J~ab nting: avaa EIDEIBESCIStekatPITUOtotign. NeuAy_ and Promptly Executed, at the. LINERTISER OFFICE, LEBANON, PENN'A Tula establishent is now supplied with an extensive imortment of JOll TYPE, which will be increased as the atronago demands. It can now turn lint Minima. of :every description, in 'a twat 31111 eXpeditiOrlif Manlier— SWIM very reasonable terms. Each ns Pamphlets, Checks,, , t Business Cards, llCadbills, Circulars, Sill Headings, Blanks, Programmes, Bills of Fare,,. Invitations, tfikets, &C., &C. . ars- Duce of all kinds. CORRIDOR and Judgment BONDS. ;ffithool, Justices', Constables' and other BLANKS, printed icorrectly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept ifor eai at this office, at prices "to suit the times." DO Subscription price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER One Dollar and a Halt a Year. Address. Wm. hi. Bassum, Lebanon, Pa. HOFFNIAN. (Zak (rape. in 114.14 2 ,4 ~) 43crti.rety.,. littexcas. iz.ag3r AND • Pensiain Ageirst. lIPFKIE WITH HON. J. W. KILLINOER, LEBANON, PA. 'Lebanda,ltlarch 16,1865.—tf. i GE . O RGE CLARK, gel ltz ir; a 43, ci. ma. 3=o e• am tlea t , *IIBI/10E C. Henry's - Ness Building, opposite the IV Itag Hotel, Lebanon. Pa. 4 Lebeften, Jahhery 26,1806. ... REMOVAL. S. T. MeADAMI, lATT'ORWVY AT LAW, A 8 ItliriloV.ED his office to Market Street. opposite the Lebanon Beek, two doors North of Widow 'tee llotel. Lebanon, Alarch 25, '63, ARMY AND NAVY— , 4 14iiith27,4141 1 64ft, BACK •PAV "AND , TT LAND AIiENC,Y,.-: ) SUMAS (397151 0 466 , ve .co r ,:x,er v - a, t IA 11717" . xiciZmnno d a e n re d r a el g ba t v e l e n i f e b n e g e i li g l e ice i n n sed to prosecute d the Bounty and rension business, offers his services to all those who are thereto entitled. in accordance with the various sots of Congress. All linelvehonld call or address at ogee, end make their applications through BABBLER BOYEtt, Attorney at-Law, Winos removed to Cumberland St., one door. East of the Lebanon Valley Bank, opposite Crelincir Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. [Jan. 6, !64. JOHN BENSON, ATTORNEY-AT--LAW. FFICE with A. E. Weight° r, Esq., Cumberland to NI West, nearly opposite' trie`Court House. __Lebanon., February 8, 1865. H. T. BIBIGHAUS,, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (WIWI In Stiehter's Building, Cumberland Street kJ nearly opposite the Court House, Lebanon. -nebanon, June 18, 1864.—if. CrilVS P. MILLER., :attorney-at-Law '011:01, 6 and two neatly er a site m th r e ma lr o Hardware store. Libation, April 6,1864.-Iy. - _ Da SSLIER DOVER " ;atalt t e$ 3r za,"it g• Mita, "sni‘`. tri NJ, FFICIE removed to Cumberland - street, one door East of the Lebanon. Valley Dank: biSposito the took "total, Lebanon, Pa. [Jan. 6,'6t. AVELIDLE, 'ATTORNE'Y AT LAW, Offibemeh„Wfst orner of Water and Mark r et 15treets, A3M015.43.1%1', - i ft rzw. - 'Lebanon, Nov. IR, 1863.-I,y.* . -GRANT , ATTORNEY AT LAW. irkFFIO I 4 :in Cninhherlathl s treet, II few doors OnOt of ~.t y p t.t tj a . oe t E n a ti F d l m o ta e n l ,lnc r office trite of tile father Lebanon. Sept. 9,1863. REMO VAL A. STANLEY ULRICH, kc4TT'eitArY A T -I,AW Has retnOved his office to the bu Min& ono door e:a a fAudermilch 's Store, opposite the Washing ton House - Lebanon, Pa. ~ BOUNTY and PENSION claims promptly attended (April Mffil.—pm. Z. R.' DEEG'S 'LIQUOR STORE, Market Square, opposgethe Market House, Lebanon, Pa. Milli undersigned respectfully informs tl,e public that he has received an extensive !took -of the choicest and purest Liquors of all descriptions. These A LlquatOehte Invariably disposed to sell at itn• .neCodeniedly! low prices. • Druggists, Farmers. Rotel Keepers, and ca• era will consult their own interests by buying of the undersigned. L. It. MO. Lebanon, April Is, 1863. mite COPARTNERSHIP 'HERETOFORE EXIST- Mg between 0. C. LOWER and 11. W. RANK, in 04L . W4olettale Tobacco Business. antler the firm of ~LOWER '& RhNK, is this day dissolved by mutual , consent. The business of the late firm aill be settled by either of the partners at No. 14L6 North Third St. Philadelphia, July 1,1884. IL W. RANK, of the late firm of Lower & Ramk,e will continue the bushmea as heretofore at FRIII place: U. W. RANK. Philadelphia, July 13,1864.--Ft. . VOR SALE . sr RE undersigned will Sell, et private sale, hie de sl ble 1101./10 and LOT OF GROUND, to East street, East Lebanon. The Rouse Is • new gtwo story BRICK with K itchen attached, all well built and well arranged With.all 'decent ry conveniences. Also Cistern, Bath flow. ; •mo e House, all kinds or Fruit 'trees, (cc.. onftie 'l riadiscs. nykdinflisputable gistib. ' Foe fur • ther Information ap ply to JANES N. ROGERS, tinholth. Lebanon, Dec. 7,1864.-4 m. PRIVATE SALE Or A - urickyard & Building Lots. milE eubecriber offers at private sale, a valuable 1 Tract of Land in North Lebanon Borough, near (be line of North Lebandn Borough, on Pinegrove istrtssj, Kontnitilog shoat ,AOREB. This tract is ex 1-01166porOund for Brick 31aking, having been used for that purpose, and Is also eligibly located to be cut up intoBDILDINO LOTS. A good ln (or burning Brick kon the premises. For further Vtiftleuldra ap ply to HENRY ARNOLD. Lebanon, Feb. 8, 1885. eorge o ' uau mt .LEBANON COUNTY • RANSPORTATION INE. ~ETri~EC~ - :~: BY Lebanon Valley Railroad. PARTIOIILAB attention will be paid to Goode shipp • ed by the Lebanon, alley Railroad. Goode will be lent daily to and front Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers town and Annyille Stations, and all other polifts'in 'the County. FREIGHTS contracted for at the learitpossihle rites awl delivered with dispatch. The Proprietor will pay parthrdtar rithitttion tO.land attend personally, to the receiving and deltrery of all Freight/. Tor Information, apply at bis ()Moe at the Lelitition Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. EDWARD MARK, his Agent In Philadelphia. will al ways be found at W. H. Dash's Merchant's Rota, North Third st, Philadaphia, )faj 4, %Id PRIVATE SALE. THE Sandbar offers at Private gale a TWO STO -IIF FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and LOT OF GROUND, (being lot No. 1 in Uhler's addition of Lebanon,) located on the Old Forge Road - PI in the North-Western port of said bough.