The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, February 08, 1865, Image 4

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The First Tarimitiffie.
Exactly five hundred years have,'
-elapsed since a hermit, weary of the
labor Orhaitug nothing to do, and
fired of sitting the dull day through
by the side of 'a ittfwe'whichwupport
ed the sun 41a1 in _front of St. An.
ttliOny's Chaps), on ; ,Ilighgate Sill—.
thatalttonew , hiebaribsequently became
knolin Imo , Wbittington's—resnlved
tS: fit t . a;' ways between the stlyt
rail of the* . bill:Andethe flow -part of
the aalo•anding in Islington. This
herrait44,4 , Mau of sore means,
.and he devoted them to bringing ;
grarel - from the , top of the bill and
Wiag If along the unelean track,
ii 4 then, as now,, bore the name
of "follow way." By digging out
gtaiel; helave a pond to the folks'
012 the hill,_ where it was greatly
needed; and he contributed eleanli-
Webs' and' security to the yale, where
neither bad hitherto Veen known.
ittravelers'bfessed the hermit who
iblfsl:tueli 44 n strii et or '.of.highways;
11$1,1111grime to Bt. Anthonre found
ttheirsanew to , the shrine of the
saint' mad e , ' easy attapleasant by him;
alfd',le'rditbebeniiioent hairnet bln
soliff,thio onlyixegret /wee that, ,in 46-
-00entil): ishin his meritorious net ,for
tlk; WV' 6 14! Ail !psi men, - - he. bill .
t o
ektirely,ix Ust;e44 all ,his for'faii'S, 7 -
Tbeiting„ . however, came • to--t6e-ree
ofic MY al% up a. tolf-bar, and pub-,
.1110110 a t . !fciirster h addraiieed to iodn'f'
. vreitibtlioved: :William , Phelippe ; the
hetMit," Chet - 'be find the public.
nilicht , 46,11qW wheref o o. Tke-(king '
declared that, hw highlyapreciated
06 motive Which ' had "in duced the
hertalt4o-.600t "our feoplepasiing:
t l aCifigh •the_ Tgitway between High"
giltet94 tcriethifelde', in many . places .
nfteigninslyAilrY and deeri.'? `And,iin .
ordeal that the new waY might, he :
maintained and kept in repa•te, f r the:.}
kin - if - licensed the hermit to take:olli ;
- anti keertheTead•in,oideri acid him..
self in comfort and • dignityoq Tbis'
was the
_grit rogd:bar erected in Bhg
land ; and Nilliam TltteliPio, the her
mit, was the father of that rate. of
tritopikelreeper vi*tkose_ sovereignty
of Die rotas,' Within fifteen mites cif
Land<W r 'OBO3O tO: 'an end, after , a
Moll of fiver centuries, on the ' -first
WO ibfi , 4 3 4 l 4 l fPf .141 Y, of 11.1011.01,
yor:lB,64l—+Cornhill Magazine: , co.
%. : '
:F. tdAXP Pap PlNtee VPIRTAIt Puts., Jan. 14 , ,15 13 5 ,
Tbeillbilowing is 'a correct . list Of the tinter, or the
Itestamtlt I-se s 4. 11 ..f. . , icl
' , •00/ 6 / 2 04 1 ilialZS W. , ECKMAN. ._ . •
' 'Limit. Cotertil—isAVlM , C. KELLER,' ' ' r l:"
' Illlijor , ;..your iititi.';' , , , : . . • • , ~ -
iltirgeon—E .R. um SMiatie : -
' .14dt. Surgeon:l4RK 17.41-litiliETT.
Ctiliplairt-10$2PU S. LAI&
. ..
. I; stAntont—dACCO3 ERIREfI.P. -
.. ,
RuArtermailterrCßAßLEß S.- T 'RUMOR . . , ,
isVfleratriftp.ior, , -.JJalt At DEMERS. , • •
03mtubleary Sergethlt-sJOHN , notL. ER .
:Ifitopital fitroird.-.12,11220R BRUCE. : • •
'Principe IdifireiturakisoN li EASE,
CO. '4.-khitlin, treorgillf . Mellinger; /at 'Lieut.
Wish logtion` lions; 20 hietit.;David P. 'ldcOaitieyii : •
CO. 8.--Captain, itt v 1 Wise; Ist' LNO ~ Da" hot' Irf.
Py itd Lieitt4WllUani,aumiii. ' ' •
i i
•P—0g0t01k, 1 1 4 110 6 441i7;04,; Ist Lien t.,,,Ed win .'
W., „ totter; 211 Ment.„l o lillkustatstier. ~, ...
00. pr.-Copt& 4, Pont oorervn 0. Mark;,"libtors
xvii .hitavvvriwtemmvoilveners---
08. 70.--Claptairt,. Edward Trafford r -Ist Lieut., Frank
Thailifipi i 2dldent4 /livid 21..Belesh' • ' -
00.14,—Captalgr, B. Prank. Kean ; Ist V eat., - 11. &rink
Eiligii; ; 2tl Lieut., lifielmel Shaeffer.
00.'d.--Colitain, A, E. Irahns; let LIMA .1. R'. Kuhl; ,
24 Vint.) /. Zhratilitan.
CO. 11.-oaptilis,Joieph Johnsos ; Ist L feat., Oscar
BluirplAwm4.2d Lieut.., -Jacob Banyan.
tills. X.—rlaptainl /teary • Swartz ; lit Moo t , Calvin
Umbefger ; 2d Lieut., John Pothermer.
I:O.K.—CM ptain,:David Gruber; Ist Ideut,,,• gouty
O.Rise; 2d Lieut,,,William Itanßualcirk. '
;mull , B. B. Kreiger, is acting aid de carop.'la B Igat'e
Lieut. 0.8. Thomas, !sooting Brigade,Qual tennastett
Tbe, regiment has been filled to the MiLiMl7Oll nutp..
ber, by drafted men, and substitutes 'from, the western
, part &rho litata. The •boialtb of th e B0;11 is excel.
Omit. ,Respectkilly. "Juorm."
INTERNAL litatzrzuz.--TUB following
to iiinonnt of taloa aseeeeed. under "the United States
Doyenne Laws, in the Tenth District of Ivan ien,
oompcned of the counties of sohoylk ill nod Lehanon,fvr
th,:tier 1304 ;
Auction saki _.40, On
04 9 .
11111 beads and - 134 of
Beata ,mannfectierea oflft'ds
Brushes mann'actures ' - •, • s a-ier
Dress, 'Aides Of (including boom di ISt1001104 . " 0,50 vs
Brink, manufactures of
Csodles 5444 , 03
Inededeii3 per cent - 44,718 62
Incomes, 3,per dlnt, (Including . epnlal Sash:23oA% 82
Inoomes,l% ... . . 1163:87 ,
Iron, mlsoulianimis manufacturea 17,81,14
Limn..... ....... ...... ...... .. .. ... BOl 86
Maness, add/My, ,&c ' 0,11.44 474 10
Loomis! 8,651,
Manufsatures, nilscel/aneons ».»„.. «..».... $434 18
Pottery ware..,..,
Marble .. . . ........... C 44 /3
ecbconsta and canal bowel...—. 3.796 14
owes recolots, siege, canal boats* tailrace/N. '10,492 16
Steal. enonnteotures . . • 77 17
WOOde 1 1 1 6 136310111 . 474 of .... ..
WIB 102
• • 08 87
vll eagluare and 18010
AlM!loosen ...... 151 17
..... 1,78.81
Brewers ...... ...... . ..................................... 401 17
Ballard rooms. 80 Ou
Bowling alleys r' - •• " • /0 00
Brokers, in moan:* cam 458 83
" commeml4 ..... .
40 58
' '" 51
28 as
" ......... 09418
Builders and coutriteions..... .... .otos. iso.• A..., '1
. 800 00
Noioballoor..aos ' o .... .. ............ 1,210 ' 2.8
atone. 50 00
, -1f16,11.
. 40 CO
pea:lats.. ... ......... 125 00
/11e1i1ieriee......4..... WIWI • 4 .....•••••••••11.111 e1m..., 322 00
vatis% houses... ....... ......... .110 00
31711110111i0ne... .......................................... 32 50
Horse 02 10
8,445 00
Insurance 40 . 00
Istryers ,». ...... ........ t 0...-. 060 84 •
.6 • 872 50 .
•...... . 3 753 83
Peddlers, latch. . ..135 CO .
5ad1,147 t 8
" Brd a
.... 1,505 2 0
4111 40'01
no awe • ••• es • w
815 00
...... ......... 1,013 00
877 CO
Retail dearer&
.7. 587. 78
Retail dealers lu 538
•••..... 274 (0
Tallow chandlers.
