The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, January 25, 1865, Image 1

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    I,n rirt t-itfil,fr...i.-..
war ceminnlXlMP 13DCIROCIRMIXOtPotkICOS - 7s.
Neatly and Exiz.allayAit
apirptuage MICE, LEBANON, PENN'A
Irish!' eiliatililhniant is neve. supplied with en extensile.
imilPriAsesd of, JOH TY Inc, which will be Inereeeed as the'
paifoleefps danisuils. It an now turn out Pairrimi,of.•
slug, description, in a neat and expedition* manlier
„rery reasonable terms. Stich as
Taiaphiste, Cheeki; - . .
Bueiness. , Vszar, Os:akin+,
. i ,CircOirs, Weis*
. .
Billllsidings Blanks, '
. .
- • 'Prratiiilics., Bills of tarsi. • I ~
• -: ..; 4 . ca vitation., Tickets* 1k0., , Atc,; 1
ilibrPssps of, ail, kinds. Common and .7sidgatcnt Bound.,
itirJustieee; Constables' and other ElleslMS, Prihtedi
ilfsed nicer pram best Pnperi ,cOnittillf if,At., ,
fez mile at, this 'office, at•prices "to suit the times.
***,ldubjeription' price Of the LEBAPIOIC Arfallfelflitß.
OneiDollar and a Halt s Toni., ~,` i ..,i_ , t
, . Addreos. Mx, ld. Bsouil, Lebiikbri; ra. " 4
, 4 ' i ''' 11 , i : • - ~. ,
A Crintiftthi—iiit tpraTurnberg, .1790
'',Naiktfar.efitTlorgat Nurnberg 'whit
eyed' for al few hiirt;;aama
bled thilOtiglkite 'medieval' streeta:-
ifatthuniniiit living type of alle.van
past: Not' au modern building ,
le to be"alara ; for even thoee 'houses
lett'W'4o - dratted r yoaterday have;
IfeKfillehforted: 'after ' the sixteenth
eentirry itioldel; or earlier. Hence. ,
tttion of,llBatizhor;
dinf,Pregud'UlVesthem a 'certain pi;;.
tin* tie ' Superiority over all other
hies;: ere iterrotermAsk,Biajj
retift so perfect an his
toricaPicture, as.thie harnburg, ev
eryiroinse of which has a physiouno.
futdfiltl Own, every street of which
felt panorama. The varied gables,
tlie'quitint windows, the high roofs,
the fantastic galleries, towers, and
doorsifitys, with ihit endless -effects of
colour, make the streets a perpetual
delight to the traveler. Here one
feels thoroughly at Ituit). in the past:
The lives of our forefathers become
intelligi One only needs.a change
of cestifirie 'la : the busy crowds to
*aka tile thettilat Complete. ,
”rii6 change • whatever has
`co i lli# over` the' spirit, of the architec
there 'ilea, happily, a ;profound
'change nem° Over the spirit of erimi•
nal law in hatilburg • and if the lov
er of medieval institutions. wants en
illustration of those times which will
Make biro join with the lover of pro : ,
males „in blesein,g .the results of the
wiser latvs which' in our day yogi:-
lat.:a society, finperfeet, and in many
roiltects barbarottsi as these are,
let I'm attend to the narrative of the
following Trial, 'which occurred in
Natinhurg at thy very close of the:last
century. Among criminal trials it
has an exceptional interest, which is,
baavevets' more psychological than
atid the mystery is even yet not,
- 0 a•the,3oth Stirtol79o, at five in the
MOrfring, LW' Merchant Sithann Mae
eas-StTerhank %Vas awakened 11,,y his
-'1.v..11, , 11 'with the vinplonsam
Aft: ,rirr; OF ' ve; 11 , q1 r.r
e 1? *,! I .)4}.1 q.
that 106' •.: 1 1 4= I:tilee'll=A ln (.':i. , rlox
( wi h.l,4f.x
(~ o nt;iine'd two thoug.,ticlirtli•i„.=',3 41) slr-•
oning.hy our sstandimrblit really a
lIMCII iar:t,Cl' slllfl in lltosty days, the '
rigittitiod of Sterhe=nii may
be 'coTti-
-eived, lie toisfl•-'n=ql4.c= the ”onntiiig •
house , with his titbits trod' servrints,
fonoil that a pancyol_ glass had he tql
removed from the window, which
looked from the countisigamase on
the staircase, 'end that tht= door was
\Vide open., The Maid that she ,
lisul boltelt the'll,otistralotia etrefeight.
The read'et-enust remerribet that' an
Continental heilies the housedoor,Lar
porte &Aar, is the entrance to all the
ii*elliegs contained in ono pile of
b u ilding ; nnlike our Englieb
!lenses, merely admits to the vesii
bule.i.' 'The separate doors have to be
utiltickollefter entrance hue been ai
feetEkribiehgb 'the' house door: In
this ease the house-door htid nci lock;
nothing but bolt, which the maid, ,
&cattail elie hadptiehed into its sta
ple: heated rid what: ,
ever*during eight,,such as; tail ,
timing of this door would °colleted ;
tleticending in ,the'
take fa the milk saltedtl imilk.aid
man r_Lang; was
this Milkwgrnaniniiide the
the donrlialtitig yielded' totter" titbi
dot4til Alitimedilstlelltitit
ed to ilia counting-Itque6, door, slid
found thilt also Open.' Shelefrkeirt Ihr
and` found the iron cash .I.iiix„naftisiag.
It `was 'A once tlitiV the
robbery Must have' :have been ccftn'
Mitted bona S One pisri eetly acquain
ted with the' localities. • This very
pane of glass which had been remov
ed wws thesame ifint, ten days before
Sterberik had ordered to be taken' out
~when one of the clerks had lost the
key of the counlingl?nuse, and itwas
nacassary to Npen thedoor from with
*, whiel) could be effected by it
, 111# , Ti ' S
tbrataig hie arm through thfe opin
ing an thus reaching to theltielte--•
A ra ' eskenger, ' awned , Schonieben, re
markt:4lf. hat this was very suspicious.
