co - - In; SI DRMOCRATIC PRINCIPLWPOIASI To LIID, WI ISOM to rou.ow." it , ?l, N. BRESLIN; Editor and Proprietor. LEBANON, PA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1865. Q:7' The President has issacd. ;n, Proclamation notifyina b ad 'desert ers-that they will be rordoned if they report within -exty days from the' date of said VI roclamation. sir 'Mr. Meek, editor of the Bellefonte Watchman, who was ar rested, a week ago, and imprisoned by the "government," has been released and sent home. *lf Mr. Meek was guilty of treason or any other disloyal practises, he should have been tried ; that he was .not guilty the chuckle ; heads who bad arrested knew, or they would not have discovered it so soon .af ter his arrest and released ;him.— ']3le - tru La is, - - TraveT - itiiicThibit tyrannical, ;and despotic "govern ment" on the face of the earth, and instead of using the blood and treatmre of the people to secure and preserve our liberties, they are only using them to make slaves of us. ittgir TnE CIIARGES.—QtiIte :a number of "copperheads," presume, were ree,ertity arresieflin the sontiaem end centre portions , ofkithe State and tried by Court Martial. The charges against one of them, named Miller, were as follows :-- 1. In that the said Miller declared that "Abe .Lineoln was a fool and had no sense." 1. In that the said Miller wished that "light 'clog might strike the cabinet and knock them into -- along with Horace Greely." 3. In that the said Miller la a sympathiser with the South and bad declared that toe would rather fight for Jeff Davis than Abe ilAnodin. . . 4. In that the said Miller had "spoken dtsre 'Tactfully of the Administration." On sudli :nonsensical trash this man was flagged from family,'irn prisatted!for weeks, put to ggreat expense, and in the end sent home with the "assmunce that ‘tihe grave charges were not EmStained."— Wonder, if he had said that Andy Johnson was drunk at the inaugu ration, whether that would have been a good subject fora sth charge. ear When a man gets too much , old Boutfeon limo his head, instead df saying he is drunk, as heretofore, is now saiditobe 'O - ohm sonized," iin , 'compliment 4 .loycil" Andy iirdhnson-at the inauguration. Mir The - Abolitionists sa That the administration is the (*worn .ment." Andy Johnson, a leg of 'the:government, is known to have been aratik:atlhe inauguration,— glow many , ctlwrs of the 4Cgovern 'merit" wore , cirmsiehas not been as certained.) Nevertheless, Andy Johnson being drunk, the question arises, was the "government" whole drunk, half drunk, quarter drunk, or was it only tipsy. Judg ing from the proceedings of the in auguration, taken all together, we should say that the "government" was whole drunk. air The following statement is interesting when it is considered that the 6th, Bth and 10th Dis tricts are Democratic, while the 7th and 9th are excessively "loyal," but not too much so as to prevent them cheating the governmeut to a considerable amount. The col lections of Income Tax for the fis cal year ending June 30th 1864, for said districts were : 61h, Lehigh and Montgomery counties - $89,862 91 7th, Chester and Delaware counties 53,688 88 Bth, Barks County 88, 583 58 9th, Lancaster county 41,234 33 19th, Lebanon end Schuylkill counties 94,1111 88 "Outs Charleston correspondence ihOWEI that the work of regeneration has already began in that city. By the power of the sword that. drove out rebellion free schools are established, and the triumphs of war are made to minister to theperpetuation of peace."—Philadelphia Press. reek,. Yes, while free schools are being established for the niggers in the South, by the power of the —n word,•thia Baum power is depriving the white children of the north, of that benefit. We already learn that in several of the districts of this county, reduced terms are to be taught, for economy's sake, and in consequence of the immenseem pense attending the same power that is establishing free :schools in the South. The districts are be ing involved over head and ears in debt, and schools happen to be the first and most convenient .ob- jest to commence retrenchmeet with. Those that come after us will consider their forefathers as a parcel of asses, in consequence of the lack of wisdom and spirit they are displaying at this time. While the war is being kept up to free and educate the slaves, the white people are taking their paces 'in bondage and their children in ig norance. While the government is educating negro children, the people are beginning to find them selves unable to educate their own. "LOST OR STOLEN." -- Tbo Senate Committee of Finance are said to have made the discovery that during the past year there were lost from the office of the Register of the Treas ury, on one occasion, public swill ties,of the value of $1,200,000, and on another of the value of 1180,000. These-ase 'in Addition to a defalcation of sloo4ooo ( prevtously reported. Could'ut , be.Floyel o the thief, as be is dead. te.. Horace Greely, Speaker Colfax and family, passed over our railroad to New York, last week, in one of the gaudy private ears, built for the "government" at an immense expense. The clay was very inclement, and the train an immense one, filled largely with invalid soldiers on their waihtime. From Harrisburg. to Allentown the bumpers afthe Cars were fill ed, notwitirAttn ding which Messrs Greely:und - Colfax kept the doors of.their car locked,. refusing to ad . mit' anybody, although their car was occupiad only by themselves. We noticed one sick gentlemamon the bumper of Mr. Groely's tar, unable to sit down in the rain on the wet bumper, who was Sup ported by two seildiers, 'leaning aaainst the ',car 'door, through the window 4, vkllich they Oonld look in upon comfortable amViloy al" Messrs Greely and. Colfax play iao• cards The Ivife,of a member of r 'Congrtss from the west Also took sick on the road. Applica= *ion was made to Messrs Greely and Colfax 'for 'her 'ad raiisaion iitto their car,.atl was refused. At New York we saw her carried from unable to walk. The conduct of these two men was a subject of general condemnation, and the question was generally asked, par ticularly 'by the soldiers,.what bus iness Graeely au , d .00.1 fax had. with ,"governraeret, private Tar ?" They:are, it is true, , df•the "loyal" - aristocracy, and 'have a great deal to-say , df their 'friendship for the soldiers and "brave defenders of the country," but they would see them die on the threshhold of their doors, before they would open to admit them. "PASSING AWAY.—The old 4 'llemocratie" in stitutions about Washington sire .rapid puraing away. Can Monday on motion of Senator 'Wit son a resolution was adopted requiring 'the'Ser geant-mt-arins,to remove from the Senate - part of the capitol the bar for the sale of spirituous li- AttOrs: —Courier. it ii s Tersl4llZo Oka idle abolition Senate managed to -wor ry . along with this "old Democrat ic institution," for four years, and 'until Monday of last week ! But why was it .ordered to be removed ? .Courier is mum on that. Weeautefl l l. Andy Johnson, the new Vice President, was so drunk when .he was sworn in two clays befCre, that he was unable either to take the oath or administer it understandingly ; and the speech he made was such a jargon ofjum bled words from drunken lips, that the Senate, the people present, and the country, were ,overavhekin ed with shame. The drunken ac tions of• John son 'fluting the in wag ttration are said 'to have been the most diagracefnl. . of anything that ever took place in this 'country in a public place. Well might Wil son 'move to "remove the bar."— Butit is not removed, und won't be remo - ved. Tbe 'Lloyd" Sena tors quid too many attractions there, and Wilson's motion .was only a sham to slur over the indecency. air One of the correspondents of the New York Tribune; who was a prisoner in the South, and escaped, says, through the Tribune, that the reason there is not a gen eral exchange of prisoners is en tirely owing to Secretary Stanton, who is opposed to exchange at all, but submits to it partially to hood wink. the people whenever there is a draft. He places the death of the thousands of soldiers of our army at the doors.of the adminis tration. He says that more of our prisoners die from sickness and otherwise than are exchanged, just because of Stanton's double dealing. This now is Republican authority,--no "copperhead lies," and should be consiolered out of the army and in it. grar To do things in accordance with well established fornis of monarchial and tyranical govern ments, the inauguraticrn of old Abe could not be Mowed to pass off without an "attempt at assassina tion." A poor fellow was hired to pretend that he contemplated do ing the fowl deed. He was arrest ed and imprisoned, and the "loy alty" are very ;rorothat this -"mur derous design" against the "di vine" head of the nation. "The• Gran d fianuguration Ball at the Patent Office building, Washington, *last Monday eve ning, waea brilliant SUCCESS. 'The throng was iMinVffile,imelnding many visitors from distant cities. The ha II was richly and tastefully deco rated, aurpassing all previews displays of the character. The President and Cabinet were in attendance, accompanied by ex-Speaker Colfax. The supper was on a scale of elegance consonant with the great occasion."—Abe itiost papers. wpg..Yes, the ball, the supper, the dance and all,were no doubt "elegant.' The hundreds of thousands of suffer ing widows, orphaned children, and childless parents, won't think it very "elegant" however. While the peo ple are rendering up their lives and property for the coun try, those in pow er at Washington are dancing, feast ing and gettirkehrunk. They are in favor of the war continuing indefi nitely if they can continue the feast. A SECOND SOLOMON. —ln 'Quincy, Illinois, lately, twu men -claimed a calf. Both .proved their ownership in the living veal, by clouds of avit nesses, stnd the bothered judge decid ed to „place the calf on the street, at an equal distance from the home of each claimant, and let him go home. This course was greeted by approval, the young bovine, with ears and tail erect, soon settled the question by running to ,the barnyard from which it is claimod :to have strayed. Pennsylvania Legisla4tnv. The Legislature re-assembled 'itt 'Harrisburg, on Tuesday last, after itsllrmuguration spree at Washington. irn •ilvetenate the first thing was the presentirtidn'df a petition by Mr. Lowry from ciaawrsar l'ffetta he, disfranchised on account of edltlr, asking Tor the right of suffrage. Itr. CLYMER offered a resolution, which was adopted and referred to the Judiciary Committee, baying for its object the testing of the right df Senator Wilson to con Enna to 'bold his seatin