siib trinting, CID CP CIVIIP CREWE? IMi EZIPSCIIIIZESEMPCP MIPS - 3 Neatly . and Promptly Executed, at the ADVERTISER OFFICE, LEBANON, PENN'A Tam establishment is now supplied with an extensive Assortment of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the catrouage demands. It can now turn out Pturrrnso, of L very description, in a neat and expeditious manner-- Andon very reasonable terms. Such as Pamphlets, Checks, Business Cards, handbills, Circulars, Labels, Bill Readings, Blanks, Programmes, Bills of Fare, Invitations, Tickets, ace., &C. ono- Dittos of all kinds. Common end Judgment BONDS. School. Justices', Constables' and other BLANKS, printed correctly and neatly on the beet paper. constantly kept for sale at this office, at prices "to suit the times." * * *Subscription price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER 'One Dollar and a Ralf a Yoar. Address. Wm. M. Exams, Lebanon, Pa. 0. B. SWAMI= .1. P. Bowman. DEJVTISTRY. 11111 E undersigned having formed a partnership, in I Dentistry, respectfully invite the attention of the Public to their style of work cud 4 1 000,:)*, OPERATION ON THE TEETH. From one to an entire set , • , , interred on Gold, After or & rolcaniud Rubber. r , e w . IRREOULA ELIT COR RECTED. Particular attention paid to Me preserration of the natural Ones. by Fitting, Ac. I No charges made for examinations and advice . Room* over Mr. Adam Itise's.Hat Store, Cumberland street, Lebanon, Pa. WAGNER h BOWMAN. -- Lebanon March 1, 1865. 3. HOFFII AN. (Late capt. the 1 , 12 d Pa. MO Nlcomaxit - y, 33vba1s. AND paw- Pension AI gent. OFFICE WITH HON. J. W. KILLINGER., LEBANON. PA. Lebanon, March 15, 1865.—tf. GEORGE CLARK, g e ma. aent t , grAFFICH C. Henry's New Building, .oppnelte V/ Vag Hotel, Lebanon. Pa. Lebanon, January 25, 1865. REMOVAL. S. T. MADAN, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW , HAS It EMOVSD Ids office to Market Street. opposite the i.ehsueu 'Sank, two doors North of Widow Rise's Hotel. Letstoon.slnrcl 25.'63, _ ARM - Y AND iITAVY PENSION, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND BOUN TY. LAND AGENCY. [Aar Feß „am - inve u . rlll VI undersigned, having been licensed to prosecute 1, claims, end having been engagell In the Bounty and Pension business, offers his services to all those who ate thereto entitled, in accordance with the 'various nets of Congress. All such shank' call or address at utta.., and make their applications through SIASSLEIt DOYEtt, Attorney at-Law, Orrtos removed to Cumberland St., one door East of the Lebanon Valley Bonk, oppoeito the Buck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. Pim 'C4. JOHN BENSON, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. IN FFICH with A. R. Boughter, Esq., Cumberland qUr Street, nearly opposite the Court Muse. Lebanon, February 8,1885. 11. T. BIBI.GHAUSI ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, ("MICH In Stlchter's'ldled, Cumberland Street lj nearly oppodte the Court ilouae, Lebanon. Lebanon 31111 U 15, 1504:11'. CYRUS P. MILLER . , Attorney-at-Law Office in Walnatstreet, neatly opposite the Buck Hotel, and two doors synth tt..a Rwrmany's hardware store. 7 Libanon, April It, 1864.-4 y. BeISSLER BOYER ! 416 1 . • et 3r ■PZIk, tse 'vricr . . riFFICE removed to Cumberland street, one door 11 ICout of, toe Lawton Valley Bank. opposite the Dunk Hotel, Lebanon, i'a. [dau. 6, '64. A. 'l'. NV El DEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPT North - West orncr of hater and Market Streets, xim33.a.2 4 ,T4CIPTC, --TAIRUSIII, Nov, NI, 18OO.—ly,* GRANT WEIDMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW* (AMOR. in Cnokoberland street. a few doors east of the Eagle Hotel, In the cave late of his father 'Copt. John Weidmen,cleed. Lebanon. Sept. 0,1883. - REMOVAL A. STANLEY VLRICII I - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Me removed his °Moe to the building, one door roe of lAnderthileb 'it Store, oppoeite the Washington House Lebanon, Pa. ~ BOUNTY and PENSION °Mime promptly attended to [April 8,'83.-3m. L. 11.EEG' S LIQU•R D STORE, 'Market Square, oppositethe Market Mouse. Lebanon, Pa. vlllll.l undersigned respeotittily Informs tee . public 1 that Int hits received an extensive stock or the choicest stud purest Liquors et all descriptions:: These Liquot a he Is Invariably disposed to soli et an 7.•••• kprreedentedly law prices. Droggists. Farmers. II Otel Keepets, antLette ore will consult their own interests by buying of the undersigned. L. IL DEW. Lebanon, April 13,1863. /ring COPA RTNERSIIV Sit ETOFO Ing between C. 0_ LOWER end IL W. RANK. In (he Wholesale Tobacco Duebiese unuer the firm of ,LOWER. & RANK. le this dey dissolved by mutual ,consent. The Imeloeue of the late firm *ill lie waled by either of the petition' at No. 116 North Third Bt. Philadelphia, July I,lBB+. U. W. RANK, of the fate firm of Lower & Renk,e 0011 continue the buelneee as heretofore .at Pam U. W. RANK. Philadelphia, July 13, 1831.—Ft. FOR SALE. VIIN undersigned will Bell. at private sale, his de nimble HOUSE and LOT OF GROUND, In Fast street, East Lebanon. Tho [louse le a new two atory BRICK with Kitchen attached, all well built and well arranged with all neeesen ry conveniences. Alan Cistern, Bath Bonne. m() sr, jtonse, all kinds of great. Trees, Sec., on the 41TensIcen.