Viit aunty. WHO ARE THE HASP Lord:ttyron once said "The me chanics Sett. -workingmen who can Maintataltheir' families are, in my opinion the happiest t!osly of men.-- gotesty::is wietch edn CSt , 3, even poverty NI preferable:to the Oartless, )Imweaning dissipation ofgat.b!gh or deys.' Another nuthways ."1 have 151) pppensity to envztny ape, feast. bf ail the rich and sg.peat.-'; but if I weradiaposed-to thie ws wetikrieee, the Sysfiject my - ‘ envy Would i be a heal th.iy,_zoliAg mat, if& fitSl posiession of r•Wierungth.Lied faculties, going forth is the Morning to .;.for-bis wife taltbilehildron,,Cr briagtag, borne hisi ernes aftnieKt." t 4. 7 ; ' • • stirthinAv e ssm r e.-ft blurt coming late one nig a ; little. more sl "half Kalb. ov er;"ecittna thirsty, procnreCa glass of wi4er - Lins6dWrank, it. In .sttrng es ho r swall i eWe:c . ! ti•sruall it f b E lT t r l h le l 7en a3 t r l % aa bl4 ‘ L te l Zit:N m h o is t ;teeth. 2.ll'eal . kag 4)oinCtift g`' in his and n k nsemli fig 'What was, gan puffing at the ejidiiild the WOOtl?.ti aeon had several pet irAis hands, and still no end apparently. Te l hified, i he :shout ', Of his voice, '"Wife! wife! 'say, wife, come down'llerp Vitraiallips N l" The San fialicisco Zat.).DemocrOic Press, says there are,,Ro so intolerant as Sinn'ers %ilia aye just turned saints; nor Nriots sa al" as .cowardly Aluzlithirtists,4llo have fled.from the L'astli s o4scape.,.a draft. California is brimla lof these noisy Unionists. Theyitit sa iM to re deem lost character. le further they get from the battle-fields the brader theyrirokAhlt, ttiyi ran another three thousand mires from. the 4,l;st thajr . pittriotism would burst them. •lioyarLeaguerki reeisi4 them lett . argival) with pilaw-reeling makeli t tlierq wondrous ONE or OLD ABE'S JOKEl3.—Black wOod'a Magazine tolls the following story, purporting to be original with Mr. Lincoln: It. appeatt :that before Virginia seoeded, a committee of gen tlemen waited upon him to tee if any thing could be done to avoid the impending catastro_plie.• .h was just alter the taking of Fort .Bilinter, and Lincoln's call for 75 , ,000-mon: • "But what would you have.nie 'dor 'said Mr. Lincoln. " t ‘lr. President," re plied one of the deputation, "I. beg yoit to lend me.youx finger and thumb Icirttivit Tiiintitoe EllOtpn j)641146, that he wished him to write angle thing. that. should allay the ..preigi la g cEci telnon t. • BO t ' I colaAd ro t choose to understand him. tialfy finger and thumb'!" be ropeattV= 41 .111 y finger and thumb •! What would Tou do IrJ4itkona.l l .--Blep your nos - et" he deptiltatinn - riffeed 'indisgust., arid Virginia seceded: . As amusing ineichint Wok place 'at a music store on Mahr•etreek the other day, -.which is Worth . relating. A fast youcig, woman„who wae Areas .ed more like one of our young Missis aippi country lasses than a city belle, `mitered :Ake vOre ip-tquestion, and asicedilio fialegman'tisfit4lefilre latest - musical publications. The young ,dierky mifitaktag her 'for a -"green' un,",hundect down for.ber in• epeotion "Ben Bolt," "Annie Laurier' '"The Last Rose of Summer" and the I Pid - Atm, Chair." "Are these the latest publications you have ?"''inquired the female. "Yos t inadam, these are the the la test publications issued," responded the salesman. Do you knoW what :418Th you would do with them spied the woman. "Wrap them up for yqu'irka . plidlM answered the clerk. ' .4 "No," said she, 4 , 1 hav'en% WOO take them now." air "I will do what you wish migh, them, mtda,m,",.,pul‘ttbranliejtthe Vitt. ; P i t lEW ell, then," she ieeponaed, "you mayiplaqa thie,.Q Id %/truly's:K : l, side, seat "Annie Laurie" in It,giye her "The Last Rose'of .filuynmerr to use as she pleases, and puCold.!tßen Bolt", to kissing her, and set them away until I return." • • igh:"Hcriv dat, Sambo You says you was at do battle of bull Run, wlten I sees y,ott.: at Motif ode same night I" "Yes, Juliui l you did ` sititik— You see, our colonel says ho, "BoYis, strike for yer eoun try andier homes!" Well, Peale etnok for do eountay * bus dis chile ho struck for home. Dat Bi:dill:is' do matter, 'yer see !" o**Sylietitnte for Butter-Isiarry the ,niceet yott Toil will then have bort° presickatyur break fait table, and . nnleaki aid dog indeed, you,vql,l. • not l'ognire•any but-her. ' • Tammy, IN, TUX TREASVRY BUILDING.—Miss -Mary Harris:, of Janesville; Wis.; A Vonday shot and instantly killed a clerk named Bon roughs, in the veitibule of the treasu ,ry building in Washington. Bhe -charges her -victim with seduction and. desertion. It appears from the .tipstimony taken at the inquest, that she stated to Mr. McCullough, the Comptroller, that the deceased bad violated his marriage engagement with her.' He had done other harm, but was engaged to. her, for many year% even from her childh ood; and had contiaued correspondence until within a 'month Obis mam a - 8 ; She said she asked no' aytnpathy r o , herself. Tbe, ) only,eoTrw . be felt WAS for h6iivetpkeihrth , ....Shei Obs,rg "ed that the deoaaied. had betrayed hor, taking her from-bhr dome and friends, end had placted i ffdt m a .1)0110 of ill-fame, in Chicago, and that-there. bre she .1414 determined upiar, Ole hie 4s 44".oll.l7.llll4 l tAittteMpli to escape ,and has been ottipa in jail." • "FLOn - EN 4 a.E'? SeWhig Machine: The Only Iffaeltine capable of making Mote than One Rind of a Stitch • and UP) Only One having the TER.- srau FEED The feed may. he reversed at any point desired without atoop,ing, which is a great advantage in 'fas tening the ends of seams• .11 makes, four different stitches. lock. kmit, 'double leek, and double knot .;'each stitch perfect end elite. on both sides of Um fAbrio. There is nootber Machine which will do•ito.!;liorgssi range of work as the.. Florence." It wlll. Druid% Tuck,. Quilt, Cord, Mimi , reMeilHlik, Gather, and do all.kluda of Stitching requOsid bjt; fa& flies and Ilanafteb;ra, ~r 1 tt Tho most Inexperionced find no diftkrulty la 'dog It. Bret"' Mach lan ,is warranted to give entitle , sadalle- . tion, and to do allithat le claimed for it..,(...t.5t - ..,... • Or The Floteace-muet be Been to be aaantobetal.. . "- -•— • JOHN L. EtAYLO/k, . • . Agent•of.Lebenon county, AntiValts, , Pa.; *P eriOng V , i sl iing talc. the Machine kr .oporation es* do so by calling on the Agent at Annville, or On Wm. EL Ward. at Lebanon. :.:I`n 4^•: I. a: : • ar All Clerplynietrwi dine at whole/pale. pricet ll be furnished : with said Mk ' 4or Circulars land. Samples of Sew ingeoall digHbe Aosta, who wHI beate sse d at any time( ta:ebow:tlin Machine and explalu'ttetvivantages ovevallatheam 9 Annvill, Feb. IfiyillatiA-ant a v., ~.1: !..poal% ..44....