— I borough.— For particulars apply to JOSEPH H. UHLER. Lebanon, January 26,1865. Treasury Department. • 0,710/101 Treasury OP THE Cumin:Wiz, Wventrioron, Damien 31, 1864. l i yitatteias„ By !satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear tha "Tom LEBANON NATIONAL BANE," In the Borough of Lebanon and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organised under, and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An Act, to provide a Na tional Currency, secured by pledge of United States' Bonds, and to providefor the circulation and redemp • Mu thereof, "approved. June 3, 1884, and has com plied with all the Provisions of said Act required to be complied with, before commencing the business of Banking under said set. Now TRIIIIIToRe, I Mien IfeCumniu, Comptroller of the °taring do hereby certify that The Lebanon Na tional Btltlit , In the Borough of Lebanon, in the county of Nate of Pennsylvania, is authorised to corn. Ileum tlie'busineie 4' 'Thinking 'underthe • Act afore matt. 1n1ii49104 wfereof , tritiais 4thr %and JJ L . R . 1 and seal tif othce;ilita thirty Sat ay of J December, 1864 'MGR iteCULLOCH, 'Lebanon, January 5, CiilBBs.mptroller of the Oarrency. VOL. 16---NO. 40. The Phoenix Pectoral WILL CURE YOUR COUGH. THE PUMA.' PECTORAL`- hOOMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD DUERR' THROAT AND LUNGS. Such as Colds, Couglis, Croup, Asthma., Bronchitis, Catarrh, , Sore Throat, • Hoarsness, Whooping Cough, &c. ITS TIMELY USE MULL 111$EVENT piiiibonary Constiniption. ND ,EVEN WitNitill: tDISXAO taken hold 1& will afford greaterrelief' hah, apy_Mber medicine. plilleffate Vanderslice of Potterilie, sate, 'I was benefited more by using the Phoenix Pectoral titan any other - medicine I ever used." . . Elias Oberheltzer, Lionville, Chester comity, was cured of a cough of many years' standing by using the Phoenix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of Hall.street, Phoenixville, certifies :that he was cured of a cough of two years standing, sibeletillether medicines had failed, by the use of the Phoenix Peofertil, Jacob Powers certdieslhat he has sold hundreds of bottles of the, Phoenix Pectoral. and that all who used it bear testimdny of its wonderful effects in curing . coughs. John R..iyer, editor of the independent Phoenix, hav ing used it, bee no hesitation in pronouncing it a com plete remedy for cough, hoarseness, and irritation in the throat. 4. .v. . . . The West Chester' treerstsofqn stm, "We have known Dr. Oberholtzer personally a numbir of year's, and it gifetruslhe greatest pleasure to recotriniend his medicines, inasmuch 34 the public rarely-lave the `benefit off lly r4ed ieinespreparedr by a physician of his acquirements and experience. "Dr. Oberhoitzer lea member of the Alumni of the Medical Department at the University of Pennsylvania, at which institution he graduated in 1854 Y POTTSTOWN, Jan.ary ad, 1965. This certifies that I have used the Phoenix Pectoral in my family, and I recommend it to the public es the very best remedy for Coughs and,Colds that I have . ever tried. One of my children was takinrsilth accompanied with a Croupy Cough ; so bed indeed that it could not tgik Ceadareeiy breathe. Having heard so much wild:about the Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose relieved the difficulty of breathing and before the child - had taken one-fourth of the bottle it was ffetirely well. every family should hays It in their hinlee. Signed, Mrs Mary Butler. ;other elvlion. Wm. Butler, President Judge of the Chester and Delaware Districts, says that she cannot Ylowithopt the Phoenix Pectoral. Dr. George B. Wood, Professot,:of.,tffe'Practice,s .of Medicine in the University ouNiapAyliranfts and one of the authors of the Urtitedifitith 'Dispensa tory. says of the Senelca Satan Met : "Ite . oction Is especially directed to the lungs." The proprietor of this medicine has so much confi dence in its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will be re funded to any purcha.er who is not satisfied with Its effects. It Is so pleasant to take that 'children cry for it. It costs only 35 cents—large bottles ONE DOLLAR.— It is intended for only one class of diseases, namely those of the LUNGS itEII.TEMCIAT. Prepared only by Levi OLerboltzer, M. D., • Phoenix villa, Pa. Johnston Holloway & Cowden, No. 23, N.Sixth et. Philadelphia, and T. C. Wells & Co. N 0.1.15 Franklin st., New York, General Wholesale Agents. -Sold wholesale and retail by .J. Ar,...Lemberger, Dr. Geo. Ross and D. 8. Raiser, Lebanon, and by nearly every druggist and storekeeper in Lebanon county... N. 11.—If your nearest druggist or storekeeper.tdoes not keep this medicine do not let him put you til;r with some other melliOrtia,heosuse)Li makes more 'rnoney On it, but send at onto to hat tithe Agents fortit. March 8,1805.