the Senate, be baring been dlected a member of Congress. Mr. BIGHAM announced the decease of the Hon. George Darsie, for twelve years a State Senator, and offered a series of appropriate reso lutions ; which were adopted. Eulogiums on the character of the deceased were delivered by Messrs. Bighant, Clymer, Charapneys, Fleming and Lowry. The rest of the session was occupied with - roe consideration aura passage Of 'local Whs. The House was also eacluerr . ttly ocettpled , with the consideration of Iscall'nuittOrs. In the-Veneta on 'Wednesday; 'Mr. COI ELL presented a memorial from members of the Phila delphialiarpraying for -the -passage of an act providing for the-election-el an additional Su preme Court Judge. Mr. HALL called tip the ?resolution offered yesterday, in reference to ale seatKerthe.Senator from Tioga, Mr.Vilson, and rent' 'a decision which had been within a similar case, showing that a person was not a member of Congress un til be had been sworn:in. On motion the resolu tions were defeated by amnanimuua A — resolaion was adopted setting apart this evening for the eonliilleration of the public land bill. Mr. FLEMING road a bill granting a pension to Andrew Crowe, of Dauphin. Mr. CHAMPNEYS, a supplement to the Bounty law, allowing an lamas° to $450 to be •made in tantoetur comity. Mr. ICIICIICLS called up the act to 'promote safety on railroads and to punish negligen t and careless employees. This bill fines the employ ees by whose negleet ace idents may occur, result ing in injury or death, in a suet not exceeding $5,000 and imprisonment not exceeding fire years. A debate - then-enacted on the subject 'be tween Messrs. Lewry, 'Wilson and Clymer. And the bill passed. Acts were passed requiring brokers to ?Ng , additional license ; Authorizing railroad companies to reschate connecting roads ; And supplement to net relating to corporationt outhorking the erele of real and personal estates, end ;fur 'oilier 'purposes. The evening session was occupied in the con sideration of the bill repealing theaot which gave thelnneeeds of the public lands donated by Con gress in July, 1362, to the Centre County Agri cultural College. A substitute was finally pass ed,giving one-third to that 'Cciliege and leaving it for the present , andeterniinelismong which Colleges the balance should be distributed. In thelfouselfr. PI'CLIIIII moved Ito hold an . - evening session to•eonsider the act fdr the ap praisment of damages from rebel raids in bor der csoanties. tie Suited lbat it Would take no money. from the State. Itlr. BROWN stated that natty man was co simple as not to know that this was the opening wedge to the whole thing, he was too simple to be'here. It was manifestly the entering wedge 'to raddle•the TOO% of the whole - State with the -thetms of the `border neva ties. "The motion wee ant agreed to, bet ait. a later hour, a special Teas ion was Gael for 'to'morrow evening. The entire afternoon - sersion was spent "in 'the discussion of a Fee bit 'fur Ithe bounty oißeots , of the am oan • about thirty-three per cent. and reduced to 'deci- Ma I cussency. The bill was passed finally. A. general bounty bill was elisoussed in the evening., ae vaned. allows houeties to he paid by th'e different townsh igr. , etc., not exceed log $5OO, the amount to be raised by taxation, and a per capita tax not exceeding $25. Ad jou rn ed. In the Senate on Thursday, Mr. CONNELL presented a petition from members of the Phila delphia bar, asking for the passage of an act amending the law of evidence. Mr. RANDALL, sundry petitions from Schuyl kill county, against over charges by the Reading railroad company. • Mr. LOWRY, a petition of colored people (nu merously signed) asking the right of suffrage. Mr. M'SHERRY, one fur payment of damages by rebel raids. Mr. CONNELL called up the furtber supple ment to the bill allowing joint tenants, tenants in common and others holding• mineral lands, to develop the same, passed. The•bill allowing stockholders In corporations to be witnesses in certain eases, was discussed and defeated. Mr. LOWRY called dp the bill compelling railroad companies to report accident/I. The bill wee defeated by 15 nays to 11 .yeas. Mr. RIDGWAY called up and had passed a supplement to the act relative' to manufacturing and othercorporations, authorizing the sale of real anclpersonall estates, and for other purposes. In the'llouse, am act extending the law which prohibits the carrying of concealed deadiriweap one is Philadelphia, to all the counties Of the State, was discussed and passed. An net fixing the standard weight of potatoes at 85 pounds per bushel. Mr. GUERNSEY moved to fix it at pounds, the Government soviet. Phis Was finally agreed to, and the bill passed. A supplement to Ilse seine] law, relative to the etkosation of destitute orphan children of sailors sod sold ierso(provided that schen:direc t-ors shall Labe change, of and allot such orphan cb ildren Ito ilse.eare of responsible persona) was discussed until the concluSion , of sbe morning session, and age in,taken up sod considered in the afternoon. It finally passed, but will proba bly be amended by the Senate in several impor. tent particulars before becoming a law. 0-4 - kt the very naoramt, Says •u Washington letter writer, that Mr. Pomeroy was offering his resolution in the Federal Senate, to stop the fa cilities which army officers enjoy of procuring spiritous liquors, "ten per cent. of the Senate was on the verge of delirium tremens, and four per cant. of it had been dead drunk for three months." sel-The Washington Chronicle, speaking of the reception at the Exe cutive Mansion says : 4 cMany eolor ed person' appeared to pay their re spects to the President and lady, a• mong whom were Fred Douglass and wife. SuiduLAß.