Seran int abtutisic. warm awrovaarsc slumming ciao ss 1111/I,OPS 0114141 eo !oupw. lo . _ • • RR. 3111311ZMNAlitor out Proprietor; _ Ir. • !f 0 1 0 116AT:iiaiiiiit 1864.-. Dilll—:E ' V er3 7l 4f l 4 1, • OJAAP--.1i11114161:1 fe. • Cr It is 840 that in corisovie'neo Abc,the dig* to filt.thoState Guardliat boon JitiPs . *don od. amportant to 'County, dity,l District ,sutd ',Borough Treasurers.—Tbe •Audi -41,0r General has notitleid the !Presser , ere of reach county, city, district and ,borough•ofitltie ,Commonwealtb that they are 'required by an act passed during, the last session of our 'State Legislature, to deduct on• paying any ,interest or dividends to holders of the bonds or scrip, or other certifi- Oates of indebtedness, of the corporti- Cons aforesaid, a State•tax amount ing to throe mills on Um! dbilart-of the nominal/vain° of said bonds, ar•e- This will be rather unpletiSant ne* to such capitalists as have been mak ing investments•in the securities a bove named-on tho otrooltb4.4-thott exemption from taxation. flifP Lot the 'people turn over at dace all they have got toour fatherly National and State adm knit:ions. They will get, it •all anyhow.:: It is ranch easier than' to have it taken in driblets, dad 'be subject to the *tinny-- mina of monthly raids by tbo ttix ga borers. • —Or Hon. Wm. L. Dayton, of New .reriey, Minister to France, died , at . Paris recently. Mr. Dayton was the candidate; Tor Vice•Prosident on the IletniblieanTromont ticket, in 1856. The President very. piciperly, I'4E4 mociti t orofd . tilt to . modify his flilibtisteringorder. Diir. bad order ., ed“that in case of raids:from. Canada tb6 raiders should be pursued tO Can id* any place..elee;.*ap "Ft which; at once oecaaißn. i vrar with, every . land. The President, ordered that•portion of the . order to be fled so that pursuit extetid only border, and if they escape 'across In slat upon the Authorities on the other side doing their duty and arre s ting them according to the laws and trea ties of Nations. lei. While Seward, Sumner, Dix, and their colaborers are tlYingtiiset, us into a muss with England kf Weir, indiscreetness and bragadocia, would' it not be well for them to look around' them and see the situation of affirm One thing at a lame to ra y-euft liient, which was probably dent's idea when he ordered theroll..3: ification of Dix's blustering order, ens act, by the by, for which he -deserves .' :: credit, it being a sensible:act; end: though it is the only sensilyie uot.to6 his wo remember, still it eheivivifititt he has some sense left. But,sie,w‘p, not going to talk of t he' 1;4344, Lincoln, although •it:tieltit. 4ite,,Ptiie;l. ure to find one grain -of bait of chaff. We desire toecull sil'itention of Seward, Sainpr-it,S,o".' to the "situation" if-they sueeee4l.lrt' einbroiling us with ;England. rebellion on .the South p rebel Leers imperiling us on the that the entire East is hisimutiiiittiri with Engletnd .additinti. on it'Cir ocean acid along our whole Northern . Frontier ; ' the rebellieliff.liegWiaiis and Indians in the ifoitj . the.titiziou in.lifoxico in the South-west, with whontye are also only on "reasona ble Omni.", We are thwasurroaudede wiikitiot•and 'stilt _these i'it#iedilv ..4;tirt vim! r` "i ., Av,h4itrit t o *Qs to destroy they, lira, t _lnakei-, crusy," and destruction ii "mortiihrc oily destiny if sensible counsels do' not soon prevail-in our goyem!nent. -me.. Not being able, to, withhold the certificate of:eleetiziii from .141 r. Coffroth, the 'DentoisritiS . candidate for Con g ress in the. fgth Pistyiet, and giVe it to . . his competkii tfir„)A.r. Koontz, the Attorney Gen mil -has decided that 'neither should hove it, and the, GreternAt, coned- . quently,instead of who is eN z oted, loaves a blitniriprifit'proc.' lithintion for said diitiett. ,The! : k • • litionists are capable of stpo,ping to'' ariy; small business, but in this mat ter ihey have itilibed theli noses in the dirt of meanniea.:.:: . ! • , OP - Bo th /10U808' DISTIETP . I !scur4 journed from TiturOay. „butt -tit the of January . A Parini , TAW ber , of the counties of a 1.