-81 u Wistar's Balsam WILD CHERRY, ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIA BLE REINIEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, Hoarse ness, Sore Throat, Group and every affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, CONSUMPTION. Wistaes Balsam of lid Cherry. So general has the use of this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, that it la unnecessary to recount Its virtues. Its works a ak for it, and findi utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony o the many who from long suffering and settled disease have by Its use been restored to pristine vigor and heilth. We can piesent a mass of evidence in proof of our assertions,lhat CANT OT BE DISCREDITED, The Rev. Jhcbb Seel'ler, Pell known and much respected among the German population in this country, makes The following state ment for the benefit of the afflicted. . Dear ,Sirs.-having realized ltx yfly, -Amity impor tant benefits from the use ofyour valiifirdelltelfffration —WISTAR'S BALSAM or WILD CHIMRY.--41 affords me pleasure to nem:amend it to the public. Some eight yeara . t r; . tgo dne of my daughters seemed to be in a de cline, mid little hopes of her recovery were- entertained I then procured a bottle of your excellent Baleam,and before she bed talturi the whale of the contero Of the bottle there was a greht improvement ip Wherilth. I have in my individual case, made frequently 11/30 of your valuable Medleine, and have always been benefit ed by it. JACOB SEMLER. From Jeste 'Sinith, Esq., President of the Morris County Bank, Morris town, .New Jersey. ollaving need Dr Wmrsa t e BALSIX or WILD CHERRY for about ditino yeare,*.and balling realized Ite benefi cial results in my family, ftaltbrds 'me great pleasure in recommending it to the public as &valuable remedy in eases °Sneak lungs, colds, coughs, he , and a reme dy which I consider to be enterely Innocent, and may be taken with perfect Safety by the mast delicate In health. From Ron. John E. Smith, a Distin guished Lawyer:in lfrestmin s ter , Maryland. have on several oettesicitis used Dr. Brune's Mt -111,11 OP WILD CIIERRT ID severe colds, and always with 'deeitied bbiefit. Vast" •pf no 'prenvition that is more efficacious or more deserving of general use. The ffiirstffff eillsehisbn need with excellent affect by J. B. 8LL1.07, Merchant, Haire Ortifis Heads, Md Wistar's Bahatit of Wild Cherry. None genuine unless signed "I. BUTTS," on the wrapper. . • FOR SALE BY a. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, Now Yoik. S. W. FOWLS & CO,. Proprietors, Boston. And by al Dragglata. GEO. HOFFMAN REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Forty Years' Expettelice REDDING'S " RUSSIA SALVE. Over all other 'Verging preparations. It cures all kinds or SORES, CUTS. SCALDS, PURNS, BOILS, ULCERS, HALT RHEUM, ERYSIP ELAS, STIES, PILES, CORNS, SORE .LIPS, SORE BYES, &Q., Ac. REMOVING THE PAIN AT ONCE, AND REDUCING THE MOVT iri A,NORY LOOKING SWELLINGS ALND INFLAMDCA ON ASIF BY MAG- IC. ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. FOR. SALE Br 3. T. DINSMORE, N 0,491 Bond y ' 8. W. FOWLE & Tre mo nt Ot w . Rc g r k. Juno2s, And eVirwa.ll Droggisti., 'ton i ~, c anon , , - 'AND SENEKA SNAKE ROOT, liitimmr.E THE DISEASES OF TILE INCLIMING EVEN Ilemovea, Fa.. Feb .16,1859 Ilse fully established the sofielleaqty of TO TIME DISEASED!! Dr. Gruver, Electician, S' taken rooms in Kendall's - block, first door H abinx_the NOWYork Store. 3Coollainea . 'he willettsend bathe careful diagnosis and treutment 'of dimataaaArhather acute, or, chronic. lie, espeelitiryilimitioAhose *here . has railed.— No matieribow long - you bare been dineased, or how much you hare sulXered i or,what mayd be your mom plaint, or whit treat . Mant you hare had, or bom.Ofteri yow have Keewaisaitpointaid, thereie still a fair pros pecafor your speedy restaulation to health.. Thousands of axiom as hopeless as youta have been cared in a few weeks by "Elastro Medical Treatment," when all other: known remed:es bad failed. , " "No charge,for consultation.!' • • Prof.• F. G.rOvre. Pledges himself, in all the folio witrg.ranned diseases, to perform a speedy and peiniSAititieisie. ,when ever there can be the least possible hope °fear's, vt : Diseases of the Brain and'/Wreour systain—riillePsT Chorea.; or .St. Vitus' pause. Paralysis, klifinfillegia and,Pariplegia, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervous pelPita tion of the heart. he. Organs and rissoles connected with the Digestive sisstem—hiorityfrost. Dyspepsia, Dysentery, Obstinate Oonstipatdotk - eitforrholds POWs, lent and ?Modern Colie. Respiratory Divans—Catarrlf. 'Cough, Brod4hitls,'Pliablisy, and Consumption iu the dailrand Middle irtoipa.. t. Rhrou.s and Pfuseular Systent.—Rlontnatiansjlbilt, Lutabago, Stiff Neck, Spinal Cidriattire, Hip 'Diseases, Cancers, and Tumors. Urinary'anerGenital Organs.=Diabetin, and Kidney Affections, Impotence and Seminal Weakness. The leper complaints yield very rapidly to this treatment. Diseases peculiar to Fentales.-:-.Uterinis complaints Prolapens; Antoversion.litetroversion, Inflammation ' , Ulci ration, and various tither '...ifect ions of the womb, painful, suppressed, scanty or tirtsfose Menstruation. •Vkip Diseases.—Serointous. Eruptions, Glandular Swellings, Ulcers, Felon, Erysipelas, Herpes or Tatter. All diseases of the Eye and Ear. Lebanon, March 15, 1865. BROWV/MOIDS EXCELSIOR COFFEE. Whilst trying Coffee of ail the vitriol's brands. ReMeanhar• - ”IiROTNING'SEXS , ,ILSIOR"—at the head it stemle., Truit,At'srat like others that are "SOLD• EVERY- WaEltit." ' -A little, stretch, we all do know, good goods will easily (Illit is stretch like this—"sold everywhere"—i a vi r .'alitto teen) ?r - sAyI eittkitafely say, without ttprbesitation, There's done like "BROWNING'S pacEtsion" in -this enlightened nation. Sailed chknists have not found a Coffee from any ~ store,. Potter - Ali* the same ingredients as "Browning's Thecelsior." Nor lather° any one, in or out of the Coffee trade, Who knoWs the articles from which "Browning's , ,Extelsior's" made, . Pnitiittl. its leads from barley, - rye, wheat; beans, and , Name a thousand other things—but tis' EIGHT ONE if you please. But with the Coffee men I will not hold contention For the many, many things they say—too numerous to mouton. Whilst they're engaged in - rumiltg - round, from store to store To learn the current wholesale price of "Browning's' Excelsior," .