The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, September 21, 1864, Image 1

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    - '
V todr ar't g •
ODTZ/0 corm.amitzur ttmcmcmcmommumnktitimsm.
Neatly and Promptly Executed, at the.' •
Tins cstabliahment is now swanned with in extensive
assortment of JOD ' , TYPE, which will be increased as the
patronage demands. It. can now turn out ..Eitarrurre, of
every description, in a neat and expeditiutit manner—
=dun very reasonable terms.. Such as
Pamphlets, Cheeks,
Husiness Cards, Handbills,
Cirenlars, Labels,
3111 Headings, Blanks,
• ' Progranimes, Bills of Faro,
Invitations, Tickets, &c., itc•
Dims of ail kinds. Common and Judgment Bonne.
fthool, Justices', Constables' and other "St Atexs, printed
Wvietly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept
for Belo at this office, at prices "to Emit the times."
* * *Subscription price of the lEDANON ADVERTISER
One Dollar and a Half a Year.
Address. Wet. 11. DitramX, Lebanon, Pa.
"Office North West orner of WateA
e and Market Stredts,
za3Enew a i r csoN'opze,.
ma'am, Nov. 18, 1 88.t.13r.*
iAFFICFi. in
dooreelst of
ri t .l4,the office late of his DIANN
emi t .
AT L AW, ',
--Has removed bie office to the building, one dmir ene
of emnfi i r 'eStore o .ow i ptitelliellafron llouee
Le 11Ate .0 0 ft " l•
. _. . • AL (et
iM nd 'PEN9IO Ininutrap oni 'ly ' tten 1 r
to . (April 8, '63.-3En.
aTTO "LAIL .117 r zsgir.
F Ficji4 north•west.,coomr,..aketaet, and Waterts.,
Ps.. i
(Lebanon, January VS, 18C.1.-1y 4 9
Dr. P.. B. RUSH.
ik ]orated in Lebanon, offers hia.prefeasion.
al services, to the public. Oinco•iti, Mirka St,
fin - w the building etly, occupied gzhie tathei..l
Lebanon Dec 16 1863
OFFICE In Itlchterle Ontnling..Cuenberland Street ,
nearly oppnelle the Court lleumer, Lellenno.
Lebanon, June 16,18e4.--tf. .4
CYRUS 11'..110.44ER
.rfAllta ,tst Walnutstreat, neatly opposite the Buc k
kJ Hotel, and two doors eolith fry a Warreany s
Hardware store.
rLa n ArilAM -t t - •
AT .1 •LA w
edutnicivED his °Mee to Pitirkei Street, ori'iosite
the Lebanon Bank, two.dooFs North of' Widow
Rise's Hotel,
Lebanon,Mareb 25,'68, , -
A- t t 3L. ,01, 3 , --ate ze i... fttocr
CiFFION removed, to Cumberland attnEtt door
Est the Lebanon Vittley Ban .oppeedte the
Buck Mate * Lebanon, Pa.4litt. Cio64.
vrlArd fa lay
uat . n 3
c r " 7 . NW.'-
rift F t d toed, ilittrns bettilicansei tb „prosecute
'1- of , a* log- been engaged itt t o Bdunty and'
Pension business . , d iffershis services to all those who
at e thereto entitled. in aceoriliince with
ants efiCongre.s. All such should . call w address at
itrittooke theicapplitintionithecivat
BASSLItit BtlYkitt, Attorneyat-Law,
`Ossloaremoted, tosOnnteriand St., one
delis tint df the LebabouMtilley Bank. oppoolte
fhotnek hotel, Lebanon. Pa. [Jan: B.
~.:'1)F.4.1V711-$ WV
AVM() refurbed froto Hilladefidda, tinnilti say
ro - tho 'good people of Lebnoottlegatiefilty. that
I ince taken roon at 3lits,, Rsara's one deer East of
Dr. 0. D. Gloninger's.) Where I can be found a tall
how sof the day, to wait upon those who may Wang
Iny professional Amy icra.
Particular attention paid to the trfahnont and fittiag
of 7'.NErli". 411operationedone in the most improved
antl acientiftentanner.• . .
1- 11110 0 ,1fli,Ed "us low as elsewhere Mr '-thit Same
Chlereform and Ether ad n inistered to patieute when
Thankfutforportforors, I would solicit the patron
ngn-or those wishing, tjan Ivry lone or a Dent Est.
, Ut.:011(11i• -ing.
elinb'on, Pa, April 27, 1884„f. P. D. S.
Cures, without the use of In: trunients,'
No Cure lan ray.
Apply personally or by letterAtt aigratttltons Infor
mation of such sores and the cure 41/6reor
Dr. .11: A: Y 1 AGER,
Soweii:Otation, P ILA*, Ps..
August 8, 1584-Im,
"riaJoRENo - 4. 1"
&wing Machine.
The Only Machine eapaple of tanking More
than Ono S.ind.of st Stitch; and the
.o. l .Parls
' 4ediffiSillArE'xmintk
The ma may be reversed at any point desienth
w4.1t01, for ' which's spel in Blared i
th e 'drank. ,
k utdiffereb Mel of. dent*
look, and - double knot; each stitch gerce * et ,antl
on both sides of the fabric. • • - • ty-
There is no other Machine which will do id latr
range of Work as the ' , Florence.. c , •
IC' will Braid, Tuck, Qu :lienr,„Fen, Bled;
Gather,. and do all kinds of Stitching reiotired by Bun.
illes and Manufacturers.. •
Themost Inexperienced find no difficulty .in nshig'
it. .
every jlaelline is warranted to giro entire wahine.
tion, end to do all that is claimed #
inn. The Florence must be seen tgel .elirseenged.
:J. ;•,lIJAITZ.
, Agent of Lebanon cogetykAuftifile. Pa.
Persons wishing to see the Afacnlbifift'rekieration cats
do so by calling on the Agent at Anurille, or on Wm.
