The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, March 08, 1865, Image 3

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    Ftbaitnn at intim.
XV...notetsso of ail-e:Vcrertfuesizig".
The publishers, of Lebanon bare agreed upon the
following charges for Advertishv, viz :
Size. it. St. 3m. Om. ly.
Illgunri., 12 lines, $ .50 $l.OO $3.00 $6.00 $8 00
2 " 24 lines, 1.00 200 5.00 8.00 12.00
8 . 80 lines, 1.50 300 7.00 10.00 15.00
For Executor's and Administrator's Notices, 2.00
For Assignee. Auditor and similar Notices, • 1.50
For yearly Cards, not exceeding 6 lines, 6.00
For column advertisement, 1 year, 50.00
For X :cobiturt " • 30.00
Fon 0 4 column " _
For An candidates tor dace, in , advanco, 2.00
Inc Announcing sale, unaccompanied by adet. i.OO
For Local Notices, Society resolutions, &e., 8 eta
per line.. .
For Bishops or S . neciel Nalco', 80 cents per line
Tdai l l e yfti l d ' Ve l ikiediiie:inteua.Maiiihatiem and' killed
nerve )pen rytt rigret,l,. x!pen
4 . be following t,-.ales of Personal Property will
he held at the Woes and places' designated. For
pa‘tienlarselce'Adeertisements, which, will tip.
, :peitritt anotb6,eoluun in due time:—
";'Wednesday, MarCh 3—Sale of Henry Backen
'lose, dee'd., in Jackson township.
'Saturday, March I I—George D. Seifert sale, in
. • • Lebanon Borough. • ,
‘ MAndny, March 13—sole of Real Estate in
Myerstown, by Andrew Garrett.
Monday, March l3—House and machine Shop,
in Myeritown.
Mondey, Mursh 20—Jneob Renta's sale, in
North Lebanon township.
.)yenday,,March,2o--Thontus Sogner's sale, in
. n , r44lM:Yra-
Tuesday, March 2l—Anthony liol•lerrend's sale
~• • in , North - Lebanon Township.
Saturday; March 25—Augastus S. Witmen's
sale, in Lebanon 11)rough.,
Wednesday, March 29—Stock, 'Farmlug Imple
ments and Household property of Charles
Rosenberger, ip .Londonderry %tow nob ip
Thursday,' Mnroh-30—Henry Loy's sale in North
• Lalkanon 'Borough.
Borough-Property ofJoinei N..,Regers. ,
Form'of jecob Nitiner, jr., in Cornwall Town
Town Lots of John IP. Mish, gsq.
Borough property of Jos. 11. Uhler.
9 1 111 Democrats of the West Ward, of the Dor
i ough of Lehanon,.will meet at the Public
house ofJohn Mostbes, on Saturday evening,
March 11, at 7.1 o'clock, for the purpose of elect
te debgette to meet the delegates of the
11 - 6 the Public 'House dr 'Henry Sic
grist, on Monday evening, March 13, to settle
tioketi,for s the Spring eleetion, '
1 1 14ellereaarals lathe Vest Word meet at
the ammo time, at the Publics'. House of Jacob
Itudy,lorthe same purpose. By order of the
Committees. , „ .
co anort r 8, 1885 .
The DcitnOcracy• of Cornwall,
township will meet at the public house of
Joseph 'towman, on Baturday, the 11th
inst., at '1 o'clock, P. M , for the purpose
ofiettlig : u township ticket: • •
1 - :l3i 'order of the dommittee.
The nernedracy of South Leba
non townshipcwill meet at the public
house ,, ofJohn Matthes, in the borough of
Lebaniin;• .:Mdreh Tl, 1865,
at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the - purpose ofset
fling a township' ticket for the Spring
Oetkinth By, `order of the Committee
- -
L. K.:: La uderriii Ich lists just been
'thk c}ty},pnd ii reserving de w .gnekds
daily. He, offers great inducements for
cash buyers. 'All persons indebted to
him 'are requested to make settlement be
tween this and the first of April. Being
compelled to'htly all the Goods for .Cash,
he has adopted the following ns,,a basis
for future operations, viz:—That from
and after the Ist day of April, 1865, his
sales will be Cash. See advertisement
in another column.
Bmid 'and Assignment of Mort
gage.—The commissioner of internal
revenuelikas made the following decialon
When a party executes a bond to a
bank for a sum of money and assigns a
mortgage to the bank as security ,for-the
payment of the bond at its maturity, bath
the bond and the aisignments of the
mortgage are subject to' stamp duty.,- ;
The fact.that stamped collateral imectiiiiy
is given dee4 not exempt
instrument from stamp iitity;Aieither
wouifiAttioitamp , uporl the ptinotAl in
strument 'relieve the collateral from ,stamp
duty. l ., f,
411 E PHOENIX -P i EOT ORAL-7- ThiS.
fi.AOyq eAetikiiikit.ilBl3s
and is of the highest valti to the corn
munity; ts c curative qualities having been
tested by Ilitnisailds"with the rnost'gratify=
lag resuits. cheapness brings it,with
in the reacti daft. It is prepared by Or.
Levi o*hciltzer, a. reputable 'physician
of Phoenixvillet• Pa., and is sold by nearlY
every tirtiggik and, storekeePer4 in this
county. "
7-- •;
Philip - A, Fisher a metuDer of
Company:l, 107th Pa'.,TlegimentTdied Feb.
7th atA.prtaPolls, Maryland, after a linger
-ing-illuess—aged 49 years. He served
Iris ecitthfry faithfully, over three years—
and was alwanat-bis post. Through
the kind exellfions et our esteemed Citi
zen, John P,Wagner —his remains were
brought to 'Own and interred •In Zion's
Lutheran Cemetery. The funeral service
was held In .Salem's, Church .end an ex
celjent sermon. delivered by the Pastor,
Ali honour, to the .biave;sohlittis, 4 who
fortii i iil %heir country's caft to maintain
its integritY--arid fight for fthe good
, cause of the Union. May his fcepOpirit.
'Vot49l) qrnal happiness.
4::ititNteffdit fractional curVeitep
of the denomination of 25 cents Istettirit
into circulation to an extent-that is likely
to , prove not only' troublesome, but ex--
pensive to Persons of small means, who
are the 4lopt likely to be,imposed on.--
A mere glance at the counterfeit is sufri
cient',to detect it, if the following points
are noticed : Themords - ‘,43 tilted States,"
on the face`of the bills -in either upper
corner; are,,verY indistinct, hardly legi
ble, ludeiC. :The same is true of the,
steatrihoits inleft hand lower corner, and,
the packages of goods ip, lower lett-bond
corner. But the point most readily ob
served on the - face of the - , bill is that ,the
whiile ground worklesbacimi, while in the
genuine, on 'ttfe rfght-band side, under
need). the smoke riling to the right of the
figtigttp,,,ls a space of white paper. On
the reyerse, everything is indlitindt—leis
tering item on the shield etc:
1101,04, Of Lebanon .boro ugh
was filled on Saturday.
