The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, January 04, 1865, Image 1

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4 02611=1•ViCAtAiellaPLIALICD 1- 7.,
Neatly a Promptly 4.. orapoi. af.the.
Tau establishment la now suppliya with nn sratantliss
',sort msat of. JOlt TYPR, intrsakal loathe
patronage demand,. It can now turnout - Pa ...PING, of
ovary description, tn a neat and expe,lllinue manner—
andon very reaaonoble term,: Such as
Pamphlet!, cheeks, •
llitalsesa Carils,
Ciseralars t Labels,
- Bill Hisdiugs, Blankk,
Prograpow, Bills of
. Psr e,
Invitations, Tickets, lc., its•
sarnssa,Qr nIT kind,. Common and.hohnnant Roane.
Retmot, Justifier', Conitables' and other TlCaNza, prlr.ted
correctly an& neatly on the beat paper, constantly keilt
for sole at this office, at prices "to mutt he'rn,e
• • OUbieriptiOU price of the I.I.IItANON ADYILWritelf.R
Obi Dbiliti and sr Mit a Year.
_ Address. Wm. W. Bantam, Lebanon, Pe.
Office Rernkwal.
1 14 fi- 1 1(1
41441 Y - 114219 1
NlOlirr, vat.* pnoctumilly •
Lobikonsi Dia *Rio 4!i • ; .• •
OtOgiVtieleittn.cra'arri4intic.!eAp;ii door
t. lb..
Buitk n a ciief, Pa d , • ..!1•41:4'1547t
A. ir. wow
Office. .North Weal orner- Water
aM Ma kct Sireen,
• sagasAaeirow,...v , ".
- —•-
. , .
41,111 T. WEI 11111krt,
(I FFICIK, In . Ctimbberhind itreet.'s doerp east of
IL7'tlioNlorrogrotit" In tbo ontki. "e.t Mil fetter
Copt. John W014mp0.d00:d.,..
Erbindis. Sept, 9,1998. - • = •
7 I Wilititalber l ief Vk;' - •
X rro ttir4:*l : ::AW ,
.• i - - 1 -.:,h i tAili,iatr i I t niatt irc:
- a - -.11 0 t.
. BOUNTY And Pr,NBI9N claims promptly attended
I ~ , r Ento
H: f itfiht c rS l..._ ,
A. T i T"),R, NEY - z:AsT 7 t.. At r ,
eltarroU Ih bActiwrilliiibilhiiCesiibeilertilfik .
N.,/ nearly opp,.ett 0 the Com!, llmmo, Lobonon.
hoilpott. J o 00 , 15, 1 1;
18 —tr. a , ti .., • ~•,.: . .
birituS „Oil& irtii ft '
,I . j
- " 115311 * i.: e !.t • •
. 1 •.- • - ~a ..„ 4 . ip.
:Lk ii y,tilf,- 2 . : TAa
dA ellea la . WahairstriOt, waftappall* Use Buck
11, I Hotel.. Itmik two Oral mouth k• a Korsuany's
'lard *Oro otonr. -• • '—.• r : :* .. .. . • ,- •
I, tbilnen, AprO 8,11181a4p...
S. T.NrAPAMfr r -
;AT -Pei , PvT; °VA VV
WitM,YrittrVtt k ttaNat .
Ri alatt i jiatik 24,,111, I :
. AI?31l' AA ".Dlf Avy
PENsioN;EDuiTY; E.i.CE , /1116 3 BGEIP-•
Llait LVD .
t -
'lin IS bein licensed to prormente
eleitoe,end,har big bran engaged In the Illnototyimnd
Pension baelneee,orrara his PetTiCell to Iltit those vOio
et e thereto entlt J. In ic tripce wit6,,the Team
arta oAfi li •e. All ahottt!l call add ,
one, t Tdr onethron A , 4
R . Attorney at-Law.
Orrtee ritiu.velto-Cumberled St., one
.••• 4 019 ti PAlst.of thq Lahattort ,Itaka i oppeelte
illimaitkk,Uptt..l.ltetonnon, Pa. , 0901,
. - ti 4 llllortlirn( 4l froth Thlladelphta, I wonli raj,
to the good people of Lehonon end vic inlty;•thnt
vip %Vol, rotzpinypt„ btu. Omni's (on, door , Eist of
Dr. o. rt.,(ol.lnlyger'sr.) where 1 can he found et an
bakietif tberdsr, to watt tipbo those"rrlin . Luny- *ant'
111Y,Itot•retenst tOVT ittl... '• ' • ' •'' .. • .L. '• •: ..
Etlol4l/44P o(l4.l(tie , n paM to the_ treatment and iflify .
of . 1:1[2271, Ali 0ier5ii!...4,941441 111 .1!!. iilollt feeplepokar.
end sifentrfir matirtillt . . • • • .."
-tar- PfritOiteAtar , lair Is vloneberlitibr 'tbe
'44 6 i OtAraltk,:; -r , •-•‘ vs;-.4 6 , r-tr •ri:r ••• • • •e. '4;I
di sired. Etbgr. . Pkisttgedtp prelvate whoa
do sired. - • '.
. „• •
Thartlintior poll IctrOrt, I wenlil:OnllelVtisib ?atm*
tie .of thao wiiiiiinz.timi.fogrkte. 0( A Vent lat. • . ~. ..
(7 Er) ItG E, CLAIM, 1). D. 11.'
fabenoti. Ps. Aped :17, lets 4..
. .
• A N at i t t , :1111 NTI Ckl It ve.l , led te • t
r o r t t lg at ß . r s a A e b k . rxi m ich n. iner
.A. by t t otidettliFi.ed Ani• a
- . c, ;; ; .:j . •-• ~.- • -.' - it:21... Sinn K A CO,
to o•• •• •
NOV. it 1 1 14 f --3t ^
HAS Jostrereived at hie Grocery Store, Cumber
land St., one door weitt,of Market. a lot of Fresh
Fruit in Csee, including Peaches, Gaps, Groan Corn,
l'unistoris;Telltea. •
Pickles. •
Pleadtlll, Cauliflower, Ketchup, Cepper.Ssuee
Cheese. •
. .
English, Lluiberger, Sip-Faso.
Fish. • •
Salnion,•Maepril,,llerring Codfish. ,
• . pAto
Apydee,isirt Peseta's,
C;anberrres, Apples. Rowley, Tapioca,
A lot of Buckwheat Stool. Also , 50 bartelo l of Now
York-Apple,. • .
tgal. Itigheet price Oren In CASII for Sege, Beget..
'Dried Apples and Peaches, 'Danis. Onlyna 4
- • krpotronegen)
Lebanon. Dee 513.1863. -• •. !
t$lO,2llM ' STY ;k 4 St:
VT - 41,6.tawa. c gt e tli 1 :4t r7 u 1stt
liersioai4slinka splondid alaurizaout.bfrtbON
Stile of HATE AND 0.4.18,15 w 41•10141 , 4 +4,74..4 1 1444014,
le millet the attention of the public fa roineetfu lo c k
:toil.',lnierlat thiehAViefe. dl
,000klyiafilrafibis mot weidiolnitifttini.4
L lS‘fulgartifidaVof 811410 M • El mr
ikiTILWW` . ' PA N'All A, PPIDAU, PiTdßr, IrdltN, LAW
7101118,.BBNATE, °LIMAN', and 011'uthers.
1116„.11e 11011 Mad' Wholesale all kinds of Hats, Ceps
• is.; to'cotintry llfgrehanti onnavatitigllntli kerns. '
febanon, May
. 4 2, 1803.
ims for • ••• •
, f lible,prevrilive Grilse Explosion or burning:put
of Steam Boilers, for este and werrented by k IE4 Bat
the., tAblefrethlttl St., Phifinlklphtl. .1 !r.
a Last for loanAcss,
} • •
October 17, 1814.
I hits Aslieroft's'...foet Water -Detectors"' on ray
Dollars. end 1 am compile ely eat leflcd as• regards
their reliability from an actual test of one of them
which gisee the elsfe.hektpl thetel)Y.Mie boipirs
and In eipiltallbooilLlKll6dpikAttr.LClA,
r a tel o ilfr lun i ;
-,par Cukukna D. Feet*.