% ilt:titeAay are not done drafting ',744,:it4arei 'the: last''Oall for men, and h oro . : Ah o y; . i tro , fay' iired by the. fatherly tu b n i t agi a ., tion of Lincoln with another If the two million of.Men,who voted for the old Joker wore as rambunxi ons , as they proteed s there ~would be no necessity for more 'drafts. , Mltty. ELIZA W. Fakrtitta, known authoress, philanthropist, died In Now York on Tbnrsday, 49 years' roessive mental .zertion, is said-to:have been the' diaerise of which she died. MIRE -300;1)01Kini Men ''' -.. 0 .7 PCIPIEr-1 t just, such stuff as the following WA_ IN - TEl>s.! ,„ 4 the abolitition papers 1) 4 t•egn : • - • .• • their readers darisig past three . , L __, . „,. -The 11.1terAligii the Pewlitlquun4 . tet i ri f .itt..whit zis atilt •, 'every .of the Freat , feht e4lfing-,, d fikr,-Ittnothor tittle& they:lwo:a ft2,ll6itaptif bete,Ved% > • CI ' lf t • 1 • squad 21.300,000 'men, w . tie 11 nq . i r v e lsk o ,ii.,i r ,e.„l,. 4. -BA Lolt ro u or o, ill fF biiti rr - •""` 1 ' •. I • v ° 111816 i 41 • 42 13. the - 511 o • e a a sp.ontlent of the 'liaholelphitt hilly ; 'nit then to be • '• News, writing under date of the 20th DaZirrED I inst. The italics are ours. -By the Pq.sideit •f the United States,' "It is nil.tpullat t h e intfr t atilpf..ol.itlst • . A P . /1141:A NATION. government lb 'mike the capturtiof , WI , ragls....n.t. the .est-SrProvea, J0 1 .1...,41kr tat -...., Ausau wilt, CbastuaLon. and-Itichanottd. 4,-enifired ••An Act f ur th er to regulate and pro- I 1 0 11 9 w c:10 other i ip, Dyck soccession. tide for the enrolling and calling out the riatmn- ~„ r . , .. L 111 re Ina); be • ionio'hard fighting at •1 farce, and for other purposes" it is provide.] I that the 'President o,f the, United States may, at Charleston, .43p1,..chere. are very few his discretion, at ittirgrairtireafter, call for a4y . rebel I rpolle:tSirp, and ,p. 0.. mar,e,.can number of men as vollornteil:s for the roffectivo if Le' •' i ' d th ere -i r .4 ) 4 1 . 0 ' al ( ' T . th rall ~A . terms of one, two, and three years,. furAnilitsr.l I s e ~ , a Is. r ••. a - ~• selv ice, rind that in e lls . lb, quota of, or„otty ttfro,sayarloalk empt l at i lps i. rlcAton - part thereof, any, torso, townThip, war aOf a Oat 8 4: IC le at i ,lticbnionti,t, 0,0)4) 1)70 precinct, or election district, or of a ebunt'zji'''' t A g.....• ~.. : L ...._ ••1' ' 1 . T:f ..1 3 ' ' 0010-divided, Phial not be filled- iitbinitbe . 'lMrt".li,;! 0..,u°1 511 f 1 ,1 41 8 1 . e v,,A ( r.h., . or, spa c e o f sa f er, days :O ar su ch pail, Ott" the ,an d i I.l ) F're, wit ,• bti.. pit ito ; p l f, t,Fkr,onnd 'President etialiinimMatelY order 'draft for Gee ' the i•ebel capital. _that. is where Ahe L' i l i l'; . be i° 6 u t e t t r it : d h ti e °,.b a t n ir ti cl A ril' em Y a• P:r b t . . the i h t t .‘.. l :; y ' h . rebelli n ' 11 4 'l, 404 it. will (fie pard 9 wi JJ ", r •,.“ I . •I ' . allowed, dn accordance with the act , of Congress, It will need another . ,tq-aing on the call for five bundet4", thousand men . made of kW. , terrib! A Corti biliB thilt,iTitiat take July lEith, lfit3i,lbe iiimtisirtif men to be'bbto in- "plamitbefure the l(1 St ,§i'ron4hold• of the ad under that calliritriduced to two hufidred .. a) . and eighty thods l and; o t t d sokersat,,, the. ,opera- Kfmt.lllll, Colla r; 4 , i : .,„, i ,,..,,, ~ . bean of the eneasz it l f trail) States, h•ve, T ender- e 81i.11,4 , o , riv , arid tp,aft t prpiiilbill) /, ed it imprietfehliie et iiirlieure front Wpm :thittr ig, 14 g r ,„ . 