B. Ward, at Lebanon.
4Lunrollie, June 22,1864.
°Jacob E. IA Zimmerman's*
IrNIT SALOON, Market street, :tear Cumberland,
and opposite the Ilagle Being thankful for the
liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. he would
respectfUlly solicit a continuance of the same.
Lebanon, July 2, IlltS2.
N. 11.--The Saloon will be closed on Sunday.
~..farrel's Marble Yard.
Taint TARltur, his removed his Marble Yard to the
e.I poob-oast Corner of Celli re and Cumberland
~, st i gekt o titis besongh k sbout &negates oast from the
..- or r with. itulteaSed faellittei for.crirrying on
th e gibes', in pailon mid Amite:in Marble, Mut,
atone, Sandstone, &o. lie Invitee the public in went'
of attythlog In hie line, to call and examine his stock..
Mr. JobtrAltmeyar, living near by,
.will Attend to
Mr.. Yarrel'aibusiness'dnang his absence: ''''
Lebanon, July 27, 1364 —3m. _.
New lloot , and Shoe S'loir *' '.'
rEtbts undSreigned annortneo to the public that they
hose ropmregl ilLeir'NOW Boot and She - Store to
irtan*Slial 1.43, itrl6lltogineflpitoilding,
.one door west of the Confectionery Store, where thet,
=intend keeping constantly on b , nd ..attend as
sortment of Ladles Oentleme , ,'• r: : ; . , ys aad
, Boots, Shoes, Gaiter ' . .' i - "LtP
ttilif which will be made up itr . et. ;.-: . 1,:, , f ;!.... ity no
El liarlikesed by any other Workmen n , e country.
ire iffdit shall be spared to please and satisfy all who
may tiffOribetti with their orders, and` their charges
will to, Ini reasonable as possible, compatible with 8 2 04 . 5.
l'bey'ales keep a large stock of .• .
which ii warranted to be at represented. •
The are invited to cull and examine theiratock
, 19 , titynt)Ping• ,,, ~
' eprttrrap dent On emit noiite and at reaserfabie'
':,,,, rdtes. - ANDREW MOORE.
Lebanon, lley 4. 1861
W heeler& W Ilion , * ,
leioits - 'Thee es_
riiinv:Snheeriber would respectrulit'lnfarrn her .
IL Mende, and the public, In general,. x . atehe boa, in
connection with.her /MILLINERY busineas, taken the
Tfke#2 r( Witsteg unsurpassed Dou
ble-Lock-Stich'Sewing Machines,
which bare taken tbd premium at the, Great London
'Fair, and et hundreds of other Fairs. It is adapted
tbe all kinds of family liewingAtud ,Tailor log. Three
different numbers or the Machine will always. be kept
Otrhand,.which can be examined et her store, and she
will sire inetrue tions in the ntautteror
Budiness, in an its branches, will:be'
taittnued ether Store, (limbs:llu &street.
Mae. nARAILT L. kumrsrat.
LebeziOn July 20, 18114.—Ihe.
7 77
'fri: h,sf
C I ,
- - - -
. /1 4 * r, :,! , t + .'.:,.. • :,..; . , - t ~- :: i.:::N1, .t: 7 4 ,
:!, ...4 1.1 :ti :,,,.. ''.., '', ;' : : -'-- ' - *---: - •' ' '
, ~ ,
.. . , . v.',.. t :
, '• : ~- -,:. ~.-. . -, .... . , ''.,, .. i,
.„, ';'....'ii.,. : ,
, - .
VOL. 16 - 40„ 13. " LEBANON, PA., WEDNgSnAY I SEPTEMBER 21, 1804.
-f t
~ I:NL ti ' :Llt MS.
;. 4try,,, , •, , . , :..p '.l „ •.; ;.4 f r , .
J RON, ~ trjg,, T., H,F. , ..8 L.O 0 D •
. , _ , .
• -• l7'is ii'eirkCiolar itt , the medial "profiision: that
.liflii)i tit,thafyi„taiirip,iple or . Liie lilinpent of the
blood,. Thia i iit de rd chiefly froth' - ,the food we eet ;
lint - If
ftield' isTpott - pitirfierly Algestial-, or if; front
!imit caule*Otur i , t tbs,neaessary quantity of , iron ie
not takenintolhe eirrnlation. otituoineti reduced; the
whole system suffers. the: bad - blood,will'irritak the
heart, will ~clog„qp the hums ~wili stupefy tho i brain,
WilltobVeritet ffteliVerl, tiod will send 'its diseasoprre.
'diming eletillitopArvalliparte of the - I !yatem,- and every.
one will Both': iii:phatirvor owns may Ge predisposed
to dieesee.:: --,.' •*'+' .•_ ,••• *:.. '• . •"i
, . i Thogreat j valno of,
..... , -
is well known and acknowledged by all medical men..
,The difficulty hitslAcn to obtain such ti , proparation or
it as will ebter and. iisOntilifil tit once
with theAtiood... , This itoint,says: thiyes, , litarsaithu
Setts §tate Chemist..has been attained in the Perin
*Alp, YyWitntilhaittincin away befote uriknown.
The. Peruviati . Syrup
ineeere-i" ftfardrthit PRomxruslin!
..,4414w . RiscoyArti;MmEp3ci2ili, that. Strikes at
the Root of the Diseitki'hY suptilying the blond with
its Vital Life &Foment—limn:
The: Peruvian-Syrup
Curgatkmepain,-Liver Qoruplitint,,,Dropsy. Fever and
AirAi?, Luss of E . nerg,i, Low Spirits.
The PeiniUdn Syrup,
Infuses Strength, vigor, and new life into the system,
and - builds up an"lron Constitution."
The.. Peruvian Syrup
cams eit w fie Diarrhcea, : Scroftjta,,toils, Scurvy, Lo
of Constitutional Vigor.'
