&It gbiartiorr: T ER Di, 61. 50 A TEAR LEBANON, PA. IVEDTBMAY, JANUARY 18, 1865. -4 V = l6' . E _OF AIUS . IFLEBIB.OO. I elf .48e4L'ilifektignixte: The — litit - ilishoni of Lebanon hare agreatelAlpctliike following chattel] for Adrertichig, It, St. 3m. 6m, 1 Otrinip, 143Viitoi; $ .50 $l.OO $B.OO ' $5.00 t 8.00: 2 " 241tneli, 1.00 200 6.00 8.00 '12.00 3 " Nes, 1.60 300 1.00 10.00 18.00 Ayr SAecutinoli. and Administrator's &Mese, 2.00 conisaignee, Auditor and aimllur Notlees,, - 31.0 ,Vor.yearly earth+, not exceeding 6 Knee, 8.00 .38orecoltdri ndrertinement, 1 Vim,: 50.00 f 1 ,227,14 collunn " For y' a . column " " . 1 "r: 18.00 , sg r r I n n a nr u n n eZon au tl es dhl u a n t i e l t: c f o o m r4z :i t y s a d d ra ir li t ee s 2 . .140 0 For Local Notice*, Society resolutions, &e., 8 cts per line. For Bishops or Speelisl,NotieBB, 89cinoti, Ver line Yearly advertisetitents for Merebants and Dual- P!iatM ag atlA • LES OF PEihtIiROPERTY, •. • . %wine Sales of Peal Property will. b • v itnittlie , , tignes and places designated. FOll.l 'Our titular* . itir Advertisements, which .will ap r .pant In • another column in 'due time ! Titursiday,February 2—Farming Stoek and'lmple men tp of .Edward Long, Swntara township. • ; fleterday t iebruary 4—John Arnold's' sale in Noilth Lebanon Township. Tuesday„; 'February 14—Stock and Farming fm- • plementa of Anthony .Hoiderread, in North Lebanon 'Monday, February 20—Stephen Heilman, East I l Fno &r. Wednesday February 22—Abrahatn Laslier'a sale A in Heidleberg. • . ,Wedntoota", Fehrbary 22—Andrew Beek 's sale o;nAnsa Hanover' township. • hufsilay, February lA—Henry Spang's sale in A South Lebanon. Township. , Tuesday, February .23-;Stack and Xar,rnityr pletnentS of Tea. Heilman, in South Lahti ga to rcloy, Moab 4 -Stock, Firm bag Imp le men ts and Household property of Samuel Signer, in Palmyra. %rtafty, March to—Steck' and Farming :Inipre , Atinntattlitanottlfunts,:in Ettat'HanovtinL - Tfediolsfty; Met lin h 29—Steek, Farming ple= •• tnenNS.nd eit provnrty C herrn& 4 i.tosetittetter, in Londonderry townelap. ~~T.ii~" Eatnyday,,, January 23=11ea1 Estate of George Gjtilfte'd SatrAilt ' arylS---yirtaltrgortrad ore ties, 1r 'd East Runnier. ''44auf4ith Etdkuary,4—Taciirn;Stand o r Sateuel Rank, deed; in Jonestown. , "st.' , PRIVATE SALES. • Finliarty' of Jetties N. Rogmta. Farm atJacipb Witinor,4r., in Coo r wall -Oita -;•.. ' foW "'fawn Lattof,john W. ?dish, Esq. iiatonghilraperty, of Joe. U Uhler. "returned Californian - is op , ;Ortiting la the lower counties by 'selling gold bars at a minded firetniuM, which 'afterwards turn out to be but brass. -He sold in Montgomery county $4OO worth to one farmer. We caution our readers to beware of him as he mar visit the4i... `digging. The Philadelphia. Flour NThrket Continues very quiet. and prices here de. 'plined 25 cents Per barrel. Wheat con. Unties very dull at the decline ; Corn is ; mike it abaft former rates. We learn dna lie 93d ,Regi- Nnent is again nearly up to. its full corn -Ipliment of men. Charles W. Eckman, 'of Danville; late palfaaTß; and wfTgrizary :42d Lieutenant Of Conipany H, is k now kolonel of the Feiinenf , and John E. rffair 81Reasting,fgtecaptain of Coin- Ipanyall; is-Lieutenant-iColonl. Major Spe rry; of this place, who is jUit reedvering-from dangetous wounds received hi the hattles.4 the r Wilderness, has been appointed Provost MarshalGen 'era! for, the State of Mianesota. Several.meetipelia*4 betmleld by public spirited citizens of this bor. `ough, for the purpose of raising the means `to establish a Rolfing,,Mill and C'n.t . Iron ,Worke ,in this , place.za , It .bas been ,ta. treed that ROW° in shares 001400 each shchild be raised, for ithich'subscrip /pop hooka are alresdy' opened, and a , large perilon of the amount has also .been subscribed. Such an enterprise, if sue bessful,, Would be of great benefit to-Leb `at Oaf if bin 6 ba . atl tib,,inalt a Acceswif properly managid.t.' , At it'AjduyneVillo - Vtit e . 'Subscribers of - Sliarek Of Stock for Car Iron works and E.ollingMilh anon, held at the r ifou*e or lie* regribt, ow Friday Evening, :Jap, 20th 1865, it was reSofited that Nifolkiing names be added to,the Committee,pu ,n scription • - • , Lo anon Borangh—•Simeon dittford% i'34l;e . oloninger. L rpm° IA k, John A'. Weimer. !ora l 1,000;tc?), Burengh—John !forth tobanoi Tontothip—Abraliem Stuyk k Charles .13 .Norney , Ck.rnors ll—Artemis W iiheim, J acob . Wifiner. . Atith Lobaunn—Sonal Shtick'. SS= timber La. Aonll4—,l/13. Siting*, Berg, Cht,i4lan " - Loa dry--John Detuingtr, Pr . Timm a, Chriatian Ilegas,, .. .. . ' - • ' • - .. filialarn—Jacob Ha llma n, William I , . Rank, Jobn wept . 414 ~.---.. .:, . . :dad— e ltelly,"la fillaas A. llifitrayi; - ... • 'llatimil— obn Grove, Clisgas Effilsolc . • Jacksoq—.7poepti cptrier,d'aqon Ifiebney, - ,Jobnihnigies HMIs Annvllla,7 IlnliEl6poll i ta, Ple 1111 Rl'lly ger. , ,tr i f e et —William lg . Yil,lo , : finapt.'ol3o Mans fi eld. erg oseph LA Cy. Buell er. ' ' ' et llanover—Mavfd fir, Blink, Thounts,A.Harpei: , littOther.txteptipg, of those t i , r votc twt, l itble toliii ereetio i lif the ahotre orki Will he held et tti blic house ortrenry Siegrist, on. Ivlo y evening, January - 30,.1865, at r o'clock:: _. `‘ • .; Mr. GshrtlYit, ALIO firm of Goodyear & Difihn AO; 01 this Borough, blipped on thelee on ,the pavement , in front of the pagla,Hbtel;„ on .Ttiesday a week, and lelli breatang the arm near. the elbow, and fracturing the bones near the Wrist. A CUMOUB DEPOSIT:—"On Baur . day Jest s as a couple of,youngnie,p James Thunrrierand Wm. Llneaweaver, -- we're winning on the Cernwall - hills, near 1110+M leading from Eby's to Koch's tar, ctkme across a depression or v fib e that thtiS , thought might be the bar braii *bit. They inserted a stick an on withdrawing it, a piece of brass biting to,it. They examined further - and befag satisfied that it contained other al.