„.tincid owl iudlsputaltle•tltle given. For fur. tber InformW en npply to ~.. • ..T . AMES N. ROGERS, Tinsmith. Lebanon, Jet. 7,1864 t6ittin killfor Rent 1111 F. undersigned offers for Rent, for ONE YEAR or 1. longer, his STEAM MILL, dinged two miles I w east from Lebanon, at Avon Station, nearthe Railroad . Canal and Turn pike. Therewith lea STOREHOUSE, for storing Flour and Ilruin, a Coal Yard at the Canal and Railroad, mid - a largo Scales. Tilla Mill ie specially arranged for Flour and Custom Work, and in an excellent neighborhood for the busineos. A two story DWb:LLING HOUSE, with Sum mer House, Lot of It round, Oarden and Stable, Jo also connected with the property. JOAN WOLF. Aron Station, January 4, Ififid. PRIVATE SALE OF A Brickyard & Building Lots. ruilmnitbscriber offers at private Ride, a valuable 1 Tract of Land in North Lebanon Borough, near the line of North Lchnnon Borough, nil Plnegrore strest,containing about 3 ACltn. This tract is og re/lent ground for Brick 'Making, bating been used for tliet purpose. and fe also eligibly located to be cut up IutonUILDINO LOTS. A good kiln for burnin g Brick le on the premises. For further particulars alp- Ply to Lebanon , Feb. 8, 1865 George lluffiuuu» LEBANON COUNTY 4 ' TRANSPORTATION LINE. By Lebanon Valley Railroad. pkTICULAII attention will be paid to Goode shipp• ed by the Lebanon Valley Railroad. °pods will be lent deity to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, fto l ltil town and Acorn le Stations, and all other points in the County FltitiOUTS contracted for at the least possible rates am delivered with dispatch. The Proprietor will pay partlealar eAtention tojettid, attend personally, to the rscalving and delivery of all Yreightr, For Information, apply at hie oMte Itatie Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. XDWAIID MARK, his Agent in.Philagel6l4l,*lll ays he found at W. H Bush's Iferchant's /kW, North laird rt., Philadelphia-1: Slay 4, 414.] ego. llblend.X • _';' VOL. 16---NO. 39. INVALIDS. IRON IN HE BLOOD. IT is well known to the medicalprofession that IRON is the Vital Pr baiple or Life Element of the blood. This is derived chiefly from the food we eat ; but If the food is not properly digested, or if, from any cause whatever , the necessary quantity of iron is not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the whole system suffers. The bad blood will irritate the heart; will clog up the lunge; will stupefy thp brain, will obstruct the liver, and will * send Its dlsesse•pro. during elements to all parts of the system, and every one will suffer in whatever organs may be predisposed to disease. The great value of IRON AS A MEDICINE le well known and acknowledged by all medical men. The difficulty has been to obtain such n preparation of it as will edter the circulation and assimilate at once with the blood, This point, says Dr. Hayes, Massaohn setts State Chemiat% bats been attained in the Pertimlan. Syrap, by combination inn way before 110t110W111. The Peruvian Syrup 1c a protected solution of the PROTOXIDE OF IRON. A NEW DISCOVERYIN MEDICINE, that Strikes at the Root of the Dimaie by supplying the blood with Its Vital Principle or Life Element—lron. The Peruvian Syrup Cures Dyspepsia,. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, raver and AT). Lois of Euarp 7. Low Spirit& .The Peruvian Syrup Infuses strength, vigor, and new life into' the system, and bulitta up an "Iron Constitution." - The Peruvian . Syrup Cures CitronioDinrrhees, Suckla, Boils, Scurvy Lo of Constitutional Vigor. The Peruvian Syrup Cures Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, and all diseases aline Kidneys and Bladder. " The Peruvian Syrup Is a Specifics for all diseases originating in • BAD STATE OF Ti(E BLOOD, or aecomp e ltied . 'by Debility or a Low State of the System. Pamphlets containing certithratetiof Cures and recom mendations front some, of the most eminent Physicians Clergymen, and others, wni be sent free to any ad dress. We select n few orate names -to show ths clientele of the testimonials. JOHN H. WILLIAMS, HSQ Prestiderit of the 3letropoiltan thank, New York, REV. ABEL STEVENS, Late Editor Christian ndrocate and Journal. REV. P. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronicle. Rev. John Pierpont, hawk' Johnson, M. D., Rev. Warren Burton, Roswell Kinney, M. D., Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, S. N. Kondeil, M. D.. Rev. Crudes' Robbins, W. R. Chisholm, M D:, Rev. Sylvanite Cobb r ~ P rincia Dana, M. D., Rey. T. Starr King, J. Antonio Benches, M. D., Rev. Ephraim Nude, Jr., " . ..Abraham Wendell, M. D Rev. Joseph 11. Clinch, ..;A:cA..llayes, M. D., Rev. Henry Upham, .1 It. Ch *tam. D., Rev. P. C. Headley, U.N. Kinney.,.M .04. Rev. John W.Ohnetead, Jerein lath Stone ,M. D. I Prepared by N. L. CLARK & CO., exclusively for J. P. DINSSIORK,No.44I liroatlway. New York. Sold by all Druggists Rediliart's Russia Salve. floats OM Sorra. cu.res, 3riluods,Brli . lardi,Erpraine. Cures EMlCrra. Redding's Russia Salve • Cures Salt Ithuem. Piles, Erysipelso. Iteddintr'S Russia Salve Cures Ringworms, Corns. &c, NO FAMILY SHOULD BB WITHOUT IT Only 23 cents a box FOR SALK TM-- • J. P. DINSMORN.No. 491 ilroadway,.New York. S.W. FOWLIt & CO. No. liiNttoiont St., DOWD, And by all Druggists and Cnuntiy Storpktepora. June 20, 1864.—1y.e0w. The Phoenix Pectoral WILL CURE YOUR COUGH. • • ? TIRE PMENIX PECTORAL Ott • • COMPOUND SYRUP QF WILD CHERRY AND SENEKA SNAKE ROOT, WILL CURE TILE DISEASES OF THE. _ THROAT Aid LONG S. gutas - colds, Couglis, CroupAstlAma, ronelattS, CataritMoat, Hoarsness, Whoofiab Cough, (De. ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVENT -. pulmonary - Consul 'whom A ND EVEN WHERE. TIIIS FEARFUL, DISEASE jj, has taken hold it will afford greater relief than any other medicine.. Miss Kato Vanderslice of Pottsville, says, "I was benefited more by using the Phoenix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever aged." Elias Oberitodtzer, Lionville, Chester county, was cored of a cough of many years' standing by using the Phoenix Pectoral. Joseph Lukens, of Hall street, Phoenixville. certifies that he was cured of a cough of two years standing, when all other medicinee had fatird, by the ass of the Phoenix Pectoral. Jacob Powers certifies that he has sold hundreds of bottles of the Phoenix Pectoral. andlhat ail who used it bear testimony of its wonderful effects in curing coughs. , John 11.3yer, editor of the led pendent I7r2nix r .hav ing used it, has no hesitation In prononnetnk it a com plete remedy for cough;• buttrsenettl and irritation in the throat. . . The West Cheater Jek-rsonian. says : "We have known Dr. Oberbolteer personally a number of years, and It gives us the greatest pleasure to recommend his medicines, inasmuch a 4 ! the public rarely have the benefit of family medicines prepared by a physician of his acquirements and experience. "Dr. Oberholtzer is a member of the Alumni of the Medical Department at the University of Pennsylvania, at which institution lie graduated in 1854." POTTSTOWN, .latr.ary 3d, 1865. This certifies that I have used the Phoenix Pectoral in my family, and I recommend it to the public as the very best remedy for Coughs and Colds that I have ever tried, One of my v hildren was taken with a cold accompanied with a Croupy Cough ; so bad indeed that it could not talk or scarcely breathe. Having beard so much said about the Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of It. The first dose relieved the difficulty of hrfathing and before the cbildchad ,taken one-fourth of tie bottle it was entirely well. Every family should have It in their house. Shoed D. P. CROSBY, )Ars. Mary Butler, mother of Unn. Wm. Butler, President Judge of the Chester and Delaware Dlstricta, say!' that oho cannot do without the Phoenix Pectoral. Dr. ElCorge.D. Wood, Profeseor of the Practices of Medicine In the.Univeraity of Pennsylvania Hospital, and, oue of the authors of the United States Dispense. tor y, says of the Sanaa Snake Root : "Its action In eapecially directed to the lungs." - URN RY ARNOLD The proprietor of this medicine has so much confi dence in its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds who have used It, that the money will be re funded to any purcha- er who is not satisfied with its effects. It is so pleasant to-take that children cry fork. It, coats only 35 cents—large bottles 035 DOLL/A....- It is Intended for only one class of diseases, namely those of the LIMOS and Prepared only by Levi OLerholtsor' it.f. D., Phoenix villa, Pa. Johnston Holloway fr. Cowden. No. 28. N. Sixth st. Philadelphia, and T. 0 :Wells it Co. Na. 115 Franklin at., New York:General 'Wholesale Agents. Sold wholesale and retail by J. L, Lemberger, Dr. Geo. Doss and D. S. Reber, Lebanon, an d b y neatly every druggist and storekeeper.fn Leanon county. soar nearest druggist or atorekesper ‘does not„ keep, not let him put you ogimith some other med hilximJsmousit hs.sintgeiomosti'MtoneY on it, but send at once to one of the Agents for it. March 8,1865.-4 m. Just printed and for sale at thifi office, Conditiortir forthe * Rah, of Real Re.: Lebanon ii:* ;ILO ;11 111 11 To ALL Reddines Russia Salve Cure. kturne, Scalds, Cute. Redding's Russia• Salve 112= LEBANON, PA., WEDNESDAY; MARCH 22; 1845. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. BY authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned has assumed the General Subscription Agency - for the e ale of United States Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three tenths per cent. interest, per annum , known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. These Notes are issued under date of ,Angdat 1864, and are payable three years from tbet time, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the hold er into ' V. S. 5-20 Six per cent. Sold Bearing Bonds. These bonds are now worth a premium of nine par cent., including gold 'interestfrum Nov., which makes the actual profit on the 7-30 loan, at current rates, in cluding interest, about ten per cent. per annum, besides its exemption from State and municipal taxation, which aslllB from ono to three per cent. more, accord ing to the rate levied on other property. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each mote, which may be cut off and sold to Wy bank or banker. The 'inter; shamounis to ,Onceent per day on each $ 50 note. Two cents " • " /00 " Ten " " " 600 " Twenty " 1,000- " One Dollar " " 5,000 " Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subserlpilims.— This is The only Loan in Market now offered by the Gosernment, and it is confidently expected that ite supirior'adcantagee will make it the; GREAT. POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than .$200,000,000 remain unsold, which will probably be disposed of within the neat 66 or 90 days when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium; as has uniformly been the mut on closing the sub scriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town anti section of the country may lie afforded facitities fur taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Prilato Bankers throughout the country have generally agre dto receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own ng euts, •in whom tho_y. have con Silence, and who Only are responsible for the delivery of the notes fur - which they receive orders. JAY COOIE, SLTSCSUPTION AGENT, Philadelphia. SUBSCRIPTIONS Will be received by the Lebanon Na. tional Bank, the Valley National Bank of Lebanon and the First National sank of Lebanon. March 1, 1165.—: m. • TWENTY-FIRST' ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE •ot MUTUAL FIRE INSURC Al CE COMPANY or Sinking Si ring . ,beik's Coithry, for 1864 RECEIPTS .. 