134#roppeirty. -
.as Ti. et Prirete ele his properd
(non baNiga liy • Augustus Witnteu,) on Cumber
tlentt stregti 14bestoit, neep Pawn's Lutheran
Cowelfri.Aocalisttg of : ! 1 , ot of Ground, 27 feet front
, an upyteßA of VD feet In tlepth.,—
i L e e n traY t t i t} B ItrUL I e‘ '; ' :y t° 30;
,feet. with, portico In , i ffonl.; ' glad a.
la by -20 feet,4l.s , (otorle,
,• blab, good Well and tiotortl, pis ,p.t..70,
frclt , re". and other impro , cmonfi. Any person
wit og to see said property will esti on 131 r. tritman.:
rqr price anti other intbrnwitton nll on the subscri
ber Pri 9outH 4blto lie township.
tiontininber 7,111/41.
A'T - A I.II , IIIrtNN Olf TN It ItoNtitl) Of DIM:MORS,
OD the7fhtdo ofeirrterobtrri prifictbei fopowing
ectiod reef Adopted° unanlthenely , eotitire -ate- ,
tat" ordered to bAye the sahte pritilishe'd'foil the infer,
mation or 41ellneinera mninlfers.
AffpriFfil w ryiell i or NMY iiierribero of the Company,
*hate rot' ftelleeetnent No. 13,, v ke4 la ninety
ds i Wtli t poblldrfrOlirborebr, 1/ . ffe ix
ci "attMetiiterett froth, iltrs as 4 ibli pa
emte at
b tr, bir or, tlyil,loriaranoo; biti Or
fkiiii a If 'fterillitheirtAt dtto
and Id gereiri y atiih'delltultinurnareber , be paid be-
fore any loos or damning by ere shill happen teliiep•
cm hieured by inch doriulter. By onlerofthe Board.
Norelfthelifi l , fief.—St •
itilP 4). Ra i l gii kia-ti:e .. mart
► lig intbl i dei g' .iiPtle .., .. , r - - -, -,i tia! • ,b.
let tieet. tie IA citeili to t i ill , ii 6p, ... .t , .
tote.!l tt'l . . , 4.), 4 .. / .',,...
,iainuortng , ihnbanusig:
I . tit ,hrsoche e ,,l e t the bundle „Ole' , Viii, 7ii:
~ • t.•• r t ' qtatlir t ,
MI. ' iiir.qtr . i iglakt* i 4 t.'.`
0 44
:V:, i i i: • •.:',-..i'V d:* . • 1)c
—for - c. ..p, , • we e elende , t. Ito salt• ,',, :. f
•• ,
parousge al the public.
VOL,. It 4 Ni) 28 7
fr, •
. ,G
. ,
A"' aiivettivivEr "f''. l
lF'9" - '' ' '.6lkea' `
The liis or relnetig ..,, cdtitre
OC tritild, 'in iery, l 'lnany ,bilitithei of
ititlitktrY,' iltieXtr a' progl'64, WittMit
partilla i lii. the itinnitls of trit/e. ' , dlii
,,igtolll6Wiitindii'fir'st allying Whieri:
can . ei tfes in the linibulit'bigraiii; 'dirt=
her, 'dad 'pro‘Vigldri' trade 't-eittiOteted
there. Its natural location tisylte . Zel
eeiving tind.Asitributing point for
both blititward 4 and wesiwired.lbound
merchandise; together with' Wo '0;10=
gy and enterprise which have be"dri
shown , by.its business menctlikio-Imu :
tutilly dentrititited tolbis rapid (level=
Omen . • - • '
The earliest packing or slaughter
ing done thexe n wati.ta,early as 1827,
when Archibald.Clibi;nin erected the
' fl Pik lillittilitettit ci %Me,' ftrcr,' tbt olpetliil
purpose of supplying the gurrifibri
[ then at. Fort Deurbern:. , Bat -little
was,,howevdt„done beyond the; im.
Mediate conserve ptionruntil ,in JB3-8;
witet,t,,,h6 tide of entigr,stion set west,
ward, q dito strongly? ti;ptti Op litfed - k
demand;: iced in ,such,t,shap,e :.that; :it
could - , be. transpeitedw ~During the
fall, ,of. isas Mr. : elyhourti. packed
about 3,o9o.liogs, , be.s,ifitocieodeKahl,ci
*bodroki - r. which a ready market NV a B
[ at, hand!' To obtfilletpis - stet*. iciiad,
Ito lie picked up tit-'•long' Wiii
from dliidago, and *ls-driven on-foot li
to the city. About, this,: i time other
tit i erprising,ticen eb i nineCide'd' tcrpitel:
both pbrk aim beds, thelihrpttii l ef
which found a market at the catitt."
Buell' suceeeding,,3 - eip Added more
firinatothiS hrtintiVelt,lipsitipss The
slaughter . -houses tyere i liAitiiniiiith- : l9i
etited:iipo',Vio,s(ii,A,ltra i lc t 'ii.: 6fAlte
Chretigo riVti: it liffdrillar, sewer
into .which the offul and filth were
freely, pwired, NV h icli,lvfiltl.h.Qe,nt
; increase of later year,S,:„ . ,' has piii."44 l
sucha nuiiance, and'ettitsedlin eilie`t,`
to go but "from the:iffir '-filtbera iliiii,
i('sltiMrd 'be ii&edtis su4li no . tenger.'
Many ilf these house% are so located'
that ves'sClit can be
~ pod . i tiliin D..sidtc of
the dockS,'ltittl'shipnlents t riiale With
out' any e i Tt.rii handling of the' stock
li`eii . Pently . for marltitt,;„ they also'
!Jaye" tracksi:onnectiqg' with, all the'
principal railroads, SO ' tjiiii' li ifgS Cali
b 0 deli'Vered, at their_ das: . There,
are fiftY-eight ' daferOtit 'establi4 2
merits_' in eltienga doing, a 'general
packing bigitie§s Old litt- seasOci l : of 1
9(4,159 litiks. t''' ' .. 1 !" - ,.. - • ~ •
The averayO
... yi07(.1':ct',.114.1, ;*l.,tilif i ,
vot,mit: Of hogs: pila a ilfirtag, l lB"%344:
is is 1811eWs : '
Yield of lard„,,, ,
-- 4 P9unds.
AveragdiNveig,kt • -”, e . ,:_1192 pdands.
The . price, of alivelvegs~i4 - 4,,trve,l*4
•lioth by tpu s
titY anti' supply' and 'de
intpid, . ; • , , ,• - '..•, .- , I -t tl yz,
The, prices that have been ..
ppl. for,
pork .118.:Fe;pf,..iiirse,'N'aried WI Ith 'tile,
yearti r like ilLother articles of, Conk I
meree., The earliest purehases.niallo.
for peeking in. 1832 to 184 varied
from $2 to iik3 per...hundred net. To
stio w, th 0 weight of hogs in early days,
contracts Were•,7semetitues =made tie-.
tween,paekers and drovers.for, a lot
,of lipgkfor,•whiciy a_given prigo . wns,
to, be mild,
,the lict, to Aver:lo,, :150
'edified,; iftit'till 't iht tkey averaged
over that. 1 Anat. per pound 'was toftle
added, Yawl. all tkat-t,hey fell short I.
ce l iit,por pallid:was to be .dedueted. I
r t . , bitatralP ift)).; jAPPIttfN9 P!: Prodlwv.
