The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, June 29, 1864, Image 2
glttrAT gPailirtisfr. Rim Willi PIXOGRATIC 2.BISCIPLIS gamut TO =SD, 1711 9.11A32 TO ?mow." ENE WM. N. BRESLIN, Editor and Proprietor. LEBANON, PA. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1864. 0 EXPENSES. The daily otrenditures of the Gov •rnment are att 'present estimated by IL!. Chase to be 11.4,000,000 per day, in face he says thif that sum "will kardly be auffiCient." Tully $5,000, ' 'ooo per day would be nearer the act ual sum. Is it any wonder, that, with our thousands slain daily, and cur substance consumed at such an awful rate, for purposes almost en tirely at variance with its original announcements, that the people are becoming tired of this state of affairs, and rapidly concentrating their hearts - and minds for a change of adminis lration and policy ? Otrjr6ltflo recruit the Army, or end the umer.-11 .proposed that Old Abe issue a proclaniati'On ordering an election in reference to the furthei• -continuance of the War and the ob l-taining of recruits. Every man vot ing is to pat his name on his ballot, and if for war he is to go and help fight it out. Those voting peace aro to be considered useless in the ranks, —not being adapted for the soldier• ing business, and hence would remain at home taking care of Home Affairs, while their braver, more .patrietic, rarid i01n,41"--nCikieli6rs are rushing to the Cannon's mouth. Those refusing to vote aro - to be fined one hundred dollars. It is thought tliat such a proclamation from Abe, and such an election ; would speedily end the war. air The defeatof our forces un . der Gen. Sturgis took place at Guntow'n, Mississippi, on the 10th of this month - . Our loss was 1,000 killed and wound lid, most of the wounded falling into lhe,enemy's bands, 18 pieces of ar tillery, 200 wagons and 1,500 priso t6ts. After the abandonment of the trains morSt vsf the infantry was .out of ammunition, and the cavalry had but a few''rounds left with no source of supply. It was‘worip than a retreat. '1 was a regular Bull Run. STARTLING DISCLOSURES. liirr, Wilson, of Massachusetts, one of the aboliion leaders, And who ;-knows what' is going on, by authori ty stated in tile United States Senate 'tast•lredlx,' that.spen hundred thOusand men had been recruited since last October ! that we bad 'paid in balm. ties 5i26,000000 ! that 48,000 men have boon sent to Grant sinee the eroding of the Rapidan. These facts were brought out in the debate on the conscription bill in the United lltates •Senate on the Bth of June, 1864, as a reference 'to the .proceed. togs of that 'day will'Verify. lir It is - said that Gon. Feeniont 'has a great many warm friends in Lancaster county, among the 'Repub licans, and who will vote for him in preference to liincoln, if it should happen that the Democratic, candi date and, platform would not suit 'them. lial„‘Urtild 'made-a sudditm lurch up wards'lstat'Week,.thkrfor a spoil sold in Philadelphia 'at 284. 41 receded again and now varies from 2112 to 220. Greenbacks lurch down .. 41iite 'Gold goes up. The latter has plenty 'of margin, to go up, but it is bard to tell ,bat will become of the former if they continue to come down much more. They will soon find their lev .al of nothingness, and what they will be worth then, or whore they will go to, will puzzle Chase and his finan ciers to tell. se. It is announced froth Wash ington, by =abolition correspondents, that •the war 'cannot be ended this year; that it - May Continue a year or two longer—cortaioly'till the summer of 1865,—honce, that altraft for two hundred thousand men will be called for in a few days or weeks, =and •an other call for three hundred thousand more next winter ! Such announce ment are very refreshing this warm weather—calculated to induce the people to desire campaigning in the "sunny south." Ma- Captains Henry A. Lantz and George B. Rhoads, of Reading, were both killed in the recent operations , of the army around Richmond. • ,The fugitive slave law has been, repealed by Congress. Ve don't care much one way or the oth er'about this law, only, that rebels won't come north after their niggers 'just now, and if Union people come they can't got them, which is apt to weaken love tbr us among those still professing to bo with us. flow *rum ttx.