- _ tielegileturnpi to their homes with the .kiformation. Others then went to the itlabai and on removing a mass of brush and leaves). a mast curious deposit was exposed, athbrdcing about due hundred and fifty different articles, among which were spoons, buttons, old coins a couple of muskets, pocket compass, &c. There seems to be no fixed theory about the Matter. Some think that a murder has been committed in the vicinity, and •that lbw articles belonged to the. individual i> e' Ititt4 `Altogetheit - i#altry " ' 1 Waage affair.. Annual Report of, the tfeattlintkailroad Con My . The annual remt . of i the Reading Rail road . Compay f2t a rtt the c,ampany to be in a very flouriehing eobdition, Under the superintendence of G. A. Nicol's, Era., it is one of {lsC — heat managed roads in the country, Tbe !netessA of business of 1864 corn pared with 1163 was as follows : - . 1883.- 1864. 1N6A6182.. Passengers, 211.972 3.12,262 130.280 Mereband , sl, ('one) 647,863 807,106 169 743 Cod[ (tons) 3,066,261. 3,066 677 " 316 61d1(dollara) 21 309 23 497 2,186 1111,164e11antons 94,780 1784'1 8:,,681 The groe3 receitoe and gross capeoses, and net profits for the years 1863 and 186." were as follows : Groin Receipt/ Grose Exponent Net P;01141, •—,ShowingArtittareatie of net' profits ot $971 407. We copy thi'following items tibia the' Rtiport : .4 • The year : Scot cloned has been one of . Ifatin ' great prosperity engaged in,min ing and transporting Antbracitn,coal. - • The main workshops of the Company: at-Reading ritt nOw7mitirely inadelfiiatn fa the enlarged Equipratint. It • is, therefore. intended to erne,' he* and 'commodious buildings, on property'recen,Cy acquired. ‘.-The bonded debt s .has been ,reffucyr, - ettice the lased repot; by purchase,Alo4 - 000. and by conversion, $2 259'0b0; thaa:m, leaviag it, November 30th, $6-673.300. ;J i be wharf at j New Castle was finisher in December last; and is now ready far the` shipment of coal. .-The entire,. of the. Junction Reit road is tao;v in - daily use; with the excep, ; - . , tjbn of the tunnel under N.tarlie street, West Philadelphia, and this is in progreis or conipletion. • - `The profits of the year having been ap propriated as has .brett stated, the mana gera, on the 30th of Ntriember, declared a" ,dividead :of fifteen per cent;., ; roayable fir ' stock, on the it Deceniber... This course; I adopted,as, by delay, the holders of the cdnvertible bonds could have , -ollecte'd: , the e,otipons,due on the lath:mt.:then con: t yerted the boitds into estrosk,and also have t i participated ' in the - clvidend. • By - the means thus pursued no injustice waLdone to the bondholder. - • . gatietah elected s c,fficere f k r the ensuleg yearn - lqueunsta -MAR. E. S.•MFelton,,. , z`idbert B. PrAtt4ligeoirk, Lipplacotc, klslstkTitylor. Tsatteurpr RADFORD, 6ectetary-LW6I W,114,,,, is At t a -meeting of: the Borough douncil, held on Monday evening, Janne 'ry fah, 1895,, the followlp - g rescitittion was passed' Resolved, That the Borough CoUriCil, according to an act of the assembry, will pay $3OO to all persons putting in' sub stitutes into the National' service for ttiree years, and creditedto the - Borough of Lebanon, until the present call is fill ed. - A 'Harrisburg; correspondent of the Pras.tas the'follotving in relation' to a proposed change in the boundaries of Lebanon and Berks counties : It may not be uninteresting to your readers in Berks to know that some thir ty of their citizens are anxious to secede. Yesterday morning they presented a pe tition which sets forth that .they are rest% AVMs tit NewmansteWn,‘larion town ship; and that they are Vit to *teat In, by Jl:m_ present, location of the county line. - when trey: desire to i ' at.. an e.!edito7l`tp thdrrlcirp, they I are obliged to pass the polls in IVlWereek township, Lebanon county, and then pro ceed about three miles through that coun ty before timy•reach•their own poll. They also'comp'ain' that. the county lige yaps thrOtigh .NewianstoW'n and through some of the buildings therein, and also intoret# s4ll4lol.Ylvittl-3.9Telf ickttol s ‘ .3rs- Wet :arli t Ifs :111 er-lesid =hear& the county"See'to f fi,:e!iaeon than flat 4 13 ! , cit.s, and their business interests iiie . keit es pecially identified with the fot;t;er, they prelfer to he in .that. county. They, there-: fore request that ., the Legislature will change the tide, and threw wmans- I town, and ,a land _adjacent to it, into Lebanon .county. Mr. asepli"Tarker, forerrian of the Wreckers ow the Reading •liatiroad, was seriously. Anjgred pn Fridaklist.,, at Reading, by a fall . on the track near the Round:iipuse. Very fortunately, no bones were broken. T'h er Spring , "Mutual . Company at .thetr, annitai theettnit On the 2d inst., re-elected the Ad officers, kir another year, viz: Piesideni —John ;Van Reed : Treasnrer--Lewis Xritter; ,Seeretary, - 1 -Charter Roaster. .1 N; N'S FI..A.Td. t Ail 4be latest stiylee tit 0114,11,LES.041.iFORD &.56N5, Continental _Hotel, Philadelphia. Th 6 iittwititiii of tditre:s de§itibk to -visit the old> conntry , ;send for tha t friends fro4,lhCre, is balled to the advertiscrnr,otot Cat )t. John Ulrich, Agent fur the ltliik7Star-Line of Liverogst,Ktck ets. Frain , threAtaptairetfie'y tiOtreftve fair d'ealingu 'int,P4irorniitnesf; reqVii:fies novitteti" littaintthie from strangers ilifi the cities He : also. attends to the' , for. welding of remittanCes. --LAMES' "' ,c.trkaLßS GAV- Fo l ll, s. B .e. a (4g 's e Viz n r'e t uTr n- le . E nl isir Hotel, Philadel- P~~~Y ~ At a meetings 0f.. - the tax im3rbrs of o,rnwall Township,held at the "Eicel sior"' school-house, Saturday, Jan 21st: 1865, they proceeded town organization by ,etectingitie folloy,?ing.:officers.„,gresi• dent, Tobias Lardtt; Vice PFeSident, mans ; Rec. Sett. Franklin F. HoucL The objeet oPthe meeting was stated by the Pre:eider : it, alter :;';which Ithe ioliowing teaciatkm was adopted. •Itisolved ; That author. ize and endorse the,sehool Directors of the said bisirict to levy a tax and Pei to each,dFafted man the sum of $3OO, in accordance 'with law!.! • . President, Tobiai Lantz, V. PrOaldent, Robert Hirai* . Sect., F. F. Houck. LADIES' AND mirth pri 1. HATS. Latest styles at CHARLES OAKFORD Lt. SONS Con tinen tal. HotittAlladelph la. ~ • - Postmpsteis are oktiged .to,;":lV ceive all treasury notes`for stamps and postage, if clearly lequine, t .no . matter how torn or defaced they•Mhy be, Pro vided one twentieth Part &Teof ge. hot missing, and fractional currency, if not one tenth part be missing. Such .notes and currency reedited its are unfit for ye issue should be kept seParare and distinct Kat returned; as occasion'. rignireii/to the Treasurer ' . of tke Washington,-insurnii;nOt. less, timui. three dollars,' to be exchtiiiiibdilbil SECRET .DRAE j i,-A draft now going on in Washin`gton; D. C., is con ducted in secrecy, so that those whose names are drawn shall hav,e tio. chance to run away. It is intimated, that the enrollment law may 6e soAtnended as to make this mode of , drafting the' general -practice. Purchasers may rely upon getting the bee Furs at CHARLES OARFORD Jc SONS, Con tinental Hotel, Ph iladelphia We were sown the other day a plan of the new M. E. Church in this place. It will be a beautiful structure. The work will be. commenced this siring as soon as, the weather permits, .7- 7- 1E64. 