3hltc. UTfitting: COOP E1MP131133.01P COtteosatuauccosrntl2 , s:2to Neatly and ' , Promptly Executed, at the 'ADVERTISER OE3IOE, LEBANON, 'PENWA . Tate egabliehinent le now applied with en oxteneive "assortment of JOB TYRE, which will be Increased no the patronew:dernands. It Cflll Wow turn out Ennynna, of sver7 description, in a neat licit datiiiatidue Wianner— • linden _e ery reasonable terms . Pamphlets, Cheeks, Business Oarits, Handbills, • Oirenkrs, Labels, Bill Headings, Blanke, • Programmes, Bills Cif Pare, , Invitations, iicketc, 4c., &c. .1111.-thutegof all kinds. Common and Judgmbitt BONDS. Justied, Constables' and Other BLAffillth ISltirdad ;correctly and neatly on the best paper, constantly kept - for sale at this office, at prices "to suit the times." ***Subscription price of the LEBANON ADYERTISBR. One Dollar and a Half a Year. Address. Ws M. Dan= Lebanon Pa Ile IN BIBIGHAUS, ATTORNI..T-AT-LAW, ,q:FIOS, Stiebtfike Minding, Cumberland Street, airtropposite the Court Muse, Lebanon. bunco, 30teri6,11164.—tf; PYRAIs P. muuturt; -.Atioiney-dt-Eavv . 19filpe !n yegriemmt, zottilx oppltitt' the Buck di cv , 40 1: cwo Aciors • 811 th frt. Aar Ay 8 itktr:, Aptit C11344,-ay, • ''itTIMOVALI • • T. WftADAIU, !ATTORNEY AT LAW, TIAS movFD hl office to "ffittltet Street o posite " North the Lebanon Bank, twe doors Widow 'Aire's. notch ' , Lebanon. &LIMAS, '63, ' • *LI ss LEir tt . e) dcgt;',L ,l4 taki, lacr . rVETlClLeclUairrid to Cumberland street, ono door kJ Bait of the Lebanon 'Valley Bank. oppoatte the Buck Hotel, Lebanon, Pa. Van. 6,'04. ARMY AND NAVY PENGION; BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND BUN . • LAND AGENCY. . • SaItLEN VIVIR a , t nittg undersigned, having been licensed to prosecute claims, and baying been engaged In the Bounty and Pension business, otters his services to all those who at a thereto entitled, in accordance with Ste various asta of Congress. All snob should call or address at , ore, and make thotr applications through BASSLltnitilltittt. Attorney at•Law t OFFICE removed' to Cumberland St., one door East of the Lebanon Valley Bank, opposite the Buck Dotal, Lebanon, Pa. - [Jan. 6,'t4. A. T. Vir AtTORN . V..I P .AT LAW, Office North West orner of Water and Market 'Streets, xam33.41..i 1 / 4 Tetiw, Lebanon, Nov. GUANT WEIDMAN ATTOII. I NEY AT :LAW. ,i- I FFicE, in Cunthberiand street. a few:dpors east of 1,1 the ramie lintel, in the ofike late *hf 'lll6 father `Copt, iTuhu Weidman, der - d. Lebanon. Sept. 9, 1803. REMOVAL A. STANLEY NEY T A,_ . .W __ Ibis remove * ltti tin iliiinii;itlieAderi - eut Ot lAtudermileb 's Store, opposite the Washington , llouse Lebanon. ' - BOUNTY andPENSION claims promptly 'attended to LA prilB, JACOILI WEIDILE I ORA% Tr! itIT ■ 14 0 11111 arAleFit:3l, northwest Comer Market awl Water Sta., iJ Lebanon, '4lLebinon, Januaryl3,l.BB.l.—ly.9 Dr. P. D. . - 1 /ATittii leaded In Lebaliois, offers his profession el services to the public. Office In Market 2r., 'if "the Milli' log formerly occupied by his father. Letoreon t .Dec. Id, 1888. rgNssoNs. ' R. GEO.-P. LINEAWKATIII, having been op. pottiosa, by th e Commissioner of Pensions, -a li asblngton, Xelimbibig Surgeon for Pensions, it ,pro- Iparod wasteo4 to all uppitrauts for Pension at his of fire, In Marknt, ntr..ot,'nest An or to The root Omen. Lobinon, March 2503, 1808.—W olraL n ers gned has thoVnti office to (recto's Ir r .Coinef, (entrance on Walnut St., opposite 'ante Ilouse,) where he continues to give hie ',Witeib attention In , Surveying and Scriveuing. ISllWays in ail office on Saterdeys, end id all other times 1.10- lass when called sway by business. irriiing lately been appointed Notary Public, he bas. authority' of 'take acknowledgments the same as Jitaticea of the Peace. • • Pattlenlar attention given' to writing Wills end' making out elletributioue. AAAG.IIOFFEIt. Lebanon, Olsreh 2R, 1.974.-3 m. „DEN 118.1 1 RY reitot rrtwedvfireoi4 have Ashen rooms at liAuEn i s Lebanon lone nd L m doer te't . Dr. C. D. (fioningees,) where I can be found at all hours of the day, to wait upon those who may want , my professional services. rarticalur attention paid to the treatment and filling 'of TEETH. , All operations done in the moat improved and relents:fie manner. ear PRIDES as low as elsewhere for- the same Asia Of work. Chloroform and Ethsr administered - 10 patients when desired. Amara/fin' pest faramr, I would solicit lbw ” patron , age of those wishing the services of &Dentist. GEORGE ChAdilt; 13.-u S. Lebanon, Pa .; April 27,1861, ts , 1 =.;- OBSIEBLY of Jonestown, Irbaur county, wotun t respectfully inform _his friehds. and the *thus he line connected hillsteel fetish Mr. howsn,i it the TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SIXIAIt itUSINtSS; N 0.146 Nerth Third 'kraal, Phila., where beskill be glad to redelee ensturne&`and sell at rates. that will prove satisfactory. Philadelphia, May 20, 1803. Meet, R S PIONZE WeIIioNMOWNED COMBINED REAJESItf AND MOWER, BUT!' BAND AND SEIALWARIMS. Iniraaran You 1504. One of the greatest labor•carlitg Machines of the 'ego, l _ and always found. fully equal to any test to which nia been eubmitted, in all kind , of groin end gra" at home and abroad. Grand Medals of Honor ewer I ed by the tirorld`s successively at London. Park sand Homburg, and acknowledged in both hemispheres 'to be the Pioneer and chief Reaping and Mowing . blue 'chines. The model and pattern of air othea. WE , 'a halm our Self-Reiter to be superior to all °d r em, and 'offer It on trial with any other, the purchaser to keep 'and pay for the one preferred. ZIP Sample Machine can be seen at Milian limit's Motel, Lebanon. and any information Iv-anted con be bud