6#o alltftrtiost: TERKS, IllsoLYEAs LEBANON, PA. 'AVEIititgSDAY; J JIT.III 8, 186 HOME AFFAIRS. .1 0 Littetemi cot .A.c3l.lcrortiosizi.a; The publishers of Lebanon have agreed upon the If homing charges for Advertising, via t lt. at. Bm. 6m. ly. 1 Situate, 12 lines, $ .50 $l.OO $3.00 $5.00 $ 800 2 24 lines, 1.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 12.00 3 " 36 Noes, 1.50 300 7.00 10.00 15.00 Far Xxeeutor's and Adminletrator'e Notices, 2.00 /For Au ism., Auditor and similar Notice., 1.50 For yearly Cards, not exceeding 6 lines, 3.00 For column advertisement, 1 y ear ', 50.00 For 34 column ` i 30.00 For y 4 ' COMM " . 15.00 Nor Announihrscandidates for office, in advance, 2.00 For Announcing sales unaccompanied by adv 'I. 1.00 For Lotrilliaices, Society resolutions, die • 8 cto For iltibtopror Finals . 1 Notices, 60 cents per line pderieiT. _ , Yearlyrgrri eoents for Mirchants an/ Rua ufstientou,sul 4reect -Eor4dditional Locals see first page. Ve are indebted to George Gleim, Esq for a specimen of the new Two Cent Pieces. It is a beautiful coin, Iresemblina in size and general appear- Anne the $3 gold pieces in circulation when Democrats administered the affairs .of government. It Is about the only handsonte thing we have yet stein of the present "government." The Ist, sth, 7th, 10th, 11th and 12th Penn. Reserves, and the 14th (Buck tails,) have returned home, theit term or service having expired. Capt. Lantes old Company was the only one in the Re serves from this place. _ , Public Sale at tllifitiEßMAN'El New York Photographic Gallery in. Adam Rice's Building, on Saturday, June 11, at 1 o'clock, P. M., of the following Per sonal Property, viz :-1 SOFA, Tables, 1 Centre Table, Chairs, Rocking chairs, Bedsteads, Wash stand, Cubboard, Sink, Wood Chest, Bureau, Cot Bed, Tubs, Buckets, Pictures, 2 Stoves, Carpets, Blinds, Queensware, and many other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Nearly all the articles are as good as new. Terms will be made known at sale. A Human Skeleton found.—A few days ago, whilst Isaac Zettelmoyer, of Greenwich township, living near the Al bany township line, was digging the foun dation fora barn, he struck. upon a large stone at a depth of two or three - feet, on raising which, the entire skeleton of a Man was discovered, having, to all ap•- pearance, been concealed there. The re mains seemed to have been thrown into the hole in a mass; and pieces of char coal werefound among them, indicating that the body had been burned. The short and thick bones were yet solid, such all the verterbrx, pelvis, iecrum, and teeth and the tables of the head , were also round, the serraten edges being very distinct. The cartilaginous portion of the rest was decayed. Under what circumstances these remains were deposited in that place, which is only three feet from the public road, is a mystery. It is supposed they may have remained there some ten er fifteen years, but how they came there, rtinb - whose body they once belonged to, lho one in the neighborhood can conjec ture— Beading Gazette 4RETZELS now pass freely in this sec inn; in the way of change and for the want of something better. The only ob jection is they become easily mutilated, and hence unredeemable, especially when in the hands of children. Great is. Abe Linkum and his "uniform" currency. Mr. .Goodyear is again off to New York for another Stock of Goods.— He sells a wonderful quantify of goods, which is apparent by the frequent neces sity of replenishing the stock. —Tbe,amount - contributed for Tercen tenary objects in the Gernaanlßftorined Church in,Yenriskliania .durfing the last Year,' reached the handsoine CUM 018101 , 018 40. It is proposed to drop the word "German" in the title of the Church, ball ' ling it "Reformed Church." Ifany of our friends in this county nr•State havelands that are unpatented, ine would adv ise o attend to the them t matter before the Ist of November. The Legislature that has just adjourned, re vived and contlhiled In force until then. and only until then, the law known as the "Graduating Law," bir which patents can be taken otit at the rate of twenty cents .per acre, without interest. This law was a very favorablt lane to our citi zens, but there still remain many to be taken out, and from the opposition made to extending the time, in the late Legisla ture, there is every reason to believe it can never again be extended. We hope, therefoPe, the people of this county will see tohaving ail their lands patented be fOreihe first day of November coming. It will save them paying interest from the time the lands were first improved, which, if it had to be paid, would amount to more than three times the principal in 'most cases. , - Philadelphia .Market. -There is 'rather more demand, and prices are firm. 'Th'e home trade are:buylng at from s7a7 9.5 kir superfine. • Rye Flour is selling in a small way at 47 per bbl. Corn Meal is scarce and firm at full pri ces. Wheat is quiet, with small sales of red at $1 85a188 for good to prime. Aye is • scarce, with small sales at $1 55a1 60 rterbus Corn is less active, about 12 =Was as, part on private terms and .0711.,at $l - 59a160 per bus, closing at the former rate. Oats are firm, with sales of 6,000 bus at sB7aBBc per bus. Cattle Market.—The demand wig good and prices fully maintained and firm, ranging from $l2 00 to $l9 00 for common to good and prime quality, at which rate the market was pretty well sold up. Cows were better. Hogs are unchang ed. Sheep are more plenty , and 2 c lower. • T.rown 's Bronchial Tv:olm The bene ficial,- effects resulting front the use of this lihmeily and its extensile use for Coughs, - Colds end Throat Afidetions,has - bro u .44 out many imitations, most of whie.h ows t ain =Mous trigredientr; ht Troches bat e ...- 'ironed their olficaci. '"-•" • .".frirt,", By ► law paced by the last Legis lature, the abatiment of five per cent on the tutikint of State taxes, paid - fifteen days• Prior to the first of September, in any year, is repealed ; and, hereafter, it shall be the duty of the auditor etietal to add I fi l trer centum penalty to each county all State taxes remaining un paid, on the first day of August, which shall be charged in the duplicate, against each delinquent tax payers in arrears, on and after said day. This is a part of thenew abolition or der of things, and collectors should make a note of it. The Ladies of Lebanon are all cordially invited to attend the meetings of the Ladies' Aid Society, on every Thursday afternoon, for sewing on Hos pital Clething.,. . ti. Is it possible that any Soldier Oat lit lit foolish as to leave the city wit.bent,a of' HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT 'AVD PILLS ? Whoever does so will deepl)- it. These medicines are the only certain cure for Bowel complaints- Fevers, Sores and Scurvy. Only 25 cents per box.tir pot. 223. Messrs. Stine & Ross at their Parer Mill in this borough are now, pay. ft $l5 per ton for straw, $lO per ton second crop. Hay, and $8 per ton for Corn-fodder. M.11.-4t. The Perseverance Band left on Monday, for Harrisburg, at the invita tion of the Mayor and City Councils, to attend the reception of the Pennsylva nia Reserves. Blanks for Bonnty and invalid Pen sion.ela ;MI joist printed and for sale at the AD. iiintiitst Office. quasTxoN.—Hollo ! there Dick and Nancy, where are you going, that you are in such- a hurry ? Answas.