gitivettistr: TERX3, 111 60 A YEAX LEBANON, PA. --- WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 18115. HOME AFFAIRS. wa.abli;oirs of .4Lc3lr;eitz-tiosi=4w. The publbbers or Lebanon have agreed upon the tbilowing cluirgee for Advertising, viz 81se. It. R. 3es. 803. ly. 1 Square, 12 $ .50 $l.OO $3.00 $5.00 8 00 2 " 24 linen, 1.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 " 35 lines, 1.50 5.00 7.00 10.00 .15.00 NOT lisecistcir's and Administrator's Notioen, 2,00 'Tor Alisignee, Auditor and altnilarNotices; . - 1.10 'Nor zanily Cdrds, not exceeding' sup Yokeoltimn ndvortleenient, 1 raw, 'WOO for eol2triti " " ' 4l • 80.00 Tor Wepidneri • " • '" " 11520 Nit MitiAlittillgtatldkSitill fOraelree, in taVaitik' 2.00 Tor AtinoUncing sale, isnaccoidpankcilry *dal; 1.00 For L o c a l Notices SocietyreinWlllsii $ eta per line. For Bishops or Special NOtiolk BO tents per this * par year. •p„„a.• Yearly ailvertisentents ftirlibrelintiff *Ad nominee airoigiread upon. , - SAffr,ftletiliirtßOPEßTY. - The PAlessieg.Eisties Peesonal Property will Ise held itt4beltintes and pishais designated. For pe~ticUl* r '. tee' Alitpitimients wilt ap pear in ittiothar bolund Monday* February' 20:-Stephen Hellman, East , hansmar. Wedneitiess Ftibruary-22—Abraham Luber Pe sale • Iteidlisbirgs . Widinisday,•February 224-14lidrew Beek 'e'rstale itr Eta Hanover township: . Thursday, February 23-Henry Spanes sale in South t.ebanotr,Township. Thursday, February 23-T-henry , in Lower Paxton township, Dauphin county. Thursday, February 23—Jonathan P. Smith's • ' Bethel township, 13erks county. illattGday, February 25—George W. Mace's sale, to heldliditorg township.. Tuesday, February 28--Stock and Fanning fm ndiritt ts of. t foe. Ffltlhatttlibieputlf Leba. TharettaY, March2roWilliatu Shaeffer's:tale, in Cornwall township. ThursileY, 'ldarah 2 4 -Personal - property of j i mqtrojtititsee bier/ Jackson. low oship. Satuplay,, March 4-Stack, Farming „Imple ments and household' property of Samuel .Begner,.its Palmyra. • • Tuesday, March 2—Stock and Farming r ; manta of Jacob Kuntz, in Fast Illinoisan Tuesday, Marsh 21,—Antliony IfolderroaiN sale in Nor*_Loluttton Tomnship. Wednesday, March , 224-Eitook , Farming Imple:. • ;•ments end household property of Charles ','Resenfserger v iii Imudonderry township. • =IM - 3M Borough-Property af Jamas o gera Farm of Jaeolr WitmerVlr, in Cornwall Town slap. ' • -• Town'lota of iota W. 'Mob. Esq. ' • noronghyroporty of Joe. U. Uhler. ELEcTrole.—At a stated meeting of the Perseverance -Engine and Hose Company, the following named officers were elected to serve fOr the semi-year President,;; Andrew; 114:K0i, ; Vice President, Johttiii.- Embich; Recording Secretary, J. 'Harbeson,; Assistant Secretary, B. B Foster; Treasurer, Ad nut Rise;.-Directors, J. B. EMbich, J. W. Harbeson; Ist Principal Engineer, Fred. Weldinayer; Ist Principal Engineer, As sistant, Oscar Flettg; 2V.PririckstEn gineer, WI H. U. Inbict*4d Engineer,, Assistant, 8.4 Foster; House Committee, Andrew =H Eilibich, J. B. Penn, H Shirk ; Finance Committee, RiseygiOgieOlthliex, P. 'l3lbig. haus. Janitor H. S. ilarbeion. "Taki ky- time 6 - ythe forelock," is an dninasiim, many people- Morn fit !earned to ,p,raetice it. A grelat , *my are yeti- anxious lust now, taliet rid. Of the Draft they had taken "time by the forelock" at the proper time, their present trouble would be unknown.-- Three' ritoriths igd ttiy might-have got rid of drafts by simply voting , for.3en. McClellan, but they neglected, or Wtsild not, "take time by theforelock,rand hence their * -dittic(dpes iMorcover, they have not tifify' dragged ' themselves into troubles' ' but also, their neighbors, who saw the danger: and tried to avoid it, and all, simply because they would net "take time by the forelock." , - Well, let ie.-pass, "better luck next Xime." "if • At Several %rn'entinge' ,. *tore held in the CoUtt - HoUseilist'Week; for the -pur pose aradcipting, measures to get, rill of the draft. It was at last agreed tdform a kind of an association, every mernliir to - pay in 850, and the fund thus ray ; in addition- -to- the subscripilions- by the Counoll,4ll3e-applied *the i*oeuration of sal#trtgtege. ;drafted 'then 1 36 1 4fitittg titthe Aispotistlon. 'lt was also agreedany surplus of money if should idinain. after the prernt„drik as filled, that beietaitied (of meetinestib- sequent drafts. , drafted members of the Clukaa`WAirat all 'ofbers,lbereo4 obf ligate themselves to-contribute their pro portionate,ahare-ip future drafts to pro cure subtifitUtes for' ;heir fellow?, until exempted by overages s Aleath or other le gAl didaliility, . CosMu MARK, Esq., was appointed receiver of the mony, and will attend to'that matter until this` (rnaday) evening, *l4n i the, books close. t 'WV-Pilafs visit last wet* to" the tinter: Mill Of: Messrs, Stine and Ross, in this) place: , -It is one of 'the most exten sive and complete establishments. of the kind in the country, and has several im ps:46*m which are in no other mill. It works adinirablii and , turns out daily. large VkktitY illgtd.y , finished bps boardepthe, Only work , they are at pre sent engaged on. TAlsy boifiltne sti im mense tplaniityltitlitraw sotrotjler ma- Aerie); for *itiehlisoy , pay high .enough so as to indtioe'-'ont fitrthers to t with it. ,We., wfret, silDWOltbfoOkh esitabliehment, otieratfops exp ained, by Mr. Stine, one of , the. pro *prietora l who has` our (hook* for hie oi4r- , The .teachers of North And , Bouth 41nnyine Districts; purpose holdinig 'a Via ide k meeting; on Saturday, the 25th inet4tn the "institute" at Annvi Pa. The EiterCises.twllt &insist of Essays, Lectures, Dins Drills, Disibussions, etc. interspersed with Music. TeaCherf, ap Loblgt ds.Df.Eoration are' ardially