1689. 9 269 341 0 21.2.962 4961,191 2,916,169 The lergest ageortment_ at, CHARLES OAK FORD A SONS, Continental 'llotK phte ;-• ; ' 8,836 743 4.: 8 150 , _ • Samuel Fisher sold two - b,ric,,,rf dwelling' houses in. North Lebanon to George W. Miller, for $4OOO. 'Pttrebatieri niag , ntliy,,ktpun getting the liest Fitra at OITARLNS OAKIrOD ,tic SONS, Con= inental. Hotel r Pt itadelph • :,41:04iitvkiie.:ro - r — slt':4 ,.. cheap, in Cumberland; stceet, near •Market,—A litie rot igiabeeliSware, tome of which is slightly iMperfect, will, be sold at'nearij half-price. As. we will close as soon as the present lot is sold, parties Wishing ware will find this a rare chancs. A. W6gley Lotust Grove mills. in Heidleburg townsblp, Lebanon county, mile from grotes-stos4 , pays 82,50 for Wheat. tf. , LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS. " - Latest -stylet_ an. CHARLES OAKFORD - A SONS, Continental Hotel, Philadelphia.; Just printed: and, for ~ sale at, this dffi,ee, Conditions for the Sale of Real Rs:. 4-z_tat. , , . Stile aud Ross ar9 stall paying 816 tor Rye'Straw, $l5 for Wheat, 810 for Oats. :•Lebjpon; County Tts:chers' iociation.—Aireeably to public notice lasociation met in the eolfrt House; on Thursday morning, January 19th 1865, and continued in session three days. The folio wing . names Officer's, Were elected to serve for the ensuing year :-- '.President, ex.. .pie—Hem Houck. , Vice Presidents—W. y. burnsicte, D.Dein lager. ^ • ' Recording Secretary:—.T. W. Harbeson. Acritorj-Ltrit. Treasurer-4. - .T. Nitraner, Miss Sue Richaidson and Luther Houck were ppoOloted Critics. . The names of the teachers present Were - enrolled, after which on - motion ad. journed. Music by a class under chaf;ge -.. J. W. Harbeson spoke on : the subject of Elocution. • Miss Richardson illustrated ber ,meth od of teaching Reading; by drilling, a class.. - . niter 'which teach4i's spelled b 37 dictatkin_ope..hundred,..:...wn , tViisiiid S SSION. Opened. with musk. • Prof. Brooks_ was introduced - and. de livered a very practical lecturecin "liorne Edupatipp." l , _ „ . frie nekt* lecturer ` ; was Prof Subject—Subordination.of man .to nature. Mtisic,,eer which the reports, of 'the Critics were 'veil. Adjourned.' - , 110 AT 4tOR.IsTING. Opened with Music_; . • Class drills: , were-had in Orthography, by Mr. W. SrScofield, or 'Millersville, and on- English * Grammar by Prof. Brooks. The best methods or teaching these ,bran . clesgwere Dremnle4 and , discussed, Adjourned. !, . ; , -ArrEANOON 11681.QN-•:: Mptie,:aftpe - which the teachers spelt fifty "words by dictation., • .; Prot Etoop spOke on Kr!tifiAetic co'n finingfilinieffprinciiia*io demo eiinate Another exercise wee' liad,lVE after' vrtikiii , the • addience' was • favoriol with Music, Adjour4gd, • . Music, arter . 'wnieh Prof.. Wetti deller ed a libilusophical lecturebn'•The Work. w'a.SlBlicAs4r 'Peof!Brooks on 'Thought' and the Thinker."' . Milsic, after ,whleh,thecfities reported 4djoiirnet, Weils delivered an in strttctir, lecture on "Deserts:'.' Prof Brooks made some appropriate cle.Sing remarks, after iThi4 the report, of one of wktsje„ia l motiond • ' ) th a vote or thanks was ten to tWe keniTemen who favored .66 Institute with leefdrei ; and liket;;A:se to Miss Hull and the ladies and - - gentlemen composing the singing class, for the fine Ntisid discoursed during the. sitting of the Institute. Can 'motion adjourned sine die. J. W. Harbeson, Rec. Sec'tir. 11...Lantt, Ais't Sec'tY • • The following number of teashere were present, viz : • gllnt - Hr We, North, U, Annyil)e, pputh, p; Bethel, 13 ; Cornwall, .9 , Haniwer, East, Heidleberg, - 10 ; Jackson; • It; Leb anon Borough: 18; Lebanon Borough, ,North, 5 ; Lebanon, North, 12 ; Lebanon, South, 9 ; Londonderry, 16 ; Millereek, 4, S'atara, 1L; Union, 6—Total, 151. LADIES' FURS. LADIES' FURS LALIES` Jo,ini BopEtt, - Oct. s.—lf AFTERNOON SESSION; 'EVENING SESSION BATURDAY MORNINCf BLANK RECEIPTS ..For dallnatorx.re ' State County, •and Militia Tax. for sale ah . aVp.sitthe Advertiser Office. Also.for, Cotfaetari of ~ g ilecia,t, dittL er rver , ' • Intormatiim Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. ,ONNT4ffiIIAIN, cured of Nei ' bebility competenop, ykougstura Sunni andAnuthf ul rorilsctuated by a &Aire' to benefit Others ;Nstli be hap py to furnish Wall who used (free U.S.charge s ) the recipe and. directiods toe •tnaking .the remedy used in his cede. Sufferers wishing to -profit- by the advertisers. ; bed experience, and possess a' mire end valuable remedy, can do so b y addressing him.' at mice at hicplace of.business. The Recipevend.full litki,fiSa tion—of vital Importance—wol be obberfelly sent by return mail. . Address .- ' JOHN OGDEN, 1.70. 60 Namum Stinef,Apt_TegirL VCS;o4lffirdicSilffernis - ot - WlTlrezes rill find nobrbiation- • • %Dee; 794864.0-4 m: *la' I,IE'COXPESSIONS &IP •EXPNRIRNON OF AN , .. --0. II INVALID. t' .• ' , : • - Published for the benefit, Ind AP * CAIITIO.N TO 'MIND AWN •end other*, whtt .axtte.r. frontlierrous 'Debility, Premature Decay of )•fatituaid. 4:01, supttlyiug et the same tune the menus of 5 0y., k ,... By. owt,win, hat ettretthireselfafteryindurgoing contdderable qtraelt. ery. By enclosiug a pe4Pltfil mrdreigettinvelopy3osinr, gle copies may be had of the'authoi% ",-,. :, *.: NATIIANIRi MAYFAIR. Req.. pro°v k a, Kluge Co., N. Y. Doc. 7,1804.