Iv , Ceiling at .1_ lt. Bressler% Stove Storo, Walnut Street, Lebanon. fr All kinds of REPAIRS (Instantly on baud, and falls% by the agent. is, Satisfaction guaranteed.' JOHN 11. Elll3, Agent, !for mkt by Litla, Laueaster county, Pa. Nay 11,18GL—fit. PLO Jon see A/ K•I ORO.'S Now Root will Shoe Snore. `‘FT_A01 - t -1 • I "Sewing Mach ine. `The Only Machine oapaple of Inahing More than One Kind of a Stitch; and the Only One baying the RE VERSIBLE FEED. The feed may be reversed at any point desired, 'vrithout stooping, which Is a great advantage iu fasten ing the ends of seams. It makes four different di WHIP, Inch, knot, double lock, and double knot ; each stitch perfect. and alike on bo th aides of the fabric. There-Is no other Machine which will do so large a range of work as the Floronce.". ,will Braid, Tuck, gallt,.Coril, Ilem Fell, Bind, Mahal and do &Wilhite of Stitching raititited by rant - Mee and Manufacturers. tho molt itiettperienced Rod no difficulty In using Iteery Machine le warranted to give entire itisfac; tiou, and to do all that is claimed for it. IRS. Thu nofence must be seen to be Appreciajed. J. F. MATZ, Agent of Lebanon county, Aiinfille, Pa. P 919011 11 w inking fusee the Machine in operatic.u can do so calling on the Agent at Anuville, or on Wm. 0. Ward, at Lebanon. IC, June 22,1E10. Furs! FITS FITS! If. 1001INY, Merchant Tailor, respectfully an nOtitices to the'citizens of Lebanon and vicinity t at he has just returned from the city with a fine RS gotttient • . HS . CASSIMERES CLOT ~ all of which he will sell or make up to orderat prices to suit the times, at his No. I Tailoring Estab lishment In Keitil's New Block, 4 door/. South of the Busk note], South Walnut street. All -work entrusted to:Mucosa, trill be manufactur ed Ina workmanlike mealier all to fashion and dura bility. Good. purchased eleewhere will he cheerfully made Bp to order nn the usual moderate terms. ißaylng bad years andxperience in the; tailoring, and DatfOods business, being,incilned to tern to the 341110.1 1 111 3, 0 111 4 tuts terneri,, all the #dValltageß resul t leg froaftaidsequnamenis, he feels mended that It wilt be impended to by a Tory tibias% abate of the pub- Ile patronage. , ''Trietidielift one s toplease me after that please your Wee. - July 3, 1368. Cc-b - a.noU VOL. NOT, ALCOHOLIC. A HICiIILY CONCENTR-ATEb Vegetable Ex trav t. -A r OCIRE TONIC. VOCT9II HOOFLAHD'4 GERMAN BITTERS; PREPARED BY Dr.C. Af. JACKSON, Philad'a Pa. WILL EFFECTUALLY CURE Liver Complaint 3 Dyspepsia,• , Jaundice- Chronio or Nervous Debility, Distmomi of tbo Kidney!, and all diseases arising from a . d isordared Liver or Stomach. gineh RS thMelipittiOn, Inward Pike, 'Fulness - or ;Blood to the Head Acidity - of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart burn,„Distiutet for .rucal, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach. Sour griectothms. Sidttlog, or Fluttering lit "thatitnfilie Stbtifftai, Sloinitnlnt " -- saf the - Head, Hur ried and Dithenit.Dreathing, flow:rink :fl at the Heart, Choking or Suffix ating‘Sensatlons when in alyiltigrpos tore, Dimness of • T Tots or Webs befOre,the Sight, Fever end Dull Pain . in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Vellowlieeit of the Skin and Symtl Pain in the Side, Deck, ChOst, Limbs, Ac.. Sudden Flushes. oiliest. Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depression: of Spirits. - And Will , positively - r ot:event Yellow Feuer, Bilious Aver, • THEIti CONTAIN No Alcohol or Bad Whiskey ? They WILL. CURE the nboye diseasee in ninety - nine oases out or a hundred. Induced by the extensive sale and Universal popu— larity of Booliand's Berman hitters, (purely vegetal.) le,) hosts of ignorant Quacki Mg unscrupulous -.adventu rers, have opened upon suffering' humanity the flood, gates of Nostrums ill the shape of poor whiskey, vilely compounded with infinit:is drugs, and christened Ton. iee, Stem:chits and Bitters. , . Beware of the innumerable array of Alcoholic prep• stations in plethoric bottles, and big bellied kegs, un der the modest appellation of, Bitters; which instead of curing, only aggravate disease, and leave tl.e disap pointed sufferer in dispair. IWORLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS! Are'reitaaelv- and untried. article, bet have stooil the teat of :fifteen years trial by the American public; and their reputation and sale, are not rivalled by , any similar preparation. - . The proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most em inen t C LBW) THAN, li4-NITERS, PIIYSICIANB, and CITIZENS, ' • Testifying Of their Own. personal knowledge, - to the beneficial effects and medical virtues of these Bitters. DO YOUWANT SOMETHING TU STE ENGTIIENYOU? DO YOU WANT A GOOD APPETITE ? _ DO YOU .1Y ANT TORUILD YGIJIt CONSTITUTION?! DO YOU WANT. TO FEEL I'NLf. ? DO YOU WANT TO GET ItIIYOF NERVOUSNESS? .