The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, March 01, 1865, Image 1

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Neatly and Primplly Emitted, dt the
Tins establishment IS now supplied with an extensive
assortment of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the
patronage demands. It can now turn out PRINTING, of
every description, in a neat and expeditions manner—
stolen very reasonable terms. Such as
Pamphlets, Chocks,
Business Cards, Handbills,
Circulars, Labels,
Bill Headingi, Blanks,
Programmes, Bills of Pars,
Invitations, Tickets, &c., Mc.
inf-Desos of all kinds, Common and Judgment BONDS.
albegt; Justice?, Constables' and other Iltsoss, prir.ted•
correctly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept •
for sale at this omce , at prices "to suit the times." •
***Subscription price of the LEBANON ADYBILTISEIt
000 Dollar and a Balt a Year.
• • Address, Wit. 31. Minus, LebanOn, pa.
eonoz with .A. It. lithughterijEaq.,7, Cumberland
Street, nearly oppoilie tbetlonrt Houle.
, tedeanam , February 8, left- . - ,
ißliur c,c) Xi 0 t isii*
OFFICE 0. Henry's Roe,llnilding, opposite the
• Bog notei t Lebanoni Pa.
lebanoot,Tenuaty 25,1886.
11A5 WADY.= hie office to Maiket Street, oppoette
Oho Lebanon Bent, two doors North of 'Widow
Welt hotel.
Letoinon,3larelt 25,'83,
.9 6 1 • 4 . 4 PC3r, elr t 3C-1 vvr
mot r iaioirote*Ouislpg been licensed to prosecute
d mi nk ,..nnd hav Marva 'engaged In the Bounty und
raw° , bun?nees,
lithqsetirstces •to ell those who
et Et thereto entiV 44, in Bcoordltßan, With the various
mis of coll i e ,. ;21 'such should olli;ot• udiress at
Orations threngin
P 114 1 0) and make their up: .
DA*BLER no n;:. Attorney at-LoW,
• OrrsOn removea 1.; CP,,mberlend St., one
door East of thu Lebanon vat:.", Enntc, ilea.Oite
the Buck *lota, Le Pa. •
0. fir. 111-BIGAIU
(Y/16r tiettter's 11411 ding, Cumberland Street
\ near y ONwits tbo Court House; Lebutton.
. Lebanon, June 15, 1554.—tt.
CYRUS P. 1 ILL its•
Olioetet' wftuadlngotardeeoott,l- neatly o f rite xit tb r e ma ß n upc e
Hardware store.'
lsbatioa, April 6,1884.-Iy.
,111.4514 LER ig OYER
A. t t sr, x- 43 sr '" a t" Zia W
MU removed to Cumberland street, one te tOhir door
Nast of the Lebanon Valley 'Bank, opposi
Buck Hotel, Lebanon, ra.
1 1 . - WHEIDLE ,
IV cc North I'Vest orner of Water
and illitrket 5treet5 ,233E3:43.20e4C01%70, ;..INsfam
'Lebanon, Nov .18, 18133:—.1y.*
ATToitNurif Afi LAM%
(AMOR, In Cumberland etteet. M 1 few &ore enet of
the Eagle Rotel, In the Wee Into of his father
pt. 9 1
Ca L pt. Job w ittryektipan • deed , .
ebanon. Sept.
Una removed his.owea to the brithltnir, ono door ems
of Laadarmiloh Store, opposite the Waahiagtonllouao
Lebanon: Pa.
BOUNTY and PENSION &that promptly attended
to LApall 8, '6%—Sne.
. • Z. R. AWING'S
• •
Market... Square, oppositethe Markel Mouse, Lebanon, Pa.
flilla undersigned resectfull infors Dar of
that he has receive p d an e y xtensiv m e biopic of the
l— X p and purest Minors of all descriptions. 'These
Lrfcedent e igtaels he
dry low is invarprice ia blys. disposed to sell at nn-
Druggists, Formers,liatel Keepers, and oth
ers *ill consult their own *interests by buying of the
Undersigned, . L. it. DEED.
Lebanon, April 13, 1883.
1 1 1 tog trig betvreen C. C. LOWER nod 11. W. RANK, in
the Wholesale. Tobacco Dimino!». nnuer the firm of
LOWER 1t RANK, is ibis day d leeolved by mutual
consent. The business of the late firm ern be settled by
either of the partners at 11't.146 North Third Bt.
Philadelphia, July 1, 1861.
. ..
U. W. BANE, of the late .4rm of idiver k Rnok,e
will col4looe the bualoeFe iia heretoforeat awn
place. .. , IL W. ' RANK.
PkilladelPhia,'July 19, I.BB:l.—Fi.
niA . Villuable 'yin' OW GROUND , In the Borough of
Vebanop, containing about SEVEN .t.cipc9, ed 7
ing the Lebanon Valley and North liebaltult I An
ima& and a public road, leading-from the Berke and
Dauphin 'turnpike to thei Linton Canal, dlatant from
the latter about Il i of a mile. The quittapahllia and
Brinilyerltie creeks ate adjacent to this trac
W t.
Lebanon, Jan. 18, 188&
lim undersigned will Bull at private. sale' bil a de
altablic UOUBB and LOT OF axtoptip,. Oa., et
street, East Lebanon...
-lli ry convenl a vnees. Also Cistern ,•••Bat4 li ssoase.
...woke • Rome, all kinds or Frult Trees, Ae.,,OD the
premises. Good and indisputable iitle given. ,do n fur.
%her information apply to
Lebanon, Dee. 7,1864.-41 a. • •
.. , . _
Turnpike. EICCiiOII.
~. -,
NTICE is betetry given that I n Blettion by the
Stockholders in the President . , hhinagere and
Company of Lhe.Berks and DauphilP-'sfurnplke road,
will be held albite Public House of J . . L. Bennethure,
in alyerstown;.ilebanon county,,;
Afonda,y, the 6th dorolltlarch next,
hilt% ,
between the rs 0110 o'clock , AL-liT., and 4 o'clock,
P. M., of th y. fur the purpoalk of electing one
President, eigh AlanagerWolui Treasurer, and such
tither officers as may be nedetssiry to. conduct the at.
fairs of the said Company luring tbe ensuing year.
tAa il Batas time the Annual ,:Statement of the
'XiMlitifli Wilke laid before the Stilekholders as nett
' IL:, - By order of the Board'. ',• . - -
••-.E.' ' . IIENTLY IiWLIA, President.
