thr, Movlttr. ROW FRENCH ,LADIES BATHE At the trades exhibition in Paris, 'the pretty things are plentiful, and the collection includes one or two amusing inventions. Foremost a. mong these is a superb car drawn by silver swans of gigantic proportions. The car is intended for lair bathers. in its fairy network they may recline 'at .their ease, and float upon the wa ters' and in the waters, buoyed up by the four galla - nt silver swans, who will bear them safely upon the gon tlQswell of , summer seas. At thefair bathers elbow is a handle that works a screw, and by this serew , she may `drive her car and her swans at 'her Own sweet will. This is luxury enough, one would imagine; for even ?arpian countoss,•at i Biarritz and Trouville. "But the inventor is not satisfied. He . knows the ladies' for whom he eaters; and la the backs of the noble birds ho has contrived a PENSION CERTIFICATES. The n-umber of pensibn certifleates granted,from J'aly 1, 1861, to Janu ary 1, 1865, is sixty-six thousand three hundred and ninety. Of these, twent.Y•nne thousand four hundred and twenty-tWo fire to- invalid sol diers, and thirty-six thousand nine handfed and sixty-night, are •to *wid -owe, orphans and Mothers of soldiers -deceased. "The number of applica tions rejected up to January 1, 3865. 'is nine thousand seven hundred• and twenty -four. The number of (Bs - eharqes for disability received at the Pension Office last month was .•three thousand seven hundred and twenty. AN ARMY CORPS "TuRED."—A pri vate letter, written by a soldier_ in Sherman's army, January 21st to a friend, contains ,nn item of news which has not yet appeared. in the despatches. He says: The Fifteenth , army Corps left here three or four . days ago for Charleston, and whop. ,they got into the rice swamps the rebels opened the flood gates upon 'th'em, and put them•in about ten feet of water, some below it..nnd some above it on tops of trees. There they now are, those in trees without arms or rations, and how they nye to get away is more than 1 can understand. NOT TEM' SHEEP.=-For the truth of the following, which is furnished by one that ought to know, wo will re fer the the Rev. who, Tesidesjust across the mountain and who was once traveling in ono of the iback:sottlements,.and stopped at a cable where an old lady received him very kindly. After setting prOvis bpi before, biro she began to question "Steanger, whar mought you be from "Alladame reside, irk. Centre county, Pennsylvania." "Wall strarig,er,'hope no offence, hut 'what mought you be dolt' way . trp 'here ?" "Madan-1(1;1. am 'Searching for the lost ' sheep of the tribe Otlereet. - rito here this minait , hero's a stranger all the way from Centre county, :Penney/cony, huntin' I stock, and I'll jest bet my life that tangle-baired old ram, that's bin in :our lot all last week's ono of hisio." The Reading Railroad Corn 'PllaT has recently purchased Nisei mer s Brick note!, known as the "Railroad House," adjoining their Passenger: - ' Depot at'Pettstown. The purchase ink:lodes several lots adjoin.. ing. The price paid was $1.2,200. Tw,o other-wadjeicent, lots were also putchased bly the Company for $l,OOO and"el,7oo respectively. The Pous• town LeclVer understands that the design of the Railroad Company, in making the above purchase ' is to af ford additional room for the accom• modation of their passenger train,. and also to allow greater facilitiim for loading and unloading of freight. The Railroad Hotel, is, we believe, to be converted into a PaesengerSt:a lion, thus affording additional mire. niences for this depArtmcp.o44 l the Company's business, *hi 'ffas*,pat• ly been mu.oll,needed. =I , Da?* Don't be a loafer, don't 'call yourselfa loafer, don't keep' iip 'diff ers company, don't.hangutronl loafing .places. Better work for nothing and board yourself, than to, around around day after day, or stand around cor oars withlfour hands in your pockets. Better for:your ory mind, better for your own respect. t Buitle about, if you mean to have a.nything to bustle -about for. - Many poOr Pbrsiciffn has obtained a real patient by riding Ward to intend an imaginary -one. A t -ItiliFe of paper tied with-xed tape, car. til'ffird under a lawyai's arm, may pro cure him his first cage, and make his 'tartan°. -Such is the world; to him 411 frat bath 'shall be given. Quit droan *lug and complaining, keep busy and I.lnd 'Tar:chances. 'HOW DRAFTED MEN .ARE REGARDED.- 4 Tiere appears from the debates 'fF , 'COngress on the Enrollment, Act , , . atirwelJ da ',much of the.discussion Jakhick takiiiq place oat of doors, to be a strong' disposition' to consider a drafted Man like a criminal, and treat im accordingly. 'l'hat portion of the public, wtrose, names have not been drawn, is very indignant with him, if he displays the slightest •unwilling ness to serve in person, or the slight- AO anxiety to procure a substitute. MIS - not only expected to•march off, bllt, to do so with great satisfaction pod,entbusiasm ; and the least indica. tion of a desire to get some one else ,t< go in his place raises the presump tion that he, is a mean-spirited or' clis loy al person." islere `obsfrved will strik e every ono, 'lt is a fact, that any per ifftwho is so nufokunate as to be "Wed is forthwith looked , upon by some as a - oriminul„ wlacr _should- be most vigilantly watched andi , treated as a criminal. If he provides a sub stitute, he'l to be regardedesin some way guiltrOf ne i glect,of duty:, If Ife goes himself, he is, anti) mustered in, regarded ars a suspicious character. LEmßEßcEivs DRUG STORE IN MEDICINES QUALITY IS OF FIRST IMPORTA N CE. T L. LRMDBRO'BR, graduate of the 4 ,, delphia College of Pharmacy. offers to the citizens of Lebanon and surrounding country. a PURE selection of Drugs. Medicines and 111 Chemicals, end the first quality of Perfumery • a ml Toilet end Fancy Soaps, embracing. the best manufaiture in the country, and a large C.:. variety of Tooth Brushes, Nail, Flesh, Clothes and flair Brushes. Pocket, Toilet and Fine E Combs of Ivory, Shell, Dorn and India Rubber. PURE . SPICES. PURE SPICES. i.„01 Pure whale and ground Spices arc offered for ... IR sale in large and small quantities at 1:4 DEMDERGER'S Drag Store. 