- DO YOU WANT ,EN.ugen DO YOU WANT TO SLEEP WELL? DO YOU WANT A DIVIDIi AND.YIQ Oft Pus, rEyitiziqf If you do, use froon.e. ND'S. GEEMEN DITTERS. From Res. Netetott proton, All, Editor of tide Ew cyclopedia of Religious .NUololaige..., Although nut disposed to favor or recommetel Pat= eat Medicines in getieral,through distrust of their in gredients and offucte ; I yet knoW of no sufllolent rost , sons why A man may not testify to. the benefits ho by-. Bores himself to have fete Red from any simple prep oration, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the ['benefit of others. • . • • Ido this the more rendily tegard to Midland's German Bitters. prepared by Dr: C. 3L Jackaun, of this city, because I was prejudiced egidiart them for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly en alcoholic mixtrire. lam indebted to my friend .Itob ert"Bhoinnaiter, king„ fur the removal of this pre.lndico by proper tests, and for encouragementlO try them, when suffering front great and long continued debili ty. The use of Wine bottles of these Bitters, at the be ginsiing - of AIM present year. was followed by evident relief, and :maturation to a degree 'of lodily Mid men,. GA vigor - which 1-hard not felt far six .mouths before. and had almoet despaired of regaining. I :therefore thank Got friend for directing Tonto . -them— , of them J NEWTON BRON'. rftiLAD'AvloNai 21 1501. Particular Notitc. There:are trat7 'preparations sold underlhe unit% of hitters, pat up In quart bottles. compounded of the Cheapest 'Whiskey or common rum, costing from 20 to 4licente per gaihm, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander seed. • This class of Bliters•hits mused and will continuo to cause oni long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of the , drunkard. By their use the system Is kept continually under the influence eV - coin:die Stim ,.Admits o f the worst kind, the desire for Liquor is crea ted and kept mornd the result is all the lturrors,at• tenditut upon a drntekard's life and ffdr those who (hail% and will hare a Liquor Bitters, pit fish the followlegreceipt. Oct One Battle Hoof fan 'S Germa.- Bitters and mix with Three Quarts of Good Brandy or Whiskey, and the 4 .`estilt will be a prep aration that will far excel in meilicinal Virtues and true excellence any of the numerous Liquorßitters in the market, and will cottinuch less. You will have allilWarrfttes of Hooffund's Bitters to connection with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price than these Ipferler.,.preparations wilt cost you.. A Iterition Soldiers AND '.1 4 10.• FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. WC call the attention of all having Madinat and friends lit the army, to the fact that -1100F1:ANDE - German Bitters" wflitlire Mine tenths of the dimness Induced brexposures and 011eitlithis incident to cnrhp life. In the lists ; published almost tinily in the Opera, on the arrival of the B , ck, it will be noticed Iltatit very largis proportion are suffering from debili ty. 'Every case-ot .that kidd can be readily cured by lloonand'a German Bitters. Discuses resulting from disorders of the digestive orgy tie aro speedily removed. We MVO 110 liesitatiott alb Mating that, if tehae a Bitters were freely used among oar soldiers: ttVnileedtt of IfVWs might be sieved that otherwise will be lost. We call particular attention to the fullbwing re markable and well authenticated core of One of the nation's, heroes,. whose life, to use his own language, bus been saved by the Bitters :" PHILADELPHIA, .A.lignst. 23rd, 1662. • Zlicsars. Jones .1; gentlemen, your Hoof lead's German Bitters bus saved my life. There is ho mistake in ttals. - It is vouched fur by numbers of my comradesoiornelif whose Toone sire siopeoded, and who were fully cognizant of all the circumstauces of my Me 1 am, and hare heed for the lust four yens, a member of aherinton's zelebrated battery,, and limier the imtnediate command of Captain It. . Ay - eos. , .— Through the .exposure attendant npon my arduous dn a Ms.] was attacked iu November last with inflammation or the lunge, anal wee for seventy-two days itt the boa. vital. This wee followed by great debility, heighten ed by en Attack of dysentery. I was than reinovcd froth the White Hume; Mal bent to tills city on board she Steamer "State of BlAhre." from which 1 lautled on the 25th of.Tfitta. Since that time 1 have beau boot sa idle so any one Could be and still retain at spark ufvitallty. For a week or More I was scarcely able to wallow anything, and if 1 did force tt. moreol down, it Was immediately thrown up again. I could uot es,ll. keep a glass of water on my stom a:di. Life contd not last under these ciremmitanceq; and, accordingly, the physicians who had been work lug faithfully. though taosuceess fully, to rescue me from the grasp of the dead Archer, frankly told me they could do 110 more for mu, and advised me to see a clergyman, and to make suet, disposition of my limi ted funds as best suited me. An oconal.ttaece who visited tae at the hospital, Mr. Frederick Steinbron, Sixth below Arch Street, ised me, as a forlorn hope, to try 3 our Bitters, and kindly procured a hot. . From the dose I commenced taking them the gloomy ebadow of deathYeCeded, and I an now, thank God for it, getting better. Though I have bat taken two bottles, 1 have gained ten poUnds, and I feel sae garble of being permitted to rejoin my wife and daugh ter, from whom I have heard nothing for 18 months; roF, gentlemen, lain a loyal Virginian, front the vicht- Hy of Front Royal. To your invaluable Bitters I owe the certainty of life which has taken the place of vague fears—to yang Bitters will I owe the glorious pilege t h e gin clasping to my bosom those who are de a r e st to ISAAC 51.kbON.E. iu life. Very, truly Yolirsi We fully concur in the truth of the above statement, as we had despaired of seellig our eortruile, Mr. Motu% restored to health. JOHN CUDDLEBACK., Ist New York Battery. GEORGE A ACKLEY, Co C 11tb. Maine. LEWIS CIIEVALIER, 92d New York. L SPENCER, Ist Artillery, Battery F. J II FAS EWELL., CO B3d 'Vermont. /I FeNRY B J.I.IItOMB, Co B do: 1-1BN11.1f:T MACDONAL, CO C Oth Maine. , JOIIN F WAItD, Co F. sth Maine. LIEBMAN KOCU, Co 11 72d.New York. N A N AT D LI KE A DTI o S C C A o 1 3 . ‘ 9 l 6 ‘ l e h t I nTo n n n t: JOON JENKINS, Co B 167th Peeler. - Beware of ()motto:faits ! Bee that rho signature of , IC. d. JACKSON," is on the WRAPPER of each bottle. PRICE PER BOTTLE 75 CENTS,. ' OR HALF DOZ. FOR $l. CO. • Should your nearest druggist not have tie ar t cl e f do not be put off by any of the intoxicating prepar (lone that may be offered In its place, but send to us, and we will forward, securely packed, by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICE' AND MANDFACTORY, NO. 631 AILCH ST, • Jones. Jr: .Eslnts, (Successor to 0. M. JACKSON ,A, C 0.,) = Pioprietors )32r FOIL BALI by D s- 050 . Rese t opjioeita the Court House LEBilaCiff, PA., and by Diuggiste and. ...I.4lrt's "ivory town in the United States. ' May Tr, 18153.13'. tEtANON,PA., WEDNESDAY, IMPORTANT NEWS I - TO ALL WHOM IT DOES CONCERN:! ON LAST SATURDAY TUE QtYIO ( 3A Was filled tor Lebanon county, and at the same time the Cheap Cash and . Produce Store of GOODITE AR & DI FFPNBALIPS .