-4,1 story was started by the Philadelphia Inquirer, last week, that liostby had g9t lierth of the Potomac with his vavalry, and w.afisk,C.tuAherlawl valley. The ab olition, .papers,'lrave now the impu &glee to _say that -tike dopperheade started thestery. ' LOYACROGUES, We never :bad any confidence in the sincerity; ' , l:)r 'honesty of the fbul mouthed. ':loyalists," :Who con stantly •WreaChitig thdir Patriotism, fronr'house=tops, as it were, and, 'same time, slandering and threatening their neighbors, who will not shut their eyes or mouths to the rascality; incompetency and treason in the land. The New York Evening Post has been one of the loyalest of the "loyal." It indulged, to the heart's contentoof the bitterest aboli tionist in tho land, in the terms "cop perheads," "sympathizers," and "trai tors." It furnished more texts to the abolition papers, abusive of the de mocracy, than any other paper, not even excepting Greely and his very "loyal" Tribune. Now note the sequel. On Tuesday last, Mr. Henderson, publisher of the Evening ,`'Post, and Navy Agent at New Yark city, was arrested by Mar shall Murry; on the serious charge of fraud, bribery; the transmission of false vouchers, &,e., involving a very large sum of money. It must not be supposed that the administration at Washington wai ignorant of the frauds perpetrated at New York, ,particularly by.3.t.'Hen 'derson, or that ft immediately rested hires when the facts became known, as the "loyal" journals over the country are apt to apologise.— The administration has known of these frauds for months; the whol6 public knew of them. Senator Grimes openly, in the U. S. Senate, made ref erence to them in a speech several mo,ntlis ago. Bat it Was Only ' last Week, when Mr. Turlow Weed, of the Albany Evening Journal, a prominent and powerful leader of the Abolition ists, brought the .subject out tin his paper, that the stop alluded to—the arrest of. Hr. Henderson—was order ed. A New York Hardware firm, G. W. Schofield & Co., fitrnishing gob& to the Government, was also, at the sibie time, brought up "standing?' as the - Saying is. Mr. Henderson order ed the 'goods, and approved the bills. As speerthen "bricks" of what the goods cost Messrs. Schofield and what the Governinent.paid theM, on bills approved by Mr. Henderson, we subjoin the following : Charged to May 26, 1866. Cant to Govern -329 380, &c. G. W. 8. & Co. omit at, 240 pair brass hinge stationary, pine, 3% in..9oc $l7 32 $216 00 370 pair brass hinge stationary, pins, 8 in., 70c 40 43 282 00 400 pair brans hinge stationary pine, 24 in , 450 10 4.0 180 00 1,000 gross brass serawa,assorted. at $4 787 80 4,000 00 1,300 gross iron screws, assorted at $1 40 555 86 ^ 2.100 00 ' - Xnkat 15,1663 41,41 , .0.2546.141 SO 1. 031. 20 bbla turpentine, 8623 galls at $3 50 $1,169 40 $4,108 60 2 bbla copal Tarnish 112 pile. at $5 50 267 20 619 00 2 bbla Japan varnish, 86 galls,. at $450 115 80 387 00 $1,662 40 $4,111 60 September 7, ISM. Ord. 426 (bill} 100 black buff hides atsl6 $1,600 00 Cartage 125 $025 00 $1,661 . 25 gorinther 2,1153, 1;700 NM C.k - IL C. G. P.. Caulker ,`2O b erre!' pitch et $26 Cartage, three loads, at $1 80.. Of course these enormous profits were . dividecl, not only . with Mr. Hen derson,rbit btibiis, 'and when names are mentioned will astound some of the public not a little. It won't as tound us, because we expected ntith ing else. The war was inaugurated for the nigger, a "little blood-letting,' a great deal of stealing and political power. , The New York Tribune, and Horace Greeley, its editor, are also excessive qy "loyal." It appears, from recent -'ildvelopements, that a Mr. Callicot is enklegetl„ by "permits" from the ad ministratiM in cotton speculations in the -South,= - 4,liat is obtaining cot ton from the rebels and sending them supplies in eturn ! Mr. ‘6lreeley ob tained his appointment, ana shares the profits A Mr. Camp, one of tbe proprietors of the Tribune, is also engaged in the same lucrative business, and shares with the Tribune association ! Mosso. Allen and Fil brick, ofßhode paitners or agents of Senator Sprague, son in-law•of S eeretary Chase are enjoying similar , ,privileges. These'factsrfurniShfoOd for refin e Tion. an ivik be successful, when the highest and 'lite -lowest of the'party engaged in managing, aro coining money out of it, thtis making it their interest to cause 'to be un successful. * * Our soldiers are sacrificed on the battle fields of the south, and the ad ministration furnishes "supplies," if not powder and lead, at least necessa ries of life, to the rebels, so that they may continue the contest. We do 'not say that it is not powder and ball to - slay our own men that is furnish ed under 'the name of supplies, by these men, tnder "permits" from the administration ; wevnly