The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, December 07, 1864, Image 3

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Os' andeitiiit!
" 1 12 Is; •!e • - $ll L MMMR
t t;e•mi
The publlobert ‘ ,octAitamon have agr;tell two •
*Mowing. chirrgeilbe , 2iVettlelng, VII:---
Size. It. 3t. 3m. 6m. ly. ~.,
1. Square, 12 floes,; .60 . $l.OO $2.00 $6.00 $ 8.0
2 " A Wiwi, 1.00 400 8.00 8,00 12,
`'Y " 38 lines, 1.50 300 7.00 10.00 15 , •
rat mtegmbies and. Adiolniettetor's Notate., , 2.80 .
,Yor, Asa lance-Auditor and similar Notkes, 1,
/or yearly Cards, not exceeding 0 lines, 8.00,.'
c # t
' ,I.Or ants, advertisement, 1 Tear, 56 , ..
, L . ,Ymi column " 30..1.
' . IPt, ailuifin ~ IR I I
• •
. 14
....,, qt A6tittei II g candidates for oillOi, in' advance, 2.1:51r.
Or A irquneing sale,•'t. 1..0k'
' Leas! Notice., Society resolution., Al., 8 0 tit • i
1 • per line.. . , ~ .
tar llfehOps or POseial Ptott4i 86 cents 11
, per ne
par year. ~ .'
Yearly advertisements for lifircbants and Busi
ness awn al agreed upon.
In ,thet'PhiladOphia Flour Mar=
pricet remain about the same as last-
quoted, but the market is dull and sales.
iimlted , Wheat is less active; corn is•
rather quiet, and oats have declined.
..Atjam llaak keeps up his sup : ,
pix : of the finest Oysters in the Market}
, We are giad, tO heer.that he is well
jotroulzed by ladies as well as gentlemen.
.We.;received last week from him a lot or,
;.;014:491:100 'wdlikl.,6e the death of , any
man attemptingtO swallow them without.
carving. , , ,
d,.. you
..7ant an • d'
ChristinitiandNiat Year presents;:i* tp 3o ti Gs A apes Con*etlohary Storg .
4 , near the Market House; in Climberland•
reet, Lebanon, were you will find a
large an splendid assortment of ever
thing in his line.' 'He has just returned.
Philadelpkia t :lhiC attend time thiW
• c'llllol4on. Call' and see.
#ttlitifivip be supplied with ten'
Orat-short notice, •
, . . .
tin Shaffner, Co. E. 17th Pa.
was while on a foraging ex
peditloti.on'the 16th of November, in the
a Shenandoah Valley, and died the .next
dOY, He was 'buried in Mt. Nebo, this l
county, where his father• resides, on die:
25th ult. He was in the 23d year of his
age. His death occurred in this wise:—
A party of Some 20 of whom he was one,
were out on the expedition, when they
were trapped into an amblith, and every
one taken prisoners except Shaffner, who
spariott his horse and escaped, not, how:
ever, without. receiving tWo fatal
He was a brave soldier, and nne whose
Res Willbe felt at home and l the army.
STILL ABOUT.—That Wonder=
furl the AGurii Yvtan,'! is
, still about, anth.carries on his h ighway
44privateering" with an audaciousness
that is as astounding as his operations
(are suCeessful, en account of which we
a a t 'from an exchange, without credit..
lias often been seen but so agile is he
In his movements that no one is able to
y hands on him. HIS boutiding Out of
g dark alley and robbing a lady of her
cloak, shawl, watch and such like, is all
secrnomptietted in feu time than it takes the,
'victim to take a tiir took at him, and no
sooner is tits boofy secured thin he again
bounds into darkness, not unlike an India
ribber ball. He is a strange being, cer.
, tlAity,.—has never been heard to etter a
word to any one of his victims—is en•
sconeedtroM heato foot twit ofgut
ta perchalaati, inettil—having
so'es td Nieto!, eight and' three:quarter
'lnches ifirek,t6e elasticity Of which ena
ble:lNT to make a clean jump of twen•
tY.four feet and 'five inches. with the
double advantage of making a perfectly
noiselesss approach. No later than Sat
urday evening he robbed a young lady
out in search of her beau of a - velvet
eloak fielded at $60,37. - On this occa
-81000()Madeit Ifom ix. Mr* Ailey in
VAintitittrelecting red an blue fires
from his .trwt,,tth. The_ lady fell into a'
, 4 ii4tin and Nei not - let Euliy Maniere&
• from the, effects of her fright. Oh Sun.
day bight, while a lady accompanied by
an elderly gentleman were coming In
from the German Church, Mr. Gum Men
Made a: bound auto , r a lot, WAttirda thit la,
tly ; lady slipped
,nAnk; the4)3l4' rain
man, who 6114fi
ran around the'eorekt; Oniat n't the Mar
ket House ran into et alien •of horses,- which
took' ftright;ran up the ettekt, tore down,
three trek boxes and one porch ; . a drunk
en man sitting on the porch at the time
had an arm broken, a netghbot was sent
foe a doctor, who in coming to the un
fortunate man's assistance' obthts pocket ;
hook containing 8178,50 in greenbacks,
viqp his return home ;was hitteh by an
Boi'lletonging to a: maxi - that had
been owing him It book account for sev
enteen. years. And all this chain of cc
- .. , `.currpnees becriu'se we-have this mysteri.
ious Gum Man. We forgot to mention
that in the attack , on the old gentleman
• and lady, the first named lost his. wig,
watch was found next morning by the
• prop rietor of a lager beer house. where
".the oner can obtain it upon treating the
' , ''.'house. The Gum Man's operations are
..posilively getting too outrageous. We
'Oink the Town Council should offer a
reward of about $2,50 for his arrest.—
Until lie to secured we would recommend
ladies hailing no beaus to attend tliem, to
quit the streets after 7 o'clock in the
'contain, no opinp;pqr 2 apt4ing
Ajons." DiBri ctstkoZo n.
."4n. elegant combination for Coughs "
DR. G. F. Biant.bir, Boston,
"1" recommend their use to.• Public
Etpeatiers." • Rev. E. H, CnApnr.
“Mipil4 atqutary relief in Bronchitis."
Morristown, Ohio.
. .
IVery•beneflcial when suffering from
Colds." limy .J. P. Arinattsos, St. Louis.
4 klrriost' Instant relief in the distress
ing labor of breathing peculiar to •Asth
, 1141 . 00
New York.
"'Wallet have suited my case exactly—
irtititeVing my throat so that I could • sing
iirtt.b ease , " T. DUCRARSIE,
! liiiiffiriendkParish Church, Mon.
• , •
,A B th er i ant—
afire to oh-
, • •
*4o .l t i ii •
• . 11312118 'CR174)121111 HATS.
SONS ' Cult Rota), Pbilydelpbir .
~t . -„„
' . dn. fiue. .? ..pvp q i of
Fire. .. . •
tst.*eek, the large bar cin pprgSE e k's
rm, about a ntiki ibti : cif fhth t ce,
was destity€fl by fire. Moat of its con
tents were dila ,biltnt, Nit fortunately,
the stock and Partnti* fittilinitnts were
temoverl in time. The tenant, Mr . : . Abra- -
ham M flier, slisiain§ a loss of over $lOOO.
We have not ascertained Dr. - Schneck's
loss, but leatn ghat it isrtattly covered by
insurance. It is belielied that the fire
was the work of an incendiary. . •
li r eter L. Stouch, Esq., :sold .fiis
property in Chesnut Street. Lebanon: . to
Mrs. Margaret Kramer, ofPrankl in coun
ty, for $BOO.
The 9116Tinga in the..l?hilad,~el
Cattk,Market of Beet'. Cattle, .„..last
week, waa....lftri s 4; - and:the. Market : was
dull, and: pri , c,er .without. 'any' quotable .
change. Aere more a,ctive and all
offered seitiat 41'5017 the lOO•lbs.
Mr..G. '.Plr.:',Coleman having, withlhii t
accustomed liberality, donated the hrthd r ,.
some sum_ofliter6o, to the Ladies' Aida
ciety, for the!putthase of CoBl,l.fog (thrde
serving poor and widows ocecildleria—
suggests ti,* we make an,appe4l tor a the.
