The Lebanon advertiser. (Lebanon, Pa.) 1849-1901, April 13, 1864, Image 1

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    ,_;., e ,..:;.', -
R ,' '•:, , fr . ~' to: el si E!!!'l
- ' ''' T I 11 . 1t111 , • '
, •
cps.' tikkolcit 4 cr mciasecitmcvent.
Neatly and Promptly Executed, at ther •
. . .
Tine establishment le now 'shunned ***Wan extenelte
tallettnent of JOB TYPE., which will be increased as the
pettesage delogoes.,•lc; Cili :eniwttiaru.out Pemrixo. of
descrlptfbil:ll3 k - k,-ke . Anti'o.i.peditione manner
4.- e l i , r eibo rlit b 1 c terms. Such as
iohleU, Checks,. .'
.Business Cards, Handbiils,
A - •••• Circulars, Labels,
""`'''''' Bill Headings, Blanks, -.
4 : "4 a.: , Progrimpes, Bilii df rare, • -. L.-.
_ Invitations, Tickets, &c., ike. •
afir - Direpe of all kinds, pomrtion and Jtidgmenenomna.
!t. sol:Justlees', Cedstables' and other ltisarsenwir.ted
esty and neatly on the best paper, coostenMr kept
reeale at this office, at prices "to suit the tinical,
.._ ,gAibscription price of the thIIiANO3ipADV.ERTISEIt
, -ono Dollar and a Half a Voltz. ~ -..1... ,7,te 4,
s: .t, 'Address, W. m. menus, , • .u,E.,a.
(I. . •
" AttOrneY :; at . Law
Cliffice Walnntstreet, neatly opposite the Buck
A z / Hotel, and two doors 'smith 111,1 Karmagy's
liardware store. . .
Libation,. April..
6, 1884.-Iy. :•
nISTRICT.:O79IOIIOIK Bye ribrioirobl•thill• OFFICE
.1;)!to' tts;BOOrlitilriiccupted by DrlAleo. In tine
sissfirer.,in Letsirion, s few doors
Muter the'Eggle Ifotelossl two doors went of Gen.
"WilZ3 - Offico.
Let" ' .•:2 4 aB. 862.. _ 7 :7 •
mi nit t i o
ietetraM" L'AZ, tree ip, t h i ir • Building,
4. " rm . "Alf : 4 i) Me Court
k Eiabsuboo, sy 6, 1663.—tf.
ou?n•- , . • •••• • • • -
. 1 4 •
N:... AT- LW ,
1, .
r ., ~ahtl li fii iket Streets,
&....‘23LA.142 1 :3 0 w . , PA,. -
Labanon,lioe 18 , . k 186$ ly*
A iffr ORNWir 111AVir. -
cyr Ciittblifirlai‘atieet, a : few - doors east of
caoi. hie lather
Lebanon. be t.,9, 1363.
. •stATVVEY' "Atli . ten
...o.l.rem9ved his silica to the be ilding, one door' ea a
of Laudermi h's Stare, opposite the Washing ton Rouse
BOUNT -PEN6.024 efaime promptly.. attended
to LA pril 8, '6:L73m..
coni :wkiu 'r.,
- 410Folio* * *1 4 • • 41 4 LJI JL
077..tiz0g: west corner Market and Water Sta.,
e abron January.l3,!Mr-1.3•1
ftEmoVA L. • '
• :-.5.-:,T,..7ITheADA.M,*
•-.:A TT ORN E Y-- .AT. LAW ,
t 45 ItllifilOVED his ofhee'tci Ninth et Street, otioosite
the Leba , non:llitait, two doors : orth of Widow
iittlettif. !• • • • - •
Lebanon. March 25, qiii, . . . • ,
4 1 44. 8 .9, 14 - 1 M 011 6 441
.A.AS:SX cro ma; ab t •=l,Lriainioi .
/riFFICfr removed to ' Cumberland • atreei: otio.4loor
olljElropot of •tbe Lebanon Valley Bask: opposite Om
illograo to 1 ; Lebanon,.Pa. Van: a,'64 .
r - ••A,R,I•fI r AND NAVY•• •
. .
4 :1111; t CD 31" 2:L JIL It Ninr .
