The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, June 22, 1864, Image 2

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    : . fakiten in - ' VA nt tis tr.
wings Diticoosxnekgsfenhas orkale-To tun, ark. ,V.ABII.
WX:XT*RESLiN, Proprietor
• wiir The BinPeror Maxamilian and
Family- have arrived in Mexico.—
Th . •
iniAhrougt the imbecility of the
. i preOnt.administration has Monarchy
~I,:teen planted not only on this cond.
eiluent but under our very noses, in vio:
lotion of the Monroe doctrine, and in
• • • .
spite of - all the bluster we have ex
hibitedfor years on that subject.
• I. Convention at Balti
irivate,laet week, passed a resolution
that ..they "will view with extreme
. jealousy," the establishment of mon
archial power on this'eontinent.
agine the loyalty "viewide The land-
ing of -Maxainilian in Mexico. But,
`Hit not only, in Mexico that monarch
iatpower is being established on this
oonti - dent; and - which the Lincoln con
-ventionites do not only not "view
with ..extreme jealousy," but encour
-- age, and would glory in its successful
accomplishment. They would aid in
bbilding up a throne for Abraham the
:;tftrst, on this continent.
Dr. 0: A. Brownson, of the
:"Netrth Atherican Review, the leading
,Bteraxy publication of the opposition
itt- the country; is out for Fremont.
`'lt is
said that the safari 'of
.".Dan.Ei.e . e, the great humorist, is Alair
-4.y thousand dollars for six months.—
. .. •
The - show bearing his name is not his
giiow, but belongs to responsible par
ties who 'employ him.
say- Kr. Lincoln was in Philadel
, phia last week, visiting the `Sanitary
Fair. All the "loyalty" were in at
tendance, and sd patriotic that they
trecl'ifin each others corns and toes.
He made a speech to them„ at the
conclusion of which he asked them if
-they would go to the war in case it
, beCame necessary to strengthen Grant
''before Richmond. There was a uni-
versa] shout of "yes !" But no names
'Were taken down, which is a - --great
pity. As them are the fellovrs that
ought to have gone long ago; we
trust he will' ctittkon them. to come on
•ait once. '-Of course they wont shirk
-out . of, the promise -made to their
Lord andlnasterl
iomsin the evening. He made a
speech also there, in which he said
that "the League is an organization
'free from political prejudices !" The,
sarcasm of this expression may be
fotitte inthe fact that it is all'politibs
with them ; all prejudice; while hype=
critically pretending the reverse.—
He took them off their Pegs.
49„. At Wilcox's Landing, on the
tames River, a party of colored
troops were stationed last month.--
While out on a foraging exppdition
they captured a Mr. Clayton, a
wealthy planter, who they brought
to camp, and by orders of their white
comznandingofficers, stripped and tied
him to a' tree, after which a stallart
'negro was ordered to give him a-flog
' ging, which-, the account in the Chris
tian Recorder apriroVirrgly tells us,
"he performed conspicuously,. bring
-inethe blood from his loins at every
' stroke." Several colored "ladies," the
same paper tells us, "then' came up,
•'one after another and gave him 15 or
20 strokes a piece, to remind him that
they were no longer •his, but safely .
housed in Abraham's bosom, and Un
der the protection of the Star Spang
led Banner, S and guarded by their
own patriotic, but down -trodden race:"
Comment on such a proceeding is un
trizicesszoy,;more than to say that men
, thus 'treated will not speedily lay
'down their arms and submit.
It was generally understood that
'the' one-hundred day militia were in
tended to supply the places of vete-
Iran troops held for the defence of for
'tifications, in order that the latter
might be sentto the front to strength
en Gen. Grant. The following ex
tract from the Washington corres
pondence of tho N. Y. World, tells
different tale '
WAsiminToN.,.fune 12,—The North -
western militia, who 'took service for
onil - hundred days to'defend Washing.
ton, are., in trouble. They received
ao ozifei - to march to the 'front to fill
up Grant's depleted columns. Many
demurred ; some regiments threw
down, their arms; they were brought
dp suddenly by an armed squad, fore
•ed to .obedience and sent to the
Heretis anetherparagraph from the
same - souree.and of the same date
that is worth some consideration :
Do not be surprised at a deelara
of-1211rtial law in the loyal States.
You will have it In three -roo.ka. if
a mob oan be got 'up in .New York
you will have it at once. The adman
isitration .prefers a•draft to velurfteer
b4iadraidlwith severity.'
