- ~~~_~` MR. TWOMBLEY'S MISTAKE. Mr. Thomas Twombley had drank but six glasses of brawl), and water, when, being a man of discretion . , he returned home at the seasonable ho,pr of 1. A. M , and went soberly to bed. Mrs. Thomas Twombley was too well accustomed to the comings and goings of said Thomas to be much disturbed by the trifling noise be made on .retiring.; but when she dis 'covet ed that 'he'had his boots on, she re• quested him to-remove them, or keep his feet out of the bed. „ My dear,” said Mr. Tvrombley, in an apologetictone, "skuse me. How Icame to forget my hoots I can't conceive, for I'm just as sober as I ever was in my life r' Mr. Twombley sat on one side of the bed, and. made an effort to pull off his right boot. The attempt was successful, though it brought him to the floor. On regaining his feet, Mr. Twombley thought .he saw the door open, As he was sure the shut the door on coming In, he was astonished, and dark as it was in the room he couldn't be mistaken, he felt certain. Mr. Twombley staggered towards the door to close it when- to his still greater iurprise, he saw a figure approach from 'beyond. T wombley stopped.—T womb. ley raised his right hand—the figure rais .ed its left. "Who's there I" roared Trombley, be- ginning to be frightened. The object made no reply. Twombley raised his •bo't in a menacing attitude—the figure defied him by shaking a similar object. "By the Lor !" cried Trombley, "I'll And out who you be—you sneaking cuss!" Be hurled the boot full at the head of his mysterious object, whin—crash ! went the big looking Blase, which Twombley had mistaken for the door. If you would render your children help less all their lives,never-compell or permit them to help themselves. The louder tones in which some people -appeal to reason simply that reason is a great distance from them. The door between us and heaven cannot be opened If that between us and our fel- low men is shut. • Always be us witty as you can •with your parting bow—your last speech is the one remembered. Absence is to love what tasting is to the body ; a little stimulates it, but a long abstinence is fatal. Superficial knowledge is like oil upon water ; it shines deceitfully but queasily be skimmed off. The loveliest are to be seen by moon light, when one sees half with the eye and half with the fancy. Ambition often puts men to do the meanest offices ; as climbing is performed in the same posture as creeping Not in unmanly characters does mild ness charm, but in manly ones; asenergy does not in unwomanly ones, but in the womanly. Whoseo would feel the tenderest partici. ,pation of joy, let him not look at happy children, but at the father and mother who rejoice to see them happy.. A shilling idly spent by a fool, may be picked up by wise men, who know bet ter what to do with it .; so it is not lost. Women are fond .f differing ; men o going ahead. With the former wo gain by exhibiting patience ; with the latter, as with public functionaries by impa tience. Men of quick fancy mare easily ream tile themselves to the loved one when she Is ahsent than when she, is present. Weil-mated lovers are like the two wings of a dove, bearing one heart be tween them and always moving :harmo niously. Life in the Front.—lt is a curious physiological fact how indifferent an old soldier becomes to danger. An instance Of this was afforded on our front to-day. A soldier, while lying asleep in his shelter tent, was disturbed by the noise of a pass ing shell, and,' looking op, discovered that it had carried away the ridge pole. As the soldier viewed the partial destruc tion of his habitation, no thought of the danger he had escaped passed throu L th his mind ; no sense of fear of ihe terrible result had the gunner who aimed the gun varied the elevation of his piece by the slightest fraction of an inch. The on• ly Idea which seemed to engage his at tention was that he had to build his house over again, and he vented his anger by doing with the rebels what he would do with a stream of water if he wished to reugler it available for mill purposes. entompo is one of the many marvels of the Great West. 1830 there were only seventy souls, all told, in what was then known as Chicago. In 1835 Chicago was Incorporated into a city, and then its on ward and extraordinary progress cons menced. In 1840 the population had in creased to 4853. it now numbers not far from'one hundred and seventy thou sand A PARTY of young ladies and gentlemen had a picnic near Falls Church, Va, and in the midst of their pleasures were sur prised at the appearance of Mosby and about twentyfive ofhis men, who told them 4 .not to be afraid." They then danced a set with the ladies, after which they went to the wagons and devoured the cream and eatables provided for the occasion. An orncer who belonged to Hunter's army on the late raid in Virginia tells the Wheeling Intelligencer that on the return of the expedition the men fed their hors ec on corn from their hands, and there was not a blade of grass to be , found. Some ofthe men ate common candles with greediness, others dug up roots and plucked buds from trees. L. R. DEECI'S LIQUOR STORE I Market Square, opposite the Illarket ![Dore, Lebanon, Pa. e .1 underslgued respectlully Worms t.,e public 1 that he has received lin extensive stock of the choiseet and purest Liquors of all deßtriptioll6. These i lquo: he le Invariably disposed to sell at un• mr.'precetlentedly low prices. Druggists, Farmer", H otel Keepers, and oth ers will consult their own interests by buying of the undersigned. L. It. DREG. Lebanon, April 15, 1808. $25 Employment! $7l: AGENTS WANTED ! - - WE will puy from $25 to $76 pen' moo Mr+, and all expenses, to active Agents. or g Ise (I COMM Melon. Particulars sent frou. dcl•lrens EOM Stwink MsCtilali COMAO2. 3A.5.1113, Gemara]. Agent, Milan i Ohio. May 13, 1883. I . )n s y yousof ATERLNa 2.119.11 Ntivr Boot aad Mhos VALUABLE Borough Property AT Private Sale. subseriber offers at Private Sale a HOUSE and LOT OF GROUND, situate in Cum- z herlaint rtreet, In the Borough of Leh anon, PA square East of the Court House. The douse is a large three- . gory BRICK DWELLING, with nil the modern improvements ii! ` The terms will to reasonable. 1%,.V0r further infoiniation apply to Iteluuelds' Si . Melly, in North Lebanon Borough. April 211, GEurtGE GASSER, Tremont, Schuylkill county, Pit. IMPORTANT TO MARRIED LADIES. TRULY A BLESSING: IWILL sent.free of eharos, to any Lady who will emit hi her name and address, diretiorts how to pre vent the extreme pain of Clll I.D BIRTH ; also how to have PeartortY healthy and bpautiful children I also ono other um and IMPORTANT SECRET, the only sale and safe remedies ever discovered. My object in making the above offer is to induce eve• ry lady to test my ren.edies. Address MADAME DULENTAUX, M. D., 707 Broadway. New York City. April 20, ISti4.-3to Lebanon Female Seminary RACHEL F. ROSS, Principal. JULIA ROSS, Musics' Department. Mrs. M, A. J. JIMISON, Drawing, MILE Ninth Session will commence September 3. 