CnolcE PICKLES.—Here is a reci
pe for making a most excellent combina
tion pickle, which every housewife who
tries it will thank us for
"Take one large hettd of slaw cabbage,
two large bunches of celery and twelve
onions; slice all fine, and salt well. Ai
ter twenty-four hours, drain well and
cover with vinegar, to remain twelve
hours. Then drain from the vinegar ;
add four red peppers and Iwo green ones,
finely cut up, one ounce of tumeric, quar
ter pound of mustard seed, two table
spoonfuls of mixed mustard, one spoonful
of allspice, half the quantity of cloves, one
tablespoonful of black pepper, half cup of
sweet oil, one cup of brown sugar ; mix
all together, - and cover with vinegar; more
celery may be used if desired."
TIEAIIYI3OI.I3TY.—On Wednesday
last a terribly frightened drafted; man
hailing from the, upper end of this county
gate a substitute $1,500 cash, 'a Deed for
fifteen acres of excellent farm land, and a
splendid horse, besides pledging himself,!
in case the substitute was wounded or,
disabled, to support him for lite. The
parties were entire strangers, never hav-
ing met until Wednesday last. The sub
stilitte hails from this city. • He was mus
tered 4n Tor three years.—Beading Jour
IKILLED.—We regret to learn that
Robert Wright, aged about la years, a
son o fionathan Wright, Esq., of this bor
ough, was killed on Tuesday last. The
engine and ,a number of cars passed over
him t mangling his body "
,frightfully, and
caainaßginglant' death; You - ng:Wright
w7gieciiit as a drummer -boy with the96th
Regiment, P. V., and so distinguished his bravery and :the alacrity
,wflb Oich lie performedikerarious du
tih-4sligned to him as to. win the high
est praiges:of the commanding Generals.
A recommendation to the President for
his appointment as West Point
was `signed by Gens.''Unton s `Wright and
Sheri4n.—Potisville Standard.
. .
Sa3'Mr ..Wright formerly resided at
Jonestown, this county.
Mr. Strouse
,informs us that
members of - CongresS have thus far re
ceived but very little in the '.way of new
public docuthents, owing' to the great
pressure in the printing and binding-de
partments. This will account fur his non
compliance with the request cif many of
his - c institnents fn. Agricultdialßeports,
&c.' As soon as he obtains his quota of
books, he will make a fair and liberal dis
BURNED TO DigATIL—,-Miss Sarah.
Moyer, who Hired in the family of William
Taylor,at Charming - Forg,e;fiear Wornels
dorf, died on the list ultirom the effects
of burns caused by her Clothes taking :fire
'while she was sleeping on a chair near a
The Ea!st Pa. renfeeenee of the
United Brethren in Christ was in annual
session in this place last week The fol
lowing are the appointtnents of iireaehers
fir the ensuing year •
-• A r.
'/* Lubopoo Dltdckt—B. A 16:44g,k, Ja , P. E
1 'Lob'ton Seal - ion-3.8 Thitieierty.
3. Rending BVw n—liz Li g h t ,
4 c....41tmb1a aliwton B..ation—d W. AI ilpar •
- oVrrtimaapmstattiilizz's: .- r,
6 New Rolland frcuit—T. s,U Keys
Lnecneier Sintlon—Lowif. Peters
8. Mountvllll Station—A IV Bonck.
p. • mug pottion —John Ifir.kley
10 Pir e groye S ation-8 No I.
1. Sclaty ll:ili ttaven Station-. 3 4a, v.. 414.
12 alyeratow itli:. -=-
Sto.l. Pie isher.
13. J4lt' etrwn to t IOC) pp.
14 AI put wri ip, , ll^-1) 11 , 1fm .13
.IPrri,..borg - Dirb iet— 3. BREWER. P B.
Thirrisbct•g Miaston E Wien—To i esuppl.tal
2. Harris ar; Circuit - D Moyer
3' Anerft.o tati. V. C7rtner.
4. BAkiv'ew ,h.etwritt.
5 'lt igl.Ep ire Circui Iv I orni„n.
6. 666311188L0W11 Circuit—J. P. tSn•itL;
cue to bee p
7 Faliferrimpil , -73.13. Clair
8. Lyt , tos E H clmart 9. , .(1 d Lorry.
o ra quebe Cirenit—A F. Yeager.
10. Hyonek in Oren R-3 Leg
71. MPI helm irenit—To supplied: '
12 Middlet un.; M esi rl4-4. Reek.
8. West Bra Tell sten— J. r ward:.'
At the vendue 'of Snycler,
hi Heidelberg towtishtp, this county, a few
days since, a lernon tree was sold for , sl4.
it was a regular and prolific bearer, and
at the time of Sale had 200 to 300 lemons
on it, ofa,llllozis, 4ndin all staves of inn
tutity, and was a most beautiful:sight.--
he.,trefr had beef), in the failitrof
10e.r.for f9r.tif:lf‘iars•
ng and elolnmb la idiot:road CoMpany pinpoire to er
istruct rallsOad,trouOtriegrove, in Schuylkill coney'
thlasinte, to eafeillpOst this county:, vial. Carawall.
Litin,'.LatiOdisr city, ;&c, survey between this city
Yid TAW' hnibnett c ity by thli migitider, Sainnel
&Mkt, of Oniumbi r a., • A point a tr.nt a mile and a
quarter. northwestof iitin • has been seltoted - as the
starting pobit for the branch between this city and
Litiz. Severed points bare been exam tied for_ piko
aipqviataii city, iiit.nnne agreed upon... The etwd
is well adaettni the;building of a road, and,the esti
mated cost le only $3,000 per mile. Thesitrroy between
this city
and Safe Harbor will he commenced immedl.
slyly. „When this line, and those under way beyond
Safe• Harbor are completed, Maryland and &lei points
south erns will be brought into direct cmintuelration
with the anthracite coal fields of this State. Should
these lines be constructed—and there is every proba
bility hat they value of property al mg their
line vtonkii,b,p greatly etqaanced, and all persons. inter'
sated sboul.l aid the entarprise,—Laiie.nder Evros.
Ziti:STlllg, OF Spo crittaLD ERS;, ,, :--st. eeting
of the'sahieriVera to the stook - et .the rshattote Car
, • •
Iron an-t Bolling *ill Cletnpailt, vies'held la the Count
Malawi an Weduesaay id' last 'mach ; Hon. Kit
lippsi presided, and , W . Lanai i, rrq , acted as Earscr
The Secretary. 6o reenett'of the l'reSident rend an.
able Reti:irt prepared bpi:tweed' . aid Air. Weimer' on
the I . ..reap-ate of the prop sedrenterprise; embodying
mush valuable statistical inforination The ftersor t has
been prlutzl in phan??hlet an! wg preaume..
eepy.of, it can be,obtained frout Slr. Lorentz, by these
interested in the subject.
Artterel of asiooNtion al 1 by.b yore. la 0ti3,44,
On motion of Mr..J.,ba Melly the President asp dated
a committee of five; cansikingof Mr. Melly, Mr.lingb
Alr.JJhn /1.1W410 ~ M r. Peter t Wagner, aria
Rir B. G. Auturacre, to report thirteen utiggiCter the
consideration of the meeting to compose's Board of
Directore. After returning the committee presented
the names ef Coleman, Joha de(it ge, Jacob Hoc
do100,)..Gloolos,w, M. ifituiLwany ~.Artutand
holm, Fohti Vii: Ktinger,Geo, F: geity, 'Aso. Gingrich.
O'2o, poticon, Abraham. ehork; John A. Weimer, and
T. T. Worth. A ballot was then proceeded with and
the gel:tlemon nemtadirei : e agre,ed . to..
