The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, March 08, 1865, Image 2

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    mht, afififglistg.
WM. M. BRE9LII4 , editoranil Pro
' . I.ittANON
—The pending Draft hgs scarcely
commenced and already we have in
timations that another is coming. It
looms up grim and grisly in Forney's
Press in the shape of five ?hundred
thousand more! It says, "let us send
500,000 more muskets to the Lieu.
enant Genera, •aird we place the re
sult beyond contingency. We enable
our loaders not only to crush the re
bellion, but to grind it to powder."—
This is not the f irst time we have
boon promised the ugrinding to pow
der," and the ' , crushing" of the re
bellion "beyond contingency," instead
uf.which 'Atria genarftlip tnrnikti Gut,
,that somebody else was crushed 'arid
grouid. .Nevertheless, the bell has
been tapped; 500,000 more men are
wanted. The call will shortly ap
pear, and it will not be a ."deficiency"
Call, but a call for bran new men. If
the administration is not tired of
making tboxe "calls" we can assure
thetal:hatthro ipesiple ore tired , of
Niir • Congress last week passed a
extending the benefit of the pen
sion acts to contract surgeons, etc.,
and to ail persons disabled while ac:
tually repelling invasion of any State,
granting twenty dollars a month to
invalids who have lost a foot and ft
band, and providing that pensions
shall not be given to employees who
are receiving the same pay as able
bodied persons in the same situations.
0Z:7" The quota of Harrisburg, un•
{ler he 'last call for men, is 492. It
its feared that such a heavy drain up-.
on the city will be a blow upon business
which will make it stagger. Row
much longer the Northern States can
stand MO pressures without eollaps•
ing is a question for the people to
study well.
ltsgt. Columbia, the capital of South
Carolina, was burned by order of
General Siverman, on the 24th ult.—
The cause of the order is wild to have
been, that after our troops took pos
session they were fired on from the
houses and a number killed.
ernor of the State of :Delaware, died
at Dover on the Ist inst., after a vpry
short illness. Mr. Saulsbury, dome.
erat, President of the Sen ate, becomes
Governer by Constitutional provis
Oz General Sheridan's advance
south along the Shenandoah valley
began on Monday last. General Han
cock was placed in command of Win
chester during Sheridan's absence.--
We have no news direct from Sheri
dan, but General Grant telegraphs
from, City Point, that deserters say
CharlottosvillC was captured on Thurs-'
day last, 1,800 prisoners, includirig
General Early, being taken—.
-President Lincoln waA,re-in
augurated on Saturday, for a second
term of four years. Thos‘wiro voted
for him are reaping with others, thd
bitter fruits of, his action. , gad Ato,
Clellan been elected, the war; might
be speedily terminated on the''basis'
of a happy reconstruction of the Uni- -
on. " As it is, God only knows,what
more we must suffer under the policy
of those Abolition Agitators, who now
rule to our ruin.
The latest reports we haye
from Sherman is that be; is fast ion,
account of the impabsability_of the
roads, , between Columbia and Cher
ow The rivers are swollen ; the
swamps Impassable, and be seems un
able is move in any direction. The
Confederate steamer Chickamauga
has been burned on the Cape Fear
Mier, above 'Wilmington, to prevent
her capture. ThOre 'are various re
ports from Wilmington it,nd Wash.
ington, that Sherman has reached
Fayettsville, and that gunboats have
been sent up, the Cape Fear river to
that town. These, reports are at
least iremature.-
There is no cessation in General
Grant's preparations for a gigantic
expedition from Hatcher's run, on
the - left of his line. Re may he ex
pected to march ns soon as the fresh
ets subside, and the roads are, fit to
tear artillery.
,Such a movement has
become necessary to relieve Sherman;
for no Federal troops from the east'
can get to him . , and the Confederate
army In his front is , Strengtheni ng
everyday.'- '
Dalton, aeorgia, us now the isx
trona southern post occupied by the
Federal troops in that region. :At-.
lanta is garrisoned by the Confeder
ates, and the railroads entering 'there
are being rapidly ,repaired. _North-,
ern Georgia,ictun of,guerriilas,
HONESTY.—To be honest re
quires no talent whatsoever; it is
quite n humdrum, straight-forward
acquirement, which any person may
attain. But, unfortunately, it is very
little in vogue just now; the disre
pute under which it labors, in, all de
partments and bianches of the goy
crnment, has put it almost entirely
out of fashion even among a large
class of the people; so that cheating
and stealing are the only subjects on
theTertainty - of which the 'officials,
. and speculators appear
to plate any very considerable reli
, lierStx Efonkann MMLIONS
—The new Leap Bill passed the Se
nate on Wednesday precisely as it
came from the House, and has become
a law, by the President's signature.
It authorizes the Secretary of the
Treasury to borrow $600,000,000 in
addition to the sums already borrow
ed,,and to issue , therefor bonds or
Treasury notes redeemable in not less
than five or more than forty years
from their date. The rate of inter
est on tha_sanve--6- - co — toe i .01.1-11, per
cent. in currency..
46Y" Both branches of the Legiil
Ore adjourned on Wednesday to
Tuesday of this week, to, afford the
"ioyai" portion of the members twat
tend the inauguration of 'their 'ford
and master at Vaihingtone,
ear The New Jersey Legislature.
hat "refused to ratify tho'Constitution
al amendments abolishing slavery.—
New Jersey, Delaware and Kentucky
are the only States thits farthat have
refused to cat dirt at tbebeh'est of ab
olition ism.
Ttex. The more noisy some men are
in their professions of "loyally,", the
more traitorous. at heavt gerrettaNy.
They Ave like the hypocrites in =reli
gion, loud professions and little or no
piety. In the "loyaltr'buSiness the
NelV'England States haye exceeded
all.others—that is in professions.—:
Last week a -blocka(k nner wag
captured off -Wilniingtot .. dv9ri'fc erg
deavoring to got in,-' loadcd.,74b
heavy cavalry boots for Ihe rebels.—
The boots have' been-ascertained:to
be of Yankee manufacture.. It is also
supposed that they were shipped from
the New England States This is
only another explariatiOn:•of the in
tense "loyalty" of the Yankees "doWn
east." War pays them - well; eyn. if
*t the expense of the life.and
blood et . Ureic .fellow men.. • -
Iteir Hon. Emerson Etheridge has
written 11 . , letter- Ouvri ng prove—tie
fore a committee, that Old , AlWs pri
vate door keeper has been . hi the 'hab
it of receiving money to admit Visi
tors, and also, that he has procured
the pardon of ,rebel prisoners for $lO
a piece. People may draw what In
ferences they 'please - frem this. Poi
our part we know that the - War is,
kept up so that those managing may
make money out of it; It pays:
le_ It is proposed, by the .41:boli-
Monists, to elect a-negro to the May
oralty of Georgetown, a city within
sight of the capitol of the United
States. The. !ectiored: gentleman'e,
name is,A.lfred"Loe; Esq., an: extent.
-sine dealerintorse , feed' on Bridge
street."- daid - to ha'''l4ei'Y
lif#-The towiriellfction a n New Tork
State, have gone - istiongly Democrat.
,)!liiny tow os, ,th it never before
, electedDentocratievofficers, have cb
'Ben qtb e'Dernocrittio'Van d i dates.