11(144y.1.gtg0,i tilt cOatracts being While
carlyou,t,be season. i - • •
, , I ,••40,tact9itt , rai-okizito nonsz. . .
lrotgi,ste but,,entAdeseription,4hieh
• ' ''
11111ilfiltr fOra,model one. Others
t imiyikotihding,tit the business to be,
r 11/b 4 41 4; 41 1 4., i general feature& are!
he 'same; the classification„of the'
meats are the same
~in ail.. In tho,
one deserT6Td7tn one grade off
is made, in so ,there' and two or
ihrectgradis-f the "pi its 9f - the' hag
Producing lard 'being sorted - , out.
making prime leaf lard, 100 1, &e,
'The thipev4e itay.hp t ages 'Preheiti--
led by Chicago
~, aft'
: a
„ pacls.ingp'4lirlt„:
114te centered large it inounts of ear -
tal there. in ~ tlid ~ bitsiness, and'',.the 't
itadkinghouses are now Amonir t' tho
wonders of that:thriving city,frore•
their completeness , of titratigpßiette;'
' 614 the7Woriaerfid?aitility with which ,
'-the busitiess is condadted - . - We can
not give abetterides. of it than to de-'
,sot:Mt:one of. the largest and most
''cotnplete eStablishritente, . wiljehhas,'
t beca eiCeeted cluringthe rear 18a by
lelessrs. Jones & Culbertson, and at
4 this writing is in fullooperation:' ,
The, mein .: building . occu.piese-a.
ground-room :of 180.,by 1,5 . 6 feet. with
a Lard-house 35 by 153 feet joining, 1
being 'Sepurnted - by , - a ' ite.ivy brick
wall andiron - door . „ to IF
, 011 1 t :„ till ) ;
steam and' vaporfront-•entering, Pie
main tr,onse„ „The buitdtag ..ts "t`hree . '
,stories high, with nearly , a . flat roof,.
whieb is Very.„beityy:upifdOnble, per- i
fectly tight, and fillida , off into
yirr i dS or.pensior recei.iritig., the hogs;x,
_pc bolding fear t,cpis'alid' i
head"lii,,,lin-64.,:..The,Mifolitsbu. ding is
e°tiltfOet64 ji ' f t1 10 ' • Tioo., t, . o y, .
and-sahstaniielf•inanner,l iniarniablei.l
T4',l4Sfe'l,'ltWqj 4 tiieli%OntViti t ii t i
meat ald e ;qv 1 , ffitteria,r 3 3 ,tlicti
H- -Pack , .43 and
....i s ... • t
second eorA Ing' tin sui V Pll:l ' g. ' '
the third for eoolingAnd cutting - up
t h° ,.,; 11 , pas. • 4 4-16,10,!, .471 53,1 , ' - • '..-‘''
The advantageg-iifitaiiiig` all" ark ;
main: far paciliiiix •ini witatutealiasid.
Jteatty - stat,e whenThill6d i 'iadriti`d.c:ol
be generally unde,mteritf )eiglit le:441:,
,init„ :few .pfsWeaiiiik Xii`r widoliisa*
attonVop4o,tbp A ntitio4, fir ttrivapta
miri 14b'ep link& it; intukreAbvtieiiit.
x i
,Irehisilig - oil:1'1104; :tot L'iii'4l4,'
i"an amoral is tra-Altflptt,?:Z.
JiardotWett9ll(4=iiiiii i , 'i l ir in
dkivit% to tint slaughteflAitiVetif
flesh is in a high state of fever, the
•..-. 6ft i : ''.
f , .
4 , : ..,
. . .
. .
. ...
• .
. ,
V 1 ,171. ;, ) ,44 .ift 6 . 1. ;
• Jl. • • .1 4 244 . ;
‘tfiarro* is n selni T rulik.coMition,
grid riiiidnecs wlnt i itilOVvn
joints, and. toocomes_ in _ a_short 'time
tt .
,S i the, : hO IISO iusdsr.
nesoriptpn..tho, bogs, sire : Arfrven, up
nn t:b.q tqP hrt
iihenAhweirwmootfirsly ...fresh .atr
4,r44°B4iiiteP.OilttHi4h a They, are ni-
TlF:,l 4 _:t°4 1 1 12 ; 0 n tWo ; tO
ffrthA aIV=PO.9X 0 AQing .kil I ed, ik44 l
&Me, 14 20 T ti At
iliPliM47o4ol 9 .ktif ) ,El tORY can , 4.e.
' '
itlirhoniallie reallf thwithOgs• • *re
diiivni , seine. twentlyliat-iiita, 'fate a
strrallipen Iliith tyfteblgiated•floor.- A
span then uesilertis •aind, With'.it long
bandied thiinthilitt *did& leach • heiga
heavyilabw•Oir tbeifOreliCad!bqween
tha'Wei,lvbifili: inatayitiy, rxieflia him
oftqlieltoeski Ad. fiblinti lain ci r feii ,
tdohiontsrliifettet ' 4 4iftt • 'entail:4lrd
twit with! It'shifili :knife *id , ' kaki
canilifinerli, B , l3lixiliGfibiibirtilikleil
the' flootT Mid • btilik'' •661ithictod: by
4115tobtarrtb ,- Ahirge Attu k ii" otittlido' tlie
building. aWhile-thib list' beink'r demi
another lotPhigeti:.inici:•anr 'kdjoining
pen andlierbAin ife.Tialtro manger.
trbe'fl t ritl t.,:', by" this "li mo; "b 'ili ng.
bled' - sufffillontly t is it' down iili'lii
ellYtialitiiisb*ne,,iory,,.. ifito,,4ho u ,:fiehrd:
tiig 'tab ' '6E; Vial, Made' or,'*(4,
dthild' AZ ' forl, . Widkr: t • tkittiff,',febt
tong; 7 lii)tr•• three ' 'feet • ' , emit ' ii ii
wit,gr,',;4o.. '' l iililbh..lii' likialOt.,*
atcittaf,Y•SpOr l itid Ilfelit,at,' ; :ii Vegula
tedilierati're iiiibrks;•theX 'tire.' floated
Itroliglintl titrataliS• Men itithesidiiii
until they reach the furthei , end,
vhere,thcy Are : take. out of. Op it'mb •
by a simplessontrivanco, operated: by,,rlAi Ina% * din:9 244 4k uPPligt49
elm of a .Long Inciipc4 l • table. Pir9
rimp.staad'reaqiiivo Alike, from the
hack ifi r ,l i,iriel l adliilltite brittles t ,thio
mojilik 0 top pki-9,,brysil , woi9c. awl.
t iß4Pl4 l ..,4olFtiMAlica. i i l li 0x 0 1 3 1,9n
In.t..riglf hr Ke. 1 , 1 . 1 9vaL.1(: 0 0 0 r , P4) 1 7‘ , ..9A
map, at*Aling on opposikemidos of 119,
v.vfn e ,ley,,4l, t i stilther e pat;t:of. , OQ, ;ha t
o As. coat 4 E14 ncti,lV.l,or9ogli, some
eight.° ten pairs egi'me9Ovho i eaelt ,
have, a iliffererkt PfirttiP ~UrfP,l,l3' ;ii,
eletini4l,l4islkg,tcltil ift,rMirls)doV
last] • Pay,..ffilo 11) 1 ,t.ili 14:t4 IctOnch
tarok and swing it qn• it hoeic .40 ap.
overhead railway, there it recoii•es ma
shower -bath' of , clian:iieold 'teen,
washing it clean fromitnypartielesKf
dirt that may remnin,siviligit at the
same timep a parting" Serips?Witill
Idnives: It then •Iptalacebalodgib ir
man 'wholepeatilt :and""iaiiio ; voB"thb•
!arge intestinei; Itithea ' itialcsitti.
tiro second iniiii;' , Vflitt .taketroutettli lik
small • intestines,;' lit.nri, lights,' flee!';
the ikl i skithise--r4perh-se.. , - -
drobellioNlan *Eircer,'nittd ` , pht*s;il6'
anOthor win who'splits the backbone
doikm: They are then 'taken , tVdth
the hooks and borne aWay fify ove ,
head road-way - s, and lunirlitli t%
one man being enough to handle` tlio'
largest hogs ith ease.' , At this'poiet;
,ainan , koctsens up the lea laid ready
to. be removet i w.hon cooled,,,xliich,
togette . Witirth
.ipliitliTk• of the
backbone . blifere in t entioned . ; likAs'
' ' 'th'' ' Id ' - iit tt e .
• very ilippli 1.0 or.olig 3 co 1, ,
Meat :,..'The 14%20 tilrowed'tf.hang
in iths',)peliiiolikn - kdo s t.
iii4yrd diys, whAn tilliii . inil heat Is
glace. '' , . .'. ': ' . *
.. '",
Atlerjheentill. ilitesisfies, ike: ? ,arb
reitievid,figion the flog, tihey are taken
titian - Mitt hityit t an d4l r ' the !hi 64-
er:teed from &Mu and PliteCcl in large
viitsif a viter;tei wash it ciciiii; going
tficeilili tiV6 'waters, l i chen it is ready
i to - gp . tN9 lite lat4,„&ark,, , altilfq. 1 *AI
'ticideVelemicaliereitft , Ve.
