gE,11airg.4.)...-s,);t,ittit i isfr. V ; WIT7i:TirN; }1; u“. . ;SEAD,IIII ,34,13 7014.0 W• - - samnr, Editor and eter. LEBANON, WEDITEBpa; AMU, 13, 1884. Ser The A.rmy , of the Potomae 4011 burried in - deep mud, though its 'Advance mayhe'inticipated in a 'very abort time. Nearly everything seems to be' in readiiitsia fOr the movement. General BUVfilipVß portion of the ex speditieni however, is not yet proper tolmove. The first portions of his *At:ern reinfc.rcements, which will ainotinein all to perhaps ten thousand men, passed through Pittsburg last sleek, bound ;far, Annapolis,. where psis expedition is r 2 rendezvousing.: It wit be some days' before he Will be ready to'Sail, and this will - very like detain the coluran on the Rapidan. Oilpepper is to be tnade a permanent depot of supplyi and is to besurround ed by fortigeations: It is almost'cer tain that Gitail will divide 'hid Only in the attackaggnat Richmond—Part going by the 'lames River, part by OulpePper; It is the'general impreadion that General Lx x has been largely rein forced ; that he has decided' upon an active campaign ; . .::and that :he ,is. possessionasill IGuAr'S plans; , The torrespondentsnow say: he has ninety tbotisand: Three weeks ago they would ' not allow hiin t‘ Verity live thousand. _The guerrillas are in great numbers near Fairfax Court Irons° in the Federal rear, though Whey have rint 'yet committed any depredations sm.. A parcel of rowdies lately at tacked-the; house of a Democrat in Plearfield, .provided with tar, feath ersolre.., intending to tar and feath enthhn: tailing to gain* an entrance into the house, they bike the doors and windOka, stoned the house hitting the children in the inside, ,and then fired a pistol at, his wife. He stood inside the door with an axe, the sharp edge of , which pre:Vented thein 4 trom carrying out their design's. Next day he itrusecuted them, and at the last -4rm , Of the Court: they were con victed, but immediately on the Ten . deringOfithe verdict*, pardon 'from Governor Curtin sett - them at liberty. omment_ is unnecessary, only; ,the outraged 'Man no - doubt regrets that he trusted, to the' law for justice.— IloWevei, this would not be `'a free 0 91:Pltry if . the "loyalty" had not the right to e ittack the houses of penes ble Denfirratis at night, firo • pistols and throw stones at the women and children, an . tar and feath7 them.-- It would- • e the "best government inn th'Stitts: the earth" if such acts, were, penis • - r - is aid that (Ting to the scarcity of copper the. l l3, S. "Govern ment" intends hereafter to use brass in the cOinage of Cent's. "Gar gcv7 ernmentnikansart and generallynuC4easful. pit 3 ,7, that Jeff don't; pattern 'liter us. If he did he Ned* hay's, gOne to the dogs long ago. Otr,:Fax•Governor Wm F. Johnston has announced himself as ,uncondi tionally for :Friittion't =for the Presi dencile-made-a speech before a very „lsrge meeting on 'Thursday Last, in Pittsburg, starting the Fre motit ball is Pennsylvania 'The ene mies of 9141 Ala i in his own party, are becoming thickflui hops., tar Of course this is a free coun try,—peflple, especially the military pOple;'iretallkvied'te do just as they please, which` is freedom in the esti mation of the 'abolitionists. If free dom does not mean to do as you please,,they contend it is not worth having ; Fid does not the Declaration of Independence say that men are . ereatadineel If an abolitionist deinies to oppress a 'iCopperhead" and is not at liberty to do it, he is not free.': As they are carrying on the warto Tree evety-man, woman and qhjyt t inxthis free . equntry, it is not surer;aripthit they sometimes-prac tice °the freedont they are fighting for. Last Week a•Massaehusetta regiment_ passed through .rhiladelphia.: They desired' togiti-ont a tavern ,on their route, 'At Oft the ordered it to be gutted-oift- After,.they:..thad. exeonted_ that "freedom, they iron ed 't&l;preprietor and took Sim along to Baltimore, shaving his head on the way,—for the fun of the thing, we presurni f and to carry out their ideas o f freedom. Of course, if people de fenditheinselveligainst such recrea tions they are Copperheads, traitors and Seeessionilits 'and do not deserve the blessings of Liberty so fully en joyed by the abOliiionists just now. OM. ThO i!elinsylvanni Senate has tassed*r:esolution—Yeas 19, nays 10 remove the seat of, government toXhiadfilphia. city has.. offer, ed-one-mdlion of dollars as a free gift fortheiWettien of the necessary .::case the removal should be ellifrnits4 . ,,igre4d upon, AT IT AGAIN.