11160 - P. Gray Illeek, Esq., Editar'of
the De m oerati eWateliman., Bellefonte,
Vientre Co., Pa., Vas arrested on Fri
day last and - esiried off to some dnn
geon, by ., seme.agenti of the despot
ism now ruling, this country. The
Cause of
.13 ig,arrest. no. one knows, but
is generally supposed to have been
stigated by some of 'his loravebeisi=
bora who, too eowardliio o to the
front to figlib ,the. rebele,..aro.atriving
to inaugurate anat4y and tyranny
at home. - ~.f;
OzlrGoid at Philadelphia on .Satur
day was quoted at 199.,
Arlon= cautioned
our readers a week or two' sinceia;
gainst ; the. too common practice of
barning oil wick low in the socket
for the purpose of either saving con=
sumption of the fluid or moderating
the light, stating theevil consequences
that might result. liNte .have 'now. a
late accident to.relate—out of Many
that,come under our notice—Which
we hope will.convince the most akep-
Meal that not only health, tuft life is
even endangered by burning the lamp
wick low in the socket. The Lan
sing journal mentions the fact that .a
woman in that neighb'orbood was
found dead in her bed, having died in
consequence, ofd the poisonous gas a
rising from a burning kerosene lamp,
with the wick turned down, in her
chamber. With the. lamp'properly
trimmed, the wick at a proper height,
the gas is consumed, and there is no,
danger ; but when the wick is turned
down too low the gas:esbapeaand.
sons tha:air. -
illaPliVaier is it we- feat' more than
'mortal strife rieh'man need
of? A poor man has I A content
ed man"' wants ? A miser spends .;
and 'all 'Men carry to theirgraves with
[Correspondence of the Advertiser.]
NEAVBERN, N. 0., Feb. 20,1805
MR. EDITOR,—After a long voyage
on old Atlantic's bosom, I at length
arrived at Newborn, North Carolina,
and as I promised to Write to.a num
ber of my friends in Lebanon, I
thought I ?night, save time by writing
a few lines far your paper, and thus
reach all.
I remained in Baltimore for .sev
eral weeks aft-or doparture from
home, and left the hitter place 'on
the IBth of January for Savannah; ar
riving there we anchored afthe city,
and could not land on account of
Sherman's army having already lett
there. We then ratertre'd , to
Head, millirem' there we saileerto
Fort Fisher, and finally to Newbern,
where we are at present,
Oar voysge listed
-and iC was a most interoiting trip to
me, which will amply make up for
the' many tarn)* escapee we made.
The sweeping gales tossed our vessel
about like a top, and occasidnally're-
Minded Me e' a'Stone skipping - over
the water. *But I will not attempt
nriythinglike a desbription, for our
ride'liad to be seen and felt to be ap
preemted (?) .
Newbern is a firie city' doing Con
siderable buthiness. It is pleasantly
sr oatett
`the - mouth of the rtierit,, that is, in
the forlcoi thajonctirerCof fhose riv
ees. ne country surrounding the
'city, howerer, is low, and marshy, and
`ndted !far its "vies swamps.",
'I 'attached myself - co a "construe
1.r0nt.011)1.4, and, our work is, at pre
'sent, comparatively 'easy. I do' not
know, how seen we will leave here.
Spring is commencink, and ere '"I
Write again We will enjoy the vernal
clime which makes 'this section of
country so cheerful at this season. of
the year.' ,
With my best respects to all ray
friends, I remain •
Very Respectfully Yours.,
The tollOWink, are - .4 . 6.,prooeediugs
of our ~I,:feislatilr:e • Ouripg
.the past
in the Senate - , on Tuetday, Mr.
Connell read a bill to . make valid con
veyances by wives'in their minority
of their interest in Weir huskiand's
real estate. , •
ltr. Wilson, one to promote . the
safety of travelers by punishing:neg- .
ligent and careless railroad employ ,
Mr, Champneys 'a suppler - newt' to
the bounty lawe in the-bown •
tr to $450.-` .
Mr. Connell presented a memorial
from the Philadelphia Board ofl. l r , tdo
relative to the freqinficy Of railroad
accidents, and requesting the pdssage
oiled net making employeeS strictly
Al3O, a supplement to the act 'au
thorizing the Geyer - n - 6r
,to appoint
Notaries Public, and. for .Other 'pur
poses. -
act requiring nupervisars of roads
aod, overseers of the poor to giro se
A copy of the resolutions of the
Philadelphia Councils requesting the
repeal of all laws under -which the
Home Guard were organized, was
Tho•further, supplement to the net'
relative to the - payine.rit of bounties, - -
authorizing the. payment of $5OO- to
volunteers and others, was discussed
at:length, and finally defeated. •
M.r. Nichols reportod• as 'teifirn tted
an; trot fo.r the-sa.fety 'of railroad trav
elers.; (Punishing -negligence - o 4
ployees,with :fine and imprisonment.)
After considerahjo•debato. the .bill
was finally:referred _to the .*Judiciary
Committee by a'Vote of 17;yeas,to 14
in the House, an net.: regulating
the storage. of petro4 eta m, in Ph i Lad 01
p Wiis referred bee& •to t lie commit.
tee •Orlf3iSting wholly of the Philadet ,
phia,rne.mbers. •
Mr. Watt Ono restrieting , the* . rate
of koigh.t,.on= coal, on railroads:in thin
State, t 0 ,21 cents per ton'peri
the ton to be estimated at 4240
Adjourned. •*.
fn.; the Senate,lon Wednesday; the •
vote••on :Abe-supplementary bounty
bill, defeated, yesterday Was' recon
sidered,. and At hill , was passed , wl).ifeb (
establishesthe bounty at:s4ooi
An act repealing , portions -of the'
act!of Aprilii,.4B6B, in regard to pub
lic. -lands :for edneational3 'purposes,
was taken. np. (Thisuis'-the• .bill
which ha's for its•objeet the' `divisibrr.
of the proceedw.of the •sale of tlie pub
lic lands among the several colleges
of the State, instead of giving. all. to
the' Centre eennt3r .agricalixtral , 46.
eiety. • _ - . • s;• 1
binds Ova special order for Wednes ,
day. next. ;
In, the House, Al r—Rudimau, intro
ducedft bill,
.ptoviding i that in those:,
eases which the. National. Govern
/tient payS:theinterest of Its ,seenri
ties in gold the State then do th`e
same. ' •
Also,:eoneektiating. the Stateinane,
andprovitting:a einking4und foi , their
payment. ' : -
MR. aTAT COOKE. Of Philadelphia; who for so
long a time had the management of the popular
)500 million 320 Loan, has just been appointed
by Seeretary:Feisenderi: 'the General Agent to
'4flopose of:rue• (Muir rortirArt LOMZ. new MI - erect
for sale by the Government, via: the "SEVEN
In entering upon his duties be desires to an
saver plainly the large nutaberof questions daily
and hourly propounded to hint, so .that his follow
counkryinett they all understand whit ibis "Ser'.:
en-Thirty Loan" *ttliar merits
they can stiltierilici - loi or obtain the
netesolie • •
.• -
lot.Queition. , WhY. sr; (hie: Loin!. ailed'. the.
liSerea.7l4irty" LOalr? .6,,
Anitlier; It bisarti DitOrest, In eurredey, at thi,
rate erSeved ' , Dollars add thirty.eente,' naafi ye . ar
en every hundred dollars ; 'mak Ini the • 'interest.
as follows :
, .
Oneoottt per day en a $5O note.
• 'Two cents"" a $lOO
• Ten • •tt $5OO .; 1; •
.."$0000:,0- .: • •
'2d Queottoo : , !When andjtoyr.,eartrittey be ob-
Anetier. They are for date, atpor, and'apern
ea interest, Sub-Treasuries, Niitioital add
other Banks, and all Bankers and Brokers.
3d Question. When is the interest payable
and bow can it be collected ?
Answer. The Coupons or interest Tickets are
due 15th of February and 15th of August in each
year, and can be cut elf from the note, and will
be cashed by any Sub-Treasurer, U. S. Deposito
ry, National or other Bank or Banker.
