The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, March 22, 1865, Image 3

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- - - i"Leortasi
The publishers of Lebanon have agreed Upon the
following charges for Advertising - , Viz :
Size. It. tr. 3m. Cm. ly.
Square, 12 lines, $ .60 Xl.OO $3.00 PAO $8 00
2 24 lines, 1:00 2.00 6.00 8.00 12.00
• 3 " a 6 lined, Ito. 300 7.00 10.00 15.00
• For Niteentor's and ASSlffiilstiator's Notices, 2.00
Moe Assignee. Audit& and similar fotOces, 1.60
Yoe yearly Cards, not exceeding 6 hues, 3.00
For column adverttluMent, I e o.oar, 50
,For % column 1. "
YOr 0010100 lB.OO
ltor Announchigcandidates for 00706,, =hence, 2.00
VOr Announcing eale t iUttacoompanled by adv 4.00
Notices, pociety:resolDtiOns, Ay., 8 cis
per NOW' ' . - •
For Bishops or Special Notices, 80 cents per lifts
per year.
Yearly advertisements.for Iforthaktit atisl
netts men as agreed upoh.
•brspches of the Legislature have passed
atetteral Bounty bill. It authorises the
I , several tpwnships and School Districts to
; -bohntiep for volunteers not exceeding
4400 to each accepted recruit, and also
authorises a per
. capita tax of $2O to be
• levied upon all persons subject to draft.
p Whether this 15111,.enpersedes the local
laws already enacted for several of the
;counties (Lebanon inclhileil), we are una•
We to say.
Myer Rothschild will open i a
w• 'no Grocery Store at Diller's old ,Stattd,
-In this borough, about the Ist of April
Ile will keep all articles kept, in,a first
class Grocery store s devoting his entire
`attention to that business.
The bill to change the houndary
, line between Berks and Lebanon coon
lies passed the Senate on Thursday,—
,This will throw that portion ofNew.mans
town now ,in Marion township, and a
small strip Oflantadiatent, in Berks, in
' to Millcreek township, Lebanon county.
Burning of an Express Car.—
~The Howard Express car attached to the
;Philadelphia and Reading Railroad train,
took fire near Manayunk on Mbnday
;morning of last week. It was loided
mainly with dry gods which had, heeti
shipped for the West, and nearly the en
lire contents were constmed. The, loss
'ls estimated at from $12,060 to 404,600.
'An iron safe was in the car, 'Whitt con
tained treasure to the amount of nearly
-8100,000. The safe was thrown, Ilr,orp
the car with some difficulty atte'r;it, had
,got to be red hot, and it was found that
the money was almost entirely uninjured.
One or two men on the car at the time
had narrow escapes from being burned,
but saved thetnseives by jumping to the
FOUNDLING.—on, mopdAy ; eve-
Aing, March 13, when plosikg the - Birds
boro Depot, a very pretty., lively ; and „in-
, teresting little blue-eyed girl, nicely dress
ed with an extra change,of clothes, was
:found wrapped in a costly shawl, lying
en the floor in the back office. The
child is supposed r ta_lia_ about three
months' old. The mother, „pr traitor', by
whom it was left,„ there, ,carne , up in the
six o'clock P. DA, mall train s and ,re,matit
ed there until the 'ta o'clock aCtotruuo
dation came up. She seemed very un
easy, and when the train came in sight,
,she went back and Jai the child where
it was shortly afterwards found, and pass
ed round the office, came up on the op
posite side; and made for the cars when
about starting, and took passage for
Reading. The child was taken home by
Mr. M. Stubbiebine, Express Agent, and
cared for during the night. Many of the
, t neighbors and citizens of the place called
,to see the poor, deserted child, and sever
al offered and seemed anxious to take
( and adopt it In their families, and raise
it as their own.
The next morning the child was taken
by Mr. Joel Mohr and Wife, who intend
adopting it, as they have no offipr . iiie;
and, no doubt, it will be well cared Tor,.
The mother or person hy, whom it was
left was a tall, portly looking woMan,sUP.
:posed to be about 25 years old, well dress.
,ed in dark clothes, and a small black car
The Philadelphia Flour Markgt
continues very dull, and prices are-rath
er lower. The only sales we hear of are
in small lots to supply the home trade', a;
from $8 25a9 for superfine ; $9 30a10
25 for extra;
sloall for extra family,.
and $ll 50a12 per bbl for fancy brapds,
according to quality. Rye flour aqd
corn meal continue dull at about for.
`flier rates, but we hear of no sales. )
Gams—There is very little demand for
wheat, and the market is dull. Red is
offered at 230a235c per blis and white
%lit from 240a2500 per bus, as . tol 'quplity.
;Aye is lower, small sales of ;',ennsylva-
Ala are Making at 160 e per bUs. l Corn
continues' very quiet,'with sales of about
3,000 bus at 136 c in store and
Oats are also dull, with sales of 5,000 bus
"at 88e per bus.
• CATTLE MA RICUL—TrIe Offerings , tpj
Beef Cattle were large, reaching 2400
head, an increase of 700 oven' last week,
and the market was dull and 142 c 'per lib
lower, with some left over at t)lc clpse. T7
Prices ranged at $12015 (atop:non, 816
al9 for fair to good, and $2QAt s for prime
and extra quality, the 100 A s k. , cows
were firm and 100 sold at thg , Avenue
Yard at from $30a50 each for pprinkers,
and $45 to 80 for cow and calf, as to
Roos were unchanged and about 3,500
_Mad sold at the different yards at sl9a
21 the 100 lbs., net
Snesp,--The offerings are light, reach.
ing only 4000 head and - prices, steaciy at
10a12 cents per lib., gross, as to condition.
Many of the districts of.tio t is spc,
Lion of country have heretofore hgd not
a little trouble to fill their quota's top
void the various drafts made by the ad
ministration. Some were obligpil to
scour the country to get the requisite
number of men, their own districts . not
'affording a sufficient supply. Hereafte,r
they may expect ten-fold trouble, as by
ithe recent act of Congress, every man
enlisted must be credited to his, own dis
trict, if he have one. How districts,
Which have been getting their men from
other placee heretofore, will be enabled
to avoid drafts In the future, is a question
difficffit to answer.
We noticed last week the daring
Robbery in Tulpeloccon township,Berks
county. The following are additional
Ban Ro2skly.--- 7 ,0h Wednesday rtighl,
Bth inst., between 9 and 14,0'clodk, row
men came to the house of Mr. Frederick
Witman, in Tulpehotcop ,township, and
knocked at the door. The son of Mr.
