The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, June 08, 1864, Image 1

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' rinti
It •
Armtly and Prompay Ezecatect, at the
Tors setablisbusent is now supplied with an 'extensive
usortment of JOB TYPE, which will be increased as the
-pittronetee'de%inda. It can now turn out Pativisei of
*very , dettCr)ption, in a -neat and expeditious manner—
andeh very reasonable toms. Sikh as
Business Cards, Handbills,
Circulars, Labels,
Bill Headings; Blanks,
- Programmes, Ellis of Pars, • •
• Invitations, Tickets, lc., &o.
bibs of all kinds. Common and' JUdgmetit 1101 . 615.
fkbool,.Jastieeir, Constables' and other BLAriss, printed
correctly . and nutty on the boat paper, constantly kept
For sale atthir office, at prices "to suit-the times : '..: •
SA.Apbecriitlon price of the LEBANON ..k.DYEBTISER
Vde Baler and s Half a Year.
7_ Address, Wx...k1.1/iixlitaß, Lebanon, ra.
Ince in WeWolof:rest, neatly opposite the Buck
and two loafs eolith fivat ,4artnany's
r dz n sre store. •
-- N
'ATrO i ftEY - 'AT.. LAW,
litHOViil3 office to blrtriretiira. opposite
.11. the Lebanon Bank, two doors North of Willow
Rlae's Hotel.
„ . Lelmnon. &larch 25, '63, 9
-Ras &LER OVER, -
-atiLvt 't ir 13. et Wt •1. • , N3c. .
- 4crifleki removed to r‘uniberttod street ; ono door
east of the Lebenon Sank. oplici;lte the
kit elvllotel:Lebanon.Pa. ;. Von. 6,'64.
A - Bft lit 011 7 A - tY
"' Trtractv ittonicY.•
-017.22... r -; " - 1-1 ay.c7.
1. Int'undersigiied, paring been licensed to. proaeCuto
Jtelaims; end haring lawn engaged'in the Bounty and
ra anion boldness, offers his services to all those who
- airsthereto entitled,' In accotwanEe with the varions
.Itetent .Congrewl. dll, or .addreaa at
Date, and makej he Ir applhestiuos thrtiugh
e. •BASIMIOR I; 1.:X. - Attorney et-Law.
011'10E rri . uovegl to Cu mberland Bt., ono
. door Nast of the Lebanon Valley Vont, oppoette
ihe . Buck Rotel, Lebanon. Pa. pan: 6,
A. 3'. E DILE,
_North West orner of :Water
, and Market Sfrects,
. Lebanon, Nov 16, uoi3.--17*. • •
OfiRA. In uumnberland great, a few &rare Oast of
the Eagle Hotel, In the offloa late , of, Me father
Capt. John
Lehanon. Bevit. 9,1868: • • • • •
. • .11,F9ttivivt;•.
A. 'STANLEY •VClttc.ii .. •
• LAW,
• ,Usocrossoold office to tbs building, one door eas
of Letidertnileh 's Store, opposite the Plashing ton Dods.
Lebanon. Pa.
BOUNTY and PNNSION clainui .promptly , attended
:011r0.104; • 4* , it;;lt
o tti ;. :04;1 res t corner Markei cod Water Sts.,
?. . JaptLary 13, 1884.—Iyi
IDOAP. - B. 1111 SU:
.3 .A.NING lontted in Lebanon, offer. ht. profession
-01 aervicee to the pnbtio. Office In • placket at.,
11 the build batforrnerly occupied by his father.
Lebanon, Dec. la, 1863.
n having been aft.
&shin:ton, Et y I t h n e lng S ni urTe i" ott ° r e r r P o cn r
,rl:l9 B , i° l n s i' pre s -
paredsto attend wall applicants for Pension at his of
flee, in Market strait, neat , I 4 or to .the Post Office.
Lebanon, March 25th, 1863.—8t:'
TH, undersigned ban morod hie office to Cleorge's
Corner, (entrance on' Walnut St., oppOsite the
Court lionae,) where lie continues to givit,,his whole
attention to Surveying and Scrivening. le always
in his office on Saturday.. and at all ether times un
less when: called away by business. Having lately
bien appointed a Notary 'Public, he has authority of
like . acknowledgments the same as Justices of, the
Peace.., )Parlcular attention - given •to writing Will, and
making out distributions.
Lebanon. March V. 18 4.--3 m
HJIVING returned from Philadelphia, I would Pay
,10,_the good people of Lebanon and Tic inky, that
: *: ken roonsi at Mae. Rene's (ono door Eset of
....:,0.: D. Oloniuger's.) where I can be bound a t all
iihnfs ef the day, to watt upon:theme who map want
ray , professional. eery ken.. ,-, , .., , • - - ;
Particular attention paid to the if 7filtent and ,thing
of TEETH. A!I operations done in' the most improved
and scientific rianner. . .
iar PRICES as ' low as 'elsewhere for the mime
class of work. - .
Cliloriforin and Etbor administered to 'patients when
desired.• • ' • - - • •
Thankfulior poet/ ayors, I would solicit the patron •
agie'of those 'ebbing the sere Meg of a-Dent Mt:. •., •
' . ... —.. .OEO2OI.PLARK, DS.
D. . D.
:Teban4jl4i Vpiefl , 27;186i: ;• •: • : • - • •
•.• ••
HirtiMM . W.• itasiek, •
IrrnMERLY of JonaStOwo, Lebittun coonti, would
reepertfyil,l7.infortn hie friend. and the .publie,
that ha has counerted himself with Mr. LOWER, in the
No.llB North Third street, Phila.,
will tie glad . to receive nest:omen, and wit
.0141 ram tialierill prove matiefarini7.
rr At elel hi. Ray 20, 1863. .
Sewing Machine.
TM Only. Machine capaple of making More
than One Kind of . a . StitChi, aid the
'Only Ono baying the - RE
. 4 ' • VERSIBI;E
• .The feed maybe ant point desired,
liritbrint,stooping .whicis is a great advantage in fasten-
Sllng the ends of aeame.: . ' - • •
It woken four different stitches, lock. knot, double
Vck, arid double 'knot ; each stitch perfict arid alike
.on.hosh sides of the. lithrie. • • . • .
* There is no otker Machina which will do No large a
Islip' al ivorii oo the ' , Florence." ..
:jt will kraki, Tuck.•Qu t t.. Cord. Ilern,,Fell, Bind,
'Gather, and do all libido ef.titcbbig required by faro
: ies'and itlanufacturers.t: • . .
.Thrttitost inexperjeucedlind int difficulty. in
Mack*. le,iyastranted • to es tiger -
Uge . ,ankto do all that Hurd for it.
illllol..llllll.Froirinocinurfbe sent talte .APOrotidted:.