'ilk cliTfixo - t:P• IltociAl. , ..-
• jiafing now. got tholieg.repdyjog
I eating up, he is ttiktn:rrpm„theeool
ingrroom,'as)d.citrried,, to,tharcoms-tnt•
this nerposeiciach hoggqiug i weighed.
as hedafirengilt.up.Atild his-wPigfit‘
entered 4,1 a 'book *Opt IVr•the
to • ..ilari'fig: ficiftal . reiteti eu'lo We
bliicik,'Otie 43104 • Irene 'en litainCliSe
_el eavbr • sevefs' dm• bead' , from , the
'body ;+ another blow severs the' sad
%dle; that is; the hind parts; centYtin , '
, ,
ing-the mans ; another sags it open tit
the back.; , atiotfihr me ;for etteblegv;
'the leaf lard' having , already' linen
locreenedia'nowl4alteirobald . of'' with'.
'the hands,:end instantly stripped out
of the careatis. -, The' ierwainder•of the
hog ia:thon ctie , ny• siecordino tozo the'
.kind oft. tl'4ht'it, is titbit: kiitatbleldiT
the w I) ole entting-up •iprecttisitiaciiO3% ,
log but a few seconds Of 'tithe, two
smart men. having:elt: pyer r t‘to r tho,tk.
sand in - less thick eifflie heirp. „the;
ustial i day' iv,Vrie,,llftwOit . 4,t , th, to*
InblishAlen't is 'from ?:,101. to ' 1;200 .
hetid. ' ' -
, ... -,I .• li,i ~,,, -,-4, i:
• . TUE . LAUD' 11014. k) - • . 1
The' giket gi lif :*iliis btOlailig d ;V'l bete
gita t ii• abbik. In 'Ale ieWie atory , !
are:'afilinkid iiifilli i iriiii"tetikii: made
I .of heavy boiler ire, twelve feet hie;
d Sit TetdEts,..,, Parkb.lera
renOliqrigoilk.:ltsgU, t ip i , Or tr tgelii.-
to th'eihird: stoly,
,v1i431,15.'6.1,k0k10 16 , 1/0,
driiVidCff With 4 hi* ':l,tittn-11016 iii,l,lo.
valid,' ilit,letii'yol, haas - 'ghf, lavA,,
unit iiortc,ti;knri!iimiki tr 4); Vi.s2ft 4 c4", Vror
61 the tank ' is 'frill, Wfiiin it A' lir t op,!A
and the whole mass subjected "titre jot
. °I . qru-'9;99 A'°- I .4 l filh s ?,f,44:ll r fe
inrif itlAlrokk o‘Vtlik if. , roy P 0.4.1 44*
4 Titypri)o4yti.Nlv4ketyoprivA..
80mpb , Dili s9499)Agi Flio,:mxtp.von
1 prw . ma,tictrAjtp.psge§.,?ff ,,, c4tw.
macAt qfisottPowir - 119.17 okezP,WAT..
1 brm,ISAIMIR, F491P1.1 1 1,44...5x , 1itn5 -14
;. r.../PTAILIVAAPcs 4 , 141 b us Bett
il diYYrr .' ' " -.§ , i sA t osomA tu,, ,
t u t ,•Nti. nAkvif F-54Pliv , f 1 'foil.
in Jpgi 2 M , f. gilfi c Ogn •iwAk*.O. , et ,.
intflil LVA 4 ,4141 1 11 1 191). 11 .0 it ;944,9
th4op,„ i)elsie.vseritioire frA.Assicg,
IViitioci‘eik.A 94l, 0 414m° Ae# ll ll.Prich
, -
C ` Ano the r Itt 1 I 11"111.11
. fl igl,we t i s o tfAig,
out dead bogs at are 1 ed by ac
cident, suffocation, &e., into which
t .: - l• - ..--":) ; .11 i I.
'theY a" C R T ( killglfl N'lthil thPi
. :iij4i)4§":ltopl i Cimgh,ter r houso F T-
Thii pkoduCt..o ~tlits, la pa lled ylow
Break , • - . 11- .14 4 ~ ' .ti ,v.i
4 ,
After Ilid.Aillif 01:4 1 100)3 1 14ASPAr#4,
'bies? hit Pl. 's team f) ..1430 .o,eces,offs,ry
liiittiii!ot t,Art zi rjepi
I M L I !, IV I a l
.. , 1 I .3.4.% 13 tk I _ 0 3 ;1 1 .149A!',11ffieft;
( Lne-sti, ip i lwiipil t btAfflopith,n ) %4 4 l W9p.
tVe litril i dMir j A9l9 6 149 •11111 t eiliel
iron dale eallfl I cAsk i llie" 1
ir , , , , , _ 4 .., it.,,,,, , Ki 43 , 4 4,
'et ge: gbfiPINN.: )00 is N. 44. no a a .
4 d . friciVi .: Jttek,Pt Pii. , tll9l • IPTIV . heR44II 2 .I I
.t All.sPiktil3tL l A Pi• P-aktA/CVW
figidnifek!;•-11 ,P ii I f; , ' Ma g,'"
in it i tliJi.k.onlyt ti t fE,efifFM:ii ,
11 53
9 kiniiii:ol: l ", off, , t,,,lctetuivvltitool.c..r
,&C., Attliptgpu 4,.bie pirt9m,•,ibip
procoss ' • ibolmtgh ~,901i,ifyipg„- 0 ,3
tar ) d ' 4•., 'F .Mleit t co ql.'i RPeilPd: OA°
49tt411,•ff'd f u 'a ' e illltlntAY ( E°4-W
c f ,
tan Otit . `upt4;46eir rtlapite4.4 . l,oit9.o
4 tit . 4 1 10 . .t , ,,P.1r. ' tug . leslidlltii*Ao.Nß
; ?LAW IV3P , eN$ '• t ' ' ' '''x-,-
erl i j la • ,.l eiglie Alg i , - It iy - pi , c
*4 4 '4, itso;protlit . p . t,'.4;i.h . e.pures4i•-
tia n r ?; u tT r ik:P y rr . iii;lVlllideit urk 'd
6,'Y .;any .Wr9e ?si, ;#.. .1 2 4eg: , liii•fee4X
f r ee 40) 14 WI 19Pligal3V4..otior,. and
It ti s.L A ,A l g t a li nt .P tlfielut,Pfllirfuß*l l l4o
'-,•:--71„,.... - .6. 4 ,, .:<, , ~. )1 , , ~-,
'After es lard btiAtafirAwt( l .
l'Oili t !e i l:lciiiill loffreissilifi? OfflAkria
° ., o.3ri a4#N l MP bPPtorh .1 4 4 , 4,41 1 9/Fl lOl4 l
m,Ol - 8.0 Jere *As out.,in in Fge„ w4thaell I
On)! ti lit 4 even w)t.Wiliv 4 9p,r, b ..,,li a nr,e;
i Ate: 4 )1488 il ? AlguinxofilAiPP44t•tP)lffititk
VIE ; binis by Pta4PPiPFP llib:liMun 4 l '
the'lhaile;,.any remipingbgtemo l ig
11 ..4 14 0 . fr.e.epiPd 41,8A 8 AM k•ilth tOP*f,ifil.
til 13iii m ined .flife, , AL, Pleg , is, _iirayscrt,i,
il " q 'P L ' is l tck-thioss %Ter
• se * l a r i inanely tq „e, )
a " ( LI Ar?". IR! c'SliefrAii Of 1 , 0 etCl l keßgi>
rivirt.,.. - -Atite I's sipoined-at.t4o,aista,,
"JO 'Pr . T.aBN 19 -.ltAFfleillPutodotr.fs ,
I e11(1 1Y P? 6 elii•CeAt7l 4 l.4 - •1ie.q9.1.17 0 u ,
will fi , i ' d ,fiV e .7 biiti,etAikts 4 ).hter,94sithP•
' t 4l' i i_ ' .l i ii ie, 4o si.plctflMeacthßO , tutpt,4 l
itimitt ;stint o,yen.tqp, tic eth,c t i, thp4l9,g,
1 4 , 1 ." 1, T
.... b . ll O.OYr c9 ll8 -4g4 IMW49 I : I AboNf
rydit„,,14.1. , •—•'; • • Pa , * t,,ii t il . 11' , $
.' 't
Itt r e t res 4 1 4 ilgir iii 4•9; Agiday
7.1 .. ' blitt l atsig thrs a who wl•RatobAir•
is 1... ,• • . ,. . - ~
forpatireasosi, " n, ing,i,switerso&c .