Wit Man inipired ,what was wanted, to
.which they replied that their wagon had
broken down, their horse run away, and
that they feared one of their party had
broken his leg. The young Matt then
came to the window, and said he would
hot open unless they told who they were.
frt reply .tn this • they begged that he
would at least hand them a quilt and a
pantile ont a the window. As he raised
the window, to_ comply with their request,
and asked whether he should light the
candle, one of the met 7 seized him vio
lently by the throat, aitoliter, pointed a
revolver at his breast, and The t*d-oth
erg jumped in through thd window. T,he
Phole'party then enttirod by ,the. same
.Way, when all the family, consisting of
Mr. Wittian. his wife, son and daughter,
were tied with their hands tipon their
backs, and all four thrust into an adjoin
ing Loom, where two of the scoundrels,
armed with revolvers, kept watch over
them, while the others searched the
hotge. Finding no one to resist them,
they returned and demanded money, or
the keys torture place where the valuables
were kept. Mrs. Willi:tan exhibited the
most courage, and refused,. Until her hus
band and children besought her, to tell
where the keys were. concealed, she at
last yielded, and pointed to a sp9t under
the carpet, where the thieves,: foundthe
,key to the money chest. They at once
unlocked the chest, and took from it $4OO
in gold and silver, and $260• in notes
(some of the Farmers' Bank of Reading,
and otherk of the Lebanon Bank) Hav
ing accomplished their object, the rob
bers made their exit through the window,
after warning their - prisoners, whom
they left bound; hot to stir Trcitn the house
before 2 o'clock, as one of them would
remain to watch, and woutd shoot 'the
first per Son he saw come out. It was al
so said that the one left on guard would
take the black mare out of the stable at
2 o'clock, and ride after his Companions.
Mrs. Witman, being tied onty with a
handkerchief, while the others were bound
With 'haltit-ropes„ wps the. first to flee
herself, ant" between 1 and 2 o'clock, she
ventured out into the stable. Fire:ling all
right there, she went back ,04 loosened
the others. No tram of the.robbers_could discovered, although it was e,vi
dent that they must, have been persona
who had ,some aconajniance with the
:place. they Were all, dressed in dark.
crothing, and appareptly between 25 and
;P5 Y.Vf tnonly, stP,c4;ap-,.. One of them was an
uncOriiout, large,Man, with dark
hair and ,beard, „Ais three acComplicps
were about g& feet high, two with beards
and one with shaven face. Mr. Wit
.man offers a reward of 8100 for the de
tectiott-of ,the per,petrators of this daring
kobber3r,and $lOO for the recovery of
the money.
We are in receipt of the 8d Vol.
of the Congressional Globe from Hon.
Myer Strouse, for which he will please
accept our thanks. We have also re
ceived, ,our
the same source, a, lot of
Maryland Broad Leal:Tot:me:do Sded, 'for
The Spring elections ip a num
ber ordistricts of this county resulted
Very decidedly and unexpectedly in fa
vor of the Oemocracy few
drafts, which the people were .assured
last fall would not take place if Lincoln
was reelected, will tend strongly to open
the eyes of the people.
burg firm was recently indicted for keep
ing a gift book store, on the ground that
they violated the law prohibiting lotteries.
On Friday last the case came up for trial
in cottrt, when the full bench decided
there was no violation of law, and order-
M the indictinent to be set aside—as-
Rsming that giving presents with books
was not an indictable offence.
A. FISH OTTER.—One of these animals
Brae killedon the &nu of Mr . Jacob Brubacber, in South
Lebanon township ou Briaty last. We presume it is
fitst Ihat has been seen in this rogion for mary
yeas ,It measured 4feet three inches in length. It
was Mateo:en by *near Mr. Brubacher'e gods, mod& g
a field libout,a beadrod yards from the house. He
WWI tb bre brother to bring a gun, and with doge
tarted is piitsuit Its short legs do not augur well for
peed, ,et it reads good time until overtaken by the
dogs, when it (erred, and showed fight. It was finally
shot and killed. it mast hove lost its reckoning and
got astray. ,dhore is no .stream of water near where it
was captured.
, A number of Srnoke Houses
have been robbed in thts,,lace' lately.—
Farraers are said tq be ,sprering severely
.in this cespect. Let there .be, a lookout
for the scamps, and if caught give them
the extent of the law._
t -
ESq., was, t
pn mon
day, appointed by, the Court s Dispict At
torney of this county,,bs place af . John Il
Bowman, :Est.t,iresiktied.
W.. Spyder,bas tp.ngved biz
Tailoring Shop to Walnut street, in the
room formerly occupied_ by Dr. Schneck.
See his advertisement,
;ti 1 ,.
We learn that r , IsAAc , E 4'.
has takettibe COACEI JVI - ax.rso Suors, in'
this borough, formerly known as Arnold's,
opposite the old Lutheran ,Church. He
has engazed,first class
c4.4terkTen. in all
brirchiv of the busi
„ness. , His stock of ma
well seasoned, aid ,of the best
quality, Pe is prepared to inar.niacture
on,orde.r,oo 00, OgliYer,Pairtages and
Buggies, of all descriptions. I.Jis work
will favorably compare, in _taste, finish
and,proportion, Frith, any, turned .out in
the State., A new. feature Will .be, his
shifting tpp, leather covered Buggies, lined
with broadcloth, anci,topde after the most
approy.ed CoppectleuKstyle,„ , „
PParoPt qientiqn will be given to RE
PAIRING, and the charger. will be rea
sonable,, t< „ .
Hp has also taken the shclis formerly
9ccutlied by H. C. Nipe and J. H. Miller
in SHAEFFERSTOWN. Experienced
hands art: working at both places. At
these shops attention.will be paid mainly
to building EXPE6k WAGONS, and repair
ing. Samples of buggies and Carriages
can be seen at all the shops:.
Peb. 22.—tf.
The Gold. Maiket last week was
very excited, and Closed on Saturday, at
5 P. M., at 165.1.
Jury LIM for April Term; 1885
AdaMfTs.lce, Cornwall Jscab Arnold. Jr, N Leb tp
lentol 'Gruber, 8 Annvl de William Batdorf, Bunters
Feth Light South Lebanon klphreini .I.kiremer, N Annv
George Arcata N Lrb Roe Samuel Imboden, Losdon'y
Henry Kretteer, Jackson Samuel Wrngert, &Han
J hn Mantralr, N Annvide John iiltnokel, Lonllon ty
Enos Derntheieler, Jackson Levi Rel ter. illiffrtelsk
Oliver Bowman Cornwall William Hoffman Itlblirg
Isaac Long N Annville John Killian, Corn...slat
Moses Light, 8- Lebanon tp Reuben E.ok, lieldhibbrg
Jonas Snavely. iirt&lbe , g John Gockley, Heidelberg
Jonathan Arnold, N Lob fp Moses Decker S Lebanon
Joseph Kettering, S Ann Richard lb nor, Le b Nl'
Chas llimmelberger.Jack'n David lital'ernay. E Ken
Henry Siegrien. Corn • all John A flictsti, UniOa
John a Wulfersberger, Lon Henry l;
~treka, Union
Samuel Emb eh, N Annrillp *Gel Wolferaberge NA.
Simon Rolm, Swata a ' Gnat% E.Ankins, Lab Dor
Jonalbati Meager Sr, S Leh eolotanii Milt, Union
John Lobdermilch.jr, C'w'l Oaf' it 141'llehriey. S Hail
Robert beans, Cornwall Felix Landie,Lonliehtteri•y
Mar tin Mtkiatierbach, Jack'n Ado:Plin,kKetheidill N L Ii
Israel W Grob, tleirieiberg Id as IlliUMillcreek
William lirlitder. Cornwall M,zes L BownlMoMacksolt
John Shenk, Heidelberg Jacob II Mark. N kdnillte
John Dtuthilt, Enke Jahn U DULWeller, 8 MIIIT
Jacob a Iliiilfhatd. ewatala Henry Killings'', Loud y
John Dastk,'Mhthti Was B 'lbis Heidelberg, •
William E.lntinnte . Lon'ylJohn Stauffer, -Londonderry
John Hunicakitr, talon [Jerome Deiuloger, Unary
Th subscription list of the Act
vertiser has been increased very largely
guring the past six weeks To still fur
ther increase and extend its influence, we
should be pleased if each one of our sub
scribers, who has not already done so,
would obtain us at least one new subscri
ber. The benefit of such a proceeding
would be mutual to us and to the party.