4 ,",! : ~ A il iii texe . ti, •,.. full quotas of fritopsitinter said call, nad sisieiversa .7 ~..!, '''"7„, • v - 1. 1 , .., 1 . •, . .r. , .• • ''' frole.ihe foregoing 'Nino , but two hundred avid tbe tlig it Or . 9. atoo.v.o.mets, 4,1,3 pug fifty thousand men hare been put into the army, • - I;yfit t ee illifkCi; 1) i,ibellioft . ,,ii,..ll4oly navy ana marine corps ludo . ; the mild call drill- . on 44 r at e 16 , 4 A n d. p „,, i i d .,, tp, u ( vs,n , ly 113th, 1864, leaving itiderloiency on that call titf 4 ,...:'- 1 7 , i ; : ,T,Y .4 , " • ''..." 1. 7 1 . • ir,-.. 0 91 : tyto hundred and siztialinusand.. i .....t.ii : e. AiwailL4 Oita 1ta 21 4,111r.gx,.. 41 19. 6 . 1 4 1 11. I Now. therefore. Ir lAtrahaot Lincoln , Prost- under Gan. v i Lere •ii Isita t .;,ool o dent of the tin itetatmes of Atnerica, in order too that with ,f i ltik • stiperh Utjhr„ i arnies• sbpply ;the ifordiVd . ettli t iieney and to ' pilfiVid . now in the eta"theifineß:iii4notuith: tor oasni.lties in tbeilatilif f iry and naval service . . 3 of the United, Stati t s.4.-disaup ,this. nv- call,fer er'draftik .„41 ,, , piro:o kl oony.. troops three hiindre'd ihousand7vallableer's,' to apyrif.:Tor in " ib i itiAd now as we• had last spring, oran;ortrartnrargertarr•-- -- -•-- - - , t The q atitos of the States, district.,•sindlentg namely, about 000,000 Men. . ar d ;,ara o as, unser an la <7B 11, Win be- aa. l a d9 ed by &he losses Atari ng , ,t4e yea r.. have been:a• War Departreeni,' through the.; fiurerau Of' the .c - b 411.1,20,000 yn e a ; -- bpkibit'lkiti } been Provost,Marehal Sonars] ;of the Iloited States, Ili ad . ' „-,,, A b' t ." ii:4ls - ' - re t tifillint and in ease thi quote nr.atli Pali .thereof, ef etlY ...,,,".11',791....ft I sa r •, 1 . , ,-.. 0 t u rn, town s hip, word of a citt,:precinct, prelate- aro: tp • Pillat 4 :3,. 40, 1 •.• - t duo district, or of ti county not ro subdivided, `Y. m i ,'„. ~„ .. „ . , shall not be'filled before the itikh day of, Pubrua- '., A.deSllirlil,UoYrit pe . .llPOut What •Iff`g6' ii asl FIEZE ry, 1865, tbon n dr'eft shell be mode. to 69 Mieb quote, or Any part th creel, urkligr,ihis.eall, whist!' may be unfilled on the maid ateepth day of Feb. ivory, 1E65. J ro testimony wtierea I,.l.have hereunto ast:aiy head and caused the evil 0t thetl,Mted Statoil9 _ . be affixed. Done at .1 1 11 1 . eli) o`l • Weslanilo6" 1 LB. ibis 18th day of - Meetuber, . ,year of ,our ,Lnid ..epe thousand • ,elght hundred wad sixty-four, and Of the. InitiOndAce 'fif the . ' lguitiAl States of Astoria/vibe eighty:ninth, - • 4 . .. 1 ABUJA:IA LiNCOL.II. 111 the Preeidept v. • ~ - 'Wtr.lll.l3streetp:Bee'y,of State. 110,.. The abolitionists wore wise 0 1 WiS last week. Who'd . Dizeti der,appeared to it t ivtidb u c;inada 'they all approved of r it. 'That , w - as just tiro thing:thay , said. 'woo Id,whip England and ditAereatitni-le• tlYeyfdd fiat beha're thlins t lfs6 . 4lo! ItiontOd: deiltloprclir appeared ittcaltfyin g Dix's orderwthey seratokid -behind their ears ; • rooked 'ivilitat slaid-.;!acted more crfanly was boantiftily.'.kii.44.nts‘ter. That lan afd.: ideas vitthnitii3wn oept. tollbpap i e 'taoldeOlniV'elttnee'jiiie na their l'est4raTipe:;;; ; : A &en; 144:01Miny (tiiiitf*** . & 4 6 a;Korkii dyed :thotit4:lo: 'tnotertiflPhil6.:ik, visit hoirtablii grartia''tV ae t!le f liinditof the blikidy-iiand: ITYClueit*Y6 5 .gaic the Naia . t'l n' it* t0t448,04i-is-ow ,gingrtf 6,4 id bd-would trcuabl6 for thinitaidi i tenl ikr;• . 4... Ir. , r l l • 102 SKOV BIAIB , I N ,CLICAS7II4II) 031111C714 4, - , 'laser, te dr, s "hp. ~ s loy a I"' ant hbrity i : that., 'tliree•filarths ot:"thei warititig . abenl of Clearfield abd I Aha 4 adjniaing conntiee of Pennsylvania,. enguglectlini getting out• rage and timber,. ard" de serters •from th,e - draft.