D al llg,uptiersigned , baring been licensed to 'prosecnte
claims and has Ing been engaged in the nonntylund
Pension b ' usiness, offers his, PISTVICCO to all thole who
S. thereto entltled, in accordance with the earieue.
Sets of Congre-s. All such should call or address at
,oassi and make ; their applleationi through
BASSLER. norisit, Attorney at• Law, ,
OFFICE removed to Cumberland St.,' one
door East or the Lebanon Valley Ilank, opposite
Of Buck Uotah Lebanon, Pa. [Jan. 1:1; 'a. 1
Dr. P. B. nlsN..• •"
1 rATTN9 firer! Inil.ebanon,ntters bid pyrofednion
1. tlitaqkdiet9 Abd-public. Olitke in Zblildlet at,
. the build Sag fo!xnerly occuided Ly bii faber,
inuel S. iJeily
. 077 .. ER n s o h ri N i pro , tezi l o t n y el
4 ;egl i c c eil to .
t thec r i tierne of
N Yin. L. Bich, t*o'clixlrttWent of Oftcce Of Dr. Simnel
]t. Am, dec'd, in entaborinrd street. •
Lobanou, Apr 105,1863. •
: 4 - NR. OEO.. r..I.ANF t IiWEANEK, having been sp
peptlyd, by the. "Ccitnoiiis i oner of tensions,
ExamblintSiirgeun fo; Pensions, is pie
tutted to attend tb ell ipplicsnts for rension•at las of
3 ..lAcit,jaffiarket street, nest 1, or tattle rust Office. ,
Lebsoou, Alsreb:2sth,
I — !IUTTON . Eittfil . o." •
N(sTicE‘ is hereby given tbatibe Cei-pattner
ship hereto fore existing between the, under
sigtied,.depoipic to the Confectionery businesi, in the
Botonfh -et .Lebuiton.• has been -diesel fed he mutual
WWllsentt Thellooks will beat thezld stand for_settle
sleet. ' . JOSEPH LOW ItY).
UV. Veto: 16,1864.) ; lIENRY.NALISI.;
est. The business nlll,lOl continued by the under
-810641. •' ;:p l 944Pit Low tor.
,-.-• ••.• • Wanted , - ,
•,, - ,, , T ,g,i,p.•„'..ilbli.iltis llR.l•cine oilvi'o " 'i:;Pkij
. iTst II OA' Dry Odt.oll,Durin . se, arid &iti. i•petitt,the
... Tylikarl SIA4 ) . 44 . 0 4 langlogeo. Apply t o . .
~., . ' .... GOODYEAR AI Di!Pitss o lieir..
„. is., mkck . 24l, 1.8)4..
~. , - . .
Barlow 9 s4ridiga
' : tug v; fit: iboiecit4katur
: ; tan . , • ... •
Wash. /4e;r1I1 plias, take Douce, . a the .I"ia
' 31 10"0.#. 1 t#14 14 ' Ir # l/ . •;
4,1 ere 44..'W erg r S
• 71:11 1 11.17G1- ESTCPRIEIO
iIro,23O.North.SECONA litreet, . D'A.
The quality of this Blue will be the game In every
I ~warranted to color more ,water than twice the
atigatlty.:of,lndigo, and to go much further than
. t au; other I.Vtuth Blue In the market. It dissolves Par
itently*ear and dens not nettle on the clothes ae most,the Mb* makes do. .OnS ilex dissolved in n iialr
2 ,pt. of water, will make as.good a I.lquid Blue ae any
--Abet ,ii made, at one third the coat. . •
Akit .is retailed at the mine price as the Imita
tions and Inferior 1011e.les s housekeeper!' will find it
..e.sery mush to their „ad : ventage to ask for that put up
, ap,„AV Mixt ger:a. /
e5...A1l B ~_
lue u p after this date Willa Berimes
,same on it la an. Imitation. .
• , Now Lnliul does not require a Stamp.
jot , Bedell Storekeeperi g.nerally.
b: 24; . if.
Int A , L L :PAPER
. :...: r
lif.HE anbarriber hns jnst received from New Yea(
and , PhiledelrbL.,_s a !erge . eteck of .
-"et the very latest sty le, now manufaitured . for the
liming trade : 'AP the abnveltoottr were all purchused
at the very -10 I cart, privet', he is ennble to Fe) I
them at need old ri ses, . p before the great rieein
1 2 . 2444r0 w A .- . • .