4 ' GARDEN SEEDS, • FLO*E . R . SEEDS, You will And a full 'assortment and a large W W t. variety of NRESII Garden And Flower See& at ims LEIIPERGER'S. )- Condensed Lye;Concentratrd Lye, Soda Ash, ' and Potash inlargo and small. quantities at LEMBERGETt'S Drug Store. ^ Washing Soda, Baking Soda, Pearl Ash, Sal e.' eratus;Debeia — Of Tina:yell pure, and for sale Ili in large and small quantities at rA; LEMB ' ERGER'S Drug store. - If you arelu , weaite.le-good Afashing Soap, • A' pure white or red i Ccultile Seep,,Conntry , Sogp,• Brailye Soap to rinnete grease Spots, snitArlor &I Shaving sottpibnyi the' same at ' • - LEIWEERGER'S. Do you want a good 'flair Trmiel something to makethe hair ffr , w, to cleanse the head, and, . to prevent fulling, on t of the hair; if you do gittrlot LEMBERG-ED.'S. Xda. TRUSSES! TRUSSES! The &filleted ard.r&ithested to call and exam. ins my stock of Trusses , 'Supporters, & e., Ootii &tieing's: variety Of Pdautifitetitre l "Improved Self Ad. , Jesting Pad-Trnite;'.l. . "Marsh's" estAmVre - - An 'invaluable article for th e purpose:' If you are in want of any of the above you can be .LEMDERGER'S :Drug. Store. . _ . Pare Ohio Catawba. Btandy. The genuine article for Medicinal Purposes to be had in' ll its; Purity at ••• ; , Lh!.&II3EROBR'S ;Drug Store, - 1 l • • •-• ; Opposite thelferliet Dense. Anything you want that Is llopt In a well . conducted Pink clam Drug` Store; can he fere.- ished you hy ' LEMBERG ER., Chemist ad Apothecary. „greeting thankfulfor the very tibeial patron- 7 . age thus far received from the Physicians, Mgr. • chants, and Citizens of habitude and stitreued-I logs, T again adlicit a shiti t e;rittniaing ,to use every, effort to please ail. Special attiintion given fo, Parsimax's PaateruiTiOs and Fasuir 'llacitarti, and 'all utedicinOillepensed Warranted PURE, always as. good as can be obtained anywhere: aue sold to suit the-times. - Remember,-theAddrese, s• JOE. L. LilltßEßa 'ER; Druggist, Chemist and Apothecary, Feb. '15,1160. ! , ,,Ittarket street. Lebanon, Pa. . ~. H ›,„„ • . i . H ~4 t i e g * . ^'. r,....... ._. , . i e- - • '', - co ::., Z' r 1 PIO 1•••4 - i nat i ma i 1 •P l. Oalb t a l ' - - .F , 0 . Iwo toriMiii . =2l . .. sz 4 5 4 tim i i - , . , . o. '. o-aog.t4'co P = p-1 7t. 'VI I.M . M i n li , . ; . -1:::t }i l k ' . itin 'WO ] ..- . .. I•4<. . winiall 1 . •• . b. .., ,P. t+D TS "TS 00 ' • 0 0 LEBANONVALLEY INSTITUTE, AT ANNVILLE, LEBANON COUNTY, PA. W. J. BURNSIDE, A. 311, Princffittl. THE ENSUING SESSION will commence on 1. ' , MONDAY, July 2lst. THE SCHOOL has the advaniages of a .pleasiinVind beautiful. Location—spacious IluirdingsTeatillated • Roonie—a tine Library and Cabinet. • 211 E COURSE OF STUDY is not :fixed, the studies of each "pupil being directed according to the ttme he can afford in School, or to the profession he designs to pur sue. TEE NORMAL DEPARTMENT effers special advan tages to those who propose to engage in Teething ; as the. Course pareued conforms strictly to the require ments of the County Sinietinteinient, and tothe Course of , thei State -Notmal School. - ea. CIRCULARS and further information can be ob tained by addressing the Principal. . June 23.:1852: : Annvill Pe. . CLOCKS. hirtrDay, „,Eight $ 'Thirty , ffltotty„ CLOCKS, Just Received at J. 'BLAIR'S jewelry Store, ; ., Lebanon, Pa ' , r - - - , - - Notice. • ...-. • ...:. x MILTS Is to notify alrEetpuiters and Cabinet ''that no bills for collineivili be paid by be Direc tors of the Poor for poor persona dying within a circle of Bre miles of the Poor Ifotisii; as all Sidi persons win be furnished with Coins free of expeumbn ,appli caGon to the Steward_ at. the , Pcor Ilou , e. , g acting E. BOMAN, 1 . • ~, . . .. ,' ' ELIAS - w.4l,noltri„ , - time .1-.5 of (he 'Nor. OEO. ZIMAIEE2,IA.N t ,is ~ •,r , . .- 51ay,,21::,'2.811E. f - „ ~ r . _ _. • 7 liciward Ak*ocialtoli, • PITILADELPHIA, or-Int-Atrrairs,--botinnaro•Ticirrittttp,romo 1, Sexual Byetemo— i new and reliable trentinent T dri reports of the HOWARD AASOICIAI3 . OII—Sent by mail bi sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Addreis, Dr ,J. BKILLIN Aosoblation, TSoittit Ninth Street; March 9,1864.—1 y. PAS •A• OLD . COUNTRY: : , tier• , t-Ais. • ~.z *D - • ' SAMUEL - THOMPSON - 1i NtPHEW I B..: BLACK . STAR„,„LitINE , OF LIVIA P 0 , 01. C K ET S, PAW Sid MAYS from'Liverpool, let,`dth, itith, anti 2ltbosfewehlmoo Rt. • From Now York every TEN DAYS. • '. - Bates for Passage. •,, , ~ • • Calumet. Steerage,—Adulis 12 yeareaMl os:er, . $4O 'thildren 8 and uinter 12 years SO ti 811(1 Under 8 years 25• ' "Infante under. rum 5 These rafei inetriate with the ffirentillol . oll'ookl. Old Parties inteuding to send for theirs Meads- from the Old Couittry, Can have thorn brought out lay,. by the Rack Stdr•l f ins tlestviass Packet Ships, or OM . • • . • LIVERPOOL and QUEENSTOWN - i3 . 2 1 30 'A .ILVI 'I% Fotwarded to them, at the Lowest,„, appti• cation to- • • - 401 IN Il n ward's Papress Office, Lebanon. Lebanon , January "2u, 1865. Attention Sportosnen. gilp. subrerlber would resgentfplly inform tbe pub. 1, tllat he haejnet returned from the city, having Hoe ensortment oral:INS; RIPLBS; PISTOA POW i Wtn a li, OAPs d < c , which. are now open 'for inspec tion and sale et histetore, on Markt, t street. a few doors North or the L. Lebanon,. Pa. 001. All 'dude ofßepairing dorrnat the shortest pos ankle notice and in the ; est Style otworionanehip. - - „AU,LNNNAOH. Lebanon; Oct. 10. 1884.—ant. =I A. New Cheep Cash Store, and :Milling and Grain Business. rIMIE tincicrislgned having formed a partner,ld p in the MER.CANTILIC, MILLING AND GRAIN BUSI NESS, would reerWetfully invite the attention of the public to their establishments. 9.13. y will contlite to keep, at . the late stand of SHERK, SkEESAMAN & LONG, i moat complete stock o(„all:;kluito of 0000 p, usually kept in a country store, which they will re tail cjienpfur CAS U, or COUNTRY PRODUCE. They !lisp' want to buy for cash 50,000 Bushels Of WHEAT, 30,000 Bushels of RYE, 20,000 Bushels, of CORN, 25,000 Bushels of OAT g. For which they will pay the biblical Itlarket Prices.— They will also talle O RAIN on STORAGE. The will keep always on hand and sell at the lowest prices, COAL. by the Boatload or by the Tort;' all kinds of MILL 1 , 10 , 10, SALT, PLASTER, Ac. They solicit the business of all their old friends and the publiC, -.rid will endeavor to deal on such lib era! and just priuelples as will give satisfaction to all. At LONG. NorthLebanen. May 4.1564. JOHN DILLER ~j AS dust rseeiti6d --- , 6umber• 11 land St onn ~{ibx V k a ; Frtlit in CLa4; ittero l 9tr,rel , thea, 9 4 0 56 Green .C" . "' Tomatoes;nlll-6... Pier r CS, P 1 alelli , Catilillower, — Ketchapi Pepper Sauce Cheek:. • • • Xngitilit;;tdiTibergerttager , -.."'"" Fish. , Sardines, Shirion,idichel4l, Iterrin, Codfish. t- r'lq"l3llt • ! ; Raisin ,Currents, Prunes, Dried - Appleo avid Peaches, renborries, Apples. Hominy, Ttiptors'; A lot ofltueliwheat Meat Also GO barrels' or New 'York-Apples. '' - ' _Highest price giveddh CASII for Eggs, Buttes Dried Apples and Peaches, Deans, Onion." *C., , Pubriepatedhaged4 solicited Lebildle., Dec. 23 , ISM — EXCITING - NEWS I . . , ESPACIOIIL3EZ of. LI LAUDERMILCH .:Pij.MBERLAND ST. LEBANON, PA. New Goods New Goods : GREAT INDUCEMENTSTVCASH . MYERS. F,!rench,Meritio, all colored: ENGLISH' MERINO,' all 0610 . 