Farmers o Ninon Count, for',iipOleti
of wood and, rovisions.'hoPing •thativillr
', p
call in behalf of the poor ' amOkistitite
families of the brave pertiVrhol-avetai
rigced their lives for Mirkoniiiiy„.ol l
not pass unheeded. • "
God has a 1)0119701W
harvest, and refftn*e/4111rhe t kitat giV
OH to the pObr, ickthe . • Lord." 4.
Contributions can be sent to MritJo l ,
seph Karch, Miss Jessie b. Itoedelf
NM George Ross, who Careolly,
distribute them to r the - htiedy.
All applications for Coal mist be Made
Oh -Thnrsday after*nrof each weet at
Temperahee • •
• -4•••••••.•••••••• ye,
_b'llettitig of Chambireburg.—The
undersigned it ppipared to furnish alt
who may desire asenpy of the above , nam
ed work. The:* Edition of 2000 is
nearly all sold. The:third Edition leaves
the press this week:: Persons desiring
the work can I at J. L.
Lemberger's &Aber s Drug
Atores, or from
- .
••• . 4 1tISTU3 SHEARt.
E:4,7GerniafiNclition ,krild leave the
er Rams ~preferring
the Cierman can then be accommodated.i.
J'. G. Aulenbach; of this -yams,
gunsmith, was severely wounded in the
hand, last week, by the accidental_ dis
'charge of -his fo‘Ainkitirece, *title out
John Farrel,has finished and on
hand a large stock of .gravestones of
American and Italian;Marble, plain and
ornamental, at hia neW yard on Cumber
land Street, in East Lebanon. Persona
wishing to porchase.sAything'in his ling;
will do well to give:hirp >a aall
The 98d Rigiriieut P. V. V. ate
encamped near Kat - 058%qt, Va , .not rar
from !forger's Ffn:ir',l ' . : The health or-thi
.Regimelit toga*. ; The lioys at last ac
counts were putynd.Uo comfortable huts
for the ikinter.
The 'ljot:attOri'Vtilley .Brkuk, orbmbilAie-4414ohy
become-a .
' • •, I
Thefel are All:pixie that Gen.
Carneion is to go agaitillitto : that Cabinet
as Seeretary'of.Wan •
Isaac Schott, .of •this place, was
robbed of $173.148 all, at Harrigbarg, last
week. . .
Henry gi i irtz bought 40 acres, of
land, with improvemeots, .iq u ljeidlehinv
towtiPM,sc(ritt George Maee - , I.)r $7,4)0Q,
Pro,scription.--tAlu.umber. of nie-'
shanics employed, at the, Lebanon _Fur
Taceii, , in.NoithOhanon t JWIISPIiii. Were
discharged. last week because they-had
chosen to be' Democrats and vote forsGeh
iitlCClellah... No other reason for their
discharge was given, In fact no other
Could be .given, if We except the fact thiir
,thekliiii-beetsltoitrnid•to*ave 6Y a num
'tier ottheir' lellow.workmen for thu same
_This • latter is, however, of no
'o,cetiib&ibegatise it is, not presumed:;that
• Uteri**, atequanaged by the.hands' em
,p4443.4lAtti pounds, hence, it them*.
friy i eya/ . was given without the consent
'of thetr Misters, it was,acquiesced In. toe
ithesUbsequent discharges. It.lis presoak ~
_ed, judgini-from.the lengtkcififme these
roast , tiabeen eitiployo,-thtiFthey'Wetst'
earning, the 'pittance thcy recved ' lASI
Viaiilnor r .rori3tit tieing.›:strib).?-• bodr . '
9 . 11
wientif giOuiti; they must too 4 their
minds,- , end hearts, (end eventually their'
souls would be. Irequired,) , fOr permission
breathe and" five, or . be,disChtirged: .1, ,"
. What astounds Us ts . , , that workingrnett..
Ithiouldliei tiN
hatothicGi'poil their .
~ s • • ~,
o:Vin k.ii ss p itegottmn gh9, dim they
give-Ahe. whole (abottrpf I ttrit• bodies to
their msteisp;Ufat thq are .• &Ws 'aiding
to give thlt altni,"ttir *thii,slothing; mid',
daily, breattfitey peceiveittleir everything.
Would they reduce' themeelvei• to the
condition of Serfs 'w it hod. tini• of;lte Ad
vantages in sickness or old - age! • Are
they not, at the present time, under the .
promptings of fiinatical ideas, despoiling
themselves instead of Wiiman.• and his
companiona;Oprightti, for the want of
which their 'children may groan and
''curse them'for ages to come? It is; bad
enough for art employer to discharge hi-
Wring-men becauie, they do not vote as
he may dictate,. but for laboring-men to
conspire to.harestr and deprive their own
fellows of the only privileges and equality :
they possess wit% itiose , 7boa with the'
golden spoon is , beitif . our compr,ehenst
sion. The time .•itay• speedily
when they may wancltireirercise the rlgb . t
of suffrage accordingith their own viewe t j
and which may` dtaigien to -be difiererit
from their t ,impl , oyeke.4 ;Will not their ac
tion, la_week be,eiiirea. precedent to rub
under their noses'4 •• Had - these,transa6-
tir ma taken place,befinv. -
the election 'some
al towance might have Amiss made for the
ezriteditate offeeling, but taiiiw,place
after the election, we :hprdly•;knW how
to characterize either the part taken by
the working-men'agitinst their fellovie, qr,
the political proscription that -induced!
their dit-charge W trust Pa dPrnocrat
ic employers, or .4.eps i ocratie bone and' '
sinew, win ti e anoil i fbfr in the footsteps.
of such disgraceful Precedeitia;- . i •
Lantices. :
nbarers may rely tipiin lie etbe , best I
0AX,..1! ORD •pjf., Con-
Fars al
. ,
Siccritir;:i —The iessop: or this
71hiiittl'a1, iLkt iNigitillifil, iftiir,lS'inSw,
near at hand. 2 Vhe • bo • :wet sa ready
' ' is 1
l 'indulging, A ,leitt',Wek, 'tliough'.lll, recent •
warm , vreatherth4§ knocked all their cal
culationedh iti€ held for ihe'liteient.
r 1 ,r04) D -jai -or OltffitEfti)e
ver, deo'd East'. Cebanoh, las itOld , at
kuptir. : *lif on te, i rway;,e,vvving r ta fteti ;
Heiry Wagner. t6r 11128g1: *. , '
Mr. Jonas Meyer, of the firm of
Reizenstein & Brothers, has just returned
from the City with every' large - assort
ment of Winter Clcithing, to` which the
attention -of the public It invited before
purchasing elseWheve.., .
01 , 1 ••• le,
in -Vermont , any playsOn ,, who bap
no visible means Ofsepisial is fobs deem
-14111.°9g0111!• is'• it P l loo ll 4,oPder
this act alt the have to go
fir. °l *-4.*46 .10 /40 11ii f ts bkl i g i f the InYr
miaow; ,tif,the., Wive: rietense for
'''lateßiCstYlsr* THARLBS 'OAK FORD &
scistroNiOnsitatptiet; tettideipbii. •
currently repiiited, and
1407,0'0,k`0kl no
a.*bled '"dponi.
filo% that tbe net profits.of the - Read.
ing liailniti t f3tOtie current year
will exceed Wenty five per cent ,
49 Wei, With 3:lo.lsurritus of llft'oehjper
cent'„ ourteds ftOrm last ymkr - ,, - gi ye an
aggregate offerty Per cent. on i dle
capital Stock..... This the larger Om.
ere in tbe . Urged' eboultl
, diiitled in• ening, shape ifrAng share'!
holders ";1114. as iothelitttiii) officers of
thb company tlnught Inequitable to .
twice their - yalue, ,Aison of the
depreciated turret parties at
issue compromised on, a*basukof two
'for 'one, and with an ,:underatanding
that tile corning dividend ffif
teea.per cent. In:stockand five per
cent.--or so- much as there map re
inain of profits on :the bears '*tfiere
named—in ca sh ; all pro fi ts of'the
company thertilter_ to be dfrided,...
designated pericuyi,:fn cash.
the istooi.ot the company sellitig
thirty-tbree per tent. . above , pay
stock . .clivid rik
end of fiftpAir cent is
equal tw ty f k 't tAril)hoy,
to.say'riothiCg cent
'dilgincliMpeptedVjnreashij, ettay
6112VBicknelcis IlitsikNote-Repet4.