invited to attend. itt tort tiEl;l3; 2 --:TiO, Su eflie of ihis State his decided that unless there is a positive stipulation betsieen the parties to the contrary, the party selling a property and famishing the deed must likewise pay the stamp du t y knposed by . Act of C,ongress upqn the lam It would therefore be wellfor par- Iles baying and selling to have a clear understanding upOn these *Weds. as otherwise the cost loftitutripa 11 11 t on the purchaser, _ • • 'he lDra4lkee pla. To The People of Lebanon. There seeming to: be considerable misunderstanding in regard to the men put into the military service for Lebanon borough, under the call -- of the President for 500 000 men, I deem it just to myself to make astatetnent of the facts as far as I was concern ed in the matter. Under an agree ment with the Borough authorities, J put in. 79 men for three years, at an expense to the Borough greatly be -law what any other.sdistriet- of the 'County paid for One fear men: This, olieve, was, all that nos" 'reqhired or expected of me. , Wit is still doubt. ed• that these Men 'were • put in "for three years, let a committee be itp pointed, and the facts can 'easily. be established. I' calf ' conscientiously say that my contract for filling the Borough's quota was faithfiffly fullyalaffur tiAdeV any hivestigation that May be made,t and which I would 0,447 see made. William B. REINITAR.D. .;:Prices in tttc'Phillidelphia Flour Market are steady, butlhe market is rath er.dull, and the only wiles we baits. Uf are in small lots '•td 'the home trade at pricea,renging 'from $9a975 for Apper fine ;410a 10.75t0r ea. t. raill4s a 11 75 for extra fatAllf - U1ta1t12.313 per bbl for fancy brands, accorditig,to quality. Corn veirdOtthipestAtill, and we hear Orno 1 4 .4*r . There is very little di•mand for wheat and the market continues.dull, owing to the difference in the views of buyers and sellers. About:2soo bus prime red sold at 2fOc per, bus ; white ranges at from 260a280civer bus` the fatter rate for prime Kentucky. Rye is sellingln a small way at 11 - bm''l7llal72cper bus. Corn is , quiet at about former rates. with sales 013'000 bui. New 'yellow at ,105 a .166c.per bus in the ears - and in. store. Oats are un- • changed. &deli are nudtlitg at 92c per bus. . 7 4 offerings of •Beif Cattle only YeichedlbOut 1700 head, - j a falling off of - 560, eanifigreff.*ith last - week, and prices improved la2cper lb, ranging at $lO to sl2ebe4otpro*; $15a116-'„for' fair to good, giird $l7 to 2l foiAme. Cows— The market was .Ffitmcrl salmi of 81)&1600 heatt at fin:C*3o)3so for Siting ers, and $35a75 per head 'foe' Cdtv and calf,:as to condition. receititgAikve fitAtri off very much, only reschipg about, 1800 head Wst week, with WA at(from' sl7a 19 the 100 lbs. nett—the.latter for prime corn fed. SHEEP—PrIces were rather better and the demand good, about 4000 heed arrived and sold at from 10al2c per lb, gross, as to, condition. Ibr the Admrtiter. Mr.„Borroa :—Are taxes paid for Boun ty purposes embraced in Abe. deductions from inccime Over e6OO undeethe income tax lawl , * Air We area net . suirtetently booketupltahe matter. to ,givn an opin ion, nor do we 'know what the decision, if any,'otthe deparpnent, is thereon, but judging from the I,*olioviine_ctanse in 'the 117th inCtion of the Income• Tax Law, we judge that such tuxes are to be ducted Pmfftsf pl7',,Apc.onsa of any,perso.n il N tionati,Sfater, An'd municipal- taices.' f other than the national income tax, lawfully as sew& within ,the year upon the property or'sources of ilicome . of any person, as aforesaid, from which, said annual ,graihs, profita r or income is or shOuld be derived, shalt ba'deducte4, in -04 it ion UV* hun dred, dollars, from the-gains, profits; 'or Income of the person ,wh•) has actually paid the same, whether owner,.' tenant‘ rn or oifiaier." Taicett - 'assessed' x by. Colivissioners or Selux4 Directors are municipal taxes, and it matters niit wfiether.Abey are for. Bounty or any other+ purpose' Some t3camp,. on Sunday , night 01 . 0 kt Viveaji, broke luta a School hpuSe near the-tollgate, in South Lebanon, und stole therefrom books and valuables eon considerable, amount. Other ,` school housbaddivi been visited' in the same manneirieleitly) • 'l., gh9 towA PoCouncil of this %Mi.- ough:hae pasted a resolution appropria tireCe3o,l4:oNrifrt roan putting in a sub. stituta cr edited to the borough, far one ; also ihe same sum to volunteers and to drafted men. LEBANON 124411w : 1K . AND ROLLING lif CoarraNre::ffiliocommittee,Seleatell to take the necr salary steps towonisoffecting an organization of the Lebanon Ear Iron and Rolling Mill Company, have called a rarer ing to 4 held iftli7edileeday, Februari at. 2 o'clock, P. AL; at the Court House, at Lebanon, for , the purpose of establishing such subject to the IJws lof the State of Pennsylvania, as obeli govern the inanagement of Dili 6aidif,y; and to elect a Wawa of directors, and such other officers as prescribed. ;The..conturdttee ~ase configqot pitf : mgpx pprjozn i.r,iindbola %fi entetl4e4hi#e been , parvent4d'.fono toklognny, aotWY tatetlzi le foe want of a menet: atipre. 'elation of it 6 object, and hi order to give 'the necessary . infornuoinu to these interested, they beg leave ti.lefdrni the public, flat thaY will ocenny;oa the dayabove sta ted,,,between the hours of 9, A. ill., and . 9, Pi 3i4 the ConneZrootkiln Said (*dart Eons% 'where Vytiflei the olilecta andthe proepeets of.this ann. 'pany tcebeformed, to alt those-asking forififormation.