The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, June 29, 1864, Image 1

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gt.)UP usrso =Cu w_vk us, tom clectaucpiii , at) w-r•
Nealty and Promptly Btecuted, at the
Tuts establishment In 110y1 , 01111 plied with an extensive
assertment of 3011 TYPE, wt 'eh will be Increnped as the
patronage dentinal& It can novr nrn out of
s,Tery, description, in a neat and expedite - la. wanner—
linden very reasonable terms. Such as
Pamphlets, Checks,
Nisi:nese Cards, Handbills,
Circulars, Labels,
Bill Headings, Blanks,
Programmes, Bills of Bare)
Invitations, Tiokots, lee.
I ir DIM of all kinds, Common and Aitigmentnentie,
~School, Justices', Constnides' rind other Bt, efts, printed ,
LOrrnetly slid neatly on the bon paper, - conatently kepi
for sale at this office, at prices "to null the times,"
9 .0 1 /4tthscription price of tho I,IIIIANON ADVSItTISPat
Q 59 Dgliar met a lima a Year.
Address, Wis. JI. Mato, Lebanon, Pa,
CYRUS 1 41 . 1 .: MILLER )
rtMoo In 1 - Valuta/artist, nontly oppoolto tho Duch
kJ /total, Otid two dooVO ionth fri tt Koo moon!
iirtnlivarct atom
L'hosimn, Apra
S. I'.
ttil AA kWM VhtYllle °Moo to l‘forket Street, opposite
the Lebonon 13sok, two doors North of Widow
' it I NOR tfotol.
)Inro/t 2E; 'l3Bf
DAIS S LER fis ©''F n,
•. 4 %.ttczorzLey-imitio Lam.
removed to Cumberland West, one doer
Mist of the Lebanon Talley Honk, opposite the
' Beek Hotel, Lebanon, DA. Ran, 6,'01.
A.R.311P AND NAPir
saareLla IJUIIII
c t .T-p "Mr
?VII II undersigned, having been IlconseLl'to pyonocnte
deigns, Phil homing beau engaged In tbo,Polluty and
Punplon buentese r offers his 6.0.476'68'L0 all those who
no a thereto entitled, In Aceihrdence with the various
arta dr Coirgreee. All sueh should call or address at
onee, iind make their eppiluntloom through
BASSLER 80Ylilt, Attorney. et. Low,
OPYICe removed -to Cut:eller land St., one
door Eeet or the tetoition Valley 'nook, opposite
the Bock Hotel Lebanon l'a, bhin:s,
.A. 8V EIDLE •
Deice North West orner of Water
and Market Streets
X-.31e2a41.2 1 4•C0zi, iL 4 to.
d ' , Ol/1014 , in Ciinintierlantl street, R few tloote onAt or
J the Hoek) lintel, In tho om,o lato of bia futher
Ciint• John Wellininn, &yid,
loabsuon, Sept, 0, 1806.
Pw i'4 l 'iJ,, t4TiJI?I
bio Mho to nu , butldlnY, onn door taw
of Lituaurmiloh ton:, oppuelte the W lathing tort House
LioUNTI' itud PHANSION dahlia promptly attended
[April 13,
0 rotia
ou nn g l : n o st cornor Matkot and 'Water Sts.,
[Lebanon, ;January 13,1.PC-1,—1y 4 3 . ,.
Dr. P. 113. 11111S11.
IMING lecuted to Lebantm, ofToca bfa profeoniou.
t al 'torah:en to the public. Waco fn Market 3t.,
the building fulnierly occupied by hi* lather.
Lebanon, Dec.ll3. 1R0.%
p " l2 .P 4 'llAV t ' tt ilavi t i eltuP
-41, 4:loneneruPlnitnna : Rxamlitug Surgeon for Penalone,le . ro. u
pariallo attend to all app Milan for POOMNI lit. Me of
licaLlti Market street, next Ito or to the l'ott 'Atka.
Lebanon, 31nroh 26th, 1983.--61* •
t eriftlilinkler.olgatat ha e moved alert to George's
I. Currier, (entrance on Walnut St., t , irpoalke the
Conti Anita%) whore be mutilates to give his whole
lettsatain to ililfftlf Rod Portectitil, Jo always
tit hie office an Saturenya. atel at all ether times no.
lase when entlad away by burliness. Ilavtlitt lately
beet] appointed a Notary., Public, he luta authority of
inks acknowledgments the sauna tie Jnaticrit of the
Particular attention givon to writing Willa and
making out ellatribationr,
Lebanon, 51nrch R14.-9n,
HAVIN a ' , alumna trnto Hhiledelphin,l ironic? ally
to the good people or Lebanon and plc init . 7, that
1 liavo token rnonie at Mris. ItAlildt'S (ono door Most ..)t
Dr. C. D. Ohlillligere,) where I can On found n t all
ion's of the 'lob to Watt upon them, who may want
my pentasslenet Nov Icor,.
Purlicular at fontintt paid to the irratment rindfllifog
of l'Enni. All uperationa douo in the moat improved
end sciratOle manner.
pnwr,e, ne low rig , elsewhere foe tha some
nines of work.
Chlorelhertranti lttlilredinlnletoreil to pettetied When
far pare favors, I would eotteft the patron.
ego of thew wishfog the eery:gen of a Dent let.
01.101tON CLAIM, D. D.
tobnnon t Po., Apvil 25, 1884.
Illi W. Rank,
vows: tatLY DY iroWeitirrni, Lehtiton county, would
J 2 respectfully fefOrm hie Mende, end the public,
that he has tonseuted hinitteirwith Mr, Loren, lit the
Ns. 140 North Third etreot,
gehtee Tit will be glad in receive customers, and wit
sell Cl retee that gill prove entlethetoty,
Philadelphia, May 20. 12 tql,
George Ho finnan m
ea, Awe A /OM
By Lebanon Valley Railroad.
I)ARTicutiour iittelittol will be paid to Qoode abipp•
ed by the Lebanoe Valley Railroad. Civets will be
nvtit daily to and from Philadelphia to Lebanon, Myere
town and Anurille Stallone, and MI other painto in the
nonairra contracted ler at tbe least poe3lble rate!'
and delivered with dlepateh.
