EYES, ineetted without
painy No charge made for exinitinatlon.
February 8, 1865.
did Eyes made - Neil.
AI9aIPIILET directing bow to speedily restore
n i g ht an d i ota up speetaeles, without aid of doc
tor or niatileine. Famt by mail, nn receipt of 10 cents.
attreKe, I+OOTBI. M. ).,
3130 Broadway, New York.
Feb.l / 1888.-001.
Von A - Vont to Know
ALri"PLE:ON Iad:TH . IM; relating to the hu
man system, male end fern ale; the causes and
troaten,nt of dUeeses the snerr'age customs of the
world ; how to marry well and a thousand things
never published before rend the revised and enlarged
edition of “Nletlical Common sense," a curious book for
curious people. end a good book for every ono. 403
pages, 100 1 ilnetrations. Price $1.50. Contents table
sent free to any address. Books stay be bad at the
Book stores, or will be sent 111 mail, post paid on re
ceipt of the price, Address
R. FOOT E, 11.
1130 Brondway, flaw York
Feb. 1,1565.--6111,
Ayer's Ague Cure,
Intermittent - rover, or Fever and Agne, Re
mittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb Ague,
Periodical Headache , or Billions Headache,
and BilliouS revers, indeed for the whole
class of diseases originating in biliary. de
rankenlitt; Mud by the yfolor4 of moo.
matie countries.
FEVER and Ague is not tha only consequence of
the miasmatic poison. 'A. great vat tety of disor- ,
4!eis arise from its irrbation, In malarbous d Write,
among which al e Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Gout,lierld
-oche, Blindness, : Toegl,ache; -Earache. Catarrh, Asthma,
Palpitation, ratrifut Affection of the ,Spleen. Hysteria.
Pain in the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis and Derangement
of Ike Stomach, ‘ll of wit ich; When originating in this
cause put on the intermittent , type, or become periodi
cal. This "OHM" expels the, polsou from the Id °d
ead thus cures them alike. ,It is net Only the most ef
fectual remedy ever discovered for this , clam of com
plaints, hot it is the cheapeiit and moreover is perfect
ly safe , ra harm can arise-from its up, s,:d the pa
tivnt when cured is, left hollellitlly as if he bad never
had the disease. 'Can Ws' be said 01 any other cure.
for Chills and Fever? It la,ttne orthis; and its impor
tance to those afflicted with the complaint bo
over e.timated. So swe 'cure the Fever and.
Ages, that it may be totttfulliaa/d to be a certain
remedy. One Dealet'Arlaill kis biota good medi
cine to sell, because one boVe L euree .11 whole neigh
Prepared by J. C. AYElde (3d. Lowell, Mass.; end
Sold by all the druggists in Lebanon and dealers in
medicine every where. r
January iS. 1865.-2 me. v
The Leba
on 11larket.
. . .. ..
carefunitOrrected 112c1-1 3 ,..:-.
LEBANON, Wearlead,:lV , MARCH 29,-180.4
Extra Family, $l2 dl !Eggs, ip doz., 20
Extra Flour, 11 Butter, 'fib., 24 .
Prime White Whest,2 !Tub or Salted butter, 10 '
New Red Wheat, 2 I Lard, - ` - ' 22
Old Red. 0 Tallow, . 12
Prime Rye, 1 1 ilmn, 22
Corn, 1 Shouldire. ' 18
Oats, 1: Bides, ' ' ' 18 „
Clover-seed, 12 Soap, , 10
Timothy-seed, 2 I Bees-wax, . 25
Flax-seed, 2 4 White Rage, 6
Dried Apples, penied,2 io Mixed Rap, 3
Peach "Snits," 4 10 *lax, ify lb., 12%
Peach."llutzele," 2 vZI Brietles, ili,lb., 40
Cherries, 2 4 Feathets, IQ lb., . 6234
Onions, 1Q .Wool , lil b., 4Q
Potat o es, p boa, 1 6 !Soup Beans,* qt., 3
Apple Butter, Vetroch,ls N'inegar, cA gal., 20
i ging rtittO.