—The Courier is again at its old game of insidiously inciting the "good men" of its party to, vio lernoe. It even frnds fault with Dem- -oerats for 'defending themselvss a , vine, the charge lof ‘lifileyalty.", In Aitarstiele lait week, - gitit4g a - one. Sided view of the troubles in Illinois, it jumbles in a parcel of stuff like the following, which has not, although tinetending':to hlavo; t ie Fast connee , tion with the subject of its article 4-- I ?There, ale men . all ' throughac North who affect great indignation When the loyalty- of- anypartiou 'of the "Democratic" party AsAuestion ed, and when. the iterm Copperhead is used to distinguish disloyal persons. They would convey the idea that they are only hostile to Mr. Lincoln's administration;' yet they 'give daily evidence that they are in full'isym pathy with the "rebels, and all their actions go to encourage 'those wicked men. * *, * * The Copperhead talk that , wd :hear every day, in almost all sectionaof the' coun try, should be promptly rebuked; and good men should make , the authors of such talk understand - that they are traitors, and that such ,sentinients,are unfit for a latitude otitside , of, rebel lines. , In conversation reeefftly .with a gentleman'' , who had ,been the South, he infOrmed*.us that he had heard expressions 'commonly made, sincehe had ceme-North, , that-would not for amiimenthe toleratedin such Southern cities as • New Orleans, Nashville, St. •Louis, and Baltimore." The effect .of just' such 'stuff like the above haa been Seen'in a" thou sand instances all over • the • horth, dining the past few months, and was the cause of the awful tragedy in illi nth's. Who is advised to "promptly rebuke" CopperheadS for defending themselves against . the Misrepresen tations and insults' put,upon thero,? N'th one, and hence any •olieydrunk or sober, is at liberty to fume-am that it is his duty to I carry out the'adviee of the. Courier. f the "Copperheaditalk:" is disloyal and ; .deserves to be "promptly rebuked" why doh't the Courier, or some 01 its responsible friends, do itby course of law ordther wise, instead of meanly insinuating, _ and maliciously inciting others to do it, while they , coward-like stand ia the back ground; 'shaking in. their boo* as has been ate case. We say stop it, before it 18--too,late. i lf t trea 7 son or.disloyalty is in our Midst the. Counts are open, and Judge Pearson and'a Lebanon county 'Jury will do jastie,e, if not in justice, "to all ench.:-'- But for God's sake foment no: more riots and probable bloodshed..', lefir Mr. Stevens r in the T.T.B.llouse of , Representatives,: plays the bag ik- and no matter what tune he strikes up the abolitidii `ii einhers jump right. into it. He Manages them just as, a ahoy/man manages his puppets. Last week he was =engi neering the 'Bank Bill through the HouSe. Every - proposition he pro posed his puppets endorsed and Car ried-, until Oozy one, thought that the, bill would become a. laif.t 'All of a isudden, hoNiover, for some &use noi other ho Changed his tactieS, and moved to lay the' bill on the table, which ',Wcift,Yquivalent, to it dee4, ,Iked..l.O,iiiicl.hehold, that carried without a mhyor.a:wherefore. In resir'than two initiates be veered from being aupporter of the lii 11 to its deadly Opponent, and his .friends veered, with him ~: W e ;;make.' this' note not beCause k we •are Sorry that the bill wail:killed, but te that the abolitionists have only ,one meni -bor. in .'Congress Who -, - - has‘ a mind of his own. They :might as - well all go home except Stevens; authorizing him to vote for them on-all questiOn's. He carries theta In his breeches pock ets, and does with them as he pleases. ser The abolition , papers . are us Burning that Richmo,nd,ii. captured, in the coming campaign that the bellion will be squiSlied, if it should be a failure that peace WM(6I: low and that will be sour • next President. We earnestly hope that the one or the other , maybe the upshot of this Summer's operations. We frequently, hear republi cans exprosaing-theruselves that the war cannot be! stopped ; that no set tlement can': be made of Our . pres ent national troublei ; that • fighting must Continueto the bitter end, &c. Thz, reason of is that the present administration has 'not got the' brain s either to stop it, settle it, or figbt'it out ' That's -.'not to liOwiyer,' that others could not, do .a farmer allowed the other day, the ad ministration o dumb' to' stop the war and settle: our troUbled.,. ....The whole civilized world is: expressing its- astonishment: and die= gust • at' the recently a"nnounced as suniptipn,zof the abolition -,.party of the doctrine of" amalgamation, or, miscegenation,ras its called to hide its revolting features; , . Mme:: The "Government" .moved its armies on to Connecticut-'last week, and achieved - a splendid "Victery.-- 7 They defeated the Democrat* .ati,tbe, polls handsomely. ,The beauty. of the: hing is that ,the Democrats of Connecticut, as well is of 'the caw' States, contribute their money to the cilfrernment," when it it need for the . purpose of Accomplishing ‘.‘en dersements"- whit& they Wiest; MBE Mr Since the abolition party bps adopted amalgamation, as a patty principle, they have chriatened with the TWA" name of "Miscegena tion,',!, to bide its" revoltingneii.