But whose to suspect,? At present
there, teas not, a' clue. The whole
town rang with t , het, ewe ; and gos
sips on the door-steps and in beer.
shops freely vented their ,byptheti , .
/ eat: , saspieione, as is, 1,100 in Illl l P ll
rebooo, A. shopkeeper swore that en .
Atte night in question about tw0,,0
iCieSic be• quitted the tavern tallitora4ei
,whore no had beenim, jovial
.deititpanyv and saw two suspicious.
looking fellows in. the neighborhood
of thStSternbenk house, who crossed
thettse.mltrl;et ; a • barber also
.he Saw' two. , men that
utglit 'near the house, arid , had asked
thetniithittktiele ; a maidservant de
eraied tilaiti3he bad seen' a Young man
tki"dalliefore standing: oppesitepthe
boast,. cotteldering . ,a.ttentivly.
as theileavitnesses could neither
identify-the personsb4.hey had scien, , l
noire any other: clue,. their attes
ttltiAfs'hedHillis light , over the qttes-
Oen.,. •
Suddenly on Schen ,1
W ien ' the messenger, who .had found
the hiStory of the pane , of glass so
stiSpicidos. It are* and' greet,' till it
heeitme very like conviction.* He i
happerred le say nne of the shop...i i
hope' tliitt.',f 'maid only °era ,
tale she' litd 'been 'citified
aeroes l "ittpaqrfefottiatket, as .wort
said, he W4%16 1 640 - trate ,atite,thil
4 , ;
_ , .
VOL. 16---NO; 31:
. . •. ,
*smark, eerily : r_l!)t. vary
e.onnironi,aing, seems f.o hav excited
.w as ' rani CVa be AO hat'
tilif-"ltin 'find not been) hfainhiess ; and •
thiaitiky imaginations or men Instant,
buittleptii:ithousaed r.prehebilitics
to-, c i te n Thee,y,ssty, day. , a fte r
the itebtierx . .„ h h ret!? er , 1 :4) itipa (
living in a,- neighboring'
calittd :eiVo'n' T him at the `Bl.
hb011e; -bed. ; spoken with ' 40 an
,Ipisii*toniyanidi then had:quitted- , the'
to.Wn:,ivith , 44,4llngtectri. - i7.ltlnf coarse r
carrying ; aw;i3y. the caSh-box jin . : th is:
cart,' as quick; imaginations read i
divined. It was further 'rernighhered
that..some before the robbery,
pEttraellee the cOtinting-hOtie r•ani
hear' ifitdkilthan fonloh; 7ho
cop Id „pr„ iy give .verynneatisinotory
oTcBopm and th.p„ dayr t n,ftei the ro!).
kiany,heztnerattected fq*Celllo6l2lii- I
&c:: &o '',7on - such indication's
was , this marl arrests I
ittwas clear that Schoilleben could
no alone have
.aegomplishe,d.. ithe
erime. His accomplice was soon fix.
ed on. It w tali mei., a poor span
gle-maker, The iiidiestinns'agai . nst
him were these he Wad. poor , . he
had assisted Schonleben to
. carry a
load . of wood into ; the Sternbenk
house, and in doing so
~p assed up the
Stairs leading to the &ranting-Y:6lSe;
arrived at the top Yitair, he was said
to have passed there some minntes,
looking—intently : drat) the etranting
house, fa?cinated byjhe sound of the
money he heard chinking there.—
This was assorted by more than 'ono
witness, Although resaliitely denied
by him. It could Only - be - horn a de•
sire to make himself: fbmiliar with
thelocality previous to'his criminal
attempt. He also , wiwarrested.'
The idea of arresting, imprisoning,
and examining two men,on such evi T this will asteund the reader;
but ba will be still more astounded
on learning that .th 4 possibility of
their being' innocent'was' never , en.
tertained.' They were assumed to
be criminal? ; and all .that remained
was to extort, or entrap,,,a confession
of their guilt:
While the cumbrous 'procedure : of
those days Was being carried 'Out a=
gainst these men, a new , clue seemed
to, have been discovered,offargreater
irnp.e:.!tance than any yet detected..—;
A barter, nAmeA Kirlwittir,, upon,
:rn in the reader's tittention he
pa ,, eci on Sterbenk, and - Under
# I IP senl of seeresy ftS ' tearnrded him-
F ,w, do,iared that, unless he, was
nt 1 "1,t 1 +0 0 P. ,Ivarr3 tve,..-.1 tr' r,
01,,SAY lii that WWI
iOC . el tit%j.(lsrt lt i n
. papelvs: as the non
stolv'n, in the room of the gilder kat ,
•rti.rt; who hveti tlice. , same house\
with Seltelnleben. gieehmeir taligd
s day or tw , Y aft'(ir -the 401-h on Mau
riert, and the cash-box was no longer
visible., This litrchrneir was *icit
yen of Number., the father of a
torgu, family, well to-do in the world,
bearing the .character of an upright,
religions, mitn. Ilia testimony was
considdred unitntieheliable ; u tatal
credulity was the result. On "the
unsupported testimony of this Man,
Human beings 'wereliat.onii.:inipriS
oned, but tortured and . destroyed:
Maunert, the accused, was marrl. :
ed, tie father of-two-sons aged ten
an&fiftsen, rfrylionr, buff bitilert i m of
blameless repatiition.. He was arrest
.ed and'A;alpinetlr -I,lle denied 014
iitiltvd 4 ore if wad - 4:11 . 3" such °Ash-I;6Y,
gliidird.l:ol his puasession.
