The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, December 14, 1864, Image 2

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    year many availed of te en
era provision, and any themselves
more ulh g
d, only
that the signs of bed -faith in some led to
such precautionary mesetres -as rendered
the practical process lees certain nod easy.
During the same time alsoidettain par
done have green ,granted to inaiiidnals of
the exceptid ttlislanotadinto.voluntinfrap
plication has been denied,
Thus practically the doorbassbeentfor a
full year open to all except such as were
not in condition to make free choice—that
is, such as were in custody , or under re
straint. It is so still open to all. But the
'time may come, probably will come, when
duty shall &mond that it be closed,
and 'that - In kilecoolore.vigisrave - meitsu ree
than heretofore shall be cdoptid. • •
In presenting the abandonment -451 r armed
‘realsterice to the national authority on the
ipart - Of tiritastregianteies the only indispen-
Bible condition to the enaing the war on the
part of the Government, I retract nothing
heretofore said as to slavery. I repeat the
declaration made a year agd, tbat While I
remain in my present position, I shall not
fiettempt-to retract or modify the emancips
tior. •praelamation• ; nor shall I return to
slavery any person whoiis-freerhy the terms
'of 'that ;proclautation, or llay law act of
If the people should:by Wbatsoe - vermode
or mean, make it an Executive duty to se
enslave such persons, another, and not I,
mut hie thetrinstitunent to perform it.
Inritating a single condition of peace 1
mess simply to say th it the war will cease
'on 'the part of the Government whenever it
, ihall have ceased on the pset•of those who
_O we ns _it _
Vailiblittin, Teo. 6, 1864.
Table showing, the aggregate votes in the
Mates named, at the Presidential
• Elections respectively in 1860 and
L'imlf fortits
Mlnelota -
Menaili -
Now Tiamidtaire
. New Jersey;.
`‘New York 1. .
h r io egoil
&molest:du -
bode itilitnit
etenreit .
eat Virginia
*Nearly. t "Estimated
SitCallaU ativsTtisstr.
i a:! 1' i r [* Cif i~ifar y.Use
BRlMTN,,itator and Pro rietor
-11!700 Patriotism
IWe are reliably informed that - a
number of gentlemen of means of
'this borough, have, within the past
few weeks, put in personal the
at a price 'varying from $7OO
to $lOOO. The greater number of
these are leading Republicans, and
about them we 'have a`few words to
say,n-ndipaittioilarly to the editor of
'the _Lebanon 'Courier, who is One of
number, he having - paid last week
41700 for a personal substitute.
Democrats put in substitutes, we-OX
cept them from our remarks-heoause
they act .consislent----heing opposed'
to the War they do not wish
and fight, and consequently ariluati-'
fled in saving thernseii-es 'from drat:
the best way they can. Bartjli,Ydi
tor of the Courier and his Republican';
friend's are not acting theparfo i fgoof.l
citizens or Christians in thus'iiiiert,
inga cause they have been preac:hing'
fer.years, now 'When tla6ir linysipat
•aeriices are likely to be wanteil, by,
the payment of a few hundred dol
lars, a commodity of which they, have
an abundance, while their patriot
ism, of which they botve , been blow
ing so much, ekes ont , at the -points of
their boots—if not higher up. If they
are so - fond Of fighting why do they
not ran the dances of draft with
their poorer neighbors, who cannot
raise the necessary 6700, for a person-
al substitdte;asitbdieditor of the Cour
= ttn.;) 1- •;
sere is no principle 415 t right or
tice in making a man go go war when
his whole life and condaet oPpos
ed. toFlt, just_becianse he is: poor, in
the place of one who is ,constantly
plowing for it, but who 'happens to
havo the, almighty dollar at hand,—
It is freedom TO THEM in its most cx
tended sense, which thus saxes them,
while it oppresses.' thepeor, beating°
they are poor ; and 'it is ulso.fhe free
lam of the abolition party, . Freedom
' the favored few and. the wealthy,.
while the poor are grciund into, the
'dust The editor of the Courier and ,
his republican friends no doubt ureoue
-that their fl.7oo;a.piece are-an equiva
' rent tor their personal services. They'
are also,an equivi)ent for their pat...
riotistu r patriotism Which sets
ollinrs fighting for 'Money wtiat the
themselves should do from principle.
There is probably 'ffeit' .one-of these
men who live• %nen biyirig substi
tute but who 'Might as readily leave
their families as any one that is in
the service, or that is expected to
lii.Ariat'.or otherwise ; ' ilioo;b4ryt
arejust the men that
-.iig able to leave theirtemilies in i>':
fluent eircumistances—beyond 'the
reach' of •want, and strely, in ease of
death, 'the poor are ‘-expecteti :A° be
justoas dear to thOir laniiiiewas are
tbose=stoy-at-botne patiil3ts.
The editor of the Courier and his
-Beriblican exempted friends were
Sox -the war when the first draft was
nnaile,!beeause they= happened to be
just beyond 35 ; they were still for
war at the next draft because the
county exempted them. They were
still for war at the 3d draft because
the county again exempted their ;
they continued for '.:war because the
borough exempted them at the last
draft. Now, wash there is 'Li proba
bility that each one must'look out
for himself ; and- • the additional
probability that the clause in thedraft
act allOWing substitutes will be re
pealed, they hasten Opt in person
al substitutes.' But they still ,con
tinue for war, (others to fight ite,)'.be
canse they are stife:forllirewyeariby
the payinent of /100 ;In , •gr•eenbacks,
of which they -have an abundance.