Laudertnileh has just been
the oiy, and Is rPteri s ihg, , goods
daily. He offers great trtfitteitifehtslbi•
cash buyers. Ail persons indebted to
Max are r,equested to make settlement be
tween 04 and, the first of April. Being
compelled,to buy li all the Goods for Cash,
he has adopted the,followihg •as a basis
for future operatiohsi v;it:—Viat from
and after the Ist day of:April s , 1865, his
sales will be Cash. Se advertisement
in another column.
The following Sales of Personal Property will
be held at the times and places desigOted. For
particulars see Advertisements, wiI7FVW ill ap
pear in'khother column in due time :--
Wednesday, March 22—A. It:Bickel'd sale.
Friday, March 24 ! —D. W. Übrich's sale.
Saturday, Airch 2:6—Sale of Executor of Henry
176 rich. deed
Satarday,- Naiads 2it-Augitstus S. Witman'
sale, W Lehataam Elatought. „
Monday, March 27—Sneeh WitMer's sale of
Horses; Ate. ' ' .
Wednesday, March 20—Stock, Farming Itn*le
meets and Household property -..0f Charles
Roslinberget,' in Imndonderty laWnahip. , o
Thtirsday l Marth .*t!—Hettry boy's slab' In. North
Lebanon Horottel.-
t.. ,
Borough Property of James N. , .tioders.
Farm of Jacob Witmer, Jr., in Crorn*ail Town-,
Town Lots ofJohn W. Afish, &q.
Borough property of Jos. 11. Uhler
gin cid gtotitto.
To Ppnsump#vps"
TEM untlersi c tind having been restored to health in
a frw weeks, by a very simple remedy, after baying
suffered several years, with a severe ;lung affection,
and that dread disease Consumption-via anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure-
To all who desire it, be will send a copy• of the pre
acription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for
Kellar lug antlush*„, wh'isitey will find a
sane ettra 1 1i tion, Asthma; rotiblitatt;, Colds
.Cotribit., 'arr.. The only object of the. Advertiser in
sending tließrescription is to benpflt the afflicted, and
spread information which be conceives to be in
valuable ; and he hopes every sufferer will tey his
remedy,as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a
Parties wishing the prescription will'please address
Rev. EDWARD A. wiLsor, Williamsburg,
Rings County, "
New York.
Febrnal7 15, 1865 .-3m . •
A Card to Invalids.
A CLERGYMAN, while 'residing in South America
I'S as a missiOnary. d isedvered a safe and simple rem
ady for the cure of Nersdus weakness. Early Decay,
Diseases of the Drinary and Seminal Organs. and the
whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and
v talons habits. Great numbers have been already
cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to
benefit the of and unfortunate, I will send the
recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a
sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free of
:Please inclose a post-paid envelops, adressea to your
STATION D, Druz Dolma,
New Fork City.
eafness, Blindness and
Catarrh ) •
rpnEATED with the utmost success, by Di; 3. Teasel,
Oculist, and Aurist (formerly of Leyden, llolland,)
No. 519 Fine Street, Philadelphia. TestimOolaill fpeta
the most reliable sources in Ste-City Country . tich
he seen at his Office. The medical tabulty are invited
to accompany their patients, as ha' has no eezrets lil
his practice. ARTIFICIAL. EYES; •inserted
pain. No charge made for examinaticrit.
February 8, 1865.
Old Eyes made New.
APAMPHLET directing how to speedily rookie
~ sight and give up cpeetacles, without aid of doe r
tar or medicine. Sent by mail, on ieftNit erilY'ceNta.
Address, N. Ii.*YOOTB. M. b.,
1135 Broadictiy, New York.
Feb .1, 1865.-6 m
If Yon Want to inow
A LITTLIt OF EVERYTHING relating 'to the hd.
AL man system, male and tac afit the! causes and
treatment of diseases : the marriage etceteras of the
world; how to Marry well iirf a thousand things
never published before read the - revised 'and enlarged
edition of whiediesl Common seuse," a curious book for
curious people. and a good teak , Ser &err' One. 403
pages. 100 Illustrations. Price 11,50. Contents table
sent free to any address. Books maybe had at the
Book stores, or will be sent by mail, post Intid bn re
ceipt of the price. Address
IL B. EiNthi, 14. DJ• .
Ind Broadway, Bait - York..
Feb. 1,1865.—Gin.
The Lebn
Estre, Family, 312 00
Extril Flour, 11 00
Prinre-Whlto Wheel,2 40,
Neve:Rod Wheat, 225
0 00 I
Prime Rye, 1 50
Corti, 1 30
Oath ,•• 75
Clover-seed, 12 00
Tirnothy;seed, - 2 50
Flax-need; • 2 60
Dried Appl6s, pesled,2l6o
Peach "Stith," 4 30
Peach "lintkels," '2 00
Cherries, 2.25
Onions, 230
Potetbee,l3 bus, 125 I
Apple 11 u 11:er, "iel ook, 75
ltligirato abltitto.
St. Luke's Church .--Services every Sunday morning
at In &clack. • "
Preaching in the - M.E.* Church every Salibith , both
morning and evening. Also services on Thursday
St. Joeu'a OrnsMM.—Service next Sunday vitiWning and
everting, In the English language. Maitre on
Wednesday evening.
English-prhecb ing next Sunday at ld A. A.ltf., and der
trativit 2% P. hi.. In the Moravian church.
Garbler' service on next Sunday morn ihg and English
in the evening in Salem's Lutheran church.
English preaching next Sabbath morning *tad evetlitig,
in Zion's Lutheran church. ••• • •
A Funeral service will be held nest"• &Abet& morning
in the First Reformed Church, in the german lan
guage, for Sergeant George Nedohnell„ who died a
prisoner in South Carolina. English Barr ices In the
Just p,riute.d and.for sale at this
officer Conditions' for the Sale of-Ifeal Es-
In this borough, on Via 14th bast.,`Aire. °ATHA•
RINE GOOD, wife of Dr. Abrebem Good, :OW 79 pearl),
8 months, and 29 days.
ittawat i„, y o ws,on the Bth of March, NALINDA
"ELItABETiI. wife of aeorge LANTZ, and daughter of
floury trubbs, deceased, aged 30 yearn.
Far away from many dear friends, and from
her childhood's home, the young wife and moth
er was borne to the grave, and het once hap
py. home ifi sad and desolate. Lingering and
painful as her illness was, she bore all with
eat& stibitilesion and ehristian resignation, and
in that far distant home, the kind Shep
lieYd teisook her not, but watched over her, and
sent anielt to minister unto all ber spiritual
comforts; and *hen her dying hour came she
Bang *ith a *oleo 'hymns of. praise, • and
when tho,voice 77RS Silent on earth it had gone
to make inelodyiiii heaven throughout all eter
Farewell4.44er daughter ! fare thee well!