The Proprietor will pay particular attention to,'nuel
attend pereonally, to the receiving AIM delivery of nit
Fur Intbriniltionf apply at hie Office et th e Lebanon
Valley Railroad Depot, Lebanon.
EDWARD lItAltlG, hie Agent in Philadelphia, will al.
neap' be found at IP: IL P44810$ Ifeeehant's lintel, North
Ward 14, Philadelphia.
May 40344
E,M 0 AT
Lorenzo U. Bohm')
1,1110111,1) reapeetfully Inform the - nit!.
y ZOllB or Lebanon and vlelnity, that
',vtlo tuts 1110 , 101 1 1KD his Tailoring Mob-
Alabmatit to "IMO +fora below Philip !.
:upon giura, where he will make uP tho
moot fat h Clothing. ALL work untreated to
him will he manufactured to the host manner,on mod.
orate term!. Mod Me and aubstentlal Making guar
antand.,Miankful OA the liberal patronage extuioleil
to Illroothus for he hopna strint attention to hlo
bueineee to merit a continuance of the mama. no cor
dially Invitee the pallid had Ills old custo»ters togive
him a rtn,ll. [bobanon, April, 6, 1804.
Auditor's Notice.
Iy the twitter of thin noar,nnl of IrtiNltY til ' Pl!l fl,
Admlnlstrator, So. of MICHAS:I, MOTE% deo'd.t
frail, 14ndernignwl, Atl4ltof pppolpted by the Or.
1 Phalle' COM rt or Lte.onon county, to onkel distil.
button of the boinhee in the hands of 11g.l1tt.V
M.Sll,sdnnuletestoe of AIICItAI7I, MOYER, SEIM., to
suds/noon beim and logo! reptueetaltllVON, wAt sttund
at the l'rothouotaey'e (Pflae, le the Borough of Lelom•
pop, on Thursday, the 2U clay of June, 1804, of I o'-
eloolt, P. AL, when and whom all persons Interested
In sold diatrlbotiou may attend they think proper.
JAMES W. Andltur,
Lebooon, May Nai 1804. •
~ z,TO,4'-.... .
John H. Weaver,
1 8 still °origins on the menu fauture : of all kinds or
ROoTS & SHOES, &,c.
-- - ifee h 4
01116M 11 ft stook or go o d n Leather,
, *blab hit le prepared to work
• OR to 'order in the beet .etyle of workman-
WI tp. JUN shop, le on Morkat street, between
Water and Strickler's MIL, • •
N. ll.—All kind. of Repairing prgnaptly Attended to,
Lebanon, April 21, 1804,
50 000
1 Butub RYEJ
bet ooo boollels 0011.14,
60,000 bushels 600:
50,000 litiehele WI EA'
A lIN intatmarm, rtnoTtry ElEVl,Flestreefl, for
whirl, the hisbeet CAI3/1 prim trill beleild at Ow Leb
moon Villny liallroAd DepelilehtlOrl
Leitinon, July l'?, 1101.
VOL. 16--NO. 1.
NOT 4LLconorac.
vegetabie Extract.
Dr. C. 111. JAG SONY, Phitad'a Pa.
Liver Complaint /
Chum lo• or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the
Niclneye, and all discuses arising from a
d leordesed Liver or Stoma:oh. ' -
Such ne Constipation, Inward Mai, Fulness or Blood
to the Tread. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea , Mart.
burn, DiuUst for Food, Fulness or Weight in the
Stiminch. Sour Ilreetations, Sinkingor Fliittftrinff at
The Pit Or the Stomach, Swimming .of the Bend, flur
ried and Diffichit Breathing, Fluttering nt the hearty,
°holt log or Suffocating Sensations when Ina lying pok
ture, Dimness of Vision, Dote or Webs before the
githt, reierknil Dull Pain in the Heed, Deficiency of
.rerepirstion, Yellowness of the akin :end Byes,',Pain
in the Side, flack, Chest, Limbs, Rio.. Sudden 'Flushes
orstest, burnin g in the Pieeh, Constant Imaglologa
of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits.
Awl will, positively prevent reilow Fever, BR ious
Peter, On.
NeAleohol or Bad Whiskey ?
They 'isms. eosin the nbtive disenses In ninety
nine owns out oT a hundred.
induced by the. ostensive ogle and univereal impu
/nrlty Itootlund's Osman Bitters, (purely veg,stsl.lo,)
boas O Ignorant Quncke nud ungerupultme ndroncu•
'rural Lava opened upon surfarlng humanity the flood.
&uteri er Nostrums In tile shape or poor lvlusliey, vilely
eompeentiod with Neat - ate drugs, and christoned
kitomarldes and )hitters.. •
• .
Iletrure of the Innumerable array of Alcoholic prep
impious in plethoric bottitt,'ndhjg bellied kegs, nn•
der the modest appellation of Bitters; which instead
of miring, only ea - cravats disease, and lear•e ae
peintl9l sufferer In
11001 , 6aND'3 GERMAN WITTER'S!
Are nut anew and untried article, but have stood
the test of fifteen years trial by. the American pnlalie;.
and their reputation and sole, ere not rivalled by any
shelter prepnretioa.
The proprietors have lltutisande of betters from the
most eminent
TNAdrying of tbely own pereonel kpowteage ' to the
beneficial effects and medical lamer! of nu these ßitters.
1)0 YOU WART TO 81411 P
If you do, up° 1100FI.ANp'8 GEHaIiN raTTERS.
Front Iter. Neogon 111.fron, b. 0., Editor of the En
cyclopedia. of ileUgitit4v Knowledge.
Although nut (11spose.d (Ivor or recohitnenti Pe t•
en t Melltelnee In gene nil, tbi"o♦tgh Illetrust of their In
gredient- awl effect: , ; 1 yet low , 01110 ennicient roe
6011y why tt men only not teetlfy to the benetlte he be
lieves himself to hive received from any simple prep
erotical, In the l o pe that he may thus contribute to the
benefit anthers.
