triuting: MEP iM , 9lMT:l2i'a" 9iZBM43II33,UrsAZP Neatly and Prninpliy Executed, al the ADVERTISER OFFICE, LEBANON, PENN'S TUN establishment IS now supplied with an extensive assortment of JOB VIM which will be increased as the patronage demands. ft all now turn out 4"stNroto, of every description. in a neat and expeditious manner— andon very reasonable terms. Such as Pamphlets, Checks, Business Cards, Handbills, Circulars., Labels, Bill Headings, Blanks, • PrograMmes, Bills 'of Pore, Invitations, Tickets, .Bm., Duos of all kinds. Common R n iu 'lg t BONDS. ;Erchool, Justices'. Constables' cud other Bt . Axas. printed .correetly and neatly on the best paper, Constantly kept , for sale at this office, at prices 'lto suit tho,timee." SO Subscription price of the LEBANON AD.VERTIMER QueDotter and c. Half a Year. Address. Wk. 31. BaaeteS, L'ebatton„rd. 0. B. WAGNER. J. P. Rylvmax. DENTISTRr rimug: undersigned haying formed' a- partnership. in Dentistry, respectfully .thx.ite - the attentiob of the Public tb their Mlle of work and OPERATTOR OAT 'II3E TEETH. - From one to an enVee • ' inserted on Gold. SilEer or. , r , Pnicanised Rubber. 'RR EGRECTEDULA RIVY con . 11. FitiliMiiar attention paid to Mc priscrration of lhe natural Ones. by Filling, Sec. Nu ellarges rustle for examinations and advice. , Rooms over 5.1,n. Adam Rise's 'flat Store, Cumberland street, Lebanon,l4. labanOti, 'Starch 1, UM G1E01126-E CLARK, *alms- ei aa. I:34e•xl,ltisset, fIFFIOf~ . C. Betiry's New Building, opposite the ' - ------------ i - ii - i - V - 6\ - TAY .- - S. T. 11IcADA111 A'T d rtiIVIVEY AT LAW, . AIIIMMOVID NH elm to Market Street, opposite Rllthe hebauou Batik, two doors • North of Widow aei's Hotel. . Lebonon,bferch 25,'03, ARMY AND RA VY "PENSION, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND BOUN TY LAND AUENOT. oAgaLra ilavE , R , "sr t 14 A. w. undersigned, having been licensed to prosecute . Claims, and having been engaged in the Bounty and Pension business, offers his services to all those who are thereto entitled, in accordance with the various acts of Congress, All such should call or address at onee, and make their applications through BASSLItIt DOM, Attorney at-Law, °Meg removed to Cumberland Bt., one door East of the Lebanon Valley Bank, Opposite :the Buck Betel, Lebanon, Pa. pan .8, C 4, JOHN BENSON, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW. °Finn. with A. K. tioughter, Esq.. Cumberland Street, nearly opposite the Court House. Lebanon, teetoruory 8, 1865. EL* T. BIBIGHAUS 1 . 'ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, f MON in Stiebter'a Building, Cumberland Street IL! nearly oppnalta the Court Muse, Lebanon. Lebanon, June lbt CYRUS P. MILLER, Xttorney-at-Law o ff i ll o e to ln a W n a d in;l:gtze o t ;,, uP ir n o l u l?r h lu t po u aite ica t i l r s u e ,, B i u u eyr . hardware store. Libiinon, April 6, 1884,-I.y. 11.118SLER BOYER, t t c:r sa. e. 3r IN t Ilea, vcri AntITIOE removed to Cumberland street, one door j East of the Lebanon Valley Bank, opposite the Thick Hotel, Lebanon, to. 6,'64. A. T. w DLE, ATTORNEY AT LAWN ; Woe ,Forth, ifcst orner of Water acid Market Streets, C:1111ST, 31`et, Lebanon, Nov. 18;, 1n(4,--tive _ _ GRA • 1' WEID3IAN I ATTOUNEY AT LAW. 1 - )I FFICI.3 • in CinnOberiand street. a few doors east of the Eagle Hotel, in the office late of his father 'Capt. John Weidman, deed. Lebanon. Sept. 9,1863. REMOVAL A. STANLEY ULRICH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hos removed hie °Mee to. the building, one door ens of i4111140.101ch 'II Store, opposite the'tatting ton House Lebanon, Pa. . . BOUNTY and I'EINSIOII claims promptly attended [April 8, W.-3m. Z. R. DAVEG:B LIQUOR STORE, SitarAetAiiarel Tyr Palletise Markel House, Lebanon, Pa. rtlllll4; , ttplersfgusl respectfully informs public ..I,X4t . be lure received en exteneive etoek of the eboicat andiFilVest Liguori' or all descriptions. Theme Llop) lie is invariably diepused to sell at um precedentedly low prices. Druggilits, Farmers, II otel Keepers, and oth. Were will consult their dish littereste by buying of the undersigned. L. lt. Dflga. Lebanon, April 15, 1868. TI R M IE COPARTNERSHIP HEREt dont ParsT log between C. O. LOWER 11. W. RANK, in be Wholesale Tobacco %einem. Winer the grin of LOWER, & RANK. is this day dissolved,_bm %%Vaud gposent. The business of the late Sa % w NINO billed Iy either of the partnere nt N 0.146 Mirth Third St. ' Philadelphia, July 1, ISO. .. , ~. . R. W. 