.7scon Rtactmi, Treasurer: ; -
linuary 2:, 1865,
, . .
illanon Car IrenWOrlis &
..- , `,llNoiling,nlnll Company.
Subissribers In the Stook of the Lebanon Car
J. Iron V,forkaunalolllnghltn Company are request
-3/44 to raft at the Court flow4e, Lebanon, on Wednesday,
the 22d day srs'iithrtfarp, 18435, et 2 o'clock; P. for
the purpose otorganlintion.
'O. D.G.CONINaIIat, . Comitittee.
4urnurnary 1,1885. - : •
. ___—
Assestunekt,,Nugh 0 .
' © TIE, is berebrgliee to the Meal-
VAN N If ELLE, LabotaiiigOnaty, Pis., that , n Dr-
SOficsees of property Insurtd in GO tocupany,by fires
Ting during Me year 1801 and On Oki 8d of Fernery,
1865, er issenment of $2.00 on every slooolMtually ice
read, will be made on the !entrance of each and every
member of tbeflompany.
Earthen' are required to pay Unit. ens *men u w ithi n
&MI DAY.9 r from The date of this node... .
"1 0 . blititabere canyay thoir aseassmeuto to the Secretary,
at Beaver's store, in Anorill6, at any time, except on
the days tamed, below, . .
lambent at it:illsto,tce, can reckon tha quot a o f tax
,duct3llb their policies wind sand the tuponnt by man, In
' , Wile of solvent Bat" or .in Postage Cuireacy. B y , m .
ckeptit three cdbte extra, to pihy .postagir, they whi re.
IfilMVior pto promptly by reetunkmak
a l ,'• if 8 Greer'', or an autheledd arms will be in at.
sten sec it the-following pieces and, t rs, to receive
cmotile o I all who gay fled Moony cell:
piljnirstowia'st J. It Miller's eel, to Monday,
.11 ssh. from 0 o'c'ock, A.' 4 4..F.K.
At sft.'Stoo,-Berke Co , at ii....E. 11:OwA's hotel. on
Taatday, fdsrcirlib, from 8 o'clock, 4, M., to 11, A. M.
,- -,7o;Verililiocel,
U. Tuesday, March 7114 from 1
,cluitlii M. 1111„21, P. M. ~. ~,,:.
' 'At I eau Icitliturg at Copt W. Earnest% Rotel, on
Wednesday, Moen Bth_, fromtv!plock ,A.: Bt. to`ll A. M.
Al Illalipbo,lit J Steuffee'sitiel,-,CO Wednesday,
March Btr'fronf lo'olook, P. fir, 4 a M
P. .• -
Al Mech'aulorrille, at John4 st oner'e note!, on Thurs
day. March ilthfftorn 7 o'oloc t",.kt.;. lid 8. I`, E.
At Lbsitlesteeirit; at emeey'l elion griday, March
10th, from 8 o'atick, LE , t • 51.4 4 -• ..-
At Union Delimit, et G. If ' Hotel, Orf Saturday,
March,trtm.8 o'clock, A. ~ teitir.lfd-
Al l'almyntChristtan iiefer's d 1, on Saturday,
March 11th, MBE t o'clock, P. M., to , AL
By order of the Board, v. , ' .
GEORGE W. BTl.llltiiiiiietary,
Annvllle, Lemma County, Fa. "
Anarilie, !Omar/ /ft, 1883
, ...,
* - ., -..--. li: 4.i40,.-ii
VOL 46---NO 36
. „ i t• •
Personal , Property.. - 4: ,
• ..4
AP f; %
• •
lOWA t •- •" . 1 .. • _w _ I
tit be sold at'Pnblitt 'Sale; on
Tuesdliy;'March 7, 1865
At the residence oflhe Subscriber, on the farm of Ja
cob Baum, to East Hanover. township„Lebanon County
near the Jonestown road, 14 a mile from Ditvid 14-
,Rank's dole,. and 44 a Milo from Mechanicsville, the
,' . .follyteirfk Stock ithdjandinglfhpleinenta Via :-
7 - BOWIES. Including 4 Colts, 4 COWS, 2 of„them
fresh, 3 Head of YOUNG CATTLE, 7, STIOATS,
Bead ttreittra EtirsEP; 1 'Wagons, 1 Bh " el ' nalm " . l
2 ElattoWs; 1 4hdtivater,`l Corn Plough, 2 Patent
Rakes, I pair of nay Ladders, I Sled, I TOP BUGGY,'
4 setts sf Ilarnesa, I Windmill, , l Wagon Box, 'I Corn
Sheller, I Saddle, I paterit Fodder Cutter, and Many ,
other artielealcio nrtmeroreko mention.
Sale to comraence at-I2 o'doek, M., when terms
be made known by
E. Hanover,
,Jamtary 4, INS.
• .. - :PO:O44O . SAtt -
%MILL be Bold at public sale, on •
Saturday, the,.of March, 1865'
at Faltnyta,lLondanderry township, Lebanon -county
by the undersigned, thf following property, viz
1 Elegant well trained HORSE, (entire 1'44,14 years
old, 3 51ILCH CO ti S, 2 fresh, and 1 ISEIFEII, 1 good,
Breeding spw, about 5 toes of good 11A,E, 1 two horse
Wagon, as good as me*, 1 Spring, Wagon, 4 Rockaway,
1' Ste 1041 Wheelbarrow, Plow, Cultivator, Seed Drill,
Harrow, Cara ',Plow, HO Rake, Cornshaller, Wind
Mill, Hay Ladders, Straw Cutter, Braiding Trough,
Scythes, Forks. Shovels, Cow Oh. Has, also, a_ sett ' '
of Planks for wagon. a„double.sett of Dears,(Yarilteei
goottericwol sett of Dine Harn&s, and other bar
it e izci, 2 Rile leather MY Nets. ariftthir Firming im-
ocroeuti. Also, -1 large COPPER KETTLE, 2 Stoves
with o'o,l Double Rolling Knife, Table,Chest, Wood
raor.tig4obalr, 34 dozen
Chest, f Seilatilarlßuregur
Chairs,' . Settee, i'.")ilicrt•en's nod a nti DeTdateitii, S Day
Cloelt, th bore RIFLE, LargeTrib, and
a „vairtalasplendid Stotio.*
of articles too nonprous to mention. , ,-
'Stililatommenen when condi-,
lions of Sale will boniadalintW ny
' ' • 1;, - 2,./JA.3111Eif - SEGNER.
Januar." , 25,
Personal Property..
. .