I do this the mere readily in lewd to limitisiol's
aCII3I/111 BIiWA, prepared by hr. C. M. Jackson, of this
city, because 1 wits prejudiced against them for loony
years, tinder the Impreivitou that they worn chiefly on
alcoholic mixture. lam holvtited to my friend hide
ert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice
by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them,
when suffering from great wail long continued debili
ty. The uco of three bottles of these Bitters, at the be
ginning of the present year, was followed by evident.
tenor, anti restoration to a degree of iroilifly and mou
rn! vigor witlel, I bed not felt for six months bolero.
and WO, almost despulrtul of regainin_se (
.I. therefore
limit tied and my irilentl we airretlniem to Clio Wes
of theta J ximrruN BROWN.
VIIILAVA.,.7IIOO, 23 1561.
Titer,' are wetly preparations sold wader the
ra3UP, of
Slitters, pat up In quart. bottles. compounded of the
cheapest whiskey or cinamon rum. costing from 20 'to
.10 units per gallon, the taste disguised. by Anise or
Coriander Semi,
This ohms of Bitters bum caused and will continuo to
(nose, as Meg as they can be Pohl, hundreds to die the
death of the drunkard, AY their use the system is
kept Continually under the influence of Aireholie Stier
Uluuts o f the worst 4ind, the tiepin, for Liquor Is cres
ted and kept up,nud tins result Is all the horrors at.
tendon t upon a drunkard:P.9lll"e ism) death.
For those who desire. and will hare a Liquor Bitters,
we publish the following receipt. flot Ong Bottle Ibuf•
rue 's Eic• rma kod.utik with Three Quarts .1 .
'flood Brandy or Whiskey, 'result will be n prep.
aratlon that will far excel in medicinal virtues mid
true exec Ilene° any of the numerous 14tuuor Slitters In
the market, end will cost much less. You will have
all the virtues of' lionjlantrußilters in connection with
a good artfela of Liquor, at n ninch less price than
these inferior preparations will cost you.
We call the attention of all having rulationn and
friends in•the army to tile fart that "1100FI.AND S
german Hitters" will cure nine tenths of the dineriscs
Induced by eltioeuree and privations Incident to camp
me, In the list„s, published alumat daily in the news
papers, on the arrival. of the, feek, It will be behead
Out very ;Argo proportion are sintering front debili
ty.Evers mire 01 that kind ran be readily cured by
litudiand's Berman Bittere. Diseases •resulting from
disorders of the digestive orio tifl are speedily removed.
Vie have no heaitation iu stating that, if these Bitters
ware freely used among our soldiers. hundreds of lives
might he saved that otherwhie Will be Jost.
We call particular attention to the foltiming re
ilinrkable and well authenticated Cure of Ohe of the
nation's, heroes, whose life, to use Itis own language,
has been enved by the Bittern:"
PIIII.IDELPIIIA, August 23rd, 1862.
Messrs. Ansi& Venfts.—Well, gentlemen, your lloof
heedte Bitters halt saved 'my life, 'Plinio la no
reletalie to th ie. It la vouched for by numbers of ray
comrades, some of.whnee imams are appended, and
Were fully cognitant of all the circumstances of my
cane 1 nut,and hare been for the last four years, a
member of 1 1 herman's zelebrated battery, end under
the immediate command of Captain IL. IL Ayres— .
Through th e ex p o sure attendant upon my PrdllOtn , till•
t les, I was attacked in Noreen her last with inflammation
of the lungs, and wee for seveatty-two days In t h e hoe
pitul. Title was followed by greet debility, heighten
ed by an attack of dysentery. I was then removed
from the White llouso, cud seat to this city On Ward
elle Steamer ..State of thine" front which l landed
or , the 00th ofJune. Slime that thee I have beau
boat RS low as any one could be and still retain it spark
of vitality. For u. week or mote L was scarcely able to
wallow anything, and It' 1 aid force n morsel down, It
was immediately thrown up again.
I could nut even keep a glues of water on my stom
ach, Lift could Hot last wider these Circumstances;
and, necOrdingly, the physicians who had been work
lug faithfully, though unsuccessfully, to rescue me
front the grasp of the dead Archer, frankly told me
they could du tin more for mo, and advised me to see
, it clorgyalltn, Unit to Make ittuelildltilintlitiOn of toy limi
ted funds es beet :suited ine. An acquitintarms who
visited me at the hospital, 31r. Frederick Stellibron,
Sixth below Arch Street, .u.thisetl me, as u forlorn
hupe, to try your Blume, and Mad ly prepared ii hot
le. From the time I conimoitied taking thorn the
gloomy Window of death trended, And
tied for It, getting better. Though I have het taken
two bottles'hare gained ten pounds, nod I feel sae
gull) of be ing in milted to rejoin my wife and daugle
I ter, from whom I have beard nothing for lb months;
for, gentlemen, I out u loyal Virginian, front the view ity or Brost Royal. Tu your Invaluable hitters I owe
the eertainty of Illb which halt ;liken the place 01 vague
feare--to your !cutlers wilt I owe the glorious privilege
of again clasping to my busuul ahem wile ate dearest to
me In life. Very truly yours, ISAAC; MALON '
We fully cancer is the troth of the above statement ;
as we hail despaired of taming our comrade, Mr.. Malone,
restored tu health.
JOHN CULDIABA(3I - .., lint New York Battery.
ONOItOrI A AOKIJIY, ee 0 11th Maine.
LEWIS CUB VA IA Blt , 11211 New York.
B SPENCER, lot Artillery, Battery F.
.1 fi SitSillYNtili Cu ad Vermont.
11 ENItY dtilaM S, Coil-do.
I itNitY T JIAGLOr:i A LO, Co Cl sth Maine.
JUAN Wittini Co JO MI Maine,—
ILEIMAN hil)01 1 , Co LI 724 New York. .
NAT , BTIIOIkIA.S. F 05 th e"
atitinstyANlsn Killitiftlite, Cm. A 3tl Vermont..
JC/lIN .I.SNICINS,"oe 4 llocal Penn. -
iletvdre of tldunterjots .
See that the eidetitnro ortid. JI. JACKSON . ,“ is on'
the Wltareritt oteaeh bottle.