'RANK, or the late firm of Loiker ' Repko) will continue the buefttese as heretoforeat aim 'Ware. 11. W. 4 ItANK". _l'hila ph In July 13,1864.-6 t. FOR SALE. . . IHE 'Undersigned will Sell, at private sale,' his de eirable 1101184: and LOT OF GROUND, in East rI . cll street, East Lebanon. The House is a new tu two atory BRICK with Kitchen at inched, .all I" well bnilt and well arranged with all neeessn ry couveniencve. Also Cistern, Beth noose. 23tuo e House, nil kinds of Fruit Trees, dm, on the pernimea.. ; flood and Indisputable title given. For fur. Mar information apply to " JAMES N. ROGERS, Tinsmith. Lebanon, Dee. 7,1864.—im. Steam Mil for Rent rritt. undersigned offers for Rent, for ONE YEAR or longer, his STEAM MILL, situated two miles east from Lebanon, at Aeon Station, near the Railroad, Canal and Turn. Ohio. therekvitit le a STOREROOM'," otorthg V rat. and Oraim a Coal 1 . 11:1:'!"it Yard at ttas Mull and Ithilroad, and a lergu Sca lbs. this Mlll 1s specialty arranged for Floor and °untold Work, and In an excellent neighborhood for the business. tit A two /story pvvmuaNa HOUSE, with Sum lit - mer Room, Lot ofOround, Giardini and Stable, 11 Is also connected with the property. JOHN WOLF. Avon Station, !lapuary 4,180. PRIVATE SALE. Tau Subscriber offers at Private Sale a TWO SIG .I RIC FRAME DWELLING lIOUSE and LOT OF GROUND, (being lot No. 110 Uhlor's addition elm of Lebanon) bloated on the Old Forge Road el in the NortboWeetern part of said borough.— . For particulars apply to JOSEPH U. um. En. Lebanon, January 25, 1805. PRIVATE SALE of Brickyard & Building Lots. min subecribor offers at private tame, it valuable Tract of Land iu North Lebanon Borough, seer 'the line of North Lebanon Borough, un Yincgruve etreet,contalolng ahuutli ACMES. This tract to cx. eellent ground fur Brick lileklag, having been used for that purpose, and le also eligibly located to be cut up hitoBVILD/N4l LOTS, A good kiln fur burning Brick is on the premleos. For further particulars ap. ply to Lebanon, Feb. 8,1866. HENRY ARNOLD, George Uottinans LUBANON COUNTY .iH _;_ :. TRANSPORTATION LINE. By Lebanon Valley Railroad. PAItTIOULAP attention will be paid to Goode ehipp• ed by the Lebanon Valley Railroad. Goode will be lent daily to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers. town and Aunrille Stations, and all other points in the County. contracted for at the least poesible rates and delivered with dispatch. The Proprietor will pay particular attention to, and attend personally, to tho receiving and delivery of all freights. For inrormation, apply at hie °Mee at the Lebanon Valley itallroadlieret, Lebanon. EDWARD IitARK, his Agent in Philadelphia, will al. ways be found at W Bash's Merchant's Motet, North Third ii. , Philadelphia, 3 4.1 ' 64 .1 REQ. 1101/MAN. WAONE it BOWMAN : • . a. 410 k 1;t....• W ILL Le saki si Pubßo Sale, an Wetliionirty, March 29,1895 et the residenee of the subscriber. in Londonderry township, about one and a half miles from Palmyra, on the rend to Binduagio's Church, the following : HORS', 2 ,COWS, ROCK AWAY, 1-horse Wagon, good as new, Spring Wagon, Plough, Harrow. Culti vator, 2 SHOATS. ofllind °ears . sett single liar. sees, 2 collate, Bridles, Wheelbarrow, Forks, 1 side Saddle, Shovels, Log and Cow • Chains, BEDDING and Bedsteads, 2 Bureaus, 3 Tables, 2 Staves,. Cupboard, dozen and a half Chairs. 2 Wu king Chairs, large Look ing Masa, Chests, Iron Kettle, new Mesh:bind, Tube, Barrels, Vinegar and a variety of other. articles. • 41111- All of the above articles are nearly' as good as new. 1/11. Side to commence at 12 o'clock, M., when term a will be made known by CRAALES':RO,SENBEItt:INIt. Londonderry twp., February 16, 18 65. 