The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, June 29, 1864, Image 3
ije attfietti.ser: TERMS, • • - - $l5O YEAR LEBANON, P 4 WEDNESDAY, JUlit 29, 1864. HOME AFFAIRS. rtavtool or .4tL.clmr+ortigO3.x?..ri. The publishers of Lebanon have agreed upon the following chergee for Advertising, viz Size. it, St. 3m. Rm. ly, 1 siqurtre,l2 $ .50 $l.OO 23.00 $2.00 $ 8.90 2 24 LOU 2CA 6.00 •BM 12.00 8 " 86 !Mee, 1.00 3.100 7.00 10.00 76.00 Tor Elnautor'e end Admintatlntmos Notice', 9.00 Por Assignp.s. Amelitor and Plloilat Notices) 1.4,0 Per yearly eardx, net' ixt•cvdiug 6 lines, 8.00 For column adyertintrinent, 1 year, F0r,?,1 column " For 34 " It - sB,OO For AnngiuliHrig 0000'105.55p - kr aka, In advanee; 2.00 per Anndunctog eahs, artaceampanied by &dr 'v. 1.00 Poe Local Notkes, Society re-5010E10ns, hs. y t cos per lino. For Blehopsnr 'Amdahl Notices, 80 coral per line per pat. Yearly advertisement% Tog 'Alorahaula anti. r. 061. secs Wen ns ogzeed upon. ' Bark is wanted at the Tannery 14.kri reenawalt. See advertisement. We Ini - ve received from Hon. Myer Strouse another lot o f choice Tur ,ntp seed, of which we have still some ',packages left for distribution. Our farmers have had splendid weather for the housing of their hay crop, during the past week., Probably' better weather than-any season for,inany years past. The hay crop is a large one and of good quality in this section. The heat was most intense du ring the greater part of last week. We notice, in the papers, many instances of sun stroke, in some cases attended with fatal consequences, At a military funer al in Philadelphia on .. .Thursday, there were four soldiers sett atnick. DARING BURGLARY. --On Wed nesday night, Mr. C.. G. Hook's N,,w York Dry Goods Store, 438 -Penn street, was entered by some bold burg• tars, and robbed mahout a 100 in Money, and a quantity of silks l and other fine goods valued at over $2,000 The en trance. was effected first from, the yard, into the hack building, by removing a panel from the door of a vestibule that leads to a room immediately back o 1 Store, room, and 'thus unlocking the door, The doors of this room and the Store were also opened in the same mariner, and from them all the most valuable goods were taken. The money ~vaa ta ken from one of Herring's Fire and Bur glar Proof Sales, which stands in the back part of the Store; the outer ; door having been • unlocked, and the inner door broken open and carried off. This was one of the boldest burglaries that has ever been perpetrated in Reading. The robbers have, so far; got off safely with their plunder, and no clue to their detec• Lion has as•yet been obtained. Suspicion attached, we learn, to two strangers who ,had been stopping for a day or two at one of our principle Hotels, without any apparent object. They must evidenry have made themselves previously ac quainted with the premises, and were doubtless old hands at housebreaking. The-tact , that_thc. back building was un- OCCUPfed, facilitated their operations,— Beading Gazette, . . The Philadelphip,Sonr, market is firm with sales,of,aboot,.:2,6oo bbls at $8 50a0 22 ‘ petAl (or low grade and choke faMily, tirici $lO per bbl for fancy brands. • Rye Plour is selling la a .Small way at $7 g . 5 per bbl. Corn • IYlealks scarce at full prices. Wheat is firm but inactive. Sales arc making at $2 Ka 10 for red. Rye is se/ling in a small way at $1 60 per bus. Coro, Is rather dull, Oats are dull. The ofrerings of Beef Cattle reached about 4Z50 head this week, an increase of 550 over Jut, and the market was very dull, and 'fully 2c per lb lower. Cows were plebty, and lower. Hogs were better and `the offerings light. Sheep were also more 'Plenty. Blackwood's Magazine for May, is an excellent number. It contains addi tional chapters of ""Chronicles °feeding ford,'! and "Tony Butler"—two Novels of superior merit, the, following, other papers of interest Foriyth's• 'Life of Cicero ; A Sprig Oi Matrimonial Matters A Groan over Corfu ' The. Great Indian Question ; Cornelius o•Dowd upon Men and Women, and things in general—Part 111 ; How to make a Novel; , The Position of the Ministry : New York : Qublished by L. Scott t Co., 38 Walker street, at 03 a year, I= yr( • "P4ROWN'S BRONMIAL J. itocit-Nt3.i s —Rev. Charles S. Robinson, late of TroY, now of Brooklin, N.Y., writes of Brown's Bronchial Troches: "Rev. Mr. Booth gave me two or three from his pocket, a few years ago, ,recommending me, to make a trial of then; for he had found them beneficial. I have kept them on hand ever since, and found them very serviceable after the weariness ofoeak ing, as well as allaying the irritation con sequent on a cold," Startling 1 but true.—The Volunteer:. embrac ing the dringera orFeirer. Scurvy, Weutuie and Many n pliant iellov leikve hia honea to hlektih whit, by the mid of rioia.owitora PLit,s A/41)0114111E4T, would have returned to hie family mien* end healthy. 'Soldiers, try them ! Only 26 cents per box or pot. The stage from Bellefonte was upset one day last week near Centre Han and some of the passengers, (among whom were a number of Lutheran preach era who had been attending a meeting of Synod,) considerably bruised. A young girl, who made her living by sewing, had her arm badly broken. Th a horses we learn were &riven by a mere boy, who showed himself totally incapable of man aging a team. Gir A. two horse teen', belonging to a Mr. Derr, of Bhaefferstown, Lebanon county, eau off on Tuesday afternoon and smashed up thing's generally.—. The wagon was: laden with groceries, which wale spilled out promisouously through the street. Orel of en. gar was included in the wreck of mit td or ush o hooPe.—Rsadirip Angela{ of Saturday. Or COUPOII . UIet on Monday evening:; members present, Menem Crittlorer, Reineohl, Gerhard, We imer: Reinhard, Shame end Fenith. Orders were 41r , svn ns fellows A. AD. Walter, gal 56; Anthony Ge rh"rd, 141 00; Cleorge Bergner, $lB9 82; James W. Quinn, $l6l 20 : Peter Boner, $l2 50 ; Janaee Young, $l4 76 Jahn Durkee, $l,l 50. The 130e4 foe Ball of Po. ter liauer, Collector, was epp ored. The offer of the Union Flre Company to m , rtgege the Engine Home to Ike Borough foe $1250, WAD accepted. On motion, the Chlel Burgess wesauthodzsd to make a loan of $1250 to Meet the Act of ASsembly relative thereto. On mor t,..en adjourned. row MMMI 'The Lebanon Seminary closed its twelfth annual session on Saturday evening by a musical entertainment•ln the Court House, by the pupils. . The ex. aminations took place in the Seminary buildings on Thursday and Friday.