The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, February 15, 1865, Image 2

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    730if.ii7ili . F4fiiii:
p wigri.lrole tmwsluiriPuli to
tin atra.To : ssas, wa Mass
U. ;1411141;Nt idit,or sal Proptistor
racpAriox, PA.
:,1i - The correspondence and pro;
n ceed lege of•tb e, rope nipc"peaee :
offeli" have been b I isbed.• I rugjeaa
tbat the PresidenVilettiattliiir !the
rebels unqualified subrnissia; gild re-'
. ..fus9Cto pater • in:td . ,tfegtft intion I;•ith'
either th e rebel government: or app
single rebel State: . TlO'Salsq,
,o 9 all the post 10qp, , ,
.0 a s ut
a d • • the "slaveks, : question:," ; .;Geri.
'emit says. ; eneviecoii, • ppitn:
. •!'oenivireatictn. with • •Idesers.• • Ent/41S,
iglikgrinter;that l thei '" r'inte~it;Ons axe
t tliOr "desiiisfnAO4kpixestoce
~pease and . tc,
,Ir.i In all the proceedingslthorolo nnt'
arityllablo short tlsa~t~°flier rebels
4 *UM only
thebUiilk,Bt rode
onOe,an th o. rpot a (:t
u titi •
; filmy
sesoned *a:desire &post ,
4•. pdnetnerit..obtbat question, and the
. 1 • adoptiod otiom'e other °nurse first!'
The matter then itAsi
7 1 rebels, d'4so4l4ikoU,TUl Uaion, and to
49 4 Mniliftth fOis Nish' 9:0 bold I a Ran , .
• bronco t 6 ascertain on ‘.lvbat terms
••.thitt sante accompliobod. • ThetPret .
"idimt rofuees all this, and lions the
It, .war must go on, until the rOhel Pub
gilt unconditionally. As a by-play;
wbilo white men are sacrificed', the
negroes' interests is alwaylir •(mind .
for, and keilt id the loyegrouo.:;-:
Wheiher we shall live,49
_ 0e..-P ; rmideni's "unqualified
.eabmissionn. ;wilt :be. , accomplished,
ime abine'will tell. I"' '
he Supreme
• ar
abolition •conookii:has
014. 1 .
, ; YiPt figtdiere. votiog o Aaw i in:tbat:
State , tieconstitettot atvaWe,.-woilee
• ittgbe loyal pies de";
• trattieS: V6Pfaechitiidiii
) . • I drf
• *rdi Thi; 0" t
310 ()cm n courts,„aho.
oloyel" have , •clecidedrthe same ,way.:
- We -respectfully iaviicoluit . opihicln:
room the. denablicors .
On - this subject ` :.`'; ."
- • -- :p
Tigt. The gourierkft b . nconing ; „irrp.“
table. its , ill-humpr.drsplarys-itselfih
a muavern neitheir
deco n' 'fifay .
we be. Itputtifi to l ieg L itiVellitint.' 7 i
Hence, ignorance does not, happe n to.
ITiIA • ..
ashillalaireght a "disonssiont'
on the same VrhitsSfple
thatOliSicier"telP4 l o l 4;
an ass Perhaps AA*, perhaps,: it is,
not. „ We might .retart by calling, him
a mushhentl or nnything --snit
would be tha:iitYlii of - his wit.. Wod
der if he could see: thspoint of, it 14
ing Buell. We do not say" , howeyer,
that ho or anYbody643lde mnshr
head . ; we only illiistrarehieto(il,'
should bo very, pirry 'reticle the
ill-nature to nee 4tny, e speh terms to
the poorest and most -Illiterate bt the, .
human race; and If that and nothing ,
else is'to 'be the "one condition" of
polities; we shbll haaenoilet Of it and
cry quits. We'pot . .the
. ‘,ltrajuS" others haie,i , still.we hat*
common sense enough. te 'bo decent,
• and hence, abstain frilm"vdtet6iilk to
~. -I ;f‘
"mush slang and petOyial itinep4oes as
ogi neighbor indulged id Ipl
. 7 - .77=7 . IL Irak
.1 4 .
lkir:Tbe :Spading. City:imitation:,
took place on.. Friday, The DANK*,
racy achieve d substantial: victoirr
by electing their 6andidatealor Veal!'
imer and a majority of.botlx.brape,hei!
the Councils. •The • Mayor.•ociia.
look through local cacaos. •••
Cctr'llta.l4egistaturd is bow in"ses.l
sintl, and has 'been , for spine
il2:iivip,g.aeirpcs to rido:in tlio Street
cart; of Philadelphia, has been thus
far the 'principal 'business under con—
sitleratioh. The_ 'hin4ndihqnt to . ,fhp
//: '
V'lrationar "-
e akolishing
0 :,:s 4v4 . 1') , " leea.,ratlft -by both
,Aphses - . The Abolitionists-all voted
~ for pit, anil overy.dentoorat against it.
The rest Of *tho'•bliisiness ifitifbacted
his' air 'hoof( of 'nuturo;
'. l 'applipabla to this county. • ,
1 Gold was quoted in Philadel
phia on Saturday evening at 204a205
oxalis Vxcronions!--The municipal
election in the city of Lancaster on
— Tuesday last 'carried by
mocram tritnivphantly notwith
-,SopAing the bogus.proxy vote. 3 which
#epubliean leaders, .under the
thiiiity of a special Act of the Leg-
Ightture; potted as the votes absent
43C4 4
dierci o : 4011. tTEDItGE SANDERSON AB
vre.elected Mayor by 269 majority, a
ga i n a f '142 over !864; and SAMUEL
Hun= is ninotecultigik Constabl e by
368 majority. The. Democrats .hare
...earried:Rinry Ward 04; one. The
Select Council stands-5 Democrats. to
4 Opposition, and the Common - Cot&
ltpemocrats to 4•l4pilitipi --
g i t".in#
c efght, pp,;joi - The Democracy
of , Laucaster city are true as steel to
their Ancient'faithrw
myv, .00: .4.8' •- ,
The dangers of Petroleum— '?No thou
sand Barrels of Coal Oa
Fifty Dwellikg Rousain
man Aeings _Roasted Alive. in ;the
A conflagration, the most terribli3
- in itereonsequantes'iif Inkt-thlit - aye
ocepyppd im, %I. , i ypince the fire of
'J tt1.1 1 ,4 1 185R,L1A •r'r. , , but yesterday
morning, about half past two o'clock
anfong a - large'tiltitatftr'of ecot . '
Nitioh•liad been iored 'ow an 'open(
•lobian(the'sottthisfile •of • Wadhington ,
i etreetvabove Ninth; 'On' theff tennis
Istest-eorner; of Ninth. awl ilYttisititigq
ton•Strects ttnirtlist a coal ' yard I*.
Itlonging to Daly% &Torun+, 40(1; to tb •-•
I west of this lagsbtk i e lot:on-Whieh to t e'
coal oil , lad.: helm 'stored; (to' the,:
amount' of twettbdusaad gotten' 'buu-'
Arad. ; barrehßilniu flames raPread"
through ,the: &enter part of Adis . oil
w ill)A ImostAhly.rupidity of3g4typot,r_f ,
ti4r. .;The property in - the immediate
neighborhood ebneists of three, 14tory. ,
brick dwelling houses, wbinh; .M.'43 00.1
l eupied by respeotiblo familidaidf limo
ited!circumstkinges, •ands fare f>wortJi •
.about two 'thousand dolltonvAilieh.c-1*
r.Ehe.', farniliewlint the meighbtorhond
.spreng fromftheirbedsvend,nwittume ,
attcm Ling to - I ninthesv
rirtlettc i • ~,. , .. n.,- . , , ,
cape from: the-.- temribteLcileitth' :it 1
threatened them—, The. streetunie j ei l y.,
• clesp ; with : einah;l,andii the , irairit)WWV
„pouring iß , torrerttsilaSuolaial:Abornry
9 igh t pit: tilt 1 i Said, iwasi miteriknikivon!
before in thin :city. -; Soatec•-.witolived
, in-the :ctosesttpro*imity: to.' the fire ,
!. were! unable,.to' escapi4;and - Pperlehed;
in the flames. , The :'blazing oil 'ran .
,from the , burping. barrel; :in sire - Mue r
down IsTir4h, street to , i.liederal, , .tanO.
fired the Irlonso on, botch sides of Ninth
straet,,rdeetro'yingtheni And•their-eda( •
tents, ,as; if they , had lbeekh of straw.-A.
.Tide flatnes i, at ;, the , caprice 1 of; the
i wind, went : up the streetwand.. dowh.
agein,:nnd•inta _Ellsworth, Wauhing:.
l ion, and I.lecieral Eltrteete.,' - Fully five
squares of houses, 'lady Afieyi , been ,
• p aced ; in a row, werer,obnfireat once,.
and the scene was one le make the
ktoutest , I llettrt quail,. Ablere:•..were
.F.Ol9l4..ceeltping from , ,,ftheir .bialzing
hemes,„wbielt contained , in: Miley .iiii•
stances o tbeir, little aki,in, Oa ;world,
,with no, , _cov i ctrin g • but'; !their ': xvight ,
clothes. : %Wore were pareritsiaeoking}ildren, , •and littiq oboe Mourn•
ing, the losa pr z :their .pal'entsipamt;
rwfcs.c... tlanr.;all - th ese A lwart-Itehdfrig
scepgs f ,there were men,..‘ womenoand,
, P14 1 : 4 1-1 4 4riciiti4Ally roastedultlialr in thvi
004 8 .: fill " "L"ln... et' i !"....::: :like) ' , int
. .trOießli 4,1X 1 'Wire andAlir -Atatailjr)s
consisting of his wife , five diMghtirlh'
.and two so_ss, , ; •opeapiedAbeftlifielling,i
gito,”11; 8 Ninth.. , atreetri thin_linitond ,
.1 0 4!leR 4 1 9 1 54bP coal YarditH(WheYan
,goit, in tp,thai street just lee titer. left
,tbsir ) Aedth id and there. ..L-41'0p ,oti tiff:
,4l‘PlP#9 l VO,otaiii4l bier:. Of .fite.o all*
fly keg mqi svg tto rq43:4; latti.AV ars.
tkad• 4or,yo4riggs .citild :a girl.of a-:
. bout four yepr e tt ;o f age, in hen -armegi
hete ,Il and Lewis C. Willialats At
at enilnw ... Lois. "qv jgona,aut.p.artzrtzts ~ ....