1.0. All Wool Deltiiiis; all colored.' , . POPLIN 'I4I:OSLIN ,'DELA,INS & • ,• Black Trench Cloth.' BEAVER Over Coating., , CLOTH for LADIES, • CLOArS, from. 13 , 00 to $4-0. ' Fancy an4,J3laelt:Cktsa.. - Satinet Les, sold, from 60 cts. to 81,00. Bed Cheat and Titling: • Bleached dad Unbleached Muslin. ' . . Woolen Stockings. Shirting,.Flannel, Shirting, Flannel. Calicoes and Ginghains. Woolen and Cotton Hoseiries. I.,adies' and Gents' Gloves. Hoop Skirts! Hoop Skirts !,!.. Balmoral Skirts. Umbrellas ! - Umbrellas!! Linen and Paper A full line of Ladies and Misses Shawls. AVopion,:HoOds ! Woolen . - Aoyds!! Geheral assortrien't - of fir, roods, Groceries ex — Quentin-are. L., K.. LATTDERM I . CII. 0:7 - All. kinds of , Conntry itroduce taken in excluilige for Goods. THE 'LARGEST: MB, 'BEST 'ASSORTMENLOF rail and Winter 610 0)100 , ‘,l THE COUNYY. Attention Countrymen .. • intention for the present_ to called to the I large and welt FPlected stock er FALL AND WINTKIt GOODS, at the Gheab , 08811 . S i -ore or GOODYEAR &11IFFENBAVII'S (R.ABER'S..B.:LOCK), Cumberland Streit Lebanoia We purchased before the recent advance a choice ea , sortnumt of Fall and Winter Goods, which. for beauty and ereappeas amulet be excelled, . • - CALL AND SEI FOR YOURSELVEg:;! Ladies, Dress .. " 41",,, Felt line Of French Marinoralivoldra. " English " Colafiga. " " all Wool Detains " " Manchester `‘ " .; " Pacific 44 44 " Dress Good.g'of every daseription. Ladies' cloth, all colors. .; . " Black nod fancy Silks..-. We have also a good 'assortment Of plain, a:;d rh, id Wool SIT AV LS. All Wall PLA,'NN DE .5, 'Paton Planne o• M g, Wocilen Moods,Balniorala, p, k 3 . 1 As; LL.a brellas, &e., &c. A large lot-of CALICO for 25 contknOd Bleached MUSLIN Unbleached MUSLIN. A fall line or CLOTIIS.. ',ICASSIMERES;.SATTII NETS and VESTINGS; all kinds aniiprices, which! will Le sold Cheap. 0-UIRNINe' Our irionitirad Ticpartment is complete, comprising 4 0 101 line all wool I)laitis - 1. wide • , 5,1 4 , •4 Ca 14011 elall'ol* ' fy 441, p en ow • 64. is": - • "- P.:amok:crape - 'P' " " Mosiery audinorihr; -- Groceries, Sugar ) Come, Spi „„ 411 at LO 4ciy- Call ono, and all, and look= °ugh (Mr 11.nrge and well Selected Stook oti3imds, and get the priceseas t is no trou4lo to show Goods. ,•Illtrt. Motto: is "Segall Profits-44-Ind Quick, ' Good .;il 7 ailtt•k!-1 POODYEAR- ev - DIFFENBAOI.I. Lobnaiii, Sept. 14, 3.80." . . S.TO V ES.-T. ; w r ow le the time to bay your nTuVE...I. before-cold II whiter is here, and the best and cheapest place Is at the !, Lebanon Stove, Tin and Sheet Tron'lttanuftie -4 tiiry of Tames N. Regent Two dooriegoiltb fibtr , the'Lebanon Ban: where can be had the 'tett and - best • assortment' - of PABLOR, TALL, ain't COKING exoyr.s, ever offered 'ln tem, Gas Burners for Parlorror Bed Cbambcirs'af big own xnaki;..with a general assortment of Parrett'res, and a large varlet,- ertlie befit ta county of•holitugb, which he warrantstoblike or Oust WASH BOILERS -- ctni tirlitry"on' timid of all 'Lately and the Leettlateriftl. COAL BUCK heav iest iron, 'aka the beat made in Lebanon: ; . 41.150,n large stock of VIM ' of the beat material and - Bra - workmanlike manner. As he is a practical' bin' has had-an expel letice of tweittzfife; beleele'ctinedcrit that he c'an give gentiral satisfa ction. , ' "', ‘llll*talres OM mottled of ietniniiigb lithanka to his nunierouticastamere 'enliport,:an4;ke bet),e4;,brstrietly attending to 'fair ewh busitMes and efting; other'people's alone; to tam receive ti_ shit% bf Optic pitttdeage.' ' ' JAMBS N. goigERS. Partlcialar nttentlan paid to all kinds of Jonarno such' as Rooting . .. Spouting, &c.;ltad all work warranted 61 Alf' 11, 1864 - .. • • LEBANON ACADEMY. TUB u n do naa nti A g Ab i rgl i el fiZtTntdti pu blic that t it e r the 3 - outh of 'the Borough, but .it abystys .11id, and still does receive pupils from abroad. - Lately, taffo,. the Directors have improted lts general cliaracter,,amf elevated its standard, ky rafusing ad mit' pupils without the necessary qualifications, and by their continued care they hope to raise this school. to initraper'place iu the estimation of this comm A' limited number'ofpnpila of the' proper grade can:Vp. admitted from the country by applying to ' . ' JACOB CAPP, Pretildint. JOSEPH HARCll;'decrelarl, or to CYItU6 BOO.ER,''reacher. de;•" Tuition for common and higher branch es, Latin and'Oreek.' • $2 per month., Lebincin; Aule.W,, 1863. 0, Yes. - .0;' Josepktiritkor ; Auctioneer RESPBO'rFULLY edible' his services, ,to the public.— His residence is in North Lebanon tavinship, 134 miles from Lebanon, on the Fredericka:mil read. Ile canbe,mat at, Renny,!ff tom ; lhebancaLc yery,dattir aat; 'except hen absent bit"'bnetnou, ' and *hen lir sent Mr. lightly, will receive titfierSdaehlin: I Labial:4 ileptsinber "killioßENe Sewing MaChine. DAVID 8. LONG The Only Machine eapaVeAf making , more than One Riad of a Stitch ; and the Only One Itaving the MIME gm FEED The feed may be.,,rereesed at any point desired without stooping, which is a great adrzintage in has , toning the ends of seanEs. It makes four different stitches, lock, knot, doable lock, and double knot ^' each Stitch perfect and alike on both sides 0 f the fab ric. COThere is no other Machine which will do O !amen range of work ea the "Florence." It will Braid. Tuck, Quilt. Cord, Merit, Fell. Bind; Gather, and do all kiuda of Stitching required by fam ilies and Manufacture. , The most inoxpitrioneedfind no diffiCulty in ming it. Every Machine is warranted tans. entire satisfac tion, and to do atl that is claimed for it. /Oil" The Florence must be seen to be appreciated. JOHN L. SAYLOR, Agent of Lebattou county, Anne!llo, Pa. . . PCTSOI3P wishing to see the Machine in operation• can do so by palling on The Agent at Anuville, or on Vcra.G."A'ard. at Lebanon.; • tar Alt Clergymen w iii be furnished' with said Ma chine at Wholesale prices. I For Menials and &Tattles otSewing; . eallAk the. Agent,' who wiltbe pleased at any tints to shots the Al k aching and explain its gdvantages-overall others. Feb. Fashionable 'Taillothlw • . . , , - - ~t; :,r: -- REMOVL,. ' "' " : 1 Mt i a l C i ltn ' l e iCi orreVa, , ° 4 l a a ti e te g na ru lligc?o : his Ta ILORING-ktltdikes o Cumberland' Street. two doorß,Bast er Market tre t. and opposite the...gagle Hotel, Where all priums who wish garments, made OP in the meetTaehlonaldc tyle and best mandee,ftre in cited tbEiiil. TO:TAILORS t----Juatiet , red and for sale the Ist.York aml,Philadeltdiid Abiiort of Spring a Summer Fashiona.: Tallore:wiphino the ya,iiits Aoviat .10 the subscriber know bt the Tact; that b Cali makit hid arrangemertie ie.:cording - Iy., -, ~ atiCltAll, 110FNMAN..., • LehavOn.' Nu:4.