DO 'SE •DES,•ke has a Isrge and • plena Icl
. like*, plain, faney,hbolf,• grera aud gilt, le. PAPER
13IIADEICA neat;pati t ero, Wain, .green.•blue add gilt.
-Mao, tbulatest and simply/It style , of Fixtures.
. 'Se hie isle° a'seileial anortment of
: . n . 33)0011teg • ANI):STAIAONERY - .
.istrilland, all orwhich'Will be told on the most -raison
,eibkr teinse.-! •' . - • *- .' • ' " . - .
i ', eilL , li lir Stoic Is in Walnut-street, lebenon,iee•
-itweenAhe Court flouseand the'Coboty•Jatl.' - - ' 4 .
n , :Libsuion, March 9, tat. ' •,'" •: • ' •"' 1 .
. .
Of the elleaDest and - lot Goods
BiltrlS' Shoe 4 "lirtiWitrirto4 &C
lid ntidersigrued has opened ono of the BEST 18
BORTM KNTS sof. , • ~.
p i
,lIATS,CA PS,Boars, qitoßa s TRUNKS,
TIIAYSLINO BAGS, &c., of all. kinds, ,
I f end of thibeste Materials, which he will .2
-1! Sell-at priceseldirdeoiu . niend- them to Purelia;
':-.•`-'!,ol%tae,ll•ATS' be hat unite it earicty df New
lliaNnstbnii4ing the Weehingttin; Stanton, Blinunde,
WlifeCilillen, Strlngham and Monitor Mit, very
beautiful and very shoe p. • Of CA P 8 hd has a complete
''assortment of all the New Styles, get -up in ouperior
- nntiner. With fine finish; Women's Misted' and Chli.
ti &eel's flalinorale, • Onitere, 'Congrese Boots, Slipperi,
.!intriell other kinds; Alen's and •Boys' Baltnorele: Ox
• OM Ties,: Washington; Ties, Congress Bouts. and all
other kinds •• woin- by' thorny , inoluding BOOTS. and
•SHOEIS; UV thd different variedcs, at bie cheap Slure i n
, Jirafityt St next to the County Prison.
..sp- • Thankful dbe,tlie, li bend ;la eouragemen t of , the
aTionhiMbetetathro,j mamthf *vit. al Um kiting 'angthillr.
:A rn3ohoe,Lo Oen and tutaittheeney,etnek before making
thek , fittrokeemt. •' - 1 ~. ,: ,-,•., ~• • JOB; BOWISIAMN
'.,ooehaftmc, April:ill, 1 se2.-; .. ~1 - =. , .. 1 ,. ..q —. e ,
P. 81-1 , ---Ideturiiree taketkapi work. made•at abort noose.
D youlee AT S& B ZS w•• 0t stgl. nue
C .
. . •
7 : . 1
• '
n ~...i•i t
~. . •: ‘,. :.:
I. 0. -
rag, 42..
:NOT Azowfatiti.
"1. 17Alikiicittwr cobidorripiireD . •
Vegetable Ettraet.
'!.:::::At`to 4.E10. 1 q!... T... ,
9.f7FiAYA.N. 11I'T:TFRS,',.
alc. Igt S QA T , c nikul'a Pa.
. • .; s 1109PellVt914 Ja ite
Chronic or Nerrons Debility, Diseased or the
. . • K idneye,
_and all diseases arising from a
d IF ordered Lj'ier. or Stomach:
- Ahich•RS Ciinptipation,liiward Piles, itu'nese or Blood
to the . Head Acidity of the Stentayb, Nausea, Heart
burn,' Disin'st 'for Food, Itblness or Weight. liCtlin
Stomach. Sour Eidetations,i Sinking oi..Pluttring at
the Pit of the Stottiaeh Brimming •of the heed, Hur
ried and Difficult Brenthing,Vinttering at' the Heart,
Choking or Sullocating Sensations when , in p IFiniglitw
turn. 'Dimness of. Vision. Dote or Webs before the I
•Sliht, Fever kniliDulikPairf in the lieed;Defielenßy Of '
Perspiration, Yellowness of tit. Skin and Eyes:, Pain
in the Side, Beck, Chest, Limbs, ,te Buddeti Fit
of tient; Burning in .the Flesh, Constant :Imaginings
of Evil, and greet Depression of Spirits.
And will positively prevent rellath Pbrer; IJifiovs
Jhver, r;c:.
