band of 'rime, •anti then turas and. glides, with 'lots steps, around be hind rime; and then comes out an old man with a mallet,' shad places biorselfin front. As the hour of twelve comes, the . old man iruises his mallet and deliber lately strikes twelve times on the bell, that echoes through the building and is heard all around in the region of the chareb. -Soon the old man 'has struck twelve . and disappeared, another sot of maohinery •is put in motion, some twen-tsr ,fect, higher still. tis , tives..: Therein la thigh cross, with 'the image of Christ.on it. The instant twelve is struck, one of the apostles walks out from behinti, comes in front, turns, facing the cross, tows, and walks on around to his place. As be does so, another comes totit in front, turns, bows, and passes in.. So twelve apostles, figures as large as life, walk mound, bow, and pass on.— As the het Appears, an enormous cook, perehed on a Thenacle of the clock,slowly laps , his wings, stretches forth his neck, and crows three times, so loud as to be iward at some dis term, and so naturally as to be mis taken for a real cook. Then all is si lent as death. No wonder this clock is the admiration of Europe. It was made in 1571, and has performed 'these mechanical wonders ever since, •exceptlfer about fifty years, when it stood out of repair.. xr i t afiitalistr. WANK .611NOORATIO PRINOIPLIB CZAR' TO Li" WI OIMJ TO FOLLOW Editor mid Proprieic;r. LEBANON, PA. WEDNESIDAT, MARCH. 29, 1865. THE Diterr.The following we 'copy from the Sunday Mercury : "Father Abraham's scourge—a disease which broke out nearly three years ago, and at one time threatened to be especially virulent, amide its appearance in this city during the past week. The diag nosis of the disease has not chang ed. The •victims are notified of the approach of the epidemic by a premonitory call from Father Abraham, followed by a slight spasm of Fry on Quotas. Then follows -a twinge of enrollment, and .a sicrvous tendency to "cuss" the present. Administration. Then an attack of Provost Marshal, Blind Man, and Wheel, which superin duces a cold sweat. The epidem ic has carried off hundreds already. in some instances the application of poultice of greenbacks will draw oat a substitute, and materi ally diminish the inflammation.— In the Fifth Ward the epidemic has seized upon a few distingaish ed "War to the hilt" Republicans, and if it should carry them off we will with great pleasure record the incidents connected with their de parture. The Youthful Yard, the rilliant Binney, the Costive Corn man, the Magnificent Millet, the Convivial Clayton, the Kinky Knight, the Wonderful Wagner, the Hilarious Honzey, and Patriot ic Perkins, were pulled down quite unexpectedly. To these Loyal lovers of Miscegenation we com mend a perusal of the story of the old Hunter who very carefully set a trap to catch a bear, and was caueit in it himself. "We notice that in Districts em inently and refreshingly Republi can, the majority of the availables therein being . strong in the belief that the war is altogether lovely, and its head and front chief among ten thousand—the draft is not re ceived as one of the hlessings.— Quite the contrary. indeed, we have heard Republicans proclaim the draft as an abominable nuisance, an outrage, and an usur pation." • teir The New York Times, a leading Republican paper, is out against the proposed amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery. It has got on decidedly Democratic ground on that ques tion, a place-as honest republicans must get to if they wish our repub lican institutions saved, and the people not be impoverished and made slaves. The re-action is rapidly coming riar It is said by the office hold ers that the office seekers are wor rying the President almost to death, and that if not soon left alone he may go the way of Harri son and Taylor. It seems that the inns have the advantage just now, as it has been announced that as few changes as possible will be made in the offices. It is their in terest to spread such reports, there by neutralizing the rapacity of the outs• ger The "loyal" Clergy have taken many an occasion to preach about "Copperheadism" and other political topics. As they have the hand-in-it, it is suggested that they have something to say about drunk enness, taking Andy Johnson a an example. It is true, it would be contrary to their calling, as they understand it, still the subject would be edifying. 