-1864 i , .. ' ' , ' ' '. ShaVv - 14 4 ' C , f,O'III,;WOOLICN OLQIIIING of al. colors , Black or Bloc Black,preimed, the.cobii - Iverreuted end goOds puked out equal to tietriby..: - • • LYON -, 1,h1.1131010101. .. • Articles t0 ; 1443-ed me belleft. at Alai. Ltinber Ices Drug Storc ‘ ,witers all orderd for the .ebere will be uutt lied to. ,;. , 1.1.1863. • rivitE tubskiiber- wohld respectfully:lnform-1. e pub - ` .jt. lie that_bellaerrezhoseol to ',' that lie , vrill earrrowthe , x.allorano• Business. in all its branclies;inhe buildieg openpled by: the "WahreFbeineerat"iiritithig (Ante, (soi:orl alopy,) of-' Market ,streetv nearly , opposite' lilettleie. 161411 I ', vork Rill all be made,in the co man ner, and.gtoicanteed to Ocoee. Ills file oroerarrantea —fox' tlie etontai well, ,as the eleoder: Ha -solieite the p 4 arrOfitiile oi WM Lebenoti.l)et94l,...lB m. . NERiaIANIP TA,111041 . 1 - N - G. SS. BiLoISAY, in runrles building, corner or Dom . Dos Inni on hind and for ealiiiiittitir bilint yard or made to order, a large lot of » o , CLOTHS, OASS TM EltES,;and ESTINGS, well Atecid:rotn. Good notifies, doe& Yits and atanttal making inaranteed to ell. , A'so llandken: chier4; ; Cravats, aliases; hosiery, Suspenders", Fancy and Plain. Linen Shiits'Under Shirts and Drawers. t S., S. RAMSAY. • Lebiiiion,' Mai 144. & liSewmg Machines. Subscriber would respectfully inform her I_ friends, and the public in general, thattilie his ' in connection with her MILLINEItY builneis, taken the agency for . , TViteder &;.Wilson's unsu)passed Dou . big-Lock-Stich Sewing Machines which have taken the pretnihm:iit ;the Great 'Loudon Fair, and at hundreds of other Yaks. It, is adapted for all kinds of Family Sewing anti Tailoring. 'nice different, ninnlmrs of: the Machine will always be kept on hafid, , wtrich'eaii be examined at &r dare, and sbo will gire instructions in the manner of using it. The Jfillincry Business, in all ifs branches, will bo continued at hor,Sttire, iwCumberliv d street. Mits. ITARRIST aribb July .1,561.7-4111. oi rA jm ovirra . . B JA] m o I_4 Lorenzo U. lltobrer , OULD respeetftilly , Mform, the j sees of Lebanon ttinreitiluity, that. has REMOVED his Tailoring • catnip. , lishment to ~two doors; below Philip, V. 'Abe:m*ll) o k Shen Stein. - witern lie will Make up the rialiqlniWiiiiVißWßittAVlWsTiz a iiMg•=6l:, mate terms. (toed fits ,and substtinthainaking pier witted. Thankful tot tho liberal pairomige extended. to him thus far, hopes by strict ittloothin to his business to. merit it continuance of the came. lie cm-- dially invites the public and his old customers to give, him a cull. [Lebanon April 1864 . , . • . 1'864 NEW STY LES. 11864 A DAM ,RISE,in Cumberland Street, between Market and the Court House, north side, has now on hand it splendid assortment , of the. New Style of HATS AND CAPS, for men and boys, for 186 S to which the attention of the public is respectfully int-, tcd. !gale . illtll !kites, from,.thetheapdat to the inns milli, 1;11114 On hand. He has alsojast opened a splay did ess4rtment of SUMMNP. HATS, embracing such a STRAW PANAMA, PEDAL, - PEARL, HORN, :`LED ZORN, SRNATE, CUEIAN, and all others. • ta,:ffe . will also Wholesale oil kinds of tints, Caps ,te.; to Country Merchants on ad rantsgeOns ternsa. ' Lebanon... May 4,1884 F . . FM iS • A 'molt Merchant' Tiitlor 'reFOctfullY an /A flounces to'the Citizens of hidniricM - and vicinity that he has retdrued frOm the city' With a fine as sortment at . 'CLO'FFIS CASbIM ERES 9 ()H 1. all of which ire or make up to erat l'iricee to init.tholinios, at his No.l Tailoring Estah lishinent in Keim's New Block, 4 doors South of the Buck notch South Walnut street. twirl( entrusted to hiscare. will be !annul/whir. ed Ina workiiiiiitfike tditYrier as to fashion soil _aura - Goods purchased else' -I 11l he cheerfully made tip to order on - the 'nail moderate terms. 11tiring bath years of experience in the rtryatsods-bnoitiess t and being Inclined to turn to • the advantage of hitt customers, the advantages- remit t Jug from 'said frgilTretuents, , lto feels satisfied that , it :be 'relived ed tto city a very I ibefebeltere of, Ibeph It . rends cult unct. , 464,ltntse , the-affek pf6ase'reu slves. July B'lBB3. It EA:BYNAME CILOTIIING soltk , id hi Extreme'', •liatv'.lPrieest 4 . ll.llEft i vial tit .ilie firm 'Of Italmi''6eit,6ls.i . fine 7 - - o l tiiketi'tbontoek:a Readj.rreade'fileffiltig the a p,i4bie mv itvi v bi c h wmanable him to 8431116'mA' thin] 4 4.01,iiikL e i to s .bnught, Call and Bee fur your eel YR before - you make your /all Ita. THANE DOORS 19liS1' k71t031 O.)Uit.T ffi,USA LeterVijillitrtd§filr :0 Fltl,l9t Y at - 0 - 40 KlRlitt2 '" TO THE , PEOPLE OF lEBA NON. itt sillollS NATHAN respeetf3ilYnferfie,tnelpeolde of Lebanon antivicinity that he' nee opened a - No tion mid Goods Store in Lebanon for the IVIIOLESALE , phS.RRTArr, Trade ',fail articles in his line at the most reduced prices possihle.' ilia stock consists in part of all k hide of Woolen and Cotton Stool; inge,auellase,- Undersbirts,-'Drawers , Woolen lid W Capsiaubiasi•lif itaand Gioves, — Searfs ,allitinde of Itandkerchlefe, Collars for Ladies _and Ocutletnen, llairdreadS Nets,ltiblefins andjelrate. Spool and Patent feiig"rhisd, buttons, Sei Scissors, Combs. itt - thilewest pr Ices Sieeiii * * / ss. , ' r ocket ho' ke, _ portihaiairea; cards, die,. large aaNk't. Wont - of Magical . ; InstruituiWits, 1101112 x,. AcgorAeOtti, 'Banjos, Tatnhorities,' ' Flntes, Fifes , lis elietsi Carpet Beet, Sitcliele , ' find' all kinds, of-Toya, hs. fact :everything - atmost thlifCati tie thought Ofto the Notion •and Fancy dine: Agaa a .h kr.gc variety of ,J,BIVEtItY -and WATOBEE:' 'Peditik and Sterelrcepers it their -Interest to buy of ils. Our Store is in gum berland Street,in Fpnek's buildmg, bottsteh chi) . Coil Reuse andlida.rket' Rome. NATHAN -, WANTED TCS - BUSItELS -WYE; , - 4 7 ,° • , 09",4; • :50,000 bushels CORN. --• 50,000 bushels OATS 50.000 uels WII.II.VD. Ales;CLOY:Eit SEED. TIMOTiIY. SEED, Flaxseed; foi Which the highest CAUL prices will be paid at tin, Leh anon :V alley Railroad HOBO E 11 OFFMAN. • r,elml.on,quii Xgal LUAU tONCIA CUE. • J4fiN a. cam. • 'LEI3ANON Door, Sash and Steam Planing Located dri the Stearn,Honso Road, near f hotberkand Street, ifast,.r,ebamm. ing nudargigned rsogetfpliy inform 1, tbC. aneral, that the/ 10111111 1:143 till manufacture and"' kerw halm, q liqzp Door, Sash, ,Sinittar,-Blinds,, on Flooring, gy r t Weatheraoards, Gee Spring •71.... Mouldings, of all Risses,'Wagb..Boorde, Gating. Stirbece, Condor,. and all , Iftris of‘mnIJMNG MATERIALS for Ffouses. We AR, oonetruct rho latent and most ha proved Stair Caving and Rand Railing, suitable for large and small buildings. „,„ We now invite'Fitriners, biebbanics, Rau /sudden, to call And examine out stook - , which wo to "give ,entire satisfaction who may furor the under arm/ad with their oustont. Irehatian .Mar - 408.64.;.' - • - ~P 4 ' S., —.T itreda:ainonall kinds 61" TURN/NO at the lame Mill. Platting, Sauthsg, 4 - c.t.proz, , t49Y+of for those toltoinny tarnish Lumber ; .