ARent of Lettroon Pra:
iiertailleWiehing 1.0 roctito Aluchine In operation can
by nailing on the Agent. tit Anurille.
''.itiliteillitt • March ft, '-* '
411' 42 ( 611'0o il
Lt. Njti: . MUNI V
- Tit PO TA 1110 L INE.
. .
-By Lebanon Yulleyfiailread. ...• •
PARTICU LAU attention w ll be paid to Goods shipp
ed•by the Lebanon Talles Railroid. Goods will be
sent daily to sod from l'hiladelpl?bate:Lebanon, Myers
town.and Annvillo Stations, end iliother points in ,the
(*anti.' •• f+; f tt'‘ • • . •
FREIGIITS contracted br at,gpalenst possible rates
aryl delivered with dispatch. •
-- , Tbe'Proprietor will par partkulargattentlon , to;:and
attend porsouaily, to the receiving and delltry. of all
7r4.1401.;;;; . , p 44 .
"or information, apply it hie ,ndloa at pe.-Lebanon
Tay Railroad Depot, Lebanon. ,
Valley up . MARK, his Agent in Philideliilibi:4llT 4 ,lo. -
iisis be found at W. Bush's 3frrchant's Hotel, Nort h
27iird st., Philadelphia. •
May 4, '04.1
..---: TAAJMLtaggigrer
R. E.;-..M O . V A I - , --
Lorellwo H. Rohrer , 5
W.ilily MILD respectfully Morin the chi
'', sena of Lebanon and vicinity, that
h e by, ItItUOV,ED bls Tailoring extol,-
. .,, i 4 ~ ' 0 lialiment , fo two ;'dooil below Philip P.
McCaully:x : Ehoe Store, whore ho will make urr the
theak:f4h;lottable Clothing , . ALL work eetrusted to
him w it' be ina'n'ufactured.ln the heatmanner, int mod.
erste terms. Good'llta anti _Substantial making guar
lb) tbe liberal patronage extended
In . li Ira thus (Cr, he detot.,l:l, Or let il,tiontion to his
hisinesit to, merit a continnouqc of the minuf. Ile cer
&laity" foriete the`epublic and'hii old'inaPaiiiiis to,give
ILlp a can. ' . [Letitioint, Apr II; 6, 1604.
IN-Use lhatost• of the account- °llk - EERY 'WITMER,
yr lAdministrator.lta, of•1111011Ardi'ldOTER,
num undernigned. Auditor- 'appointed'' WI the
Iftsplestnertent•of La: 'anon courity'cto - Mtallis
bdtlon 611bestalance in .the band's •ot
htita,MdminbtratolrOf•MLOlLLlEL 1110YER',:dsed.: to
and among heirs and ibgal repreeentativororill attend
at tboTrottongtotolcOfigoi,t hi: the Itorongbidt
non, on Thursday, the 2&L day of June, 18a1 . it I c 0::
Moab, P. tit, bitten end vihste - all ~-persone. intimated
is soktilitribbtiontlimy)sttood If Om thilik *port.
W.; LEM, Auditor:
Leboain, May 26, 1114. ;.•
VOL. 15--=NO. 50.
NOT AtOtilt Otto:
A itiontir:coroiiiTiumi
Ve g j j e ' E:
A. PA)A 7 kE:T.ON',I*,:O.,' :
:':.G : 4*'4 l ,N - rBITTERS; •
.-01 - 41 C IiTAMI 4 BOIT,'
• --Jittarialte
, ofiwia;,!.a in,;(44,34DwirtioDuau:iobitihe
. • . KidneyeAsind ajl isopecarlo,4lolo.ll4:4 - •
d ivogdered.Liver Sloeweb :
Stich as Coiiiiipatlon:lniraid Pilaf; Fruitiest oe'lltdod
to the-Peed.. Acidity of the Stomach, Neilsen.
burn, Dlrgust for, yocd, . Fulness or. NI eight in the
Stomach. Sour Ernetatioar, Slnkingor Yltttliiiiin at
the Pit or the-Stomach.. Swimming of the acad.-Hur
ried- and Difficult Wrath ing, Plet.rrincat
Choking of Stiflb2iring'Seunatioae citientin alyingpot
tura. ptintiees'^of ;Deis srkr . iViobe before:the
Sight. Fererand Dull Pain 'ln the Head, Drfirieney of
• Perrepiritlon, Yalloweesirot. the Skin • end Eye.; Agin
in the Sido. Buck. (heat. ..imbr, Er.. Sudden Flushes
of fleet. Eqinlng thei•Firel.: COnstant• lienginings
of Evil. end. uret.DepreevionsofSelrite.
And poritively prevent Yellow Fever, &lint
Aver, ere. '
No Alcohol or :Bttd Whiske ?
They WILL Clklnt the tthev!i cl!eessee
o in tiinety
n ice cams net of I/ huidred.
Induced by tbovtxtensive mule and °Ovum]. popn •
lathy of 1 loullana's German Illitersi:(piraly'veßotmblo.)
ho is of 4:normnt Qnmck and ;unscrupulous. adventu
rers. bavonpeuad upon sun - cling. httmaulty the fio q d,
Rates of Nostrums •In rho sluipe of pObe . yrbtsli . ey', vilely
compounded with ittjurtous dr.usti.siod.clirlstened Ton
.les, btetuftchlms and !quota.
. .
Beivaremf this innumerable mire); DP , lcoholic prep
t ions In pletboi lohott les, anillig bollicd kegs, un
der the modest atipollation of Bitters i'vihiCh instead
of curing. enly•aggravate dleeaae t and9eave the disap
pointed snffrrer in dispair.• . • •
"Are not's new and untried article, but have stood
. the test of fifteen years trial untried.
the Amerietin public;
and their iepntat ion and sale, are'not rivalled. by any
similar preparation.
The proprietors have thousands of 'Anon frOM Abe
moat eminent -
Testifying of. their own nersonel•know.ledge. to, the
beneficial erects and medical virtnes of tbeee,Bittnia.
'DO.KOU.WANT ENERGY? , ; . i . , •
If-youdo, Use 1100/LAND'S OSRMEN,BITTERS.
A** Rev. J. Newton Broom; D. D.; :Editor of the :En
.. • , cyclopedia of lieligious KsMoledge,
. Altbougb nut disposed to favor or recommend Pat
ent Idedichiee In genorsl, through distrust of their In
gredient- and effects ; I yet know of no eufficient rea
imps why &Inan may not testily to the benerte he • be-
Heves bimself to havii received froWany simple prep
aration, in the hopo that he may thui contribute to the
benefit of °lberia • •
I do this the more readily in togard to Hooffand's
German Hitters. prepared by Dr. C.. 51. Jackson, of this
city, lemons° 1 wee prejudiced against them for many
years, under the impression tbat.they. wprexhiitly en
alcoholic mixture. am indebtedsto my friend Rob.
ert Shoemaker, Esq., for the . removal of this prejudice
by proper. tests,. and for encouragement to C y them.
when suffering from great and long continued debili
ty ThWume of three bottles of thesellittiws at the be
ginning of the present year, was followed I,y evident
relief, and restoration to ,a degree of bodily and 1011113•
tal vigor which I had not felt for six months before.
and had almoet despaired of regaining. Ithereforethank Goa and my friend fur directing me Co the use
JAINZ, 23 1661.