Real estate est, 8 33
$t 87
Mace dealers • 6,138 59
Wholesale liquor dealers • 1,622 82
A EVtiliquarit3""l.lno DIITIU.
gas 9atits
Distined iiir..l ,
Gai 11 ~..,
20,859 ae
1.058 00
4,678 45
475 78
21 4 0 0.07
1,2 67 , 1
10 an
' 9B
14,481x2 6 5 4 3 1
Pig Iron 84 to
/son, strincod 1)4youll 41614, b 190204,10 :. :S i 00 21 8 0
95 01
irop 44414664 ~ . • i •
troltA . 85 63
41#0 , 0•0041t 464 2406104 . .. , . 8,31014'
111 or Vito • . - .11 1 1 8 7
061 ,,
1010168 .
MOT. '
„ 604
, „ LATION. : ~., ~„,.
.117,4141 1 1T11
Dim Sap ..- • ' . 44 7 ,t1 83 : 7a •
• - It - - ' ' 54,02'1,54:.
11 414 29/A-BIA
" rerolL4
I DE subscr i ber respdatenlly Informs th e nubile that
ho has the lergest and boot assortment' ofuFORNI
' Rlll and ON Al ttsl, evor offered to tho public of Leb
anon-County. Ile has on band at his Cabinot-Ware•
rooms, In North Lebanon borough, nearly oppo itte
Zeller's Hotel. and a few doors mouth of Borgner s, a
=ld romorttnent of good, enbstantial and fashion•
Parlor, Outtago and Chamber FURNITURE, con
eletiog of Boats, Tete a-tebta, u ni on% What-note, Tose.
Dorf Centre, a rut, Card and Common Tables; tp
Dressing and Common BOREACB: Bed.
steeds, Work-stands, Witilpstands t and Kitch
en Furniture of all kiwis. Also, a largeand
elegant variety of FRObil LICE, SPRINO SIATZD Clod re,
Common Bprlng•soated . Chaim; all kinds • of Riwinit2
seated Rockers. Also, Windier, Cane•seeted. and Qom.
moo Rhein' and Rockarsur. l4 ,,ey description.- >
la. AU Cootie sold LoO , A` and WARRANTED to give
Persons desirous of Inowing the character of the
goods here offered for etold, can be fully satisfied of their
durability by referencetto , thoeo for whom he has In tn.
ufactnred or to whom mold.
Old Furniture and Chairs - Repaired and Varnished.
N. B.—Collins made and Funerals attended at• the
shortest notice. 1 , • JOBl{Pll BOWMAN.
North Lebanon, Slay 4,1864,
OWEN LArigicates . .
New Cabinet Ware 'Room and Chair
3farkei 81., 3d door 'Mirth of the L. Fairley Railroad.
Largeit MantifeotOrr Aid: "Best Assortment of
FURNITURE and CH - AtlitS in the4sotenty.
111111 public Is respectOolly request.
ed to bear In mitut,thist u at these
Were Rooms will be fecind, the beat .
assortment of Fesuloasautand Man
sows FURNITURE and CHAIRA, Persons In want el
any kind would teat call and examine hla stock before
pur6haslng - elsewhere. 'Which (being all of,lits own
work) ho warrants to be.bottat than any offered ia this
place. Prices wilt ba toriu, than at any other pl^ce,
either In the Borough , or gouty of Lebanon.
All orders promptly atiandelk to, and speedily execu•
led at the loweitt.
All persons purchasing turnttnoe from him will he
accommodated by havlog ttdelivered to them, to any
part of the county, FR= OS Mali); and •ifltbont, the
least injury; as he has proc4red one of ths • teat cuih-
Irma furniture wagons, especially for that purpose
ispa. COFFINS made to orde , tiled funerals attended
at the other..PO entire. . . 10
. .
, •
Treraptory Department. ,
_Orme% or Oomeenottan 'or Ills Cuassaci;"
Wrsanorcea, DielotalrX 31, nee.
TflllftLAll. By !satisfactory evidence presented to .
the undersigned, IC bee been made to appear'
that "Tni Lint:cox Nevont, RAW." In lb. 13or6tegli
of C,ebenon and-gtate of Pannsylvinii, has bein duly
organiged uhdafrand the requirements of
the act ofCongress, entitled "An Act s to provide a Na
tional Curreney, secured by phidle 7 •lol' trotted Btfited 4
Bonds, and to provide fdi - the fOreshitionSild reirenDP •
tinn theraof, "approved. June 3, Bilbt , 'and has *eour
piled with all the Proviiitons or *said -Act required' to'
be complied with; before commenoiog the businesif of
Banking under said-act.
Now TBERITOZE, I noon isfcCottoo' Fr, Comptroller of
the Currency, do hereby certify 'that TblE Lebanon Na
tional Bank.- In the Borough of Lebanon ; la the county
of Lebanon, State of Pennsylvania; le authorized to cosh—
'nonce the bnaineia sf Banking under tho Act afore
In haat !moos whereof; w Ittlyits , my: hand
{ L. 1020 6ertt of Office, this; thtity 'lltst day of
• Comptrollor Of the Cnrioney.
Litbanno, .Tortutry 5; 1865. - • .
• Lekailion Valley Bank,
December 14,104.
XirOTTCE herrhy given agreeably. 6. 'Seaton 'find
IA of the Act of Oeneral ' Assembly of the Comntdn•
wealth of Pa., entitled "An Act erfishling `Backs of
the Commonwealth to beer me Assoc:l4lone for the por•
pose of BaolOng under the laws o t the .Unital States,^
approved the 22d day of August, A. D., 1864, that the
Stockholders of the LEBANON .VALLI BANK have
th ie day voted to become inch an Assad:Won.; nod its
directors have procured the authority of the owners of
more then two-tit irde of the Capital Stool: to wake tha
Certificate min red therefor. by the laws . of the .DoDed
States. _
Deo 14, 1804
Lebanon Batik,
I ;$.
Dominion 10..1E.64.
110T= is hereby' given agreeably to •.Section 2of
tho Actor the General Assembly of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, .!An, Act enabling
the peels of the Commonwealth to become Associa
nom for the purpose of flanking ceder. the laws cf the -
United States," approved tho 22d day of August. A. D.,
1884, that the Stockholders of the k Lebanon Dank,
have this chty 'voted to become ouch an. Aasociat
and that its Directors hoce,proctired the authority of
more than two-thirds o [The Cap Hal Stock to make. the
certldcate required therefor by the laws pf Ike . United .
Lebanon. Dee. tI , 1863. •• .
Treasury. Deparituesa .•
Wasunentoe, Deeember 20, 1866.
WIIBREAS, by satisfactory * evidence, preeented to
" the undersigned, it bar been made to appear that
"The Valley lifitionni Bank of•Lebonon,"dn tbc..33or.'
cough of Lebanon, in the cohnty of Lebanoa and State
lu.ly_agqq i tccLusiktiog .
entitled 'An.Act to provide a Pattlenn! Currencn-se
cured by a pledge of United State I ands, and to pro
vide for the'eirculation and redemption thereof," ap•
proved June 8, 1864, and bast complied with all tho
provisions ofsatd act required to be complied 'with,
before commencing the business of Banking under
said act.
Now therefore, 1, Tlegb .91cCullecit , Comptrolier.of
the Currency. do.hereby certify that ~ T be VallerNa
tional Bonk of Lebanon." in lb* Borough of. Lebanon,
In the county•of Lebanon, and Bbtte of Pennsylvania,
is authorized to commehnedbe bushman of Banking
under tile Act afureeald.
In testimony• whereof;;.witnese my band
f L. .. and seal of Onlee, this twenty-ninth day of
} December, 4804. • •
Co ma is troller of the Currency
Lebanon, Jennary 11.1865.—At0.
Lebanon .Ba,nk )
- January I, 1866.
MIKIS BANK bp been changed into a National Ass°.
ebtflon for tlmpurposo ofßanking nailer tiro 4tiwa,
of tbe. Bolted States; and will from ibis date Iritneact
bustness no •' -
"The l i gation .- .4Tational -Batt .
A; puLEB, &O'er:
Lebanon, Irtitiary 13188 b.,
TaeYimis~sßapt or
• • January 10th.
serve. 06'enaning year; will ' be held at the Ilatik-J
ingliotisa, in Lebanon, on Ttiesday, the 19th Waif of
"wary, 1866, from 10 o'cieek. A. to 3 o'clock, P.,
.JO5. Ii ARCll, . Oaali[er.
Lebanon Sannaly 13. 1666.
. 1 -rtg tindeZtaignecl liereflylnfOril the public that the
Zoilostitut 'Acadelay is not intended exclusieelY for
the Tooth ofi: the'llorongh, but It always did, mid still
dose receive pupils from Abroad,
Lately, al ~ the Directora•hase Improved its general
Chu/After, and elorated its Standard, by refusing to ad.
mit pupils without the "nedeSsary quali fi cations, and by
astir continued care they IMO 'to raise this .ochool to
its prappr place in, the estimation of this community.—
A 'limited number - of pupils of the proper grade can, be
admitted froM the, enuntry: by applying to
JACOB CAPP, Presid nt.
EARCII, Secretary..-
. or to Orlillll BOGER, Teacher.
alfip-Tuttlon for common and higher English branch
es, Latin and Oreok: roper month.
Lebanon. Aug. 26, 1863.