—lt is said that the rose of Floridit, the most beautiful, emits no &again° ; the bird of Paradise, the most beautiful of birds, gives no songs.; the cypress of Greece, the finest of trees, yields no fruit ; dan dies the sbinest of men,have no sense; and call-room belles, the prettiest of creatures in the world, aro vory of ten ditto—only,! A EzzoNascENor- —How the News of 'Peace was Received in I:Bl4.—Years a g offi the Oce of tlw, old 'Gazette was inllanover square, Boston, near the corner of :Peal l l street. It was a place of resort for news and conver sation, especially in •the evening.— The e'venirog .of 45,1815, was cold, and at a late hour only Al- Ilerman - Selira and other gentleman Were left with'hithertang,lle geni as of the place. `l` , he (Ace was•about being closed, when a:pilot rushed in, and stood for a moment so entirely exhausted as to be tumble - to spe-ak. "lie has great 11-ewsl" exclaimed Mr. Lang. Presently the pilot, gasping for breath, whispered intelligibly— " Peace 'I Peace 1" The gentlemen lost their breath as fast . as 'the ipflot gained his. Direct ly the pildt *firs able 'to say "An Eng Ugh sloop is below, with news of a treaty of peaee:l" They say that Mr. tang exclaim ed in g reater words Oben ever be used be fore—and all ihantislrushed to itanover square ovcigiming-- "Vence •!. 1 Peace' The windows flow up--for families lived there then. No sooner were the inmates sure of the sweet sound of peace, than the; windows begun to glow with brillinit, - rte — - cry - - OVP'ehKe n through the, eily l- 1-,at t,he top of gill voices. No one ii6dixOed to' enquire about 4 ' free trade andsailorri'rights." No one enquired whether even the national tailor had •hean i preserved. The matters - by whidh tihe rftiricians had irritated nationinto 'the war, had 'lost Theis. importance. It was enough that the ruinous war was o vor. An old man on Broadway at txtreted by the noise to his door, was seen to pull down a placard, 'To Let,' which had been !long posted up.— Never was Mere streh joy in The vity. A few evenings after there was gen eral illumination, and although the - snow was a foot deep and soakedwith train yet the streets were crowded with men and women, eager to see partake of everything which had in it the sight or taste of peace. SIGNS TuATITAIW,gb.---We all re member the story of the innkeeper who became proud as 'he prospered and taken down , his sign of the Ass, put up it 'portrait ol*George IV. in its place. his neighbor immediately raised the east-dff edgy, and in this sign he conquered. 'The first land lord, alarmed at th&i.nerensing popu larity of his . ritral,;ant Va•derstanding the Cause, wrote underneath the vis age of his Majesty, "This is the real ass." But the more ludicrous inci dent of the kind is just now told at the expense of the good Bishop of Liandaff. He took up bis'abode near the head of Lake WinderFreere, where the principal inn hat been 'known as the Cock ; but the l'and'lord by Way of compliment to his distingtadh'ed neighbor, substituted 'the Bishop 'as the new sign. An innkeeper close by wilio had frequentt' vriviie(ll mine • f:*_l4 . good fortune in securing a ConsAerabge preponder ance of visitors, topic advantage of the, change and attracted many trav elers to 'his house by patting up the newsig!! of the Cock_ The landlord with the new sign was much discom fitted at seeing many of the old cus tomers deposited at his rival's estab lishment. So by way Of remedy he put up in large red letters, under the portrait of the Bishop, "This is the old Coat." PHAROAH AND JEFF. DAVIS. Mr. Cox made the following admi rable point in the debate on the a• mendment to the Gonstitutivn re. specting slavery. • If, then, as it is said by the gentle man from Vermont [Mr. Morrill ; ] slavery is dead, what is the object of this amendment 7 That distinguish ed gentleman told us the other day that, like Pharoab and his hosts, the South had rushed - with slavery into the lied sea of War, and that sla very was destroyed. Well, if that be the case, if slavery is dead, where the necessity for in voking this extraordinary power of amendment ? My friend from New York [Mr. Odell,], who also spoke so well in defence of his views, said that although it was dead he wished to give it, a constitutional burial. lam not mach of a-biblical scholar, but I believe that we havone.autlien,tic re .cord of the fact that alter Phareah and his hosts were destroyed in the tied .sea the children of Israel, after the destruction, met together upon its shores in grand convocation and, after listening to Aaron and the oth er orators, -passed revolutions some what, to ; wi t ; Resolved, That neither. Pharoali nor his hosts, except twit punishment for crime, whereof they shall have been duly convicted, shall hereafter exist within the jurisdietien ,of ithe children of israel. ibaughtera What would .the people have thought of the children of Israel for passing such a resolution after the de cease of Phareah 7 My friend from