,g+ 2 l kripy ktpaw th'itt, be
- Was Sterlo4,ll*MpsiOrger,` but knew
nothing of ''ye,t i. Titkteaffitire Vi.n
ipertk's :wire OA sons, pis° denied
ey . tanll tt lokx had r?e,en in ti-leil•hottige,:.
•Akttin-e'Plr;;F:lq01060 with -thc`fil
'eaftell.l 4 1 0$ aPPll.krUd that.olo)),6
3601 at eight in the mort Ing, '
:!,,ntered : Matinert's reom, to
shpve t fitm, ite saw under thn
near the', 0ve0,... an iron box with
green stripes, the top paincedl i with
floWers, the Ornamento,,pcth
four painte4pati)eaves,Vellietlye,Rew
perfectly, well re:nwinbered,and conld
describe. - never saw thata:al - Cat ,
terWards. ,
Kirchmelf , ,Was zip, honored a : 'cal..
zen, and his state nest *as so elpllc
it, nod so firtnir Impaled on by him,
that inasmuch as he seemed ifree frOm
all pOssible motive in thi matter, not
bearing any malice towardathe Map.
neetsi hilt, ein the contrary, testify
ing to their being, asaros e knew,
honcit, trathhil people, the idea of
dOUbting his"declaration,oever, enter
ed the heads of the Nurebergeri, itS
,suredly not of , the executive, which
at once twat .Maunert into ,a i dark so).-
iary cell, and his wiffSinto a cell With
condemned women.
kannert's lodgings were searched.
kfqither , °sail-box, noi.,t,i4Ce °law;
burf,',4fM9fifi -ifult,M4oott could, be.
round, . but— an d this Wilti thought
important--in lamberrroom-one of
the planks showed trsees%of having
been Iltely raised, and,,,with unexpe..
rienpsd ;bands restored to its ; place.
After this; ' nothing was: needs& but
the full confession of the
Schonieben ; firmly ,denied any
knowledge of the crime or thenefritiii- i
naffs au* couliilte,name any on
whom his•sttspioionStfell).althoug# he,
would• say ,thettß.eatner;l'on ;the Co
eaaion oUhelping bitn n witb, ;the qload
of wood, did ask Whi4teitbe
honse.was, and whether theppeo
ple in ~t he,: house slept abotte.;!::Re
knew nothing of Beutner's baring'
stood looking into the enuntiag
house,iastad been asserted, :,kle,ile
nied everything that was, ;snaked a
gainst him, or explainedAt atvap-4-ii
There is' one pOint , , i4This , 'rerichitice
)afthiihf ncltiOesbadnWaeiritteh ;
tiotieecka.naraelyi ,i t . hat refesuribed
the cashlbow .11ritsieelyi)thlif slime
'terms es !Ousel 'inspioyeelyi
u C.
meier in reference te. the, box seen in
Ittaunert - 's addi--
tional,weight,„to! harkeen testi
mony ;for, it. Was Argifeir, how could
ire ti Meier, o t4Ver' been in
Ste` henk'sli d' 'eon se quer) tip
trot: seen the cashibox;; there,-. aeon-,
re,tely, describe , /t1 unless ho l llifttantPi
1 413!• , 5eeP, i 4t.4 4 3.
eiselY ,the 'Messenger who. ;saw it,
ditify ;"and 'what "Keit :titt } ll l „ l
till averred, under .thetablh'in
nert's room: • Now 4daunert ,:and•hfs.
wife, distinctly -- 4,enleil -- ever having
had' - any caslitlibx% - - Whateverkl t geir .
6;6 m i . !"; 1
Ifetitrer, the spangle-itialeer;:citi . be`
respecting' his dia-'
Se.hogteben, admitted:its
truth, but. said he was ill lighd'c°at the
time, kne.w not, Itruch wit:a t e
bad t4ko PiAkogiricru3r 4 a;‘,
the eilininals, -Ile knew absolutely,
nothing; and as .proof that he was
not cone:tertied : in the robberY either'
principal or assistant, he offered'
to .prove , lin alibi. Unhappily for ,
him, this proof was far , from . satisfae 7
tory, and the- suspicion..-deepened' a
gAinst him. The witnesses-he call
ed 'ad not„Admit that he was wick
theist drinking till two in fhe Mern
ing.; but on the contrar,f,' declu're&
they had iteeoinpanied hirn , home
Olevem ..Now if he reached, home by
eleven,. there was abundance of .time:
for him to have conimitted the rote
The.ex4tuipacipn of the igaunerts
now, ocenpied . the court,. it iCa5 de
terinfeed to put in 'force the rigoi; of
the kV to eitort confessiOn:Kireh:
meier 'reiterated, andl-egen added to.
hie.former. statements, and deelared
himself ready, ifneedssnr , y, to affirm_
them on, oath. In tholie days - the'
eriinlital fills did not absolutely' re
quire witnesses:to be sworn ;'..only in
extreme eases was the-oath, adyninis=
tereek,and the punish rnenVof perju
ry was very : severe. The oath was a
last step, when the evidence was
Otherwise imperfect. Now as the
b 034, on being inter
rogated, and solemitly. , 7warneci,
speak the truth, persisted in unwav
ering denial of having ever seen a
b:ix; and :suggested that what the
barber Saw must host: been a' paint:
ed.-box fiit(4(l - : "wit h..planter enst,•firte which I , :idettO•was under the
table. abut ,nit- inthind or near the
,this steady denigi forced the
court. tn atiministel; the oath. '.