„ _, ( - ,‘ 0, . ;._ sYe 0 ___ • . r•X . • it I Jii•sepirliiiiker, Aiiiiiii'lieiti• R.l7.SPECTFlthnif(offere ble services .toAttii public...lL , His residebco(lo ia North Lebenon t0w:34441i miles from LetiatiZellontthc Fredericksburg land:•(HO cantle met at ft 4417414001 in Lehner,* every &it day. except when "iti(k-lit. on hustriessy‘ alkertieesat seat Mr.-Ilebny *HI receive orders! f aohlift;:.• "zi %TM • Lebanon, Septanberlyl 04. 7 h,•, PASS A GE'r:'C",,.l • TO.TU '"11!t:'• O -24 A '2 •tdioa • 3• :7, C4 /; * 2 ` 22•2;ti • e 4.24• ••;•••• :SAMUELAHOMPSON'' &' :NEPHEW'S? InkILA.O4I 4 :".IOPAR',.: LIVE L P A WC-II!, 8A1L4.580 DAYS from Livorpoo I, 15t,•84 - 21 16th,epd 24th, of eaoh.montiv. Froth Now Sock every TENAAYS— Rates , tor Passage: . v • , itteralle -- 4 441,4 • 1#4 1 2P 1 qyrd , - : .4 10 al ' 1 21' :o n / To i rr 8 yt:;# 72 .,- . ) 22 . Male 1 2124 0 TA.Y* 1 4 .4 is t' ilk, 4 Tinge rates fl uctuite !Oh tha,PreOthrit Ro.uold. Parties in teridlog to Send tbir lhoti'frienda.from,.tho Old Ccmotry, can Dave tbem bronglit otit..withOut de lay, by the Original BlackfAxv Lfae 0t.,84t clap ;Packet Ships, or the • v.l LIVE 11P00 L 1 an d VUEEN - STOWN • STE - AM AND • ' 33:11541Ei r 1" AI,N CEs • Forwarded to timid; at the Lowest ou cation to ' JOW.f ULAICO, Iloward's Expreiz Otilm.Leboood. , Lebanon, Judo:ivy 25, isa V d o o te/ 12 ' 1 '' • • , ;xi .. - c. •., 12 e-t• y ~.3 • ... • . • eh .„. , . . . : t. w" ' E." r:sl C. f s• • ' ' .4 er 6 . a,. li m y : mai -. ..c ',C &• • z.. M: . -: •-• .... - . Of V . C) c.,.. •• .. •:. • - • *NI: ~...:••: „Zoo. , .. .. . . hi d . . 13 C. • 4 I, r 4 1 . 411 - - 4 , 11: 4 4)1 , - , ir ..., 10 Et 67, 1 F : • ''..•/` ! , 41 , 4 0 2. . CV : , Igt it . • .. b AGO...tot g r. . - 1 ~ :,• lel i g ... 1 ,..1 tp 3 . . ...... 1.4 '..... . • •. O J , • • 4 4; . .. : .. .1° 4 ... • Q . ~..,,i • 1.. ~,,. - • e • in -0!) • , 111 . 1111 11 . ... ta CIO' .. . . . 0 1• . . . ... . • • - Via. MIIREIVER4 AND' P " . ED.L E •• • ALSO TO.THE PEOPLE OF LEBANON, 11101 ARCMS NATHAN respectfully informs the people ot' Lebanon and vicinity that he has opened a No .tfon and Fancy Dry Goods Store.. in Lebanon for the WHOLES&L,E.and RETAIL Trade of all articles' in his !Inset the mast reduced prices possikle% His stock consists in part of all kinds of Woolen and Cotton Stock Ingo and Hose, Underehirts, Drawers Woolen Caps end Nnbias a dldta,muiploves Seerfe,all kinds of Nandkerchiefe,.Callara fax, Ladies RAC Gentlemen, Hairdreeses sod Nets, Ribbons and Tel Spootend ,Patent Sewing Thread, B at toms, Scissors, Combs. &e., Ac. A large assortment .ef UMBRELLAS and PARA SOLS, at Ale lowest prince., Spectacles, , Pocket-boAs, Portmonsiree.:Dominoes,Cards, An. A large aisort meat of rAinsleal Instruments Aeoordeons, Banjos, Tamborinee, Flutes, Instruments, Baskets,Trunks. Carpot - Bege,thateheis end all kinds of Toys tu fact everything almost tha t can be thonght of in Die Notion and Fenay.line. A 1.,, a ligge reriety:, of .J.EW.E. AT and WATCHES. Pedlars and Storekeepers It their interest to bny of us. Our Store is in Cum berland Street, In Funek's building, betwesin the Cocirl Renee stud Market House. MARCUS 'NATHAN. , Steam Mdforßen - t .1131 IE undersigned offers for Rent, for ONE YEA or longer, Lie STEAM MILL, situated two miles east from Lebanon, aa• Lyon Station near. the Railroad Canal nnd••Tarn ,taftgli4+ y .• • for storing Flour and '. Grain, .a Coal •• vii.l42"i' . o.toa Yard at the Canal and Railroad,. and a largo Scales. This BIM Is specially arranged for Flour and Custom, Work.. and In an exeelleot neiglaborhoottfor.the.businere. A two story DWELLING HOUSE, with . Sum-. mer Howe, Lot of Ground, Garden and Stable, . GtiJ Ls also conneated with the property. .- _____ , i•••• .JOllll - WOLF Avon Station, January 4,18051. i • ••• PRIVATE SALE OF rA•o:..;,c.. o • Borough Property. 1311 E Subscriber offers at Private Bale We property : (now occupied by Augristrpr Witman,) on Qunkber-: land street, East - Lebanon, -near • Salem's Lutheran iHenietary, consisting ofit Lot of Oround, 27 fratfrout and upwards of 200 • feet in depth • The Improvements are • a two story • brick DWELLING HOUSE, 22 by :10 feet. with .portico, In front, and fa KITCHEN, litLy t 20=fiet, i% stonier' . high, good eod4letern, pig Aky, ?Knit grimy and other . improvement. Any person wishing to coo nald property will Mil on Mr. Witman. Inc price and other Informat,kin, on the subscri ber in South Annrille township.• i . • • . AMUE . E. dealt. December 7,1864. . . ,Administratoeo Notice. IN consequence•ofitho death of ROBERT W.,COL E - MAN, late of Cornwall Furnace, In the county of Lebanon, and State of Pennsylvania, the oubstanding Bonds of the. NORTH LEBANON RAILROAD ODW. •PANY secured by Mortgage on the Cornwall estate.; will belisid on presentation at the oMoe of said Oinm pany in Lebanon; and the holders .of eald Bonds tiMi requestalto present them.accordiagly to JACOB WWI DWI, Treasurer of the Company; Mimi. time Maim, Mir cesif•thclst day of April, .1866: :,‘ c.. And the Undersigned, residing Lai tbabAlWor , Mislr 'oaten, D. O i ebselbg obtatned Letters or Administer tien on the Estate of the mid ROBERT W. OOLEHAN deceased , all persona Indebted to mild estate are request.. ed to Ir ma ment, and thoaa having claims ,- CO PM Meat MCC. L i T y 008 Witthilt. inaletbbanti"tieau,temd" without delay, to JA- Who wUI attend to the bilshisse in my absentia:. If alehts • era not prostates within one year from the. date jettoof• Atte asimeldi army 19' law be °leaded from all benefit in mail et .1* ..•••• . . TS SWa - G!. 111.111111ga Irtm'r of th 4 A,Ratate qr B. ocazitAA Daemon., re., dantuir, 4, in& ;' , NRW • CABIPtIVT , AND ' - • cHaitir R .111411r1UF4 C TOR r ritlig % subseilber respeetfully %ems th e public that . 