„, 'I.ONG&C” & CiAtEt: NEW CABINET AND Cs TOR r ?I'M subscriber rispOctfully informs the pulilic that he hue the largestznd best, assortment of FURNi TUICE and CHAIRS, fiver offered to the public of Leb anon county. He has on hand at his Cabinet-Ware rooms, in North Lebanon borough, nearly opposite Teller's Hotel, and a few doors south of Borgner's, a splendid:assortment oLgontl, substantial and fashion able Parlor. Cottage and Chamber FURNITURE, con sisting of Sofas, Tete a-totes, Lounges, Whatmots, Par. tor, Centre, Pier, CV and Common Tables; Dressing and Common BUREAUS; Bed steads, Work-stands, Wash.stands.and It itch en Furniture of 'all kinds. Also,it large and elegant variety of FAMED BADE, &TUNG SEATED Chairs, Common Spring-seated Chairs; all kinds of Spring- Seated Rockers. Also, Wintlsor,Cane-seated, and Com- Mon noire and Rockers of 'every description. la; All Hoods soId,LOW and WARRANTED to give satisfaction. • , Persons desirous of 'kneeing the character of die goptle bere,ofjer ,s ed for elpi can be fully satisfied of their durebilitY by reference to those for whom he has emit ufactured or to whom sold. • Old Furniture and Chairs Repaired and Varnished. 'N. 11... , .00finte . made and Funerals attended at the shortest notice.. , ". JOSEPH BOWMAN. :North Lebanon, May. 4,1884. - . '' OWgN LA* BA C 11.7 New! diblnet / Wdre Rfioms and Clair. , Manufactory. ' ilarket qk t Sd 400 r. north elate L. Dargist lita:tittfikettii c k;And Bpst 'Assoitnhant 61 - ,••11JRNITITAI and CHAIRS; in the obtitty., 114g,P1141.1g respectfully request ` 'ed to bear in tilled tliat at these c•-• ;Witte Rooms ISLII be found the :best * • assortment of .PASKIOK.IIIII.It and HAND' sostsFIJBNITURB:anif CHAIRS. Pertains In Willi of uni;kiniCwoulti beshedrltand 'examine his stock before purchasing elstiwltaKe. , Which. (being ail of his own , work) ho warrants tit he better than any offered in this Prkeu Lo.3i,Eß:tliSit at any , other pi-ce„„ either in the Borough , or, county, f Lebanon. All eiders' prounitly 'attended to, and" speedlly'execn; tednat the prises., jr , f • t All'Perscins purchastog Farnituee from him will be decintinibdaleU , lfy having it delivered to them; any part: of, the county, FREE cnaags, s pyp, without the remit injury, ne'he had re-neared otif, :of thit beet 3qtteditirnitstre wtions,loFilifolatiy.for'thitpilipost ' liEllt-.COBBTAB 'undo to order,And funerals attended the Eihortost.hatieet' . (Libinoti, 1164 Philip .F.ll l Cattly, I . 4snicsis,TAßLE.Bo,orimo...s•soß:mAKEA. fIST COnibdeland Street, one ddor Emit' M brojwit the eek- horse totel.- - , ThaificAil for the very liberaipatronktge,extended to ,ine forthe l obrt. time' I hake tieim twbusiness; ironla reepeetddle-'kolielt p,o,l:lPlAbCeei,f the patronage of nes at alt times an nesertment of. 1390 TS and ;'SHOES of Lts Oien disposed,of on reasoßable,terms.: FIIi r rnIDQTS, I.;ATilEB'` GdITER,S, . ;dtoise deitling neitit-irell nrikfe.' areln-vitas to gito,ineCbiltikemr ; there of, every variety. slid col,r on Vend. ;Ireagy work made to order. • '4A-11 - ; An. /work , rreirlintlAL- - Neliafririkieentry amt. 7taxacl,pladeinotieratt. , • #l.l #, # itoot , antin Shoe IStOre . ! , JACOB it(KBEL .respeetfully in forms the Militia that he still eon tim ues his extensive establishment iu milk. q; 1 1 11113 PeNT bliilding,ideuniberlaild SY, - where he hopes, to resider the same . . satisfaction as lieiethAyre tribil who. may favov..him with their eustem,lioinvites ilerchauts and denlera SIIOEBand eVerk ene.whe YO purchase faithionable tinAiduribld.artiaes in his line to cull And, examine,for themselves, his large and varied Sleek. - 4 " • . ' ' . {fp jeilloterrained • to isarpiiss• all crinpelitionira the_ manutacthre of evert article in his bushless,soitable for airy - MAYA:et In tire Union. A dueoka - re taken iti regard . to. matsrlals 4.ll4,•crorkmanship; none bt the;beet ty of LEATII.EIt andotlierMateriatlstirOkmi; and .none butthe test , workmen • returns kisAincere thanks toads friends far the rosy libertirPatroriage hereto Tore bestowed on him. Ile hopes by strict attention to bbsinessalidandeavOring to plessikkie customers, to merit a•sharepriblic pat iontige. - ' - rLetia w m: 4;1864 New - flout " staid . ild shoe ICE undersigned announce to the publie' Wel they have removed • their New Root and. Slide Stare to Cutitheydand Street, Lebanon, in John tdraelre obe - dhkwest of the Cenrectionery - Store,''whe to they NZ"intend ; keeping constantly on hand a genethi as -1111;IX soitilseneof Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses., soya and Children's Boots, Shoes- Gaiters , cto . • .•; all of which will tin made uin style and quality no to 'be surpassail by any other workmen in the country. Na effort shell in:tapered to pleaselind r eatisfy all who may, favor them with their, orders, and, their charges Will bens - reasonable iis Possible, compatible with afair remnnerittion,. !;: • They, also keep a large stock of rs SOAIE MADE,_ WORK, which id warrenteirto be as repesented. The public , are invited to call tind„examine theirstock previous to purchasing. , Mar -, /tepnirinsfdone,on short szOtici and at reasonable rates. - ANDREW. WORE. MIRK Lepanen,3lay 4, 1864. - i 17;li *lie .*zi,72't--1 0 4 4 h..GlitAlms:t -- trud - liesT - 0 S ' * . 'b' a -..' -. Witt •ga..D' IN LEBANON!! BOots Shoes, Hats Caps Ace Ti.o.; undersigned lies opened one of the, BEST AS ' . . solvr_sitrrs'iit • -' , • '• rI; litivinrgortvco.t . ragualcds. ; ,r-4 i and of thediest =Weals, which he wilt exam,. .• . , sell at prices to recommend them to &robe sore. 