IX:II - Abolitionists have bawled them-
selves hoarse at the barbarities of the
"slave dealers," for tearing father and
son from the bosom of their, fam
ilies, and separating them perhaps
forever; ministersOf the Gospel have
prayed for the vengeance of God to
fall upon the dealers in "human flesh"
in the South: All that relates-to the
Just now, hundreds, if not 'thou
sands, of poor white men in Pennsyl.
vania, becausethey cannot raise three
hundred dollars, the price which:fib°=
litioniem has put upon their blond,
are being . dragged froth their helpless
and dependant_ fainilies, never, per
haps, to be permitted to return again
—husbands and. wives, parents and
children are "se rated, "being con
scripted into the serVice of 'the "gov
ernment." Do:we .hear abolitionists
how - I in holy horror ? elo we hear the
pulpits - resound against this "dealing
in human flesh ?- Nay ; relates to
white flesh—the flesh and blood of our
0;;"'It- seems that the opening of
the Mississipppi has : not _ been ,such
an advantage to the people of- the.
North,ift the "loyal" preSses and the
followers of Abraham would have us
believe. Every beat *that
down the river must have a force of
Federal soldiers upon it; to prevent
its capture by guerillas,and protect
the lives of the passengers. _And we
are now informed that it` costs more..
to keep 'the river opened th'an all the
gouda shipped over
.it.Nvould amount
.to. . Such will be the conditon of at : -
fairs Deer the whole South, if the Ab
olitionists should succeed in "crush
ing the rebellion." It will, cost more
to keep the people of that section in
subjection, than the whole country
will he-worth.
sifir-On Friday last, 'the Arsenal
at Washington, throUgh more care
lessness, blew up, killing between
twenty and thirty young ladies at
work there, and wounding as' many
•`Several of the male employ
ees were also killed.
new Some of theVeeiternqtepti'
can papers are terribly pia out be
cause Lincoln has determined to run
against Fremont. They think that .
he is violating the "but one-party"
principle by his factious course.—
They also think that one iditefildate
is as much as the Republican
can well boar, and as Fremont .was
the first, and fairly nominated, thoy
-very truly look upon the romination
arid aceeptn.nee,:bf .Ahel - iik4b.o.. prelude
• e I,,oreve nitnr7Ntosanimare
the "disorganizers' conveition ,and
that Old Abe is . a regular -"splitter."
He has "split rails," "split the Union,"
and now is striving to "split the,
O -&• Mho richest joke.of the season,
no doubt an original -of Old Abe's,
may befound in - the platformlf of the
Abolition Convention, No. 2, recent
ly held in Baltimore.
_One ofthe res
olutions _recommends "economy .and
rigid responsibility in the public :ex.:
penditure Pi This was Adopted im
,after Old Abe waS renomi
nated I The abolition stump speak
ers this .fall should preserve this reso
lution and read it to their audiences
they s have -the brass ! But - the
Devil does quote Scripture sometimes,
and we have no doubt we
. shall see
the %most; corrupt and eXtravoga,nt
party the world ever saw, preaching
up economy and honesty.
Ai' George Wilkes, the editor of
the New York _Spirit of the Times, is
out for Fremont, and'heattilyenders
es his nomination. The abolitionists,
between their two candidates, Abe
and John Cl.;-are benntifully'splitting
in two. It is so fat 'a neck and - neck
race. The shoddyites, contractors,
speculators and, government thieves
have declared fot Old Abe, while the
prize fighters, horse racers, cock fight-'
ers mid "fancy" generally have de
clared for Freniqt.' Go'it boots.
W.. Those exempt froth . draft by
physical disability, but able tb .pay
commutation money, lire hereafter to
be compelled to do so, if a bill intro
duced into Congress last week, by
Amos Meyers, becomes; a law,—And
it very likely Will. - That was a
shrewd trick of Myers to find out that
the infirm, halt and blind also some
times have money, subject to squeeze
by our fatherly "govermtnept." .
Ser TILE MILK, &C.—The Courier,
.two weeks ago, shamefully .:and per
sonally abused Mr. Strouse and other
prominent DemoCratie Members of
Congress.. Last Week it brings out
G.'D. Coleman, Esq., of North Leba
non, as itg candidate for Congress in
this district the coming fall. We de
plore personal references in an 'evil
spirit in politics as well as in any
thing else, but if the game ofihe Cou
rier is personalties, well and good.—
In a contest between Mr. Strouse and
Mr. Coleman the latter Is probably
ae .vulnerable as the former—if not a
little-more so.
- ipar We-understand that the Pre
'moat party intend.:'to organize.throaghout ectantiy, arid, riejpi
iaWS,tate acid Congresaionaltieketis.