4th Question. When must the Government
pay MT these 7-309 ?
Answer. They are due in two years and a
half from the 15th of February, 1365 ; viz : on
the 15th of August, 18c7.
sth Question. Must I receive back my money 1
so soon as 1307 1
Answer. No ! not unless yon yourself prefer
to do so—the Law gives you the right to demand
from the Government, at that time, either your
money or an mina l mount at par, of the fatuous
and popular 520 Gold bearing 6 per cent.
Loan. . • •
6th Question. Bow much do you cansider` this
Privilege of conversion, -into 5-20 Loan to be
worth? , • .
Answer. 5.208 bearing Vrold interest from Ist
o f Noy elliber, Are 'to-day t worth 9- per cent pre
m iurn. If they are worth no fitment the end of
'the two years and a. half, i when you babe a right 1
to them, than they.nnto are, this preuiluramdded
to the interest you rectiveov ill give you at least '
10 per cent. per annum fir your money—but the
opinion is that they Willte 'Werth more than 9
per cent: preen ium 'at that - time. - -
VA Qacetion. What miser advantage is there
in investtugtn the i .30 Loan:l.
Answer. • It cannotbertexed by States, 'Dain
ties, tar Citietyand this Ids from one to three
per cent. per annum to he net ineome.7of the
bolder, according to the to of taxation in yari•
ous' localitieS. All bona and stocks, except
those of the f[lnited Stat .s, and 'fill . tdortinges,
be.L.ttre taxed,.not onlyIt:. the Government, hat
by States, Donation and flies. ,
Bth Question.' Bow dttes the acivernmeat raise
the money. to pay the interest, and in ii" site and
- - - Answer. The Government collects, by taxes,
Internal revenue, and duties. on Imports, fully
'three hundred millions each year. ' This" is near
ly three times Os much as is.,needed to pay the
interest en all Gre .st , Mt, and.al4 soon as the war,is
etided, ihe no:tonal not needed to pay, the inter
met will te used inr paying , ofrthe 'debt. Oar
Vonennnenrhoe twher,poid of oil ,ita debt, and
can easily, do so again. The interest is auto,
paid promptly, and the debt itself is . the very
-safest)invehttitent in the world, It Is as sere ~ as
a mortgage on a good farm, and.paya,ahetter in
terest. It is, in fact, a First ~,Ifort,gage on all
lands, all ineoines;all tailroad ; find canal bonds,
and ber.k'or other stocks, mortgages, the. -
Nothing can, besafer, for we are all bound for it
and all that vs have. isdirmly held for the pay
of principal and interest now foolish
those people are 4, who keeptheirgoldand-green
.l4t,lta, id le -and decked tap, ioripairelihie mortgages
or railroad stocks• and hoods which pay only
5 or 4 per. .cent interest., ,wlen„lhese..SeVen
' Thirties pny'(counting the premium on Five-.
Twenties,) over ten Per wont, cud - are 'so, much
safer and:inrer. -. ' . ,- I.
9th 'Question., Ilow many .Sevonr Thirties are
there, and how.inuelt remains unsold'? .
Answer: There ireronly :thou t three bitedred
and twenty-five millions authorized by lanyand
only about one hundred and ninety,: mildions re
wain unsold.
10th Question- flow thong will it 'hike you to
sell the balance.? . .. '!. ...,, ...., .
Answer...! There nre rihrral,S9o National Banks
all engaged in Selling them.: also a large „num
ber of tire old inualts, and at least three thousand
privet*, bankers and brokers, and speetill agents
will be engaged... in all pacts of the country in dis
posing of them to ilic peeple. •: ,; ,''
llth Question. dlow long will it take to 'sell
the whole?'
Answer.; .In -lees than three :mon tbs . they will
he all sold, and will nodoubt then sell at a,pre :
a n kite as was the case with the - . ow • Seven-
Thirties, the first Twerity-Year Loan ,''and the
Five-Twonties. :,. .. .' . ~. ..,
The above questions and answers, it is .belier
ed, will give full' nformation tmall. If not, the
'Cleneral Subset iptine 'Agent, or any ofthe Banks'
or : Bankors employed to- sell the - Loan, 'will' be
glad to answer ail quentions, and to furnish , the
Seven-Thirties in smell or ' large, sums (as the
notes are•issued in' denote inations of $5O, $lOO,
$ . 500, $1,090 and $5;000,1 SAE 10 'an der it easy
for all to subscribe—thus fulfilling. the- instruc
tions of Sir. resienden, who e,arnestly desires
that the people of the whole land;fes well as The
capitalists,) shall have every opportunity:affold
ed them of obtaining a portion of this most desir
able investment,
OtriiVutt Bucrnkats, named Shirer,
Nvero draßed *IAI 4.l:nity township,
Berke cue ri . •
body will 'remember how much ta-edit
was git•eti to Odrnmo`dore Vanderbilt
for his wonderful gener6Sify
ing a pr,-,sent to the Gorernmeti.l . of
his ■t ,meR the Vabderbilt. It:noW
appears from an ofßeial documei:tt
GA lie received the Snag' Irttle sum
of 8302;000 for the hire nf the St eam
crier IEO days Gam . 'be presented
the vesse.l to lt , fre Gnye'rn Mont. llis
ffene'rosily . in 111 amt i. was 0
much of that - we see in these , days—.--
it was a *Slieddy article.'
Nei - President Liffeein angurated. on Saturday last, amid,
mud and raip. The folloW'ingipi,
t t in g I NV bleb was laoJced‘4or with.
but 'little interest, owing to fhe-inet
that the , people have but little (*ill.
d ende in his t:terances, knolki 11 kr 110 W
utterly be„has .violated.,thern hereto
Fe/foto "Countryinen: At this second'
appearing to talie the oath of the' Presi
dential face. there is less °erasion for an
ext Tnded address than there' was' at the
ifirst. Then; a atatement;somewhat in de.'
fait, of a coarse to , e..parenedise,etned fit•
ting and Now e st the expiration,
,of four years, awing %lio& publi i ; dicta
have heed constnntly called firth .
on every•poiat and phase of the great Con
test whieb etill'ilhe.;the the atientionand'
'engroaima!the ttiergies of thelnathin'
that d'a new oeuld be re3e r, d.
'rho pFoglrePa , of, ,ear tame, noon which
all ekeillati
chitey entki„ as , well known
to the Public to - nlecli; at.d it.
,trust, chtietactory
a g in g t o am. With high ho, e tor ''the . fu
ture, no prediction ie rtscreld to it is ven-
On, the octagon corresponding to this
four peace ago, all t hong hts Nvere onxioraily
directed ,to eta impending 'civil -war.
Oreaded it—a9l-Bought to avert .it. While
the inaugurat"addreso was beinv deliiered
irt-in this place, devoted :thogether to Ba
m:9v the Unioiii without war, insurgnut
agents were'in the city seeking to .3 6 - estroy
it without war—seektu; to ditsolve' the
Union audt dividoeireot 8 by be# o : l4o. o o .:'
Both partietil,dere,cated vrar-vbut, one„of
them would make war rather than - let the
nation e urv./v,e,s3-abitt the.orher'imLnidadcept
war than let perish. And the 'war.
came. , •
One-eight of the - vat& population were
colored slaves, not distributed generally
over the lJniort, , bat localized in the SOLIA •
0111 , part , q it. 1%0;1e-slaves constltateil r a.
peoul'ar itarpewirh;lintcrest.