„—Why we are just on our way to Ba fly's Photograph Gallery, to have our pictures taken: Re takes.splendid pictures, and his Gallery is nearly all the time eroWded,' so I said to Nancy we will go ear ly this morning before any Way gets there, or we will have to come away again without getting any. Quicar.—Yesi I have heard too that Daily's Gallery Is nearly all the time crowded, .and so why don't you go to emneether Gallery f ' Ana.—Oh my I we could not think *fetich a thing.— We admire th true end beautiful picture that Daily takes, so mu& that we would not go to another Gal lery if we could get them for nothing. H.ehat? seven years, eiperience in the business; Imes a complete sett of imfirdied Initrutninita, exeellint, sky-Daht, anp 'therefore takes the ties: RiettMes n tarn, and soft, course every body that wants ii good picture goes to him. - Quesr.-What kind of Pichlreallbeatie take? Arts.—lie takes Photographs from miniature to life. size, plain or 'qulcifed. ills card pictures have been pronounded Mop tenthful 14011110:Iiite,Than same that have been taken in RC Ainbrotypeg are beautiful, and can't be also excels in copying pictures from small DigifeWeotylids, and en larging them almost to any size. .Quings. , —Wltere is this9allery Linnet giva.bim a call Md. 'Arta.=—Just come along with " Nanifand I, and we will show. you. It is in Stine:a. New Building. next door to the Lebanon Deposit Bank. He has constant ly on hand at good assortment: of Gilt and Rosevrood Frames, Cases, Albums, Ac., which he sells cheap.— For good and cheap Pictures we advise all to go to Daily's Gallery, *Lebanon,* Pa. March 11, '63. Guns, Rifles. Pistols, Powder,' Caps, &e AY' MON SPORTSMIN.—.I. G. Auistutscit would re spectfully inform the Piddle that he continues the busineso of manufacturing and dealing in GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, - POWDER, Caps, Wads, and all kinds of gunning and gun materi al,, at his Store, ..n Market street., a few doors North of the L. V R. R., Lebanon, Pa. y All kinds of Repairing don'e at the shortest pos Bible notice and in the best style of workmanship, Lebanon, June 24, 1883.-11 grpf cid Seim, A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility. 'boom paohy,'Preinature Decay and Youthful Error, actua• by a desiV to benefit others, will be happy to fur -12 I.h to all iv d.ireed fr, (free nteharge,) the receipe and directions for inakfalt the 'tdinple rettedy used in his cage. Those wishilig to proYlt py,lfts expeVeneei and possess a Valuable Remedy,rdcelve the return mall, (carefully sealed,)byaddeesplug JOGN D. OGDEN, No. 60 Nassau street, New York. June 1, 1361.—.1nt. SWALLOW two or three hogsheads of "Buebu t " " Ton le B itters," Sarsaparilla," "Nervous An tidotes," he., Ac., Sc., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try one • box of OLD DOCTOR EU; CHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PlLLS—and be restor ed to health and vigor in thirty days. They are pure ly vegetable . pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the brokertdown and shattered consti tution. Old and young can take them with dvan tags. Imported and sold - in the' United States, only by • ' ' JAS.. S. 'BUTLNR, StatiOn D, 'Bible Houma, New York, . General Agent. - P, 3.—A box sent to any address on receipt of price —which is one Dollar—post free. March 40, 1864.-3 m. USE 'NO OTHERA,•I3UCHAN'S SPECIFIC 'PILLS lire 'the only Re liable Remedy for all ideeesee of tbk Seminal, Urinary and Nervous Bye. terns. Try one boil ilkd be cured. ONE DOLLAR A BOX. One box Will ported n cure, or money refund ed.. - Bent by irlail.odietilid , bi*Wee. ' • JAS S. BUTLER, Station D, Bible Mouse; New York, General Agent. Elated 30, 1844.-3ra. " ho .17 -- kit visa TO: - BE CUED ?. effiAN" CUR RED?, isidtien lerttetivin rule .cure love than 80 daYit, the . woret eases of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, PrinuittirtvDecay, Seminal Weaknesit,ln vanity, and all Urinary, Sexual; and Norvoue Affec tions, no matter from what cause produced. Priie, One Dollar per box. Sebt postpaid, by loan, Ott re ceipt of an order. Addreite, station D, Bible Home, New York; Gene. al Agent.' March 30 ,136.1.-3 m HOYT'S HIAWATHA HAIR RESTORATIVE. Hoyt'a Hiawatha . Hair .Reatorative. The ',deaden! staple preparation for the heir war ranted in all case■ to restore hided and gray hair, and whiskers, to their original color. It does not claim to make the bear grow in where it has fallen out ; noth ing will do that whatever may be advertised to the contrary, but it wilt prevent it from fall lug outomike it soft and silky. cleanse it and the scalp from impurl4 ties and humors, and entirely overcome bad effects of previous use of preparations containing sulphur, su gar of lead. dc. It requires no soaping, washing, and hours for its application, nor Trill it stain the skin, but is as easily applied and wiped from the skin as any hair dressing. It restores the natural shading of one hair with another, which gives it a lively appearance instead of the doll uniform black of dyes. Hoyt's Imperial. Coloring Cream. Superior to guy Hair Pressing iii him: tills ina tot= ors the Hair at the came time.. changes light anti red hair to a beautiful brown or black. • Sold everywhere. JOSEPH 110 YT & CO .- N0.,10 University Place, New York larch 0,11364.—1 y. DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAN NORSE LINI MENT, pint bottles nt_fifty_cents each, for lameness, cnte,..galle„celic, suiraine„ '&c., warranted cheaper' than any other. It is of by all the great horsemen on Long - Island courses. It !trill not cure ring bone nor apavin, as there is no liniment in exis tence that will. What it is stated to cure it positively does. No owner of horses wilt be without it after trying one bottle. One dose revives nod often Saxes the life of an over-heated or driven horse. For Collo and bel ly-ache it has never failed. Just as sure as the sun risen. just so sure is this valuable Liniment to be the Horse embrocation or the day. Sold by all druggists. Otiloe, 613 eartiandt Street, New York. 1 0.10, 'o4.—lm. Terrible Disclosures. SECRETS for the million I A most valuable and won' derful publication,. A work of 400 pages. and 80 taloned engravings. DR. 'HUNTER'S VADE MECUM, an original add teipiilar treatise on Man and Woman, their rhysiblogy, Functions, and Bestial disorders of every kind, with Reiter Failing Remedies for their speedy eure. The Practice of DR. HUNTER has Icing been, and still is; bnbonndcd, but at the earnest solici tation of nitinerous persons, he has leeninduced to ex tend his medical usefulness through the medium Otitis -.FADE-MECUM." It is a valuing that should be in the bands of every family in tbe land, as * preventive of secret vices, or as asgide for the alleviation of one of the most awful and Ellitructive scourges ever visited mankind. One-eopp,seoncely,priveloped. will be for itarded frei of postage, to any pat. of the `United- States 'for 60 cents o:Tetstinps,,lie,„Seopies'ihr $l. 'id drE/88. post paid, DR. ILLINTER NO 3 Divigio# Street, rti* York. Sept. 3, 1863.—1 • • . THE cci*r EsSICIN'S :AND EXPERIENCE ipt INVALi 11. Published for the benefit. and is a warning ...