1860. Tlds School to designed to- elevate the standard of female education, and to offer superior advantagea at a moderate cost. The school year Is divided into two sessions of flee months each. Charge per session, from 7% to 15 dollars, according to thestinlies of the scholar. Extra for Alualc, French, Latin, and German. ** Particular attention given to the musical depart. meat . Instructions upon the Piano, 51elotieon and Guitar find in Singing. Pupils not connected with the School will be waited upon at their homes, when de sired, and at the usual rates, Early application made to S. J. STINE, or J. W. MINI. Board of Directors: D. S. HAMMOND, 5..1. STINE, JOHN 111EILY, J. W. 511 SH, - C. D. GLONINGER, C. GREENAWALT, ISAAC BECKLKY, JOSIAH VINCE. Lebanon, Aug. 21, 1861. LEBANON VALLEY INSTITUTE. AT ANNVILLE, LEBANON COUNTY, PA. TV. J. BUfiNSIDE, A. .31:, Principal. qIIIIE ENSUING SESSION will cointnence on MONDAY, July 21st. T;i l scaooL has the advantages of a pleriennt and beautiful Location—spacious Buildings—VentilWed Rooms—n fine Library and Cabinet. THE COURSE 0 g STUDY is not fixed, the studies of each pupil being directed according to the time he can afford In School, or to the profession he designs to pur sue. TUE NORMAL DEPARTMENT offers special advan tages ie those who propose to engage in Teaching ; as the Course pursued conforms strictly to the require ments of the County Superintendent, and to the Course of the State Notntal School. Act CIRCULARS and further information ran be ob ained by addressing the Principal. W. J. BURNSIDE, June 25.1a62. Auncilie. Pa. JOHN DILLER HAS just received at hie Grocery Store, Camber laud St., one door west of blarket, a lot of Fresh Fruit in Cans, iuc luding Peaches, Gages, Green Corn, Tomatoes, Jellies. Pickles. Picxalolli, Cauliflower, Ketchup, Pepper Sauce Cheese. English, LlalbergeroSap•Sage. Fish. Sardioes, Salmon, Mackerel, Herring, Codfish Fruit. Raisins , enrrents, Prunes, Dried Apples and readmit, Cranberries, Apples, Hominy, Tapioca, Barley, Peas, &e, A let of Buckwheat Meal. Also SO barrels of New York Apples. rie).. Highest price given in CASH for Eggs, Butte] Dried Apples and Peaches, Beans. Onions, &c. Pull' lc patronage is solicited. JOHN DILLER. Lebauou, Dec 23 ,1583 AMETIIen HOUSE 9 Market Street, Lebanon, JOHN MATTHES, Proprietor. 91111 i proprietor of this old established and popular HOTEL would respectfully inform the public that it will be conducted at all times to the comfort .and convenience of he guests. It has been thoroughly re fitted and renovated. end no 'pains will be spared to make the Table and the Bar, at ail times, equal to any in the comity. The STABLING and Yard aro snperior too, and more extensive, than any other in Lebanon. A new SHED is also In the course of erection, which will lie cam• picted in a short time. The pat, ontige of the Farmers and the Traveling public generally is respectfully so licited. riacn—west otde of Market street, and halfa square south from the ;thicket Moine. °UN MATTIIES. Lebanon, April 6, ISM LATEST NEWS Of the cheapest and Best Goods EVER SOLD TN LEBANON!! 11001S 5 Shoes . , Hats, (laps, 'ice 1111 E undersigned hae opened one of the BEST AS SORTMENTS of s II ATS,Ca PS,BOOTS. SHOES. TRUNKS, / --„ 7 ? i L TiAi k i b tlA glt" ral A kip t .. .'' and of eeetmawtictew sell at prices to recommend them to purcha sers. Of the HATS' ho has quite a variety of New Styles, embracing the 'Washington, Stanton, Burnside, Dupont. McClellan, Stringluau and Monitor lint. very bountiful find very Cheap, Of CA I'S he has a complete ast.ortment of all the New Styles, got up in superior manner. 'scat] fine finish: 7 ,Vocuen's Misses' rind Chil dren's Ilahuornis. Gaiters, Congress Boots, Slippers. and all other kinds; Men's and nays' Dalinornia. Ox• lord Tieß, Wll5lllllOOll Tine, Congress Boots. and all other kinds wont by them, incite:Mg BOOTS and SHOES, of the different varieties, at his cheap Store i n , 11 7 i - ttnut St., nest to the County Prison. sitz- Thanknil for the liberal encouragement of the public heretofore, I would invite all wishing anything in my line to call and examine my stock before nicking their purchaeem. JW. BOWMAN. Lebanon, May 4, tse4. P. B.—Measures taken and work made at short notice NEW CABINET AND Art.imbroruFac TO RY Frnbscriber respectfully informs the public that 1 he has the largest and.best assortment of FU RN' TURE and MUMS. ever offered to the public of Leh. anon county. Tie has on band at his Cabinet-Ware rooms, in North Lebanon borough, nearly opposite Zeller's Hotel. and a few doors south of Borgner's, a splendid assortment of good. substantial and fashion able Parlor, Cottage and Chamber lI.URNITURE, con sisting of Sofas, Tete ti-tetus, horteges, What: note. Par. lor, Centre, Pier, Card and Common Tables; Dressing and Common BURR A.CS; Bed . steads, Work-shin Wash-stands,and K itch ' Furniture of all kinds. Also, a large and elegant variety of altaxot BACK, SPRING SEATED Chairs. Comm. n Spring-seated Chairs; all kinds of Spring. created Rockers. Also, Windsor, Cane-seated. and Cont. men Cibairs and Rockers of every description. "l, Alt Lloods.sold LOW and WARRANTED to give satisfaction . Persons desirous of knowing the elutractor of the goods here raered for gale, can be fully satisfied of their durability by refer. nee to those for whom be has man ufactured or to whom said Ohl Furniture and Chain Repaired and Varnished. N. B.—Coffins made and Nunerais attended at tie shortest notice. JOSBPiI BOWMAN. North Lebanon, May 4,1884. TO THE PUDLIC. The undersigned having taken the Large and Comma (lions Ireful, In Pottsville, known an the MOR7'I1111:R 'IOUS 1 , 1, Would respectfully announce to his old friends and for mer patrons that he in prepared to accommo date all who may favor h im with their patronage. The M0R.1131F.11 lIOUS.PI has been newly papered, painted, and rsfnrn Wird throughout, and the Paoraza- TOO feels warranted In saying that it is UNSURPASSED BY ANY HOTEL IN TILE Borough of Pottsville, for comfort and convenience. No Pains will be.Spaed To render it nn agreeable and comfortable stopping place for strangers and travelers. The Stabling and Shedding, Attached tz , the n, te'. urn sufficiently large for the Re commodation of the horses and carriages of his guests. The Hotel Is now open for the Reception of the Public. V". Ile will be happy to accommodate all who may give him a Nall. JOSEPH AL FEGEIt, Pottsville, April 8,1861 Proprietor. 1864 NEW STYLES. 1864 ADAM RISE, In Cumberland Street, between Market and the Mart [louse, north side, has now on band a splendid assortment of the New Style of HATS AND CAPS, for men and boys, for 18b8 to which the attention of the public is respectfully inv, tad. Mats all prices, from the cheapest to the mos costly, always on hand. ' , Betas also just opened a splen did assortment of SUMMER HATS, embracing such a STRAW, PANAMA, PEDAL, PEARL, HORN, LEO LIDEN, SENATE, CUBIAN, and all others. 