Kirelitnnie:r again deeiared his read
ini 83 * (.0 hi ke . t he '"oath t.... „44. it IHI4 &I a
~..wa----em,no-nrn-rry, ~..3 - -
1,V114t, he seid,,tohe. quite _clear with
iiiinself es to. Whellii..r the box 'seen
by hini teas really r suCl) a finx as the
one stolen.; the severe Punisli'ment; of
perjary was rebiiarsed to,:him4 , and
the Utah WaS slowly read aloil'cl to
hint He remained unshaken. The
. 31aunerts on their .. knees
implored hi m. to hii'Ve pity ; adjUrnq
li,im by all Olathe held sacred not to il
hi them ; pointed to their elvildreriln
hopes of moving him. Kirchmeler
was •irbinovable. .In calm,and' solemn
tones; Ihe -took the oath. ~ Nothing
thqt, was, said made him swerve, in
his statetneat that he had _seen the
bOX:'`"That 'WI - lie/1,1 itaW,l ea* : the
greea'pairited' cash box with green
wo6defillegs, I saw in , .." the' rooms of
the man' who is now,kneelingimplor
legly !before , tne. I cannot help It.--
I am (pito convinced that in thiS I
am tilt mistaken. His blood ba on
My bend l" ' ''. ; '' r.. i 's
It:watt - -dOne.. The sbad been
taken. God hail,heardjt, , atid would
exec ge it if false.,,_ The; excitement
was not confir.ed, to '4"Ntirnbeig MO
Traneabia ; 'all 11-4rcianY'sliVretl in' i?.'
tanitibletß;pietures, 2and.dis'ensaiona
'Made it, the talk of ,the . day., ~ , ,Che
court, alter Kirch meier's solemn tes
timony, the-accused nothine
but-hardened and obstinate, sinners ;
the pupliashared this aonVction.—
8 . 6 high fan the feeling l'igitintit till
L6e r ebelised 06' account , 61 their , ob
atirtney; ih at the mobatnasbed:§nhon.
lebenYtt:iitindows, , and !higt,,yuttpgest
child was,killed in its mother'l .ar,ms
by a stone.
Kirehmeier, the demon' Of-thiststo
fy, after his'dare natory oath ; Om 'mini
anted fresh indications of Marfriert'a
ilibitiality, whichi , of eqars j e,,ilielpeil
to, confirm the prejudice against the
unhappy man. Ile stated that some
days after he had seen' the box in
'ldaunert'S reiores; be had called 'on
bib) and narrated how he bad just
seen Sebonleben t s wife carried
through _the crowd by the pc
lice, accused of, having with l her hue
band staler: Sterbenk's easif4for
`WfAreupciii Maunert said, ".knt what
compensation with these poor people
'get ifthey are' innocent ?" Surely: a
'" - *itii natural and humane. question ;
to 6 humane apparently for -general
~appreel'a,tio,n, then, sinee,,it.,,:fas in
-1 terprated as a. sign of guilt :by a iiigi
cal process not unexampled in public
!reasonings. A week later, , the bar.
her 'again called on liaunert, 4nd
showed him the newspaper irk, which
a reward was oftuTed for the detoation
lof the *cnini`nals. Uttutiert, remirk
i ed- 7 --."11.0w eaild stiirbenk imagine
that'' robbe;rlWOUld be .trisoovered
litetely if Pcibefieople werai`obsbried
to havoiot spead,anaro .aloapyl,t,ll#49
masa? ~Eta,:.ltaueert, hartpmed t to
,4sys• lately paid so me 4eltts r ati'd was
in Paseession of More money than u
sual; but he did 'not suppose-that sus : ,
'pinion could tall"on him: on '.that 'AC
COUDO, : ..
,-„it„ cannot escape the, reader as
aottethingpesraliarly,temoved fro
.ino,dEpplar,4sll4,oo,a, Wax, not only
`Should. sae ti Impli i ett rtilianeer,Aav
ile& PlaCtid.'obAtie "bittbeios'-'astitiY
"tions;:titiPuppl3rtud'asthay wergioistit,
thitinclissisphion VlCllMitorkihflrftibip
awakened at his retarkstilpfmtr
, , 7,
be it ",
ged.. Tir 6•o:afrrig extorted nothing,.
but groans iiirtl, denials; Ile - waa
flogged ,
,ligain ; but as ,the judicial'
rePP..I . I lleiv:1 1 remarks, "although"
he h . :
t s h h:V ip ft es: nektreleeeasceplibilit r
h 6 t ,Waa not to . be ,
hroeght to eoefess
.:,.4.n - tlie • ceetrary, I
stoutly maintained bie ; inn licence, but
begged that a fall "Investigation of
his whole life, might- be made, 'which
would show he had
,always lived hon.
estly,.and akinve suspicion." - nithing
of, the kind was undertaken. In:
those clays—the close Of, ill e'v'en ligh t - -
ersed" eighteenth ; 'eentury—it. did,
not occur to men to: ask, What com
pensation will;the limoccrit • receive
if their innocence is proved?
After this a Second Seareli was
made in•Maunert's,dwelling ;, but no-'
thing ivas found which` in , Any via y
bore on, the robbery. S - ehonleben's
dwelling'. ties 51.40 searched with e
qually fruitless result. What was to
be •done? It was clear thai. these
men were guilty ; 2 1:M0heir obstine,
cy, set justice at defiance. How ex
tort a confeSsion ? Appeals to their,
terrors had been tried, and failed.—*
Examination and cross-examination
had been tried, and failed. ring
zings had, ~.3ccrt - tried and faileil.:---,
'There remained only two resoureeei .
first, the Priest, and nexti—the Rack.,
g c l ii
F ; y nt i :
I : 4 , 8:r. :t d ,: efi lg : 3 1 : (1 1 ) :t il :: : ,
L PeY : : ti ed : ,
, C d s: l vs e c e eie r h : ° p l e i _ : ;: m t e, i '° , t i le ct fe e n ; mv d At i
mlei employed;
ns,;if had
r fi rre s
i r o s id i t eri 1 6 1e rli t i
r e n o nt g i d e i fin i t) : ee.°e t rt nr l x o, i dn e t: si o l l i :u n i r i gs o . c 3 t d -t- - 2 :'
their powers.. "The
; public expecta
tion was raised b' the news of this.