.I The Pei ui~i; ii s y rup
Cures Nervous AHertibne Femete Complaints, and a'l
.thseases of the . Kidueyp soak Bladder_ -
The Peruvian, yrup
18 4 -.sp e cifict• tor all i1taew,..1( .. .5, originating in a BAD .
§TATE THE BLOOD, or accourponied by 'Debility
or Es' Low &lite of Clio
Pamphlets containing cal : Moak& of mires and
cnetalaticnis from some of The =id eminent, Physicians
Clergymen .and others, will. be. sent free to any ad-.
We select R few Mho gams to show the character
of the,testimonlala. ;
Preoideta ottho MetiOpolitan - ilittik ; New York,
Lite Editor Christian A.dtioOdtei and 'Journal.
• REV. P.. ,driPRCII
editor New, ork Chronicle.
Jobri -Plirnont, Inwis Johnson, M. D- t
Rev. Warren Burton, lloawtil Kinney, M. D.,
Ite :Arthur B. ' .tßendelE.M. D..
Rev. Gurdon Robbins, IT,. Ch hap! M.D., .
Rev. Syiss.nus Cobb, • . Francis Dana, Jr: Ll.,
Rer. T . Starr Ring, J:qtritspt . io Satiches..J.l , D.,
Rev, Ephraim Num, Jr., Abraham Wendell, NI. D,
Rev. Joseph ii. Clinch, A. A. Hayes, M. -
Rev. Ilcury•Uphani,Ohliton... D.,
Rev. Lt. Q [Wadley, R. E. Eitanoy, M.D.. •
JOLdi - W.Oltostead, Slone ,31. D.
. RreprtTO ;I.)y i'i. L. OLAttH. it CO., eichisivfly for
T. P. DINS:110111 , 1:No. 491 - Bidid4iy, tie . * York.'
• Sok], by all Druothits.,,
Iteddivig's noggin 'Salve.
Heals 014 gmes.
Redcling's Russia Salve
ewes Owns. tiortldp, Cuts.
Redding's .Russla Salve
cureswounds.i i .rosei,,Sprnipt % ,
Recldiug's Russia Salve
Cures Boil 4, UEcerP, cancres.
CuresSsit ktlt4tri:'Plleit: - ErySiiMbUr r
"Redding s Russia Salve
Cures Ringworms '
Corn &C ; &C.
On iy 25 cents a bux
_, . ,
rolt SALE
iJ DTSOMQRE.' 4 ,ro. 461:11rnadwnl. Nett,Tprk;
S s: Nd.....1d1 . 1411innt Sr., Irotton,
And tiy nit . niilaltfiteMii&editnjiliS;inftitetnnn.
Jnno.4t, 11,36.4.-71y._enw.
. . .
AMEAttAtil: 6E 4
Market Street, Lebanon, -
Prtiptietor.. - '
'PRE proprietor of this old established and popular
110Thi., would respectfully Inform the public that
it will be cenducied at, all times to the comfort and
convenience of Its pleats. It hair been thoroughly rsf
fitted and renovated. end no pains will be spared to
'make the Table and the Bar. at all timea, equal to any.
in the county.'
The STABLING nod Yard are superior too; and mare'
extensive; than any other in Lebanon': A new, SHED
la oho in the course of erection,' which will be com
pleted in a short tluni.c" The. pat , (maga of the Natmets
and the Trtivelhig pittillc" generally is respectfully so
- FLACT.--Wtalt taide 7 erldldirket street, wad half ts
Kest% south from the Mallet Reuse.
' ' •
Lebanon, April 6,1861.
' - ' l Ge r o:'"i' Atkins
, &
TT SI X2\7* ISB; .
bas determine) to,carry out ths motto,
He has jtist received.'ratte Moak Ofiltiots,'Shrfas ? ,
Trunks and 'Carpet '111,45.' IdL.Ptirtieuhir-• attenfiOn
paid C'ushiTher's ' •, '
Lebanon, Mar& 23',1161„ '
George ITmans
7 l_,
J. i . f....!
.. ilit
.wita , ces:272:: 1 ,
' _
,By Lebanon Valley Railroad.
PARTICULAR attention will be paid to Goods
ed by the Lebanon Valley Raitroad. Goods will be
sent daily to and from Philadelpihis, tolebanori; Myers .1
town and Annville Stations ; and all other points in the
FFEEIO ilTb Contiactedat'theThastnnt4lble rates
sinl ,
delivered with dispatch
1)7,92000r pay ar
tnj attention 4 .,to;and
.. , Wtend tpinWenl,lly, to `the Jnd cllitiery of all
Freight s.
For it:format 011,4p1yi.t.-140flica at the Lebanon
Valley R Eel ot. Lebanon.
AR kilthis Agenet itoitto..
4 2 .,f*ekX fo at Inif.:i.qu.sls /ift it#ll4 . - told, North:
ara letlactetp7dit.'
may ,j,, , , 6,1 1 1 ,i4 . GEO. HOFFMAN. '
ouse at Pri*rate teiale., l
saliscriber offers Atprivite'sale the Mouse now
occupied by Hon. John W. El!linger, on Walnut
tity r eat t ,,Arraitegra . . all, in the
ori t yiry desira
ble ids business or as a private residence.
ti Xlo\ J STLNE:
Lebanon, JulY 27, , f
.4 • -
ritIIIS 1830 notify all Carp lifers and Cabinet makers
that —tinting forcoffins.wilf *paid by the Dirac•
tors of the Poor for poor . pereons dying within a circle
five nines df Poor.
Poor Muse vas all. such persons
will be torn hated with Coffins fieti of expense On appii
cation to the Steward at the Poor !lon ae.
JOHN E. BOWMAN, - .- t "•: '
ELI AS: WALBORA . ,Dj'rec ~.i_s of the Poor.
(Ito. 73,MMIIRAIAN t
MAY Z,1863, ',,;,- ,1 , ' - - ' '
LtAter of Advice. Toir.Litdies.