Tlit2Y'cos i rAT
.IVO Alcohol, or 'Bed Whiskey ?
cubs t he 'nboe - diseisei in ninew
nine eases out of a hundriia •: • '
• , 7 t • •
Induced lby the extensive sale and '
UtliVOred popu
tartly of IloofianiPe Derwin Bitters, (purely Vegnitible;)
lamts of ignorant Quacks, 11,1111 if unscrupulous adventu
rers. have opened upon iiiiterinu humattity*the Rood,
gates of Nostrums ht the shape of poor whiskey;
compounded with iojurious,drugs, end christened/Fon
-Ice. Bteinlielites and Bitter-a.'
:.Beware of the .innnruerablu array of Alcoholic prep- -
11.3atiOne in plethoric bottles, and big bellied kegs, nu
- der the Modest appellitlim. of Bitters: , which bucteAil
. of euring,.oniy aggravate ,disease, and leave tl e Weep-,
Wointed salt' rer in diariliir.
• HOOPLAND'S OBICSIAN firil.titti34 • • •.•
Are not one:: and ,untried „article, but lucre steed
the'lesr of - fifteen yedre tiiiti t, the American
and' their reptital ion and 'sale, aro not rivalled by any
similar preparation..'
The proprietors hare thousands of Letters from the
s' • 't TROIA:NS snit CI T IZENS;TS
Testifying of. Itioir own persotiel-ktiowiedge, - to Ai*
besieticial effects and medical viitUes of ttiess BMW's.
From Rev: J.:Newton. Ai0i0n,..D.•.D.., Editor of the En•
cyclopedia of . Religious Knowledge.
Although not disposed to feror or recommend Pit.
ent.kledicines in genurat, through distrust of their in.
grodients andieffects:; -I yet know of nosiillicient. tea.
sons why a man may tint testify to the benefits he be.
'levee himself to.have received:from any simple prep
aration, in the hope tbat . bo may thus contribute to the
benent of others. • ' I•• .
I .I do this the more readily in •iegard to floofland's
German Bitters, prepared by Dr. 0: M. Jackson, of this
city, because I was prejudiced against them for many
years,,under the impression that they were chiefly an
alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend Rob
ert Shoemaker, Eeq., for the removal of this prejudice.
by proper tests,. nod for encouragement to try them,
-when suffering from great .and long continued debili-
VIA pacqfthrea bogies - or tfitot Bitpirs, at the blo
ginninglg theaiii4erit:yeati; was ;followed ? e , y evident
risUiratioati3: a degree 6f:bodily and' mere
2igbewfifcll‘l liad not rit (Or' slienioni behire.
-andlidealmost- despaired Of regaining. I therefore
thank-God and my friend for directing me to the use
ritiLLD'A., Jos; 231861. •
There are mitny:preparattona sold.tunder the name of
Bitters,,put up io quart bottles. compounded of the
.cheapest whiskey or common rum, ezatiog from 20 to
.40 canto per. gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or
Coriander Seed.
This class of Bitters boa caused and.will continue to
causu, as lung of,
they con he sold, hundreds to die the
death of.
,the drunkard. By their use the system ie
kept coutio nal ly.miderthe iufluence of A Icoltolic Stim
ulants of the worst kiutl,.the desire fur Liquor im,creo•
ted and kept up, and the result is all the burrows at,-
tenda u t upon . * dronknyd'ird 'and death:
For those who delltie:atilVioifi have aj.iquor Bitters,
we publish the following receipt. Get One Beak Ifuoi
t an I,..G er ,,,,,....Btriers:jtod , snix. yitic Thrre,Quarts of
ouocritilmay 11 1 7fia - esi,lnullie - reiiilt *lll prep.'
lir.f 3 Miricsile pcdi.cinaA• ritkoes and
tru ectil ca'out, f • titttnicrons:iLiqnor hitteralln
rket, j alliati
_g stalgulaPessi You fill have
*trod Tirtneeo tibted - rßiliers% cohud fon with
sport article of Liquor, at a much less price than
these itiforiorj Rroparationts witl coat you.