There are nmuy preparations sold nadir themaniti of
Bitters, put..up in:quart -bottles. ,compounded of the
cheapest whiskey or coinissoi rum.: costing front 20 to
40 cents per gallon, the tairm - dhiguleed'. by.Aniscor
Coriand,r ibed.. '
This claim of Bitters asil:eased' and
b w ill 'continue to
canoe , as lung as they cats be sold; hundreds to die the
death of the drunkard. By their 11513 the sistom is
kept continually ,uuder ttie Influence of Alcoholic Skim
niehteo I the worst' kind; tie desire`R.r Liquor Is urea.
ted,and.kopt up, and the result .is all the horrors at
tendaut upon a d ruuktird'elini end death.
• Fur those who desire and wilt have a Liquor .Bitters,
we publish the following receipt. Get One Dottie Hoof
tart 'sOerma Bitters and mix with Three'Quaris of
000 a Biundy or Inas): ey ,1111 , / the result will be a prep
aration that will far excel in medicinal virtues and
trneexie Bence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters ha
the market, and will cost much less. You .will have
all the virtues of Hoof/area Bitters in connection whit
agood article of Liquor,' at' much- less price than
these inferior preparationsylll cost you.
. . .
- AttentiOn,.SOldiers:
We call the attention of all having, relations and
friends In the army to the tint that 'llOO - ELAND'S
German Blame" will cure 'n Sue tenth. of the dloenoes
induced by exposures and privations incident to . camp
life. In tlin Hots, pobliahed,almorit daily, in the news
paper., on the arrival of the:. tear, it will bo noticed
.titatAvery large proportion' are isoffering from debili
ty.. Every care ut that kind .cart be readily cased by
iloofland's (fermata Hitter.. - Dfseatice rernlting'froni
disorders of the digestive aro speedily removed.
We have no hesitation In Batting that, If those iiiitera
were freely need antoueode snifflers. 111111diedilOrtiVell
might be saved that otherwiae .will be Trutt.
We call partic - ular ; attention to the folloWini
markable and well authenticated cure of 'one'of th i s
nation's beroes,.whot.e. life, tsi.tiae his , own language,
tree oared by the Bitters:l" • ' •
PIIILADELPI:I7.I, August 23rd,
Jonu , gentlemen, your Hoof
hind's item:Min Bitters han saved my' lift: There is no
mistake in this. -It is.vouebed fur numbers of my
comrades, some of whose Mime are appended, and 'Whb
were fully - cognizant of) 111 the':eircumstanter of my
mule , 1 am, and have beer .
,fur the Met four years, a
merubek - of Shei•men's ' Initteryi and under
the immediate command-of Alefitain' 1t.r.11. A) red
Threugh the „exposure ntdindent upon my . eirdnousein;
flefer.'lwes attacked in Novel:Ake lad. with Inflammation
°film lungs. and wen .for.siveuty-taidays in,the hos
pital. This was kmatMlbility. lieighten
-ted;by in attack' of Ay renter:l 'l' was then removed
from the iVhite !louse, and sent to. this,city ou board
she StWanior • .•Staie cif • Mai de."' 'front which r lurked
on the Stith df Jdpa.' Shine that .time. I -have ; been a
bout as low es any one could kat! and still retain it spark
of vitality. For a week or more', wan seiwcely able to
twellowenything,aad tf 1 did toren a toOrketeiktis, it
war.inewediatelj. tlitywo up again- .„ •
• I could not even ken pvi glees 'of'ureter on - my etinn
lleh • Life could nut lest under thetvo' cirrumetatices;
and, eecoidingiy,-thu physic-Mos who lied teen work
ing faithfully - Inc-high mistmetplittilly,'to rescue me
frOM • the gresp et. the- dotal ArC4Ori,frailiqy told me
they mold do cm Murat for me, - mid advisiii roe to seh
&clergyman. end to make , curb diepositiou of my Bud.
nod. luau. an beet suited-tile.. At: acguttintatiee who
visitedme' t 'the iieeniud. Mr: 'Freeland:7 Steinbrun;
Sixth below Ofth Street, ad-lised ale, ell a' forlorn
hope, to try June Ilium's, and kindly procured a bot
h;. Front the trate Commenced . ..taking them the
gloomy shadow-of death receded, and "I am now, tLank
Wet tor, it., getting batter. Though i have bet taken
two bottleta, I hare gained ten pounds; and Ideel SAD
gOus of, imingrmitted to rejoin toy, wife and daugh
ter, from whom 'I have heard nothing IS Months:
fur, gentlemen, lam a loyal Ykitinian,:from the min
ity,oi Front ?Loyal. To your Invaluable Bitters I owe
the•certiiiiiti of lire 'NOI4 ieb•has taken fliktiplacc of vagbe
.seire—to your Llittans will IatIVICI the glorious privilege
of Arlin elaspina to ley bonne thoaentab'are'dearest to
n Very truly yours,: ISAt.:C.AIALONIt
e- We fully concur in the truth of the &leave statement,
gi we bed despaired of seeing oureodiatle,
restored to beelth:
JOHN.ODOLEBACK. lot New korii
; ogiYhoit A . ..ACKLEY, CO C
• LEVVIB.43UhVALIEN, 9 . 241 New York. , •
L E BPENCER, let Artillery,Batihry, F.
J B A6BIYELL CoBNd Verniont. •
lIItNIfY T MACDON.LI I / 5 Co 0 6th Maine.
Joan t) . WAltll.f CO 6tlrMaine.• , - .
lIEBMAN KOCH, Co.ll 72d New York.
-NATHANIhL. B.Tuommi, Co 1+ 95th Penn: • • •
ANDREW J KIMBALL, Co A3d Vermont. ._ •
JOHN JENKINS, Co 8AU641 Peon. .
Bewiiie of Counterfeits
:Bee theft the' aigraiture Of "O. Bl.J'ACKBON,r'hteni
the WItAPPEkt of each bottle.
PR/Olc Pkat 'BOTTLE 75 . 6iNtIV, t . •
a Eo.
: •OR HALF 19.03:;FURSIP9iii a 1 " '
'Mould your nearest druggist not here e article,
do not be put off by any of the intoxicating priperse
tious that cony be offered in its place„ butarld to us,
and we will forward securely packed, by" eipm4.
