rfb Itinting: 42000 Nwtye w77P r • amp = t za e r ut n , o at rihaea7s2. ADVEBTRWR OFFNE, LEBANON, BENN'A Tam establishment is now supplied with en extensive assortment of JOB TYPE, which will be increased RS the patronage demands. It can now tent out. Brutalße. of every description, in a neat and expeditious manner— linden very reasonable terms. Such its Pamphlets, Checks, Business Cards, Handbills, Circulars, Labels, Bill Headings, Blanks, Programmes, Bills of Fare, Invitations, Tickets, kc., acc. sar-DEzos of all kinds. Common and:hutment BONDS. School, Justices', Constables' and other Mots, printed correctly and neatly on the boot paper. constantly kept for sale at this lattice, at prices "to suit the times." • • +Subeerlptien price of the LEBANON ADVERTISER One Dollar stmLit Half a Year. Address. Wm. 31. tincsms, Lebanon, Pa. B.AVAarmn. BoNntAx. DENTISTRY FrITTE niniersigned baring formed pariner.sb/lit: in _I. Dentistry, respectfully invite thuattention of the Public to. 'their 'style of work mid OPERATION , ON THE TEETH. • from one to, an .entirr set insrided.on Gold. . Silver or Altelltr .rulcanisal Rubber. IRBSOULAR.ITY .COR ISNOTBD.- VA.: Particular attention paid to the preservation of the natural Otter. by Pilling, &c. Aft. No eammoi made for examinations and advice. t iitooma overdirr. Adanfßistes Hat Store, Cumberland iteeet, Lebanoir;Ta... WAGNER i , EOWMAN. . -:Lebanon, Moult 1,1865:, QE. U QQE CL t 6-04.2-1.27.4" X;0•43 - 72. Mt *TIC?. 1 4 hik "building ! , tbe RogVotil,,Trebtmon. _. Lannon, Fiitiaiity 211, ISO&. ..RF 401rAL T4vilic...AßAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW AS REMOTRItINs office to Market Street, oppositw the Lebenen Bank, two doors North of Widow ltilte . e Hotel. • Lebnuotwiterek 26, . '68, • ARMY AND NAViir PENSION, BOUNTY, BACX PAY AND BOVN -.TY -LAND .AGENCY. net LIB UOVlnto • - As. t x- 33- -tr 4a , t•Xs 45 , lut , " - - „ unaernigned, having boptilleensed to .prosecute hamiug been engaged in, the Bounty and Pension. Itualtrfaa, offers his services to all those who ale thereto entitled. in, accordance with Om iarions arta of Congreou Alt puck should call or addrels at once, and melte their applications through BASBIAIIt 11011.Elt, Attorney at•Law t . • Orrice removed to Cumberland. St, One door East, of the Lebanon Valley Batik,. opposite ' llia Buck hotel, Lebanon, Pa. . (Jan. , JOHN BENSON ., . ATTOR,N'E.Y - AT -LAW. yFICH with A. houghtor, b.lsq„ Cumberland O Stteet, nearly appapite the Court llama al.ebanon,, Fola wiry 8, int3s. • ' T. BIBIGHAUS • *ATTORN EY , ..AT -LAW ; . .i'AFFICEin. Stithter's Building, Cumberland Street VIF nearly oppnalle the Court !louse, Lebanon. Lebanon, June 14 186.4.—tf. CIVIRMS P. MILLER A_ttorney - -at-1.4 ()hakeaw in Wainntstreet, neatly opposite the Buck Hotel, and two. doors south Karmauy'a Hardware stop. /Amnon, if SS EER ROYER, CM , 't* 5t:L Co . 3r t XJ/50, ii7V7 VAPPIOZ removed to' Cumber land street, - one, ddor It_y East of the Lebanon Volley Dank. opposite the Buck llotel, Lebanon, Pe.. Van. 6,'64. ^ A.• WEIDLE, oITTOANEY AT' LAW, °ilk's 'A pet& Vast oi.ner of !Trate) . .'• and .21farhrt Streets, • ia391313.44., Colv", `Lebanon, Nov lb, 1803.-13,.* (MR (INT wEipmArg, ATTOOINEY AT LAW. n h itlelolC..ip Cumbberlittld street. a fsvr doors east of V the Esfelp,llstelvls Ow office has of his futber Cspt. John Weldmas.dee'd, L.vinuon. Setit. 