Mr Genii+ ,T.,M.oftnan Wee the a cbouin Ekicretary.
and Tree titer. A restifttt wan iddpted regnirlag
Dir4;ctors befera i ctuiCluding !contract for a site to
submit thbipropoaseddiatzect to, itio, itotltbbldara fcr
their auproval.
The Directors '12q41, on Moytday gad elected Ron. John
W • Y- 11111 18or President of the ;
Ole:linger Tfo Preeident. ; •
The Philadelphia, - Press •ol Sat
urday has the - following an
.r,elaq9c., to
thetai on U. S. Loans Which will he ; Of
interest to our readers,
_The reply of the-
Press to its correspondent is rather "mud
dy," but vKill nevertheless lie upderstood
by car-readers:—
March 3, 1565. , s.
To the livi4orgyiu Press
Sir : You will confer a fay& Upon my.:
self, and,l have no doubt, also upon ma
ny, of the readers of your paper, if you
will state in your money column what
taxation the 10.40, 5 20, and 7.30 loans
are subject to. Is the income derived
therefrom subject to the income tax ?
Yours respectfully, S. K. S.
The tax lawonder which the revenue
is now collected exempts all national se
curities from municipal, State, - arid nation-
al taxation. Under the former law, the
bonds of the .3oyernment were subject to
a tax equal to about one-half that lin- I
posed upon other bonds.. The income,
however,lrom national securities must bej
counted in the aggregate of income from
other sources, and be subject to tax.
where that income. amounts to over $6OO.
The only distinction that is now made in
reference to national and :other, :securities
is:that the former are not' taxed per se
=Press. - '
indebtod to N. Q. Bar
clay, .Esc., Editor: of the Pottsville Stand
kirait early list of the drafted rival
county, for which kindness he will
please pccept• Our thanks.
The demand for :Flour in the
Philadelphia Market, last week i was limit
ed and dull, with sales ofabout 1,400 bbls
Delaware mills extra on terms kept se
cret. The home trade are buying in a
small way at $9 25a9'50 for superfine ;
sloalo 75 for extra, and sllal2 50 .per
bbl, for extra family and fancy brands ac
cording to quality ; rye flour js quoted at
50a8'75 per,ol ; corn meal is dull.
GRAIN—LThere is,,not much demand
fer *wheat and prices are drooping : about
2,000' bus red sold at 250a255c closing
at the lowest figure. White is held at
. 265a280c per bps the latter ratefor prime
Kentucky. Rye is'selling in, a small way
172a175c per bus. Corn continues
dull and rather lower; 2 000 bus prime
yellow sold at 150 c afloat. Oats are al
so rather lower with sales of 7 000 bus at
98v ;1;000 bust PennsyllYarkiaq barley sold
at I9oe per arts. ,
UATTLE .Cattle
were in better demand, and `the offerings,
some 1900 head, 'a failing off of 700 since
last week, , were all disposed, of at fully
former rates, ranging from' $l2 Jo 820 for
common to good• and , prime quality, in
eluding aim extra Cattle which brought
$2l the 100 lbs. Cows are in ,demand :
100 head sold at from $30a55 , f0r spriner
ers, and . B4o to. $BO per head for cow and
calf,calf, a.,"fo condition.
HOGS-No change: about 2500, head
arrived and sold at from $19a21 the .100
lbs net
SHEEP—Prices have fallen off, and
the, market is dull, about 10,000 head ar
rived and sold at from .11a123.e Per 111,
We learn that Mr. ISAAC EDA
has taken the COACH-NIAKING SHOPS.; - in
this tioproUgh, formerly known as Arnold's,
opposite the - old Lutheran Church. He
has enctaged first class
Alif"-7=-,2,y7,=.47 city workmen in all
40ig.f.tArub7_ aw branches of t the bust
, ness. His stock amp.-
terial is Wel! seasoned, and of the best
quality. He is prepared to filar:a - facture
on Order; or-sell
,a 40lykitarriages and
.Bußai€T,---0.1--mittr„-4ectripthmee 1.4uttr4.00„.4.,
will faller:ably `compare in taste, finish
and proportion, with any turned out , in
the State. A new -feature 1011 . bp: his
'shifting top; leather cerkred.Buggies, lined
with - broadclolb, and Made afterth&inost
approved Connecticut style.
Prompt attention will be given to RV,
PAIEtING,•and the charges will be rea
sonable. _
He has also taken the shops formerly
occupied by H. C.. Nine and J. 11... Miller
in SHAEFFERSTOWN. .Ekpeilenced
hands are working at both places ; At
these shops attention will be paid mainly
to building EXPRESS, Wiaoas, and repair
ing. Samples of buggies' and Carriages
can be seen ,t`all the ;hOps. , • ."
Feb. 22.--tf. , .
tl - Z l .'r The following is a list of tile
men drafted . for;. Lebanon .County, • at
Pottsville, on Salurdaylast, March 4,1865.
It, includes the 100 per cent extra for ex
emptions, &c. Many-of the districts in
this county have been flied by volunteers,
while.citfietka're nearly or Partially full.
All sitch will receive credit , for the men
they have put:in, or will -put in until the
day appointed fi.r-, zr repuojng, ti
drafted on. Monday, we 'hadienot received
'at the time ofgoing t0,.pr4.;;.
ltro. in IVltiml 16--No.- Iraten.4
WzA,. SVind
,1 4 .1X.5T 11 -T A.N:+O it• .T 6
'Ho., in TVlwel,' 211- 7 No. , l)rattn, 36
.Irosiiih Gray
I. B , o4Kreanyir .
Oven W acmes
BOlonion Sittisebn
Martin deed
Hurry llorsbborger -
Jobn Weng'ert "
Henry Kreiger
Jung elty
Wm B Albert
Thos. S Boger "-•
33Prrj1 EL T
Wo. Enrolled, 258.
John. Faber
ierelalNiA Alto'
John Miller
Peter EJris ,.
Cyrus Mtn'
Joseph Ftslief
Lev illtabeiger
Philip Brown
David .5. Knelt.
Henry S. Lentz
John It
S IV AT '1
No.. in Wheel 2,0
Franklin. ►t'atter
Christian Light,
Hon ry B brier .
David lVengert' • '
B&W Shally
Bonjamjn Shirk
Sohn Batazale
Ham ilton- Dixon
Joel 'Fox ' r"
Fred.'k BaSaOrf •
Aaron Stine
William Wolf- ,
Benjamin Sehs'fa
.Kra it
51nfl BarAlek
.Ttinatien . Grumbe!n.
1D40,1104 1 9. -
Roulsen,„itartleb • -
Thomas Self*,
Jonas Bieklex y
G ideop
George Storm
Edmund K Kimmel
Henry Ley
SaMuel BYfisun
Jalllo3 MON 4 in r 4
John II Moore
Jonathon Strout
Joseph Cowman
Peter W
Solomon Light,
John IlleLiughlin
John C Wentz
Enrolled, 2-t4-L-Draiini; 33.
Jahn 'Bomberger.
Joseph. Meyer -
Isaac Brandt
Benj. Blanch
Peter L Fiteror
Joseph Bricker
winiam anyder .