1%,. As the very "loyal" Cler gy took special pains to pray for Andy Johnson during the cam paign last fall, the question has now arisen, waid he beyond pray ing for, or, were the prayers not regarded. The latter is probably the truth. ItCP-A poor boy, notya Sixteen, was executed, iby being shot to death, last week, kin the Array of the Potomac, for desertion. He had been the victim of a substitute broker, in. New York, and was only a child physically nail men tally. We do not envy the con science of those who participated . in. his sentence, or-permitted it to be . ea,rried into effect, having The power to disappro_va.of, or nullify it. zjgr Mr. John M. Reilly, col lector of Internal Revenue of',the 4th district Philadelphia, ("loyal' Belly's,) is a defaulter to the a mount of $400,000. The Admin istration and its press and agents, attempted to cover up the defalca tion by Niiithholding the fapts from The public, but it has:nevertheless leaked out. # stir The L'egis'lature adjourned on Friday, sine die. For the clos ing proceedings see another col umn. A &um FAMILT:-L-There is a-fam ily of seven memberii'iciow living in Concord, in this county, of which there.are- two husbando,Jwo, wives, three fathers, two grandfathers, one great grandfather, two fathers-in-law, one grandfather-in-law, two •Eaina, two :grandsons, one motber-in-kw,- one grandmother, two . daAgliters," one daughter-in-law, one grand daughter, one great grand daughter, one grand daughter-in•law.—Del. (to. Republi. can. TERRORS OF THE DRAFT.—Goyernor Brough, of Ohio, in his late message, states this startling fact, illustrating the terrors of the draft in that State "It 'is estimated that the number of mon who fled from this State as the recent draft approached and during its execution, exceeded twenty thou sand. To such an extent has this emigration gone that in some cases there were not mere enough left in the townships to fill the quotas." FROM SHERMAN Sherman has had lately two severe battles with the enemy in North Carolina. One of the battles was foue:ht near Averyshorol, and the oth es at Bentonville. Our loss at the former is said to have been between 3,0('0 and 4,000, while that of the en= emy scarcely that many hundred.— Of the losses at Bentonville no fig ures are given. The following are the particulars of both battles as far as received : General Sherman appears to have aimed at the capture of both Raleigh and Goldsboro. The. Confederates, however, have made a defense of Ra leigh ; chocked Sherman's march in that direction, and compelled him to turn eastward. Wlien Sherman left Fayetteville.. his commemd was divid ed into three columns. He left Fay etteville on March 14. The western column marched northward along the Cape Fear River towards Raleigh. The centre marched northeast to wards Bentonsvillc with the inten tion of capturing tile railroad bridge near there on whiciti the Raleigh and Goldsboro railroad crosses the Neuse. The eastern column, believed to be composed principally of cavalry, in clined further to the east and march ed towards the Wilmington and Wel don railroad, south of Goldsboro.— Schofield with his largo army at Kinston, was ordered on March 14 to move west towards Goldsboro, and General Terry, with all the troops at. Wilmington, together with the rein forcements that had arrived there during the past two weeks, was or dered to march northward along the Wilmington and Weldon railroad, to wards Goldsboro, eighty miles dis tant. The Confederates prepared for these movements and on March 16th stationed - all their' available troops at Averysboro, on the Cape Fear riv er, thirty five miles south of Raleigh, directly in the way of Sherman's western column, which was advancing northward from Fayetteville toward Raleigh. Here, on March 16, was fought the severe contest, of Averys boro. The Confederates were in trenched on the eastern side of Cape Fear river. Hardee commanded.— The fighting began on the 15th, and skirmishing was earried.on during all that afternoon and night but the bat tle did not beginunti4thellSth. The fighting was desperate. Bragg com manded the western .flank,of the Con federate line. Sherman made re peated assaultis upon the Confeder ate position, and each, time was re pulsed. At dark on :the 16th' the, Confederates held their position.— Sherman, on the 17th, turned to the eastward, and the column marched to Ben tonsvil le, twenty miles distant, to join the Federal centre. As soon as the Confederates dis- covered that Sherman . had turned aside, they abandoned their camp at Averysboro, and began to march east ward also. Both the Federal and Confederate armies wire moving to wards Bentonsville. On March 19th, the Federal centre reached that place and was soon reinforced by the west• ern column from Averysboro. Bragg and Hardee also arrived and rein forced Johnston, and at four in the afternoon Sherman's. tamp was as saulted, and he was driven back a mile, several hundred prisoners being captured. Here he intrenched him self and lay all night. On the morn ing of the 20th the contest was re newed, but after brisk artillery fir ing, the battle lulled, No assaults were made by either army, and both lay on their arms on the night of the 20th. The neighborhood of Bentons- vine will be the sent's, no doubt, of a fierce conflict. On March 19th, the Confederates