' r the Sun Soto - Mercury. saYs,"the
wife of Jose Castro, of Monterey, has
given birth to thirty-six children, all
of whom are living together, in' that,
country ; -The.flrst.twentyiare twinQ
, pair kiigireseiatatives of 'tither
sex....o . fyhe remaining children elev
en only-were single born
.The Preis .anya that. the Sanitary
.net` 6d`' trite "'Million, .."Thi kVaysand
Dellare.-pron Lover and abate fli4
yen s kets - wbich 'will be slightly ii3cFeav
• itßlCiliTB.tair-RAILWAY EASSENDERS.— ,
An individual, residing st,t,4lotocii Ca n -
tidt, has obi:tined a verdict of one
nn . re dotlfitis agikinpt,',Ate .Grand
eistik *Rtritwft.ti,:forltfotif eg • be if' pn t
'ridge. liel
balikikra titekwa • curi7 - 6 - e =Meal
for.whilatr.he aid $2.50;th0
a linrcNifffr : Alik.i T ttek e t
statit that itrietsei-inditoll 'for - the
g lie
dish titit•ieturn until ';'.the . day,
when the conductor .refuseel:o re
eeive.thirteturn'tieket, and tlemand
ed SI. 15, - the- fill•fare. fie declining
to'itah the :soppt7d, and
",he .waa,u t lupelled to leave it. As tit°,
:JOl4"ge:,Chttiked against the companA
'ithiestildrartettt' that regseitelltilth .
tilsortion , of -the wnideim'Cipod for this , and ; folloulffig
I Illetal
• .
, r
s t e?l f aM;tiiii 0 .04 0 ,t.p .
to.deaPractiAn, PrquY 'FT . 7 7`.
*hey are Oing tiow
IX r e
mar I
I , P.Pginklit; I tike4**42,f,. 1.4.itw0
men- and . a dog fra' z '..,-I,F,z
vXork.Vo 'tiEdiAtlin tie 'bi l k'
gg i tl o w , : o .o i r n t o h . rozs g tons, anjj
?bee b'oeii•be i a n ict....
•Of'alfern. We Mat ,tlio dog
4:bal.:was:deluded and seduced to such
au undoraking.
, .;•:1007::',T„be.ii:5., is a .carious dliel 'Hoar
6 (441 1 . 1 -D°1: 1 4,"4 th.Mi' .. .kt l / 2 1P 1 4.
years: ago. .Ir.r.t•ii,=•, baeheloti.
(. 2 hatleased e llfr,•l3, a martied man,
with g~child, who replied that the,
eon illtioM tfiAt, be
al lit neeessarily , 'lmitfigpre 'risk with
' 0,0 tfieb s islid
ed." a I . yeaVitflit;' he.yeeeitr:ett a Chat.
lerle.frotn• . who stated
ihat/ ho had 'also wire and braid, mild
he-supprsed therefore the oh ettion
oli was Ito longer
replied thittc pe . now bad
two tthildFet 4 l 7 - I q . pesgapently
qquality still,ektsted . .. - ,Tfia neat bear
:ing.row„twb:chdddan also tot his
ad4eisiiry , littr three: „T i lfrrnatter
when Iwo beard from,. wins 4141 going
on, nointeri being.elland'secen,„ and
the ehnilenge yearly Teaeared.
-A Strange,Story.—Forty years egn„
says the Metirir.ftviagehatireiatq;p,
Mr. "geldlinger, of: .West Donegal
township, got a man tiro take hieiwite
*and' childreo,l43d:r.j, Unde - meth,
saying: thOt -be! tbought'Mr.
moth vionld" keep thud, : but .if not,
-they should be left on 'the' .Cono,y
Ric! :Stifdliriterj
and afat DM, heard, froth till la
lbw dityh ago, when be appeared at
. the hpuse of his ikir
daughter, s-Tred
crick Grinton,an old milforBo4 - ears:
bttd died a yesr.or.twO since.
While be could-do: his.fimily'agreat
des)of them, Snot
.now *hen. he is bcfpless and needisi
aestettincT, be comes to bp a burden
to them. '
mei' ANitifiliiikfri thi:Nortli, Amer&
6 1 14 if, limif s elky debtof?bilallolptiia will
at :t4ae flref; of Japoary efceed
on.e tufllion dollars,. or. about ky.
six' per: detit,:ogi t helo4,l* W ittloo of
astproperty. - ljr...;f.E-7 . •
WO aiiiraildigii; Vf I Cfiliktigifigialg,
are yet arithonr 4 botaes-Aepeadant
tipott the charity of Mends.
A' -. ,•
• ••••••••"-- •
e 140K b ite if; arieady
e i gtiOt t iL* i ttiar ' The jai:Heals
MIS of Cibttfitaid
mo ePkiWamil, !Let the
gam i ftg lit 70,::#,01: 1 . IA • 'bodes good
I :fan4tthb country: *.
There tit"4Si. Btiehno ?
P . l l )l i*Onalliorktly eibtesJil.jteare
()Lag% ofikieteK, With it kafo,• thcmgh
n perfectly
infirmity. • the is
W the run :18 .413.0Y0
tbe . horizon , but sees perfectly well .nighto and: tO:cOTtilett3..cliiekli',.lo
• • A Novi= Cam
Pubiard Bites,.:Artkirnoil,, General of
the United - §tatee, • under President
Li n Col ri,:htut ;resigned. hi to
take ,clf4ct,fron Jap„. 1 01: 'AM.": :;His
advanced-age, and• i ph t ysioid.inability
to disceharge'itlie ardtioiteaihkirortibu
of are given aa,A.ko rettappa.for the
Viggik4kiPPti.o lo .4, AVIA /PICI of
Kentucky, has b lop A tk o ft.reg iit ie ap
ininynen 04; ! diteNyit„,_ •
that'a truu ffalLoti reenbaeke'eame
ashore 4it t Mass,, , lust week,
the plipetgintriare the-story to
pame tiskoreelliutlhadletepdgpSen
e vh-q mi na n.eli keight
tresett tl4 for the?vo •in Senr , servi#ol
hasi beenirfixed ! silo ,Soorettlryf
iikaltittiffivifebt fnlit,okf Ave ' feet
thrtroincheel an teretofore..establish
edt . !": ,
°lime, Condit iona , for t4e,S,aieNsiltivaltst.
tate. • 41, f
ltini;od• •stili
for Oat& ..
A. Pgl e•Y T4o.o. * *fit*Lgyov
mills..k,, , HeidiebUrgl. to =ship, Lebanon
county, Cutikirtitti): drigf:i:MOttAnaYs
82,.0 for wheat:
~ 1 •71) t. , ,
'lnforniatiork Free`!
A 1 1" ORNTL,RMAN., cared of Nervous . . Debi
lity Tit
coMPeienoy, Prseasture Decaj,.and Ttfathf.Er
tar, actuated by 4 46eire tO'bennfit others ;will be hap
py to flantsb to a1,, , ..v10A ueect it, icfrme;.Of ebar4tf,) the P r
cipe and 'dlrectiens for malt big -.the/ sitopfe , rirnedy "
need is his case. Suffarenyvviakingil_to profit by the Cl
ndv. ram's- bed espitlencel andVß'ssoss a sure end 0 .!
valuable reinetly,ohn do sd by adcireesinit .Neon
at hls place of Wiliness. The Recipe Mid full inkorina
aiotk—of sital•huportaace--,wlll..bagabilerfutlYi'dbat by
re t urn I mam. , •.• 4., • ,44- . jr . f .
Addrint • • • • JOEVICOODEN.i .
- , 44( so44Naisatt,litreit.ibleSt Tow
lsreotts Sufferers ofboth • sexPsiwillesit'l
. ftsfirtiustiOn. P 1141010143. , , .