N. Y., /Mr. Odell,] belongs to the new dispensation, and w.osld give the deceased slatery a constitutional bu rial. What would have been thought of the children of Israel, after they had fished out Pharoah's dead body, if they bad proceeded solemnly to give to it a constitutional burial ? [Laughter.] THE CAT AGE. The palmy days for cats were in the time of Edpt's power as a na tion, some four hundred years B. C. They were held as sacred as dogs or crocodiles, and death was the penalty for killing them. From their noc tural habits and glossy fur, the Egyp tians deemed them symbolical of the moon, and a golden cat was worship ,ped, at Syne. nerodotus tells us some marvels about them. "The Tome,". -seems, in his time, had a liking for making away with kittens —a very fortunate bbing too, or the land would have been overrun with cats. Crowning wonder of all, when afire breaks out, the sole care of the ,natives is ,to; keep the 'cats tram it; .to do which 'they post themselves as guards ardund the burning house, and take no thought for pitying out the flames. divine impulse, how ever, says the chronicler, seizes the cats; they dart under the men, or lent) over them, and fling themselves into the &lames; then great mourn ing takes possession of the land. if a eat was 'found dead in any one's house, the inmates had to shave off their eyebrows. The defunct animals were carried into the temples, where they were embalmed and solemnly deposited in the city of Bubasiris.— Specimens may be seen in the British Museum. Very different is tbeir fate at modern Rome. A recent traveler tells us that they are there as 'highly esteemed for culinary purposes as puppy dogs in China. If you have a roast hare for dinner, you had better not make 100 many enquiries as to what kind of "pussey" it was 'before it came into the chief's hands. THE OLDEST REPUINUIT'ON.EARTIL-- The American Quarterly Review con tains a letter from G-. W. Irving, Esq.., giving a sketch of his visit to San Ma rino, a small republic in Italy, be tween the Appenines, the Po, and the Adriatic. The territory of this State is .only forty miles in circumference, and its ;population about 7,000. The qle_putdie 'was foup.ded_runreth son 1. 4 4Q0 5-0111% ago,oon not al principles; dustry,' and equity, and has presev ed its liberty and independence amidst all the wars and discords haVe raged around it. Bona rritite respected it , artd tient ;an omtras -ty to express his sentiments of friend ship arid fraternity. It is governed by a Captain • :Regent, chosen every six months by the representatives of the people (sixty-six in number) who are chosen every six montks tip- people. The taxes aro light, the fawn ,houses are neat, the fields wolil,cultii vated, and on all sides are tgsein 'com fort and plenty, the happy •elfrect of morality, simplicity and frugality. THE OVERTHROW OF A GOVERNMENT THE WORK OF INFERIOR MINDS. The fanatical Abolitionists of the North after years of persevering labor have succeeded in su'lrverting the lib erty of the white race in their mad zeal for securing the freedom of the black or interior race. - The cry of "Liberty, Fraternity and Equality;" in revolutionary. France, eventually led to the •entire ovqrthrow of al9 v , o ernmentad restraint and the es tablishment, of an anarchy where blood-stained footsteps upon the fiis torie page, the student starts back from with horror. Fanaticism never evokes the higher powers of the hu• man mind. It is So narrow and con tracted, in its mental vision, that there is, in reality, nothing great or lofty for the mental powers to 'oper ate upon. 'Hence, it 'tam be found in his tory, that tau ati cism destroys and Weaken - a governments, never buiads IT. Appealing to the passiOns, more than the reason, it makes revolutions, but never accomplishes, beneficent reforms. Pintlar, in one of his po eins, very felicitously says: ''lt is an easy task for men of inferior abilities and slender worth to shake acountry from its foundations; but to place it firmly again upon its basis Is -an en terprise of no common difficulty, of no instantaneous ace& mplis b unless the Divinity vouchsafe his in dulgent co operation to the rulers." We have an illustration of the sa gacity of obServation of the pagan . poet in the men now in power in our own time. For some wise purpose of his own, God has permitted the gov. era meat of this eeuntry to pass for a time into the hands of fanatical ideal ists, who have manifested the pro. olivities which haveshown themselves in the fanatics of all ages to destroy, but not to reform. The Abolition leadera have eletirly exhibited the truth of the. saying of " Pindar, "that it is an easy task for men of inferior abilities and slender worth to shake A country from its foundations." It remains to be seen whether the fu ture has in store, tbe development of that immense ability which is requi site 'to build up a nation from the ruins fanaticism has created, and whether Providence will smile upon such an effort. Mir Card i nal W i se man, Archbishop, of NV es tm inister, and one of the most, prominent champions of the Catho -1 icehurch in England, died on the 15th ult, in the t3d year of his age. BULLS AND REAU.S.