-- They wilt ale 6 have the anbaiription 'book onen, thus affording an ep,rrtuptty, ripoliTha of...becoming ,ninekbaxklero and;.entitling them torrofe. before the .first •annual election shall take place: %•• • ' "'OI QtitiE ifon4tiv, andriaati. Mrs. ..4arrlet Coleman, wido* of the late itobert Coleman, died recently at her wiptetr, residence in Ph liWphia from injuries hceiveci,a, few ;days iirevious by the ham pfbercamiage taklag:frlibt myl t peec . I Mitng c unmanageabli: The de cetisel na - x armams of 11. - „Dawatin CoJ gatit,*or 40:waif Lebnnaiij; iiiire•Or::—The wori"got" is oftell used superfluously an incorrectly - in familiar expressions; , ; W hen, in . e_ ritY to nip "Lend me shilling," you say. "I've got no ono ey," yen sim ply say what you do not mean. 9 / mit the "got , ' and ychr meaning is rightly convoyed. "I'Ve got a cold" is not bad English, if you mean to convey the idea that, you, have pro cured or contracted a entd - sci mew h ere; I , but if you merely wish to say, , as you 1, probably do, that you 'are suffering under a cold, "I have cold"is the Pro per expression, "She' has' gnt a fair oomPlextor o Rare "girt" it_ali 'in terlopeefor pu do•liot mean to say that she has pimenrid-t e fai r complex ion, butt simply thaollfe hi't's iS.l've gotitt - flO to town- - tonikr oN l2 , Ilere '•ge , te• is redundant and -'' 1. 1 , ...- ._•••.^..i.i v.- ,- •- • • • Pkg° rect. "I, have to go" exptvelses the gpttial *tires. o Consumptives.: ^ Tilt undeisignei having bee* restored t6' health in a few - weeks, by a very simple remedy, after 'having glittered several years, with a severe lung affectiOn, and that dread disiase. mats known to hie fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, be win send a copy of tlie"fre. seriptiontrd,,.(free of Cb,rge t ).,siviiii the directions for pr ring 'Using the Sere, Iwhicirlhey will find a sure cure for:dinstunptbisi f Asthma, °Olds, douche., 4:e.,.. - tho only ,ottleet of the ',Advertiser in sending the Prescription is to • benefit the and spread Julbititation which he. sonitilVeli hi be , to . . valuable ; and he hopes every_suffentr, _Will try: his remedy, as it will.cost them nothing,:and „uty'provets blessing. PlYtku - ViSh44 4 10 prefFT 4 4 dt 4 osi vitt4o,4 . Tni#4,44l*.: Kings County, . . ( A 1 4'' ) Yetirdimi6 1 .-301. • - • Diiittiesis;7 Ail‘ g 4,%cniarrilafq - Yllagik'rEirriglat Mtn o,l4 *4l , TAVA , Viti*C** Oeplist,and Auriat.,(fortserlyB No. op Pine 'Streot,. Philadelphia. ,TestinidnialsAnns the;ttiostrellaige isiorees-in ti„e CRY and COPhtry can 14 seen at his Oillee....The Inodtkal,lantilty ari,itaited to accompany.' their patienta, as Pa nn SeYreta in his practine. ARTIFICIAL IFlC.Rl,„*.lhperted without pain. No charge made, for eiamluatkni., , • February 8, 1865. , , • , . 01t1. Eyes made `l l lemr. APAMPHLET directing bate: to reettre eight:end ey Nip speemeled. without aid o[ •doc 4 tor or medicine. Sent by mill, on receipt et - MO M . Addrese, X ,15 FOOTE M D., 1 / 3 0 Broadway, New - York, .0.1; 0,, i; ;•`..• ittOn. Wlllllllll,lO Al. - ITYLD. OF • NVICRYTIIINO them. num system, male and letti tie ; 1 Ihol. eattseeltbd treatment of diseases: the marriage. I esistonis Nibs world ; bow to marry melt and a thousand things nevsit.pubiletted before. read the -rer,ise,d . and anksrged edition' of 4 11ddiesletitnnion'sedise," curious book for envious people. and a' good bobk for every one. 403 pages, 100 illustrations, Pried sl.6odXontents table sent free to any viddress. Books may be bad at the Book, stores, or will be Sent by mail, post paid on re ceipt of - the twice: Addrass . - , Dr.11.11.009TE, M. D. , 1130 Broadway , New York. - Pah. 1 1865.-oin. Information rivet-, TO. NERVOUS SUFFERERS; A;GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility, competency, Pretrmture Decay, and Youthful Er. La:, actuated by a desire to benefit'othere, will be hap py to furnhh to all who need it, litee .ef,.eharge.l the recipe andAithdlions the ' - eitaikl% remedy used In hieeuee. Suffererit wishing to .Protit *by the advrrtlnees bat) experience_ and'' possess a sure and valuable rtzd'ely"; van diklrt,q4iltdelktidttg aronee atbisptaeeof.bosiiumew- Tiaitecip and full in rdinlft• tion—of vital ituppetlanowilloluSpheerfully sent by return mail. • .. . 'Address' • " 401 IN OCIPM Ira. SO ?hear!' Street, New' l'ork, • 1. S.- .:=Nerivotts Sufferers of both sexes will. tied this ifonnation tuvaineble. , Dec. 7, isei.=sen , . - VAN CONFESSIONS AND ExpEßTEsex OF AN 11 INVALID. PohlJihad for the benefit, .and, as, n CAUTION .TO YOUNG MEN and others, who Aniffer . from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay .of Maahoed, eaptilyiuk at the same thee the weans Of 'self ewe. By one who has cared himself al: %undergoing considerable quack ery. By .aelosing a pottpaid addressed envelops, sin gle.copies may he had of the author. NATHANIEL HAY,FAIR,.Esq,„ Dreoklyti, Kings Co:; N. Y. Der.„ — . - 4#.11364.7-3M.. . Bye's li.gue-Oure , p s ' ili 4 a k ia. art SySEDT,CVRIt OF .‘ -- 1 : -tut ittril FAvereor Four and ..40..LekRe . mitteut 'Fever, Chill Foyer, Dumb Agne , Periodical Readache or Pinter's Rea dacho, and Billious Fevers,. indeed for the Whole class of diseaseaorienating. ill billll4 de rangement, calmed Vitra Malaria of Mias matic countries, , MlXVllltAttat tnly conseqeence of .0 the intamatic great vat iety disco dere: attm rrolit•!its titatlon, in nutiarions d istrits, Junengorbkh Neariagid; RAsuosutisot, Gout, Mead. d1714'1 lintinerfr, lhoiluidoc Eaftehi, Cdtarrh, ,Astlinta, Pa 7 pitatiory.Paißfut - Ajt:eitiort of thi Stenitack all of which, when originating in this entree pat ow tbiantereirittent Wt; .Ur-bec owe pertedi- Mit ThiVACuat" - ewpfla the poisoit frear."'the btwod, and thne tura 'them alike . It 'is not chit* Oki er feettitilletnotly ever dierevereil for this ales§ ofiVitn plaints, but it is the chespest'ginl moreover ht per fect ly safe . Ito harm:can arisefremitsits; , , .ned the pa tPittirbinv bored is left at heathy .if he bad never had tile , diseaae. Catt.tble be aside' any, other cure 'ter Chills end Fever?' It Wave of this, ited'iteimpor tance to those aillicte4 with the complaint cannot be over trdinlatid.' So an t eis It to cure - the'Yever and Agatildhat it' may be truthfully veld to be ire:Main remedy, 'One Dealcreemplainelt is nbt a good :ined eine te Velil.becatilur one bottle' Ceres a wholenelgh bedlam]. rrßrepared by.:J. P. AYER & CO. bo t 41,40:r Avid Eor /drrigitttrt, med.kitie Everysle're. Jahuarifle4 1865:41:Rio: • ' ':1: - oigi4lt.',4'.. : -si'l:,i.;t - .,',:....' . ',.... ii: ; . St. Luke's Church .z.