4 - Tatif - W ILL be sold ut public sale, on Monday, Mitch 20th 1865. At the residence or the undersigned, iu North Lebanon township. Lebanon, county, Ps:, 1-4 mile north from Kimaterlint'a Malian; Ibb 10110%1'1g Nautili Proper. ly, 1 CO*, CHICKENS, Pbtkoes thn bushel , ,I bur ro! ti« , kur, Stbve *1413 Pipe. VIW4I StOrf. Kettl e, Bu reau, Bedsteads, Chairs, Tu)o, Brands, Gr/1111 Cradles, . Otitis scythes, Leer Tobacco, 4 ? pa Urindstelie, IP t 511212 of Cooper tools, and other art l elms. Sale rd eot If 61 ceet 1 o'clock, P. 151, sshen con'di tions abate WM be made known by JACOB !LANTZ. N. Lebanon, l'ebruary 22, 1865. i RI• _ • IA T I? 1, ties Olit stßlioricl,stte, on .. Aro n day, March 20th, 1865. . . or the andeisilt. in -Palmyra. Lmnionderry town , ship. Lehanetri to:` the! folit-properag. viz : „pic a Ofte Carriage, rlieviberrow, crabling trough, one grain 'Cradle, wit eAbblug boa, pitch fork's, grain shoit el, .ladders. . - Mt* b Die iOlll, TWO MS. one large A I x-legged and other tables, one tel four Bedsteads. one !Immo ' one cor ner an other cupboards, twenty-twochairs, d Including two rocking citVtirs. one set is new. waterbenclU spin• ring wheel and reel, cubs, meet and other stands, two coal stoves with Om 'no, iron kettles. iron Pots, one firehold, pans, two doe flax crutches. two looking• glasses, wash And bilifnil Meaket#, APPLE-11UPTER by the crock, smoked hams. Lard, - :to. Vi - Ittelb"6§ by the bushel. a lot of Que ulcerate, tinware 42, eaVt i fteft ware, measuring vessels such an half bAshel, intek, .to.. tied lemon trees, flower-plants, and a great mans other things not mentiumq. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock M ~ when conditions wilt be made known by 'MOW • $ EGNER. Palmyra, Feb. '22, 1565. W ILL be sold at Public Sale, pri Monday March 13th, 1865. at the Public Ironie cifr: lleliifertlium, town, the fonowinn Seal Ilata'tt , , eia . - A'twe Story FRANIE 1t07,311. well ortiracer i near ct. two„4o'ry . 8117, Slu4, and other , neceasary mit buildings with - • rtto Lots of Ground;'-i ,attuated.inDlry ritoein.ron corner of Main and Mill streata ; the Manitine Skop has had en excellent run of engem for l6.:yearii--lean unrurndked location for bnaineas—and cuitable.for Machine, Coach:maker or Cabinet Maker Stock Out Flit urea will be cold; if desired. Fur further intaibiticill ithluira of the subacr, iber, on the premises. Sale4o commence at 1 o'ckfek, P. M:, when qiyucrt,ilfca of: aa Lem illbe - made known by ANDREW 118AitItETT. Blyeratown, &lamb 1,1315. OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF TUE CURRENCY, • WVSHINOTON, DECEMBER 31, 1864, WirsrtEAs, By 'satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it hue been made to appear that "Tux LEBANON NATIONAL BASK," in the Borough of Lebanon and State of-Pennsylvania, has 'been duly organized under, and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An Act, to provide a Na tional Currency, - Secured by pledge of United States' Bends, and to previa° for the elreulation and redemp tion thereof, "approved. Jane 3, 1864, and has com plied with all the Provisions of said Act required to be complied with, )efore commenClUg the business of Banking under midi*. Now TUEUZFORE, I ItilOik MOCIMIOCii, Comptroller of the Ourrenby, do hereby, certify, that The .Lebarion Na tional Bank, In the Derongh of LeNinon, in the Ounty of Lebanon, State of Peimaylianie, ieauttioriCed to cam thence the business - Banking under tW Act afore said. In teatltdonY whereof, Avltnem thy band { L. I and seal of Ofice, tbls Aria, day of DeCember, 1864. - ' '-"Y"" LIM II NcCULLOCII, Comptroller of the Currency Lebanon, January 5, 1855. OFFICE OF Tll6 COMPTROLLER OF TUE CURRENCY, WASHINGTON, December 29, 1865. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence, presented to the underalgited, it has been made to appear that "The Valley National Bank of Lebanon," in the Bor ough of Lebanon, in the.county of Lebanon and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized under, and according to the reqtyrenienta of the act of Congress, entitled:"An Act to:provide d. National. Currency, se cured by a pledge of United State I ends- nod to pro vide for the circulation and redemptieh ' iti6o4"iiip. proved:June 8, 1864, and has complied with an the provisions of said act required to be complied with, before commencing the business of Banking under said act. Now therefore, 1, Hugh McCulloch , Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certif,r,that "Tba.Valloy Na tional Blink of Lebanon," in the Borough of Lebanon in the county of Lebanon, and State or Pennsylvania is authorized to commence the bnoiness of Banking under the dot aforesaid. In testimony whereof, witness my band J L. s. sand seal of Office, this, twenty-ninth day of December, 1864. - HUGH McCULLOCIT, Comptroller of the Currency. Lebanon, January/ 11, 1865.