— This institution, since it has come under the direction of its present accomplished principal and assistants has prospered be yond any other era of its history. In addition to possessing the requisite quail. fications for instruction in all the useful and ornamental branches, the present teachers have their hearts in the matter, and hence, uS a necessity, must succeed. We acknowledge the receipt of tickets for the exhibition, and also invitations for tht examinations, but, in accordance with i the usual habit of most of our people, we allowed business matters to take prece dence, thus depriving us of the double pleasure of witnessing the proceedings and speaking of them in detail. Capt. JAcon P. EAIBICII, of Com pany A. 93d Regiment, P. V. was shot before Petersburg, on the 18th inst., by a rebel sharpshooter. He lived until the next dtY,Bunday, when he died. His remains were brought to this place on Sat4rday, to the residence of his brother- C. Mark, Esq., and interred.'on Sunday , afternoon. The Perseverance Fire Company, Junior Sons of America and American-Mechanics, (of which asso ciations he was a member.) the Persever ance Band, and a large number of citizens attended his funeral. Capt. Embich was in the service from the commencement of the rebellion until the time of his 'death... He „was a member of Capt. Ulrich's three months' volunteers,after which he enlisted in the 93d regiment, at its organization, in 1661, and was immediately promoted to the Ist Sergeancy, from which position he went up step, by step to the Captaincy. He also acted for some time as Adjutant of the reelment. , ,was an active soldier, be ing, we believe, with his regiment always in the field, and participated in all the bat tles it was in, allays escaping unharmed, until the fatal ball oftheiBth reached him. Copt,. Embich wts the youngest son of Daniel Embich, d'ec'd., of this borough, and was aged at the time of his death, 24 years, 9 anonths. and 7 days. The 93dhas now had three of its Cap tains killed. , since the 'creasing of the Rapi dan,,viz Embich and the two Rogers. TRUE.—Une of o r exchanges says insects. never touch the elder bush. The leaves of the el• der, scattered over cucumbers, cab bages, and other plants subject to the ravages of insects, effectually shield tilem. The plum 'and other fruits May be saved by placiagop" the branch es and through them hunches of elder leaves. It is said that ants will not come where elder leaves are scatter ed. This is easily tried and if suc cessful is of great impbrtance. Contributions front Lebanon County to Ole Satiikry Fair in Phi!..dephitt ihr.,:vh the 'Trews 4 21 ,4 r. J•len Gomr, Erg • By 7, , P3rth Labluatri TurinalUtp By the warkteg ma of Nor.h Lob anon Fnrnace* Pic , nre by Mr. Lauber, valued at By N .rth Lebanon Borough By Lonclo,derry township By Lebanon Borough. Weimer MathMe .mrl Car I.9orkv $24 91 Employees at the Beilrol3l 23 50 4.. 4 by Wee ira 0 .0 fillet Kate Greena walt Collectlona 'by Miss A. S. Wieel- Bug • • Collections try - Miss Beckley . .4 Misses Kendall and Zimmerman 26 00 Collections by Thee Seidel; '72 05 , " Mr Cyrus'S Gaunt° 86 00 Contributed by IL T. Hoffman and•Boatulmr First Notional Bank tfy Cernssalt tawu ht In addition to the aboveivatiJna nano of money 4EIII large contribtr laps of fancy work, &c ~ w ere .forwarded tlir ct, by Individuals, to the Managers of the Pair. The draft for Schiiy iII county took place in Pottsville last week. The* Ladies of Lebanon are all cordially invited to attend the meetings of the Ladies* Aid Society, on every Thursday afternoon, for sewing on Hos pital Clothing. tf. . . QUESTIO--11.N.0110l there Diek.and Nancy, whertt are you going, that you are in such a hurry 1 • • Aaswea.---Why we are just on nur way to Daily's pliotogaph Gallery, to have our pictures taken. takes*splendhl Matures, and his Gallery is nearly all the title crowded. so I said to Nancy we will go ear ly this racirningAefore any body else gets there, or we writbsve to ojitte-avlty,agek(, without getting any. Qty.s.r.—Yes I "I havotearti-totrthat Deity's Gallery is nearly all thelime crowdedi and so why ddn't you go to some other Gallery I - due,-011 re y we see m n et think of stsolt a tlairtri.-- Wwatlroire the true an d bebutitul picture that Daily tikes, so much that we would not go to another Gal lery If we could get them for nothing. Hahne seven years, experience in the business, bites a complete setter improved instruments, an excellint skylight, sup there fore takei the best pictures I/ town, and so of course every body that wants a good picture goes to • •• Queor.—What kind of Pictures doom take? Airs.—lle takes Photographs from miniature todifa size, plain or colored. Ills card pleterce hare, bean pronounced more truthful and life like than some that have been taken in our large cities. His Ambrotyped ure beautiful, and can't be beat. lle also excels in copying pictures from email Daguerreotypes, and en larging them almost,to any site. Queer.-- , Where l this Gal lery 1 I miler giro him a call too. • • ,••• • Amt.—Just wine along with Nancy and I% and We will ehow you- It la in Stine's. New.building. noSt door to the. Lebanon Deposit Dank. • lie lias ly on hand u good assortment of Gilt ontrltusewood Frames, tinges, Albums. *.c., which he sells cheap.— For good and cheap Pictures we UtiVii.o all to go to Dally'a Gallery, cLebanon,* Pa. Nara 11,'63. Guns. Rifles, Pistols, Powder, Cape, &c ATTVITIOX SPORTSMEN.—.J. 0. MILEKISACH would ro Rpuctrully, inform the public that he continues the businese of manufacturing and dealing in . GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, POWDER, • Caps, Wadi, and all kinds of gunning and gun materi al, la HIS htnra, uhrffleuritot Mtrout, a few Mena North of the L. V R. K., tiebanuu, I'a. tie MI kinds of Itapi Wog-- Juno at thC Sirottost pos table notice and In tlie-.hest.stylo of twain anal, ip. Lebanon, June 24, Blanks for 800 n ty.a i ncl ingaljd Pen im4'just printed and for eftle at the An- TEETISKR Office. gptciat,ijotirso. Ayer 5 Sarsaparilla r$ a concentrated estreetof the ch root, scoa- l blued with other ilubetnunes of- stll loice greater altra tree power as to afford au effectual antidote for d is eases. Sarsaparilla Is reputed to cure. Such a remedy is surely wanted by those rdio suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which trill accomplish their cure must prove, ap tbis has, of Immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. flow completely thirrom . peund do as been proven by experiment Olrniaij cif the worst c a ses to be found in the fol lo wing• orreePlein •Serufnla. Scrofulous ttWelllngs and Sores, Skin Die eases, Pimples, Pastufee,l3letches Wraptions, St. An thony's Fire Rose or Erysipelas, ietter or Salt Rheum Scald Head, Jt ng Worm, &c. BOUM Or Veneriat Disease is expelled from the sys tem by the prolonged use of this Sarsaparilla, and the pet lent is left in comparative health. .Female Ailecties are caused by Scrofula In