$857 ;033 73
Executors'. Notice.
NOTICE le hereby gives that Letters Testamentary.
on the Estate ota.pitallAlst ILEX, deed late tit
tlefdleberg township4ebanon county, Pa.. hare been.
granted to the imiietsvied, rcelling In Bethel town
ship, county and state aforesaid. Alt persons indebted
to ma estate are requested to make payment and
those having claims will present them without delay.
Joseph Briclier l , Auctioneer
RESPECTFLILLY offers Ills services 'to the public.—
Ikte reeldencels in North Lebanon township, 1.34
nines from Lebantn, on the Fredericksburg road. Ile
can be Met at IlPhily's lfptel in Lebanon, every &Ilia
day. except when abed* on business,' and when ab
sent btr. Behity sell I receive orders f whim.
Lebanon, September 7, l
Winter A Ivan Itement.
NOVEMAER 70, 1804.
- Anne
. . . .
Trains leave Ifirrisburg far Now-York, as follows ; At
8.00 and 8.15 A. M. and 1.45 P. 51.. arriving at New
York at 10 A. 51.. and 2.45 and 10,00 P. passing
Lebanon at 8.58, 0.08. A. M., and 2.30 P. M.
The abort, connect 'with aim ilar,Trania on the Penn
sylisnii. Rail Road. and Sleeping Cars accompany the
first two tra has, without change.
Leave far Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Mlnereville
Allentown and Rhiladefphin at ,8,15 A. /4,110 d 1.45
P. ld„.stoppidg at Lebanottand prpacipai Stations only.
?Meting LabanorNitBS..oB"A: M., an, 2.50 P. M.
14'n.7 Trains, stopping' at:all minis, at 7,25'4 M. and
440 P. 51, Passing Lebanon at 8,85 At and 6.58 ,
P.M.• Returning: .cave New York, at 9 51., 12 ,
neon, and 7,00 P. M. Philadelphia at B,A. 31. and 2.30
P. 01.1Vettsvilleat6 00 A. M. 1.30"l'; 01
gull, 141.10 A, , Miam42.16 P. and Reading at •
midnight, 7.86 odd 10.46 AA. M., and :..,8:01$ Si.,
passing Lebanon at 2.00, 8.01, 11.68A. , 51, , aad 2.Boand
7.24 P.M.
Reading AccOMMOd . atibli" Train Leavii Reading at
0.34 A. - M., returning "fani. A Pldiadalphia at '4'.Bo'P. M.
Co lumbh.Rtiffrdid Trains lerave+Raddigg at ' 8,40 a n d`!
i/ A.M. for MpirtAtA;iitiiieolunibiet Ac.
On &muse : foliale.tiew.:Yorkpa 7P. Rhiladel•
Ada, 2.15 witoine.7.39 A.,M., Titinaqua 7-A. M. •
ifarriatalra A .. x; k ipaislng,l446.l", AA At 0 ,08 A. 8 1 , ,
and Reap/a at 12 tailinfght, Tor litirrieburs
Unhands at 1.06 A.ll. •!
tcomnanta lion, Atiten%. Beacon gehool(and - RXeltr t .
ii(94 Void.- to andtrom .
/I° M liGo 4lVit 4 , ° 4B o .
48. 4:41661911fiVi-„,'•,
oN;el:ti General linpsdatlindemt.,'
4 807.0101061,611,11504 , , d ' . •
$51,612 64
4 3,912 7 '15
JosEru A*ll, Citsit
ti Notice.
• - - two • ro, •
little proem:dive of,,tktellrplosion or burniug out
of IltesnOloilers..fdr sale, and a - armored by A F. Bat
thes,t,24. North Bth St., Plllo!delphia.
„ October 4, ,
I bare Asheroft's, "Low Water Deteetors",on my
Rollers . and F comple eat Wiest', as rgards
their relialdlity,froin an actual teat of one of them
which gaeol l e alarm, auditterohy eared th o .bollera
St/ in all likelihood life aid property hooldos
Nnvembei 2, .11164;t4n....,
50,000 ml,l l `,AL!' 4
lfe.a 0 .. R. •
40,000 Withal/ 04.T1t;
•... • • • 60.000 bnabllls , WHEATt
Aft°, C Lekviett slm, TIMOTHY BSRDtlitaxesed.lkog
wfilth the highest CASII prices will be Tull at the lab
anon Valley Itallroad , DepoteLabanon. • •
• • (moan 11107111 i AN.
Lollamon. July 17. 1001..• - . . • .•
coa,,ch7M .. Oklitt ',EoilillOitifo.ft.'
re4;eciltift 't the
trodessigned would y nform e
Citlseni of .Lebanon and ourroundleg Counties
that they have ptiiehissed the &De% lied tools o f
Levi Light, mud will epathspis the , •
busies.. of . .
Coach-111a king *
anise Shop lately °cede) itid by Mr. Light, In Walnut
Street. near 6 13illsoVe'''Llitheran , ChOrch, Lebanon,
penneylsitnia, where tbefere prepared 'to m esotllwe
tore all Mods of • . 04.
which they will dispose of on the iiiiiireMwweble
terms. • . . ..? ." •• .
REPAIRING, done be abilileateet indolieTland ,
the shortest notice. :. • = • *
• . 7 2 41P1i: SHIRE • CO.
Lebanon, Nov. U, '
AMR LOte .►
Door Sash -and: Steam - Nailing':
Located tin iht Stici*Mraoro:Road iiiarrhprelgaiici
rirlinedeirifined respectfully Inform„”
public ; in gotterac. that thay, roc
till reitnntantura and' keep on liana, -
Door„Saala, Sikuttnr, Blinds, ItlMYting,
1 1 1eatlier , Boardic 'O." Soo Spring
Wouldinga, of all Rises, Ntatth Boards. eating, Surbace,
Cornices, and all kinds of BUILDING IdATBRIALS
for Houses, .Wa construct the latest,and moat ire.
Prated; fitiCeikinififitiMand "Rafting, agiitabreVit:
lame.and am‘lkbnilvitgga:
We now {write rermere; ited; 1411410 - tetOl
call and vminilito'oitrafook, *WWI we warrant tc
give entire istlatlietion all, *be 47 'f,f+fvpe.tmdgr:'
signed %Atli Weir ettatern.' ' ,• - *
" r. " "toga:Lenz I:ciatikil/:
Lebanon, My
P. B.—There la alio ill; WOO of TURNING at the
sidle Mill. rtaiipiirsivv, , le., pro . itisy . ' d oin for
thoia - who may fornteh:LhtilibEi...: •
A. Friendly
LuMilmi t & cgoAt
To the befit ad ventage. at, the old established &ig"
REINOEII-14S- . &.*EttY;
At the UNION CANALecni , titelliaittand-WeinAidialo
Market &Moe, IfortM - Ladkrdn'Beliligtr.,.. ,
."'- ""•
riMlE•euberibere take pleasure in hiforiiillfg
1. rena of Lebanon, And intrroianditir confides; that
they still continue the LUMBER. AND COAL EMIR.
NESS, at Their old and well known zdentl,' where. they
are dully receiving additkinal supplies of the
con Mating of White and Yellow Pi6eltoA RDS,‘PLAKE.-
Hemlock BOARDS, PLANT{ and III0ANTLIN111 ,,, !!! 1
RAILS, POSTS, PA LI NO:I and 'yzNoi NO•BOA 888
ASH, from Ito 4 Inch (111BRIPr011th !Iti to S'ltch •
POPLAR, from %I to 2 Mal. •
Poplar and-Hardwood SCANT LING.
Oak and Maple BOARDS.amt PLANES
Roofing and Plaeteririg LATHS: "
"SumoLEB t siliscumst i ssuistnetst
Also, Pine and Hemlock sarNotus.
COAL! COAL/1' • {MAW ~•! •
'urge stock of the best.onalttlestiltose,qtrOten
todtttritbufberieoolll; aor.P a 1 Po, the:ks-e. All;
gberty COAL for Blecksmlthi. se v• • , •
air Thankful for theliberalmantier tett* 'they
AVititilrfitteitrftibirtberttriX to
are confident that they now, hare the !argot, -beg and
cheapest stock of LUMBER on hand in the county,
which will be sold at a reascluable per tentage. and exanllne our stock and pricer be
fore purebating.elsewbuire. .
North Lebanon borough,l9lay7.ll62.
2.411 - 114011411Fra'.
R B.M ti AL`,14.,.