St. Luke's Church.—Serlices every Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock.
Preaching in the M. E.phurch every Sabbath, both
morning and evening. Also 'services on Thursday
St. James Csurstm.,—Seirice nextErmday morning and
evening, in the El;lish language. Lecture on
Wednesday, evening.,.
English preaching-nextSibbath Morning and evening,
in the First reformed Ilburch.
German preach lug nex(Fabbeith morning, and Eng
lish in the evening, Si Zion's Lutheran Church.
Sermon preaching nextlEabbath morning, and Eng. in the evening,iitalalstit's Lutheran ehurch..
On the 26th inst., hi the Rev::.F. W. Kremer, Mr.
RANI % FAUST. of Atnville, .te bliss CATHARINE
LONG, of Cornwall tp., spin county.
On the 21st M81,111 ; 414 Hanover, JOHN HARPER,
Esq , aged 73 years ti,MOnths, and 13 days.
On the 20th Itust i ,altollAEL HOFFMAN, aged 78
years, 8 months, BE4IB days.
Ott the 19th Inst., fa 4cb yltill Ilaveti, WILLIAM
STOEVER, aged, - 1_ , ....,..e1,9 „ ,„2,ntanth,5,aud..10 days.
Utbr,..* . ii,iii:Ointitts'.
, .
J 0141 A Ii -ruquit
t Cs r 31. e "3"
( ) F6'lOE, next door to the First National Bank, (late
Deposit Bank,) Cumberland sited, Lebanon , Pa.
March 29,1866.
JOHN P. 1130‘titiA11 3
S rgeon
400 - o*:>,.. '
: . _ .33.. rk. tiis t .
,-._ :..:- 1 . , jay- IMOMS over Mr. Ad.
1 ,:i A -:
.„, „„,.... ,A, am Shlt' Hat Store, Cum.
, i VIVIIIPIrR"' - , berlan4St., Lebanon, Pa.
Lelmmon. March 28, 1865
Admittisiraior. Notice.
‘TOTICE is hereby given that, L kora of Administra
il Con on the Estate of :ELIZA ETU STRICKLER,
deed., late of the township of illereek, Labium
zonuty, 'have been granted t. be undersigned, of
the township, county and Staten reaaid.. All persons
Indebted to said estate are regu,. .+ to make immedi
ate payment. and those:boving eIMS will present
them without delay .
R. sTEwA.ItT.
Millcreelt, M
.. arch 29,1265.
. -
Dissolution br Orartner
. • ship..
fllllll empartnersbip *.bereto existing between
1. Samuel Reinoehl, Adolphus nit oahl and Charles
It. Melly, trading in tbodurube end coal business, in
North Lebanon Boroueb, andel the firm of Reinoehls.
& Meily, was dissolved by mutt I consent on the 22d
of March, 1865, by the withdra Id Samuel Reinoeld.
The Imsiness will he emitinti at the old stand, by
Adolphus Reinoehl and Cherie IT. -May,. under the
firm of Rehmehl it lrleily. TI Books of the old firm
will remain at their office, wh 6 all persons indebted
or having claims, arorequesto to call and make set
tlenient. ,
Royal Lebanon, March' 29, J1166.-41t,
Pea•sontil •roperly
• *
4, • 11. 1
ILL b.. 04 at p iie sate, on
Friday; aareh 31st,, 1865,
At the residents oftisesabscriber, in Market Street,
few doors south or 4 8iifekhst's MI" in the borough of
Lebanon, Lebanon. county, Pa., the following Personal
Property, vie
One good 'Family It( 'fi. years old, one yorng
Fresh MILOn ICOWiI SHOATS, one new ono horse
Wagon. Top. Buggy. setts or Harness, new Cook
ing Stove, two new Paifir Stoies; 3 Bedsteads, new
Sofa, one vet of new Cane seated !Matra one dome of
other Chairs, as good es new. a lot of all wool Car Petr
lot of home made Carpeting, Tables. Sink, 2 Bureaus,
one new, Kitchell Cupboard, Tube, Stands, Benches,
Potatees by the bushel. It tot of etsoked Hama,-Shoul
ders, Sides Sausages,Acf,. a lot• of Queenswate,
ware and fiettbenwate, , and a large variety of other
articles too numerous se 'mention. The above articles
are nearly all new. AI.SO TWO STANDS OP LAM).