• " • -• • •
• ; d u lies Eyallif f
OBAPC4ll3llo ' io ' d. JAcitsoN4
p. t , 1 4) ,Vrte ors;
eirryisovnpiakth• tratt.4lState,
... . .
if, . • , II 7 4 i • 1
I lir
.t ~. ..:1. A
1.1. •;,...,
.!..• ......
• • ;
PartiColor Notice.
It wasimany years ago ; . so *ony.
that I find every morning, upon look
ing into the glass, that I. am growing
-W • hiterlind whiter upon - that.part of
int-head wbieh .I.have ; always -.' , been'
1,6 d bears inessengers from the , tomb,
incident I'ani about' to re
late Occurred when I wsucbut just
i~ yy atho . *ezities of
m I, had
•:- • ~;
bOn qt`PEltding _part .of,
zerioui!t. n.pori.thii'lgirde 'Peniisyi-
Varnkand,'New , York; 'about: Wiiero
the DoliOare Makes' its Veadwaters.
ilt:was:a lonely, part . of i tto eouutii,
•andAortainly little.-attrActiokm
: winter• to ono who; like ImysAf; had
; been-,brought -up ~ in.,!ttb,
etbege ie4t.lwltY B • .O. II A-rt.h 6 .11 3 ,7 0 4 40-
,attrueoo4.o me' bnond4be i s t ollywy
farm himse,*the-leafless,,trees,,thefro.
zen ground, and the icy river. The
trutb.anay as well come out—l *as in a
•: ; - -
Therecairtalnly was no!reasen that
I . alrould•have lingered in that Cheer
less,:sclitary place, but for the-fact
that idarioncarpenter was there, and
that A.ebOld* not get'away. • ' '
Among the 'ways of passing time
.was that •on' the frozen Al
most every 'evening, to Sa,y nothing
of the day, we were-upon the ice. :It
was a remarkable winter, and the ice
was always in good order., fact
do, not know a : day. from 'November
Until 'F.lebruar i k that
I—were net,, upon it... She skated
beautifully,' and 'I cannot see that I
am bayinganything wrong to admit
that the - first-.and .mbst Irrepressible
passion that I ever felt- was - born up
on' theice: . •
We11;-it was ene*Tebrnary, 'day,
' clear andleautiful ' -
and bad. :made
tip any'. mind- that :that day would
bring me to a finale :with Marion, for
I kneW,that she loved me as.well
1.! did her,-and that -it only. wanted
the formal words to briiigithe' Matter
to aeonclusion.. It was-my intention
to say say that:e;rmiing
afibittlielee;*lti I knew 'that there
was no'cliirice . .Of interruption, but it
is: strange; boW little wo are able to
guide even the most siinplenvents to
a ofthelusion;:All that day,farion
and myself Seethed . birantagonistic.
We liadno epen 'Aisagreementi. nor
yet any that couldlead to whit
is commonly called a levers' quarrel,
but yet there 'was 'semi ethi fig that Re
streyed-the quiet understanding we
bad always' nuiiiitained.
At last nigbt
ed the usual invitation to..come out
Upon the ice, and *as astonished at a
refusal. No volition • .ites given ' ' but
she did- net feel like leaving the
-bctise.• bar). SroN"s'n. visor
thin, and have learne d, that
then 'Must. .be 4-
moroa without.alqueption ;...bnt,
; Tiled no ,arguipenta in, my. mind_ but
,opposition,..atid that opposition was
to seize -my : skates.;and built- from.
the bonse•to:the riverothic,b.was cer
tainly:not:more tbati,it hundrld feet
distant,. I, buckleitnn skates, my
face.bnrning with .riZation, and. my
brain prompting alr kinds of
schemes for gettiiireatisfaction, and
was away over the leirwith • al-fierce
.dagh as thonkli . .T.i*iiiila.driviroff 'my
'ailtioyiinea: by 'speed.of motion.' '• -;
'Up the river I went;uver arid bacii,
new 'rusbing• .up. ir the 'face of tho
•W-ind:telcdol heated head. The
night was beautifnl clear, cold,
bracing - nightokith, amooirtliat ng
in the sky as an objeot oft:adoration-
On I went, right.pp in the feee.of the
wind, the milet seeradd'tn'
Under my - feet like do many 'yiti•d,
'Anti!. 'I was far out.. of sight of
kende or of any sign of, : . cuitivatiOn
and a ,till I kept on. •As fatla I Mayo
te think Ist .have
been at linist . .Sight*miles fr om borne,.
when suddenly I heard a sound that
Perfeetlyparalir.ed my limbs, and left
me gliding over' theice wjthout an ef
fort ;on .my, part at. propulsion. ; • T.did
not know w hat it was.; I, pow
er'to think,,bat when the pound came
with learfaidistinetness,,and the•last
.motion of . : my body ceased,
nntil.rstood still in the. gimpy stream
and gazed with a concentrated -via-
Edon about me, I began to realize what
I heard,' Then I savi, here and there,
along the dark' shore,. darker :objects
creeping elliwiy . coit'fifoiii:the trees,
and on to the ice, end froni; these :
darker objette - Carrie the'ilearful half
groan, half lieream, that had BO fret=
my blood, anti 'taken froth nie the
power of Motion. • I 'had never Seen
any of the' terrible .creatiiree with
whieh I was that; 'night• d'estined'-to
become acquainted; but Plinew in 'tin
instant that What I. sa* fi ctniiiitg from
the woodsilont least'a' detail ,:diree
tioni; were'mothing less thee **elves.
I had, *as I • say, , thince 'of 'nee
in;g any:ef - these inhailitant;s, bat Thad
heard several ;from upthe countrysay
that they were very troableadine, and
express the: belief that before' the
winter was overwe'sh'ciuld havothein
doWn our way: .
I don't know how icing IstOodgekr,
in'gitt, those objeots - cif 'terroic-lnit as
they neared mai kieW 4hat'lpeed
onlPckniki 'Ballet?, me frotat e.tetrible
death;rand I turned to ill , . • Pssigesino
novice - :ori the skates, and then-IVA
forth:: the sWiftziess l'everbad
learned. !:.A.eiay.l stied over-the , rice;
tbe-taribre cry earning on' behind' me
With. to distinetneist thit • mitidled my
blood, but Yistilit niers foreeln every
linib..l•l thou t tdu (waiting
&theme,' by t tinieitrepentingt the
little:folly that liWd trpat
n tightly, andigingiftomitlie *int
dew 'to.-ebb itwlcore tnig ,Mohtaitihkalieet
!!..tholight:pflriys lath 8011)24* )fork.;
and the deathly heart-siekness that
would strike htr When .she would
hear of, my terrible end, and I struck
out once more for life. ...
;On they Came with their iring:YerP- .