• • Alltidt z tin . SOldi? .
rifiirltiENrl .j"
r e , w.yiar thiCeArshitlea orTar ihiii , lti g ':reltitiOns and
' friCridi artlif to the get "thitt
German Bitters" will cure 1111.10 tenths of the diseases
induced:by.exposurps and privations iticidenti to camp
life. In the lists; pittillidied almost daily "ip the news
papers, on theArriviCOOf the Wok, it willl tai noticed
Chet very large proportion are suffering from debili-
Fi . }very mire ot that kind can be readily cured by
, egilland's Gettolisn Bitters,
..11isenses resultinofrons
sorders'tif the igqestive organs aro speedily removed.
We Lave no heiitation itiMatlint that, If these Bitters
were freely used among our soldiers; hundreds of lives
might be'saved that otherwise' will be Inst.
We eitl4rrtictilite 'attention to 'WS :following re
markabl d well authenticated 'cure of one of the
nlttlon'x h Mee, whoa& life, to use his own language,
"bus benti saved;by the:Bitters :" . .
Angust 23rd, 1t62.
Messrs. JoneibErans.--Well, gentlemen, your Hoof-•
head's German Bitters lueseaved l ay • . wh ere is no
mistake In•th ie.' It is. benched fur by antihero of my
cumrades,,lome of whose name are appended, and:who
were fully cognizant of all the circumstances of my
cats 1 am, nod have . beep, for the last four years, a
member of Sheruntuli
. ...ylebrAted battery, and under
the immediate" command of Captain It. B. Ayrea.—
Threugli the expoinre attendant upon my arduous du.
tips. I was attacked iu
. Novernher.last with inflammation
of the lanes, aud'wee for seventy-two days In the hos
pital. -This w.tin followed by great debility, heighten
ed hy en attack of dysentery. I was then removed
from the White Howie, cud sent to title city onboard
she Steamer !'State of Maine." from which 'looded
on the 2Stb of June. Since that tints I.llave been a.•
bout as low as. any ono could bo and atilt retain irspark'
of vitality.. For x week or more I was scarcely able to
nation anything, and if Itliet force a morsel down, It
was immediately. thrown up again.
I could not oven keep a. gl!ina of water on my stom.
ach. Life could tint lastunder'iliese circumstances;
and, accordingly;the physicians why hud boeu work
ing faithfully, though unsticoosa fully, to rearm; me
Irma the grasp of the dead• Archer, frankly:told mo
they could do no more for me, and advised me to see
n clergyman, and to make such disposition of my limi
ted funds as best Suited me.-'•An acquaintance who
visited me at the hospital, Mr- Frederick Staitibron, A
sixth below Arch Street, ads iced me,. as a forlorn
hope;to try jour ftitter a ,. Ifiutll7l pregared 'n bot
tle. From the than' I conitiatriceS ;WOW; them the
gloomy' shaddw of death , nil:Medi and I auruolv, Elan k
clod for It, getting Letter. Thpugh have bat taken
two bottles. 1 have gained tea' pounds, nud I feel san
guine of being la !hinted to rejoin my wile and dough.
ter, t rum whom I have heard.- notbEng for 18 mouths:
for, gee tieraen,‘l Pm a toyafoldigiiiiitn, from the viola-.
'Bret Front (loyal. To your ininduable• Bitters Loire
the certainty of life which has taken toe place-ef vincite
.fears—to your Bitters will I owe the glorious Privilege.
:Of %jai& claspiug •to my 'boson) those who are dearest Is
me In life, • :Very truly .yourd, , ISAAC AIALON
•Wo fully concur in the tnithof the above statement,
irtirair•bad despaired of tinning our comrade, Dlr. Malone,
watered to hea1th....... .
• JOHN CUDDLEBACK, Ist New York Battery; •
. OFoholt A' ACKLEY, Co C th•btaine.
SPENCER, It Artillery, Battery F.
.1 B FASIEW ELL, Co th3d:V,erniont;
• El ENItV II JEROME, Co 11 do.
.E Bbrlilf StACA/ON ALC go,C tittt ; .
JO ntr F - N(A It D. Cu • E - 5"1,b Ifkle 73 -
E 831 AN Ropu, co* 11724 NewYdrk: •
ATI' A N lEL •B THOMAS. - Co Il I9sth Penis.
A NPKEW JiKIMBACL . , Co A 3fltliormoht.