Sale to comnienao nE l o'biock, P. M. r when- coedi:
dons of Nola will be made known by
March 29, 18.65.
if Ig r,IXTOULD respectfully inform the citi.
ir v sews of Lebanon and vicinity, that
h e hen removed his Tailoring Men:Wish
rsent. to the room lately mewled by Dr.
ft. F. Schneck .in Walnut street, three doors south of
David Hollinger's Hotel, next door to John D.
Rotuma's store, where be will make up the moot fash
ionable clothing. .111 work entrusted to his care.will
be manufactured in the best manner, on moderate
terms. Good fits and substantial Making guaranteed,
elTecioliy for the Mont as well as far the slender. Ile
is ready to accommodate his customers .by'_ having a
suit of clothes made on short notice: Thankful for the
to g
hieliberalo l d
by strict attention to his business, to flier it a continu
ance of the came. Me cordially invites the public and
ive hiss a can. Terme cash.
Lebanon, March 23.1065.
Shoat Lost.
STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, on
ifthuredar afterhoon, last, in this bor..
04 44 it white .SHOAT, weighing about'
1 , 0 pounds. .4,14 information thereof will
be thankfully received.
.11)111.! 8„ PENN.
Lebanon, &arch 22; MS, •
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, Exter's,
le a pastaugad for Rate, .
Mies, Itoschile, Black and
Bed Ante, kc., &v.,
'Costar's' Bed-13ug Exterminatot,
Is a liquid or weab, used to
destroy, sod' also as'a pro- • • •
eentive for • Bed-tugs, &C.
Costar's Electric Powder for Insecti
44'.. Sold by all Druggists and Retailers eveiyabers.-
Xir ! 1 I BEWARE I I I of all worthless imitations.
Ant- See that “Cosrmes" name is on each box, bot
tle and Flask, before you buy.
air- Principal Depat,Ml2 Broadway. N.. Y.
43.. Sold by Dr. GEORGE ROSS, and ell Druggists
and Dealers at Lebanon, Pa.
INCREASE OF.RATS.—The Parmcre Gazette (Eng
lish) asserts and proves by .sgures that one pair of rate'
will have a progeny and descendants no less than kW
OW in three years. Now, unless , this immense family
can be kept down. they would consume more food than
won Id sustain 65,000 human beings.
.. WI. See "Costar's" advertisement in this paper.
RATS smite BIRDS.---Wboever engages in shooting
mall birds is a cruel men ; whoever aide In extermi
nating rats is a benefactor. We should like some of
our correspondents to give no the benefit of their tx
parlance In driving out these pests. We ,need some
thing besides dogs, can+, and traps for this business.—
Scientific American, N. Y..
lea. See "Costar's" advertisement in this paper.
"COSTAR'S" RAT Exterminator is simple, cele i .and
sure,—the moat perfetltitr-ification meeting we have
ever attended. Every rat that can get it, properly pre
pared =circling to directions, will eat it, and every
one that-.eats it will die, generally at Borne - place as
far-paseible from where the medicine Wee taiten.—Lake
Share, Mick. Mirror. •
"Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c., Extersninator—more grain
and provisicats are destroyed annnally , in Grant Coun
ty by vermin than would pd for tons of this Rat and
Insect Kikker.---iancagraidVd., Herald.
ES— ass 'Costar ' s Siren isemebt in this paper.
' . I - 65.:.
4 .
FARMERS.AND, ROUSEliblEPEßS—should recol
lect that hundreds of dollars' worth cif Ora la, Provi
sions, se., are annually destroyed by. Rats, Mice, Ante,
and other insects and 4 rerutinail of which can be
prevented by a few dollars' worth of 'Costar's" Rat,
Roach, So., Exterminator, bought and used freely.