W ILT; be sold at public trate, on ' '
- Thursday March 2, 1865,
At the reshienea of the undersigned, in Jackson
-township. I mile from Achey'a Store, the following
Personal Froperty, rig '4 fj,
110#1SESItind llorse tiedri c acti.* lAA'S, - Young
Citttle, '2 BULLS, !I SHOATS, ' ( r Broad.
wheeled and 1 narrow wheeled .)2 pair Kay Lade era,
Wagon roily, Plnigrtm.and Jlarrovitt, Corn Sheller,
Straw Bench, l Nag "-Break, ,015 w wild, other Chains,
Spinning 'Wbeet, and many abet' ditleles tee minter ,
One to mOOlOll.
Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., when terms will
be made kdown by•
• .
February 8,1885.
. .
Personal Protierty.
• .r i 0? .......m .111 01 71 '. • •
, 1.,.. , :;; , • - .. - - - § . --. 7 .. Lir.. : , ,;:
--.... 1 •-•(•:=.---- -,• 1 1 r. . - •- , ,, , , f . .- ........
,/ . ..... .
WILE. be sold at public sale, on . • '
Tuesday, March ale, 1.8133; - '
at the residence-of the subscriber,. in Worth Lebanon
township, Lebanon Cennty, oe the road Aeading from
Lebanon to' Brofelterittown„34 miles Ificint Lebanon,
a mile from K korner) ing's church, and 14 miles
tem Qosbert's tavern, the following personal prop-
1 doii . n new Chairs. other Chairs, Benches. Tubs,
kfeat.,.,20114, ITTATOICS ,:
busbeltYjnegar by
Stovei and Pipe, Looking Glass. Apple
Butter by the Crock: Stands; Buckets. Wheelbarrow,
Seger Maker's Benches; large Iron Nettles. Queensivare
and OrOdiaryWare, arid many other articles to numer•
oils to mention. •
tab lo,ConiMence at 12 o'clock, X. when terms will
be made knowit by
B ItitcHEß., Auctiocieer
rehttltiry 15,1865.
PeriOnal peoperty.
W ILL be sold at Pnblih .lilt', Ott
:WednOsilii3 s . March 29,1865.
Alt the issidenee of" the -Subscriber, In Londonderry
township, abont One end a half Miles from Palmyra,
;on the Told tlittliuinagla'S Choral); the following
.11.01t8B, 2'. O WE;' ROCKAWAY; 1-horse .Wagdn,
elineltt"Tring Wisgan, `Plough, Harro4„. Mitt-
Sitok,;*SHOATIL t tt'of Bind Gears'.vott . tiar
as's", 2 esdlarli,oßridieseWheelbarregr, Yorks, 1-side
Iladdler,'SlicuralatZlig and , Cow 'Cbalus, BEDOINO end
Bedsteads, 2 Burenna„ :3 Tablas, 2 Stoves,. Clipboard,
done, and-ss-hi'lf Chairs. 2 Rocking Chairs, large Look
fug Olata„ Cheats,' Iloirt Kettle, new bleitstand, Tubs,
agnate, Yinegerand a variety of other articles.
484- All of the above articles are nearly as goad as
Bale to-commenceucat o'clock, 31., , when term s
l a
krOwn tty
t r b a u kft ' fr.
not - dErfrilft., Velohary 16, 1.3 o& ••
*Ns r
w lLL.belaold atMildici Sale,
Thursday,,Xarch 2d, 1865
by the nniersignod, in Cornwall township, about 434
miles from Lebanon, and 'about 34`mila frois the
Ilerse'Shoe Tikes near the road leading to Co lel:Week,-
the following Personal Property, viz :
5 food Working TIMM, 7 excellent two year old
COLTS, tone year,old colt, 6 miten COWS,; 3 of
which are tway,y with calf, 11 bead of Yopog Cattle,
Shoals, 2 Plantation Wagons -and. Boxrgood :Gorse
Gents.iThreshing .Machine, Seed Drill, Gar 'Sake,
New Cornsbeller, Jack Screw, hay Ladders, Rakes,
Forks, Cow Chains, Geller and fifth Chains, Double
and Single Trees, Grindstone, Stone Quarry Tools,
Plows, harrows, Shovel harrow, Corn Plow; Stretch.
er, one good Clofiing Stove, and other articles.
':ear Bale to commence at 12 - O'clock, 11., op said
day, when conditions of sale Will be inade'lilidiWri
Moues B. Iloncs,Auctioneor.
Coonwall township, rebruary . p, 1865.
Personal Property.
• .
J P t vor An ,
0 .1 0 , 1
:WILL be Mild at Public Sale, on
IN T MHCEIdtIy, attrell Bt,b, 1565,
on the premises of Henry Backenstose, deceased, in
West.Myerstown, Jackson Township, Lebanon coun
ty, Pat. the following Personal Property, via ;-
2 HORSES, 4 COWS, Solieia Head of SHEEP, choice
breedit2C SOW, SHOATS; oho two-hoise
Rockily**, !Wilkey; Buggy; ands iminber of other Ve
hicles, 2 Winnowing Mills, Shovels,'-Forks; ••Itakes,
Cow and Ifalter.Chshis, Harrows and Mears; Man's
Saddle, Ladies' Saddle, and. Bridles, cythes, Or
Cradles. Horse Rake, Plough *
Ploughs. Harrows, Cultivators,
Hay-Ladders, Wagon nos, two , Wagoty Ladders. 'tiro
'arts, Slagle and Double Trees,,Log Chains, set of
Stone quarrying Tools, such as .Grow-pars, Drills,
Shovels ,
and a
&C.: El. full set Spayer'efools, , a lot tit Straw
and Hay,
great many other articles of Permit*
Utensils. air. mac s . •
Inch as 'Secretary, Bede Met 4Beddli FURNITURE ,
Cooking and
other Stoves and Pipe, Chairs, Barrels; 'Stands; Tribe,
Vinegar by the barrel, end, Metty:rother articles.
DS.. Sale to comment* et 12 o'clock, M., when con
ditions of sale will be made known by
JOHN uniptr, '
Executors of the Estate • of. Henry Backenibso, .s, de ,
Joss H. Ranwarnow, Auctioneer.
Jackson toWnship, Yeb .22, 1802.
Personal Propertir.
,• . -
' l lll
• • •• ( •
• -
ILL. he acid at Public le,: on :
SatOrdtui Mareh 11 1865.
A st, residence of the undersigned in' Hilt *front. NO.