- Some who know my Coffee gives perfect satisfaction, Rare farmed a plan by watch they hope to Cause a • quick reaction. The cash—'tis with a few; no doubt 'twill be more— To name their Coffee after mine, (BROWNING'S EXCELSIOR." Some say their's the only brand that will stand a ready test. Now, try a little of them all—see which you like the hest. Three year's have passed away since I llrst sold a store ; Never have I in your paper advertised before ; Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish more,,. If like some used by—everybody ," "sold everywhere." . in "every store.". it tradAikethlal ado litt.V.trisli; the Orders pot Btf ` l 'l'he factory pt} Je' . ....key's land would taka—leave nova fOOt.to,tift. . My tradels'nOt so very li/rge•; still-I think I Lave my share; But, reader you may rest assured, 'tis NO r "SOLD EV ERYWHERE." Manufactured and for Salt by the writer, George L. Browning. No. 20 Market Street, Camden, N. J. This coffee is , not composed of PCMODOUS drugs, it contains nothing deleterious; many pit Ode use this Coffee that cannot use the pure coffee; it takes kat one•atai a half ounces to make a quart of good strong coffee." at being just one-half the quantity it takes of Java Cmffee, and always less than half the price. RETAIL DEA LERE.raay purchase it in less quanti• ties than ton gross at - tny prices from the Wholesale Groom's. ' OW Orders by maillrom Wholesale Dedldrs prompt ly attended to. • Feb. 22,1865.-3 m. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. BY authority of the Secretary of the Treasury. the undersigned has assumed the General Subscription Agencrferlbelrale of United States Treasnry Notes, Veering seven and three tenths per cent. interest, per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of August 15th, 18t14, and are payable three years:from that time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the hold er into 11. S. 5-00 Si . x per cent. Gold Bearing Bonds. These bonds are now worth a premium ,of nine per cent., inaluding gold interest from Nov., which makes the actual profit on the 73) loan, at current rates, in cluding interest, about ten per cent. per annum, besides its exemption from State and municipal taxation, which - adds from ono to three per cent. more, accord ing tolbieles )6v led on other property. The interest is payable sem inniaMitylii coupon' atiacbed to each note, whidli maybe cut off Mid sold to any bank Or banker. The interettriMaunts to One Cent per ditynn'each $ BO note Two cents " " 100 " Ten " " " 500 " Tweaty 1,000 " OieTtrilar " " 5,000 " I les of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions.— This is The dnly Loan in Market now oirdted'hyftie‘diridrument, and it iv confidently expected thit its superior advantages will make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF. THE PEOPLE. Less than $200,000,000 remain unsold, which' will probably telitlposa. of 'Within the next 60 or 90 days when the notes w will command a 'premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the sub seriptions.to other Loans. In order that citizen - Wel every town and section of the eciuntry may . fas liifftirtied facilities for taking the loan, thalrutional Rinks, State Banks, and Private Bankers AlliUdgiumt the' country have generally afire d to receive stikathriticins ,at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in what die). have .con i tidence, and who only are responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Philadelphia'. SUBSCRIPTIONS Will be received by the Lebanon Na. trdnat Barth, the Valliy 'Btridtud. Bank of Lebanon and theitigit iedfiOnal Bliiilaf l teblift'oir. • Bar& FARMERS TAKE NOTICE! TASKER CLARK, Still continue to Manufactitie.tbose MANURES, which for the last seven or eight years have given such gen eral satisfaction to those who have need 'them ; we refer to the SUPER PHOSPRATE OP LIME,' made from Seely grouttd.Rones,"Peruviau Guano, and other:Fertilising Ingreitieries„;_ - ,-, 1 -tped sold at tlierate of $65 00 per ton of 2000 ilia. Also to the MEAT and IMRE ebwrposT, made from refuse Meat, Bone livid other Jflal from the slaughter ilouse,—p!itel4o .00 per ton.,- I ._ N. B . A supeirtisrArticle of BONE DUST, at market priese. Address. TAKER do CLARK, -' r.EIGH.Tg & WASHINGTON Ste., Muni. 60.865.-3 m.; - PHILADELPHIA. Jest printed•and far, sale at this ofrice s Coaditions far the;Salt of Real Es tate. LEBANON, PA., I;nDNES.DAY, MARCH 29, 1865. v 4 . lee - •WO W ILL be sold 8 Fublie Sale, on - Wed nesday March 29,1865 at the residelice ; • of the subscriber, Load - otohlify township, alx4rther and a half =ilea from 'Palinjra, on the reett,tott_ledhellle'S Church, the folloviing:: —.HORSE, %,,cllNt r g, 'ROCKAWAY, I.liorsit goodnicaorAPrinli. Wagon, - Plough, Harrow,' Culti vator, 2 SHOAT% tett of Hind Gears .sett single Har eem, 2 cellars, *Bridles, Wheelbarrow, Forks, 1 side Saddle, Slitilidls,liog and Cow Cholas,- BEDDING and Hedsteads,'B l }ltireaus, 8 Tables. 