tranirc ,t 4 R MIL AN'IDEA OF FAITR. A forma° trucker of a school that stood on the bunk ore stream Wished to communicate to her,,pupils an 'idea of faith. Whifellhe - Was trying to explain to thorn the moaning of the word, a small:haat glided in sight along the stream. Soizing -upon the bleidentrkm , an itillustration, she ex plained. "Ifi'Were to toll you that Ihere was a leg of mutton in that boat, you would believe me, ,wonje riu not,...without;.oeing,l4- ycLOrsepies ?" "Yes ma'am," replied. the e!chtilxs. "NVII, thht l'fs l 'fitill'l;" . 'said 'the scheol.mistross. ' ' . • ' -.: The next day, in order to. test their recollection of the lesson",. she inquired: . yi .. " hat,is:faitlL P.!. ,:: ;.;,..: 1. $x r ," leg i nf.multo in a. butic.p.....uflo mil, 'Wm.,. siCohtlid • frotn!till parti W the room,. . . . . • i it§'IFTEENtA7 MISTAkES, a teat 'Mistake to set, u p our own Standard of tight and of wrong, ancljudge people accordingly. It is ,givitt mitotake to measure the en jOyments of others by our own.; to expeot uniformity of opinion in this world; ,to look for judgment and experienceln.youth; to endeavor to mould , all displ*kma alike.; not to in immaterial trifles„ to Jon* foi pithittiori ; to wor ry ourselves and othees with what .4lannetrbekvomedied; 1100`03 - alleviate all that needs 'alleviation es fkr as Iles fp our power; not to make fil loviances for No infirmities of othe'rs'; to consider everything imposeible w,bicb e cannot perform; to believe Only what our finite minds can gruep; tO exitmet to -he able to understand everything. The greatest of all &is takes is to live only for Time, . -and ,that Wiwi any moment might launch us i titorEterrrity. • ' PANDORA 's Bo x.—Pan dcrra ac cording to the heathen mythology, was the first female created. Bhe wfis formed of clay, by Vuleqn, at : the re quest of Jupiter. AS soon as endow ed with life, all the gods are said to have vied with each other in present lag her-with,gifls. - Shok'received Way ty.and the art of pleasing from Ve nbk,the power of captivating from the Graces.; taught' iher .how tb'sing; • Mereury instructed '`her '-in eloquence. and'lllinerva endowed her wit wisdom. Hence she was called 'Pandora, from the C. 4 reelc'uiord pan all, .and dorm, gift, intimating she was till gifted. Jupiter finally presented her with a box, filled with innunnera 'hle eiilsi . wbich- she was desired to tive;te the man who married.her:-- 18berthen conducted by Mercury Pioinetheus ; he, suspicious of de oeft,*_*ciuld not accept the •present.; but - his - brother, Epimetheus, less crudent, married her. lie having 'an itited and opened the box, there is :Old' from, it At- multitude of evils and diisteti4erel, whieli speedily dispersed themselves all over the , earth, and haieliever:sinbe ceased to afllictinan kind. Heefunthe box againin - h - nate; was gone.. - Hope alone which Jitiffier`had compassionately inclos ed in his pniximpy-gift, had not lime ;,f t 'o.,4r,o.l4pipittn'd consequently kmaiin e'd as tbe'ono consolation of wretched ;AK This has given rise to•the 4 1lope lies at • ffot tVe" TIM 0 UT-TRAVELED TRAVELERA traveler came Very late for his break fast, and the meal was hurriedly pre .pered, fftompson feeling the food was not quite up to the mark, made all sorts of apologies around the eat er, who worked away in silenoe,nev er . raieing`heyon . d the affirmative in fluence of his fork, Or, by . any act ac knowledging even. tlke presence of mine host. This sulky demeanor rather vexed the landlord, who chang• the range of bie battery, .etruck his thumbs in Iris arm-hotes andsaid: mister,. confound me it I: hain't wade all the apologies becematy, aria more, too, consideaing the breakfast and who getsit, and I tell you I have seen dirtier, woree cooked, and a deal of a sight smaller breakfasts than this several times." The weary, hat. gry ono laid down his tools, swallow ed the bite in transitu, and, modestly llealfMg op to Able . fuming landlord, exelalmoth. "'Well, then, be hlamediifyou hoint out traveled me." Nift' de• the first *of last January rfore . .were but twelve . Revolutionary .penaioners remaining. An Aut.