• or skddadlers , from , tire armr.' Per the - vpurposeitit. bringingsthem toisstite , ot olveterans recently'rbade . I C/biitrfield) county their 'headquar‘ers.!l•A'ismatl". party of.the voteiane , carne in. contact+ with twenty er thirtys of thers.:diwitV a house kept by one ok!thitra'.. rßfresirtryierim ni cad by! thiadrnanstir• iiikatand k Dian gtt I}eforetao4t veteran:l Instantly! agar() , dangeriz-hei thadeiblutty tracksiforl the woddst `but! wasidisoovered atid'afibt.desdivirried. by several birtleitt4o,,lifthe "hskise 416: e turowniidd , tt rbtraffeed cis "chip taredwin-s.s. t 4 H.W...r 4 1 . 7-* eispittaO.. Vito pyeiddehii ' Sunk 'Geo! )10 te, • man, tliat ' !k i s: • Att a titNth taken , tmeisi on! Wednesday last, tfogatfier with 150 guns , PlefiltY QF aficf tiivnlfion , . tockg , motive*, Too V i i i. , l# 6 :V ir * F36 / 4 cl nd? ' 25,00#1ALW,4Colicitif.ten;liarciee el l wail•bimittiny. flan l iKMWir, - oth. coped •aftor blon:ixorthenavy yard and ironteladiei . 41144brarcotiim,fuldry f. od by qe . ll ~ Hard9p coilfak4s frbT . l 10,* to *0:000.. r4ea apid,it. its saw posed that bo rotirodlcNfitontli Caro. Ifni. There Avalon° ligliffnittimfdre the city . : lirtrzhave, f*eire4P " ( 4 11 !tiadicril 4 ift4 .. 9t ii Altus LOST ix Bar id.— 11,.a raw • soldier, hi e s zcapiAlitiitAa ae tab' of a battle. may fiitrio diebar*e hie of and pat obarairobarge natl. it idlokstia bßati ,;is prob. able odighih. the: hiti4it vflifoli" flea Deeds'' kre'aiiiil than doet u fkeeiteni wiinild'any•cfee. - In *loaf re. poit`O‘lb4 chrevor tI - Bureau (Yr& mince ol,tiil;3l6!s: fatal 1110;* " " , t .!On the if ighilfeetistA t t were r 2TAregiiii'Vraked'Ai End 'or tb We' 24,0 . 00 faro ttina?'fititied, and bait ticibb'ff One fourth ttleide 'to tea binds' add tottriy:hift or babe to one charge of ednie easel the IYO'scdfr iffits abcfro thitirm„ in othere the ` were exiVb - i* Itegiit the qn r sl, l viti Hein ciiifiltitisfe4 two threti gliti • tiiiet: shaeltdts h t ireetitr 'et adirkireir e gip toßt ei t;t •••401-4; ; 11•7 •_ • 4.1 A •it I l ' at 11- nine 4 . 9K:+:0 itil; ► 1 o , f :4;.; 11 !rs btu: ing to. be done, andahout what le not to. be First .ho"'botistingy tailfs of doing thinki,.`whitic t° .l 4 tli i . 4 4 4 4 61 40 iiie . sttettliiir )04; oiluteAlY Jo ir b*.fmemnpjjoied4„And ttien he assureit.tlit :that Mora ho futthor Yeitlncitileitft the PresidOn jiketilitiniiigni for SAO, 000 More is , being inblihed., And aiost of his readers believe such Atuffy lies.:, If the people %tore to think morel for thomaelver'qd'' place less coefitltneo in the 4'4 l * 10er, .Per l ), l ? l QrsPAci,V...a644 epirpoi -4443 of the-leountny and that situation . .df aNirtilitrinthf better thin - tocc• - *Otil4 idad • s' ..• toliPir oFn L t bragadoci; paid poly torgooo, or tends them .svith less rejudice,.they.iviuld also knoir "Ore of•the'ilitikt(dn'than they: dd. r . .4 / -ftriltottal Wank:hos '''COrtgress havo 4 passedi,i tintlpiidatO,Vt 4t i Yh i al' ll4 t duty of two dollars .gallqn„owdis• tiliOd opirits,omand alter , ithe l I . I A of onlyi4iiiivaint , d y. ~.ft fflmft • 1$ 1., • 7••••11:'..•1 k l a 'TI "NAV E .-,44011- gross -iksesse — d -7 1it ili ti nsa Vice Admii:ht clip Si#,f: '40:1 t tem. ,Thict Vriee7Admiral(lw bo ; highest billeorsofith* rank roloively t •with ft. fixed Pula,. a Par' 'when., Atc• 56,000. whep an s bore - 01i ty; and. $5,000 When Wh t:Oisitittg togiadinlitt i } 6 l4(k r y i . 40APA•vetirimic, for..,dis‘ thlgnishe4tett4iciessi ) ,1 ; .41 • 7 . • - 112 it Woilli 1 110.1•;1 1 btili . 