Frank L A IhTeill
Thomas F Yegley"
Gen Zareir
'William Rupp. ,
IYilliam Leidich ,
:Ban lel D Light •,
Isaac Shaffer
Levi Think
Georp Phillippi
`Abraham it Light
011Ver JOhPI
Wm. McCord` 6 •
John - IL, Wjitneyer
Joseph `Rleiner:` . • '
Harrison ponder°
John C. Lasconift
Meyer Hothsch itd
Gime Cniti
David C'Dissinger
Willis m lyylo
Henry :I; *eater ,
Henry W left
Lewis Cob in
Israel:P . l(lBf • -;-,
John H Krum,
John K. Kara
Addison T Weidel
Barret Gallagher -
Bonbon Mender
Jheab Hammer',
Charles Kilmnicr
Jacob S Wolf -
- SatiieljA Hughes
Hen ry'l 'linters
Josiah B Louie'
, •
BaSsinr Boyer
Reuben Wen rich
UNEON-191. is
Amos :Welt
Eme!lftt nem
.7.Nittnan .
Hoary Bross
TAiNe Bohr '
Isaac Arti e •
Snwnei Rabor
B•guicon Manse
oacelyl,Bor:ott A
John AlOotighino •
1 ,1 , 411ip smith • •
Jiceb ghuttr
Edward Dryf os
Jacob 6 Wa'uoir
Imo c Dotunoyor
Tabixe ilarb.riett
Amos Bess .
TILE undersigned havink been reatereir to 'health hi
a felt weeks, by a YeTy StiMilitt remedy, 'after having
suffered several yeers, with - a" severe lung affection,
that: dread disease. Consumfition--4 azikkins to
Tiiske known to his'fel:low sufferers the ,menus of cure-
To nil who desire it, lie will tend a copy of the .pre
!seription used, (free of tharge,) with thelire'ettorif for
preparing and using the same, whichthey
cure cure for Consumption; Asthma, Rronchitie, Colds
aneehe . 4tm 'the ...Lir ---
sending the Prescription is to benefit the. alit feted; 'and
aprend itiforniation which tie conceives to Ale in
, raluable4sintl,hehopen every! sufferer >will try , his
remedy, as it wilreest them nothing, and . may - prove
blessine. .
'Febraary 35,1565 .-3ui.' ' •
A Card to royal].
- A CLERGYMAN, vcltilu residing in South America
no a mi”ionat'i. d Is'covered a safeind simple rem
edy for the cure of Neivotts weitkneus; Eitrty .Decay,
Diseases of the Urinary undAetuinal Orguni. And the
whole trabi •Ordiaordere brought on by baneful and
lei(1118 habits. Great numbire have leen already
coredby'thb. liable reniedy.: ProtePted . by a ;desire to
benett.the tallieted and en fortunate, I. will aced, the
recipe' for pi'cpating aired using, this - in a
'attittd efiehlopti teeny one' *lto needa, ,it,Fro of
Please inclose a post-paid onrelope,
-01r. . ' • .•
Adams, .10qErli. INNI
' STAI:ION Dpl3i Lt lluUSE, acti,
Feb. 2,18Gti.-3UI. , .
I Jimepit Spydri
I Wan. Schadel
Time P. Miller .
Win alekley. :.•
Daniel Nye.
ivAti lilts ..
Daniel llieka
Joseph Ilartinan -
Adam Derober,ly j r .
Win 8 lkirlenary ,
Janob Shaffer
Benjamin- F: Garrett
-Adam We liner
Solemon llalib _
Jacky' Crall -
Joseph Wagner
Henry Hupp
Stephen Ile9inan
: . •
Drawn, 34.
Daniel Loose
Markus Klinger
:tuba Erigbtl3lll
Tynan 'Peillei
joint Petty . •
Josiah S•Light.: ,
Jacob . Book
AUgUStIIB Behlley
Elias Eunsliere
'Samuel Weber
Henry at Werner
,Edw Ileffeljkager%
I Casper S ticket
!Jacob Lentz • .7
O81.1",1,E. -.
Deawn 44.
Beery "O. Philips
J ll l. B , e ni c a d i . b it
Afferent'. Bru imam ,;
Levi,Kohr ,
John Brunner,
John 11 . Shittld t
Abraham Wendling
- Nathaniel llartline
William 'Loral
John Loeser
riNr ; Doak ,
William. Loeser: ,
John ,Biitdort
Enrolled, 11
—Drawn, 24
Amos Boltz
Balmer Ituntzlemon
13.iw. Koehler
John Attlenbrich
iinutuel Eisenhimer
Estiph Light
John. Foienhaum
Chnted4 Mehauglilin
Vincent II Atiwein
;John Mitlutt
'floury Tomlin
Jacob W Fortna
Jam Blauel
Fames Diiits9lll
Levi -Blanch -
Michael HGllan -
ry "SnnvelY
DaVid . Pisey •
William • . .M.urdoelE
Joseph Saylor .
Jacob'Ratigel '
Phillip Eleilinari.
Levi Noy
Aaron Karcher:
Samuel B .
No in. Wheel 418
—No „.Drawn 5 I
Ph ONE' ideCartiy
triw is Atillet
DArid:Dampmark ''-
L i jmund It Rodger
George P Smith
I)avid C George
Thoinas Good
Adam Moyer
George It Faber
A R .Boughter ...
Georgf D Seifert
:Henry: Shay
:Hoary, Loaner •
'Francis It-Ebar
Jacob Shardel
It:Oland° Raker
Henry' It. Ruth
Francis A. Seubert
honed ict Bucher
Reuben Lindwoh
floury Redman
Joseph Af 11OVitnan
Ueo. L. Atkins f'.
..tosepil IL. 'guts; : '•
John ilatthes
Box-42 Oraled.
Ad tat Nye
John .
Kittle Dab "
18.13030 U Dontanser
'John Thine'
/land Slusq
T bll6 - tai) - 1
John —.-
tsurio,K iifet ich
rttrrison Keounr
govril Fanstnacht
Pcter , Rboadd
Mins Minich
I -mac Zttrzant
Tobiaft,K 801 l tor ll 033 net
.I.,trorksuu Lie z ich ,
( ixttictg.
To Consumptives.
ritrtivs the piescriptinti will please address
Their: I:DIVAlitt, A-. Wit..o - X, \% illianiebtirg,
Deafness, Blindness and
Catarrh / . - .
runt'NATED with the utmost sueeess,• by Dr... 2. Macs,
Ondist, and Aurist (formerly of Leyden, liolland,)
Nfl, 519 Pine Btreet, Philadelphia: , Testimonials from
the:niust. reliable sources in ,tl.e City and Country can
be seen at his Once.' The medical Inanity are invited
to arcumpapy their patients, as be has-uo searets! in
his practice. ANTIFICIAti NYEB, , ineertdd- lkithout
pa in No charge made for examination. - •
February 8, 1865.
Old _Eyes made New.
A k r. r:AbiRTMET dirt:Ong hcf4 , to apetailijealfre
Opt. nod ,g ire top .apeetaloop without add of i tkor,
Cur L, anodia4ne„.. plot by ,atoial; on receipt of AO Eetato.
Atbarcema: `- FQQTE
-I1 i 0 Broadway,
Feb .'l l 1805.—Gin.
• .If Yon Want 10 Know
LITTLIt OF FNERYTIIING.reIating'IO": tint hit.