90863. REMOVAL A. STANLEY VLBICIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Has removed his of to thehit !Wing, one door eas nt Laudermilalt is Store, opposite the Washington floose Lebanon. Pa., BOUNTY and dikiNBION claims proinptly attended to April 3,'83.-3m= L. R. DEEG'S' LIQUOR STORE , Market Square, on:mitts the Market House, Lebanost,,Pa. undersigned respecttully infertile t.,e ,public 1 Mit be has received an extensive stock of the .rtinicest and purest Liquors fif id( descriptions. These 0 . ..4 ',igloos Ito is inrirlably disposed to sell at un sr. precedentedly low prices. • Drugglste, glovers, Hotel Katmai 0, and oth ,erB will consult their own interests by buying of the undersigned. 2 It; DEM' Lebanon. Aprll,lB, UPS& , rr 31E COPA lITNEIt BUTT 11ER ETOFORE Ing between C. C. 'LOW Elt stud IL. W...ItANIC;in. , 4he Wboleento Toacco Ihrelneas oner the Arta tor; .LOWNE k7/tA41.11, b 1e thin dny dlmtolr e ed .b . f!'foutuel , ,coesent, The Irtielneee'of illy late firm e Mho settle& bp , ritYterof the pnetnere lit Not 146 North Third 6,6 7 1864. IL W. RANK, of the late firm of Lower Rank,e will continuo the :business ati.teretofore . seta W:jaifilo6 l ' - July 13,1803. ft. . _._„ - - AT it EnirrioN r inE lilltitfilißS of the tabitiron copury , ,t)n'auti m faiiy .7 • 4 ictiT'' . ' 43 7r°l l "dV* 6-4- u,t're*AiA li i.. 1.. ir igauzle tyt4:o°Vr•-•49(r,1(1E,,n0d,„ .rtc,.,-4,lAt. Them s qi, i• e a iii ; . the, pia ,z,e,s .o f ,rt 49 misty ti,lt'd•do, to ' the it q(,onis)itz?p , ;nt . otafl„ ,rl-, rid iielitifder.. ktP, . Wallet . corps yon, the Aeatetn,..„y i , 'fpoy. co4ld.,beat.ithe §Pectac,l.p , T4.O‘BIIPP.O:I-4AL.I7ICrVer -1 tit,i - ps, A`t, ought, 'fp, : be 40 ,-welts it) lii k illa - 1; t . ;CcinfetiOpnaries.: ; rivaljed teull4ors arid „painters, ~And every bOdY Was tSer i e.,thap. is any bpd r y, ,aridtObq(iy.js, try til)dy tl.),,at,yvgo not. theme., ' Thug ; vent On . . ( t Ue. , nfutin %till YO Or 11 P. M. when e ven (liedanpers faded aWft,V,"tis - th s e • otiee of tit q gec retar,y of , l tttj,c Air„Seward, approach ed. .., ' .'I, '05..,1 1 . And' this w,as, the th l rd,p,r,rgement of "the.,,evening7---ihree great affairs being in one day,,,--.,l„,j,cuee (Mr. i,do,- coin '), a, aneiThef (nrs. Spragaq's), a soiree`(baSeW trd'o2 Wash ington"l'S-nqt- gay`? . 1 'diart any"*ar'.' Is netia 'war a bleSSing-f —What a pity it is war must, end. I ,~i :~ :.t{s ~ _~. j , } ~AAhB r~N~~'~:li \ lfEhT`.~:;~ (Correspondence ofithe N or. Tribune W,AB II I NCITO N Feb. 22 --The larg est party ever given in W.a.sbington i canto, offt,o-.Rig.ht at.t,he private ;resi dence of Clarles _Knapp, contractor Coy h ivy canon Two houses lave,, been converted into one by tearin'g down walls. Celebrated caterers.from New - IKork have prepared the,most q costly supper fair. seven:: tundreiti , guests ;NVlli I 0, gton-b Ruscs, fans and nsar, are, bsep . ,T .ppork for flow l ; et's decorate,parfors,and ~tables.--, The street in, front, ,ban, been !floored,. and carpeted c And it;fses.tir.P4ted tbM' die entertainment cost :$lOO,OOO the profit on. ab.out.fifty,gue:S„, .OLDEST MAN.IN THEVORLD, [From the Madison (Wis.) Journal.] • tit cm-tr.-Fats6 orliving men is a resident of Wiscon-. sin, but we challege any other State or country to produce a man or wo man Who. hns attained the'age readh ed by Joseph. Orel°, ,notv residing the town of .Caledonia,' Columbia` county, in this State.