Dec: T, 111114i-1.44.31nv:. ! • , . • ,
Pnblhibed for,lhetl.benefit,i and As.a OAIIT•FON TO
YOUNG >I EN a nd.odiers ; who setter, Irom Nervous
Debinte. PretoaSure+Diltay of.ldanhoodi.Ac-aupolylug.
at the same time the means of, self ears:: -I3y one who,
hat - et fed ih I m sel f atter undergoing considerable quack.
ery. fly enclosing a posipithlfaddreadedleurdkope , sin
gie usay.boltaii of the author. -
Emoklyn, Kings (10:4 N. Y.
bee.'t, 15640.4t0l
► ittl ENT ) 2 ,c
to marri,Nlfireas the . (1. who
k yen arlitirt3noney and h price,
rmat ion ..ttait will chard o .r •
apeedileApective 0 g roll' or
i a inforo ilaWw will . n Jog, !um ,
to Marry. etrearfri
-.on .Isiont Th et al
don aent,by.tatnrepruall, and ntr.quostions ad
dress, . . •BAHAII 'll. ,Litialjava.T,
• 'Greatipolriti'Kingsi Kawiroti.
Oct 12. 1604;,L-Ini.
I w
NT.l73llllllllSuffein}i receive a valuable
presafptiennior the care of Consiitnetion. Asthma,
Bronchitis, and 01 Throat and Ltinir attest , (free
of thhtgo,) byFsetidink theinaddrcsito
• 1.•.1 Itev.
. Klngs•Co.. Neel York
Beta, 21, 1864.7-3 m.
Ayetiii , .- Caihartifil Pills
' i y.
'V-t4lt flbct pir at/e
VraP itelb e F,i76,whlth..i thin ' Teryet bee n
heaths - hr nay • te.ty. Their .elects , he,
~ build/tutly,,
ihtiirn Riffle mni unity
Mt harjr• thlktkrh - eis in nee. • 0 - elf Oitie"trat ' toPer. o
'. tiers btfirditite the vital actiiittei - tAlhittnift,' - utOls.
I• the - nbetitfEtiobi of Re - Miens ,:iitt 2 ifY the' :b lood, and
'!seal tits They purge out the foul
. huniorpirb, -
1 AieettA a grew dieteniperOttimihite'ilegileti - er 0,.
, , tirdtl44.l. us Into tt.eir trainrat action,itikr•linfirt a
!qiealthy;ten!i. , trith strength til the whole, cystoid; . -Not
bhly do they Wee the .etry l tlitY •olitprolitta Ifff ii , ary
Wkly. bat'alth'iotintliati le and 'dangerous .• (itemises:—
While they pindore -powerftir - effect s. thej7ii re at. tbe
seine lime, - fis"dfrainiShed • doisee. the SA fee( altyl 1,..e1i
Ph) Sit that MIX , eintattied for children: '. Wing Al
ger-routed, they are pleritsuit to take ' I MO, baidg•pure 1 1
ly •egetable..itro free' fitim'iths , .- , r3iik 'of hall': • Cures- .•
':• - haye heft made which surmise belief, wheriPthey, udt
. Ifibstalitad . bstmen - t3f" - A - f cll7 - ffilly.trfffelflbn end
lttkkiN' , : , torpid! *Pik tgepAtastig N.44ftifks -
?tinily lintiff.l clergy.Mau - artit spnyeacians - anave lerit .
tl mit 'ois Met tn."certify - t a th elOti.b.l lc i the'. zeillah 111 ty of
, of Outremedtes, while othetn . hese tent us thir &nue
a nee Of tittle :con4lcti.. il thit, one' P rePit fa ttons ' :eon t ri
bete • itutneosoly to the retie( clot‘ii; ifilß IC trill itiffeflng;
thllow men.'„i ••• ....,,,f„'(f.(l ~,,,;.'
.. .1. '
The . Agent below named bl PfflAfild • to Anti”' gratis.
nut American otmanac. , containing , . dlinottknts, for the,
tun, and certilleitas or ..-their cum' , of Oa , sollowies:
tonsplain tai— - •
, i. ..• Custireoess., Billions ..Compleints. :npihemiatteln,
opey Bent:o39re. lkoadache twining Iron !hut stains:
eels, lie 1 igeStloll, Morbid Inertial! tit the., B.w.
aiKspd, Pa • g therefottr. Bintnioncy; Loss of Ap
petite, ill Diereses which • . won ire: no eeacuent,:med I
. . eine. : They also,• by purifYlng.thetblood .autt . 'di:nota
ting Abu system, en re !flatly coluhleints et h ids. ittwould •
not be supposed they could retch, such es•Deafeesti ;
• •irartlalrßlindnese, Nteralgis antb.ffervotis•lrratablltty.
Derengements of the Liver ant Aitinels...klutAt. *tut
, other,lcindred complaints aft -ethic trtilti a IoW Onto of
• the .boel.n. or obstruction of its funhtiolus.. ... • , 1 . •.•
Do nut he put eff by Unprincipled dealers with othon,
pplottrall inhe Whirl, they kinks „pore . woe t en. De
• mated Atike Awd take nu others; 'the slat trent the
henreiditts telbr went. add they othroillAhe re it.
Urea* - 'by,...f. C. AY k Ic - k cer:-Lover.ll;'" Mace., hit
role by. 1 the Mita; (stain itebantiu and deeleta -in
need Muster:en whetee. ,
Srpternherl,n64:a4triO. - • .
• • k' sr ,
! there Dick alcr+
Saucy; where are you going; tliat you' are lu-ouch a
.it • • • . .
Atiturno—.WhY we are loaf .•on our way t0..8a •
Photograph Gallery; to "have our pictures taken.
takes spleadid'pkituree... end hie Gallery is - Dearly all
the time crowded. so I said to 'Nancy we ear
ly this morning befaie 'any both elewgets - there, or we.
will have to comeAWaY Again withent getting any.
QUttrr.—Teel I have heard too that Dolly's Gallery
la nestly'all the time crowded, .and - ao why don't you
go to 801110 other Gellry f
ANN.... 106 my! we could hilt think 'drench a thing.—
We admire, the true Plod Inautiful - picture that •Dally
hikes, so much that wewouid'not go to another Gal
lery If ~,At amid get them fot 'nothing Iletbae: seven
Tears, . a pericuco in the business, Week a ceinilife - sett of
Intprciied lustratfelits,' arr•eXColllnt skyßahl, . anp
'theme:we tkkee the beet' pictures ts town. and' so 'of
,eonnioneary body that - wants 'good • pictuie goes to'
Qusey,What kind of Pleturea does be hike?
Ake...—lle.takes Photegnwito 11 - om miniature to life
size, plain or copltireg. lUfe card pictures have been
more truthful and life like thamamate that
E r a°e n o c to i r e tn . ken,in our large aitlee. ,Ilis Ambrotypea
are heautlfUl. and . .4tt' - beat. , Ile r odeo rice's ln f
COPYlngpicturea, flnal smell Difiuntiootypes, end ea- .
.lerglttgitient antipet, t:Oany.etae. ,
Quarr.—W Ws lery .T. Must give him a
tail too.
. Ava.--Just come along with Nancy , and 1, and we
will 11430 w you. it is its, Stlivels New Building , coat
door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank.! bee conxtana
ly oti Inimi s good assortment of Glit end Rosewood
I t aerfo. , ?.. 4 9.buts *toil aialieis cheap.—
Per inn =NIX we - adviso all ,ty . go to
Znfit 60k/O'J etW annn . * ll -
A Card; le 'lnvalids.
•• • • • .
A3oiu America "
missioel. discovered a sate and aitnrde, remedy
..for , the Curo Nervous Weakness, Esti' , Detail', Die.
mimes •of the Urinary and geidipal Organ., and tbe
whops train efdirordere brought on by baneful end
*vicious babite.. Greer,reputbere have already. been
enradhy thil,O9biefeloady. fli a tied by a desire to
:11nalt tbl'efOicted andnutorth , I will send the.
,rfhoU 44 Kr. :P#P iLrib A t . 11 °4 usW Ads: ma MOO, bra
ZsocbitvePt. A D "gl e : 1,1,":3414 8 .I . re z . 4 1f
144401ftsdotkpilVittiriyigot'i'a*:eified . t . o .
• =hurl, .
Bole .uoabe.
NW - York City.
NoTozikw 9,1886.-3 m.
data: .rt/..1 4t'•?
to ,
" .I' l • 144).Y. MCLitO.-4L
_ " Till0 0 jhrl B
St. ilke'ef 101ith...‘-Serricits • tiver,f morning
6cl. -
Pres - Ching In the Chdrah ikeef•libilttity, both
morning and evening. •Aleociservicei• Oh' 'Thursday
St. /owes rath
E atand
evening, the English, Jalgoatio• do
Wednesday 'throning.