Trb.l2 information never before publishod.ll Be n O r "
.11 in a: sealed envelope for ten emus., • •
• , Addrou SUNFQ2O,
'Ben N 0.40352 New '261/i P.O.
duly • 13; 1804.781 n.
DM *pima ATAINS e IRO.II Now ice* Shoo
„ t
tb nn'a it .
We are marching to the Tells, boys, we're going
.;;;toutu , Ilic bat:le-cry of freedom,' -
`Anti ice bosr the glorious stars for the :Union
and the fight, ;
Shouting the battle-cry of freedniA.
. .
We will meet the AbOlitionists . with rearlesS
heatfs and true,
• • '
• • Shouting the buttle-cry ollfreedem, .
And we'll allow, them what us. democrats for.llb
- arty can do, '
Shouting the battle-cfs of freedom. '
"Tis for Liberty aid Union- We're springing to
the tight, . .
Shouting the baLtle,ery of freedoin ;
The'vlethryshall be ours, for we're rieing , ir our
our might,
Shouting athe battle-ery of freedom.,
'hitt' nifty fur our cause, 1.;t49, rullp °nee a
gain, . -
Shouting, the battle-cry of. freedom ;
We'll rally from,the hill side, we'll rally from
the plain; -
Sheeting the' halo, cry of freedom.
Weil weleotpe to our. numbers the toyal, true
brave, . •
Shouting the be roe ery of free'dom,
And though be Llllly be poor he ,hall never be a
Sboutini the biittle ery of freedom. •
Berk. from the tetub,pte,tip left; kound,
Butter fifty, eente,a pound I
Suft'and espy, Isar nod" then-ler,
Buy a piokle t tioJ pity for ii.euetimber.
What makes it SO HOW can ,it ba
Two dollars ; fora pound
Sixty Cents fur coffee grotind,
•And buttdr fiff,:y netAeitiOduell". • ' ;
• w ,••
Forty ; doilaro „ton ,
Gruiii goes anV - Gre'en -
tiiiter'.6 rip cents ticp•onnd. •••• •
Dry,.Goods, too, are .enore.ttion
To:cover your . book it is. tr ouble:
But 1,, test o 'on -Con t No? tors , itte
And latittei.firty eentsnit pourt.l,l-1,
We soon will have to. stop the . _laughter,
As a Potind of beef now costs a quarter,
And that-sometithes is'neit'r the round,'
Awl butter fifty cents a pound..,
They sny speeuhttors cause ifnn
True; fur inie .IV;eige); five white men '
Nigger - lives)--whiteftuitn,goes under ground;
fifty cents , a pi.,uud
We are fighting now they say,
^ln e'true and righteona way,
Tit pet.. igger, up wttqroam, down,
White butter's fifty cents a pound.
this is a'elur iaus .
Washuuld,have,kinuirn -it lune' before,.
And thanks we usyto t qlo .Ih . nl336vin,
or 1.34 fry; centspatina 1'
:Audahneku we. any, ; Chape,, t
And all them fellers,in that placts .
Fur they are hound t. keep us dee'n;
When first the !Axe went to. the war,
'l"boy , always left with;&grarit!
Ent new we hear no etterritit aouud ; '
Erhile'bu tter's , rA try cents a laextitt!
Abe he loves to wattle a joke,
Arid ssiti'tyiS war would end in•sitilke`-.
The j+irtiels iouti touridi
And butter's. fifty reo ts a v,ound
Wtit'e're the' gnidutil -Binano rpat ion
W.hyre is the henest compenentiop„?..,
Where.ip that-IRolt?tl sorpund? , ;,
Irltere * iet ButiWr 7—Firsy, Ceti petin d
iTuotlenk "the nownetttani crisis , .
, r .,14:4!te ell!' Awl u!?,tti - ir, ,.,, Avjittt,the price
Gremte yodiniggei anti pwallinv him diva;
11 batiei firereeiittra-pottrid.
Bat I ;Iliok,,it!a • new„.almost too lade,,
lie, will hafe too pare Tur‘to bete;
And th'4y are Bound to 'nut biol down,
While butter!alaty cents a poOnd:
hear .
Ononos.—j. love to, the.ltoosteis.grow,
I love'to' see the Piggies gfow,
hdtgto . see the eolvalirtfund ti:
When Itutter'e ft,tiy gents 44 pound
tort an uO.
;1 4 .•. 7 -•
• .
41 . 1 E ASSESSMENT4irS.OLDiEfik;
The, .following,!%ection: ofAho law
reghlating;the:mightier,in. which the
ofth e irgold iers l in the , army s.:
be .=taken: explairriJithe! mianher in
which, they may be assessertanchtheir
tax . pa;d by friends at home. INe
{again-urge trite i4p6A - r-411; - theisinportaggp
of At Cefli.iiiig'to'eliiS 'Matter Ittotree. 7 ,--
If ales- are MU - mod; \#e , helievOlL ma
jority of • t h efakn y-will =vote'.for Mc-
Clellan. It' s our duty:'to , give'ttheiii
eyery opportunity to do so, and then
ivC'shill know frandS if:ihey are
titteepted. Let provisionthe ,of this
Section of the lair 1)4 complied' Willi
'at ,onee.' Neve islbe Scatibil fil? Wirieh
‘32e refer • ;:-
shall be the-duty fbf . every isses
sor, CbinnionAteetti„ . an
nually ; folassess,and return, in tho,
niann,er,poy required. by
,ty taX of ten cents
,upon °Oh ft nA elte;
py.3394-00Pamiesii;M,eaPirlf!er„‘p-6 Prt
vats, and the usual flub* . 4.op...every:
commissioned ofticer,"known by then
'McClellan" forever, hurrah; boys, hut ra4i,
Down with the mobitee, up 7 ith the low;
Fur nre'cr •arrchiing to the pulls, boys, going
to the tight,
Shouting battle ery of freedom. •
0/writs—McClellan forever <Le'
McClellan futiv.erote
McClellan forever, .ke,
' l3 • Ak - lifrt --.*"of
'to eia t, t i ary r,erviee, the
'nited Statet, or`of this,Sfate;in the
army ; add wlien any Omission 6101
occur, the omitted napes shall, be add
pd, by 4 - itichb ass e ssor,,
„to the asess.. 1
men,ts'inAh#ll Of voters, on the ap
,l Vo . of eit: '''' 'theelection
p Ica„ i r! ~ . tz,en o
AiStrict,.otiareptub 4 t, wherein such:Shl
di:er‘M.4l4; oi t 'W-phid; irra:V . 6 'a'lght 'to
vote if not ii/ pe)ar Wililed ah • 4 iftife
safa ; and o. ll o, l ,Cluthr-Coniiifelfatfe'd'Of- -
ficas, unit prriates, ' shall'exempt
from all otlier.liersonlit'tfieg, : fturingi
their,contiitilihd'ih? Knelt 'serigde ;,
and said asasters"shall, .in each find,
,every case of{ 4 4640' miiii rs ;
or officers,' will:but 'fkic; - Or feirlo4;
thereof, givc , A,pertificate Of Snell' reg . : ,
ulai', or'addittoa:d tisge,§si)elit;tb any
citizen Of theZleetion' district Or pre
einet, vim „in ay, at anYtcme, demand!