ilf . tac 7l . - ar4 - ..ta1e4.:4 -*----rn. '
nor and.Fuehts •;, , "dpicl be itresistelite,
and justice lengl..b, be Della.
tied./ ~ • - • : : J ._ A
Ales!, aeon thisfailed. , , Thepriests
reported that the ; two sons, no less
than ALaunert and his wife, repeated
that they knew nothing whatever of
the, cash-beic, that Kirch rneier bad
perjured , himself; tind that,•,G,ed would
even yet make their innocence mani
fest. "And," said Scboner, .when I
warned;Kauriert's wife,of that judg
nient:wileb awaited her .:in_; another
Ay, lich• none could escape how
ever tb'ey-might escape the judgment
in, this world ; when I painted ,in.
glowing terms the' terrors of ,eternal
damnation, theimmovable justice of
the Lord, and the awful power of his
decrees, she interrupted mewith,the
exclamation; "To', Him ' I appeal!" 1
When I ittglied with her on the gad
minse'qqencesi whichiWoold. enaue, un
less she confessed,.not only Unit ~h,er
imprisonment: . would continue, : but
-that eifen,harder rricasuree.:.wonld,‘, , he
adOpted• towards herself and
• ;family,
sheireplie4:,..;t 4 And ,if l they;_fiog me,Mi
death; -whittle it?,.l wanl,:tiothing
more from %his world, and. care. .not
VS triter it again l". -' .., ,
In this :manner she encountered
every exhdrtation,, eveli afgtithent,
-eVety-feferenUe,to teniporal or liter,
naljustice. = She Was innocent'; her
husband and childrep were innocent;
she could •saylnothiug e1...00: !
. the stater of ttiniOn waR so inc.° n
cei stably .fixedtagaieSt , Ahern ~,t kat ,we
doubt,whether; any bresamptiv.ii evi
dence would at; thalt element :have
had much weight, !otherwise it is
probable—but only ; probable- , ;-•-that
this steadfast reiteration of in nocence
on the partof the cib
~e lei family, un
ded such , severe tilde of • l•heir , 'fi.vm
[ l, .. i n n es t s b , e ,W ir o o ti fa l v ti nn ,hi c ive . suggested ,a: . deubt
It was true that : the
•••bartier's: evidence was explicit. But
there %VAS ,no other evidence.; and a
gainst it -might fairly , he set that of
the, whole family, two of them young
boys,,w)ho - never swerved in their
statements,`: Vlore was one awkward
'61'01114401)CP ) it is trtw; the barber
i swore -ho sim A cash-box; Whereas
- the whole family steadily denied that.
any! cash-box had been in•their,room.
It was impassible to doubt ,the bar
her's statement: The prisoners' Ale
.niat ldoked :like sheer obstinaty.--
Neverilitilesti this ,denial,, , and,theitn
piesSion 6PaineeritY NviliPh innocence
'must haveithade on the priesta, at
least,>accustomed to. hear. confessions
)and• to interrogate criminals. would
have had its weight, had/ ,not Malin
tirtra.:wife 'committed& very, common
triletake-:-.toinisitlike to which' we-are
all liable, and ~which daily , experinee
seems incapable fr of leradieting..----
.ritttitel3r, that , of aftrikating motives to
the acts'ofothers. .?..Winiteveris daub,
espeeially*hon it ie in anyway inju
rious to us,' welnsist en assigning to
lte 'true , motive. Now. the motive
tivhichi really actuates , a... human , be
ing, is alinost Inevitably hidden 'froth
nay we never altogetber,lnow,iti•dve
"itrelnet often thoroughly aware,of our
t iril this state : - of
ittein . tnettireit;:cret'
',Able I gnuteanee,.- ve e 1 geeke rat - what
the motive may probably „Afel;tno
sooner jitl i bM irs_lo§o Been AO have a
), "0 4111
. . .0
Y JANUARY 25 1865.
erg tili~
Vi n =- I lia'
b 45 BAw
reiapppaeek' oaf,
Th , K,
in e t9 p," ? ,,
- : beri,
stances k nawn' to us, than WC"ati once`
give it' entire faith krid r 'tisat itinte (LH'
estahlidhed 4, A so,"
tfAY vte proceed io 'oat' as if'
it Were 'eci. ' the the'
1 11 0 Pve r . whibh aay , 'actuated'
.froti'labler are ntiMerattd,' ISut could` .
not, known atiBther: '}fad
Ort's wlfe contented 'hitSelfwith'
saying: ' "ttretline t iii 7 .hits *• 'sworn'
ralBely? WhyT r idd i nat: knOiij how
should I 'know whYl w `hie assertion'
wou ,
Id! have been forcible:;
. buta n hap-
Oily she'ebilld not rest satisfied With
out guessing et his motives, `and sta
ted' that Witai..She, said w ad' the fact]
Xii'eh meter, she said, had worn a
gailjarthent, beeatfse"Maiinert,' owed.
iiini;;Eletne money for shaving,. an Li
bed not made him a Weir:yeait s
l'A";Par'il.ritated and feehle 'fe-
OVA e - irlthlit,iiCilYisetkftsT 'sect-Att .
an tideifnate rEotivd; at ' any rate it
Was the
motive she guessed, and, hav
ing guessed it, she believed it. On
the public ~mind this accusation pro.