Lorenzo .111. Rohrer )
WOULD.respectfully learn'. the citi
zens of Lebanon and skin*, tilt
.}l4i has REMOVED his Tailoring ;Walk,
lishment tO two doors below Philip Y . :
afcCaully's Shoe Storo, ; .adiere he will make pp the
most fa.htenalhe Clothing. ALL work,
him will be reanufactuiva in the best manner,on Mod=
elute terms: Good fits and substantial making guar.
anteed. Thankful foi the lincraLpatronage extended,
to him thus far. he hapes - hy strict attlintion to ':hie
business to merit a continuance of the striae.
dinky invitee the public and his old customers to give
him a call. , [Lebanon, anvil, 6, AS* '
11864 NEW STYLOS';'.IB,O4
A, DAM KISS, In Cumberland Btreei,..between
Xl_ Market arukthe Conttllouse,north side,
ntnvon Itand a splendid assortment of the Now
Btylo.of 'LAT§ .AND CAPS„ for men and boys, for 1858
to which the attention of the public is respectfully Inv,
tell: Eats (.1 all prices front bbe.oireepear to : the MOS%
coral*, always oplans. 'lletaselso Just opened a spies,
did assortment of 811511111 It WATS, embracing snob a
IIOAN, SENATE, 013 1 3 1ADMadA 'Ober&
110 wit also Wholesale all Muds of Wats, Caps
- &c., to Cetint4 Merchants on advantageous terms.
Lebanon, May 4,1884.
A. T OW Is the time to •buy your 6TOVICS before cold
jr winter is here, and the best and ehespest placels
at the
Lebanon Stove, .Ttn and Sheet 'ton Idatrinfae-
Story pf James I+l..ittogers,
Two doors Sonth 'from the Lebanonßatik, where can be
bad the largest and beat aimortinent of PARLOR,
MALL, and COOKING STOVES, ever offered in beim
giant Gas Burners for Parlors or Sell Ghatabera of his
own make, with a general assortmenbef.Parier Stoves,
stud a large variety of the best Cooking•Stor,cs. in the
county or borough, which he warranty to bake or roast.
WASH BOILERS con tautly. on hand. of -all sizes,
and-the best material.
COAL BUONETS--tbe largest assortment, tbe!lntatt
lest iron, and the best made in Lebanon... •
Also, a large stock of WARE, made of Om .. .best,
material and in a, vintdilnaillite manner. as lie fir: a
practical Workthab, and nes bad an experience . 4
twenty-flee years, he feels confident that he can give
general antisiltition.
He rakes this method of retnrning his titanic' to bis
mimerousanstomers for their liberal support, and he
bopes,lig strictly attending to hia own business and
letting other people's alone, to atilt receive a share of
pn lie patronage. JAMES N. ROGERS.
aasy- rarmentarattentionpataltosattititithror 4011111INtir
snob as Roofing. Spouting, de.,aadali work warranted
MAY 11, 1864.
dEltillAlt snag.
Cheap Cash Stare, and Milting and
Grain. Business.
mitt undersigned having formed .partnership in the
NESS, would respectfully invite the attention of the
public to their establishments. TheY will confine to
keep, at the late stead of SIIERK, GEESASIAN &
LONG, a most complete stock of all kinds of GOODS
usually . kept in a country store, which they; will re
tail Cheep for ,CABlll.,or COUNTRY PRODUCE., They
Bile want to buy for cash
. 50,000 Bushels of WHEAT, • • •
30,000 Bushels,of,
20,000 Bushels of 'CORN, _ ,
26,000 Bushels of OATS.
For which they will pay the hiblieet Market Prices.
They will also take GRAIN on Sumac:. The will keep
always on hand and sell at the leivest prices, CQAL, by
the Boat Load or by the Ton; all kinds.of MILL FEED,
They Bolick the busineeeof all theirald friends
and the public, znd.will:endeavr. to deal on .such lib
oral and Just princiPles as will give satisfaction to ail.
- 1•* . 81 IERR - LONG.
North Lebanon, May 4,486.1.
W. BURNS:IDE, A. M., Princip'al.
TIDE 'ENSUING liNskiioN will commence on
A. MONDAY, July sltt.
IDE has Ilniadrantages of a pleasant and
Locatiou--epatione, Dultdinge—Neatifieted
Rooms—a fine Library and Cabinet: ' Y •
THE COURSE. OF STUDY is not fixed, the studies of
each 1141 P b -sing directed eteartling tei the titneLhe tan
efierd in School, or to thoprOfeallorthe.designs to pur
THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT offers special advan
tages to those.who propose to 'engage in Teaching ; as
the Course pursued conforms strictly to'..the require.'
meets th e C;ountrauperintendent. and to the Course
of the State Notmal School.,
113 E.. CIRCULARS and further.lnformation can le oh-
Mined by addressing the Principal.
Efir J....BURNSIDEi•
June 25,1842- . Annville, Ps.
roOZN., . •
All tlielateiffi +dyke at-C4ARLES OA fk KEORDiI
A SONS, Canino tal Motel, Philadelphia. , 4
at the Erriartiis of
Nett. Goodwi Net.; (Mods
Trench ,tteTinc, alt colore d. qrds.R Ititßuio,, ail' colored.
.411 Wool ftelains: - Q1 061000.
gracle:.Xrenck.....Cletk t %
from 0,00 to 44,90.
"'''''`FtincY - and Black Oaks,
Satin.Stes, sold fr om eta. to 11,00. :B
leackg ana.Unbleanhod IkPirigin•
- WoolAn Samkings., - „,
SI ii Ling, tan~ y ol, Shirting { ?linnet.
ulicoes and
volem arid ' .C'oceontffnaeiiig*-
Ladi n .lit and Gimp' , ,
Hoop 's,Skittal hoop
;Balmoral kielita.
Linen and Pa er Coflafs:,
bailed; and es. 81;a43; , .
4 -ci6lgn =Anode! eleitt Horida t I
. •
4 Groceries,
'et)" - AlTliArds of Col
taken in o.Xchei. :ge for
Q-2\tri tihr 8)
_ • 0, ;!,.....;41
NTOUllecteiklir for
~the. present. All4tc, the
1. lero welt' seiedted stock. of T.AREc AND
,GOMS, glet.nolip CIA. Shorn tot; ,
Cumberland ,AStree4 •.Lettauan:4l4-,
we 45prebtwirbtfOre: the recent ad - vacs:AA 410 10 e , in&
ses•fihentAif Fail and Winterstlosds, .
and cheapness cannot beiacollod. '• ' '
. . . .. .
, •1 indifte .D.reSB Goods: ..., -I.
al irip?• •3.' 3 , •
7;illdOsisirtrsenablilailrio, all eolOrs. : '
b ans
... : : a e-, .2 ...:feobut '.''A. V t.• ' . '' '• '
ct 4/ 41 . ... w 0
„ qh, , .
. .I 44 flklycii • a :41 . : :
II . l'' l'aclEi -, , 0.."...
_. .
I ' ' ' ggs VI c1,41:44:0f ereryliiimpripitafe i'. - '
" " laid ilie"ckith, 'all colorak i. , " • • ' '
, " •". Mirk' and lincyBll26. , % : .:f ,•••
We have man a goollioamgrtroont of plain and Plaid
wool Bit A W Ls.
All W 0
0. f gNiNit s i" CIP) 'Xisnoee • . - a t e
r, Woolen AoedS, Hannorals; Hosiery, Hop 4ti n vr. vbiatjo a3,'de, ..
It' birder lot of CA LICQ for:26 cents mad, up: .
IllnWted iIIf,MI.N, 26 tetanal:id opiiral4s , „ •
llntdettleli MUSLIN. . •
• .., Geiptietat*:lPiteat.:
Sr, • •• • • • - • ••
:A:.fiejli line et,, 61:011110.-
VESTIN.O3, all kindirtiud pelcee l ritieli.w ill
, .
•ItteluitNlAU . "GOODS,
. Oar mourning Irlipartneiailtitomplete, comprising a
PM Hee all wool:#414101*Ve
' "O? , TON.
Gt,girKlo4 - ISugrek, o ofrep,..
.‘ • • g:f 1-19... • 11101aNSAS.. ••.:
Call one aced all, and, look thtotigh •ottr Large
and troll delectod Stock of Goods, sad path', prices, U
4. In no tr.mble to chow Ooeda. Our Motto is:
"Small Profits, and' Quick Sale,:s;:‘ arid
• Good
pelg . kipw, aeptil,4 1881.
, 09011. - NEWSI
-r m u iv: at and Slate , where - are ; you ' .goingin
J. such a big homy, this morning. Betsy why yin
arejust•on our.wity .to 3` 'A. eI'EX'aLSA'S .P.llbfrO•
GALLEItY, - to get our pictures taken, Ile
takes the bast . pictures is town. .1 had .my pictutes
taken at all the other gallpries, and he took them the
beP.oof iflrte waitlittle, I wlitgo and
dress rrii4stfeaiga goalong. hut "wheige, io.hjeLgal•
lacy t Why,, 111JIL1)INGI. where.
Wm. titnineritiguls Was. Ile Mites thotpgrapha, Ara •
hrbtypes.Sti; iotyi*..of all 0.1205, plain and colored,..,
has hie gallqy,filtglt up in a lqine style,. snow
rater initousoontS, awl : so .ho can take the nest andi
most fashionable pictures, in town. Erelybody. tkat,
wants.a good„pictureraken : noel .to.Specigler's
Ile Vas conOatitly Cut braid, gilt anilltosewood Frames,
'taxes,which he sells icheap;. For aooii~
piptures we Otis' exerkbony 'to go 'to SPIINGLEWS,
be*PT ., ,,KPTeWlber `. 23 , 1..864,
undersigned *OW respiotrifili iltforin the eft.