the same ; :ttic.l ul)On the tiresentafion
thereof, to' : , ..!Itlx •6011(4:q01: or said
disp-ict;',Al.., tih,§6l.6. of i hp- said' i
egfily. 7 7 13 &.t ht tritrileslibli or 1
andtotre`eviVe said 't4ses't 7 d' tftx, of, .1
and froin; any perSOil offiring to inly ,
the same, n.' the soldier, or offier,
thetwinh - ti le(1, and to Oiicronie, upon
t .
such eertiYeate, , a receipt therefor ;
and:l t it shall alSdlbe tire dritY•of said
eolld t ,itpr, (A . county treasurer, L 4 re--,
eeiv said assessed tax . ,froin any ter .j
Son -he) nitty offer to plt:y 'the 'Sat. lei, '
fbr a yor '4,'llid offitierf:',. or 'soldiers,:
Wi th )LI t 'l.-Cliii iring 'a; certificate -of ' as-;
. sessi. ea, *hen the nanadtif suelqer
' son4-balf have been "dilly'entered np
on I. 'e a.§seisment bodks and ta'..i du- ,
phe, es, a•2O give a rtieeipt therefot,
to 'tell '‘pe,rson', • especially stat . ing
there a the name of `such`siklier, or.
ofileb4:' iviScige tax is - .'thps)Jaid, the'
year' ; ''fbr Alfich it Was assessed, and,:
the ,44.tte '4''the payment thereef;
w hid ~or f `qertiffetit,e 'arid receipt, or
newt, 903 ; shall be prima facie evl
deneet to afiY "eltietion board, provid
ed fogb3,- this net, before' - whiell'' . tlie
samelnay be offered, of the dub as
sessint of said tax against, and 'the
paymeA thereof, by the soldier, or
offiem4 thbrein named, offering the
same, s'aforesaid ; but said 'election
board glair not be thereby precluded
from Icfpitring other proof of ' the
right t vote, as specified by' this 'net.
or the eneral election law of this
Comm rwealth ; and if any' of said
assesso s 'ealleetoi's, of treasurers ;
shall n riect or reilise; tticOmply with'
the pi -iski_ lis of this section, or to
... . , . _ . .
pea .gi& of the duties, therein en
u pi them, or either of Them,
y so offending. be con
sidered.. adjudged guilty
_gra mis-
clemoanc[ in °lnce, and shall, oh con-
vietion,' e fined, in any sum not les3
than tiVe, ty; nor more-than two-hun
dred doll rs. '
- r 'li - Ti'ii '''EriT'lT 77 ''''''"A":'
L ,r,,ri k t q n. um 0. • . cmocrat, us. 30`.]
. o\ - 1 . 'Friday' he 19th inst.; as we
\rue sittin( uietly,in -alit oilide at
tending' to m - Own'husiness, oat of
was m1.6111(161 by a - 'sqUad of
1 .
`Sfildiers' at d' ; :eornmand-of Lieut.
.1: .E. Chap f n.n,.of the-139th-Illinois:
The Lientehaat and his men' rushed
into Met. oilleeLantl' told- us that he
was orderil to arreSt us andtake us
'to Gen. Phindthciv at, Casseyville,-
Ky. •
'We ' renionsphted with. the
Lidutenant, telling' him that he cor
tainTY had lo authilritylto arkst, as
and tarry 'as out o 0 tlid")Sta ;that
wife wits Is-ine diingerd'usly ill ;.
and that;' ander the circumstances,
we would lieg - him to take our parole
of honor to lilt - Paducah:at any
designated 'Arne; yut all to' no pur
['pose. ' ]4 ysqf andprinter vere -liar- .
' riedf-athihrd some trim Stportsi i (smile
seven in iitnib&,) then-111 - 1:11r - - al the'
wharf loaded With SoldierS, whose os
tensible Purpose was to :affect - the ar
rest Of in3lself, Ininter, and B. F.
Armstrong After we - were- , placed
aboard th e transports; 3we. were all
placed under strict gOard, and'.iwei-e'
soon on our way to Paducah.-- -
Ai-rated there 84nday,mornipg, we!
were taken -- ash4e- - ,and;'; paraded I
through the princifialstreots, evident
ly to the delightoikthose who had us
arrested, and to ; he. . negro, soldiers
ipartieularly,l3who ... cern to :,have, spe
cial i. - ,rders ti 'taun't us with opprobri
• ous, epithets. Wonve finally brought
hefore .on e -Major i Ilartl 41g, :Provost'
-Marshal .•of Padecah,whoovithout
1 anreet'emony.Whi tEAVer, „OrdeXc.d 115
!_to the -military =raison. ,-)Vix were
i then marched -through ale: streets to
the prison; and a 'riving tbere,..were .
f tliruSt - into;.lll4.4risoa (amidst the
yells and tahntsy of negro _soldiers;)
-containing Berne 1. ftft , y,- or si..x ty per-.