1 . be has the largest rad bestassortment of' YURNI TURK and OtrAlltit, eyeraffered to the puldie of Ler. BOOR county. Ile has on band at his Cabinet-Warr rooms, lit North Lebanon borough, nearly oppoißte teller's 11001, and a few doors south of Roigner's,* splendid assortment of good, substantial and Rabies able Parlor, Cottage) and Chamber FURNITIIIIIg, dor slating of Softie, Tete rtetss; Lei:Mires, What.nots, Par lor, Centre, Pier, Card and, Common Tables; azDressing and Coiiiiikin • 111,11tE'S.CR; Red steads, Work-stands, Wasb-standsatid Itltch en Furniture of all kinds. Also,s I:mg/and elegant rnriety of FRENCH RACE, SPRING SEikTkilCb4lo, Common Spring•seated Chairs; all kinds Af 'Rprjrig , mated Rockers Also, Windsor, Cane-seated. and Cool neon RhaPrif aid Rockers of every description: • :', , sm. All 'floods sold LOW and WARRANTED . to 'ere . • • satisfaction. • . . . Persons destrons of knowing the Character of the goods here offered for sale, can be fully satisfied of their durability by reference Gallic/eel= Witom,he has min nfacturcd or to whom sol 4- - ... . .. Old Furniture and Chains' Repaired roil V arnished.' N. R.--Coffins made,,and.Kuperals, attended a 1• the shortest notice... ~ ' 761/EPII 1101403!. ~,, klortb,lebanui, ply 4. 1864: . . o wErAt L 1111 Ar t s New Cabinet liiiiretbnit's . B tit4.olftir Manus ory,.. • •::,. . 4 •?. Ilfirket'St, 3d door north of the L. raLtstillsilkeeted. Largest Manufactory and Best Assortment of BD • AITITRE and CHAIRS, in the county. reepocifully_request cd to bear in mind that t these Ware Rooms wilLbeforrndtthaPea.l assortment of Ktanthltslitaltnd Haan '• ' • SOME FURNITURE and CUAlRS.,.lP,arsonaln. / want . al any kind would shirk hellos purchasing elsewhere. Which .(Veirte all of liie•oWn. work) he w arrants to be bettor than artyliffirled In Vila place. Pii9etiyrill be cows% than at litty'olliss either in the- s .9orough or county of 4.•ebande.' • mr+ •• • All orders promptly attended to did apktillipsigiatin• led at the 'oiliest prices. . . All pericinirpurcbasing Foraltnee from•lilin,*4ll be accoramodateg bp haying it delivered to tbeinitbarrby part of tekganty, mg 07 cnAloar . ,"ind wftliontlte leant !Nu . OW be has procured one • brllie belt tateh tonedfunittate wagons, earoclallkfOrthatpurpOde ' COFM.II3 made to order, and funirinlinheinfed shArriAt_uotlee. fLelstsion, May 4,11164 tor_ i . at# • , . Trea*tlry.i.Departuneni , Orpitgror;00211“1101,,LOR or 7111 001lRFACT; • f.W.N 3 MWO" 4 I, OZOREPTA , 311r1864.. kr matzir. eatierror7 • evident* presented .to T the' Tifi'itte lidect• t hate been 'bade tO'bßitiar thit '‘Tity-LairairOW 41 sat 'DANA," Its ttui DOVintgh of Lebanon audiStattsof Penn4leanis, liwn•beell duly lorgebjeed - ntidg.,apd according to the geiptlebakents,of tleaact ofponvem,,entitled I,An Act, tej,reivida.ts ,kkra- Mae! Currenct sechreil bypledge of JO - oiled States' Bentds.endqiiploy)deicor the eirentation'Ad's iidetop - tints 4erintioeee;lJon.4l, 1864; hits mm -0114 with 'ail thiarbrislons cif said Act required to be complitat stittii.itafore commencing,the bitsiness'of Blanking underAtaidact,,,• • Tow ett'inifolt rtupt bliont.LOCIT, Cdroptroller.of the Currency, ,11,SI riby certify' that The tiebenon ther'llaroilich of Lebanon, in the county of Lebanon, State 411Peuneylvabia, tencitlirvrized to con- InCliCe the tatsJoess .Sanking undeppmbAcilitfore• testitinoily whereof,. wtifisee I 'Ailiricio of Office, this glibly Afite eDecember,.l.B64. 'I , • ' • ' moan Brociacifoell e tf . • ; Corr.ptroller of the purreiam, .Prbeneni 3 a9UlrY, 1 5, , 4103 ' • I*. OFFICE or, Ent CoIEPTROLLER OF 78F. OURICENCI:“ Dreimiter 29;186C, W NNE% satiattictory , r idenCe Pilktdin the utatervigneiVit has been inedoolo'applikar' that "The Valley National Bonk of:Lebanon "Sin • the: •Btir ough of-kobanon, iu Llttisounty of Lebilinov and Stale of Pennellronia,-bas been duly, orgpaitedretnder.,etid acetiriling to the reithfrV f nente of the get of Voniresli, eutltled 3 ..kit Act' to pro de a =National Curieney, cured by *pledge-of' Wilted fitate•T'onde,••add-lopio-- vido for thoeiredlation kind redemption 4-hereof," ap proved June 3, 1864, ant has,i,eomplleil_Tivith . all the ptve talcum of said ieet -Vaquired, to be ..eompffiNtwill,, before' Coinitieptleg the business of Dunking tinder 'aid act. ."`i ' Now therefore, 1, Ifiigh McCulloch tonnidrolleilof the-Cnrrancptlo lieretiy.certity that "The-Valley ;fa tional Brink of Lebanon ; ' in the licsratigh of ,Lebanon, int he cona'tiof It'ditinon.; and State of "fennsylvania, hi Authorized to commence the; buidoes# of Bankilig under the Let aforesaid.- ' • In - teethnony whereof, wftbere my babd L. 8 . otatlee,,lbie twonty-ninth,dayrof *Mellepibest 180 ' 4..1 r • o.i . 4 . 47 1eyk00r.6.. - `Lrbanon,Jtinuary 11.11111 1 m. ° OD, N EWS 1- where , are :yoa~ going is H each a big are just on dor W " b d. ORAPII OALLERY,stio get our plattiresqtakim. taken tbo beet pieturecin town. I had - ,,my,pictulfw taken at 41 tbe,othar galleries, and 11011610 k them the *tor . all...); * •;11 Sal. alms wait klittle,l Sall go . and dregs mjself, and will' go along. WV - Where Is his gal- Jeri . ? 'Why, ADAM RIFE'S BUILDING; ' , where Wm. Zimmenitan 'kw's. lie takeaspleitogranhass Am • brotypea,Sterotypes,of all sizes, pleb:newt colored.— Ilwhae (sabionaf.le pictures In town. • kl`re'yjaxly , teat wants ia god nicettre taken goes to Sllinglerfgallrry. Helm eonstantlyion band. gilt and Rosewood Friona'', Conies, Albino*, •ta., ,•aldeh he sells cheap,. , kror, good pictures we advise as;aptoody to go t,Elvs OALLERX. • l ! ebaiion „Novom .beA1,.18114: TIBE:',111IEW BAKEILY , jIUR nidleitilgrieti 'Auld relmedthilly intern Haab I. rens of liebadbn, that he . 66 . 11 coin menceillthellAilt- INO DUBIN MB, hi all ita varieties, at lihr4tasidOin Cumberland street, Lebanon, nearly opposite, the Burk Hotel, and inoply Ottumwa with time beet BREAD, CAKES:, ke.;qtr.:' -r Plobr 'nosh-43d fromdustomers and returned to diem in bread at isiant notice: • • CON,FECTIONE.RIES, ," • of i'll,kintier; fresK'iticii 44 the tmaiiitiallty, 001111on i aj ott?it.;t:lo;atid furnished it tlw.lowe4t . prices. •• • publio4linsited to give me a It ;a1:'! Leh tats, Nay 4, 1684. ;. API IR. 11'81114. LEBANON. ACA DEMIc";... , iirstLebt e n id it edt . r t? y , i o n tt i t t d ir l . t u zit , Fi t tly , the the youtli,of • the porougli, but it always didoind still doors roseivesuplls iromulorosil. . ' • „ Lately, alio. die Diredtrirs hive improv'ed, ite r geniial character; rind elevated Its stitnilard, iSfusing to mit pupils ,without tho - neeessary qualiecations. antrby their contitined,omo they hope to raise this„srliopiiito its prapQr ydaco in the eatimatiOn.of thia community.