(BABE.IVS BLOCK) Cumberland Street , - Lebanon Pa.• • IV A filled oiitliU AT . iacti,ASOftrnont, of Spring and ll inn Sinor Goods, just ithrehased NEW YORK AllCTlONikwhich tor Variety, Beauty and Cheapness cannate - excelled this side of the . Atlantic, and at prices ••that will astonish the World. :trot. trtrth 041 tlift see for 'irourselev. tallies' Dress Goods. . , LineMotarnbikiqual,' " " Snieriew Mosainbuiques,, ' „ CC.loretiMilickli.: all shade's. is " " , eolo'rad•iiti'arafirntifefili, " " French Poplins, all shades, " French Baregos, all shades, • " French Tissues shades, e." " Foulard Challies ' " " " Manchester Delains; Lawns, &a, kc. A full Line ofDItESS GOODS of ever descril,thin and the largest assortment In the county. Full Line of LADIES CLOTH, all shades, such as Tan, Drab, Lavender, Light Grey, Black, &c. Full Line of Beet oil &died Black SILKS. Full Line of Fancy Silks, Drown, &e., purchased be fore the recent advance. Full assortment of CALICO et all prices. 44 " " Bleached MUSLIN. " " " Unbleached " 'THE CHEPEST IN :THE COUNTY. 111 4 61URAING GOODS., Our -Motirrilng Dopertinont is complete, compriS ing 'Full Gine of Black, all wool Boletus:o4 Wide, .• 4 . 4 on wool " - " Canton Clotho. " • " Persian Coshmere, 84 " " " Black Silk Grenadian, " " Bombazines, " " " " Black Crape Veils, 44 , 4. . 4 . 44 Lore Valle. •• Hosiery, o it Li °b yes. In Mot anything in Mourning and 'Second Mourn ing hoods. Gentienieti Wear. A full lino, of CLOTHS, pAssnumus, COTTO. ADES and V P.STINGS, all k lads and prices, which xi be eold Cheap.. Grocerles, Sugar, Coffee, BIWA sari, Spices, &c., 'all at LOW PRICES. 4Ar.Call one and all; and .througb our Large and well Selected Stock of Goods, and get the prices., as if is no troubla tolhow 130edg. 010 Kato is "Small _Profits and Quick Sales, and Good VatuO." 0 OODYEAR L DIFEE111:61.01 Free F 1 .4xhibition. Gs() dn Atls - - D F,SI4OI.I§ t XTEADING BOOT tk: SHOE 321. ILT SS X. IV Ss. - has determinod to carry out the motto, " QUICK SALES . AND s.lnAti."33=4." -- Mtrrharfnst receired large stock or Scots, Shoes. Trunks and Carpet Bags. *EL. Particular attention paid -to Customer's Work. Lebanon, March j 23,18,34. TAKE NOTICE. 13 UILDERS will do well by calling on J. IL BRESSLER Agent, as he -is prepared to do all kinds 'of TIN 00FINO, SPOUTING and JOB 'WORN. geUinlly, at the very lowest prices. Ife also bus on band a large and good assortment.of all kinds of TIN WARE, and , all of the most improved Gas Burning COOK ...." STOVES and PARLOR STOVES. Also all the n different end latest improved DANakt AND HEATERS, of all kinds. lie also keens - ten stoutly on hand a Urge stock of all kinds'of 'EDDYING, SLATE, which he Offemat less price IMO' 'they can be bought of any Other elatemen in the county.. . . ta.. wAresi-RthimsObetoor South of the "Buck Hotel," Walnut Street, Lebanon, Pk. - Lebanon, May 4. 1864. New Spring Stock, TILE LATEST STYLES AT CHEAP CASII PRICES cr gtilltstiill, '& ►inn., lIATE just received et their CIIHAP CLOTIIING STORE, On , Cumberland Street. Lebancin Ti nii their (A7n hinniifactory in Phlf&deriphin, " A Inrge steely of New Rtridy-iiiade Clothing, - of ell kinds. for 311 , 1 - N Ifni] BOYS. '149 6 Old Customer. terra ()Vies, 'are invited to cell and examine this sleek before purchasing else where, as we feel confident we 'can suit the kestes of ail. IthiftEINSTEIN & Opposite the Court House. Lebanon, April 13,1861.-310. BarloVes . 1.11.1140 Blue. DEALMIS end Customers) of the above Celebrated Waste Blue, will please take notice, that the La Lets are altered to read Indigo Blue 'P'cr It' Alfred Wiltberger's 3=•x=l.-c7, No ! 233 North SECOND Street, PIITLAD'A Tife quality of this Lithe will be the mane in every respect. It M warranted to color more water than twice the eana, nualktity of Indigo, and to go much furthek tha'n any other Ugh Blue in the market. It dissulvee per fectly clear and does not - settle TM OM clothes as most of the other makes do_ One Box dissolved In a half pint of water, will mahe OP good a I.lqUid Blue as coy that la made, at one third the cost. As it Is rat:idled at.lhe Mina price as the Imita tions and Inferior at titres, honA'skenPets Will rind it - very much to their advantage to ask rot' that put up at Willberger's. yAll Blue pat up after this date with Barlow•s name on it is an Imitation. The New Label does not require a Stamp-. —For Sole by Storekeeperm generally Feb. 24, '64.-6ae. if. READING RAILROAD. Summer Arrangentent ma rr.. o .2 iga r - - GREAT TRUNK LINK FROM THE NORTH AND North-West ter PIiILAD3II,PIII A, NEW-YORK, READING, POTTSYIIiI,E, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, E ASTON, *a., Ac. Traina leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia. New-York. R.eadieg, Pottsville. and all intermediate Stations, at 8 A. M., and 2.00 P. 01. New. York Express .