SOIIS,-Isoino,eitiZenSi some gtlePillas,
some^ rebel ; soldiers, ,some.. deserters
from' the Eedelpd -army,. seine negro
-soldiers, and: some, foa ,stealipg,4e._
Here, we *ere kept ih i ..filth and pri
vatiqn until 10 b.',clocklt ueiday-morn'- -,
ing, , :,hen Mre.were (*lied for ~_a_ti d - tat
- ken into the prosenee piqen. ; Paiiie;:
-'who, ,"l o am. :going to
.sendiyoui d—d Si" °E 4461°5`491.119."
:Here-endedthe-Wilole;,,affitifi, adding
, but; anotherito the great HO ot pub:- ,
tic wrongs,dnne to private-e,itAz,e.ns,:Py
' those, Av ho luid e spleaukly i sworn to,
proton atLdel:end itheha,-,:t 4 i . .
, 1 9c.n.-Baineitold-;118 WcWe,
1 with beingut alemb,er of!the.. Aans of
'Liberty / . ,This was , 3themnly r e'llarge,
(againstsus—Avh43ll, was ppts*b:stanti-
Ated: and our;; release, followed as 4 ,
matt:el.-4 course ;
The . whole
up in- anutshelt thus :—Sonie, liitir . or
five tow, f dirty Abolition ',Nieves of
Allis .pjace„by 91VItyipg,te! things that,
r tfairicr , ice t9,he 4dse., an . .d ty making
false itatemer4; shcPee9ted iriiiitving
.us,ar t rested leer hotlikOn ei iith but,
.0 ,get. t o N tr . • paper,, , I .
, s
,1 aliaout onn
p,aapoer nitronce.i3;
Tife t,o‘a
,aiionf the a
rid Isiorerity'
how direwherbdn'drri4lt'
. •
' Ti 4 IF.7 '14.1.4E
11"Dt ..1
The 1p2 0 Bonus.
Those of our citizens, as well as eor
poratio'ns, that have invested, their
money in the "securities of _the Gov
ermnent," are ,specially, : intereatecl,in
the coming- October --election. The"
safetrof these ini , esttnenSts absOlute
ly depends, on the result . of Lli .;vote
oh,tha,tday.. to:gd:_,0481110:71MrY
in:all the States,ill he almost an
r•V A'4ll'
en ess,one. 'Long or s ort -
cost money, and- eto• nedessity must ,
add to 'the'•debt, :increase the: axes,
deSpoil industry, raise wages, and
frender payment a donhtful question,.
bothamount. as to time and This is.
the policy of Mr: 'Lineln.''lle Said.
xn`liis note'"to all :May "don:
cern," that peae4 depended' on Ithe
bandolinTert - of — slavury—and war
• c n; 'end NVll,Cif peace'begins.--
The iniillons Of dolhcrs'yeti to be- rais- •
ce for such a war, aild toithe
twierarritiwr aft apoiliemaw tW,Or
Value.- of gin ;5-'2o't..f•antc""eroncy7
of Al : Melia"' is to end the war ,
when thc:Unien can be --pestered.—
This he can do -the 'moment -he be
comes President of the United States.
Peace and Union is the 321enmeratic
promise tothe people. *This. policy
xt all '''be > the only one which can, re
'store the currencrof the country to
ISpecie "bitSis,.and. enable Congress to
, piovide,for the psyment , of -the loans
. and interest in coin. • •
SIGNIFIVANT A.M.) 'OturNotta.-1-In
les's'snperstitioug age, -th'e names of
the Chicago candidates would be. re.
'g,arded as happy omens for the cause
which they represent: 'lt will be ob:
served that 'each' bas the ,christian
name, and 'the same number of letters
In his' ebristian and' surnatne, 'as= the
Father of his 'Court try; George Wat,h
ingtbil. It will also be observed that
the surnames 'of the Chicago -condi
'dates,' McClellan and Pendleton, aro
etteli expressed by nine letters, the.
exact n urn ber oMtates required to
proveJhe Vnited States- Conatitution
in order to give it validity`; while the
letters *colitailted in both their signa-
Cures are thirty tWo, the' number of
States admitted into the Federal -
nion by general consent; or before
the slavery question assumed a por
tmitious aspect in our n . ational poli
tics. And, strange to relate, the eke
lorial vote of nine' States will elect
the'se candidates, viz': the votes of
thc States of Rhode Island, - 4 ; of
Chrinecticut,G`; - of New York, 33 ; of
Wisconsin, 8,; of New, Jersey; `7 ; of
Pun nsylvania, 26 ; Delaware, 3; of
Maryland, 7; of Ohio, 21. But these
combinations of electoral votes of
States may, bechanged - Many ~ : ifines,
and still the same nurriber of States
required tb ester lisixthe'Pedenat Con
emettledtriatcr audit
'' da:Les. •
Who shall say that these wonder
ful conjunction are not 'significant ?
A FEW :1);E rti, 4 I.IN
fruits of •the Administration Obey
justify its coutinuance ?
Are successes in pro
portion to their immense costs ?
Is there not reason to fear that fit.
natics are ,managing this, war' for
own „ adv an tage r
, no, : thne,te Change the policy
of theonanagemen
Is the war prosecuted 4'or.:the res
Is it not time to put a:stop to col.- 1
ruption at Washington ?
Can it be stopped without a I
change ?. ,
•-Has this. Administrgtion -exhibited
,either capacity oiLhonesty conduct
ug'our National affairs. t
ilas it not' sacrificed .thonsands of
liVes and expended millions of trea
sure needlessly ? . .