1 1 kilmo 1-, i t ..tßevw.B.enry , Wardt Beecher•hattittir n in ated Alen Butler In r • e Tre . epi dent*, Iv:18613v the+ Riscr ;(Mai4bir): liows:.odoninetos , tite littiver:endinTbaw' tebank of - Plynsotttirtehturefiefai., Wei Vica ( Presidcaeyn ., erSisffitTasieniiiiit won'ttdott , , 4E71 liel.cletoktal , gentry_thavidg'abandosedirthivi;ittite. off th claim ig l 43"Nr tieff•A' be L'intl cola andlthelaev,ill .tbey.shonld befentitlill to theilligiv: eat toffleestin tbs. OtttiOnqi- Welt - Oak,- suggest:. the•followit4rnsa >it , f : I moll Rip Preditletttri , '" II V !I Blerirlibillti Bite II'ER; of t NSW Itdt4t.) t o 141 imp * * !vi ce pr o ag l iva-, rr Rev. J. WALKEalacasomPof .6toirerator). 0 .1 0 • • ! te . :):4/4 ~ ,W e.leave•this latter poifit44lßAW A t ðer° , n re- flO - 111 ofthirMsPerevil olirgy whe•denirePir, and tvitittlit*.sb well deserved theipineev awaituivents oftheltelt/ifiVituisk ortfer to•deeitgo 4 - e. A rtter r brobght; hitt highttalli*WkOhS est depths of degredation.ii;thesfittlY poet ofrparty I)bi •eiiiii rAionif of :that ;period iiiitievrir has' dived deepest and. tomer dirtiest. shall - , lapp, t!ke4, non) n ,W o dQn't intend tp,,ftpte;the tickotOpat.auggeaj t i it fer the benefit of etirleYiwk.frivindio MIS ' 140%1' n'ttr: Tr was en` 's gell She pie 1106:16.*C _dsz nifiClai few' the wedding. ' 3 llO s o4o tev, With helofather`rAina 'fro bAildi l , iketi Tor ' $6OO. • His' bail pkolc • h to. D4Ouit, waisted birn i got hie' $6OO, by the;..opeiqtiooi , rioctoilortin 640 , to 'mike' ititetir= I rangeihent to get ' ' €.l 1- . To , Sorriart'Ogiff - Poritt.'"lTilie' coonots.pOker at a - Etilt,racisNeatpfifid move it slowly , °Vet." thertiliPplitty; say iat.tho rate of Awe feet per main teit ridqgtta can cot ft offititba Pock - - . - iiigi-Yolfn Ste@ , iiie' ili egad' iiet man 4164, F inTinne . iin in; inadip . ipy oil tViti!.. ad rriA; . # iiiiiitiiiret,4,lllso,oo i': d• `II -d, 4 r ire P Witif4al9,l9:. gt ) , ' big, - frOl: ) .tdAtalet IWO ~ phi_ the ilia B elli por e d: . •";. ,; ~ .. ( 1 1 . 1 .- • , . .. f 12.1 1 .......) • ~-i i - - - - - ---- - - nyarrittm THE i - '— i'' DY'S - REPENTANCE. - ' STATEMENT O .E. AN QIAD.,„GEN- In the life of Dr. Rallies, just pub .., TLEMAN WHO'9llo4lof, OWED fished, the f.illowlng story. was told 'IAN') A - RRE.V I ,F,D ',Attr,,ilittV,, AT ! in connection w W with a preaching join.- , AS II rtgualo . s ~. :.TO-A7 l ; j it II Is net in ,11314:, , 0 tylpur waylyfibi Wein, soN IN 111 E Lpi . y. ~ ~, .- ~ to IfawAstone W, p ASSetil ai ,fiottso, of t ~.. [From the 1491 , "Totii:Voild or •:ittegt4i 4 l 1 Which p4r,`.11.e,e.:f0l Me the following' - ..Ni. Bonet C. Pinvle-r-'-tir F'airha-, 1 story "i " j 4c. ‘ % -z t t ' 4' ll -Y et t .o ll' ,tlie liii h 3 o . e; l' s l e l , e 4waans4ltafr , vett, Conneoient,. - wito has lust•beer i °f the 1 re,!..ased from tint 01.1 Capital prison 1 dressed=by a man whi),-though consent 1 agree abto-her, was disliked by her lath at.Wasititigl.ob; called at this iiffice ! le- t, -Yesttirdavat ti c . mritle,. fr. -kriat state- 4 ,.., , pf eop . rpe :lie would no oen t of Ins., f cittitt . lie fork* ii f Lakt o,t Wi f e on tptij, „Air they they determined fall he left his home to travel for the to elope: - Tito night was fixed, the bbillefirllV tfirnattli7WfilifiTelliWri urrarnerirepluee&tho - Udder to poor, .and. to ascertain in'titrigatrd' 1 1 P Ici lidgivt , and- in Pat I rOvf "Nitku WS his- 1:91), wlici was ! serv i n g- 6 , l fib-tr. , sho.iwas ir."-his l artits. ; They „mcmnted Ilion andiyi-..tOu;hi, l ity r ivai at ,-,wi l ph. at double , • ilOrrte, and IVPI'.O soon. at tin gton - i fok that pa Fp6i 4 ii, h t o put ;ti p lit; ; some ! cligto Rye from ~titni I tiroPe.; - ,Af thir.tittiicketlir Louse-. ill/IWO -night of 1 , -telr: .4:t4),:illOtthlf 1 44, OIMIA 0- I tnoCgitrY ter- tit badtretivad to..itititimintititete I.V l s'iii,g.; -"WAl l yinr.peo w)tat rt,,p,rpqf `-lifengti° 63 "" unifartai'tiii6ire" hire tis ,t-k i kgve liiiie4;o9 ‘ of;tiillf "Itir4itio.;;; I -room; and ideetari n tz4j e at , :-. t,h4), .4-ev e litio,P.e;aialt.WiilinAiga, qta: 0 1 iggPti , htlS - United:Stater; deteettiviec,-pvetetidieo i- Jim. ,44',:i Jip .wm:A Auily f 61 . 