-w. ,
All knew that ts interest as, „acme
low, the cause of!e war. To olreligtlion,
perpetuate and`extend this interest was
the object far which bhe insurgentia
rend the Union, &yea. by war, ;:while tie
govofnment elaimpd' go, right to do more
than to restrict the i,erriturial enlargement
of it.. ' Neither party'expeeted fOr, the war
tbe magnitude hrill&clutation Whiehit lea
already , attained
Neither adaticiphtell this` the - cause
r Or
the embfLet might eettae.with, or even - ,be:
fore the cotil et:itself should cease. Each
looked for an easier ; triumph, and; a teeukt
leas fundamsntet - - Brd astounding. Both,
'read the'ettrue Bible; and pray to the. i saute
clod, and eacii - I4etita - Bis,aid agiiineethe
other. It may seem ltrange that'any Men
shouls. - dari ttelva just Cidd'ii- - asaistanee , '
in wringing.ftheivbx mid' from the: , sweat' of,'
other men's faces; but let ne judge not,
that we be not judged.
The prayers of both could not be an
swered—that of nether has been answered
fully. The Almighty has His own purpo
ses. 'AVoe auto the world because of of
fenses! for it must needs be that offences
come ; but woe to that man by whom the
offence corneal.'
If we shall suppose that American ela. ;
very is one of offences which, in the
providence of God, must nsede CUM, but
which, having continued through ills ap
po nted, Lie now wills to remove, and
that lie giv.7..3 to both north and a Alth th 2 s
terrible war, as the.whule due to .those by
whom the offence came, shall we discern
therein any departure from those divine
rit,:rilm'e atrial ihe believers in a living
GA - always ascribe to ltimt
Fotdry do we hope—fervently do we
prly—that, this mighty . Scourge „of war may
soon pass away.. Yet, it God wills that it
contioue,,until rill the wealth DUO by, the
tion'dman's two hundred and fifty years of
Unrequited toil eball be sunk, and, until
every, drop of blood•drawn with she, lash
ellen be paid .by another drawn by the
swOrd, as was three thodsand years
ago, so still it moat be' said, ""I he judge
'Bente the.l.ord are true
. sad:-righteous
altogether. , ~„ •
' • With malice towards none.; with charity
for ill - .; with firmness in the right, let ,us
suit , : on to &jell this work, , We are , in i to
bind, up the nation's wounds.; to care 'for
him wbo'slull have horue , thw batik, rind
for bis wiciow,tatid •his orpti 4 ar-r-0 .dS'all
which may achieve and Cherish ti:jm-t and
sting peace among ourselves, and with
• ail nations.. , . ,
Real and Personal Properly
LtBANON Boteugh' add North Letitia - 11
Township,' on Wednesday,, April sth, at, the ppm
missionere' Office in the Borough' el Lebanon.
West-Ward and Cornwall; on Thursday, 'A pill 6ticat
the Commissioners Office do the Borough of Lebanon.
. .
Fiat W,ud taxi South'Lebniiort. on 'Friday, April 7th,
at tlie . Cetitreissioners' Office in the Dorough; of Lelia
• Bethel Township. on Monday,' April 10th,' at the
'pith* House yilllian? . •
•Stratafir Townstilp;en Tuesday, Ai 'tit 11th, at the
Zahlie . 4oure ef Edward D. lErair.: ,• • ;
Tinian 'Township, Wednesday, 'April 12th,, rpthe
Piddle Ilolise of Daniel liordavr. - '
. „ .
.. Ant llanoret and Cold ,pring„ on Tiiuraditn. April
lath, at the Public llouse pfJacab W. Adams.,.,
• Londonderry, on FrlditY . ; April -at the Public
Nouse of John Weiland.: . ' , ;' • -
North and South ' Anrirille t ra Saturday, April 15th,
ut the Public Rouse of Simon Crall.. '7 • '
Jackson. on Tuesday, :April lath, at . .the Puhlic
h once r
oifoll% Behethum. • • ° ' " '
N illnrecic, on Wo Inneday, April= 3.9th,..itt. the Puh
lie Noose of Frederick A. Shultz.
i'lLtldc Thursday. April 20th; at the . Public
Tiv use of Alexander Steinmetz. ; ;
' P. S.' . Notice le harobY grime (hat the Asseimors
balienuidetheirrolls;Of alhporsifina liable to ;enroll
ment for Sta.te service acemilitiF to Law, _and ;that a
copy - thereof le in the Cometisinariera' Office, ivheie the
sinnemiey beimon, or examined, by any .person inter
ested-therein; end U19141 ; 18 Military A,pxmais w
Itelffinn the ativitti mentioned 4nye. ; '
1 1 . 105618 ,LESI/E ll , Commissioners
-- WILLIAM EMILY, Lebahon coltiltk
Attest, Crass SUMS., Clerk.--
'argh 1, 1805. ' 1 ' :
A: , P. -A 1,11,11 N
rpriE tichoeriber respectfully" in Mune . his friends
and the public goneraliy , that, although' 110 , 1nig
sustained serious losses by theteeent.tire, 1115.estab-
ahent is itgain'in , ' - ' '
•: , Coniplete Operation',
and be is prepered tb' fill' Orders for 'every' kind of
work in his line, as, heretofore, at the'snhottest notice
and' on the moat reasonable terms. CARGIAG SS.
WAGONS, °revery style and. finish,
on hand or made to order. Ile has
engaged experienced workmen from the city. ;Hellas
•on hand a large stock of well seasoned lumber, and
"other material of the beet quality. and he hopes by
'careful attention to business to .rendet
rail 'who datiyirror him wit&Stgentronrine. -
Annvlllo, March 1 1605.—Gt.
Poor tan's Ca,sh
Shoe Store!
NEW. ST001(301:1) " AT LOW. FAMES!
Ottr illosistess increasitful
Proinise to give' COstonierS'the Benat
Bal-1 „Men'
andlcuy Your Shoes Cheap
thmt butuittii seour ST, 4;11
Quick Sales and" *all Profits our
_Motto !
Market &Greet Lebanon 'Fa.
. .
.-;{, - ' OlO.O REWARD... --.
rpRE Com gli . saAorters .c),f; ,:Leban on °coital
..E. ber‘by off... it. rewVid elAlpo rot the. accent and
conviction of itell,l,lit NI Wit 7 Pi t'..L. who ethridn'ohniged
with„ Jim murder. of:Jacob .N.titty. in No-tb Ape:4llc
Towebie, LislianonCou'utY - , iu the mouth of Novem
ber, 1.g134.!•, •—. ' . ,:, .• ;., ~ •• • "•• -
111031A.5. LNSII Eli, „. . 9,ltimisaiTters,
3 - 4.0032 k nKU It keittE a: of
. . 1 .
Wt. , 1.. i ANIL HAREM, . &ban int caun(y :
ittelit- 2 C , ctins suat4 - CiuriE., :
Coirinfiesiiineist OffiCe.-Lebenott, Nib I n' IC— ' 1 •
t Assessment ' Notice.
-L-1,,b0r00.i. the 3.1U11.1.iL,F1R8l INSIIIIANcE
Lepopun County Po.. that .;:n a -
morrik ofloMpis in the' coniiiany,bfi flr. a
• occuring,during thoyear 3864 and on. the Bd - p ft.Fernar
,1666, an. RESOS , of $3.04 on ev.ry 830.0 actnaly in
: sitred;'erilllbe - made oh tbetiostirance °Peach:and every
.member of the Crampon T
lileinbers are rig:tired to pay ther asylements within
POIiTY! Atrs, from thigdate.of this , ;
Members can pay their aisessmente to ibe Secretary,
at Beaver's Store, in at any' ..
ekeept ou
the daYs Earned below. ; ' ' • •
ittomb4s at a ilista ace; can reaceit .the evitita of tax
due on 'their.polletes , and send the:amount' by' triall, in
1.11 le of eolvent Banks, or In : postage therm:lcy, By en
closing three Cents eat ra, to IMy postage, they will 're-
Lceive receipts ieturn mail.