11 - ES.; Wre,mid* . fea4 that the t
eolnite,s,ayepling no*.setienle.---
There are ~nmuy - Nloteis : liVho: have
hitherte„aet.e4.with theni,Aiet because
they are fanatical, but beeahse they:
have been-overawed-and terrified,,
These . lileti,liavecieteriniped, ,to vote
for .11Ki , But tibeHabolitien
flianagersfitry, a no y , .:dedge,hy per
sua4ing thew tO 'vote ,the,Abolition
ticket iu, betober ,even,,if they in
tend,to,votei,for lfeCiellanju Novem
ber., We hope such voters,AvM not
.misled.-: A -,Democratic triemph,
Olotober is neeeFisaryte secure
eess iarNoveniber. E,very friend of
kteClellatushonla, remember
Vete•the peinoeratje n tieket , :in JD citci ,
ber ; this.willseenre
WQIGH Do YOU PREFER ?—Abrit " ham
Linc - oh - ; the Abcilition candidate is in
fa y or of continuing the waruntil' the,
Southern States are willing to"einan
9:Mate all, their slaves.
General AfcClellari is in favisrof the
return of those States to the Union
without any such condition.,
The former " will firolimg the war
for years,the , latter gives us imme--.-1
*dints-peace. If you 7argi in laser of,
Lincoln's f‘plan.'-' sote4or: him and go
into the war. yourself. It on the con
trary you aret in , favor of McOlellares.
vote for him t and remain at home.—
'ln ,anpoventlhe consititoot.
LltEir The New London Chronicle,'
an old: and ,leaditigZ:Repilblican paper
in Connecticut, ! whiehl has carried the
;narnes• of :Lincoln and Johnson:at its
ntst , head; , withdrow them on Mon
day last.,<rin .juetifieation it.recorn
meridsv all= Ft° need the comments.
made on ihi . P..%Lineola imr snob emi
nent 'copperheads' as Horace •Gree
ley, Bryant of the Evening Post;
TfiutlowiWeed;r:Browns.ej2 ;Prep.
tine,. Lind: the CorigrOsionat manifesto
ahl3en: and • ; ):1601Y
ANTinterVavis 0fMa1:,Y14 13 4-`A •>;
~sllat heads t,aL iele. 3 d7 , • • ;
“GooD• BYE loircom,7 „
THE' NEW TAX LAW.,tax law, according
,to the
instruct4o,es . of the Oaintnissioner• of
internaevenue, requires that a li
cense of $l.O tie
"Re'quire'd of every' person, firm or
corporation engaged in any business,
trade or profession whatsoever, for
*blob' 66 other licemie is herein re
quired, Whoise grosa r anntici. , receipts
tharefrilm exceed one: thritmand
"Among those persons who may
be liable, to_tnke license under this
paragraph,..may be enumerated in the
following, AS OxitropieS, to wit : Clergy
gymen; teachers; farmers, artists
`bbarding4inuse keepers, :book-keep
ers, gardeliers, nurserymen, express
men, tearirsteYs, trunk - men, bricklay
ers, bank 'tellers, presitlentS and cash
iers of banks, subsitute brokers,Pain t
ors and: blacksmiths, (when not, man
ohm.ers) • -persons carrving......o,n.
ciostyr, — grist or other onus
(whet') not manufateturerS) ; superin
tendents, ' managers, agents or'offi
cers of c'onipanies or. corporations
organ-iced for any business not re
quirina any other license, such as
railroad and insurance companies, &e.,
It might' perhaps be, just as
our fatherly- administration
were to take all the people have, and
leave-them the, taxes to live on.
The following law card 'Appears in
the New
• A LINOOLN,' ,-
Attorney and Cotinselpi. at 10.1 V,
To WHOM 14-11 Alt CONCERN.—My
old customers and: others . are no
doubt aware: of. the terrible time I
have had in crossing the stream, and
will be glad to linow that "I will be
back on the smile' side 'from which I
started on or before the 4th of March
next; When I Will' be ready to : swap
horses, dispense law, make jokes, split
rails. and perform othcr matters in a
small way.
N. B.—Fees invariably in advance.
References-: E. .Ikl.. Stanton,
J. Raymond; Major General' But--
ler, and numerous other contractors.
• Mir. A vote was taken amOng, the
soldiers in the Libby prison. on' the
nomination of Gen.•' MeClelian, with
'the following result:
For McClellan
For Lincoln
Tidis Shows what the soldiers think
of being kept in that black hole by
Lt Coln •' hod Stanton in order that
the Confederacy shall be compelled
to.recognize-negoes ". 2 - ts the equals off':
• bite sQlo,lpret% . shoiNi3; TOO, - how
-the soldiers will vete ,when -unawed
by the' inillt.,ary` peWer. . .
Which Will You ChOOse ?
,General McClellan, in- his' letter
aeceptihg the nornination,shid : "The
Union is the one condition ,a peace;
and we ask no more."
Abraham Lincoln,' in letter to
the rebel (tom missioeers; J uly 8,1.864,
said.: •
Any proposition which embraces
the restoration of pence, the integri
ty of the whole Union, and THE A
and dome's by any authority that can
control tbe armies now at war with
the United States, will be received
and considered by the Executive Gov
ernment pt . . the United States, and
will be met by liberal terms on sub
stantial and collateral points:
Let-tthe Unionists ot tlie , country.
winder 'seriously upon these two
points, and :decide wbich,of the two
candidates is most worthy of confi
deuce and support I
The"goVeritinent" in the person
of Abraham-Lincoln-will retire to
private life , on the of March, 1.865.
His administration having selected
many things which will be of no• use
to his successor, who will
. administer
the goVernmont in accordanee with
the requireinent of the constitution
oftlie United StateS will d ispuse of
for "whom it may concern," -the fol
lowing relics. -The National debt of
$40Q0,000,000. - The. National. Tax
Law. The-StaMp ACt. - The Con
scription ACt. The Emancipation
Act.. The Proclamations.' The 100,
000 1 4 byal'Pffice holders. Th e bogus
Governors.'---The bogus 'States. The
Army of ProvoSt Marshals. The
asti les. The legal . Tender Notes,
and many. other ',things not herein
Title indisputable.' Nothing but
gold,and silver will be received'. in
pay silent. i.