L. On earth ye'll meet no more,
Far thou bast *one in Heaven to dwell,
Pallita l fs; happy ntiore
It% I:libEttittuttlb.
t, - i LOSt v
Sl4Ol - '
CTRAYERfahia lie premises cAtikte. , affix., l :z . ber, on
-10 Thursday aftertpon,ltestMlhre bor- =ear--`--
°ugh, a wbite s r • Weighing_ nbout ¢} pp
7b pounds. Any I ovulation thereof wilt 4 4,W/A1
be thankfully rece ed.
Lebanon, March. , 1866.
.4 fo f
round. •
AN AXE was fottoo the Lot et - the subscriber, is
Mulberry Area Wit week. The owner is request
ed to come forwardjerove. property, pay for this rte.-
ties, and take it air %
Lebanon ,March 1865, .
1101. ' t v ~10110 I
I' l
) invest a large' pita' in Groceries and tgovlsions, I
T At
Dille old - Stand 2
- a
. - I: anon 'VI --
1 •
HE will keep all k da of Dried Pratte,. (Imported and
domestic.) also P Oast RiltleY,''lce;' Farina, Corti
Starch, Riae Flea Fruneal'Curradta,Peaclins. (id - riga•
and canned,) also =ed . Toliitdogs:Pottatb netchu3;
Sauces. Limberger English and Green cheese, &i. '
All kinds of Gr , les, such as Molasses, Sugars, Cof
fees, Fish, (salt a tickled.) Sardines. liolland Her
ring, together wit s general variety of all articles
kept In a first ciao rotary Store. -
'46f- lie, solicits e patronage (lithe public, assur
ing his i ustomers, at his goods will always be of the
firstquality, and
ro ll be disposed of at a reasonable
profit. t
profit. ALSO
ALSO _. _
lsetreit f rratlaristoabi,
I n
Oral) kinds and 'inti 'ties., Como and INVESf. IN
TIIIS BANK! 1 wil nay te purchaser. I '
door to Henry & ' sin ebris store!, ' a''' 1 " •'"'
N.B.—Marko , ri will be paid in Saida for country
Pitsluce. . . ,
Mardi 22,18 i .
- 1 a i l LONNAS
WE ? - _ - /..0 V A S 0
I f c
• -. 1, ) respectfully inform the cift , I
T sate of Lebanon and -vicinity, Gait
. ' •;'.7' bo as removed his Tailoring Establish
= tto the room lately occupied by De„.
.F.,Schneck, id Walnut-street, three •doass, 11
avi d ' 'ilolliuger's otcl, next door td Jahn B.
ransediftoies, where a will make up the most ilish
' tenable clothingt . All work entrusted to, his care will
be matufacturedibt - t,ci. , best',mantle*, it& thildertab
terrau. 1 Gocid'fits uhatistilial miikilig 'guaranteed,
eapetialfy forth tc 'aekwell'.as Mt the'slender. lie
le'readY fd 'acne tend h tils enstetiaers''by"l%aving a
suit df clothes zit de 6 ' abort notice. TlikakYni for the
liberal patrociagamx sled, tell lm thnis fitr, •ho Itopar.,
by strict atteutkil, to lila business. tep'.meritl a coutind
ance of the s ate MA cordially invites the public and
his old onetime' ttit . give him a call. Terms cash.
Lebanon, Mari i • 22;1866.
i 4 ii_pm...ii
Con t gr Q
liv immAs u b,,,..4l....7oll.'N'U, PffAHSON, Esq.
in the alibi - Et th of. to f. ,tioir l -,.. "non 411
.1 1 .
Dauphin, nd ridge or the Court cleV.V.tid. 2k•m4,.
ner and genera Jail Delivery, for trrti trier of capita
and all other 4 ences in said counties ; the Judge of the
General Court f Quarter 5C8411138 of the Peace anti 1
General Jail itery, hithe county of habluidb; -an% 1
WILLIAM RAMAII/Id THOMAS Ensure. Esqrs., Judges of
the General Co rte of Quarter Sessions, of the Courts
of Oyer and To . hoer, General Peace and Jail Delis
- for the tri of,capital and other offences. in,. said '
enmity of Lebo. USZtlirongh their precepts to me di
srected the 2d d * of January, A. D., ISO, to hold a
Court of Oyer a d _Terminer aritl.Ge nem' Jail Delivery,
and a Court of arter Sessions cf the Peace al Leba- i
win for the con yof Lebanon, on the 1
Third ifonday of April, next,
which wit be ti lthhtitay of said month, to continue
ONE Week,
Notice id it . 4ir fore hereby itittia, to the Coroner, the 1
Justices cif+,. - C-Peace, and to CIA - stables within the
county of Lbbirton, to appear in their Ma persona,
with their rolls reaognizances, inquisitionsi examina
tions and other liocuments,,and present the sadie to the
Prosecuting Attorney At least ten days . before the sheet
ng of the Court,conformably to the provisions of tilt
Act of Asseiiiiilplitsifed at the late session of the Lotc
islaturth,Alsolil•thisitiestirititaffd th.tiroseeitte or's;
onersiAtith now are oetherythdy"ffe in the jnil of Lob
anoitriodirty, 01l have Mien and thete" to 4pear, d*
the• Mt ttdit of APRIL -to' prececit: against
thera•tosuthini tiny fie Inst. ' ' —•*.i •'.
-I+ Ginn untlet - try hand, in the borodgh of hebanoti,
lite , lath dik iffy March, in the year of our Lord, one
thousand eight tundred and sixty-flvd.
-'.'-- . '. - .., DAVID S. MATTHEW , Sher iff
Sheriff's Offi .".
ceAchanon, March 22,1&5. 0
I OSEPH KAt.CH, , Eset, %reuniter,- in In ettouat
t./ with liebastoellorougir, from March 21, 1864 - ,
to h1ar0b.149 , 1846,
oash refrefyed. from
P haUel4 collector for ' • 4 1
1563, in full • $ 580 07
To-cash reee'lvtiVl
Pi- I Hauer, collet{
1564, • ,•
To cash receiied
Market House awl
To cakh received
Circus Licenikl.
cierh thielvtid
Tettrporari loath, ,
To cash reeeiv i eil from
k To dash tees:in-id from
A.'S. Ely, fines,, • , 250
.•.To ,cash recoiled Rd.' 1 o •
Building parmits,i,
To' cash received \ for
loan-Union Fire Oo pany, 1250 00
~...Balance due Traps rex
1.4.; 1864: 4886 10
• r,, t $0,977 83
By cash paid send!) , persoitt 0i 6rd r ers issued,
es follows, to wit{:
Walter, for etiusterfeit
, .
Sr. C. tither, Blacksmith
.1 work).
John- Sowers, blaciatiiith
A work, -
S Ely, qualifyingollicers,
J. As Lembergor, m ashes,
A. S. Embich, serving
election notices,
Copy of sSpecial Act of As
on Market.
t reefed Weekly.
.3. AS, MARCIE 22, 1665."