- -•- . During the French Revolution one Jean Claude Jaeobin'memter•of the National Assembly, was' .called the" "Dean of the human, species,'.' "the eldest Rfsinen." On hiskneared worn face were ploughed the furrowin,t7s'ofl one hundred and IWen ty years; Bnt our "Dean of the human- species"- is nearly twenty years older than Claude Jacobovho did not.complete one hundrediand twenty-first year:* I. -Joseph Crele was bormin',,Detroit,' ofFrench parents. Theirecord:of his baptism in the Catholiechurch of that city shows that:he is n0w.139:-Years of age:..'lle • has been :e 'resident of Wisconsin for about a centurp -Wh en ever,mention is.made.of the oldest in habitant, there need be-tioiqu4stionL as toithe` pe.rson. Joseph Crele'is'n'ri doahtedly :the Ref N o tt s„.fiasti married in ,New; °ripens,' 109 , years agoil Testa ,a4er be settled ati Prairie du Chien, while Wisconhiw waS•yet provinewlof. , France,.lße.. fore the' Revolutionany war, the-:was- employed4o, caney.,letters betWeeiii ,Prittkregla.Chien andi!Green.BaY.t. IN but a feW. y.ears.lagol 'that he 'Wei' 'Called las Abe Dircult . 1 00,0st i , in tioease , . eltltig. the. •titiktic-' certainireal estate at,Prai re du Chien; - to giveL.testitnonY,in relation o e vents:that transpired , eigh ty yenta he foreaq novi residesfwith.a datrgh-` J.er .byi:•his 'third -who, , , D ridt. seventy years:ef _The residenne• of the-family is onb four or five miles out of Portage City.' -Wrn ro,6itSiens of ;thatAplace lia4fli "that, the old man is Still activWriff az , ble..3to , elloptwood . ,tand: ttr•v i alk sever` it miles...: qtiite m-p erfe c tiy; but co'n v e es•fl tt . 011 tniri d”Fratich. language.i.‘ , Beistops t little:underi.th&bunden of lyVars, - but' ":riot more than many men of seventr! in ,Person;iheis,ratherratieveltheqnd diain_beight;spap.ittrfleslr,bnt SiittfiVb. inc , evidences of havitig been - - Inime a man ,of--sixieway-strength . .— Concerning hieohabitsra , subject of 'in ueNipterEtilP ST'3"get# ll : - w, i tifha co' 5uRh,yx.ki . 423:44,Pa.F3 7 1 1 ?9,, g ev `.. - w.eillalfe; bee n. 3 able Aerlearn a but little, exceptothat'he is an, inveterate smoker. - „- A verY g 6 o'd daglier*AV.pefpjeture -, .of him, taken in.1856, , may -be:seen at the rooritsof the Statell'iSteridelSo cietY. MAN WHO HAS NOt-StEPT:FOR' OVER -FOURTERCYEARS I :I-': At tatty. , Hdkpktal ; ti! triP a delphia,..7hq,has not elel?t'for;'it'sW ..Toq,„rksiirk,:lyours and six months:;, ThisArray , seeitiA3nered:= "able, but, nevertheless, it is Arcitt; - ;and can be vertups, - .i py. nunvor,s,.qf persons. The iudiyAlial is.an intelli gent man, natural lyv oad. ha's the ben eflt of a inoderate , ;(fiducatioti: His, matniy is eviD . PSa:trialcriiiris, o Cialerli ,l 's gesAt t g PcArriPfi : PY,A . , Tarn": .4?4.7i; giptolin Yarril --.4beers: . TN - ent'a e the ,-.4 - vioe of tha UnitO4 Sthtes on De' EMIEII =EI WHOLE Nth 810 ,aeraber..2B 1863: Ile is in the forty. fifth year of his age. .I.l.ip,healtb as been generally excelfeni daring his lifer - In 1849 - lie — fis attached wElhol era,Fitrid snbl that tiefi did wiehlung .fever:oft:tvcrtitgeheasione.. l 'Sa-ta ries of i185,Q, Ole FP forsholif - him; land t kr,) co, (hat bjw eh as ne,,v,er • ' fel t he lea droway. die has ways Jed teniperatelife.,,•, His wife end chil dren refild:3lW'PutrniniV.orilLt t y; NV 9.0 , .Vieginiay entered the Ifni on-Rroyttho ',hub been oiv seVen raids, An 0,4013 s chqr,srph , daring which „440 - te he, intortns,qo ttint he never,felt tired .%-as 016 kin ar,g 'add .on)the'l.734l7lBtiir 19th'' , L:4 1 4 1 13 6 7 411 "-. 7 , notifeti t si W I • leas, .ecpy. is Mat h0,.,ea,0-not not or does not_sleep..._is— as much a mystery als it, is to many rsei entrficgen,tiernen; %vim, btl'Otl i .g . 