Conapany,.medo a
.desperate effort to,
save them. .
,Ife had hold • of the tb .
'forti4nAt,o,. woman, -.l;ut bevrwits-4dora--
•P el i e d OYAkafterAWAPßS;ol2!‘the ffiew
blast to leave ; ,bp r t i ct s for fat* a n*eeela
.silleizfexPomsiglaaltight: Ilirs.AVare.;-
ilb'sr. chilcl,gpcit a dough:tan: about. tit,
teen Og 1iV44449P..,11_ 0 4 1 / 4 113 ..cir tigewwolo
b urp e 4 J R , 0 gativ, i 0 7 ,the skrotonad 40,
Abox . ribjy a i teij i gentil tat tit eicremai ns i
can, nnly be ; idce tlfie4l by., the lipecu li t •
dir e,•1;914‘91114010ea surrounding them.
t apt.,,W,are twd bis two sons escaped;
'but.,,t,hr99;9c.thsk; sl it aghteps ,Itremise
ing. Capt.. Ware and his two sons
were all badly, ,buraed4 • 'flfer.e werie.,
4. - . '' '
ve bod im tn al l, recovered • theytivere •
inlie: i;,. toithe Secip,;l,.distriet..station-•
hbung. - . .Thrpii.of:tlie liß i elieshay.e.been
re, eegniaed akb tO9gi ng,tctitbelW are:
ymi!y,,,.,o.aballe,budy, of:a-98e s a p-•
: n9lO ftP;hP .m-r- 4 7 /Pee • , .Gi bbo nep:thke,
RT9R(retqc of sj, ; (ligyi,troolds. sorQpiiBs
[' sP44 1 14-t" ti"Atr°llP•ie' Yika.;9,-litCalso a.
hey,. noti.yet ' reeugerif.e4‘standitir man
whqseibody was (gang in•Aini.hatteet,
La sabost i .„dietanfie k tiplow Wasbit goon.
1 1 0crse,„,4.,.fraginpn•teof red - cloth re:
'ise.Rblipg Ow lie keg of qfireriutp'fis goat , .
lin a .d,_.a.. to 4,4
~,.l ie,tie.f, that the vietim,wan
a aremito . 4,
..xtte,i.eniuin.s are boliO.ved
.to be..tbnoe.,Of Samuel , 1i.101.0n satin, a
meiniscr.,of the .31oyamensing Bose
CoMPitaY,-•• • : ,•:...
A:general alarm *was struck open.
'the State House ba, arid the firemen
from all. aFts of t,,he,etty ,hurried to
the scene Of -the Renflagration. ! ,rrhe'
entire Humber of,buildingsibtireedl4
.foiy n s i even. Nearly ;
libuse from WAshington Sheet teFpdr
,eral, a distance of tyzo : .,sgeares, is
.hurned, with all their,pont*tts,,nothn
ing, but the bare walls remaining,yes
t,estiN- :rnurtilfig.,„O4ftwkw,,,v4peme
. : rtutue. presen tett on Washington, Ells-,
iireith and Fedora streets ”both a
hove and belo,w,,Nipthstrest.,.-
,The portion :of. the oil' consumed
-wao under extensive shedding; k cowry
as Blackburn & Cm's bon - dad;wtere=
house. - Tt. vas all in .bond to tim4ll2.
nited States. It was all refinect,oil,l
belonged to.RichardsoU,Hur.l
,ley, kCo., Tack BrotherstVeo.,
worth Or, Eviting, and (Ober partic6.—
'The toss ,upon lotabcifit, $70,000,
which, isfaily, insurance.
. .
Colonel' Tayl4,eiffparrelledhe'roi
lowing named genttemad - to serve "as
jarors to . Inrestigato this dwftil afrair:
Messrs. William R. Leeds, 'William
Andreas; 'Samuel Samuel
eiaorge W. Brooks, and
Charles C. Wilson:.''" The 'visited
• the-Second-district station-houseopld
Soathwark lay b in cheap"
: the eliatiect . remains Aye
. puinan
beings. lt , was,,utteily impsissible to'
identify them, sr, Wally — were they
burned: On appeared to he the body
of a' man, ono a child, and . the other
three adatt•females, robably all but.
one members of the unfortunate Ware
The following are the missing
'Annie Ware, aged 23' yeareiEmnia
T WAre aged 2d mr
i 6 Years, 00Ca, are,
„Pare • n - i4leis Ware, aged 13
• yeas,, .oOn:dirt Ware,. 'itifid44,ears, I
Albeit "ffgecl, and dlOrion
• iiirgik#get;flo oars, if ere iseboolciu
PIi I LADE:6IIIA, Fob. 9, 1895
coitoNkies `TLQLTk'BT:
'birt wetiriliticiiiia. They
thought to bo dying last eve.
ning. Four of the charred bodies- at
the Second district station were protia
hly Mrs. Wore anci,thie of hsrdaugb
le'rs. 'l l .lie,'other ,two daughters are
srobably ender some of, the ruins.-
1,13 e coroner's jurrwill meet at B.l4V
; (Friday) afternoon
at his office, Fifth, below Chestnut
street. _
T 1: e jorons hmi n gi - eit - tt pi imp& th ‘ 1
remain's 'Ol- those at thb 80160W-1166de,
~Tipli,gd th,e,rul%Agefir vitilllearn
ed thst theflames we e - first discos,-,
**edit: ,
&hid:l4,o'oi Wail ,'itadei.'s ,
i t
'shit' 'abeihtibeitte h 'thereto' ire at '
'Elfthiorl,W(tlfley'irt ifo r lsitin
'tab Aileist ...T ft 8 ril Wiße tkii4initibuni
'Beill'oroitrieiiii prl d geill; iind 11 igloorii'
• bf t idi
iiiroi sniiiiii t&Srvdd'O tile& :ill.
A•niah g till:Nil% teri•Walle tiiairi4t, At-'
torn d , litAiti. 'ars& tie gtivaalayy, )3'o .
- it, . was' et)lteg,iikitd4iieille.,el'ew the
I terrilpliktilaVdeipied6 - lii ifia.qrje 'Ai l' '
itttriik4ll. , brebal . oic:;,- 1 4lioriiit a ,th it is
I.Efi'iit!thr . 4r,.'gi , ,,, , kt. 'A i ._ . i4e.ritti ' i t'
iderthnekand mvierreeeive pe icle -
i I:l6n* the 6rialliiii'artin ' ineWereinT
• btiefiisi ot. telseilibikiihtiii i i)rebit=
, bre; tihitl h e l legarliti(holcitTia s
xell tiist
' irolisce, 4'14 ii bo I i'b t ILO •plaeLve:Vbeili
hireeiVi t anilititggeilike•hatikitii 4.1
'tetbwe'd kiffil - in ettlie,tiriclilrbfitict. q'
rsciditii oi"the e•i'ir' re wiiire illiiirerw
in. eightioi.liihrfill a tnilchtielifid yOr
' irtlitratill'eoidenlidbiteAhtf 41.4).rd61'
1 fob' bep'i/tilerty i ,leticrtlftWd'Stilkoskt
Inc (i63fri t t: ti on' of.` ItitiltitiW. lilii.•'• I g ?
hav alit' froliti' Wieeitiiiit itiihiArLiih i, l .
hihlie ritojigiVy'llestriiYed 414 !elle iii,
llbriad!Witlififfiltlifirt% . lnlti old. ih The,'
lift rttilik Oil giftiiillirli di' hilefie 'ld b'onsb .
i tioittit'aidielWiiiitiliitchitigeiiii), c it.:
teitsfiei '1006411:h ' efilietoAPlTedergil:
`,stiteet; ite'd'iiiiiii hi* leibren^ , ihilialite:
lwilllositiciift dis won' fikittiil 'dards,
'invoh , etli t fi i4lVditiviii tiskinitiVit' t4P .
riblel;%ol* litiiiilig, WilieViliik,!imittl .
tilt. IblifibP'4 l llose iltetfid" kolicie an d
, 6 ref. a Ni:ba.4ore ;Roy , slirthb''sbe n l d
'EltiyAliWt rt. initi l iMpoiklibro g ii)Ai f itkdtl,
lhd '8104114 fituracl6. :le rs'iliiihnble'
That theyrobiAinge l aiiiienidi ifiiil ef-'
faisted ih el r ;estiltribPi n"th e '4OO l ; lead
ingh , ut theinlgt'dit
htlies.thiefiltd cat:
Allit ore eoin WO Wilicleof taktfifinion o,f ~
etill'as,Turititilrelib nit a se holtitOods'
' ffeife - rally , has tie t "b6en'ileel,ll4l this
city ffinee iheonitenuirtible 6 rei ii'lBso l ,'
•ittat - e - onrmenee'd - rn : "Brobielf: itore;"
on } the hi hail bele4rViiiirelieiit w '
Tzmittscr-Alqr; 'Tiiittiitica"s3sErite.' '
-, Whil6ttlielffea of lire'TwA4it i tkiq'i,
aireifig' in kyr" iesiiiittOseldryi, ii • pun
whosevirifthad - die4lt 60 tublikiiik'wlis .