Our idea if; that those in favor of the
war_ishiatm 1;1”;;.
precepts--go And fight, instead of
meanly skulking/behind their dollars,
and obliging others to do, /because
they are poor, what they refusetto do
The folloviing is a pretty close ;ap
proximation to , the popular vote oast
at ttio late Presidential election
throughout the United States.
Lincoln & Johnson, 1,950,000
McClellan & Pendleton, '1,700,000
348,225 I
t 14,410
an 69
x 69,533
• 4, 99
'67 - 5 56
% 4,4 0
152 180
33 782
,982,0 1
Majority for Lincoln,. x,OOO
The PreSident has ,hardly five per
cent. majority on the total vote. For
every hfindred votes forNLincoln in
the loyal:•States, thearhaVn been east
ninety-five for his Dernocratic com
petitor, and a large part: of this ex
cess was given-in
the Central, Western, - and Surlier
States McClellan 'has sthne *ninety
eight votes to Lincoln's one' hundred,
despite all =the great tkvantagas,pos
sessed by the latter, mid which 'were
powerfully and nnscrupalonstylised.
(M - We intend to getialigt of Itirose
•Ikho have 'recently procured personal
litibiSti - tu,tes, arid 'publish it, when •our
`re a„shii,' will see a precious sot x.if
voters for war and Abe whO
dodge their votes and
. by
uneaking out of the responsibility and
clangor'T the farneet 0f4700.
le r Congress met on Monility of
week. On Tuesday. Che I",reei-
-Wednesday, a tine — ieruLtucv.i'-W T
Stevens to - preven'tthe Ailing of gold
at a premium, was thrntried. On
Thursday, Congress leering very tir
ed on aeeonnt 'of its'
,ardunus labors,
adjourned to Monday of this week.
Wr The Confederates have recent
ly made a TaidintoWestern
Colonel W iteher, Attie-common - der, 're-'
ports having captured one :hundred
horses, three .bundred beef cattle, and
one cannon. He 'burned two =steam:
boats and two block, houses,' and
. de
strgyed three .forte. Tait two
24,,, if our .13,cpub ican .neighbors;
who are putting in $7OO personal sub
stitutes, for exemption from the Thai
atmeikiervite.; Alhould thappon to
be dettiVOL`ft the'State, actrvice, will
hpyg,.and fight, or' will they putt 4n
a oadbpd gdivtitate ? This is fl.niirt
PortA , A.t tryOtipr:, und they should •alt
.;:to ti'yvtime. These patriots,
lives-gioulfi snot be endangered. 11.4
they him tilready paid for a
tate, we move that if they are eltiaft
ed for state service, thcptcb Who
kr - pa them well, will provide'for them,
by a subscription 'for *their exemption..'
' COntributions will be received at this
office, from the "patriotic,:' to pro
vide substitutes for. these "patriots"
who are already fighting by :proxy,
in case they are drafted for State 'Bor
- -
Mr. 'Usher, SecrefaTy of the hate;
rior, is expected to resign, when, it is.
J. Forney will, be, up.
, 111 S
preciates traitor Democrats, in fact
he thinks thatthey are the only ones:
capable of holtiinig 4mportairt offices.
If we, look upon the frauds now prac
ticed all over the , country in the mi
nor offices, to - Which his own party
arc almestexclusively appointed, he'
is certainly justifiedin Axcluding then]:
from the more important ones. Chase;
whom he has just appointed Chief
Justice, is a traitor Democrat, and it
its said that Speed, just appointed At z ,
terrnity 'General, is also , of Democrat
WA-A republicancpaver in Schuyl
kill county - is very nuxiqus for :moth=
et- draft. It eanbardly bide the time.
There must be some reason for its
anxiety, ana Nve can . only think of
the folloviing:—lts.editor no doubt
is over ithe preseiiibedage, and thinks
that .057-freqtaitititrtiltilie may, re
duce the aernocraiiamijority in that 'Would - rt met be a wise
AreAi n
g vrer;cThad
-eau - 0 11 95 raluErcempted for their lip
INN- Of course 'the editor df 'MO I
Courier anti ;his republican friands
who recentlyiproeured personal Nub
stitutes by .thetraytrekit-df tr'7ofPor a
$l,OOO, are not afraiillto'fi tt.
they could go they would take Rich
mond "before breakfast." They
would show our veterans bow to fight
and squel4h4he re4lion. V° BOY
they are not afraid: If there had
been nothing else but fear to keep
them back they would have been in
the front 'this three years.
,No, they
are Nor afraid ! The reason is they
are not toed; ihdy a taibject, every
now :and then, to 'the TALLY-ACRE:-
That's the , re'as'citv 4hey
• go ;
that's the reason they procure 1400
10..,The New:, ' (Piths Iran a
Nu ::`• vl cans correspondent Whose
it?tmr 3 Preselk 4 r4thO dio
cottrtigingrpieture of the working.tef
the free negro e.ys te in there. life
"The crying evil -which. my be
heard on every plantation down the
Mississippi is the - incorrigible indo'
-tenve - or the_nesr
lack of power to - . Make the niggers,
week. The freefimen will Work only ,
as they - feel disposed., The -iplanter
has rio.means to compel him to labor,
,conSequently the begrSeS
molt rplantalions are under a poor
condition if discipline. Net= one in
fifty,,wat raise a 'finger to help_them
selves so long as they can getsnough
to eat by stealing and possess a rag
to corer their nakednuss ledepet
dent,ofthe ravages-Of thaarniy,worm
the 'crops of'th mapricy - of the plan
tations would - 131xve,resalted in small
returns the present season. have
beard a dozen 'plawtSrs assert this
fact, and they attribute 'it to no oda
er cause than the universal indispo- .
sition 9f the nogroestodathe neces
sary work, and the Utter inability:of
the superintendents to get the work
out of 'them; The Degrees are paid,
'4lothed, und Ted ;yet they will steal
sugar, and either eat •or sell it. They
-ate& the "corn ond 'feed their pigs .