—The singular epithets of "bears" and "bulls" were first applied to speculators in stocks on the London ,exchange about 1834. When two parties contract, the one to deliver and the other to take stdekikon a s tature day at a specified price, it is the interest of the deliver ing party, in the intervening period, to depress stocks, and of' the reeeiv• log party te raise them. The for mer is styled a "hear," in allusion to the habit of that animal to pull things down with his paws ; and the latter a "bull," from the custom of that beast to throw an object ,up with his horns. Oil has been discovered in North beriangi And Columbia coon ties .of this State, .and the excitement tin conse quence is said to beAkimmense:" COLD COMFORT FOR OFFICE SEEK' ERs----A Washington correspondent furnishes information that will dis appoint the vast tribe of office-seek ers who are waiting for a new deal of the Federal pack. In a conversa tion with an intimate personal friend, the President said pretty• nearly these words, a few days since : "I have made up my mind to make very few changes in the offices in my gift for my second term. The fact is, I think I will not removea single man, except for good and sufficient cause. It creates a great deal of dissatisfac tion and grumbling to make changes. To remove a man is very easy, but when / go to fill his place, there are twenty applicants, and of these I anust.makezineteen enemies." A DRAFT •IN A QUAKER. TOWNSHIP. —The following is the result of the draft made for nirminghawtownship, Chester county: Patrick Canary, ( . Iristiman,) Wil liam Donovan, (Irisihman,) John Ford, (Irishman,) Bartholomew 0'• Brian, (Irishman,) Wm. Barrett, (Irish decent,) James Day, (not known,) John Denby, (colored,) Hen iry Boyce, (colored.) This drawing pleases the "War Men" of that Quaker township and neighborhood exactly. They asked that t -draft should be made before furnishing substitutes. Now that it has fallen upon laboring men without means, they have resolved to spend .no money for this draft. Notice &MOWN NATIONAL BANE February 15;1885. FINN Stockholdore•of this Bank are hereby notified that the Boari have (his day determined to call In the remaining instalments ou the NEW SHARES, amounting to $lO ON NAM 8.11.111 E, and that the same must be paid on or , beformthe 18th day of March, next. iE. A., UfILER, Cash ler. Lebanon, March 1, a 865 PUIRPOSALS 4F'OE A SITE FOR THE Lebanon 4:ar Iron and Rolling Mllll Company. S - BALED Proposals will be received by the Director. of the Lebanon Car Iron and Rollin Mill Company, until ilfmddy, the :OM day &f March, Out, et fl•o'cierk,if., for call lees than Ten Acre. of land, laceten in the Borough of Lelonon, or Sts lame diate vicintty, for • Cite lorrosid wake. ifr o Z;V,nfre-culitlettnriet , _peseees . the g I. It moo not be less then ten nor more than fifteen /ores. -sr Trseuet be wittd a easy mtvotten•selth the Ulm non Valley Reit Reed It tuuet haves drat supply, of running avatar equal to the consumption of two first class enruiwes. 4. The grade ehould 4e. as uearoa pos.ible that of the LelAsnett 'Valley Rail Bowl . Partlea ipmpoeLg will !UAW the amount of grad ing , thst their grounds require tb beim; them to the above grade. 5. propoeala roma elate the. price per acre. and be handed tolf-HIN dlioltOli , Erq .011 k or tlon, 'the time specified. An) one deeiring further. Informstfan will ;please coll upon the undersigned oolunkittee. Much 2, 18661 DAYS OF. APPAL OF Real Personal Properly - -3-seacretrxxc•73. fiVert.2.3autv; I%TORTtL LEBANON Borough and North Lebanon IA Township. on Wednesday, April 6tli, at the Cons inissioners' Office in the Borough of Lebanon. West Ward and Cornwall, on 'Flitirsday 6th, at the Commissioners' Mee in the Borough of Lebanon. East Ward and South Lebanon, on Friday, April sth, at the Commissioners' Office in -tsbe Borough of Leba non. Bethel Township. on Mendel , . Apra 10th, at the Public novae of William Kafnat. Santora Township, on Tuesday, 11th, at the Public Rouse of Edward D.-Krell. 'Union Township, Wednesday, April 12th, et the iltikblle Rowse of Daniel Bordner. nanorer and Cold EMehig, mnlihersiley, "open 13th, at the Public 'novae o7l7acdb VP. Adams. Londonderry, on IFYINT, !Orli I.ltb, at :the Public 'louse or John Vreeland. North and South An-Irvine, on Saturday, April 15th, at the Public Bonne of Siltloll Jackson, n Tuesday, April 18th, at The Public Louse otablin Benothim. Ri Marva, on We lnesday, April 19th, zit the Pub lic llouse of Frodoritk A. Shultz. Thursday. April 201 h, a% 111 Public ;blouse of Alexander Steinmetz. • lerstice is hereby given that the Assessors 'have made their rolls of sstlpereons liable to enroll ment for State service according to Law, and that a Copy thereof hs the Commissioners' dice, where the same'irilty +he seen orexamtned, by any person inter ested therein, and that the Military Appeals w ill ulai be held on the above mentioned days. - VIONIAS t,CSilktlt, 1 Commissioners JACOB HRUBACRER, of WILLIAM EARLY, Lebanon county Attest, Cruas Sum., Clerk. • March 1, 1865. PUBLIC SALE OF Persoual rroperty. lirFf.rlysTot / • W ILL be sold at public sale on Saturday, gareh 25, 1865. At the residence of the subscriber, in Cumberland street, East Lebanon, near Salem's Lntherau Comet°. ry, the following Personal Property, STOVES and Pipe, BEDS, Bedsteads. Parlor Furni ture, such as Chairs, Tables, &c., Tabs, Wheelbarrow, Cane seated CRAMS, Looking Glasses, about 20 bush el of IIitOONI CORN SEED, about 2% tons of COAL, and many other articles too numerous to random Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 1,1., alien terms will be made known by AUGUSTUS S. WITMAN.. Lebanon, Mardi I, ISM. A. P. ALL' EEN7S CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY AT ANNVILLE. f lIR atbscriber respectfully informs his friends I. and the public generally, that, although he has sustained serious losses by the recent fire, his estab lishment. is again in Complete Operation, and he is prepared to fill orders for every kind of work in his line, as heretofore, at the shortest notice and on the moat reasonable terms. CARRIAGES, ROCKA WAYS ' BUGGIES and MOAT W on AGOES, of every style and . hand or made to order. He has engaged experienced workmen from the city. He has ma hand a large stock of well seasoned lumber, and other material of the best quality, and .he hopes by careful attentica to business to render satiatection to all wko may Irvin' him with their patronage. A.UGUSTUS P. ALLWEIN. Annv ilia, March 1, iSiki.—.3L Poor Man's Cash Shoe Store ! LARGE STOCK at OLD PRICES NEW STOCK SOLD AT LOW FIGURES! Our Business Increasing ! MORE TRADE WANTED TO REDUCE PRICES! Promise to give Costonters the Benoit ! .THE MORE WE BELL;THE CHEAPER WE CAN BELL Rally Men And Buy rout* Shoes Cheap ALL WORK WARRANTED Dont, buy until you seP oar Stock Quiek Sales and Small Profits is our Motto I G. L. A.TRINS, Market street, Lebanon, Pa. Busimeeso Room for Ken/. Tab' ROOM now occupied by .George X. itrentz Sc a Bar Boom at the E. R. Depot, 'together watts-a tine basement Cellar la OFFERER* if*B. /LENT, NOR BUSINESS. Beeseeciongisten Bdibcy of March, next, by3aaNs & BOSS. Lebanon, Feb. 22,1865.—5 t. Ploughs Ploughs I MILIAS KREIDER has on band a number Of WA & J 1.2.4 LACE'S PATENT PLOUGIIS which he offers for sale. They can be bought from him just as cheap as from the manufacturer. These ploughs are well rec ommended, and all we ask is a trial. We are sure that all w tll be well satisfied. 'Address ELIAS KREIDER, Agent, ShasSerstown, Lebanon CO., Pa. March I, 1865. Attention Sportsmen. MILE subscriber would respectfully inform the pub lie that he has just returned from the city, having laid in n Sue assortment of GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, POWDER, CAPS, &c., which are now open for havoc. tion and sale at his Store, on iferket nicest& few doors North of the L. V. R .R., Lebanon, Pa. "Fr- All kinds of Repairing done at the shortest pos. aible notice and in the beet style of workmanship. J. Q. AULENBAOIL Lebanon, pct. 14. 1864..-2 m. For Rent. wo BOOM on the second-floor of Flinch's Building T adjoining the Advertiserthfice, are offered for Rent ffroro the of April. These rooms are well located or an odic:: or mechanical business.' • A pyly to J. FENCK. Lebanon, Feb. if, 1865. INVALIDS. IRON IN HE BLOOD• IT is well known to the medical profession thal IRON is the Vital Principle or Life Element of the blood. This is derived chiefly from the food we eat; but if the food is not properly digested, or if, from any caner whatever, the necessary quantity of from la not taken into the circulation, or becomes reduced, the who system suffers. The bad blood will irritate the heart, will clog np the lunge, will stupefy the brain, will obstruct the liver, and will send its diamthe•pro• ducing elements to all parts of the tystem, and every one will suffer in whatever organs may be predlaposed to diseaae. The great value of IRON AS A MEDICINE is well known and acknowledged by all medical men. The difficulty bits been to obtain such a preparation of it as will enter the , ciemehttion and assimilate at once with the blood. 'Mb jnne,saye Dr. Hayes, ilsesachn setts State Chettiist.lms been attained in the Palmist' Syrup, by combination in a way before unknown. The Peruvian Syrup Is a protected solution of the PROTOXIDE or IRON- A NEW DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE, that StrEses at the Root of the Disease by supplying the bloat With Its Vital Principle or Life ]/lament— lron. The Peruvian Syrup Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy. rover and Ague, Loss of Energy, Low Spirits. The Peruvian Syrup Infuses etrength, vigor, and nem life into thespian, and builds up an "Iron Constitution." The Peruvian Syrup C ores Chronic Diarrticea, Scrofuin, Boils, Scurvy, 14 of Countitu lionni Vigor. _ _ The Peruvian Syrup Cures Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, and ali diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. The Peruvian Syrup la a Specific for WI diseases priginnsicA in 11,11,1te, STATE OF UTE BLOOD, or accompanied by Debility or a Low State of the System. Pamphlets containing certificates of tires and ?worn; mendations from some of the most eminent Physiciand Clergymen, sod others, will be sent free to any ad: dress. Ire select a few of the names to show the anima orthe testimonials. JOHN E. WILLIAMS, ESQ , rrosi.lout of the Metropolitan Beak, New York GiSORGE. 