Englieh priltibhifithext Sabbath:- both :mpromit Koff
evening. In the First _Reformed Chnrcb.
German preaching. next Sandlay. ib
morning, and Enitill
in the evening, In Zion'i,laithirati Church.
German preach log next Szindai morn log, and English
In the evening, In Salem's Lutheran Chnrcb•
German preaching next Sunday at 10 A. M., at the
Horse Shoe Pike meeting homs. •
On the 17th nit.. by Rev. J. flieue, Mr. JOSEPH
SURER. of South Annville tp., to Miss MARE BOW
-MAN, of Lonionderry tp. .
• On the same day. by the name. Mr. OEOROK PIEL
tkoMiss CATHERINE DAVlB.botb .of Loodonde ry.
• -On fhe . 12th lilt., by• Rev. Lt. W. Schmit•.k, Mr.
•Ideth of Annvllle, Lebanon co. •, , . ,
On the let inst.: by tbe•Rev.P. W.• Kremer, Ar.-: 81-
Of. North Lebanon tp.
On the .ante day, b 7 the same, Mr. SAMUEL, MUTCH
- to Miss CATHARINEMSICIE „both of Booth _Lebanon
lownetilp. • J. • , p 'Li
• 'On.the 4th inst., - by the same. Mr. JOHN, SMITH:,
COPEooth Lebanon tp., to. bliss MALINDA MUCK, of
• Heidelberg V.:this co. •
eQn the let inst.. at the American Hotel, by Rey. W.
Lennett :Mr.; JOSEPH ACFNNONOVI Prj r°ll.
ANii KO P ofNort Ann, tp.
ildt•On the nat. flit, by the Rel./George Wolff.. Mr. SE.
On the I'd inet., by the same., WILLIAM EDE&
to 11 laa 8A RAII• N . DU N DORE, both.of Barks Co
et On the aame day, by the same,Mr. cyitus BEHNE
:On the 'l4th nit': by the Rev. J - B• Denghertr, Mr.
lis o i 'boL (*heron [eternal tb hi tx,nnty• .
'On the • win nit . , in"Antivllle, by" . the Be*. Li
"Tktaiiii*.litri.' TIMM.' BOLTZ: of.Ainville, to Mine
'OE kR - 17fM"I'IMDt,forns •r 1)• of Dauphin county,
o• •
. ,
3 s a
..... _ to) ~,-,,
~..:;,,i,.....,...0.11... , tiff/it/111'f f Ail' .vi
..:fn Th.l'ert , Obh ., p q.. 1.7 mopping, . oyez:l34.r IS,
4 , onr..*tinn, - of .. thiklpilo, folrik,MA Itf A PRIFFSit,
~orrilr.yrf I.*iiion,- : Pi. , airrel 42. years end il 4 11ij0...
Po the n . !riS;fr v .tile.,.2,e.tho,N:irih,. Lehaoork, Pura e lc
41ATY, 1 11.1bff FEAR. TeedC! ,s6 Po l4 4 Pd g1it73.9
Chi thn Wlth j3.t Sol th ,I.eheenn I cnrn, hip..A(l,OlN
i.. 0,11,11 0 I .1i a ofiti ter of Valhi me I'7zeiirli I.leht, Weil
'6,41.,0r041 . to,•ti ha and 16 dejo . . ; • - ~, a,
1 1 ;VP thp Rhik 'nit., in North 1,02..ii4 ticr'oijo; int, .
1.1AM:01 1111t1tT tOCCHTLIC. son,'of .Dr.J, IN end a. a
I Be•htlo sp. , ' 10 ~ esti and 1 month. Death cued
Trim no,.4.turyreeelvgd by tollfiig from ie - liamm.iop they
fohthe of fen; f 6th liastAl -0 i ;4' * ot 314 it 4.2 V
.__. — ---- -
- -7, - ;
1 •,. ....... :CPC gl ki t u r . A ll4 o ll: ' Inh Or ir ti l. • "I'
Air y . csi4,eleir 'lO4l- y., ' .: ''
....1 ~, ••1t.1.).1Y1M1.21C..., Dcp9u.DAY. DEC... I,' Ini ' ,;
1109tre Teintiy, gld - 00 rpm.' V dos., ~., .35. •
Nxtrallotte, lgoxi, gutter, 'OM). . . 46 ,
Prima Whit* Whett.f 60 Taliil Milled bittfer, 10 ~.!
liter-Riel.Vylwat,' -- 2 ao : Lard, . 20 ~.
'relicts, 34 .
20 13 ' 7
~., R 04
, r' - r,' - , 014 A afsq,lll,l,/ 3t. T 1 g'.
71 4 ,41 ) Llitimb): 15 •
llove„.. -.• ~,, y, • , 9 3
:iiiipt r.set tlypeel l ll,ll 2 00, Seee-ere2.l.' "7 90
h~~ ~~egifitt, fj' 2Ai bvvet It rutp.„"p, 4 -6 -
)ried Apples, peeled, 200 Mixed Rage, . 3.
' each vs . 00 Volk 13%
'Esse', " ' . 2: 1.148 ' ' lb.. .40
'berth ' ' 6 'l'olllll VI Ib4
)010nA. 250 1Vool:* ~ 4074
'cotetogi, '4 btti,;. . t 2/1 iStici - P IleAtte, 10 qt., 'lu =
.pple 0 u Ital.. Iticroeli. ta Vinegar , it gel., 20 '::.
.. . .
$ •
. P . R450, 1 0 S.
NoTrcE, hereby-,KiTen .0, ail. the taxablia of
CORN NIA:Lf, TOWNBRIPI tbati w ill attend at
the P,lthlie Hatt. ofilainnel ALfftni ay*. the
10.4 and Nth ofDieitithesf:befween thebours of. nine
. Ate. the COUNTYnotrwlc
'far *
for Faith' Ttlatriet,''And , "Vii• 19eitin':daks tltt
aid 3;4 • Cy
rde'llainetlyin Milk:4'o4N of Lebarnoti, for the No
D 00010 h , •,<*+ Jong rolls kaanlsT, y
4 Collector.orsiiirrownsh
•• aw •••' tee*.•7;18444L: •
viol% .:1-E , V,‘411:: •
= citAigh • , - Etciperty •
Trnt sitb:AAN;rdtrdilrit fifistor pitiChis"prlverti:
, (now occupied by Ao,g2ittis Wiltiiir,,Y 4 ott enflame
, nd iiiietT,'Enlie'Vebentsm; ( ifettrl SallggrF 'Untberan
, Ceiritell.ry, conelittiftrot a Edetlf'Griniell,' 271tui front
-...- e - , : ' - ' - ' 7Fh'e• Vint. ..iala t ea r eti story
fe d
:.„, iiii . trifcii..ntvi4.l.oreritbutim,. 22 by
.., . , O•et. %vitt.' johVtli3O , in -fcbrit. l e -Ail
---.‘-- ---
. h 47 1M 41 ? 420' . Hiar
I *hero, pi ,
'Milt' lieeir. 'aid Miter "imprtichnumti. 'Aby , permits
thiehing•twirettexhi•proplorty: will call on Mr. Wittrt\
For price end other inform+ tion cell ott the trtlbse '
ber iit.lpitObt4ii,llll . lnrri lett 4 1
Ihmedtbsh yilpl,4:
• .
.. .
VIM JUG tot Ilk, Mr...tocara
Xtb, ;; ,1 40 00.0n.20 'ACICKSUP LAND, *mutt
between the •-11dilin Dam*. -The lend
ralicolifiged tilt i younat Ic2,9ry Auti4Vl:llte. Qat
t*n `ltUltit end the Ow_
Allll IlachintdotpthellttOrty of the Union Canal,
Company. near pebanon..,
. , Apply to " • •;;: • .L.ift. 'CYO . ,ICKA,
, General Superintendent.
Atfos MiltMedifiree ieb: f - JO =tit-
..• v
densigned w 1118e11,,st, private Reis, his de.'