'4o thlikoltelf to' -dowry ''
ii' i.'bodio . ':fro*
the 4iollitbNi'lii% ti: 'fiwi- mintftee' the.
Itthditipliteid ftel'iniii:. • ''' '.. : ' '` •
' 4 AWkitiarn thatiliff de ad ?boa,: 'Of dii.
bid tidythitid: earrii'dititit'brsik,eral
;firetkan •froln 'a bongo t Hat , i goi) il l if ter'
' TO itTel' a n d • wak la' ta 14 , 80c.4fitigineti; -
f r-Alwril' liciilies; .17littletile.itiffniile, be-: .
Oligink , t4e 'ilies - sre'.= 7 Pliifter iiie•Daqr,
OM d'eatlewi r. l 3teriii dbiiiiiaitie Oqe
'dr - the lidi at als rtiii ' Wildit ' fro, e the'
, etabWit to , the kerning ell &KIM in.
ietihnlin'frie :width& •; 0 1'fie• otrioi-anfi
'mai perie,h6alin . the itkbl_A. 6 11 t,, . '
71 The Trailk lin 'Stearn E
..'"ngiiiii; 1i . 4:
! ilittAlOM-CANlral i tivti
see nl6 :, :Did Friiu k lin• 104 ihe•Aftwii; -
:mbritil'i gioi tied' i n *MO, o'4 titi th e'
- *titer on Aieryo sp4hd fly Jan d - to 1.11:8 1
iSffort 'May beltatti lid ted 'the liti'ving Of
it•Pitandsordo Atildirfel ''Tlicikdri'ver,
Han'eti - 11 1 . . Qrwi El? %I thli 'lf tla nit I i't, at
th ei tisk of ‘iii to fi te; bttitigtit- the body,
dfi Mrs. Mire'. froiii ;-?tbilteitrili'i-bad
I'Her re * in ai n
7rittiie 10 1 kititfli ••Mit ef t RC t 11-
'tratk I. 131-'-eto. 'W tit:Mt Man; FAT.
t and! Givin ei t earktbd 'the
livbrerdcl •the *clitiried rer
•mitinsf:Of man #nd woman':
;Jter•iies Ilatneis Teseued'a woman,
;whose';`WO eolild- - riat
IrOm!4tzhouee:tin was
t:013 itsed tiot: ki ttbotictitt!i , - - Tiind
yern s tueed' Abatti thetbedi
fronfthiairt . ' Cloth ea taking;
vimditi i n 3 / 4 3 C‘hoti Si d ore d 'Yeti a an,
ke rous ., Jva ir „:••.7 .
be itti" fr - e sou - 4dt a (girl unt tiaby`froin ii
roork,i liy.iweahs d€+etaail eririglovvera
shed% .fie stitiped frOd`thil ;hed . 'fr iLb
ttbe.girlGand nbli IT; n ' his at:ina and:
:injured' histaek: They .all finally et
Coped ihrough`d narrow alley 2 tlEttn x ,
,t3f the•firdmen, - eitizens,•ind lioife6
ficers distinguislied theiosalves in-va
rious..wnysz Just' befoke 'the liquid' .
-oil commenced ;rtishint.tfirdligif the
streets these 'men- peited , 't
:tiindows of the'tintnidntiii"-with anow
bails,• which. ? • bkenkingt the' glass,
Wakened *oov/inmate& to , 'a sense oT,
'clangeri Bbt;fOrothia ,4 ihieless of 'NW'
••unquestlotTably , , ':' have been
gieater 00
;:l at-mity betted tfiatitiferliViiiile of
th o ..prope rty.4l estrdy!e 'was' e 4
in llamas: witliiii::`Vbe - thrrty,
min utea.i ••frhti steeets Itierbg`-'llabded
ontiriticivs,(ll - isf•ikaier=
°mime s n d sewc'&tolette: beink
ieil up, the burning/Oilspeitdinevrith
grealt blierit;roihr fltelabilitckfetieh2'
ed from lAtiabl,mhortiae both aides
orthe wayandTan in burning atretima
intont,h6tellarstfr' This la what caused'
-suchaninimetiseitestraction ofhonses.
i Semelicleivmay• 11$e- flirrned of the
furious:teat When it is 'eer:reetly Sta.:
tedithatathe paving stones ` add' curb
stones in 'tke "siaeet. over' 4 , hlehr the'
fiery sea of desolation' tfkiwc'd "ware'
cracked or- calcined "eohsiderable
extent;.; ....V.fiie•Thigi.:wini=-TtCated to
redness; and a-portion-'ofitlie raild'of
the thlionl Rail way were tußsted IFOrn
their last'eninEs.` , This 4 however' 'was,
speedily repaited, and the trairel On
the Bee was n'ot' initerrepted 7in 'efin
sequence. The '1.4E11 I goes • Idii.eetly
through the- wheleiof • the burnt dis
trict. a sIW r d
A r eaterdny 'afternoon "~paLeesnen
were engtiged lli ne dow n ; the
mast' tottering 'walls, dr' thoinr most
`likely tihnn' to piiviitnie atiy
eidentsr- I Whit' m4yniipeiti'itriknge,
yet is can biY - easilYunderetned,iiinTe
were fed harrela ofle
' trbletite in : thhnereli3itbstern visit
the en closure that did - noc‘
The' kgradfk ef the yard r' a downward
from: His and thei : Wiiitd;'fiere . e
aulitviissi'enree froa - tte rsorth'.
nbrthlyeet: The firciniaii -kepi Wean
,itant Sittiply isi4 water on t heses
theilinitht - fof noirpt
gratforrhaa t padEle
, r., ,, ,-,, ....i. , . 1.1#.. ..):: 4sl-;31 to r..: 'i5 . ..!:!..::- ,- •:: 1...1...:....,..',,,i
• •
— There are severll . other places in
tbat neighborhood where. considera
ble quantities of coal oil are stored.
It is not generally: those
who Pfigo slo,r_g the street,:beeause it
is &Wait entirely hidded - froth view
by Burros/riding dwelling-houses. A
fire in such a place would in all pram
bilitthe attended with loss of life.
The'isfigin of tiro -- fire is attributed
to_the—work of deeign.- It is said that
a woman saw a fire burning under
th ilia% a 4 rti(,4 r E4fo r s Atte . oil ! ?
igritt64. — current report,
. - eortail4 •nherhossooodeonivionr
Ilk, OW Osi et, iajliti t to,,t4p, imthorities
O r hirKit 9fic-* • •
Thrapa i d i p3 . rieffrq . ,Alistgr
1 1 e.
;°.40 11,XV pf iRe
Th , the; fir itt
stat/Cill ()tithe! kind ni this COilfAry.-
his hoped that tiOhie of
7 ,iihite"biett
1 44 , 9P1Y.:40 °0 t4,
9 r We ni_9.s ll Perli ,o,hea.rdthimiNete
u"olibsl 'PobIN bly!).tedifiett.lif he
diioe•:eiklatVit.. ri ebOt)iiivaiiixie,"thi l e
WilikPxol)4•P3 l Asti. fuTPM I B.•,.
• ... I 1 it i ,
1,. .
apitiorei 1;17;7' 9 . ' : •9 '; h i . , 5 ..... ' ,
ile r i e -. "1 .- ibtrilltifillig
Oiiik tilrodipi ‘ .. ' iiitikikliii,'
;,..., . ,•..,,. : , ' . ......:t - I'. ..'
• • • • • f • 3 wirit," :•) i
cle," litillYiEeijori'Y . . 41F,P-005
14- en'ArAir.*nt' h' . • ij : '41161,411.
' Mbuiiiiiti*o* iiif ,!e l lioutti''.4oe of
eleoribilig; Vo'` • ` - ill"lo,st.' th4 l
l'ittil iiii. • 1 S it '• he t .
t .
with 1 a '4,y,it :.:,,,:- 4.ek.:e4_,.60, 1 :
along. die ''." eldon ,'. 'froad:''' Thiy
started 411•Iretio o'clo kli'tliO,'*orri2
iPg• - Bo Bcif(c.ipiip. i itroi 0
.34E; , met ,
*lei' ttilVi'!4 'et th „: , • litedvpitlissext
lithvio we ~"too . t latiibiklOiltieT
I `oliiii iii'lb" ' Sik,e: Aji;Siti."tltO Ciiii:„
Tedni:eteliiVere disco , ; rol` iti! 441;isift,..'
iirs:iiteilfWee"The . Flo'ffekki IVance .
,itali'cli6cke'cr; Waif iiirinterAltie 0;2
I gin. '''hei..:•CtiiifoiiikAigil' 11,tiiiin.1ixT
)t :
I to disliidetlio l TtideNtalia s tiq, plc - di.
l‘pisiitidrl iitit'iVere #iiiklati).With 'li
,i, .. a riiii . v , ' : kr „,,,, k143 ( 6 .:
:r e e .P t !,. 11 ,-,.. e .. .. P• . :,....:;": °,,a .