tineca'no 'effeet, save that:of strength
ening the pri-judiee saninst 'her fain
' •
In' a clear 'form the coifeluding
words of the priest's report, that a
tnisgiving had entered his mind re
specting the guilt.,of this family.--
"My heart beats sorely,"' he says,
"at the Obstinacy of these pedple
otherivise seem to have lived
honestly though in poor eircemstan
ees), if they are guilty ; but still
Mere at their' fate if they''are intn
eint;---':lPltirchmeier hes been mis
taken, or if, like other men, he has
been - capable of having been led
'lip to this time a plausible explan
ation had been propounded, and of
course unhesitatingly accepted, as to
the mode in ,w Web the cash-hox had
been taken frdm Sulionleben's dwel
ling to that of Mennen's. As we . do
not sufficiently understand the local
Hies to form a 'correct. idea of this
explanation, we shall not trouble the
reader with it. Enough that at this
jencture it was proved by professional
witnesses that, the cash box could
not have been so transferred. More
over, the plank which had been
found recently taken up_ and laid
down 'again iiiSchen leben's
and which was one of the indications
against him,..nowfurned out to have
been .removed by h's prede:Oessor in
that dwelling who testified thereto
The eourtfelt that its ease crag
Coming weake r. evertl nloqqi - I .Pa
tattoo,ct. wee-octerm ire
ltrAo--cry toe
effect of Atiggi g. She nittst &rirk t'es
She oinst, learn that denials are' use
lese,and that' those who se,t thorn;
selvei In olip'esition to the law would
taste ita,fultseverities. It was . thus
decreed that she ihould he flagged— .
and in ease her bodily health did not
permit her suffering sueb chastit.c
mint, She cv'cia to be imprisoned a '
lone on bread a t nd'water in the dark
est dungeon of the prison: Should
this fail the court. redid' proceed to
the last . extre. - niti , --'-tHe Rack. That
equiclinOt fail. A bii udanp eiper ieneo e
on ciiininals,ef all pibvedthat,
however, they might persist in
denying their.giiilt,;' however rni t .
less might impriaorirMini? fleagikg
and exhortation . - the test Of torture
was almost infallible. flow .many
migerahle victims.' - had confessed
erimeii:Of. which they-wei. , l3itinegeirl,i,
arider f t4,eolicitatiebot j thQ,`chumb -
Aer r erati'd''hoot, no', i
knew that'seine
men had dene so. .Thritek kind eon
iiquentlY"neen falling into
disusef bat it`etas
from the code cif eavati.ed nations;
and, the V'aenherg court of, justice re
solvedio-aPply it to the kiturierts.
At this period SChbilleben• still a 1
. prisoner, requested toTbe heard.
stated to the , court that it new occur;
ed to. hint, and be iris ready to
swear PL) it, if ''neessary , Jthat the
spangle-miiker; Beutrieri had on the
nekasiaii,bt aasiking hitiVrith the
^,l , . ,
`_toad o f wooci,, j stoou some time at the
dOorAoeicourtirig7hcittge,; and, on
biaving .tbkhouse together;,bad said,
old, one has a heap of i money ,
there; couldn't we bra
little ?''—a prepogition "which - li6,
SehOnleben, rejected:, with indigna
j To this be adder, - that three
days ago',he had dredini that_ the
_ca§b box had been found„ j and that
he himself had seen it tinder a heap
ef wood in Beutriers. house, where-
uppn ;fie' naively remarked, "he
had felt great joy, and requested' the
Mitgistrates to release him from.pris
on to the sound of music.
The effect ,of this depciaitkin - *lts
once dirt loquiry towards
Boutner. ''Theillcoinerts stoutly de
nied their guilt ; Sebonleheii flenied
his • and it Wils.tlievioht that perhaps
Buettner could bo brought:to copfess.
,That nofie,of them were guilty never
seems to Have been suspected; AU
,the , indications agitimit,Beuttier we r e
,o aro foily, collected together. The
`very. dream o f Se49(nleben, insipid of
being, tre,a,te . ,d its ti diream, natural
enough in Ale eircurastanced, and of
so„,loi;C`, an imprisehinent
damP:dismal cell, Was aeeepted as a
B,entner',SAmise%vas thorough
ly seareliedJ;stit then, where no cash
hox could be found, none of course
was-foand.,. In vain was; every' plank
torn Up:and ,every eofner ransacked;
rats; dust r and'rubbis hi abundance
were theife; but po cash fibx no , trace
o f .money ,
Bouttier :was thene.Aarnined, but
denied ever 'HaVing , said anythfng
abouttheir eastlog of somesoe
of his nainief. , .an 'being confronted
cut Lf
Y6l#l.6ol4omr!mto,fie persisted 113, : tnP3
n ini.,do4trelf ? , 'Ake
the re st, hat His ,3109 - #lO
• , 31.1`1#4
ktlrnfirt E ctil i gn v;'eAk? °n
>rig • ff.: P
dint"-Conviction horelied with eonfi
' dence.' 4 - I AB if to strengthen this state-
Meta, iin#;if no sooner was One clue
caught of than the next . moment it.