*if - Bee "Costa:11" advertisement in this paper.
Air Sold Lebanon, Pa., at .
Dr. Geo. Ross' Drug Store ,
Our Busibiess Increashig
Promise to give Costomers the Benefit !
"18 yearn entabllshed In N. Y City."
"Only Infallible remedies I; nown."
Free from Poisons."
"Not dangerous to the ltriman Family."
Bats come out of their holes to die."
Is for Motile, Mosquitoes,
Fleas ' Bed•Buge, Insects on
Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c.
eat. See "Costar'a advertisereeittln this paper
- • Cumberland at., opposite Court House,
March 2931865.-6 m.
pior Nanrs,: Cash
-Shoe Store !
Rally Men
.Iml Buy Four Shoes Cheap
Dont buy until you see our Stock
Quick Sales and Small Profits is our
Motto !
. .1.1. Zi AMAIN a -
Market street, Lebanon, Pa.
Real and Personal Property
.ILie•lcoeuucoza. Clc.i.xxL*V-•
,TORTII LEBANON Borough and North Lebanon
jr Townsbip,on Wednesday, April sth, at the Com
missioners' Office in the Borough of Lebanon.
West Ward and Cornwall, on Thursday, April Atli, at
the Commissioners! Ofarte in the Borough of Lebanon.
East Ward and Sonth Lebanon, on Friday, April 7th,
at the Commissioners' Mee in the Borough of Leba
Bethel Township. 011 Monday, April 10th, at Ste
Public Home of William K arnat,
Sesta' a.Townahip; on Tuesday; April nth, at the
Public - Moose of Edward D. Kral).
Union Township, Wedneetioy„ April 12th, et the
Public house of Daniel Bordner,
East Hanover and Cold Spring, on Thuredayritpril
13th, at the Public Reuse ofJaceb W. Adams.
Londonderry, on Friday, April 14th, at the Public
House of John Weelood.
North and South Annyine, onSaturdey, April 15th,
et the Public Nouse of Simon Oran.
Jackson, on Tufeetay, April 18th, at the Public
House of, Denetbum.
Milian*, on Weinesday, April 79th, et the rub
lie House of Frederick A. Shultz. ' • -
Heidelberg, on Thursday. April 20th, at the Public
House of Alexander Steinmetz.
P. S. Notice Is hereby giiren that the Asiessors
have made their rolls of all persons liable to enroll
ment for State service according to Law. and that e
eopy thereof is in the Commissioners' Office, where the
same may be seen or examined, by any, person inter
sated therein, and that the Slibtery'Appeale w ill also
be held on the above mentioned days.
. ..
MAMAS LESII...ER, Comm fsi °nem
WILLIAM BALMY, Lebanon county:
Attest. Cilium SWIM, Clerk.
Mardi 1, 1885.
Court PrOclasnatiou.
President of the several Courts of Common'Pleas
in the district composed of the counties of Lehstion and
Dauphin, and Judge of the Courts of Oyer and Termi*-
ner and general Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital
and all other offences in said counties; the J udge of the
General Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and
General Jail Delivery, in the county of Lebanon; and
WILLIAM BANK and Timms KRAMER, Emirs., Judges of
the General Courts of Quarter Sessions, of the Courts
of Oyer and Terminer,, General 'keace and Jail Deliv
ery, for the trial of capital' and other - offences. in said
county of Lebanon—through their precepts to me di
rected the 241 day of January, A. D., 1865, to hold a
Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail. Delivery,
and a Court of Quarter Sessions er the Peace iu Lebo
uon for the county of Lehation, on the
Third Monday. of Aprd,,
which will be the 17th day of said month, to continue
ONE Week.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroner, the
Justices of the 'Peace, and to Constables within the
county of Lebanon, to appear in their own persons,
with their rolls ' reeognirpnces, inquisitions, examina
tions and other documents, and present the same to the
Prosecuting Attorney at least ton-days before the Meet
lig of the Court, conformably to the provisions of the
Act of Assembly, passed at the late session of the Leg
islature. Also, all those who intend to prosecute pris
oners which now are or then may be in the Jail of Leb
anon county, nill have then and there to appear, on
the, 3d Monday of APRIL to proceed against
themes' then may be just:
Given ender my band, in the borough of Lebanon,
the lbthilay of March, in the , yearot our Letdi ope
thousand eight hundred and sixty-Ilvp.