1 j ng cry, mid I could not resist ,turn
-1 in xmy head toir see. : .There, thoy wore
ataeqet a Etitorfx'of thelix ta ut fc'rq
nr4a. away . . :. - I
Plistiiiosilt,,•but 1 .
,knew that, Alley; gameri t ,...lilenewhy
,the howls,.by the -very : exalgrg no te
-.4B.they supposed..they;ssl.l,t li re nearing
their E prey„. li...7gas it-ithipy iinglit,
just.then, tbat.r,st*gek.,pif.thsideFily
~to the , left,..fOr a half turn ofniyleltd
.allowed me to. see.,at feast,slAosen .of
~.tike beasts, with , a lost footing, lWing .
.some, upon their backs; enckaome,irith
.ppre.wlibg,. l eger away lie
right. . i4Lp',l,, , ;,
. I ..,j i had led ;them. a s,tratalmoptars l
1 14 P 0 4 1 4:0itYla0 r ;g0Pi0C/ 1 11?...kftit. W
XJ I .4tI9,YeTY. tgl l 4. ra*e, 1 ,11 W,7-SY., t9 j 0
AgefiAor it .1"004i - bf. ; tiI.T9IMPIP: ~.. r
tliqui -*keep tkeir.feet ava;turp lug.
i ficieotlir, quickapon the suthOthice to
.4#.qpi Pace .Pie !tlV:r l Pove,nl9l)4i. I
I ,protited. by t....e . diseovery, and each
1 .time as they recovered, their feet and
pined upon,luc,, I: : Ingdc. a,,s,udden
ash to the right„or le ft ;„ind.thiew
more, than •orie . half ,of,tbera sliding
away uponAhe ie ii. ~ It: was -AO time;
to laugh, , bu.t I .couid not, help it ;
.eaeh,torn as.l exeauted this.; inexe--
Meat, a coniuisive chuckle burg 41 ) , 01.
•mei Zverymusele of-the, body was
in play, and. the ; perspiration „relied
down my face as though it was a day
in midsummer. AG . . the . next ;turn
rfilievediuself byihro‘iing s off my
toat,,ftii4f oil :Loped; the lighter with
er:tilt,: At: the , next. aWay . went My .
vest, and just 'then . ,"•turned the bend
of the river ; And the. :white "Os of
.thy home came in,aight. , : ,
This gave - fresh life to me, and en
I went. I Shall never forget that: last
.rnile., It . 4.s . tibe most desperate pliyai4.
.eil. exerti3On : dr. my life, and the most
*terrible.: . elitel strain. A ; hardly be
lieve I Was overlArenty, m inutes ,-in.
'doing. the whole distapoiifroin tbe
time .I first espied, :the:if olVes 'Arita.'
reached my bonito,
.but 1
to =me it: seem
ed like tw enty,.. hours." "ciiine rush=
4ig on toward.. tli,e..hOUSA with ' Ott
pack not leis tbiiii fiftYyards - behind
me, . and ea., I' straek„thii,',Shore and
sprang, with skate," berii,ristjeet, over
the fence towerd,thri,bouse,thorevis
a desperation in my • inoveniente tie
yond description :: : . ~. , . , , •
As I thought,rbi-. 1 ,1.Wa5..W.1.110-
ing and saw me ecnning, !pit; r icit oiee
ing the cause, ()filly terror,thri.,fiaste
was inexiiifeable to-her.: Shp .sprang
to the door as ,I;rtished t iip • the,,tottli
and °P i '? . '4;ii- tI ' ilLreiy,4nYPeflin;
aria 'Willi a.viiiiii-inrnjx,ilfoill. it.
n a moment. too • web o r. almost
with, its closing three or , four. of the
Bends wore howling Within a 'few
yards of it.. r ln an iostant , the...bolts
were ;drawn and Marion's arilp were
- around me. ,She...utidersteok it, all
without; a tiord- and only One 'qui&
emirracei she,. brought ,:me the, rite,
with which, within the pext'kw, min
utes, I had the satisfaction.of sekdiiig
two of the Wretches to their ,lirst. ac
count, and .afterwards of Watching
the retreat , of the, pock across
until they, disappeared, : in the:4w,, 1
oil thicollll o 44e PIO- , ,
:That night, tioer niy reliiitio,Ofibe
terrible half hoiii;.;..through WhiCh.rl
`had pissed, all the isto..ry.l bad,V,v44-
ed to.telf .11 , 4trion 'upo n fee ..came
out, . init.:, inet• • with ,the .happi
est •respo,nee ; and now, ..forty years
'afterwards, 'my , wolf ra tio, upon the
DelaWaro is a story AllOl9Ur grand
-children. . . - • .. - , , ~, .. ... , .
A•_NE* mitio
[Prom tke NpAr,Sionqi, *eq. ;
The recent : seiSurelof Aorpecloes
the St. John! has-led the dis
covery ot,a novek.apparalas connect-.
ed"with them, .which .goes to. , show:.
that the rebels are by .:no means aux.:
ions to make.a too bold appearance-o.f
-their. persops.l, The torpedoes.them
selves . are;constracted after i t h,e. styli)
of those which. have already Is.e4lnax-*
plained,in onn l nol am ns. For, instance
on, each end,of.,* common , .wooden
cask 4* plug of .the same
diameter of l .l,lie, the base,.and
.which tapersputwOrdly to *.,point.-
The. whole is r iben eov,ored with. a
preparation of , papet , and ; tan. The
nap, or firing ping, consists of,a heavy
brass tube, embracinga delicat.e,hara
mexAnd spring, w, inserted in•
the,' bttlge..part, of the- .
.east, so as to
lsave n - bont,,fpnr . inches. exposed e rr
: Eno* torpedo has I,breeotthoso
11 11 4 4414411: AIWA with,. detonat
ing powder, which, when exploded,
om m nicat,es-with the - powder pon
tained the - ciisk, 7 4ifecting the' dCsir
-ed tesult. • • • Y - ;
. . .