The Secretary, or an authorizut agent. will be in st-_
to:Mai:co flt tbelollowiii places and tims, to rei".el:re
paymeons of all who:may.find it couvegiont,to call:
A t4lyeratown, at ,J It Ifitel, On. Monday,
March tith:from.9 o'9:ock. A. M., to 4, P: 41:
„ At M. t1.74;,e, Berke Co ~at U. 1.1„ BII9WWB Motel.. on
;Tuesday, 41.rth 7 h, [coin 8 o'clock, A - A: 'M.
• At GOsktercsflotel, on .Tnesdny, March 7th, 'fr.,:nt 1,
.Iclock, P: M . to 4, P, M.
' Fietleiicks;!nig 'Ea 'oh& .Earnmsi's Hotel:an
Wednesday, March Bth, front 7 o'clool.. A.M. , toll A. el,
Mt Nebo, id .1 Statitter'e 110 et, i.n Wednesday
March 11th,tfrom 1 o'clock; P. M., to 4; P. M.
At Macbanicevile, at John Stoners, Betel. on Ttaga,
March' 904-Wont 7 o'clock' A: M.', ' •
Linglestown, at, Eteieey'd .lioter, on: teritlahlolarch
19 h.'from o'clock, A.M, 3,1'..1i1.
At Union Deposit, at Garocker'illotel;On Babirday,,
&lamb 11th, from 8 o'clock, - .A...5L..i03 , 1, A,
At Palmyra, at °bristled !Lifer's Hotel, on Saturday,
March'lLh, from .t o'clock, P. M., to 4,i2. M.
By older of fhe Board,
OF.DIAGE W. STINE, Score tsrY•
Annville; Leba"on County, Pa.
Annvill ,Febrrtary 15, 1865.
LEDVioN, coprcric
- • Eon, - •
l aUSATV.PaaPagehe
FOA,THp ;'EAR, 11864; •
Treasartir of Lebanon
County, In account with sold, County for ffonnty
'Purposes, from the first day of January, A. 8., 1864,
ttntil'thessitth day of !February; A. D 4 1865, - bothAity's
•TO Aggregate '4'llll:ml4'ot' 'Bounty Tit ICAO In' the
„ different , Townships,•and •--; Boroughs of Lebanon
CMinty . , for the year 8., .1864.„ ,
' '51389.5:09".'
Sol#o ! , 7661-,93-1 - -
Bethel; " " 6945 as " . s ,
Co id-ffliria . • ' • B2— •
CornwaU,..„, . - • .11282 .65
'Heidelberg, - • - • 982) 06 '
Hanoveir Fast; : •.• • 619/.• ,
33 - " •
Lebanon Township North,
Lebanon Townsbip Sou th,
Lebanon Borough, Neat Ward,
Lebanon Borough West Ward,
Lebanon Borough North,
• $105,922 7.4
CASH receivedfrom the following Townships
and Boroughs for pay ing the Extra Bounties over
and above $3OO. Including the Expenses incurred in
gett ng Recruits and establishing the credits, Re
Cold Spring $ 900
East Hanover . 198 00 .
Union . lO5 00 ' .. 1
Swatara 198 00
North. Lebanon Township 249 00
llei hel 240 00
North Lebanon Borough ; -:- :141 - .00
Lebanon Borough'. . ; 390 DO .
Jackson 3lB 00 -
Millcraek 189 00
Heidelberg . 234,00
S. Lebanon ' , ; ='lBo 00
Cornwall . 189 00
S. A nnville
Londonderry, 243 00
North Annvilltr ; ; - - 210 00
. $3312 00
.. , ,
To cash ; received. from Leksuon . ..- .
.Yalley Bank - ' $93.000.00
To cash received from Lebanon •
Rank ' 19.000 00
SLL2.t)DO 06
......; TEMPORARY LOANS. - -
To cash received , from sundry •
Pertains on Two Hundred and = --
Thirteen Bounty. Bonds, issued
by .thn Commisstoners of Leba. ..,.. .1
non County.. :. . . $188.770 00
EXPENSES paid the following Persons, viz
naniel.Gerherich;Esq.. ,f,- , . ' - . VP 40
Cyrus P. Millen Esq. ... '.." - '7 - 9 00. - ;
Prederiek'Shaeffei:'''' - '• '' 6'oo
Cyrus Shirk ~ 2 2 80
Rillinger. .1 Shirk .. ...,t' 14 00
George F. Reinlark .. :
- . 2000.
Adam Rise, Esq. 50 00 ,
lohntleorge, Use. . „ , 450 ,
Ressler Boyer, 10A. - -...', , 50 00 ' ..
.Thsepli:Bowman, MI. . 7 ,..,....... , . , Bop .
Viiiidllarthews,Esq..., . 59 00.
A. S. Ely, Esq. ' ' 11 00
$.85 00
Philip jr. Miller 300 00
John Wible. do•
Lewis Theber ' do
Pierick Wegeons3ls 00
Henry Watson do-
John 1.1. Wilson do .
Patriek Levey do
,-:-IC•auffaton 325 011
Isaae.`•-Watson ', do
Thomas Mink do
john!telly . do •
D.J.Richardson -do
Samuel Ford do
Char : lei:Smith ' do.
John Fox do
Chtirles .Tustt . do
Patrick Heffirm do
Robert:Rust ' do '
Chia:les Fitebett; titi!
Albert Statzel do
'Charles Coats do
John•ithillips - - do
Jerome Peters, do
Charles Blair do.
D. 3:1,',;• :fluehollen -do.
Charles P. Hale do'
John W. Qa irzrz do
M. ll.Shoekbergerdo;
Sam.:ltr. trown do
--Joseph , Devitt 300 00
Elenry'Whitman do -
Eli.flS Wike do
IL Beameiderfer 'do
MiChael Cook do -
Henry. Wagner do ,
Levi'Myers - do
' Willinto do
Ja'S IL: Picket Anth ony '32s 00
John Little do
David Steward do --
Sohn B. Reim do
M. W teltrooyer do .
John Reiter'., do
E. lieeprir4 ' 300 OD
John White do.
I. R. Fiserthaur do
M lehttel Wagner do .
Adain T. Haas „ do -
Josiah Good " "do
Andrew M. Landis do,
John L Shaeffer do
.Henry G. RAE t do
John Phillips do
John Heins
.. do
Ant es . PtzrsleY do
D. J. Hummel do
! James 414' Wright .do'
• Abraham ILIUM do
Claudine., Early do
George Wamatit do
AI-leery Wo later - - do
I Lai , i Rriser do
/Clia's McCullOugh do ,
Win. Longenecker4.lo
Dan ie I Swats, do
-., •
,George Site's ' do
Bright P. Baton do -
A Ifred Bond do '
Scott Phillips do
James A. Ciii
D. R. Ballmon. . do •
John IVallis, ,- do
David S. Ronk - 'do
DaVill Bomgardner a o .
' P. Zlinmerman :do'.
Elllariuill'illitvk .do
Fdward_Fngle dry
William Bechtold do -
C. Sehroiller ',do
Precut in Sailor: ' d'o
A. lb 'Forgone!" ~.- do •
Thomas Anderson :do '
Frederickßitmo do -
,Robert Orr - do
',George W. Sletz do
i'll:..k. Smog. - ~- do
Thtihnudji , Lane ' tin
Franklin Kurtz do
John Geodom do
L'ha'a 4. ,Weirn 4 C, do
Wm. McKerres dO
Joseph Lowry do
it. F: Melleyno Id_do- .