Thenras Gabriel a workman in the
machine - shop of the
road Cos parry, was, yesterday morn
ing, shortly after 7 o'clock, shot in the
lower part of the abdomen with a
pistol by 'Henry A. Conrad, 'a Ma
chinist in the same shop, and very
dangerously, and it is feared, mortally,
wounded. This sad affair 'originated
in a political diktpute of some days'
duration, in regard to :Which* there
are-a variety of conflicting-stories,
colored;of course, by .the.political bi
as of those who 'tell them. Fin ofil
,cial investigation ,tieing pending, we
forebear discussion, and will confine
oarselves- to a simple, statement of the
fa!Cts, so far as we could ascertain
thein. it seems that Cenrad, who
served. - two_ years in the 'lst Penn. A
rtillery and' ivas'honorably discharged,
is dDemocrat;e:tid inihe habit of ex
pressing his 'opihions , freely. This
gave offence to some bf'his fellow- .
workmen of opposite 'politics, who
ret r aliated 'b y 'calling
bite offensive
names,-suelas "copperhead,"
tor,".,&c. He was subject to this
sort of annoyance and indignity for
severhl days wok.. On Thtirsday
-afternoon, in conversation about the
exorbitant price of a piece of mus
lin be had bought, Conrad declaimed
against the. Administration with
some severity, Sayino- that it was
"rotten and corrupt." .saying
is 'ac
cused of saying that he "would rather,
fight for leff. Davis than for Lincoln."
This, however,
.he positively denies,
and on Thursday be brought suit for
slander against one of the men, Jo- I
seph Fehr, who charged him with
basing epOken these words. Be this
as it may, a very bitter feeling was a
roused against him ; he was hooted
and driveu out:of the shop, and warn- '
en to leavelunder threats otp'ereonal
•4n - dignity and violence. .
Yesterday mOrning,Conrad, having
received no notice of . his discharge,
went to work as usual, and was itn
,fr.ediately accosted by Gabriel—some
say kindly, bht others in a rough
threatening, Man ner- 7 -and urged ,2 to
leave if he Wished to escape harm.' it
crowd of excited"workmen then gath
ered'around him; and with a repeti
tion of the offensive epithets of "cop
perhead," "traitor," - -dtc., attempted .
to drive him out of the shop. Con
rad then drew a pistol, with which
it appears he had armed himself be
fore going into the Shop, and shot
Gabriel as stated. -This act exaeper,.
aced, the already excited' trewd, and
Conrad was immediately seized, and
amid cries of"kill him !" "bang him P'
was severely beaten, and would prob
ably have beep killed, had not a po
lice force, under-Chief.
, Miller, arrived
and.taken him -intocustody. During
the affray in the shop, Mr. J. F. Belle
mere, the foreman—Conrad's father
in-law—who attempted to interfere
to check further violence, was assail
ed and badly hurt by blows with iron .
tools in the hands ofsoine of the men.
Conrad was .taken to the '.'Station
•; • -ifterlyavia_ lodged in
.r a res s were mane.
caused great exeitement among • the
workmen at the e Depot, and itis said
that the RepUblican portion of them
deinand the discharge of all the" Co
pperheads" (meaning Detnocrats);- -un
der threats of leaving the Company's
employ. Several - of the Democratic
workmen were driven °land the strops
yesterday morning with menaces of
violence, and warned not -to Show
themselves there again.
Ttris deplorable affray is another of
the evil but inevitable 'Traits of the
spirit of partisan malignity which has
been suffered to-find vent in mob vi
olence, chiefly against Democrats, for
the last two or three - years, withobt
restraint. A/ire have never .hesitated
to condemn snob outrages, and We
condemn the one that has just oc
. curred, no less. decidedly, now that
the party most injured happens to be
a Republican. The use of fire arms'
is never justifiable, Or even excusable,
except in a clear vase of selWelence.•
Whetherlhie . was such a case, the 10-
galinveetigation will show. A rape
titian of these outrages,. can only'-be
prevented, by a stricter obedience to
'the requirements of the laws. The
occurrence Of 'this said affair at Our
own doors, should, it Is -to be- Lll'oped,
induce our citizens to moderato their
political feelings, and unite in the
preservation of peace and good or
der, by upholding the laws, to which
alone they can locik with confidence
for mutual protection.
P. S.—Gabriel, we regret to - learn,
died at 9 o'clock last night. -Reading
Gazette. . .
From the New York llereld, Tune 10
Mr. Lincoln is new fairly, presen
ted, to the country for its decision. Ile
stands as the nominee of the Balti
more Convention, on the platform of
that, Convention, and commended to
the people by the windy harangues
of the Convention's very empty ora
tors. But neither the ten times falsi
fied platform of the Convention nor
the speeches, of its members are what
the people have to reflect, upon in re
gard. to this nomination. What they
have to notice are the three terrible
years that the country has already
gone throucrh under the Presidency
of gr. "Lincoln--three years of war,
,in which the country- has endured ev
ery misery 'that the President's in
capacity, in 'n'inditary, naval and'fi
nanciarpciint Of vie*, could plunge it
into. This is what the people'have
to - corrsider; and what they have to
dectileis simply whether or not they
wish to 'repeat those years.