.sensof Lebanon, tbatte haat coin tuenced the BAK:
ING BUSINESS, in ati its varieties, at Ms :stand, in
Cumberland street, Lebanon, nearly opposite the Bock
Rote!, and wilt supplyptudoment.wit,b, t h e best BRHAD,
OAlil ko., do. Flour , reedved from ontomora and
returned to them isvbreed at short notice.
or ktl k bade. Ytaib and' of the beet qualfty, cenetanty
on band,- atidlurtilsbed at thr lowest pticas. •
Tit • public is Thee to give Ina a trial.
Lab nen, k1ey4,.11161. . F. Tr. Mk..
Walnut Street Aleatt:
Lowry Suocessfall
THE. HO I.,JDAIS ..,011J in •!'
TOR.RPR LOWRY would respketfully inform the
efi Citizens cf Le s banen; and vieiniis, that he; has )ukt
returned from tho'Citri and.. men": at, his eftirfh.tirt.
-vrato.t enreer,-Z*VVelllt'enVY a 'l l n ithigee6 Ito.
oe '
tels,the Largest and Coin ,t crtatent‘ of '
Fancy White and ear Sugar .
. rj111"*..411:31110
RRISATIP . Fige,' Prunee,'Currants, lAtes ,'Citrons; Pit
harts, Walnuts, Peanuts, Alnionds,lOntniles;, Lemone, ,
Cocoanuts, &c., &c, * kb., With a great variety . of ' •
French. and Comrnc'i !Candles,
of all the different flavors; ono AiwAns, snail se
TAM, cups and lancers, small. China Tea .Bette, ae,:jte.
Also, a splendid assortment of i
CAKIESIi . . -.
01 1 ,ALL KINDS, on bandlind• limas to order.-
15r PARTIXB supplied at short notice.
Mip - .Thankthi for met faront, be respectfully Bono.
Its - a continuance of the pnbliolkood wilt: '
Lobanori4November Id. 1864. -
Attention Sporifimen•
ripits itubsciibefironld respectfully dnfortn tbnipuld.
I. lie that be has,just returned from the City, haying
laid in a flue ansortmebt 15T GUNS; RIF LES,
POWDER, CAPS, Ac., 'which arena , * open for inspee
Lion and sale et hi/11E0mn Merits t street. a kwdoors
North of the L.:V. It .It., tetitton, Pa • ."
dttip••. — All lands ofEepairing done at the shOrtestpoti l .
Able notice and in
.the best sty l e of workmanship.a• AULENBACII.
Lebanon, Oet:l9„.l6ed...—Sixt7
eioig•e' ito Moans
ratß#NoN couNTr
Leliaiiiin Valle
PARTiouup ittinition mill be paid to Goods alllpp
,ed Lr theieboknota :Valley Railroad. Goods will be
sent daily to and from , Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers
town and Manville Stations, and ail other points in the
AIM contracted lor at.thirleast possible rates
itni delivered, with dispatch. •
.The Proprietor will parpartteular .attantion• to.fand .
attend Personally, to • the receiving dad doiv•FT "or alb-
Freight& • • •
Poriofokt a tion.sppii, at his &nes a use Leb•boa.
relic d Desot.fLebsim a .
' DW t t ' I l 4 l lll AltantiiPhilideiPbilli will
mok.T.Allk d At, ~151; IN jfeckAorAii r OttlflVorth l
Mai 4,' .
GEO. 21077 MS N.
try irfiduce
foodece '
a paoutig
'S I.
NeWllii‘t , hidiFt ddb' Stitfe!
rime undersigned annonlitO to tho public that ,they
bare removed their Now soot awl Shoe Store AA
Ottetheriend Steed, Lebanon, In John thnero building,
one door west. of the
yil Contectioerm Store,. where they
Ltateud keeping consteelAy.ell bend ieneral ter
rtroent of Ladles, Gentietnea, Mimes, Boys sad
Roots, Shoes, Gaiters,Atc., (CT.,
all of which will be wade up in style and quality no
to be aurpaased by any other workmen in the country.
No effort AMlN...pared to
,Riewie and flattery CI who
may furor the& with thdlr.srdere, and their chargee
will be aa repacinable ea poielble, compatible with a fair
net also keep a large etodt aC
which is witrsalitiidsto to as roproadiated.
The publio itivitiiel Wean and iiiantiostheirstock
previous to . „to etbiuriztr.
. i llerattkawing done on short notice and at 'reetsona g ye
; ; 3,100118
SAMUEL 0,,"8111 It
88snehts7 4,, . 1564,.:• • -
... ..,
, - • ..
LATEST'. NE • - - -
Of the .. kfaiiist" . . iitil,,ii. . - eit
EVIR''SOLD IN LiCiairoitil 14 tY t .y 11-.
BoolsiiSlooes, flats, Caps It
mine nridekgst'ad iiiM opened one of the BYST Aff
.l. SORTaffiNtl3 of '
4 a T u lt di k o V t. l ti ll N4 te li m A s, tillgz i ,..l i f i g 1 kind:,
L ha
• self it priciri to l recommend 'them to purer'.
sere...9f. tine JUTS he has quite a varlet,' of Nile
ifjlifs; irabiaCinithe'Waelhington,ll3tantOn,.Rurrieide,
Dupont; MedielbtkatfiTighitin'aiid'brOultoi Bat, very,
beartiflrl'and very *IWO. Of eVPS,hietiih's complete
ifaidtetnept'Of sellthirtreir . BtVilli; iot.w in hipertor
niiinn 4 r.' with illoe niktstr; it'diiiiii i iChilesee' ' and 'Chit'
arse's' Palrrid'inle, Gittirf.rigribir 'roots; tarppei",
and all other kinds; .31iies ia4,l!Oya* Dalmorois. Ox
krd Ties; Washington Ve „Cengren Boots. and all
other Mudd 'iloin by direim including ,i3opms and
8110ffa, of the different varieties, at'hiliChMit Store, n
Walnut St., next to the County Prison.
m f oktebtocthe liberal eneofiserturenti.of the
publiclierebollffve, I oroirldinvite all'w ithing 3 tanytb ing
in my line to ittalltnd examine, mystock before making
thor p , • . . ~.....1 0}11..119y914.4N,
ditrllsteklillit. ''— ' ' •., .-
ti-13 . ..3!- iks takeitirind Wort mAili*t sbitrt.ixifice
"2 4 1gglikt"itnilliOr - 10414.
. T. n. in.
nes Ma extensing
r , 411, new build4iglnpornberlang st 4
• •,ct ir here he li** 4
itit4factlop hergtogate to all wls.
. fnrc
'inayTtrorltitn, s wlut tia'irketi . in :EN rtyi tee kleicilanik
sod-4ealety in 11007 . ,antr, lifiEßand eiery otui wha,
wietiee tt t pitt•Cheifai.lllonoAde sod„thirible, tirMil
to nail, and ex a m ine , for tbenOolroig, hie ,141:rge.
atViariedOpcX... .
lie dirteirtiVerd surputii ali,ixtniatitl'oi) in tie
miintifitctureafritiery article in h Lousiness, suitable for
an,x Market. ; the Unipn i MciColire taken in regard ,
toinitterialielandrtirkautguilap; noun It the beet qua l ,.
ty,of t LINMILED. and ogyer isle need, and none
but tbe i bept worktnep, a re eiFofflity,od. ,
F.. s.-or, 6011mbelltifrietige for',
thii.rii.tlflotd gsta heriotogrirbe#o3i 3 O do bier:;
Ilithiposl3f bOldiOdikUontoimiliplßNOodifostri4S;
titakakno,-),10 061144..14113itidisdiltY"
it id
.-• • ••••• philip
/AN Cumberland Streetonk door
Llthe Blabk horse hotel. 'Thitbkftil:
very liberal tostrOnage witehded teliisfpF
I bare been In business, I uplift! .reitiettfollY iftillelt
torifininiitce of the patronageof 'the pnblie. •
e bee at all times an-assortment of BOOTS and
8110118 of-his ownvmanufacture ots - handir which - 1011+e
disposed of on reasonable terms.
Thosileitififitit' d ' oirticlroj &a' Itivitoz
to give me* sr Mitreits"Ettoes'AVleffilatriety
Red color on hand, Hoary lvork made to order„ .
*Ca warranted Wepairing
• •••• „ ,OE
ryiN. enNicaver Iftattld All
Mut • k apeet..fnlji flora& the en
/gene of Lebanon in ity, that be has renw
' AIRIKWYE and SHOE STORM to. !flatlet atteednext
door south of Mra. Itise's Hotel, Lebanon: Pa.
where he keepii on
• . • • hand a large and well
• •
... - . • ,
. -. . • assorted stoelt 'ol': all
kinds :of SOOTS 'end
SIIO N S. He will
kinds of order' -all
f';' . . .., •-• iniclES, and at very
-,..--, ri. , ( . 1•! . .... sWort, 'notice. , lie, rl
- - ' • • . - ilo • chectb on hind a
: , :‘-:.f.'"" . .