— There 4rollitnisands and tons of thnu sands-"(efthi;ii o4in party vcito believe' that -such a monstrous ;principle (can never be adopted as a party doctrine, and that it is only a misrepresentation of the opposition. , To'sio show the specious pleading of .their feadErififi 'favor or IV,' and 'We Trvittir ihern - diet the only :Way theY'rean pate theraselies from becoming ',en dorserS; if not advocates of. 4, is* leaving the party ,whose leadm and nine-tenths of its rank 'and file are al ready -crazy on the' ;nigger. The masses of the AOpablidan Party 'did not .at first, and at once endorscthe 'ilielper book," Their leaders -did Arid "speedily the party wheeled, into line" The masses the' republican . party did not at first endorse al oli: tionisni. Their leaders did, and very few Dftikernir and file are now out side the pate of what was f0r716 ready ears 'contrary to their feeling:3. So with, amalgamation. They do net yet approve of it,; but their lea.ders do, 'and they must toe the mark or break loose at, once from such an 'A boiniaable, aye; disgraceful, tirganiia tion. are 'among tho easous „given by the advocates of the new, doctrine why the whites und . the blacks should intermarry "Thee white people of America' are dying for want of flesh and blo:od.-- 1 - They are dry and shrivelled for lack 'Of the healthful juices of life. -; In 'the White American are 'seen .uninistaka bly the indications of physteat de4y. The cheeks 'are sunken, thelips are thin and bloodless, the under • jaw's narrow and retreating, the teeth •-de-- 7 day - ed, the nose sharp? and . .cold, the eyes small an&lvatery, the coMplex- Eon' of a blue and yellow I,hue,[the btad and shouldeis bent Prward; the hair dry and straggling -upon the men, the waists of the women thin arid pinched, telling of sterility - and constunntion,_•the general appearance gaunt and cadaverous from head to foot, You will sec bald heads ,upon young men. You will see vye-glass es and •spectaeles v false teeth;; artifi cial'cOlor on the face;-artificial plumm nesS th:the form. The intercourse "f•ortnal; aScetic,,uneniotional. Turn riOW to anoissernbtatri'- grOe'S- are cheek plump, the teeth are whiter than ivory, there are no bald beads; tho eyes are' large and bright.- Our professional men , show more than any the lack of healthful association, with their opliosites of - the other sex. They need contact with healthy, loving; warm:blooded utitureS to fal up the 'mit - interstices of their anatomy!' • - • Qur readers will see at a glan., c how deceptively the position i» as, mimed, and_how dangerous it is to those who do not fully investigate it, especially when, as in this instance, it ii,to be Made a party principlo. The nip)* bere.of the abolition party are disposed from association and, habit to endorse anything put forth by their leaders, and they will this. The, only way fro avoid becoming advo calks of it toii dissolve, at mice _their connection with the party.. _We know persons personally 'mho a- year ago 'Would beconie hitengly 'indignant if charge& With bong - abolitionists,- who now glory itt it. So it will be with :the principle of "Iniscegenntion."— Moreover; it, is false that the, negro man or woman is better than the #l4te, as is assUmed in the extract. klicive quoted, , r wid for the evidence 3 onj need only look to the men or wa man'of any locality, or of the;country. ,':Some of the abolitionists, ashamed of the &cootie.) , of the Uhoniinable doctrine of.. ainalgania tion receutlildOpted by their lead ers as a party, pripciple, deny that it is such. .We ;will allow that the , aholitionista are not , as. yet all aural. iationistsi but it is vary certain that all the amalgamitiOnists are aboli , tionists ! set - In N Orleans, Gen. Banks, by order of the tgoveihment"', at Washington, IS': opening ; schoola for the education of colored children, and providing libraries for the grown niggers. Ato is, -levied on every owner Ofrelif and personal 'proPertY to lreep tthe sehooli open one year, and, au additional, tax of $2 50 . for every adult'negro- id. , the district for the library. In the same district are full two thousand white children who have not had the benefits of Schools fora year. ~•0, nigger,. what crimes are eommittedin thy name. , , • le_ If our - quota is not filled by Friday, drafting will take' plaea.-- When the nbelitionists told thee pee ple last All to "elect Curtin and ayeid the'draft,'"they'were slightuai,ly. mis taken. They said the draft would be avoided by voting for Curtin, whare tie itis done' by the paylittnt 'of $3OOl Of eaurse:they didn't lie • they were • only nqsta*n..,They don't lie. they !, ; , • "STEn . i.JOYATIfY burg Neuhv congr atulaks , readers that "its suhseriptionlist: is now .most entirely free from Copperheads, and that it's stern loyalty has circa. 44;:a desirable a result. It says furgier itit**gePt tht P 3 Ft perheads was at best. not worth lhav-, ing. That editor will never? die.whers, rebel 'ballets lly. r'r = ser In the House of Re'presen tatives, on Friday, Mr. Long of Ohio, made a speech in which;he charged the leading members of die Abolition party, including Lincoln, •Seward and Stevens, with being guilty of treason I It( their violations of the Constitu tion, and that between a recognition of the South and a continuance of the war for subjugation ho preferred itheforni9y.J 0-rett`t . e-veteni,entiamon"g, the abolitionists was the consequence, lititrorrlatufility the - Speaker; "Mr. o,6lfax, left his 'chair and moved the eipUlsion of Mr., Long A long de bate was the'. ponseqUence, in Which Mr. Harris, of ,Afaryland, said that he endorsed every word said by Mr. Longi. - when the-anger of the aboli tionists' fell uponbiin, and Mr. Waeli •• - „ burne Moved the expulsion or Harris, which was not.carried how Orr tr., A resolution declaring Mr. Har , - ris "to-be• an unworthy member and , that he is hereby censured," was' then cat by a vote o' p 3 yo7' ,;,43-s,---thc, Democrats : generally ,ao elining,to•vote: Among the 18 nays e find , they name of Mr. *enise cif ;this district, for which vote he de serves the thanks of all true Demo crats in the, country., , The dodgers may answer their Constituencies, and so may Mr. Cox, of Ohio, and- a :few other Democrats, who'voted with the a l l olitiOniSts to censure Mr. Harris.