the blood, and are often soon cured by this Estract of Sarsapa rilla. Do not trocard this invaluable medicine, because you base boon Imposed epee by tannethiag pret , mtling he Sareaparillu, while it was not. When you have need AValt i a--then, and not till then. willyou know the virtues of Sarsaparilla. For minute pertloulars of the diseases it cures, we refer you to Ayer's American Almanac, which the agent below named will furnish gratis to all who Call for it. Aimee OATIMATIO Pima, for the cure of Costiameesi, Jaundice, Dyspepsia Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Ifeadache; Mee, Itheumitialn, Heartburn ... .. arising from Disordered Stonmch, Pain, or 31004 In action of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of ApDotitt, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, and for a Dinner Pill." They arc' anger coated, so that the meat sensitEre Cati take them pleasantly. end Thep are the beet Aper ient in the world for, aft the partmos of a family physic. Prepared by J. C. Attnii' it CO Lowell, Muss., and sold by all the drunkt:i in Lebanon and dealers in medicine everywhere. Juno 22,180.1.-2 mo. A GENTLEMAN, eur's‘f of Nervous Debility, Incom. petenc;„ Premature Der and Youthful Error, Actua te.) by a desire to bene others. w Slim happy to fur n imh to all who need lt,'(free orchurge,) the reeelpe and directions for making the simple remedy used in his rase. Those wishing to profit by his experience, and possess a Valuable Remedy. will reeeivii the same, by return mail, (carefully scaled,) by midfessing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. DO Nation street, Now York. June 4, ------ SIVALLO - W two or three begehende of "Raclin," " Ton Ie lEt Mere." Stir:mpg rine," "Nervous An tidotes," kc., .4e., and after you ere antisfied with the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BU CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PlLLS—and be restor ed to health and vigor in thirty days. They are pure ly vegetable. pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their efferte on the broken down and shattered consti tution. Old s.nd young can take them with advan tage. Imported and sold in the United States only by JAS. S. 80T1.P.V., Station D, Bible Howe, Nevi York. General Agent'. P, S.--A box Rent to oily mitiregs on receipt.of price —Ohl is One DOW—past fru, =I USE N OTHER !—SUCHANIS SPECIFIC O PILLS are the only Reliable Remedy for all Diseases of the Seminal, Urinary and Nervous Sys tems. Try.ona tkix, and ha cured. ONE DOLLAR A BOX. Olio boa will perfect a cure. or money refund ed. Sent by mail on receipt of price. JAS. S. BUTI,EII, - Station D, Bible Mouse, New York. I General Agent, 2darch 30, 1.864.-3 m no YOU.IVISII TO BE CURED ? DR. BU, /./ CHAN% VINGT.IBII SPECIPIO PILLS OUTS in less then SG days. the worst 'ages of NNUVOUSNESS, impotency. Premature Deohy, Seminal ‘Veakneas, In 'malty.. and all Urinary, Sexual. and Nervous Affee , tions. no matter froru what eance produced. Price, One Dollar per boa. Sent postpaid, by, :3111,0.f ... 0n re ceipt of au. order, Addratim,. . '• Station D, Ulf& Lloit . z4. New York, - Gene al Agent, March 30 , 186.1.--3ta Tin. TOBIAS' VENETIAN lIOESE LINT. JIMENT, pint bottles at fifty cents cash, for lameness, cuts, galls. colic, sprains, &c., warranted cheaper than any other. It is used by all the great horsemen on Long Isiand , tourses. It will not ears ring bone nor epee in. as there is no liniment in eerie tenet} that Will. What ltom stated to sure It positively does.' No Monsi n! horses wink without it after trying one/Kele. One dose revives and often saves the life 'of an over-heated or driven horse. For colic and bel ly-ache it Inlif never failed -Just as sure as the sun rises. just •-o sure is this valuable Liniment to be the Horse embrocatiOn of the day. Sold by all druggists. Office. 56 Oortlandt Street, New Ynrk. - Feb. 10, '0.1.-Im. 't errible CECRETS FITS for the mill leo i A moat valuable and won 0 dello' publication, A wart tof 400 pages; sod 'SR colorer! engravings. DR. II UNTRIVS VADE MECUM . , an neizinal and popular troatiao on Man and Woman, the it Phykology, Functiotm and Sexual disoreehi of every kind. tvitifNeref FiiAing t freniedies for their spendy_core . The prortiee of DR, liVisrgrit:'ROM long heen : , - siul'still it, Unbounded, trietmt the earnest solici tation of numeroba Tiersons,ho like teen induced to ex tend his medical usefulness through the medium 'orbit laileetra." -It iv volute; that should he in - the hands of ev,ery hi the land. ltee preventive of secret vices. or sea guide for the alleviation of on: of the most awful awl destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped. will be for warded free of postsge to any part of the United States for - 53 cents its P. 0. stamps, or 3 copies for $l. Ad. drees.'poot &lA, DR. UUNTER No. S Div is)ou Street, New York. Sept. 3,1833.—1 y. leligfinto girtims, Se. Joint's Cliumea.—Serviret next Sunday'morning and . evening, in the English language. Lecture on Wednesday etre:ling. Preaching next Sabbath morning. at .44 . o'clock in the ' German, and In the evening in the English language, in the First Reformed Church _ . English preaching both moruing . ,altd. eveaing, next Sabba tit , in Zion , a Lutheran church. English preaching next Sunday at 1(1.A. M., EtAtl 4101 . - lean at 6 S. XL, in the, Moravian church. Sue 9 04 5 01 99 99 3S 95 Oc the =I inet.., by the Rev. F. W. Kremer, Mr. R. C. WELLS, of tifqiieNtrin:th Co. Pe , to -Mai E 11314 110310ERGER, of S. Lobonon tp..thte comity. On the, lath hot., by Wm. W. Obeli, - Meg., et Mt. Zion, Mr. WM. Ylgßatilt to Miss AMANDA. 110CITZ, both of Bethel township. On the 11th inst., by Rev Jacob if. Merk, Mr.II:LIAS KELLY, of E.llanover, to Vim CLIZ A 1103113ERUEE., of Londondery IBEI 81 6 • po 20 00 456 05 la 00 On the 2nd Bethel tp.. tolviN PETEn. in fant son of Geo. cud .11ary S. GLICK, a,lOl-Iniontbs, and daps: On ttiesth tn R.LllBR,lorsnt son of Adam and Rebecca GARBERICH., aged d months, and 2 days. - 8 £9 Ou the 2nd Net—MARY AMANDA. Inlaid daughter 'of John and Catharine 0 fiNSMACIIT , aged 2 year, 2 months and 2 diva. ' On the 16th of May la Washington City, raiNJAmili FRANN.LIN WEIGEL, of Co. C. 140th Reg. P. Y., aged 1.0 years, 6 months and 22 days. On the 12th Bethel • tp =in fant son of Dan66'o, and MotzeimaGLlOli, aged 1 year, 9 months and 2 days. Go to thy refit, my child, Go to the d seamless bed, Gentle and undated, With blessings on thy head On the 20th lust., in 6watara. I.LLA BLIZA, Wind daughter of Runty and Mary LENTZ, aged 8 mouths, and 2t days. Ou the 30th nit.. in Heidelberg, Mrs MARIA wife Mr. John PUILLIPPI, aged 68 years and 211tnontlis. The Lebn rar.fully • li.KBADION, Warms. Extra Fattiily, $1; 151 Extra Flour, 8 88 Prime White Wheat,l u 5. Prime Red Wheat„ 175 New Wheat, —T. Prime Rye, 1 40 Corn,' 155 Oats, 70 Clorereced, s 00 Timothy-seed, .2 50 Flax-seed, 2 50 Driedi Apples, pealed,2 00 Peach "Suits . 