*as-to`iletrOken, thevervdef after
-Beutner's ekamination, h" smith, in
Wlttise,'serviee livedlono of the wit
:nesses:'Catieltt to prove Tient n er's akin
infOrmed:the court t tj:'t, l his% . werlti'
man had ennfessedtriliinr, the smith,
that he:had eoncesded :the trutit
his examination ; that in -reality
liontnerr": did , not go hoMe on the
night'- of the 29th B.oth at eloveil
o'clock; but; at two in' the morning.;
at. which tient the workinenaccom
panied hini;:. Why had' hoconeettled ,
this; and stated wliatite
. knew to lie;
false Beet - tan. he :was. afraid of the
iiritten - would have:fallen
on him for 'having: been drinking in
police! IJetenpon
Betttner's witnesses. 'Who had been
previously examined on tho-nlibi. f
were onee More ictarnined, and they
one 'and all emit - eased that it Was-two
o'clock, not eletion,: when - Bentner
and they left the' beer" Shop ; they all
confeaSed that it was 'only far of the
police regulations' : enfo r ced
against them, which IMlmade them
conceal the facten their first- ezarni
. natinit, There was not unnatural
suSpiefon exei ted that these -witness
es bad told the truth at first, .and
that Reutner-had found some means
of corrupting them, so as to induce
this -retraction ; but' they persisted i'n •
thiaisecond statement, and were not
only unanimous,- but spoke out with
the` greatest precision and cenfidezine:'
as„ - . to the fact.- Nobody believed
them, and the strictest inquiry was'l
made-into every . conceivable circum
stance-that could posSibly throwlight
on their testimony ; but the upshot
was that the stirOngest point against
Benttier—namely.-his :supposed pro
senee near the spot at lite assumed
period when the robbery was cam -
mitted•-=was, reluetnntly, tint inevi•
tahly, &limed to sink into utter ob
The locksmith, who for:'
years had been 'employed by, Ster
henk, was now interrogated. nolzel
had three years before repaired - the
cash-box in question,ltnd he deposed
that, according to.Atis recollection ; it
weighed ono hundred and -twenty
pounds, was striped with green,
painted. with White flowers, and had
the lock ornamented as the barber,
afterwards becnnie. of °, s Teat, rimpor
tanee, He stated that on the 30th of
Tune--=the day the robbery was. dis
bovered—Kirchmeier had infOmed
hint oftheirobbery aeSterbenk's 'add
ing that he bad seen a cash-box - ,
somewhere. On being asked where,
#.ntiHin whose house he had seen it,
Kitt hmeirer could give no satisfacto
ry Answer. . Nevertheless, ten days
afterwards, Kirehmeirer privately- in
formed him that he had'seen - the Cash
box iirMatinettrahouse on- the:- 80th
Stme;:but *loco ‘then had :not - set eyes
on it.:..Hotzel liege& him -to
ideate - this to Sterbenkytellich - foil!tbe
first time he then did. - :!!
This AV 1113 Al :,:con fiemed. ;Kii.elt
rneirer. "..lio:distinetly -remembered
every circumstance, - :and ,Teinetriber ,
ed Morons , * that Matinert i •:-Mr!hiS
entrance; seemed somewhat confused-,
had moveOltpidly away- frent the ta
ble; while. his Wife managed to'!iceep
the barberat the door - till - - the 'cash
bbX washidden, 'He alsd .distinctly
remembered ,that the. xe - teh,bctx was
such its ,the ohAl
eeseribed - ;i!lidk With
plaster. vast Medallions lid titiee•not
remember to have eeete" ,
the „re,
sPeeting Ake capability Frau
Mathmrt toestipport a flogging :was
registered. AV was stated .!that !Ate
was quite capable of . bearing some
etripes , e and there' can be no! doubt
that-this - cruelty, tend; indignity
would havmheen - suffered by
it had-been al 'ready. by ber:husband
had-not tntture. given Mt - einpbatie
denieh to: the Medical evidence; by
currying her off., _On the 28th Sep
tember,. -After intprisonment of
Mom thitrethememidiiths.,,Aeath.:bene- '
fluently put an end to ~her :sufferings.
She died:in mat, agony ; bodily and
mental..:-The priest 7w O *lobe iti4od
beside her daring thelast:: , hours
Glared .that in the. whole ()fills:fifteen
years' „experience he had never
known -a. sadder mac._• The cellln
-which!slaeln,a,S imprisoned was under
-ground; thittoofr front Alto light of the '
,sun and'the breath of.heiti!en:; as-she
herself was:shut off from-the ernbrite
es of her children, -and auxieus !
love of , her. •husband.) .alsO .:'sat
alone in darkness. with the know-.
ledge of his intemenete.aed the knew
ledge that ttll:nten belieeed hint to he
The priest stn -gentle persua
-Bko aceente, urged tlie.,:dying woman
to-free her sBtfl *OM it.S. lead : by con
fession ; herconstatit= reply was that
she had notkMe: to confess ; she and
het. fumile , ,wQ.-,it.:itsinie,ont.---.=G,od wilt
bring:our inn o cence, light .; yen
see that. one Ky." so the final
-preparations for her !end- were bel t !!/
made; J4he said, ef : ;:od has beert;.witri
me; and,ealled:tO met ; Fear ~;
ant--hesite! thee ; go joyfelly i th
Him; fora go at once; to heaven;
Tho.priest;took his leave, and Shortly
•afterwarMe all w*. Over for her in. this
As a criminal. she bad' died; as.a
trimly) a 1 e ;Iv as,;bpriecl , ' ,, ' lA, eileeee
ind:darknosaehe Was htid eerth
'Without rites of ,isepultitrey e , any
.rato:ebe::was free, Ivey: All
;taro: ittf,oo. 4,41 Or; /o,dy,:w , •
Three isii4intis) still reriiainodt ,
'thin* Mittlatilairixecirriprononritiii as
0 tidstri The:y*4d:: ev,eittilii•g
110111 no ,Jaci,: in ....
41 '
Cljt PiTtrtiorr
13`y WK. ffi. zßEsuate
stc,ri New Binding, CumpSitrilitl
.- . .
. -h.
A t - 031-3 Dollar and Fifty Coats a Year.
44- AuVewils !Actors inserted at she usual rati o , 'WI
ifas-lI.A.NDBILLS Printed at an hours notice.
Let *Ann Mints. postage free
In Pennsylvania. out of Leanition county 6 cents 'pei
quarter, or. 20 cants a year.