2 'Steven, Cupboard, dgzeiCandia , bitiftlitiirs, 2 Rocking Chairs, large Look. ingtilees,Chestsjlron Rattle, new, lifeatatand, Tube, Barrels, \quagga Lind a variety of other articles. ‘-ffir All of thilibbve articles are 'nearly as good as tys.. SalelO co once at 12 o'clock, 31.; wtien terms will made kno nby •,• CHARLES ROSENB.EitGER. - LondonilerrylWp.; February Iti„„ la 65. = LRBANO# , 4 4tC0 FACTORY' LIME iindersign are alient 10catiEgiti Litaucti wbat.fs eshetioldllskai-r - ITIOSOUrt 1 Tobacco 'Factoryy lot Ma 101 1 .20410 °T.Piun TOMee°. Our *atm' 11 is Mhieeri.leaf; made up . .by Misseuri hands ' and our inaub fiery is of ttio latest and most etllciesie'character: determidedly adhere to the policy "of making ard selling only ai - ' GD AND P.LtE ARTICLE OF TOBACCO, awfi l ealii:fis ;l ikerb ants and °there,' while they have the ptivtlege of . b ing d irectl7 (rim the manufactur er, thus 'say lug to beraseiris the _intermediate prate `heretofore paid tbciobber , are saved the risk of 'get, ting adulterated 0 poisoned tobaccbs as when buying unknown or irrigpausibleinaltes. ' We shall be rear y to.fill orders by the lath of arch aezt. 04.-.*43 cap ret none—ceweell to no. . purchaser less. than 20. pour Circular& and.p ice llst sent tiSany address on apPli-: cation. In a few weeks we shall be prepared to 'Maw feature line cut chewing and smoking tobaccos of 111, rhinos Vides. jsibanon, Feb. 2210865,-3m Sewing liabhiles. ite.tbaBnerdbtehletlicairfegen'erafr,itirialnefhati has, fa connection withlieff MILLINERY business, taken the agency for - Wheeler & Wirrort ' s unsurpassed Dow . ah. Sewing Machines, siliteh have taken 'ol . ‘ premium at the Great London Fair, and at hundteis of other. Fairs. It is adapted for all kinds ofFamily Sewing and Tailoring. Three different numbers of the Machine will always , be kept on hand, which can be examined at her store, and she will give bairns-Rails in the manner of using it. The Millings?, Mallen, in all P its branches, will be continued at her Store,in eumbertai d street. MRS. HARRIET L. SELTZER. anon :rely 20 is 64. —ars. . - THE LEBANON MINIM; COMPANY. • PRINCIPAL; OFFICF - - - - NORTH LEBANON PENNSYLVANIA. Philadeli)hia Transfer Office, .N - 1). $ Forrest Pinee,) 123} SOI/Tll- FOYRTH STREET. " 3 1;1tERIDEST, HENRY LIGHT, - Lebanon, Pa. TRE.tsrpa ct s.„ ssolies.ter, I.T.RAITAI4 - 1111t '.19; R.r.1.8201 —l4l 20,000 for - : a . tdariang Capital. , • Subscription Books open only until this number is 'disposed bf. Subscription Price $2 Per Share, PAR VALUE, $5. CAPITAL, $500,000. 100,000 MAKES. This Corapariy owns in Pee sitaple (162) One Nun &tad and Sixty taro acres of Oil !Min ing Territory in Vestanao anh Indiana, CountiesAupon which there is already a good prbilhattriatrell. I More developements WM le ;tirade after the reserve of 20,000 shares is taken. Feeparticulara and circulars Lil'dh Mr. SAMUEL W. WRAY, at the Philadelphia trranatttOffice, (No. 3 Forrest place,) 128 1 ,4 South irotaTir StreA. December 21, 1804. • NOTICR is hereby given thit hfesers. WAGNan & BOWMAN, Dentists, in the °rough or, Lebanon, dissolved partnership on the lit t inst. The undersign ed has removed his office to the Id place, in Cumber land streak Al-at Lebanon. whre •bei kina,.catried,om - Elio - baldness air tlielmstliglity 're;itad hopes that by the same attention to business d carefulness in his work which he - practieed hereto re, to receive a full share of the public patronage. 1 , C. D. WAGNER. Lebanon; March 15,1865. .1 TWENTY--FIRST ANN I STATEMENT OF TR MIUTITA-Jr.: -.Pt , .. - - INgUR- NE ~ , AC '4'o3 PAINIE OF , - Sinking S . pring, Berksl County, for 1864 . . Balance in the 'Freadry,, t ientyiry Ist, 1864, $1.579 12 Premiums and fees tth' firstr i ante, 1,950 83 Amusements Nos. 10,1 1; ind 1 .4 ' 424 92 Assessment No.lB, in Tlrkg. to.. $6,7 8 3 73 I Do do - Lebanon " '4,005 19 Do do Lehigh :" . . 051 85 Do . do Schuyik '. 69 47 I Do do Lanese " 82 18 ... . , 9 , 792 42 Total reeeipte ' . $13,747 29 Manager.' and Committies'lo.o, -. . $165 85 Postage; Stationary. &c. ; , 17 63 Making Collectors' ListeV.: , :t 1 ... . - 24 00 l i'l Refunded to 11. Mull, in So mere case, 404 Doors for closet, - - 4 _ Th .,. ~ - . '7 . 58 ,* . f Advertising & printingifeed., $126'.52 Do Lena arie • - 29 50 • Do Lehigh - ' _4.50 60 52 U. S. Tax, ' ' - ' ' •15 27 Treasurer's salary, ' t .'' , •50 00 President's fees ,0n.388 Pelielflitt; ....- ' ' 23 06 Do appointing Corenttetens, &O. -9 46 ... .. —."•''' P.;62 Auditors' fees for 1863. Secretary's salary, A.Mull„. ' • 33 33 Do do C. Kessler, 62 50 , „,,,, 95 83 Secretary's fees on. 48 Klicrictf A.571i1l 19 20 Do do 321 pelotas, C. Kydl4r 128 , 44 _ .. ~, ----- - . 147 60 Filling out 212 imllclesit 12% efents,„_ . 36 50 Agent.' fees on 244pol:6101, 2 6 u it, 7 :6 2 • 60 Do 82 policies, Mester, .32 80 Do 26 policies, Schools, .42 46 , 4 .„ ----- 140'80 . Locate sr Pnue, iu Berta county : • ,„ Cyrus Ruth '0 'RP George Leehaer" George Lash John MI, George Seaman, George Davies, James Butz. Albert J. Brumbach 3i009 00 John Fortran. in Lebanon cOnati," - Bloom thsorge Spayd do -, 4 00 J. W. 3, kipin g er,do t 00. Joseph Moyer,do " 1,035 00 Jacob Bachman- do 20,00 Nathan °utast ,in Lehigh county , 40 00 4 „ " nip :.c5 The undeisims ad Anditera ,appointed to eiamine the accounts of the Officers oithe, Mutual F ire Insur ance Company of Finking Spring, Berke, county, do report that we have carets:l73f examined the same, correct and find them rect as above stated., • ANDREW BURR, 1 A." February, 1865 . JOUR VAN 'REMO' BOARD OF *ANAGERS Presatio-40uN "SAN REED, Spring, Reading P.O. Treasurer—Lints Intnenti , Gelding . secr e t aT y.. 7 .oh tAßlA , jr,fspric., 'Reading. , bratlges.,-.4ndrow !Arr. Dothet P. 0.; George K. lileeitdasiEkilb, =john temp Kutztown, P.O. 8 41110.1 . - ,:&tE.*, , ,Girtoratle, P. O.; E li as Filbert., It oniels t pt ."; 'Solomon Yoter, ManwtawiirP L ..