--2 m. Business Boont . fer Bpnt.. RE ItOONt now occupied by 'George T. Amnia as T a Ger Room at the R. It. Depot, together with a free basement Cellar is OFFERED YOB; RENT, ~FOR BUSINESS. Possession given the 2d day of March, next,by STINB dr. ROSS. Lebanon, Feb. 22,1885.—gt, Ploughs ! Ploughs 1 - D LIAS ICEETDER has on hand a' number of WAL LACE'B PATENT rLotions; wbich he offers for sale. Theyean be bought from him Just as cheep as' from the manufacturer. These ploughs are reo ommendod, and all we ask is atr 'We are sure' that all will be well satisfied. Address ELIAS KR:EIDER; Agent, Ohaefferatown, Lebaa9s Co, Pa. March 1, 1865. 'cb anon VOL. 16---NO. 38. PUBLIC SALE Personal - Property, WILL be sold at public sale, on - •--. Tuesday, - , - March E; 4.1 stos.; at the residencii or tha,sublap4 e'r, North Lebanon township. Lebanon ceuhfy,'bif the road leading from Leilanon-to - Weletiaritoiva, 334 mules from Lebanon, 34 a mile from IClAlinerliug's church, and I% miles from Goehert's ta'vern, •the following personal prop erty, viz_ • . : BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, CUPBOARDS. TABLES, 1 dozen New Chairs. other Chairs, Benches, Tubs, Meat Stead, PSYTATOBS by the linsbel. Vinegar by the Barrel, Stoves and- Pipe, Looking Elnes. Apple Rutter by the Crook, Steads, Buckets. Wheelbarrow, Seger Maker's Bensicipt, law Iron , Kett*. ttueensware and Ctrockeryware,intld Malty other artieles to runner. one to tnee'don. - Sale to 1..61111 m:ice At 12 o'clock, 3f, when' terms wi 11 be made kilimwit - . ANTIIONT VOLDBIIIIBAD. . Meschke..AuctroiCee't,. - Vidal/ivy 15, 1811&. UB ..1, L, ..0 SALE --ika4watialiessat-P•kyvir-trr— PUBLIC SALE Personal Properly. PUBLIC SALE Yertdd:►l Protieriy. PUBLIC SALE, Real Estate. TE'rea Nita* Veparinient.- Treasury Deparinient: CI offii%reitagoit%. THE`t'IIATIN : A TRADITION OF"TOR;TIJOAt There were kroat -rejoicings,in the city of Lisbon When,Denig of Portu- gal, the pdet - itnd - warriOrting, cele bratedhis nuptials with the young andlovely'lnfanta of fOastile. The monarch's popularity; ':was" at its height, the multitude, :wile had ready:conferred On him the Of . "Father of biS people," • Were' roused to .the Most entlinsiaSiie loyalty by the feasts and largesSes bestowed on them• and:theliobleS,,Wlipse nation- A......891 7 -lay, th e a llit tneei found an additional—source ; .or faction in, their .young Somereign's prudent dismissal of the Queen's' train of Castilian attendants, which prevented the possible influence of foreign favorites over one whose beauty and: grace rendered it more than probable that she would become their "ruler's ruler." At the Queen's request, -however, a young page, whose insignificance appeared to make his C presence or - absence of lit, tie moment, was retained. . With all external circumstances, thus conducing to happiness (for her royal husband was as courteous and accomplished•as•he *as brave and polite,) Isabella - of-Castile had just cause to-rejoice her' brilliant de - fiti; ny ;: andr4ririgtheifirstAwo months . . . . of her residence in her new home not a shade obscured its brightness. At the expiration of that period, hcwev er, her quick perceptions detected the one infirmity of Denis' otherwise no- hie -nature. ,lle was most painfully jealous. Ho could endure no rival in her thought, not even the natural and pious love„of her kindred and her country. A clbud ever rested on his b i p t iv when spoke, of Castile, of heilliafents, of her youngest and fa lturitt 13fOthei':;,bitY, Wliett with the candor dt hei.' nature, she told lath Of her regret at Parting faith the friends tied associations of lier eliildhecid; he had answered her With hitrAiinest: Isabella was very' young, aiia v'eiT timid. -From that moment she.i'i;VM/1 ed all mention Of her family and her native land ; but, by a, natural' cen seiltienM, they obtained a - stronger hold, on her memory 'and her affec tions. Fear, of awaking her husband's displeasure on the (,),ueen f § d jealous doubt on that of the Ring ; I that the marria„,ere , of:Tetley - had given him the love he craved, pro duced a constraint in their inter course which