2 50 Peach "Ratuels," 152 Cherries, 175 Onions. 100 Pota.toes, boa. 00 • Apple It utter, VAerm.k. 45 .lii)x. allistttioAtitito.. Bark .Wanted. • rtillWhighent,prien+ will be paid • for Bark, at the 1 Tannery of the undersigned, in Lebanon. s.. - L. L. GREEITAWALI Lelmaon Jane 29, 1994.-3 t. PUBLIC NOTICE TO hereby given that the QUOTA of MBE.? rolled for 1 by-the President of the UnihsPStates from Lebanon county, bee beau Oiled to the proeent ,time. There will probably belt email seems. which will ho distrib uted to the several sub districts of the Couuty. 3io further credits of Veterans or New Rouru its for this County are wanted, end no further County Bounties will be paid. } TUOMAr4 LESLIER., Cumrais4-ioners MITHIt FORNBY. ' of JACOB BRUBACHER, Lebanon County Attest :—CraUS Blintz, Clerk, Lebanon, Juuo 23,158. - , LOVITRY'S ConGetionitry Store, • (Late Lowry & Nalim.) Walnut street, near Cturiberland,'M square from thetConti noose, Lebanon, Pa. E Lace just returned from the City with a fresh Spring,Rock of 'Oranges, Lemons, Bnisihs , Figs, Prunesi Dates, Currents, Filberts, Citrons Walnuts, Petifints, Almonds, &e. Also, it large variety of all kinds of diftorerit tUrror ed Finenind Common CANDIES. Cakes of ail Yields Nuys on 'hand, or made to order. OM-Parties supplied at abort notice. ' • vt. large assortment of WOODEN TIN TOYS, in cluding Wheelbarrows, Wagons. kt. CIIVA.II, of all the different flavors. always on hand. Having fitted up the large SALOON la hand. some style, he hopes to receive the patronage of the public. Lebanon, May 18, 1964 Estate of Adam Ititcher, deed. NOTICE le hereby given, that Lettere Testamentary, on the estate of ADAM KITCHEN., deed.,late of the borough of Lebanon, - Lebanon county, Pa., lowa been granted to the undersigned of the borough, ceun ty and state aforesaid. Therefore all persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make paymen t, and those baring claluie will present them without delay. CATHARINE RITCHER, Executrix. Lebanon, June Hi, 186.1. 164ectutorls Notice.. nIIBLIC No Cos Is hereby given, tbet [ARIA Testa• mentary, have boon granted to the undersigned, en the Estate of CATHARINE GOETTLE, late of Heidelberg township, Lebanon county, Pa., deo'd. All peril One who know themselves Indebted to said estate will please settle their accenute, and all those baying claims against It will pleategvint Abow. SubTATHAII ZERIII , Executor. SbasiDirstown, Huth 9 , 1881. - • - au "ifb pity. Ott Markel. MEI= mu.; 24), 1864 !Eggs; /ft doe., !linter, 111 lb.. 20 :Tel, or salted butter, 10 15 !Tallow, 11 than, 15 Shoußiers; 73 i Sides,' Soap,' ' 7 Bees-wax, 25 White Rags, 6 Nixed Rags, • 3 Flax. '7EI lb. 121 4 tirietive, 40' treathers , 64 lb., 023 I WoOl, a lb., 40 s_oup Banns, IR fit., 7 Vinegar, '4l gal., 1214 JOSIs'PI! LOWRY NEW ADVERT' /MP ORT TO ALL INVAL. IRON IN THE IT is well known to tha IRON is the 'Vital Priuciple or L blood. This is derived chiefly fro but if the loud is not ,properly d any CRUM whatever, the flummery not taken Into the CP[0111 . 46 0 .. Or Who'll.) system suffers. The bad id heart, will clog up the lunge, Nth will obstruct the liver,.aud will clueing elemen , s to all parts of the nee will suffer fu whatever organs to diSedee. Tito greet ratite or IRON AS A. Mil is tvell,kneetu and acknowledged b The. dififeully dtut tiedu to it es will enter the `Otrenlatieu any with the blood_ This polhk says' setts State chemist, : has been attni Syrup, by'ronibluation in a way b The Peruvian h a protected aolution of - tho PllO A NEW DISCO VSItY IN MEDICI.. the Root of the Disease by suppl, its Vital Principle or Life }Amen • The Peruvian Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Obruplaint, Ague, Loos of Energy, L The Peruvian Infuses'strength, 'rigor,_ and new tufil hdllds up,uo "iron Co The Peruvia.n Cures Chromic Diarrbisa, Scrofula, of Constitutional V The Peruvian . 'yrup Corea Nervous Affmtiona.. Vemoto • mplahrts, and tO.I. dinars °ram lihi.poya an haltisr. r• . , he Peruvian ru p fs a Spettific for KO rliseasos Orig Nna in a 11AD STATIC OF VIE BLO3D, or accompa eq by Dotal ity or a Low State of the System. ' k - . Pamphlets containing certificates ore mendations from some of the most emi Clergymen, and others, will be soot dress. We select a few of the names to snow of the testimonials. , • JOHN E. WILLIAM 3, E PrePitlent of the Metropolitan Batik, REV. ABEL ST EVENS Late Editor Christian Advocate and REV. P. CH,URCIT., Editor New Yerk the' Rev. Juba. Pieront, "Pour is Jobnnet. lter.Werren . Borkon.i- Ro - evretl Kinn° Rey . thnr B. Fuller, S. K.-Kendall, Roe. (turtle= Robb les, W. R. Chlaboli Rev. Sylvanite Cobb, lerodiole Dana, T. Starr Kiug, Antonio Snort Rev, Ephraim Nuts, Jr., Abratuon Wend Rev. Joseph H. Clinch, A. ..11nyee, M. Rey. Henry Eptiain, .T Ch Rev. P. C. Headley, IT. E. Kiouey, M Rey. John W. Olmetend, ,Jerens tab Stone Prepared by N. L. CLARK Si. CO.. exc lvr•.ly for J. A', Dllia3lo.llbi,ii.o. 40,1, Dr.oklinsy, brow Sold by alk Druggists. Redding's BliSsill Sa Itr.ils Oki Sores. Redding's Russia Sal v Carol tturnß, Scalds, C a Redding's Russia .alv Cures Wuur.h. Bruises, S sins. Redding's Russia .alv, Cures nth? f. Meets, Can i - s. Redding's Russia soli ithuein. Piles, 11 ~ipnls. aura Redding 's Rassia ,alv. Cures Ring, , ISMS, 00 , r? NO FAMILY SHOULD .1321' 1 , 1 1 T.llO .11! Only 25 COl2 to a box • . FOR SALE ST .97NSUORIL No. 491 Brondoott S. IV:1 0 010;Ln et CO. No. 18.firodailt.: Apton, "And by,4.1.Dr05kiqu0..4.44-00,1u1 aterik ;pelts *Two:), 1-Sel.--;4,y,erm. PROPOSALS. • 11)TrOPOSALS for Btuildtng g School finnan wit deed at the office of tho'nrideraigpel, in ough of Lebanon, whore apenitier.tions nett be an til Tuesday, the 28th inst., at 5 o'clock, P. 31. 1942,0'110Fr Retritary of Boon] of Sabool Direfitol'. acf Boronggliohoot-Distriet. Lebanon, June 21, 1864. Proposals for RC-brill(' • school !louse. - 1 - ) RoposA..r.9 will in, received f.r r noes,. n, in Cornwall School District, tnan'elun Satuitiay, July 0, 1864, nt 6 o'cloat, at the office of the Cornwall Anthracite Fur Plane and ?specifications can he seen-at any• that said 6ate, by application to the undersigned. , JACOB WI TER, A. W1L1111431, OLIP.IIAIIt(YWATAN. '• Comm June 22,1504. Apprenititie AVltaided.: A BOY. from 13 told years of age, as an Bee to the Tailoring Business. is wanted • the undersigned. LORENZO 11. IBM It. Lebanon. June 864. 