evacuated Goldsboro', removing all their 'items and property. They marched up the Nouse and halted in tho rear of Bentonsville, which is twenty miles west of kinSton. On March 21st, the Confeilerates had all their forceBTanOtititrateaiip 'the neigh borhood .6fl3entoneville. Severe Fights before Felero. burg. Sudden activity is shown at Peters burg. Forts Steadman and Haskell are two Federal works near Peters. burg and on the outer lire of the Fed= oral defenses in• that quarter. ` They ;are garrisoned by General Parke's Ninth corps. ' Each fort stands upon thc - crest of a hill:• 'l3efore daylight on Saturday the Confederates ad vanced in- strong 'force- from Peters burg, and 'marched against a portion of the 'Federal fine east of Fort Stead man and 'at the foot. of '4)ipe. 'hill on which it stands. The line had been very much weakened by detachments sent to Hatcher's run and the Feder al left. To drive it from the works was easy-, and the Confederates hav ing done so, turned to the westward, and charged up the bill to Fort Stead niari. The garrison was soon driven out and the- guns in the fort were turned upon the rest of the Federal line. - General McLaughlin, die com mander of Fort Steadman, was cap tured. At the same time another body of Confederates made, a charge upon Fort Haskell. It was intended merely as a movement to cover the former operatioa, awit they soon with drew. Several attempts wore .nTatle ?to re capture Fort • Steadvam These be ing unsuccessful, reinforcements were from other parts of the. Fe deral line. After several attempts the Confederates were driven 'out, and the fort was retaken. There was brisk fighting all along, the line in front of . Petersburg. At Hetcher's run, General Humphrey's,. With the Second corps, attacked the Corifeder-' ates and captured aboutone hundred prisoners. • This prevented them from sending reinforcements from that part of the line. Nearly three'thou sand Confederate prisoners were cap tured. The Federal loss is stated at Height hundred. On Saturday eve ning everything was quiet. THE WAR SNEAKS. There is no sort of men in all this country whoought to be so thorough ly despised by good soldiers as the war sneaks. These creatures are the meanest cowards, alive. They cry out war but do not go. -They thirst for blood, but shudder at thee-thought of spilling one .drop of -their-own.— They want the rebels exterminated,- but won't help to exterminate them. They are opposed to "compromising with traitors," but afraid to fight them. They are great -friends of the soldiers, but never - go to help them on the field of battle. They "support the government," by stealing frotn it. Tey believe that every citizen owes its service, therefore they give ittheir breath, but demand that all others shall give their bodies. They heti that it is our solemn •duty to carry on the war as long as there is a, man or a _dollaai left; but-their distyton sista not in going 'themselves, bet in damning everybody else who don't go. They believe all Democrats trai tors; and they would like to seo all of them drafted and put in the army, be cause the worst traitors alwa y s make the best soldiers. These are the views and the char acteristics of the war sneaks—the meanest, the most contemptible, the most hypocritical, the most malig nant, and the most- cowardly -urea tures-alive; creatures for whom every brave and manly soldier most feel the utmost contempt. It is hardly necessary to add what is well known to all that the war sneaks are unanimous and enthusias tic in their support of Lincoln.—Ex. INCREASE or PAY.—The. Legisla ture of our State, before their adjourn ment, passed a bill to increase the pay -of members to $lOOO each, being an advance of 300 on the pay of last year, So much for the retrench ment and reform about which we heard so much previouslo the advent of the present party to power. But, as long as the people can be gulled by their promises, which are only made to be broken, just sorlong will the tax-payers be plundered withim punity. The Abolitionists seek office tor the purpose of enriching them selves at the expense of the people, and. the Wonder is that'the members did not make their pay, $2OOO while they were at it. They will do , this next year, mark our -predietion--if sustained at the ballot box in Oeto ber.