• of 1864, provided• an - a6ditioral -blin4ted dollars to en011"of them; to *timid oti and niter January, 1864. Mfite Ihth seven are known to iiatip died, .and of tho five supposed to 0:dill living tho,follo;ori rig p.coount ie given • • Zinnia( Cook—enlisted at tfatfield, VOA; is now about ninety-eight ;years of age, and resides. in Olaren 4614.0etlians county, New York. Semaet Downing--:enlisted 11 Car pll eittinV, Now Hamgelii rd tii rninsty-eight years of age, and lives in Bdipbarg, Saratoga county, Ne w York: • VYjUiapo Jautobings—enlisted at litWeastle, Me. (then Massachusetts); one hundred years old, and tOkalles in Penobscot, Hancock coun tyj. Maine. • Ale* nder Maroney---enlisted •at _tear 9"or g e, Net" York, as a dru m - gar toy ; is now about ninety:four yetiiirbrige. ills residence is Yates, Orleans •COUnty, NeW York. laWike._ l3 .arharn—substit u t o for a drafted .isfirst lin Southampton county, Virglilktfi riven ID, the State of Mia. liouriotiutai in the 9ne hundred and OVAMM: • _ ___. .• _ .-_ .-_. 8,.r5rAr . )14,m5, R,.ive-..,•.0 u 64 11 k 1 4 1 • "• • ; ..,' •r 0 rer, or.lartirtrLD' redoctrntly ;lb Asrin t r im MI , T - stmil ofiGebenon sheloeletrillyOlutt be bee tit 110Vg& gis+TWltbrltrk 'oeitett- Helmet:it .to Ow doors ,keloer Pbiltip, Y, MaCcirsnlWilidd Aided: "%USIA. he will nrejteedo the Reetet ?Rh isamidot Making. ALL work. entrusted 'AI 444Alecutrpeeetuueeketetree In the beet maatterOdlnoo 4 4 47 474r 114141:6 ::ta b el t rat t 4tr t =; .., he --.‘ e se,e'kerhreesAticetrtemettet.toiti .ble bnetoees to cneritereonffnuenecuotlthe eseae:, ditto - Wally in VW , Vre pa Um , m111 , 11(1 old , aisdkrxies-td &L . , him a call. gmbamon, Aprp, 6, loci • •:tl7 -717 Wistar's Balsam OF WILD CIMRICV. Ofilf' of TfiVTILDET AND MOST ERMA 13LE REMEDIES *IN TEM WORLD FOR Cunha, Ochis,,MhonVilat;Congh. Bronchitis, Manlty dr 'Breathing, Asthma, Eoaree neae, Sore Throat. Croup and every affection of. • THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST: INCLUDING EVIL CONSUIViPtiON. - • Vl7htarlo Balsams of V . 14111. Vherry. Co generation the nee of Ms remedy become, and so ImPularge ifilirerywhere, that It is -unnecessary to recount Its virtues. Its works speak *Wit, andefind utterance In the abundant and reldntery:testizanny , o l the many who from long suffering .arol settled 'acetate Lava by its:Pass been restored to, pristine rigor and health. We can preAeltt .itumusa of evidence In proof of our assertions;.thiti: . CANNOT 11,11.4DISCENDITED . The Rev. Jacob ` Sediter Well know . ... n and much aniuct id'Among lbws:4.ooin population. In 'Ws country, mak* tha fullosiang AIMS meet for the benefit of the afflicted, HALIO4IOI., PA., Feb 14036 • Dear...Wrs :—llncing realized in my family impor. taut benefits from file use ofyour valuable preparation —Wrieralt's BALSAM OF WILD afforde me pleasure to recommend it. to time public. 130M6 eight yeara ago one of my danabters Zenned to be in a de elineosurd little popes alter recovery were entertained I tliettlifdtitte4l a bottle ocher Balsam, Ad before alurbadliken the whole of the confente of the bottle theieVia ftrfat bnprovenieut in het befall'. I hare la my indifidlidt case, mide Arequent&l, , utei of your vainablofnediefee, and bevy alwayriftwb benefit. oil by It, 'Jesse ; • Eig;, Ptak/W. ir'qf the Morris Coup crit,a)tit,,Aloyris topn, iTew Jersey.. , "flaring Old in' WEISTAIei RAMA'S OP Watt , CJIEWItt fur about fifteen I.eare, and liftViilig,*4lSWits.biaiiiii dal results in My family, it affords-Ine gmit- pleactfre lit recommending 'lto the public fire a:reliable