-3 m A3iter.'s Ag ! e Cure, ... .. Fp. TUB SPJ(Ser Cupp, „ : 9F, ..: I t riermit.tent Paver, or P er in& igue, Ai.' Mittbit -IFev.et, Chill isi, Dumb kgae, Periodical liesdache.or Zillions Headache, , and Billions. Fevers, leed -for the whole , class of diseases Origin ing: in biliary de- I rangement, eausid by e ,mai r i a :0 f Miss-- matte countries. • • . ' , ,, , 3. . Tf it IEV.EII. - and Ague is not rite I nly' consequence .. of I the miasmatic poison. A great Val frty, of disor ders 'trios from its irri 'diennum In malarions d taints, a a whieb are Neuralgia. ,eumatisas t Gout, Head ache„ Windiest, lbothoche, E : t ache. Ctiturrl . l; Asthma, Pcilpitation,-Tainfut „Almelo of,the Spleen,lAskiics ni x Pahrifo the Bowels, C01i0. 4 111 tysii' and Derangement of the stomach, all of *Mat. , heigoriginatiing io this cause put on the intermittent type, •-or become` puriodi- , eat.. ThlV'Ctitti fr . .expebfthalpoliiin froie tfiell mi.. ' anCtiluis.miral then/4 11 kt]. ft. is not'only•the most-eh• icetnel remedy ever dis'overail for this class. pi" com plaints, but'it is the chetipcsnd moreover is per feat ly safe.: -No.harm•aan (trios - from its use, .00 d 00, pa' tient when, cured...U.ll"ft WA luidtby -as if Ste had never hadvthe disease. Can this be said 'm arik other cure for ChithrandFever?lt is true of,;hisi and,its istpor-.. tone° to those afflicted With the complaint :SMtinet be over estiroated." 'So ewe AS if; to ;lure the 'Fever and Ague, that* may be trutliftilly,said. to be a „pertain remedy. bue Denier complehoi ills 'not a g ,tu ood edl eine to sell, became one 'bottlo auras a whole neigh borhood., , Prepared' by J. C. ATit &WO,' hews , I"lass.; and sold by all the druggistsialbedianon,and treaters in medicine everywhere. .. : . _ ,- January 18.1866.-3 oni. t : • • . . ]' A Ca rd .1 , 9 invalids. .. _ . . A Clergyman, :addle'vtai , u in, Sautla*AutOrten...as a -EX illimOontry.disear,s it aknese,•llerlemol. Rafe anddartarp ,*. :Toady: for theOhre of breivoriy..,'D'iblif;,:tia eases of the Uriater:v Ise , Seinittsn' °mace; +Mid trl l6 whole train of divordembraght OM by baneful and .vicious habits.. 'Greet buinbers .-„have; already been I cured by this noble renielly.' Trammel' by a desire to benefit the afflicted and Unfortunate. I will woad the 1 recipe for preparing and usintt;*this 'medicine, ins vealcd unvelepe,' to - any.tine . who' needs it,, Free ql Please ,_l I mcloseNit :post-paid ,enveloPA, ',addrese_ed to yourself. , Address, aotgen T. INMAN, ' '•• Station D. Bible House; e, -.. ,- I Ate': Urk City.- „ ,s ..1;i.!-' 4, ?1-M.,:i ....-. -.1:: ?.itt,l - 01 2141814,-3m, f etitto''- L `... • .._ St. Luke's Chri.,4Services; eailni §it,utlay morning at 10 o'cloc :in • • 7, - - 4 6, .., ~,,a. preaching i n t' 4. 11 ChirclVtiVetiltSibbath, both morning and evening. Also. aervices_ on Thursday evening. • • • ' t :i. St. JOHN'I3 Cares:cu.—Service next Sunday morning and evening, in the English language. Lecture ,An iite'diesday `evening. ' •:. 'i ''''OX-) L. - ilirarff,pneaching nvieS s undafinerning it '1 in the evelfing 4 . in Snieltri"L'iltheraiv'ehiirch , : . • L . Zion'S' Lutheran church. - p2guoi - Divine , :iSeiviC -- e - `both morning and evening. next Sabbnch: -. ' Next, Sukbath morning 'in the German.and in the ~ei•nni. p g in qtr., English ''' langnage': lit aid:First' Ent formed: Chh reh . . ~ Egglish,„preaching next-Sunday at JO) *4. s!., and aer. nut :nrvice at 23 - 4,5; M., h in teMoallan ....burcli. ME gt ..... , •, . .... . ~... ' 1. a tutu ou,tuesday, jaituary Ilth,-it lteedieg,. by Rev. T. a . toner, Mr,GEORGE D. RISE to, Alive ' EMMA C. MARK, both of Lebaaou. , - ~CEir• A largo ana delielcom cake aocrwanied the above notice. May lorig„1110 Mid' lialipraetr bo:the lot of the happy pair. . . , .la , ifv. • • In this borough, en the-27th nit4 . ln - enneNitirlien of treatment received ns prisoner in revel hondr; PAT RICK CASSIDY, of-Company C: 2 7th:Reservesc.aged.s3 years, 7 morns, - and 22 Jaye. -' At cornicall, on the 14th inst.; .JACOP,MICKTZER, aged 57 yeternos,MOUltunan*a2.s ' days: -In N, Leganon torrnettlp., on the 19tli RENTS Y son of 4olin and Rosanna TICE. srmd 1 year, 3 months, arid' 15 days: On the 28th,n1t., In Vicksburg, O LA SS NI Rll:l6rinerly or 31 yeratowni,Lelanotr con n ty. agerlabout 29 yctrs, . . • . • Ox tine 9111 inat.,,nt.gnriestown,. eldest daughter of Jacob rani:Wiry I:4ItILMAN, In hers lath year. = -- ifitsrlir;iitri;' iiii-in nirkie:t.,... : Car , luny Cbrrected 10e.kty. . l ifvertANON., W:sn:!xtitti.t,,,lAl( - 2" i ',i3. '5 . Eitra Family, $l2 . 95 FF4ge s 'f 41-oz., ' 4 40 Extra Flour, . 11'95A Mla atter, lb.. 40 Prime Whit! Wheat,2 00 rub or palt.e,ll bratrr, ;10 - N e‘i.Emrl Wheat, 250 ~ Lard, . 23 'Olinleir; • 'l 95 f tallow," - 'l4 . - Priine . Rye, ' l .Bo_ Ilarn, 18 Corn, 1.0O" 9141011ara,' . 15 Oats, - -,. v 413 Sada; ' ... la . Clover-send, 8 03 80ap,,, , :„.. • 9' Timath.y, i seo, AO9 1 04.3138-irki, 25 " "".• o ''"tir';e7zr , r -, , Fitat:se%. - 240 Win ta =Raga, Dried apples, paaled,244 Mixed Raga, Peatil "Snitz,:.! . , 4 "t',o, Flax, . ,124 Peiettgliataila,". 240 litiiititea,p Cherries, T _ ``. eelitheil4Vbh OnlollBt . , * 451) Wool,•: 40 Potatoes, bas, 120 !Soup Beans, IS +7, Apple B utter,iikeroals."6s Vinegar,.* ga,t,, :207 ggiu zalvati%cmguto. GEO 11 G g CIA 15irir.goori. 3:11. e rt.* sit * none* Henry's Neat: Building, opposite the ENt, = Hotel, Lebanon. Pa. • Lebanon i•Jenuary 2x. • • ~;.• ' ' " • • ItIVA.T E SALE TIII Slltaseriber offeti at Private Sala IL TWO.,,STO RY 'FRAME` DIVFLIANG,, ;ROUSE and ' LOT OF GROUND, ( tieingeing lot:'No.lta,lJbler's addition „ , Lobanon,) located on the Old Forge ',Road, ,„ OliTNortli-Western part of said liottiugb:r - For particulars apply to 30SEFI:l ' , . . Lebanon, January , , Tirrnpilie kieellow Kpar. Is. betel's. given ,that f an,Riection hy!the t.Llll.sgoekhotilers in, the President, lilaifters. and Compaq" of„thejlerks e i lkuP f iTtrapilf.f road, wilPhi ift UM POW . Heade 0f.7. 'llennethum, in rilyerstown, LutinnoireolintYi Pit, on zlifo'n . ckly„thq, 6th day 4)1,1 47,relt; pn OKI of ainl.4.`o'cleek, .P. t 111., of that day. ,fer t ...4wriese... Of. electing one irrleident,seight hianngerai Treasnflu • ?netette ..other dftleefist . iii*ey :1454,4"rY to , in " fairs of send Company daring tliiiieneming year. At the same time the Anuunl Statement of the .T.reasurer will be, laid before the. Stoolfhoitlessisrusti j fa. ,ifS , order of IA:ie.:BO:4. . 