—Reading- Gazette,. pfir During the . recent .freshet on the West Wench of the SuSque hauna, it, is said. all the bridges were carried away, 'as far up as Williamsport. The Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad was at some places ten feet under water and much damage was done there to. Immense damage was done all along the Susquehanna and its branches, and it is conceded on all hands, that it was the most im mense flood that has taken place on that stream within the memory of man. TERRIBLE RAILROAD ACCIDENT-BREAK . NG DOWN OF A BRIDGE. • A most terrible accident occurred on the Central Railroad of New Jer sey, on Thursday night last, "by the breaking down of the high bridge, which crosses the Musconeteong Creek, at Bloomsbury, NE4 Jersey, which resulted in the instant killing of four men. The bridge broke down at about three o'clock in the morn. ing, whilst a coal train was passing over it. The engine and the whole train went down into the creek and the lowlands, a distance of about 75 feet, smashing everything 'to pieces and instantly killing four men—all the bands on the train. An iron train was following close ly in _the rear of the coal train, and as no person was left to warn it of 'the danger, the condition of things at the bridge was not known by the en- gineer thereof, tidal 'too late to atop the train, and it too, plunged into the guff. The engineer, Mr. Hiram Paimeir, remained at his post and as his engi ne bounded over the embank ment, he was covered and protected by a car load of rail road iron. The long bars fell so as to form an arch, the ruins of the locomotive being on the other side, and over this the pia thrown was town into the low-lands below. He IV" considerably bruised but not seriously injured. A man named Sullivan, a brakesman on the train wail also One span of 'the bridge - is a complete wreck and the l ocornotiveS, ears, iron and coallin Cone , proMiscdons:mass in the flat below, The'-company %eve-lb/eft at Work for sometime, in trilling up the travine which the bridge spans and Vriiiging the creek, and whetherthis accident was the result of carelessness on The part of those having the work I , n charge we have not learned. Thin , dreds of people Aave visited the - scene of the disaster and scoresof Workmen have been engaged in clearing away the wreck. ' In— The President has appoint ed Professor H. E. Peek, of Ober lin, Ohio, Commissioner and Con sul General for the,ed States to thd Republic 0r,,- 4 1 1 ; , , The sal ary okthe position :$ ,500" in gold. Oberlin is •agri abolifibo paradise, and we are glad to mit apprecia ted by Long Abe, in the shape of $7,500 in gold to one if its priests. We had our eye on so iI e other as pirants for llayti, but :s Peek is cock of the walk, they~ ill no doubt . cheerfully acquiesce the-substi tution. Forney's Press )f Saturday, has an article on taxa ion, which points out farms as a s bject - fit for further burthens. It s ys—"farms being that interest w rich notori ously contributes lite: to the in ternal revenue." If, r. Forne.y were to travel through his section of the country he mirt readily ascertain that he is istaken in his views, and that farmers pay, in proportion, as great sinns in the shape of taxes, as .any other inter est. But if farmers.can stand any more squeezing the adlninistration will be sure to try it them soon er or later. Dariug.---A man tilide in a skiff from Lock Haven to§imbury, a distance of 76 miles in six hours, during the recent freshet. to— Gold was ddw s to 146 at one time last week, b t closed on Saturday evening at 1571 pretni um. rennsylvania Legislattire. The Senate only was in session on tiontlay of laist •week,. `Att. Con n ell called up and had passed a„P act to in. crease the fees of notariespublic, and requiring them to par - five per cent. of their fees into the State treasury. Also, an act a lowing the ( I atrical ex hibitions for th benefit of soldiers, to be held by_amateurs •+ritliout li cense. ' . The bill for a City Park in Phifa t i delphia was kid' d in the Irouse, by a vote of 61 nay to 28 yeas. On Tuesday th Ilosies.Were en gaged on bills ° a lonni character. In the Senate on Wednesday,.bills were passed, zing the standard weight of potatOes at 66 pounds. Making dest*tioa-of , fences a mis demeanor. I Enabling stoctcholders of railroad companies to hae one Vote on each share of stock. - , . Authorizing' tlf - ti agents of foreign insurance companies to transact busi ness in any county of the State. Requesting the Seeretary of War to use his effort'to procure the re lease from Soot ernipripiiins of,cer , taro Penneylvan i - citizens. - In the Rouse, i n Thureday, the foi 1, lowing (among Ntrnereus local bills) were passed 3iak ing partiesii n interest corn pela ble to testify whel i t called by their op ponents. i . Allowing owner of Mineral lands to borrow money to develop the same. Relative to the division of real es tate by order of orphans' courts. The act for eduiation and support of soldiers' orphans, came up (under the report of a committee of confer- epee) for concurrence. ' Tho act ap -14 propriates $75,000 in-a dition to $5O, 000 devoted' by'rbirs - , SYlvania rail road, and gives the . tate Superin tendent ppwer,to :platie the orphans in Such*e Shy deem proper. A diseussion„ ensued as to, whether, in eertain. . oases, the or phans should not be allowed tore main at borne with.tbeir mothers and still receive some of the - benefit§ of the fund. The bill Was:finally referr ed back to the committee. . - An act extending time of payment of mony due the Commonwealth for patented lands was considered. It was stated that some of these debts had actually been due for sixty years, by men who were wealthyiand there were three million dollars outstand ing. The act was defeated. An act providing for the closing of the polls in Philadelphia at 6 o'clock, P. M. came up. Mr!Ilood moved to amend-by in. serting 7 o'clock, which.was agreed to. The House refused to suspend the rules to pass ttie bill finally.