Hi WE PErt. JuyeLt 7& CSISTS,
Should your nearest druggist,
latex Mat ing article,
no not he put off by auy of the latex Mating prepara
tions rho; ,say he offered In 11, pie" Wit eond IQ us,
and we will ferward. eecurely packed, by Trfproo_o•
NO. 651 AP.013 ST,
Jones &
(succ.agor to. C. M. JACKSON A Co g )
r s:
Sir FOR SALE by Dn. Grio. Xhriv,opposite the Court
L 28.1121014, PA., and by Druggists and Malmo in
Flory town in the United Ettates.
Noy 117, 1863.—Jy,
1 1 :11 , 6
J •
Particular Notice.
Attention Soldiers:
P 63,048 rittrg.
ALL kolt. THY. NIGO-Ffit,
We are taxed on our 'clearing; our meet, and our;
On our carpets and dishcis,>our lahlea aud.Bed,
On our tea and our coffee, our fuel and lights,.
And we're taxed so Reveieli we . cats' sleep
o'l:tights. . •
Chorus—And it's nit for the ril;getic- great God
can it he,
The home of the brave, and the - lautl of the free.
We are stamped on our mortgages, cheeks, notes
and bills,
On our deeds,, on our contracts, and on our, last
collls ; ' ' •
And" the star spangled banner in mourning'doth
0 're the wealth of the nation turned into the
Chorue—And - it'a all for thosnigger,-,ka
We are taxed oh dtir aloes, our:stores; and our
shop, - '..
Oa our stores, on our dishes, our brooms and our
On our hones and cattle, and if we should
'We aro taxed on the eel:Rosin which we , must lie.
Chorus—And it's all forttio nigger.,
Ve are taxed on all goods by. kind' Pi•ovidenee
We are tes:o4 -far the Bible that points us to
Attire/hen we ascend to the heavenly goal,
They would, irtliny could, stick a stamp on our
Otibtus—And it's uIl for the nigger, 41-e.
But this is not all, nnt the money alone,
Does ,the Rail Splitter claim for to build up his
t hrene,
If you barn't three hundred your body must tell ?
And if killed in one month it's all very welt.
Chorus—And It's .101 for the nigger, &e.
NOW, boys, Will you toll me just what it has cost,
To elect old Abe Lincoln and all his black host ?
Just five hundred thousand our coutaKy's best
Have been Main, and their bodies .lio under the
.Chorus—And it's tAlfor the nigger, &c,
And tben there's two TROLISAND MILLIONS and
more, •
Ifas bean stolen and spent in this bloody war.
And poor men that .wprked for ten years That
are post,
And hare saved up three hundred, 'tis Ogle° at.
last. - •
ehoins—And at for the uiggar, Sc.
A letter writer in the St. Louis Re
pubtiedn of theJOth t. giving the fel
lowing particular'sOf rUrning of
Alexandria, La., .by the troops under
Gen. Banks
The scenes attending the burning
of the city ate :appalling:. Women: -
gathering tholi , liOplosm.liitl*:i.l7,l, l tha
arms rushing frantically through the
streets with screams and cries that
would have melted the hardest hearts
to tears. Little boys and girls Were
running hither and thither crying for
their mothers and fathers ; old men
leaning on a staff for support to their
trembling limbsovere7hurrying away
froth the suffocating heat cif their
burning dwellings and homes. Tim
fair and beautiful daughters of the
South, 'whose fathers and brothesr
were in one army or the other ; the
frail and helpieSs wives and children
of absent husbands - al - 0. - fathers - were,
'almost in . the tWinklinp, Of an'eye,
driven from their burning hoineS in
to the str6ots, leaving - everything be
hind hAthe'clotheii' thyy then wore.
Owing to. the
• SiMn
ultaeons burning
in ever 47 paft,Of the city, the' pa ople
found neseetrrityie thestfeets; where
the heat was so intense as almost- to
create suffocatiOn.-EVery heft rush
to the'rier's.,edfle, being -protect
ed there from the heat by the high
bank of the r'iv'er. The "steamboats
lying at the laddiWg were subjected
to great atmoYl'ineb; tlie'heat being so
great that the deekS had to be flood
ed Witli water to prevent the 'boats
fi'om taking fire-: Among those Who
thus cro - wded the river bank were the
wives, daughters and children, 'help
less and now all hoMeless, of the
- Union men who had joined the Fed
eral army since the occupation of Al
exandria. Their husbands had al
ready been marched off in the front
towards Simmersport, leaving their
families in their old homes, but to the
tender mercies of the Confederates.
Ttif, Federal torch had now destroy;
ed their dwellings; their household
goods and apparel i the last morsel of
provisions, and left them starving and
destitute. As might be eXpeeted,
they desired to go along with the
Federal ariny, where; their husbands
had gone. They applied to - General
Banks with tears aud entreaties to
be allowed to. go aboard the trans
ports. They were refused ! They be
came frantic :with excitement and
rage, Their screams and piteous
cries were heartrending,. With tears
Streaming down their cheeks, women
and children begged and implOred
the boats to take them on . ' board.—
The 4 offieers of the boats - were desir
miN-of doing 's6; but there the
peremptory- order from Gen.. Banks
riot to allow-any white citizens to go
aboard. A ruSli world' have bee n
made upon the boats, but there stood
the guard with' fixed bayonet, and
nopo could mount the stage plank
except they bore the special permit
of the commanding General. Could
anything be more inhuman and
cruel'?' Bat this is not all. General
'BankWifcittiid room on transports
for' seven thousdnd . 'negrbeg, that
hail been - 'gi4hered frOM-the'sur
rounding'crinntry r , Cotten , that had
been loaded on transports to be ship:*
pp' through the Quartermaster to
.New Orleans, under Banks' order,'
was' threiVa overboard, to mak.e room
for iiegreee. But no room" could be
found' for' tvouten , 'd . iiits:ehildren
whose huSbands and kothei's 'were in the
h t iterCP ',driny„ end tvh,dse hbizies and - -
'all Add flat been,' bitrned. bY'the .Federal
torch ! I challenge the records of all
_ .t . l - nat'.. diti ii:p to rin
this, perfidous ellia '!Aoti. -political
carrtpajgq . .• -tiant.g miying. ; at Al
cNandria t01d„.94,c- Ae,that his oc . -
ctpat ion 'Of I,lie;e f hi . .., - y: = i; - ' B ,§ , ik.i' ina .