--• A limited nuiinlio if pupils of,thit Proper grade adinitted• &inn itie'cottatry by aptilying to" • • •i •-• JACOB ClAPP,lPiesid at: ••'•- •• •• • • • • 4 J,oBltPli KNll43ll,i3enratary., ,• • , ~ or to.CYlittEl BOOKR, 'reacher. • Jar fur common and higherjtqslish Orairtr,'b es, Latin itticNieeolt. Lebandir:•Anir. 28, 1864. - • ' •• • ' aLnur •. .•. . Atictito4u. Sportsnsiesom; .1. riplE euliscriber would reapeetfulty,, Inform t.he,puls• ilk that be littakist returned flundbei city baying laid in a fineneitortment of GUNS, 117,11.E5, POWDER: OAPSI, ; which are non' fOil , bspers , tbn arid salent his Store,. on Market stveet.a few ddiks North of tha-11.:V71t Lebvson Priv I • i ' 411 binds of Repairing done aktim.allortar4.Poll- 11ble noticompl in the beet style of workmate& ip. J. G.'Auratzga.ter: • 'Lebanon, Ocit.lll. , l • • • • • George II o Inn alas .• LEBANON COUNTY < r• • SPORTATIOR^LINE 4 • 5, , By - flaniio".Val4y /jciirroga. , , DARTIpU LA; t . :,atterition b• paid %o G,oode ehlpp• ed Lithe:to:Wwa . Goode will be edht daily to Owl iidorPtilladelphla to'Lebitncin; Niers toWit and , Anniiilleltatliine, add all other pirittta ro • the _ Fltill(lllpicontraoted theleast pars: Ible rates earl aqli'veresl with ftatteh_ The rropriator,Triwpity Partfoulnr silention 'toxepd attemetairiatiaily, to the *reediting and 'dilir4ry of all Era igh t 1- - • ,For information, apply at hit. Oftlee at the. Lebanon Volley RailroadltEptill„ Lebando. EDIt Alt D hIAIIIS I. 1 i In Agent in Philadelphia, will. ed- WaYa ho foutid at V - 17". Bush's Merchant's Hotifijliekh Third st.;•Phihddetphia. • • •• Nay 4..'XIL3f • ' 4110. REArD4IBqIIIIIAOAb --- • NOVEMBER,: 7th•-, • 1864. , 44 2 -tttZT 41i RP.Atlit OAK FROIIIVIII!VNIATH"11,41D 1.1 , Nardi-Mail Tor PIIILAMRLPINAViItitir-tORK ItRADING. POTTBV,ILLIC,LIOBANON:ALLUTOWN: leASToll,..&c.,:de): • • 4•••.'1,•'1 •=':;*'! Trains iviest flarto444 for *4 Xqkk,as aprritat4 3.00 and 8.13 . A.711 ihd M.. .mir in g at New York Arland 2.45 and 10.00 P: M., 'paiirtig Lebanon Id/1.58,9108 A. hi., and 2.50 . IS:. NP. The above connect with situ Ser. Tinuis• on the Perin. ay Issnia Itultitoad. and Sleeping Cara accompany.. th• Brat two tre pvilhout change. Learn far Relating. Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minvniallie Allentown and Philadelphia' at 8.15 - A: M, ant 'B-45 stopping sit - Lebanon and prfasi Opal Stations eiry: 17Seing Lubsnon at B.OB'A. 81. , and 2.60,' • Way Troftla, etopping &tali p01n1a.ati7..25 A. M. and tti 40 P. AL; Passing Lebanon at 8.35 A.; 5.1., and 6.68 P. hi . Itcturping Leant New York • 'at 9 M.. 12 noon, and 7.00 P. lif.• , 14111adelph la at 8 A".". Di: and 3.30 P. M. ; Pettervilfe Atfl 60 A. 41-.. and 236 p. 111. qua, at 8.10 A M. suet 2.15 P. 151.„ and , Reading. as 1 midnight, 7.35 and 10,45 AA. M., 1.38 and,. tip z it., pageing Libiliatt it 2:00 { 8.64, , A. , M.,, ,, and 2.811 , aad T. 24 P. ' - • t 'Reading Aceommedat4n Train : Leieei: - Readingp4 040 A. id,.returning from Philadel phis. at 4.80 AMY._ Coln Railroaxt. Trains leave.Raltdlog , at 6.40.1 mil 11 4. M. for ppkrans, Litia Columbia, Ac. On Sundays: Leave New York at 7 P. 11f., phli 3.16 P. 61.„ Pdttenr ille 7.3b'A. DI., Taitifilitla T.A:. Ilarrisbutg 8.15 A' M., Passing Labanoh at'9AS '4...1116,, and Read lagat , l2 Midnight, • tor.Marviabnit v•Pnliallt Lebanon at ,EO6 A. az , • ,Comm4tatign>444ofigi, 4114". sfon Pickett! to,end fron4aßgiglinge,a(rikbps4Aisupi: I . laggigli 6fiecksd tlitionigh flee Poptitriaublritap Ptiaenger: r . • • 1101.1 • 4111-A AnColdai: r e. 5.: jrunki Pala Opperio(tvviest: AwinnbOr.23, 14,04+. . ,'o Diftidicaltsnot* exo.l Iliaa“Bdek. LEMBERCER'S DRUG STORE IN , 11EVIGI.NM QUALITY IS OF F MST IMPORTANCE. , .. • T L. LlinffißßONN, Gradmsto Of the Phila-' , it) delphla 'College or Pbaientitty. offers to the 4, tizens of Lebanon and surrounding country. at P em it ca lt b zeiee ca ti t o b n 4 ,/, nrua t7 lll: l l , c e T i l i e ni s e o ri d lei and Tollettrul nes t qu ality , embracing the .: b e at mantanotaro in. the country. and a large a ~ variety of Tooth Inrushes, Nail, Fleslit'Olotbse P . 1 rithh , Rair, di rashei,.' pocket: Toilet. odd • rim I • PURE SPIC I ;s, PURE _ SPICES., ,i,. mbisof.Frory Pure whole and mound Spleesore offered for l' • Shop , Nom and Indhsflibber. i silo In large and shill quantities at -• _ 4 :4 Lil 1 . 1 7 , 4, EFS..prig Stiore. , 7 1 11 :A1 1 1) t . i§FAD S, V'. ~, , FLOAVE 'SFEDS, , ', 7 ''' l j I . I'S • ' You will. Mid i rti assortment aaff eile,rffe stiiiiiq'tof MIMI e, ' eb and Flower Seedaa) . , , LEM 'WEB'S. t't - ditit'ed ., Ca ' traced Lye, Soda Ash, Itlir Pe 1,1.16 large damall•inantJtioluat , ' • Washing . LEMB BB'S Dreg Store. W Soda, Di Sgda,lrearl Ash, Sal °mans, Crea,pi of T , all 'pure, and for sale in large and span ( titles at ..., ~,t.•••-•? '., '-'' ; . LEOB ENS - Store., '4 ? • d' , . t • ,If yon are .in wio• of,igiMd Wishing•goatil • pare.irVite•or rod lteiSesp, Country Soap, . ltriMive *pip to ran e grease sixtayeape Shaving soap, buy h same at ,• 4 ,41 , ' ' ''' • LEti It (31-Itlt's:„;,_„, - - - - Do yotailliVa - rSairElpometbin , to milake,ttio•balr gio . tp obtanse tlip;#4o,°4si. top arent' falling . of thehair-,,if ,yon do. ' '• • ‘ ..'' '..: Ca l t LEMBEFAIO3B- , .14)::::: i ntlifS0 Sr:TRUSSES! . o • ?Tee allieted ate '..ted to e6l 'is Ina my stock. of Tit, , 8 upp0.,9,14te1, Oirn frehitoirCvaffety 0 ilenhteturr ~ "ItlLilartles" 0 liii:NtislitfitriOelf Ad justiorPidtTruss.l- . '.... ~,, _ ~,,, blarsh's"Catani li'llin - giii. l ''' ' ''.. ' . !' "', An lo+filuab etwiiii teiimiiiiii‘tl y— If waiit any, lot tut lOove you eau be•Ontad at` ' ' • . . t .. "t . ;:•::"t;'* l LIMBER it*§;Dtti l t 'Sorb! Piiiii:thitiVa bA , Brandyu T14,14A,40. atilci. ~ 3411 . 1C141;6fr -c. . NI be lheinn'illita;Pit 'at , , I _, ..• -4. 4,.... :V - ' L HMIInG i S'Drui . Siorp,-• ; r ,,, ‘ , ... , 41 ,8 ~ - 4 . 1 PP 0 She Aterlcet Bonn, A nycif ng you. Nina t: iwkept in a'. we -. . oOnducNl,Eiist thus D, Storrs, can he fur . ' islietCyou by • ~,. --, i.