' SD* HOUSE end LOT OF GROUND, hi Feet.'
r ..
t ie::: :1 . .
r E y as n t ß l i e c li ic s n w o
i n t . h
ili Kl e i e l t w a e tts is ch a ed, n : w ll
, 11 Nrell bnatnod yr,ell3lTraugel,ltith,l9,i decease"- 1
..11:43 , conVienii•iemita Also Cistern jltatti.liottee .
Smoke Jlousr, all kinds or Vrttit Trace. kc., on the
preriußsai G nd indisputable/4111p gisen. For fur:
.14 1 e.r . .. 'pJAMBS
to '' . ~., •
JMBS .AIINIARS, Tinsmith: .
`Cie '.. " - ba "r tto * o'Dee... T. 11354.--11k.f-tq1,..•..." , .
tatfaa t xpitd. Is ber.4*.gh.b,thnt thn account
of WILLIAM asvignee under a deed of
_vpluntatky apatanuteht fot.,,tbe benefit of creditors Of .
• 81,31u11f, BaIFN Y , has borti' tiled
- in the Prothonotary%
bfliiv Of Lettanati county; and that the Balite will be
Piesiuted to"the Court ofbotarnott Pies.; pf said Coun
ty, on the First Roads, in January, next.l'Or eonflr-
Talon Had 111113witriiii; when and where an peraeasltt•
torliatia may attend if they think proper,
' • xiENRY SlkOlt IST, Prothonotary:'
Frotbd' Qllce Nov. 30, 1861. .-
t 'l/1111,00/4• 1
Undersigned gives notice that durlng the
• ing"Wintet,lat.will give instruction to Ladies and
Oentlemen batty of thescrollowing• branches,
*ORTIIOGRAruy.. READINGatid Definitions. lien&
:log, Writing. :ilental Arithmetic,. Written Arithmetic.
Oengraphy. 0 r in mar, Bookrkeep M:M
aiensuration and"
Algebra'. .DifferentClitassa • w ill be Ibriued so-that all,
*lioness as the more admitted. can be accom
modated without Anton rankness. The Clot - sex will
:meottwo or three:bights per Week, as may bo agreed
awn.- • ' - '• " :••
Tratn4 jire.d&llars for thirky•aix evenings. . ,
All thorn wiphibg to le-coble mothbere will make no.
14*. Ilmttiot s teellotpSitrigNirming.i;pll,..Bttg of Do.
cem '
ba• njilcii tan c first manting will he lola tit
the resideuce of tbehili reigned. •
11.0001400-tettlisirin't• '
K0v..30,1861. '' • „tin P's
l ee. •••• 1 19 4
WILL be mild , st Pnblic Sale. at - the, pliblie house of
••• the undersigned, at Ilimishiler's Station, 'Leban on county , 0n , ..
Stitutday, Decemte,r Tith 180
• .
the following pereonal PruPertgiltilst , — ,
One ,5 year old MARE, one VAT . OX, I .MOW 4
1100/34 1 Top 111101”. geed as. new. 2 seta
Saddle and.Brldle. Wheelbarrow. Meat Stands, Scald
ing Trough, RAY by the tou, , and corn fodder, 5 Beds
and Bedding, Bureau, D.eb, mpg
.Cheers,. Wash StandsCAß,
A - PET by, the..sard, 4 Beaches...
4- TableaClocke,,Lookingglatui
41.4,AarrIA.Chaira, Stoves and Pipe; a lot .of•alliliCindatir
LIQUORS, by the gallon •.11Alt 130051 FIXTURES;
such aeßottlea. Tumblers, , .Pitehers Demijohn, Bar- ,
refs and brass Spiekets, Wiudow Sh ades, Apple Butter
by the ereck,*,44c. • •
, commence at 1 o'rlock. P. IL, when attend.'
ante wilt, be given and terms made kneern by
511ssemer's Statioo, Nee..3o, 1564. • • •
• - •
t :: . ? -atorolighl l ' 4 2 1. 11Oftblelt r e
UT ILL. be void at the pliblie house,
s it ‘. Gann% ,Slegrlet; PORNO°,• .
11. ..Baturday;- , December 47, 4864,
.thwirono4l. s , Rmi - .tr
of GROUND, front:km • 013 Hill
Ilralnut wad. Plrufgrotre streets; In the
bonauttb•Of Uot 3• feet front and
' 2'.9 *4 deep, to au alley. :The int.
‘'prtfeemente are a : two-story FRAMS
'DWELLING :HOUSE, with 'etnnufer,
hoe*, Kltehitu • and Meat - Stand, al- '
• tithed. Stable.' BUTCPUIR SHOP, Ws
iron Shed other -itniitivetappla:
Thu. lea deelrahle property, and woltby.tlie(agetirtlen
tfTilitaite,•ideclifei Auld laboring pea , • •
qpd this ibaii•ftentvellrtie given , eftt:.tal X 67•
6Fispifil. o llll:4'. 4 Bale to ocunmenne at 3' O'WOOkilfli
81., when tetwe will be theire,htiowli brutee.e:
- RORGB szatarr.
Lebanon, Nov .10, 1164.
vs,:i„. , C'e ;e1 8! i .. • 1
.; • ,;_ .''' t
,jiWit,,Mk r i . ipid . •at Paidisinile at the late residence I
'AV - ...,n(41 . 1 . I . Rank,'dved., lb , Jonestown, Lebanon I
igiuniyil , '''
..:i . ,' •! , .•
0 ~, Decentie 26, 1864, .
:the.followinciteo,Xo4o..of snit deceased, Tit
. ' ti'."....0"...-`` NO'. 1:. • I
Alf Itik isaa s an ; Cinmnodiong HOUSE and LOT OF
t - . -. ' ' GROUND, on the *oath-west corner of
1111111tet Square, fn /one Mown, kept aa
:ii i tiellille tiodlie for sr n umber of pirs.
'with whir& STORK ROOM attached,
'MAU Mg. ko. Thht h. one of the, beet
.. .Wall for Publie Hinliiil.l in 67011/31S.
1 :r„ 1 N
A certain LOT OR TIBOR OF GitOlifftl.., Sanaa in
Jonestown, adjoining lota of David eager, John •
Bross and [tent,' Yeager, containing 2 AGUES AND
60 PERC/lllS.•''' • • . ,
NO. 8. ' • .
. .
A certain. rani of WOODLAND. in ficeatam lOC,.
ship, adjoining ,lands of John Groff and V
ottters„ containing ; 4 ACRES and .100 :4.. 0 .), x
PERCHES °fiend, neat measure . .
• 'l;4 l '
Good title aild
. poeseesion will be given .
on the
.Ist day Of. April, 1806.
o -
Persnal Properly.
v, AT tfle sitrno.9me and plpte,/..the Billowing personal
PrOpertY yell lot told. v n iz,‘- a , 1 ',-,, ;.$
b BISGS and BsDSTEAts, Stores and Pipe, Tables,
Renal* Settees •Dedice,• Biireans, ClOcke,
Kettles, nitre' o ' fLINBRED OlL:and many
' • ' - 'haler' articles of'Elonse'and Kitchen turn i..
im p
Ore. Also en excellent 1.0.100 Y, Kernels,
B LEI° Fri pd . -Sleigh Belle, WAGON and Wagon Box,
Ladders, Old .I rotkand many other ail - idea t01:0 unmet , .
onal tdmentiori: •
, 81110,to commence at IC! o'clock, A. Id., when terms
wilt be . Aide" known by ,
.... }e: 1.0 ifs., SAMIIRL P. RANK
, • 11. W. RANK,
•'''"lilierkiiMi t iof fin &Went Samuel Rank, dec'd. '
Jonestown, Nov. IIII; MI. . •
• NM Mt, Poiiiitizi A .7 . ,
'Sp - 1404i' d_
r. ~,.._bacriber Alt, Pritate Baia; is Roe Farm
learlw.6oeeereiaii Lebaries,Geepty,
Tir miles firdn' •liebazion. Mt the .roadittarting to
•,:1114Ne Tiveiii; near Sion'elJiti. nontainink •••; ••
'BO 'Nerei4 . 4l:l4(ll" - . I'l Perthei .
:0r g 00d..u.m5.37.01q 1,410,, ;nyder -*it'd fences, and
laid aff,inte coneenleat fields, meith.rita..