- A CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN who puffer from nervous Debility, Premature Decay 01 MenhooZ, etc , supplying at the same time. „ , • -THY, MEANS or ggia CUBA; By one who has cured himself attar being put to great espense and injury through medical humbug and quackery. mictoriug &poid paid lladraliMS waselope, single supleg,guoy - alba author. pATEAlelgt, MATIA.I3I, re_g.: BoOrd Hipp totinty,44. 'Y. May 7r,./ 188,--11. • 410 th 1010 . Ott 1 0. Sr. Jouree CITURCH.—Serelee next Sunday morning and evening, in the Engliah language. Lecture on Wednesday erening. Preaching next Sabbath evening, In the Englleh lan guage, In the First Reformed Church. Englieh preaching both maiiing and evening, in Zi on's Lutheran church. ST. LIMA'S Calnicn.—Sarviaajor the next two Sundays (June 12th and 19th,) Io the evenirx, at half past seven ; morning service tiiiiitted. Bantittr. On the the 4th inet„l;:y the ' Rev. Goo. Wolff, Mr. M. S. STEIN, of Pottsville, to M lea FIANNAII MOYER, ofßelhel tp., Berke co. On the let that,. at Philadelphia, by Rey. C. P. Kraut th, Mr. lirINRY W. LOWDON, to Miee MARY A. DICKSON, both of Lebanon. On the S6th ult., by the Rev. J. B. Dougherty, Mr DANLICI, 'arum to mot BLIZABBTII lISNDER, IT. kb of this Borough... On the 31st nit., by the grim Mr.JOHN H. ELY, of thie Borough, to Mies AMANDA BORNE, of Sheet. teretoreir.. egtioa. On the 26th day of May .1664, in Palmyra, Lebanon county, Mr. CONRAD HORSTIOK , aged 75 years, 5 menthe; and 27 days. Mr. IL was. tbe Admit often of Palmyra, baying resided there pearly 60 years, In this borough. on the 3d inst„ JAMES ELLS WORTH. SHEAFFER, child of James and Clementtns Sheaffer, aged 2 years, 5 month and 17 days, On the 26th als., In Chi* Finrone,h, PHILIP ,f ARTON. eon of Philip F. and Margaret WHAT:ILLY, aged 13 months an 1 '8 dap', On the 25th ult., in this Borimgh. AMANDA ELIZ ABETH. daughtyr of Adam and Harriet LENOEL, aged 5 years, 9 months and 6 days. On the 26th of February. at the reeldence of Michael Deininger, in Londonderry tp.OATHARINE BOMA N 1 Z widow of Henry Schantz, aged BO yearn and 8 months. on Market. The Leba Carefully trrected Weekly. .BDAIf SUNE 8, 1584 rrP iga, I dos., 20 Et : litter, II tb, go ub or ealtud butter, /g 1 I Lard, • 15 Tallow, 11 LIAM, 15 Shoulders, 13 Sides, la Soap, 7 Beea-wax, 25 White Raga, 0 • Mixed Raga, S Flax, T i l lb, . 1214 Inistles, it lb., 40 teeathere, it lb., 624 Wool, Vi lb., , 40 Soup Beans, Ilil qt., 7 Vinegar, Vi gid., 124 LEBANON, Watdir • Extra Eamily, $8 75 Extra Flour, 8 50 Prime White Wheat,l 75 Prime Red Wheat, 160 Near 'Wlailit, r Tillie ItYa, 130 Writ, • 130 Cate, 70 Clover-seed, 8 00 Timothy-Bea, .2 60 Flnx-s6ed, 6O Dried Apples, pealed, 2 00 Peach' Biatta; 2 50 •• Peach litiliels," 152 Cherries, 176 Onions, 100 Potatoes, if bus, 50 Apple Butter, ritcrock. 45 _l.lit.l. ZO:Vitt,j.:,ollt64, Watite*t AII9Y, from 13 to 15 years of ago, as an Appren tine. to tile Tailoring Business. is wanted by the undersigned. LOItENZO H. Lebanon, June 5. 1831. Philadelphia Sanitary Commission FAIR!-, VXCURSION MME 'ilo rHILA. DIMPILIA, App ItATUßN,gocil for piny THREE DAYS from Monday. 'Acne 6th, to Monday, Tune 20,th, 1864, wilt bo sold at following rates:—, At s . llss'etiikez's $2 85`At Aron $8 10 At Hlcl~innd';" 2 90 At Lebanon.-- ...... 8 15 At Itlyeintosin 95 A t 8 80 At Prescott ' 335 At Polutyr. " ' 3' 80 air F,Nli Excuraion TiekOt will inclado a Ticket of Admimion to the Fair. *!l.. The stove Tl&cote sold at the Railroad. Devote only: no Tickets sold by Cordsiet Juno 8.1R64-31 Mattimoriial. TF you wish to merry, address the undersigned, who will send you, "without money and without price," valuable information that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, no matter how old, how, ugly or how poor. This in a reliable affair. The information will cost you nothing ; end if you wish to marry, 1 will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confldential. The desired Information sent by return mail, and no questionn asked. Address SARAH 13.T.AMBENT, Greenpoint; h.inge Co., 1. Y. June 8,1864.-4 t Kline l 4 Patent Faittt Jar. The , larretat tetwacm•isilis. THE most effectual Fruit Jar in the market. Is all glass, having no clamping or screw &elm— For sale at LEMBERGEWS Drug Store, Market street, Lebanon. Pam Call and gat a circular glring.more inforiliA. Hon. Lebtnon, Jung 1884.—ti. Notice to the StockhOlders or the LEBANON BANK. YOU arerespectfully recnieited to meet at the Bank. log House of said Bank, on Saturday, the 25th day of June, next. fur the purpose of accepting the RE CHARTER. of the LEBANON BARK. ,and to take ac tion on the Enabling Act hi the 'event thw Governor having sinnedit. BY bidei I:ft the • E. A. utuxat., Oeffil4r. Lebanon Bank, Lebant.n, rune I, 1864. Public Sale OF BOROUGH PROPERTY. rTHE subscribers will offer at P,UbliC Sale at' the pub: house of Henry D. Carte laY, on Saturday, June 18. 1884- the following Real Est*, viz : A one and one-halt story weather-boarded FRAME HOME, and HALF lot of ()ROUND, situate In the borough of Lebanon, adjoining on the north Rill slreet, on the south an Alley, east by property ofJacob kleckley. stud west by property of Jacob Beadle. The LOT fronts on Hill street 33 feet, more or less, and is in depth 198 feet. The house has eight rooms including Kitchen, and all necessary outbuildings. , Saleloeommeuce at 7 ciehick, T. 111:, when terms *lll be made known by • .. Loisinor I t Juno 1, 1864 üblic Sale.. ibs fOltroif peico*all, pToperCy t"NtEll, 5 STRICKLIM, de'c'd ., *ill Vs cold it Pliblic Salo, Oil Bliturcla:#;. 'had 1i 1864; at "SirrcklePer Milt" in tlieilitroligh of tebeheif, to 1;SLEIGII and Slcigli bells, 1 Wheelbarrow, l Sad dle43ag, 1 STOVE and PIPE. 1 CLOCK, 1 Grain chest, Office Desk, I Grind Slone. Potato Rook, Lot of Lumber, consudlog of BOARDS and SCANTLING, Lot of old IRON, and Castings, 1 Wooden Shovel, 1 halt Iluehel Measure, 2 Scales, 1 Planing Bench, 1 Ladder, 1 Empty Barrel, 3 Burr Staffs, Shovels, liege. Chains, Hoop and hand Shovels, and other MILLING TOOLS too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 234 o'clock, P. M., wben terms will be made known by MIRAIIAM STRICKL WM. G. WARD. . Administrators. Lebanon, June 1,1861.-2 t. . . - LOWRY'S - Confectionary Store 3 - (Late Lowry A Dialim,) Walnut street, near Cumberland, IA sryuare from the Court house, Lebanon. Pa. fIAE has just returned from the City with a fresh 11 bpong Stock of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins. Figs, kruniii, Dates, Currants, Filberts, Citrons, Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, Ac. Also, a large variety of all kinds of different favor ed Fine and CODNi.OII CANDIES Cakes of all kinds al ways on hand, or.inade to order. llMParties supplied et short notice. A large assortment of WOODEN and TIN TOYS, in cluding Wheelbarrows, Wagons, Ac. ICE CREAM, of all the different !lavers, always on hand. Having fitted up the large SALOON in hand some style, be hopes to receive the patronage of the public. JOSEPH LOWRY. Lebanon, May 18, 1804.. Mutual Fire insurance • Company, OP SINNING SPRINGS, PERKS COUNTY. NOTICE le befeby given to the members of the said Company, that in consequence of losses by lire causing a deflciensy,'an assessment, i l tio.l6),,orst per $l,OOO insnied. has been levied by the Boakd of 51ana8ers, agreeably with the provisions of the 6th Section ,of the Charter, and lei Section of 'Supple mentary,Act of April 12 ) .1859. Members will bear iu-mind that all Mogi; neglect ing to pay:. their asseasaenklithin 40 days'lroin the date of publication of the:sante. will be aliable to pay double the said ROW. It is ethereflire 'hoped that all will 13. f prompt in their paylitetith, no those who niffered.,yosm like in need of their dam Teethe convenience of the members, either of the agents, John H. nibs - ter; c* Ctrue Schmid, *ill attend at the Witted .and dates named below, iretweAti the boars of 10 rind 2 o'clock, to receive the same. fitembere will not forget their policies. Wednesday, JOne 8, at Betrnethunes, Slyerstown. Thursday, " 9, at Weiglay'S Friday, " 10, at Keath's, 'Efineireiste*n. thsturdiy, - " 11, at office ofJ. B. Mester, Leb'n Monday/. a 4 13; at Klink's, ' ElitEetTitp. Tuesday, " 14, at Ernst's; Fredericksburg, Wednesday, " 15, at Lesbor's Jonestown. Thursday, 18, at Bordner's', 'Union Twp. Friday, 4. 