° P.O. Elias Obohl, Lower Bern P. o.;.Daniel Lorahirtead ing, P. 0..; all residing,in J3erkse,ojnitk., Pyriutiseb9olB, Jonestown P. 01. Lebanon County, ;. : Jr,obert ~Affatia. Cornwall. P. 0., • Labium .connV.; Jacob Orbs, (Li; bler nonityi) • March 16 ' ,1885.-3 t. CHARTAIS 871811 . Bee* PU LIC SALE OE peribg . at promperty. F. G STICUTLR & CO Witiee 4 Vi4r, i*ilson7*. Dissolution. REC P S Samuel Fronsra t - • 12,2n8,61. Baiance in Treasury, Jail. 11 4 18 E4 _1,508.58 •,+, !' .. .,... 7 -, . A.. 'Mr . " ...0!"....,..". ...,,,... . ~:,..,..., ~.,....... , . ..... ,-cr t• . a, 4 ,„„ .. . rilrifUntoso. POWER OF KINNEM • " i toM,-hertr!" said a father to his boy, speaking in tones of authority. Abe lad was-at play. He looked to ward his father, but did 'not leave his ecinpanione. "Do you g heter me, sir?" spoke the father, more sternly 'than at first.— With an unhappy face 'and reluctant step the boy left his play and ap proached his parent. "Why. do you creep along at a. sntiil'el pace r said the, father, angri ly. 'Come„, quickly,. I want you-; when I speak, I like „to. be obeyed in stantly. Here,,take. this note to Air. ' Sialtli;htitOsee yd,ri- don't go to, tficep'lly , "the: way.,, Now run as fast 'yea, ,enp go."`Th e ,hoy too'k,th e note ; there wag .a elbud upon his brow. He Mciyea 'onward, but at - a. slow pace. - . "You, ,Tom 1. is that doing as I or.' tiered ? Is that going 'quieh . ly:?" called the , father, when ho:kraw 'the boy creeping away. "If you are not back in half an hour .I tviiNihnidh you." But the words 'had 'little ef fect. The boy's feelings .. ytire hurt by the unkindness of the i pareat; he experienced a ,sense of injustice, a consciousness that wt•ong had been lorte'hini,...:By nature he was like his fathet e .proud and stubborn ; and these `iivalitie'a . 4f, i his, 'kind were a roused, iteil „he - Indulged in them fears less ofconsequeace. "I never saw such a boy," said the father, speakineto'n friend who had observed the occurrence. "My words scarcely make an impression on him. "Kind words often prove most pow erful," said the friend. The father looked surprised. , "Kind words," continued the friend, "are like the gentle rain and the refreshing dews ; but harsh words bend and break like the angry tempest. The first devel op and strengthen good affections, while the others sweep over the heart in devastation, and 'mar and deform all they touch. Try him with kind words, they will prove a hundred fold more powerful." The parent seemed hurt by the re proof, but it left him thoughtful. An 'hour passed away ere his boy return ed. At times during his absence he was angry at the delay ; but the words of remonstrance were in his ears and he ,resolved to obey them. Vtt 1 , 10 the lad-eatne slowfx .. -in, with h. cloiii y, cotp - teoarrep Ar ria ,li4fickt& the *esait of - his errand. Having stayed-far beyond his time be looked 'for punishment, and was prepared to 'receive it with an angry defiance.— To his surprise, after delivering, the message he had brought, his father, instead of angry reproof and punish ment,iii'd !kindly : "Very 911, my son, you can go out to play 'again." The boy went out, but wan nontlia-p -py. He had disobeyed and disoblig ed his father, and 'the thought 'of ehtB troubled him. Harsh aroused 'not clouded his mind not aroused aepirit of reckless anger. Instead of joining his companions, he went and sat down, by himself, grieving over his act of, disobedience. While ,he thus 1110 e heard his name called. hom* rtfy'son," said his father, kindly. The boy sprang to his feet and was soon beside his parent. "Did you call father ?" "I did, m y son. Will you take this package to Mr. Long for me ?"' There was' no hesitatioh in. • the boy's,manner ;.he looked much pleas ed at the thought of‘doing his fathr a service, and reached thit his ha F ird for the package. On i•ecci'vtng it be bounded away with a lif#lit eitep. "There is power in Ititidnetie, "'said the father, as he sat tatieing after the lad's departure.' .A.ti'd eyen . While be sat musing over the incident, the boy came back with - cheerful, happy face, and said. Oan Ido anythi'n'g else for you, father?" "Yes, there Is a power in itindnees. be terrtpest of passion can only sato. due, constrain and break ;but in love and tinilannislbe're is the power of the summer rain, the delv, and the sunshine. luny at our yolftrik readers heave rend the'rei t iytale of Blue Beard, ipa. yinthrzed with the young wife who was to lose her head for her curie - shy, While the death of the old fellow biinself has always given in• tense delight. Few, however, are aware that there 'Wks 'a personage who bore this title, and the anniver sary, of whose death occurs to-day, but so it is. His name was Giles de Sekrueor De Retz, better known as Marshal Retz, and he Was born in the year 1396. lie was a soldier, and feughtin3everal battles, 'p f articularly ~ undit 'join bf Arc,ln 1420, having served as one of he'r captains. In 1423 he led an expekli tion - against the 1482 he Was the richest, subject in ranee, anti 'fhis kninense fortune was fife caifse'i,Jf his ruin. He plafrgsla Into disafFatiot, which soon diminilhed his waltetf,, and he sold one estate af ter theP i ther to keep up hitteklfeidi tare. a guard of honor of two 'fiancrytie 'and fifty horsemen, and his suite `conlisted of numerous chap lain's, Chi:Akers, ' most of whom We're Weconit.lice's his arts of liber tinism. His chapel Vat 'hung with cloth of gold, and his 'nlikplains bore the 'tide 9f dean, chapl . k . aiehdeacon and biShop. Ile wish sent it, dePuty to the 'RIO to get :13ermissioo fop's crops be horn,slisinre Pray ing rot thinid life 60 bo 100 AO 37 95 2,060 00 1,617 00 . . 