• ' Attaolied iblach 'end 'of the torpe
do is a rope,.'whiaii sIV- the. length• , bf.
two :or thew. fent-Lanbiarding td thh
depth of the water in - Which it ise pre.
posed tO•plaCe th:e. 4 4naelnhejoins a :
elbale rope , or - 'chain, it't the endef
which is lixed.a li T etivy weighikir 4 ain'-
ohor. In order to- sink - She tcirpede
in any desired -locality, it hait been
the practise formerly of the rebel's to.
tniv 'theni• in boats • under cover of:
darkness.. But recently they:have
invented - s; new plan- for 'adcomPlieh
ing that objpet, and feis•rcithattpliin
ive :. 'reffir , % , as the . novel •- • portion
of i Utii : defitrde r tiVO ' machine. • - slt lode
'slabber an , ordinary barrel atta&hed
kir' meat& ofropesltd the torpodWand
inert as &gloat: : Within. the- barrel• is
clock work machinery, — which is
won d 'ito and !so regulated •Aliatlit
given 41ms.ty: t r y() - ,lni'nuties -it
Wing' ll* flbabh 'end"...lreasea :ii* WO,
whicly opytis , andtdisentWn r grea 4,11,312,h=
ilif l jovn
p ec i o l l i wo I t h d iatoil lib:C. l th - Wrol4
tkiethhild litet.brtliiiiitiiiiP. l At
be seevercolightfaboVO T fliiiit ~ .tifo r k
tanimetorlietiCASt cariAititi. 1: .•t.
calculating how long it will. . *AM
barrel to float over the distance be
tween" the point 'and himself: In this
manner he sari effect the anchorage
without exposing biinselfto NV; and
have:the advantage of-doing ,it dar
ing the day; the .barrel being to snail
an object to attract theiattention'of a
person any way remote ' •I
!Parties • who, 'have .examined -the
torpedoes taken from. - the St. 'Sohn's
exPiess the opinion that they• were`
sunk-in the manner described.: The
torpedo itself is entirely submerged,
when anchored: - The Only :way'the
river can be kept free from %he nut
Sauce. is to have a paticil ; constantly.
'passing up and down. The gunboat
Mahaska, has been for somertime,sta
.tioned; 'at the.:moutiv Oedar Oieek,
, foßhe :purpose ott guardingititgainst
Liovidoes doming down! frontthat 1
.rection', At the Itiine is suppoted
.thei;gorpedoes ;were , anClidredf- which
destroyed the Harriet • INVeod„ =the
"alftiliiiska,forfsdinw•irease'n 'WU'S ab
-sent.ifrbrro her 'post.' tln all. three
I steainers•have been 'destreyod• on the
I St. •.1 oh n'a by torpedoes: t 0 ne'steam
propeller; the Burnside; t was wrecked
On tile_ breakers, a fewiweeks ago, in
a severe gale. .' • ' ' '
'selebt 'the followtiao ektraets
from 11, letter in the Brooklyn :Eagle
of last week, purporting to shave been
written by Howard, "of-the Times," ,
the forger of the President's proelarn
atiOn, fi:nin Fort lialn.Yette. The'l6t
ter is an excellent imitation of the
style in which the great "Dead Beat,"
his fanciful nom de guerre, was wont t©
tieftle the iiierary'palatW - Of the rea
iders of , the Eagle ; -
DEAR EAGLE':''. In the langpage:nf
the " Andgnificenet Ventiiili; ,ana
• I think i sgttll- stay heie at letist
tilPl'gd 'out. = • - •
Perhaps yogi ; „ xire sufprised at nik
sudaerrileparture.- So was I.
ut I receive
froni• General - '`Dix tb .Pednie down
whidh %el '• at -M
ir - Ey ... 1,0 decline. so I did'nt.
Bob Murray- brought theinvitation.
Bob•Murrays is United §tates mar
shal;and he marshalled roe the Way
I should go; so I lhouSht it' best' to
Bob is a nice lam; but "1 - would'nt
reeom mend' you to cultivate his
- You have heArd oY FoitLafityette .
rescift Of of tho
hdininistration—ever the left.
ofFort'Lafayette is in die water,. be
imlion'the Admit° 'ocean 'end West
It is a good site for a* niarine resi
dence; but aye,' nt seen any* marines
here. It is inac,cessiblwon lat'sides,
except the - inside: Its ouktceessibil
ity-, is wh a t -I most` object "toy • •
Trik WAY 'OLT VrflTTsp
, curilousz and inak,i,iitere,trymir ken,-
Oars ihaVeintrtfeen ' here. :You
can't-go - by irailioad, dtzsteaMboat4 .- Or
horse-quid :buggy. -I The en'trince is
effected , in 'a highly:rnilitaiY: manner,
invented, I believe; General- , Dix,
or some other man. -`
= You
• 'Which is just overl-the=4ay, -
A t;2so.poundshell**ith the:inside
ou Os provided fotthepurpcse: You
-get lin the shell =lt is - then - put in a
2,40 inch• mortaiand-roinmed. down
on a barrel of powder.--:=:-The--mortar
is ;touched off and-up you go: You
keep going' up. abon t fifty Miles. You
then come down andiand right in the
.middle'-of Fort ,Lafayettei- • •
`.. The :..artillery- aftist - has attained
Igreatpreciskin the-range,* and you
light exactly. ln the4centre of a *ltol
lowlsquare of militUrypeoplc "drawn
np to receive -you..;
19 V. • ^
TEt .S.P.WS.6.STI O'Nl
.I.s the shell gobs-up is peen-Hai:.
When!Smn - halie.:reached an 'alti
tude 'int fbity eigh'tiur
'th e Niewtis' magnificerir•rt
Yon•h ave hird's eymyiew onath,
Coney sla ri di an d /No w Tors ey. •
-1 I rnade - a• sketchof-it: ,
.- ,-• •
'tiTerhapis roil think:this:ls.'s-strange
ivay-of gelting:intoAhla fort;but it'is,
not 4,6 , •3 •
which •i•=havettit disonveied yet:—
When -I do leloyOu know.
- :-: l l l he"..people , wlo keep •the` flirt! :me
‘oftlie Military:peat - theism, it i 9 their
forileilr,Ther, rn'ostly ,, w'e'ar gums -""'or
i3words,.and 'du every-thing. in a' mill
tury way, whiehc is not: a-aivil way,
though they have been-very civil' to
there 4isaio apprehensiOn:of burglars.
Sunsi We , people would , rather break loft
than • break into it. - • - • •
:As: a hotel'-it.: , is not , equal to 'the
Mansion Hausa; though!, the terms
are_more reasonable. They don't
charge any The - only‘ohurge
military people `are given to
charge bayonets—
Thebill fare is wholesome, but
lad6,variety.." ,There is •
760 .. MQ_CH
The bill, of fare,, b o waver; is 'varidd.
We hay . ° poili and crackers` for
Crabkara''and'ri:9 . rk for diTiner; and
Pork with ciabk 46 . 0:1'0r tee. `. .
we shall hiaiiiLa neat
wook;,as the Oomnyandanxtea sent 10
order 2fessr fora garret ,Of
"iYttien'irioul Write'ifi r ' f 'ifte3) incises,a
blio6Not k-
431 A b fit ° 4A l itt e P t WAtT", a fr
peopre-orbihttlern.eioinvtlexton Who
, ,
have been reeorninencled here4)l. - 0e
benefit of their health. They'. afin't.
generallyisee it. • . •
Th - erel44l - 64emitle:scitiajr 7 friel'el!--
No Union 1./Ogues. ' ,
Nijr3no - Phii harmonic conderKti.