Rggs,l6 doz., 20
Butter, 16 PL. ao
Tub or salted butter, 10
Lard, 24
Tallow, 14
Mum, . 18
Shoulders. 15
Sides, 15
Soap, 10
Bees -Wax, 26
White Rags, 6
Mixed Rags, 3
Flax, T 4 lb., 1234
I Bristles, lb., 40
Feathers,l6 lb., 6234
Wool, " e 6 lb., 40
Soup BUMS, S qt., 6
Vfiregar,l6 gal., 20
; r r
429. MY
. 1681 25
Ely Jr. Hatter, eipease on
muster fort, -
C. W. Queen, sealtenger in
strument, • •
Peter Pauber,,sendr
J. T. Y Dung, gip. earner,
J. A. D. Germad, record-
D. M. Harmony, Hiittiwayei-
Haddon & Co., dark ftirt tot
H. S fogriat,
Isiceaully; removing
curb stones,
P. Kale, Hauling,
G. Ross, matches, oil, &c.,
Hook & Ladder Company,
Looser & Son, lan terns, &,c
A . 01 G ona r i
t . t f i o Ftirgl Co. ,
B er 6,
s g
g o
t it a n;
p r a e ,
a nt
Lebanon Valley pack,
Lebanon Valley Dank,
loon, for 1864,
Janitor of the Perseveanee
Fire Company,lB 63 ,
D. M. Harmony, do coal,
A. Rise, Treasurer for Jan
itor per fire company, 1864, 10 00
Joe. L. Lemberger, oil, &0., 25 00 '36 00
C. Henry, Treasurer of U.
Fire Company,
Zimmerman - & Gasser, la
.'bor U. F ire QempanY,
D. Harmany,,,otral for
H. Fire Company,
Janitor's sallat7, V. Fire,
WiiliaBi Shirkelnteresfi ,
Coupon It&a, interest 'for
July 1864, " '- 4 • I -
Coupon Bond` Interest, for
January, 1865;
Mrs. Mooney, land damage,
Costs on same,
J. A.-Maher, damages
11. r. 'toehold, do
J. d. Hagerty, do
Cost on same,
G. Karel', pal nting Market
Krick & Graff, bump do
C. K.-Suavely, shed do
John Good, do do
John IL Moore, do do
Peter Hauer, clerk of Mar
Reinoehl & Melly, lumber,
Krick & Groff, labor,
3. & D. Walter, labor and
A. Gerhard, painting;
J. T. Young; gas Szteres,
p. M. Karmany, hardware
3. Swartz, pump,
Daniel Weaver, blaeksmith
Ilibanon Oat Company,
Gas consumed,
it. Wheat, police,
Jos. Shantz, do
Henry Shirk, do
Geo. W. Shay, do
Special, do
Jos. Arnold, for Metalloid's
pavement, curbing
3.11. Bressler,ttation house
, Lougacre & Gable, lumber,
A. Gerhard, painting,
Wm. M. Breslin, printing,
3. T. Young & Co., do
H. ft,. Hartman, do
Werth Is Reirmehl, db
John IL Sowers, do
G. Bergner, St. Consinis'r.
Market Street,
Cumberland Street,
East ""
H ill "
chestnut "
F inegtnve "' '
Reinoehl MeilY, lumber
tor Bridge,
Geo, Bergner,. lumber for
diffeient streets.
G. Bergner, lumber for
Patedgeiriltisev 14 02 ,
Chnit.- 'Borgne', in &hal', fo' i, .iilt
Dow alliiY " 47.12
Railroad Bonds and Interest iitid
Loan to Union Vire Company ninegage
John Darkes, High con'e,Cleaning
John parkas. Hitt Coo'e, cleaning
ma'ket house. 2 years 10 00
John Darkes, High Con's, Hurry
ing cordons
John parkes, High Conte. Yevly
salsry 20 00
Henry C. grlttinger, Bniveyer's
salarylo 00
0 P. Mirer,ELlicit-r's sil'irY 1863 28.00
Peter"Haner, DiAribuillig Appeal
notices .
Appesl c mmitteo ' 110
. 153. G Hoffer, Eurre 4,
-rik for 2 pieta 140..t0
A. Grittingerrehief Bargees 10 od
ToViss - lieirsoshi, sAssi slant
via-I - mg , es • >10"00
MichuolLsuser. Houncilmaa 10 00
P l Weimer .Conneliman
P Reinb Councilman iu 10 10
John 9erhard, Ceunclitnan . 10 ero
JniPth Ehata 0. o.lloom an • 10.00,
MichnelEmith. Councilman 10 Off
D E Miller, Clerk, calculating ap
peal notices. and 2 Deiplieates 18 00
D 14 Miller, Clerk's salary, 24 00
Joe Kara, Treasurer's salary 25' 00
iitilanco due Tibsidrdridirch 1864
rotor If ailei, Collector for 1804. da
ta-Ws:toles, aqmmltoloos opt a;;
- batement to be deducted
2 Beta of Willtata Slick 841 20
Blndor D Seifert*
.. 300 00
R R Bonds, ontotwkipt , 14050 00
Union Fire Company, wiirtgart• $12.51 00
We the shborlb r .re. appointpd by. the 00tt6.11,; tii
audit end atjast the Boroxigh ' aendtint..of 'alas* fn.
asleep by Joseph Ketch, Esq. , Treat:flyer of - said .114.
0641 h. a: well 4/1 the amount paid by him, do report
that we have examined raid account and eonipared
the smite with the viuchere thereof and fin! the bat
-1.1305,1e of iNeAutrarreduiroto..buiidr.a
eighty.eix tttemwed eizteeeeeetedsll3,Bol 9 9 j
. • • ADAI4.-(1111.1 GM, age Ittitzeti.
• DR. "
To cosh roloivol NAP Itsoorliio , lleOtor . 311.271 i 0
To gash recoived from Temporary loan $17,80 OO
JO Hauer r • 0000
3 W Rittiogei . ZOO ORO
T T Worth SOO 00
D M If.armsny 800
U T.-Boffins° , - 800 00
0 D Gloninger 800 00
Daniel Weaver • 00 00
Daniel Gerbrich.,tereeit9 Manatee, mitre bounty,SOO 00
John W Rillinger, expenses to see
after eredi , s of retrulta , 1.00 . 00
Discounts on nanny loan 601 00
Treasurer, for BO remits. at 2300 00 each 24,000 00
A Clattinger, drawing bonds, mak
ing loans an , ' paying retreats 50 00
Balance In theTreosury, March 14, ispo pe
329,821 90
Peter Matter. collector; dtildeney
and collection to be deducted
The above account only incinBes
the first call, the last call of 300:
000 manila not included more Iliad
the personal substitutes.
The Borough liabilities for tho Isis
call for 40 recruits at $3OO 00
mob paid by loan fouthe Banker
hereafter .becoming due $12,000 00
We tbe,atideteigned andlters. tiiiiiiinted By the Bar
obtb Council 'e f.the Borough of Lebanon, minute of
Lebanon, P1i . .,116 ;Artily, that pitralisuce of thel4th
section o the Act, relating to the , heynient of Boon•
tle4 lei volunteers, soirees/ the 25re ' day of March,
1804:u e met in the Court blown* on the 20th day of
March, A. D., 1881, and did audit' and adjust the dbove
accounts as required by Law, to the beat of our judg.
Mont and ability and we find in the hands of towel%
Kerch; Troseurer of said borough, the lium of $l3BO 00.