1 .. 0. 11 40 uto - arrest:Aim; a Tha rfieav i gnest i,6l l .l.,gruflylanisnore_dic.,.'! „ *Nr,haps,..l ; may, they asked titsint Svgs' 411.6 % 4; 01) R:4 1 1-4 14 141)PrimP5t.4 4 . 0 4.4 7 1 c.51 1 1 1 4.-WdoNitim,4 l 9 money hare ripan r , ,(,:li e ; tcykfyif hi fi t 1-TRl4,y,- 144, ,a l .stlenprl of,a9 me, minutes t amount I) h' - ' sh "add' I - — .*" ' 4 .1.. te t his mo n or . en d I to 1_ . o r .stai y . „ cylartned4 r t.,o , what imnfediatuly prOckfird td steal:sr:4mb shall" wo,tio.;„l,bave left roy,rPoney be , ortii. liilaiifed'and - tiiirfriddl,diAliW.— . , VQ44ne4 4l l)Y - T"PRA'liOP n r s a id p,,,,, 0 „ A rt L ui s , , , t l ito ; ,.,f eft, i n , 44 104441,. , hp, 4 . vve- t raptit,,gp . ha* ;and, fetch, it. : t m ib a n in .r i e 6 :xi g in, ob j e t i o -r 4 it t ri , an itr i kyr f lititi4- , 1 10 -7.4:l..We e r: A Z:::, l l4 l :l l l l l l 4e, ' a i l : t e i l l .o lo l.a n d s c i : Lion, , ~...igiirr tit fp ; any - lurid - / - •-•- e - 1 - ...,, ...,, kind,' briiitioititiolj 1 6. 4 ibli r giogok r wirto.upod , , , wype , the ill , i?Atilie 4 A` 19v ;himuto thetiour 64iittiplstfitosh,„.nt, cy wrtitpdtl)eio - ;But. s h e delayed_ to - WashitgerAt . , And pattlta t illippitt'dem, ..C9lltt ;RIO 10 0 4e, getitlYii c.. 1 1 10 : ..,.“Are . x . r. -i, 104 ,- It . w6bil , 4 ,,, triwa - 8 idsc ,.. t . rei b bt d, ' t,,,yort; corq,.i no r—when,srsho , - Jpoked out „, -- and - id. t .tPeyhr 1 , - -and mot' oven Ittst'r ' " Was 10ft 111 . 1 1 -DitYw arid iw Icr 's heal alt h. alseitik4tgletikeAtehlified rapidly. The J - rop - thijoAr - artmed^ with likathintne'ileinga - .Pslireb:.- - seeinsiii to a hopn n err 4/1 isead , of ti mistra bi I P.$ blinikettOtfiat were for ti=bed:i , ~ f nitr fond tat, Bilakeiof most horrthler Brealifitst "coPhisted, of a, cupeof ruuddyteinsh , rottiled 'coffee, i,u evetr to , :thiow tin ;the intter, 'iwty or thine •:littte -cakei. of hardittlefi t 4thd a piece` of fed pork thatAtritild oftentimealall in, pieces' frOtailteOWn Weight 'when 'taken - pp with'' , lkei fingers. ' Diviner was'entalposed of sointething tiley call edlheint•soup,with?tmeest week; , a dish of4vegetable, soup-ind atilieeerof beef hardly the' size. oil:- th rims fingersk— Sapper' was *oftektsk piece of bread and Coffee pzoinetiiiesta piece of hard tank,; With .maggots crawling in it.— Neither knife, lorfi, por spoon' was mice-allowed. •When' hay' One . of the iprisopers - kiirked out or Me wiruloWei. therwere 'told to pitt'their - heads'back ontliey - wtialdim fired :at";' -Last Week through the inifuiereo of -Some friends and a mem ber)of, Mr. Fow-. ler wits!releasedi , .. All °Meer came to the prition , with"ani uneOnditional;e4% lease from AssiAtatiti-Secretary ;Dann. questions'Wers4akett of. him; ITO Was the!rmth =of tillegiance tendered, nor. ithn'tmin rethirned Ind been stolen; acid iris eltirl3r rant °fatly 'chargetimikalnat him , or any. reasons Whrlieshotild tenietheeti arrested, Re- nev;q 4 ton gtvent - - lEe Ccittgia - " , frora'• the prisl on ;with shatttirtsil heiilth, 4 .lnr," said he;-11111108V(rith t nratiti: bin placeAMS al miist kiileil , met" Such x were , / 116 Adirentins , pffr an otd 'truth': 4oin g , the felipisdf of -Vie 'United ' iI - toe union •• . • . -41 • - - --,..•.