' TL.*.BAunlapp de ''
'.. FdiAti.irPinfato --ti z ti ..... '
George Baschm. : - 40:
Daniel Bleestine do ; '
Geo. W. Frederick de
Josepin Shones ; : Altr , .•
George-Hahn '•-• , . d 0, ..
Cyrus Werner ' do
Joseph Fry, , •de
Lev iD.opley,,,, ;'do
Wm. H: 11.-Brandi - ,d0..
Joseph Weaver- do:.:
Lied Luanne- ' ''' dO
Benjsmin,,Ppla do • .
Wm: Rosenberger do,:.
IL.L. Umberger ' do
' Joseph Still , . • Att
,Tooa'n Lig t hAnor.. ds,"
`los4. tieyEP ‘i ;dr)
Atwell/it ' Slitinir 4
8. , D. Walker do
• So tnnel.„Darkes. I r do
Jolla Itlalilit ' r do
TeekTaKViimpy ' do-
WillitimAbedy ..4-`3l° 4 .•
Jacob Clay • ''"
Georgelletthels , :do -
Joseph Betz do ' I
james:T. Bitebey '', do
,Tames A. Seoir do
Absalom Lnohly • do
Francis Illanottur do
Deno dcirleo • do I I
john li. Durk? do
36111 0'.*. Toting d o 1
F;,:, Smith - - do
Mareellu a - 0 Iv ilor ' do
Cheeks Gilmore' - do '
Edward Beetoi' ' ' 'do
GeOrgo Barton , : 40... .
MI - Mullets* do
Jolin'Agnew ' "'do ' •
jamas .2;::Fotters "do
Timone Marion.. do
John• Cassel ' do
IjObn -W. Lyon do
H. H. IftlitheWs do ' -
William•Clorkson do
Thomas Feeney do
IV Miami Motor ..*. •° doe
John Tbrdnip 315 00
G. W. Lancaster 300 00
StiMuel Wag!, d o
W,m . 11..fitIbili do
jesdpli".Flowers do
A's A. Min" shin tl y '00,!
R. A. thimPholl 300 Off
John D: Dates": 'do
JoreePtilSfOlieirti, do '''
Joseph Drtitl "de'
John Campbell ..r: -;4 . 6 4 •s-
Daniel 1',.. lt lee.);
..0 tie'
K.: Vr.',Greetz •.. .d 0. ,,,,
''''':', s
tienr y l Seidleii . 47.•aiK" . . " : ; -
Ftivleriek-Bottser! , dvl•-•
1611 •4 ; • 8 h_OrY - ' '.
' do - '
'Rifbert bOirlet. '',
' 'do;
Rattieli - Way . , .":„ 1 ,410 -'
Lewd:se - tango' ...'n,do .
ilarrY RJ/ Daniels •do.• -
Dikvid 13.9Parter' • - db-;!'''
l';Wit':` . H. Sailor' "ill '.
Isaac Brower $3OO 00
George frill:olden do
Terifel.lte Wei ' do
j.,L..-MeSherry. do
Fiederic Yocum do
James Yense s Ito
S. Dissieger- do •
,Cyrus Mooie do .
Maitin `Ono do
Andrioalleistine do
1 W. H. Brown do
Anson M. Rank - do
Wm. Boeshore do
John Roll
Jacob .Long , do
Wm. Bross . do
W. F. Grumbino do
Elias Geksert do -
CLeo. H. : Mier do
Jonathan Garret do
Go tleib Boyer do
Samuel Babb• • do"
J. Southern ' do
Georg Hicks -do
JS Pain ter do
IllcerY-Fishei do .
Levi S. Gerhard do
Henry Kline do
iram , Yecum do
Peter Cullen. do
C. 11. Keller do
Charles Margett do
A'sburry Eckman do
Adam Eisenhauer do
.F..Reisenbatt do •
Soloman-Rauch do
Joules; Boyles do
Brief; Mealy do
M. Leininger .
George:Storm do
Penrose Thomas do
Peter Fisher do
Augustus.. Dehney do
H. Karst] its - do
iVra. Hewes de
J. M. Seibert do
John D. Brim do
• Geo.' Gastrook de
Ed win M. Stdner do
S. Matthew'do.
Henry Swarm
B. F: Gingrich do
Wm. IL It issei do
G. Soelliard
Wm. Bestrink do
Aaron Xe. T
Josiah SINAtz do •
Bawer ille Moyer do
John L. Meredith do .
hfirh:rol - Shaetfer do
John' C. Miller do
Ca lvin - Hua berger do
F 11...,,t k ogle'es% do
Jeremiah Wier do,
E. Stroutio an .
Wm. - A"Krum - d•
-.Throes Hall do
ROtil ATLI:1E11 do
Frederic:li do
JamesFkeib , do
Moses Snyder do
Augustus Sdyew do
,C. Such - do
Charles Kreiner do
C. .Dorkhard do .
A. liiinmelberger do
:John - B. Reigner -do
John W. 'Smith - do
Harrison 'Weans
J. Eektean 'do
1 Charles Baker du
Duniel H. Pyle do
S. H. Quimby do
Hear - pat riper a , do
Mahlon" lVeldner
W illiam Ohy le do
Benjamin- Strum. do.
T. I. Deiroff do
Samuel R. Fisher do
HaTrati De iridlr' do
John Pei fer do
Wlhlinin. H. Sayleir
A tired Feeder do
Jacob Fox do
John ilL;.Seiber.t. do
Edwin - MeE Bonny do
Jahn 'W: Fisher ~ -de
'Joseph D. iller
Hiram Cassel. do
J. H. riiithenier
Abraham Lehr: -.,.'d0;
John-11. Reinch -do
Adam Slay 'trio
Deemer do
[John J.I aitser - :ctu;n
Perciville Miller dtr.
C. V. GuDnh. „dq
David i t, lag Oh
W Whim - Retire do
Henry beck (14
Minney Patrick ~,dol
Petir . 7tto
S. Bewman
John 13ougliiner , do
Robert Cu lbey do
Robert Harrah do
B. F. ICreps
ißobert Lammon.. do
Aaron D.Long do
James Raeder" 'do
George Robb
Abraham Snyder do
F. D. Thompsofi ado
George Chyle do
'Charles,W. Shales do
Frederick Laujuich do
Oscar Sharpless-
David tCrEekman do
Jared Royer' do
Mensch do
John - do
,Vaduiry do
William Smith do
William Miller do
Silas 11. %thrum do
Luther S. Brocions do
Franklin Lebo do
William Lechler do
J. Fenstarpaqicri. do
Ames Gass do
Hiram Laylard do
Chas. Kenerb elker do
Jackson B. Johis do
John S. Huber do
William Slay do
Wm. ,Stropliem do
ThontossMarrtal do
Oscar Tittle do
Clark- Gain do
Samuel Qu im do
John Steward do
'Harvey Faust do -
Nathan ielEhirey do
H. 0. Bernhard .
Jacob C0fe . ...•
.11. D. II iffman 'do.
James D. - Cannady do
John Lesser de
Day id' Mottriand: do'
John -Lont4
James K. Shay do Wm. L. Alton do
Thomas S. Rice do Henry C. Miller do
George Bower do Aaron Deamer 300 00
Wiliam C. Stair do William Leslie do
11846 22
7108 03
7801 SS
4106 49
3756 72
1714 71.