....AL.ll373.lrEysitetn, male and fent ale the . c.tiees sod
treatment of diseases: mg. marriage customs of the
world ;,how, , :to marry well uvethousand things
never pithltihed before read the , reused - -and enlarged
edition of "Medical Coninion Anse," cu rides book for
curious people. and atgcod took for every one. 403
pages,ltlo,l4ustratimia. -Oonterittrtable
sentfriliefany address. .liooki;nitty, bad .4) . ' the
'llotilt atorciZer litreoat 13y .malh, post paid wilre
teipt Of We; price. Address . _
• 5,8.,809TE, AL A.
11.30 . .nr0ad y New Fmk
AGEN-fram4 Nt cured. of ,Nervotis -Debility, In
competency,- Preatature.ripcay, and 'You thf di 41r
yor, actua fed by a desire to benefit ohm bap-
PY to furnish to all who. tmcd it,' V`reti of ; charge.) the
recipefind directions, for 'peltitig. Me,,pimple remedy
used in hietase. Sufferers „wlehhitg A to. profit by, the
advertisers 'Mid experience, and, potteese.a sureoettd
Valuable remedy, esti do witty addressing him Once
,it']tis place of ,ateinWl• TltS itecipe lucid *la informa-
tion—of vital, itilpertauCtw—will be .cheecfu.ily .:sent by
Mara ,
Addrese - " tiftflNT ORDEN,
,To, 6a, NASi4flii Street, New York.
1":- . SNervoue SUM:ran of both sexes will find this
information A
Dec:i IBoe4.—are •
Published for the benefit, and as a CAUTION ?to
YOUNG MEN:and others, tato eiffer 'from Nervous
Debility, _Premature Decay of Manhood, &c., supplying
at the same ihne.the•means of i'airokire-'By one"wh°
has eared liiniselfafter undergoing considerable quack
ery. By enclosing a postpaid addrissed'envelope,cin
copies may be had of tbe author.
' ltrboklyfi; Eine Co., N Y.,
i. it r. -
7,.1601.3ui t
Ayer-' A" - gue Oilref
llkterraittent feveri'or , Fever 'and ,Agtia,
• mittent veyer, Chill yeyer,.Dutub
reriOdical Heada.elieb;l43.lliette Headache;
and. Billing:Le revers, • indeed. for. the: whole
'vines of diseases originating. biliary 'de»
rangenient t caused by the Malaria of Mine
Acetic countries. . t.,
TtEVEIi and ti . gbe is not the cnly consequence of
1 the mi amniotic poison. A , keent vat iety: of,,disor
ions arise' limn :its irritation . , an malsrfous.d tetras
eineng whio k •aTo.Netiraigia, .ftheumatisra, iGout,+Reali
•, Toothache, Earache, Ratarrh, .Asthista,
Palpituttun, painful Affection of the ,Spleen, Hysterics
Patti irs the Bitted:4' Cotes, Paratsqns; nod :Derangement
of the Otom.szch, all °Orli icb, when ,otiginatineinithis
cause ppt 'on'the fittermitknf, :type, ,osr.become.tiierimil;
• Tine - "Car , isels. the- FPLSOU, (torn:Abe _Mont,
and thus cures them alike. It itt 'RA only ,the moot cf.
factual remedy eWst discovered Sit' this Class of com
plaints, but it is tile cheapest and mereover is perfect
ly safe . No hariii tan arise from its use, and the pa
tient when cured is left as healthy as Nile bad never
bad the disease, Can this be said or any other cure
for Chills add refer? is true of this, and its impor
tance to these afflicted with the complaint 'gimlet be
over estimated. So sure is it to cure the Fever and
Agee. that it may be truthfully said to be a certain
remedy. One Cosier complains it is not a good medi
cine to sell, becanso one bottle cures a whole neigh
. .. ,
Prepared by J. C. AYBIL &.00., Lowell, Mass., and
sold by alt the druggists In Lebanon and dealers in
medicine everywhere.
- ..
January is. 1.813,5'.. , 4 me.
The •lit.lvranors Market.
carefully Corrected Weekly. '
LEBANON, Watrausesr, MARCH 8,-1865. •
'Patt:a Family, ' $l2 50 Eggs, VA doz.,. • 35%
Extra Flour, 11 50 Butter, Ii lb.. 35"
Prime White Wbest,2 55 Tub or salted butter, 10..
Neu Red Wheat, 135 s Lard, : .. 24 ,,
Old Red, 000 Tallow;
Prime Rye, 1 50 Ram, '
Corn, 1 .40 Shovidera,
Oats, 80 Bidel, . ~.
Gluier-seed; 1; .`; 1200 ',Soapi
l'lmot ‘ hy,-sessi, ".... i'. '. 2'O BeMs-Rea -, :
Prait-aomr, - 1 - . 2 - 50 *bite Rag e, ;
Nied'Apities,pealett,2 50 !Mixed Rags,,,,
•Pttkeli'f `Bnits,' . ; 4 00, illtX, *lb,' . .
Peach “.I.liitzels," ' 200' litistlys,,it lb.,
Cherries, 225 V eatheri, vf lb.,
Onions, ', 250 , Wool, VS lb.,
PantpaB, sit bus, . . 125 1 Soup Beaus, IFt qt.;
Apple Butter, /Autos:ls. 74 ' i Vinogar, IS gal.,
t iffitelLs Arittrc%
St . .. Luke's Chtlrch ,--Services every Sunday Minting
at..lo , -
"Preaching in the 51. B. Church every .Sabbath , :both
morning, and: evrillug. • Also 'aervicos On . Thursday ,
evening. . • -
St-Jennie Carnion.—Service neat Sunday morning:MA
. • evening,- hi the English language. Lecture oil,.
Wednesday evening.
Sery ices.—Next Sabbath morning in _ the Cornice, mid
in the eveldriWtrychwrriguChAnglikicin'tne - rir
Reformed Church... - .
English preaching next Sunday, both morning and.
e!oning. .zeit ttialartirti rith „It „,r,
English preaching next 14)bath Morning, in Salem's
T:140141 ,prtivirib Lnk neat tet.,lo S AL?, and
Geratain fitirvickut t!..4 B. Pt in4ll9.Portivlan'Clkurck
at i .
On Ibell.thr" iiititao,
le CAlCVER.'hoth'ior Philideladita."
Oa:the:l6th Dauttiel 'l:Seta - oiler's lintel,
by tho Rev. C. J.
~.I, T hrehart,hlr. DAVIT STRIOK. -
LER MARY BREHM, all of Derry tp Dad'
Olin co" Da, . .; „ _
On the Slat of : iantutry. in joneatown.ll.ReV.Ymr
Otithait, Alei.11)11:4 NKEDGINt= MR. of Dauphin co.. tti
Mimi LYDIA A.',BAStip.ortjg, of Union tp.. Lebanon
county. - • .
On the 241 ult.,'at the'entne place, and' by the, anntit,
ALL 211.6N.N0," to LUCY A. snuoKER.,
bbih ot'Joneatown.
1 19 1
•Cte: te• t ult., at the someplace, and by the same,
Mr.CEORCE IIItEISIE of Cornwall, to Miss GUSTINA.
EISENHOUR; of Nettli Lebneo.i •. • • •
• On the sth by.the; Asti, C. I, Thompson," Mr.
both ofthis place: • ' •
Ou the 28th ult., by Rev.] B. W. Selithauk., Mr. ED
both of Ilaidttlberg township, Libation county.