With= idiot - their . own"for mar
ket. - They.feign n cos wed will lie
in .thohespltal for weeks Viten mobb
ing on earth is the matter with theln•
The negro idea of freedom is that of
unrestrained lice - nee - 4o , do -as they
please and go *here therehilose.
Kr A nigger iu 01345(04 - Windt
buy himself free from person:ll
_Bei ,
vice to his master for less thau*looo
or $l5OO. The editor of thn Lebanon
Courier and some• of his repubticau
friends buy themselves free from. ehe
.sume for $7OO, showing that *heir
southern friends - arc worth rather
.more in dollars thu,u they are.
4C4LREVEBB copi?rt o
'Pokroaiier Doi) nispn showe-; .tex
Three •thi Mon .five ht;ndred
and eight . thousaudlblreetiundreil and
triton trfive dead iletters were received
dating the past year—over nine
thousand a day. Many of, theso let
ters contained , mones - , deeds, bills of
ex.e han ge, drifts, cheek w e try rrd
other. valuables. Some o theni Were
misdirected, .others, not: direr:ted at
all, *heti multairiped and
. others on
ly partially directed. Theusanda of
these dead-letters were returned .to
their writers but the great majority
had to bodestroyed. Misstatement
•ought to teach-the public to be more: .
careful in ,their correvondence; for
the amount . of : :sn'tferiug .catiseil :by
thesegost-letlers iencalettlatile..
ue36 If:people - Want hilt AT Ike
niggers free, by dont they go,. And
fight aud help,: to de it, instead
buying substitutes' , for $7004 `f...
` liis
.is a more 'momentous queution than
the whereabouts of 'the Vtithr 'Man,
'and should be definitely inswered be
fore the next ditift, iddeb tbes- told
the people vorcnild never take place.—
NO draft wilf,t4ilie;place,-thal, i fl ever
catch it:44otisthey,are
taking , good,oitticAto be proilited
Ure hand' with
ConsequenceB of t etag ,
15tevetlift - its prbiti---itytt - eurious ar
ticle upon the ecCtiiises of Rhirleaneti
•and Meteors," the Seieatifie
'can 'thii:S concludes "If the .erartli
.stgisped its ;:bibtt,
-wealth begin to fail straight' toward
tbe 8111 i. • As it approadhed more near
ly to that great soiree of heat it:,
would soon resell a ,peitit. Where the.
temperature .is as high > us two hun
tirerd and twelve degrees,wnd then all,
the waters of. the ocean;
-Al4 .it ; drew still nearer,:
:tim, rocks would y tiro ted, - aild'after..:
'wards they also woald , bit evetiperated. ;
Before it reached -the - sun c ittlis solid
earib l iv6utd he clmvertedinto a vast,'
volume of * red, hot, pts, w Web, when it
'fell into the dory' atmosphere of.. the
sun, ivtlttla merely 'Produce Vatits of
wind from the point . where eit struck
outward in 441 direetions." . ' :
WY , Mr. Reynolds, the sifarnaist;
once mot a free4nd-easy actor, who
told him that he had. vassal - three
festii , e days, at the Sest, of ,the Mar-
Jinja and Marshiontess .
, with
ou t an incitation. 14 ihad ~ sone
tti to ph fht. my
lord aria ihdy were , 'itoit`
terins,-each wou/d-sappqatt+that the
tiadmelred him, amrsialtr - titried
Seit - X Chief - Justice,' Appointed
The President nominated te the Seri
a'te the Hon: sAr...nolop. cOASE . , of
Ohio, Ine.Secretarrof the Treasury,
as ,Chief of the SuOunle,"Court
of the united States, , to , fiß , the seat
made vacant, 1?3 , the Gatti of,
B. Tanliy„' Tha nomiitation im
mediately confirmed, and the new
Chief3UatieeloOk . his seat upon the'
Supreme Bench on *ednesday:,.
siiirtit is proposed 'it 4 Congress 't'o
amend the Tax Laws: -so that -etery
segarsAhl-must have's - stamplrasted
therenn. •Irs there ; is but one 'stamp
on'n'ttosklif rtritdhes„ wouldlit not be
wdll'alsotto•pdVide thet•every match
have a statrt p. • "The'peOple are shriek
ing to be taxed:"
The.:draft was in ftill lilhst.lask
week in ..Bedford county. The Ga
zette says :—"Lincoln's . elected, the
war /Cover," but Still Grant-and
Sher Man must have more men , -
(lieta. - Weitresumer they want them
only to look on at themStels.d*Mtiand
1-ini.")j Thae's 'a gikedi:idelt-- 4111 /Nag
.. . .
mesa to "look on t;h at e rebels di . s--
biutkdkle - Some of -PUT TeptlipileittiS •
hero iti'ic *ill pleaSed‘yititlrit, That
they are
they $70.0 .3 to get &mit to
"look ) 1 .'hey.- thaV
4niaeMt. 'time o
"looken" thershlves. ;‘4iookerk ol 4"
ciirtrttiaNid: - a Ifith pike' re - *".'- l. -
26, 4 The, United: States Circuit
Court, .IZew, t drk, Ihag P given -a i v er- ,
diet Of 44;01Xt Vo .tiiiirtgen for darnag
es mistalvedi whilecrossing-gte:strOetn.