4a-fle will also Wholesale all kinds of Hats, Caps Ac., to Country Merchants on advantageous terms. Lebanon, May 4,1884.. WANTED' TO BUY , sØ,wo Busm alai CORN 60,000 bushels OATS : 59.0 CLOVER SEED, TIMOTIIY SEE D, Flaxseed Wl , for NATs which the highest. CALM 'price. will be paid 'at the Lab anon Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon. 14 1 / 4 111141, Aar 17,1103. "n" n°8"1". IU41:1tI*19 DRUG STORE IN REDICIN ES QUALITY IS OF FIRST INI PORTANCE 7 L. LE:gni:MOHR. Graduate Of the Phila-( delph in College of Pharmacy. offers to thol 'citi . r.ons of Lebanon and surrounding conutry. a PURE selection of Drugs. Medicines and l Chemicals. and the firat quality of Perfumery and Toilet and Fancy Soaps, embracing the t, - st manufacture in the country, and a large variety of Tooth Brushes, Nail, Flesh, Clothes land Hair Brushes. Pocket, Toilet and Fine! , Combs of Ivory. Shell, Horn awl India. Rubber. l PURE SPICES. PURE SPICES.' Pure whole and ground Spires are offered for sale In large and small quantities at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. 1. -R D E N SEEDS, FLOWER SEEDS. Tots wilPfind a fell assortment and a large variety of FRESIL Garden and Flower Seeds at LEMBERG Eit'S., Condensed Lye, Concentrated Lye, Soda Ash,' and Potash in large and small quantities at LEMBERGrER'S Drug Store. Waalling Soda, Balting'Soda, Pearl Ash, Sal ern [nil, Cream of Tartar, all pure, and for sale in large and small quantities at LEMBERGER'S Drug Store. yon are in want of good Washing Soap pure white or red' Castile Soap, Ceuritry Soap Erosive Soap to remove grease spots ; superb Shaving soap,'buy the sante at LEMBERGER'S. Do you want a good Hair Tonlet aomethingl o make the hair grow, to cleanse the head, and o present falling out of the hair; if you do MMMIIM= TRUSSES! The afflicted are requested to call and exam , ine my stock of Trusses, "Supporters, &e., coin prising a variety of Manufacture. la... Marsh's" Clanuius "Improved Solt Ad nsting lead Truss." "Marsh's" Catamenial Bandage. An invaluable article for the purpose. If you are in want of any of the above you can be suited at LEMBER4ER'S Drug Siciro. Pure Ohio Catawba. Brandy, The genuine article 'for MeiHetuai Purposes! to be bud in all its Fierily et LEMBERGSR'S Drug Store, ,Oppoaite the Market Douse. Anything you want that is kept in a well emulneted Pirat class Drug Store, can be furn idled you by LEMBERGER, 'Chemist and Apothecary. thankful for the very liberal patron age thee far received from the Physicians, Mer chants, and Citizens of litibsnon and surround ings, I again solicit a share, promising to use' every effort to please all. OrSpecial attention given to Pultsituvt's PAESCP.IPTIONS and lawny RECtIP . TS, and kil medicine dispensed Warranted PURE, always g,ootl as can he obtained anywhere. anc: 'sold to suit the times. Remember the Address, JOS. L. LEMBERGER, Druggist, Chemist end Apothecary, Feb. 15, 1860. Market street, Lebanon, ra w Boot and Shne Store! Di undersigned announce to the public that they hare removed their New Boot and Shoe Store to tberland Street, Lebanon, in Jultu,Graeff's door west of the Confectionery Store, where they '4- intend keeping constantly on hand a general as 4sortniont of Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and ldren's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c., &c., all of which will be made'up in style and quality no to be surpassetl by any other workmen in the country. No effort shalt be spared to please and satisfy all who may favor them with their orders, and their charges will be as reasonable as possible, compatible with a fair remuneration. They also keep a large stock of BOMB MADE WORK, sshtch Is warranted to be as represented. ' The publie are invited to call and examine theiretock previous , t 4 ? purchasing. IS - 4•• Repairing done on short Toffee and at reasonable rater. ANDREW MOOItE. SAMUEL E. SHIRE. Lebanon, May 4, 1865. =3 A New Firmi; Cheap Gash Store, and Milling. and Grain Business. r I 'IIIE undersigned having 'formed a part aural] p in the mertcANTlLm, MILLING AND GRAIN BUSI. NESS, would respectfully invite the attention of the public to their establishments. They will confine to beep. at the late stead of SIIERIK, GERSAIIAN LONG, a most complete stock of all kinds of GOODS usually kept la a country store, which they will re. tail Cheap for CA SIT, or , COUNTRY PRODUCE. They also want to buy for cash 50,000 Bu*.bels of WHEAT, 30,000 Bushels of RYE, 20,000 Bushels of CORN, 25,000 Bushels of OATS. For which they will pay ihe hiNheat Market Priem— They will also take OJRAIN on Sronacz. The will keep always on hand and sell at the lowest prices., COAL, by the Boat Load or by the Too; all hinds of MILL FEED, SALT. PLASTER, &c. e;r: They solicit the buetnees of all their aid Mewls and the public, end will endeavor to deal oh such lib eral cad just principles as will gire satisatction to all: - StIERK & LONO. NortbLebanon, May 4, 1561. WALTER'S MILL. TINE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has entirely rebuilt the Mill on the little Swa taro, formerly known ac "Straw's" and later as “Wett geree," about one-fourth of a mile from Jonestown Lebanon county, Pa.; that be has it now in complete running order, and is prepared to furnish customers regularly-with a very sup driberior article ILT of Itignir-a as cheap as it can be obtained from any other source. tie keeps also on hand and for sale at the lowest cash prices Cllol', 'MAN, SHORTS, &c. lle is also pre pared to do all kinds of aUSTONEIIe WORK, for itartners and others, at tbo very shortest possible notice .and in rites all to give him it trial. The machinery of the 'Mili is entirely new and of the latest and most im proved kind. tly strict attention to business and fair dealing he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. WHEAT, EYE, CORN, OATS, &c., bought, for which the highest Lebanon Market prices be paid. I'RANKLIN wAtTER. ailly 4, 1854. Boot and Shoe Store. JACOB IttVDEL respectfully in forms the pubg . t e still can ti n nes his ext blishment iE w h o . 4016 Lis new bni timberland st., whore he hope render the same Natiefiletion as heretofore to all who may favor him with their custom He invites Merchants and dealers in BOOTS and SHOESand every one who wishes to purchase fashionable and, durable articles in his line, to call and examine far themselves, his largo and varied stock. He is determined to Si urpam all ermpetition in the manufacture of every article in his business, suitable for any Market in the Union. A due rare taken in regard to materials and workmanship; none bt the best quali ty of LIUTIIER and other materialsareused, and none bet the best workmen are employed P. 8.