In witness whereof, we have herepnto act our halide,
this day of March, 1885
MICHAEL LollBl3lt,
JOH,Ar- GERHART, 'Auditors.
.104TPLI strAuct,
Lebanon ,March 23, 1805.
, •
41 D 2 a.,
• -„ , s inEmi
y Tußgs OF' OlTtligNS' Bourtnt FUND. OF
Li BANON BOROUGH =Lase call of july,lW34.
' "• " 1401GP.11.
Receivet or Jab3b it edel,Jr. 25 80
do • At it Boughter 25 00.
dd Josiah Puna 25 od
JH It elseckeir . 25 LIU
do George hbia 2; 00
do Gyros 8 George 25 90
do Wylie • lb
de WCB
do IS G W•aLei t 15 0
do Geo, P blelarlauje.; 16 05
do Samuel Klingler . 15 0 .
do Couvid Roller SOQ
P *refiner 25 00
do beorge W Todd 25 0 0
do John d Weimer 25 00 '
do James W 'Major , 15 06
do Watilon Wilwr ' ' 25 Od
do William Keichuer Aft
do `.l id. Gallia. oo
do George U Weir ga oft
do George Stains!: 15 Ix!
do Johu - W Leicester 15 0
do It Beatrice' '',"•! 25 00 9,
do P Antlion Sislitert 25 /01
do A B hbrek 10 GI
do 11-P Ilakeeti 15 00
do John B Pbtin 10 OD
do hakes Hofferr 25 00
do Blijigt Loisgacril 15 00
en David S George 25 00
d 0 Phlllo Greenawalt 15 ert
do J 3 51 Karinany. 25 00
do W A Ittor r 25 00
do Ignatius Bieber 26 00'
do Henry Ellenberger 15 00 •
do Henry Shenk 25.00
do George Gleim,jr • 26.00
de John Daily 25 00
do L K Laudermilch 16 00
do It H libnr 25 00
do 0 R Light 26 00 •
do Cyrus Carmaray 15 00 -
Mr T 15 00
dd J W Killinger 25 00
do 0 Penrose Shirk 26 00
do Jtastus Rorer 25 01
do Smeller Boyei 25 ofl
do .John H Slinger 16 ch
do David Bohai' t• lb {id
do Frederiß Weldmaier 15'00
do Josiah Risher., l5 00
'do A M Zug. 26 •ou
di Franklin L btoNalr lb 00
do J;P•Eircff lb 00
do DL Wending 16 00,
do IF L Shrem 15 00
do Michael Us 15 IV
do John H. Urish 25 00.
do Wm H Krick . 15 00
dd Tranklis Berger 16 00
do Jacob 3 ifirrpel - 16 00
do Chas MOLaughlin ' 15 00
d- John A Bauch 15 00
o. Mlo.l' Smith 15 00
do Woo 0 GM'ivirt , o_o
'. de Henry Wasvei l b 00'
do George P Smith 1 00
2 50
$ 10 00
3 95
11 2
1 50
1 00
1 00
10 ea
151 40
1 50'
21 00
2 20
11 94
2 50
1 50
2 5
.I 4 18
TOO 00
28 50
1700 00 $2305 62
14 00
7 00
10 ea 3 7 13
222 22
349 60
208414 780 22
100 00 •
9 75
411 52
14 00
201 SO
19 50 • 758 57
74 00
44 5 7.
1 52
3 5
4 2 1 00
24 87
6 35
1 75
a, fit.
sB` _5 • 3:4 9 L
438 22
92 00
285 00
270 00
19 00 758 50
11 95
11 39
2 00 25 84
28 00
15 00
88 50
4 50
1 , 4 Uo
6 00.
.30 85
13 12
713 99
9 5T
468 67
OA 96
1350 00
do William Focht
do Chas Ei Wagaer
- _
,do A If erebberger
`do •Daniel Bergner
do Anguatne S W.tmao
do John B Btobich
do Wm Altenderfer
do 11 L GrAter
do atifereon B Light
do J 4 Gabel
do D ki Wittera
do David Walter
do Andrew Kleiser
do Levi Light
do p F ?Woolly
do J W Zellers
do J J Germany
do Joseph B•bnyy
410 damuel lienek, jr.
de Jahn LE Bs easier
do John Rise
do A 11 Richey
do J H Seim
- do J D &arrow
do C L.* . Miller
do George W Houck
do John Young
o To` as Reinoehl (a a)
DO Smith
`John Siisich •
B P Buhoesk
Bounce H Betnoehl
H J B Bmith
Joseph A Bowman
Cyrus J trunk'
David C Smith
Meer BhoPr
aolejp% spar
_ ,aentis
Cleo Riinhard
John C Lascomb
John iStelser
Abraham Herr
Thomas Erick
J Aaron Won't'
Wm F Kreiner
Theodore P Frantz
Geell Faber 15 0)
Jan Yordy - 25 00
Levi 8 Hollinger 15 00
W Lem' e 25 00
Cyrus J Miller 25 00
Carol Oyes 15 00
J imes Walbrook 3500
Joe Arnold - 35.00
Ira Smith 10 CC •
Fred Stager ,- og
Xflee Moyer, 16'00
Weber 25 ?MI
i-o la Faber 24 oaq
Elias Elottelberger T 5 00
"Henry Lineeweaver 35 00
Lewis Miller „, 16 00
Daniel Funk " 16 00
James W Sheffer 15 PO
. 11811.0 Brandt 25 00
Embich . 15 00
I#G Fauber 15.00
Jahn B Miller 15 00
George Clark 15 00
B D Molter 15 00
080 D Seilezt 25 00
OliverJohne 15 00
1 Hoffman .25 00
John E. Gilbert 15 00
Allocas Keller 15 CO
Ben) Young 15 00
Henry A Brown 15 (0.
Nathaniel S Wade 15 00
David W Miller 35 00
Josiah S Fauber 15
0;3011 Ilhg 26 00
Smith I§ 00
Frank Greih - 25 00
William Spahr 15 00
Isaac Wagner 25
Henry Hoverter 25 00
Jdani,M Babb 25 00
ohn Bong . 25 00
saes Mich 35 00
H )Altar. • 25 qd
Adam Mayer 15.00.
Elias R Light id. 00
Henry Arnold', l ad
Jaen .e Bellinger iS 00
John Ulrich 15 00
P Umberyny 15 00
J 1I Witutoyiir 16 00
John er'(Blaoketeith) ll) 01)
ilglainineledyer - 25 00
George W Kline 25 00
W Sciamark 25 00
David Glue 25 00
21 SChnl.b 25 00
A Al Abel2s 00
W S Anderron 10 de
Dania; Edinger 6 .0
Jahn 6 ally 10 00
II T Bibighnue 10 00
Joe A Siegel 15 CO
Join/ Shiner 10 00
Geo Pft.rerjr 10 00
1111 blcFariase : 25 00.
TobiasDarkes 3b ; 0,
118 e, 50
118 i 4
844 00
182 00
$9977 3
$1287 63
of Eira• - .l,lFeldhitih do
a ;it wok t)
1111 ."3 Briiiider" • 25 00
do S Andersoif 15 60
do Jaw Newhard' 16 00
du Jos L Lomb rger . • 25 00
do Bibighans • 16 00.