17, at U-srper's Hanover. By order, of, the Board, , C H ARLESIIESSLER, May 19, 1864. Administrator's Notice. OTIC,N is hereby given that letters of Administra tion Mini testament° annex°, on the estate of PE TER SIIELLENBERGER, deed, late of Cornwall tp., Lebanon county, Pi., have been granted to the under signed of North Lebstion Borough; County and State aforesaid. All persons indebted to said estate will 'please make payment, and, those having tilaims will pretest them withoutdelay - , • 3011 N ALLWAiN, 'Administretor euralestersecto annexe. Leheues, May 10, 2114.—* AUDITORS' REPORT. W j ß no t t be th r. e ni c e co rs u lg i r l i t e s d or Awd e 1 41 78 or t ae e nt x8 6L in t e rm a l u fn s a u d r: once Company of Lancaster County," ashy_ the net of incorporation of said Company h provided, ifoi report thatawe have examined the accounts for itte,yek . r,,pro. ceding-the first day of May, 1864, and find the same as follows : Policies issued mincing property to the amount of Premium Notes filed lanDllnling to Cit. FONDS OF THE COMPANY. Received Per contuse on Premium Notes Received Fire Tax of formdr sessmont . ... Received Fire Texaeseittad Deenm-- • - ber, 1864 • .42,304 72 Deducting Secretary Mem for re ceiving fire tax.. DB. FOR EXPENSES AND FIRE LOSSES PAID TO. WIT: 1808, MAY ist, Due to the secrets, ,-. ry es per last report. $ 112 11 Paid Auditor's Fees 8 00 Paid George Becker holding elec. tion 700 Paid Lancaster Rocatniner Printing , 7.60 . • Velksfreund " 7.6 D. 0 Intelligancar " . 66. " Lebanon Democrat, Printing . 7 60_ " Adverthper "I aft " " Courier " T 59 o Wahre Democrat. 760 Wm. B Wiley, Printing Fire Notibes T 75 " Samna Nissiy,Elestion Bills ITO do Mating Fire, Assessment and other Tees, MI 49 " Samuel Niesly, for POstage,..• 288 ti A. Koniguischer. President, signieg 2 97 . Henry Beaman, - DiTector, extra fees, 2 years 6 00 " IL lisiiinnu and Wm. Veil ruse, investigating fire iOsaes 20 00 " Direct-re' Fee 5.............. ...... 52 . 25 " Joseph pastier, Letriaster co , Fire Inmeic • " Samuel 51allinger'a Estate, Lancaster co., Fire loam.. 109 ST " Henry Zimmerinampauphin weary. Faro lasses,- ' - 1,140 25 " J. Slff. rA SS Zinnueimen, Daiphin co., Fire looms— 203 51 Balance in Treasury, Ma, Outstanding; Taira Bata,' •' Ccolpany due to Geo. B. lUtdeman,.att,l4l , lo non county. for Fire leaved in Bl:tt teeth townehip, Lancaster county, of Grist Mill and contente, SY par atatoment filed April 30th,18611 J-)UN FRY, NZRA BU•JHER. JtnIAS LABMIt, Auditors. _. 341 nil 1. 18111,21 . _ PROPOSING CERTAIN A dEND 11714NTS To TUE CONSTITUTION. fie it resolved Oy the Senate and House of Kcprennta• Lives of the Coottaurdacalth of Pennsylvania in General Assaably met, That the following nraend wants be tree posed to the Constitution of the eorutnuti wealth, in RC cord shce with (be provisions of the tenth artic e thereof: • There shall be an additional section to the thi• d artlole 01 the Coustltuti,n, to be 'deaignated ea auction !bur, as foliolia • "Section 4 . Wtteue:cerliii . y of,the qualified elector! of th s Counnonweetb be 4 anY_Rel.uDim ,ll ls'- service, under a requisition frpto the President,oll Uoite4.l States, et: by the authoilty of gill pOIII.IM-lil• wealth, such . elootuzbqusy, exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the cfraens. Werauch rogulattons as are, or shall be preserieed by law. as folly as if they were tureen% atlhrir usual place of eleetiou." Section 2. There shall be two additional 'tedious to the elevo.dh ertiolepf Che Conetition, to be designated as sectiot s eight, and nine, se follows; "Section 8. No bill.4al Ibe aeeeod by the Iniela tore, containing more than one II calect, which shall be clearly expressed In the tills, 'inept appropriation bills." .Bection 9 No bp49all be putted by the Legislature grantiu u any pteArs, or privtlept, In any ease, where the authority . to grant kink Dowers, or privileges!, has been. or may hereafter he, conferred upon tt.e courts of this Commonwealth:' - HENRY C. )011NSON, 9peaker of the House of Representatives. JOAN P. YRNNIST, Speaker of the Senate. 0771C7 01 Tlii SiORITART OP TBl C6W.110-51WEAL711 _ . iihnimuusa, April 25, NU PENNSYLVANIA, SS: Idu hereby certify that the fotegOing toll, true and correct copy of the original joint I Resolution &film General Assembly, entitled A Joint: Resolutton propo.ing certain Amendments to the Oenstltution p n as the same re melue,ou tbie office. In Ti3dihnorty Whereot,l . haee hertintita set'my . hand and . ettueod:ti!Atterd of the, Becretery'lrolheo to to the day end year above written. kLIELITEIt, Secretary of the Cunnonwealth. The above Resolution haying been agreed to by a m4orityot the members of each I.l4loo,tikt two succes sive sessions of the Oeneral Assembl . of :this Cz,ninion wealth, the proposed aineudments will he subuitued to the people. for their itßoptiett tor trjrntlea- on tbe;flrii TUESDAY of AI:GUS/yin the rar tOur 1 ord. one thousand eight bundle I liod sixtrlokr, twotrtiatlee with the pr,yisione of the tinith artleleWf tiou, cud tot, entitled -.Am Act preieibleg the tune and teeoot.r twkomittio,c to the ebotit'!“os their. approval awl ratio atiou or irjeetien, the propue, d *amendments hi - the Cen,tituti on ." appineedthetwentydhtrd day of April, one Ihousend cisht hundred andl sirry.fonr. ELI SLIBLE.. &Oratory of the Commonwealth. lila' 11-La IMPORTANT NEWS! TO. ALL WHOM IT DOES CONCERN ! ON LaT'SATURDAY THE *se fi lled for Lebanon county, and at the same time the Cheep Caleb and Produce Store of GOODYEAR -& DIFFENBACIPS (RARER'S BLOCK,) Cumberland Street, Lebanon Pa. { WAS filled with a choice Assortment of Spilß :and Summer Goods, just purchased at NEW idßit AUCTIONS, which for Variety, Beauty aid Cheapness cannot be-excelled this aide of .the, Atfibtfc, and at prices that will astotlich the .Ward. For truth of which . - 409. bIeAFFRN, WM. 3.leArltEE. Call,and See. for Yourseles : - DreSs , Goods. Rilll x. of irciVh. °lac° Mosambniques, :f '•'um Nosaantoniquea, " ,". colored Alpaeea, ail Andes; ' , at/OmA ell waol Detains, alliliadas t Frei:A Poidins; all shades, o T re nch Bereges, all shades, " " " French Tissues .all shades, "Foulard Cliolliea,. " " " Mauctiester'Dtlaiva " Lawns, kn., Sc. A full Line of DRESS GOODS of civery description and the large-it assortment in the county. Full Line of LADIES cr.oTu, all shades, such as Tan, Drab, Lavender, Light Grey, Black, &c. Pull Line of Best oil !Idled Black SILKS. Full Line of Fancy Silk; Brown, &c., purchase d, be fore the recent advance. Full assortment of CALICO et all prices. " Bleached MUSLIN. " " Unbleached " THE CHEPEST IN - THE COUNTY. 