't*een Walnut and Pines-rove streets, Lebanon, the lel'
loiving'bersonal property , :, -
I:FAMILY NABS, Sett of Gathess, Saddle, Bildia,
. Halter& HAY •by the TON, 2 Fly Nato; Buggy, itmgood
as neW, 2 Spring Wagons, with tops, Market ' Cart,
Grindstone,, Scalding Trough, ilutcher - Box, 2 Ladders,
.Fltute her Ropes, Children's , Buggy, , Boxes,: Chains,
Scantllng, - 2 Butcher • Mocks; 2 Cleavers, heat. aw:.
:Bute :et. Knii.e9; 2111614Stands:'Scalen: Barrels.
Lard Stands, Store, Iron Real°, Gnm!Benchas; Bags,
Tabs,, Bataan, Chairs; Tables, .Bedatead, 'Buret Cider
Vinegar, Patent FAL Press. and other articles, too nu
merous mention, . .
' Sale to eMitmenco at 1 o'clock, P M.,- wken terms,
will bwmade known by'
Lebanqn, February 220865.. •
p 114,1
Pea Froperjy.,
- *
TATILL he sold at public sale, on' • -
Monday, March. 20th, 1865,
At the residenee of the undersigned, in North Lebanon
township., Lebanon county. Pa., 1-4 mile north from
cluireli, the following Personal Proper
ty, viz • - •
CIIICKENS, Potatoes by the bushel, 1,11ar 7
rel yinegar,, Store with. Pipe. Voal Store. Kettle, Bu
reau, Table, Milt; Bedsteads, Chsirs, Tubs, ' Standsi
Grain, Cradles,Grass Scythes, Leaf Tobacco, good
Grindstoneotkhalsof Cooper tools, and other arti
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., wan.' condi
tions of sale will be made known by •
N. Lebnnon, February 22 1.6.05.
Pei-sonai Propertjr.
4 fr e
W ILL be sold'l4l4ll3dd Sale, on
..Monday,dlarch .20t1), 180.
by the undersigned; • in. Palmyra, Londonderry town
ship, Lebanon county- the following property, yis
One Carriage, Wheelbarrow, scalding troligli, one
grain cradle; one grubbing boo, pili:forks, grain slier,
el, ladders, .
'tiny .by the ton,
Two NOS, one large six-legged and other .tables, one
tailorlog.Lencb, fvor Itstisioads, one Bureau, one cor
ner and other cupboards, twenty-tiro ebaira z including,
two rocking chairs, one sot is new. waterberich, spin
ring wheel and reel, tubs, meat and•othei Stands, two
:coal stoves with pipe, too iron kettles,lron Pots,
one firehold, pans, two tile flax scutcheswo looking
glasses, wash "and bushel baskets, APPLE-SUTTEIt
by the crock, smelted hams, Lard, ke. ,Rotatoes by
the bushel, a lot ofQuemsware, tinware and eartbern
ware,: measuring vessels such as half bushel,
ACI., two lemon trees, flower-plants", and a greet - many
other things not mentioned. • -
Salo to cominencent-12 o'clock II 4-when conditions
will be made known by
Palmyra, Feb. 22,1665. • • •
Real Estate
Pertiourd Pro
ILL 'biteold at PUBLIC SALE, on
Sattird ay, Alareli 40,1.865:- • •
'at the Publielonseof the nnilersigned: Sri North,Leh
anon townsuip,Lebarton County,. 2 miles . from. Seh
anon, on the read' hatdllik to Jonestown, the folleoying
Personal Property viz
A Good MARE, well broke to all. kind V' Work. 2
Excellent COWS, with GALE, a 1 horse wagon. .Trot
ting buggy, Horse Clears, : Sleigh, May and Straw, 4
White Pine Saplings, 23, feet long, suitable for Hay
Ladders, Patent Washing Machine, Coal Stow, With
pipe. large Iron Kettle, 7 pedsteads, large Eight . Day.
Clock, Ilar Fixturee, new Sign Post with Sign,
Morse Posts with Chains and Binge, and other articles.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, I'. if.
A LSO, at 7 o'clock in the evening of *Ay,
AL. will be sold at Yublic.Salti..on the preni Des tif No.
, the following Beal Estate, viz :
/'.lO .1
--The Undivided lialtof d STORE and TAV-
N,BN STAND, situate in North Lebanon tp.,Lebanon
known se ,the roperty.of & Ceesaman,
in which the 31eicantile and fiord business' is now
carded on with good sums).
.No, 2,. 46 -The exclumve o fa, Large NNW. SUED,
32 by 45 'fief;and a.Landihg on the Union Canal, both
convenient 1,.
No. 3.-t;Jllie 'aridly ided. IA part in IicABEIIOUSEI
and Landing on the Union Canal, alss conceit) lent to
No:4.—Tirreci Burpirm LOTS, "Situate In North
Lebanon Borough, fronting Pinegrove StretVench
oci feet front and 120 fai 4 iningple..ol4 SIM=
ted Brethren Gems ter) , be big a good location WA . MAU
lug purposes. • "
Bor further particulars apply to the undersigned.
Conditions will be :node 'known by - • -
North Lebanon tairnsliip, February 22,1865.
• . .
, ,
im s u O bscriber effete et Srleato Sale a TW STO-
' Ey - FRAME DW.F WANG' 110 USE end . :LOT Or
flsi - ' 4 2; R ee t li is a l ili l iZ e lo n Att t i On o tlt . e " Ol i d i-i- F r OtVe 4d A i ll
in.tb. North-Western payt of, said borough.--
Itorliaxticiliars apply 40 . - ~,
' • ' , ~. JOSEPTI Ar. UtILER.
iebatkon:Yannary 2.5, ISM -
...-• - - . •
Brickyard & ildildinir Lots.
subscriber offers at private .sale,-* : valuable
Tract of Land in Ncrth Lebanon, Borough, meal.
.the line -of North Lebanon :Borough, on kinegroro
street ,contalning abent 3. ACRES., This tract is ex
cellent ground. for; Brick Making, having been used
for that purpose. and Is also eligibly located. to be cut
up Into BUILD:NO LOTS. A good kiln for hunting
Brick is the . For further" pal-1161114i ap
ply to • e;
Lebanon, Feb. 8,1806. , . '
, . . . .