1 1 1 %alasee lo t 149 Treasury. January lit, 1804, $1,579 12 .. Prsmitnniand fees on 1 towlines, 1450 83 Aesessments Noo.lo, .11 and 12, - 424 SU Assessment N 0.13, in Berms co., $9,753 73 Do do Lebanon •' 1,905 19 Do do Lehigh " 95t 85 Do do Schuylkil" 69 47 Do do Lancaster " 82 18 Total reselptv, $13,747 29 EXPRNBX2. ddanaser-' and.Committese leo., *la 46 Puptage, Stationary, . - = '4lr :era Making Collectors' Lists, l 4 O Refunded to 'M. Mull . in Schlegel's case, A 04. Doors for cloiet, :.2 7 60 Advertising & printing in Desks co., $12t52 • Do Lonauon county, 29 50 Do Lehigh county, 4 60 160 53 IL S . Tax.. -- 115 27 Treasurer's salary, 60 On President's fee* on 369 polic'es, 23 06 Do appointing Committees, &c. 946 ---- 32 52 AuditOrs' Fees for 1563, 60 00 Secretary's salary, A. null, 33 33 Do do C. Kessler, —62 50 95 83 Secretary's fees on 48 policies A.5.11:11 19 20 . Do du 321 poleies,.C. Kessler 128 40 - 147 60 Filling out 2'2,Fmts, 26 50 Agent.: fees ou 241 policies, 51011;• 97 60 iGo 82 . policiee, Wester, 32 80 Do 26 policies, Schools, ..4& 40 . -----140 60 LOBBBs Dr FlnE, in Berko county : Cyrus Ruth 69 00 Samuel Fromm ' tio 00 George Lechuer 100 00 George Loh 37 95 Jolnk S. tlymo . 2.000 00 George Seaman, 1,637 00 uerrge Davies. •.8 00 James Butz2o CO _ _ • • .. . . ' Albert J. firurnbach 3,900 00 John Forttnt, in Lebanon county, 109 00 thorgn Spadtt• . .., do 400 J. W. & JJ. 1. , .. Killinger, do 30u 00 Jo4apit Moyer, do' 1;535 00 Jacob„Bnclituan,. .. do 3,290 00 Nathan ()cruet, in Lehigh county, -12.000 i A ----13,200 55 Balance In Treasury, Jan. lit, 1865, The undersigned Auditors, appointed to examine the eteettnieof thaiNlieers ut.tlil't Mutual Eire blear aUcta Ccaupetly of Sinking Spring„ Barka collat)+, do report , that we have mrefully. examined the same, and fled there correct ao above stated. ANDREW KURR, I Auditors February, 1865. 1011. N VAN REED,' .BOARD OW M ANA° RaS President —JUIIN VAN REED, Spring, Reading P.O. Treasurcr—Lewis Blitsen, Reading ...eecrelary—CHAßLES KESSLER, Reading. Managers—Andrew Kurt', Bethel P. 0.; George K . Haag, Mobravitle P. 0.; John Kemp, Kutztown P 0.; Stan ley J. Kirby, Kirbyvillo P. 0.; Elias Filbert. ouselsdorr P. 0.; Solomon Yoder, Manatawny ; EMS Obeid, Lower Bern P. 0.; Daniel B. torah. Read ing P. O. ; all residing in Barks count y. Cyrus Schools, Jonestown P. 0 . Lebanon ' County ; Robert Evans, Cornwall P. 0., Lebanon county; Jacob Grim ; (Le. high county,) Masatawny P.O. March 15,1516.-3 t. CHARLES KESSLER, Sec'y. TO THE DISEASED !! Dr. Gruver, Medical Electicia . 11 1. HAS taken rooms in Kendall's block, first door above the New York Store, elcbawcucra. 3Pab. • *HERB he or ill attend to the emend unsguosta and treatment of diseases whether acute or chronic. Ile espeeially invites those where medicine has failed.— No mat er how longyou have been diseased, or how much you have suffered, or whotrnay be your com plaint, or what treatment you have had, or how often you have been disappointed, there is still a fair pros pect for your speedy restoration to health. Thousands of cases as hopeless as yours have been cured is a few weeks-by ttEleetro Ne.Cljeal Treatment," when all other. known remedies had failed. "No charge for consultation." Prof. W. F. Gruver. Pledges himself, in all the following named diseases, to perform a speedy and permanent cure, when ever there can bo this least possible hope ottani, vie: Diseases of the Brain and Nervous system—Vpitepsy , Chorea, or St. Vitus' Dance. Paralysis, iiamiplegia and Pariplogia, Neuralgia, hysteria, Nervous palpita • tiou of the heart. &c. Organs and Tissues connected with the Digestive system—Sote Throat. Dyspepsia, Dysentary, Obstinate Constipation. Hemorrhoids or Piles, Billions, Flatu• lent and Painters Colic. Respiratory Organs—Catarrh, - Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Broncbitis, Pleurisy, and Consumption in the early and middle stages. Fibrous and Muscular System.—ltheuutatiem, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff Neck, Spinal Curiature Diseases, Cancers, and Tumors. • Urinary and Genital Organs.—Diabetes, and Kidney Affeotions, Impotence and Seminal Weakness. The latter complainte yield very rapidly to this treatment. IRseases peculiar to Fenazies.—Uteririe , 00mplaints Prolamine,. Itnteversion,lltetroversion,..lrifiammition,, Via ration, i tiotehuthes 4flectlons of the womb. painful, suppreseed,,scanty•ouprottiseXenstruation. Skin Dideasei:-.4crofulows Ernpiloner • Glandular Swallingic, Ulcer* Felon, Eryetpelas, Harper or Tatter. All Mamma ottlicicia and Ear. Lebanon, March 16, 1865. . ittitiriEn. . piaLLEBMAYwho den Fp)* DriAl . .kar, & tier, ' & ; Coke' *rho ~haAr.roulet „Exponent's br ,i4re Dry cods Bulimia , . Apply lc DOODYEAD & wirrantilz PUBLIC SALE OF. Perooial Property. ' " w ill. be sold at pglbile sale, on • • Mckndsty,ttieh 27th, .1.56, at the res idepco of th wzntemignedi in Cornwall town ship. near Zion'S 81 . 111,about 8 miles south of the bor. ongh of Lebanon, tha tofaow hag Steck , and fuming Implements. viz :- 391 - 413 - 3r am e• a ORE WA(10128, 0R8.11 7 OEARIliti; Ore Bodies, Honsens,..9preadeve.talaer Fly Nets, and many other articles - too numerous Mention. • ' Bale to commence 412 o'clock, M e , when terms will be made known by • : , JACOB WITMER, Jr. Cornwall townablp arch 16,1888. PUBLIC SALE 401" Person property. f ir ( 1. 44. - • 'Lei' - • • 06 71 - t 'o ,:__ W ILL be Fold at ,ullie Sale, on . IVedn . esd+; , ,llol4rch . 29, 1865. , •t' ' at the residence of Ti ,subscriber.. ill Londonderry township, about one MO: hOlf, Miles from Palmyra, on the road to Bindmhies Church. the following : _HORSE, 2 COWS,PISICR AWAY, 1-horse Wagon, good as new, Spring ' then, Plough, Harrow, Culti vator. 