'Tli.9Bl97M.l6lrg,ths4,caf ;be, URACI i , 44
lei, rsicl.ect L iap,?l,bui..),it,i.k; ofd,he ,prigi,-,
A:11110g i r e m ;mai Lo Igebs4iFlC4* • Olt A*),
l ' ' .I 'n lil RIPANcii R0o11..:::!, „I:I./in:
• :This weclihvelstrt&oecuifitindil;
lower , floor.••aThe. , ersi npsiOcear iiitin
dress all tbo nieateracept thiswahObfe .
dem, With a 'sotutiOntiOt .tifiltridtric',
which is applied '- with sy'srattibAir -thell
'green meal, and while •vaotfltitil ells ;
covered• and •tublyed , 4itltvitaltl; 'Air&
then packed in tier i-to• itftig.ill'Ao
tbree.weekaiit;is falai; died trtrd r iall 1
-tri.turtenot ollgitrec;eia iftdrins,vstg.4trit, let (1,
am d in Oa ,i lid sevb ot days in 6 rti , (wig 4_l,
ititkpmpouttecatedaiddir: itfitti • !yrnkr
is-ls'iw 'clayey-the English to sits (esspdt.-:
ially theiCurnberhintrayare taken and'
carsifully :ticenped and IsmOotlicd , ' tiff
preparatory ••to
,;Asektrig. ) .Piegis ;
', meats are usuullylittekeit inl ifq,iitor
boxes containing 500:poun•dat; • • i
The barreLmeat is 'packed; in•llie ,
Bacon d•story. Enough 'places of. the
various kinds are weighed' Ant •Toi. it .
barrel,. (200 pounds.) : :It ia Nevi pick
etl• i n the ba rrolo,l sclayerofm eat ; then
,saff,:iisitil'htled, the litirtnelieitdrd inV
and branded., Each barrel List (*Agin:
filled•with as much tiriWoistOthiSli . fs:'
rel will take, and fah:meth, tir,:iitita
with a small bung open•aishbrt. tune:'
More brine: is added if Yrieed be'; agia
the bang - closed: , • • -
pIacRIPrioN.CIT -tiFATa.
' 11. 2.. .Z .... •i• . , ~.1 . •
. Attila pork le Wade of the sides of '
.tb§3bialceakand fattest hog'e ant int
atrips'aix to noien inchee: wi de;: ran
nioglfrons.batk to beltyZ.7 .'• : * -.•
%teas Y.:it.''pork ?tine & tlitini •is
.itit i fr,am.,thkeitles of ,a• lightt.i. ,- olaimi.
.of hogs, rangi9g : from 174' toloo.lbet v .
,cut ny inithe l onmemannen.i .). Ail:
Prime envois tut kern sr etifiligghtki
et oilied i VlP:ntitt 4tChia .10 0 1 :t4 1104
*eight, the:ebonider being: arhoirdlia;
.Whjic en the Week this. °Well .'aftet
i I;ei ng 4i vQS ted of iho!'benil; %addle;
•and 1 - srd, ill, dUtt, lenith*ise-abdut mid.'
, way ,o the, ribs, nod - eta cutup
dross-wan kit° # inzifina 'V erde,'. do
that it takes just . 41)1ofttliemitto- Wake' .
It bArFel. Itnist wbnclirful . ivitlr:r7 bat'
preciaion.thilliv?rk is ilotio;:the'praci.
'Lice of nankiiig it:abnost mirtnin that
each 'piece .will,, weigh . 4 Tonosteg, or
lifts? picpen,.2(Ki figunde.- _.:- , .. ~..s
if be)l9ms anitehonhiers are Witten
iiby the trimmers—th,n — hlsep it,co,s -
toundol7r . il ogi ji,' t 163. lelfiTh 1-
deri„tAß aame r 4whasi,,Lbey aro 4 repl);1 1
. e.djkirStUgh 9 1 2gyout : to Vile kisirex floarl
,aajp.alt„thookiiir. meat exklbrenting.
'l' . b. ,e *end, a, 41 qi OnliN;(4ftf ierdvagat
Arit,;:49...greogtgatb.krell lind-toleo .
to tho lard•houso
Shasir?. tho iii,e!wdlly, !nt,
Pur,t i,eir, m eats ouit, tbstilapoy.
C rt : Au . .)
P#P,111.1..),(000,Mit.,',101r. es/M4l
P r rreliiar ti%C.4q... l 49rongtiiY ,
cle treol% (tom (Lbo toC,
thoci'therougb ty, x spqhflo g l ary!
,itt, 4 !‘jolliftufifP ,44ll sl WAY
iacio 1)1441)ap Aro tOirapesecUsgeonolo:
ar?,,?ftiNheßizot an A. 44. ft bPkix,,stf,
thepillntrk, n ited,aPP IgYvil.Y;f(ltingl at,
enAkqg hvocri q_ 'left: B o;li% t,IMAITNY ,
ul fistpaSig.:44,lgtllPlr Ab9.9).ilinloofp
! , 9„mr i a t .,-gitit , , , -.F:pAeAlcpthlu?m•
greatdotcaop :
k e NchP ARV o . l3 . ol 4 treAtgoiftdintkotreJs,
ikkin.eisPoPPFAc) andlitiw.nyn i n
1.43.1:"Y is i l l Wrir.4-I,.X°CkfluVa. APlWfwtp3
itiop V t p irj Ark . pilepArfChiritt4WW*l
r&POO .:iamb
tipoOtt,Elf 0k 0 ,44911 stk,
A 44 ts aitifitr494 B ll:lo 4 o/ 48 Diriqt
,b: 11 44 Pit ,y 4 aaß49~a,fiifit
411 f %RCMP voisvii Mf siogrukdi
APAPALWACW-644 SlOtortlionte
t to 6g yielding fat.
Laid, oil is made by placing the
31,1 T
- .
..:. ~,.
,• ..,,I• - aft 44 ~ - 4 ' 77... ." 1 - • ; 1 11, , ' -. 4 , -;,•: . Yi;:r •
. A ...
" • • , .
. 4- • i.
„ .. ~t - %,.' ~ _ '•• '- -, ,
, .... ~ ~. . . . . .... • ' -4
ill "J 0.3
,isLbeavyfdun giug, „ an a b.
jeeting it to , b-eavy'itysfltirel44tAli
dem being- isteptie,'Wlittili:. eilferi
sively tnaaftfaetureti Into
they being eonsideredveryextelleitt:
, 011TAL 41 4. •
fiJl 94 , ifPt .4 ei
Since thwsChietegY titre?. has eealie,d
to be the tiCt'fu'elill-Jltir;flfra:l`ficuit
the slatightp,*,,
the owners berietbetheldhligedliune'irt
it or ib - thy comiooni tifsd en-fiel ds
beyond the eitilitnitfi atttverp Heavy
exPewle,t.l-!4: 1 9.t: -; .1
An eixtezprkstng r i tql tir o t k lrs,:ev'e t ,
con t ratted. viitirtal 411Vp'iliget0g1 4thi3
the presenttseasou to„earay. rt,gf IL a
way by oirners , payinig; -halt the
expenties. ItiStetid,AtiylOrer 'O;6.YR
riling,it off ancrihrowineitway, they
hnv°com 44 . PP14;0 1 7 3 ,PArtrigjk for F.
tilizers; • They,have-'previdefl.ef3ntri 7
fugal tneehinew;hltoilrhielftliex,Plitee
'the, reftise frouf
leaving only the sql,hictiartiff hhiPtliftit
in a pulpy or pulveriied'ebilditioil,
4n this way they. ; pqa prepare about,
three thousand tons-the present, sea•
son, all of which - will lie
for the mtknii - firettiid- of eeiammeretst.
manures. .7 . ”
Another concern gqtt . lbt:ink 4:11'
the bones it can pick
i tities t ofare martlrd
aniaral charcoal, and such, as. are not
suitakle for that purpow,-iirki'pgr . otiTi&
up and sent east, t . hey bay„i,..o4Alltriped .
the past season „.oyerii the • hu,sdrlati
tons of ground bones - „nl4lifte:',' TIT O'
Ihe,ireat west% '6nl3 , 'reeding
the people but t , fe9Aing:
their lands. • , ••.