was painful to both ; and Isabella chilled by the want of sympathy with her . feelings in 'all around her, sought it at length in her young countryman, the page Gonzales. lie could talk to her of dear and distant, Castile ; he could sing the songs doubly sweet now to her from their association with the past. Wheneyef the young Queen sat Mei% ,With her ladies at their at hroider, td.Sillian was summoned to beguile the time with or with reminiscences of his royal lady's childhood ; and this imprudent and §VineWhAlindighlfted intercourse between the Queen and her attendant was partially excusable from fact that Gonzales was tlie son ,of a noble I Castilian lady, to Whom - the care of her own youth had been confided.-- Ite had been retired froin infancy in her father's pala* AV& shared her own and her braliell pastithee:-L- And then Gonale's iiitS SO unlike the generalitygeh tle, sd pious, so ran ed Mid 'hUmble in liiihmel'; that he fetind faVdi in the eyeSdf Wen gfake 'and mdet pradiSh dft.h'e ladles Of JiOner . : He was of a slight Belle to figure _,- and though very hatidetirlie has less the betititY Of feature Until df .expres• sion, - which won the admiratiOn; and even the affection- of till* g died on his calm thoughtftil ' eyes brow. People in this evil world can not, however, be more than ordinari ly excellent, or more' than usually beloved; without incurring envy ; and the mentle virtues - of Gonzales were nit likely to make - hiMpopulat with his young - rehitrades, the :•Pitges of the palace.: The.''Oehter - number came to the' conclusion that - his true voCationlWasithe cloister, and' suftei: ed him tolinrsno his own course with I a contemptuous pity; but one, who was far beyond' then). in intellect and forethought,"Mid 7 Whose future for innes depended alinost - wholly upon • the royal'fatOribeheld with' all the bitterness of an envious and vindic tive-nature the Castilian.pdge. Bernardo di,Silva -bad sought with unwearying diligence the notice of Lis queenly mistress. 'She was de vout ; be beenme most earnest in his : attention to .her confessor—in his at tendance ,at 'rinse: His dondlint was exemplary, his 'Service' perfotined with grace and never-failing'-= , Nevertheless he-failed in .his design j nature had 'not bestowed on him the power of winning love. Ho gained but approval-the homage paYd. to the SeMblance of virtue—no more. NC Marvel, therefore, that he hated Gonzales, and, with the 'inconsisten cy of our nature, looked upon his,nn conscious rival as his : enemy—as, one who stole him the faVer o his Queen Of a more Vindictive 'spirit than even the generality of his coitn- . trymen, ' he mentally resolved to avenge what ho considered his . wrongs on young. ispaniard, and, the opportunitTeameat last. When ie there . ever - an ogeasiOnAVanting'to It Was , a bright-autuinpal morning; . the Tagaellitter.o.likeisigicl.e.q7er , LEBANON, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH i 5, iBB5. HOLE .TO. 820 in the dazzln*stin bpams, as Beroardo stood ,gazifig7oli its waters.from. the • windows of the Queen's ante,chato-. her. It was a scene to heart; and. : 4lse thong:lA.4in :47 vont &rat Ittide • to . itte4ivei! of the sunshine :and ; theAweet A a,ir,; ; but no jPy,,,no peace that young QPo44.3 6 lOf4;tlark*ith uhbal;• , Ipwed -.pirseMila. ae :saw,.-not. the dancing .steeao, the clear and cloud- , , lesssky not the .music of the fay-nft ttr4, nor ,the.glad yoices A of the boatmen. • Ilis mind dwelt only on the scene of the inner, chamber which he had just witnessetithe Queen nn&her,.. .iistAningwith approving .dames to - Gonzales, :as he mpg to theft:. native Qas the Aad very sweetly en roe the voi.PP.-4 1 i)gtilt„1 11 ! OLthe - page )}iseAr at i4i,t rnoniOrP,'Fstmg*9-'1 e!"