••:. -,- tP4ITERGER; , mom. at laid App thecary. ISFeeppg 'tlamlaal.lor i ter, ltbaal patron• ogoatos far remised fro thb fitiyaieldnli,f)fine4 chadtii,and Citizen's' of ationAnd i surround• WO.; ragain solOt 11 oh - nee every effort to, please all, ~ .„., ...., 1,..:. 0 ., - inf'Sjireetal • octet:it:On Mei .to ipriskplall's Pitiacafrrithfa 40 Yam ..,FtEmMeta4mt all ifigH§llli dlePthitee,rar sited 'plrillti:ftlivitYs as'ipxards'ead tio'diattinu 4aig,whore, an. sold to suit the • ...,. ,f timea....lßeine:er,th o /glares, - ' "'"',: -4 'rOS-rt tipERGFRi,t. • righil;Oheinii nd-Apotbsearyi•-• - ii , thhi.. Magic,: great, Wanda, Pa. n : 11 4 2 4 O. 001000. dionialpliPAPot ev,il knownasit Mc , : 4 4 0 . ying E tak t m elte u t rge i C u :: M oirrif 'ER , • „HOUSr o WoOld feitte6ifuif.oosilli4ceohls4MH4oo4olt tqsrr itati•ode,,that he 16 piapaied • • thttit arl) *lid mtty their patronage'. • . • ;) The MORTUtIEirIiOUSE hie been `3lewili piPered. ?fainted, ttnerefilreished throititti;ut, awl; .9tri Paorque- TOR feels Warranted Win:iing that - Jets ' UNSIARP,ASSED,,EY ANY .no.TAL 'ill . THE Borongti of Alt efi . lle; for comfort and_ eonveelence. ?e - NO PdOs-will be AS:paed To render Wait agreeehle. aed "coritfcirtlibie at'Onjpiog strangers and ttn.ele . Tlie .St:ibljio and*N!gdfrisig, • ithicbd - to the li n tel, ore anfficke fly large for the ec -,...„. l „SoZagis•Oation pt ilm horees and. carriages oft , mi• gt r p,„ t ow opea, for the • • eception of the Publi c: 03- Ile will , he happy o..accolnatodate all who may give JU9EFII 3t. FEU ER, 'Peittinfilaf, 4 l l l4rtilll, lila," • . Proprietor. • ...idle : l2l4 o titi - 47 ti 4 3r i il UM:'l , M , 4 WD -slk- O )447*.:13ii 4 fit :4 k. Nen' G ()Ail 0,40444 GREAT INDUCEMENTeVeNtUtERS: .. k ...„, : ii. . l ~.: 41. ,..... ..French wino, r ao or .. -- , i'..,7 ,l 3,,lMlSH'lltgAiNc e. air_4o - rdd; 3...,:i:it If .Weoi, Delaitykullseolpred:— - "P0P4 1. 4 ~14.1j3 . 1 11. 1 1 ".;,0rriA11tb;,;:k .- --,, -. cßletle , lerenelr , Clotli.' l 4 - e . , z; I ......,_ s-, , B,R.A.Y.Ett: Omer. , .Cdating..ol. CLo';ft, f,or FARTES•tfitt'A.K.S; .! ..fr0n0:41M,00 . 142 , 154;00. .),..,, t'apoy. an 9 ,Pll4 Sat' a etttck, Old frlti 50. e'03.Wi11.,00. ~ lied Check and Tiekin ' I le/titledArdlin bl ,efietii3d •'"•- i..: 4 ' . . ._ VirrOnf Steekiiike. - .P ... . ...•. 0. Shirting, FlannoloSisirting i Flaiii(4l. .Galieoes and Pinghan34l-. \ • " Woolen ana l COtton noseiriet, „,.. Ladieet! of til Senta, 9 . 10r0p.,:?. • 11660 Sitikel: 7 116opialcirtati s.. ." .. 141,itioial Siiitt4'..!' ";', 4 ,:.- • Untl;rellail fT nt Oriiitlti lt , Linens liill .tier 4 felline.of ".."." La te — ,and • Nes'Sl wi . .". ‘Wdbletfgoodp iluroxC de'!46 I General assortment ok - - im , . -.,.. , ,':".".::: , : - 1 Di:ttrOode; '• Gr,operif9; dr,,,...„" ", ";': .. • queenewate. 13 .6. .1. 40 k ; eth F e tWE.RMILIDaII. f L'Odri r tiy- r praduce taken in exchang# for Goods. ' ME THE'"eNROES r. • - e ' 1:.2 AS80•11.' , C OF. . „ ••• - . ..• • .... . 11§1 0 C. ) •P - ‘7OIIR attentickuAr, the at le .ealled 41; the •.1. large hid "Ike!' ' eslactal of FALL,,4IVD 'RUNTISH COODHisifitheloo • • .1.14 0,14 )?;; iGOODyII - 41 , 8e - D. .F.ENOWS "4e,,5; . : 3 .. ! 4 'tviskireitane'Stiiet. banoit Pa. 'Ate. parthasid before the rave advance a ChOleb ers• eortment of Fall and Winter Coo In, wltleb.. , for beauty and cheapness candoF lei excelled CALL AND SEE FOR R.SELVEL Ladies' Dreg - . Tall line of French Marjo°, .11 1 a. r if fillrftr ' . 7l4lltlhd •f' 74 I 1 s. 7 " t i • .IT , Uti:ll IR) emin, " Nlanchaiter " Lad lee'solotb, all colors. A ttiwil fanef Silks. ; j We ha a.aloro'a",g • ,Au c i r r ni est of plain I kat 4lakt Wool anx - Avr.s.. • - ' All Wool FLANHALS; Holton Flannels. Ticlting,! Woolen Hooda,llalmorada, Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, Lein brellas, &e,, An.• •. • .A laraklot orALIC.OIor 25 cents and UP.. ,E , i nieecheli 111Dg IR, 26.reats sod UPwartlf • ... • , , : e .olo l ,fthed•mysper r , - • • • ; • ‘Gentletiten A fell line of :OCOTII.B, CASOkIHRES, SATTE I NETS and VESTIISGS, all k Ind* and el ices.,Whieh will . be cold Cheap.. , • ' IWO II JI . O • Oar m ourniag;Department Is templet% comprising. a .NING ' GOODS. • Full liattallwool Helaine 64 wide " . " 44 % " " • Csoten cloth 6.4 " " -• •IPerstan " • " Alpacea and Bornhezme AW; aa. - • ` Bleak *rape veils. • lEEE .A.tUntion . K' Qioeiery and 0 I oyes Grpeeki e s, svgor, 111011 i san :r tiXJO N i PA• • Q •• •,", .1 rgaetoneaulall, and look tbtongh t fiakeawetecutdatmkofamie,sad get thgeptmog tfa no trouble 'Wallow Gooch. Our Motto Li tr "Small Ftrofits and Quick Sales, • anil l - Good Value." LISSWEI auk* t.@OOßygiat DIFIBNBAOII. LebOsia, 'apt. 14, nes. litlintdC:Patient Finn Jar.... IrM i noet effectual kr!lt. Jar In the market: la . all glare., hayloft no clamping or screw davit:toe.— For rale at unalsonsics Drug store, eiirent, street, Lebanon.— Sir Clall and gat a ctreulat, giving more Infanta , Ikea. • Lebanon, June 1,11164.—ti. WAtTEII:,' fnIR subscriber respectfully informs the public , that ibe has entirely rebuilt thq Mill on the little Swe tarsi, formerly known as "Straw's" end later as "Wen !tees," aboUt one-fotirtb n mile *Om Jonestown , Lebanon county, Pa.; that be 'ham it 'now. in complete' running order, end prepared . to furnish,eustoiners' regtilerwit . h,a very superior prtieleuf 4 02111111__TIIEM. " . . as cheap atilt can beAtdained from any other soars. 'ire keeps also hit hand end for sale at the lowcseeinih prices CHOP, BRAN, SHORTS; He is also: pio pared,to do allitindsveavavouwas' Woltz, for Farmers . and ?there, at the ,very . s hortest possible notice and in rites all to itie'bini • trial. The &nobiliary of the 'Milt it entirely neareatlil at the 'Vomit and most Itn ,proved kind. By strict attention to.busineas and fait deallOa he hopes to merit &share of publicpatronage. .t 0 HE FOC AT n , fi RYE CORN OATS - egc m' . for • • wlpl'..K) -144.aap irltet pris Us ' , • tA •'" " 40.0 tt VhAN CfN VALTXII. May 4, leigastO :dam trOOLS 8 STATIONMW bathiaisimik E L el . ALlit s irlOLlCK v nlO'Book and Stationer Stores; of 11, II rtgederhal 'Gkorge'Wathi; dioxins - to ye'#ft,..ol.liiiriiilio'Frilf f . vor then - Cling a call, the bind Or.' Boiidel'ii))edinotisianak street, irhere `they ilways,have' on li v id linpland wolf Sa • leered . apply or finboot Blank Anst*Bunday Books ' and as an 'alinement they olfiwthetr iscell a neonsbooksl4 greatirredtaced prices. • The. ninrs t 'Wrk 9ibitnniltiidelphia;-11014244) Week lj Paperknal Megssines,, can be had mid iprhspinnd for, ouWagnabriiilertitslli n t citlilh kilt troili tibia. • tbiteliiroittimircbeettui at- Drtnigitnitirfind'ditibatog • .pittattooi'llay Ai • • , E A , , • • ...... -. 