1 : 11.1,241.[Y. LL,• Pre JA.O 011 ILEDLE J Treastritt '•25;4865, - • BOARD OR MA AO BUS' sth ANNUAL MATE:BENT WASHINGTON MOW PitiItURANCE6 LebanotoPa., firiniVabiiarr J, 18Q4 to Januizry '7 ` 18.65. mouNT of property iniorednp td , 41ite;Vt,„980.482 Whislie imbiber of iAlleieg.,ifift,ted:ttlittat%.l34 l 7. A)lOti'3 pIUtA.VAIPT'S DURING 11041 , W:for insurances, $ '261 5 00 " front Lebanon Valley Bank, Discount on Note.. 207,03 Received from .3 , neabl 4 ,o ol filtergitr, • money' borootrnd, 0 4 15'14., • 1406,00 Deceived frordlicob Weidle, mon , . eY borrowedl oo , oo Deceived from J. U.Stiller, =et"' ey borrowed.'! 0% 0 0: • Received from' o.lleurT:beleueo i n T n ni nnry 4„„. 0, 1805, , 25,81 . $10,3 2,01 AMOUNT PAID Ott. Paid sundry persons for losses by, f . • T 6Ci 'Paid Melchor Bei.ney in' full, , for ~• losses ty tire ' - • 201.00 Paid for appraising 'damages of '" • fires Paid, for revenue ft 4O El4, "tax;' Postage and stationary ; 6.4 . 15 Paid forlirinting ' '7 80 Paid A. Irrentz, note in full • •. 20115, Paid-Lebanon Valley Bank, note in full Paid 3. If. Miller, part of. - aalary,,, - „, 41,70 $1008,42 RalaricOti Treeeury;.Jeii. T,18.05,,, • - , 74, 49 INDl'siff,liDN.R3S fir TIIN'OOMPANY. Indebted to-.J. Weldie,on 78,0,1e-9n. r elndiogintereatddi..," 103,50 -.Jacob-.3incob Boinberger Note ineinding int etttirdtier Indebted. to 3• ••• • ri" . • - Notts ineindiog inter at „Aue,941,90 Indebtalii BeheY, • !, for,lossi.bytire ' I'. • Indebted to .Abranattr 811114 for ' : loss by-lire Indebted to J. IL Illiller,limentbe Nancy due Order& drsww Jantittry- 7 ,1664, Set yet paid - • .• . ..... . .. ~ t : ~.. - ' -.-- . 2 •, - . 0.846,34 Deduct balance in Tteeallry ' • '''i4 49 Alival indebtedness of thelchibe.4• 1 •1 i.e. • •74.... - k ..1...: t' VI Jimmy' 9;1995_• , , c , 415;14'.. .4.,1. • 1" . 7.7 4, ~ . $l-,.3, -...-- - ~ 1Ac161001144- ;t r J. . MiLtsit Setretary. •T - 1'.w." 0 ••.' • •-• 'l M ' t '7aibia1V99,01969. ~~~•~ ~~~ NEVkADV, i4TXSENIEN,T§:. PUBLIC. SALE Pe;rsion''al PropertY. . 4 . t ILL be Rohl at Public • Sal ;on W • Thqrsday i .„l:ebritary 23, 1865, At theresidence of the subscriber, in South Lebanon .township, on the farm of Mae: Debuff, 2 'miles from Lebanon the following Personal Property: • vie :-- 5 working HORSES. (three of them excellent mares,). 3 two year Colts, 8 MILCH COWS, 3 DULLS, (Doe -of them a'years, one 2 years, and one 1 year ) 5 head or YO - ING CATTLE, 8 good:SHEEP,.7 SHOATS. /SOWS. 1 Broad wheeled and;ol-fiarrow wheel/ea'. fopr home Wagons, one' 1 hOrse Wagon. ,good -Rockaway; Sled, Wagon Body. 3 pair Ilityladders: Home, Harness. (2 of them new,) Saddlas. and , Sri See, - nert Buggy Harness, 4 Ploughs, Harrows. Shovel Harr° w, Cultivator,: Corn Plough, Corp - Planter, Cairn' Steller, Seed "trill, Threshing. Meoltine Horse powor, Wind Mill, Mower-and: Iteapete KlWttnuari_ PRIVILY Drag, Cow end Halter Chains.. Seythee 180, Renal Stove, large Table, and Men iiotWfdril - i numerous;to men Von —.Sale to cotlimence PA o'alpok, M.,- when terms wllLbe made known by Aso.. B. HOU(111.-A.UCti011e,T; Jinuary2s4Bos,-„I VITRIAG: - SALV A . taF • . • f,O #1110)4 . fier • *lob WILL . be kbla.ai.Public Sele,otr' - - • . • , ' ' TlVeelkesday, February 22, 1865, by,the underaignethiu Ileidolher;r Towuebiry, Lebanon county, on rthe road leading from Sheefferstown to Viickingeee store and tavern ,-near Itlinefelterav Ills, to wit 3 HORSES.' one 3 years and: one 4 yours o'd, 4 1111L011. COWS,. 3 . HEI F4E3,, heavy . calf, ;2 S'PVERS, I DULL, 3 head of Young CattIe,3...SILEEP, 3 11003,2 four liars° Plantation -Wag0n5,..1...,Eu51y.,,J . ono Corsa Wagon, 2 Plows; 3 Ilart*as, 2.ooboxek • txaz rows,.l Corn -Plow, Cott& Cuftivatoo, Day add Wood Laddersunatinin'a 31144 :Wtili6liblirrb Ws.,.:; , lloras Gears, Collar 4 and Ilridlea, I patent IfaY Ithire., 1' Tbreash log, ,and Sowing Machine, I Corn-Sheller, Shovels, Forks, Hakes. S inglwatid Double 'Truett, Vinties, Cow, - Halter and %Fifth Chains, 1. sett Splitting:;Tools, Axes,' Eitelioni,Dresser, Bedsteads. -. Potatoes by the: hushehr.Avri#lnd ter by theaCrocki Hay by the . atilliAmottsuany other articles to numerous .to -anew ;terms Said I.OdOminetite - at:r •7, 9 Clack, PAS, tthun b • ' WM be inedelue9" -71 • iktiRATIAM Noti, liietioitier., • January 26,16115, , . . • PUBLIC SALE .o?` lIMM W ULL beltold at public rale, on - • , ,Satioday, the 4th day of March , at Palmyra. LoAdontieriy township, Lebanon Cohnty, by the -usufersigned;wh. - following property; al i t:—• 1 BlegantWeihtialned HORSE;• (intiro'hay,) 4 years old, 3 1.1111.411 OM, 8, 2 fresh, aud 1. IfEl MR, I goofy Breeding SOW, about 5 tons of gtoodLIAT, 1 two horse Wagon; as good as new, 1 Spring Wagon, I..llockairay, I...Sleigh,l • Wheelbarrow. Plow . Out tient or, Seed Drill flarrokt, Coat- Plow,. Hay Rake, Octrnahnner, Mad, bOders, Straw Cutter, 84a.' hthig Trough., geythaia,loiloaShuvelti. Cow: tins ' S:e:,:also. a sett of,Plitnits-for wagonva :double' eett of Oreare,(Tankoe',) as bed 114 new,. r4;sett'of. finlafatineani au& other har nesses., 2 fine leather Fly Note.•itabbtbelr Furniinglit4 pimento; • Alawil large CORPHIL -13.1iTTlibl; 2. 'Stoves with pipe, 1 Double Rolling Knife, Table . , , Obest, - Wood Chest, Secretary, Berea . % Roaring C hair, 34 dozen Chairs,- 'Settee, Children's lied and Bedstendi.B Bay Chick; a splendid Smooth bore RIFLE, Large Tub, and a variety of articles too nnincrons to mentiOn.• . • - Sale to commence it 10 o'e leek 51„ when condi• flung of sale will be made known - by A SAMUELSE6I4ER. - 'January 25, 1865. . 'PUBLIC . SALE „.. :,.... . ... - - - V ersonalL Properly., _OF -- , WILL be sold at Public Sale, ou TV0110(14,` ,Rebiterr 2? ~1565,. 1565, On 110 iiremiges of the t+llWrltinr iii Bast Iftinoter totinahip9utfer the Unim_ftrintfa about 3' miles from liarper's„ 2 miles from Seßrims nud 2 miles and a half from "New Market Feign tbe following Personal . .......„... * preperty,yin : . ..i . , .... ,----Iptt r tti.t.„. .0,0 ~.,, Roe awnyfir th'iliritesi, IV 114 MO . itakr, big Log .l Sled, Fanning Mill, pat. nay, Ladders, ShoreL and Spike Ilarrow. °alai arm% florin Gears Bridles, CO tars, lialteis,-Crowlier. Grubbing •Tioe, Picks, Shovels, Yorks, 2 Log Chains.