-tr • T' V lll,6 lPa Mors ;, t sweet. tones:wet* Thstord to the , eased mind .of the liStener. lle was still Wrttpt, in 116 "web of bitter film= vies," when a hand Wila liliifi 'dq . .4176 shoulder, and turning with a 51iii4.146 beheld-the Ifibg,-whota he had l')eliaki ed to be abseht at the chase, stand ing. beside bun. Stammering In apology' for nU ImMOk :Seen the sovereign enter, Bernardo moved for, ward to open the door of the Queen's chamber; but, Denia detained hint, and, in a low voice, bade him. follow him inte.theiadjoining corridor. ITho.sings in the - Queen's apart. inept," was the King's instant tities thin as they gait edit,. Liler Grace's Castilian page,Sire." f!Does be often beguile her royal leisure in this minstrel fasbiOn ?" "Ay, sire; whenever it pleaSes your majesty t{) hunt, or ride abroad with out the Queen." "Ha !" eXclaimed:the King, with a frOWn, "What sayest thoo I3ernando's quick eye marked that frown, and he saw at once the feasi bility of the plan which had come to his thoughts, liko a very inspiration of evil. Ile paused in affected confu sion. "Not exactly ; that is--1 pray your Grace to pardon me ; the Queen will be displeased," he•faltered. •'..Displeased!" exclaimed Denis, im petuously; "and wherefore ? Speak the truth, sirra:h ! without fear and This minion is, •then, of teh tedtb the 14ueeri's priseneer is my liege," replied. Bernan• do still affected "Her la race loves to talk of Castile With my cdibhile, he telta "To talk breastile with, hiu —to talk with het , menial ?" ekelaimed the monarch', angrily, "I3i: all the -hat rts - ait ifig movement toward the royal apart ment, "he shall Suffer forhis presump tion in daring to assert such a false hood I Out of my path, sirrah I" Bernando, heweyer,.throwing him self on his kaces'immediately before his sovereign; with welrfeigned fear mingled with seemingly honest bold ness to pause. "Beseech you, Sire," he said, "pun . -. ish not my comrade without due in quiry. lie is young ;ha bath had some cause for pride in our royal mis tress' favor; beseech you turn not to his hurt the words I have uttered at 3Tur Command. Expose me not to the queen's anger !" Greatly agitated, the king iistened I to him ; but ere ho could command his voice to reply, the now distant music ceased, and the page's step was heard in, the antechamber. Dolli6ino troited Bei'riando to rise, and remov ing his hand: front the hilt of hiS dag ger, gazed sternly at the, object of his wrath ilia he - entered - the corridor; who surprised at seeing the King there,•paused, and Made -his low and gracefal obeisance. The young Mu sician's check was flughed; there was a happy smile on his lip ; and-in his hand be held both hid guitar and a small ,bonali bf roses, Which Denis at a gianbe VeebithiZed as the bouquet he had seen in the Queen's bosom that morning. With a muttered ejacu lation he turned from' the boy,_ and then harshly desiring Bernando to follow bier, proceeded to his own a partment :We *III Nit lie 'eat the - convergia: tion held there' between the deeeived sovereign and the" deceiver. It will be sufficient to jofOrm our read ers that the art wttilp*ildir Bern:til de wrought or the Mental infirmity of the unhappy King ryas butloo sue cessfal. Numberless tinineaning and trifling incidents'apparently confirm• ed the calender. At Isabella's re quest, the page alone of all her suit had been detained in Portugal ; he had , been her companion -from child hood—these remembrances, and the young wife'd 'own itisprudence, iwOre rooi i ':! than enough to confirm the ready belief of jealousy. Denis, en raged as ho was, preserved; however, a lingering pity ,for hiS Queen—a just, sense of the -injury investigation or vengeance: might do his own honor-- and charging - Bcrnando as he valued the favor his' fidelity thus far . 1 - Md deserved, not, to reveal •aught that had passed between them, he shut himself up in Ida:Chamber for the re mainder of the and the page withdrew. to Met/Italie on the singu lar and perfect suleceiss oi.hie. Vindic tive malice Twili g h t was fast ,deeriening into night as penis, of Portugal, attended only hy.the page Bernando, left the palace and: rode rapidly across the wide plain beyond the city walls. He urged his noble charger on with a mad speed, as if tie sought by the ra pidity of its motion to banish the ter rible and agonizing thoughts which fined his mind They had proceed td,to the distance of about a mile on. _their apparently aimless course,:and Bernando had begun to_ eptertaik Sc ripps dOubts of his li.ege!s, eau ity *lien • . a sudden Yare cif red'ii the darkening sky. Tow ard`thia spot Denis at once tilt!) ed;11,4 few minn'tea.ieineclkili'aleed - begiqe a huge (urnace round which number of Swarthy and Owerfuf htburcriii were Tovipg, Une 0 hcdi ebsne forward as the horseman paiisei .and asked rough voice