, tier - 7, .. Y °
• ;Rebroar „ ~ ,
, 1**;• i 866
'of gronoial
*tionEf i cif Warren's anil `Htimphroyl
tic .. tofir ot tisbor
Mt'adtecomniindild iiii`ror6e
in, yeiiilori:' . .. 4 , The .troops ; moved; Op
4undliy tioiiiit'lli . st iii'frt,o
tOl amn i
s g i 'lhelikiriiiihillg - iifth Jilt'dor
fediriliei hug fiefii AlM:iiiioite),
'and'iVie stated ihi *
'rei l iK•eiii; 'iiteits 4 , lif iiiiii#ClOrkear
. lk . ' fakir' h dial. - Chi Aft4cif, hlght
ibi'Fdad 1 - tr Oops " hall:46a "an ilk
tienob,ed ,liii,j - facing;ndith'lvest ru and,
ilareainiltniebili'ii i rpn t ATAla',• ari,
'i . 1411:4 Wi&r,iiiii librtliiiia liiiii' 'AIL::
*ix iiiitePioliThitjelitiifiNtiiiifi:firil,' an'
UAW ill`giiefroiri t'he Sciiitbiiidi, ft ai if,
icnid: ,
Hutu jilliqls t pifotifberii"lbanV
' - .WAlfititilecistliltb:liiiiii"; id Peters:,
Atirriiilidad. *The coiffederraleiiier " .
iii' trliil Nice '
.ii if at OtiitliiiltrO at.
Tiiii C;b3Fft'bf"itie
,riiaefitent 4v)is, I.
iifid'eltintiiillo'e - rtia l dti'liVidlifij - koiii
Pefersbiiitkiloiitli;''so 11114' !con feclef :
ilti, 9 o6lll3Teekilifiiiiftqh iiiri t C"l6 el?,
'lniiii . Sheilinkiii ' ' ''' 4 • ' '
GU lantfiti mor6,pg' i all seemed
fitiorabl#ol4,ttlfini)iny . ; during 'tliii
• •ii ikhii had' lytidglit 'llr'pylik:44 r`eifil9ree •
in en ta:g.nd in libel Torenton• 'this die=
i posed them for the
.a.ltswls, : , 1 They
"fitistAiiiit ' aft "their l'it4coN,, itigaina
War ii.n'ii.ilrrie. • Alt k coked , 111; ?lion
'A iill ifi a . n k ). it ' WWI f i 4 : l TCE j d f i c is Kir.° . Way
indiietrg4e,i'iti c a soiliesylat: - bi - 4efi
'6.4ofitifajli' nail:* tiro . ratites.'"/ ''' / gliia re
.j.reai • Vifiosed a krtiOn iffsfgs ;4 t h
dorroa !ilia' .I•Viii 41 , 33414 'ffifeli.eri!
itsn'''ilyteiiiiiirce fl u II: T IF F 1 / 4 . it-h ey ' .
eleredrigii in • confasuita across - '.the
'rbif:'• illitihi)h.o7 tb'ekt i .et'reated'•th's,;
'6:Wei:leis/tee attacking hint' as' be
VatTalBd, Vitt 'Oink' vefrY• little Sitrij),
,10ii" liftpnlay riigi i i tfiliti V2.4oal n iiiop o s
were • iill lin the entsi'litae" o f liatiiher is
run. ,Iliac t wo - flays figheing 'they'
bad liiiiiicar 'l2OO, ineri. 'Albe Con;
federate), 'Ver. fele i!tiot;ni:foj•Olitit' 'the...
iijvcaii td lid 43' 'offititch er',i' to n. The
'movement waS.& tannic . ; no"irOnnit
waii•gObioil; . ind the ideieliz iii Mita'
'hiiiobeert, libilvv. ' Thfili 'die fifth'
tiixiii . ..Ge'verpladisuil !..flkii' u l licalui
-folly Vilioitted" . ll' '46-i,eligi I,":i i i.
triirdti th e BOniiii el rtiiii.did.' • ' •
' Vligitirbt'near - atekeee 'ThAii'ivai4 1
-ii - d* off4j,3 adgt, 'Vere'thij'iliaa"Yak:
Ai' ifitee' in Gib a T iiir ro;s0n1) / tiine.,',
'said.' takihg lea, con'sideritiOn tit ii'.
.unfavoKable Ow ctqp, tbit - Zoiratry.
I ) II / Oh - kW:If hi6'g" lie cttf,ht;,ol . : hid LQ:
0 +41 7 ) m ap Eta j ii , 'fdreo I pppiititni .
iiidir l adfiinie, 4 , , eivtraw - that.
l illieereq.4yodifre'd' ' tkinpolliF' ad;
i'silit'. ' W O ii:li ~1; ri? '. )." ••i;,l • '
2e.• •
' k: ) l . 11711 . 111 .1 i ' •
1 14
1 .The soli` Bern auk of Lhe
etal nrny en font eterst,urg.was
extended heial
'' b4,the:re
cent movement,., Geilbt l al' u QT'on't is,
building a forii3idAhl6lilie
~ft*ii iolit; of
Hatcher's run, send ten soilti
distance along tfi'grunS', hgservorks
are seven niihisfretin !the' o'itthaide,
p buabeief`kelera
troop p arobeon acid , the "'tq
hold tliem: 'Same .last r i, l ureaclay,the
Contedeatea' tniklP
th'e- len'A-fh of '''the'Tearal, Jinn , TAM"
Hatclher'srun along thb
'and up the Jariics to Fbit
its .
Gen. Gi:ant; ha'a an "
arm} of notociuti
nitiety:theneadirninn topn'ileten
. :
kir ,gorney l 'i!yrashington„Cga-9s2a/a
has„the following, fling at: Mr.
.enln and. .ord palmerston
Whey ~.the' ,Pretilar, of,%England
and 'the "President:,,of United will ,14-9`;halii tual yto At 4..
if perlonal, dignity and eanve
ni_eme And iineceski, were of n 9 .nignae
queneeln comparison,withthn Ayes.,
eryatieli,:of the law and rt4e,ina/nle-,
milLeni,Rm will
elt)Anitit hand.
MLA .pr 9
" t; mlike : OAO irkth, •
-;4IT - 4 4 tolsr 70“
I 1,
'' , l;ttiff
Receipts and Expenditures
OF LEBANON COUNTY for the year
114 q, Treasurer :of !Lebanon County, in account with
laid county Jo= the Portrth day. of January, A. D
1864 the second day of Jumary, A. D , 1611., both
daya . lnclipdvo.
To, %papas amount of. Tax levied In the different
Boroti6e, Wardle and towniblpa of. Lebanon County,
laeludlne, Mote, Eipeclal and. County taxes for the
year, A D. 1884, • n :
North Annvllle
South AnnTIII•
Cold Elcding
..diettelberg -;
4:gt .!4
North Lebanon Townithlr
'" '
Lubauon Borough, (K." 7.) 1111 , 3 81
L ,lbauoo Borough, (WNW. .) xIS
titrnoW?rP44l, (NottN • n i
1 9
r T 3'3 O . : -4 keOD ;:
8787 0:i
" 2476 6/
,t6Valligllati-d's G s-s- " } , •4: (
A. •r , , !.! '11 • * " ° 21123 0 9 '
To aggregate amount of Nati Ikea
ass sasearedLby • Mercantile Ap• • ~,•;... .
pollatrti - and . sold ter the pow, •
- 1864, , Joltudi ot RIP additional
IN"D" . . g ri kM 44 .' . ,•• "
pins of tee rear -. ' .. • -; 44018
To! toe* retcplved from Owannlttes „ ; • . ;
of •• Aoroogomeo[ for , r . ootiition .
laa 441132414' • • • II • 1 40 00
• t., ;: t . ! .
1: Slab ifd. -• , ;
, mob reoaiied 4 S./Comb f kr r
itiq,..24-Poio,Ao.l - :: • .
Usury reigrist, W 005.,,...: , 00.
•; Willian] 'Boger Note ' - 1•164'011
; Simon [Mita, Seely .;i ••,• _ :•
Town Connell for ot 6iit • •
2iiteri s ' • A t 'llt DO •
1)4;1: :deli.; „, , ,234 8
ilospidiootelood Ikons, Xti •
At strays mold
Woosob rAcelvsd from Cyrpi.B4erk 1;•!
e . lot Umom go . 4neetted lands , ; •
•' • .
aglyrogaldi! *mount of: 11111445,,,:%. •
e• ren,:ved - for the year, 'A.D. '' • , t .
• . , *r, : • •;)! • ' , VA), lb
gisWriiiieived front stndry , pes.' • dn . ••
temporary loan , ,
. . , • Nsecess Topa. ;
'Jeremiah& Oainbel tor • ' - '18W) 7( 1 ,16
dole H. Dllller fpr . 4,10
Wild Light. Meek "12.52' 7 22 '
,Cborlee Arndt • • 7 , `oft eat) .
D.W,,lirkh • ,; „. t;
BeiW i nrinerseals, " d • ' 22 1. 21 i. • '
telorflofidaYonWiltd. . • ,do ' •
Josephsl. Worst do 48-89 • ,
. John £l. Roof; (II: ; • .14144' ~„; :
Eli o bil E llne i,1 4 , ,d :: 1L 67
:debit ,Nor y V.) I ill it do', I ...ISO 24 . •
poolol , , do .• ,4 8 4
/G eorg , • ~, d o • •.r :A.-3
'John doAt .A' a C i t • • r.
Ilenry P. 1864 14 68
fldSpani Stroh& ci:01 0(h) I do 4srl4• •!