--Services every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. `tti te ' Preaching in the M. E : urn .every Sabbath, both morning and, evening. '...Also*kervteee on Thu wisp eveninkr 7 n - , - ,-,2ii-.L„,.:-..: - „:- ,-„,...:,-,..- Et. dontrit:,Eiminnv AegislinalitixtlitiminguidAing and: evenhigi , tn. -- 11167141,41 . 011.1ani1twe: ,;, , zattre. on WWl* Illy evening - • ~,, ,-.,.., Cermawyrisching Ilextgundial mortilulr4 "Eng lish in , ilovenidig, inpaiiim s Lutheran - li r . t y English rig next s us ay at 10 A. tts t a Ber m n serri t 2% P. IU. in the • = 1 " 14 %; rch. ,le ing next Sunday, i Ned .... et6O - :e Zi n's Lutheran church. English preaching next Sahhattilmottiing in the . First lieformed Church. ...,.. • 4- On the 7th Inst., by ; . ' chi. Rev. 11.. W. Schntonk, Mont. BALTZER 1311110 AR, of this borough, to .Misa MARY MEAN, ?CH,: Lebanon township At Jonestown, on -the evening of the; 4th inst., by the H. Heilman, Mr. OTROS W. REAMER HERTER., of N. Lebaoon,,,to Misi FIDELIA O. BRAM ANDRRFERkofJoivstan.' On the 11,14 net., hi - thisliirr. Y. W.; Kromer, Mr. IS, lIAEL wrArvEk tolliburLEVlNA MILLED, both of .Pout.briebanou,Township..! ; - ; Oil the 11th Ina ,bY time, Mr. AREL SIIAAK, lb of S. Lebanon, to estEge- MILLER, of Millereek tp.,,this county. ..• , • - Op,the But itY the Rev. Dotigher4. B.lallifet Lt**Ovett.t4 mug mor Swoon, both.of Lehabowtewuebile,lbte'eireitty. by the - Roo. X tleister, LIAM SHEFFER, of Palmyra, to Mire BLIZABETII ORRRAMEN. of Loodoederrylp.. Ou the 2d hot., br thelame, Mr. WWI* ROLLINO ot Booth Hanover, Dauphin conatY, Co Hips EMMA ISHEITER, of Bain Hanovor,lhnitilihr, co. On the 24th ult., by 'the same; Mr: 'ADAM ULRIC". of East finilOTM'Letanott t Mire `SAS AM JANE RIIuOP, - of , WerVilauirrer, Ihniptiinco " '' - • "OulhaliPti A't.„at City =an .P o 'l WILLIAM CilifOßßl#. of Philadelphia , estdo 30'ressis The deceased tras lately spaniel! , to, Mita Lydia A. 'Maltby of this Borough. s ' • - "Hilled,os ttiw 19th at Octohar. in ',ibis iiietus-oi c ree k . - m middisstsm,YhLUNTlNik'lighitiCilL 19( tZ,, A, 033.'itsituitiot, P. Irs, (tatdor ikdoa tdirnslitON aged ab nt - 22- pea '• ' ' ' - • ' On the 18th of January, at: %Ur Nratiet ItJege. - of 'ipoptexY, JA.COD LIGHT, aged fti" yeitia . ;6 months aud 7 days • On the 3d init.. at Pittebniietirith contlamptton.Ll.-et. GROWN FOCHT, n. Rienther n( Abe- Zs e 7rl4 7 Refit, P; V., aged '22 yeare, 2 montticand 17 dirt. On the 10th nit ,In Shrhkr‘reisseifin. Dauphin ~countl". ' , ELIZANSTR FRANTZ. wife of Vlrttlarg•Fraqts; s td year 10 latieths led 12 - diLysi . Oa the Ist lost ht Londonderry. ANNA. SIARIA ORII - wife of Lobanori Borogitk , North, .171471 - "L 0041 4444rVy, ' at Atilicrooki. :03 : &rotors,. ' ' gum '• '„Up1011., • • r 4 i 70592474 cA11g. ,4 . ?Yeti Vie *eft. ERE FOR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. and Boroughs for pay Ing.the „Sutra Bounties over and above $3OO, including the. linenses ineurredin ....gettiegAecruiiseard attablishing the credits, Be 04,144414. BastlikuoTei gwataile- North orbeaon Township ;, Beflug , North LetisßOO Boningli Lehifik* *remelt anchor:4' . mmereek. ' : - ,lllidejtafig, 8 - Aelemort Gorntvnfl' dnnviite Loirdosafeiry - North „Arinvilie -,•• • • • CASIE:RECEITED.VROM To ers4 nv.ehred, front alle/ "" I s 9 q;; 6 9 (' - i ' r . l- ', I- 4 To.,.coolfri4Oitod - .!fiOmi Lebanon • • , ..!, ••' .19.000 1:16'6 ;.:0 ~.41:S.OVithalenLOANEL-r, To teal Mbeef rtateilthdiy c' ettik#,RE igwyk Anorecvand l 'Menliotioty &mak *aid by the Commitaskideriot2J howeettot, • - .414 , ; 7 77 T - . 4c15.1;)°4!,14 •••:••, • ' ' oo• t"*"'• PAYMBIITS. • kx,p,alr9 pa, pa folloiying2i!eiaona viz :=•••• Diin hA.Qerloorkih,Ei4. • Vag 40 ,„ Qxrufti RatiillexLEl4,.. • •;, • 390 ' • • ,gragierklF, Shaeffer. • • 4.00 • Cyrus ,11(41 . 4agpr & Shirk ' 14,00;,1. George F. Reinhard • 20 . 60 .A4 1 1 , 4P NeeorA.' • 50, °°•- • , r. .Ai ba•Gooige, Erg. ' , gg :Bafager Boyer f •Saq. '• , g 0,0 6. i. , Ausep4 nowmaq, Ne 4. . :a 00 David hipathewp, Neg..; 50 ; 04": • 4.045,00. Philip J. Miller.„3oo 00 Jo Wiblel -4 . ii do teiritirThigint .do Prrtriek„Wegeotts.3l 5 00 Ir Watsonsiniy ~7; de* John ilt. %Aeon ••• do. - Patrick-Levey . do-. ' ••- zKeeffinen 325 - 00 Dino Watson:, . ''',.fdi. Thernaslifinii,7: ; ,,, Ar.. ; John Kelly .. . :-: do , Da Richardson do Sinned Ford '.. " do Charles, /dui ith , : '' do' John Fox do ; :Charles •Tustt. ; • do! Patrick Heim do Robert Mat' -' do Charles E . itchett do Albert Stated do . Charles Coats : do John Phillips - do Jerome Peters do Chitties Blair . ' do. ( D. 8., ~..iitiehollen.. do Chfirled P:little ' do NAM W. quirzrz do. M.'ll.Shockbergerdo , R.. Brown_ ; :,do Joseph Devitt .400 00 Henry Whitman"- do Was Wike - ' do . IL.ldeamesderter .do Miciaae I Cook do Henry Wagner do Levi: Myers • ''do : tVillitini;;Anthony do.: h'a's R. Piettet 325 0,0 John. Little.:,.- -, do David Steward 'do' , John :H.