their business..,. "Rather who are ye, and .what '(.lo‘ ye,,here?" demanded, f the "I‘ruly,. Sir bavaliei:,'' replied.the MA with .ft rude obeisance; for the majesty of the speaker's,man•n er aw ed hirn ; "we are burn Mrs 4or the•new palace, our good;King is build- :Ydurrod King willgive you oth er fuel for your Ere !" said Denis, with - a: fearful, laugh; ~ } lttek, e'ye'd am morro*, 'day 'daWnihg; I• will' send ~ o h a tri,ih titige';-thrbv him intoyour furnace I" A low inliirehr of s!.irprige and horror fan tht'oitgli ttie ki.olap as tlie 4 y rose from' rude attitude of homarrh. "how ? Do you dare heel tate to to my will ?""exclaimed the king fiercely. "Take heed ,re feed not, the flames yourselves !" There was a brief pabse. "Sire," • said the first, speaker, at length, "we are poor, but honest; our office is to burn limb, hot men ! Beseech your e g r r s he r, e not. LO make its yolih elechtion- . . The bold remonstrance would. not, at another time.have been made in viiii4 to thb,"Good King Denis;" bu,t it - k s On at- thb kresera moment ad dressed, to one whose reason ..itlAs as little-under-his control: as that of it diania6: Harshly ' and with., threats that if dick dared disobey. his will they should theht§el*es ,suffer the doom they were unwilling- to upon another, the King reiterittbil:hiS command, and received 11: sullen and reluctant assurance that it should be executed. "But bow, may it please 3 bier Grace," returned the lieiebutuer;" "shall we know the page for the right "Ye have not often visits 'fromroy: al pages methinks," said the King impatiently; "but to give . you full assurance the traitor will ask ye, ‘ . 1.0 TILE KING'S WILL BE DONE ? and then see that you •do it, or beware !" As ho finished his stern injunction, Denis i•odc away from. the spot leaving his amazed and aWe-stricken subjects to discuss, in fear and . trembling,_ the strange mandate they bad received fi•om Wen, Whom they had fully.rec ognif,ed M . l.ll.eß..llotlthlA:. and bithe,rto nre 7 eilli9 advereighl • Our readers have of .course'divined thatthe fatal message Was'= now trusted to Gonzales, who at early dawn left the palace, in obedience to the royal behest, though all • uncon- Beim/a of its purport. The opening day was Oven morn than usually. beautiful, and his path, which at'firs't lay through the groves surrounding thepalace., was ,gem,strewed with crystal dewdrops. The page's mind was keenly susceptible of beauty, and the holy voice of nature never spoke to his heart in vain. Thoughts and aspirations that were not of the earth atroke under the influence of the fresh balmy air and. the music of the birds; and when the.matin bell from a sylvan chapel joltibd with the general song, be started, aad felt a sudden awe mingle with his thrill of delight. His feet. lingered =on the sod. - The sweet yet. stiferan sound seemed to . call him likif a-familiar voice ; and obeying the prompting of his heart lie turned' asidt; from the path, entered the Consecrated build ing, and dwelt in deVolit find 'humble prayer before the altar: • - It was noonday ; Ring benis paced his chamber alone,_ a prey tb the most torturing reflections. By this time his verigetinbh . was sated and with that thought came a reaction of . feeling. A terrible .dOnbt, atoSe lb his mind as to ttie Pahibility, of his hit'ving been deceived, ; in short, rea. son was resuming . its empire, and, dispirited and uncertain, fie, ordered Bernardo di Silta, to his presence.-- lbe page could, not . be foilnd;.he -had left the palace some two hours before. 'rho-attendant was,. in the act of giving this , information to the agitated sovereign, when alow knock . at the door interrupted him. Open ing it , at-tho kin& 'command, be-be held Gonzales, pale, trembling, with an expression of unutterable horror on his usually nal m features, standing before him; Had be-turned his eyes towards his royal master, he would httee been still more astopished at the, expression LOS eeariteliance wore as he recognized the page, wife, whilst the king stood mute and: mo:, tionless with amazement, ,advanced and bending his knee, said in a fal ,tering voice, “Your will has been obeyed, sire I—my unhappy comrade is no more. I: reached the lime-kiln in time to bear his death-cry." He shuddered, and continued, after an