Henry 0 CY Winger' — 26 00
d' W 61 anilford, 26 00
.do 0 D molting& 25 60, •
do L L Greenawalt 25 00
110 Attire Et Liktst 25 CD
.fib Henry Shad i er, ,25•421
do Ilenry South '1 6 410
do Joriatheo 51 Ralier • 16 00
do 8 8 Raufdek • 25 00
do William Brute 25 00
do W M Breslin 15 - 00
do Jacob S Rise 15 00
do John W Harbors° t 15 00
do W El:Goodyear 25 00
do A J.Moore 25 00
do S S Shirk 25 00
da H H Dondore 25 0
do Jbn Melly 15 00
do C liiimeyer 15 03
do S Mouford 25 00
do Jacob 11011ingnr 16 00
do 'George Wehlle 15,00
do 'Retort , ;tabor • .g 00
do John OGArhait 15 otti
do G Mirk 25'00
do Samoslllloiters 4 Wm
do Edmund R Itogoco k 5,20
do John Mettles 25 00 •
do John A hicoOnbel :15.00
do .George L.A thing at •
do Henry Looser -5 t 0
do W Longa'. 1 ; 26 CO
do George 8 Giiiikert, 26 00
do Henry Lowery 1500
do DT l6 00
do Richard Melly 25 00
dO Luther F Houck 26 00
do John H Light 16 00
iq Jacob Loueer 25 00
do George Looter 25 00
do Cyrus Ramsey .26 00
do A ton F Sets, let 15 00
do Meson Weidman 25 00
do Simeon H Guilford 15 00
do Daniel Edloger 16 OD
do Jacob F Smith' 25 . 00
do William ilm;th 15 00
do Georg., 8 Brooks 15 00
do Lorenzo C Shirk ♦ 25 00 '
do 13T McAdam 25 00
do' D Rauch 26 00
tdb PoorittiT Linthweayer 3500
10anl'el WesOer 15 00
do 0 . liDotigiortY T OO
do John A Srbith 00
lo A T Weidle 5 00.
'46 - Geo Krartee .16
Jcinn Foclit • 16 ID
do Abraham Strickler 25 'OO
flanliel Boots 26 06
afA H6x,ryStmy Ob •
co .60b s w o rt 26 d 6
.1 • ,
do D S Hanuntind lb MS
do Jonathan Bathe 25 OR "
do James Lachey
1.5 lid
do George Gideon 15.00
do John W ?dish • 15 00
do Michael Smith 15 00
do Joseph McConro.l • 26 00
do Jacob T Intranet 1.5 00
do John Rrinoehl • 25 00
do John C Brooks t 5 00
do' Peter Miller - 15 0 •
do Frank kreeneets 16 00
do William Coleman, : 15 00
do WillianiCeßortuer =l5 00
do JIRO Graffo'. 16 OD
ijto Henry Ritittil ,
'do 11,1113ard F Lennort 16 00
11 Se:dal 14 . 013
Henry 15 00
W A ilnbYr 16 013
John T Atkins 25 00
Barney Riley. 15 00
Gerhard 15 00
Tobias Reinoehlt .) a 15 0,1
Conrad Banks • 15 00
George W. Rotunda 26 00
.313 Looser 16 00
Joseph °assert 15 00
Edward &latter 25.00 ;
Adam J Light 25 00
Gotwelt. . 25 00, ,
John C Funk • 16 0 00.
Gideon Bleach o 00
John Wolf tO
Robert Book - `•• = t10 00
$lOlB 67
Paid d.Grittiag,er ttr recruits 4535 CO
dO A Grittiager expenses 130
do Geo 3' Reinhard, ib 00
do .toe A Bowmr _ 10 10 F •
do Tot Sh.intz "1 0,
do W Bruhich 15, 0.
do, l'or postbag BM - 60.
Young prititint I 66
do Worth ,3,11.0toold," 8 60.
tip. R ef etatementa :§t &edits
Atrate*file 10 00
d - Adam i ro m itaZin e ra .to
, 4
G Gass eapenaels So Potts. ,
ills 2 days . b
b 00
db 14 Br Gain $4887 70
Balanee,TlrtiningiriTalitiy N Bank
. Wanted;
A N Aetive boy between the age of 14 and IT ware,
ja. with good recommendation, tolearn_tbo
ialuaant Palgae''
time*" and Bak frig tralia,at g ood istaid
via orfroß
t o. bdrotglo. Apply at 111 - -
I Lebanon., March lb, 11165- ' '
16 00
2S 00
25 I' 0
16 00
35 00
t 5 CO
16 IDO
16 EO
15 Q 0
15 6'
QCObiltAlli MARK, Es 4., Treasurer of a Club or
paired on the 13th day of Febrtiary, i 865, for the
purpose of assisting each IV her in prorating substitutes ,
should any of them be drafted under. lbe President's
call, in 1864, for 800,000 men, to serve in the army of
the United States. The said Club watfiti‘purmiance of
a resolution, anaultuously adopted by the , metobers,
on the 18th day of February, 1855, dissolved, and' the
:Written agreement, signed by them, with the'consent
-of 'all, annulled and destroyed, butleaving (as stated
heloe , ,) ra the bands of said Treasurer, the sums set
opposite ibeir fiotuepresp,setieel x , with directions-that
the same be applied towfreliktire of recruits
to be credited to the Borotigh of LeinknotOd said draft,
Received ofjacob Looser, Jr, sos'oo
do S. H. Guilferd 50 00
do H. T. Bibighause 60-05
do Jacob Beadle, jr 30 01)
~, do Reuben H. Linville 60 00
do 3. E. Daugherty 60 60
To Awns R. Light so So
do W. S. / 1 1.1allersoli 50 - 00
do G. L. Atkins Igooo
do Wen . . Breslin blis
do .lohnihtily 60 00
do Henry 0. Grittinger 60 00
do Rev .L. A. Gotwald 60 00
do George (Maim, jr., 50 00
do J. 'H. Kelm 50 00
do L. ILLanderrailch 50 ix
do Henry Longer 50 00
do George Louser 00
do J. L. Lemberger ,:30 00
do William Looser :50 00
do Conrad Mark' • "50110
,do John.i. Hiller 60 00
ao 3oho pittikee 60 Q 0
d u o C. P. Shark . .00
do D. S. Hammond 50 00
do George H. Reinoehl 50 00
do P. F. McCaully 50 00
do J. J. Newhard 50 00
de Tobias Reitioehl, Ete. 50 00
do John Reinoehl 50 00
do 11.• H. Seidel 60 00
do Edward Strickler 50 00
do Henry Shenk 50 00
do Jona K. Spayd 60 00
do Dr. B. F. Schnook 50 00
do Samuel L. Shirk .-50 00
Oro ,Lorenno sbiyht : - ! Ao
do D. C. Smith, j. son, 50 op
' l do ;Tabu A. Welder 50 00
.40 -Rater L. Weimer 50 00
dO WUJiam IVlliii 50 00
- do John Yobrof 50 00 , •
do , ,Elijah Longacre ' 50 00
'do 'Cyrus 3. Smith 50 00
do John Yordy. si) 00
do Simnel Houck „Jr., 40 00„
do Henry Houck 40 00
do Joseph A.Bewinan 35 00
do David Bahney 35 00
do Abraham Herr 35 00
do William F. Kreiner 35 00
do. Rev. Jos. F. Kula 25 00
do Joseph Lowry 35 00
do Jefferson B. Light 35 00
06 David C. Smith, printer, 35 00
do far:
C.B. Wagner 35 00
do John T. Atkins 30 00
do William Atkins, Sr, 30 op
do Joseph Benson 30 00
do C. Brotherline 30 Eip
do Samuel H. Bentz 30 g_o
do M. lE. Deininger 00 00
do George S. Gasser SO 00
do Henry Gingrich 30 00
do W.S.Goodyear 30 00
do Luther F. Houck 30 00
.40 George W. Houck 30 00
do` David Ilmasieker 30 00
"So Paeid Ct i Hatric:tt ,S 0 00
- do 'Pirid F. Kick'; !AK) to
d do Ainir&or 3. Hoiiie '3O 00
,do David W. Miller 30 00
do-. Joseph meCoortel 30 00
do J. M. Bober' 30 00
30 00
do John A. Smeid
do A. B. Sherk n , 30 00
go teed .sror.der 35):0g
do George D. Se itert 'go po
do John Z. Shellenberger 30 00
do A. M. Zug $0 00
do Henry Arnold 26 00
do Joseph Arnold 25 00
do Joseph H. Blouch 25 00
do Joseph Bahney 25 00
do Conrad Banks 25 . 00
do William 8.. Bents 20 - 03
do Isaac Brandt .26 00
'do Auben Bender, 25 00
do "Willlean 25 00
do Henry A. Brown 25 00
Co Samuel Bell 25 00
do Baseler Boyer 25 00
do Adam M. Bubb 25 00
do Gideon Slouch 25 0$
do John Breniser 26 00
do 7 Philip Groff 25 00
do John P. Orono 2f) 00
do David It. Deshler 25 00
do Tobias Darkes 25 00
do Re?. J. B. Daugherty 25 00
do 11. K. Dundore 20'00
'Ho - Andrew H. Endiich 26 sb
do F. H. Shur 25 00
do Jacoll, L. Eckert 25 00
de Elias Etchulberger 25 00
do George 11. Faber 25 00
do Josiah Fisher 25 00
do' Joseph H. Gasser 25 00-
do 3. .1, Canning 20 d.