I'. , ,tieritralltheil, Lebanon, March 22,1865. ' -
A N Active boy between the age of 14 And 17 years,
with good recontdsendatioie, to
. learti the Confec
tionary and EnlaYeg trade, et good ' cstabliehinent in"
th is borofigh. Apply at ^...1i19 OFFICE.
Lebanon, Mardi 15, 1565'
A SALESMAN.wh.ct simitc Eng lish & German ;.
/lone who no' soritr Extiefinee in the Dry Goode
Busimenc Arta/ to
- H 6016 ! Hollo !
To invest. is large Capital in Groceries and Prdtifshi
• Diller's, old Stand
Lehanon, Pa.
HE will keep stli,kindti:of , Drie , l Frniti, (Imported and
domestic.) aledptins t liestre, Darkly, Rice, Farina, Corn
Starch, Rise Victor, Ppnies, Currants, DeacheS.( dried
and canned,) alsii,:cannettTonintoes. Tomato Ketchup,
Sauces. L iiiiberger's."7-nglish and Green cheese, Ar.
All k indeof Groterive, such AS MOittSROS, Sugars, Cof
fees, Fish, ([salt and tickled.) Sard iota, Holland He
rring, together with st:gineral variety of till articles
kept In a flint pilule Geo:eery Store. • ."
xi. fie selicitilthA.patronnge of the" publicyrissir
ing his tft9tAlnerfillit - hie goods will rilufays be of the
firstquality, and_willtreedisposed of at 11 reasenable
21c57bax,12 , 6,
o ail kinds and tinnotities. Come and INVEST I
TIIIS BANK 1...1t will the purchaser.
door to Henry ,llReinoeitts store.
N. B.—Marketpricee will be paid in cash for country
March 23,184. ' -
Wheeler &
Sewing Mgehines,
ruhlr, Subactjher Would reaper-tinily inform her
1 frienda,,and:tha *QM in general „ sksintee,
connection with her 411LLINERT business, taken the
agency for t ;
Wheele unsurpitssed 13 . ou-
Lock- Stick Sewing Ma chi ne s; „-
which base taken therpreminm at the Great London
Fair, and at hundred 4-. of other Fairs. It is adapted
for all kinds ofFamily Sewing and Tailoring. Three
different numbers. of the ritsaine will always be kept
on hand, which can be examined at her store, and she
will give instrue time, "the manner of using it.
The Millinery' Business, in afl its branches, will be
continned at her Store, in Curaberbn d.strect.
*non:July '2O lt;nl.--3m.
Philadelphia Transfer Office,
04. 3 Porrosi Place,}
PRospaßwr,.-. .•
lIENEr LlGHT,Me.banoli Pa.
20,000 Share t s reserved for a working
Subscription Books open only until this number
is dispOsid of.
_ -
Subscription Price $2 Per Share.
PAR 'VALUE, $5. CAPITAL, $500,000. 100,000
This Company owns in fee simple (1432) Doe Nun
dyed and Sixty two acres of Oil Mining Territory* in
Venango and Indiana Counties, upon wh ink there is
already a good producing well.
More developements will be made after the reserve
of 20,000 shares is taken.
For particulars au& cirtulare Call on Mr. SAMUEL.
W. WRAY, at the Philadelphia Tratisf,r Mae, (No. 3
Forrest place,} - 323% sogifil'OTlßT/1 Strast.