-11 c returns hie sincere thanks to hi:* friends for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on hbh. Ile hopes by strict attention to business and endeavoring to please his customers, to merit a share of public pat ronage: f Lebanon, May 4.. ISPI. Fashionable Tailoring. REMOVAL. IVl .. t i L li citi l z r en l : (3 o7ll - a t n N o„ " t u h l a d t r in v a t s ru l l t l i Y l M I Ol r' 'l r :TY bis .rAILOIUNG Business to Cumberland Street, two doors East of Market Street, and opposite the Eagle Hotel, where all persons who wish garments made up in the most fashionable strleand best manner, are in cited to call. TO 'TAILORS I--.lust received and for sale the N.York and Philadelphia Report of Springs Summer Fashions. Tailors wishing the Ntuthieas should let {he subscriber know of are fact, so that he can make his arrangements accordingly. - HOFFMAN. Lebanou, May 4,1884 READYNIALDE C.LOTIIING Will be sold at Exirentel9 Low Prices. "LT A IREH, one of the firm of 'tether & Bros., has 11 . taken the stock of Ready-made Clothing at the apprnisement, which will enable him to sell lower than anywhere else can he bought. Call and see for your. se IVB before you make your gall purchase. MIAMI: DOORS WEST FROM COURT -Ths USE Lebanon, May 4, 1804. HENRY RARER. Wagon nicker Wanted. AWagon ,tlaker will find steady and profitable em ploytnent, either to work as a Journeyman or ham the Shop and carry it on for himself, by applying at the Shop of the undersigned, two miles West from Lebanon, near the Turnpike Tell (Mtn. May 11, ' 6 4.--4t.* EPHRAIM LIGHT. Howard A ssocia lion, PLIPLADELPIIIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Kyelents—new and reliable treatment—in reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Scut by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, De J. SKI LLIN lIOUGIITON, Ilowarit Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phihidelphle, t's. March 9,1864.—1 y. Wanted Imniediately, 100 CALVES, For which the highest price will be paid by L. SLUM Lebanon , April 13,1861.—5 m. *Jacob .E. L. Zimmerman's* "plitST CLASS HAULDRESSINO AND 11Allt•D1E -1 INC SALOON, Market street, near Cumberland, and opposite the Eagle Hotel. Being thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, he would respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. Lebanon, July 2,1802. 11.11.- Woos will La 1114,41,44 INN Friends and Relative* OF THE BRAITE SOLDIERS SAILORS i,"1.4 ; `; ; 440f ; tt ;•,, tr - 4-0 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS H All who have 'Friends and Relatives in the Army or Navy, should take special care, that they be amply sup plied with these Pills and Ointment ; and where the brave Soktiers and Sailers 'have 'neglected to •provide themselves with them, no better present can be sent them by their friends. They have been , proved to be the Soldier's never-failing friend in the hour of need. COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS, Will be speedily relieved and effectually enred by us ing these admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directions which are attached to each Pot or Box. P SICK HEADACHE AND WANT OF APPE TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. These feelings which so sadden us, usually arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspiration, or eat lug and drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus die tut h lag the healthful action of the liver and stomach The organs must be relieved, it you desire to be well The Pills, taken according to the printed instruetions will quickly produce a healthy action in both liver and stomach, and as a naturar'cousequenea, a clear head and geod appetite. WE'IRNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY OVER FATIGUE, TRUSSES! Will aeon disappear by 'the 'use or these invaluable Pills, and the Soldier Will quickly acquire additional etrer.gth. Never let tbellowels be either conlined or unduly acted upon• It may seem strange that MI lo• way's Pills should be recommended for Dysoutery and Flux , many persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. Tbis is a great mistake, for these Pills will correct theli ver find stomach, mod thus remove all the acrid humors Irons the nyet edicine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic system howev er deranged, while health and strength follow as a mat ter of course. Nothing will stop the relaxation of the Bowels PO sure - so thillftllllol.lB ml clue. VOLUNTEREtS ATTENTION'! ..E.VDISCRE TTONS 'OF YOUTH! - Sores and Meets, Blotches and Swellings. can With certainty be radically mired if the Pills are taken night and morning, and the Ointment be-freely used as stat ed in the printed instructions. If treated'in anythiher manner they dry up in one part tobrealr out iu anotthir Whereas this ointment will remove the humors from the system and leave the Patient a vigorous and heal thy man. It will require a little perseverance in bad cases to insure a lasting cure. FOR WOUNDS E ETHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, SABRE OR - THE BEL- To which every Sdidier and Sailor are liable, there .are no medicines saeafe, sure and convenient as Hollo way's Pills and Ointment. The poor wounded and al. most dying sufferer might have his wounds dressed im mediately. if he would only supply •himself with .this matchless Ointment, which should be thrust into'the wouud and smeared ell round it, then covered with a pi o l of of linen from his Knapsack and compressed with a ndkerchief. Taking nightand morning 6o r 8 Fills t cool the system and prevent inilammation. Every Sealer's Knapsack and Seamen's Chest should be provided with these valuable Remedies. EAUTION!—Norte are genuine unless the words “llenowsx, NEW YORK AND LONDON." are discernible as a Water nick in every leaf of the book of directions around each put or box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome reward wilt be given to any one rendering such information as may lead I o the detection of• any party or parties coun terfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. ***Sold at t: e Mannfattory of Professor HOLLOWAY; 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine, throughout the civ il iced world. in boxes at SU cts.,lll cts. and $l 19 each. .4rZ. There is considerable saving by taking the lar ger sizes. N. E.—Directions for the guidance of patients in ev ery disorder aro affixed to each box. [Oct. 1883. %to,. Dealers in my wan known mod ioinea can have Shea Cards, Circulars &e.. sent them, FREE OF EXPENSE, by addressing THOMAS HOLLOWAY, SO Maiden Lane, N. Y. Re p t ,r lral NEIN AVD:CiIIEAP . BOOT DAVID D. LONG AND SNIDE STORE.. suhseriber would respect fully inform the tit izens of Lebanon and vicinity, that bs has remov ed his 1300 T and SUM , : SlViltlt to 'Market street, next door south of Mrs. use's getol„.Lebaeon. wberehekeeps on band a large and well assorted 'stock of all ; kinds of BOOTS and SHOES. Ile will twashit.4ol ":. make to order all kinds of BOOTS and •' SHOES, and at very short notice. Ifs al so keeps on hand a , to large and well-nisort ed stook of LEATITRIt.unch as RED AtID 0A E. SOLE LEATHER. CALF AND KIP SKINS, MOROCCO AND FANCY LEATHER, KID, LININGS, ROANS. BIND.. Ac.. and ail kinds of Shoemakers' TOOLS AND FINDINGS. sueh as BOOT-TREES, LASTS, BOOT CORDS and WEBUS, AWL-BLADES. KNIVES; PUN MIES, HAMMERS, PINCERS, RASPS, rAciis.