WHEREAS, the Auditor General; as
.required b .-ths,ll,th.Buctiori, of the act entitled
"An Act enabling the Banks of this Commot Wealth to
biome kesocittions for,the pullace cf Junkie* under
the laws of the Unfte4BtetWietssed on the 22d day
i.,fAtnust A. D. 1884;- lade dsrtßed to ma that the
"LEBANON VALLEY BANK." hostel in the Itmoogh
of:Lenin:oh, - liibanint County, has.furniated Malabo
tory evidence to him that all the requirements of add
hit htive been complied with by the said in nh and that
it has become au association for the purpose of Bank
lnQ Under the laws of the United Btateeptr
I do, therefore, cause this nottca thereof to be Po&
lithed in accordance with the provisions of the attld 11th
'section of the said act. and to declare thet the charter
'of said ihnk,.by the terms of said act. Dr doomed an I
tiken'to be'hereupon surretigered, , stillsot to the pro
visions of the Brat section of said act. '
A. G. CURTIN. Govermor.
Ex( entire Chember.'llarrishurg t - 10b.`.317. 1°415
WHERE 46:8, , ,the Aitditor GeneittLiti
:required, by the llth:Sectlon of the act entitled
"An Act enabling Ilse Banks of , thia Cloutcsonwcalth to
:.lieconte - associations for the purpose of Banking under
the laws of the United States;' pant& on the .lE2d day
of Aimust, A. D. 1864, has , certified to me that the
4 •LEBANON-DANK." located lathe Borough of',Lebic
non, Lebanon County, has furnished satisfactory eel
dente to him thaaatt the requirements of said Aot have
heart compete 41 with: by the said Bank,. and :that Atchas
become an immolation for the pirpose of Basking un
dor thd;DMisrofithe Etat* '
• I ilo; therefori, - catted - thhi notice tborboeto - be` -pub
lished In ateardanae with the -- provisions of the said
11th section of ,thitAskl t oktianit - i,toillsNare that the
et:otter of aid BAIA - by - chl teke;arocysito act ix deeta i r
and taken to titi tiotailoothrortot.(l4 red • sitVisat tv, ' a
prdthaiiiia of theifirst eictiot Of wild sit?,
• 'zi- ,t t0b.17,1:865.-4t
Jus:tlarisitc4and. fai sale at this
office, Conditions for theafe of Real Es
, •
,%sottiebedi has written the Tet.hirtring:Abotit the
eirlo, and Bet it efloston twe r si s o T y p i, er, ..
The lilies, we think, are iviite idelerving.ks
the . girie-.-theretbre' the following'is i'espeetfully
• 4 ' Andbjeis,ll4 Si•iveh•
Tltcyreittee'larreirnairsr - :77 ---
•" • They inefid our seeks, - ,
, But—iton't they prod the money !
When'we srasick,' • "
They heal us quick :
Thet is,.ll' they love tie
If not, we die,
- • And yet they cry-
And place tombstones above us. • .
Where the news flashed Abe'
wires ' i short'time ago that 'Peace
CommiAsioncii Were on their' Way
froin Richmond to Washington, the'
hearts of a.' suffering anddistressed
people were made to lie
high with
joyful emotions in anticipition of
early return of peace. The news ,
Was hailed as the dawn of a brighter
`day,. which should soon succeed*this
hight of death and blopd, and carnage-
which for - the last four years has
made this'faii hind of Oilr one vast
sepnlchrifill4d with the ,mepldering
bones.of thousands "of brotlfBrs
tii'iiii war. Trope
beamed from every face, and the ea
gerness with , which , every , ' item of
intelligence Wit St sought after; by the
Multitude, ehows , how ardently the
public heart longs for peace: ,
The Commissioners were not per
mittcd tomome to Washington. but
were -met at --Fortress .Monroe 'by
-President Lincoln - and Mr. I Seward ;
a conference of four hours duration
warn ad:4n boa fit a , sreaurcr hull am P
LIJ & r - It C•yYrt.ivrt., ,ftcrvar
testimony or both partieg., proved a:
total failure. Upon whose shoulders
thvespon,Sibility tort ,e. failurc rests
is it Matter which, in our ' judgment,
can ea'sify be dAermiried by any one
. . - . , .. .
Who willeerefully, candidly and criti
cally exaniine, the message of the
President to Congress' ertibodiing
the preliminary correspondence in
relation to the interview. ' This '61.-
respondence needs but, to 'be read to
see what grand results
,might have
followed this effort at peace,' had it
been conducted on the principles of
liberal ,nd enlightened , ,statesman
ship. That this info.rrnal-conferenee
might have been so, managed by
President Lincoln ns`to hav,o fed very
soon to a lasting , and honorablepettee
between the two . hilligerent, sectiona
of our obeli - non en'untry, tiiid LO the
restoration of the Union of our 'fath
ers, we think will 'seareelY admit
. of,,a
doubt. For the proof of this position
we appeal to the record. :- , =
In ,thb etti,lY part -of aqua-y; Mr-.
F. P: Blair, Sr., goes goes . to.. ft iithsitou'd
with the knowledge and consent of
the, president. lie is passed , through
the rebel,lines withoutn
any,, eodi
tions'or stipulations, (and in this.par
tieular the eendu4 of the,•
Chorales stands out in striking eon
trast with the iiii:-ierable quibbling
and pettifoggiiigi ..of Lincoln and
' Stanton when iiteaare. ?Stepheal),
M i nter and Canipbe:l,i , applied for
pet•ni issi 0 if to pas 4 '0 u i• 1 i ries) he . .15
kindly received b the atithbritles at
Blob rliori'd ; has 'several' lii•etracted
interviews with Mr: Jefferson Davis,
during which'qiielfions in relation to
the war ;discussed , inall
their bearingti 'Dlr. - Muir return's to
Wasbingtbn with ii,letter trent MI%
baviedesigned too be shown to Presi
`de'nt Lincoln', 'E , ,, Lai netfilit, he was
ready to send oi.• receive. a '3ll'imia
slow "to ehtet ilJto atolirevoilce, with
a vieW:to secu4 peace to :the On
countries." : ltr. Blair retarns, to ,
Richmend with'Lincoln's reply to
Davis; Stating that be would' - ,receive
any agent whiCh.` he (Mr:` DaVisj
might send with the 'view breeenring
penee . "to out .eattaati - callatr3. 3l- 7 -
Thisletter Mr:DaVis read over twice )
when Mr. Blair remarked; kb:l,C ; the
part aholit "odi. z tomnion, coutcry"
related to:the part of .IKr. Davis' let
ter about the atwe .cpuntries." Mr.
Davis replied thatlte se tincierdood it.