rienT. ' Thlit'*i* pkiteet'all that
.iveold , 00rnd; fthiv.', .atid:takes- the
oath of allegienee ~.- iist :those : who
would pot,yyffir.c.Or
,nedjv . i,th, ban=
ishment . aa,d ponf%.mof property.'
littiitireds eUitte Au' it trod tool the
oath'.• An election' 'h r eld'and dele. 7
gates were- sentlto t :Constitutional
Convention then iii ii N - ei%:.,
Orleans. A
~reerti 1g :office Wsti's
Opened - find over lidusand white
men were mustered in the •.United
States service. - Qt a number of
,permanent 'citizens f Alexandria
took the - oath; an•vere proMised
protection.: Their Asies anti' other
Property have now-al h eet) reduced
`to - ashes ; and 'they tutlia.,Out:inte the
World with nothing- 7 ; lOkitely'noth
hag, save the anmesV; .th 1 Tho , .-
eould not »Owrgo to 't le . i n Men; i ,-,,
and apply for ehfwity, They, too,
:Applied to General 'Bed o be allow
ed to cro aboard thoi, .!-iports,and'
go to New Orlemos. , ! c were
faced ill every , inar ..t ' AMoug
those Who applied was - 4,.. pa r k e i.;
a lawyer of feeble heal' ,`trho Bail
beep quite pro m i pen till, l ip sue. tle I i es'
since the Union ;:oebtifiCo' ,in!'favor,
of emaneipatinn,:nrieOnd i til union
and the: suppression of
Permission to goon a t )fort w.a . s .
refused him;_' He could Max', and
hence, feeble-as lie wini;:e \VA:afoot:
with- the army. - Amon tl., promi
nent citizens who, took : e kith,. was
Judge John K. Elgee,,' Al Kandria.
Before the return of 't, ar y from
Grand Eeore, Judge ?El e ,rent. to
i t
New Crleans, learing '- fan,ify be
hind, (!xliOqing to izti : Iro was
hot able to do so I,ief,tni he !c.',.taekta
tion of AlVxandria, — ~Ta' e TVgee is
one . .of the most atiibittilijed laa'a able
men of the SOuth. yer,by PrO,
fesSion, 'he oeenpie4 nbinent . po
sition both
i velitleally
and rimmense
. influene So' great
stress: was aped tipOn taking the
oath, that one Mir lizEl' serenaded
him at his,residence, itlU yen. Grover
and Gen. Banks liontn,• .. eciim in every
way' poSsible. '.Dttriur my Stay in
Alexandria, I •bad":nccas to call up
on "the Judge at his•resi nee,,nnd at
his office, (which were th in the
same building,) ou busia llis law
and literary library ou pied three;
large rooms—being as 'fie a collee
liorLnf.books asj evt4.1411.7i.
i (1 OD CO' rw1.07
nished—a single painting- cos_ welve
hundred dollars. In his absel.e, the
Government he . had sworn tab iport
and which-had promised him 'otec
tion, allowed its soldiers to am the
torch to his dwelling, and ti
family into the streets... His fii
idenee, with all its costly fun
his boa * ks, papers, and his fine
ings, were burned up. It m;
that many of the last named a:
will yet find their way to the 1
having been resened from the
by pilferers - and - thieves, Or
arson is resorted'to it 'is g'ener
cover theft: "
. J. Madison Wells, t the Lieu
of Louisiana, elected with Ha:
General limits' orders, was no
ed. Ile had been a 'Union map
the begitinnt: 'lle bad asp T?did
residence iii Alesx'andria, we and
richly furnished, at which:hi. own
and his son's family resided. - .1 s son
Was absent in New Orleans, . tend
ing the Constitutional Conven n; of
which he was a ineMberr ; arid in which
he voted for abolition and all he ul
tra measures. But that did of se
cure his family the protection f the
Government. All was be •ned.—.
Thousands of people, - men, wot ch and
children, were, iii it few shor hears,
driven from comfortable Ton s into
the streets. ! - Their shelter, tl it pro
visions, their beds, were all co slimed;
In their extremity, which o' r Own
culpability had bpought alit it, the
Commanding; General perh ps ' did
not laugh at their Calamity) nu' mock:
when theirlear came', but c übtless
regarded it as the daWn O . a ?political
millenin in, The Tnarch o the army
from. Alexandria to Felt dc' Hussey
was lighted up with 'he flames of
burning dwellings: - Tus has Gen.
Banks become the . "libertor of Lou
- - •6r VIE
HON, C..''L.'VALLA .
At the , dhortoeratic
HOinittoni :Ohio, on Jun
(From ato : Dinaionati Daily
Yesturdny the Pointer:AS of the
Third Congressional District, held IL
Convention I . .tt .1 - , ckL•iiiiton iv4utierootin
ty, fur tho purposo of 'electing dole.
garco to the Chiefigo C,onventinn:
Quito unexpecd.edly, to most of
C. L. Vallanclik,diain appelLyed in, th e ir
midst, not fiy , permissioo.
Tho liusittesd of electing delegates
having, r heian,o'arsclutled, Whiolirenit
ed in tlie choice or Mr. Vallandigll4lo
an Cliribtopher Itughee,tlza`re
speech, an rtil
th9riz e d copy ofWl?iclt we piint, be 7
Valiandigbain's v 4 llt having
been as uncqpooted to us ,as to the
people crl . namilton, wo bad, no re
portsr prot3ent: Timm; was cousidor
oNuitomsnt, and surmises wero
gaper& A 9, to,,w i h,at tl» Govt:roment
wodtd do about it. , Mr. Vallandig -
ham,'lejt Jia,tpiltpp yosteOsk
noun4f9i Piiy,ton• f9 ll oWini
ti '
SPEECH CIP - Aitt•irAthlaktlatair4g.,
MEN- op Ome: To-day I am again
~..-,. '' ' - '.: ,''; ..,--' 7, S ' ' • . • .
..„,,,,,.., ~; ; !•'.' ' z' ,•,.•'-
~- .---
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• • - • ''' , ....:: . r
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, 1
I'VE t ;Itt:, I" l, I tiDF." ~,
.. • .