- -Cow Chains, Sing le and Double TtreS, G rind Stoat, , Cradles. Lot See titling, Boards and Planks, Potatoes by.the bushel, Bed and Bedstead, TA , ble, half dozen „Chairs,. Stove with. Pipe, Client, Dig Itleat,Stnud, Tubs. 1 Cider Barrels,.Ben hive, 3. Saddles, and many other articles: . s. Sate to commence nt 10 o'clock ,A. M., when terms will be made known by ~ t P. Mummy Auctioneer. January 24. 1b65. . - 85A:64 3.Y FROM OR TO THE OLD , COUNTRY. =THOMPSON & -NEPHEW'S ifiliA:CK STAR' LINE- OF I- ME it PllO L - TACK E TS S'ATIGItO fIA.,YS from Liverpool,. lat,,,Bth, lath., and 24th, of each Month. From Now,,Tork-every - ; - • Bates loirrassagre ettititEMer-- Stectsge,—Adults y ears and over s4o* fi " • - :Oh ildrenlited , nuder 12".yeart; :..:a. ~e: -.: and milder 8 years 20 • • ! ‘. , •1 . ,• Infanta nuderd;year 5 , Uesti rates fluctuate with the Premium.on . • Parties, intending to send.fortbdir friends:Rein , the ,e/lik.Contitry, can 'hoe them brottglit out without do" •.t tyy: the Original.- litackStar Line, of , first-class .Packet Ships, or the ~ . :LIVERPOOL' I+ EN s - T • EirA-111 - E B, S wamittxxrprz!:...6-wrbEzw , Forwarded to at the . . Looieutßot es, on ; appli attiou to . • . ,JOHN llowarn*.Expreas Office, Lebanon. 1, _Lebanon; Jamiery „ P.IIRLic . ..SALE itit:fi I y ~ °474 f l tscht,,,: 4' • • . • W ILL be , sold-iit Public Sale; on • - ` tics ay- - 'larch 7, 1866 At the residence of the Subscriber. ou the farm of Ja cob Baum, in Eastannover township : Letettion county, near the ..donastOwie.riutd. r .-% a mtle from David id:. Ilanlqf stove., and - AO . &om Aftelimiiesviltd; fho following Stork a udYariningilmpleinents' viz ' 7 libBSKS, including Colts; d • COWS, 2 of thorn fresh, "3 ',DUNG CATTLE; 7 MINTS, 12 4 Dradiot extra'SIIKEP, 2 Wagons, 1.7: ShoveVMarrow, S Dien:is:4ol Cultivator, ,'Corn ":1 0 10ug1i,. 1 2 -` 4 .20,1ent Rakes, I pair of llay 'Lziddifidll. Bled, I TOP,A7IOOk, /4,setts:af- Benoist'. 1 Windmill, 1 Waken Box, I Corn Sheller,' Saddle, I,patent Fodder .Cutter, and many ether articles too numerous to mention.. Sale to °eminence at 12 &cloth, 3t., when terms will be madeitneWn by • • -1, 11 JACOB KUNTZ. ' E.HanOver, Jansipxy 4,1865 PUBLIC SALE. - - PersOlasa Pro&kty. 8;60 b J ~ i ILL.be sold at publicsole,m..., • . • Tuesday, Fetia tart' ltlt, X 865, at the residence of the subscriber, in North Lebanon, counel, on the:inaL loading: friin Lebanon to Wolek,rstocra, 334 - Miles from Lebanon,; a mile from: Nimmerllng'n -chureh r 1 1 4 miles! L. eta GoeheiPlUrern,` 'the thilow big persona l pro A ri rrty, Viz • .. c, .; One , good.-4111EEDING , SIOUX;. I CONOT,' :1 three years ontktlio other I yeah OM 4 milek,COWS, I fresh, 1 . UNIFEIT,IO SILENT:, A•ltlOSS;!treading SOW. 1 oue tor:tom horse 'WiTgon.... Spring_ ! Wagon, sat of Any' Eaddeni, I two- Winn fareigh. - Plow, 'mike and shoviii" ITarroont, Windmill. '`Strew Bench, Bakes, Illy Frets, Itilni l lTeok, cow and halter Chains ' 2 setts of Horse .Rettris !I. • sett yirogou .§prings, Cradle and F.cythesiEta;lo . .." the UM, endnuilly other, oflidTlf too nnmerouli to kienCleel. " s! •'• E t tge t 4 oPltli° llile A l. , wh . e e ' P j f" i P A : 3 - silium.y- 01 6.. • 10,40 50 0 X 5,00 00 , . . - ;V PUBLIC SALE, OF PerSOna I Property. _ t'elk . , W T, /L Le gold at Public Sale, on Thursday, 4'ol - wiry 2d, 1865, At the reatilorme of th)v undersigned ;on the plareatiou of Joseph Long: in Swatara township, tebanen coun ty. 2 miles ,from Joneatown.and 2 miles from Freder icksburg, the .• following Stock and Farming Tingle .menta ' • THREE SPLENDID' HORSES, Worse Ceasing, R Mitch COWS, 9 Wend' of Young CATTLE, Whereof 1 is a Heifer heavy with Calf. Breeding SOW , 3 StIOATS, 'broad wheel plantation Wagon good' as .now, nearly new onahorsa Spring Wagoo.l good' Ton Buggy, flay , Ladders, excvllent patent Bake, 4 Ploughs, 2 Harrows, ,Cultilattir,• Shovel Harrow. new one and two horse Wagon, %Vegan Bdtly. - Sleigh. este:Bent patent Wind patent Striw'llanoli. 2 setts 'Buggy 'Harness, Sad dle and Bridle. log and other Chains, May and other Forks, Axle, Treeit.vvtiont. Boar 3 Wheelbarrows, Shovels. Otbibbirig Ili, Scythes,-.Bakea. FOR Buggy Spokes, POttitoen by 'he bushel, APPLEBUTTER by .the .onoek., 'VINEGAR by the gallon, sett Buggy -Wheels saki:rainy other articles too numerous to men. tion Eyerytliirig . adyertised noiiti"iely "be - sold,' subscriber:as subscriber : lntends going *out in the Spring. Sale to. ,''commence at 12 o'clock, M., ..when Wats will be made known, by ~ • Jecie Six.ciT:isttLY, Auctioneer January . 4, i 864.. PUBLIC SALE n.all6ier F f q;r/4.1 . • • fie prsinities talllhlL be Bola P . üblic Sale , t Satitrday;' - th:lgih day f Jacauary, '65 The iteloiring Reattlleitute, late the Property of' COZ.V. RAD , DORSTlCK,lllikinsedi situate in . Beet , Mini:over towritadtP, atehatteep County. adjoining hindi'of Thoutas Oita, larittli entigand of - hfertin' Early,' about- lice south .f D. itauk 'e end near the Union a ri1itC49.,, 7 4,011.E5 .;. AD -.-;'4 . 9 PERClll ete .lS. 7 N .-.44; , :::.: - .c.a,-..ire Story frame DWELLING irolk3, fft, Wash „Donee; will ether ceittitilldittis. afiately & buiIt.,OIIF,PX.ZDR: BARRI with ore. Wegart Slicd , Pig Sty, a fof Wabiteend Spring „Donee..' and Well with . Pump - near tire .awaiting Young and excellent ifearlifit Orchard of choke fruit. I The buildings and fenettitraid in good-repalr:44 • The above property le worth the ettentlan of beYere. POI T TOIIa desiring to flow field premises Will apply to John Iforstielt,, , rosidlng on'thte premises. ''" Sele-td-cemmenee trelecit. P.' 51.. on 4 said day, *lien terms of Sale will be thidwkniiivn TROMAS4RRAMEII, Trustee appointed Icy the Orphans' Courtlo sett. January 11,1866. . , VALUABLE JOIIIP . SiOWII Trokrty at . .., - ...- PUBLIC , 'IS ALE , vr ...beeolc! at Palle Sale, on. ' . . r.. , ' Satzirday, February - 4 , 1865. . . . t itiAlie late residen e`,e ofSAAItIEC - XA.Nli,dec'il.,,Jci Jonestown; Lebanon. itniiiey: 'the toilets:l4 `Unit-Xs tatiior said decoasaif i--4:11' Otat seylnin large4Td com modious A _ .