9211 93
3204 84
5080 64
3379 30
James Brown do Alex. Fan tlinger do
James McCantz 300 00roka 11 Ulrich do
Francis 11 Monied) , 300 CM Reuben 11 Keiffer do
Augustni Wits at 300 GO Andrew Snyder do
John M. Freeborn 300 00 James Sencady do
James id. /Peer 300 op Isaac 8 Dissinor do
518 Iraqi:thorn 300 00 Cerny P Davi n do
Joseph Stotribough 300 00 j scab ECltfrik do
Henry taboo 300 OQ William Miller do
Toli'as Mork 300 GO Reuben Wily do
John A James 300 00 George lierritr , rger do
J4lllOl Deihl 30 ,00 Primate it P•ffraaci do
Andrew Mork 300 00 Jeremiah' Yeas do
(J W Winslow : - 'OO CO Levi Lewin,do
L M Il.onoar 301 0') DAM 111 lioghter do
Adam James 3)0 07 George llosenrergor do
William Antic% 800 00 .hiseph Walmer do
Jacob BrAll 313 • 0 Jahn MeCannel do
Pane Warren 300 00 John Monte! do
John II chortle 300 , 0 henry 51c0 rd d, 3
William Shelly 800 00 Hiram Dobbs do
William J MCGIII 30 0 Josiah 11 Seshold do
' David O.JI ga POO 00 John Darken do
William li Myers 800 00 George K Coss do
glharles.B .11amas SOO 00 Fleury. Softer do
!lenity Stuternan 305 00 David Ritz do
Joseph K Belson 800 00 Christian ShaefTer do Hardy • 1 , 00,,0il 2i1;0103 I%lton. do
Adam Formalisms 300100 Jacob Braweeitrall do
Charles Diller 300 COldheolon Darken de
William Cork 300 00 Isookenesev do
John W Dyer 300 00 William Gamine do
(acub Bannigardner 300 00 ' , awns( Lowile.. do
iJohn 8 Light 300 00 F Itlckere. - -. ~. do
Samuel Ebltt 300 001
-;"- Jacob Witmer - ' do
1 Samuel Boyer - 300 00 William Williams .. ; ,do
[Unity Lowry 300 01. Philip Onvk _ do.
evils Rsmany • 300 00 Frederick Back'erth., , ,ao
11.olanin Weirs 300 (101 John B NMI el 'do ,
Bonjarnin Renincer 310 00'11Pht101 lily ~., do.
R intoning Stidly 300 00 1 ,Williain sice-ciclo, do,
ltenban &Minty 300 00 Philip Rodger d o ,
d)bn Davis 300 00 Levi Garrett do - .„
mown J.Jm 300 00 Daniel Drakel - .d o ,
Angii.tna Soloman 200 00 Juldard Rine do.
Franklia Weans_3oo 00 A McNlght do'
David ilatior3oo OD Thomas McGinley do
Wiliam l'oght 805 00' flush Black do
Chart -a llamberger 300 00 john Ft Welm an do
Aaron l'Prann " -; 500 00 Israel WaimPr: do
Willi - in II We's. 390 00 Then ni , Wendling do
2 eve w.i4+e - - 800 00 Lorena 1, Bandero . d o
John A Focht 300 00 1 Johrt,11 ffelhir do
Cltr'r alcGa, Vey 300 OlJaelb W Kline ,do
Cyrus termish 300 oa Leals . Allisun • do
John IS Wertz 300 00iraftiah Long do
'John L Pa dy 30) 00 .1 c)l3 Montzer do
Banwel Dock 200 00 Anim. F-•cht do
Abraham Cobitis . 200 00 WilliaMJl POrtsline do
Wiliam Lee 3041 OAJaaiso D Winters do
Reuben Dyrs PLO 00 William Blilman -do
Ags:rVn Danillimdi 200 00 3 0 .0 m0s Oman& do .
Augustus SD., nor POO 00Jobn. Eisley - do
Abraham ..ite omit 300 001
Thomas Stengel do
War McLaughlin 800 00 Willi nto Ilersitt ds
Wm oa*bert goo 00 Chas 11 M nines do
Adam Border 500 t 0 Willani Firth. r 325 00
Daniel Miller 4.00 0.. Janata MeGerme do
Chr'r Stah man--. 310 00John Halle do
Albin hank 300 Oo Daniel" Kline
Amite Am )1 }111:1klAi • . 300 01 William Atherton do
Ilenry Welkmister 3 0 0 00'John U McCormick do
Cyrus Diaeineor - COO 00 - harles it. Briggs do
Hears 7 Ishii:ger . 200 00 John P Stoddard do
11Sory C if:Armari: ado 00 lemon Jacison `do
Isaac troion 300 00 Atignactis Nespol - do
Jacob Itenkenhergerloo 00 Joseph" Noon do
Henry Scchtlet 300 00 Chariot Mcluichen do
William G Groh 300 00 Jsmes Beck do
'Valentine ITet:ieh 300 001 William Clark do
Artertins Wilhelm 300 00 1 Janna Murphey do
Washington 11 fro '
.300 00 John Caseel do
- Ephraim 51 Woniner :too 00 omaaes William t 220 00
Henry: 7 tarm^h t 3 o'oo Charles Williams 320 00
David- McCauley POO 00 John Magas 3.20 00
Y.yra 1 Bdi:ghter :00 00 icophc n Rol Etna 815 00
-I m a Stimer '.Pi 0 0 Wi11i9,5. 3 sugfreiul 3 1 5 00
Frork Kali mum :ou do Charms Vawman 35 00
Thomai Ma lc - roe 01 williom lie 3'5 00
John A ditrrert 'SOO 00 .lohn Tteie» ` 325 00
Jor.inish Showers 000 00 Joseph P Ledgmiett sa 00
finery Seibert' - 200 90 '*marl Serum 325 00
'Minty if Fe. an 100 1,0 i.septi Ftedham 325 00
Hiram Karuhr 1-00 0 Charles Clerk 325 00
Henry Ny o „ . - 340 onJohn The -. p-on 325 10
raseph Mc 'onnol 200'00 ileorge Alet 345 00
Jacclig &Mita - MlOOO -;eorge.Stnith ' -8.5 thi
William P.b.mi 4 'do Thomas white 325'90
John Smith do George Wilkins 325'00
$108.004 47
GyrtUi HIM:I39M do
William 1 . 1 Gerhard do
Henri 0: Mae.
Levi notly
Reuben Snavely do
Somnol Bitoanton do
A br.hani Dorm:au de
edward Q Etiatco 414
Pater L w
BAnno! fkitiz
Chtr ea D,...ves
. .
Prt,d'k . W Ki•oli dt,
Peter A WO* do
Samnel:Walter do
Be.'eltntd do
Tabu L litacqbaeott '7(11
elkirles 11-1 het Ao
Mlnuist McKin i y eo
Hiram Yam de
gorge W t.T , llll.lcr ea,
, -
, *do
Thatlc Yhng t do
floorgo 31 Ronkl4
Andrf-w Gott-It ' do
John do
go , :rgo Frid!or - do
Sltilmsl Minor do
der••mixh Yogz..-N
John 0 Lantz
Ii P rt
John Seihert
Je,...nle Narita
W A Bink• 8
John Wci
Levi Cony do
Vil!*an Light 'do
Peter ~• :do
.rotin"Derar :
c.b - • do
WSW t COI rr do
ThoN (load:non d..
..,11.1i 31Tl1»r •ro
Johri Deroy xi
ri•qt A.L.-
.olto ''••
Zat'a ido
William ' " e'er'
Alfred 'W lloi , orla do
I , award Br'tz
lien y G Piety do
Henry Web. -du
il.M.ttureces do
John'Stin' - Au
Woj aOol,nloy do
J , toe Brioeixrd do
TMlip et Fidler .
logit , OBp4ng do
JobLt Tlidiriftt, , hter do.