Oh thii : fin bit in 31yeratown.'31ARY , SODOTt,
title of Julia Shutt, aged ,5,1 Tears and 4 inon tbs.
On the tird - Inst., Dr. MUM, lAS DERNHAED
EICOOIat, aged 44 years find 23 days.,
theiath Anst, -tiATLI AKIN at,,reliot of Cleoge,
BNOIC 0, deed, aged 64 years and 26-date.
lilix:; . T . :-tti:,g . 11.1.. - ..1,t . t. v;
IL .
cart voRTN.r.
A7-deriutit of ilectitPta and D 'shrine - 47.
j monis of the 13sunty 'Funds in Cantwell Township
under the President's call far i)o,oooanen In 2864 y
geggi*od from - Jacob
tor of Tax levied loy . tha,Bottril ocAuliool
I cepluition wirx. t on men in'
0992 rd
Deceived of Oliver Idowman, this 4=ol/at
ReCeiTed 43i1,84100/, 'Direct?* NAtf,of
August 29,4844 at SO diva;
Amount "ilceive+l Trenqurer,
Paid School Directors' Note of
13,,at - SAOOO 00
PHA o.6.oollDrectors' Note of
July 30'.1501, at J 0 days
Paid School Directors' Note of
August 29, , 7564,
,at 30 tlays
Pahl Discounts,' btasups and
, ; 119.cltuge
Paid;interost on Notes :.after
. -
Paid edetiel 'Koch &Tenses
to- Bartishurg,
Paid Robert Evans. eireasei
to Harrisburg:and Ptilla's;
Paid to Oliver BOITillt1t1; to pay
for recruits, - 3659 50
Paid ff. lit.lionek, formllecting
$1.736i9.,1tee cent. •
Paid for Siutiips MIA Blank -
Books, I 31
Paid - Jacob Witmer it , for
collecting $13160 ' 65, at 2
per cent. 203 40
Paid Jacob Witmer, expenses.
procuring volunteers , f 3 3i
Paid . F. .1 - :•Witiner, for collect. ,
ing $1612,nt 2 per cent. ' 32 24
.P,aid,for Teleg 'mp‘ , lug $3 ' '
writing' certificates of En-
Bairns - ate, $2 50, five MO-
Cates of Capitation Tax and
making out Duplieates of
Tax levied, $20,. 25 . 55 • ,
'Paid A Wilhelm, expenses to . .
Philadelphia and' Plittsville,: • 90
Paid A- Wilhelm, for collect
ing $6 0, st, 2 . per cent.- 12 . 20
Treasurer's commissions ori,4 . • .
per cent., on _517161 85; fib S 0
Paid Oliver Bowman, expenses
procaring.voluuteers, • ; v ;;58 007
IBilance - in hinds of Treasurer, . '360 49
Amonnt of tax col lected.per duolicaie; $13169 a 5
Amount of capitation tax.collected - E 09 2 .00
- - E 5
Amondt paid by Oliver . Bowman
,f 1 recruit,: ; tifi9 60
'Amount 'paid by Oltver - BeßtaaD" -
. for 2. recruits at $176; i ' 950 too
-Amount- paid I yoliver Bowman
tor 6 rept nita at $5lO, - '306000 ' '-
Amount paid . •Otiyer Boynton .
for 2.1 recruits at ssoa , 10503 00
Amount paid by. Oliver ' , Bowman
lee 1 ricrurt pop, for :silica , ,
no eat:UM:ate was returned,: - ; 500 GO
Amount paid by JacobWitmar;je., - -
for. 4 =vitt - 50,00
Atootintlaftfl'iolia's do Ur os 81 . 14
lateral Paid on do, and stamps; - 66 28 -
.Amoont for collecting $17161 85 at •
2 cent, 341 24
oDittel (Mal expenses. and "
tremuret a commission, .-;„ 111 0q
1 Amount ef, Frank Kocli'a exponv a, ; "
Amount of. klob't.ttosue tut:onsets. 41
Amount of A.,Wilheirs'e•exp? sea, .16 20 . •
'Aminint tfJ'aeada Witaper's:jr ex-
Pendia, . 93 37 '4
Amount, of B.tutips; 41anic. Woks, ;
Telegraphing; An., : ZO 80,
'Anio - outOf Oliver .Bowraree ex • •
Tenses, • ;
Amount, of incidental ~.,expcnene ;.
Paid by him, ' . u
Amonntin har'..' - at of Trameurnr .800.49
V 7181.85
We the underaigniad Anditore of. Goyimail toaruehip,
in Lebanon County ;in the Common Wealth ?of!.p.,un.
- sylvenin. do certify that in pursuance,
of Xfie.l,4t,h 50C-
Con of the act relation to the Payment of ilountitie to
Votuuteeri,,apProvnd ilia' 24th ' , day of Idarch,, .
i 864, We met at the Public iletiett of John • Edatthei,in
the liortrtirli of Leliaman, en '.idonday,,March.6, 1865,
and did andit and. adjust, tbe shovo.accaunta. as .re
qutred by , law, to the . eat of our judgment tandability.
And na'find in the bandit of A. WI itielm,Ttesimarer
of the School Board of Coacnemli Towriihip.,the,FAM of
Three hundred and sixty dollars- and,, forty, nine cents.
In withissytlierert We have bitre.trito;:iset our bands
this sixth day of North: A B 1666,
. - D A. ;prD t oi ng s ß, ormaiors. ,
• Cornwall . Mit'ch'9 '1865.' ' ' "
' An' Ordkniinee ••• ' -
"Waite lo'ilie rel/Ottai of Snow frost 811 k .irtas awl
Gutters in. 10 - Bore:Oh of Lebanon. . . "
E It en acted .and ordained .br the Burgess and
.1.1; Town Council of the, nerodgit ofLebanon, That
from Mid After. the publication of this. ‘ or.tinanco,
proper,ty.hold9rs shall rotaeve' front the side walks and
gutters'ortheir, - .oaipectiVe properties all snow and ice
prictiCal lo.'rtniove r 'iked shall hereafter remove all
snow from said 'side valise, and gutters immediately
after,ite Any person;;.Violating Atilt,. ordinance,
shall, cm' hie for her neglitck...being reported „to Oto
Chief Burgess, pay - tt 'pentely..,tef FIVB de Hare, to be
collected as all:flues of like Amount. orb recoverable by
Enacted; Feb: 20; TBB5. •
'Z ” : T° l 4 41
* B , BI NQE4Iit (VP/ •
. , Chict I , l „ itygotet,., p . tp.e.nA.. 4
Atteitt,-I):'E:Dittfalt,tl#lt.t:':!, ,
3.mat pcigtesi: fdi''sale at :this
office, Conditions-forthe.Sale of Real Es
Lebanon Car Iron and Rolling
Mill Company.
QVALED Propoßals will be received by.
the Ditectore of the Lebanon Oar Irov.and Rolling
11.1.41 Companhautil .1 1 Lad.ty, the 10th day of March,
bast, at 12 teeloek,N., - tor net leas than Ten acres of
lend, loestoe in the Borough of Lebanon, or its home
also vicinity, ror a alto for said wol ha.
The land rtquirsd mrst possess the following rega l.
sites, to Sit
I. It meet not be les3 than ton nor more than fkrxen
•/. rt mutt he within my cmuntiott with tho Loba
non Vitilleiltoit hond
8. It mutt hulk P. full et-poly of ri-ming w Art , vs!
to the consumption, of two first class E urn an0n.. , . .