2 SHOATS., ett d* Hind Gears • tett 'single Har ness. 2 cellars, .Bridl, - Whecibarrest, Forks, 1 side Saddle, Shorels, Log a 'Cow Chains, .BEDDING and i Bedsteads, 2 Bureaus,j Tables, 2 Staves, Cupboard, dozen and a half Choi t 2 RockingChairs, large Look ing Giese, Chests, Ire Bettie, new aleatstand, Tube, Barrels, Vinegar ands gaiety of other articles. . . *Tr All of the shit ankles are nearly us good as' new. - 11 M. Sale to romme at 12 o'clock, M., when terms will be made known '; HAII.LBS ROSBNBERGEO. Londonderry twp.; bruary 16, 18135. ...____. . ... ____ PRIVI,E - SALE• MIIR Subscriber o sit Private Sale -a TWO STO 1. BY FRAIIB,DW LING 1101.1.811 and LOT OP GROUND, ( ing lot No .1 in Uhler's addition n of Lebanon, to un the Old Forge Road: . . in the NorthWe Mira port of said borough.— . For particutira I pply to . 11 ~ - JOSEPH If. UHLER. Lebanon, Januar , 25. 1 65. .- , Treasu y 1 epa rim en t . OFFICE o Goes TROLLER or rue Ctrallneer, • I TSHITITON, DICEMHER 31, 1864. Wwasis. By ' tisfsetory • evideece presented to the underafg .d. 't has been made to appear , thateShTHE MUNCH; NAT +AL BANK," In the Borough e i le of Lehmeon and Sta of, naylvania , bes been duly organized under, ate et :ding to the requirements of the act oftengrees, titi . -"An Atte, te provide's Nu. tkmal Currency,sec ' pledge of United States' Bends.and to provi for be circulation and redemp - if tine thereof, "appro ; We 3, 1864, and has com plied with all the P risiena of said Act required to be complied with, 1' tertsgemenclug the business of Banking under said t: 1 • . NOW THEREFORE, I emit AlcC o ttsoCsr. Comptroller of the Currency, do he y certify that The Lebanon ?ta llow( Bank. In the I ro of Lebanon, in the county of Lebanon, State of in Ivan's, is authorized to lb com mence the Moines' king under the Act afore said. e—' , —. In testi ny ~ hereof, witness ray band {L.S. 1 and seal Oice, this thirty Bret day of . I" December, 85 - `—^r^' ri /HIGH INIcCULLOCII, CeOptrieller of the Currency. Lebanon, January 5 1811. • LEBANON Til-ACM FACTORY rttllE undersigned) are .bout locating in Lebanon, what is essential' a - - - ,Mj”ott ri 'cco Factoix Teethe ruarturactmetitt Missouri leaf, mai up bliseeuri - bends, and our machinery.iti oft latest and most efficient character. We shall detdrmi $ ly U, dime to the policy of nicking and selling only a GOOD AND PU E ARTICLE OF TOBACCO, sad dealers, mereb nts and others, 'while they hare the privilege of bu ing directly from the manufactur er, thus saying tot emsolves the intermediate profits heretofore paid the abhor, are tared the risk of get ting adulterated a ..isaned.tobaccos as when buying unknown or inset,: sible makes. We shall be read to Menhirs by the 10th of Starch next. 9,792 42 lek.„ W« can reta less than 20 pound. ,Circulars anti pr cation: Jinr. In a few-we facture fine cut ch. Hone grades. Lebanon, Feb. 22 Se*M • r r l `lll ient b a s l c i r d ib k p w ut l ith r i e gn ec eg rtviathizorT,„ebff connection with he 31ILL110:ItY buslyess„,taken the agency for fileeler IT lsort's unsurpassed Dou ble-Lock. S ielt Sewing illachines, which hare taken t'ie 'premium at the Great London Fair, and ..t hundrals of other Fairs. It Is adapted for , all. kinds of Faiply Sewing and Tailoring. Three different numbers a::thealsOine will always bwkept on hand, which migho examiheit at heratere, and she will giro instruc tic he In the manner of using. .it. The Millinerybail:est in all its branches, will be continued at her S in ' Outnherla , d street. ! ]lse. ilitithlNT L. SISLTZEII. 12238 6 1 , 08-68 $13,747 20 11;=Af= DROWNING'S EXCELSitiI COFFEE. Whilst trying Coffetor all the various brands. • Remember uhROWZINCPSEXS'iLSIOR"--at the head it stands. .; 4 F* , True, it's not like limn that are "BOLD EVERY .II/IJERIE.".. A litthnstretcb, we ell do know, good goods will easily bear, (But a stretch like kris—"sold everywhere"—l a r apt to tear.) Now, I can safely sag without any hesitation. There's none like ROWNING'S EXCELSIOR" in this enlighten nation. Skilled chemists b e not found a Coffee from any store, Possessing the sam ingraleuts as "Browning's , Excelsior." . Non.% there any one, nor' out. of the Coke tradm - Who knows the art leftist= which "Browning's. Excelsior's" made.. ' I'm told its made from betiey, rye, wheat, beans, and peas; Name a thousand other ti gs—but the MOUT ONE if you please. But with the Coffee Limn will.not hold contention For the many, many thirds they say—too numerous to aunt on. Whilst they're engaged it running round front store to store To learn the cerrent whdneale price of "Browning's Excelsior," Some who know my CoffetFives perfect satisfaction, Hare termed a plan by is t tich they hope to cause a quick reaction. The cas..—'tis with a few ; 4 no doubt lw.lll he more— To name their Coffee ter mine, (PROWNING'S EXCELSIOR .". Some my their's the on brand that will stand a ready test. Now, try a little of them 11—see which you like the hest:. 0 • • Three year's have passel away Mace I first sold a atm) Never have I in your paper advertised before ; • Nor would I twit, pr ever ;tomtit to publish more, If like some used broererfOody , ,"::`sold every where," in "every store," , • A trade like this I do not', wish ; the orders I could not fill ; Tho factory all Jersey's In 4 would take—leave not a foot to till. 1, My Uvula is not so very lale ; still I think I have my share ; But, reader you may rat 4ured, 'tie NO r "SOLD M IRKY W4Eltkl." 