• Kelm do M. Wickmoyer .do John Reiter, do B..E.eepring -300 00 John White • do I. K. Eitaintaur 'do Michael Wagner - do . Adam. T. Haas do Josiah Good .. • do Andrew litiLandiado John* L:Rtieeffer go. Ileury,B,Rast do, John Phillips ` do' . John Mains • - do James Parsley -'.. t do D. .7;llinximel - ' do ' . James IC.Vright'ilii.... Ahrehem Boum , • de' Clouding 'Early - .do. Geore:Weinest . .do _. Lei:i:Kilser .7:7fir Cka's.'MaCiillongh do.; Wm. Longenecker do Daniel Swats ----do Geota Sites : - do Bright P.. Bolan - ~ 40 Alfred 800 ,; ' ' 'ito. Biettalli3ilitia. do dames. A. OW .. :do D. R.:Ballmen do John Wallis 'l.: do David S. Rank do David 13oingardnertio P.-himnierman de Regional Hawk do Edward Engle . .do . William Bechtold da.,. Cr Schroiller. do Franklin Sailor do A. B. Barmiest do Th Mid's Andes . clit do Frederick Reber -- do Robert Orr " • ' A do Gedige.W.*Sleir do I, B' d -NV ..,. 4 r .nlaYt, .- .. 0 • Thomas-J.. ; Lena. do Franklin Attain -: - :do John,Geodom ' - 'do- Ches D. Moitie ``:`do'. ' IYAit; l 49,rov: o3 ~dt.): • rJoseph Lowry do H. F. Mcßeynold do IL S. Dunlapp do Edwin ',bar do George Iderichiu... i .do Daniel - `George ,lileestino do Geer.'W. , :riedertek do Joseph Shatters -do George Hahn 'de Cyrus Warner do Joseph. Fry • - do LeviDonley '•do - Win: IL Brandt -do Joseph Weaver do Lied Lummo. - . „do Benjamin Pots do Win; Rosenberger do IL.L. Umberger do Joseph,Still - JoaufnLightnii. do Jobs ABhylor s.. do Abraham "Slarinor,do B. D. Walker., do 'Simile] .Daketf do JohO.MCNlght do. Themai bumpy,. . : do` ' William Reedy ;t ; do Jacob Clay . • --do w 4 Gebrge Matthe -o jTifep,t4 - . - do -- - James T..RitcheY jo - James A. Scoir do Absolon Lech ly - do Bianchi, Muscles ; do' Dano Conne ; ,,. John. H. Burke " di, John W. Young , do P.,..Smitb -. s . -, - - dO ' Maltelkia(Owfierrl 4ois Charles tfirmorp . . - do Rdwaid Itheron • do ch , oh;kiittrtcon do " Isaac Brower . $3OO 011 Geoh*Stitttedem ` do; Israel' Raided J. L. McSher,ty, - Joules Yonse - Dissinger *do-. - Orem 1116 - oro do Martin Otto tip° olf(lkown--t "do -, Arisen•M. , ltank . do.. 'Wfri.joßeeshore do' , Jghts Men. Bross, W. P. Greanbine . • do ' Elite doedert' nor Geo., H. „Disler do 'Jonathan Garret: do Got bils. Boyer do Sainuelkßabb' Jr. Southern do Georg! Hicks_ do' J. S. Painter, r" aio Henry'Fisties? Levi S. Gerhard Jlenr . y Klfee 'do ,Hiram,Yoium do - Peter Callen • .:do • '0."11. Keller • ',GlrisileWPdargott do Aslant; ,Behman do Adam Eisonhauer do ~ F:lteisenbatt do ..-ptoioroovitiook- , do :do' inhMeilit. do"' -M. Leininger . do George Storni do Penrose Thomas do . Peter Fisher ' `. do' 'Augustus Behney do • Karen its do Wm. B. Bowes de J. M„Seibert do Jolin.DYrua do , Geo. Gaitrtiok do 'Edwin-M. Stonerdo • maithAt : do Henry Swartz - *do' B. Y, Gingrich:: „do itharlestsHoppe ,do G'JBoulliard..4 do.' ‘WM.Husitirik do - ' Aarop It.:oleaier do, Josh4.Shulti, -. 1 ,Iteneville Meyer . do 'John C.ltlitler .oolein.Husberger do , E.ll.Houghtes • do. Jeremiah Miller do 'Es do Wm. A. Kraut do JaMes non do 0 liotherinel Frederick ,Miller do James Breit - Moses•Stryder do' :Augustns Seycw - do ' do Charles' Kramer' do' G. Borkbard, do, A. Ainunilboigor 6, - John B. ,Reigner . , John W. 'Smith do . Harrison Wenna do 3. BehMan , ,do Charles Baker. Daniel 1.1.-Pyle s. 7.dcv William Hass - do . S: IL , Quitnby de „Henry It.„Eisher , Charles Freeman : , d 6 , Mahlon Weidner. do William Ohyle- rdo Benjamin' Ssratiip do • D4iroff •' Sansuel.-Rs,Pisher .Nathan Delroff :'do ,Jottii do -{ 'W, illiam Say !or do Alfred Falter do Jacob Fox do John'M. Seibert 'Edwin 'MeElliany do „;.joho ,W. Fiiher do „Joieph do Hiram Ciao! do J. H. Tarthemer do , Abraham Lehr ' 'do Jahn 11,`Kaincli • Adorn - Slap ' do Wilson .W Deemer do John J ...Hauser sdo Edward Sh issler Pere,ivit' le; do_ G. Y. Gtilieh' Dsivid. 11. Br iatot_ do do Henry Hoeck do Minrkey'Plitriele -(3feof eabtinindo; '1 Peter Williams . . .de - ; S.,Boirman . do John Boughmer do Robert' 001 W do Robert. Darrel] do, Itabert Lammon do Aaron D. Long do James Reeder do ' - onerge It'obh = do 'Attralidin Snyder do' It.D.:Thotstpson do "George Dby,le ".„ „do, ~.- harles ',W.,Shrtliss ides Prel,eriektitiibrieli do Oscarl.Shatillissa` > do' `- David IL -Eckman. do'.: 4ate l lltuxer, . . yeniseh (TR-. Mertist.V.,Morry Stittia . do. - William' Miller do _ Silas R. Hartman do Luther'S: Bine iotlB do ',Franklin Lebo do. William Lechler do 'Fenstermacher doz. etiorgtVGarron • ::do' Amos Gass .. .., 06, Hireqs Laylard ,s 16 „! Ohne. Renerbelkeido M. Mullaney. _ do G eortisTWA' do John .Agnew , do James A. Potters do, Thomas Marion do' John Cassel do John W. Lyon . do IL H. Matthew's do William Clarkson do, Thomas Feeney do.: William Mator do John Thrnmp 315 00 G. W. Lancaster 300 00 Samtiel Wagle do Wm. IL Gilbert d e Joseph'Flowers res A. Manahan 315 00 B. A. Campbell 300 00 John D, Hakes do Joseph Mviliows do Joseph Dr4th .do . oho ComPholl.' do laniel T. llisey 310'00 W. NV...Greets do Ilisny &sidles do "Work& Bouset do , oho - Sbeffy do I .tinit Scartet do rsitriels Delay do Lewis Stengel do Harry . R. Daniels do David:l3. Darter ' do Wm. H. : eylor do L. Felton do Jackson Johns do' • John S. liobe j WilliupuVsiy ,do . Win.,Streptism _ .Thomas Marralh dor ase•rlTOtio • do • Clark Gain, *jot', gainuet Quim ' do'" „John Steward i do Harvey Foust Nathaniel Shirey do , H. C. ,Bernhard ' do' Jacob Coie Aio• . „H. D.lloffinan do .lautes-1). caw:lady do Jobe Leeser David McFarland do John H. Larits Jarneis Shay ' do Thomas 8.13.i0e do George 'Bower= do . Wiliala_C C. Stair do. Jaraaf. l 2.wa . do Henry C. Miller do Aaron Deamer, Leslie • 4exi: roatlistgar liktr NEW -.4I),VEIRTISE ktEcN John M. Freeborn 300 081 Jam* Keltnady, . do James M. hiLitior • ' 800 00 t mac 8 Marti ger - . do MlLintqabson - 300 00 henry P - That& do Joseph Stomboush 800 00 Jacob Fawn do Henry Icheli - 2 - . : 801100 William Miler dO Totdria,mo r d t , ... -$OO CO Bonbon Melly John AJamee . WO DO George Hornbormar do Janke! Deihl ' '•• .20i 00 Francis 11, Hoffman do Andrew Mock SOO 00 Zertuniah pees do G W.Winalow " - 800 00 Levi Leer% do L hi- Dowser ' • 800. 