. - large and well-gzaort
ed iftiat Of LRATREttorocb seißED'Affn OAK ISOLIL.
bIICATIVER,-OAIP AND }rut wais t menctioct) /AND
INDS Jiolpandiall Windt of Shoemaker s ' TOOLS , AND
FINDINGS; , such as 1100STREASk . - 11..ASTS,' . BOOT
Gonatantly on band an assortment of Laatings. Threads,
Shot•naila, Peg-breaks, Sand-stones, Pegs, Dristlas; Sit
_ ...... __...-__ 1-----2.-..-
'-- --
gaged in the business mots thaw twenty years, he feels
satisfied that he can give satisfaction to all who will
favor him with a call. Shoemakers . fr: in the country
will do well by calling og him , before else
where.. ~ , . . . . SAN ITEL . I/A !XS. •
Lebanon, Jan. 27 ISSa, : .
.. .
aICHAEL HOFFMAN would respectfully intone
thut•lttreni of Lebinon, that be hes REMOVED
s I TAILORING Business to Cumberland Street; ti'o
doors East of Market Street, and opposite the Eagle
mot}, where all persona who . 'wish garmenta 'Made
up hythe most fashionable style and best mentor; see in
vited to call.
TO TAILORS !--Just received and for sale the ?.York
and Philadelphia Report'Of •Spring • Summer Faehiona.
TaileMalehing 'the Fashions ahould let:the sobecriber
know of the; fact, so that he can make his arrangement,
aeberdlngly. • MUCH A% HOFFMAN.
Lebanon, May '4,1864 '
• Will be sold at
, )111311roiii.orthaiiiiieloORsber & Bros, Ina
XIII. taken the stock of Ready-made Clothing at the
appreleement, which:will enable him to sell /ewer than
anywhere else cur be bought. cell and see for your, -
aelre before you make,your,yall , purchase,
Lebanon, &tar 4. 1864 LHEI, 4 4. Y..RARnt,
• Blanket. Snawlß,
CLOTII, WOOL)* OLOTAING:4 all colors,
Mack or Dine Dlack","pniased; the color wartliptonti
and goods turned out equal to new, by
%YON LEMDtCR - C1104%;•. •
• ... ••' ' Bast Heniqi"
4a--Articles to be dy;ed be' Ipft .$
pea Drug Btore where alt Orders for the above will, b
nett ded to. ' (March 11:1B W::'
Malt snbacribsr would' respectfully infaile the: pt b- lie that he has remove/ to Lebanon, and that ha
will carry on the -
Tailoring lininess 3
in alt Its bmnahm„li Uri building tiretentdd . 6j-title
"Walirer Delitobrit? - printilieotilos; (second story,) is
Market street, nearly opposite Matthes' Hotel . Ilia
work. will all be made in the most workmanlike man
ner, and guaranteed to ;dealt., Ills tits are atarranted
—kit' the steo as *ape slender: . ire solicit/ the. plaint:4ga o I th e Tublic. , • r •.r
'. tPlt . St Stel - DISIL
Sa RA MSAY, In Funcli'SbullaikVidillie'r of Coen.
borland street and Doe alley, ftss oin hand and
for sale, either by the yard or mode; to tirdolVia large
lot of
• • CASgliitHirrig, •
. .
. ,
well selected from Good Houseti. Hoed Fits and sub•
stattial making guarantrcd to all. 140 Ilandker.
chiefs, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Fancy and
Plain Linen Shirti; Under Shirts and Drawere.
Lebanon, May 4, 1804. 8. 8 RAMSAY.
• 1111754 ;;WItTiV
liierehibt -s Trific7r, resieeiftilly
nounces to the citizens 'et Lebanon and vicinity
that be hyjust returned from the city with a.. tits.
sortment of • ' • 1
of which he will sell or make up to older -
;ilk:Ai - to snit the times, at his'Ne. 1 Tailoring Fatah,
liWinent In Keim's New Block, 4 doors South of the
Buil( Hotel, South Walnut street.
• 'All work entrnsted to blecire, will be mannfactur
ebility. d Iva Workmanlike moaner as to Mahlon and dura-
Goods purchased elsewhere will be cheerfully made
up to order on the (lanai moderate terms.. .
Haring bad years of experience in the Tailoring and
Dry-Goods business, and being inclined to turn to the
advent* 0 . , of hhOnittsmeralitt •theadjinliaos,iffni
lug frotiorstiltritequi*nents;Jat thjat It
will be responded to by a vary llheial share of the pub
Ile patronage.
sires Friends eat okfire'M -please me &ARAM phase you
. • .
July 15‘
. wing. Mac a esV
. _
SHE . . .
Subicriber• would reopectfully Inform her
Mende, and the publiwin general.) that she has; ia.
connection with her MILLINER! business, taken the
agency for
:Wheelep h Wilson's uuoursped Lou
. Stick achines i :
, which , biave-taklm the'preMinm'at 'the' fe . .mdoiti
Pair,. and at , lioutireda of other Fairs. It is ailaptemir
for all'ltlitde of 'Family Bowing- andfTalloritig. Three'
different numbers of the Mae..itie will always • kept'
oti ha nitl *.wh 101 l ; can asaiingd it bar rettire, ' and eh e
will give luetrue time in the manner 0f:44: '•
Thealtditirieii , Aineiri;iii a ll its , will be
continued at her Btore, in Cumberlai dievas 0.-
Sias. ilititßUCT ONLTZSIt.
aeon July 20. k1001:;--alial ck.
t_11499. 144.AP+411iadg_itY1)4.'
8100 . CIIIIMS just printed for sal atl the AD
LENH3ER ewes
JL. LIniSETWER, Oradnato of tLo Naito
delph la Coll ego of Phannary, offers to the'
cdelmu l or Woman and enrronnding country+
■ ,PURS eelechcin of Drug's, Atodleinee and . nn
ehelniaals; laid the Stet quality of Perfnitery
a it ag Woilet and Saucy S oapa,- eni b rAc i ng the 113
et manufacture in the ronntry, and a Inrge
vitioryibE Maio* hrliallee, Nan. Flesh; Clothes
ansl hoir:hrplhase Racket. XOll,l and FiPe
Comte or - Ivory, Shah, Horn and tredia Ribber.
gilt", whole OP d i grood Spigeoarp:offored for
BON in largo Ind II quantifier' sit •
• ' 44AD - EN SEEDS,'
.• •
• Yink.44_44,Ao_ tailor tms nt, . 0 41,
ft FRESH Diirtion and Irliiviielloteds 1111
~LtitlirSEßG HIVED , )
' g
I .gPentrated,l4l,go4,
gint=ki la 'and mail quantities at'
• Lintilllltol3lVB -Derr •Stctro.
trir Sodp ?earl Aids,
era us, m r; pttre, atafataall.
ihtatia thatnaktliqllatitttletPat' • -
• • LENBRIVIEWS.Arng,.§pris.
'lf 'lO6 are' to eat WaShing;liOitio,
ohp white *Ma Castil o Seap,,Ohititry. tloap,
gmetse BAsp,to.spmove gnease,spota t gaper*
brfy i the stind• t • • .
I • „ • AsintiligitGles,,,, ,
int Zit; hTt a ` good ,
tolprepint.falltsurput of the hLBEROBRainit ytnsfie4-L:*
,• I ; ~P papt_LE4'Si.
YttussEgl . - "TRUSSESI „,
i fhu idiom ire iisniested 'to call, and eiisti'
Me my stock of Truism, Supporters,' ke..iiimmit•
pricing a variety of . Manufacture.
pa... Marsh's” tieratifse - "lmproved Sett 4i,d•
noting Pad i Tru4i '
, • •
rstei"Cafauien Ist fliuidass
An t4iaitable - iirtiAli'for - thi Pt:Pain
Iflsou arp Isri want of any of the ahoy! /04
ath he au( tbd at
• "....,1 L I ; I 24I3BR6EIVSAM I / 4 114 , UAW -
I'd re; Obtatitawbi.pratidT.
Allan alt Wilms;
;. 401* 41144 1,414 if at ' '
. ••PEALUER.94SRT Drac4torp,
" 111 ' • Opposite ft,: mtlik.t Heti&
.nducted First c
t class Druiture,. nab PO ta rn; le m Anil by ;(
r - F.; ;•: ' '. •,.: • , •LENDVA.QSM, :: •••. •
• Chemist and itogthecar, •
,IFeeiftili itinkftil foil& sari?. ligetal patiiiii•
fge *up fay reoetvsd from,tlps.P.hylichuts,-Ater
diorite ,iiid*C(titens of Lebiiiou and sriiround-1
rigs; I agile 'solicit a fellatie? piomtsing , te Ai.