Mr. Lincoln is responsitle for every
blunder . oqt:emitted in every depart
ment of the go , kernment since the
commencethent of the' war. ne as
sumed the absolute control of'our ar
mies, with a flourish of defiance to the
enemy and a Chinese announcement
that our armies should move on a cer
tain day. Under his direct guidance
we experienced a series of reverses
without parallel. Our grandly or
ganized Peninsular campaign
made to end disastrously 'by his in
yiferendo, . 1 : and ' , Jackson's victories
Were dike nbt, to'neltsbni-gerhis
. .
to Liao . °ln's in telleotial opacity. He
organized the Pefe . .Ciampaign which
vras merely a daily gdecessicin of fright
ful reverses to our''arrns. Ile con
ducted from Washington Burnside's
dreadful Fredericksburg slaughter,
and he is eqnally'responsible for the
butchery at Chancellorsville. Our
great victories at Gettysburg and
Antietam and Grant's victories in the
West were won in spite of his policy.
By keeping such a man
.as Welles at
the bead olthe Navy DePartment he
has become responsible_ for the blun
ders that have well nigli'made our
heroic navy contemptible, and has a
fellowship in the incapacity that has
driven our commerce from the seas.
Every lutelli„vent person in the coun
try can see that if Mr. Lincoln had
been a man'of any. ability , be could
have ended the war by the..cortyplete
destruction of thurebel arnuies:ei'gh•
teen months ago. 'But., in his inca
pacity, he has noVonly failettovut the
rebellion• down, but.. be has fostered it
and minletered'to its . growth, and to
the developm'ent of its whole poSsible
That - Mr2Lincoln would not, and
could netcend the war .betoame clear
to the Country several 'MOntbesince,
and then the pressure•brpublic opin.
ion compelledadrn tdliut our armies
and the whole*4-dact of the war in
the hands ofAsheral . Grant. Under
that great soldier the nation felt some
security thatits - .military operations
would be •e.'rfied . on properly. Yet
Mr..LincolriNfae,mansged to inter.
fere verrilangerensly - with the pres
ent Catnpuign,' - and'lVas even'seriously
co rn pro rn Ned . ' te moons. 'WI ei . kno ws
how I ong'he`Wi I I-refilled 'chat 'public.
opinion whibh — coltipelleci hire:to put
Genef•al Grant %Vberd' he is ?'".trLin
coin be reltilebTed the country li'ae no
safety thatlGAil will still comniand
our armies7-.'-ho security against his
removal at any Moment, and no hope
for sUeli dilfiliite 'success against the
rebellion as will end the war.
There is wworlderful distinct issue
before the p'cople iu Gibs nomination
of Mr. Lincoln. That issue has no
reference to'the 'nonsense of this or
that political ';platform. It is the
clear questihn ''Vi.hdther or 'not the
people of theVnited'tates will elect
for another term.of four years a man
who has. robed over and over that •he
does` not Possess the ability to ad min
iSt'' • the-government; a man who is
either ignorant of the constitution or
ready to trample it Under his feet at
any moment; a man Under whom 'this
bloody and expensive war can 'never
be brought , to 'an honorable close.
Gerroral Grant successfully
made his movement across the Pen
insula-to the wines fßiver. - 11 . 0- has
crossed the 3:01110', r joined General
Butler at Bermuda Hundred, a.ud Atilt
now advance agaltiSt Richmond frOtn
the south.
sOli•Stindity avOk General Grant's
arMY'st'as't iit3oyr. reti6arnped pl 2 `the
"Old Around, stretehiaig from'qdzil Illar
-lii.,bs!.-• 4illiest
fliiit liile — tirTati - hik against BichOiond.
The White Ron.* :Railroad had been
torn up, - aad.'ordprs sent to 'embark
ei - eiTtlihicupoCtbetransports. ' , ..111=
strnefitns'-were' lso - sat, to 'Geneijal
Butler to lir*: 'iYontoon trains: and
have them in re diners at Fort PO\v
batan: As semi as it was dark %tie
movement boga . The enemy made
te.attempt to mdest it ,
The Federal •my- marched in tiro
columns from th Chiekahominy- over
to the James. lieChiekabominy re
gion was abao , ned, "and no signs
seen of the enei r.
I On TResdays'nornink-the army be
-, •
Lian",ortrMlng-A• • -
o - e 860,11'1)411k of the
'JanieS at Fort - ••:whatan and Wilcox
iesdas ifight,Smith's
men had all - land 'd at-Burmilda'lldri
drcd, which is fifteen miles above
Fort Powhatan The four corps
which •cross6l a Vort'PowlWan and
abote'it[also toThfarch up the
riveiVaniftewar s City Ptrint. Thera
Was n'o 'ethite,sti duringthe various.