do 'Conrad G. Gerhard ,35 J OO
gro Vtinsp. rfilneelie " 25' 00
ab :one
Henninger 25 00
'do 3. Harpel 2500
do A. Hersberger "
do William Kelehner 25 00
do Joseph Helmer- " 25 00
de Thomas Krick 25 00
do Ignatius Kleteer 25 00
do Olivine Keller 25 00
do John Kleiser 25 00
• 2,5 00
do Andre* Kleiser
do George Krause 25 00
25 00
do Henry Lowry .
do Levi Light 26 00
25 00
do Cyrus Light . .
do Josiah Long 25 00
do Cyrus J.ldiller ed
25 00
do Daniel Miller •
do Peter B. Madera 26 00
do Charles -McLaughlin 25 00
do Carroll Oves 25 00
25 00
do James N. Rogers .
40 E. Rogers 25 00
gp. L Ramsey 25 00
Itarasey 25 00
db Jawb L. Rise 25 00
'• .11::.H. Richey 25 00
do Tobias Reinoehi,j. a. 25 00
dcl Henry Redman 25 00
de 'John Ristentatt 25 00
dh John A. Rauch 25 00
o Rolandes Royer 25 00
db W. D. Rauch 25 00
db William Spohn 23 00
25 00
do G. Strickler
do John H. Slinger 25 00
do Henry Shott, (baker,) OW
do Michael Sialth 25 00
do Rev 2chrolitck 25 00
do Hairy Sekaffer . •„. .25 00
do F. Anthony Solbeis . 25 00
do David 0. Siegrist 25 00
do Aaron F. Siegrist
do Justus Sherer 21
do Jonathan Shott 25
do Jacob F. Smith 26 00
do Adam Stains 26 00
do Jacob F. Schuler 25 00
do John Ulrich 25 00
do John H. Uhrich 5 00
do Jacob Umstead 25 00 .
do John P.Umberger 25 00
25 00
do David Walters
do H. B. Winton _ 74 00
do Henry Weaver zfi 0 0'
'l4c , John K. Weaver 25 00'
:do Jacob S. Wolf 25 00
'do John H. Witineyer 20 00
To Alia' Wagner 25 00'
: do Jacob WEaber 25 00
"do Wm. Eimmerrium 25 00
de Tisane W..ZOBers 25 00
*do L,,Zignmerman • 25 00
'db Lewis Duller 90 01)
do .rosiith Light 15 iffr
do • “Atiglietlis IL-Witman 15 00-
do 'games Sehaeffer 25 00
5 00
6 00
25 00
25 0)
25 00
25 09
25 n 0
25 00
25 00
15 00
• 00
15 00
5 00
1 e q
• 5 CO
25 00
25 00
25 09
25 00
J 5 00
ash 00
0486 00
0,697 30
egonas RoBl3,—Treiziurp.
Total receipts bf Club K0,.1,
Received of the followingiarded
persons, collectors of citizens' sub
scriptions, viz-
J. Sherer and If. Erabicb, $1872 00
By hands of A. Grittinger, ••• 390 00
George Looser, .• r r 260 00
%/sow W. Houck, 4175 00- _ • •
0001;g0.Li•Atkirdy• = 120 00
2,817 00
• . .
Aiceilted from Gratis Weidman,.,
Esq.; Treitsurer:ofOub : lk`o: 2,
flec'd. of .I.lfarielt, indiy h inal sub.,
do Istutcltoifee do
do. Michael Kreidur,c.edo
do Adam Rise- do
do John Peters do
do 11.0.14 kt, ••, 'do
Total receipts from Clubs
Received from Adam Brittinge4.
Offief Burgess, as per order of Bor
ough Counsil, for bounty purpo
Total receipt*
The said Treasurernsks credit
for the following payments by him
024 4e,, , fix
Paid 40 recruits ((varying in price.,
from $5lO tp $505 ; ) at an diertuorr
0052.5 20 per man, ' - V 1.002 00
pPaid Jamea-lactineffec; volun
teer, his subscription, as perseso,
lotion patsad „in Olub NO.l. 25 00
Paid John M. Mark; for assisting
in putting in recruits, 100 00 ,
Paid Werth & Reinoehl for pub
lishing this account,
Paid Wm. M. lirealin, for Put ,
lishing this amount ; - 5 00
Paid Adam ,Grittingsr .•
ling expenses,.loss of thine, and ,
gg 78,
Paid Dr. G. Ross, foss of time , ,
and responsibility, 9.t
Paid 11. T. Ribighause„ loss of,
time and responsibility, ' 74; 31) 00 :
Paid O. Mark, loss of time trld
responsibility, 85 . (21,359 65
'BalalteCtili-TreasurePir hand's,
awaiting furthaF orders,
•Lettericin,.March 22,1865
- . .
. WANTED.. - ~- -i
A MERMAN' wha.eau'apeak EngDoh & German ;
+ Biala who bad ealaa.Rxpalince in - the Dry Gqida
Business. Apply to
15,890 00
740 00
200 00
50 fto.
50 02
-mt 00
as 60-
25 OC
$9,82z 00
$21 x 822 00
b 00
$ 62 46