'Of the HATS he "bus guDe a Variety, of New Stylea embracing the 'Washington; Stanton; Burnside, Dupont, McClellan, Stringham and Monitor flat. very beautiful and very cheap. Of CAPS he has a complete assortment of all the New • Styles, get. up in superior manner, with fine finish.; Wontenla Misses' , and Chil dren's Balmorale, Gaitirti, Congress Boats . Slippers, and all other-kinds; - Men's and Boys' Baltborals.. Ox ford Tim', Washington Ties, CO!)grees Boots, and all other kinds- worn by them, including BOOTS and SHOES,of the different varieties, at his cheap Store in Wiltl/Itt St, next to ` (lie County Prison. Aar' Tliankful-f6i the lifieralVincriuragerrierit of the public heretofere„l ; :would; invite al I , :w jailin' anything in my line to cell cud examine my sto<erdieliteking their purchases,;'(: , '.''' .' - :'. ( JOS:: BOWMAN. Lebanon, May 4,1864. , i P. S.—M easuren taken and work made, at short notice . .., , , • t ~ Reiatostai OF Tllll, , . NEW AND :CHEAP BOOT • AND 1411101R-STORt. eubeerilier wotlld'roapect fully inform the e,it . iaena of Lebanon and yiefn fty, Aida lje.hae remor od bii Root and SLME STbItE to DlOtket 'street, uext door 'opt!) I.lotid, , Letnino . d.`,Pe: • . . • • ail 010 pyo he keep B. on • ' • • " bind Si ?tr . & awl'well .:•;i9noutsidtted stock Orall ' •et7KROT3 f "*" '44111 R S %Ile 1011 ;, T. fp r d dp -BOOTS ,and ori's•ti•YVl 1 7:13 0.1.:5,i and+ at very ehort. notice. Ito el so-keeps On 'lined a large - nnd welleasort ed stock !of antb as lIEBAND OAK 8IOLE • LEATHER, CALF AND KIP SKINS,,MOROCCO.- AND PANOr LEATHER; lIININOS, , IIOANS, BIND. INC'S, /CC. ' elid All kindi 81f6etnhlttoes' TIXII.S AND FINDINGS, such as 800T -TREES, LASTS,. BOOT CORDS and AWL-BLADES, It IslIM 'F.I7P CIIES, HAMMERS, -PINCERS, RASPS; TACKS— Constantly on hand an assortment oft tings, Threads, Rhoe-heils. / Pett-hreaks Send-stones,rPega, Bristles , Kit and Shoo Tools of every description. Ilav lag been en gaged in theitiosinedis more than twenty years, lid feels satisfied that ho can give satisfaction to all who will favor him with ti Shoemakers from 'the, country will do well by- calling-otr him before Purchaeltill else where. SAM0.111:‘.11/LIM.C* Lebanon, Jan. 27i 1864. • iIARUEL ItiontOWSL:: .11,10/m IttIICOEM., .!egAff. n; xxxim A .Filitindly • :"„ • "ii2_ll!. I 1.1 ft • ' ; • I SOSlftlealrone of purchasing LUMBER &.COAL , die - tatiti4l v esitign ; antic old abhiblislicd anal workflow/1 • LUMBER YARD y, .•:!,, LOP REINOEHLS & MKILY At the uNrobnekicir,•cin the East and WiiSi2sides ( o IdarkttHreot, North Lebanon Doiongh, suberiberty take pleamire in informing. the cliF I rens of Lebanon, and, aurroundlngcouothst, they atill the' UMBER AND COAL IDUSI NESS, at their old, and ibal known where. they are daily receiving Eiddltienal supplies of the . ; • BEST ,AND;kYlilil, SEASONED4,I33IBEIL consisting of White und Pine , BOARDS, PLANK and SCANTLING. , Hemlock HOARDS, PLANE' and SCANTLING. RAILS, POSTS, PAI,INOd and FENCING BOARDS" ASH, from 1 to 4 Inch ; CHERRY; from %•,, to 3 POPLAR., fr0m5 , 6,41/.2 inch. Poplar and Hatdirdod SCANTLING. r. Oak and Maple BOARIDS end PLAN/EISI. • . - Holding arid Plasterifig LATHS. • SHINGLES! ' SHINGLES I I 'SHINGLES!!! . Also, Pine and Hemlock SHINGLES.... • COALEI _. COAL I I COAL! l! • A large atm* of the best quality of-Stove,Broken,' Egg and Limebizrners' COAL; and also, the eet Alla gbeny COAL for Blacksmiths. ikar; Thankful! for the liberal manner in wliiih•th'ey• have haretolbre•Leen patronised, they would extend a' cordial Invitatlori,for a- oontlithance of favors,. as they are cool:Idea tI they now have thp largess, bed andl cheapest stock prlantßElt on hand in the. county,: which *lll tie' sold 'fi s t s reasonable per cenlnge:, Oar Please call and examine our stoetand prices be-, fore purchasing elsewhlllC : • • . ItEINOICALS /Vial/ILL! kortli'Lelquioi borough. , lley 7 Isol. • • . . - Jacob,,lE:i„L'. : XimmermAni?s*. V: uRsT ABS • lid ap1;t:11 s sltio LlAllbtir F S. ING BALOlPnittat, street., near Ctunberland, and oppositalbe Bajpelletal, Being !hulk ruPfor the liberal pakrontgl.beretortire extended ttr tit Itt;ltOtlosithl: respeettallt aoilejtja enntlanauce ottaibe Dame., Lebanon 2, Ititl2 p • N. B.—Tlif platoon will lie:olored on Sundir. , . WALTER'S. MILL. subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has entirely rebuilt the 141111 on the little Swa tura, formerly known AR "Straw's" and later as "Wen gert's," about one-fourth of a mile from. Jonestown Lebanon county, Pa.; that he has It now in complete running order, and is prepared to furnish customers regulnrly with a very superior ~rtiv i e of as cheap as it can be obtained from any other source.— lie keeps also on hand and far sale at the lowest cash prices CHOP, BItAN, SHORTS, &c. lie is also pre pared to do all' kinds of Cosronses' Wens., for Farmers and others, at the very Shortest possible notice and in vitas all to give him a trial. The machinery of the 'Mfll is entirely new and of the lateaLand most im pi•oved kind.: By strict attention tOlAreincee and fait dealing he hopes to merit a share of public Paronnge. WHEAT; 'RYE, COEN, OATS, &c., bought, for which the highest Lebanon Market prices will he paid., ' FRANKLIN WALTER.. May 4. 1864. BOOKS& STATIONERY NEW plaza WALTZ tt HOUCK w OULDInfOrm the Public, that flaying bought and consolidatetthollook andAnitlopery Stores of IL IL Roidil 'and illedign Walta t thekare now prepared ,to,vrait en all who will. favor them. with ceall, at the old stand (IL IL lioedeN) in Cumberland street, where they will -always' ava on hind` a large and well se lected , suppiy: of School, Blank and Sunday School Books; and as an inducement they offr.their Miscella none books aeginattrreduced prices'. • The Now:York iladelphia .Bally ,and Weekly Paperi,and Midaiines,:een lie tad and subscribed for, On reasonable terms, by calling'at their store. Anything, wanting in theirline willho cheerfully at tended to with' prdinlitneesdiaßninti Letinnon,l2,lay -301.864,. HARDWA,E ATiCOST subscriber offers his large and -well selected 11 2toelt lIANDWARN, PAINTS., 011,S, •IT COST'FOR C:aISH. Parties whit haveiettlea their accounts to'April I,IBSI, will be alinweda Alberta. credit on purehasee,iThose who biteW O settled will find their accounts with A: &Ely, Esq.,'Tor itnntedintesettlernent and roller. KARMANY. PRINCE known ialLolnws, rated, t: introducing, the effect 'of- pedal' bass on every instrument ~ -• • • . , • BizNEsTUtz RAVEN & BACON'S and • RALLEt t BAVIS'''& COB. eeletiratql PIANOS. for Utisb,,at• a liberal deduction. Over 30.000 sub'. • , . . • JANES 8131.17 AR. SOle'Agent, ' 279 and 281 South Fifth-Street. above Spruce. April 29, 1.86.1.