101.401-I,II_INC r ~-•- tevirmg t:L. The Only Kaohine eapaitid at makin - - 1 14 ore than One Kind of a Stifoh; and V; Only One having the RE- • VERSIBLE FEED. The feed -may bnrevereed et 3131 Y( point O sired, without stooping ,which is a great...Mk utage ``fasten ing the ends of seams. It makes four different stitches, lock...knot double lock, and double knot; each stitch perfect at alike on both sides of the fabric. There is no other Machine which will do Bi large a rungs of work as the "Florence." It will Braid, Tuck. Quilt, Cord, Hem, F , Bind, Gather, am! do all triads of Stitching required y fam. Hies and Manufacturers. The most inexperienood Enid no difficulty t using it. • -• .grery Machine iii warranted tri.give mar a tisfac- Ben; and to do all that Le eh - dined for it.. BM. The Florence must be seen to be Appmdatcd. - J.. 1-. ATZ, Agent of Lebanon county, An .111 e, m Perseus wishing toe the BFachine. left 'oration can do so by culling on the Agent at Anulltle, or on WM. CI. Ward, at Lebanon. June R, 1884.' H. T. ISIBIGIINUS": ATTORNEY7AT--AW : iniFFICE in Stiebtar's Building, Cm:obi:lmM Street, 'kJ nearly opposite the boort lioneo, Lebanon Juno 18 1804.--tf. Errs! Firs! riTs! A . 11, RICH IVY, Merchant Tailor, respectfully en IX_ tummies to the citizens of Lebanon and vicinity that he has just l'Ottirnott from rho city with a duo as sortment of , CLOTHS CASSIIVIERES, all of which he will aell-or make up to order at prices to suit the times, at his No. 1 minoring Betel. Bailment:in Keim's New Block, 4 doors South of the Buck Rotel, South Walnut street. - All work entrusted to his care,will be manufactur ed Ina workmanlike meaner as o fashion- and dura bility. Goods purchased elsewhere - will be cheerfully made np to order on the usual moderate territi., !faring had years of experience in the Tailoring and Drydloods business, and being inclined to turn to the advantage of his customers, all the advantages result lag from said aorynireinenth he feels satisfied that it will be responded to by a very liberal share of the pub lic patronage.—' Friends call dna: to please as after that please your elves. July 8, -.,4. Aleconniuck., 7 .s PION E ER WORLD-1u INNEII ciOSIBINED REAPER_ AND MOWER, BOTH HAND ANRULF-RAKERS, IMPROVii Po*: 1.84 One pram greatest labor-saving machines of the age, and always found fully equal to any test to which it has been submitted, la all kinds of grain and grass, at homa.and abroad. - Garand Medals of 'Honor awarl ed by the Wnrld'e Fairs, auoceseieely at London; Paris and Hamburg, and acknowledged in both — herotepherea to be the Pioneer and chief Heaping and Mowing ma chines. The model and pattern of ail others. We o lain) our Solf.Raker al be superior le all others, and offer it on trial wit's any other, the purchaser to keep and pay for the one preferred. ' Sample Machine can be seen at Adam' lisak's Hotel, Lebanon, and any information wanted can be had by calling at 3. H. Bressler, Stove Store, Walnut Street, Lebanon. Or All of AZ/W." cenatiktigtgll lialadAnd for Sale by the agent. • Satiefaction guaranteed. Far sale by JOHN B. ENS, Agent, Litia, Lancaster conaty, Pa May 3.1,1864..-6 t. • Dit you sae 4,T51144 BRO.:14 New Boot and Shoe Public Sale OF - -PERSONAL .PROPERTY. ii.t, 1,..01,1 et public safe at the late re4bletive or • • Adam 'Muler, deo*. ip Curahrland str icy the lairmigh of L.l3ll.atitit , Saturday, July 2, 1864, the follow ing Persona 1 Property, viz 1 - good-Family liOttS.E, I Ftoo, .41100-,,,. I two-horse WAGON, I one- 4E* Harrow', Plough, • OM) horse Wagon, rnPiTanter ' Corn Harrow, Corn Plough, Cart. *.led, Sleigh, Pair of Hay Uktiderr,, Straw Cutter, Hay Forks, Picks, Grubbing noe, aWI many other ar• t ides toe numerous to mention. EMZEI NT DS. BLOOD- profeeodon that Elenteut Of the the food we eat ; 4esterl, or if. from, luantity of iron is .0111+.4; reduced, the win irritate the stupefy the brain, WI its disease-pro- Eysteru, and every 1 , ay be prodbposed Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., when terms will bo made known CATIIAEINE rantrint. Executrix of tbe Notate of Adam hitcher, deed. Lebanon, Juno D 3, 186.1. IS Teachers Wanted. SMALE AND 10 FEliA.Lll.—The Anemia 11-s.anst flatten of Teachers thr the Schools of Lebanon Bo rough, will be held in the 801100 E, ROOM of Female Sobool, No_ 1, on Thursday, OTIUM auth . -110,Xt, to com mence at 834 o 'clock, A. M. TIMM, /0 'Months. Lib eral Salaries w ill be paid. • DY., Freedent. P9MC HOPPER, Secretary.JOllN YO 'R June 10 ; 1801. Lebanon Borough School DI INS • all . a 'preparation of iosity Hata at once r. Rages, Maiisaehu -1 hi the Peruvian 1 ue unknown. l-1 byrup I XIDR OF IRON. p, that Strikes at A Ig.the blood with B Iron. - Account. TWIN TIMMY, Treasurer in account with Lohanon pi Borough Common School District, from April 23, 1803, to Jute 0, 1861, as follows, via : DR. Reliance In the Treasury Aprll23, 1863. $0004.83 To cash received from D. E. Millercollector. 5423 51 To cash received from State appropriation. 405 21 To cash received from Tuition.. 73 32 1 Topsyrup . 'Fever and Spirits. yrup • fit into the system, .titution." `yrup foils, Scurry, Lose or, Cit. • By cash paid as per orders, as follows, viz MAU SOLIOOLS. By 12 orders paid Teacher of No. 1 $493 18 By 12 " tt " 2 402 60 By 12 " U $. . 402 00 By 12 • •, •• 4 3GO 00 By 12 " 299 15 By 12 " , f p 24 0 4,4 By 12 " 7..„%39:d By 9 " " U 8 189 '09 By 7 ;' •":. " 9 ,1,37 .70 k.)4411.11 . kelfe Dar 12 ordeptild Texcifer 0 . 7 DlO.l. 343 19 by 12 " " " 2 303 51 By 12 " " " 3 216.01 By 12 " " as 4 287 50 Byl2 as sa 5 235 29 By 12 " " " 0 211 35 By 12 7 213 00 By 9 " " " 8 - ' 162 00 By 12 " " mixed 18 212 41 By 2 order paid, Teacher of tho District /ustitsete 26 00 es irla I,,NSUI - t'IIy.SICIRIISI ea to any ad. $8419 85 fly Cash paid for repaint, fuel, &a.,.at p'.l' orders Is sued an tellowe, TM; James Rogers. stoves, trailers, spouting. dc, val 6.4 - Daniel He: for, painting 14 50 Goorge Hrrah, eo- 23 83 Krim:. a Groff, carpenter Work, • ••••• . . and material. - , TO 03 Zimmerman ft-eSer, carp ' • ter work a material, ' 23 J. & D. Waiters, carpenter work it Materiel, "• 21 34 Michael Lomita, iron castings ler tleska, 65 40 Israel Karen, Rains hi in , l!., Re, 15 17 ghli‘k orgngr, wititewash• and pla.tering 21 00 Bernhard Rauch, water rent, 2 00 Adam Moyer, dO 4 CO Longacre h Gable, flooring, 52 21 Woi tit a Gabor, i, minting, 65 34 Young & Cc., printing J. 00 . Bteatiu, printing, I). M. Kemeny, coal, - 201. 42 - Waita & Umiak, arspe,ctrsrie,ao 46 42 Joi.or, Backer, chart, a 00 = ZEEM m:m , . D. D. 6 D D., D., M. D Jana,. fleichold. broo.• g, 3 40 liowntan, Henn' k o , rp,ltaniber 17. 4S A. L. Wolf. lakrr, tieury 1i fteiaonui, brooms, Jahn OPPW, bruoßos, lirevittwnit, /OM itrothorif, Mrdward, M - 2ti 12.1u.nitag Ilowthe 19 c.:9 Iteinoehi . - 611,, rent: 40 . 4`O Lotmnou Lo !go, rent for achool No. 0 Ott Franklin Tosuilatoe Comp,eny un rotic,:f; 20 00 bll+ee'lvn~oua Experisna, . 