Terg effort to please a11.. . _ . 1
*3l-Simrhil attention"kigen . fio : Feisttie'i
resscatrrioss and FAMILY Rictus's., ami - al)
medicine dispensed Warranted PURE, alway
'as g aad ' a t s # l,l oP9Silati/Misflierf,*4 sold
to suit the times. Remember the Address,
-. ' -,• JOS: Is, LEMBERG ER.
Druggist, Obethist and Apotbeepsy,
Feb. 4,4860. • • Mariet street, Labition, Pa.
HAS, just receired at his Grocer?' Bar i , 'Combat'
bind St, one door wiet of Blarketra lot of:Fr/tab'
Fruit in Cane, inalUdiog Peaches, Gages, Green Cord,
Tomatoes, Jeitlea. ,
Piecatlelll, Cauliflower, 'Estella% Ihrpper 3anee ,
Cheese. 1••;*. •
English, Linitiorgar,Sap•Sagie. •
Sardines, 811i11611, blle % srel , SiniegOrOalkii• •
• F . :nit. 1 4 . . •
Raisin ,Cnrrents,i'runs4;llrfedlo4
ranberries, Apple* Roal l~ e Tapioca,
1 Barley,:reas,ke,!, •
A lot of Buckwheat Meal. Also fdklbagerbkeiltNear.
York Apples.
Iligttest price given In ciain for Roca; . Bsittii
Dried Apples and Peaches,
Pubi kpatiosasa soneited.
JOIN D/14.1g.1.
Goal• t
• •
T.; ißr4:3 teß:v t : fib intone Mei:Winn& the public gen.
erslly the' I hews on,i . nnson ,thanufseture of.
'COAL :OM LAMPE 'Of ii4iity i dCiU.. Ipthin and style
0f.,111414,4 .!• _
3, ;8, S. Sethond ...e4ageiciehta.
prottleat 6:parienee - of thifrtitsP.Yeeni tif417:661.1f."-
topic og poi lamp busness fon; Appalq tiS. the larges
boussil conhtry. i l flatter niyiplif thi:t fixtmi- t
;lentos irsttkpowjjedge wilt male Ji'or tolbe
public, pods tsolt , qualbsd by ov ,lp . not,/ to sty,lo
strerdrltnAtiship, mid at prleisii &W it thg with the
lowest-0 Itshistkalwora o r a&mror to Media offering to
new.nau.swoos- , invoosilaions—in•onr line.• I
Nara 'Mao. thelediohshale,skenhifor tlif • sale; id
A.. 7. WittIYENEII.. • '
N 0.311 Reath ledotid Street, Phtlad,lptilit,
i •
Thirty Ran
. ,Thirty , Hour,
'Jost Received at
J. BEAR'S Jewifi~ ' Sfcre,
" ' Libutori, Pp.
r Dr. I.4lfripe 7 s•Viiiveisiii
.Infallifile'lentieli• against CrearliC lei. the gtoest
,ach, Indiseetion, .Chotera. Diarrhoea, G Wellness
ottiltlngi, It rd-ache, Pelpitition of the Read,
lepeyi::.ketliess,;.Pllce, Chid Fever, &c:, Ire. Price v. Per
ILtioupc's .litrh
th'e malt eff4ctlve cu ofßietnititlit
B.eilmored thc,bdet roniodyofan Insr Hog and itneeigth...
en the Nerves, of !Ladies. after Coati heiaerti, . _
' like Pekod the beat sari* for drawing 'bled nsathitiadd'
• dittlaklyit wontsde. Xedee per Bottle,. . :
- or: FR. LA3IPR, Goishir, Kinidom .ffaialivir, Is he .
Ineentor bf the moat ertindefful cure Seer knowtii! get
commenced h je practice tapntx year.,ago . by•reastrinet
snob Patients,' billet been considered incdribio
their Physkteme:-.4 Re.. tithing hie inedleineitpind4l
Jed log thenntelvealo Lie lrestment tbeT,rentlned their.
IWrmor visor. and goodllielfkb; end thotteands'ef
Dave been saved by hie...1:500de..
.The name of br. Fa. Leperg soon became ,the meet
irsilowned ;of 4lirrOileete boot ors. lbw:Area of Thoiteande
of e nt ref e mtayst.aralled.thczneelree of ,Lis wonderful
Riddlehms a - •
••., : riinpoi* :.N Inert •t: •
• I ' 016 .1BMidWily,Y4W,Yeirk..'!.
*'•f Diaigillt;lol4s agent
*to* , . .
. ..
, , ~. -2 • Nel ice. . .
fp I a Je to it;01.11 - 3, all aim - hillii and' ,net makire
. •' that nirbilis Thr °Mita Will be paid by tba Dirac:.
tote of thexPpior.
or ptortiperson4 dying. wittki a a cirti•
of See dales of the Poor". ' , lipqae ;, es alt. aucib tritlf ol 4•
wilt bii fern isbed with Odelne free of . eiPesnbe orwajpilt
cation to the Steward atllke Poor llotilf.
.1 0 .
.i .1 ;
, 'JOHN E. nowmAlt, }
•.: . ELIAS WALBOILN,': Diree a* tiPthii;Peer.•
AI NO. 7,131111E1t3!AN, , ,
Ifiry 2r, Ins. • - •
Howard Associntion e : - . tt
I "4I,L4DELPHIA, PA. .7 , .1
TVIAEASEB of the !fete°u e, 1101.
Stahel. Syeteme—neti an d reltelolelneittrievit--18
teetarte oftlte.ftoW;tetto AP.toaclAT. t lON—Sebt hy.heap
15T emitted letter edvelopee; freirof charge. Address, Dr .A.• ISKILLIttf; HOUGHTON, iltierertVAssociatton'.
No:2BOuth Meth Street, Phlpedelphia, Pa.
Mirth '9,. 1884.t—ly.
r tra. •• -.teen,
;Indepen enc.; abont*Weptitkagoa red: Ind
Via white, STEER, with, wW.1119,4, aboni..ii4enr
' "'" ' • old; • The, owner I. rWemnlble' to oOm. for
"t al lakl e Pithr9Pertl.3wY inniMaß. awie,y;•
or it wtlll alsposed of according WIN. • •
, Viciatat; wiTzdEt. -•
. ,• • ,
jountv Bo\ itti - sr z.
T ly following seined pinsoLa /?ties been appointed
__ bollert•the County Bounty mulls thllli'relipeet
N'A MINIM DISTRICTS.. ?!./imiiikirtiiiscithet3
Anorille, North Charles Amt.
Acustlie, South • • Simnel ilessbold.
Bethel, Ilem A, Lick.
Cold Spring and'ifillient • . HentjAtHiicid.
Cornwall, , 1. - Xphrains Moist., •:
Heldelbsire,' • • . Zvi:lemma-Wlk:- ' •
Hanover, i Mast " void liVeridling.,. • • ' 1;
, " Vett* r. Stsdnir.
Lebanon Townsh% Nertitt harn,Tronel.
Lebanon Townshlp;iiiinth.. lien Bdinbergor .
Lebanon Boronah, Z. Ward . Fele: Hauer .
Lebanon Dorgark WI Ward - Ja ,U Gliall ; . • '
Lebanon Notoniii,Zioith ' . Jobeiti- Want!. ;-
Londonderry, - .John Wolfersliemer.
ilreek, Joseph Matthew.
Bwatora. °mese W. Walker.
proTtelißritgazgralcra rev' catedi itiL snip
All the Stoney that piellififiAnkillbsild be collected
on or Wore the r akr (r ■ - or 440444,r, AA? i Het,
and raid into Oil COOnii Tral 'E s iiii-'4 ..a. b:, : ~,
Fire per cent 'Will' be added t. f an
~p: _ il t t , ,,:
rot paid 'po Or ' imkde the first d. y orsAw4, . . s it
accoidlng to Nue. . • ... • .' -.'
~ .
WItILLA, to • • .: 1646.14: ••
Attest:—Crane &trait; 'eterk . . - ". '-'' ' • ••
Lebanon, Nov. 28,, 186‘.
. _
- 4:3 N •
1it. 2 1., g a i
. ) 11.113.4v.p. 4
• r:L . IF4l,,c'fpf.ww.. 1 @pi0x4. , , , 2
rubefitionift..... „ I*,t4iiilieiwn-lity,,iriaglylf4
cirrus .alvD-2i.
Nort "OA at hie Brewery;
retail. 16'
libit aibiriilibletilli; Offeis for aala,wbpjmala *ail
N. Lebaton;TßllllNarireitradrlM:
11. 18. 1866. '
rim.r.tPorgril . Drzurvzrgsa,z.i . OILS, &c.,
Forties wbobave settled their accounts to April 1;1111*
will be snowed s liberal credit on mircbases.—Tbeitt
lobo Lave not settled. will lind their accounts with
A. 8. Ely, Eat., (UT immediate settlement and colles•
intrciduchie.. he !Met et pedal es ghat
titgEgir,' 6,4
eslObrated PI AtiOS for . Cash, at kliblit# .
11114111tit` :
;IS. Over 30.00) sold. . .