— The votes were strictly party. motes. ADJOURNMENT. In the Senate on Friday, the Speak er haying announced that the hoar had arrived for adjournment, The usual resolutions of thanks to the Speaker, Chief Clerk and Assist. ant Clerk, were voted. • An election took place for-Speak er' when Mr. David Fleming of Dan. phin ' received 17 votes, and Mr. Hop kinsll votes. Mr. Fleming was declared elect ed, and on taking the chair delickered a brietaddrees: • in 'the Ronne, Mr. Allman, from the committee to ascertain whether frauds had been committed by boun ty breicers, made a lengthy report, severely censuring the board of en rollment of the 14th district. Five thetrsartd copies were ordered to be printed. The Speaker delivered an eloquent parting address. Adjourned side die. FRY BOASTING THE PRINCIPALS.— Congress inserted in the enrollment bill a provision to punish fraud, by making the principal responsible for putting in a substitute—kr/Op* Motto be physically unfit—the clear inten tion being to punish for fraud only. P. H. Gen eral Fry, however, instruets his subordinates that "if a substitute, by reason of any ailment existing at the time of muster, and since the pas. sage of this act, shall be found in competent to perform the duties eT'a - soldier, the principal will be held to •adrvice as though he had furnished no substitute." By this decision the principal' 1011 be held to service mere. ly because 'neither he nor the exam ning surgeon 'conic' discover any dis qualifying aillment 'in the substitute at the time of muster. This deci sion is no cleaAy in violation of the soughtonly to meeteases fraud--that it m'qst neces sarily be succeedeel by another deci sion entirely nullifying it. a.. An atrocious murder was 'per petrated in the-second Ward in Phil adelphia on Saturday evening. A drunken soldier shot Corporal Brown a Marine .deteetive, putting one ball from a large revolver through his ab domen; and another through his thigh. The murderer has been ar rested. ABouT QtyrAs.—A reply to Gover , nor curtinWletter . upon the subject of computing quotas has been sent, to the President by Attorney General Speed, in which the' overnor's sag. gestions ate refused and his argu ments attempted to be overthrown.— The document is very long and very obscure. The period of service, it is contended, is the proper way, under the law, of computing quotas, and not that of estimating, the number of men in service. t 1 'Theeditor of a western paper says that a "loyal" man in his parts, undertook to read' Washington's Farewell Address on the 22d of Feb. ruary. "lie read silently and sullen ly for some time. At fast be rose from his neat, grated his teeth, and threw the book down in a passion.' "Why, John i" said hia astonished wife, "wkat on earth ails you F" "Why . ," said. John, "111 be cussed if I sit still and hear the Yoonyun party abused, by old Washington himself !" The good Woman knew , be had cause for anger, and she chided him not, but commenced singing the baby to sleep with the National .11.Ymn—"Jolin Brown's Body," etc., etc. The whole 'family are."lo,yal." • 'THE SAFEtY Or RAILROAD TRAVEL veas.—Both branches of the State Legislature have passed an act de claring that if any employee of a rail. road company shall violate any rule of suet) company, and injury or loss of life shall thereby result, the offend er shall be immediately arrested by the prosecuting attorney of the city or county where the accident hap pens, and, if found guilty, shall be convicted of misdemeanor, and pun ished at the discretion of the court with imprisonment in the State peni tentiary for five years and a fine of (5,000) five thousand dollars. In ad dition to this criminal prosecution, the offender and the railroad core ny shall be alike liable for civil dam ages. nok. Mr. Draper, the collector of •N6W York, sends all the Savannah cotton to his: son to he weighed, for which the s*on will receive '51.80,000 for about two weeks work. Pretty good wages—but he "finds —Boston Post. - RoUGH, WITTY; AND YET TRUE.— The following which we . learn, not bY telegraph, though a little rough "to ears polite;" is witty, and, withal, true: General Kelly, recently cap Lured along with General Crook, by a sud, den dash of the Confederates into Cumberland, Maryland, *as engaged to be married within a few days, to a lady of that place. The next evening after the capture, she sung at a tab leau the song. "He kissed me when be left me." Whereupon a soldier in the audi. enee exclaimed, loud enough to be heard by those around hiin : "That's a d----d lie ; he hadn't even time to put his boots on."