— .T.I3C truth of it is, there is too little back-bone :in 'too many= Demociatie members of the - present Congress.-- , . Tlie abolitionists may declare their treason to the Constitution openly in and out of Congress, as Thad. Stevens frequently :has done, and hardly' a word' of 'denunciation is heard from the Democratic side, hut when - , a Democrat freely talks the sentiments of the - masses of the people and is RS-- sailed by the , abolitionists, his politi cal friends cower like whipped dogs under the clamor. If Mr. Cox rep resents thp opinions of the Democra cy of Ohio in his action on Elaturday last, they deserve to be beaten by 100,009 mejority, as. they were last fall. Mr. Colfax's resolution' eXpa ling Mr. Long, was finally Postponed to Monday, when we presume Aboli tion, "fairness An- boncity" Will,,car ry the resolution ae It will-the sooner be.o're:" new emigrant bill, it is said, 'provides for the on boTurtig6nieli t o f'inlmigrati on by , - GOV erninent IJonntles, t9'he'a lien : On the labour of the ernigrant, "! other words the .. Government own tbenrtill they pay their passage mon is treating the:lkkif White laboier Worse' than the riegiO ft Man. This: is a sort or white coolie trade.. te - On the outside of ,this paper we Copy, article from. the New , York Nation, 'Fremont organ; giv-, Jr* its views ,liineoln and adrainistiatien: We are „sure that .pOtbini,r more bitter, and at the Same time more true. has appeared in 2the I:)einee.tatiej papers ii,gairiS(. the - Adthinistiiiioa'hiP66 the dornMenee, wilt of the rebellion and: yet. : when Fremer4 papers I express , . themselves thus freely we hearno crieS of "sym . pathtzerS,seeestioni traiiers," . and . all that The article is headed and silent& be read 1)y ,Repubilcans, Deinocrats,and all: otheru. seir When Seward' prof lairded :the c‘irrepresSible clurflict," he said that rt,1 1 16 United Btices must be 'all: free or plave, How' seedily his ioa.ha's been verified. There is not one square mile ,offree soil, now in the American Republic I It iS slave, TerritOry from the AiiStOok Ito the Columbia slave Of ui : •may be tin.fairn in to prison, by a stroke or the pen of or! his hirelings, NSlthairt trial or convierion, our homes pillag ed;onr prOPer,y destroyed, and if w's escape Ivith life no May consider our selven. safe. We. are all, slaves, with the,•exeCption, perhaps, of a few ni.k' m ors ;: , J,- . Upon „ . . . the presence AtirOarn the Arat, , , at the,Wiii ;House,wit week without going : through i the usual Court .etre-: monies, and was promptly :arrested by the gnards and Sent to the 'guard: Plqy now say he was crazy, which is, verylikely, as,he 'imagined that ; the:Beimblientreimplicity of old *as in vogue :Washington; Professional' Bliughter. • TILE ONLY SAFETY YOU TAE SICK:When an Bmpener of Chtna felines an important decree, be usually appeoda to It these words--"Reepect this. A vermillion edict." - ThWatyle inar latch the great one of the medical ptofteeion deliver.thelr opinions is little Item anthoritatiee held dietatorMi.: It hi of Donee to re monstrate with them. -Byron:in hie II" elckneee, told Mid : OnedMardictitpr is ihii pieprieth tarn)) that he Web 'bleeding him to"deatb„ but the remark was embeeiled;_snil the lancet was used agate and professional ha r alicide woe completed. We verily (wheys that . lboiteande of ,emk personate killed camp Wear by the v enous modes of violent depletion in vegan among “rearilar" preen. Goners. This mnrdeniele work cachet, we would fain hoyer, last tarsal salutary , ravolntinn lain pro. gross. Since the ,leircAnction flobLoWare 'tele Imola& Pills Wad Ointment thie country, a; new tight bee broken iti.nboh ne.f Was. have ,besuit , i6, die. cover iihait . the disordered . action of the great. interne, Orden' sail be ritgalstifioti heal th reetor: e d g :w ta i b t r h:::: retort, to mineral peleome. Tbat instea d ; of mer cury ; Which ' In the end withers " marrow, holies and ail," BoiloyMe.., Pills; which , We: excinidvely sucient for the mull of liver met& dhordera cif tie heie and all (itemises arising fro:Mb:digestion. Ws, hese , chic toped On t that scroluts, cutaneous yap tioni; and Mummy Mine/mem and all - kinds of Meeks; bk id and amaradicidlY cured by Holloway's - Ontrxwer. Theesige•of. Memel, mug* aod other medical ,de. *Mutilate, draws to a Melee and we may possibly lies to,wie the lbw when .Ifolloway's sesisloiny revue: dies will be the : o4U and omega of "pie's litatnria etediai-riteßait Smarmit, • - - ANOTHER STARTLING REPORT.