.. j al ta a 7
'ng a'.
teigraber,..- tr)11, .I1 •'
North I,shanou Boronigh fbr . tpe, , , . •
- seiodliffit ,; • - k • • 410 77,
Joho ;?loons: .of Cold . :
ring for the - year 1811 5
:Ja Sp n. Strol4 Obliettor!of,firintg ifft
t•n 6 sl'.:
. Arrovikleifor 1801, I ,• :o
'John If Mrlte - eollkel 'of Lebal '
' lonillorongtr,A44:2l , 4 tort 1,862 734-08 . '
/Dasitsl Laski,"lder't, collector of • •
' 11 riethVabantiiiklinf64k uni• ! via • to' '• •
•frt.:, ( o f ••• 1 • ; 976 62
'Ohirles c . .ofliertor or • TOsib • •
eduvtllb foii issa >,::'tl 1 fit 1274
• DsTil„o Gingrich, collsetot of • • . •
&kith A tinville tar 1883• 766 63
:David W. , Urfch,collectortit Bethel , !.'
-t! • .
for 1863 • , 635,66 ~, 7 " 1 "
Adam Hank, • solls.AOS l of • '
Bp4 s irs . :lag 601'Daniel Z mooermsn, coileseer of
;NUM iiiiilovor," for 1865 • ! 1691 69' • "
,George ~Lereogoo ', collector, of , • •
Tacker) • for 1863 1629 87
JtatenbAl'.llorst, collector ef swab' .- -
Lebanon Township for 1883 1368 86
JOtio , 8. RODO; 'collector of North '
••• Letaiton,Telsualdp hit 1883 -657 71
John ; Relay, oidlector •of North .
PLObtinon'Boroligh ( ot 1863 • ".• <<• . • 860 08
Peter Moue& collet,toroff, lAbanots, („ ,
bed:init. F. 'W.)1•01- is63' ' • 'lOO JR
&most nortosoo; ocrlectire •
Lebanon Borotnik (W. 114) • t.
11,63 . f •-• ~f '.'lice '
John party. collectif of,Lt.o4st . •
deriy for 1863 . . air, lb
•Dsniol Ilr-Itir,.•c•iloct4tko4imukttfi !),:.!" •
CTCOL for 1863, Li 1 1 . r i.gvf(s No,
• George Lonseroxilaidslkill, '
...:0br ,1 262i•• 1 J tT• , Asars 29 • •
Eakaßti,e II Week. ooll , •4606' . lot 44.
; I lelbere ei• 1888 r• ' • 50r4 . 41
•1•:$1:4:p s: If) ?iiii • , • • ••r-r:701111). 88
*,(l Pnitltt '/Vri 11.
By cash look! Ftatt , Trefisucer as
per his receipt ineladingt Tieas
Arer's 001140.510 n • j -
-ITo se.
By cash paid Dkilid Bi19:1:11h0;
Irreagutsr,pn 4 t,rdri,ll,_.• F 190 9, 03
By cash paid . Joesph_ ,
Trealaret 010 Oidaia- 1,.. 0,200,00
$l2 l OOO 00
•• • • t .dtressm . " 1
e/its:awl ••.4P(41 . 1 .
By cash; paid diffsrsot . , Lissosytrs •
, for roakiag yearly sesesernetits , • .
delivering appear tinitiees,tiie . ivl'. ",••••-", • . .•
• lug , fl4.tricts t itbalud ing lennial " '
assesstneili t .te:;on E 9 , tilers , • •
seed by!theffloolmiss/ooers' , . . ' ; 1(.842 12
, • •
By, cash paid Dpot. t Spas 1 1, raw
,Arterty,olioidge: : :
By cash paid David Etoever, for ra•
- • idnrs liridge.•!A"...rl..!' •
. .
By csah paid Daub & duariglar. for .
repairs , K off'( 6, • — 25 22
i •Runker HBit /intim ' •• • •
By cash paid Tbemaa Usher,
. for repair. ;;'25
Stealara Cap !fridge.
By auk paid Thomas Luther, ,E. stv,•
for repairs •
By cash paid . Mar In )lease• .•
71E1' .
t;.; • • t .! f
Chinn irargi Bu dge:
By cash p id Walter & Bart*, on 3
.7onestosois Bridge,' '
By dab paid Thomas Laster, Esq., .
fcr !again
,11"..eaushpald Beim &/L,lght, ~., • ,
extVi 'erelong at Mild Badge sc.
eordlujg to , an(Aet of Amemblr COO 03
BRID'YEd ACROSS TlLTlV'slipcxxx ,calteK.
" • • • Bfflin Bat boy Bef ge.
By eaah*peild Beinoetda di &lefty,
for lumber ,
Condi and Tuipaiocken Bridge.
By cash paid Joseph Philip. for repairs liB 84
Bridges in General.
By vash paid sundry persona for • , -
repairs gathering old Umber.
• ' drafts and Nettling on 7 orders '
allssued by CoMmlinlonera
&rimers' ingteesit.
By (mob 'Paid Edwaid J &schen
, ;striae, Erg. b onii Inquest
BFeask paid A 8 Ely, Elq.,onelii;
itqueat .11` ...I:v.' •
PoiiPW4,IhBOMEELt!O , • L • • '
queet im
• t ; ' t 5."3 54
rest mortres • Raanninr"Mop.„.
By CashpSid 51
, l°°°- , .. ,
• •
, • ...Thrt'Sca44,3;
Ity nosh ipailißundryirrons,for • • : t •
it: .!!!' - '•1;> T.nriligagri; Z , ,
ily cash paid Henry, Berta) cak, 104 00 . •
By slash paid "William" 41 -11reellithi ' 1 187;25 J.!' -•
; B
~epab paid Worth a, Behecoi, , ,40442 f ;
.0y cash & co 'l2B 18
, caeli'tpaidJ H Bolters; ' ;. ;•t;;80.60 •• :
0 tionert,Tostese, Dockets, . ""
By ' , sit paid sundry persons for
stationery, triennialltssesameht
dickets. postage - •
Arc, on 8. oi dern leased -t Oommiaelopera ‘he . 7 rt- ' '.• • ' •2
_ 64 4;61
: pipe t ,
ily,acrwhpod D Barman ; P 1•43,, 08 • ,
Dp.costrimid usaii'tefgfesc,'Esq . .i 00
4 0"itlaisiftetirs ) „4cat: - I ,
:Iffeash‘rfaldliiiith' Bucher ' •
By cash paid Thema, • ember -1;„
By melt paid Peter Berney • 142 60 . '„;
'Ssuistab paid'Sacoki Br "bather; t • .'• ;142160 •
By cash paid Simon Bolts - 750 , „
By cash paid 0P MI net ,Bsq, , 178 GO, • - -
By cash piiid4.7ol)siftinger,77lq4 ;- . . ; •!.1t, J 711-
. for services lindered,and expe,
• ''''' incntrail ifft giiingz
~:,legion, Philadelphia ic. - • .100 ,-441 _
By9"sli tkiiite _
800 - 00 ;
•By catirpakVBamaelltits, Messenger 120 . 00l ;'l l
• • , SO
• ty
cina- Eta ,
ria OM" !Adittirls;
07444 b pis44sloubtryAnditprsjor, ;.•17,r. , ; • !
aNastink ; t he several ,pablie 7 ave
(' ovountiginebitulig cle rk and litatit -• ' '
auditousopointed, Cblirt
to than6iti;olßlea
the year 1884
• • -, • 7 AlPif,• rdfsl9-7471. .. •
qiyintstepildlitinr*BOarnatine '
, . ,21ix44 rrfundll4. Bx
crib paid Thomas lasher,Neq„, 81
By seal" pairJoiept; koirniiin; LC! , • 2 41 :1 ';
' - ' .iiisteri4l'esi&essl2o4l: r.
eadcpstalthatrite 13tatel - Pani:
tiaryr .fer support of , Cowries*
l'or the leer 18ftoin tut'
' Litfimbiralo ll 4ft4lebat i
By cash, paid sundry persons tbr
and Interest 'paid fr hit '•
,; chiding, ; diets-Rats. Bank ,.
Stamps; &b. on BO' Utedaka hided
'tsby eanntishohers g - .' s 15;438'07
• • .*
1 . tsonductizighp47" ti"l-.71;•-
Constahlas for notifying *fifteens
• 11,_,,„
71 / 040 b PoIM , Ittnaltß • rtions - for .
rpidistatift hartut Ms") '
9t' .t
November Elections 1854 60
By cash pßld for mating Toll Matti
for said 1. !notions 398 03
Ono' Expenses
By esab paid Jonathan Baader for
:-Blardiog (kr ,
My cash paid Pater L Blotch for
Boarding 689 92
My cash paid David Matthews 129 00
By cult paid Travers+ Juror 070 27
By cash paid Grand Jurors US 67
By mob paid Tipatarne 91 00
Sty rash paid Court Dryer ..- -
By cast. paid gumnioning Jurors
By cash paid Constables for rusk-
5021 58
5943 80
• 5240 t
174 21
8775 36
6870 77
4707 20
9028 98
5400 03
lug returns - -- -- - - 63 14
By cash paid 3D A Garman, coats 442 -7
By cash paid A 8 7 , ii.,,,,, , 61 1$ •
By cash OalifJ J ilti IF, Bey,. ' t i ; A 32 ...