`Marebes—nothing but, some slight
cavalry skirmishes. The Conceder
tites, from their silence and neglect
to attack, no doaht marched through.
Rielimond anittoWards . Petersburg as
ijcbil as the retreat '%6.s' d i sc&ered.—
Ginn t is l'lci'w'axteen nil les -r.l._6in:lneli
mtind. The'rad
• I
' The defeat of General Sturgis by
the enemy in Western Tennessee is
confirmed. Oni.Tune ISt 'he started
from Memphis across 0'6 . 0 try for
`Chattanooga, - with 'eight thonsand
men and si.en cannon. When
about half way . .ieross, and' ust as he
had arrived at
,the i•ailread running
`north from enemy attack
cdand defeateoim, with great hiss,
capturing many-prisoners and all the'
cannon but four. Sturgis turned
back ^toward Meinphis, and at last tie,
counts was about forty, miles from
the town. The total Federal less is
estimated:at it thbUsarld, exeltisie•of
General Kautz reached the vicinity
of Petersburg early on Wednesday
morning. General Gilmore was re
lieved from command the same day,
and General Butler placed 44 the
head of his`corls.
Petersbdig lb 22 miles directly
South from Richiliond.
On Wednesdayinorning Kautz and
Smith attacked the Confederate en
tretiekkients in front of it. As this
toWn-is on the south bank of the Ap
'poniAtex, and of little `railitary val.
the enemy at once began 10 re
treat across the river. .Hancock
ed Sahli on Wednesday afternoon,
and at 'dark the entrenchments a
round-She town were abandoned by
the `Cdrifederates. Hancock and
Smith - entered them. The rest of
he 'army had not come up. Mr. Stan
ton repairs that thirteen cannon and
nearly four thousand prisoners were
captured in the eater entrenchments.
The Confederatee confront Grant in
a line from tire James, below Fort
Darling, across the Neck to the Appp
relittox at Petereburg. -,All their
troops are there: •
t the Misiiiiiiii : kl6diat is still
noiintained, and AdMiral 'Porter has
been sent for'to break it
Tie repent Confederate 'success,
near Meruphis,civer Generals Sturgis
and 4rierson, W - a,Cgained by the force
under Gen. Forrest. His official re
port states that 'he captured one
thousand_ prisoners, twenty cannon
and two hundred and fifty wagons.—
His loss in killed and wounded was
lour hundred. Sturgis and Grierson
have returned to Memphis with the
remnant of their troops.
The report of the capture of Peters
burg is un true, as is also the reported
capture by Grant of a large number
of cannon and prisoners.
At eight o'clock orrSaturday morn•
ing the Federal troops were in a sem
icircle around Petersburg. Smith
was fiVe miles - northeast of the town;
Hancock four miles southeast; Barn=
side and. Warren about two, miles
south. The enemy made a strongde
fense, and except the - capture of the
undefended tine of works `from Tort
Waitliall to Dutch: Gap, the only
gains of the Federal army had 'Wen'
the capture of the two redoubts by
Burnside. The Federal lessen 'up to
Thursday ,evening were about one
thousand. Our latest intelliguactkis
to eight o'clobit'on's4thro.y. Warning.
There arer reports current that the
enemy had attacked and defeated the
exposed northern flank of Smith's
corps; under Butler, which was ndrth
of tho'Appomattox, and extended a
cross the Rich mond Railroad. Trains
were running to Petersburg on this
railroad, - and Smith had evidently
been driven batik. 'A large force of
Confederates had , bijrcke up and the
works at Petersburg - *bre fully man
'Sheridan, Witb large ftilte•o - feay.
airy recently left Grant's camp for a
raid towards 'Gordansville. At Tee
,Station'be fought a hattle, and
defeated the Confederates, but owing
to a variety of causes he was obliged
to retreat himself towards Washing
ton, after losing more than he gained.
CINCINNATI, June 16.—Hon. C. L.
Valiandigham arrived at Hamilton,
Ohio, this morning, and tnade a speech
in the public square, after which he
left for,Dayton. A good deal ex
citement occurred at Hamilton dar
ing his stay there.
'Vallandigkant rrt Home.
CINCINNATI, June 15.--B.on: C. L.
Vallandighain arrived at Dayton at
5,30 P. M., and proceeded immediate
ly to his residence. There was no
demonstration, but rumors are cur
rent that soon after his arrival he
had taken the night train for Toledo,
but subsequently announced he would
make a public speech tomorrow.