do not know what it is, and it maybethat as well as anything else, because we want cotton most and they want ?power and ball most. A fair exchange is to robbery. This war has become so widely di verted from its original . Purposes i is .the fruitful source of so much misery and corruption ; endangers the per quanenoe ofour republican institutions, slaughters the life Wood of the nation, iinpoveiiishes us EkT a - people, that it wonder' the people are 'com bining to put a stOp to it. If PEACE is l 4 - iiiide! the rallying cry of the Demo*Nic party this fall, tens and hum:Weds of thousands will follow its standards who, under ii`o other circumstances would be fO'fitid there. We perceive that the abolition pa pers, with their lanai - dishonesty and deception, are placing at their edito rial heads, the following announc meats : "For the amendment of the Constitu tion granting the soldiers the right to vote," &c. ,„ Now, in the first place, there is no such amendment to be voted for.— The proposed amendment is to give qualified electors in military service, the right to vote away from the polls where they are already entitled to vote. .The abolition papers take it for granted that soldiers are fools, and that they cannot see- tho,pre tended friendship displayed for them for no other purpose than .simply do obtain their votes. Why don't they appeal to the - soldiers' judgment and sense of i;ight for his influence and support, instead of thus attempting to deceive him. - They would make the soldiers believe, by their announce ments, that they would procure them the right to vote, whereas, the amend ments have no reference to that ob ject at all. No soldier, not entitled to vote when at home, will be pet mitted-, legally, to vote when in the fold"at the doming 616441'6n5, rici Mat ter how the election turns out, or what the promises of the abolitionists may be. In the second place, ticy would make it appear that the democrats are "opposed to giving soldiers the right to' vote." This is another de ception-they are attempting to prac tice' urn the soldiers. As ,we said before Me 'amen dmen ts avnot involve that quostton Ve 'vivo no doubt there Democrats, 'and others, Who would objeet to hawking the•ballot-bones of Pennsylvania all over the county, gathering up the vote of !lily body 'and eVerYbOdy, whether entitie l d or not, lant whb have no objections whatever to giving sol diers all the facilities necessary to cast their votes when entitled to do so: The Democratic party never yet attempted to deprive anybody of his legal rights, much less that ofsuffrage, as did the abolitionists in 1554 and 1855, when. they attempted to deprive our adopted citizens of •their right to 'Vote. If the foqire knew tiEed,t, tue abolition Legislature of this state in tended to'pe - tis a fair and just law pro scribing the regulations under which the voting is to be chine, there would probably not bo a single vote against the proposed amendments. As it is people will exorcise their judgment in 'the 'lnattdr. ma. The repeal of the $3OO column tation clause in the conscription act, as recommended by kr. Lincoln, is still being acted on in Congress. The House at first refused to repeal it by a decided vote, but the Senate, in ac cordance with the bidding of its mas ter, Old Abe, put it through flucking. "'hell:louse is now endeavoring to re consider itslctiiitOndlt is'intbable that it Will yiit'be repealed, thus com pelling every man drafted to , go, or buy a substitute atiiiidbormouseprfee. The poor man will then, of eourso,ihe obliged to go, leaving , his family to the bard mercies of a btird world, as he will be unable to raise the money to buy a substitute. Let the poor man remember that it is Abe Lincoln who recommended the repeal of the s3oo.clause, and that it is at his bid ding that Congress, is repealing it. $5l 00 A 4 50 $5O 00 $50,1 60 How TUE MONEY is SQUANDERED.