By coydryrilir Heat Shirk •, 1 '49 36 '
By caah pild Gorge W Bbay 17 16
13Y Leap guar
Ay email roild.4enry floiveet t Ecq,4 - - Kitickl7
2 ' '- 1 i ''' --' illurtli - t
, i f••-•t• 33158 16
ode .7.'dp.adittilies.
By cash paid O. 8. arrgo for gas 390
By coati paid Peter lialiiip for do ~ ,6.1 00
8Y.411)31Paieti02:2 0 694 6 : rot tor• - .. 't - ..
chslidise 14,16 ....
,; ii,,'VsTsk paid-Bally & Iltickelil ' , .... r .
' fitquertli . ao.lW' ,„ • -••• ‘••• ; B_lo. `.';
!Womb p%loclr.' 8. gobeyaor iiiir , l ' •''' •i"=
By cosh p•l3.oeoryi nom foe awry' -- I -•, • • vitt .
abake e t „, 8 81
Zyrt,talf 'pa *IS Otiberich itlr" o k
205 te• •
' pfilick • Pald Towa POoccil tot - . 30 .• ' • - •
pars at; Pal. illation . . 1
*K. ..1
'lty 4611 payl 11,rok A 'Ora! tior i *
~... , ...• 4 .. , •
' .Pilis '.
. ••••• l' Si Ail:
11 7 ( iidg:* 1 4, 1 4. 6 0t,...* 0 1 ,401311 . , ‘ 1 . ...., .• .
clos ... )4kCsit,pump '.
~ . . ' :10 g, ,
* :cub' paid Aeoir! Hedy 09jr ;.. ._,_. ...
' 1080181 . g • lock .- . ..• • i ' 4 llO mt . .
:ipy eimai patt 1t.,14.*:Y447Fit. e. „.„ ~.....,; .
pillxtards '' : _ ._ , .;„„471 01?...... • '
By c .sti'yald: Uhlon ' 71re 0o::*•lr, 1 ., . ~,
.' Imitator ÜbasioooClatylitogicre,
and keeping tine 10oe in .repal '2, 4 1 .
. .0, 00
"BY 'oak paid - sundry persons . ter, .
_, „
49xiii 144110 g lisallag,Ac.. • . 27.1ir -
. 7 — r 482.93
:TrioEafthaeiirei. • ''' ' • ' '
By 011ial paid C. F. tioorge for gals ' - 6 00
800 lir
4 14c o r a tta ti tor r OT
t i l
• il trodise Ofl
16 00
293 211
By cash paid Henry & Btiao9 for
• marcliandisa... ...e Vi
I By aid( toiaa:Hren - ryaatithlbraPit:l3l - *
ft' paid fixialiii• t Blos - for 4, QED
.."*Brettatiabli .... -.....t., VI .Ik.SIV pedia '*. Harnjiy - rdfl ! '
By cash patillifismilleiVes: Kir •.; - " 2;.
coal 2 ,14 1 i
.14 astA,l44d :Siam) Xisich ,Pc ' • ' 1 1'... , •
At m - • • Ai -- ~, .• • • 3 .7 6 ,
iii 11 ° 6144 Aosepti' li4lorl!iimi ) :fo! . . • . 1 4 -‘.
- des' •
..:6114111:psii 'DINH Eller* !44 . ' o'lo'
"iiiiifitill. ike.' .. ' • ' 2 1 ,1 4.. ..;
l ~..
Aky.lquraama. oi
e*- rild AamToniii Jar Aim:,
." •
fl )31110
- • ' ' '.. -
5 6 t 5 '
liksetikald' iitridry pliri:drke . -!:' '
..iiipafra 'labor, hulling . - - ":'
•• it 1d.. , ,. I
~-.,..i IF'
Mit 28 - 111
Atui.Buritheiser- 11 50
Bridget Briggs 40 92
Ithehliel.Baylets 59 25
Sarah Bark 10 50)
%alike Bechtold 36_8_01
t Elizabeth Brough .
~.,... and so flier' 'IS I
'filitiitta- Bandar 3' I-
Naria Bretz 39, 95IMaria Freyling-
Lydia.Borduer. 33;30 . Av 10 I -
Larkt''a'' l liil-t''''' - -33'80 iDiry USib-33 80.
rilthrSoPt Behny 33 80 Catharine 140 49 35;
A'dNllEßeamersder- ' ifili a Ilali',, -,,
Or ...
_•--, " 54 601 1 • ett4'Mothat.
~,,-:•,;22 55
Tatharinevß lekle 00.00' Vail Herring
~ ;8 86,,, ,
Mary Burkliaiser l 4 30 Relitteia 'Tltletaof /17, 85
Elizabeth Beck 62°:.9 0 M argaret Mark 10 60
, Elizabeth 'Boltz 33 20. d art Moyer ~ 26 25
`Lydia Vilimart: .65 00 Maria Malley' .21 10
Latharini Boyer 57-4 Catharine' Miller 33 80
Sue Burkholder 4420 lienrietta Sarge 37 50
'Elig'ili Badd6rf 68 1
24 CaGtailhe Stoner' 15 00
rina Boyer 10.10 Ciir.".V. Stolid ' 49 35
111 - argaret .11,poder 15 50 Lydia Solders,' ; .t 33 80
.P.atert,Wearer ... 17.;85 SarabrShardle...•.: .30
Harriet Cook - '48140 Ann 'Spangler- '6 . .5 00 ,
Catharine "Curry • 20 56 'Arillill aft ' Tay ler' ' - '4: 20
Tinsels Car.tisos - AA 26, C. Therweehter ;48 40
'Sarah Ca
' •6 20 Mary . Weizol, 82 56
Mary.Corl- .-. 26100 JOP • Ai:„ Walker 23 60
. EligabethCrall 10 50 Catharine' alter 17 85-
' Eliza -Dobbs ' 10 50. Mary Xander 800 '
'Harriet Dailies 22 05 M. Zimmerman `;
mtpiiiDjsainger 71' 05 - and Mother 72 25
Beni . Duntuoyer .!5:26 Catharine Kreiger 33 80.
Celisia Dissinger 28 601 Eligaheth Behny 44 70
-- Elkaboth -- Ely ' .44 . 2,0 Ejizahoth - .Kona 62 80
Mary 4.. Aeott, 22r05 EllgatiettitVertr 38. 90,
11t Rob ich,,,s,_ 26" 601E4hei_Mgara_ „
tiryjris - Ver 4a i a R. /tow sr/6n-, 75 Ail
Mary:. -
Ann I FO.*; -44 20.Bartihre Behityt 19 50.
•-• Eliza Peed, , ' 22 051Sith 1u E Drewa , -'26 25
Irrth Pernsler t 44 2 Eliktli t Hoffmliti 5466 ,
Lydia Fornwalt 46 35 Barbara Kohl. -!•54 60
M a ry, Ann Fisher . 37,-50 Maria Witmer , 33.90
t'lich'ine Fasnaoliel3 05 C. Dearneeliter 41 78'
SaragFoclit' ' ,'' 17 85 ' Rebecca 'Ault . :,
23 40
. . I .3qlii'FAillir;g : 31';50 3.1 t 20
ria•Heta "-
• .;60
Elizabeth Fisher 13 65 Catharine Bete .v 28 60
:Martet Farnwalg , 29 20 Polly. Bight:lli -; . ;26 00,
;.Cliene Oundeckerl2 .30 Carolipec r ilbsight '58 . 75
Caine Garrett x . . . 22 -
,05 Marla•GalbaCh" ~o 23 60
Sue Grumhine :92 50 Eliza, McGinley . ; : ,13 65-,
Mary G;inder ‘.....37 65 Susanna Showeral7 85',
Rebecca Garrett 18 70 Marys Still
.26 00
'Sarah G leiter , , -22 05 Elieth i Eriankakii 30 , 00i
ItAlsinna,,Grartiii,ti 65 70 CarilliPts Ebelli' 28 60. 1
Mary A;zlless , '.•,..-.32 ,1 5, Isabella Saimaa; 28 40
:Harriet 'Hummel. 85; 00 Vercinietterobias - 44 30
'Sa Ilia 'Hamilton - 54 80 .Challotre Elrigh"22 05
' - 'Ester'llocliniih' - 33 so 11:13be'ces 1r4,1iii!!22 'O5 '
. ~Ann,../torstr -, _ 26 ‘. 00 Sarah,,Yjeingst o l: 22 : 05
Cainiliena liall'if " 36 55 Sugahlowalrh, :•44 20
.Eligalfeth. 11ipp..',28 60 Lydia Charleston 22 :IC
• Mar'et Hoffman 44 20 Elierif4h,Goinbol 22 10.;
Maet Henning 00 00 PAY Itend"YL.' 65 00
tuaissiMerri,,ag 3 v. -. Eligg'eth•Showers 44 20
1, itn,0119,11/W": 63555 Rebecca 1,51a11:: 44 20
Julia Karmarty 26 00 Mary , Brewer 37 70 -
Eligabeth Kramer 75 40Sarah 5aabi1ik,....1.3 65
Mary D. -Kayjor 50 80iChristra Weller' iv 00
Angeline' Kepley 53_15 Mary TeniPihr 73
Margaret King ~23 40 Catharine Seiler 56 97
Emalitie Kramer 18 20 Mary A. Yeungsill9 10
Marie- Knisse"- 7 20 ,10 Barbara Baney.‘•!•2B 40,
~,Susanna Kreider,'"l3 50 Elmira Iltkney,,,.• 18 20
Sophia.:Knoke .. 4 40" Sarah Black. • ~i 1 83 .80
Susan ' , Kline - ,58 110 Sophia Brehtut i t 26 00 •
liftede- Katianian, 30 45 Elizabeth Iletblier2B 60
Sarah I..amberton 33 80 MA Dearly:getter 39 001
Catharine Lea_ - - 11 : 00 Sarah DOnberger.22 90
/Mary Lewis . 21 25 Eliza'th Embiebl , 23 40.