ritititfy in mass of weak lunge, colds, coughs,4o4 :and a reme dy which I cimeidereo be enteral" innocent, and may be taken with perfect safety- by. the most delicate in health. Front eHon. , tialan ,Sntitit i t a -I),fBtin guished Lai - Dyer:in ter, ilfaryland. I 'tarots' several .oeen n lorls used Dr. NVlsvAn's Bike- Btu "or s illftr. Clairtfur tor sdvervrcolds, end alwaro•Whk dneWad " benefit. I know of 'no.preinastion thatis CieefficapittilS Or' more ilpserving of general ose. hiThilenyri hits atve beer used with , exesilleint, effect by J.:D. BLUM', Merebauti Mill's Creek itimdi,'Atd. Wistites no of Wild Cherry. Nene genuine artless slip ed BUTTS." ea the wrapper, • • - . q`OR SALE 1117 J. P." DINSMORE, N0.,491 Itroadway,, New Tetk. FOWLK # CO,:riaprietora,, Metall . Atid siliDenests. , - , TREDDINGIS' RUSSIA SALVE rod/ . Years' Experience Has fully 'esiobtbbeil . thi superb:Ay of I REDDING'S RUSSIA v. 1-1411 tr.%et ng 'pieparat lone It ,eilren Ainda ' or, SORES, CUTS, SCALDS, TURNS, 1101 L 8: ULCERS,444 LT RUKUM, ERYSIP ELAS, wrir. , s, MISTS. SORE LIPS, SORE. BYEB, 404'. '"..Ac 31011 1 4 , 045 b "TIM sT N 0 ANT) KIWU.C•IirCf . 'Tiflai..-1110ST; o'6o AOKI NO SWSLLIMIIVAN D ' rSECANAIATION 'AStr-BIC MAC- IC, :ONLY 23 DENTS A BOX:.•• -..• • • Font Swim • . I 71.1.10R.N. No. 491. liked vital Iroik .f Aittfloy•All.Druggistti:,_ ".° "Jititir'22. 1864.-13 ,- e/6w. • .. -:-PRIVATIR SALV ... ••,-.4. ~,,,! . . . . . 4. . - .. 'Spend - id . l'arizg: mil E subacribor offers at Private - Bale. -h is Ila n-Farm j located In Cevswail. township. Lebanon Cennty, abont 3 miles from Lebanon. on the. road leading to Eby'a Tavern, near Lintel; MID, containing; ' • %O. Ackes and 110 • Vericliiii of good LIMESTONE (AND, under goodufenne, and laid Offln to convenient '.fields, with run . ' ding water Also running 'water through „•: I ' . the house and in the . barn yard. and ii i write with .puseps•et the house and ••near the horn. Water can be reached by. /be , cattle from every geld w ithout going on the road. The improvements . are-n large two4tory suns MANSION HOUSE with -itirrhen "end Wash 1 1LERT itAR , r, at Other Gonne istiainttid. large `SW Darn. Carriage Iletise,Wegon Shed, and In fact ill nec essary •ontbuildings. An excellent Young ORCIIARD and all kinds OfTruit Trees. Tille hi nne of the indult desirable . end REST FARMS in 4I4RA'iIJN Cohnty. , .... .. --7 `. Acres - of IV ondland• • . HEAVY -WHITE' OAK, In Cornwell toes . Ip . ship, abiNlt Vac milts from No. Y. ~... 3AC,It'4 and 11 11 . -Pei elieg 1111y5T81.13T' Ti SI 11Zip, LAND. in TErOdel• . I:4rlficrefnahip,l nilkillein ' lquiefffeatown : # txti,..t lin.'reati leading . ilk ElliCklers: unt/ th e t hiibie Of dis'abore tame is . fit to cut. .! -. .., , •. 7 .r,21„ :: , ezr ...b.1e,, , 4,,,i - : . • 3 Acreor4sindl§4l7 .Perches of artarricreTfilliDlVLiklit .* 'about a mite Rent air 'The whole can be bought ingather, or Singly; to cult purchasers. ' Good title and pOssesslon *lll be given on the lat e April. ISMS.' . ~ Fur frirthei Information apply to the etanict — o*e:re , aiding on No. 1 . - JACGII WITS! ;jr. Cornwill tp.. St pt. 14,1864.-2 m. JANUARY. •• 'Court Proelniutatioss. • IardItEHEAS. the Ilms: JOHN J. •P}:AItS6N. Est): V V I Preitillent iStibe several Courts tirClemmont Pleas , in the district competed of the counties of Lebthoniind Dauphin,' and Jiidgetof the Courts of Oyer arei Tensif nee and general 'Jail Del(very, for Abe trial of capital and all other dfiencee`th - saict ctimsties; o... Judge Orthe Geneint Court ortairafter Sessions of the Peace Mid Toruld.'itl.4 o :aisikatihrilit; Ai X7 ' , guli n t the Oenorel'Courts of 'Quarter Brosioule, of the Connie of Oyer and Terminer, General Peace awl Jail Deliv ery, for the fetal of capital cud other offences. in said county of Lebanon—through their precepts to mo rented the 7th Jaye( November, A. D., lattt, to hold a Courtpf Oyer end Ternifner and OgrperFil Jail Delivery, and a Court of..Quarter.tleseino. Peace Lebo non .fOr tho county of Lebstion;ol4lU - : • First '4(onfiity of January, nc.'