Now, let iiB exaMitre this'point for
a moment, and see What',conclusion
an' honest man, must
_arrive at. On
the etiength of this letter Of Mr. Lin-
Vole; explicitly stating . 0 0 conditions
upon`-=which he ,irottld, receive an
t)Ga te l r :vtit a ei n trs d nbAnl. 7 l A te. :' nB.ot:l7lfb i l b nf t'i' e sti°l:ll : ll). ' e C: o ltll)9 t! vr tn trei ' ds iti 'lle e r i: llaPt n nel: -
ers to proceed 'to Vinabitigten' to con
fer with 'Pfeeident PP.1 619 ,' A i ' ' t h e
subject of pease, aa4 the seoratiiis
sioners thern i
seives d their' note to
Maj. Eckert datcd,February , 2nd,, i say
that theY'werp seeking an'
isonfeKtiee with' Piesidellt' LinPOn.
"iitt ihirbasia .of his , ;Ot t er t01 4 '.,P:
Blair o'lll6 . 18th 1 41 1 4 , 44'' . !NOY!
what does all this meMii *hitt did
• ,
God biess the girls,
• Whose goldeit earls
• ;Blend with our iiiitilniptireittnii•
They haunt ou
Likesgirit Wr-
ises, >,
Or as lipids haunt thoistreemit.
They soothe our pains,
They fill our brains •
• .With dreams offiummer hour&;
GOd guile,
'OO4 hWs their earls,'
, . God bless our human flowers.. , ‘,.
Of roguish girls,
With sunny curls,
We Piny in faney, dieutu ;
nut- ivivev, true wive**
IhrOugheut our lives - ,
, Are every thing they seen!,
these men come for?. - They. are not
ninnies and fools that =they would,
leaveßicathond for Washington, on
a fool's errand—to talk about la rec.'
c ognition of the Southern: confederacy
7L-for they were fully advise& in- re n
:gird to the position of the .Govera r
;ment- - and the 'people' of 'the )ITnited,
States on' that - point beforithey start":
ed. .What then. was the object of
theiresission 7, The 'conclusidn is irre
sistible that they came witiv.h.'.view ,
of eeduring peace td.. ,4 onoicominon
other words; .they
came, prepared to enter intb,negotia
tionsr for a re-donstructi on of th'eUni•
on; in catie.they were met with just.
and liberal; terms on the Part'. of ithe :
~ W ashington - ~ adrninistration; But'
the harsh and impeiidas demands of
Mr. Lineoln, inspired by the blood
-111121.71 gengretil,.ieVelled
w a:ea - tit& exiiirrrOvirtetritnikk
fifi darling ided'nftnegrd freedoini he
telegraphed to,the_Secretary °nude.
that titers:must ' "" din g r(m
the slavery questiorn'.l,) Here Ithe.
evitable negro comes in again as' he
,barrier throWn in the way of just
and honorable peace. by theahiserable
demagogues and fanatics which now,
u•n foytn natelytfor the coin try, control.
the Federal- Government. I, , With'
1 practical statesmen instead of vision
ary theorists at thp head Of the Gbv:
ern ment,with the irght, We now. have,
this w bolo Alifacult;tdohld be adjusted
in; less than thirtY.daYs; . -
'But the most 'C'dhelusive evidence .
that these comeksioners were. hon.
- estly-andl earnestly desirous-of peace;
and: were willing:to negotiate on the
basis of reuenstruction- of' the Union,.
is the dispatch , of .Generat` Grant: to
the Secretary of- %Yuri , and but for it
they would, have sateen sent, back
without even , a hearing. "Fain con-,
:vinced, - upon conversation. with
Messrs; •Stephens and,- Hunter, that
their intentions are good and. their
,desire siecere to ~restore peace and
. :Un(on,P ,says Rome ral Grant, anti adds
"I have not felt myself at liberty to
express anysiews oWn or to
account for my retieence." Can any
one doubt the correctness of the. po
sition we have:-assumed; when it. is
sustained; by the: testimony of so high
and responsible-a witness as General
Grant?- Or will-it be alleged that he
was deceived or wilfully - alegraphed
what, was false? We think it hardly
possible - that any sane man will be
bold enough to make any such fool
ish 'accusation.‘, against General'
Grant's high character for wisdom
and - sagacity.
It is-evident, then - that the confer.
_ict_hriidite42.itairLizood, re
eult, riot beentme- an honorable-peace'
was unattainable, bui becatisethe'in-
Jerrie! and :ru,inons: neii.o policy, of
this 'administration stands in the' way
of - so desirnhle a consummation. A
braham Lincoln is clearly responsi
ble fdr the failure; and, a , fearful re
sponsibility it is he his assumed. , —
Let him beware boui be , trifles with
the lives of his fellOw Men. The
reark . and sighs and groans of the
'thousands of iiidows and orphans in
the land, mado shelf 'by the unneces
sary protraction of the war, winsome
day, sooner or later, come' up in
"judgment ag,ainst IC'is a mon
strous crime against civilitation
chrlitianitY to .continfle“the - war
day longer than is necessary to' sc
ent.° an' honorable peace, on the basis
of the Constitution and AlrfiOn as
Tramed and 'organized by the
ifathere of the Republic. The
-people:will hot hold
- wholiitve power` ildndrithly t
13toithis'effiiidon 'Moog and yet
Peltig.ently reftive to do so.— Valley
"Tni.. Stony OF A GOTEPC. ARM
CIIAIR.—A Paris journal" publishels
4erangb Pistory of anold . ,(4stliie arm
chair, which was sold recently- at the
publie ituction-rooms in ;the Rue
Dropot. The'aitielo in qUestion
firt4t richly - ornamented, was, present
ed. hy , the maker to Maria Tkeresti
lin& figured: in BM. hendoir. After
the death of tile Fripre,s4 'of Austria
it WaS 'Sc 111' 641M01dimity With her
desire; lb Queen. Maria AntOlnette of
France, and \cap stibSequently used by
Louis XVI, during his imprisonment
in, the Temple.
tragical= detith, Clery, - his valet-de
chambre, became its owner, and took
it, toßngla,ad,;'where it, s,uccessively
became the property of time Prince
Regent, and afterwards of the Mike
of Cumberland. ..The latter , leek it
'NVith hira-fo, Berlin, and, there Sent it
to an 'upholsterer for repair. The
wbrkman tn. whom it, wttS entrusted
found in, the Stuffing of the seat , a
diamond pin, the portrait of a boy,
andseveral sheets of very tiOsply.
written manueeript.
the pin, and gave the portrait and
papers to a watchmaker of his' ac
quaintance. Some yearg 'litter the
watchtniikei . , those name was Nonn
goi.ffondeavored to pass biriiSelf - off
as Louis - .1C.V11.; and prod aced the lid
pets and partrait in support of his
pretensions. After' - Making some
noise in France, and 'then in Belgium
where. he lostlis son, Who ettlled him
self the Duke- of Normandy, he went
1953,,and :died there.—
The 'workman - who found; the. por
trait and .documents kept • hia -- secret
till jut before his - death, iyhen he re
yealedtio whole to, his One
of his. relatives; , hating •nseertstitie4
that the chair Was' till afsartill,,iik,
chivied it, and sold it t 0,,. a, Ffench
travelear; who! -carried ; `Parisi
wheteitttltiietitel7';4nn into,
80404 of; an old. toolab,, the inmate
of an asylum for the , aged; lately Idol
ceased ? . ha,SONW heal - Wild by atm : .
titre iii#i"the . imist,orher effects.