Othe'iwjse pleasan-c
-.The*iiiri -is enchanting. rinvely
vrater Seapia 'spread' before the vis
ion on
. every side. As I said.=' , Veftire,
th&situation is marine:----pitra'nliiiine,
and gives me the blues as I gaze upon
Th&ei no post-offlee in•theo. fort,
and•'dorreiptindernee is limited:"
, Iyoted'illc; to bow how I'sent
this letter. Apigeon' deitelatp---the
for Ito:clay. end I attifehed - itheqetter
to hist:lllE- ' If-stou get if,,11, - '4illlell
the tale of its delivery
earrier-plifeonl and
you; may.get
' under Toseinakei
Somebody may inquir.:-
;I` `tr'
, ,
Vil.toll 4 yoli 'ednfide - ri tially.' ' ' '
The `government- ill' making exten
sions io its mansion a.t Fort Hamilton;
like Wise at Fort Richmond, on Sta.
1 ten Island. They wanted a reliable
person to look afar the architects, to
-tee that they did'nt - pocket the bricks.
Fort Lafayette is 'Waif warbetWeen,
-and So 'situated that Ybu can see both
forts at once, and is just the -liface to
see - whit is going on.
A . meeting of - the cabinet was-defi
ed 'ats'Ale White' Ileinse:', beeretary
Stanton' introduced the'etibjeCt:- '
- The President said it reminded' him
of a story lie once, heard in Illinoik--
A man who lived
.inSankittnen coun
ty, in conversation With - 6; Medical
ttudent, said he didn't believe in-Vac
ciliation. Says he, "It don't do s, Child
whit'of good.. I had a child vaccinat
ed Once; and in three daysafter it fell
out of a window and broke' its. - neek . .”
l'. The cabinet saw the point; it once,
and latighed so loud that ::they . woke
up Secretary Wellee:
Seth-eft:TT Seward rang his little
4)611: and sent for General `Dike
4 General," said William IL, "how
is Port Lafayette ?"- -
"Oar flak is there,"said - the r gener.
With military prompthegs. - F
'"ls there a-reliable mdn'tO bo found
in the Departmentof tile„EiA"?" said
William IL ": '
"If there is'nt,f' thundered the Gen
ern', 4 111 Shobt on' , the spot."'
`"Who is
.he ?" the Beeretiiry.
name isDead ileat,if 'says - the
Geneial. - :
. hini to Fart LEtrayette;"
So'l'eatne. ' -
ams here.'
In - sretirement:
, DEAD' 'BEAT. •
A few weeks ago the New York Tri
bune contained the folloWing slander
upon. Gem McClellan": • ••
"If :there be bnesincerely loyal man
who stilloo,- to Gen. Mcalehlan we
• li
• . • I
ask him ,to answer question ., :
Geb: McClellan is a true Man, why is
every traitor' his noisy champion ?"
To which !dab editor of thetieirport
Vt)News, a Republican pat:fork - replies
thus :
"It galls, us to. -the-quick to see a
man who has been as instrumental as
Gen. McClellan has to organize a.mik
ita,ry foremto suppresS rebellion, de-
famed, traduced, and treated with
such- extreme- enmity by bleu who
have.done„so little to fight traitors as
the editor of the New York -Tribune.
We ,not question.Mn-Greelfir fop
alty, or, his zeal to• save his
from overthrow—and we say ihesathe
of General McClellan.: But we-do not
contend that General McClellan' :has
shut' the-mouths ore bundled trai
tors where_ Mr. Greely has not ',so
touch, s heard -the.teport bf a Single
musket discharged at the enemy -We
say 'this not because we intend to . re
,Mr. Greely--though he
. riehly
deserves it-;-Or 'because we dCeire to
land "Gen. . MeClel lan ; but We have
been a soldier underhim, and; i _ like
thousands Of - ethers have centaited
a'soldiet: l 9 love, for him, "which will
cling to us to,:the last: . Should:We-de:
oy this, even,in our.,present capacity
as a joureall4t, wo should blame ,no
Man 'if he . treated '131 , 1 ee l scornful as'a
deserter: • I . lre therefore' day to Mr.
Greely that there is one sincerely
"loyal man ) ' who is: not r.afraid or a
shamed to answer this question. Gen.
kibelenB,aU is true man,,bebanse good
arid true soldiers of they nited States
'army respect and honor him as an of
-flee'. and a soldier—a man'who lerea
dy to. sacrifice his life'to isave.the Gov
ern men tof a people„ millo will, revere
his name long atter his tratineete,are
dead . and forgotten,,,:_: We mike these
remarks, as an independent journalist
—and though` we never expect to sup
pert Gen: McClellan in ..any pout cal
'contest, we will, never abuSe him 4.-
pausu-be-klas been so unfortunate as
1 ,0 have bad'lne.n for
pions. =lf ttioro is sny,truth his r
tory, 'the same_sert of clique attemp
ted to swarm our ,Washington...-We
'have no kind of an idei,wtft klad „of
teen Greely seeks for hiscOmPan
ions but, of one thing w.e, are certain;
sot t fiers will never :palc f rmupb noise
where he, is, and he, will,. never .pc k t,
much.of sy bore ! . solders
It 'is 'Possi bl e, that an article : 7ll4c ',this
may offedd some of our leaders, and
perhaps some may dethlde tb fo r sake
us. canal:lC:help it.. The
oian 6 - 9 * . 6 6141Y aceffiee ,Ge47MeClel-
I an " With'treacherr 474: efilitke
up Isis ot /
:'11461 s been
titif, 7, /Lit
114 1a4.944; PY #`•
. i f ,- °N r ?..0 61 41 1 PAP P 41 19 . 1,
G r t e '' tut down this feheilliOn,
:61$7:41titittifit - t*'t'
B y
24 Story or Fnuck's NOW Buildb;g, Cumberland
At One Dollar and Fifty Cents 'a Tsar
.111W - Anvat.Tunbsams inserted at the inenairatiat.
air-aANDByaz Printed et an hours notkolit
. '• , RATES OR POSTAGE. •;•. „.
In Lebanon County, postage free. •
In Pennsylvania, out of Lebanon comity 5 coati, per
Luarter, or 20 cents a year.
Out of•tbia State; 034 eta. per quartet, or 250t1i. , a Year
It the postage iejegt paid in advance, 114,15 are double'.
-and , tie_ the hinds of such nienits Gen:
and,ldier friends the
sooner *e ittot) fightiii& the better
far us."