• leaves liarrieburg at 6.30,A. 31., arriving, at Now York at 'IA the same day. A epecial, Accommodation Passenger Train Navel; ItranlNG at. 7,15 A. M. Mid returns frbit Harrisburg at, 5 V. M. Fares !Nan Harrisburg] To Now-Tork $6 10; lo Phil nalciphia is 85 and $2 . 80. Baggage checked through. Returning. leave New-York at 0 A. 31., 12 Noon, and 7 P. M., (P.ITTSBURO EXPRESS arriving at Harris burg nt 2 A. NJ Leave Philadolphia at 8.15 A. N., and 3.37 P. 31. . . Sleeping ears in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittaburgh svithoni ahange. Paaaangard by the Cabrwbisa Railroad lea ve Tamaqua at 8.50 A. M., anti 2-1061. for Philadelphia, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 035 A. M., and 2.30 P. M., for Philadelphia, Warrisburg and Now York. Ah AmordmOdatten Passenger train leaves Reading at 6.00 A.ll , and rehires from Philadelphia at 8 00 P. U. • /fir All the above traine run daily, Sundaya excepted. A Sunday4rain leavM Pottsville at 7.30 A. 31., ithd Philadelphia at 3.15 P, iil. Cossattrrsrum, blames, SEASON, and Ramesh* TWE ETS at reduced rates to and from all volute. 80 pounds Baggage allowed each paesenger. O. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. May 25,1881 WANTgO TO BUY ' RYE • 0 000 BUSHELS bu MAO shels . CORN 1: 50,000 buebOls OATS; • , • 50,000 bushels WHEAT. Also, CLEMSRSEED, TIMOTHY SEED, Flaxseed, for Which the highest CASELpiiele will be paid at the Leb anew Talley Railroad Depot; Lebanon. • , OZONE it.ortlifirr. Lebailoripluq 17; 1961. fizattaittoto. - THE SILVER =ROW. A PACE PROM rflit CRIMINAL CALENDAR_ . "Where you ever in'the TornhS ?" Stich was the sahitation of my friend, Charles 14clr, a rising young lawyer, as I encountered kiln upon the corner of Broadway and: Leonard: Street. , , "Never," I replied. "Do you want &hew idea—a strange insight into the mysteries of human nature ?" . : all met 41 7 "Come-'with in thou, I tun Oink to see a young; 1, in the Toinbs, ac mused'erifittoter. 7 ,, "A einurderesti What could have induced her to 'commit the. dreadful act ?" `7 "My dear fellow, bow rapidly you jump to ar conclusion., I dj4.4ot tiby a murderess but a young girl'ilbel•Siid of nitrder, I'have',eVery reason to believe her inimect*, totherWise • I shOuld not havOndeftaken to defend her,- which-I liavo done at the'itqUest of her employer." "What are the facts in ihe case, as far -as' they have come to your know ledge;?" • "Simply these gir'l's name is Sybil Clarke, Some nineteen years of fifke, and said to be very beautiful. have not seen her yet. She is an artiticiallower.maker - and being all alone here, occupied a furnisbed'room on Crosby Street—a not unusual stye .of liVing,among girls of her class. Last 'thglit, 'about 'tern co'clock, the neighbors were aroused by the cry of "murder" proceeding from her apart ment, and upon entering, discovered her kneeling eV er e 'body Ota young man, which la . V upon the floor welter ing in blood. He was quite dead— stabbed to the heart with some sharp instrument. He was Teeognizect :as a. person,itichard Baker by name, who occupied a chmoer above; in the "Sailie building.' He had been quite familiar• With 'find Was 'suppos ed 'to Elie ittiydi'.- The neighbors, charitable ; souls, at Once said-that Sy r hi] had killed him in a fit ofjealousy. The girl vas at once taken into Cus tody mid ennVo*Vbi to the . TeforilbS;--'--• 1 •661 , ,5nei• will render- his .verilVdt: this morning, -and her ; examination, take place. "Circumstances • are certainly ominst her, I suci•gosted. — B . • e 11ITTIPj par frio - Tja:' "MY 004 . 511:1A 'tinutt4e wird rejected Baker and the silly . fool put an end to his existence. But the most remarkable part of the whole af fair is, that the weapon .With which Ole crime NYlcs :committed bras not been diScOVered. • In i'Vet, YM Weapon more dangerons than a pair of scis sors could be discovered in the apart ment" • . do not wish ;to discourage you." I reniai*cd. ' "butAhat ecl. , Lmnly has a bad look for yOur clicigt the lover—if he *as such, indeed-L-com- mitted suicide, the weiviyoll Would have been found; as she 'Odic] have had no motive in concealing it ; whereas, if guilty of the tirime, that would, intuitively, bane been ITer first act.' . • lle - sboOk his head:gravely as he listened to my words. "There is ranch ibrce in your rea; soiling," he said, "and I fear thP COO will preVe •ie ifitittaitt oite but despei-andum P as We Pried t'O say at school—'never despair' is my motto. Let Ifs :attend the examination. Af ter that I will have an.intervicw with - the girl herself, and then I shall be able to shape refottr - Se for her de6nee: Can yon spare the time ?" • Of Wars° lewd& and was delight-• ed with the Opportiliiity 'of gem,* fresh subject. The court room was quite crowd red When we entered, there being a pe culiar interest iii this ease. The morbid tit Ste of a certain portion of the public runs stroingly- to. Mitl,der,„ 7 . and VV6kt that is Voinbmed with level it becomes perfectly irresistible. The coroner's verdict was handed in. It was the usual formula. '`We '(liictcavoner's jury),ll lid that Richard Raker came to his death NW MAU?. sharp instrument in the bands Of glitiid person•nnknown." After a long pre amble, it designated Sybil Clarke as the suspected personage. Tho witnesses were called, the prix once placcd npbn the stand, and OW examination comnienced: There was a buzz of curiosity- as the prisoner took her place and mod estly raised the green veil from her .face. By Jove ! she was pretty; and: I was not the only ono in the court who thought so, 811 C, was plainly. but neatly attired in a calico frock, which revealed 11, form of classic proportions. A little chip bonnet set back upon, her head, (this Was iefote the coal scuttles came in) disclosed her face very clearly.