4 1 I,l l g.cgi.. l tWocirwl3lg omber , V : 1.u.d,..5t,,0n0 door. Nett ofollarket;alotpf Yield ' 134.14. Ca or, ipolodiog Poached, GdPilfaredu Pigmy I WoIooLOOOf Jell irpl.-• rc•l mr •.- - • :I , 1.. 2•••..• '::,:1 -AMU lain i;.41 a litigkles. .. .: ie,; t': - .s 1 1 11*#11110 111 . .. I :l ° ..Yrel . "‘ . ; l i . kli i i i g .NP1i:1047.41-., ; bliatkrier, Sigp,":": l St •••4 Yen: Ti BU •k “1" ./gliiliejaSb b igh . V4W1:.1i0;41;44/ 1 10(4! .' ! : r r.,.3 3 -Fria. aikiiivi•derieeietrikifee: Dried . Apples and Peaches, renberries, Apples. Hominy, . • Darien - Peas, Ae, P t ..1 6 :11& 0n 11 11 1 9 f Nelr 11Ut425.c ?del givon;licS6Bl1 4 for Begs, Buttei DrietrAMei antfroadheic Pubi is pat renege. is #olloittd., .30/1$ . ...... Libn ui D ec. 2s, ~ , r1863 id - 'lll.iirfr4fSteeet ',Lebd,ll4ll '1 :- . JOIEWMFATTICOS . : • ' tbprietor. 7..! 6 rlNll.r...proprittoe of thts old established:4444hr j_ TlOTEliwonld'retwetfully inform the tha it Wll; ber:COnducted at , aly times to. thp,eointoell and conitolehee of its guide. hien thoroughly,Fe-I fitted and renoested , and no pains 4e.spored to make the Table and the. Bar, at ail' times, etidil to any in ceonty.,. The trAßLnid &cd itrt'iliCs464l l is 'ore that[onto! isaeb l inothr.• ,ndw P,BIED is is the cd6eihip•lef ereettoo;:'which ',wit t'he cam. -6,..iti....,e 4 •4u 4 -ir iocai lir lrMinagiband 11 ,' , 11. : 1 :i.% saeg, Zebanote. .Z;lrtd 1 - I.:fil ) 1:111I,E qndersignAd Fllpectflply iptplyp , 1: ... 1 , 4 I J. 'the Idiblic In gement!, that they 1 till manufacture and keep on hand, hiltrftlaggl Door, Sash, ,4hutter,,Blludb. Flooring, i': . .Nrrr,-ii n .,„ Irearibieliniiiiihl; 0 " ( em 43trifai ••••!.. '.'"'*".` .tilotildingl, and. All Njug,,Wmth - EkdraelCating, 'ddrbare, I teadees, and. all kinds of IthILDiNG ItIA'14:10a Lir for Ildttiiii.: ifet ilteadmitiiict iftelarteit'and most) m prereel,Stair .oneingiani s k . .liamd -Railing, a tattatble.,,for 1 : I arke:tndiall ?lin _ )i i ow ttg i fct mooliiics;alit , inild, ek; to ,e,,80. and examine otipto4lroorli t i4 iplo will warred , to 'o'4 intl'. iitietertioXtersitf yilkA4 Savor thehinler. 1 signedorlth their, custninW. l'i l iil4.i .-.7 , g - t• • • ..) ii l Cps, a.,QABEL. t. '-iielmilloci,:lblaY 4, lied. ' q • •' • • -- - aims also athkindvsvrtinbuNa nit the same Mill. .Rlaniiv, Sarriwr, :ice., promptly done for i ftgoarirhollifiy hirniah Iranlllk.. .. --- ~; . 61=ZI - I ,A 'Friendly; Invitation ) adsannags. 144 MI , PIM! V 11 11 1 lar! , '• t To • '• wall.kziona LUMBEItArARD : i . ; !At Itfo'HICIGICCA'NAi;, - Ontifil!Wit•i; 4 , 14(R4 - gall Market Street, North Lebanon Boetigh. IHE subcribers lake pleasure in, informing eltl.. ,sif ,, ienatof :Estatnai:lidAl alitlikliledlnetiteintleir, that' the ,contiri ue the 5.LU,V11t.36.40 D. C9k1411141- . !WEBS: at'ilph•e'ohl and we& ZiapiMortif, whse thej Are daily te O siflns eddltlonithennplletoLthk'.• r BEST AND WEL1,,,5E,4430,,N,ED„,,1,11MM111..• , conalstlng of White and 'Raley Plho' ROA RDS;PLANK and SCANTLING. Hemlock BOARDS, PLANK and SCANTLING. • RAILS, POSTS, PALINGS and FENCING BOARDS t-Itli9ly.frOrn Art*4 Inch ;lON EltßTiofrour %Aa loch PO.V.AII, from ;IA to 2, Inch, , Ilardwimd flillaNLlEdi • .'"1 t OlOk,tukli tlacla;BO A Ity/Wett4lßilkliX,E., 41031 TtOodng and Plastering - LATHS. "SHINGLESI SHINGLES! 1 PatiNtifxsOr . Also, Pine and Hemlock SHINGLES..,.,. • COA t:ttleoAphl • •.; MAL I '1,y,:t.".1 • A large elnek of the„ltept o quallly of ( Stpla,, Sutton, !Egg and IllnebiAril'erie COMA' attl i tio,ithe 'beat Alla. o,spy,9oALlbt Blackarottbstv ~ ,e i Thaultrol for theAlteeratto tuner,'" wt." h they ihave heretofore been paeotilf6d;'they"woilid bxteull a cordial loylter l for encgdtibuaoce,:pf Ilivortaice,they 'are cmfldefit ott: they nowosvo_ the farge4,Ort.ond ViediStiLltiick I,llbfßEß' , on IhNind 'the. isatnty, which wiil sold i et a pawned, tr. cordage.. , - " c 4Gli•J - PleaM call add eliinlbo our Stock and itletea bo fora purchasing elsowhere. . • . TOW is tfls time to ' biir` your STOVES bMtirli Zoid r mitt here, and o bestrand!eheapetit itlee's Ia l'at the. : r y e a siOve;-' of 'lnitial ' ' • ' Two.ctooratilni t h Irons the I.ObanonNazikistherecanite bad 'tbd'Teriint best isisortineit of - PARLOR, !ItltLii,'ansiCCOWLNG STOTES;hirde ;offered' In Lebo- Gee Boinms fon,l'arlors or AO, o.4mbern *Chia -own matte;wiiblgenerai r aasolizordlt Of r,ariOrl3ooven, .and afitamrariatypf the best .Codking atoveg. tribe county or bbrougb, which he warranta,to beim ogroost: ;WASH BorvEns , con tantij on hand'-'ot all'stegy ;end. irest.m terial, • ;: r. .2 • fi r , Ix; . bOAL NUONETS--the largestaisortmenli the her jest Iron, and the beat made io • • Also.. Ivge stock of TIN WAMonadkodtrA_lf best workmanillei manner. .Bte — tle ii ri ‘preetkia Workmen, 'and bait %ad:Lit !ekptelididietof tweny-Aveleere, befCris conddent.thot t befillitt• iiineiel'eatieLettol37W ' " . Be takes this „method of ,retasning blipthirrim to bis nttmerouscastinncra for their liberal support, and be bopes, by strictly - sirtriding to kis own business and setting otber,be, ople`.4 alone, to still teeefreffd - sliiire of puplic patronage. JAMES N. ROGERS. Pgrticilla'r attention aid to all kinds of Zonal:so such as Roofing: Spouting, &c., and all worktrarranted MAY 11 3664. • • Ellaia DA..VIDI.,LONO„ e w tiheap Cash Store, and ; ,4l - illfug o and Grain Business. 'lf E geidersigp.oed foricirdeitoattnerabit the ' 11R1SCANTILR, 'MILLING AND 'GRAIN USl itißsS,rwould reePeotfhlly'lnrito'tbi'ittelitiou:bftb s public to theirletakilishments...,They ,wlll.contiue to leeip, E at• l tlitolate"itatid of sristtg; GEES:cmkr? it 40 111 3,i}tiN:pinplete.itock ottani lands of lOOO D3 ueually ,ketit - i country atore,which they. w,lll, re : Lid rChlegi fOn'eASlLbr , CouNTßirvrnontrok.' TN's' also wanlf4 4 l*lllifor posh L 'lll . 