-- 0 -- -,,, t-t' D. LO OF air;anittpk'coutifiistrig ii -.;•,-, -; 66 ''feet' fa - breadth,' 'and. 188' feetin -,... - , depth::: on the:South west. - corner :if ---- _ 'iderket Fuuare,An JONE . STOWN, kept as a 'Pnbliellonia for a nuntber of years, with a p large STOWE R4:/031 0 noshed, Stabling, &c: 'This is _one of the .best itiarti for rraiiWilfueinims iti YonestOwn, '.. '6W- Possession:n . lo 'geniii litle - Will besciven . A:&ll 1: 1865. Sale to conancnee nt - 1 o'clock, of said day: when tetras will be tnade knbwu by * . _ '' .. : II. VVRANIC; I • , ' Executors of Samuel. Rauk, deceased. I . f. 11. 11. Emotcx; Auctioneer. January 18, 1865. "FIL01?) Sewing Machine. The Only, Machirgr?eapable of making More than .One kind' of a Stitch and. the Only Ond having the BEVER- BIBLE -FEED- The feed may be.. reversed at 'any point desired without stooping, which 'is a great , advantage in &s -toning the ends °femme. - It makes four differtinrstitches, lock.lcnot, l aanble lock; and double knot ; each Stitch perfect .an alike on both sidea of the fabric., • There is no other Machine which will do so large a -range of work as the "Florence.'" . It will Braid, Tuck, Quilt,S,ord, item, Yell, Mud s F*Oher, and ilo all kinds of Stitching required.by fam- Every Machine. is wan:ranted to Mir entice_ satisfac tion and to do all that is 'Claimed ter TlitlFloienaxiinat semi te:beappreciateil. - JOIIN 1,4 SAITLOI4 Agent of Lebanon:county, Annrillo, Pa. ' ..,Persons.,wisittng,to.aee the' Machine! in alteration -ova' de go pm_Alle Agent at Annvilie,..or on G. Ward. at Lebanoni.s.... . , Arif- All Clergymen will be furnished :with. mid Ma chine at wholesale prices. - Nor Circulars and Samples of Sew ing, call on the alto wilithe pleased apt- any time to show.the ite,s.draztages overall others. Annrill, Feb: IS 1865.—5in..* " • ' fOr - Rent 4 -THE-..d..loo.vtrEfti for Itaticlor ONE YEAR or longer, hie -STEASC.IIILI,,..I3I Witted- 'miles peat from:Lebanon, at ; Avon Station, 6 near Abe itaHroad,„',Canal and Turn• tris Vii , pop, _Therewith ts a STOREHOUSE, for stating Inottr sod:, Grain,e.. Coitl _ , Yard at the Ottwal. : and .Railroad,: and . largo Scottie, Tbia IMP specially turrangedi far Flour and ,Oustprn Work...laud! - • in an excellent neighborboodlor thitbusiness. 47. twOatory.-OlynaaNti-notiSm, with-Sum- merilonse,.Lot ofOround,Oarden and Stable, , is also connected with the 'property. - SOHN ITOLi. Avou Station, January 4, INS.. PRIVATE SALE Sp enclid Farm. 4111 E subscriber offare at Pt irate Salo, his fine Farm located in Cornwall townsiiii;, Lebanon County, about 3 miles from Lebanon.. on the road leading to Elty's TaretKnearEinn's cenhiTallE " SO Aeres .4nd 110 rertheti of good LIMESTONE LAND, under- good- fences, end t - laid cdf into convenient „Seas, with rim nintrwator Alen minding water through - the house and in the" limn yard. and a g wrlls with pinups at the honse and near the lawn. Water CB.ll he reached lky cattle from every, ilebYwithout, going on the road. The iroproremeuis are: a. large two-otorY otene MANSION HOUSE with kitchen and Wash. House attached. large SWITZER BARN and other Barn. Cat riaEadfoitse, Wagon Shed, and in fact all nen essary ontEniblings. An excellent Young ORCHARD and all kruds of Fink Trees. This is ono of tho most desirable and BEST FARMS in LEBANON County. 10 ' 2. '7;'.A.fithres of WOOdlan4t • 9 " 'HEAVY WHITE OAK, ‘iii Cornwall town- T . ship, about two milts 'from No.'l. NO 3 ' - tki try .._..' Ail ni.l - - 1 1, P excites is.OIESTNUT TIN DKR. LA,ND: in Iteidel borgr,tonship, I HMO.. from' .o:4lefft-rElownf . en , the road leading to Gaettley'-e. - Half the timber of the above tract is tit to cut. 3 Ac.,eeg.aaliri 17- Pei.elies of CIitISZNIM TIMBER LAND about fro :n No. 3: , 4ThiOrbole can be bought together, or singly, to au 4 purchasers. - ':Goad title irtid p?siossion trill lie' given on the let o 'April, 136.5. For further information apply to the subscriber ra sitting on NO.l JACOB' WITMER, jr, Cornwall tp.• Sept- tBpl.-2ai PRIVATE SALE .;,.. OF Borough Property. Snbeeriber offere at Mirala Sale hie „properti (now occupied by Angtiatia Wittnah,) on Comb&lC lerid *rem, East Lebanon,' beer Salem's, Lutheran Lentethey , consisting, of4lot of,Gromtd, fint iOnt ”- •.` and upwerde of 200 Atilt iii depth.- - The impreremotris Aro' it two story I brick.' DWELLING HOUSE, by 30 i. 11-7 feet. With portico in front, mulla KITCHEN; 18 by,29 feet, I% stories , .!! high,,good Walbitifit Cistern:, Oft 'My, fruit trees, and other Improvements. Any Terettu wiahing, to Fee Baia property. will call on -Id r; .IVitman Far prlce and other information call oetheo inbsert ber itkeontli:"Aunrillo tpienahip. Decriberi, lBB4, . . 7 . . TEED - . For Cows :and -Pip! OubFrritter.bat. on hand a iinantity,gf4,ol4lent CATTLE AND. fIOG FEND, at Ida ItriTarysia 'Notth Lebaa9n, 3rblch : lis: offers far sale,iirbolesAle,An.4 retail. : NEN/tY.:V4:IINAN. N. Lebanon, Jan. GI. 1805. No 1 , 1 4 • . V-Aant • WAX.NR4Ia,AtttpknItLERA-NONa. illatll2.olo th, 1865. ". AA N EI,MIIO/R,lO/t ‘TlllRTZ'sx:totscrons. to - iaSilyettarenen tug yaitt, 4111 'lra paid at, the Bank 1n **so., iv tAhnoo, on Tientay; Oa' 14th Rf .IVniCtry, 186¢;.froinal 0 o'olock: A. M..", to-gi o'clat&A,P. Sri . JOS. IC-4ACR, Cashier. Lebanon, atinUary 18;11187. ""`" ' ..........----" 5 .."„....4. 9 mm T PITELT , " ' ' S,ALr . " OF 14i, 413.14 E , . . litairough.P.irictit cilY—:. IV ILL be sold atPublie Sale. Mir, of the Or *Y' plums' Court of Lebatior4olSedY l 2.ol:l i • Saturday,' Janutto Bthf 1865, At thd ROM. Ilan ' Henry Slegristil•ba` the Sof ough of 'Lebanon, the following Real 'Estate tif - Geoti& Gilbert, deceased, viz ; ••• Na. 1, A Weather-Boarded L DWELLING 110118 E AND tor ; innGROUND, 62 feet ow Cumberlan street. in Lebanon Borough, and 1 urti f.et deep along Sptin Street on Has _ East, ilidjoitiing No. 1 on tkie inwrest. and 'MIURA After oti thi South. „la- A STABLE, SMOLA'. DOUSE, And_ other Dye provements aroma this lea NO. 2; A , Lot. of Ground, 35 feet front on Cumberlarur Stzeet and 196 Uet deep to Wal nut Alley. adjoining Yes 1 and 3, lusting erected thereon a GRAIN 110113 E. •• .; • • NO 3, A Lot of Groun-P 35 feet rent 4n Cumberland Street, and 193 fekt deep to Wad.. nut Alley, adjoining. No 2 and property of the Estate of Levi Kline, deceased. For further particulars apply to the midst , signed. in Lebanon. 