The changes Traduced -by flinty*
anees of the, heart, - kipaii the , 4111'4-
ri s es, are illustrated - inn remarkable
manner' in persons where the hair'bf
the head has atiddenly. become -*bite
from a disturbance io ybe heart ,` tiffs_
ed by tioloot mental-excitement.
lady 3 wifol as w geeplys l griqvft on re
ceiving the intelligence of a greil
change in her worldly condition, and
who - had a, very rerierkable qUantity
of dark hair,. foundlon the following
morning* the whole of the,liair:lfid be
..come of a silver white. , Some striking
instances of this kind are narrated
by historians. ".1 was struck," saga
Aladatne Campo, " witbrthe astonish
ing change misfortune had.-:wrought
upon Marie Antoidekte'n - inaittreal her
whole head of bairAad turn edillinist
white during her transit fromVa
rennes to Patin." The Duchess of
Limertibourg,, When - caught linking
her escape during Atte terrors of the
French Revolutioo; and put in prison,
the next . ; -,moroing ;it was observed
that, her hair had .become- white; A
Spanish officer, Aistiguisbed.
braiery, wee in the, Duke of AlFa's
camp. At:. Midnight; the. '.Prov . ,qae
Marshacticcampanied• by his Xthird
awoke him from his sleep i. ,,ifitntmitig
him that, by order of the Vicerey, he
was to be iminediately executed, and
had only a quarter of an
to make peace 'with leaven. After
tiad confessed, he said he was-pre
pared for death; but declared his in
nocence. The -,Provoat z Marsbak Sat
this mompat,burstinta a fit of,:tatih.:
ter, and told him thnt they ,merely
wanted to try his - courage. Placing
his hand upoxhia:fieart, and ith
ghastly paleness, ho ordered . thai 2 Pro:
vost,,Karehal out of his-tent; offiters6l
ing that he bad done , an: evil-440e ;
and the next morning,- to the wonder
of the Whale army; the hair - hia
freed; from been of x deei
blaelr, color; had &Conan' perfectly
white: -
• ;GOINct Mg PAIR. Will .be seeirt.tfiat
the R diroad Company has made liberal. arrangemsabi
fur those desiring to';fisii the Philadelphia Sanitary Siir
tEr rhe boatinea engaged ia..i*Eining
the boats Of Mr. Henri inpfikriao, of th4Oriiiiih;
OOntiftitited. fortpivro &Main forL the baiellt 241,:
. . .
gartient;-:/.03. tx; orbtawniatis
sown, dins 00n34 7 , - n - member of. Co. c,Trut Ortialay,
killed in a hgfit, and burietion the:noriiii ado of tia
Obickahominy, within four "miles of Richmond, during
Sherldaler late great rdd frotiAtetaittle army tOlintler's
He Wal Youngman of big 4 .: • • -
V' Harry (4. . Company pony - 1C.,: 3 33a
y., him heettioromOted to 114Lieutionalicp to hie,(ical::
party. • ,
The commission on l , dime U. Gerhart, of Co F,to a
Lientency, has also arrived at.iiie Hegir Tenn, but its wee.
not there to receive it, either being dead, - or imniebel
and in the iambi of the enemy.
Or At a-epeeist meeting of Borough.
,Councikheld onTneetta! evening, the following cvde4g7
were drawn c E= K. Wheat, $ 4 2 60; Henry Shirlath
aollo illehltolle; 00; Sly and. Peter Hauer;
$lO (io; : lteinoelde l ,Je 111e11y,5141'57; Krick t Groff.:
52 Mrs $lOO. A !Mtn of $5OO for 60 dilYs,
was authoii.M4l;'lletiry Shirli and George- Shay late
elected .11111,Police at a salary of *3O- prir ~atopth at7hgerla'
P.&einhard and Joseph Shape were : appointed:Com,
Mitten on Police ;',Elenry q. bikitdieger But.; proper iVo;traeleota for Surrrxiolt are
cAthoriZed to be purchased for the use of the Borough G.
tie tax vies fined attheVate 'of nine mills en'the: hollers
one-half mill of Which. ittle ; be approprielel for's dab,
ing fund to, ligaidate the Borough. debt; 51onday, the
- 90th of June, was appointed as 41kte day for holding frp• : ,
Vealwand the Colhxter will he in-the C•unell . litiomi Si
the "Court .I:foam, on the "ith,llth and .9th of July: to
reeefre texas', and at abatement of 5 per cent will
1, made on* taxes paid` the!: date; Peter Hauer, VIA
elected as Collector for the meeting year, and the, rat*
I for milleMing fixed at , t% Per cent; - 6'i Mars
:Smith and ShaMto were appointed 04ramittee iffitar
M2ra =l9
A meeting h 'behalf Orthelitaiiien Ladies' Aid Se=
okay wee bold<in the Court House, on Mortiiiiirisitine,
GEO, HOPFX ‘N, .Bsq. ,of North Lebanon, presided, and
D. M. Earmany a.cied as Secretary.' TheobjeCt`of the
meeting was'stated t be tlie:rnistneof fund's to enable'
the Baer). y to continue its usefuluese.
On rule a curimit en of six, consisting : of three
ladies anittbree geutleinen, Was appointed to twat:y/4
collections—said co - Bea:tone to consist of money or fir .
such articles as may.he nand bit,the ladles to forward to
&o. • .
ThorMican "wee called on, and Made ISOM
practical reins-tie touching tint best way to maitre Va'
okicationftti the society fr.,m those at present outeifie
The following. commßtene , Ware appointed to Maine
collections in the wards of 'the. Borough and in the-U.
tricta of the county, viz
Lebauun BoreriAb . south-east. district—!
Ketch, Mrs. Dr.
North-test diatrict—tdre. A. S. Ely, Mies Til li e Ott(
th.eaßtdistrict—Mre.BlizAbethLineawetiver. ,
giros Shirk, - ,
.Northl Lebanon .Bprongh.--htise &MY? *Lei
4outb'Alinvilic--40hn TrozeL
North Allucilk, , -4ohti L. Mayes.
Landupderry--Wipisto .
East Itanovq- - -Mirtin " ' '
tekianc4. - .
Lebanon-461A T Wt•nialr.
Cdror!v# ll 7SactuelAl Eby.'
North LebeamiTp—Lndwin Tinget.
On motion', it'w as Weeolvrd,'That a c o mmittee of eii
front eakisoilgregation in Litivtion be aprintektellM ,
courage cooperation in said oongragatioa wits
Soci‘Wi'and that the Secretary 01 the &clot* la rat
a to coxreopoad with oath congregation
COattil to asit shrieks itie ergasiiiitadig of auxiliary erf
Ya nioini'kitioe with the foregoing resolution the *4-
Wiling persona from the, Lebiumni cregrigations. wets
Saftai Lutheran—Mre.,o4.lirodnian. • '
Sole! joa-n-pinier.
,1 -44 61 °P °8 1„ —Nni • + 3 * -1 Fret" =
X. W. Hit n~pr.
'Ziktithibillethildietivil—Mlit 'Bechtel,
,MplzirimitaOWTqiuskitantr •
—l l 4;4:VVprbkipiaa
• writ-- 111.1ata ro-ceurothg -
Zoisoopallan—Was Conklin.
On motion, adJournad.-