Out of thia Statt, 8 cta. per roaster, or 28 eta. a year
yy the poatage is, not paid in advansa, rates are ileitite
to fear_;, notlking to
. hope. By one
of .those coingidenees.whieh net pow
erfully et - l i the:public mind, ever prone
as the to: build .conjectural
ret»anees:put pf insignificant and un
related facts, on ! The very day of
Frau -31 - a ith Clilqtt4'l t-pettte
Faulwetter announced that his house
had' been burgalariously entered.
was : a smallgarden house, outside
the;tewnovbereon .account of. quiet
he wits in the habit of working over,
his briefs. 'Tbis,had violently'
entered-early in the morning, but
nothing was,stolep. On, his bureatt
nn inksts,nd had - been tipset,..nirfthe
. flooded. the, papers lying
there, some
.of which: tFere. torn,
a_nd,seversfrpood, from their posit
was , o ct . Now for the
intt-rpretatfou ? p . anl wetter W'is ob:b
of the. .coupBOl employed p the,Ater-
F.)enk case, and, as be had.:several,
times had the papers of
,the proves'
verbal with him to look over,-a, fact .
notorious in Nurnberg—it was tea,r
that some. yet undetected partief3a;
tor in the robbery had brokeit into
the:honso, hoping:to carry off papers,
and. so destroy evidence whie4 might
be brought :against. him :or :at ally
rate:throw fre:t difficulties in .the
way of justice. No sooner wati this
hypothesis started than it gained, of
course, ,instant credit.; and it set men
,speculating 11!3 to who the yet . : unde
tected accomplice, or aceonipliCes, :
might .The power of gereSSing
was illimitable ; and we have seen
that the,:worthy,-Nurnbergere were
not backward i» suspicion : but W - 10
all their efforts they could get at no
Even when the mistery
ly cleared- up,,the burglary at -Paul
wetter's remained inexpl,icable ; and
not ,until some time afterleads, when
Faukvetter was murdered by one of
his exasperated clients, waS even
tolerable - guess AM to the motive of
the burglary arrived 411-
Thus,, day after day, suspicion rose
end fell ; .fresh lights glimmered
through the obscurity, but after lead
ing : men:a strange dance through the
morass, they were all recognized as
; and real steady day : ,
light' eon Id nowhere • penetrate.--
Weeks rolled on: Ererythig had
been done, to extort a confession, but
the hardened obstinacy of the prison
ers baffled every effort, Had not one.
of them died impenitent, carrying hh
g. Z. - CL )i ' lL n
2t. 4.4, ....- ..11' . :7710 j -- "IiVrJ ,
yield to the persuasion of the raelr.--,
'.Chia, as we have seen, bad bacii al
ready threatened, and - even reeolved
on ; but with a natural rellietttneili„t
had hitherto been left untried:: AI:
though the age,had gradually learned
a little more humanity—learned that
torture was a terrible means of invest,
tigation, only to be employed in ex
treme cases, and therefore the court
was slow in proceeding to sitCll. ex
tremities—yet the age had not orriv-.
ed at the conviction that torture . was
an inftinA-• and a folly.
For ilnately for all concerned, this
iast iniquity was avoided..,:On the
30th October, exactly four weeks 4::
ter the litirlid of Fra. Keith erf:, anew':.
turn was--giVen to tile ,inquir,y. fa;
deed, before that there hadboill,itt.;
mours which gfew more 41 3. 0 ro - ore :se
rious,,and which diretited.-gilip,icioxf
to quite, ether persons than the a 4 -7
eused. - But the court would not be
led away from its present - course, by
following new and uncertain tracts.
It was felt that the •wholb eitl, *aa
implicated—that justice herselritlis
in peril;; unless the 'truth could top
made evident., At length,
came so load, that one . of the' futikil .
sent ffor thh, locksmith's apprefitlce;
Warner, and in his
. private lo liouse
tools down the, following tleposi
tion :
On Sunday titb. 17th October, a
friend of his told him at the biter-shop
that il little while before be, Wagner,
arrived iltero,..kne of Meister Borger's
work then,. nitnied the Berliner, heti
spoken very abusively of.eistof
Gorier, the locksmith, and bt litoiiii,
his man ; boldly telling, the. -liittOk
that people suspe,etelf bird Of ~being
concerned in the St erbenk rebbet7.
Blosel bad 9uictly,aecepted all the
reproaches, insidts,..aild vituprratiOn
Of the Berliner, and sat, a l e: if - diiin6:,
in the presence of his antagonist.—
The suspicion to Arhi44. - tfie Berliner
alluded was foonded on the fact that
Illeseland Gosser bail bought them..
selves silver Ay aticiibs, tvere, dressed* in
new suits from top• SA the; aNI seelt
ed to be altogether in meeli - more
prosperous circumstances tha for.
erty. WS gn er further deposed thAt,
on the Monday after that scone, Acts.
ter Gasser had come to the beer-shop
and codeavoured to clear hisnaNt
from imputations which .hid ecxe
east on him, dec.:Jeri:.
- that be bad 're=
eeived money from his rel,atib6s - in
Saxony, -which 11. - puld I:Cecil:of, for his
prosperous condition. . „ - •
On further queStiOnifig, Waiter
deposed that abottt, -a: week ago a-fel.- °
lo W- NV Ork 111 all ld , :his had remarked :
"Blosel is cutting a Ogitre ' * Hekiit 8
hail: -t. new coat trade. He stood
treat .to -, MC. in ptinc-ely style ~.two.,
bottici* - of, wine at ono Pia.9. B -:.444
; whenever we have. been together he
has insisted nn paying for 10.11 . ;.7 , ..
' Had anythingelse been.obsbrvecll.
Yes, this: Since the ,: scenv eV i ihe
benr-Shop, Blosel had notOice,rt - don
with hie;*wateh; Whio:--Pret r ibutx!
had always carried....4ll:orcoVisrkr 81, p , :--;•
sa l . h a d. ni W &It Le:o4*kt :7017; ; irolc*-.
b to ti ' i t w lia4) . ;e z er4l ll ad e - iint3r ai t
t a e'l w ileeiviiild : Z -,,l arcd a:lll7-Ibitit.,,
-i'pageitidd i so 3 torr, that ibßloitil*ciim
-1401iiike',witi -nislici . -tie - veonidliit hive
fl.l " s 8f t':' 7 - V.: I } :,..' lAN.' i:. -.:: ....
, ..
•;:;,) It