1 0 4 ( theiV'titt'diitiori coifed': 'to ' rani, have • bee ir lagtou ed 4 Pri 3:Weir 'Wife tn•p . in,vestigate the T'atule.: , .. !. AJpori,o,ne oceasiolk i -,at his request, a number of a euriously-incliped gen tlemen 41 1tatehedlim......fou. forty-two ,day j s. , :and nights .consr,cutively, in or der, if pessible to, arrive at the cease of the %wonderful "phenomon. 'These gentlemen took tarns witheach Otli n e:progreSS 'of the Wirt oh nig sb that: ii he should ebatnoe, " f to: sleep it Avrould, ,he o,h.serwed.. SOT", of tli.e watchers became' drowsy, and • it was .as trilith as ho coul:Ldo „to aysaken them. - his sJugular marl was sent ' to: PiAladaphia by' order of Orefield dur gebtri' wtuf., admitted into' the Kospithl at Qliesunt Hill on •the 17th pf z . 1 4 . 0yon!ber WS; , suffering from el k i ro nlc i arrh ea , and eu no' hag nearly recovered from. phys 7 teal` disability; 114 appetite is good, , but-yet he does not sleep: Ile 're- . tires to bed, th:e ...borne as :btlyer sol digrs;,;b,at, he , eaanot situ ply;,reeeiv,es physical rest. , This brief rihrkatiWe of u MOst,,,,ivonderful pheno mendn may seem fahtNis,.but the, reader iis assured that it is the truth. --- YV 'TO TREAT FROZEN. Tliduioes 'orthe fleshy tissues, wAcalfrozen n. their minute „cells. , .at onte,l3ecome in .each:, of tbese sures crystals lmy,in g, I rtr!e + nu.rplGax. of angles and sharp points, and hence rubbing the ffesti daused - tlieni to cat or tear theirlway through the tissues,' 61) that when it is - thawed - the struc. n f -tit rrt gel est lAl7lt destroyed- The p•ropei. , mode of treativent.is this ; When..any part of the body, is: frozen should be 'kept perfectly quiet until it is thawed Out, which should be done as promptly . as possible. As freezing trikeS 'Place from the surface' inwardly, se thawing should. be-in the reverse .or der, from the ,inside outwardly.. The, thaWing, Out of a ,pot ti t cM -of the flesh, Withbut, 'the' same time putting the'bliimd'frorn the heart'into circu lation through it, prodaces Mortifies tion ; but, by - keeping the more ex terntill parts still congealed . nritil tife internal, heat and .„external, gradually. EL43, f ton the., more interior partinci fvoduee,eireulation of the blood,' a's ftiAtriiii, the thawing takes place, most of the'dangers are obviate ed. :If the snow which pis applied is colder, thim tfie froien it will still further ,extract the .I.xeat, .andl freeze it worse than it was before;. • but if the snow, is of the. same 'feta _ p eya t re, it will keep. it c ; from : , thaw tug tiritil e rest of the body slim have effgetbd'PreGn ti g 'gratin: Water, in:.kliich 7 finbiii.lrir'-iee' :has ,lleet. .plal.wd;:scei.las.to...! keep• its; tempera ture!At,...pii,r ty l ty,,e , d - egrees, I.?alirenheit,43-probably—better than snp-w L A .49trilgr V . !9tinta,espp - tpni !—A "Peac4le Citizen ,of our, Coutitli o - s4ot hemi'd',' . l!;'''a D'ePut • • i vos mar.tleittiThd- ‘" 0 tie .of tine :nibgv; solced t rpobAalijoildd. .mprtierol it. ha bee,nFTT : rpcprti t occurred? estetdzy„in do t I n )* e i te in . 