— She had a clear red and *bite com plexion, a little hose and moth; just the Tight size to kiss, awealth:of:dark brown hair,:and a clear, gray Pye.— That was Another bad sign. • I have always discovered that, the geayeyed women areinclinedlo jealousy. Ile* did!' _find that out ? As the learned judge has just, remarked, that ques-. Lion is irrelevant. lam telling some body.else's story, not my own. _The result of the examination thay be summed up in a few words, The testimony of the witnesses' bore Strongly against th - Pgirl.. Her story Was this, months she had, been annoyed'by a gentleman; whOM she had -aceideAtally met. one evening ; whilst retlifrt from the - storey`•zcilither: sh,e.had. .been.,o Abu trti I cr. 6, 1864. carry some ;work. StruOk 'with her appearance, Its had follqwed her home„ and accosted her as she was about en tering the - house. Frightened at 'the stranger's freedom, she had, without returning his salutation, fled precipi tately to her own ariartment,'und fas ,tened herself in. In the morning-she 'tlliteit forgotten the eireum stiiiice;and pursued her avocation as usual, but in the evenin,giiftertithy ing back the work and'returning,„ she was again followed by the stranger. He had again accoitM .her, ,iimt with out receiving an answei.. . This was repeated day after dfii, until •et`" wearied and annoygd-,fly " `the 3iiian's 'pertinacity, she had resolved to speak to him and put an end to ilieliUrsecu tion. -*, • • • AS she expdadd, 'he - Inane her pas= sionatc deolhAtion Of 11; , Vc, hdr he Wails. dentletican,ll.ls66 - therner, of wealth rai t alligh standing in society. It wag' the - old story repeated, riches seeking a victim in the ranks of pov 'drty. :She Indigrihntly Teftised. the - g-filendid infamy'lie offered, 'aild 'dis missed him in terms Calculated to wound his self love, and fitee her from further pursuit. But the " stranger was either as madly in love with her as he professed to be, or else obsti nately bent upon accomplishinir his ends, for he still followed her like , her .shad Ow. So -matter's ' continued until the night of the murder. That night-he had grown more audacious, and. bold ly entered her chamber. • She saw at a glance that he was under the influ ence of liquor s andbecame alarmed.— She threatened to call for aid if to did not instantly retire, but he im plored her :to listen to him. re -pouted hispl , titestallena of , love, nay, even offered to marry her., As an earnest of .his affection, he showed. Tier a present he had brought. her, AVer,arrow about six inches in length the 'feathered end heavily - studded with diamonds. was intended to be worn sell hair pin. :It appeared to her to be of . ..treat But she Was net to be dazzled by its magnifi cence, and :she :rejected his 'Mrs as. firmly as before.- He becUttle - efiragett ti.et. , Nhojenee, and -seized her. arm: She . s i h'fielked 'aloud for help, when Richard Baker, -*lle , yirebalgly was going up stairs to :his room and beard her'efies, burst into the apart ment. He iminediately closed with 'the intruder ; there was -a .confueed stragle; and the nal Yrihvnt :Elie stranger •was gone, and Richard' Ba .kerelti dead - " * Ain'g over -hnn,.eneenv , oring to - ascertain the ettent of his injury=. 'Mien -the . n eigb bets OM= thronging into the chamber. Such Vas The pimple story. It seas told in a voice choking with sobs, bat- with a sad earnestness which convinced. meat once of - her inno cence. Unfortunately for her, the stern officials of the law were net so susceptible as I am. The witnesses were recalled and 'questloned , . None had ever seen the stranger—at least they .44_ not ~noticed -bhp. That was .to bei;kliected,W.New VOA is .a city of stranters. Who: remembers the thousand faces we meet daily up-' on Broadway? -And yet thisevidence had a damaging effect upon the girl's ease. She Wks fully committed to an - - swer the charge Made against her, and was remanded to prison. Mack, as her lawyer, and I, as his friend an'd a -member of the press, .*ere permitted to trial t h er in tfer cell. We found her the very picture of despair. Sht bad been weeping; but. ,as we entered she dried her tear and endeAvoired to lOott Win. A vain , effort. The anguish of a broken heart was imprinted upon ber sweet face. ' Tears are becoming. _to most ladies, but.the sad despair she endeavored to veil beneath a forced smile made her beauty perfectly ravishing. "Courage, young lady," said Mack, iii his cheering tone, "we'll get you safely out of this sad serape; -be atatti."- ed." . I.O1r," she cried, fervently, "I hope so. But the. worst is over. 1 care not what becomes of me no*. Inn°. , cent as t am, my character is forever blackened. To think that should ever be accuied of Bitch a crime! Ev en if my innocence should be proven, my good name is fhr ever tarnished. Will not people point at me all the clays of my life, and say, "There goes the girt who was accused of murder?" "My dear young lady," said hon est Mack., in his - straightforward, mat ter of fact way, "this world—and when 1 say this world, I mean the people in it—is entilety too selfish to waste so much time on you as you seem to imagine. Ina week's time you and the murder will be forgotten. You have only to move in the next street—that is, as tolin a 5 WO can mov you out of this—to be unknown. A few, personal friends may perhaps remember the affair for six months. Besides, if you consider your prey. ent name to be dainag,ed—tarnished, I belieVe Was your, word; excuse me if I have not put so nice a point to it— you have only to change it, and. I need scarcely inform you that you will not have 'leech difficulty in doing that—in a legal manner." The girl smiled, notwithstanding her grief, at Mack's homely argument, and I could but notice that his plain common sense had done her geed.