— constantly en band an assortment of lastings. Th reads, Shoe-nails. Peg-breaks, Saud-stones, Bristles. Nit and Shoe Tools of every des:tription. IP leg been en gaged in the business more than twenty years, he feels satisfied that he can give satislactiati to All who will favor bim with a call. Shoemakers fr.U2 'the country will do well by calling ou Lim before purchasing else where. SAMUEL, HAUCK. Lebanon. Jan. '27 ISBI. • LEBANON ACADEMY, M ITE undersigned hereby inform the„public that the AL Lebanon Academy is rot intended exclusively for the youth of the Borough, but it always did, and still does receive pupils front abroad. Lately, also, the Directors have improved its general character, and elevated its standard. 'by refusing to ad mit pupils withopt the necessary qualifications. end by their continued care they hope to raise this school to its proper place in the estimation of this community.— A limited number of pupils of the proper grade can be admitted, from the country by applying to jA.OOli -CAPP. Presid , nt. JOSEPH E ARCll,Secretary. or to CYRUS 800 ER, Teacher. Xtgir Tuition for common and higher English branch es, Win and Greek. s.2„per ruoniti. Lebanou, Aug. 26, 1863. Wi1,1740}1-441T0 M 0 AT T, Lorenzo U. Robre,r, I k VTOULD respectfully inforni the oil'. Yr zens Lebanon and vicinity, that 7 , he has ltlOlOl 7 lD his Tailoring estab lishment to two doors below Philip F. McCaully's Shoe Store, where be will make up the most far h ion:tide Clothing. ALL work entrusted to lam wait° manufactured in the best planner, ou mod erate terms. Good fits send truhstantialmaking guar anteed. Thankful fin the literal patronage extended hint thus far, he hopes by str let attention to his business to merit a confirm:lure of the Nutria, lie cor dially invites the public and his old customers to give him a call. [Lebanon, April, 8, ISti.l. TRANSPORTATION LINE. By Lebanon Edney Railroad. 10ARTICCLAti attention will be paid te Goods shine. ed by the Lebanon Talley itailread. Goadaw•ill be sent daily to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myers town and Annvilic Stations 11,14 dll other points in the County. ER FIGHTS. contracted for at the least possible rates awl delivered with dispatch. The Proprietor will pay particular attention 40, and attend personally, to the receiving and delivery of ail Eroight'. For information, apply at his Office at the Lebanon Valley Railroad &riot, Lebanon. BDWAIiI MARL his Agent in Philadelphia, will al ways be found at W FI. Bush's iferehone's Hotel, North Third at., Philadelphia. May 4,'64.1 CEO. ROFFMAN John H. Weaver, I S still carrying on the manufacture of all kinds of BOOTS & SHOES, &c. } e beeistnjohantvrientgurbzioe‘dgurrtonia dna ate& of good Leather, which ho is prepared to work tip to order in the best style of 'workman ship. Iris 'shop is on Market 'street, between Water and Striekler'it Mill. BOOKS & STATION ERY A NEB rum w i nformdte: thet e Public , WALTZ tic HOUCK having bought and honka a Stationary Stares of H. Reedel and George Waltz ' they are now prepared to wait on all who will favor them with a call, at the old eland (LI. H. Roeders) in Cumberland street, where they will always have on hand a large and well se lectcd supply of School, Blank and Sunday School Books, and as an inducement they offer their Miscalls mous books at greatly redueedicricae. nodal The Haw York and Pt I hia Daily and 'Weekly Papers,and 'Magazines, can be ad and subscribed for, on reasonable term, by calling itt their store. Anything wanting in their liee will be cheerfully at. tended to with promptness and dispatch Lebanon, May 4, 1804. BLANK RE,CEIPT For Collectors of .Stnte, County, and Militia Tax, for sale cheap at the 4dvertiser Office. fair Collaakmi of Galva*, Tral!. OINTALENT. LET, SORES OR RRUISES, t gorge Riolrmaais LEBANON COUNTY t TAKE NOTICE T/IA - . N. 13.—A1 1 k lode of Repairing prosuptlyatteadetl to Lebanon, April V, 181.4. Lebanon Mutual Insurance Company. LOCATED AT JONESTOWN, LEBANON Co., TOthe property holders Of the State of Penn. Sylvania :---41nNTLEMEN Your attention is respectfully solicited to the following low ratesnf Insur ance of the LEBANON MUTUAL INSURANCE COST PANT, who are transacting business with tho most flattering evidence of Public confidence. There sources of the Company are ample to indemnify those who may take advantage through its agency of the means afford ed Mimi of being protected against loss by fire. The Board of Directors are practical business men well and favorably known, and enjoying the entire confidence and respect of the community in which they live. Our Com pany is perfectly maim. and we invite your careful al 'Written to the following low rates as we are determined to insure as low as any other responsible company, taking into consideration the character of the risks incurred Our CHARTER being PERPETUAL, enables us to is sue Policies which never expire, which obviates the no cessity of renewal every 3 or 5 years. Thu Company has now been in successful operation for nearly 6 years, and all its losses have been prou.ptly paid to the satisfaction of all parties concerned; and, in fact it has been, and still continues to be, the wish of the Directors to have the Company conducted on honest and economical principles. RAIES OF INSURANCE. Dwellings, brick or stone, slate roof t 0,15 - f $lOO do do shingles „IS 4 do do Log or Frame ,20 " do Barns, stone or brick ,20 " do do Log or Frame ,20 " do Store Houses, brick or stone ,15 ~ do 'do Log or frame ,30 '. do gotels &hoarding houses, brick or stone ,26 " do do do Log or frame . ,30 " do Academies and School houses ,25 " do Churches and meeting houses ,20 " do Printers books and Stationerles - ,30 44 do Book binders ,50 " do Tailor shops Shoemaker and saddler short Silversmith and Watchcailter Tin and sheet iron shops Groceries mad Provision stores Tarim:lles Hatter Filiopa Grist Mills, Water power Saw Mille do do ' Drug Stores 130 " do Smith situps, brick or stunt ,30 " do do do Wood ,S 5 " do Carpenter,Voine'r .*. Cabinet nu k'r shops ,40 " ti, Wagoner and Coachtuaker shops ;40 " do Painter and chair maker shops ,40 " do Oil Clovti liiils - roundel - les of woof' no Idiick or utone ,30 "do Mercbandize in brick or sti.;ffo'build'nge ,20 " do do dri.Wooden do Furniture in brlek or etone`builditigs do .in wooden Stables & sheds, brick or stone,country do do wooden Livery b. Tatern Stables Ate' All communications should be addressed to 11.61WIAN, Secretary, Jonestown, Lebanon Co., Pa JJEir OFFICE at the "Black Llorse Hotel." Jonestown, March 4,1861 EXCITING NEWS 13 t tixer 15rriC70MIL3E1 L K LAUDERMILCH CUMBERLAND ST New Goods New - Goods GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS, French Merino, all colored ENGLISH MERINO, all colored. All Wool Delains, all colored. POPLIN MUSLIN DELAINS, & Black French Cloth. BEAVER Over Coating. CLOTH for LADIES, CLOAKS, from $2,00 - to .