— The new Loan bill last week hefol'e Congress proposes to have print ed siXlhundred millions of dollars worth erebonds, notes, ate., for the printing 'Cif which one per cent., amounting overs4,ooo,ooo is to be paid. liumfrods of persons might be found to do it ;better than it is done for one tenihtliit'Sum, yet, when Mr. Brooks called 'attention to the rob bery, for it is .nothing else, no atten tion was paid to lilt, and the bill passed. Thus,lhe 'ativerhment will bo swindled in tills iingle'iiiStauce of over three millions of dollars, "Which sum will be used in life 'attetiipt 'to foist Old Abe again upon the people against their wishes Wild 'at their ex pense. seir Congress was trylng last week to pass resolutions proposing amend ments to the Constitution abolishing slavery. The matter was defeated, as it should have been. Abe LinColn has abolished slavery half a dozen times already by proclamation, and what's the use of still trying to kill s dead dog deader I Or have Abe's proclumation . been failures, as we told the people they would be ? "We pautie for a reply." t er The leurniog of the City of Al exandria, in Louisiana, by Gen. -Banks, was one of the most inferno transactions in the records of war., A full account of it will be found the outside of this paper. SOLDIERS VOTING. olitiou papers boast Of fighting qualities" of idlers. They say they Iners—asking no guar )* 'none. So the Indi artik?tan nations fight, fight 'tite - blood-thirsty ould like to bring the Of course, if oar sol ive nor take quarters, Iltimn learn to fight' the 'd that too without re eler of the soldiers op era. Aro the parents, ildren of those in the that such another her added to the many of war ? or would they • conducted on civilized It is denied however, ,ro troops fight at all. as no confidence in them. , orted to be worse than inn' when fighting is to -when it is over, if the tits itself, engaging in in slaughter, plunder and ith our negro soldiers we ho storm—may we not rlwind ourselves ? /Volition papers were very / 4 fall that Judge Wood fhlresigu his Judgeship.— ,iht it so very wrong that iti should hold on to his of \s fn Fromentrcsigned hist(iiu Is oon as he was au:thins:fed h i l n sid t. Wonder if Old Abe ko his examph3rial i d practice iact g, of hisTafewers last fall. iot. A T anxious ward s Thee -t a mid' flee. .1 .; niissi for PI Is ill the p Guea ! 1 _CONVENTION POSTPONED, lowing official announce- THE 2 men fro the National .Democratie Co wtitt; , of the postponement of I thev mato Convention, will be re. cei4d wib general satisfaction by 1 thelpemtiraey of this State, and of I the ountt at, large : • Th ateeti of the Chicaii . Conuention • •po oiled till August 29. . 'a m" ing . of the Executive ' C'Orii mlt e oft National Democratic COM mitiee, hel n New \ York= the 22d day of Jtne, I 4, 'it was voted that; in defer. etiee to t - sire of a very laii.te !Aim her of the alit tiaembers of the Con ' seivitive 6n DemocratieParlitlir6agh oat the co try. theMiiieting of the Dem. 'OErifie Na nal Cimvention be postponed . . —,w, ~. t 11 i 4 t litiL . el nlYeit. I 4,' it was t , `sire of a 1r ?Mg them, UnDenmera . )` , ti.T.theiiiiipeti. ..4 nal Conventiot. to*n t ela'' 'Liana 29, 1864, at ' twelve o'cloCk no at Chicago. AU.= .BELMONT,Chairman. FREDERI O. PRAncE, Secretary. This no n suggests itself as proper and deco sto an whO feels that tiller s a higher duty in party than app riatingspoils. The Dem ocratic p ty could not afford to tarn ish its alitej3y an exhibition' of such getialiftleisAcylls - baslucti bben per peteted : bq the hap 'Cotitititibil Of Abe botiif&liiiik, in hacketelligs'and wir pulling for the places while. th - ands of their follow-citfzenslrre lyi maimed, and dying on the fruit les attle fields of Virginia, and the qu'tion of our defeat or success is titi an open one. I e present.moment we all feel to 114:i liine'fbr making political 110111 i• na 'fis. Ami'd the mighty events o Gang:o'lring, peihaps . deeisive of atc;anif Chat of out peeterity, such de would jar upon Damdbratie ~aathe blatant voice of Joan . k :. k cryiii "Beef! Beef !" did on ' out of Patrick Henry, in the full r ()litre patriotic zeal. The time large; toolull'of big events, for Vaal' aftl4,ltich subordinate in fs. , Be H. tb for 112 sue tir • e-poliipeneinent "brttle Control). Mon's, besides, another evidence of the' cep foundations !on 'Web the Stitt:lire of the Dernodiaie paify is laid. ( 1t Oltn 'Well'afford, to wait and wat ri `the varying scenes of the great dra 'now being played before us— mig y'tnoiements which each . day erea rieW ireiblioda, displace old '6 - - pinio s, form fresh phases and differ ent e tabinations of circumstances.=- To h . refused to acknowledge these elem t which go to the making up 1 a just;d •ision on the questions which will nom before the ChieagoConven- Lion, wCalhave been to have wilful. ly thrown ' way the conditions Ml, suc cess. the etion of tle Democracy is never at cult when it is not proma. ture. =nu m di% v,. . ‘JOINDIUTATION CLAUSE.— The Sent -- on Thursday, passed a bill to rep the $3OO commutation clause of V,; 'Conscription law, and allowing future term of service of drafted ',.