--•-A "reliable" gentleman, who saw the man that told it to him, has given to the Washington correspondent of the St. Louis. Union, the folloWini trust worthy anecdote about General Mc- Clellan. It has not yet appeared in the Courier, but will, in' due course— the large number of stories •of the same kind which the honest paper :has - oti handF having ::unavoidably pro vente'd its-Publication "It-has been .ascertained- here that GeneralMeClellan ,afterbe was su perseded 'bi General, Burnside, went down. to Richmond in a balloon and 404 tI:long, interview with iTeff.-Davis; that the result of thiS interview Was that McClellan, in disguise as the rel.), el coMmander, fought and repulsed Burnside at Fredericksburg and Hooker at ,Chancellorsville. Horace Qreeley!S partiality for MeClellan has indu.Cecl'hini bp 'silent till-now." ,LEIITAEIV,tOMING DOWN. SNYDER' 00::PA., Feb. 9, 1864 Ma. Emelt -In vain .have I been look Overthe' colaronS' of your'pal , per for a n'otice' of an incident which shOuld not go unnoticed, arid which occurred ssnyder co., some weeks 'since. 'laving been en eye witness the'fliet, I. consider it art of My daily to inform the peo ple of the ceilrity. what transpires -in our tnidSl.. 'Not Many weeks ago, a pertain' q'e.ealle4 =Poe.tor, j iving in Trtliebarg, &rail Who is now 'taking h course or Lectures at one of the tiled iCal Institut:ions of Philadelphia came , home on a V,isit and brought wit hire part' of-the' Skin' of a negro went 1. and is getting it' tanaed'at George gilbishis' tannery: Ko`y one doubt, wordSWill'"please call on Doe- BiloWii; when he can get all necessary information; as, he' is the indlyidual that brought the froin and is getting it tanned for a pair of Driving Gloves. Buck wAv sold at half price, and in, the course of six months or a year will be worth no , hing—as Wider . stand that is the object of Old Abe, freeing the niggers for their hides! OCCASION A L - , Kr Hon. John Banks,:died onSun- day 1 week, in Reading.: Some twen ty. yeara ago, 'Mr. , Thinks was' the Whig Candidate for. Governor, and 'subsequently - appointedr :..PresidOnt Judge of the Berks District:: or col., 4. J. Gtossbrenner, Senior Editor of thp, Age, is ,annOunced as a ,candiflate for , the Twenty. Ninth Con gress, in the Xo*,,,cumhorland and Perry District.' , Mr. G., was a- cancii_ date for Congress, in 1562, and made credital*.‘, campaign. We should rejoice in the election of Mr. Gloss brenner, . . A . Great Comet Predieted.—The fol lowing, says an English paper, is' an extract of a letter just received from Melbourne: "PrefesSoi N'ewmager, on a three ~nears' scientific visit, from Eavaria tells us that , in 1865 a cornet shall come so close as tO.endanger this our earth: ; 'and should'it .not attach itself (as one globule of qiiick.eilv,er -to another) nor annihilate us, the sight will he most beautiful to behold. During three nights we shall have no darkness, b'ut' lie bathettin the bril liant light of the blazing train." Tragedy in Allentown.—A bloody tragedy_ was enacted in Allentown, 'Lehigh county, on the 2d instant. There had been' seine difficnity,Arow ing out of doMestic relations; between 'Atr:`David Seem, Of '''EMaus; and Mr. Wm: Keck, Of-Allente*ri.. Seeni, it appears had .married a Mrs. ShOetna kier, widow'' of Capt. ShOetrtaker; Who died in the army, and Keck bad made 'genie Observations 'On' the subject Which 'Scour!. did not , like: lie had, Smile time before the' • occurrence which we are about relate asked Keck toretract his ttss'ertien which the latter tefuSed to 'do. • On Satur day 'Keck visited . Emans for the ptir- TOO suninioning witnesses in a tri al pending in COTirt;':aild while thet'e Went into the .stord of Tool* Son, *hero Seem happened to be at the time. The two men did not speak to - etieh other; and Fetty SoOn•Keek left by - one door; going; ashe;saiktO izttnatnot a Mt. Lanhauch Seem fol lowed by another doer and the two men met in filont of , the store. A few words passed between them, When:Keck dreW a.- pistol and 'shot Seem through the heart, killing him instantly. Keek. was immediately, apprehended, and- is now 'in -Allen town jail. Safi - Ben. Wade, :of Ohio, lately ex cusedhimSelf for carrying an umbrel la. on f a sunny day, saying he bad hearirthe irmy of the Potomac sac in motion, and it alwayS rained with in -twelv . e hours after that Army made , . , a move. gm, It is a penal offence to give an exhibition of ventriloquism or sleight of-hand in Vermont. !A German in Pouglikesie, in writing his name in tv ibe:gas corn imny's registry book-„pat . down occupation as the bisness." Mr A short time'since the Thirty. eighth'Ohio wont home as a veteran regiment to amnia. Among others they enlisted ft sharp looking fellow in Dayton. He was paid the usual bounty, dreised up and returned to the front with ,the regiment. A' few days Si nee he Went on picket and was put on an outpoj, 'as he seemed a very shrewd soldier. Soon after he Was alleged and inquiry beine. Made it was found. that he had deserted to the enemy:`' Tee affair caused some talk; and was alineefforgotten, until , a. few days 'ago a flag or truce mine in:and ;among other business it was stated that "Captain jate,Of JebniOn's Island; sent oomph meals to Garr. 