$4,00. Fancy and glack"Cass. • Satinettes, sold from 50 ets. to $l,OO Bed Cheek and Ticking. Bleached and 'Unbleached Muslin. Woolen Stockings. • zibirting, Flannel, Skirting, Flannel Calicoes and 'Ginghams. Woolen and Cotton noseiries. Ladies' and Gents' Gloves. Hoop Skirts I Hoop Skirts 1 Balmoral Skirts. Umbrellas ! Umbrellas! Linen and Paper Collars. A full line c.f . Ladies and Misses .Shawls. WoOlen-Hoodsl Woolen !loads ! ! General usiortruent-of Dry Goods, Groceries, & Queensware. L. K. LAUDERMILCIL Or All kinds of Country produce taken in exchange Tor 'Goods. PRINCE & CO'S A I rELL known MELODEONS end ITIRMONILTMS, T . introducing the etTect of pedal bass en every instrument. . . ERNEST' GABLER'S RAVEN & BACON'S and HALLE'r, DAVI'S & CO'S. celebrated MINOS for Casli.at a liberal deduction 11M.. Oyer 30.000 sold. JAMES ItELLAK. Solo Ageat, 2'19 and 281 South Fifth Street. above Spruce. April 20, 1864 .—ly. Philadelphia. Pa _ THE NEW BAKER, Y 3 111111 undersigned would respectfully inform the cit. acne of Lebanon. that he bee commenced the BAK ING BUSINESS, in all its varieties, at his Stand, I Cumberland street, Leb.mon, nearly opposite the Buck Ifotel,and Will supply oustomers with thetest 13READ, CAKES. Florr received from customers and returned to them in bread at sheet notice. - - - CON RECTIONERIES, of all kinds, fresh and of the beet quality, constantly on lt,tAt, and furnished at the lowest prices. Th public is invited to give me a Wei. Leh nen, May 4, 14,iti4. F. 11. MIL LOWitrt ConfiTtionary Slore, (Late Lowry fir Nahm,) Walnut street, near Cumberland, ;4, square from the Court House Lebanon. Pa. T_T littijust returned from the City with a fresh ..U1 Spring Stock of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dat-s, Currants, Filberts, Citrons, Walnuts, Penunt4, Almonds. Ste, .4 leo, a large variety of all kinds of different flavor ed Niue and Common OANDINS. Oakes of all kinds always on hand, or made to order. • Parties suppled at short notice. A large assortment of WOODSI , I cud TIN TOYS, in _ eluding Whaelb area's, Wagobs;&e.. ICE CREAM, of all the different flavors, always on hand. having fitted_ up the largo SALOON In hand some style.'be hopes to fete patronage-of the public. jOSEPII LOWRY. Lebanon, May 18, 1864. Fir VP) , : , F4lO 011 y 24 11 (LATJ WIIITE SWAN,) Race Street, above Third Phila. rpms establishment offers &Sat imineenients not on ly on account of reduced ' ,, rates of boarding, but rum its central location to the avenues of trade, as well as the conveniences afforded by the several Passenger Railways, running past and contiguous to it, by which guests can pass to, and from ihe lintel to the different Railroad Depots, Should they be preferred to the regu lar Omnibus belonging to the Douse. am determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort anti convenience of my guests. . GEO. LIGIITCAP, Proprietor. JOS. HOUSUIII, Clerk. ,June 15, 18134. Pliorth Lebanon Borough Account JOHN PAINE, Treasurer, in accciuntorith N Luba. uon Borough, from April —,,1883, to April OM. Dr. To Cash received from ,former Treaturer, " $7O 73 To Cash received from John Betsey, DO:- lector for 1862, iu full, 202 17 To Cash received from Wm. L. Black, Col• lector for 1843. 455 80 Cr. 04 By cash paid sundry persons on orders $735 issued as follower:— Solomon CI izgrich Interest $2O 00 George Arentz Supervisor 2 00 do 'do 80 00 Remy Treida Bond & Int., 105 06 . Jacob Seifert do 101 10.. John Betsey Tax refunded 833 Worth & Reinoehl " Printing 21 75 John Paine Treasurer- —5 00 John Light, as Interest 54'170 Wm.t. Black IL Constable 23 88 Benjamin Zeller ' Rent 800 George Arenta Supervisor g 4 $0 Isaac Rorer Interest .5 69 Josiah Punck Attorney 20 00 John IL Miller Bond A Lat., 64 84 John Light, se do 48 30 Abram Shirk do 53 50 Isaac Iloffer . do 'lB 97 Wm. 51. Breslin -",, . ' Printing ' 71 76 Balance in Treasury - .:. 46 78" . ' " Outabanding Tax for 1869, $ 893 . lig Vaistwillog Tibi Pie iIMe t NT ii AZDEL VSINOILM. iDOLPHICS EtINOVIL. CASE. IL MIMS •••. t* Ztla, • • - ti LUMBER & COAL To the best advantage. at the old established and well-known LUMBER YARD REINOEHLS & MEILY At the UNION CANAL, on the East and West sides o Market Street, North Lebanon Borough. r subcribers take pleasure in informing the Mi l. stens of Lebanon. and surrounding counties. that they still continue the LUMIIEft AND COAL BUSI NESS, at their old and well known stand, where they are daily receiving additional Found les of the BEST AND WELT. SEASONED LUMBER.. consisting of White and Yellow Pine gOARDS, PLANIi and SCANTLING. Hemlock BOARDS, MANE and SCANTLING. RAILS, POSTS, PALINGS and FENCING BOARDS ASH, front 1 to 4 Inch ; CHERRY, front gii to 3 inch POPLAR, from ! . ,ig to 2 inch. Poplar and Hardwood SCANTLING. Onk and Maple BOARDS and PLANES. Roofing and Plastering LATHS. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! I SHINGLES I !I Also, Pine and Hemlock SHINGLES. COAL! COAL!! COAL! ! A large stock of the best quality of Stove, Brol.cn, Egg and Linieburners' COAL; and also, the best Alle gheny COAL for Blacksmiths. /kik - 'Thankful for the liberal manner in wh'..di they have heretofore been patronized, they would extend a cordial invitation for a continuance of favors, as they are - cmifident that they now have the largest, best and cheapest, stock of LUMBER on hand in the county, _which will be sold at a reasonable per tentage. 400— Plea-se'call and exaruiue our stock and prices be fore purchasing elacwhite.. REINOBILLS & MEILY. North 't ebanou borough, May 7, 1862. 2: ' do ,a 0 ' d ,30 •' do ,30 " do 3) " do ,30 do ,30 d e ,3 ' do ~.5 • do ;40 " do '4O " do 3 ' do CLOTH, WOOLEN CLOTHING of-al: *oblora, dyed Jet Black or Blue Black, pressed, the color Wtitmnted and goodalurned Cut eqtial to new, by, LYON *LEMBOBGER, East Heiner. .26 " do 16 o do 20 ai do ;25 '25 do - . . Jfa"-- 'Articles to'be dyed can be left at Jos. L. Lember gees Drug Store where all orders for the above will be t tended to. March 11.1163. AOO TONS of Wheat and Oats Straw. 100 TONS Corn Fodder, for which the highest market price trill be paid in cash, during the nionthe of April. ?tiny and Juue,at the Paper Mill of STINK & ROSS. Lebanon, Feb. 24, '64. Lebanon. Va. HARDWARE AT COST. F i wE subscriber offers his large and well selected 1 stock of HARDWARE. PAINTS, OILS, Ac., .IT COST FOR CASIL Parties - who have settled their accounts to April 1,1861, will be allowed a liberal credit on purchasce.—Those who have not settled will find their accounts with A. S. Ely, Esq., for immediate settlement and collec tion. • D. M. KARMANIt. LEBANON, PA Out-Lots at Private Sate: wax, bo sold at Private Sale; ACRES OF LAND, situated In Long Lane, near the borough line, iu Corn well township. It adjoins the laud of Widow Fulmer, on the North, Wm. Atkins and John Krause on the East. There is a one story LOG MOUSE, .weather boarded erected on the land, and a good WELL to the garden.— ..The land has fine stones for quarries. This tract will mite a nice home for a small famil.V. • talt. It is free from Ground Gent. Good title will be given. ADAM nrrol, N. B.