— Ctiibirmart, June Vallan
dighain"inede his appearance at the
...Denitierafic'-DiStriet - Conventicin, held
at Hamilton the apparent
Isurprise of a large portion' nfyliep,t,
great enthusiasm.
I He spoke briefly from a written
I document narrating his arrest'an'd
defending :his - action. He said 'the
- aesertion of 'the 'President Uiat be
was arrested hecauk he labOred`with
'some effect to prevent the raising Of
troops and encouraged desertions
from the army, or had disobeyed or
failed to counsel obedience to / lawful
authority, was absolutely false. 'He
appealed tor proof to every speech be
had leadelind to the 'record, of 'the
Military commission by the trial and
sentence of"Whieh he was banished.
"The sole offence" was Said, ""Which
was laid to my charge is in wol i ds of
criticism of the public Obey 'el the
Administration addressed town 'open
political meeting of my fellow-citi
'zens. For more than one year. no
'public man has been arrested, no
newspaper has been suppressed with
lii`the - State, for the expression of
public opinion, while hundreds in
public assemblies ' - anil through the
"press, with Violetice,'and violence in
which I have never been 'lndulged,
'have criticised and con'aerhifed the
acts and policies of the Adininiqtra
tion and denpunced thewar--Iffiliti
taining even the propriety of . reoeg
nizing the Southern Contederiey.
do not mean any longer to be the
only Man of the party who is to be
the t viZtiin pf Olio arbitrary power.
11) seeks my, life let
him'so declare , . He - steall pot - again
reafi'ain`ine of my persoDfil liberty,
except upon due process. of law.
He denBUneed 'Order 'No. '3B 'lin.
der which he was arrested, and said
it was against the Constitution and
the laws, and without Validity. All
proceedings under it were null and
void. Title time has arrived," be
continued, "when it becomes me, as
a citizen of Ohio, and of the United
States, to demand, and, by my own
act, vindicate therights, liberties and
privileges which I , never' forfeited,
but of which for so many months I
have been deprived. He reiterated
his right to criticise the, acts 'of the
Administration, and cautioned :his
politiCal friends to, abstain frorn any
acts of violence on his account, al
theugh he advised none to shrink
from-any responsibility; however ur
gent, ifforced upon them.
Mr.Vallandighain was accornpan
(fed to fhe depot by an enthusiastic
crowd, 'and arrived at Dayton to
night, where it, is understood he will
make a speech.
The Convention elected Mr. _Val
landigham a Delegate to the Chicago
CRI O A I3 O, ,J.Une 16.—The
nois Democratic 'Opnvention met . at
Springfield yesteilay, and nomina
ted delegates to the National Con
The despatch announcing the arri
val of Vallandigham in Ohio was re
ceived with great cheering. A reso
lution was adopted pledging Illinois
to stand by Ohio in protecting him
z—lf an abolition lawyer finds his
business dull or a politician- fails in
his eapictations; he can apply to the
Administration fora razor General
`qgpftinlNED *DESERTERS.—On Tues
day last eighty-eight men arrived in
this' City, under,the "Charge of Capt.
Baker and
,a guard of forty. men be
longing to the Veteran Reserve Corps
On :Wednesday they were placed.,op
board the steamer MaYor Reybold, at
Arch street wharf. As the. Veasel
was leaving the dock she caine col
lision with the steamer Edwin Forreet,
which created a confusion on board
the Reybold, during which four of
the prisoners escaped. The remain
der were taken to Fort Delaware.
These men were formerly in the Uni
on army, and deserteg during the
late battles. They joined together,
and, it is supposed, attacked the am
bulances containing our wounded
soldiers. it is said that these
men murdered_wounded soldiers, who
were found-with their throats cut.
They were.tried by a court martial,
some of them sentenced to be hung,
otkers t - o helshot, and the remainder
to a tong imprisonment. Three or
four of these rascals belonged to
Pennsylvania regiments, a number to
New York regiments, and the rest
were divided among 'regiments from
tither NorthernrStates.
The . -abOve-,paragraph - - appeared in
a'redutthAtlib-Way'corner of the Phil
adelphia Press' ' t d :MayBoth, Where
not one of ten - -of - its 'readers were
lik6ly to have seen - it. ' Itnhints at,
rather than - tens, a tare — of outrage
and horror which equals, the most
cruel rebel barbarities that baVe been
described in large printla,nd'in prom
inent place, by the Pres.'s. 'lt is even
worse; in so far as the mural.' of our
wounded soldiers by these kends in
human form; their former Comrades,
must 'have been prompted only by
wanton cruelty or thelu'st ofplunder ;
and lacked the promptings of hatred
and vengeance by which the badpas
sions'6l the rebel soldiers are excited
to deeds of savage brutality.