. .
-4.., .
WEA ^ 10 *DAY29, ....., 8 - •
JUNE 18 4 .-.. -
t: : :pefidy and
wars for • abts of
tat ti ro is OM
in' your midst, and upon the soil ,of
! native 'State. 'TO:daY lam once
moreowithm - th-e District which for
ten year extended to me the highest
confidence,- and three-. tithes honored
me as Sts Representatiyeia the Con- ;
gress of the United States:. I was ac-'
.cused of no, crime pgaainet the Consti- -
tution, or
,lacks,, and wherever thee
! ailed ! upon due prOceSs f aW, lam
isndw lierit'rea.dyttr'finsWer, befbre - any
-eivil deurt-Ofinpetent jurisdiction,.
to.a, jury: ot my countrymen;. and
Meantimeilja.gj i ve
. any sum-
which any Judge or State or•
I Federal, may !affix; And yen, the bun-,
!deed and eighty-Six' tlfousand Dome- :
oats of Ohio, -I•ofTer as my , stire-ties.
Never!foie6ritqlotte have I :remained'
Lis exile ,because, I recognized anyZib
ligation e t hedieece to, the. unCon" - -:
er did personal fear 'ever keit:Fa:4l°rue..
;.And to-day return of my own .act:
Wand pleasere,.hecaese It is my consti:
ttitional nod legal, right to return
Only by an exertion of arhitrary
pOwer, itself against`Constitutioe and,
and consummated by military
force, I was abducted from my home,
!and forced into. banishment. The as,:
sertion or insinuation of the Presi
deht. that l'Wasi arrested' because la
! bored with-seine effect to prevent the
eraiaing of troops ad to: encOurae
desert its frOni the n finny, and w as
responsible fOr numerous acts of re.
sistanee - to . the draft and to 'the arrest
I.ef deserterS, causing "assassination,
maiming and murder ;" or 'that : at
I any tintil, in any, way,l, had disobeyed
[or failed to counsel obedience to law
ful authority, or
v evep to the sem
blance of law, is absolutely false. I
appeal for the proof to -e.iery speech
I ever made upon these questions, and,
to the very record of the Mock Mili
tary Commission, by the trial and
sentence of which I seas outraged.
No ; the sole,offense then Ihid to my
charge, Was words of "criticism of the
public policy Of =the Administration,
addressed Wan open and_ public, po
litical meeting of my fellow citizens
of Ohio, lawfully and peacably assem
bled: And to-day, my only "crime"
is that, in the way Which they call
treason, worship .1. the Constitution
of my fathers. But, for ,now more
than one year, no public man haS
be:en arrested, and no newspaper sup
pressed within the States adherleg
still 'to. the Union, for the expreen,
of political opinion '; while h ‘ u.ndeeds,
in public assembly and through the
peess, have,, with a license and vio
lence in which I,6"ever indulged,
aihed- an'ir cendeffined the 'nets and
wri - e - cea - In Ad n listratioe;' find
denounced the war, mai e taini cig even
the propriety and neceasity of the
recognition of. the Southern indepen•
dOnce. Indorsed by nearly - two hun
dred thousand-freemen of the Demo
cratic, party _of my native 'State, at
the eleetioo,.and still with the' syrn.
party and support of millions more,
1 do not mean any longer to be the •
only man of that party who is to be
the victim of arbitrary power. If
'Abraham Lincoln eeek'a my life let
him so declare; -but he shall - not a
gain restraie me of. my personal lib
erty, except upon due process of law.
The unconstitutional and monetrous
"Order Thirty-eight," under which
alone I was arrested thirteen ,
e'igoi was defied arid spit upon at your
State Convention 00863, by the gfel- . ;
hint gentleman, whO bore the stan
dard as.your candidate for Lieuton•
ant• Governor, and by every. Demo
trutic presa and public speaker - ever
since. It is 'dead. prom the 'first it
was against the . Constitution ~and I
laws, and without validity, and !all
proceedings under it were and, are ut
terly null and void, and of no effect.
The indignant voice of condemnation
long since- went fdrth from the vast
_majority of the people and presses of
America, and from all
. free 'countries
in. Europe, with entire unanimity.
And more recently, tog, the "plat
forM" of an earnest, numerous; and
most formidable Convention of the
sincere Republicans, and still further,
the emphatic letter of acceptanCe by
the candidate of that Convention,
General John C. Fremont—the first
candidate, also, of the, .Republican
party for the Presidency, eight years
ago, upon the rallying cry of free
speech" and a.'free press—give renew
ed hope taint; at last, the reign of ar
bitrary power is about. , to be brought
to an end in the United States. It is
neither just nor fit, therefore, that
the Wrongs inflicted under' "Order
Thirty eight," and the other edicts
and acts of such power, should any
longer be endured—eertaiely not by
me,alone. But every. ord,inary means ,
of redresS has first been exhausted ;
yet either by the direct agency Of the
Administration and its subOrdintites,
or through its influence Or : intimida-
dons, or because of want of jurisdic
tion in the civil courts to meetea case.
which no American ever in former
times conceived to be possible'lii;re a ,
all have failed. Counsel applied in•
niy behalf to an unjust judge ft& the
writ' of habeas corpus. ''lt was denied;•
andnow the privilege of that writ is
suspended-by act of Congress. and'
_Executive order, in every State. The
Democratic Convention .of Ohio, gne
year ago, by a resolution ferMally
presented through a eoMmittee".of,
your beat and'ablest men ,!In person
tit'. Washington, demanded, of the
,President in behalf of . is very large
minority of the people,, a revocation
Of the edict of harrieli night, Pretend
ing that. the public' aafoty 'then - re,
luired it he,refused ; saying, at the
same :time, that it worild - afford him
p,leasUre, to comp y ,:ap,sobp ,
eotilil l by any Means,6ii believe
that the public safety would not 'euf-,
for by it. ~I;?ise. h
, year es . e apse, „ L ye
this hollow pretense - is still " tacitly
1 his
- to
pal -
. D
otiventioni at
azy t to, J uno J 6.)