—This tract is now covered with flue grim, hal. Of which will be given to the purchaser, Lebanon, JUJUS IS Vao. 111,,T0W lis4he time to buy your STOVES before Cold 11 Winter is here, and the best and cheapest place is at the Lebanon Stove s Tin and Sheet Von Manufac tory of Tames N. Rogers. Two doors South from tho Lebanon Bank, where can be bad the largest and best - assortment of PARLOR, HALL, anti ()COKING STOVES, ever offered in Leba n.-n, Cas Burners for Parlors or Bed ChaMbers of his own make. with a general assortment of Parlor Stoves, .and a large variety of the beet Cooking Stoves in the county or borough, which he warrants tobake or roast WASH BOILERS eon 'tautly on hand of all sixes, and the best material, COAL RUCK ETS—the largest assortmon the hen,. lest iron, and the best made in Lebanon. Also, a large sleek of TIN WARE, made of lbe best material and in a workmanlike manner. As he is a practical Workman, and has bad an experieece of twenty.five years, he feels confident that be can Aire general satisfaction. He takes this method of returning his thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal support, and he hopes. by strictly attending to his own business, and +Ming other people's alone, to still receive a share of pupils! patronage. JAMES N. ROGERS. 49". Particular attention paid to all kinds of TanUING such es Roofing.epouting, Rm., and all work - warranted M A.Y 11, 18t4. A LECTURE FOR YOUNG MEN UST puh.labed, a SKEW edition of DR. CULYEIt• ej WELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical care (without medicine) of SpruKiruartnA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Leases, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Imprdja,ents to mar_ rings , etc.; elm CONEY:SII'7ION, EPILEPSY and FITS, in duced by self-indulgence or sexual .extravaganCe. Air Price. in a sealed envelope, only S cents. The celebrated atrtbpe in this admirable essay clear ly"demonstrates, from a thirty years successful prac tice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may be radically cared without the dangerous use of inter net medicine or the application or' the knife—pointing out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectu al, by means of Which every:saferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, 'priv ately, and radically, tle,L. This Lecture should he in tie hands of every youth and every man in the land. Britt- under Sloth inn pinto envelope, to any address post-paid, on receipt of six tests, or two pint stamps. Address the publishers J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery*, New York, • Post office box 4036.. April 20, I.Bo4.—teep. D. S. RABER'S DRAG STORE Ilea been removed twirls N6W Building on Cumberland staliE subscriber respectfully annotinees toiris acquain rit tames and +he inxislicqn general, that he has con ntly on hand a large stock of DRUGS, - PERFUMERY, MEDICINES, PAINTS, CHEMICALS, , DYE STUFFS,: VARNISHES, , TUEFENTINE, GLASS WARE,. ERUSHES, HAIR OILSi - rEXTRACTS, Burning Fluid, Furgical 'lnstruments, Toilet Soaps, Se. gars, Tobacco, &c.• Ale. -a 'variety of pancy Articles too nameronalo , niention, which , he offers at low rated, and warrants the qualities of the4rticles as represent ed. Purchasers will please retileMber, this, and exam. Inc the qualities and prices of Ilia goodebefore purchas ing elsewhere. AlPhysiaiatt'Aprescrip tionaand fam ily recipes carefully comiCamled, at all hours of the day or night, by calling' t the Drug Store, opposite the Eagle Buildings. On Sandays the Storo will be opened for the com pounding of prescriptions between the hours of 7 and 10 o'clock, A.11.,12 and 1, and 4 and 3 P.M. Lebanon, Aug. 13 1862. DAVID S. RABER. ICLIJATI LONGACRIS LEBANON Door, Sash and Steam Planing Located on the Steam-Romeo Rood, near Clamberland Street, Pact Lebanon. riIILD undersigned respectfully inform zr - I the public in general, that they I! , cli till manufacture and keep on hand, Door, Sash, Shutter, Blinds, Flooring, Woather,Boards., 0 Geer , Spring Idoiddinge, of all sizes, Wash Boards. eating. Sdrbece, Cornices, and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS for houses. We also construct the latest and most lin, proved Stair Casing and Hand Railing, suitable for large and small buildings. We now invite Farmers, Mechanics and Builders to call and examine our mock, which we will warrant to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor the under signed with their custom- _ LON G ACRE' az 0 ABEL. Lebanon, May 4, 1864. P. S.—There is also all kinds of TURNING at the same Mill. Planing, Sawing, dee., promptly done for . those who may famish Lumber. MERCHANT TAILORING.: S. D.A,,ISAY, in Funek's building, corner of Cam betland street and Doe alley, has on band and for sale, either by the yard or made to order, a large lot Of CLOTH'S, CASSDIERES, and VtSTINGS well selected from Good. Houses: Good Fits and Rub. stantial making guaranteed to all. Also ilandker— obiefs, Cravats, Gloves, Hosiery, Stispenders, Nancy and,; Plain Linen Shirts, Under Shirts and Drawers. S. S. RAMSAY. Lebanon, May 4, 1864 Philip FASFIIONABLE BOOT AND SHOEMAKER Oq...thimberiand Street, 01(10 door:East.' of the Black horse hotel. Thankful forilie' very liberal patronage extended to me fortho abort time I 4a.v.a been in business, rwould respectfully solicit a -continuance of the patronage of the puhlic.• e has at all titnea an assortment• of ROOTS and SHOES of hisrowu manufacture on hatid, which will be disposed of on reasonable terms. - -- • FINE BOOTS, LADIES' GAITERS` 41 . , Moab ilaairiag a neat, woll 3 ntolOarticla, 'Aro invites to.give ma a trial.'• Ohlldreha v Alasi• of - evbrY' variety and' color on WA:" 'wtirk WAll work warreptod. Repafring *zany awls andAmor modermwtorila: ' • A Friendly invitation . - -- • - . To all desirous. of purchasing tzi ri straw and Col.'s Fodder WA NT ED. STOVES. STOVES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Street, opposite the Eagle Dili!dings, Lebanon. PaA. -=-- For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs. Moths in Furs, Woolens &C., Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. Put up in 25e. 50c. and $l.OO Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks. $5 and $5 sizes for norms, Purim Darrtir- TIONS, "Only infallible remedies known." 'Free from Poisons." "Nut dangerous to the Human Family." "Ruts rome out of their holes to die. SR- Sold Wholesale in all large cities. Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. ttrai'• I! Dtwzaz!! lof all worthless imitations. 461- See that "Fosssit's" name is on each Box, Bot• tle, and Flask, before you buy. Air Address BERRY R. COSTAR. BS'- Principal Depot 452 Broadway, N. Y. 461' Sold by J. h. LEMO.F.R6ER, Wholesale and netan Agent. Lebanon Pa. Feb. 10, 'l34.