98 TO Geo. Shay, Harvingnotio99. 2 20 I.obismon ijkvs con ; owy, - ga s cen, B=2l Jog. Earth, Secreteriee eititary Jug. Knreti. e'llentmtittit 80. kie.t6 BLU 50 00 Jahn Yordy.'2l - 0888ter'e 80..tt5 25 Anitlt4n., 125 85 Trea6ur2l, JUDO 6, 166.3 2310 a fel Odt4u,ding Tex, • SSI.O 00 I.onoton, Juce It t 18f4 1,..f1t)5 - trzena salad ; Niounl , . nope • da ettf. e:t lifid 'dell opeke Co upany.'' JIJBLIG I getter:, Is hereby given, that by Act of the General Assembly of Pennaylvania. approved the 311 day Of May, 1801 the name of said company has been changed to "CORNWALL TUNPIKE 1.103.1.pA.- NY,",and that. at a meeting of t h e Beard 6E3i:wagers, held on the 11th duy of June, 1804, a resolution was passed. calling in au installment of TWO DOLLARS ou each eltare of Stock. The holders thereof are there fore hereby notified that the said installment: inapt be paid to Jacob Weld le, Treasurer of said company, an or before the day of slaty, 186-1. Iu default of pay ment the alock of all delinquents will be declared 'fer• felted. Le 812011 By order of the Fred:lent. • • JACOB IVBIDLE, Treasuror Lebanon, Juno 16, 1813-1-3 t. EMI • , •C v Notice of Assessment No. !IL' rrilE LYCOMING COUNTY MU VIAL INSURANCE COMPANY,on the it et day of ;day, tSM, orderett au ASiiE.S.9.IIEZZT of FCI.; PRE CENT. on all ProMitiin Notea in pobbeepdon of the Company givouler liteuraoce, which wore in force ou the firtt day of May, Ihn4, end appoluted ADA GRIT fINGIIIt, of LIJOEID.OII, fur Lebanon County, who is direeted to receive the awe from the members of the-Compaoy, nod pay o he 'whole As comment before the lat day of .epto r, neXt. 113 tinny, May 80, 3.604. fly order of the u._% In nurauance of the abos e, I will cell upon the menahcre of the Company within the County of Leba non, or fiend, lu a ehort time, to receive .tins amid An: amement. J , • ADAM GRI — TINGII; - Blicie . 7.r • Lebanon, une15,11364. . bI., es.— nt 1 P . ROrO6.ING CERTAIN .lEND NEWTS TO Tilt CONBTITUTION. • Be it resolved Oy the Seriatg and Bou-te tf •Th'P'esenta' lives of the 00137401710Clitth of ntisytu General Assonibiy matt, .That the following anaemia:etas be pro poaod to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in ac cent once With the prethiol3ll of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional - seetion'to the d article al roe Constitution, to ha dedighated as suction four. as follows: `I:local:ill 4. Whenever any cf the, qualified electors of th s etanneonweath ebrll be in any actual military set vire, under a rrquiaition from the President of the United etates, or by the authority of title Comm3n weal th, such electors may exeiciae the right of suffrage in all clot:Liana by the Minorca, u niler such regulations ae 0r.,, or shall he prescribed by law, as fully sa if they Were resew. at their usual plan. of election 1 0 Sectiou 9. There ebel! be i.wci additional era:Liana to the elove,th article of the Conaliiictii tt9 he clAtilmted el seeders eight, and uidea, as follows No bill shall be ank.sed by the Legieda. torn containing more than one subject, v:bich eball hb clearly ex„prresed In the title, except appropriation • Section 9 No bill sball be leased by the Legislature grit Min t any powers, or privilege, in any case, where Oh, authority to grant idschi sowers, or privileges, Liao er :nay hereof:tar be, couf,rrod Itpon tie courts ad !hi, Oonitnouoreaftli," .HENRY.C. ,1011 NSON. .112 , egh9e of the lioiree lef - Resrvoeoiativea. JOHN P. PSNNlilf, Er:alter of the Situate. OFF/OS Of TOE ESOSZSAItY - OF THE COVAioNtistiAot. HASSISnOtiO, April 2.5, nek PENNSYLVANIA, SS: I du - hereby certify that the forgoing id 1011, Jtrue and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution elthe General A tistini . .iy, nutitleil °. A Joint /tut-elution pruposlng certain Amendments to the Constitution," as ttiO SAW IS tp.lon On file id. this aloe. In Testimony whereof. I have' 'hereunto sot my hood 4trud- caused tie seal qc, the. Secretary's °Moe m WI af fixed, the day and year above written. ELI SLIFER, • Stkietary of. the Cutump.nwealth. Tho above, Regulation having been agreed to by a wi lo r isy 01 the toaroberm of each Mut., at two eneees dive scesionti of the General Assembl of this COMlXterk• wealth the proposed amendments *ill he submitted to the people. for their , nooptlon or rrjacthes, on tke frit T(LESDA r ,Avausv, in the year of our Lord. cue thousand eight tiundrel and sixty four, iu accordion., with the pro Viell , lat, a the tenth article of the Cooetitll thin, and act. en titled An Act preootbing the tlusa and znann.r or aultruitting to the people, for their approval owl rat,fi atiou or rejection, the proposed emendinente to the Constitution ,". approved the t w enty -third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and mixt) , four. ELI SLIFER.: May n-te Secretary of the Commonwealth, North Lebanon and. Jones. town Turnpike: flooKs wilt he open for receiving subscriptions to the Stock vf the North Lebanon and Jonestown Turnpike, at the public house of SIMON HEILMAN, in Jonestown, and at the office of JACOB WEIBLE. Esq., in Lebanon, front the 11th day of July, 1864,f0r the space 0f11.4.ft DAYS, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A, M., end 3P. M., at which those and places one or more of the commissioners will be in attendance.— Each subscriber will ha obliged to pay $2. per share at the time of subeeribtion. JACOB WEILDLE, WM. RANK, .1. GEESAMAN, 0. B. FORNEY, A. SIIBREC, SIMON HBILMAN, NAPOLEON DEEM, JOHN LIGHT, It. s. GIDEON LIGHT, C. O. !MIX • XrIV.ID H*Nk. Comm Wawa. Zane 24, MI,: 8 93 S dh 8 9" 660 12ii 30 A Noint Resolution 'IMPORTANT NEWS! TO 44 WHOM IT DOES MICERN ON LAST SATURDAY THE 9 6 -. .vee Wag tiled for Lebanon cnitnty, and at therame than the Chonp Cash tied Produce Store of GOODVEAIt DIFFENBACIFS (-RABBI?' BLOCK,) Cumbeiland Street,.. Labanon Pa. WAS filled. ivlth A cliolec dasortmant of Bprlb,e; and " Stunmerfaiods, just purchased at NEW YORK AUCTIONS, which for Variety, Beauty and Cheapnese cannot be exceited.thla aide of tpe Atlantic, and at prices. that will; catopialt the Vlorld. for -truth of which Call and See.' , ,for Yourseles. L:tdies I,ress Goods. Full Llus of Nreiigli °lmo Irosambuiques, " gifferienu Mosanalmiquen, colOred Alpaeca., all shades - u 0 eol rodall wool Detains, all shades, French ; Popllus, all shades, Darreoe. all shades, " " Ficbcit Tiasneß shades, " " " Foulard Ma " " " Mantihester Dcli lob, - Lawns,-&e.. SF& A full Line of DRESS GOODS of every description and-the largest tlnaortnivat in the county. Full Line of LADIES eLont, ;di abeties, such as Tan. Drab, Lavender, Light Grey, Bleck, k•e. Full Line of. Seat oil Et tied Black SILKS. 