40- Pesession and good title will be given on the let of Anal, 1865. .eGir Salto to commence at 1 o'clock, - P. ht., on said day, wben conditions of sato wili•ll64. *1 6. bf/Owsr lerz • • kunitAtt, , lithinit;.- ' • Trustee of Es9ate.ofiloorge Gilbert, deceased. Lebanon, December 29, 1564....- ; EDWARD LONG TO ALL INVA L' IRON IN THE BLOOD.- TT, is well known- to iii. !dealt/Atlpteft4eilotr dint 'MOE' IR tfit3 Vital Dr hie iple•lor Eltilr'iln ',of the blood,: „This is der i v ed chief* *bin the grid' we ear' but tithe preperly• 'digested', of.lfi l -proffs:. any saliva irdiaitik+,-tlieStetessert gfslstitp of iron is not tekeiVitttitlip-eireuDithati; torteonseatredinent,•the enDers. The bad" , hlbod wilt irritate the heart. win - cii,plivtliw.iveavei-will sturferYltheAbrain; Wittehatruat the;:literi , and will mend its discasespvie: ducing elemenieDijai Orbs of the system, one will suffer' in whatever organs may be to diaease. , • • The great valne of • • - IRON 484 MEDICINE: is well known and acknowledged by 'ol'lo4lOn' men. • The difftoultrtratebeen -tenbtato isubliViTireiftlft aS it as will enter the circtitittieo- nn ehaittellatil tirotiele". With' tbe Thikpoint;saylPla. Narls, Merunwhit setts StateTheinistlas been attained isrAle Peruvian: Syrup, by' chinb inatibn iu away before utiltipolna. The..Peruviau Syrup is solution of the PROTOXION IRON. ANEW DISCOVERY IWMEDIOINE;• thet OF, Inatome the Root of the Dideestr by' supplying the -blood with its Vital Principle or filie Eletnent-4ron.. he: Peruvian Syrup Oures ' 09mi:quint* 4ittipsirri*OM:Mittl A,gre 1 1 8 4BiiPt3f:lvi:MF* l .4 l( f • reruvw.n::"Syrut) • Infuses Streggpay new life into the system, tinetle up, yip t t "`lon n eLituTjpn The . . - Portma 4 xl. Syrup. Cures Chronic Diarrhoea, Scrofula.. Boils, Beirivy, Lo of Constitutional Vigor. - The - Peruvian Syrup. Cams Nemans Altrotions, Female Complaints, and all Ise:Laos - of the:Kidneys and BladAka. ' Ihe --Peluvran Sy:AT Is a, SpaelfieJ fIrAII 'diseases brlginatinfrin allAb STATE 'OF THE BLOOD, or,'.netompaaiod by, Debility or a Low State of the System.- Pamphlets' contaluieg.certificates of enrea niil4 rebook. mendations ficom songs - of the most eminent' Pb Clergymets, sod others,. will be sent free telley ad- We select a. few, of the names to show -clikracte of the testimonials. • r • .1 - 01.111 B. WILLI*Marq3 Q; Pres ideut of the Metropolitap :Ball: NOW o";k% • - • REV. P. Cllttßail;" . • : Editor Now York ChtoniChnt• 114 , Itte. John Piernont, IdirlordolnisotEllo.Hgc Roof. Briirren Burton, • Rosittftr Rev: Arthur B. Fuller, S. K. - Rendell;ll. D. • Rev. Ourdon Robb inn, W. R. 'Chisholm, 11 . D., RoYi fttiolitiner"Cobb,"" • Francis 10ana . ,”21. Rev.! :Starr Antoniti Sionehea,lif . to., Rev. ISpbrainiNute, Jr., Abraham Wendell;Rd. , Rev. 3opeult H. Clinch, •A. A.llatear WEL., Rev. Henry Upham, H. Chilton. M.D., Rev. P. eHeadley, 11. Ei!Einney,H.D.e. - Rev. John W. Olmstead,. .Terem Mir Stone 'M.D. ISM P- lIrCO:i exc us re or .• Preparred ,Y4ilta.49l„,Bi.,,,,tiniyetter York. -:141 " 349— '. Sold by allsDr7dists`' • 1111981air , S;ltre: *Heats 014 Sores. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Burns, Braids, Cuts. Reddiiig's Russie. SRlire Cures Wounds; Bristueepaansi. t..- ReddiAg ' s Russia Salve G • eArgABO III , Ulcers, Cancers, , Reddidg's Russia Salve ,c„ros /44; Reddiug i s. Russta owe OureiLltiniire nu's NO , FAMEIX SHOILD ' BE WITHOUT IT. Only2s.eents a box FOR BATE BY ' J. D. DINS.IIORB. No. 491 Broadway, New York: & CO. N0'.98 Tremont Bt, ilnd by all Druggists RIK tountryjNoirkeepars. J map 29, 1861.—fly. sow. ems® .1 , 66i.:_, 7 - Xwt,s-:,...citsil Naas LARGE STOCK kt NEW STOCK SOLD AT LOW FIGORESI Our Business'ii_lnere MORE': TRADE 8.011. Prom&to give Cvstopers„ e . ene 4! TIIEIIOId* Sit I Tp*APEA*I 0),,N BELL Rally Alen Ithul Buy Your Shoes Chi4sp . . Datt buy until iitee of rS'toc Quick Sales and fATfroglir Profits is our m0tt03..: Market street, tebanou, Pa. A &min iiitealow?s'i N onseariseiri Ati.ittenti ”ot!"fttollithit MAN, late of COritwkir Furnace . ; ITV the noway of Lebanon, State PdtpsVliente,'the'''otitelandtttg Ronda Of the' NORTIeLRAANON RAILROAD 00W PANY seemed by Mortar on the o:waren estate, *ill be paid on presentation at the Olloe altittgOlk Tianjin Lebanon, and 'the'holder's of sitlk__Bondaus, requeste4 to present thew accordingly to SUDO W. DLL; Treasurer Of the Company. 1 1 # limo - MIMS this and Meld day of .Aprit,',lsl36 c , ~.„.. And the undereigw4Lreadiflel}l.tßis- atriarlrith ingtont O. 04. haerngbillaitiall'attata of lichnat gm on the Bataito.'eCthe.stild ROBERT W. COLEMAN, deceasnd, all.persons tudeb GUI to said estate arerequiiet. ed to,ntake-tarniet, and those Ithvingelitime, to 'pre sinit then], (rub , autbautteatetroclthonr hlhri.to'lA -0013 WET DLit, lii Lebanon, Pa,, ncliti*Mltturialo th e business in my absence. If debate ain't:at] violent*, within ont.yeatilitnn the, date lienforlise plaint/Int may by law be included from..AatneWV "In said ea tate.. - ; -'• 4 t..s• ,W.O. ERIIRMAN, ...WIWI' of the EstetteW,it. - W. 00142 1 rAM der d. Lebanon,JanUe47,4t:46..l,. FOR 'SAM - 4.. _Valuable ,LO:Z.. OR Gitol49l , Wl& 3 4.lni' , .itarouttli o f 11.. Lebanon, con tajnialc about SF.WIII . ACR,M., , - ad joining the Latilitfoifyittlay North'Lebation24ll- roads and A`piipli 3 O read Jeadiui from' the.lierlia and DauAtin-Titrapike to into : linlon - Ontill, , diatillit from. the latter -shoot lA' or a ini lB . ;'l 7l l O 4 4, 1 0t4P01.14_,_ sitd Brandywine crecka are adjacent to r TO/...'ebanon, Jan. 18, 1865.. IMPORT. NT REV: , iittEL STEVENS, Late Editor Christian Advocate and Animal. FEI Shoe Store! ALL WORK WARRANT:6W! _FOR. SALE. INSHE undersigned will SelloiLprivetiiiale, Ids de -g. le 110'USEitind.,IM OF GROUND, in. East strect,.East lieliantoi:7Tlie fliouse is : Mgr .1. . tve,t, atorfEtßieit with Xlicheii tttac3llolll - tili - well-- - 111Mtand.wen afrutp4 4 *lth.4l tioe-mbi: ill trebtiVeliiinaired ' Akio( lideAt:Ssitir liiviireii" i tb b Mint° r Mllift, tall Midis of 'Frigt.-Trk. ac,4sri the premitsblitatiod . -ind Inditlrilibliftl96:6llron.- For, far. the t r eb ix: o r u tu:ktion apply to •.' '''''''''''' ' ` ''. . 7. -. rim.... 11 .4( JAMES N. AMU ) thigyriNtit. Dec. 7,ise4 .-42 - - ---- . • , MEE=