4. The grade„should be as near as possible that of the
Is:Amnon Valley Bail Road, Parties proposing will
state the amount, of grading that their grounds require,
to bring them to the above grade,
P. Proposals Must state the price per acre, and be
heeded to J 411?? .080R(3,E, tre ,on or before the Limo
above specified: -
Ali) one `desiring further Inform it :on ‘‘ HI please
call upon the dnaersigned coimittee.
Atlllt Alf AM effErrfi..
10 .
: 6
March •2; 18654
Pes - o nal Proper (y
ILL be aid at - PUBLIC SALE, on
ThTIISPAY, the 234 day, of 1165.'
at the reaileuce tit the.nadereigned. in Market Si set,
Lebanon Pa ; tis ii,llowing Personal Prrpariy, viz :
1 -:' =
STOT.6B,I3TAND3, Tub., 11u-re's, BOX 11.• Potatoes by
the linshel,Deski.Tia; Ware, Ea 'thorn Ware, Crock
..K e
otp,l oApparti iv. 'flier, Ke•atorl- ar.-a - ta-Waaon-
Leikawair..2.i.lietta.ilarciess,_lcar atty by
the Ton.
ALSO; the f.) lowlag arleles especially fa Cabinet
Makers, vie: -
A Splendid lot of READ BOARDS' ard SOFA OAR-
Visas; fOOKING •GLA-ib'FRAMES, Standards for
Dressing Pierson//, Looking Ohmic plates, Marble Slabs
for - Wash 'Stands, 'Varnish; Japan and Paint, ' pole
Springs, Tacks and a general variety of Sofa T rim
ming. Hardware, ends as Bureau Locks,Band*, Screws,
Bed Potts t,-And Table_ Legs.
'AIM, A large assortment of CARI'EN'TERS' and
cABINtr MAKER'S Ti)(44.
, ALS,B a„weliarran.ed Cabinet Water's GUEST, cot
tabling a fail and complete sett .or Cabioet Maker's
eI,.Mr;LATIBACR having determine/ to quit the
OsbiaSt tipsiness In this place ; nal salt his very large
and 'itaeorfed sit ` of Iloria:hold JEurnitnre,- Sofas,-
Chairs. te,;*AT COST, until the First of May next after
thiehlife the business will tie carried on by A. STEI.•
4j' Sale to cornme..oe at lOoTelock,P.M., on son day,
wh . iln conditions of sole will be made known by
LetonottiMa - eh 9,1865.
The Phoenix Pectoral
liflßtArvo..w., Lpaiss
Such as Colds, Coitghs, Croup, Asthma,
Bronchitis, - Catart ,Sore Throat,
Roarsness, ; Whooping
Cough &c.
Pplmonary s V Consumption.
.11_ has taken bola it will afford greater relief than
any other medicine.
Miss Kate Vanderslice of .Pottsville, says, "I Was
benefited more by using ;the PlMenix 'Pectoral than
any other medicine I.eyMi used."
Iyllae Oberholtzer, Llonvitle. Chester county, eras
.cured.of M.couo of many :years'„statuding by using the
• Pfinsiiiit Pectortil. .
Joseph Lulteni,Nif flaliiitreet, Phoeniuville, certifies
that•lim was cuild'of*cattelitif fire years standing,
wh'iVall other medicines had felled, by the use of the
"Phnetia Pectoral.
- • - _Jacob Powers certifies thafbe has sold bemire 713 of
',bottles, of the Phoeidx'Wntoral, and that all who used
it. bear testimony wenderffil effects., in curip
trstl it, taut no lteritat ion Ju-pronouncing it a Com
plete romerly Tor otiugit, .lioathetiose and irritation in
the llama.
, ,7 1.'heNtrest Chester ..P.X ?widen says : •
"Wa,..have knOwn Oherholtzer personally a
"number of years, ana it g ftes na:the greatest pleasure
to recommena hisimedieines, inasmuch at the public
rarely have thahenefit of familOnolicines prepared by
a physician of bii; acquirethouts and experience.
fDr. Oberholtzer is a meinber of the Alumni of the
Medical 119arlinent at the:University of Pennsylvania,
at which institution he graduated in 1854-2'.
POTTSTOWN Jan -ary'il 1805.
in oo
soo oo
$19037 85
'5OO 00
This certifies that I have need the Phoenix: Pectoral
in my fans ily.aud I recommend it to the public as the,
'tory best remedy Tor Coughs and Colds that I have
star triMi. Ono of my children was taken with a cold
accompanied with a Croupy Cough -, so bed indeed that
it could not talk or scarcely breathe. Having heard'
sci'mpchsaid:about the Phoenix - ,PeCteralA;procured
.hottle otiC 'The first dose: felie'reit the, ditlieulty of
breatiiingandhefere the child bad taken' onmfourth of
the bottle it was entirely well. Every family should
have it in their house:
Signed: ; - D. P. CROSIM.
Mrs. Mary Defier, mother of. Uon.
President Judge of the. Chaster and Delaware Districts,
says that She cannot do without the Phoenix Pectoral.
Pr. George B. Wood, Professor. of the :Practices of
Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania hospital,
and one of the authors of the United States. Dispensa
tory. says of the Seneka Snake Root : "lts .action is
especially directed to the lungs."
180 D 00
16 56
is 00
41 33
; rho proprietor of this medicine has co touch confi
dence in its curative powers, from the testimony of
hundreds who have used it, that the money will be re
funded to any purcha er who id not satisfied with .its
"effects. - .
It is so pleasant 10 take that children cry for it.
It costsnfnly 3.5 cnnts—hirge bottles ONE DOLLAR.—
Ms intended for only one class of distates, namely
those of tho LIMOS - and TfiltitrAT. .
Prepared only-ley - Levi 01,erholtzer, 111. D., Pluenik.
'Title, Pa. Johnston ifollowny 'Bi Cowden, No. 23,
N.Sisth at. Philadtdpbbtointlfr. C. Wells'.2 CO. N 0.115
Franklin st.,Sen York ,Cetteral Wholesale Agents.
Suld'n'holesnle and Vetail by J. L, Lemberger,,,Dr.
Gas. elosk.suktr P. e r,Lebanon t and by nearly
every druggist Mid Storekeeper, la Letermen county
N. I ,you r 'rattiest druggist or storekeeper does
not keep this medicine du nut let him Put you MY with
some other Moil becauel .makes more money
on it, but send at once to one of the Agents rof it.
March 8,1865.-6 ca.
U. 5.,.,730'.-.LQAT4T.
„ .
Y authority of.tbe Secretary of. tha TreUsary, the
undersigned lies assumed the General Subscription
Agency for theltaienf United' States 'Treasury Notes,
bearing seven and three tenths per cent.: interest. per
annum itnown'att the ..
These Notes are issued uteldr date of _August 15tb,
- 1664 - , arm apepayable Chive yeers from that time, in
ro:iiepcji:iiii-ELre.eptly . rttt?ip F a the option of the hold-
s. six- per cent.
Gold Bea ring Bonds.
. .