'Fall Line of Fancy Silks, Drawls, &c.; purchased be- for,the recent advance. . Full assortment of CALICO st all prices, 6 ' " Bleached MUSLIN. of th,bleached " THE CIIEPEST IN TUN COUNTY. $BlO6 87 fiIiOURINENG GOODS. Otra 'Mourning Department la complete, coMpris . . Fall tine•fit: wool Delains, 64 Wide, . Nall wool Delabar.,.Z-4. " " 'Ciititou Cloth's, 6-4 -.44 ss - " -.Pardon Cashmere, " x Black Bilk G.routuriens, 4, Bombazines, " " " " Black Crape VaMs, " s Love toile s , 4, I , Hosiery, Gloves. In fact anything iu Mourning and Second Mourn-'I ing Goods... Gentienien A NU llue oS chcrnis, CAASIiVI24R - COTTON ADIS and VEST/NUS, a nil iada 4nd Aloes, wilitil WWI be sold Cheap. Vroceries, Sugar, Cotree, Molassas, Spices, &c., all at LOW PRICES. AlaF. Call one and all, and look through our Large and well :elected Stock of Uoods. end get the prices, as It IS DO trouhle to show flovds. Our Slott° is "Small Profits, and Quick Sales, and GOODYEAR k Darr.NDami. Free 1-41xhibition. Geo. L. Atkins, D Eantotts OF EXTENDING HIS BOOT Sc SHOE -la x zwma t 3 Les deter - alined to carry cut the motto, "'PICK SALES AND SMALL - PROFITS" Do Las Just rewind a largo Stuck of Boots, Sheett Trunku .and Carpet Bop. Va.rortiCUlat afloat:on /mitt to Costumer's Wark. Lebanoo, March `23,1554. TAKE NOTICE. Y 3 ur LDERs will do 'yell by ealling.on J. R. BRESSLER I) Agent, as ho is prepared to do all krutii of TIN. ROOPINO, SPOUTING and JOB WORK generally, et the very lowest prices. De also has .on hand a large and good assortment of all kinds of TIN WA.RB, find 4 - all of the m:w most neared Gas Burning COOK STOVES end PARLOR STOVES. Also, all the different hod latest improved RANGEL.: Ah'D BEATERS, of ell kinds. Tie also keeps con stoutly on bend a large stork of 841 kinds of 8111 NO, SLATE, 'which he offers , at less pries -than they =1 be bought or any other slatenten in the County. S 6 69 6 1107 0 WARWROOMS—One door South at the "Buck Hotel," Walnut Street, Lebanon, Pm Lebanon, May 4. 1864. • !few Spring St ck, Tn. TAT/IST STYLI S AT CHEAP CASH PHICESI .` . 4 .. f t 0.., ILTATE Just received at their CHEAP CLOTHING II STORE, , On Cumberland`Streef, Lebanon, fr to their own manufactory in Philadelphia, a large stock of Ne w Read ad e (sloshin g , orall kiwis, for AIM and BOY,S. Zif- 0 Id. Customers., and new ones, are invited to 'ma and examine this stook before porehisnig else where, as wo feel conislentwe can suit ttik tastes of ItEfZENSTEIN = 'Opposite the Court House. Lebanon, April 18, 1864.-Bm. Barlossos indigo Blur. T 1 EA URS and Customers of the above Ceicb - rated - j ifash Mud, will please take notice, that the La belt are altered to read Indigo -Blue„ .PUT UP AT Alfred Willbergerls 1:103MTTC34.. Ito. 233 North SECOND Street, PIIILAD'A. The quality of this Blue will be the same in every MARI- It it warranted to color more water then twice the same quantity of Indigo, and to go much further than arty cithei 4 Wash , Blueln the market. It dissolves per. featly clear and does net settle on the clothes as most of the other makes do. • One Box dissolved in a half pint of water, will make as good a Liquid Blue as any that is made, at one third the cost. As it is retailed "at the saline Airiee as the Imita tions and Inferior a; tides, houiekeepere Very ninth to their advantage to ask for that pnt atlVipbc.rfeia. A Bltie prit up after this date with Barlow's anion on it is an . Imitation. . . . The New Label -toes ter require afftelup —For Stile by Stdrete.epers Fob. 24, .if. READING RAILROAD. sum Over Itrragigeuieut. . _ et RBt REAT TRUNK LINE FROM TILE NORTH AND li . Jr North-West for PHILADELPHIA, NEW-YORK, READING, POTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, Ac., Ac. Traina l e av e u a r r h,her g for P1111..11.1 phi.. New-York. Reading, Pottaville. and all intermediate Stations, at 8 A. M., and 2.00 P. M. ' New York Express leaven Ilarriaburg at G. 50 A. M., arriving at New York at 1.45 the same d r ay: - A cnocial Accommodation Passenger , ' Ti'airi leaves READLNO at 7.15 A. 32., and roturna from Darrlsparg at 5 P. Faroe from Harrisburg: To New-York 85 15; to ).'hit adelphia 1;0 35 and $2 60. Baggage checked • throagis. *Returning. leave New-York at 6 A. 51,12 N'oert; and 7 P. 51.. (PITTSBURG EXPRESS arriving at flarris. burg at 2 A. SU Leta.). Philadelphia at 840 A. 31., and :Asa P. M. . Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains; through th and from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by the Catawis,sa. Rallinad lemitiTamaqui at 8.50 A. 81., and 2.10 P. M. for Philadelphia, Now York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. M., and 2.30 P. M, for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Acookursidation Passenger train leaves Reading at 6.00 A. I'd , and teturns frogs. Philadelphia at a 00 P. *AP , Allthe aboie trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sundae train leaves Pottsvillo at 7.50 A. 111., Philadelpbia at 5.15 P, ConanniTioN, MILZAGE, naaSebt, and FanarnaleN 'Viag ra, at reduced rates to cod from all points. 80 pounds Baggage allowed each paseenger. 0. A . f • COLLS.. May 25, 1864. _ General Sc,perintendent... BOOKS &STATIONERY A NEW WALTZ tit HOUCK XXI OULD in Corm , the Public, that having bought and VV consolidated Ake Book and .Stationery Store's of IT. if. Roedel and George Waltz,they are now prepared to wait on all who will favor them with a call, at the old stand (li. 11. Roeciers) to Cumberland street. where they will always have on hand a large and well es• hinted supply of Schap). Blank and Sunday School Books, and es all iudacement the? offer their Mlacella - moons books at greatly reduced price. • The Now York rind P , ihultiphia Daily and Weekly Papars,aud Magazin., can be had and subscribed for, on reasonable tonne by scaling at their store. Anything wantin o heir .hipeSwill be ebeertutlyAt• tended to with prorancnees and dispatch Lebanon, play 4, 1694. BLANK. REC .LPiri For Collectors of State, County. sod Militia Tax, for salsycheap at the Advertlsor Mos, • Also for Collectors of. School TiPi, •"•• Good -Value." U. 5....:-O Bonds. Three 3 tiatats are /seated utal.r the Act of Congrese,o rat' 1384. which proeirick that,all ?tondo ioide4 71; 1 4 th in Ao" shad tie rNaairr•Vßosl TANATIO3 moilor mwy state or mutticsiieesi . withiyrhy, Sat, ti'ipt too, to these Bowie are raaafreti is ijaiteetiq.c4d Dotes or talt.e of N'ationai r , • %S., They 'ftre'tt) .Col N 4 of the ph.aettre of the Govern -1 meat, at a- y ;.