instant's ,pause, "The murderers—.l crave your Graces's pardon—the ex ecutioners 'Charged me to inform their king that he found resistance and en treaty, vain, the,miserable Bernardo acknowledged the justice of his,fate; and, his NUM. audible words, delared ` that he had wrono.ed' the queen, and abused your 'roy`tr ear with false hood." A long and careful-inquiry explain ed the mysterions.substitution. The morning mass was 16ng, and ere Gon zales bad quitted the chapel, Bernar do, believing that lie Mustbe already dead, left the palace and proceeded to the kiln, to, gratify his fiendish malice, by ascertaining that be,bad no longer a rival : had either not heard theyvords4gl 6 .ol:l upon, or else, by . a natural inadvettenee hts arate questian'ty4§ 2.i "rs the; king's, will d one ?" ;and th'e recog niiino the, ap - , at once : seized hitn and in spiti:'of his entreafies and re moristratheesjnilictjed , the fate iatv(4o-.for biettletrayed , rafie-' ,- :oil# ThrOep,rfalleeson was_9ot t .wholly lest o I)erns Ris f i etil4ppy, i not 6 ,.9iiret,, W 9 1 50 trAilY405d'; 40.- no *Ater iiPpi.ailen e of the fiart cif * . the terrified find,shocked Isithelia"gave "Oceasleci-fdi. its display Or ion tit]. Gonzales ceased, apparently, to he het. ' bht hie rising , fortyn es did not thtrefOre suffer. He bepanie in after,yeare,:a poWerfut and.entil. dentiril , ministee_ and 'oo4ll'6oov of the, king.; the:founder of a nObiefim• ily kictopted country. Aped never did the...aged noble bearovitli-- Sufnmons fifel4l)l6 of the matin bell l F Y" ' '.llrhethei. this ainghlar legend" be true 61 4 otherwise, it is a curious pic ture of a rude andnearly lawless age, and as such we present it to our readers. lithe *tormer,lt is a strik ing instance of the visible working of that. Divine Power which, both his tory and experience teach us, fre quently causes "the wickedness of a man to tali on Itieown heath" so that "in the pit be had tiiik;ily digked for anQtbei; itrA oWn toot 'aboard be eh:" ht SOMETHING 1!0-THINK OF.-All em icent:statesman has said •ompromise-is the first law of Coin almost said of nature. It is the laiv of society—all government—all tibited,aetipn. Part ners in .busine's's .ceinpiViiiise-7Mem beig'Ofchureh societies compromise— members 16f charitable, use ful - • hbeletia, .'goMpromise.-- . l:Cings coilitWoinise With each Otherthey coinprOmise.witlr their subje4s or lobse them. Wars end by compro inigC--44familTcircle is a spmpro rniseHtighimda.. compromise with tleii Wftes—fath drs co mpromise with their" disobedleiA o)Nicu m -and if our religion is true God AlMighty Coni promised with tMiti When ho AcCept ed in his behalf the atonement of His Son,tind shall We refii:§e •de., ; what nature, reason, religion, and history all command." • A carpenter who was always prognosticating:evil .to himself, was one day Upon.thdroof of tt five-story building, 'upon 'which / had fallen a r9of, being_ stlippemy r -- 1 14 lost . his footing , and as he was de: Seen/ling towards the eaves, he claimed ; "Just ,a 6 I told you I" Cdtcb ing, however, in the tin spout, be kicked off his shoes an'd tegained a, place of safety, from which he thus delivered himself: '"I linbived it; there's a pair of shoes gone lo thitn der." KrA Printer's Toast—Women— thefaireat work' of creation. The edition being exteniii . t7e76 lei fib man be without a copy: mixavz tEE A_ ill T - 141 ID LEBANON COUNTY Saturday and Monday, MarOlt 4 and COLD SPRIT TOWNSHIP' in Wheel Drtewn 4 Pio illp Watber, Wra. Wincl EAST HANOVER TO WNSIIIP. No. in Whoa, 17-20. lirathic,' Joisah Gray Thos P. Antler A r ael Krehmer Win Iliely . Owen W Jones Baniel N,yl Solomon Satfiabit Wm 'Martin Hess . Daniel Make "lorry Herehhetiter Joseph Hartmati Elias fiedrlcti Adam ',Umber/3 , John Wengert Derdlemay Henry Kraiser Jaqah Shniffer Thos.lltihklo Benjamin F. Garrett Daniel R. Speck Adorn Weimer Aohn Felty Ada , ' Raub A4am Gerberith Jacob Grail John Rillinger Jelin Webtling Win B Albert_ John Boeshore Henry Shoey Joseph Wagner George Jennings Henry Rupp, Thos. S Boger IStephen Heilman LEBANON BOROUGH. 2o in Wheel 41S.—No Drawn 54 Oliver Johns Wm. L. MeCord Jobn-H. Witmeyer Joseph Kleimar Harrison Dundore John C:lnisconib Meyer 11.9thrchild David C , Dissinger . 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