These bondslie, now. Wort premium of nine per
cent., ineldding told iii4itfigin Nor., whiphmalma
theactiin4OrofitiM l . - tie 7 43 1:44 at current rates, in.
cindinginterat, 'a:bent - ten Wl'eeut.periinnum, besides
its mminption from Stdte and municipal taxation,
which adds from one to three per. cent. more, accord
ing to the rate icy ledOn-otber property. The interest
is payable seiniminualli by coupons attached to each
note, whlch i may be cut.otand sold to any . , bank or
The inier , stamountato' 4- • -
One Cent par flay Mot . ' - s7s9inetti..,„,
. Tact:7,eiits ' 4 lOO "
Ten .." "500
Twenty •". ' ' 1 . ,000
' One !Minas - 4 4 1 44 .5,000
Notes of nil the dpnoaliaationa 'valued will be
promptly fur:3'44lo upon,iaCeipt
'of subscriptions
Thig3e. , , '
.Th . • only Locin in. Market
Dow offered by the Government, and it is Confidently
e7Pde,ted ' ill 44 ; its fitilefir advantages make Lit "the
. LeSS ihrui 4 , 4 oo 000 000 re :life tinseld, which will
probablype,disposed of Within the next 60 or 'BO days,
when the hotes-will undoubtedly tommandn premium,
as has uniformly been the ease on closing the sub
teriptionifii ' '
In order - that Citizens of - every town and section of
the cony:Au may be afforded facilities for tatting the
loan; the National Bank's; State* punks, and Private
Banker's throughout the 'country
„have, generally
ogre: d to ' re Cairo aubserfitione , it" par: -7 'Snbaorihers
will;t4elect their own ag:ents;in*honz . t‘teY, itnire eon
fidon'Ze, and only are reipousible . for .the delivery
of thenoies fur which they receive orders. . •
ttss olll ll;o 3 " .' aii? Philadelphia.
Seescaiiiyxoas by the Lehaaea
tinnaldltinh; the Valley National Bank of ..f.eltatton
and the First Net tonal likink of Lob anon, '
March 3,1865.-7 an.
Per.sonal Proper Ey.
.- 461 - r •
ii(E r .iyak
TWILL be sold at public sale on
, 25, 1865.
At the resideilie of the aubseriber, In 'Ahmnberland
street: lin et Lebouotioeowr,Salem's Lutheran Cemete
ry, the following' PotAclartiPtcrpe rty,
STOVES and Pipe, BEDS, Bedsteads. Parlor Pura,
tore, eu ch as Chairs. Tahles, se., Tubs Wimelltrarro*;
Cane Pealed CILAIR.S.Looking G fosse& tiViont 20 Unit
of BROOM CORN SEED, aben't 23 tons. cif COAL - ;
and many other articles too nnmerous to mention.
Sale to commence .at 1 o'clock, P.M., when tonne'
Rill be triads known by •
Lebßnon, March 1, 18(15
ttudersiguni ate' about locating in Lebanon,
I -what is essentially a . '
Missouri Tobacco Factoky,
for the mann factnre of Ping Tobacco. Our stock is
'Missouri leaf, made up by Missouri bands, and our
machinery Is of . the latest and most efficient character.
We shall determinedly adhere to the policy of waking
and a iling.outy a
aed dealers, merchant? end
_others, while they have
the privilege of buying d irretiy from the manufactur
er, tbuksaving to themdelves the intermediate profits
heretofore paid the jobber, are saved the risk. of Agettr.
ting adulterated or poisoned tobaccos as when buying
unknown or irrespeesible Makes. . , ir •
We Shall be ready to Ali orcieta by 111410*r ofgarch
fill- We can retail 'nene--cari soli to no purchaser
less than 20 pounds. . • - ;•:.
circulars and price fist sent to any address eh appif:
ARP In n few weeks ito shall be prepared fi Mann
facture line cut chewing-'and smoking tobaccos of ra,
rions grades.
Lebanon, Peb. 22, 1805.-3122.
February 15, 1865..
rilllE Stockholders of this Banta. are hereby •ribtifietl,
I that the Board have this day determined In
the remaihing ihsfaliuents ou the NEW , SILN.RES,.•
amounting to MO ON NACU. SHARE. end that, the.
same lIIUSL be paid oh of before the 18th day of Afarr..s.,
runt. ' E. A. UIILER, C'netrlel:
Lebanon, March 1, 1855.
r ?:.'•73 5-4
' ,a l— ;
g • t• R% t=/
2 ,N AI p t=)
P "
• s t.` 4,
e & Li g
0 o=--
. _ .
03.5O 3. 5 -C 2 . - ."7-1
• *• .
1 4
• d
• : •
rut wo o SOQI.IIB on the second-floor , of Funck's
j_ adjoining the AdveraffeOffice, are offered for Rent
ffrom thoof April. These rooms- are well located
or an oWile_or inecilitnifal business. Apyly to
Lebanon,yob. 15,1 -
'fitisinesg Room for Rent.
rulrlg'llool 'now abet:pied by George I. Arent as
12 a Bar BOOM at the R. It. 'Divot. together. Kith
floe basement Cellar is OFFRRtD FOR RENT FOR
BUSINESS. Possession given the 2tlllity of -Match,
next, by STINE ic ROSS.
Lebanon, Feb. 22,1865.—5 t.
A n Ordinance
of Horses, Oattle, Sheep, and
Swine within the Borough of Lebanon.'
1131 f it Enacted and ordained by the Burgess itnd
131 Town Council of the Borough of Lebanon, i 'hat
from and after the publication of this Ordinatite it
shall not be lawful for any person or persons to bury
any dead nurses, Cattle, Sheep or Swine withitr the
Borough, limits. On Complaint to , tho= _Chief Shur
gess of tiny Person or persons Violating this oxilinaliee,
such person shall pay a penalty of Twenty Five Dol
lars for every offence. One half of whi eh to go to the
informer and the other half to the Borough Treasurer.
said penalty tube collocted.fts all debts of like amounts
am recoverable by. Law .
Bunted, Februari'2B, 1865.
' Chief Burgess, pro tem
Attest, D. E. blitirr., Clerk
Mail Mil
George Hoff's - nail's
~' ~-.
... ~s
'"TTi7TTi j 1 1.3~~'1
By — Lebanon Valley Rai/road.
PARTICULAR attention will be paid to Goode shipp
ed by the Lebanon Valley:Railroad. Goode will be
sent doily to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers.
torn and Annvlllo E.tatlona, and all other plots in the
FlttatllTS contracted ior at theleast possible rates
and delivered with dispatch.
The Proprietor Will pay particular attantfort to.gand..
attend personally, to the receiving and deli*ery of all
For information, apply at his Office at the Lebanon
Valley Railroad Der ot, Lebanon.
RDIV..4IW'MARK, his Agent in Philadelphia. will al-
Amyl, he found at 14". B. Push's ItTerr,li ut7; lintel, _Forth
Third at.. Initaddrkia -
May 4, Mil
PlOughs' ,V,,rioughs
ELIAS IiItEIDER bits on band a number' of WAI.-
LACE'S PATENT PLOV.IGII§ , , which .he: offers-for
sale. They can be bought jidst RS' 61164 as
from the manufaeturer. These ptoughs Are well rec
ommended, and al? we ti
en sk is a trial. We are sure
that all w ill be well satisfied. Address.
• ELIAS KREIDER, igiint, "
• Shiefferstowm, Lebanon Co.,Pa.
March 1, 1865.
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