,WHOLE O. 783
asserted; and 'to=day „ izday I am here to
prove it' unfounded in fact. - ap
pealed to the,:.Sripreme .COurt of .the
U ited ~tatos; -and . because•. Con grog
had , n . cver„.confelyed. jurisdiction in'
behalf of tined tribunal
unli:nckin - fOr Sd l eh -- purposes, to'''the
laWs.and'exprei3ely , fortikden- bythe'
Coii-Stitutioo,.itlivas.powierlesstO re-.
dress the wrong. The.. time, :has,
therefore, arrived when ~,it
me as a citizen' OhipAad of the'
United Stitts;::tb . 'detinand; and ty'mf
iown'act, to'-vinaitate the "righitS, lib
ertie6-eanclzprit ireges:Which.. b never;
forfeited i .inA of:which for
in on tile 1 h,zv%been .deprrived., There.:
fore, men of 0,hi0, - I am again . in'
yoUr , m'idst to-day: owe 'duties to
the State, and urn here' to ” discharge
thetil . ; I haveTighta as a citizens, and
am hersc4o; assert them;, a,,, wife
! and child an 4 home,.ancie woold enjoy
all the pleasures whio are implied in
those - words. But 1
hern for peace, and not - turbulence ;_
for not convulsion, for . order
,and -law, not anarchy, Let no man
of the lisemocratie party begin any
'net of ',violence Or . disorder ; bet let,
none Shrink' from thy responsibility;
howeier urgent, if forced upon him.
Careful of the riglits',of otheys„ fear
lesalv• exacts his- own. Subject' to
, .
rightful authority in all things, let
him submit to' excess or usurpation
in nothing. Obedien t - to Constitution
and law let him-demand and have the
hill measure ofprotection, whidh lase
and Constitution secure to him.
Men of Ohio I You ~have, already
vindicated your right to hear' ; it is
now to ditty to assert_ my right to
speak. Wherefore as to the soJe:of-.
fense for which I was arrested;.
prisoned and hanished,—free speech
in criticism and condemnation:of the'
Administration—an Admibfstration
`fitly described in a recent public pa,
per by one of its)aarly supporterk us
"marked at honic by its disregard of
Constitutional rights, by its'ynlation.
Of personal liberty. and . the :li'herty of
lhe,press; and as itscronitig shame,.
its abandonment of the right or
asylum ; a right epecialfy dear to all
free nations - abreadl repeat it here
to-day, and trill again and yet again,
so long as I live, or the Constitution
and the present form of Government
survive. The words then spoken and
the appeal at that time Made, and
notv enforced by one year more of
taxation and debt, and of .bloOd and
disaster, entreating the people to
change the public servants• and' their_
poliey, not by force ; but peacahly
thrungh'the ballot, L now and here
reiterate in their utmost extent, • and
with all their significancy. I repeat
them, one and all, in no:. spirit of
challenge or bravado, but as:earnest,
sober, solemn truth and warning to
the people.
Upon another subject allow me
here a word :
A powerful, widelyspread and Very,
daugertius secret, oath-bound combi
nation among the friends of the ad•
ministration, known as the' "Loyal
Übion League," exists in everyStute.
Yet the, very men who control it,
charge persistently upon the members
of th;Deinocratio partY, that they
have organizedespecially in the
North West—the order of "Knights of
the Golden Circle," or some otber'se
eret,society, treasonable or "disloyal"
in its - character, affiliated - With the
South; and for the purpose of armed
resistance to the authorities of the
Federal Governments. Whether any
such ever :existed. I: , not know ;
but the charge that organizations of
that sort, or having : any such ipur
pote, d 6 now exist among the mem
bers of that party in Ohio, or the
other non-slaveholding States, is to
ta* and-positively false. That law
-01, political or party associations
haveheen established, having as their
object the organizing and str,engthen
irig the Democratic party, and its
success in the corning Presidential e-.
leetion, and designed as a counter
movement to the so,cAlled
-League," and therefore secret in their
proceedings, is very probable; sand
however objectionable hitherto and
in Ordinary times, I recognize to the
fullest extent, not the lawfulness on
, ly, but propriety and necessity of
such organizations, for "when . bad
then 'cOmbino, good men must associ
ate:" But they are no conspiracy a
gainst the Government, and , their
members are not conspirators, but
patriots ; men not leagued together
for the overthrow Of the Constitution,
or the laws, and still less of liberty,
but firmly united for the prservation
and support of these-,great objects.
There is ' indeed, a "conspiracy" very
powerful, very ancient, and :I trust
tli4before king I may add, 'strongly
consolidated also, upon sound princi
ples, and destined yet to , be a
phaut ;conspiracy knoWn , as Abe
Democratic party, the present object'';,
of which is tbe,oyerthrow of the Ad-
Ministration in XoitOiiiber next, .not
force,but through 13 BA Lb5T-12102i
by the election of a' Preident who
shall be true to his' oath, to liberty
and the Constitution. This is , the '1
sole. conspiracy of which I know any
.thing ) and I ani . prend 'to be "one of
the conspirators. If any other exists
looking to the unlawfill anted :reviie
tance to:the Federal'oratate author
ities anywhere: : the,..exercise of
their legal aud constitutional 'rights,
actrOliie - hi all persons Concerned,
'that -the 'act is treason and the penal
ty death. But I warn also the men
in, power that there is :a.: vast
tnde_ host,whom they carnet 11111)).
bpr houpd ,tor , ether by the, strongest'
and poorest ties , to defend by what
ever m'eant' the exiOneieS - Of the
eadeinanit , :their natural and 1
constitutional rights as: treew At
all. hazards and- to the last ext .— Er mitt'. , •
t ITV r:
By Vit. M. IiMEELIM,
2d story of Pu tteles New " ' Cum rki
, -
At One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Fear,
AtarADVXVIISEIM4TB inserted at the nage] ratee.ll4ll
XparIiANDBILIg- Printed et an hi:Mr/31104M'
In Lebanon County, postage froa
In Pennsylvania; out:of Lebanon County 6 cents per
quarter, or 29 cents a year. •
Oat Of this State, 6% ets. per quarter, or 26 eta. v a year
Tr the, poptage is not paidin advance, , rlt2Lare double.