Winter Davis, member Ntigress,
from the. city of Baltimore, made a
speech a few days ago, denouncing
the present administration, declaring
that - it had so conducted the war that
•it has become impossible to subdue the
-South-and taking ground in favor of
:peace. Mr. Davis' name was at the
mast-head of a number of abolition
organs of this State, a short time ago,
as their candidate for Vice President.
This is an importanrt change.
POlNT.—There was a large and bril
lant attendance at West Point on
Wednesday, to witness the imposing
ceremonies attendant upon the lay
ing of the cornerstone s monu
ment to the menatii'i:eslfe '`heroes
of the regular ariny;Ayl?o,..trive
on the battle fields"dniink i the pres
ent war The 660,30 . 3 . rues opened
iztr. offereti 1103ylicv. Dr.
'introduced. to the vast assemblage
and delivered a brilliant oration` corn
' ine‘morative of the virtue, bravery;
intelligence and worth of ..ont
lariaead, concluding . li - lt . 11 ; a 'Very
lonehing - al4-linPressive tribitie
their nieniory.
He 11 - IWfolio*ed by another pray
er by the Rev. Mr.
GoV..-Seyenieur and Gens. *Granger,
- K,:ppattlek,•Sprugue,
Hays and * other distinguished .gentle
men, were present
Otoh Sa l th.e years ago, Lieutenant
Derby, better known as "John l'hce
nix," went out from Monterey, (Cal.,)
to surV.ey,st ? ina point in the interior.
With his train was 'a portable forge
and a supply of coal ; Some miles
from -town' the wagon containing the
coal . became stalled in a - Swamp,
and - a large portion of the latter
was dumped out in the effort to
save the former and left. Some six
or eight years aftorWards, 'and long
after the circumstances had ~ p rifised in
to-oblivion,,,some parties. stumbled
upon the coal partially exposed to
view in - consequence of the swamp
drying up. Specimens were brought
'to - tchvii; friends let into the arrange--
ments'a compromise made with the
owner erne land, and a company
formed in approved style. Shares
commarlitet fablildfis . offers—one of
`the citizens' tendered §1,200 in coin
for an interest ; the offer was scorned.
At last Monterey had struck it. In
the meantime, a quiet German went
dtitat?th Illireart,,gathered up the 'en
tire prospectVand •earried it inom e.
TALLY INJURED.—Nine of a ear load
of conscripts who were en route from
Boston to Cincinnati, on Wednesday
night, arranged and executed an ex.•
ceedingly desperate plan of escape be
tween Chatham and Sabodac Depot,
New York The doors of the car
were locked, a guard being stationed
on the platform, But while the lights
were turned down so that he could
not see'plainly through the window
in thelioOr what was going on, a hole
was cut inihe 'floor of the car,large e
nough teadmit the passage of a man's
body. The bole was nearly over the
wheels, the plan - seeming `to be to
crow(' out, arid by holding on to the:
brakes &fleet - an escape When The
train was 'stopped or was moving slow
ly. Only four of the nine were so
foolhardy as Co *attempt this mode of
escape, and they paid the penalty
with their lives, iheir bodies being
shockingly mangled. The other five
jumped from one at, the car windows,
while the train was moving nearly
thirty-five miles,an hour, three Of,
them receiving in juries ofwhich 'they"
have died, while the otherlvio not ex
pected to live.—Hartford Times, June
A CONNECTICUT farmer has just dis
covered that his cows have been reg
ularly milked by black snakes. He
killed five snakes.
Stir A i
rtemus Ward thinks tis a
hard thing not to 'basin a wife—no
gentle - heart to get up in that:ll6ra
ing and make the fire.
. _
THE Wicwersharn (Dines.) wall Ma
chine recently invented and pin.piih
operation at Boston, instead of inailt
ing one nail at a time,
like all otlior
Machines of the kind, maks eighi
,a 0 thirty-two, headed and pointed,
is a minute. Fifty of these machines
Aqrmake 750,000 kegs of nails per
an - mini. The entire manufacture of
nails 5n this country has hitherto
been about three 'million kegs.
The ferainines of that portion of
Rome, Georgia, occupied by Sher
man, are described as being very
pretty; very polite and very rebel
neo b To. soldier, Charles Ridley, who
shon t white citizen at CamP William
Penn a few months ago, and tried at
Norristown, convicted of murder in
the second degree, and sentence& to
a term of imprisonment, has been
pardoned by Governor Curtin.
Se' Owing to the largely increased
expenses of the Government, officially
announced by lir. Chase in his 'Pio
posals for the new loan, it is estima r
ted that four millions a day will be
hardly sufficient to meet the accumu
lating requisitions uporithe Treasury.