,519,43 r.
A i 'rriember of qi aititgto overeautlie.
'firm recedttY "14# 1
,W 1 ble i lif
-early experience: Said he, I was
seventeen yeAr,s, oltd.,nhert,.ribtigt , t 110)
•euuntry store yr ho I hod , ttindud4Orh:
'three y mut' ltfidi l oarlik`t i p I3os'tth in
search of alihtee . .,
to appear to the best .advanttrg# 3 1
spent an uniffnial' . 31inelinf '' ( iitt'sb:llql` l `
Ludo upon my tc;flik", and when it Wes
'completed,' .surveyed., ray. , reflection
'in the gliias 'with. 'no , little' =satisfa re
tion, glancing laictly,,,Mo j at,
provingly upon - usgaf , ringWll;ch .em? ,
bellished my little ‘:finger, - -and 40,
cane a very Vie . ityaffairiViiicli . I"Mid
purchased with direct reference to
-this occasion., My . „first day's- ex
perience was ..not euroaragiog: ... 4,
traveled sfrett after titte:4l.4lj:4oilF
side and dowu t „ll,4Oilir, wit6ejt6sne,c
cess. I fancied towards - the last thit
lall the clerks knew tin j•
II • ••• 6 • • • II
the)" NO* , 6, 01 , nittarecIlYistcosy-d I P 4
coutfituree ail passectlont:::s lint, , bnii-,
ture endowed. inewi l tillritr,dge"
ofactpit , T topoy,'4_o l :o •FINPE4.;.day I
! etthted again ndoti 'I •eli
tered a ettke .- wlierdo', nn' eidbililt§ni .
tlemstn etoolLtAlkiiiit,riiill.alady it
the c doop: 4::"lTvait - st eR811,4131 visitor hiit'daparted, ,a4tdr:theqltattd,nay er
"iand. 'N'p- air," ' 'Wad ',tiie. j ahtivrer,
grven in a poeuliaq Orhiti'iiiid '060:14.-,
ed•Miiiner. reselkly• I - leoli 04 . life
the dispoUreteitientl' deal! beginning :
r to' feellfor iid'alfoiidS.alclidliet;tql;
Naild yoit' ii•Oil,itt tiliing. T a liiiie i rr::'
' 4 don t *knnyo;" . r
i t tir • 1 4 .1 .*4- 104 1 tpkiii• "Alit.. I,
'. 11.0 BtiY,lii 1 : 11i11, '•finittle - 4riiitiO,
•av my 'Plilb4riefilObt , li: r . S7OIP; in
wiii&tif ii - Olerh, r fr`o'uld "rikit enme a ,
yoinkiisan' Ao. clinic; lreetiing eps
.Eilkiiiilnt':With 'lti• 114tia inkl'on his
.fiekel.,*apd'sWiliklii'gli. !lin ey no. o "--
For liirse':ro2ortifihiP vaulty. strug•
zgled spinet oto*inOn sense, but sense,
6t the teikery- 143''.1: replied skid, a
liar' ihiittriliitiii, ` " I
lin! 'afraid—,
l'in very Wept) otopilicl,:i6.7`,.u i " and
thin Aieir'Ffi - bli c ttfrijtnat... As soon
Art' tat . ista • • etin 1 Bl?ttply. the
Ving. ipltt :toy . SOket,..atid„Wallilig
;rapidly to - t he ‘Foi..l4totof,po,t; - ,l i ipti,
Alftl'eltrio iiitehirge of the baggage ;
master, ...until, °alled tiii , ,!: . _ Xt. hi thero
,ocht fOr'iiiiht"r•line4.l 'Etlin . 7 . rite
I never Nalleil Or ki; .. , i ikkia:, iift.ertiOpi?
I MlOned'a sitYition'..willi the firOi,
I,iitwiffelet 'lfni' Air" ifttlie,r . . ! 1 7,
jaineh qi,T,Anfortapttili. i lriety.lia l tfAry :
jured i nky . pi:4 l 4U ;!in, 'Oe: proviTip
I,,dur Itphfitc fli'dkrfth4 ; ,klik4 Piver.
[ I.
thini of the tild ko. l o.4tran. itiql
. 01's
. plain dealing, wipiir . ijA;,flAn4 sif l t
old 'hi iii at' LEA "itire,'7NeY,f . .. rti ha 0..
.bli , d to him. "*
. - ,
Miiii i
'l' - : 1/(6EB ituTilElp. t ,
..„, . ...?
, • The- folloging_tuuclifing....ilio4 - is
it'll.1;*)•Al.i.o;*IbOOTTIO. (austealin)
cOtrcipoodent_of I.,be Lnoslon.lTimeitii
' §Olno,weilks,,back, at Ilortillam i 1.900:
tio, y,s,pufl,s gi rl,, mod Tespeptixely al&
.0403.C,bpy ~pjqc,, Alio , girl,sevon• . smell
tifeys?Ailitelit:lloYl.4vße . VASIde) eld 1 in.!
Ai ) •tfi e 1)11P34:41.):41;PITO: NO! ' Theg•bad•
. beqq„s„ei,i.t...opt,,,kg ; t.!i)eir.:Mol , b4r.eto:
lagleFl 1:14q111.,2.4.48i1at.h qr., , m o s t e d
y. 4E11004 i 410(iffRighbOTOL:4 1 X 'Air*
i . . - •ee
n o aitwilb ; B 9 4 lP.l'd • , OP. c0n:1;44'70 in • alti'
'ciy,,diroc‘jon for
nights ; land - days in.
inip, d p,.length, in 4ttspair,:th9 as
`.Sismilnn Of ) rtoP ohoriginalplacks was
ObiaillediAtse,poOpleiinclnieigtink An •
aitiolit bloodhound instinct in folJowv
• Ang.:99 OP lrilifY/AIIPteO traoks i-Th'e
;I * ,)lttuly, PPM zinc OPon the Ar4ces 01.
tfleifiitlint*lWAOrnxii.,: expritinting,
''bipk9.4pa,olipEs Always, do,_ :at eery
3nt.,t4f ; ig n or (iiittaped i .-tuft.of.grassi
`on ilia sipparon.t__actings-of—the ob
joots of 4 ,l keir ~,clib• I"Alf_i*Pb;li4O)
4'Ol ool l tili t t ua Vlßi: ilhri,ong..knA9).
‘00 7.P?
!' lca rr ih t 1 09 t 1 4 % i-T ;;Aolo-i , tiI YOl•
tii: n 4 4 (; Ai•;rnflßP • oPl.;bulhi.
e c• he R.O 11 i lP,
11 ,0
iirip, rtFa.vw fit e e *ftemki49ffiß 6 jot...
. :l b I A Woriv , t . ivi A .l n it t i 6 11:glibl .44 3 1g - Thi
libkiSeigi"Vsh-Oifite illiStiPgq.PflAktfl
' • I l a TA S ci! A I L ' I l i Tii: 1691r0.4§1jrt $ Oka
. 1 1 1 6 ,2 F it 4)(l#WlrefflAggh
, Vitt i. OMg ,A, t aw ) j a , sew
lost, and long ifter the extinction of
the faintest hope of their ever being
.; . :.;i•f 'ftbl
4..;'t - 1 ". - ; , f
+ ; 4
ill 'lsi
1 V
lIVILA oi " 810
..:1 • I. ) ..s t e.r
Again seen ally?, the B.34,ehipg pu e rt,yi
eaniWaiciAligin: They . ikik dOsoribeti .
licoitaiiegatieetk found llyhik Jill' in - i
,K9w l on akt!utinnif broomiiinong sone%
-, ,rAllitifi, Ala 9.P.pzpvt-, kg , 1 tht, • middle, ,
, T i ca i r S ,M w o r nP e 4 iP ill isAilltere frbeict.