- , ~ , A' ". .a t :1; ccrEttrignite44l4%. Mork , . ride runners ea rry ipopir,4 ton Wow IVO., nkingto4,.Cbitelestoti , iticUrgutsfpOtss to. N ussau, ancl, .Bernit'Adalitgrotelniest pretty .00sely A x a tcittli,vtiat e iby o ur ; 4rrool:xp.tilselo, anti .tti , 'Moveral.itistagni cesiwere,ebased ; 4o Sharply' , -thO t they Itad i .to throw, qua n tilleaV• of. oottoi,)-04 rerbearil., : ., l niene . tessera run • al wait; in nz.regular I,3caLk after,theyvget, °az , e149 , ,01ytt1e,. biackaditig, line; . tiotliat, ships coating from the :West: ti,dies lorif.fg .11 riAL,.hare dreit nen t lyil.fattnd•,a rich.; knrViat.t of",-,e4140n , ..i1f10at: fdt w WO) the)* kkegasionii I.Yiinfliri Elbe ihkir cargPownit tißg•it:f.o„llls !bile they; are •gat f lrering lin .. the incirti-raluable enafflWAy.sii)f,theo.blakisdikrusin6rs,l4 Recently line ;Owls .huvvbeen.inithe bahit of Sppingppen,ihmhales behfrei thronging them no.erboarti; kind thus ' tlo: ON hr.! onishk- in...iheir ~ tiraoir,t is whitiln.esl,3riltb i fisinting cotton,..iliThin , w, opportunity .kr, Ydink,rfs: ea te.rorise .tol,m,nrlnOtts, 4stai te,e An dcrstaptb .I.o4.94'omtninf ; boo been i formed Auld S.eirlf ark , or bleb- em pl op t vesobkl.o,lfollourvithe path; of, the , ktlecbiornUsoisiersilild pick up4kw ootten i , mid •Lhalo;fl iie to 1 ~Orairhig, quite a..,g00d 4 bibitVoi4t#;" TiikuiP s eer t aim ly T . , n fteniokindioftuaritinie4a4 terpriseJ r,..lre hnveri.invg.i ionly it Otri 4 bilittkaldillg , fi'quddronch4riockvidelin,l rtingosq,elnitor!„-bat a gklisfiroilaiobwzrite andistrayal.: ..; .f. , -, , i) 4.41 . 1 , 1n(44 ii)it 1...-11,- ti.dx:).4a. - ,7„ar! .• . ~, , ,,9 2, , i L .,:ii . , A ,ll ilk Polg.,4PVtge K SchsWEilMeP a • ;DC t . l" 9 bugP_ 1 19f-fOrf'::Nlifilfiltk! 1 4 i , km: pc ol(1 . 9,1 his stionider, grisevins, 1 1 ,0111 41 al'filfrP 4ll . WO** - 141; t o x 4s4r :_.. .„,,. , . ..„. ...,... 91'0 'eh epKandlß,ll,6APlß'ql'i.;e92/40i R1,4,g0, it ictwot te#,Avti *At made Obing.:l#ceii.piptspli : ,.l/Fim,q t , .ocfi c ektiw-ttie*ld.-- , lc^___,.• .., '... -s r . x l :i ;4 . .(4 , %I-444 F iii•--- , --.- • intt .-_ •ILOPPON cilaillit*.*Bsisti.: 4 -4brisen joke lon GetoratBoller:1 1 8 , 011!***1:1 1 arg *0 1 94, :jit Me Pittit: gall - TR' Officer', 114,111,M- t,,,rp 4-Pt J1kok);(1119 eftmil,„And at a l poen t, e r b il. ll `qiil l il j !P All ! - aig, Y Qfi (API a fput, a, soi t yje t motjen tenced to ,t," 191. 3 C a . /. P . ii 4, 1 ablirr, Pc tg ft,i1 41 ) " 1 1 1 0_1:7-r. 1 4'40 OP PO 1 }0911 1 4914 11ut4 5 1.- TOOPW') sil/ %t e XI ..h PPP .I4 rV 0,2 4 1t1 4 4.114tv, : f 1 ir 0 I APS t IP II and of tlie coati ,11. -wrmADAGgeotAi RAT' ifilidaiii stoo rina.--A pedlar' d isrr i bit Mei larAee , quantity in a. neigh borbookand.yet,l -'tbie.verm in retire'. as- Jail reo andissativoi , as aver. , On bell* talds , tlitift !tioqindi no :effect,. "Parbipsiit odd.o l "Alifialib tu rb a hie ' pectior)-'fyours • liaisrupV•boti the Aillideg neess.4 ...4 „1.1. , 1 t.r ..” nil 't.,: ..' ..0 Ju • . W 1.1. K in es Ileffern a ne b Ve been In rreil -- Ninisit'.rorle m Ba i 'Lb" chiki•ke' of ohoii-fiftbkie' thA style 0V c 044 edlie .ion 8100; tAtesOlt * ia opOsitionsi .! • / A. Ka oppuivOr, 09.110111 k. n • 0 ter. 4 ,9,1; b' North:, eat, te' 1. *B)NPg1 t 9tipm the 129 i • ye:o4 i • 0.) • • . r`e7.' MEM WM . I ?! . .ttl9;crirk may, and perhaps not:" th i on : ,;Mitt, ict9wik 01 0 . ni*rOP.atiWithitiAliqre tuTn:liPlantil*aclubiC htifit,o alone.- IvPs.noPtfiAt rt- It4imy.,,t4 4l o l tOr 4 1 9 1a .4 1Y4 P4 . ro --4 'Among joist r. kiirn TiN * ;- iaN 'e F ATAT TR' Sale' of tie ; Stock of linkei,"tikriling=es, itte ; ;'cf 1116,4ter merfolag, BiAti &err': h the 'comfortible, little sum of 8,30,006. Flora Temple bredght 8.000, which was given hy_eti geritletnan of Phild-; delpiiia, rho intends to put her on the: turf next spring, thnngh she is noiv I.B i fetirs of =age. One Vail. - Was sold for $2':650, ' - one for $6,000' and one for: e 25. - A pair of , Arabian inatesOMP'bridd at a cost of $7,600, ' Burlington, Sr., sir !ed by George M. - Pateben t , sold for ' $725. Fire elks were hoUght for the King of Sardinia, 'at '4l.''enst of s26e each. There was a great Competition for the deneased whips, and $65 ono rou‘. . A supst :i8 -do e barreled, breech „lotding, ae iiired Or'Or' by - PardY of LOTf(18 11 , POrchas i ed foi';sl,B2s ;itnother costly duekinu-gun, 3 the same maker was I sold' for ; ON, 'and h'i,hird $4OO ; a numb'er Of others were 'sold' at low rates. Ttcopair wel l:brok nt er dogs were knoetc:ed down at $ll5 leach. Two well-bloke *ter, dogs Ti 's 's the' most e so qrs. Isive sale, of the kind ever, madein the country. • Arkbbishap — Peniaoapreposed the fkilla , adrgc'entiiiirOlkfaive - toast, at , a reeent 4 barvest-hon4 , histivtd in 'Eng:. land : • • '*Mersa a health to all' them that. we toe.:.