!from a stage, .11'h ..c.#ge.u-fathat nodes.
Cr - faits haveVii!ditetit-LO6l-04:hij.errss
h .- Ig, and that dtivA of vellicleettinet
oselt‘the , - inlet -- ad, the..conveni
-epee of thoie crossing the. street on
loot. Drivers olVeltieles'ahould tnake
a ‘note of this fact, and. not:rani iier
!ens down , in the litreita by feat driv
mg around the cerneis. - 1 :-
*D. Look unt . 4for theeeiningOraft , . l
6io 'lei tor :BVbiting bas-announced that
~t he fast was a failure and that
.blyc 4 tgoveOntnerit? me4s Ri9r9 , nlOl
- statement vas domino:wed as a
Copperhead 'electioneering
lie—nefore the !election. But .it 113
coining; hand, Vetere
the elizse - ef January. A fine chance ,
new , foriltose wlko: voted fora contin
mance of the war, to` step.i-ato the_
ranks'. • Walk up ye "loyal leaguers".
and. fill father Abraham's . army, with
600,00,01n0re ; • .
fr* . In- this place the "loyal .
guei a are ruslqiig a leinselves in
"lay pioxy" at the rate i , d8.700 - a piece. -
T hey. say jley are in jfavoi.of ~eiir
-and drifting untitzttlic_irlast ;tlApurflu-.
ous dollar's et:l:twisted in he'
of iubstitntes'for clern.sel v - •
lion:`Writ. 6 11. tovntei We
, reta:ry of-
State ; Hon. W. P:Fessenden,'Secre-.
'tory of Toenenty ; lion_ dward M.
eon. WellestSeeretalty of litivi; Hon.
James P. 1.7-eher,, , gatretary of Intexi
cor,;-110n. Sanses-Spetuk, Attorney Gen-,
bepnison, 'Postmaster
'General, •••• -
rfie Vottrier 41
if fbe-ed!P)r`u t
fiends now
- affy of 'his
ntly `fin 11*
) 0
Ig l,ll
and -
;rw-4"" " be k Meo : 7 Cby iroxy, or - tare
a leg shot off (by.. proxy,) won d we
hare to bury them (by proxy,) or
proride them wooden limbs (by
prosy,) and would they be entitled
to pension (by waxy.) .These are
important .gnetaftliOns._ , 1 13 . et the 11108 t
'important tbat cfccurred to us
yet on-014 , 31).11 ebs,.orbing subject is
the following.:—ltSaid editor or any
of his friendarshbuld hare a leg shot
dtr . (by f 1 4 ,12,5:„) . wOUld that 'exempt
the prineipall c i bl:jingo4- ,14
be-a hard matter to snake a man go,
Ito wiit.trho 'has already lest.
,(by proxy ;) 'but, why .speculate On
eruntk subjects; these ipriui.r*als
take„migh,ty good czere nevcr te b e
Kolo4lFlikltenb eh- vittia We :tires , nie
": :'.';:..:.. ':::'. iftsl4 . . Git Attn: *it'
. The damage which .has been dnne
to a DutebOap Vilille I, 'by the -co n---
tinted SW)litytt . df 'the 'Confederate
batteries finfithe south side of .the ,
f an iss4 , Eratwi, length compelled aFed
eral int:Tenant: On 'Wednesday last
a brigade at negro troops was. sentst
upltie:garites a short distance above
tbe:Mtnel,anii embarltediutnpontoons . .
They crossed 9Ver andalatdbiddown
site,theeanarivas reached: The - Con
'federate were driven
Off and. the earoes began-entrench *I
c iring:;. 'Diring * •e .n igh ts 'rile pit was
/ 11
- .dug, and, oit, trtittP7Y - incerning the
position .wali.itfouri. :Very few -men
were killed t wounded on either
side.- As tdhe i ,,"ocfederato force-was'
ati&cessful in".at:upping labor, on , the
entrait, by, breaking the dired.iingnin
ekine, it is no l to be seen .whether ,
, .
Grant.will rip ace 'the Tf,ift d unes and
yenow thee: labor free *OM 'lllO , lOB t, a
tine X. . The COTS fetlette ironclad&
. moved devil:vibe games' on Tirerstial
andhcameowthin range of Dutch Gap.