111js:coiinty: t 1.4 Nk'ehaye : kenoe - Syclaelei afiespeetatil& 'ei tizen.' of our i county, and. constable of the !township of Exeterrnecompanied by his-o.watind another %O}, -wieilfiee ion the public bigiv.yuy, once, by fo 114 6 11813 U i!s - fromLuzerne Rattrap; mho seeined .t tr. 4.1 e tieti rig U ; derethhien4 withounitbe , stiglit'eet riro vocatiow or evenit pi-etexttoVjustifl:i gation; ltris: said? , . `pen being wakitttmt giving nano:li skive ennversatien Olen unim poukintectia - raeterliceuVred,lie lie quid lielthoughtlle s hadi isigiitto L 'erav'el fi-rond wit ho ift) intil es to ti o n'. ICUporldfiitt one Of the+ .rourdei.ers re plied See .tibolit.tbat,P ;and draetaing alpistol,,tdok.4leliberate aini 'iinetired—‘4lt tlie.s'arae tiMe tY clrovAion. , 1 1 / 4 1 3 r. 8 ioleter;ki W•ho 'Was Ishot through thiei'lieurt; tell add , irri=. mediutely .expireld: murderefs; fieeing.l4heir viotitp drove to Browteslllotel, ainilefor , thvo distant; where;they took stipper hod indulged in lignor. - They eclair) irliormed Morriultiat, they hixd:' shot ,:a man', d. told him he 'had better go anti See r;7- c§iok I w oin we t Were , I intimately acquainted, was a inani,off some property-01-&—Peeeetal) quiet 1da471 . 11 9 Fer,, been: . dre 494* ulk&t: stti bfAlinTl34 Ii We I,44,sajAtary duty,; 4,q u budtueypr, , in apy.vv47-, rPßit..4Feck 'pps 'on—hen overta ern,avd shot down like a dos iri th6 , ,s roots by the I despicable minions of this accursed CILE gtitiertiost: A FAMILY PAPER FOR TOWN - ARM COUNTRY, IS PRIMMER AND PDADrEMED -WEEKLY, Wl. M. BRESLIN, , 2d .2tory of Fiancee New Banding, Cunaberlarif St t, One Dollar . aiiiirifty Cents a "feir ADVERTISEMMNIS inserted at the usual rates.' 4a---uAtimmas Printed at-an /wars notice. RATES OP POSTAGE. In Lebanon County, postage free ' s'" In Pennsytiania, out of Lebanon ,county 5 contl . pol quarter, *2.0 cants a year...... • • • Out of tbia State, 6 1 4 cti. per quarter, ur 26 dB. a year If tbapostage is not paid in advance, rates are doukde destiotiernywas in the,pursuanee of his : quiet luties as a farmer and citi zen, of the county., In the name of Go, of justice, of humanity, and thtistiiiatty 4 ., eu 'everything near and" , dear ' 'hoe e en will there bean, end to 'these: things.— Wyoming Democrat. COItISTITUTIOk• or WIF. UNITS STA'AS.—The so 'aniendinent of AIM' Constitution of the United States • /ma' heeir; ratified by 'most of the Northern, State's.; Delalvare has re jecteci,ih. he fanatics - and-disunion: wko desire the destrnetion, of the Ain e Val) I le t , and; A l 'vh 0 Savor the te;tablishiant of 'a central' despot ism , will-rejoieeatthiii.' , ? - . ••• The •C l onLitAnti an confers Alp I gtafeialigovernment delegated or liro itetl not ahsol'ute power all ,other rightS were reserved to thb States. ; hence'-air amend [bent' ,nritst come withinithe - scOpe of general •antitori ty to make , itlegitimate: Thetamend meatprofesses toi abolish, slavery.in the:Dililed States. There is no sta,.. very the 'Uhited States;frofierTY Speaking. That is • a domestic instil tution-'=a;reserv,ed right, ()ter whic)i. Congress has no Constitutional'• art- thority. A-right reserved. to a State ean not- , - taken !away, against Its consent; without absolute -violence to ale Windainciiral'laiv the land, whick'garitantees ' , the pe'aCeable'en joyment ?of , thateright. ; ;;: , fThere legal:tribunal', that )vp uld, roe ogn izet borygla ,of aan aj or„ ity , ft joint Partnership fora given pii4ose. to 'interfere with the private right's' okohe -of the•firm...: ,50,',,0f -.the' "amendment" to - the - Constitution, that,..professcs to abolish a right re-. servett,,and ,is not , such amend me"at as titer 'Constitution contem.