00 Dank It Brau g htur do Adam James MO 00 George Roaenberger - -do • William Amich ; . 300 00 Joseph Widmer .. do .Jacob Droll - .- 800.t.0 John McCointel • -do Pane Warren 300 00 John Monne) ' do . John'llichardi: 7 . ' 300q0 'Henry hieCiord' : '-- 0i) William Shelly MO 00 Hirron Dabber "! ,, do .Wtfliaris•3' McGill ....3 ti) 0 . Josiah if Seibold ' -aa David College : 300 00 Jot, ri Daeltes • do . . William H Myers 300 00 George ff H i m do Charles B hiliess, r eoo oa Henry Reuter .... do Henry Ytuternattet... 803.00 David Hits,. .• ''. di y. m ,,,, m c o mus -,... •300 001 John ii. Ulrich ' . do Fret chi IF Monitly 300._00 Itetthetill Renter" r"... do Also/do t Wileirr:r :, .800 10 Andrea , Snyder do Joirophllidietsonr:.-. SOO OD ribristivn Shaeffer do John .•Llattly trf :i :' .300 .1314 -.1 tiara S lictitun • i -do 11dasn,-11anInna 1100 i 00 rob Brathenvell -. nsd do - • i on Chisel.% Diller 800 0 A hsolort Lithos - do ;William i1t0rk:.......• 800-Q0 Jacob Geese*:." ; do John W . oyer 300 00 William Gambol •do -Amu* BatintgardnerBoo.ll) 4 ftmaal Lowry .:, - 1 -. do -John -libLigirt , Ii ;-..800,00 Ir Richer ' ' • RansiselShott ; t'. i ..300;0 1 )Jacob Witratan - do- Samuel Byer 300 00 William WillifilllS •. - do Hoary Lowry 300-0 Philip Caorth - - - -do Cy rearjbarasey o`Bljo 00 Frederick. Backer - 4, d r s oik iddira %else , 4_Boo 001Jroba IlJlici ,ral --4 .- 7 do Beni main Rudiasrar , WO 09. , D. ‘6‘..l,Ray _ de 'itedraWitura. Stelty i i.- .80 6-1101 ,-WillinsaaiLdMile - I--' 'dfre lieubwißamsey , .; ~300;,00 Whine Holger; -:4;.: • do . .John bi1144,' r,o . '3OO, IV Levi Garrett!... ... 1- do' Milton Juba,' ..,i .. ;.-800 , 00 Dattiel.Drskel, . . . do.. I . Ansa itualiolonten .. 300 00 JuidardJUsa - ,do xeaubli r iWeat i a . 800 O 0 ' A MeNight r , .do' David ttaltp.rd,r . ; . 81.0,.00 •Thuatire. McGinley - do Witliam Yoshi 301.00 Hugh Black.. - ~,„ d.c Obarl-s ilamberger 300 o:lJahn 11 We in , . do I - ffaroreWeana -- WO 01) [creel Weimer . du. Willie& KrllfehniN VG 0 1 1 Tbotr.a.- ,IVendlitis do I Levi Wore ' _BOO oh Lorensafiondare do John A Focht z., 1 ; • •;-• 300 00 John 11. Kollar du . CliterBll9 nivel . ' 3'o 08 Jacob W Klint -.,,, .do CpWgTAVnlftl74,24o &As Altison!' ;, '' do Joltiell 1101201 . ( :8 - 00400i taatadk Long., , s . :, q , ‘olll"L s ffiFdi - '' - '3I3PrOO 3" ebb Hoarsr -'' • o .11amnotilock, ...„ 300 00 Amos Focht do ertranaruce.,trrL... --- eatete rc -- w .-.46ii6V6.--. William Lee 8011 Or tschtic 1) Winters do Reuben' Dyire • 300 00 William Billutan do Martin Dambaugh 300 00 flotomort Locos do Augustus Snyder -800.00 John Risley do AbrahstaiGeherr,it: 30CP fIQ IFhomarriltenlial : r ••. - ito WWI MolbiluirfiD - n . 200 eo 11,1111unOrt.26itt . .1., , ...4,. Sod . rai, strZr q. if 300 ( 1. ' 6 WTtatn ai llai l dr i 111 ;? I '.. 45-10 ' Ima linraleliMilldrri y, SGO on Icoteemeeente - .z. '.l :do? i cheireEbt k ame 11 2570 e olio =Kelly - :,, v moo: Albin Hash eoo Qu Daniel Kane 'Aborrld Rtinkln • 800 Oh Wlllhini Atherton.' -'do Henry Welkosicter 3,-0.00 John;lllllMkorMiek ' "'do.' Cyrus Diattinser - 300 e 6 Ohrarleisil"Diriess . '4 r Henry rich9olpw." , '3o4)' John .045fici)„Ml du Henry 0 BOWZROII 200 00 James Jackson - do Dame 11(ich 300 00 Anwastaskapol„ .do Jaorahltenkenhgrier :00 00 - 3raseph Nolen - • do henry Sc chi Ist 300 00 Chirieti Of o Littchsn ' do William° Gear% - 300 00 Jam- s It ck ” do Valentine llMirich •'BOO 00 William Clark - _do Arterailic i Wilhelin 200 00 Jame+ Mir phey. - - No Washington Mira 3 , 0 00 John' Castiel ' 'do *Nolinirn id 5'703m0r 300 04 Charles William+ • S2O CIO . Henry Fasnaabt 30 00 Onerlee Williams 820.00 David McCauley 300 00 John Maga , -I . 329`00 gyre J Bane:dor .: 00 IV iii!e.h a POI/70 816 CO John 'Stoner :co 'ls' Willio n G Basfreld 315 00 Fredlt.Ka i saman aOO 0,0 otrkritayewmao _. 3.5 01) Thomas 414,4 120 0 , Wilyam•Milis ' ,-- ;4315 00 Johtc.AfGarreitt - 300 00 J trtiTaten - - 325 00 I Jer mirth Showers 300 00 Joseph P Ledgmich 325 00 Henry •fielbort,•- 300 00 lamuellopen . , --- 925 00 Iletire n FiTi.. soo C 0 . : -66 4. 1 17. 3 ttia"'n't .' 326 Cl° Hiram Kander ' 800 o ' l Ontena Ctiark , 82000' Henry Nye 30.0 o,lJohn Thompson 325 re Irose.p6 Mclonnal 300 00 ,GaLrit t. ;filet 325 00 Jocabli Schiffer 200 - 00 oearga . Smith 325 0, William Shand r- 0 Thomas White ' - 325 CO John Smith do CI urge Wit Bini 326 00 ovras Bhonesra do George Vanbuskitth 3,5 00 William II Gerhart! do 'Flumes Clark -- 8.5-00 Henry (1 Rise do 'Benjamin Header 315:00 Levi Phonly do ;John Birmingham 315';80 Reuben Suavely, do Brie ProldiSS ' 815 00 Samna! Barman do Thom tral Carton az -m) Abraham DoWnian do Henry Cohere . . 325:00 84warKp tituon .-,.. d., John Cx- .. 315 : 00 Nair L - Jr dii,.. ye, mae svitcor. . 315 „00 ,811ffrillef Bolia„ day_ Ifrhard if, y . - 315.00 Chseeslfirewf.,7 - ,d 4 .-, l iVilliam CI rrk - - -815 00 - Fred'h W Zech ri1p,,,...„ ,WilrlitlM HOWiiril 311.00 pittei'AN4lier di James Smith . ... 316.00 Gemmel Walter do'Moriler.Wllhare : 815 00 .._ William-Britelacid do Ohara Elerickyltrr 315';00 •aehn I. Arittehirtson do`'' FrenclaVl outpson 315 00 ObarlireTlim bet do iiicli,el.43lparauk 814 to .. . . Samuel McKinney -.... do firql#4... , Vizi n 21.5 00 Hirannfigun ' - - doßernhaid.Weuder ..9 600 1 age -W Mellinger do •-.• W Ilion Travieu 31.5 00 Wiliam a Eckel - ~ d 3" Itfltal '315 t 0 Amdrew 3,tuecn .- gel •- " d 0..... .„ Fr/k L. Pobinson .315 00 KinalO - 111 1 / 1 4_ . dy - golan Ilekhea - - Fib 00 limidlirienglieri.a.., - :.d'in a , Joiiired.Brein -.-- 915 00 Gyr - pilieM - linnlitor'i'. dr , ' Iwirti Brune 815 00 1 Andtpu , outfit; •-', ~.',Alo ;brain!'" vE2. English 315 00 198 00 186 00 498 00 • 2 249 00 .2 2-141 00 390 . 