31 - pU - RNI - NG GOIDDS; Ont Mourning Department is complete, &iiipris- Dig a Fall Line of Black, all wool Detains, 6.4 witlO, all wool Delains,.3-.4 " " " " 'Canton Cloths, 54 " " " " Persian Cashmere; 6-4 " " " " Black Silk „ " 110:n11.}AtiAM'y • ,g Diana Crape • a 8, I. 4. 44 St hove V e g a , rr Hosiery, 01 {I ewes. In fact anithing in Mourning anti &mond Mourn itg Goods. . Gentle m ;e Wear. h Lf a ul e t h lo p o . of CLOTHS, o • Assianams, COTTON ADES and V ESTINGS, all k kids aad prima, which trill Groceries, Sugar, Coiree, reolassas, Spices, & c ., at LOW PRICES. *Gr. Call one and all, and look tbtongh our Large and well Selected Stock of Goods, and got the vibes, as it is no trouble to abort Goods. Oat aftittO it "Small Profits, aitd Quick Suies, and Good Value." GOODtEAR DIFFENBACIt. -• • - To lEiritdge- • Ctintrattors. PROPOSALS sail be teeef led at the Commissioners' omb o, on m o ititaii, fund 13th, 1864, for the Build idg of a EffilXlE across Fig Snatara Creak, at Irani° For Fe. Plans and Specifications can be seen at the Corotaistioners' Office. 11.1051d.8' LESHEIi, FILTER FORNEY, JAME BRUBACRER. • Commlssionorclif Debanon,oo:untr.', Attest Crawl tieuit/- - Oterk` Lebanon, May 25, 1864.,51, • Executor'sNotiee. 'DUBUC Notice is heaptfigiven, that Letters Testa mentary, base bend granted to the undersigned, en the Estate of CATHARINE GOETTLE, late of Heidelberg township, Lebanon county, Pa., deo'd. All persons who know themselves indebted to said estate will please settle their accounts, and all those haling claims sgalnit it will please present thou. JONATHAN p ZERII Executor. . Shaeffoistown, March 9, 1864. BLANK RECEIPTS . . For Collectors of,State... Cont and Mlles Taco for silo obectst tbiAdvictiser. Also for Colleetors of Soltoid 'Tat: 33 a► $2,271 08 $2,375 85 MI iozut, Etesolution QUOTA U. S. 10-40 Bonds. These Bonds are issued under thp . Act of Congress of March Bth, 1864, which proAdee I.tstll Ponds issued under th is Act shall be or FROM TAXATION by or under any state Municipal authority. Sub- Scriptions to tbese . liOnds are received in - United States notes or notes of National Ranks. They are 'PO BE FiEIIEEMED IN COIN, a t the pleasure of the Oevern tient, at ru.y period net lets than ten rte 2? Mere Monfor ti, years from their' date, and until tbeir redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTERIST WILS BE PAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one hundred dollars-an nually and on all other Bonds semi-annually . The in terest is payable on the first days of Mitch and Sep tember In each year. Subscribers will receive either - Registered or Coupon - Bonds, as they may prefer. Registered Bonds are re corded on the books of the 11. S. Treasurer, anecan be transferred only on the owner's order. Coupon Ronda - are payable to bearer, and are more conventera ' fOr 'commercial uses. 744,73410 141,47012 ' ..11.9 9 Subscribers to this loan will have the option of bas.. lag their Bonds draw interest from March lat, by pay , log the accrued interestin cain--(or in United States notes, or the notes of National Banks, adding fifty-per cent.or premium) . or receive Warn drawing interest from ' the date Of subsCription and deposit. As these Bonds are Exempt from Municipal or state Taxation, tbolr value to incroneed from one_ to three per cont. per atinum, according to the'gro of tax Mien In Tart• oua parte of the-country. At the present rate of premium on gold they pay, Over Fight Per Cent Interest An currency, and are of equal convenience asperms nent or temporary investment ' • It is believed thatno securities offer so greatindace ments to lenders as the various dti'i , erilittons of U. S. Bonds. In all' other forms of indebtedness, the faith pr : of private parties or. plonk . companies or sep arate comtunnities only pledged for payment, while for the debts of ifie United States , the whole property of the country is holden to immune the payment of both principalWrid interest in coin. 5 , ,R9 4,2 13 46 13 These Bonds may be subscribed for in sums from $1.13 up to any Magnitude, on the same terme, and are 'thin made equally, available to the smallest lender and the largest capitalist. , Wilify can be converted in to money at any moment, and the BAler will have the benefit of the interest. It may he useful to state in this connection that the :total funded Debt of the United States on which Inter est is payable in gold, on the 3rd day of March, 1864. was $188.965,000. The interest on this debt for the coming fiscal year w ill be $45,037,126, while the cus toms revenue in gold for the current fiscal year, end ing June 30111;1364, has been so fbc at the rate of over $130,000,13 . 00 per annum. • It wlti in Sinn that oven the prePent gold ravening of thecioVeVinuent are largely iu exams of the wants or the Treigtry for the payment of go'd interest, while the recent increase of the tarik will diitititless raise the annual receipts ft:A . 6'4°ll4s od the saute amount otbriportations, to $150,00,000 per annum. Instnietiens to the National Banks acting as loan ligentiweretnt issued fV6in the United Stilt* Tire Bury until 'March 28, but in the first three weak!, of April lie _ . subscriptions averaged more than TB* 'LIONS A WHEN. dubseriptinris will be received by the First National Bank of Philadelphia, Fa. Second National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa Third Nctiival lank of Philadelphia, Pa AND BY ALL NATIONAL BABAS whicetre.dopositarloO of Public money, andliii RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throxeniutlthe country, .(acting as sputa of the Na• Ciiiindpepositary Banks) will furnish further' infor mation.on application and AFFORD.: EVERY FACILITY TO 'SUBSCRIBERS. May :110864.-4:m. READING RAILROAD. Stunnier Arrangement: al& GREAT TRUNK LINE FROST TILE NORTH. AND North-West for PHILADELPHIA, NEW-YORK, READING; POTTSVILLE, LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, dm., Sc. Trains leave Harrisburg for Pliiladelphia.New-York. Reading„-Pottsville, and all intermediate Stations, at 8 A. 31., and 2.00 P. M. Now York Express leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 A. M., arrivln at taw York at 1.45 the .same day. A - special Accommodation Passenger Train leavei BEADINO at 7.15 A. M., - and returns from Harrisburg at 5 P. 431. eicie . froxo.llepleburg: To Now-Yorks6 261 to Phir- UdelpAle &Yana $2 80. ,Vierriege checked through: , , Itetaiiiing. leave Nel,v-Yor'k at 6 A. M., 12 :goon, and 7 P..M., (PITTSBIJP,I,./,.MXPlt,ES,Sarriving at.fiartle. burg at 2 A. M.) 'LieVe rhilialelpitie at 845 A. - M. and 2.32 P. M. . . Sleoping-eara In the New York Ey.press Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh withebt change. _ Paasengerd by the Oatawissa Railroad leave Tanta na at 8.50 A. M.. and 2.10 P. M. for Philadelidliti, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15 A. M., and 2.30 P: for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Now York. An Accommodation paasenger train, leaves Reatifiiii at 6.00 A. , and returns from Philadelphia at 500 P. Sir All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. —A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at :.80 A. M., and Philadelphia, at 2.15 P, Coatatii.atiti, Irlitaaar, szAsOs, and. EXCURSION Tula- Eva at reduced rates to and from ail points. . , BO 'Winds Baggage allowed each passenger. G. A . NICOLLS, Sticjr .5,1116.1.: General Superintendent AorthLeintuon 1110 Cough Account. TORN PATNA ' Treasurer in account with N Leba. vbf lion Borough, froth Apr—, 1863, to April 0864. Dr. To Cash received from former Treasurer, $ 76 73 To Cash received from John lielsoy, Col . lector for 1862, in full, 262 it To Cash received from Wm . L. Black, Cot lector for 1558. 