- plates ; .it is reyolation, and : - meetet the entire diSapproval of all good union - -Idin, law-abiding democrats. it; is ft'' eartgerou§ 'movement:,-for which there Call be` found no reasona ble excuse:, Dangerous, because it is a stab at the v.ital principlenfnur publican formof governme*. es tablishes Prececlent - thatm'ay lead to th - c/torist• resarte. Itstirtually . gives Congress and a majority of the States the right to interfere with. the internal and, domestic, affairs of States, and being, the work of . fanaties,- it itVll,OASibio 1.o; . ,tell what' the next " - amendment" will be; or where the inn ovatidriviti onti .11346115. . One. of the bells Idhieh'merrily rang in honor of the passage of the- anti slayer:l, amendment,. in .Fitchburg, Mass., formerly-occupied a place in the Sower of an Episcopal church in Louisiana; .where it ding-donged for the slave•hcideys, Wo clip the above .-note of jubila tion from ono of ear Abolition ex changes. ' Since the- war,, began no conceivable conveyance has gono : from ,the _Sout4 to Massachusetts pithout being crammed with Plunder. Everything that hands could be laid upon 'has been stolen_ and 'shipped North., Stolen silverplate. shineson many it. Yanked • side-board i..stolen pianos jingle-cut of tune in many a Yankee parlpr. Stolen - volumes a dorn 'tho shulves 'of many a canting Yankee preacher, and it seems that even .tha pious in Yanket3 land are TIOW: PoPed to worship bY the sound of stolen bells. •Well, we cannot see that even that is inappropriate. `LOYAL" CLERGY AND THE. DRAFT. =IV-& notice that -a Petition, nuttier tously signed_by the. :clergy.. • tmen th : e„Nprth, has,heen, , present- Oon l3s riss,, prayipg for exemp, 'frOin * the 'draft .I.llk-ell duties. 'AI ter- tlie,efrorts'a`majority of these individnaltimadr3 to.?inangu rate the ,w,ar,,and ilfter the:preeehing.. ; and prtryipictirey have done, tp,,have it continued, ifieysfionld, if .theY,liivd any"sharne in "them o r any principle ';abbaitt lairt perione •to trpotocievadet(thC;dringers or eAtaile • • ,the hardships of the battle-field. ME THE MASK OFF.—MorroW . 'awe, ry, The aeltnoVilegged, 'leader' ortlll3 abolitioilkiste io^ blir , StateSeviate, - bits akeb boid_:gronuthirrfavor;of begroes , .. , yoting, ) w4ilp he would, ,th... 48, exteod the,ballotA.,ox_ste. ttle- t ogro, he wbuld'aenY it iii"thoiNlite, foe 'Og. WO nisi giih' a vote who, wab . nalile't6,reicd - •fakii3' - Write. 4 thin,lothis Would beoought.a . bitter , _‘ y,t be,.mg.BS Repebljeae voters if presetiteil to thetn. new,;_hot. wq 11Aliqba it Will:J:1e. rr`eaented :to Ch'eAi r due - 'season sas t a teat ' tliei to• ewsllow -it. w aher they. like! it Ar dot.. Senator. Latta4 : , nf Weattoore,,, - land, desprves the lasting, o, the Demodraefor'"defe)pping I great Mogul-ot • , li&z . Gen. 3eCI 13 e an, . though feated 'fer, alb 7" PreSi'denCY, - has' l n 4 b L t t otnetiff-deroncilbest with ariy-of the. military ,or . naval hdroes • ,fthe'lre. ctnption of solid testimonials.; of - ,1,t will be remembered that-Jk 4splendidly furnished bouse , in Aist street ! ie ar` stb IV/nue; Was Preseptt ed to-his,wifeY , Now"it appears that .just before.leavin.g,New York for Ea. ,rope, some of ,thalDiew York friends. of General ,licbleilati presented him NV t $ . 3O ‘ ) VOO in geld. 6 1. 1 1Nhat a good thing it would.-4a.fer to,iive in Masiackni se WA' n g draft' 'f." Tlikt. State has 'dilly , to fan i thirteettlittn-drea en (430§)itynimilby , i n'ekt! best ; piace Igor, ence svclhipbP-47114*Pq.b,ire, ighio is. `to furnialCoe,y two thousand 1 1 2,00b.'i r e("S'oe l foity-ninil ye! blundelitig;',Dutch ,I)Ohnamitild; and wish 'yourselves YaDlocs El ,Tti.