''-"iut y PPESP4 t0,. - . l ?e 1 6 . 41 cle4i.,and
iiii • piterunt" elerei, ' 'tin ' tieing:. ii.•
caPilite; , ,lt ofiadait'irihdrto' sit'lo,: - Julli.
.I . o4,,lcid.,34tedkea w:wso eiiihelkte r tt
"o? . fit ~, jOipamppl4upt ) ocTer'lliii . e . etie,
1 411
end Ite pcml 4, ly
. 1111 t, imply, Arogo
ilrithiij".''' ''' ' a Yceulgest r ANThO,i i iaa
.uffwai im. 1k .. -, imiriiikicg tiiiii-i s 'o
I .ofriti , tiltillifittli'Adlitintedig,iiiPiiiiiL
or, why dideT , you ootee:ieeot(eilt-u
we were c 1
lot .cm." The si c =
ter, : who yymE t ik tr t
ipe . -quitorgurie,isilieo
1 irtOli PmePlfhti 43Y ,n?imfOirit - Cold,,
I d.,
6414." No wor sts up
i thep t t i lp c•rea, i .
ture"ti ad :iitt,V Pfittstif of her froch:tie
thd elder b . ' ettlf,i.ato eer . r . ViiiiV,
for, he , :weeegrthilieblifela:Z.: :.: . .,„..1 . -4 . ..
•-t-X1kft640.44r#4,. - f- 1F- s hi t ritrpro4„,
iiqiii.fillid, -P , ra, , l* 4 4 l ar , reF4. rforiNgs. 7 q'
They were without fogg ii end,. by.
own ite4pl4,;:"bad 0ri1y,,,, one
firtek efVciter au tin g' trio whole'tTie.
, •
they weremut, and thiaAvas frora`tha-
Fr,i4ay.....0f one we.oic untili.tha , Satary
4nx of tfiq...nexc , neck:7:4 l. 'oh nine
EA S Ir .711tATS3Y
„ : Yather a rich development hses
eitide,iP the Pest_office pepaEtment
ratte s rly,- 'Of w hti li I have see t„ n no ,ac:-
except a. iiii`gue t.i.., the
Chronicle, thoughtit genet':
ally.--afihnt town.; She faote in the
case, which I have- obtained-froin.the
most ainlieutic sources, , are as f 01..,
1844 : Green auditor ot
Lite gest; OfficeDdjiartmeiit and John
bppeq,lii the II bit i dfalel g: the: -vitiFte
peer P f ' th°l49ANt:rtkeikti
,ctlit s latds - vory 3 , ~ to dealers
4:aild putting tlie ihdriey in own
picket - W.: Durifig 'ithree 'Years they
ii.liv i eNaJd,oyerss,9oolw6rth, one
dime otzhicl4,,kavel, , they . paid , iivto
the'rrreasury. fur
ther. They cut down yengp,a ogr
the luberer who livid been qtriployecl
tuiprepate the paper for'selling; freih'
fork' dollars a• month to fifty dbilari
a_.o : ttsrt i er., They.„@aid that-in::the
preseut 'rebellion, , whep, the ceun.try
we's reelitig underalich a, terrible,
of.eiienie and dVbt the duty
of every '0044 officer to siiye 'What
he 00a14,111. the Grov.ernrii6nt, and
it/Ake all.the,atacriftce possible to save
couotry, th t prii.4
f(JALA(IOII' 14 1 ft t
, ife , genty
!ars .a qiiartier,;-ilkod,- , ffiourp fa fly i .put
the lin triohlzheWpbbitets., - .Tliti'y
divided,theirifillgittstp. , gains; and left
not a word
, r ufirk ,sstri,),toli of a pepsin}
thd'bilice indiciAke 'to 01(4. 1 paw :
that they Were gOttaut to 'foy
this.special:nitirk of: ti is
The other day. this little. affair -was
diticovered in the regular , course,,of,'
business, by„ Mr. Sells, - the new siiidi
tor. Mr. ; Sparretts being taxed with
;having the money, acknowledged the
fait; and r paid over 'llls half” of thp
IhOiteY•,: trogetilicii; With:. ' mitten re
:deilita of Itte. - ;4.ditiner - ',eqlfal
;mount.- What do. yon - -suppose Was
qiila,natipt). these. simple
innocents gave (or,..rather Sharretts,
lor'Alliims is cotton Atgp,mt. 4.t
t` a•i) ?
singu r nsa n
Oe.V.,clifl , i4P4iP,Oßt., ~ c(4?..l 4 ifk
.menefe 4 0 link t,his e xceeds in ini
-.:pudeneeeveOlie ed dy's
not Tettfrnirizg the keit:re.: Acy . .
eould ,have told . t hem what not to o
-with' it, aid that is steel it I knok
but little tifitilatrisifid`Sharretts, but
one thin z was very suspicious„ They
,wif,eeChYritillrOmlng ttit3 lieavy vir
tuella rind pifrading their integrity
and ehergyl3Afro.the, eyes of men.- 7 -
Bhlifietta'Wdi a . deseepireAt 'rpm !„he
old!regfro' ceent convert to the
teens& Hu "St
. j , • -
Otteldiii tilMvp woman .*ent' put.
to fillii' V 6 iilliillyhecoirvpiliiikd v .h ( ! ii
son . ;1041•13. , '' vas • fbarteili scars, old.
t,Wll6n they bird ' cat!gy, a ai—
<supplY, they tandiii,l ; :on' a iuii:t of it'd
share whielr*ilibilrielify, gyireicavii .
•with , tn* rind ithiiCe . ‘;NO . d.: Prea44th'
&hal Woman's viviiiikeye mti. oyi cc iii#ge
-beviep Of to'eghviNddifritt4d*,-4,e., tind;
n "nearer inep ibtion, - she found ',it'
arge:Mile tvatfeili"e9;ii • the, heap of
rebbieh, And. felt convinced it %Tait
the'oltitfdivelk6a•peer's flli," or cove,
Mittel* ais la' '.6si,iiiiieliiii ' 'and resolute
- Hitt& Vddy - anditibtiding Aiitinted by
the discovery, nor refleetitili itat sbo
lives alone, histedid treCii to tho boat
ito geCtet :axo arid vine; (for vi 1;84
kw.othawgenervilly ktoes!arthed,-"tifnii iii
nsuallY.fin;'expo'rk , 01161., ) Ntitl
sisqrs'in biter parts 0'1.1.6:i5 - Civilized
vetvirletwould mort , protably hetet:Wen
ifrightonedlout oftholi.viite,;imifiltave`
beak a. hasty retrevityetiOvlt'Oeli ' eir
'op instances . I.levo‘ivnly!'attiv.ietioty erior.
(eat the ,beeeshouldiget elf:'
r. 4li iotiltiling,yilkO tiviitoded to'Citt'
dOwille small fir:eiipplitcgrwiiich etio
pointed• atone midi. aid gii'vo It . to .
tholloPto-braillikei ti tkboiet in .the heilo . :
to akieftlii nwhe that-IL *Via otteliiiied '
•oe 'oat, while she SLOW?. trilNlipiiiltOd 1
a*e"ailittld'ori oneliiite. .•lifii. ieolibi . .
waAbee pole inive'rted3ivaa i 'dui" daine '
) I, 11-litcliiithiiiii %be; tear, I
ands6l,4lol cameethisaid nn't tier aknit'''
witfrObeh foreiv thirilitireiblined stick.' .