_. N. pEACE.w
;We commend the followe,in extract
from an r ,vditorial in the ° Newark,
,New Jersey. ,Dtfily, Journal, to , the
careful perusal 01iof ourreaderse •
What,in poet of fact,: do we
gae "'iv ti speak 61
Peace, as a termination to Alio civil
war now - ragirfr 1. Do we mean
a.renewal of the Prelationship;inter
e, °ppm, an d i Ani : between,. sovereign.
States, NO acid South, such .as ex ,
isteir tiefore - Ahrrham Lincoln came,
into power ? 2. Dowd mean A. Ces
sation df"firrstililles, a disbandinlY of
armieS, a redliction of, taxes and a
restoratihnjof LaW to its supre
macy ,coupled Wilth recognition of the
rev.ol4ignailr tights claimed by the,
89iittlecn t peop i le, t and for. -which they
...hikieLCOßteolied so reiolitely. ?
whktp.w.a.h.4o.23.4ne - upon the elitruc
I?tion ofLepip„Johnston's liardee's and
.4.4bypmith's arm iee 't Ar,, do
sve mean that total Prostration of a,
whole pehp I e at the ed a q e'roi."S feet,
whrebils'implied 6y . .! the Aidrd ' et titlbj
ga tzlOri Alla important for each
one of us to deeith.... 2 in- i llis own, mind
which of theca ,cont!itioos Of things . ,
tOitncreratands _word
a these various conditions, only
thelsceoad, or thdAthird, are. by any
tiloant?l)Pnesible. ,No man in his-tAne
mind can believe, it possible 'utterly
Subjligate eight 'millions , of .free
:PeoPle ' - because no one can 'believe it
peasible Chropletely to exterminate a
population so extensive: Nor, *Bile
the : presont state of feeling exists:
North and South can the bright And .
cherished dream of I Deinocracy he
rallied, of :t rosali-htion of the gin %
rious old "Union ha - There
is too much blood retWeb).l the Sec
tions.'.there is 'too" beritry'a weight
of , debt'and taxes ; , there - is tohmtich
. bitterness of hatred;;, there: there arc too
many green wound's, too many deep
festering sores. Time may indeed
bring 'our hopos':td pasa:j but this
generation will notli+e-to rejoice in
the consummation. For peesent
Peace tiler. for ; a Pketicable Anil
mediate cessation of ,this brutal,-and
bloody strife, we have-the choice of
; either the reeogni
tion: of South ern , independence or the
annibilatibh of the Southern 'armies.
Is; there: any Vid'Apect of an inime
diate,peace either,of these, ways
In' ether words, is eitr Government,
ready to let the - So:nth 'go"?'Or, has
it the. Means MA/ hand tb'defeitt
and, destroy lbe. Southern arnireis
flo, .10941) . : germ) n may
be whoprop2unds these (locations to
iietticrWr)eitatt - rati - gurrrelib
:is. 'kb - must answer thatit will re
quire at lettst another ' campaign. The
North, is not ready to let the South
go • the South is not;yet weak enough
to ahandon the contest,. .
Tloty we will stand,Or - What; will be
the conditichf of 'things' ;oho ' 'year
hence,:is a question' we do not pliY
postito .discuss or ito,apetiilate upon,
even if ,We had.thee heart to- do it.—
Suffice it to say that we do not see
how, in the present temper of par
ties, peace enn be attained, without
the cost and horrors and terrible
bloodshed ,of -another rutbless,,eam
paigp,like the Just... Are we ready
for it ? Dare contemplate the
thought Of it, cven thdit : gli we were
sure that at the of it would coine
,such ;a peace - es'is capable of heron&
te l '2l l , l ?,Etiftt g 'Upon this con tip enti?
For,we must alw.ays recollect that,
he Matter hOW bright the auspices,
under which it may pomp, piece will
not bring Us bade tp "the good old
times" 711'en we *bre "bFothers still."
We may re4itiite, but; it will not be
a merry_inarriage feast. How•den it
be•-*hen such hostt of ghastly- spec
tres ;Will come . troopintr, unbidden, to
assist at the Ceremony, and sit 'crown,
Banqu'olike - the vacant places ?
And the it not keep vivid
the consciousness in our minds-.that
the fe,stiyal is unpaid for ? If wti, re
pudiate Will We not call ruin,and:beg
eery dotal `upon tens of thousands of
hotiseholdAiribw comparatively happy
in their faith in the national honor?
Wo,inay , re-tinite,,.or. we may 'stand
apart, separate 4epuhlies, hut, ip
eitheraVent,..we „can never attain to
41.1naer...lrien11ship t _ subsists
twee 9 hrothere witn, have quarreled
`and e2telian'gkir bk,)(t's. Whatever is
sues we May come ea', the Shenandoah
Will not be forgotten. Nor . Camp
°nage; - ntif Balishttry; nor =Point
Lookout,„ nor - -Andersonville nor
Charleston, nor Fort Pillow.
Pace I the thetight tlitifls every - and 'Ond•know's we would
-net by ifor ' d di.'eteed"to Mar the dear
prospect, ! But; there is 1, no , use for
the Appriean deceive them
selves at this late, day ; nor to . dream
of linposSibilities': The prosi)get is
very 'dark; very glooar. '' WC lave
conjured up infinite, evils And they
aie;falling utinn abikdhvobring us.
We have eon the storm With reek.
less hands, in blindness, and mad fu
ry, And , With infinite disregard of his
tory and of retison.i'ioW, the whirl
, wind has sprung up' at our -feet, and,
wo mustteap it, in shame and sorrow,
how we can. At ; least let us perform
our-,self-imposed•tasA w ith ••humility,
eitfilingtio.narties, but gleaning What
good we 'Pay. even out (if the midst
why was San) goo'-thegreatest
tor that evertippeantiton—the stage ?