-rixl un. 1,344; itStit Ae i 207 mere iharifer- Kti...imars tlo..1;• date, and with their redotte. rtvr, wrra., rIMIN i''tvre37, n 8 Itzgui4'ur not uvur utw humitod dollars ittk .ll:#N7 And tr..l hteidneeitti-ra t eatiliy. The be ittiest is iiajobto lret dali of itlereh and iv tatatar its each year. • itibwribdra x ,:r.t . to9patir Benda, us tbayquay prepr. Regis. Plllas are ra cor4e4 6i)of the V. S. wad casa kranafairetl'etwly oTirtheremnix'a Coupon Bonds are payable to . Leanar., ta.rat: tirr coon:Wore ial wits:.. Subscribers to this Than wilt have tno option of har ing their Bonds draw interest from "tle.,-11 Ist, by par k .. inn the scented Interestin coin—(r•r in United Staten notes, or the notes of Nationarilenits, adding, DIV per cont. for premium.) or receive theark-firerwiln7 in'erest front the date of..wabscriptien and deposit. A. ttese. Bonds are Lung trdni - f Municipal- dr . Ptate their vehicle in'ereased from onv to three per cent. per annum, according_ to the rate of tax levies in vari ous parts of the country. At the presont rate of premium on gold they pay Over Eight Per Cent interest la currency, and are of equal convenience as a Portlier nent or temporary Investment. • /t is believed that no sacuritiee.olYeroogreatinduie muds to lenders as the vacieue . dsaer IptiOns of U. A. Bonds. In other fortis 0/Indebtedness, the faith or ability of private parties or smelt oompan les or siiP 'trate communilies,enly Pleiged for payment. while for the debts of the United Stat i cs the itioleproperty . of the country le holden to seem. u the payment of both principal spio interest in coin. These Bowie may be. subscribed fur in same from s:',o up teeny magnitude,'ou the same terms, and ere time made eqtially 'available to Are smallest lender and the largest capitalist. They can 14:fienverted in ti tieing at any moment, end tbo bolder will have the benefit of the interest. • It may be useful to auto 'ln•;th% connection that the total Funded Debt of the United'ilri which intet , eat is payable in ou the 8 d day of Idireh 4 ,lBo4„, was $768,965,000. The hatereet .on this debt foe the coming fiscal year will be $45.937,120, while the one tams revenue in gold for the current fiscal peer, eey tug Juns 30th,1804, lots been 80 far et the rate ef over 8100,000,000 per annum. It wit I be . seen that even the present, giSlitreeemmitt of thei Ooverutirent arelargely in ettobde otitis warkti of the Treaaury for the rws m nt of gbh? Interco; while the recent Manes of the tariff Wln•dolublless retie the annual retelKa from customs on the same amount of importation'', to 2,160,000,000 per annum. Instructions to the National - Ranks acting rei ham agents were not issued from the United State Treasury unt 11 March 26, but in the that three weeks of April the euhseriptione averaged mere than TEM MIL LIONS A. WEEK. .. . , Subaeriptione 7111 bo.mebi iht by the - Perk -Nittl6bar Blink tif Ph iladeiphiti.; Pa.' Second National Bank of Philadelphia; Pa. Tbini, National Rank of Philadelphia, Pa. - AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS which are deptmitstrtes of Putt is money, and a ti RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKE4IB throughout tho couutry, (acting au agents of the Nay Donal Depnettary,Uoaks,).w,l4l 'furnish. farther Baba ma Doh on application And ' - AFFORD. EVERY FACILITY TO „SvgsenniEms May 11,1-164.--3 s. Wistar's BEtivild WM ii 4 r4D 011.EIRICK. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND . MOST RELIA BLE REMEDIES IN- THE WORLD FOR Coughs, Colds, Whooptag Cough, Bronchial* DrfEculty of Bros:thing, Asthma, nowise hoes, Bore Throat, Croup and every aifootiop. of THE THROAT, .VINGS 4ND CHEST, TSZLIIDIKG EVEN t CONSUMPTION. Wistarlo Balsam of % ild Cherry. No general has the use of this remedy becotae, rod PO paphiar is it everywhere, that It is unnecessary On recount Its virtue It works speak for ft, and 20 utterance in the icKui.o,4 and voluntary testimony of the many who from ions .uifering and settled gi'caste have by its nee be,o 7..tored to pristine vi etr aid health. We can pre;rac a mass of esidencole, Progot our auarttotio, that CANNOT BE BrSOJtEDITEDp Whe'Rev. Secieler l Well known ind mach respected among the GOrttlaa population in thia cduntry, makes the following state ment fur the benefit of t'..ze afflicted. HANOVER, PA„ Feb 19,188 . 9. Dear SITS :-Taarlog realized in my fluffily' irriAr Sant benefits from the use ofyour volunblopreparat, on --WISTASVBAIIIAM OP WILD ChtEßP.7—.lt atforda i l pleasure to recommend it to the public): Some e years ago oue of my daughters seemed to be in a cline, and little hopes of her recovery were entortaiold I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the - .eontents of' the bottle there was a great improvetaeht VII her health. bare iu my individual ease, Munie 'fnecinently ueo of your valuable medicine - , and have•abraya been 4 01 441 ,1 ' ed by it. JACOB BECHLBR. From Jesse Smith, Esq., President of the Morris County Bank, Morris town, _Yew Jersey. allaying used Dr Wisratt's Bataani, or 'WWI atilifirlr fai about. 'Aaron years, and having Ralia Mal remits in my family, it affords Me groat , pleasure in recommending it to the pnbiip as a vatuabie remedy in meant Weak lungs, col* coughs, &o , and a real, dy which I coneidcr. to be enterely Innocent, and may tie taken with parfait the most delicate in health: CM Front Bon.' John E. Smith? a-,ADisiin guished Lawyer in .Westniins ter, Maryland. hate on several occasions used Dr. Warlit's BAT.- FAX 07 WILD easels for severe colds, end always will decided benefit. I know of no preparation than* more efficacious or more deserving of general nag. The Balsam hoe also boeu used Kith leititheiike - effeet by If. ELLIOTT, Mprehant, Mara Crow Ronda, 2,14, "%Vistaed of Wild Cherry IBM Noise, goauino onleps BUTTS,"' on the Wrippet. FOR "LB J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, New York. S. W. POWLE ACO Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. REDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Eurty YeaA' .ExperieuCe Rae fallp establiehed the euperiority Of . . agODING'S 'RUSSIA 113 F. Over all (tater 'kealinktpreparations. Ii enroll ia, , kmas Of - BORES,' CUTS. SCALDS. BEGINS, 'WIGS, ULCERS, SALT RREUM, EILIMTP rtAg• PITAS L CORNS. solo: LIFE, WAS EYES, ke. REMOVING THE PAIN AT O. OE, AND REDUCING THE mar ANGRY /;001UNG SWELLINGS AND INFLAMMATION ASIA ki MAG IC. ONLY .24 GENTS A •BOX. Fon Sate Br ' • . " J. P. OINSMORE, o. 491 Broadway Nair Ywi r k.' , S. W. POWIA C0.,N0. 1 8 Tremont st.i 4uttpu s . And by eli Druggists. June 22, 1864.—1 y OPW• EXeCliillor 7 ls NOTION le hereby gives' ihaftetteriglastententary on the Estate of JACOB MUSIIIIEr,Iee'd., late of Swath ra township; •Lobalion count.y.;_Pfe.-; Lsiulgoe granted to the undersigned, seeming in the lwirough of Rebanon, county and Bate atOtesald'.., - 1,11 ifertone,, therefore, having oicorost paid X thorn, state will Am gen! mp. • duly outheuticaied, and. itorolludeiltd will plague make paolo7k E ' ICOr. con WEIDLE, tittir. , Lebanon, May 11, 18 IMO