1 1 3 Dtanufactured and f r se: by the writer, George L. eowning , No. 20. Market St get, Camden, A T , J. This coffee is not comp td of poisonous drug 4 it contains nothing deleterio s; many persons use this Coffee that cannot use tbepure coffee; it takes but one and a half ounces to mike a quart of good strong coffee, that being just oae bflf the quantity it takes of Java CAB a . and ',twerps is than half. the price. RETAIL DEALERS may Purslan) it in less quanti- ties than ten gross at my prices from the Wholesale Orooers. = sler Orders by mail front Wholesale Dealers prompt.. ly attended to. Feb. 22,11366.-3 m. N Attlee hoy between the age of 14 and 17 yeas, Za: with good reooteeseadsticiu, to,•.leekrek the .3tentee , ttonam and geklabeg evade, at a good eetabllabgtent,tn th is beyretealk. at,', • TWO ORE/CE: Lebanon; hiar0h,16.7166; none—can selt to no purchaser e list sent to any address on amen- s•we elualbbe prepared to mann ing and smoking tobaccos of sa- IL 0 STICIITER Ir. CO iv( r AV ilsonls`i,_ . 1, -, aehmes. Walritgd, abucrtiscr. et,'hoirc fottrq. WHY NOT ENLIST ? A BONA FOR STAT-AT ROMS .PATRIOTE WHO VOTED I=l Why dlatql. enlist? Ab, you see, I Mire reasons thatmiswer me well; But thare is niy neighbor, young 0., • Why be stays no person can tell ! So hearty, and ragged, and brave, And little to do here, we know, He hasn't a hotise nor a field, And there isn't a reason to show. 'Tie true he has a pretty young wife, With a sweet little babe in her arms, But shall man risk the nation's dear life BeCause a frail woman bath charms ? Ab, if he comprehend our need, His wife and his babes would be kissed. He would tear their white arms from his neck And come promptly up and enlist. Bat `I have alarm and a house, And cattle and sheep'on the hills $ how can I torn fitni"protit and loss " To think of a sick natlon's ills ? What money, I'd loose if I went, What chances of traffic and gain— Then think of the comforts of home And the camp, and the carnage and slain But there is young Truman Lebloss, Whose mother is widowed and old, And he has but little to do Since their farm by the sheriff was sold ; Ifhe should enlist and get abet, • As many a one has before, His mother would come on the town - And ask alms at the ivettltity man's door. 'Tie shameful such fellows as he Should turn a deaf ear to the call ; That some should be slain by the fire• Cannot be the fortunes of all. If I only stood in his shoes, With no fortune or kin to protect, If I faltered to shoulder my gun, I ought to be shot for neglect. I am ready to cheer the old flag And toss up my cap in the air— Bo long as it costs not a cent, By the Union I'm ready to swear. Let the blood of the nation flow. out, Like' a river to vanquish its foe, Let each father and brother turn out, (But the doctor says I cannot go !) tifortltttotto. THE ORPHAN COMM, OR, The Forbidden Marriage. The castle of Ghemire le Gaudin, a fine old building situated ,on, the banks of a beautiful river, amidst the most romantic scenery in France, was the scene of a catastrophe which blighted a young life at a period when existence wears its brightest charm. Q-audir,i. was the sole the sole ehila of - tfie pOWer ful baron of that name. All France was ringing with the praise of her singular beauty, although she had never yet been oat of the castle.— But she had been seen at the windows and balconies, and bards and trouba dours had made pilgrimages to catch a sight of one who was reported so beautiful. _Knights and barons had eagerly_ sought her hand , stimulated ' by the descriptions which 'reached their ears ? and the river that flowed beneath the castle walls Avas say with the light barges that breaght hundreds of swains, all eager to see "1 4 Belle,Nymphe." Meantime the young -baroness had other thoughts than of these inquisi tive young gallants. In her child hood., ,an .orp,hari; cousin, , Auguste pamase,,had been htsr constant play mate and to him her whole heart was , given. Since. they had.grown up to man's and woman'trestate, they had sometimes, but not often, met. Au guste was absent .with his tutor, and otily,T4ktuyeed home at stated periods, to pass a few daYS at. his linepstral castle, on the opposite bank ,of the river. But few as these opPOrtuni ties were, they left an indelible im pression on both their minds. They loved as relatives seldom love, loved RS thyr,religion forbade...thern, loVed knowing that it was adverse to the PrineiPrea, in which- they : hid been reared, but with a fervpr that dis dained all such restraints. They be, licved that they were created for each other, that. God would never have brought two souls in such con tact, and permitted. Opal to love thus had he not intended they shohld,be T come one, and, spite of all that could bc,4 - rged the k relatives,4ompair, they persisted in their 4.taehtnent, until it was feared that, tti6y, world rashly set aside the laws of God and man, and marry with the horrors of an unholy union before their eyes.— For by the laws of their religion, it was sinful for them to enter into such a marriage, the children of brother and sister as they were: The Baron De Gatadin had retired indisposed, to his chamber. He had refused the attendance of Rose, who wished to Watch, with ,him ,through the night, stating Oat he ad only a 0614, _and that his servant would sleep in his room. She retnited, to the room where they had been sitting, a .large room, lined with polished oak. #v4ll furniture of the same material darkenesi by acre., A great, wood lire burned each end of the apartment, lighting it, fitfully,,. and . throwing strong shadowt3, grotesque fashion, upon . ,the ceiling. One of these shsiAews i bad a .humin form. Rose start,e4, and ~Ictok,ed. around. A step appi-oached her, and a voice spoke which found its response in her heart. , - "Auguste," she murmered, "is it you love f?" "Yee, I have just come from the bishop.",, • "From the bishop 