'Baird and' hoped he was well." " . The captain was an escaped przson er who had been wandering, and taken this means to get back into the rebel - lines. He had become thorough ly poked regarding' flatters in 'our FATAL BOILER EXELOSION. - A er at the foundry of Merrick & Sons, on Washington street, Philadelphia, exploded on Thursday morning.— Nine -men. were killed and about tw ty were wounded. Considera blilllsroperty was destroyed, and an entire suspension of the works was rendered necessary. Mir' A New York penny-a-liner writes to a London paper that there is not a negro barber in New .York who is not an aspirant forlthe presi dency. 0:7" Butler has issued an order, : in his province, that every fourth dog shall be slain, and a brigadier gener al, at $3,000 per year, has been put at tbe work. Dtuing„,a_seat:ch at,a, house in Gloucester,' Mask, for goods `stolen during the recent._ fire, a ready made ebffi.n was found—stolen from one of the deale4--,-::witla t 1313 itolp' Wicked off, and iockei's uponthe'bottoin, making a serviceable, cradle, in which a babe was comfOrtably snoozing. . Mrs, Lucretia ''O ak, wi i fe cjf the late Hon. Henry clay . died on Thurs day night at "Clial:esitrenec: ild'Ver -son, John AvOlily.,'near - Lixington, aged CONTINENTAL MONEY.----The first issue was made in 1775. The depre ciation began in three . years after wards, and went on as follows March 1778, $1 in, coin ~was worth $175 in paper. September, 1778, 01 in coin was worth $4 in paper. -• Alarch, 1779, 01 in coin was worth 016 in paper: September, 1779, $1 in coin . was worth $1.9 tri paper- March, 1780, 01 in coin was worth $4O in paper. December, 1780, 01 in coin was , . Worth $lOO in paper. May, 1781, $1 in coin,wae worth $5OO in paper. Not long after these - days the hold er of government money paid twenty thousand dollars fora ham, and ten thousand dollars for a half a pound of tea. Nobody could complain that the debt was not fairl,y contracted.— But failure and repudiation were none, the less inevitable. Lebanon ..111“ it k Stork for sale sHA.itEs ofnew Stock in the I,oml - ion TianiF for • Sale. Apply at the Acivirtis , ei: office, tor termlt, &c Lebitnon; April 6, 1864. ,' BLANK RECEIPTS . . For Coilectors. of State, Couptty; :and:Militia Tax; for safe cheep at the Advertiser Office. -= Also for Collectors of "School--Tsix;.'.:', . out.-Lots set Privite Slie! w - D.:l, 'ea sold at Priv ate s a te; • • 8 ACRES OF. LAND, situated in. Li:mg Lane, near the borough line, in Corn wall township. It adjoins the land , of,Widoly Fulmer, on the North, Wm. - A tkins - andJohn Eranee on theEhet. There is a one story LOG HOUSE, weather boarded erected on the land, and a good WELL in the garden.— The land has fine stones for quarries. This tract will' make a nice borne forn,small family.. • . . It is free from Ground Rent. Good title will he givon. - ^- 7 ADAM Anvuzit. N. 13.—Thie Vince is now covered with fine gime, of which will be given to the puraMser: Lebanon. June 1:i TO CONSUMPTIVES. Consumptive sufferers will receive- a .vaineble.pre scription Tor.tba cure of Conetimption,. Asthma, Bron chitis. end all Tln-nat and Lung affections, (free, of charge) by sending ibeir eddrese to Rs's- R. A. WILSON, Will istmEburg, Jan. 270 854.---et, • lijklq-70..; brew York. For the Advertiser E=tM=rffl TICE is hereby given that Lettere! Tfttamentary on the estate or W3.l'. BAER, deed., late of "bidet berg townehip, Lebanon 'county, Pc. have been grant ed to the undersigned. residing in the township, roan ty and state aforesaid. Ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make settlement, and•those having claims will present them without delay. ' • WM: M. WEI° LEY, *reenter- Shaefforstewn, Feb, 24,'64. EXCITING NEWS I ssixocortis of LICLADDEINIt&iI CUMBERLAND ST 1 , 1 LEBANON, PA. New Goods .! New Goods: GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO CASH BUYERS, 'French Rierino; all colored ENGLISII MERINO, all colored. All Wool Delains, all colored. POPLIN MUSLIN DELAINS, Black French Cloth. , BEAVER Over Coating.. CLOTR for LADIES, CIIQAKS, from $2,00 tinl,oo. Fancy and . Black Cass. Satinettes, sold from 50 ets. to $l,OO. Bed CheZk and Ticking. ' Bleached and Unbleached Muslin. Woolen Stockings. Shirting, Flannel, Shirting, Flannel. Calicoes and Ginghams. Woolen and Cotton Hoseiries. Ladies' and Gents' 4ioves. Hoop Skirts! Hoop Skirts!! = Balmoral Skirts. • - Umbrellas ! Umbrellas! ! • Linen and Paper Collars. A lull line of Ladies andMrsses Shas;ls. Woolen Hoods I 'Woolen - Hoods I General assortment of Dry, Gcmds, Groceries, & Queenaware L. K. LAUDERMILCH. O t ,- All kinds of Country produce taken in exchange for Goods. . Removal, . M undersigned has moved his Mikis to George's T Corner, (ent rance on "no' 'not St, opposite the Court Rouse,) where be continues - WRIT* , his whole AttentiOn to Surveying and ;Serivening: always 'ln his office on Saturdays, and at all other times un less Wh en call e d aw a y by business. Haring lately been appointed a Notary Public , he b ee authority of take acknovriedements the same -as Justices of. the Nate. Particular attention given to writing Wills and making out distributions. ISAAC GUYER. Lebanon, March 23,1861,73 m.