Catharine Light 33'65 - Kate Friddin = 13 '28 *0
Lueetta Light ' ' 14 30 Sophia Franhikl '22 '4O
;Elizabeth AXl;i4r. :18
' 'oo Mary Ilarrieg,. . 23 40
Briery. M'Connel 22 05 Sarah.- Girioff x::39 0,0,1
i - Sarah E. Mills 53 75 Elia Beffelfinger 38 50
Caroline Michael-36 55 Rebecca :Mirk . 'lB 20
Elmira MoYer''34 'B5 Matilda` Kreltzei 28' 60
4E016, MeNigb4 17 K
85 Rebere,atia*rizi23 4q,'
'Eliiabetti, mine 54. 60 RebeetliKehner,..v33 80
Joharrte mocaully Jr 60 Mary Kantatosti-19 00
Marta tme 9 firvey 23410 So rat:CLUß:se 27 96'
.; s Eliittlifelli/ger 22 05 Cassi Lerengeod ;1.8 20
Bet McLaughlin 13 00 Saran Lein itiger - 18 20
Distort Mier 23'.8Q LoXidiehrolerl 33 80"
25 f
Eliza Millar ' - .7 ; 10.% shliallgWer 33 80'
Prela McGinley II
. 00 Mary Miller IS 20
Martha . Match- 26 0 0 Matilda Miller 28 60
Willis:in Mill'ef.s'l 26 SitliihtMllll4 33 80,
Susan Myers " ; 23 411 Sarah C,Miller -.., 23 40
Sarah McKinney 27 50 Kate Miller ' , i311 80
Cieneoifoltinuey 26, oq Ann -Newt/ter' i I 18 .0r
Leretill-Alitahlir 44 , 20 Mari Peiffer -. ,28 60
',Somata Mille/A . 33":50 Hannahßeinhard23- 43 ,
-Caetia•Minnara, 75 40 Sarah:Riese"' - 'IS 00'
"Liii?da'sliiiiiiias ' B'4o 0 Rarfenenyffer 33 00`'•
-AnOta; McGowan 26, 83 Elizabeth Ilaholtio' 40
Mary _Oxen Card .36 00 elawib - Sorierwin9l3 80
;Catharine Moyer 21 73 MaryShaeffer- ':-18 20
`Susanna -Nye- • : 23 1 40 Logillia Tiee' , , , ,' , • '2B 60
Sarah(plliial ' f 411'35 Xlialibeth - ,Etiioei33, 80
2 - iiiie - ic - g4l4iy. ~ 45, 0- g aria wjuilp r ;
,:. jlB 60
: . .
04 31 aveoib .
..Marian i
pp ei p fo reffi t ti.
if r t i. .. :
14 3 488 3 1 _
77.6400 6', : i tR r S arah a:ue eiratiat
40 1 ir tAt ,
ii, i t z,m e n o:, e o
I r u . ilm s
er . r
t, -
:1 1 22 1 ;
420 6 0.0 0
Lydia Y-d P a rk er ''' 23 40 Sarah ,lyzozz§z„, - , .;0,•, 40 A
Sarah.;Peter, .23
.40 •Siji.liti', ziglir. - ' 18 20
Earithigitiehley 39 47 Eliza ZimmermanlB 20
Polly Itomieh 840 StfeintiNchay -• it .22 05
hiat,Yßogenherger 13.6.5 MaritsCarier•' 'l3 00
-:11. R3l, l ltegbargar 26 "26 Han att Bea tity,-,ti ji 785
=GatChili lAnrila t , 2tty. • iz 1 z gs i 000
- kin reiseithitt 64 601 any line 44 50
4Veronientiteigel 18 20 Oath K - 50
tSniatuttratreh 30 ; 45 L C Abets
~,tj 05
,Catil s ne "'Strohm 17-011 Mary Mt`i-fielt ''' 00
5 .1"11.114, - Eiilitti- 0 - 00 51ary.56T163142. 7 a 5O
*l kon
lisabeth Shay ' 231'36 :Amami; Irtionter 25-50
Leah Slum ~, 51.25 torlila Weenier
.24 50
Maria Shilling 54 60 Catharine Zigler. 1 ft, 00
Sayab - ,Shaffer . . -„, . ' Hannah Sjegriat ! :;ift qo
aands/Other, .' 22 ,
35 Sarah..Derg., , i - Alt 20
;Ann Shire -• ~ 63;00 Sarith;l4o/34 1 a 4 ., 43 40
'Sarah A. Shuey . 44 20 Caroline Eyrie' 32'20
obilio n , ; , - -g m 'i t h 14 30 Miliiidirr Bin*, 44 - 10
o # 3 etth-Seigriat 39 PO. ffehr l pt:ta ;Fisher 21.48
3i3rltell,i4°r•' 28. 60 ir X; 4 ..P1 3 06 1 1i . 36.18
L. 311,111 1, Spangler .22 4 Sarah Seashells '44 70
Elisabeth Steif 44 20 Sara Ziminerman 27'66,
Mary Sweitgielt 25 30 mosyt Weitz. , • 'l9 ,20
'Xiite Sefills
,- '
,40 '6O Malindallarleff'.44,7o
Cath'ne $1004,; 41'73 CaitillutirainuinglEr.ol.
Ann E. Taylor' - 66. 00 Rachel Anhapiith 4210 -
MarytTlee ...iv.. ;•• 43 . 05 Elina Baddorf ,- • 32 26-
".1 31 pktitt`Thoihatt 26 00 Susanne Washer' - 43'15
Precilla„Drliorn 43,65 Sciplibt'Pldsr .:, 30'11
EligitethEhltit . .,22'.os John. S Biltriai r ; ",.27;•66
Mar l pfErichi ~ .,;',..-.54 10 Arabella .Lizgan :16 16
• -. 90110116 Ss
;~( ~: •qtr j~
01,500 00•
‘ ,3 90
lb 91
186 .00
32 Ile
. ea so
8 60
PS 0
BfB 81
480 01
Rebecca Urich 33 80 Sarah .A Batton' 28 60
David Urich-• • 840 Ann ilookhter 945
Maria Ve Hanford 44 lb Amelia Boyer 7 65
Mary E. Weaber 75 40 IChristianna Smithl4 30
Elieth Weaber 28 00 Hannah Weaver 660
Mary C. Wheat 38 85 William H. Rank 10 40
Mary Williams 10 50
Catharine Witmer 10 50
Maiy Walbon' 24 85
By °silt paid Jacob Bucher $4 20
" ~- Thomas Lusher 42 00
so ‘. Peter Forney 85 78
a a Jacob Brnbacher 33 80
" " Cyrus Shirk, clerk 80 00
11592 69
-.:,. .. , -- $ 14550
80112,174A1D TO -ON.It HUNDRED DAY
• , ::.) .it:te , ' - - , MBN.
FranklhVlOyie .- b 0 00 Henry W. Rivers 50 00
Sanintarrso4H ; '."". 50 60 C. Refatenbatt 50 00
Martin Vid . iiingbi.s6 . oo Israel MeConnei 51) 00
Peter Obeilir p 4) : . ,150 : 001W. S.IA. Schnee 50 00
Hugh Ga Haebett,6o 00. 1 Willianr D.: Loser 50 00
Penrose Dario , ' 1, 50' 00 Daniel Seitz 50 00
John S. Miller 50 00 Charles Paine 50 00
Simon a. mew* iretrricf-vitifiierlo 00
Job" , Cupp lea , . 0 5,0 0 rs, .11_. !gleam 50 00
Jdlrn-Tilberry '.50 00 efiric7!", Trohner 50 00
iFlttim Martin.. *Ol7O Apflts(P).llriarbAso 00
T ,1 5 , S. ta cobs .Al TH;13 . 4 1 40
,r# etirta i y :50 00
. ilia W.Morrison 50 reado,.Hana., ; 4- Iso 00
Henry 8. Tobias 50 00 Michael Hearne, 50 00
HW. Flickinger 50 00 John A Stanshaeb-50 00
Obottge4lickinger 50 00 Clinton Btniser 50 00
ribOb At/nil:4oc. 60 00 Pariy T. Biilnr„, 50 00
MittileWs - 50'40 Joi:11::•11 - itridialP 50 00
Daniel Diibong - 50 00 Gi s dison'lt. Petry )50 00
Bartho'w. Marglit'so • oo Samio Shade' 50 04
John Martin 50 00 K."M.'Stein . 5O 00
David Al. Mirkso 00 Fxederick Torpid 50 00
William TrOdeli '5014 Win. D. Martin 50 00
Jiibn.STOAell. f . . , 50 - 00 ll.Fiar4B.Hedrieh 50 00
~Geitsgt's X r Hirst t 5,0...00, Michael Gambill 50 00
WY.D.SiatobWitgb 50'00 Rail %folly - t\-150 00
Da'aid• Gotta-kir .50 00 Jausiria-Xiiilltke 1 150 00
-Piftw:Lon g • - ''so 00 /ohn Deirihr• .- •',50 00
Amos Meyer 50.00 E. M. Dabney , '5O OP
Augustus H Reehl 50 00 I•hil Mail:A- --50'0Ct
S. C./Ifittbeis ' , 50':00j5hrirliyeric 50 00
; Simon Kerr -
.; 50 00 Henry E, Marto, .450 00
NJ Trocliaiideitei 50 00 Henry 0. Bendel 30 00
Rettlagn,S. Swartz .50'00 D.' F. Bender 50 00
WillitOn'S ‘ . BotuleraAo F. Donmo.yer 50 00
Mayne r age4 ~, ~, 50: Jerome Garrett 50 00
. WW, lyrn,,. f 50 00 WArgeratner, ";"50 ea
Hear.*.Trpael ..50 00JJohn Gi n ,siglikel 50 OP
• Risley Dabney - 50 O . OlPb ilip.W..Smith ;50 00
. •
- "US Vsi
lefalileo; Toles
,05 00
, . • 33 80
.Robsoes , Bartcr , :17 85
Sle Bechtold , 30 45
Margaret . , 26
[o.orStliiii . inley . _62 " - s` .
ag 1 4 11 ;C! 338°
33 80
• .. •.