1 And what doeephe say, Auguster ".Test What - ha, said befote. He tkire*Ki,ol3o:o4/0441414ca:te botbi and , denoupe t tin pa, in th ..racnit awful snd ieriifid•thitaiiiiiifirb not rm.; WHOLE NO. 821 mediately breala .off all intercourse." Rose bent her beautiful head, and the big, hot tears rained down from the "sweetest eyes that e'er were , seen" since the days of Camoens. "Would it grieve you to be thus separated from me, Rose ?" asked the lover. She lifted up a face that was so full of woe that it stood in his mind for an ans War. He drew her to his breast, and she clung there as if she would cling . forever. Another shad ow darkened the fire-light, and the tall foam of the bishop. stood before them. - - • - "Do you encourage the Lord of. Asnieres, in his sin, Lady Rose ?" he asked, in-a loud voice, so loud that Rose . feared it Would penetrate to her father's chaniber• above; , "My lord bishop," she replied, as sobn as she could gather composure ,to speak,. "you . have come between me and the , bitra,!fAnd . ! I have, save . my father. Ido not believe that the good God would have implanted this love in our hearts, save for some good end. Auguste was my playmate from infancy. He loved me always. He was permitted, by those older and wiser than we, to call me his little wife, and, in return, I called him my husband. .I charge you, Bishop of Mons, . with having heard these ex pressions a thousand times from our childish lips, and never checking them; nay, you have smiled upon us as if in approval of their utterance.— If we have sinned in keeping this love till it has grown too mighty to sub due, I charge you with the sin." The prelate stood utterly corifound ed, while the baron joined in the ac cusation against him. "You cannot deny it, my lord bish op ;it is even as she says. It is little use now to attempt to ,smoulder the flame you have helped to kindle," "Yet I shall do so,". answered the bishop. . "Remember, I hold the bolts of excommunication, and, by bell, book and candle, I shall launchthem soon, unless you repent of this horri ble sin." - The Lord of Asnieres drew closer to the Lady Rose: A grim smile lighted his face as he replied : : 'liTey,er mind, my lord bishop.— Fire and tatter will perhaps stand me in good stead yet, in spite of men aces." Infuriated by this resistance, the bisheip answered, menacingly— " Nay my haughty lord, unless you repent,.fire and -water will avenge the cause of Heaven upohypur guilty head,„and that `too, ere siX months have ,gonetbY. - ",,. - , With these wores, Bishop Hugh departed as lie came, breathing the vengeance, of an offended Ilea:von against both offenders, and all the more severely because they had im plicated him in their guilt. That night the household wad :,sure moned in haste to a the. bedside of Baron Gaudin. His illness had lain deeper than he supposed, and at mid night lie was seized with fiery, pains that threatened speedy dissolution. Rose and her lover stood nearest him. He east a fond glance upon his daugh ter, and said— "My child, upon this, my death-bed, all things seem wonderfully changed to me. I,do --not think your union with Augasae _would be so sinful as has been repreiented. I would fain leave you to the,eare of some protect= ing friend. May the .Aoly „Virgin forgive me if I err in leaving my pra dens. charge to Auguste Damase, a true and faithful man." ... The baron died with those words upon his lips, and bitter as was the grief of Rose, there was a droPof don solation an the bottom of the cup. In that dread moment, wheh heart and flesh fail,- her father's spiritual eyes bad been opened to a better knowl edge of the realities of life. She, ac cepted his version, and believed that all would yet end well. The Lord of Asnieres rejoiced that his uncle had been brought to this belief abat a .he was not so sanguine as Rose, that the bishop would receive testimony so adverse to his prejudices, even though emanating from a dying saint, as he considered the Baron Gaudin. When all was over, and the body of the baron was committed to the tomb, barnaisq ,again conferred with the ,bishop. As ,Well might he have tried to pi,eree- took,' as to soft lt 10 en his severity. • He %vapid not listen for a moment to his Pleadings. The prelates thud not forgotten that Damase had ridiculed his power, once and again, and lie was not disposed -to forgive that offence. Besides, the lands,of Chemire le {lauding would be a valuable acquisition to the church and the Lady" Rose might see fit to join the, convent over which be pro. sided spiritly, if she could be made to feel that all bopes of being united to Damase - were once over. : ; I Suck, thoughts as those- possessed the a pious mind of theabishep a when he . strenuously insisted that at mar riage between thoaeoo near of kin saould, be ,horribly saerilegious. Da_ tease hoard bin 3 ,through. and curled his aeoapful Ilia aft he muttered, "If all the devils in. hell forbid it, my swaet, RQSO phall be mine yet,!", Thal castle :was, ineffably .lonely when Rose was left to herself. .