455 60 Cr. . $705 04 By cash paid sundry persons on orders - irsued . as follows: ii Solomon Gingrich - /IftSTet '-$ - 20 b George /t re a t s ... ' Bow* . 4. „-2 OW de . " do $3O iXi Ileariareido Bond X Int, 105 06 Jacob Seifert . do 101 1 ..0 John lieliiii. , ... tax refunded .3 as Worth .I.3tebioad .4 3 ,rinting. . - 21 . 74 John lathe . Traiuter 660 JohnLigllt„es ,Interest . 54 06 Wm. L. Blabk , A. Constable 22 85 Bentaiiin Zeller . Rent 6CO George Arents . infervlsor 24 2d Isaac, Hoffer Interest. r 5 60 - • .Tollia4 Punch ~ Attorney 20 00 John 11. Miller Bond & Sat., 84.54 John L igkkt, ,etit 4° 48 30 Abrarn,Sbirk do 63 50 Isaac Ifoffer . do 98 07 Ww. M. Breslin . Printing 71 75 Balance in Treasiiry 40 70 $706 04 , , • ofttatiiii4Jug Tdl. tot 1850, WM fig Outstanding Tat. for 18133, 167 35 VALUABLE _ . Borough AT Property Pr vale dale.. subveriber offers at Prirate Sala a ROUSE and LOT OF GROUND, situate in Cum.., berland street, In the Borough of Liihr , . anet, 'l7/ 2 square East of the Court Rouse. The Rouse is a large three story BRICK DWELLING, with alt . , the modern improvements . AD.' The terms will be reasonable- S.. For further information apply to Rolnoehle A Melly, in North Lebanon Borough. April 20, 1864.—tf. GEORGE GASSER, Tremont, Schuylkill rountv, Pa. Private Sale. A ordain tract of Land, aituate in Londonderry ittolvnehip. Lebanon county, on the road leading from Palmyra to Camnbellstown, and one-fourth mile from Palmyra, and 34 mile from Leb mon Valley Rail road, Containing .10 Acres, of the best LIMESTONE LAND, in five fields, under good FENCES, all Limed over lately. A new two . story FRAME ROUSE, with KITCHEN r attached and Basement, young ORCHARD ,• from Miller's and New York Nurseries, ; ; - selected with great care. Pears, Plums, Apricote, Peaches, and all kinds of Cher ries and Grapes, four kinds of (lonelier rieti, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberry beds, and all kinds of Shrubs, Shades, Ornamental Trees, &a. Jar, Also TOBACCO; raised from Cuba seed foi.Sals. `Pose anion end good title Neill bo given any day later Sale, or the let of Apgust, 1804. W. L. BECKER. , inndonderry tp., April 20,186 g. ATTENTION : • • • THE MEMBERS of the Lebanon Count] Association for the detection °fibres Thievesoitid the recovery of. stain hdabs, will meet at the public house,of ,Jospr biATTHSS, in Lebanon, on SATURDAY, JUDIE 1844, at 1 o'clock, P. DI. JOHN ELLLIAIS„ President. PETER. STEIDIER, Secretary. JACOB WITHIR,Jr., Treasurer. Lebanon, Slay 16;'64. .' • • • Iron Lost. OST between I f eimuou sad Joseph Kreider's, In Cornwell tp., several pier*. of new iron for s 'Revel liiirrire. The'Sinter Will be -rewarded bji re earning it *the undersigned near the Tell 'Sete.- „ 10KNAIIIMBIL Great Central Pair, 3"com- rErka. SANITARY 'COMMISSION. . . . . ,„ OFFICE of THE CoMMITIF.p. orl LABOR, I/WOMB AND REVERE:RR-, No. 118 Sotern Skirt:FM &MBE?, PRILADELPIIII, APRIL 4ro, 1864. The Committee on "Leber, :Incomes and ~Reve nuesi",,iraite co-operation with them in the par ticular work for vebieh they, kave been appoint ed. 4.e no yortiokof tbe,poefte are more patri otic than the working Men and women of the country, it is but juateed,proper that they should alike have an opportunity to contribute to the objects of the Fair. The meet equable plan for accomplishing this, and et the name time the easiest one, is to et.gt ' for the contribution of a singly day's Lobar ;from all classes in the com munity. Many will contribute a day of their labor willingly, who would not subscribe their money...l.To,reachave'ry depOrtment of.. industry and•tirt.wilLbe.a work of grectiliiher?: but, if at tained will be productiVe of immense results.- The success of then will . depend upon the .. Pl . a hourly "C,ti'piratio`n of every element of influence :Within our limits, and we invite all the guardi ans of the industrial interests, and all others, to take - held With us in 'fa:die - ring Vila - gran t work of patriotism and hitinanity. The Committee is charged with the following duty, to wit : nesr.—To obtain the confriVitied cf "one day's labor," or earnings, from every, artisan and laborer, foreman,- epehetire and entqato:yee . ; pres ident, cashier, teller and clerk of every incorpor ated and unincorporated company, railroad and express cempany, employing firm, bank, manu factory, iron works, oil works, mill, mine and public'office Tfrom every private hanker and bro ker, importer, auctioneer and merchant; clerk, agent and salesman ; designer, finisher and art ist ; publisher, printer and mechanic ' • from every ffi government ocer, contractor andemployee; grocer. butcher, baker and dealer ; farmer, horti culturist and producer; from every mantel ma ker, milliner and female operative; every indi vidual engaged in turning the soil, tending the loom, or in any way earning a livelihood, or building a fortune within the States of Pennsyl vania, New Jersey and Delaware.. ' SaCeritt.—To obtain the contribution of one day's'"Reeenue," &email the great employing establishments, firms, corporations, companies railroads and works. TIIIRD.—To obtain the contribution of one day's income from every retired person, and per son of fortune—mule and female—living upon their means. end from all clergymen, lawyers, physicians, 'dein tilts, editors, authors and profes sors ; all other persons engaged in the learned or other professions. . Much of this work must be performed by the personal influence and efforts of ladies and gen tlemen associated with the Committee in carry ing out ibis plan. The Conte,ittee feel the_ restiOnsihility of the work they have undertaken, which, to be success.. ful, will require a very perfect t.steiflcation of i their plan , and they therefore _Mal upon all earnest people, to assemble themselves together in every town, township, had 'neetily; end form organisations of ladies and gent)ecnen. to co-op erate with them in this great work awl, labor of love. In the manufacturing _ „. counties, the emit and oil regions; and in the agricultural distrrats; —especially, let there be organizations in the large towns, so that the young people may have an opportunity thus to render assistance to their relatives and friends fighting the battles of their country in the armies of the nation.. • The work of - this Committee tnaYbe..lPrOseen ted where no other ;Alert can,. be Made. for the Fair, as in the mines of the coal regions. 