big ' , fast irotlio; irouilidfol nd !atibliqtiiiii`
.idTaliniiiii , in3%.mhd rv iettial 94 1.1 1,,i5t; if' 6 -
iftirt,biati avid of tiietit#o. ' itue bihi g ,
i a p Alt round nu Tribli lidi) ''it if i ltiOr liei
p 9 rieutpitos p*ttilig l'A iiiiiarifile..l
Ithedtholearlitdd .toliWi fi t tiof At
salicit4l;;lll,4 ,),'. ao 1141 a el.r i 7. 1 . - 3, fled
~... 'No seiner had albiatgi iliA'id
hide than oat bolted e eeb;iditietti
size*? a sheep dog, which. 4sor son
- t , - • ; -ft f
' " - • Artrttli '
6.7; - 7
i -... i
IS ' PRIMO "trotiteszw - m-Esia,r
At One Dollar
,4*-41[An'pri,441 Prin . 44mmandpuomi
t etatnail ' county, portage free •
In Pennnylronta. outof _Lebanon 'atoll.; 1 1...0171Erf
wander, or 20.aants.e.year.--- -•• •
Ont of thin Stat7of . A ape. quarter c or-28 ;ctn. a year*pontAign iratini; rata - are dog 'le
cleccil;y inanagad' to, calk of by
the Mai:Pkg. 'But it was•tionitrong
forth Bale fellow, and, after dilick
gng himsome distance, managettib
:Of -,away , ;Pete . gr i ft!ii.4 l 9vl, l7 „li
not to inn him mother anciso,l.weAtt.
to Puriiiit'and'apeedify OvertooV tbit
animal, which had tidier, tto the
litr : . illew wall iidroinisteriit'itiPoi
witik„theznd of tate, oar sodiPrititaild
him hors de eombdt.,, ..._ -4,,
• 4avingsieured him, the eirmtns t
tins tittle. woman, went hack agu l tu
ha' the ' g ll i .;, f l and:gave it another stir
}if* lip; But all , >wasStllh., oNezt.l4#
fired. , a A o pop d-,shot, liar .noth i ng•rocutt
od. _ cor,itiluding,thut, the Pear,ao*
lie"tfead, or clip Laic escuped duria
her absence, she deterniined to ,dig
her out,*a work. of no small laboti
Suneess,,however, attended her ejfef
tions, fbr ,4y, length she found _the • •
I>ttr I,yins'4uiteZetitl vintWttielfie, s
1 stia stliAttifa i l..ll::lier_. ei eft eh ull,andAy e
$ l..
t heirilidWiiintber.lub 4 - 'lo* big afit t
first, with. ao bullet wound - 6144
hi sa eek, a I sod ead: .Noiii?littOuldevel
ment •for a woman and, her'boy, . ,
coriespondent of the &Writ*
.and a praiitical,furrier,
gives 'tio , folloning redelpt - Tot" dress
itsft fura for..tniei . of"
*Pi-oPees •lhat ,has. been used'
these last . . thirty years, : ,Ger=
nitiViSt and - En gl d' -
- When th'e furs come fronilitO
ter, in the raw' state, to. the hirrierti„ .
they ,a,re.sorted over and then
pared for taoreing the term we-tea-.,
is ""leatherine They ,are greased
With Coirinicn grehae, on the leather
side, and'then put in a tali large
nongh , frit. nr , mire to •get
work easily;at than,. A.'elothistheite;
:bonthod nround,t,h,q !nan's waint aok
-keep the steam-in the tab; ind,tire
sktnsitre then worked by the feels pn.
tirWarin, whiCh takes an "hour' or
more; they are afterward taken Ont
and greased - :, again ; w . hen , :the skint'
and. grease are worked.,again , *Jim:
handstul of mahogany sewdusltrAA
thrbWri in and worked to teatlier.- 7 -
When - the skins are leathered they,
are taken out and , pulled • thlro4it* •
rope, they are then pickled over night
in,water aq . d, saw dhst, and 'in the
morning they are, ready for the flesh,..
er. When fleshed they are hung_up
to dik, then greased again,,and,laathr.
ere.d once inere4 - rthey are their tali&
ont.aUd,tho - fur combed',- , well beaten")
ar.d-drawn over the knife, pi(
as.weicall The 048,_, AF e, ag,l4
tpait intb:ohe tub -trldety , of.feesq, ,
unlit the fur is perfeoh-,
,lyleded from It may beneg P
*essnry to change jt . , two or iViri
tittica The fur is. then - taken .oui r
and N:"‘vlkbeaten'tir4"cornad,
,then, ready for th 'tin. att. •:, 4 11iid ',id
the:Wei:4ll fine, fries are dresse . d;'frOS::
. t he . 'Vkilife-r.4 to the" ItimAgi. --1 1 1 14;:.
'file. 116 ilia° "an ti `bear akiOsafediro3o'-
ed ininn somewhat different style,
Stilt under the same general istfideires.
v _ 1
The smallest natural magnet geti-
I Itosscsses the greate§lpruojh .
th*.of attractive power. The ma* :
nefwOrC Isaac 1 9:eWPM
Wilk; weighed'on ly thive r gmitp,....**„..
tit ivas able take up 746 gramli,pp,
needy gso„ . tipes its ,own .
wlkerette itteinela Ireighing,
'twe'ipo,unda..oldont. rift' more . 49,F,
fire or ms tunes their own . 70g1ik..-27 , , •
Iron is the clay subsiaope
attAteteli by .the , magOiit.; , der '
, :
gree oriitag,netie attraction depc
on' the; strength oVtue . inwer i Apio.f.
001;i:eight and "aliiqieif,the irea.mrp n
8000 tq it, tile magptstiebr ,annme
flea' 'efite 'body, Vitl
Junco between-them..- All iron bars
'standing erect or fixed perpendicult*
ly (aril as the iron raihngp. betp,lC
housas) aro ningnetie, the northLpolti,
being. tit the bottom and the soith'',
,polo'stethe top. - It is aitio a enrilopi.: . "
fact, that the uppermuat. part:O.:6i; '
iron ring round , a carriage,'wkeild.:'a.tri:.!
itraets,the ne . rth end of. , the magnet : „,..,
,and eiinseqec,fitii a • south ,F9ll-1
while the lower partOf.the`eine tro
in contact with the groymil atttrititt'
,the Oath end of . the neeillo,itniiis
• therdore ti - C•111, *AC
wheel round' half a etrele , , and ..tbe ,
, polett m media taly become rev crept
. Mho power of magnetic Attractitit; rey,
, Xtfee.yr - bclW . 'in the sarface of the
bdetp3o44 4 8 tiig 0 P4a "'a
tnuiiia~" Viii cmpfs bothim d ot Filf
strongly as a sa a, - cm
the same inaterial,..; ;The ,enttera..isr....
.gP u bcsri'lgf.t"2l#ll(i. PlagPstiejnicin-t..:
seineliCe ot`liptig 404ionallY rubbed
iii tine stifikatrettiOn: ' ,
liOl . , S Ivois:—:jfho sponge beeinehti.
hatvbecioreallprorntnent department.,
of ih4nAtiy. in the tabarea Xsliintle'JL: ''
•.lEce almost: entirely the •groW.thr. 43,
tholast twenty years; and rieta, ,, liet:t
easily about 52Q,001). The :404:0 la
fished .an a i raked from Ow -sandy•Atat.. , '
~tom. Oil *.rho; one% ; Pt: tilt . deiteb ~pt:
to en forty - .hi' • glift - y7fetit: It kki
ion e: to a . very: lo* ordeil' of wiliest
, airdt -th , g ainii"titiohithittilly• bail
it i t9tce. • AV bop: tint? talcen..frou, iblie t, i it .. ift, bi!toki and becomp,e, ...-elisp..
vellyk(ykiffpptite from . 'deoleitioyef
'tif;?,)„ I "le 40 . philskienife in' ibis` eet. .
tlitton ' Hutt' . tt 'id host 'blieteti tiiii - •
41 edh 'iv is 1,0 1 n4i: Tb'sp gr..;
process its 441 bury• ikiikx. the. leahk,".
itv he;te i t ro mai !iv, f(l,:t 79 or l ,ll3r i v,
Weeks, in ,wo.lFit..ift,"•o4 l 4lw i .iptB.
stniiiiiif matter le .0.,801?ed.. a cilde . : .
• t ro..fed by too iivo*,ii ttitit qvitiVihici,
.!..0; oiled. A ca. i. 4.1 e i lig taitiimked. Jog
1! ;,,„,..,,,0..6.4ed )., n . ll packed in.baletti!likaN
hoot4lol*-3•IO,MPST gq . 1 ) 1 0.hg0.P.4:P 1 : 44 .
49 , a variety or'new purposes, 1,.
Within the past few year's has cits , ,-
ittpled hi' value. . .