--:Lincoln and Stanton have appeal
ed to Congress, to repeal the $3 . 00
draft 'commutation. They would
like to have it believed that their
jectis simply to get men to fill up
the army ; but honest intelligent peo
ple will not think so. If the great
mutter 'is to get men - lam draft, for
militai - y - service, close all
doors ofescape, againSt all able-bodied
men of proper age ? 'Why repeal the
s3oo`ClauserandleaVe the substitito
door-opened ? -Lincoln and Stanton
both know :the $3OO commuta
'has saved many a poor man
from being draged away from his
family; - and that if it is repealed,
there will be no chance of escape for
any bu t the; substitutes would
advance to $lOOO or more, far beyond
the reach of any poor man however
many friends he may have. No, no
Messrs. Lincoln and Stanton, if it is
men you want—able-bodied men—
then say so, honestly, and call for and
take rich and Door alike. Away with
your unjust - discrimination. Strike
out the substitute provision, as well
as the $3OO, and put all on the same
platform, or strike out neither.
We trust that Congress will con
sent to no such proposition ; and that
they will cause the $3OO and substi
tute provisions, to stand or fall
ether. The life of a rich man is no
more valuable to himself and family,
than -is the life of the poor man to
himself and his family ; and this Lin
coln Stanton effort to discriminate
against the poor, cannot be too se
verely repudiated.
SHALL WE EAT BEEF ? We say most
emphatically, NO !—N. r. Tribune.
To which the Hartford Times re
"So we o. Shall we eat batter ?
anything ? No.
Shall we have any State banks ? -No.
Shall we have any State govenments ?
No. Shall we have any personal lib
erty ? No. There we are. Go ahead
destruetives,-as long as blind voters.
sustain you. Nobody's hurt
• 21: brought to justice.—ALßANY,
June B.—Tte cause of constitutional.
liberty', trims vindicated to-day by a
verdict at the Greene Circuit, Court
of nine thousand dollars against Mar
shal Murry, and William Buckley, his
deputy. The plaintiff, Albert, W. Pat
rie, was arrested in August, 1862, by
Deputy-Marsbal Buckley, who .had
no trarea.nt, &tit acted upon the au
thority of the War Department, and
on information of Patrie's political
oppOten ts that he had spoken against
the administration. Patrie was ar
rested while' - nt work on his farmi ta
ken to New York, confined in the
Elm streetjail in'an'underground cell.
The apartment ';vas four feet wide
and six feet long, and there were two
other prisoners confined in it. He of
fered.tiuil, tfut it truA refused , and he
was kept in prison Until he consented
to employ mad pay - Judge Beebe to
procure 1118 release.
'FRENCH 'a'nn‘ounco that a
convict was lately tracked into the
service of a . young married couple,
Where the Was ofeciating as a very
pretty Ittly:s maid, anti has been
doing all 'file 'dirties 'of his role for
three months. The horror of the
young married lady, and still more
of the husband, may be imagined
when the'police 'said, "That young
Woman is the man we want."
e - Loe - al - of a Cal iforn ia paper
relates the story of a woman whose
husband was killed after she had been
married four weeks: in three weeks
more she married again; that hus
band lived two weeks; in two - weeks
after he died she married bis brother,
and six months alter her iftst mar
riage she gave birth to a child by her
first husband.
The President of one of the Loyal
Leagues in New *Jersey liable to DIM.
tary duty, and as such drafted ander
the law. of Congress, fled from town
soon after he was drafted. Re is now
supposed to be in Canada.
T• N
.. EW ORK SUN says a little
girl of that city, who is bedridden,
prevailed upon, her mother to buy
her a half dozen fresh eggs. These
she placed-in her bed, and for some
three, reeks kept, them constantly
Warm l'he heat of her body.
Thiirscl4y mooing the patience of
the child was %Warded by a "duck"
of chicken't
eac ers Wanted.
Q SALE AND 10 FEKALB.—The Annual Examl
l7 naon
of Teachers for the Schoo of Lenon rough , - will be held in the SCHOOL Is
R 00,31 of Female
School, No. 1, On Thursday, Jung Soth, next, to com
mence at 834 o'clock, A. U. TERM, 10 Menthe. Mb.
mil Salaries will be paid.
JOHN YORDY,, President.
I,Blde Harm, BeeriDtary. June 18,1861.
• 4 Teachers Wanted.
riiins School Directors of-NORTH LEBANON BO-
X ROUGH. will meet in MIFFLIN Behoolfronee, on
Friday, Tune Slth, next, to employ the Teachers for
tald borough. The County Superintendent will be
preempt to examine the applicants.' Exentinatlon to
.zommence at 634 o'clock, A. IL
r- . CYRUS NOTCH, !WNW_ at.
MILLSO Altum,"Becretery. Juno . 16 , /1164*
E 5