-- Dayton Empire. ft"' Generals Crook and Kelly, re cently captured in Cum berland, Mary land, have been exchanged by the rebels 04...J0hn C. Heenan, the noted American pugilist, is now in a reduc ed state of health, and is but a shadow of his former self. One of hie lungs is almost, if not entirely, gone, and the man that stood six feet two in his boots, and weighed two hundred and thirty pounds, now weighs but one hundred and sixty.five pounds. THE END OF GEN. BUTLER.-A Washington correspondent of , the Springfield (Mass.) Republfean says : "General Butler's commission as Ma jor General expires in a . short time, and he will then probably 'beluietly mustered out of the service,", Mr. FRANK. LAWLZIt's letters from Richmond are so frequently inter cepted that they cost the proprietors of the London Times on an average over .Zl5O, equal to $750 (gold) per letter. Rather expensive. ler The rebel General Terry, who is now stationed in Texas, is the same who was ChiefJustiee of_ C_ and resignedoffice that in 1859 to fight a duel with Broderick, United States Senatortroth that State, whom he killed. Me'left Californitt in 1862 1 and wont to Texas via Mexico. Bea_ The Pita sville, Journal - "If a &ilia, who would shoulder Arms if be could af ford to do so, and would send a gib stitute if he could find the meank drafted, does not appear, and is shot as a deserter, is he not shot heeatte he is poor ?" In the present state 'o i l "liberty of the press" in that State An interrogatory takes the place of .positive affirmation of a fact. Mir The'Oarliele borough election, Vhrild.h 'vas hold on The 17th resulted in an in'c'reased m'ajoirity of 126 ! De mocracy seems to be looking up all over the State. this Spring. "Truth crushed to earth will rise again 1" WE are Witltspy. -to anoutiee, upon the authoritrA l lkspecial dispatch to the Philadelpfii*:4'ress, that Vice President stolinsof s i has recovered from his "reeCntueVere indisposition." n One of the Abtaition pacers, apologising for Ben Butler, -offsets his failures in terms by tnerits in oth er respectt,'One wisteti tis that l'be prevented The yellow feter from vis iting New Orleans while he was there." The Columtnis (Ohio) Crisis says "this phenomenon can only be explained on the ground that there can not be two pestilences in the city at the same time !" RCTBING THE SOLDIERST--A letter from the James River says that it has just been discovered that the army mails have been robbed of millions of dollars in money land valuables.— We ere not esipeciaillyblocid--Thirsty in our dispositibn, but we would go some distance to see tht wretches who rob our ;army mail - bags pull hemp. "Such rascalitirs make one re gret that there is not severer pun ishment for crime than hanging—and even that can't be visited 'upon the miscreants who rob our soldiers. 114 r" A cotemporiiiremarks that Vice President Johnson has made a spirited commencement. BOROUGH ACCOUNT. J°wSiEthPE. Ltßon'Bilo'rEot7h",TfrroeamenArticarr,cr 21, 1861, to March 14, 1865. DR. To cab received from P. Hauer, collector for 1863, in full To cash received from P. Bandy collector for 1864,_ To cm& received from Market tease and Curb ItighP., To cast] received from Circus License, To cash received from Temporary loan, To ensb•received from J. Heiohold, entbing ) k 2 50 To cash received from A. S. Ely. flow), "2 50 To cash reeeived for Building permits, • V, 'OO To cash reeeived To loan Union Fire Company, - 1230 nO Balance due Treasurer March 14, 1865, 1886 16 $9,977 83 Dy cash paid sundry persons on Orders issued, as follows, to wit: G. Walter, for counterfeit Bill, $ 10 00 W. C. Faber, Blacksmith' work, 3 95 John Dowers, blacksmith: • - worts, 1125 S Ely, Ana Drying off:eery. 150. J. L. Lemberger, nttebes; 100' A. 11. Ruabieb, serving , election notitta, I 50 Copy of Special Act of As sem*, - 1 00 Ely & Hauer, expenie on muster roll, • - 10 60 C. W. Queen, surveyor's in strument, 151 40 Peter Fauber, sand, 1 50 3. T. Young, gas burner, 21 00 3. A. D. Garman, record. bag, 2 20 13.10. Korn:luny, Hordware, 11 94 Madden & Co., dark lanterns . 250 A. Siegrist, entering Liens, 1 50 R. McCaully, removing curb stones, 2 25 P. Rale, Hau Eng ) 2 20 G. Ross, matches, oil, &c., 14 16 Hook & Ladder Company, 100 00 Looser & Son, lanterns, &e 28 50 A. Grittinger, ground rent, on U. F. Co. stamps, kc., 24 72 Lebanon' Valley Dank, fur 1863, 200 95 Lebanon Valley Dank, loan, for 1864, 1700 00 $2305 62 Janitor of the Perseveance Fire Company, 1863, 14 00 D. M. Rartnany, do coal, 7 00 A. Rise, Treasurer for Jan- itor per 6re company, 1864, 10 00 Jos. L. Lemberger,oil o to., 25 00 00 C. Henry, Treasurer of U. Fire Company; - 11; 65 Zitnmerman A, Gasser, la. bor U F ire Company, 98 - B. BS. Itarmany, coal fur '_ U. Fire Company, 13 50 Janitor's sallary, U. Fire Company, 10 00 37 13 William Shirk, interest, 222 22 Coupon Bond, interest for July 1864, 319 50 Coupon Bond interest, for January, 1865, 208 50 780 22 Mrs. Meting, land damage, 100 00 Costs on same, . 