. .
T3JaN 11J31 the 111011t13 of
Velguary, 1861, : Or. Lincoln said:
adopt a wrong policy, the op
.pOrtun ity, for co, nd n tion „ will oc
.Our. : in, four yearktirne.,4l.len I can
:hie: turned. out and a,botter man, with
better, views, wail; my place:"
. : , Lincoln has adopted', a.
,crroag policy' ,is ;not dOttbt,ed
; men l oteitsierthe Republican or Devi-.
oct:atle : parties. Republican,s are,se
:V;ere,injheir denanciations,of his "re
mnstraction Ronny," his "foreign poi
“negro Allo,bis "un
,P* ,on almost every pub s
-lie, question as Democrats are.—
11;erefore j , if,the people,, are., wise,
they, will not fail to take 11Ir. Lilt=
C`olp'slown advlcej, and, "turn Atm;
Some of athe, Ohio, Republicans an
petitioning Senator *Ade to vacate
hie seat. P,erhaps hi; ac,ootoom-
Alate them); hat i -they may fled that
old Bea
_has : ediftereet:eard. to play.
2d Story of Puna's. nrVi Building, Cumberlnn $t
At One Dollar and tiny Cents a Year
ARP. AnvERTISEMENTS inserted at the naval rates. "IA
.41 . 1.1ANDBILLS Printed at an holm; notice.
In Lebanon Conniii;o;tage free
In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon county 5 .cents pet
quarter, or 20 cents a year.
Out of this State, 614 eta. per quarter. or 26 eta. a year
Tf the postage le not paid in advance, rates are double.
Let a man count up the false proph
esies of, the Republican leaders—
false from intention and iron► igno
rance—and,see how many they are
and to What - they have led.
Nobody.'hurt: Five hundred thou
sand killed, wounded and sick.
Seventy-five thousand men : Over
two .millions.
out in tbree
months in X864.`
„Backbone broken at every eueeess:
Not yet.
Opening ofllississippito commerce;
Itlin.hingA gauntlet of guerillas.
Every new levy sure to extinguish
the rebellion : Draft ordered 'for the
sth of Sepeeinber.
Paper as -good gs'gold : Gold 240.
The people- richer for' the war :
Prices advanced three hundred per
airrn - tole the last one:
Every earn
Free.. soil : Four States making
election ret'uf - ne as bayonets dictate.
-Fitee 'speeeh : The suppression of
Freemen : 'Hundreds arrested with-
Out Warrant; imprisoned without
crime, and enlarged without trial.
National honor: The abandon
meat of the Monroe doctrine, and
the kidnapping of Arguelles. •
• Respect' for law : The breach of it in
every State in the Union.
Belief in the Union as .unbroken :
The manufacture of bogus States.
Freedom of the slave :..ipprentic
ing him through military-orders, and
crimping him for the ranks.
. - Love the negro : Letting him rot
in heaps. •
• Love of progress and humanity :
Waging war against women and chil
dren, and houses aud barns,and agri
cultural implements.
Care for the soldiers : Leaving
them to hunger, and beat, and thirst,
and prisons, and vermin
' Now, if. a man, after all such falsi
fications; can yet believ3 ,he must
have that tenacity of faith
"whieb wedded fast
To some delusion, hugs it to the last."
Lieut. George Collings, of Wilkes
.harre, attached -to the 143 d regiment
volunteers,' returned from Carlisle
with a dishonorable discharge in his
pocket. Now, what does the reader
presume was the offence of Lieut. Col
lings ? Why, it appiars that, exer
cising,the right of a freeman, he at
tended a ratification meeting held in
earlisle by the friends of li 7 Clellan,
and took partin it! The head and front
of his offending had this extent and
no more. A brave and tried officer,
who has,been—fighting.the
_kattles of
Abraham, - he will now return to old
Democratic Luzerne, and devote the
fall in fighting against Abraham him
TAXES !—ln England there are
twenty articles subject to custom du
ties, and four - to excise duties. - :Un
der the tax law of the late Congress
we have imposts upon three thouMnd
four hundred and fifty different arti
cles. The _English taxes are only
upon articles of luxury but ours, are
upon everything in use by the people
generally!--the poor having to pay
on-the necessaries of life the same as
the rich upon superfluities and luxu
The Penfield (N. Y.) Extra is edit
ed by a young lady of some thirteen
or fourteen summers, who styles her
self "Little Nellie." For so young
an editor, she writes some pretty
good things, as witness the following :
'.A wag living in this country took
a couple of large cuts, and named one
Yankee and the other Secesh ; he tied
their tails together and hung them
across the clothes line; the last heard
from the cat Yankee was a call for
500,000 more cats to-help scratch Se
IC PARTY.—Is seems that the Demo
eratiC party is at present divided into
four factions, as follows:
Those' who hope to deient' Lin
2. Those who hope to elect McClel
3. Those who are bound to defeat
Lincoln. •
4. Those who are bound to elect
ported says the New York Mercury,
that another proclamation has been
issued for the purpose of aiding the
success of 'Any plan."
To all whom it may discern, as
well as . to all those who can't see it !
" Any propositions, based upOn my
re election, will be received for (a)
consideration, and the bearers thereof
may have a free pass over any of the
railwavg at their own expense.'
(Signed). • OLD ABE.
O An- Abolition orator recently
thanked Lincoln
Foi.• his striti'gh't.torward honestee;
Ills love for our countree;
His noble Magnanimitee;'
. His many simplicitee;
His untiring industree;
His indomitable energee;
'The statesmanship with which hee
Has so suceesstullee
Secured sweet libertee
To us and posteritie.
A Republican exchange still .defies
pubhe opinion ' and exclaims.—''Alll
bail Lincolp i" The storm that is gath.
ing over his head will be pretty near
all ball.