December 21,1804. r
NOTICE Is hereby given that Messrs. WAGNLIT. di
Bownser, Dentists, in the borough of Lebanon,
dissolved partnership on the II th iust. The undersign
ed has removed hie office to the old place, In Cumber . -
land street, Eat Lebanon, where be bee carried on
the Willows for the .pasteigbbyears, and hopes that by
the same attention.todmaineas iintteltifuluess In hi.,
work which he'practined heretofore, to receive a full
share of the public patronage
C.ll. - WAGNER.
Lebanon, March 15,1866.
Sinking Spring, Berks County, for 1864
lialantio In the Tressury,lannary let, 1864, 11,579 12
Premiums and fees on Insurance, 1,950 83
Aseessinente Nos.lo, 11 and 12, 424 92
Assessment N 0.13, in Berke co., $6,753 73
'Lo do Lebanon " 1,905 19
Do do Lehigh" 951 85
Do do &buy lkil " 69 47
Po do Lancaster " 82 18
Total roeolpta,
managers' and Committees' fees, $165 85
Postage, Stationary, &c., IT 63
Milking Collectors' Lists, 14 00
Refunded to R. 61911, In Schlegel's case, 4 04
Doors for cioset, . . 7 59
Jidvertising & printing in co.; $126 62
Do Lebanon county, 29 60
Do Lehigh county, . 450
160 52
IT. S. Tax. 114 27
Treasurer's salary, - - . 50 00
President's fees on 369 policies, 23 - 53
Do - appointing Committees, &e. 940
32 52
Auditors' fees for 1863, 80 . 00
Secretary's salary,,A. Mull, .33 33
Do do C. Kessler, ' 62 50
95 83
Secretary's fees on 48. policies 5,1111111 19 20
Do do 321 polcies C. Kessler 128 40
- 147 60
Filing out 212 12 1 A cents, 36 50
Agent ' fees 0u'244 policies, Mull, Of GO
Do. 82 policies, Hiester, 32 80
Do 28 policies, Schools, 10 40
- 140 80
LOSSES .13? Flu, in Berke county :
Cyrus' Ruth ' " 00 00
Samuel Fromm 60 00
George Lechner e 100 00
George Ludt - 37 96
John 6,111, • 2,000 00
George Seaman, . 1,637 00
George Dairies. -' e'' 800
James Them :
Albert J. Brumbech 3,000 00
John-yortnn, in lebennn minty, 109.00
Ueorge Spayd. do 4 OD
J. W. & J .1% Killinger, do . ' • - SOO 00
Joseph Mayor, .1,535 00
Jacob Bachman, do' 2,200 00
Nathan Bernet, in Lehigh notinty, - 120 00
11,200 55
12,288 61
Balnure in Treasury, Jan. /80865, 1,568 68
The undersigned Auditors, appointed to examine
the ecconnte of the Officers of the Mottle) F ire Insur
ance Company of Sinking*Spriog, Berke county, do
report that we have carefully examined the same,
and find them correct as above stated .
isek. JOuN VAN REED, } Auditors
President—JOON TAN REED, Spring, Reading
Treacturer—Lewis Dam, Reading
Becretary;--Cnsazzs Rumen, Reading.
illonagers—Andrew Kurr, Bethel P. 0.; George K.
Haag. Mohrdville P. 0.; John Kemp, Kutztown P.O.
Stanley J . Kirby, Kirbyville P. 0.; Riles Filbert,
omeledorf P. 0.; Solomon Yoder, llieustavray P .0. ;
Elias °bold, Lower Bern P. O.; Daniel D. Loral), Read
lug P. O. ; all residing in Berke county. Cyrus Schools,
Jonestown P. O» Lebanon Countyßobert Brans,
Cornwall P . 0., Lebanon county; Jacob Grim, (La.
high county ' ) Maxataitny
March 15,1805.-3 t. MARLS'S KESSLER, Sac'y
The undersigned having.takert the Large aud Comm°
diens Hotel, in Pottsville, known as the
Would reepectfullrannouncelo:nis okfrieride and for
mar patrons that he is . prepared , to, Ancona/no
- ' deb& alb who may favor hint with,
their patroriake.