. • •nlug water. Alto running water tlirrotigh
fn [BB trisc
.ho•and in the barn yard. landr!
writs with pumps at the house and noir
• Ike barn, Water can be reached,by the
. cattle from every Bela w itbont. going on
the reset. The Improvements are, a large
et,ne MANSION MUSE with kitchen and - Wash
, 4 10.2n.1trt tateched. itrgt i _ SWITZER D . N.. and, other
Efum64aftrriagisliewsrMegO nec
essary outbuilding!. , . APeXcillent. YounrOßCHAßD
acid, eihkinds of Frnit - Treeir.. Thin Is one of the most
desirable and BEST FARMS. In LEBANJN County.
. .
Nq 2- •
• ,7 Acres of ••*Voodlitsid
jci Cartwall towit.s2 ,
abo-t two mite! train N b: L
: • NO. •8.. •
5 A erns And I.l'. . Perches
-, • CIINSTNIIT-, -TrAt•DElt LAND. In IteldeL
' berg township, 1 , 'lnilit frOlll -
h ai r Bbabfferown,
on the road loading to Gackley's. ai the
timber o4„,the above tract is fit to tot.
..; ' t: - s f: : ' 1, - 146: -it , ~ . :;:..• : , .. - 4.
3 A crei.';:iiiit 17 , Perches
,of OttESTNUT Ttllßltli LAND,, aboisi, s mile. from .
. • air The wIMIe can be bought together, or singly. to,
sultpurcbasere. . . .
Good title and,posniesidn will be given on the Ist of.
' 4lll, 1865.
• For further inforntatkm apply to the 'subscriber re,
,aiding on No. I .-:,,,, , ~ .. .
.. •- •• dwun'tlldiFF.;l 4 ; ' ,./-*#1 , 4,. . ' - .
Desirab a orough Property .
f‘; Sale
rpm{ subsi . riber filersit ptlitife ale bib deeirable,
J. property , %Tanta street , between 11111 and'
,tebastout streets", in the lierough s of,Letin,'" housiata
itig bin ' r bap '!
Half. Lot,of Ground,_
441irrbleh likeeitt•Td a MO story - BRION:II.'4 I SP , with'
' and:train - 6 KitifbenSJetticbadt
c7llll - and two story fritme nouas adjoining,
• , Large STABLE, Well of Water, awl'
• ' othrrmecaseary putbuildinge. This Is
' a 'Very de et h
sirablfropeity, only 1%
oqvir..r from the Court Hence .
, noksold et prirate sale, it will offered at Pub
lie Bale, at the . public house of 'David . Tidllltuter, on
•attliday g . December 10, .1864;
iterPiPelock 113 thivallarnoon. Poaaeaalon and good ti
tle given nu the Ist day of Apri1.,,1866.
is ' lISNItY 604ZOZS. .
•n. • intieo23, 164. • • 11%,
• sti • :.,rok i thrgoperiy
Er - 1-.vate
TIIRBB .5T1.019( BRICK BOBS ' Rua* E 1
/ - 1 In Walnut street, bet*een the Black Bea?, •
ant' Burl. 'llotels, In the Barone] of Lebntiuh.
' •
A PIEGSIIi OWLlZio,„ r attairling 6 Building Lots,
fronting 166 - feet`oh Widtitit'ilriia, and about SOO feet
nn Mary retreat. ' This lot contains the very !, beat col.
Notion of trees, grape vines, Ac.. &c., and a well
• , FgoeldmatOr.
, 11` css btutit:fiblriAs6t.~t 6L
. •
'tojekholders , Meeting.
1:1 111 4,, ~,r,] • : LEBANON BANK,
November 9,1864.
AIIBVING of the Stockholders of this Dank will
be Wheat the Walking. lionsecon SATURDAY, the
70T1tDief -Oh' bILOBILDBIL, teXt, Nt 1 o'clock p. tn.,
for the pfirpoes , oftalitng Into consideration and decid
lpeb "thequestion whether ormot the.said bank shall
— 7. t. is asaoclation for carrying on the business of
tiankH_lp tlipt-litwiof,lbiii- Unified ;Skates, and of
N and
.4 - ifeliiiot the poiverlionferned by thitiet of the Oen-
Mal A mbly of this- Commonwesilth'-; entitled "An
:act ena . iag the banks of this Commonwealth to be.
code ausiolations for the purioio of Winking under
the laws ot the.lltilted Staten :Approved 'the 22d day
of Augueb7lB64: 3 Ity 'Orderer the .Board of Directors.
N. A. CULP, Cashier.
' iciatno'n r , Nov. 6, 1/64.
; , tlf ill
,Counity Boun - iy Tax.
IrllEJoltowlng named VI Kin been
111, to collect tbs. Cquitty, ittknx in their respect
ivf ltlajellft , t‘. :',. t i :.1.
.. illit
$6,,5,-O , DIEITRICTS:..iCkiI ?co Ltscroßs
XimiliSl N1:31.W • 1 ' Oh vial..t.
Atterillevpouth • Samuel Seabold.
Heftier; • . Henry S. !Ask.
Oold Springand Union,, Ileary S. Good. •
‘Odwnwsll,. .. •• • I-Ephraim Selerlat.
,Ileidelberg, -. Emanuel Welk.
lianoyer,lbset . David It'onidling.
Jacketnl9. . Froderlck.. StOtor.
Zetonon,Towninip, North Abraham 'Pio-se/
Asslamon,Ptinnship,,SoUth Christian Bomberger .
1,4410.180r0ugh. P.. Ward Peter Hauer.
iLebsroonßorpugh,W. Ward ~ Jacob GraelX,
Lehailorottorough, North. John C. Weo Si. •
lAmdondeiry, • John Wolfersberger.
Hilicreek, •I Joseph Matthew
..Snatars.; George W. Walker.
'Tlie Tialiaypra are earnestly requested to Make
'neomtittalyntent to the OW lettere.
(11 the money that possibly Can should be Collected
on or ber.:te the rtmsT day of JANUARY, A D ,186 5 ,
and podi.u. the .otielY TnutattrY.•
Sive per rout will be added on all Mousy yrblek BP
,not paid on or before the first day of YEURIJANYa next
according to,law. , .
THOMAS LESIIER, } Commis/donors
1 . ,- • JACOB BROBACHER, of
•• •-. WILLIAM EARLY. Lebanon Co.
•,, Attest :--Critus, Swat, clerk. -
••! Lobasson;•lfov. 28: 11104. • , _
Cr 001)1 1 / NEWS !
♦lf s t ot_
ifkildate, where are you going hi
suth a big tin', this morning: , Iletty, , why we
,ani.just on onr wei r to J. A. E , PE).:OLER'S PHOTO
CIiCL-tER get our: pieturos taken. Ile
Wine the.beidipicturea in. town., I. had my pictures
-taken at'ill-theutliergalleries. end he took them the
bast of.all. ;Well .Sid. if you wait a little I will go and
dress -myself,- and' will go along, butAthere fah to gill
lery. in ADAM RISE'S BUILD! EU. where
Wm. Zimmerman 's win. Lie takes. Photographs,
- brotypes. Sterotypen, of all. sizes,. plain end,
Ile has his gailery.fixed up In a newatlle., and a new
iset Or Imitrumeartanind - so be can take the best and
Moat fashionable :pictures: iu town. Ereaybody that
:Wants n good picture taken.gore to Spengler's gallery.
has.coneteutir en hand, gilt and Rosewood Wray's"
Oases, Albums, kn....which he sells cheep. • F.or good
spictiires-we adv.ine'everybody to go to SPENGLER'S
• lAtinuon. Norember23, 180.1,
A T A 8111CTIN810F.T/116 BOARD.OF. Di RROTORa,,
na. the 7 th day of November. 1864, the Rif lowing
Resolution was adopted unanimously, and the Semis
tory ordered< to bare the same published for tho
Mation of delinquent methbore.