?l,' which will ho the 2d day of said month, to. continue Wig Week. Notice is therefore hereby elven. to .Mho Coroner, the. Justices of the Peace, and to Constables within the County. of Lebsnott, to appear In th"ir own pereous, with their rola ' resognizancee, inquisitions, examine, Cone and other documents, and present thename to the Prosecuting Attorney at lewn ten days before the meet. •ng of the Court, conformably_ to the,provlsions of the Act of Assernbly. Fumed at the late session of the Leg lel/Antis. Also, all those who intend to prosecute pi-M -ows which now are or then may beta .the Jailer Lob. anon coUnty,*.lll have then and therh: to appear, .on tho.let Monday of • JANUARY, to' proceed agethat them as then may bejnAt. Given under my band, in the borough' ofj.einutois,l the 2d day of Decetnhar, in the year of our Lord, Mue thousand eight hundred and sizty.fortm ' DAVID. S. NATTEigir, Sheri" . Sheriff's Office, Lebanon, Dee. 14, 1561. - Au(11(01'0 7 NColicc. undereigned., Auditor, .Ppeoiueett .by 4 . lte _k Orphans' Court of Lebenem mouth- to -bike tr ibutiou of the balance remaining In •the, Laude of 'Aral W. Meyer and Daniel ?filter, Executors. of the last will and testament .of MARTIN IIEYBIL, deifit.r late of Bethel Townihlp • Lebenon county, P 6., will at tend at his °Mee, ,Peiderlekebia, oo Saturday, •/A.- centbet'' 81, 1864, at 1 o'clock, P. , to,,attind to the dirties Wilts appointment, when where all penning Infereetcd, triiiy attend jf they see proor. ' - JACOB agattzrzatt, Auditor. Nei. 30, 1861. • . ' HAAS," .rOanc"i'd tte4autl ettjtpit{ Do4;caleir, for. 4le, eiu ,er bi Atyard or :made e? •• CIOTTI.% • • .4 " QA34642 0501 . 11d...... ft. • • • •.. • • • ' '.• • well ale/ected from Goed non ..e, kid .A' Yltrund nub. "114/lAlkt ° 4l4sllol g ualibt "d •to alert, OreristAtiebragetbaalery, e, iv a usimi p a m y ,„ 4. iplatuallioniShiris, Under Shirts 4.4 Dr sciallier,•.• c.Vtglr: Lebanon, Mel 4, 1884. THE .thltatti t ' ' l! Atr BEST anti. enter . . Attention Countrymen 1 117" °NIX aftration.for tip ppse c tA to the '''OurArttal, Pet to 41 , V* 4 1.4.. AND WI Ni teR'ffOODS, aethe Cliettt 'Sttil . 6f ti tiOOI)YE Ait &fr I)IFPEN . . Ountbe'rlantV Street, LffAcuipn":lA - i.; We pm- O vine4i reverit att. nrttluttit of Volt flittt Wititer Weds, -*filch for beauty tettraiptieterlittraot exopetoyb%,, , CALL. AND SEE FISE: , VQ"Eit.SELVirS. 11410A,,G**40.•- . . , . . • . Full line of French itfarino f all Colors. ~ • e, Janstaw. : 4, • : ` • Coie • a •, • „di a.tkpoqlwirtP. .Delelnit: ike r .• !te idenotteeterell: ef! , ", .1„ 4 . Paoldo,, • 't Dress Goal- of every desriiption.' Lattles' elothielatelrtgle. e.; , u , 11140 and faueyeSilke„ , "'We have aiso 44°01 *smartly ... tent of,plals MAL :Plaid Wool ;SU • • .Cotton, Balmoral'', Hosiery.: ilpep - Sktite, Uot brellas,dre.,.4-c. • . A large lot of CALICO for Av.,..nt. mid op. Bleached MUSLIN 26'16h/sand upwards. pibletichitd, iipJ B L; ll4 / 2 T.:7_,C,;, "Geolisite Wn.,eari. A fall line of - -',4llteiAtit - S;" 1101.SS1111:ItICS, BATTS. NETS and V 418T1bXeS, all kiudr 'mut Pelves, which wlll be sold Cheap: ' ' • - Our Inottri k igg l iMpartmeritt complete , coniprishig 7,llllllneall wool Delwin* 6 4 wide e. ". ‘ r Oant,opflotlet-14 " rerkian .• 64 as - Alkeetea.itudßotnlanzinet de., de. . .• Black iisitittieital ' posfift7tind Gloves,. •.• e• e - GirOperie)s,, Codirrie, •:dizoiatist,k*, Sp i es, all a4- C4ll one end alt, and look thiough'. our Lail,: -and well Selected Stock of Goods, aid get the prices, as t no tremble to show - Geed& Our Motto is, , t)Efonoll-Profits, and Quick Bales, - aird - "Vallte. Gootitatc: Lobe:leo, Sept,. < I "- ~ JACOI