Tbe,mowrrmsa Homo has been newly papered,
painted,' and reinrnished throughout, and the PROPRIE-
Tori: feels warranted: in saying that" it fa
Derono of Pottsville, for comfort and convenience,
No Pains will be Sfiaid
Torender it, an agreeable and comfortable stopping
place for strangers and travelers.
The Stabling and Shedding,
Attached to the nate!, are sufficiently large4Or thee , :
commodation of the horses and carriagne "tit '
his gneste.
The Hotel to now open' fint the
Reception of the Public:
1111. Tie will I:".;•bappy•tAi accommodate all who may
give Writ :! 3 '" 1- 404.EP.H 4f. PEGER,
8,. Proprietoio,
The Phoenix Pectoral
THROAT Ain LU4ll4g.
Such as Col4.Coughs, Group, Asthma;
Bronchitis, Catarrh,. Sore Throat,
lloars'ilegg, Whooping
Cough, Ltd:
Pulmonary Con sit ins
lA, has taken hold it will afford greater relief than
any ether medicine. . •
Miss Rate Vanderslice of Pottsville, says. g'l Wan
benefited more by using the • Phoenix Pastore, thlsn'
any other medicine I ever used." .
Elias Oberholtzer, Lionville, Chester County; 'e if
of a cough of many yews' standing by using this
Phoenix Pectoral.
Joseph Lukens, of ffell,rstreel; Phoenixville, Ortifies
that he was cured of a cough of two yearn standing,
when all other medicines had failed, by the nsa of the
Phoenix Pectoral:
Jacob Powers cartiffes that heicut sold, Itundre is, of
bottles of the hoerbt Pectoral: and that till who nisei
it best' testimony of its , Fortderfol, effecti in curing
coughs. „
'John RJyeil, editor of the indereouterr€Phighir, has':
log used it, has no hesitation in pronouncing it aeons
piste remedy for cough, 'honYeimrets dud irritationcint
the thronf.
The West Cheater Jo:Prsonian says :
"Vire there known Dr. Oberheltzer peraoueliy ie
number of years, 0.1144 , t CiV ' aB us the greatest pleasure
to recomareaa bta medicines, Wannest] at the public,
rarely haiS thls - tresefit of family medicines prepared by
a physician of Me' acglairenients and esperienee,
"Dr. Oberholteer isa member of flair &Mani a tiin
Medical Department at the liniversiO olPenusyliattli,
at which inatitetion he graduated in 185#."
Porwsrotn, JatOary 3d; Iges.
This certifies that have used the PLyeniic P,tieDird
in my fain ily, and I recommend it to the public as tbd
very best-remedy for Coughs and Colds that I bevel
eveetried. One of my children was taken' cold
accompanied with a Croupy Cough ; so bad' indeed that,
it could not talk or scarcely breathe. Having, heard
so much said about the Phoenix. Pectoral.l procured
bottle of it. The first dose reli e ved the difficulty of
breathing and before the child had taken one-fourth of
the bottle it was entirely , well. Every family should
hive it in their better.
Signed, D. r..Ortoenv. -
Mrs. Mary Butler, mother, of Ron. Wm. Butler . ,
President Judge of the Chester and Delaware:Nett-lets,
says that she cannot do without the Phoenix Pectoral.
Dr. George 11,.. Wood, Professor of the Preitices of
Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania osprfar,
and one of the authors of the United States Diepensa•
tory, says of the Seneke Snake Root : "Its action Is
especially directed to tho lungs."
The proprietor of this inTlicine has so much cone:
deuce In its curative powers, from the tustintoiii dt
hundreds who have used it, that the money will be re
funded to any putcha or who id not satisSed with iti
It is so pleasant to take that children cry for it.
It costs only 35 cents—large bottles Ostit
It is intended for only one class of diseases, narkinli
those of the LUNGS and ISICOA.T. • •
Prepared only by Levi OLerholtser, M. D., Phinolnt
villo,„ Pa. Johnston Mellows) , Si Cowden. No, 23.