- t Jlere'aphoalth to all those that .love aa.- Itettoss a health tO Akio:we that lotia theist" • Tlao love thav4 that love th em " That lore ,11. , 4- ,11 T .A a ly PAYMENT OF INTERNAL OFF ad, el ph en gag pd- t ity,c ot spirits, deposited the sum tif, 8100.789 in the First; I% l iitio'ne t t-Babk Mondavi. to the ereitit i =4 use j'reo . surir, of ,the thiited State', : being ,the lax of :APir itt3;ijiltiPeAio their;werksoti . . the Itio, twpgithe,lit Ter, ferAtioAttrepfroontliti 91)44)g:wisp qfPetolteklitst. GRAT Fin E.—The "biitat'ekni2 fifi i igi.WiTB E ii'liii` r reVoid is in i,- Japan I cOritcy, n 64 the hire i!e daSi hi hibehs ies,!eklity 'eight thohsarid" '_and 'rind thbiiainifreci /)Weig4:! ;Abciiit the pie weiVOgi?olicivieleiC"'" . ' - tr4i,OENT 1 1 14 •8 4 1 1 1 147 111 1 t f f Ait ,thelAte ? t style* 111 unA.KbEs OAKFORD " t; 1,, 9A4 TRAGEOYANMISIMPEN, • . .! t lt• (Fro/. tai 4'41u44 , 11,0 1 .104A4Pub1ic4n.12 r. • I ...Vti*kkttu a tfugoiljr was enactcAop, n .i mlik r. PdaY , Jaftt , ii,9 l Pti* the parg9-. '‘‘tr l .7tiql;AF l Nt Lei are from :a. gen- , 1 4, thinWilvi?!?" , r0idea, .if that,:4:lo.eitYl 1 "4 1 , 1 0,per,PfltrAtier 1/f tb9 f9731.14;iced,Y00 , 44. 1 1fMX t tililrPaM9-. 01 ; Bohm: . • ,t e • Wiug-, 9ftlet: , ; N•aelne:tia7 l 9 , 4o4 , BLlA l PeAts! , ; 1 1?4-tPOCt.A Ai: l ' l AV freart„,kifit,N.w.Ap, , order m to arry regain ~41, hitclfailock4;, NO ati tho f,i rue, tlf the,,deod r ovas i iliv ti7e2PPlAo .4*Art..l. l eri . `.41 [ 9.0040*.t) o)fti i re ~l i' I 9 Pgmr,b9y; 49 soliikAile: :IF q8:}3998q a nd . PI 11 1 4 19r).1 1 M' •Tho. . 1 2tos , :mPo!: to V.lft ohMutet.ithdx , dlailingt 1 3 1 1 17 , t 4 .91!gfie11. :NY i OF! .door. ill_r&v. .k—ncrlOLliipr( do, 4i.an4. ; then Arixtv..a, .kii e, AttuN *nigmany. frightful gashes' 41)Pit 4 14 ‘ 3 i14% R0Jthtr9441,4144T ‘. KL.c iAilll9l?glinAggd. :*•, Nts , „thefneersiapcondAhrongh&holcoun- txir - „,14.-0•Z Aeco v.,xi ogl AP Wien tlY to give lofermattOS- 7 s.,,aerrcb, walk 1 7fAi l f-tf i elthil , r!NetittArf2l.4 l 9fßa ?I/gig/ - bora. During the search, suspicion, . • • r°,tin ift!t. WingfiflkaAhl!.fisldee , was i 9 19 1 off*e i4: l '.lP.l l ßiteil IA; ' 0(97 4 i pailr.. Ith a'young man who,Fuos lir,: i n rmitli him. Du riogitb% Nottersa• t !SS 3 M iI *I tiktliertYaY 4 10 Ateirayted signs of guilt, and after c4ep ga ture-he remarked to 'the you or plan ti4thfhtfo)ol lima to kill the it4oaro Cyttoggis.kkon'otottO -•.,timaitiiioße) so, , sfcve ati. tipSeiF Rpm -towto,„;•!:,11: : ..),I . ~t l ArcibrsiOgix hP : 0 (441P0rni011144. ill negro oufllngiqiiilitit hint Iviktr-lwo .loadi of buckshot-one through . the 1 2 1 4.4P00.14 01, 4fIrLhtt:41git ate bead. Jtlfitri:treflaPtalt , •:thP itegaeet , next mornog , catetefailhat:lit.,•lo43 i the na f. jY I 4 • 04 61 9Ptt IN/AilliDgPf 11 Mr k kfes 110•14biki he, ittultOotteg. mni• z f • ~ ,FI : 4 imr Ask ;IV$ tt).9.*:#lirelifool allt!•VTAlNivf.4 , 4otitiOrpitg4T-Aopwardi iß, itoly conchketet by, ; titiappp ' Ate paid. the penalty of his •otOMPAlf.a trolliPPar -, bY.l' Wingfield . 4Al i ti long ,negarded„aa;n and,: man e an, • t n povcrak tines implicated, in •, ",, ,Flmost as dark and„tarriblaias, thmone, but has heretofore picapOd. ,liii tiCiont. His wjfo, though, ati I t,: a jiveis,,,ir,E ,izir( l fidijii ?flaitiot.„.,fiyt Icalo kipp iiiilinOrtiiiVedA4swper. given j: riP-*` 5 ,*( 1 1 , .#4 ilft•Af.:3ll, nto ,• ( , . i. •4 4 i -x14,11 N