00 . -318 "kl) • 189 00 180 00 389 . 00 113.00. '. 24300 '' -••--n.•77 . $33 . 1 ' 3 00 :$180.770 00 IMMI - • John Rehm! d George Fridley Wood Miller dir- Joreplah do • "J'OtorMlJW.t. ••• AI P -• dp" - '• W rjOtiii: Wel • lo "Joseph-D.4117 I . Levi Derry do I 'Williose Unlit ' • ;LAE) Atter Filterrr • "'do • ,ehnrr - .do • LJohn Deter - .• ' ; Henry Arena do se. b Krone ". , WitliantEnotter - do 7finetaarTk adman ' do.. JolniG Millar -' do, do' do - do 3.1.10 El-wry . Et moue Eckert - itip.;#llltego , ilium ;• . ; do Alfred W RainoittG, %,do Edward Drets 7 ,t'' •d" non*. Q PelllaY floury Mott do Win Mottortiess do John Still do Wm McGinley do deans Erineard do vhillp A Flatter d.. Isaacgpokir d o ya m Theirna;litcr Samna, kV aulfaugit: do R NI da GeorgettWonlay tt„.4 do, Gorge Wialoaow 'l'tkentas Both • it , ntriaatlidityiar." Discounts its 141t ',% 18 Lebanon Van** ~Din h' Ib7 27 07 ekiiinon Blink $248231 94 . • .11Tolei Paid 3n licink. Lebanon TaTli4 llank•6 Votes •98 000 00 Lebanon Bank "2 Noi4 "19;000 00 live° 00 earnhog 2tect. , Chariot Arndt, Nilrib Ainville 1303 70 Samuel ficabold. ekith Aunville • ' 301 23 , - - Hear v, 8 1. ck; Bettie), 495 3 - o 3eig7erit,o4ruwBll 683 21 Henry d .Good, Un,on 670 11 - 3 Beer) 8 06,01, Cold Spring " 211 03 ' Eqinuel . Weile,lielduil:cro 915 . 00 David Wendlieg, Beet - Hanoi* . 213 32 Fredrick P. Juckron 1662 97 - dbrabotn Trox-1, IC &imam tp., 476 CO 0- B. Bauthergur, ti. s l,oh4non tp., 211 09. Pet, r ilOoriLebitnetCßor'h S.W.. 708 49 Jubub Gc^ffo, Letuitidn Beet, W. W., 720 72 r lvita 0. W. 09 tr., N. Lebanon 653 71 4 . 11,3 ;7 0 11 -11 cBlIeltri.lundondeitir 6,60 74, 9484 .11 , 1011,ofwe. ,, Millcreek 69336 . f • Bret ge Wniker, watorn, 1166 90 . • F 17,602.32 Troienrcen COMMllesiok for Boon. ' .. ties paid to the foregoing re cu. • Istol.ntemagu4l . • o , l2tliug.q.b, ,DipaauntB p'al4lo. • Bonita szosmi, 64-103 V 34 per . -Trerearet'. Colowleflon fur read , ring the inonrylrost Hoindbol. • r kc.,inclodine. they niousY front the different TorneLlpe fag extra .15,tatity„ $302,. 82 Oki per ' can7ss 24 r Treitenrer"....Commiesiane for reeviy- leg the Bounty frone;,col, -.Weevils-188 : 820,424 O(Ja.4-per - ;6144 r r , Wiz aE 247 $330,851 . 02 88,153 72 $4OB, Ot4 74 Balance bands of Treasures ME We the Andllent of Lebanon ooaut3f in the Corinnomsealitt of Penbsylvanie;ile certify the; in pnientinee et-the 47th aecticou!ot the Act entitled *an Act reletine to 0 -unties, Townships Ac ," padieed the 15th- Mil of AID: 11, A.D.. Mt, we oats tit the Coin- Weal mere' t Mit , it • ohs B-.rm 0 of Lebanon ,citiPaLtir d , 'February :11th, A. D 186 , end did A udit.snd ad jet% the "nriccaliecountsr , quilted of us by Liter ally to the Mptiararacia t r sesembly and Supplements ther4to:"Ateordlog to the . hestbl our judgmutot and ability And eetihod In the b entle•• of Datilel Ocrberich,..lirq Treiteu or of Rheum) Comity, the • anon of Slaty rith thonsind one hundred end fifty three donate end /eV unt).two cent.. The. Au..liters al,O find there it due the County In eeretandingforienty - taxes, the eruno' dy.vcrite, n Shwas and eirlinudred Sod two , dolleil and thirty two elute, . lueleding the bxorierations mat collections-to I e al lowed Consetore. The Auditors also fled - That the County fe Indetred to dlttlient individuals for Temperas y L.ane, to the • artrount ef One hundred and eighty.. z thousand seven hundred Mud toventy dollars, haat 1. hien Inaid-anient , t, dadliCt• the' out .tati d fog Taxes "Ices the axon. ratims ntltt ro/lOrtlons to be allowed collectors, %Ilia' meat • be allowed," and the balance 1 l'lbe hands ot the Irwin. urer which will leave the real debt of the County for Bounty purposes about One bundiaJ sod fiveshousand dellerriosrlrbive of the interest des on the • 11,,nde is sued In vpiraeci whereof , we Wive hereunto set our bands this Eleventh day of Ifebtaaty, A. D., 1.866: WE• -LIAM P. lIIWILLEY, Audttora . .708EPa.SHAAll.),' , ; of - Libation Lebsitoo,; /.1bru5ark.:14111%,14365d-4g . • t ' Soo. 00 do itigWa l • afflffela 04.1 ww. soo &ad kw* 77: , Satitta 315 00 Willatzt.l3. Taylor_ '315 00 !JgdWietql.Tatior. 315 00 Obaries43.Ta.llor ',lib 00 • Harr eon Torytor 215 CO JObn 11 TAilor 315 00 `4sllsl4tiuMe; 41§ - fla olin,'W.lllteon_ 315 00 en inn Willis `'• • 315 00 Walter Wer 315 00 Innat•4o.llilktt 315 00 'N.nion Loyd o - • a 5 00 Wi•llantigew : • 325 00 tolitrT.../gouke' 7 325 00 Jtbtrll adkelvon ' 125 00 WiilihAl 4Retn . • 1325 00 !John dtla , 325 00 wilitanosmith - - •. 825 00 AstAtifily3ho,o'.! , r 325 00 leharl4 - I.llshavo 3-5 00 Mark, Britoil 325 00 tley,flL.Cooper 3_5 0') daghislY.Vbriety 321 00 yV Can& 326 00 Peorgo L Dativis 225 00 Baum , ' Devitt 325 00 JAMES 3 Louts 315 09 Arnold D. Elston .' 315 00 LAJohn Binder Bl6 00 J.tnes M. Boggs' 326 e 0 d*M 0440011er 325 00 'ear 1. Convi r ads 00 otto W Lowts 318 oo 111..1 Bolts 315 00 i.tottry Perry. . 315 00 lenorlea-r.oplor 515 00 11 ishlugtOn YotOs":3ls 00 loßlet iner '3-0 00 ',rod Bnp, too._ ZOO 00 John Bcightl fll.. so, 00 Nathan I,cirdi.6r ZOO 02 ;Daniel Sbuttz t'oo 00 Ltmus ttobst 300 00 ,fitattitattitter:'" 30000 _ s_o - ,30 8:6 "94 =EI •es • N i t " 1 folk : • rid AR, •cl g , , tal . ‘ llll 0 01 1 2,161 0) E ET4FiCA',E,Ce E ES"- 14, %11111 P-; CZ an; F 7'i ' a Cllllll3l • --- tzter urj , Amenk. , •-- 7 ‘ 3 l - 134 :";:' 0 • 1 • 741 g 41P r'CAP.E0 ;7. 3 tt; 1 4 1 ii t i ° l47 4..* • ' V - • 'fri• • '4. - VIM 0 • Z l ` l g cr ; ry, •• W.: rm." W0% 42 ..n t o : Iva P - 6 4 • 4 op* "Jo . crci - ,IIAL-A.D4 • 1115 • • .. lubit 10."4 M . I;cra ., -00 .pu.niac., SALE Personal - PkEitirlir: •veac,.