.14,ATIES. 51)
9i9leil 2.lll'ilotal t *Mgt!
„ t ,t,
April* '
MOVA . -t • •••••
NORTH LEI3A.NOZT ' • ''''' 7
416 ..
iiii ' •
Saddle mad Viten angto
Q . I . 7 ' n l, - I fl i t a fritrin - '? ;
ir l it widorsikne as - removed -,,,„,.._ ,
~bis , Sa4dlffy. Jimil , Ilarciesso 11 7 -- - 14
anufsotOry, loa fiewkw,aSplaib, ~ ;,,-.- -,
of the old plaVe * to the large room -`l"„v_-.:-' , ':' , V.,.
lately oceupled b y Elliman k Bro., as -
a Liquor store, Wherohe will be'hip'py to steal) hilneld
friends and customers, and whare be hal increased fa
elflike for attending to all the departmente of hi. busi
ness. Being determined to be bebliid no other 'stab
liehment in his abilities to accommodate customers, ha
hulparod 'neither palms nor expense to obtain and
make himself master of every modern improvement is
the ha/tines" pp recur• the 'emit-ego! the, best work
men that liberal wages would command. i lia will keep
&Jorge stock on hand, and , menufacture'st theuithort ;
est nottco, all descriptions of TIARNefiK, such as Sad
dle., Bridles, Carriage. Heroes*, of all hinds; heavy
Harneu, Buggy Whi is of the best inanufacturs,..Buf ,
fate 'Robes, lily Nets, much as Cotton, Worsted, Lineii.
Snit • anew kind lately invented; WHIPS of every
Yi RI. sttch as Buggy Whips, Cart Whips, sic.; lliintel
of stilidetteriPtions Baiter Chalus, Laois-made Traces,
Ake" Am; all 'of which he' will' warrant to b. equal 4
any that can be obtained in any other estehliebreent
in the country. All he asks that those desiring any,
thing in tliiit line, should !bit 'at his place awl examine
all 3tOek. Ilot feels tho (titbit Confidence ilehisidnlity
to give extant satisfaction. ' i
IKVAII orders thankfully received and.prompfly at
ended to. SOLOMON 111BITII.
North Lebanon,Borough, Aug IS 1162. ..
Kline's ., Patent' Fruit Jar.
Guest-4•lr HE moat j ec
irk tbae market. la
I all ear' , having no clamping or, . crew; For Pale st,,l ls lllllqtql4ll.Drpft Store, Markel street,
4Fir Call Mal eat a alrevitoir gft tog, pore jo firma
Lobonon;:Juisorlallel,.-4f. •• ; • •,; ;• • ;
1 be vapbmt..ter,i;evutir 4eint-r outhtt. , •;ait, 6 7:th"
tare, formerly known 1111 , "Straw's" and later a.
gert's," about one-fourth. of, a mile iron) Jonestown.
Lebanon county, Pi.; that hei• has it now lii"CcimPlidai
running order, and prepared to fornisti OttstonseriL
regularly with a very superiorl LT artieheof-
AIE ArL-4, 4 1113110 0:
as eittle le i uft.Cin bo obt a ine d from any other source; .
lie Volpe alio on' timid ind.for &deaf the lefiest'ilaib'
prices.,ollloP.,l3lW.l o SILOATEI, de, . lie4t-also ,pra r ,
pared to do au 31ti8s of COSTOilzas"Wolts,: for' Patielifit`
and otherSoit thc Yeil.shorteit posaibleitrtimimdlit",
vitas all to give him a trial'. The machinery of Ili.
le entirely new iiid - of tKr!, latest and moat
proved land. Aly strict atitintiMl Ite.bsainotte ;Mid Pa li
dealing he hopes to guilt a share or,publtn,marnpage.,
' CORN; 02V.M,' ,
tfAi highest ieheatierdl
will pootaid. •;••• • • ; - ,F1L10N.1“.144, WA!,,TXR.
My 4,1884._
WALTZ Itt .H O . OOK ,
W " Cons p o ' l l itt r Tet t t i l a i e & B ril uo i lC ic an 'th it d
ha l r a i n ag r7 . l t igll oa t"a f
Roodel and Gleorie %Vida, tli ta y:tre :ow p t. :pap/I
tO *mit on all favor hem ; With le it :Mei
old stand (ii. 11. Itoodaya) In Cutnherlapole s treet ? wl3oro
they will 161;snyir bete •an . limes lark. 'and -well' ie
looted supply of School, Blank and Sunday Scbool-
Donk', and as au Inducement they offer their Manilla
neous hook* pt greatly redudewl - pric..a.
:The 3'iew toyk and • P Ilede/plibe lipil,.isj 1 0417
Parini, and ,Mnimibion, can
i bp:hnd and antrocribed,
nn roaanoset•l f ternes,Ac,4Qpng.Lifirll.4 1 4 0 ** ; •••• • •
Anything want in Oink:Una watt,* letimerlinl)7;oo*
tended to wlttrproliteines aud die - pit:el: •
14"116.61 Mir 4. UM.. • • • :-• '
The undersigned ltwting iik the inns *ed. Classenti
I diens:Hotel, fn , Potthville, known an the . ;
MORT-11111 ER. 11 OUSE,-
II:ould respectfully announce to hie old friends andrer
tner patrons that he Is prepared to imminent'-
, *. date all wheplay.fator Olin 'with
their patronage.
The 1101iTINIER ROUSE hid been newly peperen,
painted, and reforniehed throughout and the PROPIIIII-
TOR feels warranted In saying that - it is
Boron& of Pottsville, for oorafort and convenience.
iazn . nvir t be,. ,Spaed
TOnneder It an agreeable ard - comfortable stopping
v • • place for stiangere and' tiavelers. •
The Stabling:and Shedding,
Attached to the [tote', are autlicieutly large for the IT
• s eiontinotlitiOn of tho horses and corrispee of
T,ll o ifotel j h now open for th 4
li'ecept, ' the
ite be h appy 4otlnuidodiitead'
she Its up itwoot4 •-- •
totur/n...Api/1 . •
. . • •
-. AMER - 46WEIOUll;
Market Striree, I .Eebitliast;e , -
• . • ..•
VI lug prepiletOf Of 'tills old eitiDlßlied : acd,pupa
thit •
it will he conducted at all tillles to.the comfort ind
COtivirolence of Ito guests. It bee been thoroughly re
fitted and renovated. and no pains will be spared I.
W like the Table and the Bar, at all times, equal to any
In the county.
Thei fiTABLING end Yard arennperi9r too; and nytra_
ostensive, than any other 'la Tlebanno. "Anew !IBM -
It allo in Ihts.conrse ,of *rent/nay, tineehtl.
plated In a short time. ,The papoiaggi o r the Fartniri.
mid' the' Visioning- pUblie generally fa respectfully is:i
ncited,: • , - '
TCAVEWast'ii - de of ittaiketlntiviet, and half*
opal* •oto th Troia th e-Market ,
•.. • •-% 1l .••
• 4011 ff E IgATTIIES.•
atiskir 'a id. • •
. •
Dit tit 0 - 1 q:
toJiiii New Disildini - ei
Iffiest, opyitelt:heifaigle ' : •
stung onbsCrifidf hapittfunt°l;nanOtincisatoliissueluire
sr latices - and the public in general, that be has con-
MI, on hand a large stock of
( I'VA;lf§ ; •WARIII; <,; ' ::• BRITSURS, ' •
• ; 4444 -. O ILS, -
Epruing.Floid „ , Aurgical, /nitro meets, Toilet "BOW) 5i.,.,
geflit'lebseco, Av. 'Alio i -variety of Fiery-Art ie-1W
.nnessrpus to,mention; which he offers !it ;
and warnintethe,qualitiea of the articles ac repprient
will chase rerriaiiibaPtlilii,Vidliiiim;.
Inc the giVittiflus and prices of
log eloessbble.".tom-physician's prescrin thine acid tsar
ilrfeCipes direfully compounded &cad:a:the
day, or nigli calling t, by, calli at thei:lriichitovi t opliosite tho .
Right '
Qe atindays die Storn the cis* ,
PolO,dieg,of, prescriptions lieweep the hours of 7and
10 b'ciock', 'A. 31:;12 awe taiiil 4 4 atilt 3!: =
but/slum, Aug.,lB : D4aJD ,s. ABBR.
&MeV /
riiii4uis • , •
--y. ' -• ,
pmy Airs were all parabolic"! e! me old •a s,
alaaVolieleilittiinttliku at prokattfitainlinebblibb tat
I 9 9 15 1 17t Y 117trairt i MP 2=g
tyitimu inity,..s %;:i If at'
es. Remember the Hama , Nnaeger and Stippii,
TlB Arch Street, above 7tb.,enoathiede„ Pbtlad'a• N
Whair4=lll4l , " VitraS E FH I A °I
Sept. 7 ,1164,--bmee.
csiazit . ;
IF ;et a l iked
i n
ns A'Alt ireet
/e Ttb.,
hare naw in store
17 own Impartatioit
tie - r.Ait and
ios of .