N.Blkth et. Philadelphia, and T. C. Wells Jr. CO. No. 115
Franklin at,, New York, General Wholesale Agents. ,
Sold wholesale and* rtitalr by Y. L; Lembsiger,
Geo.. Ross and D. - S.• Raber, Lebanon, and by nearly
every driggist and storekeeper in Lebanon county.
N. 11.-L-' -If your nearest druggist or storekeeperidoes
not keep this medicine do not let him put you off with
some other tiled icine,benause'ho mitkes more money
on it, but send at obeli to ohe of the Agents for it.
March 8, 18h5.--did.
Wistar's Balsam
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Dronehitis;
Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, Roane
ness, Bore Throat, Croup and every
affection of
Wislar's Balsam of Ti lid
So general has the use of this retnedy.,Tsbcrinis, ant
so popular is it everywhere, that it is unnecessary ,tp
recount its virtues. Its works s ak for it, and fan
utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony o
the many who from long suffering and settled disease
have by its nee been restored to pristine vigor and
health. We can present a mass of evidence in proof of
our assertions, that _
The Bev, J-teob Sechieri
Well known and much respected among the German'
population fa this country, makes the following state
ment for the benefit of the afflicted.
Dear Sirs :—llaving realized in my family impoi
tent benefits from the use Of yOur yahiablalrreparation
...VVISTAII. 2 I3 DAIZAZI or WILD . . 01110.1*--4t 811011113 me
pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight
years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a de
cline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained
I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and
before she had taken the whole of the contents of the
bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I
have in my individual case, made frequently use Of
your valuable medicine, and have ilWayklieezibetieflt
ed by It.
0,702 42
$1 7 7 29
From Jesse Smith, Esq:, firefict i eri( of
the Morris County Bank, Morris
town, New Jersey.
'Timing used Dr Wiereirs llALeeii .211 1 WILD enclutt
for about fifteen years, and baying realized its him*
cial results in my family, it affords me great .pleennra ,
in recommending it to the public as a valuable remedy
in cases of weak lungs, colds, coughs, &b , and a ramie.
dy which I consider to be enterely innocent, and may
be taken with perfect safety by the mat iNlieste in
From Ron. John . Distill' ,
guished Lawyer in Westmins- -
ter, Maryland.
I have on several occasions need Dr. WISTA.RI3::BiO
OAK or WiLD CHN.REIr for severe twilit!, and always with'
decided benefit. I know of no preparation that is"
more efficacious or more deserving of general nee. ,
The Balsam bee also been need with e:taelletit etre&
by J. B. ELLIOTT, Merchant, Cr4ll R 09413, ma'
VW istar's Balsam of Wihi
None genuine unless signed "I. BUTTS," on the .
J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York. •
S. W. rOWLE h CO,. Proprietors, Boeton.
And by al Druggists.
$l3 T 47 29
Forty Years' Experience
Ilas fully established the eistomforlty of
Over all other healing preparations
It cures all kinds of SORES, CUTS. SCALDS,'
DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadarpy New York:
B. W. rOWLE & co., No. 18 Trernota' Bodtou
Atsd: by all - Dikkgtite. •
Tu0e25,•1884.-1y eoV:'-
filftA subscriber 'respectfully in toms(' .file friends
and the public generally, that, although he. has
sustained serious losses by the recent tire, his estab
lishinent is again in
Complete Operation,.
and he is prepared to fill orders for 00'1 kind of
work in his line, as heretofore, at the shortest notice
and on the Most reasonable terms. CARRIAGES,
liafte t: WAGONS, of every style add finish;
on hand or made to order. fle his
engaged experienced workmen from the city. Mims'
on baud a large eteelt ,'of ' seasoned lumber, amr
other material of the beet quality, and he hopes by
careful attention .to IMO:Wm to render sitlibiotion to'
all Who may irsor him with their patron**.
histeh 1 , 1586 str
ILiscives, PA., Peb.16,1859
JACOB szcazi.R.