8"00 20 oo $ ,747 29 BLUE SEARD. Wll - 0 - 11 'NO. 822 lb • but attention to a 9 otpz,failed in turning thiVilvr, inefol to gob). He then liticarrie o ftbsorbed in magic, and made It'h4ll(ptict with satan to gip everyttitig except his life and, _split= for bounilpis wealth. He now tiegan to immoliatt): children, who, having' a il been ra il!it-yictims of his iniquity, in various , ityS were finally put to Ileath w an i r their. blood and. hearts used asOlirma in diabolicafrighte.— Agents - of - his were 'thared to persuade poor peasanis mho, had beautiful chi 1- drew to ent,rostlfiem to the , care of the marshal for their advancement in life, butlfiley Were never seen after wards,iiA,inquiries were endeavor ed to bePpiiled by threats or bribery. At length pin . matter caMe"under the notice df lthOduthorities, and Betz was-sirWstdB in 1440, it first he de-- flied all ineWleilgeof the affair, but being threat i eriett with torture, he disclosed' al FahOn i t t, "a q 6 'Vs:lodges were horror. stripke ri ,at Pi e *linen e. arid atrocious recital. The young victims ranged irom 8 tcilB years old `hut what they endured before death cannot be printed. The bodies used to be burned, but remains were found 'tit two places, inlet', indioateg 126 victims. He was tiled and con,clPion ed to be strangled, whiel was carried into effect December 22, 144,„ ,He became remembered as "Bao e'peu,” or Bluebeard, from his beard having 'been so colored. It became a nxii,e, Of terror even in England, foi- :after 31,t_s the committal of the Duke of 4 . u.tyok , to the tower in the year of H s en,ry VI, we read that the act so diskieas ed the people that they assembled together in great tootp?.p),ea, and that chose a captain by 'flaikie,'hut their leaders were 'soon apprehended and no harm ocarrre'd. - who Blue beard so familiar to childrtn was written by Perrautt, in the time of Louis XIV. . THE "BERNERITREET HOAX." The maddest of Theodore Hook's tricks was that lefi&'" ti *as the “Ber tiers Street Hoax," which happened in 1809,•as .folleliit•: Walking down Berners street 'bile day, Hook's-et:ail panion (probtibly "Matthews,) Called his - attention to a partieufar neat and modest house, the residence—as we inferred - from the door-plate--of some decent shopkeeper's widow. lay you a guinea," said Theodore, "that in one week that nice quiet dwelling shall be the most famous in all London." The bet was taken, and in the course of -four or five days Hood ha& Writtenand_ posted one "tAllusiiiid letters airne.'king Orders to rtradesiiieli Of every sort within the bills of inortality,'all to be executed on one particular day and. as nearly as possible at one fixed hour. From "wagons of coals and potatoes, to books, prints, ices, feathers, 'jellies, and cranberry tarts," nothing in any way available 'to any human being but was commanded froth scores of rival dealers, scattered all over the city from Wapping to Lambeth, fro White chapel to Paddington. It can `only be feebly imagined what the crash and jam ancetumnlt of that day :Hook had - provided _himself with a dodging nearly opposite- the fated house, mere with a, couple of treaty allies he Watched the progress of the melodrama. The-mayor and his chaplain arrived-- . lnVited there to take the death bed care: aion of a peculating common counCtitatt.— There also came the Governor of the Bank, the Chairman of the-East In dia Company, the Lord Chief Justice, and the -Prime Minister—above all, there Caine his Grace the Archbishop .of Canterberry, and His Royal High- , k fieilstheCommaiihdr-in-Chief. These 01',elbeyed the, for every phiti - s‘and . patiii6fite, feeling had been most inevingly, riPpealed to. They cattle 'not 'all reach Berners street, ho*e - ver—the avenue leading to it being jefnmed up by the drays, I cars and carriages all pressing on to the solitary widow's house; be, cer tainly the Duke of York's military punctuality -aud crimson liveries 'broaght hinrto the point .of attack before the poor iv -omen's astonish. tient lia& risen to .terror: and despair. Most fierce Were "tliC ., , grovVri,ngs of 4440 s 'had horses. teachers of every kind, male and female, hair a tOSSES, tailont, popular 'preachers, Parliamentary iplailanthropists, had been all alike -victimized. !There -was •an ,awful smashing of 'klass i. china,barpsiefitirds coach panels. 3faiiYA,,horse fell-nev er to rise again. Be& barrels and wine barrels were overturned and exhanited itirptin'ity amidst the press 'cif ' - '6Bantlesa prtilt i udes. 4. ,dt was. a great i eby for Ipickpiiesets; -g and a ret4 to Ilk° newspa pers. 'Pen arose_• many 'fc7ent bitelnd'ery for the' detection 6 . f the wholes - ale deceiver, a w l,. destroyer.— Though in 11.66 k's 'own theatrical world he was instantly suspected, no sign escaped either him.or his confi dants. He found it..:copvenient to be laid up a week or tivo by a severe fit . of illness, and then promoted recon maleseence by a week's cog4rTiOirt. He revisited 'Orford, andln-ofe*sed an intention'efsAaOtijfilk, leis ,YCV denee there. .3?;ut 'the Wtor,ra bieW - ,Wer - and Hook returnee ; With trap 'quility to Me green-room. Seit-Turata is apparent trouble brew. log . hi the West. According to the C'hichio Post, the new Republican Goiarnn'y'of Illinois kicks,against the draft. It says that Gen. Rayne has gone'to Vicshington to see about the quota.,pf,lllin'aia, • and to, convey to 'Old Abe Govern O t r:Ogi " W s pious de 'alarat'io that he'll be Illinois fnrobittei a d—d man best._- Wilt she has right to • ' C t . 1 4 ,thrrtisStt: A FAMILOAP,Wr R 01 WO COUNTRY,, IS PRINTED 4 1 4 ,„ NE pUBHIMD WEEKLY, ET . .wm ..MA - LIN, .. li iti —.. 