• • Lebanon Fentale Seminary RACHEL F. Bpss, JULIA ROSS, Mulles] Department.- Mrs. M. A. J. JIMISON, Drawing. rrinz Ninth Session will Commence Sentenaber3; MOO; , .1 This School is designed to eleiate the -standard of female eddcation, and to offer superior advantages ta a utoderate coat. The school year is ditdded , 4nto two sessions of fire months eseh.. Ch arge per seselote.lrom 73 to lb dollars, according to thetitudiesof the scholar Extra for Molic, French, Latht;atid German. 1 0-Particular 'attention given to tie musical deintrh. =but '.—lnstructions upon the. Piano; Melodeon and Guitar and in 'dinging. Pupils not connected with 'the School will be waited upon at. -their homes,'when: de aired, and at the usual rates. . . Early application should be made.:M; S. J. LONTINE, or - J. W. mum. Baird of "Der eckirs 4. , • ;:r D. S. WAMMOND, , B. ,y, . • JOHN. • J. W. idtga." 8. 0. rO/101.100.110; O. ORNMNAWAT.,T, ISAAC BMOK,LNY4'. .I.7OIOAR,PONCII. , Lebanon, Ang.2o, 1661. Notice. rtlife le to notify all Carp eters nod Cabinet makers that noi bide for coffins grifilii paid bt jbeliPiren• tors of the Poor Tor poor persomi 4lng * thll stalrele Olive Miles of the Poor [fowl,' ; se all snob pampas will be fora Lae,' 'With Colllne free at expiates oa spoilt; cation to the Stehira at the Poor liciths. JOHN B. BOWMAN, ELIAS WA LEOfIN, }Dime of the Foot 4 GEO. ZIMMERAtAN, May 27, 1863. Blanket Sliawls, CLOTH, WOOLEN CLOTHINO of an COIOII6 dyedx•t' Black or Blue Black, pressed, the dolor Warnited ° and grade turned out equal to new, bj LYON LattIIERGEII, Rallat Hessler. Sir Articles to be clyed"cart PelefLat 10 v. L. Umber. ger'a Drag Store where all orders for:iha ibste will be attended to.. - " 1111sTch 11,1!63. Boo; and ..Shoe Store.- L x,- k • fornwthe publiethat he t fio nt t -YACOII ilfirtiEL reirpotiffll: ties his extensive establishment. - li ii„l lid his new building, in Cumberlandat, where be hopes to gander the tarns satisfaction as herettifore to all who may favor him with their maiden'. IfiliffiteaMeitillft and dealers in BOOTS and Slfo2/6amiggsssy sae who wishes to Ourchase laihionabla and, di/tobill articles is bla line, to call and examine for themselves, his Ili7ge add !varied stock.- ; -- .: : -. . i t• - ji . ,/_:- , He Is determined to surpass all ocmpetition in the manufacture °revery article in hislitiiiiries,qttuiti= any Market in the .linion. A this aiiiirtakfinfif to materials and wet . ..lanai:whip; none Inthehesequiti:- ty of LEATHER and other materials areihsed, and Word but tbo a heet workmen are employed ' - P. 3.,-Ite nothrtes Mil sidepre thlinliVoigy Wilts for the eery liberal .patronage heretofore bestowed on_higen... Hailiopes by strict attention to businessanderniegiririse ,o please. his crestontors, to merit a share of pubileAt tonage. - , ;, • .ILebanim,anly,..)lfldl..i . . . -...._ EXP.OSLTION'''' n -• Tifß ue Neat ii ilt +Atari' or._ THE LIQUORDEIIhERSr * re f * ib rflit o F nly,telieble Work ~eter,piblh, f u.Aertal Win-tell bow anbtotiora , ay* Jtatelvira 4tift itated. Also bow three barrola of Warek.ake. from4.o gallonsk of Spirits' 'Sent od reeetoralktlkff. Address. N. N. BISIVre,, - ' 'Wopeladarf,'lllerka pa. ' Jen. 8,02,647,4-4ib..,,‘: Gr:eorge*lllitillinan - - jI _ L , TRANSPORTATION:::LINL. , By Lebanon ValleYßiiitrOait... . ARTICULAR attentii:kia 'etiltbor:^paid to GOotikAlipp -1: ..ed tky theZetranove 'Valley Jitedlrolid.., Gioodr lAN. seneilitilY 'llAindlrdin Pliiltalerptile. to HetraMon Yen- - town and Annvilyt Station", ttnd all ottypit z potat~e , FREIGHTS contracted for at tbeleaaapoadildematea, and delivered with diapatcb. - - -- ..- . •,,,- ~,. iFs The Prontiotor wUI pay particular ' thin , ttiZelvd• attend Pationally, to the reestirtarsi ivert..dxf alt Freights; - . - Fel- itakirmation, apply* as OfFuiikviet Slap ram . Vealei , lßlMrositDopet,fiLibailin. , --, Ka Pf , . —.EDWARD MARL his Agent„in Plot at- . -ways beitaind at` MR 93uilesdifdrteicititr..4 . Third at., Ph:Widely/40.. . July M, 4301 - ' °MO:norm/14 `WANI . E.O7TO BUY ,- 00q9, •Sp,W(~bnDbal T. 'Mee, CL6 VER SEED. TIMOTaIf SEED:II".ex which the highest CASH prices Min be. Pahtat the bib - anon Valley Itai4road Depot, Ithal l s. E , Ronit i xii, 'Lebanon, July 17,1561. G. 1t ATKYN'TSIo. I.llllgrATlNO. , :irnitel in thellOOTtand STlOMllhatrias, XS and from their deteriumation to be punctual, apd make none but the best of work,' they .feellikesolieiting elargeof public patronage. -Theywill alwaywbwfontA at their OLD STAND, f.Nsw Donziwo.) in Market greet" nearly opposite Wicifne Rise's ,Ifotel,:wheys they will be ready to. serve , end - pleami their eiletomem. They here maw 'On hand a largerimoritneirhotlAZT DOTS; SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPET SAGS, Icc.,,which they - oiferat reduced prices, Persons dealing at this 411.0 - AtORE, can be suited TritbitEMAY-aIIa.D.E, 4 WORIC., hr bar" i t i f ou ie to . order. Satiffaction ' ANY': Particular attention.siien, in the REPiiitlffe Boots and Shoot. [Lebanon, July3;lB6f.