Up ,tO Sattirdityhoweti,er, no keatiii. ,
ties had oCcurred and the Coofeder
ates made no
~ *tternpt to chive the
negroesiWay. : The Various roperts
,of .40, geneeal-advaireo ofG:rent's south-
ern wing toward Stony Creek 'Sta
tion; on the IVeldon Railroad, which
„have been prevalent for some days
are at length -.confirmed by - definite
int , ell!geifee:' :;Warren's Corps, one
di v i s i on o tti tir ob. r eys% and 'Gregg's
cavalry begann southern •mareb on
'Wednesday last. 'They maeched
down the .Jeresilem road Andyorosa-
WAikb Vettaway-Eiver - on a pontoon
'bildie.= - They "fire now cut off from
oommunieition with errant's army,
and have not been heard from for
genie dayS. ' Tbig advance is. diieot
ly.soutb. Its
...eitjeet cannot yOt be
star:°Gen,Sheyidan will attempt no
, movement loulh If'rom %Vim:heater
this season. ismow at Wiwi:Ores
ter in ibis old; camp. Ile .ihas':about
fifteen itx04,,, , ,0,d,' men. Three of his
brigaifeei , Werieent•last teak to •rein
foiteeVreht. z The Coefaiiraqh 14)4
of Wimoliolitt i t.:in — fki Ofldemonstra
tiotts. •
Wetave Itothing new from Sher
man's Army - since our last tpabliea.-
It is almok 'Mat We 'ter
marching on Savanna, 'and that Fas
ter's advance up Broad River to Gra
hamsoille which is very near the Sa
vanna River, was intended to make
,ajtraction with Sherman. Sherman
'has not been , ifearti from since he
moved from Millen. Foster is near
Grabamsville, protected by
his guii
boats' Heavy .carrrrormding was
heard there' at last accdtitits• from
'llead,'and the Onnfederates
'Were thought to have attaeked Fos
ter, and' attempted to drive him Off.
No result is known, however.
large.4l •Nsortment 'OIfART.SIt OAK
VORD 4 SONS, 'Continental' Itotel
- pht .
letter Iraqi Anpapol,ia r i n relpOpn
to .our pargled prAt4onern, irriy-
ed there, says:
- lEt is painfak f r to record anYthing
that, wen Id; ex ; bibit anYT 4f, ;:he .Un ion
soldiersoff cur army in
rriurderao light=s : but the men 3 recent
-received; l a . sad -,story:.. At
.a.....4.rapnv-I.lle, over
4304000 of the Voion-usollliefs ,were
'congregated „ together. •Some; : two
hundred of,4these•were
actere vcaen vello.'Wereopetitinps3,.`he
fore they joined,,,gipity , of
every ;vice ;-4.hieves,' l and ',even •;mur
defers. ;,,Tbese 5 1matted - rtogether
to .practit4 7tegother, ;the ,zzarne evil
•deedeiin'tbiscarnprpnthe4nfertu t rat e
nien,conftned there as ,prisonere from
' , their own Army,' Their•euet.orn . 11 fis
;to,seitienny•manwte earneinto-,caw,
••and•rob him .of,•evexything ;Wad,
an4l,4f ho made the,leasCreSotftneetor
outety,lto•Murder him on the spoper---
They-murdered: many.- In some in
stances the bodies of those they .4ad.
made; way with, were. -found buried
in - their teats ,Thhrstate 'clf -things
had assumed such a pitch, that ail
the better ,portion of • the , i priSoners
felt, hatlseinething must, be
stop it, and bring these mien to_pun
ishmerit.. At length they conferred,
cv the .rebel • authorities. WileT
consented the- arrest , of the,sespeeted_
ones -1 .guard `.was sent to the CAVIL
for this•;purpose. Over two :handled
Were picked out. and- ,tak en ofitside
the stukade.• They were all•WuMie
• ed. The_ result was-that six; of •; the,
ringleaders , vere `deli eyed' up• to 'a;
• police force of the :,`Union; prisoners.
They took; them, formed .:a .regular
court; obtainedJawyers, appointed a
jury, and gave them, an' impartial
and, just trial .: 7. Every facility was af
lorded them that. they:. might have
justice done them But after all was
ended there was'every evidence that
+Witten 4:iad cruelly Islain. 11413 / 1 4er .
•-cif ' , the men -inn tamp. , -; :• •: -• ,
Theylvere tenders mad! by akiary of,
.theit-otrn Yellow prisoners and 'se n
,tertoed4(y•ke.bang.r.:Ailloe,six were
1-fkut:Whultgiiti . camp:.:: Wei have, the
names a-tithes - 6 men__ but we forbear
one-say, among all who 'eve return
ed, that he does..not approve ,the act.
All say that hanging was too .good
for them. The proceedings or-the
onnrt, the testimony, Stti., We are told,
have all been ,sent to .Washingtort,—
After this affair -and this -summary
puniahment,, Phom *as TIO more Him . ders or robbing in the camp.
• ,• #744l7.lEp3lEliat'S EATS.
latest sty lee
I ftg,"dab tiltddrOl ; '
'fgrMilitary 'Arretit.---About o'-
- elockoyesterday Morning an officer,
with two soldiers, entered the store
of ftr. the.. we 1 1 ,4 now h
hatter,'No's'Nerth'lGalvert Street,
and placed one at the rear door and,
one at the -front "entrance, with 0r.,.
dere` ii'dt to allow, any one to enter or,
'depart w ithbuterdersi from Gen.
"lace"s headquarters. :. -Mr.; ;' Taylor,
with 4iis emplteem land a custom el:,
were 'in Mho building r, , the
SlierVlY• before .2i O'clock .Air. Taylor •
woe summoned to headquarters, when,
-he was infOraied that his place
Hess' wee' closed and 'hie arrest:caused
'hy= the complaint 'some , icitizens,
thittlie.'hail in the 'suspended ,
fit frina of his place of busin'eSs an ion,'
brelldlign 'Otade ,red and white ma,
tiriciisi which was regarded as an: fevi, ,
dence' g " Mi. Taylor ex
plained that , bhhad freceirtlyereceivecl
a new stocit'", l of' 'timbiellas,; and that
the 'Erin from which" he had -purebas-,,
ed them sentlini the objectiona-•
hie Sign umbrella, whieti,••so fur -at
'he was doncernedi be 'ould as soon
haiecompOsedafered whitelni&blue
as-red and:white: then in
'that *upon -the coodition of
talaneldlin !the, ohjettio natio
and commit/ling to; writing..hisatate 7 ,
meet in relation'theretoi he f wohld he
he'd id' about 2 o'clock.