. dfies(*std, That.sill Or any - members of the Company,
, atho have not paid Assessment No. 13, within ninety
days from the first publication,thereof, shall be ex',
cluded and debured from • any and all,. the bonefita of
his; her or thairl insurance, unless all assessments do's •
azreara`by•such defaulting member be raid bai
lors any loss or damages by firs shall happen to&
erty insured by such tiOaulter. By oni er pto ß ,
CHA111436 . 1E884.4,1t,
November 36,1854.=.35. • • •
. • ,
TILE Oopeztnensblp beret/Are caning between
• Goro 1 , :ebo„ .EnFt danover.
temitmplo;Lebinon oounti,lw— t. dissoliwt by_ zintikel
Ammo o GlortiAjavent3r. `'"
df, 4nt
lte ppre etPrieutp
Ithafeikcliki/AAli a
me : &
"tblotriltutab s4imra9i4"/3-1
1116.6.°616111 111 :I of tour.) , 8; Gomi."
• azNicvs. 90Q7),
Mt. Nebo , Nov. 16,1164.-41
1t..: d' . '740 Loali
VIE ffecrstetof the Treasury gives notice tbat sub
received for Co-rpee Treasury Notes,
payabie - thi;fyears fro s ol f. ttnx.. lffL i e
~ viltb semi
„nngi. biretta at At tilts Rfrlie , ;.. 41 * PA YP t 4 .
"0 A •
per eept., per auletnneprincilial ablititerest butb to
be paid in lawful „ . . . .
These notes will.he crutre,ftltlii at the option of the
holder at maturity ,tnto eti • Ile M1...g01d bearing
bonds, payable not less than eve, nog More Man tweri l
ty years from their date, as the tioverementtnay elect.
Thry will be issued to denominations of sso, $lOO
- $l,OOO and sa,ooo, and all subscriptions must be
for fifty dollars or some multiple of fifty dollars.
The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of .
treorportation charges lot anon alterthipt of - the
original t Certlocntee of Depesit as they catebe pie
Air the notes diawinterest from August persona
fin& in ginepeeiXe anheNUß,t date mnisf the
Merest accrued from datttof pol e to date oflYerett,
Ii me A NATlOifid SAVINGS nA2II, offering a higher
rate printereett.hao any other, am/ the best sectwhy ,
Any casings hank which pays its deires)forit ft.
Notes, considers (bet It Is paying In the Vea(6 . l;ritia-
Hog. medium of (he country, timl it cannot phy, iti
anything better, for its own assets are either in gov
ernment security or in notes or bonds payable in -
gerernmont paper.
Convertible into,a Bit per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond
or three yours, this privilege of cotrretsion la now
worth about three per cent . per annum, for the cerr
rent rate for 640 Bonds in not less than nine per conj.
premium, and before the war the preinium on six per
• cent. U.S. stocks wua over twenty per c ent. It wilt
be seen that the actual Oath on this loan, at the ;tea
ent market. rote, is not lese_then ten per cent. OW
Its Exemption from State or Vonitipal 'TWIN
But aside from all the advantages we have esinmer-,,
stud,* spochtl Act of Congress exempts all bonds and
Treatury.nottsfrern local taxation. On the average,
thin exemption is worth about two per rent. per an
num, according to the rate of taxation In various
purist:of the country.
Ills hollered that no secinrities °fret sa great in •
.dudements to lenders as those issued by the govern
fn all other ibrme ofindebtedaess, the faith
at !thinly of private parties, or sleek compan les, or
'operate comniunitice, only, Is pledged for payment,
ihile the whole property of the oonntry is held to sow
:Mire the discharge of all the obligations of the Unt
'Ml 'States .
SosscILIPTIONA WILT.:IIt arum - vim by the Treasurer of
the United Staten. at Washington. the several Aula
'Pint Ti sastirer andDealgtiated Depo,itaries.aud by the
First National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
Second National Bank of PhiladOphia ' Pa.
Third National Bank of Philadel ph la. Pa.
and s by all National Banks which are depositaries of
public nioncy. and
throughout the couney will give Nether ittfteroradon
OCtober . 9ll. 1864.
Poor Man's Cash
Shoe Store!
our Business Increasing
Pt*sito.give Costontet's t Benefit
• Rally Men
4214,1:guy ran. Shoes Cheap
Dint buy until you se" our Stock
Quick `Balls and Small Profits is out
Motto 1
• G. L. AirIILN.S,
street, Lebanon, Pa.
ftME Anadersigned, Auditor, appointed by the
lOrphans' Court of Lebanon county, to, make Ms-.
tr ibution of the balance remaining in. the -hands of
Jacob W. Dieyer and Daniel Miller, Executors of the
last will and testament of 61ARTIN M BYER, deed.,
late of Bethel Township Lebason county, Pa., will at.
tend at his ottice, in Fredericksburg. on Saturday, De
cember 31;1864, at 1 o'cincit, P. M., to attend to the .
dutiestof,his appointment:, when and where ail persons
intereatkii' may attend i [they see 'proper.
Nov. 30, 1801.
108. RA el BAY, lfunek's buildfutr; conber of Cu ni
. bozland street and Doo alley, has on hand and
for sale, either by th e yard or made to order, a large
lot of
selected from Good Uouses. Good Fits and sub!
atantlal making guaranteed to all. ANC. Ilandker,
chiefs, Cravats; Gloves, Ilaaiery, Suspenders, Fancy and
Plain Linen Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers.
Lebanon, May 4, 1864.
rpuE enbserlbet; would reepeetfultz inftn7n the pelo'•
tic that he fine remnrei Lebanon, and that be
will carry on the •
Tailoring lignsines
In all its branches, in the building occupied by the.
"Wahrer Democrat" printing office, (second story,) in
Market street, nearly opposite Wattles' Hotel. His
Work will all be made in the moat workmanlike man
ner, and guaranteed to please. His fits are warranted
—for the stout as well es the slender. He solicits the
patronage o t the subtle.
• Lebanon, Oct. 26,1564.-3 m
NiAPPRICIS2'ICE is wanted to the rackstaithing
: .k.Wltholupthttsigned in Water Street. Lebanon.
VOVtir.lB6L-31t. - -
..,tt:LL Persons destroos of having BONDS paid on
next April, A.D_ 1865, will plcase report to the
intritam loners on or before Monday, the Bth day of
December, next.
THOMAS LESTIFIn, Comintasionerli
WILLIAM,.EARLY, Lebanon county
Attest—Cl two Shinx, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office, Lebanon, N0v.23. 43.1.-3 t.
• • .
ban n Boroitgli Bovinty ,
arut Cbtfietih'of Taiie for Lebanon Borough. Mr.
PETEIt.HAUBR.4OII be In the Council Room. in
the Court 'louse. in tfit, Borough of Lebanon , on Mon
day, Tuesday. Wdhdsaday. Thursday, Friday and Sal
sgrdav, the 12th, 18th. 14th,11511J, 16th and 17th days
o,f December, 4. D. 1854, foi the purpoee of receiving
the apecial-Tax aealeesed*for- throaty pnrpnaew. Notice
le also hereby given that 6 per rent. additional will
positively be added to all Taxer not Fetid no or before
January 1, 1865, atad.all the Taxes attp , t be pakl by
the let .day or March, 1805.. The essesament is $l,BO
on the $lO3. • By order orthe Town Council.
• • ADAM • 01t1TTINOB11, Chief Burgess.
'Lebanon,. Nov. 23,1 8 61.-4 t:
• Walnut Sfreet Ahead!
Orioriaus Neviv's
Lowry Sit ccilmful
THE • TlOLlilitk: t tiNG ; !
. raspeetfnlly inform the
4 t,11 'Citizens cf Lebanon, and Aetna., that he has Just
irathrned from the chy mid opened at his store. on
Walnut Street, between Carmony end Hollinger's Do.
kis, the Largest and Completer Aticrtment of
PLUMY ' White and Clear Sugar,
-..wavkaw. Prunee, Currant.. Dania. Citron,. FR
porta, Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, prowls Lemons,
Cocoanuts, to , dc., to., With a gteet Tat lety of
French and Common Candies, •
of al l th e diff eren t a ATOM CHM A-wARr; snob as
Ta see, au ;Is and mincers, small China Ten Setts, to., to.
Also, a Pp lend id a..sortmeet of
CA LT-.13g1
Or -AV, KINDS, on • bond; made to order.—
. Air BAB.Tl,ES'suppl.led aEiliort aslso.
favors, he respectfully so lio
lteireautincartetroPthe public' good will.
,isfOrterfrialigrtunber 16, 1864.
1)ID ypo s s
eitATSINT.d 8R0.% gem' goat aLK 6110 F
tore . •