• A TEENS di 11110.75' Nelr• Boot and Shop Store le heed A up,in good order foy poinfoTt and polvenienee,:bah for ladies and•Gentlernen. • ATAINS k BRO2S.Neis Boot and Gime Gmretelteted up in good order for eamfortsindeonveniance, both for Ladies and Gentlemen. . • .• A Tic 11.? BRO. promise . to be rinctinal,iadivillext jg deavor re please all who'may call on them for Not' and Shoes TO.7RE-NADUCI; The undersigned haring taken the Large and Cohituy diontalfotelats Pottavilie,knowypt,the 11101t.11‘11111Elt. - - H OUSE, i Would respeetfully announce to his old friendaititif9r--- tner patrons that ho io.preparett to ,ttecontieto date all who may favor him with their patronage. . The MORTIMER. HOUSE has been 'newly pspeied, painted, and refurnished throughotrqand the Pnevans see feels warralitedin saying that" it ta UNSURPASSED BY I borough of Pottsville, for comfortand coitieulencp, I , HaPains. will lie . Spaed;;.... I To render it an.agreeable and conifortable - itoppiog plaza for strangers sad bratelent. The Stabling, and .Shedding, * Atteclied•in the Rotel;-are siiiielentlifiriafaili• e commodation of the...horses and marrhiges his gnesta. Thi hotelt ittnow - open tSr the i Reception - of the;..P Hoi will be happy to socoinraodaitieell whasmay Aire:tam . - Joszra M. FEGititts...; poterrille, April 8, 18(M. ' " PioPritter. Executor's Notice: Notices hereby given, that Lettere mentary, haie keen itrinted',fn the undersigned, an the ratat • of OATII/LitINE ciftETTAtS, fleidelberg township Lebanori'counej; Pit4,1i4 1 7,0.. 11 persons who know thewitiolies indettid - _ will please settle their accounts, and Wit MOW claims against it Will please Pi mint Ahem. L :JONATHIM =Re , rat 7: 1041 F 1E t 9 i2 1 # 64 ' • , I.'• - Er 7 For Sa E le - or xchange. IT BE undersigned',Mull, or *Scholia* 'gar a; I Pisa, his desirable ' House Ind. Jot_ of ISinuWire CEost street „East Letintin. Tbeflonse lira -- U. nen two -ato* BUICK with Kitchei attached, HI all.welrbnilt and viellarringSd. iiitisall neces 1. sari conveniences. also giatern,Sath House, Smo - a s llopoo, all, kinds of IRO creep, &ca on gm 'premises. -, lliis property' it net isorldivrahli *sale' 'aged ea above.vt'Good andimtianntabis title -given,- For fur ther liforination apply to i , . JAMES N. ROCIESE,-- • Wsalitis. Libation, July 16,1862.; ' ' ' --''''':- - Poudrette I PoUdrette.l NE LODI bIANITFACTUDING'DOMP N an experience of 24 yeaks, fon:wattles of Pondre tte at low prieesi. The &pin+ elite of thousands of 'custoluers attest tWitbil fillet - that it is the cheapest, and the 'eery 'best swwwaso ninr ket. and partictilirly , adapted . for Tosateo, Coss-, Po eiroes, end Guam( Taub& ' " Tile Company manntaetule also Bar. TA-ileif 'Oa nab. atituto, for .Guano), from bone, kightion . 1 . 40 plana r ground for. Pirice $45 per ton.- ' • •," A pamphlet containing d ireotiorie for ruli, Pri 6 k - le?T may be bad free by addresring a letter to the °Mee o the fn,mpany, 66 Coormarro STarrri ' Iff: ap plying to our authorised agent, ' . . • Y481._ Ipa South Witurveg;Ttittatletlphpoi Pa . rob. 17, 186C-3m. - ' . 44NVIII,EittO 4 rIMIE subscriber offers bib large. and ...w,e,li." rele!W j stock of HARDWAILE.- PAINTS, 011.8e8C, .-dIT co sr . retz CaSifiC. Pirties.wholhare Settled their ateeduriitito 461,1,1864 will be allowed a liberal : , credit ort.'porehasee.--Those: who. hare : . not settled will And their amounts wtth A. S. Ely, Esq., for immediate settlement• emilowanile. lion, b.. BdB7MiAl7f NATIONAL OTIEL • (LATE -warns S.WANJ *** Race Street,Labrove Third, Phik ,, ' urs'eitablishmant offers zreat. inducernentO Cot On .ly on W.0131:1t pi - reduced rates' orting, but rum its central location to the avenues - of'' .- id<4 , 414, well as the conveniences afforded by the several r Railways, running past and contiguoui 'to by w hich guests can pass to and from. , he hotel to the, different Railroad Depots, should they be preferred to the mem ler Omnibus belonging to the House.. - am determined to devote aby ntesemottimaameto the comfort and convenience of myguests. - TERMS-. stz 25 PER aIYA - —y> as -stmovusr;-Proorreor. Forakeily from Bacifokota4Lebaagn, Pa; T V inuesns, Melt: " [Plillabrilfatteb - 12 1563. • O WESi,LIAILTRAV - New Cabiriet Ctalr Manufac!ory l O rk et : &;gcl ' crooi'?iorigpf La_igen“litittufactory_ lintrAtillnfe• MNITITItg ana CELALBS. lathe an t Public is respiMtfully request. ,ad, to *sir' hri--mind th at at these ,Were.llooitut wilt be, found . ..the best . . steoitment of rasa:menu and RAND cows RORNMURE and =AIM. Persone.Re want .of any kind would Beat call and examine Ids stook hedge purchasing, elsewhere, Which' (being ail of his onn work) he warrants to be, Better than any offered in this place. Prices will be Lerma than, at any,-other Pews either in tlte,Boronsh or smilax of Lebanon. . Allorders-promptly attended to, and, speedily execu ted at the lowest prices. • . • • All persona ' mireiSasingTursititsi 'trim will be accOmmodated by having it dellirtred; to 'thitas, to' any fart of Abe colony, rasa or, ciremiti,.*anif: without the mit injury, as he hes preensradVone ; 'of tins him sink ienettylowiture Wagons, especially for that purpose - 00/IFINS made to order,: exit Auden& atteffdls at the shortest notice.:: fbibatien, Until) le* =I