`fin to be restricted to one year. Th 'vote on its final passage was 24 ye.' , 'to 7 nays. The House, however, tirk Tuesday, struck out of the bill befdre it, the section repeal 'lug the $3OO c ommutation , clause, by a vete of 160 yeas to 50 nays. So that'it 'aft 'likely the repeal will pass darinfthe 'present session. ser Ofd Abe is not quite so po tential as be used to be. He recom. mended the repeal, at the suggestion of Stantotcand Pry, but notwithstand ing that, his'Coniress, Str bleb hereto fore licked...Mel:lkt off his dirty feet, refused toile .hisiiidding by a vote of 100 to 50. The pOiver of Old, Abe is on the vane in the'hotse of his friends! Ma. Suziiittstv drOhio said, in the Senate the oda& day. that`he beards great deal about the 'desire of every= body to be taxed; that Whenever Con gress attempts vo itd - ese "a tai. to af fect an individual, 'Me 'efittie lirdrson, !though very patriotic, is alfty's .44;1y to show that, thile - eVerybody else ought to be taxed, 'be, for arae particular reason ought to esoape; THE WAR. fccrw spetained a serious die aster in front; o4,retershurg on Wed nesday of `last?„ ' Ac t. On Tuesday Grant began a con'lplips4pd movement, and had just succeedfd in placing Wright and Hancock's Col'ps in very dangerous positions, stretched of t.i r n long columns with the flank exposed to Confederate attacks," when Gen eral Lee at once took advantage of it. lie sent a column. down the Weldon 'Railroad, and another down the Je rusalem road, which is east of tle railroid....,The Confederates on the Wefilbn,road entrenched them selves 'in front "Of .Wright, so that he could not roach The road. Wright, finding the enenifinlis front, halted the troops. At Once, , the other Con. federate column crossing ;down the Jerusalem road, attacked 'Hancock's flank. Hancocks troops 'were sur prised. They broke arid in cenfulion retired southwards. The eneniy-pen etrated between the .divisions and even the brigades. Warren earde up as hastily as possible; but found the enemy entrenched on ground taken from Hancock. In less than an hbur one thousand Federal prisoners and four guns were captured, and fifteen hundred were killed and wounded. Far_ in the rear General Birney who had command of Hancock's troops, rallied them. Night came on, and prevented any pursuit by the Coded eratea. . Hantock - was attacked, Wright, who was confronted by the enemy on.the railroad, was also as saulted. He could not go to Han cock's assistance, for the enemy, in large.nntribers, came dosen• Upon his advance from the' railroad embank ment. The skirmishers reereated upon the main body. The enemy .passed on, got in Wright's rear, and captured the greater part of two regiments: Wright at once ordered a retreat. Attacking the enemy With part of his force to cover the mtive meat, his corps retired to the posi tiOn taken by _Hancock. Here both corps dug rifle-pits •to protect them selves. The darkness, however, pre vented any Confederate attacks. . On Thursday the shattered .corps succeeded in reaching their old posi lions and the main army. 'On `Fri ay nothing occured beyond the nein 'al 'a - ount of Skirmishing. 'on-Satur dAy'biorninethe Confederates made a sudden"altaak upon 13urnsi des corps in front of Petersburg. It was most probably a reconnoissance to discov er whether Grant's troops hartri4tirrt ed to their oldipasiiinns. The enemy quickly retired, lia4n . g, lost a few prisoners. At noon on Saturday everything was.quiet. We slated some time ago that Ew ell's corps of Lee's attny had been sent westward toward Lynchburg.— i t Hunter thus beinv between two enemies abandoned his attack upon Lynchburg. He began a retreat northwest into Western Virginia.— There are no particulars 'of the re treat yet received. It began on Sun day, June 19. The Confederates for it cluselY, and report that they bad captured: several liandred • - 1 , fast, deneral Sheri dan's eaviayurrived at White : He - Use, on the Tamantrey. They were vtry Much disabled. Three. fourths of the horses had been broken down, and . many of the'inen were on foot. SUCH A CANDIDATE! The re-noMinittion LINC6LN in, the present esigeii'Cieis ot . tbecountry, says the Valley Spirit, is an insult to the intelligence of the American peo ple. Ho has proven himself totally unfit for the position ho holds. Re is weak, incapable, vacillating, a time-server without either wise corn fiirdlension of the present or sagacious forechst of the future.