'T.'T WORT . BRA RAM SHEIVIC REV. P. CHURCH, Editor New York Chronic/a. Rev. Joint Sterpont, Lewis Johnson, M. D-, Rev. Warren Burton, Ito Melt Kinney, AL D., Req. Arthur H. Fuller, S. K. Kende% M. D.. Rev. Gordon Robbins, W. R. Chisholm, Id .D Rev. Sylvanua Cobb, Francis Dana, M. D., Rey. T . Starr King, J. Antonio Sanches, K. D.; Rev. Ephraim Note, Jr., Abraham Wendell, H. D., Rev. Joseph 11. Clinch, A. A. Hayes, Ai. D., Rev. Remy Upham, .r. R. Chilton. M. D., Roe. Head ley, U. R. Kinney, Ai. D.. Rev. Joint W.Olmstead, Jorent lab Stone ~11. B. Prepared by-N. L. CLARK . CO., 4rscinsirrly for . I. DINSMORR,No. 491 Broods's>. Now York. Sold by ID Druggists Cures W;unds. Bruises, Sprains. Redding's Russia Salve Cares Boils, Ulcers, Cancers. . . Redding's Russia Salve Cures Salt Minoan, Piles, Erysipelas. Redding's Russia Salve 00,.. Ringworms, Corn &c., &c. NO FAMILY SHOULD BB WITHOUT IT. Only 25 coats a box POR !ALE BY J. Z. RINSMOBR, No. 491 Broadway, Now 'York. VOWLI , I & CO. No. 18 Tremont St., Bofton, And 'lv all Bruggiata and Country Storpkerpere. Juno 29, 1881.—ly.eow. BROIVNONO*S EXCELSIOR COFFEE, Vibitat trying Coffee of all the varione brands. Remember - 11ROWNIN6VE , EXS'ShSIOR"—at the he*d it eland,. True, it'e nut like others that are "SOLD EVERT. WHERE." A. little stretch, we all do huow, gOod goods will easily bear, (But asireteh like this--' , sold irrerymbere"--I s Ter apt to tear.) Now, I can safely say, without any hesitation, There's none like "BROWNING'S EXCELSIOR" In this enlightened nation. simea chemists have not foetid a Coffee from any store, Possessing the same ingredients as "Browning's Nor is there any one. in or out o f the Coffee trade. Who knows the articles from which 'Browning's lxeelsior's" made. I'm told its made from barley, rye, wheat, beans, and" peas; Name a thousand other things—hut the ItIMIT ONE ifyon please. But with the Coffee men I will not hold contention For the many, many things they say—too numerous to mention. Whilst they're engaged in running round from store to store To learn the current wholesale price of "Browning's Excelsior," Some who know my Coffee gives perfect satisfeetion, Nave formed a plan by Watch they hope to cause a quick reaction. The casif—`tie with a few ; no doubt 'twill he more— To name their Coffee after mine, (111LOWNLNGS EXCELSIOR." some sey their's the only brand that will stand a ready test. Now „try a little of them ell—see which you like the best. Threeyear's have panel away since I that lOW a stem Never have I iu your paper advertised before ; Nor would I now, or over consent to publish more, ' If like HOMO useeby "everybody ,"` "sold everywhere," in ' , every store." A trade like this I do not wish ; the orders I could not 1111 The factory all Jersey's land would take—leave not a- foot to till. My trade is not so very largo ; still I think I have my abure ; But, reader you may rret tussured , 'Lis NO "SOLD EV EILTWIIiIit E." Mantifetctured mu/ for Mt., by th e writer, George L. Browning, Ho. 20 Market Street, Camden, This coffee is not composed of poisonous drugs, it contains ziothing deleterious; many persons nee this Coffee that cannot use the pure coffee; it takes but one and a half ounces to make a quart of good strong coffee, that beingjust ono-half the quantity it takes of Java Coffee, and sheltie less than half the price. RETAIL DEALERS may purchase it in leas quanti ties than ten gross at my prices from the Wholesale Grocers. Orders by mall from Wholesale Dealers prompt ly attended to. Feb. 22, 1866.-3 m. • IN Lice, ISMS is to notify all ears: , •aaterssind eahinet make's that no bills for eoginthelli be paid by the. Dille. tors of the Poor for poor persons dying within a -circle of five miles of the Poor 11 - omo ; as all such persons will be furnished with Coding free of expense on appli. cation to the Steward at the Poor lion se. 'JOHN E. BOWMAN, ..- _- XMAS WALBORN', Directors of the - Poor. ONO. ZIMMERMAN, May 27,1863. Prohibiting the flurrying of Horses, Cattle Sheep, and Swine within the Borough of Lebanon. LPE it Enacted and ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Lebanon, That from and after the publication of this Ordinance It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to bury any dead Horses, Cattle; Sheep e r -swipe within the Borough limits. On, Complaint to the Chief Bur gess of any person or persons violating this ordinance, such person shall pay a penalty of Twenty Five Dol lars for every °Bebe°. One half of which to go to the informer and the other half to the Borough Treasurer. sold penalty tube collected as all debts of Dice amounts are recoverable by Law. Enacted, Februar,V.:2o, 1865. TOBIAB RETNOEIIL.B.Poi Chief Burgess, pro tern. Attest, D.E. MILLER, Clerk. l'eb.22, 1865.-3 t. An Ordinance Relative to the removal of Snout front Side Walks and Gutters in the Borough of Lebanon. BEIt en.acted and ordained by the Burgess rind „LP Town Council of the Borough of Lebanon, That from and after the publication of this ordinance, all property holders shall remove from the aide walkaand gutters of their respective properties all snow and ice practical to remove, and shall hereafter remove all 'ow from said aide walks, and gutters immediately after its fall. Any person violating this "ordinance, shall, on Lis or her neglect being reported to the Chief Burgess, pay a penalty of FIVE dollars, to be collected' as all dues of like amount are recoverable by law. Attest, D. E. 31m1.88, Clerk. Feb. 22, 1865.-3 t . Just printed and for sale at this office, Conditions for .the Sale of Real Es tate. IMPORTANT TO ALL REV. ABEL STEVENS, Late Editor Christian Advocate and Journal Redding's Russia Salve. Teals Old Sores Redding's Russia Salve Cures Bum, Scalds, Cuts. Redding's Russia Salve An Ordinance Enacta,Feb. 20, 1865. TOBIAS RSINOB111,,(15.1 Chief Burgess, pro tem