9 '75 J. A. Huber, damages 411 52 H. T. 'toehold, do 14 00 J. C. Hagerty, do 201 80 Cost on same, 19 50 750 57 G. Ketch, pninting Market House, 1 00 Krick dd Groff, pump do 3 55 C. N.. Snavely, shed do • 30 00 - John Good, do. . di) 15 60 John 11, Moore, do do - • 15 00 Peter Hauer, Clerk of ket, 00 ffeinoehl .k Melly, lumber, 144. 57 , Krick A Groff, labor, 21 52 J. Jr. D. Walter, labor and material, 31 55 A. Gerhard, painting, 2 00 J. T. Young, gas fixtures,' 14 67 D. M. Karmany, hardware 6 35 J. Swartz, pump, ` 1 75 Daniel Weaver, blacksmith - work, 13 95 374 91 Lebanon Gas Company, Gas consumed, 438 22 B. It. Wheat, police, 92 50 Jos. Shantz, do 92 00 Henry Shirk, do 285 00 Geo. W . :Bbny, do -270 00. Special; - SPectittl, do 19 00 758 . 50 Jos. Arnold, for Beichold'a pavement curbing 12 50 J. H. Bressler, station house 11 95 Longaere As Gable, lumber, 11 89 A. Gerhard, painting, 2 00 25 84 Wm. M. Breslin, printing, 26 00 J. T. Young & Co., do. 15 00 H. B. Hartman do 4 50 IVerth Raffle:hi, do 68 50 John R. Solders, do 4 50 . 118 50 G. Bergner; St. Carimis'r.. Market Street, 24 00 Cumberland Street, 13 00 East .4 11 70 Hill 330 85 Chestnut " 1312. inegrove a 713 29 Reinoehl Melly, lumber - torßridge, 119 57 ' Geo. Bergner, lumber for. different streets. 217 32 G. Bergner, lumber for Patridge alley, 15 00 Geo. Bergner, lumber, for Doe alley .47 12 1498 67 Railroad Ronda and Interest paid 9:4 96 Loan to Union Fire Company mortgage . ' 1250 00 John Dukes, Higlicon'e,Oleaning street' B 25 John hashes, High Corea, o:outing multet house. 2 years 80 00 John harks% ffighCon'e,BUrry, ing cantons • '• - 54 John Bathe,, High Con , e, Yearly ' salary Henry C. Grittinger, Surveyor's salary 10 00 C. P. Miller,Solicltor's salary 1883 25 00 Peter Hatter, Distributing Appeal notices 12 50 Appeal c - mmlttee 4 oe Diane Weer, Surveyor for 2 years 140 50 A. Grittinger. Chief Bargees le CO Tobias Itelnoah I, a a., Aselitant torgees , hficlutel loonier, Councilinan P L Weimer .getincilmlk4. Ileinbsed, Councilman John Gerlihrtl,, Cduncilman Josep'h Sham°, Ctitmellman Michael Smith, Cotincilman D E Miller, Clark,'calculating ap peal notices, and 2 Duplicates 18'00 D E Miller, Clerk's Ealsrv, 20 00 Jos Harsh, Treasurer's salary 25 00 Balance due Treasurer March 21,1864 Peter Hauer, Collector for 1864, de. $ i 2. r olenche, commissions and a. el , batement tq be deducted 8; 6,...s BOROUGH LIABILITIES. 3 Bonds of William Shirk , - - - 84 / 20 1 Band of D Seifert R It Bonds, outstanding 14,750 00 20 BOROUGH 1NVE5T2201224. . . Union 'lre Company, mortgage $1250 00 We the mebscrib-ss, appointed by the °ouzel!, ti: audit and aijost the.. Borough account of money se cnivep by Jossph Karel. Reg , Troilism er of hafdd3dr °ugh. as well ea the amount paid by him, do 4.401 that we have examined said account :fed comparfid the same with the e4uchers thereof and the lila. lanes, In •favor of said Treasurer, of Righters hundred. and eighty six d diets, and sixteen cents, ($lBB6 10 ) ADAM GUITT/NO2R, Chief Burgess.. B Daum. Meth. BOUNTY FUND. DR. To cash renelved Nen p Hauer, collector $11.271 90 To ea9ll received from Temporary Wan $17,851 UO BY tASII PAID FOR PERSON tL SUBS EITUTEB, • JO Hater . 00:00 J W Rininger 300 000 - T T Worth • 3bo 00 D M Kemeny -- 300 OiV T He ffsian - 300 CO D Gloningsr zoo oo Daniel Weaver • : 300'00 Daniel Ga-brich,county Treasurer, extra b,unty 890 00 John W Billinger, expenses to see after et edi - e of recruits ,100 00 Discounts on money .osti COI 00 Treasurer, for SO recruits. at $3OOOO each 24,000 00 A Gritting-r, drawing bonds, mak ing buns anti paying recruits Balance in the Treasury, March 14,1805 BOUNTY TAT OIITSTABMI6O Peter Bauer, co Hamar, d. &balmy and collectloi to be delucted The above account only includes the first call, the Oast call of 890- COO manila not includedynore than the. personal substitutes. The Borough liabilities for the laJt call for 40 recruits at 000 'OO each. peti by loan Tot the Banks hereafter. becoming dna t: Mow 'O6 We the undersigned auditors. appointed by the Bir. arigh 001111Cii of the Borough of Lebo eon, emote or Lebanon, Pa., do oertiry, that in gunman co of the iith scction o. the Act, relating to the paykosat 'of Bonn. ties to voltrzeteers, approved the: 951 a day- of - Marcb, 1864, we met in the Court blouse on the 20th day-or March. A. D., 1865, and dtd audit and adust the' above accounts as required by Law, to Vre beat of our jtotp , mut and ability and we and in the bands of Joseph Knob, Treastun r of said Borough, the