—1 y. Philadelphia, Pa. ._ . . REMOVAL. • NORTII. LEBANON " t Sidale 1,11.4,111 TnEinidersihmed ' has removed his Saddlery Varney ,r+'. Manufactory two few doors South i e of the old , place, to the large room!! . lately occaipied by Hillman & Bro.. ,„ - - a Liquor store. where he will be happy to see ell his old friends and customers, and where be has increased fa cilities for attending to all the departments of his busi ness. Being determined to be behind no other estab lishment in his abilities to accommodate customers, he has spired neither pains nor expense to obtain and mahe himselfmaster of every modern improvement in the baldness and secure the services of the best work. men -that liberal wages would command. Ire will keep. a large.stock unquiet], and manufacture at the short est notice, alt lleseriptiona of UAIINItSS, such as Sad dlers, Bridles, Carriage Harness, 'of all kinds;- heavy itsruess,Auggy Wlti a cf the best manufacture, Buf falo Babes, Fly -Nets, such os Cotton, Worsted,. Linen, and- a new kind lately invented; WITIPS of every kind, such as Buggy Whips, Cart Whips, &c.; Blames of all descriptions. Halter Chains, home-made - Traces, ke., all of which he will warrant to be equal to any that can 'tie obtained in any other establishment he the eouutry. All he asks that those desiring any thing, in this line, should call at his place and examine ail stock. feels the full'e'st confidence in his ability to etre entire satisfaction. : . • orders thankfully received and proinpily at ended SOLOMON SMITH, North Lebanon torough, , Artg 13,18644 . . I GOOD' NEWS ! . "I fBLLOW. ' Fat and Nate, Where are you going in 1 . such .a big hurry this Morn ina. Retry'. why vie . j n ust o Mir w.iy to J. A. , . SPRNGUER'S PHOTO gre i MAUD GALLERY', to got our pictures taksn. Ire 1 takes the Best pictures in town. I had my pictmes I' taken nt-all the other 'galleries, and he took them the best of all. • Wel l'Bal. if you waits little I will go and dress myself, and will go along, but where is his gal ; lery ? Why, in ADAM RISE'S BUILDING. where i Win. Zimmerman's'was. Ile takes Photographs. Am ! brotypea,Sterotypes, of ail sizes, plain and colored.--. Ile has his gallery fixed up - in -a Lew style, and a new set of instruments. and so he con hike the best and most fashionable pictUres in town. „Eve.ybody V. , at i wants a good picture taken goes to Spengler's gallery. Ile has constantly an hand, gilt and Rosewood Frames, CaSea, Albums, &0., 'Mach lie sells cheap. For good pictures we advise everybody to go to SPENGLER"S GALLERY. Lebanon. Noromber 23, 1884. ' . . TUE NEW BAKER 1" ) . •• • . rim undersigned would respectfully inform the eit• seas of Lebanon, that be has commenced the RAK ING BUSINESS, .in all its varieties, at his Maud, in Cumberland street, Lebsnou, nearly opposite the lurk Hotel, and will supply customere with the hest BREAD, CAKES, &c,,,tic. rfortr 'received tram customers and returned to them in broad at short notice.. • • • - CON - PECTIONERIES, of on kinds4hyh and .0( the beet .irptiliy; constantly on h•ind. and furnished nt thy lowed prices.. .. , •Th public isliovitel%to giveine a I rial. Leh nwo, MaF 4, 180. • •Alfllllf.. . D. S. sRA 13 R ''S W11940,3g8A11 AN D - TETA 1L • DRUC S T E Das been removed to his New Building on• 4 inhtberland Street, opposite the }ogle Buildings, Lebanon l'a • r ire 8 nbectiber espaqf ill I announces to is amiti at n • 11 lances and the,public in general, that he Lie • con. JL red/ ebb_ Land a large stock of DRUGS. PERFUMERY, FLEDICINES, PAINTS, ÜBIRMIOALS, • DYE RITFPS, VARNXS/lES -4 i TURPENTINE, GLASS WARE. 13EUSRES, HAIR OILS, EXTR4CTS, Burning .urgical Instruments Toilet Seam Se gars, Tob men, Le. Ale ~ a variety of beery, Articles too numerous to mention, which he offers at tail rates, and warranta the tpratittes of Vie articles as tepresetit ed Purchasers will please remember this, and exam hie the qualities and prices of his goods before purelms lng elsewhere NaPPhysielen's Prescriptions and Nat fly retipee mrefully conmounded, at all hours orthe day or night, by calling at the Drug Store, opposltelthe Eagle Buildings On Sundays the stall will be opened for the cow • pounding of prescriptions between the hours of 7 and 10 o'clock, A. 11., 14 and and 4 and fi P Lebanon, Aug. 1f. 1 1862. DAVID RARER • - AIVIERICAIt.III - OUSE, Al ar ket Street; Lebanon, 34)EIN. STATTEMS jeoopricior.. 1 114 ,. .,;r.;4,riet.i.,. of this ojd.establlsbed , nnd popplar 116TBL would respeetfullytnform the public that It will bo conducted at all• times to the comfort and convenicuco of its guests. It has been thoroughly re fitted and renovated. and no pains.will ho spared to make the Tattle and the Bar, at all times, equal to any in the.connty.• - 1 The!! STABLING and Turd aPd :iuperior too, 7... 3 T nr ° le 11180 ~ .du any other in Lebanon. • A now- BLEED " an," go 6 .Wl6l COM. • plotird •- in'ti short thne.. The . patosaff;eof the For 6,o Mox:l and' the' Trayothig pnbllc generally he respeetftillY • to netted. ITLAOE—West side or Mar t . *treat,' and hair a intm reedutli from the Market , • !6116^. JOHN BIAT'IIIES. .:J.einilieit,ri . pin 6,1864. ' • 1194). 7PLItILIC The uhliislgriethWilng taknn' 14 0 1 Comoro in Potts Ville, kniivrn as the Would respectfully 'announce end ior mer,patrons that.he is mepared to liCiltorn MO. date All who may favor him with - their pa trn ye. The MORTIMER MOUSE he p el g :lien newly papered, painted, Rud reffirninhed throughout, and the Paormr. TOR feels Warranted. in sayfogthat the • UNSURPASSED BY .ANY HOTEL ,IN . TEE &rough of Pottsville ? for comfort and convenience. No Patna will'be Si)aed To render it au agreeable led oomfortiblestopping ..; • plaus foistrangers and triMelere. 'The-Sin blingSite,ding ,Attached to the hotel, are entitle ehtfilarge for the ae? coon:natation of the horses arid-earrlaEes of his guests. lite Hotel:is now Oiettloe • _Reception c of • *IL ge will be baPPY_ leant:aft:KV all who way. giva Why& '• •' " - JOSEPH* M. InteElr," Pot !ilk* April 8)' 868, ;u I ..PrOPrietath • I 0: : : • .1 , •:.,- ,, r riantr: •••,, .. , . For eiiiiii iir. Pigs:, • rilllE subscrther has on hand a gnaiitity .of excelleni 1 CATTM AND.IIOG F.RBDV lecti 'lda Brewery, in North Lebanon, whirl ke °frets !kw sale wholesale in 4 retatl. - ' ' • 'BENNY lIARTMAB. - N„ ye Jen , 18 • 1860 ,; '. ',/ . T , f Wistar's Balsam WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIA BLE REMEDIES IN THE WORM) FOR Coops, Colds, 'Whooping Cough, Bronchit is Difficulty of Breathing. Asthma, Hearn ness, Sore Throat, Craup and eyed Affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CEES'i, CONSUMPTION. Wista ' lll.olsam of Vi lit! Cherry. So general has the use' f this remedy become, and 80 popular isit everywhere, Oat It is unnecessary to recount its virtues. Its molls s ak for it, and find! utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony of the many who from long suffering and=-settled disease have by its use been restored to pristine vigor and health. We can present a mass °residence in proof or our assertions, that The Bev. Jacob Seehler7 Well known and much respected arming the Berman populatiofi „in thla • ceuptry, makes the following:date meat for the fienefit of the afflicted. " - ' ' • lissurvzit, Ps.. Feb 18,11352.