— She began to brighten Wonderfully. The blank despair faded from her face, and her features assumed a hope fill .expression. She told us, the 'Mks story of her life. She was .of ,humble parentage and ; a native of Bridgeport, Connec. ticit: Aar paregti dying when she was quite yoling,she had been "brought, up" by an uncle. An or nOIIE NO. 784 MSC plan with neither brother nor sister, she had found the home afforded her by her uncle quite irksome. Heaven: =had blessed him with a large &civilly, and she, as is usual half& cases, was converted into a household drudge. Her parents had left her some-littl • money, and when she -arrived at the age of eighteen, which gave her a le `g76l right to claim it, orber uncle, She bade him and her native town fare well, and cerise to r isiew Yd - ficto'ivak; out her own destiny- Having a'taste that way, she had,enuaged in the ma ,king of., artificial pwers. ,She had been, little,Over.a, year - in - New York when this Sed afflieiiOn r dvertook her. We left her quite 'tranquil, tender ,ed hopefuj. by duiAncouraging words. I conides'l 13sit,FAUtty'see_ Aber° the hope was to come from, hut Mack fettqfhito sangiiinh. and; 'as he knew his'owb husinces better than I did I concluded he•had Cause, ,A:t his invitation I . s.ccornpanied him to the house in Crosby -Street, where the body of Richard B'aktitluy. A surgeon tail just completed an 68- . of the wound as we enter ed (Wing the great dia. gust of the 'Crowd who , were kept without by 'the police.) The osject of the surg , Ons eltalpinatiOri was to ascertain Whltit 'Virid of instrument had committed the wound. That it was not a knife the ragged orifice proclaimed at the first glance. It was upon the breast, directly over the heart, and that organ had evi dently been pierced, spare my readers the sickening details, 'aria corn`) at once to the 're stilt. The surgeon drew frotahe wound the barbed 'point of a sliver arrow l, Here Was enntrrthition .of Sybil filarke!s story. Mack enjoined se dresy upon the.surgeon and the re pdrters fdr twenty four hours, and, with ihs consent of the police, who was present, started off, accompa nied by myself and a detecitive, to ferret out the murditer. . I confess I was as eater 'fir the 'chase as he was, hht not quite so san gaine 'Success. "Do you think any man would be fool enough, after com mitting such a crime, to remain in the city ? Ile's far enough .off by this time.'';" t , t differ with 'yd . ; My boy:" 're turned Mack, as we` walked rayadly along ; 'll have had some e.xperi once in criminal cases, which has givt en me a strange insight into human nature. Most people would infagine as you do, but; I. tell! %you there is faSeination.f6 hortible-teLgt natiiiih r as i were; • that-Crraina a murczwe to the , locality of his crime. Besides, this man evidently thinks, Vitas& secure. Ile thinks there is no proof against him, and, to his mind., a bur ried'departure would be suspicious.— No, sir, that man was at the examiz• nation this morning; and be i 8 etla 'tilt city.'. I stopped short, and SUM at Matic in open mouthed Wonder. "At the examination'?" I eseiaini ed. "What makes you think so ?' "I saw him there." ""What ! do you know him ?", "No." , "Saw a man you'do riot, know ? My dear Macy, what are.you.driving'at ?' "}tow inno'cen't you are! I live by wits, old fellow, and constant practice has made them tolerably sharp. This is Septemberoiily h Southerner *Ould think or wearing a talma thuS early in the fall. Besides, there Were other proofs—his broad leafed Kos suth, his sallow COMpletion., *Yid full, tawny beard: i bad my - eye or the man . when tht girl was describing his appearafiVe. Do you remember her description ? I replied that I did. It was in an swer to a question from the magis trate, but I forgot to chronicle it in itsproper place. "W proceeded Mack, "My eye was on this man as she was speaking, itiad. as I . Uoticed his restlesi motions, and as I caught the stealthy glances 'of his sunken eyes, I said, mentally, to myself, "My head against a bushel basket but that is the very man." ' "In .the nitine of all that's stupid why did you let him oi...atp.el why did Yen tinthaVe ?" c`Sottly! sOrtly ! What proof had - I ligatiSt him? If I had singled him and . Sybil recogniietl him, it would have boon considered a trick. lie "Pdhld iidt IniVe held hiffi—he would have been suffered to &tart, for, of course, he would have sworn that he never set eyes on her before —and we should never iniAie Nen able to lay hands on him again—He would have been off to Cuba or Eng land' at the first opportunity." I began to have a great opinion of. my friend Hack's penetration and in &tinily: We stopped before the lattest jewelry establishment in, the city. I shall not mention here, ag advertigethentst fld- Mitted to this paper, gratuitously, "What are yon going to do here ?. I inquired. "Find out where the e,irror arrow mule And who pin chased it`!" answered Mack. "How iO.ll yeti be able to do that?" "By deseription, and shOw the re- mauling bath' "Well, even if ydu discover the purchaser, what Mod? if ft's has thrown away the shift, iirliefe is your proof? (The abaft wariiitttdded . . with diamonds, according to Sybil's' destription," replied 111ack, - dfyfy, "and a _Man does not throw away fif teen h'undied or two thousand dollars .worth 'el' froperty, though' he is a SOntbeiner." - The detpetive, who had been quiet ly'jogging at . u r heels, and itovrotOod Lift. got nti-str Aymkiniv.l.