-a bailie is lirk en limn the !local,
co Yu rim 'of- 41 1311 ' 10 MOW .rjohrhal.
a siltitlar 'paragraph had ;appeared in.
an Ainitrianorauesinti; newspaper, it..,
migh:t 'have! -..particular
altho:ugh it ,inxibtibiy4would
have ocenniona unniilligated
tempt for the petty tyfanny, , that in-,
aegtirated each despicable despotism,
But, think . of it in Iree - I..merica, lin
.der the shadow -o ithe dpar old Bag,"
and within forty miles of, the .capitni
of tbe.Republia, where, the Nation's,
Tepreseii ta tiv es are now sitting in
council, over the distracted istate of,
'the country are -in the • midstt
of a frightful •civil war, in •whigh t imil.
lions of, huniati beings are engaged i!) - t
deadly'strife—the land' ; is. .novered,
with desolation land,- the :voice of,
mourning is leard',-in almost ; every
hoesehold—debt, taxatioa, conscrip-
Mon', high prices, and impending ruin
are taring-the people in the face7r
and - such a.:moment, a ~gresit:
Government it !cfrightened, from its
prOpiliety", by the openingesof:a "red
:and white umbrella, and.!the ancon
igclions owner the same. is !thrown
into Prision. A-..few -days agoa 'pro-
fans individual! was arrested an. Maltli
more for carting Abraham '%incolii.
•df!thii Mnitak States,
permitsibit satrapsitinsebriked..:to ar f ,
rest a citizen of tbe Republic.for -the
'alleged.. offerree 'in the libbve
who•but '6'ontfietors, pintiVer
ers aoifcpuraaites gri l l be,found I.Yati
the to bles5:1111n1,-44ge.
rs,..rAVYANT, it
tent deCtsion Was itecently delivered
by Judgeliong, in the'Cotret of Cott -
mon Pleas in itanctister county, on
the's - abject of 'the military bounty
laws. Thet facts, involvoNin the case
are as folloWs 1. , Tw0 eitizens4f
beim township, baying furnished ac
. thibstititte§ for theiiiiebies
in the service, made issue
tothe effect that; having . thus' con
tributed what they deemed their quo
ta, they should be rightfullr'and
gallyexeutptedtfrore the' payment of
'thatax priiitfed fdr by:the ItOktinsth
, 11 r 6, :pay bon nil eSit,o lv 61-
• *-lifiltehYs. The Unit was brought by
the T,oard,tif D i reeolis of ha
helm' tidwutiqp; who in compliance
vath-the'proVishtons'of the- law, were
'afithdrited to ti+y• . and-bdttebi, - stfch'a
tax. After Uthtirough disiussion
the qtteatiOn'itrtrOlved,t'bYlible- eoun
sel, the court, ildeideti "that' 'the de
fetidias were betted foi - the payment
"of tax, and acco;dingly o-rderetr fjudg-
I l iWent to' be'enterbd for the plaintiffs.
Ok.NTLE.:ii:EN'S TS. ,
All the latest styles atORA ES OAKFORD
''Oree of tie most prernddita
cifid.bloodd imirders that
haS 'receetly occurred ..fh the city of.
4 0ilieug,o,*yttis 'pdi'petrzned 'yesite,rday.
Kronn'oerneti 'Fran% Spindler, re
sittfrig"thi 'Bunker Street, elfree 'doors
from nasted, produced the death , of
~his - .wife under the followirrig'ctrelinr-
stances , .
.restefdaY miiraing while they
Were at breafast, file - wife observed
her hest:moll gato•the tea Nit and
put kimethinginto "Sbelbought
nothing of it at the time, and drank
of the' tea withclut suspicion.
howesici; hurried 'I(WdYI Pretending
that he *was too groat haste, to
wait" for breakfast: Soon after drink.
tng't'he`.`tea Mrs. Spiudler was taken
violet!tly ill with great, 'pain, -vernit
ingand,convulsionS. 'During The fore-.
naoo woman living near by 'called.
in s and her little girtwent to 'Oaten.
ricir and - 'drank some of the tea, and
fikeWiSecias - soontaken ill. -Ilits:Spin•
"filer Chen Suspected 'that She, Was poi
so - ned, and. related Ihe'erreumstanee
to. tier neighbot, "W i lio immediately
took The tea 'pot ana 'the "remaining ,
tea and was tekiirg •away 'when
Spindler came borne and' ordered her
to give it to him,,:which she refused
to dO. Tie then attempted to take
it from her by force, but she resisted
and succeeded in getting away w?th
if. 'Doctor McAllister was called 'and
found the syniptoas to be 'those of
Inin - eral -poison, 'anti- utak - aiming the.