60,000 Butbele of WHEAT_ • ;0,000 - 13121firaiil - RTE7 • • , • • - • - ;:ta • 20001) Boatels of CORN,, ' 25;000 Bushels OrOATlE''''' For which' they wilt pay the biahest : lllarketivrlces. T hey will also take GRAIN on Geoitiaw.. Ito will keep always on band and sell at the loirimit pricee, COAL, by the Boet'Loid or'by the Ton; aIIIAMI of MILL TRIM, SALT, PLASTRR, kn. .' Affir,PlET,ltedtelt the business of all their eldfriende and the public, :Ind will endeavor to deal qn eockilb oral andjiist:prhiclides as will ilia 'fatter - a.Won to all. •-• • MUIR 'a LONG. NorthLebanoW. May 4. ISM: • , • .•.'. • . ....- :LEBANONVA'LLEY INSTIMTE. ..A.T. AN.tIVILLE O LEBANON' COIFN.T . Y; PA: W.J. B URNSLAB,A, _ ,: at . , Princapal. •T" ENS U4NIOSE Sfilett iffir einfiniefide on SIONDAY,UnIy Slot. ; ---- 4 '. Aka' ~,i ' b, Tr! E SCHOOL ban the advaittagel of a plieisunit 'end eptitqul Locatlea--eracitop BothgagorT3featillated Ittaiius—alinelibrary and Cabinet. , • TIIEOODRSH OF STUDY fa s iiftfilitd:ihrl'aimiSes of owe pupil .betng directed-according to, tbi tune he can *lrani ju Scliold, Or to Ole krnfession be desina to par .•:' , 2II2 I NtIRMAL DET l ARtailOii.ffitel speclal'advan .teits• to thtare whoTropese' Wei:lolgs , to Teithibi ; 'as the Conroe pursued esonformir strictly to -the reclaiee. manta of the Coontyhperiatient. and to the Course or the State Nol mkt MOM. . 11111.. ClRCULARSaad , fortberlnfonnatien can Duct.; ltir? al ad'lT•ing t"tlYin9ls4l!..7?irillttill&, ,t) tilMlei*, VIM ,f11,4'2:10 i V.n:•,., I Jailpisni; k.a:; i 3V . 010 It is . I , wi It; t i t v . iw a y ~;fiLlei %iv- II i • Ingiattnierf. r.:tit itil : ,31,ctufrigtt • 7 .111644 1 Ortl i faV K.,k,..3.3, ~....loalteoeived at • BLAlRV,Jewelry.Stote, I( 7? '.:f i S -- IllibliglirMl. i • . .„.. . ... . _ . I !)!Cgtn-r:- . ni: lict,..i - • n.. 11 ii Taw la to.pd y all Car_peptere re id Oabioitt,m ‘ oXles , I . 1,thorf„If011lilla for Omit wall botaid Cil die , torf oft:44'oov for prr,p,oreous . Aykog lilhlado .9 - oVfi:e ritlleli of t131..1..10i Mouolo -, will) mob :Rill tn . /Am*, , O.witlitCkaillieVe of.exptn . i. cation to the Stowollet V0E.xgri . 1 0. 1... % •,:is J . as - •;1.tr4./141q w. lit) 14 " } ' t- • ~._„...„. i , ..,.): LI A f S, W A 7 , 1 .. I, • Wrorii4lic othillirlfri . ' nto: knob?* AN - . 1.9 , 10, , M18681:•*, '' .11??1;;41.) WA Soil .8 i • 010 , inudiviiiird''A - *.i Viii .1 ' - r'"l n rt ' iulPiliti.NDAPHia; Aq 10 -:1:: ~. . TA,lsliespikpt,%thel•Nenroui.. Beath al„ll44kiryfajd 1,/• 4'161 Systeme—new siV rpliable ireirtingrot•—, lei "retiorte °film HOWARD AZgAVIATION—LEI6of 1;T:14U io. aeoleti, let tee . foir ey,pp fija• off - Apsgyx. -•Addrpopi Di l l. SKIL - LIN nogeiournlq. Rowird Aggociatjak. .../10,12Botath , N In tirlt tliot;.phn i ,„iiiidai 4l , l „ .i ... ...q• ( -M IN` V lB , s;+11 c ' . . , , .t xi :. , : If: i • r:novirelit *.°;7l"•-••,.,' aer R OWs, I! -,. lir l aalre,_l%kp9ll d - 4.4FtPtity,,of I.l '‘ .maxtja 4 otpot t edluLlpy N.SSRD"akt - . hie nakiorCri t .7 0 / 2 4 0 f he offers Or siddrilddidd d Vi tbanca, Jan. Is. HENRY ARTISAN. . . Philip P. Weanly FABiIItINABLE BOOT AND SHOE ' IIIAKEB. ON Cumberland Street., owe door Mart of the Black horse hotel. Thankful for th ,ver7 _ liberal patronage extended to me for the abort tittle I liaie boOn in businese, I would respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of tho public. • has at all timea• an assortment of 1100 Ts sod BIIOES of his own manufacture on hand, which will be disposed-of on reasonable terms. FINIS BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS, ie. Thos. deelring a neat, well made 'article, are invitee to give me a trial. Children,' abate of every variety and color,o 4 n band . heavy work made to order. iyarero=nteit:. Repacring neatly dent and char/ " — ltin m nififirSlioe 'Store. 4 1 "5 Cr . .7111C(III RAIDISL respectfully In. form. the public that he still motto • •4 0 " Pea his extensive eetablibhment fa s o b . his new Indlding,ln Cumberland at., whore he hopes to render the lams • satisfaction as heretofore to all who may favor him with their onkel.? Ile invitee Merchant. and dealers in,l6OOTB end SHOESand every one whe wishes to,purebaselkuthlonabls And, durable artirie. to .his lino; to call at* intamine for,timmselves, his large . and varied stock., -:til ' ' • Ile le determined , o stl4”ialrecmpetltion In the manufacture of every article in his business, suitable for apy Market in the Union. A due eare]taken iu regard to materials and wrgkroansligp;Ansatbathe . best qual I !,,tx of LEAVIAR aml 91.hermateninisisre,need,and nese but the. best :workmen are-employed;',. P. B.—lfe returns his sincere thanks to his friends for 'the Tpry titre patronage heretofore, bestowed on him. Us honest . ) , strict attention to hustnessandandeavoring to pipaspfhis cgmtorners, to merit a ahare . ,sirptiblie pat ronage. Lehanon,Alay_4,lB64 NIVIE NcliTylart, plilljlik • SiiOC• -414PrC t rpHE vind gtied , fttincinilee.tO tile' public ttat tkey i have removed their - New Boot and Shoe Store to Cumberland Street, Lebitioo, In JohtrOraelft's building, one .10or . wlere n gkttle,C,onfactlonery 'Stara, where they ll * ntood; haepi n ntop . hatantly on band a generni,aa soitipan! 4# %lie?, GeOtlemen;3l n ieseti, Boys ask ..Bootit; Sitot*, , Gditers, , it:e.o(4 7 ,- all of which will be made tip in style andlOilesat):.cres to be weipoiesembNy itiriotharleurkmen :if tire country.. No effort 'hell be spared to plea oe:siof ion who nty,„faxaßtbaz9 ; yr*Akeir ordure; Arid- their. charges wHi be ae rellifOntible as,ble, compatible with • fair .remoneratioo, *They aleb , iteeti. large staskor 3 • • .110MR1111; DE . IVOltft, which 11), irsictifitiA 1.4:i is riiii;eiented. atm publio - arb Wilted tomtit mid examine theirstoct 'Previ o P B .t9 Purchasing.-- air c ippliroxigggiegglisst Noyes and al reasonable ; race?._ rf • •. Z . .. 1 „.ANDILEIV MOORS. • ' • ipt i vt LA. Eau , . . . =:z 'LATEST NEW Of-the-oheapestmCß,:Voods 151 . 74NYER. S.O LD • N LIMICNO,NII - llootsifilioe*;.lllats, Caps( ' ace •••ri iz undersigned baa opened one of the BEST AS -Alz, 60E 1 1111NM Or • ',"• IIIATS,CAPS,BOOTIS,I3TIOES, , TILIINIE ja l : TRAV.ELING. BAGS, Ac., of all kinds, , end of the beet materials, which he will ; • . Sell at prices to recommend _them to porch"- :Wes. Of the HATS ho hoe 'quite .a - variety of New Styles, embracing theyWishlogicni, Stanton, Burned., Stringhlith andaoniter Hat,.Very Assautiful and very sheep. , Of. ZAPS he has a complete assortment of all the New. Styles,. got. up - In 'superior manner, with flue ; Women's Mines' and• Chi ldren's Balmoral". Galters;,,Qeogres" Boots, Slippers, and all other kiliSiOlet9e Boys' Balmoral'. Ox ford Ties,.Washingtotr , Tieii, Congress Boots. •and hll -othav k tudi etorn ‘ ibyt them, : including' BOOTS and SHOES, of the different varieties, at hie cheep Sterile Walnut St....n.ext to Mt.:County' Prisan. *I Thankful for the Moral, encouragement of the public heretoren6.lmo.ulttimaAPALwishinZ anything in my line to call and examine my stook before making , their pnrchates t *,... BOWM AN. • •.