- Dear Sirs :—llar fug realized in my thmily tent benefits from. the use of your valuable preparation .—W/BiADAI BATAAN 01. WILD CHERRY-ait affords ms pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years age one of my daughters seemed to be in a de. -cline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before 'she bad taken the 'whole of the coureots of th 6 bottle there'was a great improvement in her health. ry !lime In my individual case,, amide frequently lute of your valuable medicine, add hare always been benefit ed by it. rt •t. 1'.4 • • JACOB SECIILEIt. . From Jesse Smith, Esq., President of the Alorris County Bank, Morris town, New Jersey. - "Daring used Dr Wisrait's BALSAM' Or Wan Craters for about fifteen years, and having reallied its banal - - cial results' in nip tam ily v it affords me great pleasure in recommending it to the public as a valuable remedy In eases of weak lungs, colds, cough!, ac, and a rem.. dy'which I consider to bikenterely' innocent, and may bo taken with perfedt safety by the most delicate iu health. ' : LEM Front Hon: - John E. Smith,- a Distill. , - yids/Led Idwyer Westrnins . ter, Maryland. I have on several occasion's used Dr. Warn's SAX or WILD Onsamfor Severe colds, and always with decided bend : At. I kdoW of no preparation, that is iitbre efficacious or satire deserving of general nee. The Balsam bee able been need with excellent effect by J. IL ELLAOTT, 41ercluint, littlre.Creee Roads, Dld. Wistaes of Wild • . , ' • Cherty. -- None genuine unless .. signed "I. IWTTS," on kbe wrapper. POR SALE BY J. P. DINSMOP.E, Fo.49lLilroadway, New York S. W. FOWLE t t CO,. Proprietors, Roston. And by al DroggLits. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE RE.DI3IIIG'S RUSSIA SALI/E. it cures all kinds of SORES, CUTS. SCALDS, ruit'Ns, ROILS; ULCERS, SALT JIIIEUM. ERYSIP ELAS, STIES, PILES, CORNS. SORE ,LIPS, SORE EYES, Ac., Ac. REMOY/NO TIIR PAIN AT O‘Ckf, AND REDUCING TUE MOST ANGRY LOOKING SWELLINGS AND INFLAMMATION AS IF RY MAG IC. ONLY 2.; CENTS A 11.0. X. P. DINSUOR 11, N 0.49.1 Broadway New York. S. W., PODIA h CO., No. 18 -Tremont St., Boston • - • :And by all Druggists. • June 22. eow. LEBANON can P ANY. PRINCIPAL OFFICE - NORTH LEBANON, PENNSYLVANIA; Philadelphia Transfer Office, 3 Forrest Place.) SOUTH FOURTH STREET. PRESIDENT, HENRY LIGHT, Lebanon, Pa TREAEURER, SF:cur:TARY, ABRAHAM D. S. LONG 20,000' Shares reserved for a working Capital. Subscription Books open only until this number Subseripl ion Price $2 Per Share. PAR vALux; dAPITAL, sAco,ooo. 100,0% .811AILES. 'Thli Company owns In.:fire C tsimple (162) 'One lion . dred and Sixty two acres'of 011 31in log Territory in Vinaneo and Ind bola Counties, upon which there is • already a win 4.ntiAncrni well: blot° cicyclopetnout4 will,be ntade•acter the reser'' , of 20,0d0 shares laliken. • ' • • ! Forpnrtienhulk tknid'clinolarstcitll 'on • Idr: SA NIVEL 'W. VtitAY,..nt Trtnnef-: Offieo, (No. 3 • Forigat;plactl,ll 2:3X'S.onth' VOURTlFstreet. • •I•X4• 44 lnber,:4 l t r lgtil:_:: 2 ;•?. . • . . . . , Walnut: Street- A h e a da 19rious _ News wry S cëessfal ,~ .7iy,,... - ..tio.Ltl4l7:s'.:((i)iti4i; il •• ..64 - ItT woodreypectibliy Inform the 21.1; Citf..jue cf Lebanon, and vicinity; that he hu :Wt. reinrned from the City end opened; At, his Eton% on Walnut. Stieet, between Cormouktind 'Hollinger's Ito -4014, tlto.l.orgctit nd Ooteploteoll Asscilieent:of Vasty:. tear !Sugar; WOODEN AND TIN . • r 350 lE. "WIIr".. • itrniea,:tcraita, N aas . ;bitt AiwV p ghertaol;aluuta,Vcnnq: Alamnp, . oeoannti, ke„ &c., With. a gtest,4arcV 'Treneh and Conmon Candi 6, hfatit the •d iirerent flavors CIIINA-WARE{ such out vases, cups find saucers, .mll4l Clolo.l'll &c 1 &c, a spinglid assorimeut of • • • • • C . *E A S * • I, . I 'O'F' ALL KINDS., Doti - hind; -and' roads to order.-. idir PA WriliB supplied at short sotite. Aa. 'Thank ful 'for paid' &Von, '!bis respectfultt scope ail-troontlnntruot ofYha pobI:. 'good:lir-Ili: • qOSEP, I.L; LOWRY. VATornber • • -r anvil, a - IthAIPIDI(*` CA Wiettele . Artarikelfielit . 140VEMBE11, '1131114... • cREAT TR uNa LINA .4 up At .NO!ENV A. r - NorthMest for. 'PEIMEWP/11. A: - N "-YORE, R pOTTIAY)II,I> BANON A WNt EASTON, Sec.; ,t,e". ' .Trainelealie. El rsj Now York; ;At 3.00 and ,tend L 95; P. 'AL. arriving:at New • . and 2.95 and AO.OO P. 81. 1 passing Le o at 3 . 5810.0.8 A-11., a d Al: Tenn aylnriiit o Te.csn with dm% Trtunti,' r Rititßaid: and Sieepin a g r ea a a 0,.. e the . first Sim,- ire 1104-43ithout,chlagi.i ; Leave for Iteading. Pottsville, Tamaqua, ilin , T3T Alloritoan-lirdd Philadellitila at • 8.15 Al, and 1.45 P• 5 /...iatppping at Amtmakon Statront oniy. ,Psfeing Lebanon at 0.03 A. Al c, and 2.50 P. 31. Way Trains, itopping et'ill:pointin at 7:254. M. and 4.40 P M., Passing.Lebonon at 8.35 A., M., and 5.53 P. M Returning t'Leave New York' at. 9 31.. 12 coon, and 1,00. P. Ari. Philadelphia at BA. Wand 3.30 I'. M. ;• Pottsville at 850 A. AI. and,2.35 P. M ; Tama qua, at 8.10 ;A ;M. and 2.15• P .• M.; and Reading at 1 midnight, 7.35 and 10.45 A . M.. /.38 and 8.05 P. 31., paining Lebanon at 2.00;8.54, 11.58 A. M., and 2.35 and 7.24f'. M., ReaditigniecopirtMciation Train Leases Reading at 6.84 A lit.; : refurning frrins Philadelphia at 4.30 I'. Al. • Ecdninblit: Railroad Train, leave 5.40 and 11 ut,„ll. for Ephrata', Lltiz,tolumbia, 01:013Midayb "nave New Wildcat •7 P. AL, 'Phlladel fikla Potter ills 7.30 A. M., Tpnimna,7 A. M. arrlebuf g 8.15 A.X., passing Lebanon at 0.08 -A. M.,•l2 roldnightp 10r • ilairiiiburg, passing Lebtiqou at 1.05 A. M. • , COmmulatlan, lioale; Beaeon, School and Excur sion Tickets to and friatiAll;peinta,At ;reduced Rate& Baggage checked through : 80 pounds allowed each Passenger. • iUil • • • G. A .NICQLLI3,. Nor ember 7N4, . • ; • • General Enperiatendont. Mtit#l4l-V_ .1•114-1- ME Mil INCLUDING. EVEN CANNOT BE DISCREDITED„, Forty Years' Experience lies fully established the superiority of Oyer all other healing preparations FOR . SALE 1h THE OIL. IHNINO is iiisposeii of