eum of V3BO 90. In witness whereof, we have herefinto set our kande, this 21. th day of March, 1865 • MICHAEL LOUSBR, JOHN 09.3141 ART, Auditors. aosxpa BLIAMO, . Lobanots,Marcb 23, 1865. $ 580 07 4102 48 420 00 32 50 3881 25 INVALIDS. IRON IN HE BLOOD. IT is well known to the medical profession that IRON is the Vital Pe inciple or Life Element of the blood. This is derived chiefly from the food we eat ; but if the food is not properly digested, orif, from any cause inhatever , the necessary quantity of iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system suffers. The bad blood will irritate the heart, will clog up the lungs, will stupefy the brain, will obstruct the liver, and will send its diseasepro• ducing elements to all parts of the system, and every one will suffer in whatever organs may be predisposed to disease. The great valve of IRON AS A MEDICINE fe willtktrown and acknoelledged by all medical men. The diMmilty has been to obtain inch is pliVatution 1:V it as will enter the circulation and W6E3161100 at once with the blood. This point, says tir. liayes, Massachu setts Mate Chemist, has been attained in the t`etusfah Syrup, by combination in a way before unknonln The Peruvian Syrup is a protected solution of the PROTOXIDE OF IRON. A NEW DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE, that Strikes at the Root of the Disease by supplying the blood with its Vital Principle or Life Elerueut—lron. The Peruvian Syrup Cum Dyspepsia, Liver. Complaint, Drotety, Fever and Ague, Loss of Energy. Low Spirits. The Peruvian Syrup Infuses strength, vigor, and new tiro into thesystem, and builds up en "Iron Constitution." The Peruvian Syrup Cutes Chroti fe Diorama, Scrofula, Boils, Scurvy of Coustitutional Vigor. The Peruvian Syrup Cures Nervous AffPctions, Fernsle Complaints, and all Ihe Peruvian Syrup Is a Specific for all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, or accompanied by Debility or a Low State of the System. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and recom mendations from some of the most eminent Physicians Clergymen, and others, will he sent *cote any ad- We select a few of the names - to show the detract* of the testilltonials. JOHN E, WILLIAMS, ESQ, President of the bletropolhan hank, New York, ZAP REV. ABEL STEVENS, Late Editor Chriefian Advocate and Jo real REV. P. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle. Rev.. John Pierpont, Lewis Johnson, M. Rev. Warren Burton, Roswell KinneY, M. Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, S. K. Rendell, .111. D.. Rev. Gordon Robbins, W. R. Chisholm. DI . D., Rev. Sylvanus Cobb, Francis Dana, 31. D., , Rev. T. Starr King, J. Antonio Benches, M. D., HOT. Ephraim Note, Jr., Abraham Wendell, N. D., Rev. Joseph R. Clinch, A. Davos, M. D., Rev. llen'ry Upham, J. It. Chilton. AI. D., Rev. P.O. Medley, LT. B. Kinney, Rev. John W.Olmetead, Jeremiah Stone D. Prepared tiy N. L. CLARK k CO., exclusively for J. P. DINSMORE,No.49I Broadway, New York. Cures WrTuude, Bruises, Sprains. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Boas, Mears, Cancers. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Salt Rtosem, Erysipelas.. • Redding's Russia Salve Cures RitigirOralth Corns, Ace, tte. NO FAMILY SHOULD BB WITHOUT IT, Only 25 cents a bon roe:. SALE. UY, J. P. DINSMORE. No. 491 BrOadway, New York. S .W. FOWLD do CO. No. 18 Tremont St.,.Botiton, And by all Druggists and Country Storpkeepere. JUZIB 29, 1864.—1y.e0w. LEBANON TOBACCO FACTORY 1. undersigned are about locating in Zobanoni what is essentially a Missouri Tobacco Factory, for the manufacture of Plug Tobacco. Our stock hi glissonri learmade up by Misseuri hands, and our machinery is of the latest and most efficient character. We shall determinedly adhere to the policy of making and selling only a GOOD AND PURE ARTICLE OF TOBACCO, and dealers, merchants and others, while they have the privilege °Obeying directly from the manufactur et, thus saving to themselves the intermediate profits heretofore paid the jobber, are saved the risk of get ting adulterated or poisoned tobaccos as when buying unknown or irresponsible makes. We shall be ready to fill orders by the Ifith offilarch next. 1113.. We can retail none—can sell to no purchaser less than 20 pounds. Circulars and price list sent to any address on applb , cation. /fir In a few - weeks we shall be prepared to Oland` facture fine cut chewing andsmoiring tobaccos of ra tions grades. F. a. srreffirsß dr 00 , Lebanon, Feb. 22,1865.-3 m, D lj r ci . u . see ATKINS & 1111.0.1) NOW Bost and Shot 113 19 OUTSTANDIVG TAX. $9917 31 IMPORTANT TO ALL LI [sews of the kildneya and Bladder Buld by ell Drugglete Redding's Russia Salve. Heals Old Bores. Redding's Russia Salve Curestturns, Scald!, Cuts. Redding's Russia Salve 10 00 10 oo 1 00 xo qo 10 CO b IQ 00 do matt 33 Ott $28.821 93 50 00 1980 90 $29.021 00 $l6lO 07