-"Old fame-hooked into,. the, deor,", and a thoiraa,nd Aimee a,,day, , tb,e solitary maiden, groaned out her dreary wail, I"I anaaweary; I would that 1 were dead l," ~ ,Sbia bad just given utter ance t:cs, words ,like thew tut, fai r gi 134 by her phamher w,indow a looking •aaaly over the gloomy woods that stretch ed-out. far beyond her. vision, whey her attention was arrested by the sound of a horse's feet; and a wild rider threw jiimself .from the ,back, 9A a steed all fleeced with`forun and imp-, CIIs gollisr,tiott: A FAMILY PAPER FOR TOWN MID COUNTRY, IS PRINTED AND TUBLINRED WEENLT , • **lc ist. BRESLIN, 24 Story of Funcre Novelitaikdiu, Cumborian 4 BS At One Dollar and Fifty CentalrTear. Jur Aprzwritmerwres warted at the usual rates. in Atir FIANDBI.LLS Printed at an hours notice. -41tAgICS, QF POSTAGE. In Lebanon County, postage free In Pennsylrania, out of Lebanon.. county b .centcpst quarter, or 20 cents a year. Out of this State, 634 ete. per quarter, or 26 eta. a year I t thevostage is not_pahi adyauce, rates are double ting as if for life.. In the dim twi light she saw who it was, and flew down the winding stairway, aliribet into his arms, perfectly wild with dg.. light. tagerly4atielfluestiOned him of his success. The deep red spot of anger had not faded from her lover'S brow, as he told her what bad pasi ed. "But never mind the bigoted - trid fool," he added. "God never ordain ed two souls like ours to be pkrtcht. We are atone• on earth, Bose—alone' I Shall we suffer mitery - for the sake of the world—the cold, selfish tworld, that cares, nothing 'for our grief or litippinebll—Shall• we not give that world scorn for its SCOFTV, retire some romantic spot, afar fr6ra • its jars and its struggles, and find a home where we can live unmolest ed ?" Rose listened, but did not catch his outeuning. • Rer innocent soul could r ot understand his .dri ft, an d 4 thought of dishonor 'never da'tke.ned that soul. "Do you hesitate, Rose? Then in deed you dd not love me as you ought. It is well. I can go fro& here, and leave you with the triumph you covet—that of making me- miser able. Farewell, hope and love and joy 1 " • "This is cruel, .A.uguste. Do you not see that it is impossible that. can marry you ? And do you 'riot see that my misery is as inevitable as yonnownl Beloved, y.ou• are and ever will be, but the fates seem , to have been decreed against our hap piness, and we must submit." Submit? No, dearest, that we can not, will not do. There is higher authority than even the bishop's— the law of God, that made it right for the sons of Adam to wed their own sisters. We can do without priestly ceremonies. Are not our souls eternally. married ? .And; heaven, shall not married souls min gle ?" it was too sweet for Rose not to believe him, not tb , keep"the illusion for a moment. Then it , was:• cast away, and she was in despair. Again and again the temper pressed the ad= vantage which her irresolution gave him, and, at length, she-consented that an arrangement, should be made ere long, by which the might live to gether; provided that the - bishop would not consent to their marriage. The sweetest morning of the sea son dawned upon the inmates of Cad= tie Gaudin. The baron had .risen early, for hews to devote the daV to hawking. Bose, too, was at the early breakfast, and accompanied him down the long avenue, at the end of which be was to bid • b i er farewell for theiciny. lo.ber simple mornini dress of, pure while, she - wasporfectly lovely, and the. Lord of Asnieres lin gered long, dw-elling with lovinggaze upon the fairest lady that ever.loved gallant knight. Since their-unhal lowed union, a sadness, unfelt beinre, had clouded, that beautiful,facer yet only to make it •lovelier , ‘brits“dim veil, as the morning is lovelier when the mists are softening the prospeett "My life, my love whispered the lover, as he pressed . a last kiss upon her lips before parting. "My wife A faint tinge of pink flushed white cheek at the word, and linger f ed even after the baron and his falr coner bad passed frOm her eight. ':; wile I" sheonnrmured, gwould to. God I were t , .l3atl' am riot so; in theisigh,t of Heaven ?"1 . She turned e,way,, with alatrango feeling stealing,over her. Perhapi. was-3 presenti.rnent , of coming evil: . At least she thought so, when,. after a weary and lonely morning, the- clouds suddenly obscured the bright, nese of the sky, and soon a sharp. flash of lightning and the heavy Toli of thunder startled her fromler fmae; and sent her upon, ben knees to pray* for Auguste. Another , aird•another flash I , it seemed _as if Heaven's artillery were battling with the earth, and might at anymbment destroy it. Long and earnestly she prayed, and then, , as, a soulid mama terrible than the mat, -one in-whioir all sounds were concentrated in one mighty peal of thunder, fell on her , ear, she sank back insensible to all - 4: When, some hours after, she revive ed to consciousness ; ber terrified BOi>! rants replied to her inquiries that the baron and his attendant had en;• delivered f_ei .rwr.e.h hpine by crossing the river in a small boat, .during the frightful storm, that the boat, a frail little thing, •built only for sunshine and calm, bad been quickly overact; and that Damase and the falconer had, perished in the river. For dap they aoright, in vain for. the bodies, and ,then only the falconer's was found. - Fcr years a pale face watched vat the window overlooking the rider, and when a storm arose; two witherr ed hands were clasped . ttogether,,and two white lips murmured, ‘‘Auguste is drowning! Will no one save Au , gusts ?" • • m...,,A.,eat and, a large , family of kitten ti wore the.only,,oebnpants of. Fort.Suniter ; When . taken possession of by ti,rel Fbderal troops. Silir.Dr. Franklin naid!f4tiood kick out of door§ is bettor" than all the rich uncles in the world." • 4 Dissolution.. ?4`01160,15 hereby that Nees* Wgierpt Botema Deetiste ? the borptith .of Lebanor l / 4. d issehred,•partherahp Tit the 11th Inst. The undershft edits* rentovedfite 'othee,i6 the 010.,p!a0). in 011 4 01 4} , bind stiset;.Xset4abit6* where he has serried nti' the business for thepeet 'eight years, and hopes the astelewaktaihu tdhusiness and careinineeritivide 1 worLithieti he praetked.heretedbre, to,reeetre . ,4 foal shire , otthe inabtla patronage. C. B. Lebanon, March 16,1866. C 3