—Through his mismanagement and imbecility dur ing three :years of bloody civil war, the restibecee.. of the 'country haV'e been- wasted,tllcinsand - s of lives have been uselessly sairrficed arid inillions of treasure squatithired, leaving the prospect of peace and it restored Uni on, as far as human foreirght can go, as distant now as• at the beg,iniiing.. lle has lent himself to the'seheiniCS of 'the *bold tfad men around him - in whose hands ho is a mere. tool "to car ry oat their wicked designs. He has ' prostituted the war from the'high and noble object Id): which it - Was coin- • menced to ihe'blitient and most • igno ble partisan purposes. By his sel fishuess.and partisan policy, be has chilled the ardor and enthusiasm of the people which at the first so nobly responded to the calls of patriotism, and in consequence is no.w=compelled to fill the decimated ranks of the ar my by means of a merciless corfitcrip don. He has trampled upon the'Constitu-- Lion which he 'was sworn to "preserve, prot:na and defend." He has viola ted the personal liberty of the citizen by his arbitrary arrests and unwar ranted and unlawful searches and seizures. He has attempted to stifle the voice of an antagonistic public sentiment by the suppression of free speech and a free press. He has sus pended the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus, and denied to citizens the right .of trial by jury. to 'has arrested ciiize ns without warrant or process of law, tried them far preten ded offences before 'tailitary commis sioners, and inteted Onhiliments upon them unknoWn to our Consti tution and Laws. In - Shell, in the language of General - .Pinmont, "the ordinary rights secured under the Con stitution and. the laws of the country have been violated, and extraordinary powers have been usurped by the Execu tive." Snell is the liublie record of the man whe is a 'second time presented to the American people for their suf frages . fOr the first, office In their gift. Untess the spirit of '76 is totally ex tinet'in "the hearts of a majority of tbe,pedple, be will be most inglorious ly (Ideated. In 'an interior town they had, self prat years ago, a Philharmonic likicie ,ty. They gave several concerts 'for the purpse of raising money to de fray the cost of instrumen'tk a elc. o and A--was requested by the Cant mittee to sell some of the tickets to , ; the first concert. The performance;._nas to hellaydn's Oratorio of the "Ci-estion" the different putts, of course, to be taken by the ladies and gentlemen, of the Society. A—had unusual suc cess in disposing his tickets, in truth, some astonisement was created at the rapidity with which he worked them offt .But presently it came to their ears that; as a recommendation to purchasers, he represented that the performance was to be in costume. As the principal parts were those of Adam and Eve before the fall, the committee were indignant, and incon tinently armoved our over-zealous friend from ofrtcd. “tgYEAKING OUT :Pi MEETING. ” —Wendell Phillips, in arecentspeech at Tremont Temple, —"Roston, saM be * knew there were at Washington fo ty Republican Senators and Represen tatives who looked on Lincoln as un fit for the place he occupied, and who in private protested against the re nomination of Lincoln, burt they were `dumb in *bile ; be also knew that a hUndr'ed of the members of the late Massachusetts 'Republican Conven , tioo, of which he was one, wero in private Opposed to the "renomination, and yetnbecaUse they were all up for popularity . and places, they wero dumb in pUblit. • lOM Hyna. .E - he &tat tVoli'tCy. et, once the pride and envy ofmiiscii lar New 'York, is now a hapislei3ii cripple. Beggared in purse and bank rupt in health, ho was last evening the grateful recipient of a benefit at Stuyvesant Institute. So says the N.Y. Tribune of Tuesday last. LOST.-$O,OOO Reward—Lost near Fort Darling, "the key to Rich mond," which as was announced by the 'Republican papers, was entrust ed to tne . keeping of the subscriber. It issupposed to have been taken by a fellow named Beauregard, who vio lently assaulted, battered, and thrash ed the subscriber causin. , him to skedadle in Stah'bu."Ste that he drop ped he key. The above reward will be , Olid in Lincoln:skins to any one who w.l I restore it. iIIAkE man who is Most persistently agitating the repeal Of 'the V3OO eieniption clause in the conscription act,liabrahatin Lin coln. Let not the working men who dt are appealed to, to ve , lor Lincoln forget that he is trying to shape the draft so that they will bo courpelled to go 'into "the army, no matter in what 'condition it Will leave Choir business_ or their families. Every one knoWs