Sxmtpd: ltolithard do
RI: dinkier do
George° W-airy do
Georg Wi•tcr.'u* 'do
Thenrm d
eau! uel Moyer do
Letsostai Als)l.ka' LtAuk
Cebu nou Dunk
$208,231 B,l*
rixid in, Bank.
r,batititt,Voll,.y Bonk 5 Nutee O3OOO 00
Lettanon Bank
2 liotoe r; .15,000 00
, • • „-,
040.3.fandtp,ry Taxes.:,
I..Cltarie9 -Arndt, North anncH He -,130370
Samna! Seelp9hl. titnitlLAikgrAtte '351 Gt
, Bethel • .40 , al
Holirabin 1 4 01 - eet Ceniernli 51.3 21
Honey S tioeci,lnton 570 #3
..I.levry . • PA 02.
Emanuel WOtri NeldelPerate; ;913 06;
Inkrid - WendHvg.'Bit'selltatorer 2e3 32'
~Pre, t riqn P.Ateiner.,Jnekeent :. • -.•.• 1562} 07
Ahr6l#42oPrexel, N. Lebt#so., 476 ro
It 114,mber.*?e, Lebtnop t,
-Peter Henr,Lebn3oo•llo#l.ll•E.W. L i.,.; 766 4.1 . f . 1,, : 7'
ittaulo. Gr.ffq t Le,44non 15tt':0 A 1 ;47 , Y.,•• 7 2 3 7z
Jehti O. - Went!, 51.4.e5Ar on 5,5341. • • •
John. Vnli..neberger. Londonderry am) 73
Joiei64 5111)creeli,,,, ; Af.1.3. 96; ;
Georg, Walker, Swatarn., . 1165,90 :
' , 4-:-$17,602 32-
Treasereer Cumm lesion for Bohn
ties paid to the kieeirolug re ere-
I letei men abd tstktv_ltreertaii terl.
credrice;_tlfe... Dire tottle pahtlezV
niche; $.108,:i31. 54404P.@ 4 ;4l4e'tr."
TreistiFeedCOrtu=„ jeelon . for , reeet-
yli,te rn
the oury Heed hot-
tir'r); 4t•c".,l6cludlnir ' the' ' tto,:cy -
from the di ffere.`t Tcw..ehilut kr '',
ex.trAt .Dn.7.1.4, $342; ii2dtp
TiositireeLaimmissioms:fur receir
' lag the Bea ety Tex .from col.
1ecte1e,"86:3.20, 42-1 par.
Dalacct:i, ha:o'p Or. Trenecrer
• '„
• 904 74
44 edhe adtragnedikndittrta Lybonon Witty in
the Commonweeith OEPonnpylrania, do certify that in
pursuance or - the 47th':eicAlort hi 'tie, Act entitled 'lto
Act rehillpU Tolioships&e,"-passed the
tali' day Of April, A. D.:1881; we met at" the Cone
missiloruts'"rtLie trithe Virtu 01 of Lebanon, on Satar
&kr FehrriarY 1 ith,'A:D 'lB6 did . Audit and ad
j out the severul a,cconntiiTquifed , of us by- Law, agree•
ably to the several 'A dui 'l' l'Asserably and Supplements
thereto. Lc:An - ding to_ the, best 'id our ' judgement and
ablifey.. -
And WAS.AI 4deldrandsfa lianlieCkiberich; EN,
Tryo d ebanhirteuirt tire tour Sixty-eight
thonSand one hundred and fiftylthreo dollars and seir•
enLy &mite. ; ;, ' ,
The :iiialtarre 'ablo' l liod. there iv : dne the tinnily in
outstanding Bounir tales, the sum of Seventeen thous
mnd air b undred , and two dollars! and thirty-two canto.
inclodinrithe exonbrationi and !collections to to al
loyed Collators. '
The'Andltlifre ta , i)
to diff.Srert,lnCildnalii . 'fee l'empnier Lor.ns, to the
'Slid 'Thai 'Ole County is Indebted
atecnint efOne hundred and-eighty-six theno,Thi BOTen
1 - Inandred and il'venty,dollare; Irons ?hitt eald amount
4dednet the.outtan.ding..Trsnee .`1 CEB the exonerntione
end coileetlotir to 'allowed eollsetersorldeh tenet
the balance in thehande ofthe Treats
:wee will the real debt of the Conn ty . ..for
,Bou'dt3 , 4 , tfhiraiinsit , ont One hntedreft ail;d ft elk thousand
:dollere, ilxcillAve of the Intereet diin'on. the - Bonds le
whoioaf we set our bands
this .ElooOntb day of Fabitiar,Y,A.l)....lB6s.
r6VitgliginyAL)3y4 Autri.o
.lAn BtfMMBI. J tabanog Co.
Lebanonaettleat j 806;. 4 &,
Cht.rge k 301 00
thic max Clark 845 to
.4- -
4.,mra 3b 00
! ..r.l:r. 'and •, Non .13
Oa ar :11 0
Pho-unn Carson 325 On
lietiry Cotten
Jot. O
3 -.5 00
315 00
Monies Wilcox 31.5 pn
- Richard Pry
315 op
815 00
ilowiird 311 00
.704100 Emith 314 00
Itrorria,WiThani '313 00
leyprirks 11 r Sib OD
itr.ocii 0rt,p, , 0.1 Mb OD
41rh , le1 EiDinstria 314.00
John Dixon 315 00
Barnbar'd Wender 35 00
1Y Ili m Trxvico 315 00
Oiler 1 . 4 , 411 815 10
Fr'a L. Hain-lon 215 Op
juili ',fetches: 316 00
John O'Llrotn 31 , 00
JKIIICS Drive . 316 00
, Ob. , rles 13 English 315 (0
nl,:rtuel Lcog . 31 0 00
15'2lilam B. Toylar 515 00
Xdultrd It. Til for 3:5 PO
Chu: Ns C. Ts) for 315 00
Qarreeon Tutor • VIZ 00
817 00
n Th. lor
Swim:ll J. Wilthme 3t5 00
.I¢ce)li Win( bni 315 Otl
.)01k0 :W. Miecin" 010 00
451, rfre w mu • 15 oo
Walter Wpr 315 00
Jal ph d, 51:11er 315 00
4 rnson t ON . 325 00
wi3lisai 'NON , ' 325 00
.I,,ba T.T.t.uke 3.5 CO
3..1:0 1t.:.ek.1 , 00 325 00
I Willi= II Recs. 323 00
' J.. 1", I , tik!f' 3 - 25 00
Iritlians SWIM ' ' 325 00
Anthony ShatifJr 323 00
Chat lea Ides Ave 3 5 00
11.'1: Scht.4l 315 00
Itea.,y-1, Cceper 815 00
J/Itvel r,CbriFty 325 00
W ininn) - 71 00t.k. 325 00
4)00r30 I , Thatcss 1125 00
i Snintvel D,Y;it ' 8.5 (10
4.1tt1f44 i.,, , iiis ‘ . 316 99
aruclcl 1). 134C0n :as 00
John 0 tlie.q. 315 00
.lithis .N/ Boggs 3'15 CO
Conosltc 825 00
'enry 1,. Ccorer 325 00
.10bel W 315 00
,15 00
.15 00
J Rolle
[leery Pevry
- 11,ilems enyder 315 00
Tl:aalilLigton 'Labs 315 00
• '9 00
€OO 00
'Lorries /tamer
Israel Bas 'an
John Brightbill LI). 00
, bhithan Lein - toga ,000 00
Daniebßhulti :00 00
Jarnoz Hebei OOO 00
Tothtia,'Bollor. .1300 00
iz bank's.
112 21
84 9
$lOll i 6
,55 . h
220 , 80:
S2OI 16
$339 851 02 ,
--123,143 -72-'