, i fßecause, be‘i-:brought > E down 'the
49gaeiW t heia, the :Itudte.ticb! twat bora,
poeodgautifely.ofLhie.atietiies. , ‘ . ; The
santeige n V.:l.watt ", sayslthat;tifie reason
why,Teakins Lis hnlitecia:dog'd tatt ,, i4Y,
that Sertidos keeps a carriage , and'aft
tail keep a wagen% •
tta gmtrtistt:
The, felleiVingfacts !ITO 'condensed
'from a'letiOr. dated. at .City
Dec 29;:] vxitten - by ohii , of ;the
.vieti,ms, now uefvrer Petersburg,„ and
.the New York h7paats
•In May ; p; , :Mien apAiir,
ed in Hamburg, and opened his office,
with Meyer & CO., for.. the declared
pfirpose of Angaginefabor4i§ t r Ogo to
the United States, Offering as.indtice,
tnents,t6 :those ,who should decide to
emigrate, -a,free passage to America;
816 a month, for one year,,and bo
rink of $1.09, the emigrants to be 'env..
plOyed at ordinary labor. .The ap
parent liberality these offers, with.
the \veil known scarcity and
price of labor in the
_United Stn,kes,
drew crowds of anxitins
man t„ w e .
lowed:by a second fourteen days la- 7-
ter. On the sixth of July theypm-,
bar 870 in number on the ste
er Balloon,- for Bosteh, - Whither t, by
arrived on the 22d of the same iiicd 4th..
The Stsa.mer nocheringiii ; the harbor,
Itbe 'emigrants were landed on Dear
none being . allowed to go:to
or hold any communication with the
main land a powerful police 'force be
ing constantly on dutflo guard them.
During their'stay -here theytivere
unlined ilby; ti,- -I( . ;sa-called). + hysician,.
something was read. to them, in Tag
lish, not. a, word ,of .Whieb, they under
slood, and of the nature of which
they were entirely ignerunt, and they
were then informed' that they had
sworn to serve three years,- div.the
army Jot the ,United States `fhii
was the first intimation ofthe
practiced, upon theM that' they , re
ceived, natheir fright and' teirok. pint'
be-easier imagined.° than desaribed. l - 1
Various modes of escape ..were.sug
&ested some proposing to run- awAr;
when opportunity
,offerer ~others to
swim to the main land, !tit td no tiff;
Bose;' They 'were taken in smallptir,
tics to a neighboring. island, • dressed
with the United. Statesmniform, and,
thenee sent, August 24th, to camp,
distributien, in Alexandria, and'from.
there they were forwarded; On the
Ist of September, to. City Point. •
The above facts furnish. a fitting il
-Instratian of the,bcauties Of the abp
iitiOn rime, content with
ruining our own prosperous country,
seeks by such acts, fe -make its '
in the nostrils- of every , eiviliied nu thegigbe. .
to ii_tells some
lingo stories in his lecture on memo
ry. Ben Johnson couldliot only re
peat all that he had evcr wAtten,"hitt
whole.books he had read. If we MO
his faculty, we should pray to be o de-
livered from the full exercise of , it e - 7 -1
- Niebuhr in his youth. was employed
tn one of the public offices of Den
mark, where part of a book of ac
counts having been. lo`t, he restore
it from his recollection. Senecaputu
plains of old age, because he hifiibt„,
as he once did, repeat two thousand
males in the order they . were read_
to him ; and avers that on one occa
sion, when at his , studies, two hun
dred unconnected verses having been
pronounced by different
,pupila of hip
perceptor, he repeated them in are
versed order, proceeding frona- - the
last the first uttered. , A quick
:and retentive memory, both ofwor4l.
and things, is an invaluable trea,sarp .
and can be had by any one
,who can
tak . O the pains. • TheOdore Parker /
when in the divinity school had a no-:
Lion his memory was defective and,.
needed looking after, and he bad in .
immense chronological chart
room and .tasked himself to . commit,.
the contents—all the names and dates
from Adam and the year one, down.
through Nimrod, Ptolemy . Botef,
Ifeliogabalus and the rest. Our ver
bal memory soonest fails us, unless
we attend to it and keep it in,fre4
order. A child will commit and, re
cite verbation easier than an adult,.,
'and girls easierthan boys. To
the verbal memory fresh, it is capital
exercise to study , and acquire new
languages, or commit and treasure,
up.choice Passages, making them a
By WM. art.'Busiti;
Ste* , . of Funck's New -Buildlny, Ctinibetiand St
~ At One and Fifty Cents a TAO.
Far Awrinenassuorrs inserted at thii venal ratesrint
44FIIAEDBILLS Printed at hours notice.'
In Lebaion - County,postage free -7
In Penneyirania, out et Lebanon county b cents per
quarter, or 20 cents a year.
Out pf thieEtett 034 eta. per, quarter, or 20' cis. a year
If the postage is not paid in'adrance, rates are, doable
It ought'not to be forgotton by any
one liable'to sbip*reck that thirst is
quenched_ by soaking, the :clothes ih
salt water twice a day, or even ofteh
er, ancit allowing. them to dry ail:in
tbo person, If sea water is: drank;
the salty portioiiSs of it tiro Absorbed
into the blood, Lire it with a.nevt
and, more raging thirst, s taid 'a " - feree
Boon s. , sets. in. It would seem
that the I:3;yiitkin - imbibes the water
but excludes alrtbe other conscitu
ents. ''lt is' 'known that. Wadiog - `4l.
cothinon-iiratei Vent:bed thitiit with
great rapidity. Persons while.vir,firk
log in,water seldom get, thirsty.—
And it is , further iuteresiihgt4kho'is
that lioitev6 . soaking '''*'et the gar
ment may becorne`frorni.ltin or other!'
{wise,ise, it is' imposiible ,
to take cold t i he precaution' Valt - '2::
eh, to:kesp . in,thotion with tintteinnl,
activity to key off the feelings of.
until the Clothing is perfectly
dried tififtfoilitiesi are afforded for'
oinme nht in changing: the'
-mots, Ater. a Welting, it .isztlWayg"
nufest,ah4hest,ho an addition al.safer_
guard against taking Cold, to
a sup of twb Shmel hot liiiiterage ba ,
fore beginning 4:0 undresti.'
WhS , , , izghermau the &oat .gfdlant
Geneial in the army? 40 .1 4 4 11 ,,,cd,
acr - oss the country to "cave Anna (Say