iliat the repeal of thes3oo Chaise ignn Shbatitates 'to an exorbitant'Sgure, and male the con scription bear ten-fold heavier than ever upon the people., Let the la boring masses remember that the friend to whom they are indebted for the efforts to repeal the clause, is Abraham Lincoln. if niggers make as good sol diera th.e Abolition reporters would ',have us .believe. why in the name of till tbrifti - don' t, ihe . "government" 'quit draftmg white merl i 'tind take all the blueks? There is any amount of them hero in Penn sylvania that could be spared, and el thengh 'We have nodesire to see the poor ,fello\ . v . . - S dreigged into a war, whie;ll they did ; nothing to bring a bdt,t,:yet et tronld stive the lives of so many whit : 6'46u, erid•lis'Abolitionists say, that - all *rho 'the:Vattle fields in this contest go to Heaven, it would be suchit :geed chance to get the i . (eause" of our trou-. bles shipped off to that "better cant'. try,"tv here neither niggers, clavery, Abolitionism or war is known. A MAINE paper says that a few - Sundays ago a clergyman, on enter ing the pulpit in the town of Gray in that State; remarked to his auditors: "It-is not often that I occupy this puipit, and now I am hete I. shall say just NV hat'ple . asCs,me, and if there is a single copperhead present I ativise him to rise. and walk _out." A nice discipl© ABRArfAm's P.ErS.--:Soys the N; Y. Washin - glim 'correspondent: "Over a thousand ccintitaliarids arriv. ed hero to-day him the Whitoilouse, and were sent to Colonel 'Green's Preedman's Colony. All the men a ble to work are etnployed in ttie Qiiartdrnsister's Depikrt:Ment. The Colony is in a lima thriving condi. Lion, having three thousand acres, un der a high slate of cultivation, and crops of wheat and rye that prOinfse a harvest valued at ten thousand dol lars." This is how the negroes stay in thet i inTe were told - they would by Our AbolitiOn trienels— This is how they are take:n ears of and feasted on . the let of 'the land while soldiers families are suffering the pangs of want —not to mention the fact that poor white Union refu gees are daily starving for food and perishing of hardships. The Statesman says three thousand farms in Ohio are left with out a man to attend them-Llhousands of fields are left to wither for the want of hands to cultivate them. It is the same everywhere to a greater or less 'extent. In many towns of New Jersey 'fte last conscription took about every Man liiithe `tie military duty. O So many persona iddustorned to the use of the rifle haii‘ gone to the war that game of all diiiidriptions has multiplied *onderftilly within the last three pearsin t'be - New Eng land states., Many trout brooks in Massaatieetts which were Sbpposed to be kairen of this lucious fish are now `ll(41 with them, beer have been left . nnmolested so long, that in western New York they approach very near to the habitations. Per haps even the, dodo may reappear. ifirlifr. Davis has movedlor a com mittee to investigate Charges against Gen. Butler. But Ms said that Ben. is not balf as much afraid of the char ges ofCapgross as he is of the charges of Beauregard. ANECDOTE The Duke of faoeleugb, -in one of his walks, purchased a eetw.,from a person in the neighklurlmtxit,icf .Dal keith, nud left orders to seta it t to his place the following morning. Ac cording to agreement, the cow was sent, and the Duke happening to be in deshabille, and walking in the ave nue, spied a little fellow ineffectually attempting to drive the animal for ward to ite destination. The boy, not knowing the Duke, bawled out to him, "Heh, mun, come here and give's a hail the beast." The Duke saw the mistake and de termined on having a joke with the little fellow. - Pretending therefore not to understand him, the Duke Walked on slowly, the boy still crav ing his assistance ; at last he cries, in tones of apparent distresS : ;Tome here, mun, s,mil help us, and as sure as onything, I'll give you half o'what. I get.' This lasi appeal 11-411 the desired. effect; the Dc:ke wont , and lent a belpinghand, s`'. "And now," said the Dul4e, they trudged along, "how' . Puely do you think you'll got for this job 7 ‘43lu,ldinna ken," said the boy, "bat I'm sure o' something, •for the folk up by at the house, are gude to a' bodies." • As they approached the house, the Duke darted from the boy, anrj en tered by anetber way. He called a, servant, put a sovereign into hie. hand, saying : "Give that to the boy that hasjust brought the cow." The Duke returned to the avenue, and Was soon rejoined by th'eih9x., "Well, how much did -'You. 