=- , W ILL Ito !sold at palate sale, on Tuesday, February .28, 1865,, At the residence of!the undersigned in South Lehenoar township. Lebanon 'county, 234 miles east from Übe. non, y 2 mile horwDockley's tavern, the following Stock and Farming Implements. . ' ' . - • 3 DOSSES, 1 'YOUNG MARE, 4 COWS, 4- 'Reed or Young Cattle,; 4 1133(1¢EP,. Thrashing fdaehins with noise Power, good as new, 2 Plantation Wagerus.l. brOad who Oed,*-good• • AS new ;--1 .one hobo Wagon; blow. ing.Machine, Grain DOD, excellent patent Windmill, 4 setts Horse Clears, Dig" Shovel Harrow,' Cultivator, Plough; Patent Hay Fork. with': pulleys, ("ern Sheller -patent Gay Bake, 2 harrows, splendid laud Koller. emu Plough, 31. sag Oh'aitisi Cow and Salter Chains, "I, good Jack Screw, Single and Double Trete, and many other articles too numefoita to mention. ' Sle to commence at 12 o'clock, 31„ when terms will be made known 11 • " .10SEPH F. MiTrell4l.l. Febuary 1,16**.• ; • • • PRIVATE ~ :SALE.. TuE Subscriber °fiefs at Piirate Sale a TWO STO - NYERAME DWELLING HOUSICand gm GROUND, •Geilag lot No.lin Unieesiiddition truLebanon,) located on the Old Forge inGhe North-Western part of- said borotrLit..r. For particulars-apply, to - JOBBER fr. IniLlitt:' Lebanon, Jannary 250185, - • • - • ' ' Auditor's Notitek.,. TfrE Undersigned, Auditor, appiru . plums Court of Lebanon county, to mate iatalliera 1181 ofej°e=rlionf JOHN LENTZ,chNea4late of Betheitorrnobip, Lob anon county, Pa., 'irilf'attidid ble office, fa ":Freder icksbnrs.pn4otar4pn, March.4l, .1865,„nt 1 o'clock,-Y. . Id., to attend to the duties of hie appointirouit. When and'wbeival.V persons interacted -near ,adietid ir.thay • JACOB . S.TlNAl i nlitY,. February 1,1.865:.. . . -; . .. . . ._ .. ... Recruits -Wanted 1 .:- $5Ol LOCAL BOUNTY 1 T Slition to the Government 'Douai. wit De hi At' Recruits to fill the Q uota .- of North Leingon i Township. Apply to JOSEPH LIGHT,- " ADAM. R. WWI; ~ • - - ApAISV HAIN.. Nortul..ellianoit tp.,trelirtiory 1,18135: . ~ „ - TA - E NOTICE. - B , , . , UIEdIFIRs wilt•doirell bir calling on,,r. Intaa.. Agent, as he is prepared to do all -kinds of-IN NROOFINIF,,SPOUTING and JOB WORE genera*, at tali very loiraid prices. . Re also his on hands large and good assortment of all kinds of TIN WARR, and. - ........ all of the most "Unproved Gas Ontning EOM 401, STOVES and PARLOR STOVES. Also, WEN* diEerent„and iatest_itoproved RANGES AND. - lI.EA'TERS; of all kinds."' /re eliici. heap; ern stantly on hand a large,stoOk of all kinds of Roonse., SLATE, which he Offers at less price than they , oar, be. bought of any ahem; hintimen in the county. get., WARE-ROOldS—Onelloor South of the- , "Rusk lintel," Walnut Street, Lebanon, Pa. 'L - Obanini; Iday:4, i 864: :. . -..- . ,-.- PRIVATE SALE,: Brickyard & .1601 s. iIB subscriber offers plicate sale; is 'valuable T Tract of Land in North Lebaisoti, Be:rough, near B the line or North Lebanon orough, .ow Pittway's street;containitienbotit l AORBS.'ll'hisl tract i ex cellent ground. for Briok Making, having .beans used for 014 purpose; and let's° imaged to be cut up into BUILDING LOTS. A good. kiln Aar .Imeising Brick is on the premises. For Jurtber particulars ap ply , IIANAT i - 4.32/Ma). Lebanon; Bab : 8; 1 „ BRITISH PERIODICALS - ; • THE LONDON _QUARTERLY REVIEWi _ THE RAINING:MG REVIEW (Whig.) . TUN WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radlibil THE NORTH RBITESH REVIEW Orree.Church.) taw - IILAORWOOD'S EDINBURGH' MAGAZINE (Tory]] . . The Aniorican Publishers centanie toToPrint the ateave named nerioditais;hiit as , -theienit , of—Printing has doubled, the price of pappeerr nearly trebled, and tax eo, duties, licenses, ect., largely increased, they are compelled to advance their teriaolvs fellows :, • - , . . - Te,ruits for ' 1 865.. - Per any one of the 'Reviews' ' $.l 00*rannons, For any two oriho:Reoiewo...::.: .. :.. .. : 7'oo . . 't ! • For any thrreof the Reviews 10,..00• •“ For ail Ann , ofthe ... ..... ...... 12.00' - For Blackwood's Magazine' ; 4 ra, Tor Black Wood and one Beriew..m.;” go '4O For Blackwood and any two of the Be- - • "' views 1.0 00 For Blackwood stilfialltirdifhrthe Foilllackwood and the Fouriierlows 15 00 • 0 TIM works will birrepiinted on a .great t lyimp= quality of paper, and while nearly all American ndicablare either advanced iu price or reduced is Mho —and very generally both—we shall 'dontfsae'to g faithful apples:alai; the matter contained In the osigl naled Inoue. our; present prigs* will be foamed as elm:IRS)r the amount df matter fernlahest,ie %tree of 'any of the competing. periodical's. - nits coun try. Competed With tha - cost of the original editions, which at the present premium ongold would-be sheet( $lOO n year, our prices ($l5) are exceedingly low. Add to this the fact that wernake `our aannal Ipaynients to the Britieb.rubliabers fur early sheets and copyright in Gold—sl coating na akthisi tithe • (Jan.; 1806) pearly .$2 60 in currency—and welrust that in the scale we: .. heve adopted , wushall bp . entirely instined by our sub scribers and he reading publi. • The interest optheselseriodical to Japanese residers- Is rather increased, than diusintshed4b.y the articles they ccintaln °wear. ChM War, and4betigh men"Unlihs tinged with prejudice, they may still, couoidirring their great ability and the different stand pointe frdm which!they are written, be read and *Wiled lisith ad vtint age by tbe people of this 00110414 of seta anted and party. • •.: , : . THE FOUR REVIEWS RA 4863 •• A few copies of the aboie•retuaht on tiend, be sold et $3 for the Whole four, or $2 for oleo publish the • Farniethis Guide. '• gy story Stephens, oF 'Edinburgh.' thb teteJ Y. N o rton, of Yale 2 1 vols. •M+ o 24. Octavo. 1000 pages and unmero4 *strivings. Triter! (or the tisti• - enlisstres—_by mail, 'poet pild, alker 15t , a r cs ar*kritur Ya,.. No."118' W, Feb. I,llB5:SiZt • • : ,.1 EV