-contents elf the teapot fOund it to
einitainilarge Atrantities ef arsenic,—
About' four &creek in the afternoon ;
the woman died. .Spindler finding
that.he had b.eirr detected attempted'
Eiritkorbisescape. But Superinten
.AqtrkiriWi t iktAlti l k e iga v iM i gt e ldl a *
tailed to arrest, an'd hh wfts taken a
bout eight o'clock in the evening.—
The motive for the murder arid the
other circnmstances of t'he easewill
deubtless'bddeirdloped at the Cdro--
ner's'intinekt to be 'held - to day—Chi-
Togo TriPune Dec: I_
o'r's. Rants and lersollartman
wives oftw'o of the politicalprisimers;
n, 4 Lifitoin bastile; stalled from
131noresburg , on Monday list, to visit
'their husbands, in Fort- Mifflin.- 7
Rants'and Hartman ' are both in deli
cate health.. Mrs. Rants and Mrs.
Tliettrivart, -traveled newt' tsvn .hrundred'
'wile's" to -see their poorniek ba
Catrrying well-'filled valiecei tutecr,
bread and provisions, etc., , for therri,
and , --Vtaint upon the llotita military'
.ttuthorities-•-vh en they caged. r at +tbe~
gate'docir of Fcirt lardtin; they' 'wore"
'denied tbeopoor 'privilege Of -seeing
the4r - Ifiidnapped husband's, or •even
-deltVering `to- 'them She tprovistonS',
'tbeYiiiiid'litNitight for them fro/a their,l
; it totrie• l—Colt/Mbiti 1 1Yemei:
_the condition of
• affairs Tem 'tins - the sante :as,)Ast week.
Hood is still - laboring on,, his ie.a.,rtlaL
.works; reported-4114 reinforce
'ments are being sent to Thompp.---
The detachment troopa
that !bold 4thinsoiriiil* Kt ; ,'
i erdre:
-Teet/Ate-evacuate it and Tetre,at nto
tlientueliy, were terribly PPIT•f.O`9:I• in
tibdir inarch. Thirteen are,,reported
•killedtaa4 wounded and ar..4,Con cap-•
- .•
The latest report of,tlie;leisAs at :
the Teecart :battle of F i raiik)inmalte.
4he 4Fetional, 4oss, nearly Awfintiy-;two,
k traveler. .giyee'the. `following; an=
Lecoote ara.tigertokept , at the li3ritish
Residency.' at- Caleb tta,:- ;“But . , what-
lairuoyed' him fhr more than ou.r.lpok. ,
- sing,' hire With a. st.lek,l , or sant:silting ,
shirrs of beeforilefs :of
sitaintroduced into-;hia
No fine lady ever exhibited mare. ter*-
ror Ml** sight of aispiiler, than this ,
lua.saificent , royal rtiger! betrayed on
seeing . a. *louse. Our-pkai was to tie
idle little animal by ta .strieg.ita the
.ead•ern long fielei thid _thrust it.elose
to' the tiger's nesei;s:The moment he
saw. lit lie leaped to' the.opposite side,
and -when the - , mouse was made to
run near him, lie jammed himself: into
'a Corner and Stood, trembling and
roaring in such.' itu,oestaey of fear,
that we were alWaytoobliged, to del.)
'gist, in pity to the rider trnte.. Some:.
times we insisted )on..his paling ; Orr
the spot Whore the unconsmous
tueuse ran tuoktwards. and forwarda.
- Poi:along time; ; haw - evei; twe , .:eould
nOt*elt him to Inovelt . !tithat i length , '
believe:by the help .of a squib; we ob
liged him to -starts . but.:instead of
spacing leisurely a.erossdin 'his; den,.or,
of .making detour: tosavoid , :the ob.
*est.of his alarm, he: generally tookso
flying kind of at. leap so highlas,near,
Vining 1.4 back in contact- :with..
e :
Lateat' atyltie' / CHARMIH r IiAKHOBItt ds
BONSHontlisental Hotel, Philadelphia.
ietttreserit, state
of •exAkerticcnt'llrising :111,ills'-h r . rather
untaNleause,. Itiseot`Stlrring news
6.4*''in,llans..tiiilZ - Sbetrid'
an nor the
adthride'of Crrant,ncrr yet the rebel
incision of-the Vest, which disturbis
their equanimity .;. , neither: is it an
onslaught of the 'lndians .U:0.11 their
unprotected,'-towns.At is none of
these, aid:yekiit is the inroad of an
enemy'Tio*liirt'leas savage, cruel ur
remorseless than.the red men,ene of
the most peraiStent,Und dangerous of
foes to ciiiiitatiOn.l---the American
bear. It seems that in large num
ners these animals have recently in
vaded the settled portions egginneso
ta, rendering tray_w'd' itakipts. The
Anoka Star says that alMitt
tom 01A) brains eel. :erkliavem
Sten 1 ....114. seeklaWn VIM&
of one mile (from their public square.)
igun:r haVe.beenokilled, but in, some
of the encounters with the four,lpp,t•-
ed foe tbusiitying biped has .not eOpit)
off itriscratcheti. 'Mr. Twitehell,
,Anoka, in company-with a friend ak
tucketheibear near,Sand Creek, and
taCeeeded shooting him down
Supposing Irina to be effectuallylerip
pled .Mr; T.. aril - vouched nifthen
despatch..bim, When.,
Ilre `lira'
sprang' OW his -assail:lob,'anf
striking. the axe from his band
attempted to seize him by the breast.
In stepping bade, ~Mr. T. tripped,
against, a knell:bush and fell, and es
the bear &dhoti. bim,plunged his hand
into the mouth•, of,! the I beast, and
though terriblybitten held the infu
riated monster while.M.r. J3onkerde
spatched • him with the axe. gr.