-- Lebanon, May 4', 1684.' ' -. • ..p.W.—Mmsureittgke:i and _ York • OF T ti E , yr NEW AZiiD CHEAP 1114 MT v AIIPIOSSIieE'STIDRE,:: li iz tlefimp ba lir n t o i n o a n n fi d Ividciinra t :ri d t l h S. a t ln h f e o rhmag . r t e h m e o e v ll 41'hisI30TabdSIICVSTORKityMarket aho,,t, next -Geer orittillttil4 2ll : ls oo49 . 4 l , 4eln , lion. - i'L , g ~• . L .d .. a , I - I :, e: , .':'bondb r . e a It r e 1 g .. c1 e n f ii ) s we oll, 1,,,, 5 . 1 1 t . w ., < I 1,, , , , ,:: . j.:: . / ri- v a so d ried or stock r a a n il adi t ste ..iti .7 4 ;.61 A . rli 1.1;• '1 , !..:!1; gio .s 8.. Ile will '-%. • - 'kinde'at BOOTS and !'f, -.10". r 5 f , - cif. ~, . ;!..ii .. SHOW and at very -I i ...i.s., • -"-- ; short notice. Ile al. 'ett , ' . t • , ~- -.... • 1 • - • : Flo *eerie' en hand a l'(": T_ ,'--.;,:' ,", --' - *,i ~ - , large and well-assort etoelf of LE - ATIIE ' , such ge RED AND OAN SOLE. .:1 1 1LATTIER; CALF ANDRLIP'SISINS, MOROCIXI. 'AND f FANCY IsBATIIER„ILININGS, -ROANS,: BIND INGS, At!, end•ill iiiiiiti `cd''Shoemaleers' TOMS AND FINDINGS,;"atieItfaitatOOZTBBEIEq. LABTS; , -.BOOT CORDS and WBBBS i AWL.ALADISS, KNIVES, PUN ONES, BAAISIBII37TINCIUSTMASPS, TACKS.— conetantiy onlband an aanortinentaLeatiosos 'Threads. —4A.... ~ Bege t testes, Kit :a - Illl43Toolirof every deserl ption. Bailor ' 'en en. mad WO. business more, than twenty yeah, he fedi intikled - thit'he can give saileracticin to all who will Taft* Wail-mitt aVErdlt.' ShOetalikerketnAn -the country will do, well by calling on hint .before purchasing else wheat*. ' • - SAMUEL. ILACCL. ' 'Unison. 'Tim. 27 18%, • • r Fashionable. • Tailoring. ..... ,suovAL.! I'CRARY. notritim Smola* respectfully inform lhe oflietishcityHthsitj he hiss REMOVED ,Ris,TAI,LORING Dulness to .oumberland • Street, two . dbitirs'F.ast of - Market Street, 'opposite the Regis 71fotel, - , whereafli.persens The, -WWI gaiMents made up in,themosthuilphmushlp,ortyje and best manner, ars in ritbd'Locali:• -• ' - ' • - • TO TAijiOltSl-!-JusArecitired and ter +gals the N.Tork .. and Philadelpßis Report of Spring Summer Fashion.. Dillon, *tithing tliiplashlOne Should 'let' the subscriber know okihe fact, se,thet, he can. maks his arrangemente unntirditigik. gicuieL.llol.7lLiN. I :..2.4lkelbiiitition; May C 1864 • ; ' • READYMAHE CLOTHING • Will be sold. at : . • , - Extrentelm , -.Low.Vrices.- T,T , one of the firm of Reber k, Bros., has . taken The stock cirßeady-maale Clothing at the wppraisem'en4 , which'will enablelimto sell lower then anywhere e h ie can be hbught. Call and see for your lelis ntakWyour Fall purchase. 11S pi THItXti DOCIg4 MAT trEt9ll COURT • 1101.1811 'Lebanon. Ilaj4; ism. - HENRY RAMC. Blanket *bawls; - - - - - WOOI A N CLOTHING °Call coleys i dyedJet . I„,r Black or Blue Black , firedeeil, the "dolcirjearrinte# :liaiitticidscturnefi out elittal tate*, toty . , • : • JLYON LamßEiLaza. • • , - Riot Illen•V•r. lArtiNee;t9te dyed can Virtaiber role Drug Store whereler the, p_Oo.e, Will be did te. •• • ' ":i rbtarffilii. WM!. h1 . .•••j!..4-tAfLoRING.: onla Telipeitgillyinforin the plib aclinithat he bee removed; •to lebanon, - end that he U. any oti the • • TAilOring ut.imiefOo hi 114 branches, in b the luilding ocenpfed by tie t•Wabnit!DeniocriV!plintitis. 'office; (second tat 7,) in jiheyket Autreet, ttirly.. °ppm int -4trilrk: halide in the Ynoet -tor the atAntes well es the *641'0 1 0 ' 1 ' • (-;: ,8i v 7R 1 54-1 Libitum, ; 1161L-3m. ALERVIRA TA/14.4 1 11 ,16 . .OS.. ItAt4SAY, Injfinick'n buildipic„cornor of COM. 'ottleitt'iod Doe alloy; luta on hind sind for sitteoittim or to crchitok - law tot of !VI?: ZABSEUESSionid.,. . 1:21..‘.t or; et .) i t; if,: . I ,• , YESTINGS, well eetecied front Geed Womort." a d Tita and üb dotatitintltnallikiiiifinitittalep,ill":a',, ll a i i dt. r . athefe, lamest/ lorea,..llerthry, amp endc rs, lan cy sad Min Lineti'3ll ti t trailer shirts'end DreUera.` •1:11 Si; nil , 't it. ?. 1. , v V:` S. a r . IthAtEAT: .MTl ll , 9 q3li& fe - 1 -1 6 $' • ' ' ---=.---- /An F.. UZI, JOTS !,. FITSk., C AC' rikliArcfi r det e tife li ta nt llTlMo r i= t tnrbi l g ,o r .. th "Waited ;reel the city with ir , Ithe , gee , li9 n . 7p Ma - HS, CASSIMFAAS; ji „,„„„,..,„, iib 4 will 'sell or make "niitOo'relkeat MIII Ma Lthist timee9 at-bis Ai It &enuring 'Egret. b erit,in Kiiire4s New lll9ck,A doikre „south of tile. Trotei, EknithoWalnot strbet! ' • All work entrusted to his care, will be In anufactl*- ed In • workmanlike ma-iner as to fashion and dura 011ity. -- "Q ... - , , ithxda Petete4d pilseidUme Will be cheerfully Made plb r ia , 9o:l4l:apl a ul o o e c i l i e e rste tlt fill , nee' the Tailoring aid pr-A9 , limPineff, and , being Moll:bed to twain iilbe &trim ge of Biliustenners, all LlWadvaiitiges moult leg from said erequireusents, Ile:feels intetskadithdt k 1 lib l r e rt e l WI ! Te rY lib lrl4P ar l 41 lI IP ub on . e ' . ' 'lNTiliedibtadlpfeltfo pleeme me after that ?toth yob elves. July 8. 1863. • T"' : ' ' " ' s ' "Un it lit' i If* :1 ilvpikkirs - Soviry4'':; ! . i. liites. 151.., ,- sk iii i o s zod im iai.s4l.i.i.;- . L . ‘, fifend4 is Tuttle h vele IP t' ah inr; ..... optic ,e liAere t tl,,Lltx,kl eee r tak ep th e i°l Faeler'l4qsOn't4instirfiassed •Votz 'ni 491PLIodratichicSevinq Afbehineb ' 'l sflagiimii• taikkibil prevail - us at the•.l3;eat kellilde of 4 Fair!. ii,A4c*pfed Plfi n Ardirt i t=y 13 r 6Siill e Z r RU a TetlerleV`Three elirpriliintnberir of. the lileeMpuyillfikays .64 Oft and, which eaR be °VIM i lied At 1.0 IltOre, and She illilil 101 . 4) inidenEtione in the manuelof elidihrlit. sa T ir 4diPler3 ; g it br ul i ". 67l:A 43 ' (111 : 1 "r. win b •er .! ,, el4t.pc , :11,:puri.zrderntscum , anon Trly 20 1864.--3 m.., , . Bla nka for Boany-andlnvali4 l o D sloeforsalifst Ali" 'nail's' OS* • MiErii=l =I