—Sip, TO TUTIX KRUM TO THE PEOPLE OF'LEBANON. Ayr ARGUS NATHAN respectfully informs the people , of Lebanon and vicinity that he has opened a Na tion and Fancy Dry Goods Store in Lebanon forLhe WHOLESALE and RETAIL Trade ulna articles in his line at the most reduced prices possible, His stock consists in part of all kinds of Woolen and Cotton Stock Maki and Hose Undershirts, Drawers, IVocilen Caps and Rubies, M its and Gloves, Scarfs, all kinds of Handkerchiefs, Collars t.r Ladies and Gentlemen, Hairdresses and Nets, Ribbons and Velvets, Spool and Patent Sewing Thread, Buttons, Scissors,Combs, in., dm. A large assortment of U3IBRELL and-PARA SOLS, at the lowest prices. Spectacles, Pocket-basks, Portmonsires, Dominoes, Curds, in. A large-assort ment of Musical Instruments,Violins, Aecordsons, Banjos, Tamborines , Flutes, ifes, Baskets,. Trunks, Carpet. Begs, Satchels, and all kinds of Toys, in fact eve-alit:est almost thatcan be pionghtof in the Notion and Fancy line. Also a large variety of JEWELRY and WATCHES. Pedlars and Storekeepers will Sal it their interest to buy of us. Our Store is in Cum berland Street, In Funek's building, between the Ocierk House and Market house. - LAMP HEATING APPARATUS' 'BOILING-FRYING -STEIVING-STEEPING WITH TILE FLAME THAT LIGHTS TUE ROOM * * * * By the flame ore common lamp, at ilia cost of a cent's worth of oil, a very comfortable break fast can be cooked.-7. r: Tribune. * * * * Simple in a constructitn, easily kept in order, ready for use in a moment * * convenient to have on hand. * * Druggist's Circa/ay. _ * * * * Fish's Lamp is one of the most popular novelties of the day, * * the utility of it is unques tionable, a great saving is made inheating and cookiu g small articles, and can be made to cook meals for a great many peasons, which is actually done on the ambulance cars which carry the sick soldiers * *— Scientific American. * * * Fai family use, hoipital tent, barrack, picnies,fisiting, nursery, or sick room, it is an article of comfiert boyont/ all proportion, to its cost. * *— Nail's Tourtealof Health. • * * * huh - tried the apparatus and my. wits and I proclaim the same a most valuable ?sad India , . pensable article, and we now wonder how we could ib long do without it *, * Ed. Coal Oil -Oircitlar.:: * * An economical contrivance for getting up heat at short notice' for nursery and general House ho Id purposes, *. one important point.ia the 4av ing in coat over coal Brea. N. Y. Emiing Post. PRICES FROM. TWO TO-SIX .DOLLARS. CAPACITY FROM ONE TO POUR QUARTS. Three Articles cooked at one time with Arranged for Kerosene or Coal ail, or Gas. Descriptive Pamphletof thirty pages furnished gratis ALSO -. 'file Union Alinc!men*, PRICE 50 CENTS. To be attached to a Common Kerosene Lamp or Gas Bureel', by wbieb Water may be Boiled, and Food cooked ; also - arranged to support la shade. EVERY FAMILY NEEDS ONE. W. 51. D. RUSSELL, Agent, No. ;AM Pearl St., N. Intr. AGENTS WANTED. April 6,186{. New Cabinet Ware Rooms and Chair itrzrhet St., :Id door north of thy¢ L. Valt¢y lailroad. Largest Idonnfeetorq and Best Assortment of FURNITURE and CHAIRS, in the - oobity. riluE ritetie is reApeet fully request ed to bear in iniud that at these i_••4:1,_.r.:7 5— ••.:•.i;..! Were Rooms will found the best assortmerit of FAmItIONABLERMI HAND 8031 E FURNITURE and CHAIM. Per:aorta in want of ally kind would best call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Which (being all of his own work) he warrant!' to be better than any offered in this place. Prices will be LOWER than at any other pt - ce, either in' the'llorough or county of Lebanon. - All orders, promptly attended to,"and speedily execu ted at the lowest pates, All persons purchasing Furnithee from him will be accommodated by ha's ing It delivered to them, •to any part of the county, FREE OF CnARCz, and iritholor the least injury, as ho has prod red one of the, I,est'aush iontd furniture ukoons, especially for that purpose tra— COFFINS mode to order, and funetara attended at.the shortest notice. iLsbanon, May 4; lik4 A..;liE itS B ERG . ER S S and Chair •.., MANUFACTOR Y Cumberlan' , Stree4 Lebanon, Pa., nearly opp'z, e• Bubb 8 Hotel. . . . 'pill.; subscriber keeps constantl y on hand; ormakes to order the best sad. most; fashions* Fin*tare and Chairs, which he will Sell cherop, and alma - er than any other shop in the „Borough or oinintyi of Lebanon lie invites Young llousekeep., etc and all ethers to give him a call before buying elsewhere. He keeps no city work, but makes all himself with good workmen:- keep* a Furniture Wagon and delivers all - Furniture, with. out injury, and free of cost. Don't forget the place— Bast Lebanon, CAber. land street. Ile invites all to giire him acall, Air:they can make the best bargains with him. A. ILERSUEItGER. Lehaneft 1864.—Zusi . - , ' 1911WISE47.71110111:7' WAICEROONIS South east corner, .of illitecet'AS'qudre, .Noll l llll' LEBANON 'BO LOUGH ri r. subscriber respectfully informs 'the' Uhl! 1 that be has not!, sin baud.'at his Winn rooms „.____,.......tmosuNt4 a splendid assortment of good " and substantial 'Fara it ure— : Parlor, Cottage and Chambot —consisting of Sofas, Tete-a. ri 514 44 Tetes, Lounges, What-nots, .I .• Parlsti, Centre, pier, Card , and Oommou Tables, Dressing - ;;;Z .;nd Common D ‘ u , rat!us, 1111 Sea ll te i tlAltin S ifo l iP L an% li?ocalr ing, Pte. Cane Seated, Chairs and Old Furniture re paired at abort notice and at moderate prices. Atil" COFFINS made, and Funerals attended at the shortest notice. HENRY A. AL LWEIN. • north Leber= leirengV, Jan. 8, 1864. ISIM 0.0666 E NO R R E TH M IIB A AN I 6 . N.. Saddle and „ Harness Mann. .• • rpllll undersigned has_ removed M i a n h u i f s a c tSoaraydtioelaYfeW4lo Harnessu :r4l°F.g" of the old place, to .the.large room' rer-4L 1 .t.. lately occupied by Hillman & Bro., es a Liquor store, where hb'will be haPpy to see all his old friends and customers,, and. where be has increased fa cilities foil attending to all the departmehts of hiS bust nese.' Being determined* to bObehlud :no other estab listimentin his abilities to aecommodatct customers, he has - spared neither pains nor expense' to obtain and male himself intisVr of every Modernjuiprovement in the business and secure the services of the best work men that liberal - wages wouidcemmand. He will keep a large stock on. hand, and- manufacture at the short esi Mitice, all deseriptioes of lELARNEdS,' such as Sad. dies, Carriage Harness, of all kinds; heavy Harness, iluggy'Whipa a the hest manufacturo, Buf falo Robes, Fly Nets, such as Cotton, Worsted, Linen, . and ,ti new kind lately invented; WWI'S of every kind, such as Buggy Whips, Cart Whips, &c.; .11amea of all descriptions. Halter Chains, home-made Traces, • &e., &c., all of-wliich he 'win warrant' to be egaal to. any that Cutu be• obtained in any other, establishment In the country. All he asks, ,that those desiring any thingin this line; should call at his place and examine • oil stock. ,Be feels the fullest confidence in his ability to give entire satisfaction. ' ra n All orders thankfully reael so ved a M nd mummy i t, 4.41. Weritt iebemen Ilereagh,•Ans. ift; lOC . . UZI PEDLERS ALSO MARCUS NATHAN FISH'S One Burner OWEN LAITBACCEVS Manufactory. CLOCKS; Thirty ,!lay, Eight .Dayi Thirty,lifour, CLOCKS,- Just Received at J.. BLAIR'S Jewel ry,Store, Lebation Pc