'get ?" inquired the Duke: "A shilling," said the buy, "and there's the ha h lfo't t' ye." "But surely you got more than a shilling ?" said the Duke. "No," said the boy, with the ut most earnestness : "as sure as death that's a' I got ;,and d'ye no think it's plenty ?" "1 do not," said the .duke ; "there must be some mistake ; and as .I am. - acquainted with the Duke if .you'll return with me I think get you i'n6re." `BEN:I3tYT - Lit The boy consented ' • back they wont—the Duke rang the bell -md ordered all the servants to be assem bled. "Now," said the Duke to the boy, "point out the person that gave you Lhp chilling," gilt was that chap there w' the white apron," pointing to the butler. The delinquent confessed, fell on bis knees, and attempted to apologize; but the Duke interrupted him, and indignantly ordered him to give the boy the'Sovereign forthwith, and quit his service 'instantly. "You haVe loSt," said the Duke" "your shilling, your situation, and your character, by your covetousnesii learn, henceforth, that honesty is the best p4licy." The boy, by this time, recognized his assistant in the person ofihe Duke; and the Duke was so delighted with the sterling IVOTth .of I the'boy - , that be ordered him to be Sent to school, kept there, and provi ' ded for at his own expense. WIIAT DOES IT MEAN ?—The New Era, the Washington Fremont organ says: We have sufficient authority for saying that an announcement will soon be made of such means of "non centtating the Union vote upon a candidate for presidency, and under auspices to command „public confi dence, that all doubts of securing the certain defeat which awaits the at tempt to perpetuate the present weak and unsuccessful Administration may be d ism issed." This, coming from a Republicatt organ is somewhat astonishing. If a Democratic sheet used such lan guage it would be called dislayal,and its author probably consigned to some Government basilic. CON.---Why is the river from the banks of which General Grant lately drew his supplies, like an Old Ape ; Because it's the .Pa-munkcy. iler A Rev. Mr. Collins saps, "Abra: ham Lincoln is an instrument in the hand of the Almighty." An irrelig ious wag says, "the Almighty has un fortunately got hold of a d—d mean tool. THE DUKE 'OF BUCCLEUGH, SW - The Spaniel) are thinking of cutting a maratime canal around the rock of Gibraltar, so as to supersede the Use of' the Straits, and the French are talking up the project. There are no great engineering difficulties to be 'encountered, and the coat is es tiintited at twenty millions of dollars. VALUA BLE • Borough AT Property - Private Salt. ,111; subscriber offers at Private Sale a ROUSE and LOT OF GROUND, situate in Cum berland street, in the Borough of Leb anon. Ili MUM Nast Of the Court Douse. The (louse, is a large three story MUCK DWELLING, with all the modern improvements . . .ate The terms will be reasonable. a,. For further information apply to Iteiuoelils' & Melly, in North Lebanon Borough. April 20, 1864.--tf. aßonGr. GASSER, Tremont, Sohuylkill county. Pa. Matrimonial F you wish to merry, address the undersigned, who I will send you, "without money and without price," valuable iurorunttion that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, no matter how old, bow ugly or how poor. This is - a , -reliable affair. The information will cast you nothing ; and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully' assist you. All letters atrictly vonfldentisl. The desired information rent by return mail, and no question(' asked. Address SARAII B. LAMBERT > Rreenpoint, b inge Co., N. Ir Juile 8,1884.-4 t. Mines • Patent Fruit Jar. 4 01-x-tpat cscse•sesiso. T i Mk moot effectual Fruit Jar in the market. Is glase, baying no clamping or. arrow dorjoe.— For gale at LEMBERablit'S Drug Store, Market street, Lebanon. Allar.. Call and get a circular giving more informs tion. Lebanen, June Llatit.—tt NATIONAL HO L /LATE WRITE SWAN,) .Race Street, above Third,.,Phila. THIS establishment offers great ham:entente not on ly ou secouut of reduced rates of boarding, but rum its Central location to the avenues of trade, sawed! ae the conveniences afforded by the several Passenger Railways, runupast and contiguous to it, by which gueets can pese to g and from the Rotel to the difterent Railroad Depots, should they be preferred to the regu lar Omnibus belonginglo the Rouse. I am determined to devote my whole attention to the comfort and coneenieude of my guests , DSO. LIGHTO&P, Proprietor. JOB. iaroumi, Clerk. June 16 for