:401.1N^JENitINS, Co Il 106tb Peen. •
• • Beware of . Counterfeit,i
,See .that the, •eigitature of "C. It. JACKSON,' .lion
the WItAYPER,of each bottle.. • .• "
. HA1.F.804. 1:Q)(440 0 , • • "
Should your nearest .drugitai. article,
do not be put off by . any • of tbe:- . inttiot
Clone that may , ht...otteral MPS:4OC ei Ain! , peed, to, us,
and we will .forpard.;securely,Opkad.... , kitesP ro N i •
FRINCIPAL CFI/lef isi,D OtifAlSlUrAcroult,
NO. 631 AROZ. ST, „.
Jeri's* Jr,•)Evans.
(SeciiidolkAc' l P..g• J / I :# 4 S%4A
• •
int FOR El ALB'l4 , Dia Om lotip - bed — tithe tburt
Uo46a 4,0,w0x, PA., and by Ofiiigiiits - and Dealeirarin
eypTy town io Op United Staten.
May 27, 1863.-Iy.
• - " ; -''' - • , :n),••• , . ~, - ,', ••••••' o '.!v: . •••••,... -r - . 1 : . s . 50 '' .%1:: • • •
• •
LEBANO'N' •PA WEDNESDAY; - 'APRIL •18.*-. - 1:864 -n • :'..- - rfv i:'.' - '''. 7'-' 'WHOt. E raNG . 1- 5 /
:• . .2
.. . 1 • • ~ ~ ~... .. • •. .••• : . ~1.1,, 11 p.,.,,,71.• e , r., • `; ft.'. ~:. : ';: tl: .s. I ...1..... •,.. ~. ::.o.,; . !iiii , r.,:" ll __• 4 r ",,,i
~ :'..y• it#llt.titAii.:
C*Y:AUAfflilAtlitlf,:THE CITY'S;MORAkS;
Bean r ilaciett in the Capacity art toliceriran
[Free the cidengo ?mai
. .
Editor, Peit: l L- : Repent ntiisfOttibei :
tbongb,,they: . ';p4Azlitid.. 'a terrible . di
. .1 . 444; been benefi
cial to my4pusetilpr • d!itgeloyment.—
Diy mAele'l liare -c*AMIUd-wonder
fullt: in the last
.teur weeks:. I : am on
thejtimue,mo3Y.7erilirelY-; ta.P Vitor
of cq paper init. tow ni`sout-.Y.f.
afew himdrecl east, Chicago,
Otkargetlelized IAP;410:P - f`malk of P,PoW
.exfltligrllme, nnil pow:in - pas anusele.?-=
I know; *berg i ll* get that
impression. t in 9 restau
rant, . when .11poraa ,the, city,
and - I was eating
. oysterS , the 1411
lle.,OoliglAt, ..opy were 344-
sela r aMl: topk. it, ler ~granj,cd„ihai t ,
.was not' 4 map : , of; muqcl9,
soon would be. • . , .
. . . . . . „
But the repanti. cam e . lueels. on
The : OPinions. : of . ; couptry
r paeNed the ci V,. and, ferth with, 1 - 3 . ;vlis
waited upon . by a large Alelegtition of
respectable gt.ntlenlen, „and..entreat:-
ed .by them te,..ealkegt,,ppsitien on ,the
police force. :T1 diy I * l 4. : 61 !).41 -
cle, Were iusi,,,the men ..they poef,led.— F
Aii....4,•poi&nlifyn in the, : city ; ,here
and a fe* strOng;,bale,.he&r
ty men were wanted immediately:
~ I.
accepted& .position—Ofitained:ii ttP9!)
the , recommendation. ,of the M.
i3pectihle :,delegatkm, And learned.
few minutes. o,4er I. ; Was, appointed
th!tt,t4 „Salary:Was. only tirelve, dol
lars a walk.
• I offered to•resign at.onco, lniL was
informed that ' resignation would
not. be.. aCcepted. . Twelve dollars. • a
week : ;...o -Iguesa' Ili:Vi
dor policemen are
der they , aiie -not. men of muscle. I • I
would like fo - see any man buy mus 7
.gilts for twelve ,dollars a week in . war
'times. - Biit I Was in.fer . it, and wren
I ..fotnallbitt, reeignition.'Wottid
nbt.bc accepted; 1., .was cistern - tined
to be a• polies:in - tan- paid a
hendred dollars Oire 'Mont li!a• tirb
for ti uniform;.' and 'Star
from" a , than Who • bad nlibie! than' he
wanted: ". rfelt ;proud tlib first tire° 'I
appe:tred in public attired in
suit. It was .so fenny to see . little
boys and skedaddle as I
Walked along the streets'. • • ." • •
Nelethi asked :me' . What
beat I would, like; to . gopn . the first:
ight; introy become ae . 4unitit.oll-
:0 , -Itli 'the husinesi. • I told • him - if it
would snit • all.panties
w9lll4Pl.*ret:gclOgon'thi3 hast. 7.