11'e, . 'lvor leffittoon Ckmauty in
Cotemouweitith Jt PettltnilyetshitiPqCettifY • that in
pureneooe t.f the.47tii.geo..-, of as Art intqlOrd "an Act
relating to OUnutletcTowash ipe;;ltc.." paeetel the 16th
dey of jtpril, :6-D.1834. we met at 'the COM cu lastopers'
fltoe, hi the .o..rimogh of krbe . non, on Friday the *V
dey of rebruarY, A D. 1865. and did audit and edjnet
the foregoitm.account, required of um bilawotgreembly
to the, lzr , its of Ansembly,4/ snpplemente
then* teethe irk knowledge and
. .1.. Vol "4..."
AB We Sad is tbelmidg 0 c,D, ,sttayrrAck,r,q,
t wefture .r - of,l,ebiiton tionoty., n a Ton rteen
thousand four hundred ind fifty t.-. 4 and el b hty
elicit -, cents ($14,4162.68) .
The Auditors also fled thore Is dee the co tot" he out
standing tattee the sum of Thirteen opuy....3tni A lin LI.
dyed and seven dollars and seventy sin cents - WS= 76)
including the exoueritlons .nd collectioos leasAttarat
, The . Auditors also find that the county is indebted to
different Individuals for Tetupway Loans to theansonnt
of bitty one thonsend 'four im,dreol tind thirty fire
dollars (61,486 Oe); frem which raid anou , ,t deduct the,
otitstsloOlos ;taxis hill the 'zone, ations anh collections
to be allowed cull•utore, sod the betel; e. L, the r hands
Of the Zrere.nrer . ' which wi'l leave the real &tot of the
coon ty'atrout Thlrty.elx.thooesnd &Par (36,000), not
Including' theattabaatcf isidsbieclikeeram tloontyinu -
In wittrrOrbeietf ire beveleieeinVeet enr
thin Id day ut Feb Italy Anzio k one tbocisand
eight hooded and slily fired • •
-Top kill SHAN% r of
AN &S &1.. islUisnoo Co
hotsuon. I stlrtiatey i ., lees •, ,
I 1 ... I
, ~,..::- '? . .1 •_.4 ”1„," ~.;, 11".) , •Iv
, .. .. .
w ni, ie mid at putonceria; ea • , 7 ' - ' i t
, E.
:illirmdayi. February 2.oi' I.B'd
At the residence of, the trabacsiber, in Ea 4 NtinOvea
township, Lebant,n - county, on the farm of m oral
P. Oarberieh;about 1 mile Doak fr om Harper's, lb%
s follOwing personal property, vie t--.. ..
2 HORSES, 2 C01.T84 . 021,f . .Yeiirs.. e aud one." year
old,) 4 FAT OXE.N , 3 Cows. I Relief, 14114 1 / 4 youri k .
Cattle, 7 SHEEP. 1 broad wheidedildanhatien Wagon,
-(2 and 3 borsea.) Rockaway andllartiraa, Wire lake;
Patent Windmill, Plough e; Harrows, Hay Ladders,
Cultivator, Drag, Cot,' Hither and othey_Qilaia,r, 2
. mg q. O eagle rforscleAlOWagig %MA alinamAke,:
Grlnditone7 POTATOE'S by Ike "el, Single and Don.
We Trace andl.4nee, tic141144:11 Hoe, st ri ,„l„, , s a d .
die and Bridle, quel,Wiej,p .ro th ea.a ~,,..,t oo
to mention : - -.4 l'-' . 1 .. r• 4 ; , 7•1!•."T"
Elilet Ulf, ehpetita4ipee 4414114313 f litai - Yli'liC '4
e m y three yeiire. Y. , 44 , -" • •
Sale I , o ,a?)mpoliae at Uit'eliodr.; IL: siiiin , ism a will
be made knpfn by , . , •.., •
W. ..: 4i1121491 /1101LAIAN.
NT flitiiitai; AiiCtioiNeer l .' - •
February 1, 1866. - - '
;: • . • . .
- • ft. - I • ' 11
W ILL be sold at ittbl le - sale,' • 3
Thursday, March 2, 1865,
At the reiddinos; , ,ol . . the, undersigned,: hr jackllon
tbartielilS.l ntlle - fiota Achey'n Btorib' the following
Personal Property, six _ •
3 Hasa aid Horse GIaers,3WELCH COWS, young
Cattle, 2 BULLS, 2 swam, 2 Wiens. (1 Broad.
wheeled and I narrow wheeled JA L Hay 'Agleam
VAgf.: l ? B
od y.' PloattkO awl xi, Corn 'Sheller,
Striae, Beneh, Ylsx Break, Cow ['ind other Chain!,
Spinninewtieel, and many other articles too nonior
00e 41 petition.
Sale to'cominenci at 32 o'clock, M., when terms WA,
• be Anode "^W..
r imisoNAED frptn l 4 4
• lebrarry 141165. - • . •
. • • SA 40
DALArioE Or HOMY r•AnklA s e. 'ITC I C'eCO3I;
Joeeplireider. , • : ,
Jobtf Border ' • ' 418 -
,_BpIIO,7Y,f,,XPEtiBES. ?
By cael,,paid itundlit pititior • e • 4 .
serrifee repdered, „Norge taro k ; A
AcltullngqieeknroTTtylorirt• 1 Y.%
dyed Dollote
,for .
the'leetyticilt.ef ihe 93e • •
rnent, end 10 Orders leaned
. by,,:
the County Comthiaelonere 318 10
. 12 1: 3 ABAFENErtIA ••,/r • b
Denbatageire differ I '. l •
Colletloresn taxes pent prior
cto thel6thl 6410461 y. ) J
1804. ' 2166 411
COLLECTORS •pAr.,ANo-sxrinitorrllßES:
.11 ,4 151 Intform allowedß,allectors :
for the year 1 6 61.
By celleettonn IlowetCollectors r ,
Vitior the yeer.lB62, - iftt
lientioillt,ejlowed,Collretotl• :
e 0
rtii - year 1863 - 21103 101 P
db./millions% Ilitwed.gollectorirt.V9t 1 .
dor thejese 1866 : yilt4it. zA.
By exoneratlone allowed Collet ,
tors,lor the year 1861
By exoharitlooe allowed •Collec.'
*re, for the fear 1862
DioxOneratione allowed - collec
" tors, for the year 1868
By exoneratlonn allowed Collec
tora4oF theygar 1861 75 71
".. 91896
John Koone Collector of Cold --
Nikki& for the year 1862
John Stroh, Jr., Col. of B. Ann
' Twill, for the year 1862
leuc Long ,Collector of , Worth
A nomlie, 1864 ' $628 29
David D. Gingrich, Collector of '
8. Anoville, 1868, , 13 80 29
Mame Relgort,Colleiter'oeCorit
.l, mai1.•1661 •• • • . - 7137 10 •••
bind& Maya, Coileetoi of
bmg. 18e4 - v • 530•88 -
MOM MendlinteFolleetti , -o I' E. '
Hanover 1884 • .
Bsmuel.3lorrBtt, collector of Sack ,
eon, 1864 1861'78
Abraham Troxel, collector of tCi
• Lebanon tp., 1884
Peter Dauer, -rally:tor, E. Ward,
1864 e - 432 41
for44 , lttthezi .. .collactor "t:
Solomon eolith, cellector of if. • " .."411? „, '
Lebanon. Botrough,lB64 • •.• 4141 F-60
:Peter Xit linter collector of Liam , ' • 1 •
donde, ry, 1984 • • of 'upbp
(William -1.• Ibeeb , oollectoiiof *.
r 111111 creek, DOW , •
Georg: Lonier, collector of 8108. •
• litatai-18611 - 4.• '
Netii" , ll, 0 ood ;colle'cior;llnlcia,
• 1881' _1 385 sg.
Doors* 8. Lick, collector, Bethel,' " i ..:
1884 setae*
• •;.• Prick,4l:s • collector, Cold
• 811%4,1684 • . - (settled
Idoece Strohm,. collector of South •,• ....,;•,,t
..; settled $12141 46
81•Tiiiiectreei Com:Missions for.
• „ • ,
receivink $72.890 40 iat 1 per
cent, $72_8.00 'x;
By Ttaaturer's Comte lesion for, ~ . •
.payl4 oot $58,91617. it 1 Viper ;
••46318 01
Balance in halide of Daiiiir
oorboripti,Ex. Tregoinrer.4.x.i. 45
14bi et 9. 3 1 • ‘;'111) 1 2 as
Personal. Pnel*rer•-:
19,746 23
Ste CO
:0 630
1081 41