Three, years have new. p .-sed, men
of 0 bio, and the great issue, 'donsti
tutipno. liberty and free popular,gov
ornibent, 'is Still befOre,y,on : TO-.oil
again commit it, Confident - that . in
this - the tßlde of thelf - kire?Adt
3 - 04 found*ortlipi&,-the an
,eestois who for so,,rnany.ages , in Eng
-40 - and: .Amprie", on tha _field,, in
and'uppn : the sleafcld, deffrd
edlleirt igaibstlitaTitg an'd,:ininspers,
w'hethdr• in council or in" arms.
Whenever a.ny.general or public of&
ce,r 'springs suddenly into public , fa r
var., s,et'of sensation" - Scribblers and
penny-a4iners" raid/ into- print yillth
not only exciting , .
the new hero, but with also . , a 2 loVot
racy reminiscence's of 'his former ca=
steer, and anecdotes illustratipg cer
tain characteristics which the afire
-6dd AleibiadeS is alipposedlOpoiiess.
In their hake tor" - firkt"hefire .
admiring gaze of the worthy mit
, ac e, these cac h e xidsj u m ble up "faots"
in a most ridiculous manner, fprget
ting the old koverb - : . , .
"Led ices suspect your iv:l.3 untrue;
Jeep probabilit7 in rim"
The Cincinnati Commercic4 le re
sposiblo fdr f;he . idllowisig, published
some months ago. ;
.I‘General Grant,
_yesterday morn.
ing, asked a hackman at the Spencer
House what he would charge to tekn
him across the river, to PovingeoF.
The 'reply *as, three dollars.''Ciens
oral: Gran t eald that it Was: too. mach
--he would rather walk_.- 7 and walk
he did."
Now-.that is rather steep.. In days
gone hy; a famous Indian chief, nam
ed, "Wallt•in-the-Water," used - tdo
make frequent visits to his '• Greta
Father at Washington ; and in one of
his accustomed forays-lie , refsteiious"-
ly disappeared . .. :pan it be-l'ihik ;116
ggyptia.u.theory. df transmigratimi or
soals is true, and that the,sp i irit,
"eiVralkie'g in-the Water" has entered
the tody of our noble' General 7: If
so, he is a bigger brave than ever, and
could walk across the OhiO
ever wetting his galoshes, as:it tip=
ears. "caulk he did," for there is yet ne ,
bridge at the place mentioned,
" We are sory to see that Hrs. lraWiet
Beecher Stowe has fallen into thig e.
vii habit of evitexcy; and in her late
bailliant panegyric on Preside.nt
coin, she has songht to einVate her
hero at the expense of ofir ',credulity.
In ,her elaboratesketch of the ".Defen
der of the Faith," she treats us ttitla
following morceau
In 3.83 e our backwoodsman', Ail
boat hand, captain, surveyor, obtain=
ed a license to practice law, and, ait
might be expected, rose rapidly:
One anecdote will Show toe ciatenre.
in which he Wilfi bel d in hiS neighbor"-
hood. A client came to hilt in a alto
relating to .a certain 'and Clai'lii, and
Lincoln said to' ,*
"Your first step must be to take
thirty thousand dollara And go and
make a legal tender", of course it win
be refused, but it is a necessary step."
"Bat," said the man, "I haven't
the thirty thousand to make it with."
"Oh, that's it. Just , step over to
the bank with tie, and I'll get it"
_Se into the bank they went, and
Lincoln says, to the ,eashier "We
just want to take thirty thousnil
dollars to niake'a. legal .texider with.
I'll bring it habit in an hOur
-The cashier handed acrOss•the:ind&
ey to ."Ilonest Abe'-'.;a til without a
scratch of the pen in - acknowledg.
ment, he strode his-way with the spe
ciei all Willie most sacred Simplicity,
made the tender, and brought it back
with as much nonchalance as if he_
had been borrowing . a Spoon of
his grandmother: ' •
In the days who'll -the above inci
dent was" supposed to have IPainspir
-0, no.; bank in the, Northwestern
country, exeept 'the bank. Of
.the State
bf Missouri, ever saw or imagined
they saw' any such sum of . specie: Iri
those times gold, too, was a scarce
commodity, and not to be had, evert
in the Atlanticretties,except at a pre.:
minor Of ouo per cent. over silver )
and our own experience anti I:66sll'6c
tion leaves no shade of doubt but that,
any coin held by any such bank
mnst have been in silver dollare..:—:
Now, $.30,000 in silver ivoi i ihd just
'UN petincle trop.--4Wenty-five b -
dred..poitude . is a pretty geed burden
for even "Old. Abe!. to _trot off with,
And we think llirs.l'3towe drew the
arrow rather tight that time:
It is alniost equal tothe narrative
of the graceful and wall-khown writ
er of household stories, wherein a
thoughtful and prudent wife saved up
the odd Change from tier market anon-
ey, and when her husband, ik 1837 1
was just teppling off the precipice of
ruin for the want-of $7OOO to pay the
last note *ith (it's always the --list
note,) this charming helpmate trips
gayly up stairs and . .-brings down
SSSOO, all in ten and ;file -den t -pieces,-.
in her apron, to the delight--and iis
toniehtn•ent•.of her'spotisel- : • •
This story - ran the rounds of the
papers, ti nth •some growling Old Bache:
or of an editor discbvered that the
little pile weighed -about seven_ hun.-
!ty:o4l- pounds, and remarked that he
wonla like
.to know something &bout
`'them ore apron strings. .
- It is to be 'earnestly- hoped that the
fair:reeord 'o.Gen6ral Italica*, and
the new .heroes.who-are,niching:them- -
selves into I.'aino, will not .be smouch
ed by any such gauzy adelatiOn: '
4 TO aillkerg Irfsint6ll. • - '
o . tmaE soxoni .Dircetavg of ,N1)1illi ,LBIiANON.I I O'
FQJGit will tail:min
nixt, to anipicip tha Teachers fur
said bnrough. Thu County .4uperinteildria t will bA
present -to examine ilaa,a'ASltcatte; Eitautinlition . td
commencet ut tA
= - exieusvistuToli, trOddetit.
Cwicza IC: blzicr, Becreie t ry. / 6 64 •
you see AIII-TYS 13.110,'S,New! - Bootand f t tuni