Twitebell was. shoekingly lacerated
on his arms-and handsoundi.badly
bitten •in hik right thigh. • '
The , St. Cloud (Minn.) Democrat
sciya:; "From every •street corner the
cry the come 1 Scarcely, a
team eo•meSin.firom the country* but
'bringer a defunct. bruin or his •
fact, itseems as though allthe bears
'outside- of Wall' street bad congregat
ed in and eround St. Cloud, hut
whether it is , a convention called, to.
g.ether to discuss the inaneial topics
of the day, or to atioptsbme plan-to
prdvent the farther encroachments
tif the white men, 'we are unable to
tell. At, any rate -they bringthe en
tire family young and old, - and , the
•result. i8:111Int !begrs-alre tta. plenty as
prairie gophers, and, far'leSs
The Mineapdlis State Atlas states
tbat foor beers .were recently treed
and Ointiu4hat neighboihoud, and
notices depredations by the Varmints
in other. localities. Bear, hunts are
the favorite sport in Minnesota.
Pureliasera may rely upon getting. :the beet
inental Hotel, Ph lledelphin.
=THE Newark loin-nal says—
The Middle•Statris -treated Mr. Lin
coln ralter cooly at 'the late election.
The extreines,to4 and West, gave
him th e largest majorities. Connee
tient affects. him ; New ,Tersey rejects
(Jim ;Pennsylvania barely elects him;
New York merely him, and
riavß its_ :"4 , j
Pnrchweera may .rely upon getting the heat
tinent's' Motel, Philadelphia - ;
.11615 - The planters.. in. .Maryland of
fer tomny.thekr skives from $6O to
COO Imr, , antrrto., : - ; It is said . that the
Government will see that no niggers
'strain ,fie-tporm4te4! to work unless
Seirttoort lts-a 'Life_ Preserver .
One evening lat,t , - week, as the up
train oh the Belvtdere Delawareßail
road' stopped beleii the Lamberville
stationto take water, a truly on board,
supposing'' thatlhe station had been
reaelited, stepped out of the door of
'thre 'ebeva'rs into the canal, Which
it - that pOlni in very near the; track
,the Forttinately ,her
lioops acted tes an•air receiver, as 'site
`felt and , ik - ept 'frr from sinking until
assistance coir&reaeli her.
-Shoehirig , Murder dn.& New York. Sta..
lion'Hijkis-A:4lVhfte ilfontrinßetit-
.en le Penilt lly Yd *colored , ' one,'
' !., , • ter rourififonditeitatitrulofa f . ~. - f
'Late on- Saturday , ..aiglvt_gu 1 Irish
Woman named Alary, ikon, .age,tl; pis-
Ity-two, - ,yearsi Was arflmsfleCi ftYcithe
-Sixth Nreci net,Celice .a nd E corn mi4ed
, to oviefof the cells : ln the statiOn ihctuse.
, .
In this cell Aver() Elizabeth.Savokee,
Margaretßeters, And ,Sarah F.;,..W il
ilifinfli all colored, -whq,boA beenrcom"
mittedlor. tieing, &Auk AO, 4g4ing
in Mission place.-..9seN9f,o9.l,4oW,pur
limn in,the , neig:hhArhood ofi,b i e Five
Pointe d - Some time after the entrance
of Mill. ileani ape sat Veinri.ana):rencti
beside the prisoner; Williams ; - and
,commenced talking, wAth, be E 2 , While
so engaged„, EliWletbSav 9 lieg ask
e-d whether the new,cofner was white
or.blaok . . ' , ~ , ~ ' • , ;
( On being "told that sloie, T wiie' white,
she asked,with :131:9411, wh4t.'husi=
:leis eliebad to, talk *witiknOlm,itl peo ,
ple, and catchinc , her '6j, -, the neck,
Lb re V , her fore i b ° ly . , ai list 7th 9 door
of tbo.• cell: The aged priacw,cr, re ,
`quested let her atoneAilding
thaksheiwas a pear. 9)6 4 sj.iimamitbro
ken down with trouble
„ t ,
witb.oaths and irnpre9atlOSSA - 914-she
did not care for that, ae9lr.ingiber,
threw her dowa..andstfuniad -and
jumped on her head ,:7,nd , s(oy, until
to theMp i tirnony Of i th,e, two
remaining pritionersji9r shoes 7 ere
covered 4 ,vtith.hlood. .. At the ixpira
don of five, mimitep t ,.sheAesiated from
h er, ra 4 rderoui rof ork ._ Xicw moments
aftegki Leh pi
,41gidtkjp roped upon and
best.th9 natiV l unge , woman mi . , be
fore. , .,lMesrlsobler -Peters, then at
tempted to,eall,tliedo - orMan, b4t, was
sett." ed , hy4he,murderess, „thrown vio
ilently.,ag9instltbe. deor, and told that
if she made any, Inoise,,she,wmild be
served inAbe:sue• waY-1. .. .
- The murderess then tooli r the shawl
of the victim, and' wrapped it ar.ound
her own shoulders, at the same ;time
searching her clothes to se.eifsbe bad
Ittly , money. , On being toy, Ojai the
woman was dead, she replied that she
Aid itict care, but replace&the shawl.
.The doorman then
,ca'ine _along:, and
was told zwhat S had; happened. Rs
exar4fileff:t4l!e44ijed'isif'w' th at 41e
wari , q .. uite,dea :andacoArel the per
petrator of-the deed.