2d Story of Funek's New Radius, Cumberlanl St - At ,Q,N 1,7)51. Nutyifty Cents a : Xsis t r- .. sorAiiisratiuesslisintlertedat.the usual-rates. ;SS AItiVIIANDBILLS Printed ateurbours notice. •.4.BIVES OF POSTAGE. _ _ _. , • In Lebanon Coniifp, yeetesesiree • - y ' In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon county 6 cent* pet quarter,or 20 cents a year. .• • • • Out of this State, 6 1 / 2 ' eta. per quartesior 26 cts. a year it the postage is not paid in advance, rates are double ANNIE LAURIE. I , 4,4 t • * 4 1 Ttli/Et 19y9ly.socg acquired the wor,bil . blvtr, tor the beautiful sitriplicity itsvOrdEi ? iatTY, flowing, and ei 'pressivp,, melody, has lately received an additional impetus to its millei ity by the following incileirt 'Said to have occurred in MaryAncl..,. A small sel,ect"bcluiPiny bad aaietlk bled in a,'pleasant parlor, and welt gayly .cbatgag and laughing, when tall young man entered, whose peep liar face and air instantly arrested attention. He was very pale, with that clear ' vivid corn lesion wbio dark. haired coasui#pgvA atten have. isais kekekilink as jab and hang profuse , upon t a,Ait4re w hi l te npljar, ilis eyes. were large and IrnF. itual, am' his browl .such h one - as, poet should bave. But for a certain wandering "'look, a casual observer would have proneuneed him a mail: Qt tlq'rectliinion intelld,4:taLlAciiiters,,-- The words "poor.follow,' how;4 0 .0: looks," wolf,' hb i e rpllntia,,t(l3. he camp tomard, bowed to,thei lqmpany, anti took his seat. Que. br,t,wo thought. less girls laugh .d as they whispema that he was llixe-cracked," but the -rest treated hiin with respectful dit armee 1•11 it was late in the evening whop singing was proposed, and.t9ask,him to . sing "Annie Laarie:', WAS a task of ilheom,mon delicacy. One soiiigaftsr another was sung, and at jasAtbis pra) was named. At its mention the young man grew deadly pale but did not speak; lie seemed to be instaatty lost in reverie. l 4 „ ,"The name of the girl who treated him so badly was Annie," said a lady whispering ,to a_ new guest—"oh I I wish be would-sing it, nobody else can do it justibe." "No one dares 'Bl4 cfk.n . before ysa, Charjes," said an eldvsty lady; "would it be too much to as you to favor the company with it !" she added, timidly. He did not reply fora momepteittils lips quivereTit jitpq ? - then ook g 'up '4:B if a'avi,a Wiritual enee,'begah., ;Every sound was hushed—itseemed as if his vgiqp were the voice Pf„ ap angel. The tones vibrated through isarve, pulse and heart, and made one stifxer. with the pathos of his'feelhfo; never was .heard melody in human voice like thatz—so plaintive, so soulful, so tat tier and earnest. ,$ He sat, with his head throivstVaek„:, his eyes half closed-- 14.13 of his dark hair glisteninvagaingt .Ais, pale temples, his baqsAghtlyfoldea be fore bira - : and, as lie sang tbi:Migh the following stanzas Tie seemed to shake from head to foot with.hedrtTendiali emotion : . Maxwelton's banks arelony, • 4 Where ently felts the dew:; And 'twas there that Annie Laurle Gave me her promise true— Gaye me her promise true, Which.nev erforgot twill be, But for betinsy;ll4RiflilWorie I'd lay me down and dee. • - • ,• • .Her 14row 1 is like the snow-drifi, Her throat is like the, swan, I ller features are the ; fairest That e'er. Ott Bun. abona - on— Thlit e'er iglin sun shone on, And dark blue is her e'e, And for bony Annie, Laurie I'd liy`me down - and den. - P Like dew on Hie gowan Iping Is the fa'o' her fairy feet ; And like winds in summer sighing Her voice is low and sweet Hervoice is low and sweet, And she's :Lithe world to ni6, lind for bonny Annie Laurie I'd lay me dawn and dee* "A.:13 - lie proceeded , fronvling tO, and verse to verse, there was no more jesting among the enmpanyall was hiB66 4 l lO3 TrW Ihe - tiiloneek 0 1 4, death. any a.lip trembled, and, but - few eyes but were wet with tears of-spon taneous pity had 'Compassion. When finishing the Tits; verse made a slight pause, gazed with_` searching, longing , expression about the room, gitgpeilloyth And.foOonnie Annis,Laurie, I'd lay me down and dice.;_ And slowly droOPed ward over the chair. The , black locks seemed to grow blackef,' thp white temples whiter, and the white A lustrs inyss 'class With in expressible and torturing,anguish. There was a long and solemn 'palms: Oueslanced at another—, all seemed the, rady who had urged him to singliiinl ' li;e„bliid gent ly upon his shoulder, saying• "'Charles ! Charles !" • Then dame a'hush, a thrill. of hl'r : ror crept thiougb every, framel tie poor tried heart had ceased io beat. , Charles - , Ike love-betrayed; was dead ! THE STRASSBLIRG CLOCK'. , .., , The priest aud military,hoo retir ed and I am now pitting in say chair:, facing the gigantic „ cloak—from the bottom to the top not less ,tha,n,oria hundred feet, and about tbirtY:feel Wide and fifteen 'de*. - S.' rolmlute r• , .. - ,-.. are RI arrly . str'avers,, wattant to ;at9 the working of this c14:0. a eye is' the hour of noon. Everx uu pou the ;dock. It now wants five minutes to twelve. The clock has struck and Life people 'are, gone, except .. tkfvw whom the sexton or bead,man, Wit 6 a wand and sword; is conducting ropnd th, ctuildlug - i , t ..,, .„ ~ - T i tle clock 'har,s;s4),ck 4i . tivit ! FA I L ": 1 114 e dial is Paine twenb . rjevt from the flooron each :We is 'a cherub or a little boy, with a mallet, and over the dial is a small be l, the cyer; ub on the 101'st:races the rsttlar:Ki. k and that on. ,the, right ..`t . :!c rpecull quarter....*ine: tftS7 tact 'above 'tlie dial, in a lat2l3 ;. n r ictie, is a huge fig: of. Tinie, a bpII in bis left and 4 scyChe in his Tight 14.nd. , ,, In front stands A figure oral : Ping an with a millet:, wEollerilies t i tle thiid quarter oii ite 12