-ApER PORTOWN AND 1701iNTRY.' IS PRINTED AND PUBLISHED 'WEEKLY By V. N. BRESLIN, 2d Story Of Planck's N;wSr i t!g. At One Dollar aadTitty Centa a Year. AnvEnrisamsnas ingested at the usual rates. AdVILLNDBILLB Printed at an hours notice. • In .4APA.9I. POsraiim. Leuan County, postrige free In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon county 0 mute per quarter, or 20 cents a year. Out of this State, IN eta. per quarter, or 20 etc , a yefitr if the postage is not paid in advance, rates are double; beside us, nodded his 'head 'aPPrdi'. ingly. We entered ,the jewelry store, and Mack requesOdtb be 'fititiiShed with a view of the various articles ofj6*- elry adapted for ladies head dressed. After a lengthy examination we found nothing of the hind there At the third estahliiihmont - Wit7l-' ited we gained all the inforiiii4on we desired. Tho.joweller roeognized the byttkeh rememberea whoin he had sold it two days previ ous. Clement SaitiAr ' Me, reader ' will, of course, understand ailitd - atn. using fietitinas names entirely in this sketch,) a Southern gentleman, stop ping at the Metr9politanlidtel. A warrant .103.9 prta*Od it nd ,VrOecedpi ilaelLetrelvliNk hack •aseerialarthat 1114toW Was, m ha room, without (melting snspicion, and quietly ilk& our way thither. ' We•lthoeked,•and were invited to enter.—Nte did so. A gentlemanly dressed man, with sandy hair, a tawn y . ward, , and' a restless eye, arose to reeelii) ns." Was the Man " had deSeribed. . "Ali right, by the shade . of Blaci stonei7 cried Mack. The guilty are ever suspicious. 'Bastow had his revolver out,in an %AL etWet, but he was seigcd before he'could us& it, and ted with a pair of handcuffs. Th' jeweled shaft of the arrow was fauna upon 'his person. He passed that nightin the tonAi. fie, was Nita the next morning dead in Via cell. He 'had 'titkab poison to aviiid the 'notiliny of a trial. Sybil was released, her innocence being fully 'established. Mack got a. glorious fee, for She was married to him six months after. I igav* 'avntk - die bride. WAR---THE, DEAD IN THE' WlLbCgtiEit. Lieut. Bailey of the 16th Regiment N. Y. Vols., writes from Anandale on the Bt. • I did not expdet, when I left ydit in Rochester, and promised to iv'ette you, that I should visit the Natio fields of the Wilderness gain at this early-period, if, at I Wit:Ned in. camp on Sunday afternoOn aftei , leaving ,•01,,ik"nd was braced as'oftecr ;. Ana - the day following as detailed as _one of the officere to-`accompany an 'expegition of 300:cavalry to_guardidilimbillando train,. and rescue otir wounded whd were Teti in the ,liands of the enete.ss .. Aditi they had Vit:ded,andor and wore removing , to -t,ekis - 1,0414e-isi.teoners. We Si rived at It T.Tnited States Ford, oigt -tile Rapidan, Friday night . t 'r - c/'F;iliisOtk - Aaturday morning, and at,lorotad deserted hospital where the first days of the battle were fought. Td wiphin 'Oat TA& *df OA VI% te'tok of bn'th armies had been buried ; 'tint tMs to the nest hospital qapotit ONO 'Miles) the dead ,remain 'death fottiid tiTeYil. it Is a scene I attempt to describe, and frd that Irsnid net do It is estitaadd that 15,000. d our men and as many, or more, of rebels lie here unburied; and as six weeks have passed 'sinee'the battle, imagination in its wildest fancies cannot begin to paint the , spectacle. ' I unist,Past Alter , passing through this wilderness of death, we found another hospital; surprised. the guards, and ta'oltioa session, slid fenfid Sikty Wound ed in charge of_one of our surgeons; he being a prisoner also. We dtd riot stop to inquire to whoffib *hat side they belenged, whether friend or foe, but eoiniiteilded at knice te put theni into our'ambulances and to !nuke Qui way out of this wilderness and sha dow of death, hastening, tin, n'ur way to Wa.9l).ittgtO . n. Ail official aceount of the expedition will doubtless soon be made. We did not allow any talk ing with the men—many of them had all they could bear to endure the transit.; Mid as nearly the whole, of them were unable to sit up, and as some of them had limbs amputated, we judged'a pOrtion would die on the way, with all the care we cou ]l exer cise, and so they did. As to te care they had received, they all say that as much had been done for them as; wid'er the eirenmstititibes, *At Ede. They all expi.bge'd great satis faction that we had come for thent, and that they were going With u.s back under the old flag. One scene affected ineinuch. It wag found that one poor'Willi totally unfit td be removed,, and when we told him 8d he said, "take me With ytill as rai as I can go, and let me die on the way home you do not, I shall hi:aid after tlie train as long as life lasts; and then die on the field with my comrades I" ,r 0 'nit the ambulance, and brought him along until death relieved him, and then stopped and buried him. His last words were, "Now, I know I'm dying; but I knew, I shall Ent be left above gronnd ftii; vultures to feed upon, di my comrades were." No one had any words, but all liffd tears - here it LIFE.-14. Robin, an eini: neat French chemist, in a paper re cently presented to the. French Acad emy, giyes a pri3scription for length ening human life, the efficacy .of which he argues very learnedly. He says that "the miner .l inatter which coustif•ales an ingredient in most of our food, after the combustion, is lett in our system to incrust and stiffen the different parts of the body, and to, render imperfcbt Many of the 'OW proeesSes. 'He compares hurniin he: ings to furnaces which are- alway* kindled ; life exists only in combus OM, 'glut doitihnstiop . *Ma occurs id our liodies, like that which takes place in our 'ebimneys, leaves a debris or residue which is WO to life: To 141; 12