4 day's earnings. of the miners, and, a day's pro duct'of ' the miniss„can be obtained, Wbere no portable art tele cupid be procured for rienspor tation. Indeed there -is no part or section of these States where the day's labor may not be ob tained, if organizations can be formed to reach them,. The Committee cannot close without urging upon all Proprietors of EstabliAmente, the duty of taking prompt and energetic action to secure the benefit of the clay of Labor from all Within their control. ~ The Committee , deem it unnecessary to do more, than thus to present the subject to the peo ple of the three litotes named. In the coming campaigns of our armies, the labors of the "San itary Commission" will be greatly augmented:— By the first of June 700,000 men—one of the largest armies of modern times—will be opera ting in the field.. So large a force, ' scattered ever regions to which the men are unaeclimated, must necessarily carry along with it a large.a uaount of'sickness, suffering and death,' to say nethio,g,67 the gathered horrori of the battle- Those slifferings, it . ii Ai• bOunde aty, as men and Christisho, to relieve.. A greitt had en: nth teilid p pee etrioyint the Meetings Of a gov ernment of their °WO making, cannot refuse as sistance to men suffering to msintein its anther ity, and we will net believe that the "GREAT CENTRAL PAIR," drawing its products from Bib thice States of ,Pennsylvanie, New Arse* and Delaware, ii affluent in all miner4l, agrieul, Viral and industrial wealth, ~ Shall fall behind any similar effort which has yet been made for the relief 'of itO Xatiork:s obildrrn. - As it is desirable not to multiply circulars ; no further authority than this circular will be neceseary.for any 'employing hrrii or company, or any respectable committee of ladiee and, gentle. then, to proceed at kine'd", in the work of iffe Coin- Milieu ; wed it is - bhp& dolt tinder it, oiganiza dohs will spiing up in all the towns and busy regions of the hated of Pennsylvania, New Jer sey and Delavrare. . Subscriptions will be thankfully acknowledged in the netvepapers of Philadelphia; aid' it is very desirable that they commence soon, as each fresh acknowledgment will stimulate effort in other localities. All subscriptions should be addressed to JOI.IN W. CLAGBORN, Treasurer, office of the "Com mittee on Labor, Income and Revenue," No. 118 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia. I 1043: -. Allmeedful helps in, Circulars .ititd POi:: gets will-be:terivirded 'to . intrtieil'afigfilig, for them, Direct to the 'Cliiiiriniin of the` Codintitthe as abovo.. ~ ~ „ - ~. . , As.. AU needfiii helps it. Circulars Saul Pcuteili will be Firwarded to parties applying fur, their.. Direet to the Chairman of theCOmmitiee as above, ~. L. MONTGON ERY BOND, %cattail itc:PtlN. W. CLAGIIORN, Trcaermer- EV. B W. UTTER, Corresponding Stier B etary IdeGRBOOR J MITCHESON, f t ecretary: ills Excellency. A.G.CURTlN,GavereerefiteonsJimaa llis Excellency,JOEL PARKER,Goyerntm of NIP , ' Jersey- His Excellency, WM. CANNON, Golernor of Delaware, lion. ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor of Philadelphia. Hon. JOSEPH it INGERSOLL, Pennsylvania. 'Hon. JUDGE CARPENTER New Jersey. Hon JUDGE HARRINGTON. Delaware. Mellor-Gem GEORGE G. ME AIM Army of the Potomac. 0031IIIITTEE. Right Rev Bishop Potter . Mrs Rev IS W Batter, Moat Rey Bishop Wood Chairman. Rey Bishop Simpson Mrs George M. Dallas Re* Dr Brainard ' Mrs John Sergeant Rios W P Breed airs Jelin SI Ecett hey if W Hatter Mrs General Meade , Rev Isaac Lesser I M re I Edgar Thompson Samuel M Felton - Mrs Joseph Harrison. Jr John Edgar Theititison Mrs Robert. W Learning Coteditederelt I' Stockton Mrs L Montgomery Bond Prederick Fraley Mrs George F Wearer John Bingham Mrs George W :Harrill' George Williams Mrs F A Drexel Rev W Suddrirds, D D,litre M -DI galley ‘ Professor Henry Copped 'Mrs John W Forney Chat lee Pendleton Tutt, MD Mrs Samuel A Croithi Dr Walter Williamson ' Mrs Enoch Turlel lien Oswald Thom pson ei Miss A Sager, Hon .1 It Ludlow Min Swum 0:Neill N B Browne Miss Saille,Boott Ihniel Dougherty Miss Libelant Olaghorn and 90 others. . and 35 others. -Boot and. She gtorre JACOB itCEDBL respectAilly in fcirme the public that he still ues hl3 oftonsive establishment in arka, s ail tile neir Cumberland st.; where he hopes to render the same se tiefectlen as heretofore to ell who may favor him with their custom lie invitee Merchants and dealers In BOOTS ,and SfiOESand e'very one who wishes toletchase faskioptibleAnd, !ipriible articles in his line, _to 'bill a:reaming for theraselVes his large and varied etetk, lie is s . difterniltied to emptie etnipeition in' the manufacture Of every' article in his busking, e for any Margot in the Union., A dile. care,takee regerd to materials and workmanship;. none bt gre best Vali ty ef.LBATILEIIt and othericiaterialsarii itieN :ilia none but tabeet Workmen are etoployea. p. 8.-- 7 110 returns his sincere thetas to hie friends for the veij libiraipetionsgeberetofero bestowed on him . Uplitipes strict attention to business and endeavoring VA please hie crieteineke, to merit a there of public pat. ronage. (Lebanon, May 4, 1864. NOTICE 1 1. ADDIiOR *P. WEIDLE, Ms tbaConrt of Coin :lion Pleas of Leba non comity, of Jan.. nary Tarm,lB64, MK CiROLINE J.. WZIDLE, _ . Einbpcona in ; Divoroe.. • CARCtLIint WEIDLZ, take notice, that In poi ru+ace of an order of Court, you are berebt'boAl- Sad to be sod appear at our next Court ofCon,roon Pleas to be bold at Lebanon, Pa., in and for Add coon. ty, , on the Third Monday of Atircit, ncit, to show cause why Addison T. %Seidl°, your: hualzsind, should not be divorced from tho bonde.ot,matilinony uttered with you. BY order id tbo Court. • OflCll;lheriitt Sheriff's office, Lebanon, Slay 11,1864.-4 t. *Jacob 1. Zimatmeiiiiatals* cLess.tWt-,pßz'ssma iNa SAX - 00N; .3.tartir aireet, UeßF.Cumberiam4 and 'oppostitathe' Eagle'Rota._ lies tL apltfo ~ 1, for 0 1 , /Thera] patrowspirlieot - oforoliowsdell to wip"-wd!toWill poriteiitSally etinSifiu StaiW of tba Faroe• - r iwbaitline.7l3l,* 4111011- ' • • ; N. I—The fisleon will be-clesed iro ES 13 ' OVE NOW is the time to barigeser STOTRA'belbre.44l . winter is here, and the beat and cheapest *we le at the , e •of Lebanon Stove slot Iron ohm- Tory of 7=1438. if..Wigors , • • Two doors South from the-Lebetterpedia, where ran be bad the .targesh- and, beat• assortment: of PARLOR; HALL, and nook' NO sroucs, itur,iiffeted in Lebea ""it, Gas Burners for Parlors or:Bed Chambers of his own make, with a general assortment-ofnirler Stories, and a 'gime variety of the beet, Cooking 5017- o, t'i"/". county .orittorongit; which•lie-earrentartobalordrroaei, WASI EIOII,I.ERS .001.1.tantfy on band of all sizes, and the bee. material, ~ . ' COAT. IIUCREITS—the largest assortment, the hese lest iron, smith,. hist made in Lebanon. • .• • • " 4 Also, eatirge,,Sincir. of TIN WARR. made of the beat material and ins workmanlike manner. As he h a practical Workman, and bee. bad an experience iof twenty-flee years, he feels confident that be Can give general satisfaction. • • ~ . . _ fie takes thisorethod of returning his thank" to Ms nntueroue customers fornieir liberal sapport,, and. km hopes, by strictly attending to hie own:business 'and letting other .pleiple's diet* to irtrisfre *sham of poplic patronage. , • Sir Particular attentioniidd tris all kinds olaosumws such as Roofing. Spouting, &c., and all work irerrantad ilI-AY 11, 1861. A LECTURE - FOR YOUNG MEN UST published, a new, edition- of DR. MUTER eI WELL'S CELEBUATED ESSAY on the nadlipell cure (without medicine) of SPaIidaTORROZA, or Senifuel Weakness, involuntary Seminal Louses, Impotently, Mental and ?bye ical Incapacity. Impediment* to Mar- Hags i , etc.; Mao, COXSIMPTION, BMW'S? end Free, fa &iced by self-indulgence or sexual extravammar. Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 Cents. Tbe,celebrated author in this admirable essay dear. ly 'dMnimatratee, from a thirty ygare mem:4o saw.. tics, that the alarming consequences of selkabuse may be radically cured without thordangerPOS:neesif inter. nal medicine or the application of the46.lfe4lrolothart out a mode of cure, at once simple, certain and effectu al, by means of which every sufferer, no 'roaster what his condition map be, may mire himself cheaply, priv ately, and radically. %M. This Lecture should be in the hazels of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under Seal, in a plain envelope, Many address poet-paid, on receipt of six mate, or two yet stamps. Address the publishero, CHAS. ff. C. KUNZ A CO., 121 Bowery, New York.. Post office box 4589: Afttiffil,—tiop. L. R. DREW.% LIQUOR STO B; Market Square, opposite the Market House, iebason,-Pts. rruE undersigned respecilelly informs Cue pub/le _L that ha has rechived au extensive stock of this choicest and purestlaquorsat All.descriptions. Those Fog A Liquoi she is iprnriably.disposed to sell at we precedeetodly low prices. - ' D e gle • • nig te, Farmers,notel Keepers, End oth ers will consult their own interests by buying of. the utidersigned. L. R. mita. Lebanon, April lb, 1683. FITS! FITS ! FITS! A .H. NICIIIIY S Merchant Tailor, A nouncee to the citizens of Lebanon nut vrTziWiqr that be has just returned from the city with a fine as sortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, all of which beivill sellor makeup to orderat prices to suit She times, at his. Np. 1. Tailoring listab, lishment iii Rhitrifs New Block. 4 doors South of the Slick LielehSouth Wainbt street., • All work entrusted to his caroswll,ineslfacter ed id a workuntialike meaner as to fashion and duns. ,Cloosis purchased elsewhere will be cheerfully roads up to order on the usual moderate terms. Haring bad years of experience in the Tailoring and Dry-goods 'business, and be ., ing inclined to turn to the advantage of his CustiMiers all the advantages result log from said acquirements„he,feals satisfied that•dt will be responded to by a very liberal share of the pub patronage. Friends call once to please ate after that pliies your elves. July S. 1903. JOHN DILLER._ Ur.AS just received at his Grocery Store, Cumbin i Tf land St., one door west of Market,* tot of Pre ?j Fruit in Cana, including Peaches, Gages, Green Coro; Tomatoes, Jellies. Pickles. Plocalelli, Cauliflower, Ketchup' PaPpe Cheese.. English; Li urger, Stip.Sate, Fish. Sardines, Salmon, Mackerel, Earring, Codfish. Fruit. Raisins .Currints; P - ririles, briellAvie4 and PlSChear Cranberries, Apples, Hominy, tiiftiora,, Barley, Rees, Ac„ , A lot of Buckwheat Meal. Also 50 inCr:.% . 1, le 03 Heir York Apples. dot. Highest price given in CASH for Eggs, Buttes Dried Apples and Peaches, Beans, Onions, Publ lc patronage is solicited. JOHN DILLER. Lebanon, Dec 23 ,1563. . , New Boot send.. ShOe_V t ti , fi rpHE undem g ued, announce to the t ttiey . heveremosad their,New.Thint and. Staie.Stcan .to .CasetretranztOrect.„.Lebonn, !Malan Gr./mare building. one &S r. treat ofige,Coutectioneiy Store, whore they WintenC.keepiageonstantly.-On band *general a , sortment of Ladles, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys sad Wfren'ip - • BoOts, Shoes, Gaiters, sc., &c.; all of ,which will be made up in style and quality raci s to be.airpaared by any other workmen In the country, . 'Pio effort shall be spared to, please and Batley la *ha may favor them..wlib ,their orders, and their charge* 4111 be as reasonable as passible, compatible with.a remuneratlpa. _ . They alsoleep a large stock of • • •- - ROME MADE WORK, which warranted to be as represented. The public are invited to call and examine theiratoek previous to to . ril - chasing. • . • ARP Repalring done on short etoticcand,at reasottabtis rate. A Nlißl47ilt !T -Risk WAAIII2. -Risk Lebiaton, 1364 Howard A ssoci t ion, PHILADELPHM.PA. I)ISEASES of the Warrens. Seminal, Urinary suit Sexual Syetems--new and reliable treatment—ln reports of the HOWARDASSOCIATION—Sent by owl In sealed letter eneelopen,. free of charge. Address. Dr J. SEILLIN 1101:101PPON, Reword Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia; PI: - March.% 1864.-Ir. _ _ _ WANTED TO BUY . I 60-000 REE 6O RYE; ,000 bluihels CORN • • 69,000 bushels OATS 50,000 bushels WHEAT. Also, CLOVERSRED, TIMOTHY SRED, Flaxseed, for s which the highest CASH prices will be paid - et the Lib anon Valldritallroad Depot, Lebanon, GEORGE HOFFMAN: Lebanon, July IT. Is6l. Lebanon Female Seminary RACHEL F. ROSS, Principal. JULIA ROSS, Mu?IGO Department. Mra. M. A. J. JIMISON, Drawing. rrtiffi Ninth Session will coninTenCiaCidember 3, lab: „j. This School is designed to gicsate the standard oat female education, and to offer enivarior advantages at a modulate coat. The school xeitr is. divided into two sessious or dre monthi each. ChsLrarr session, bola [915 &Mare, according to thestudmporthe achcaer. Extra for.Nusic, French, Latin, and.Sienctan. - * s Particular attention given to the aunties] d,epatt meet Inntructions upon the Piano, Melodeon an& Guitar and in Singing. Pupils not con Led with the School will be waited upon at Omit' fLomea, when de. sired, and at the usual rates. • Earls application should be mad. to 7.,4r. . S. J. SUN& or J. W. taillr Board of Directors: b. S. HAMMOND, S. J. STINK, JOHN MEILY, J. W. HIM C. D. GLONINOER, C. GREENAWALT, ISAAC RECKLb.Y. JOSIALL ruNcs. Lebauon, Aug. 21, 1961. Fashionable 'failoring. REMOVAL. - • MICII,AEL ROFFMAN would respectfully inibrin • the Citizens M Lebanon, that he lute REMOVED • his TAILORING Business to Cumberland Street; two doors East of Market Street, and opposite the la" Jo Hotel, where all persona who wish gartneM Ands up in the moat fashionable style and best manner, are in sited to call. TAILOnSI-7nst receivedniti?..or as e the o and Philadelphia Report of SpiiiitaStdalner Fasbiona, - , Tailoid wishing the Fashions. tbilelitict the sribecither. VIM'S of the fact, ao that he can mace life arrangement s accordingly. mica nrt arotilus. Lebanon, Slay 4.1864 _ . - LEBANON figASENIT.L. hereby&form the public that the THE undersigned i eaelemyisnot intended exoluahe ly for the youth of the Borough, but it always did, d stW does receive - pupils froze abroad- Lately, also, the Directors have improved its generaL character, and , elevated its.standani, by refusing to ad, mit. pupils without the temeieary qualificatkme, and by their continued care they hope to raja" this school to its proper place in the estimation of thiscommunity.— A limited number of pupils of the proper grade ca be admitted from the count ry by applying to - i s ,(trACOß.OAtr i Pteei,iyrit!,. 4 ._ • OSEt Er K ARcu ift 4r y • or so clatos FigrefZTeiiiiier• Tuition for oorrimidiand higher English brew* ce, Latin and 9rea'i.. .t.l per month:: Lebanon, Aug. 26,1863: WEIG - 1:0 &. DEWAL 0031ifliSSION: MERCIaIV Yon THE eflit OP Butter, Eggs, - Cheesq,.. Poultry, Game, ,Titted Aida, Grain,,.See.cl,..&6l . No. 1.7...41,1ap0 aunt One door sieve Wasnineon; Nisw-yoes. 0. Weigley. 1 r bevralt. t ,„ REFERENCES: ; .Robb Aseough, 'Neer York; Alien it Breda/. de tr, W. Selfridge, Esq., do; Jones At liteepard, Slur • 11, _Labia k Farrington, do; Inuund o.4nlasson, de ;c. M. Breslin. Esq., Lebanon, Pa.; L. Bias, Canton ;:jio•• W. C. 'Qum k . PALO, .1"6: 7bb siller;:4lboutom.ks- Phire644.MlL 1 4 111*.STRA•47,MyliflUtte.sa • egq---- - - 3:111