TEC feidijid Pertly= . that I been On'
'Mint Urcif Siillo4 no. fiiSti khbw. l ine, arid
• a • change woul d
'ith mc; . tb:fd; high
Would riOcr' . be' troubled With miieh
of it en "a sitiart Of twelve dollitia a
week.' •
The.s.ubject was pressed upon !no,
and , f I. informed the., captain:that
thought Thad:. better be placed upon
Sherman-etreet Ahe .first night. as it
WAS i rather. ; thinly populated,: am]: :I .
had .been told that many of:
!Die .1 -.captain . .
.dissentecl,;....said 4 ho
thought tbatWas not a suitable street.
,far,,ine. w ile • . was, in,, : quandary ;
*herd to pg,t ;k. jealous pollee
min suggested:the; propriety. ofpu t
:ting me: but, :which suggestion was
filieedett . Rinall3j I. : ,was, assigned.
a beat that .cannot.;•be:i!described by
the mere .mentionrof Municipal legal
ities.. l was • permitted . :go where
I pleased; • and:requiredfto arrest. all
trespassers and peace,breakers.aed
law-breakers and :,...thead-breakors,
wherever fonnd , I made as
arrest in. less :thaw hull an; hoar ; and
.paroled. the; prieon.e.r: ; Avant: into:
.the police wird, hoWever, and :pnter;
.a.complaint. , ..
"Whole the accused.?" inquired the
judge. • :•., .
.lady," said 1,.. and s gav,e . her
name... , • : • :
44What is the-charge.?"
"Resisting an (Alcor. ..-;
"State the paßiculars ?" •
"I tried to kiss her and she wouldn't.
let hie," Was . iny'bravecrespebpe. '
The jndge better
and alSo'infortheit' . MC if,' I; canio
there with another 'lsiah a charge ho
- would'llave me stripped 'Of 7myoffiee.
TEA Was encouraging. Twelve' dOf
lars a week and not allowed to arrest
ladies for resisting rmen -I proposed
to resign. Was informed. again that
my resignation would not be accppt
ed. The city has got a sweet thing
on .policeinen at twelye' dollara a
wmik,iirid it 'moans to every
ono +of them like's hued man.
riext tobk a position *At's; impular
street•prossing, .and ,escorted. ladies
through : . the.. mimes .1)f carriages,
,drays and waggons. .I had a
gay time . ,-gartitifting the Reacts, and
And and -Tulias, .and
and b,egan to think that being
a policeman. was not ; so had after all.
Tsefyp, 4011arp.a incresiod„ in
.. imagination, .and.f.o. did the
mantis,.:on-iv: Ph°. for tii,4PAYmelii
oftled acconntsi vas;
1 4 - , 0 ,;*..P4Pn.. 011 Ae110 illi! , 1 - X.14 1 ?aqrAres1
at, thedzikeet oseting,-i• Pretty wom
en crossed...quicker than a• .iitreak
chain :110tnii3g,while ; the homely
onesreanirfid, a:bent (o..hear.,
fr044? ; .t0 tiik ;
iaig *Jr, 'IMP.: irl. Air.43/3
hPuL.OrePtl9.l2. .
4e.. tiii'ickelYs , 7•9.l3Yin.
beto a policeman. '•
..this pressing a=
lout nii40, 11 MrO 11 0)".I a oiidl44
tVb ?49 fitrPßgeWili YOMI99A - 1
arcst iA t e4 l 7,0 ; m6fi, r9ly n iaigpt i
tike U PI ;ice; ilgrignikttifiqi , 04) tkei vast :
`cOnstatteibnalry apposed to arr • '
strong men. I was beginning to 'tee
the effects of twelve dollars a week.
My muscle has ....leaving, Irie.!repidlyt
with 4 9l4j l any
.R pinto. Of its excr : ;•-o r
t.,u,Rifi -: TN.937A4o)iars, n,fgeg r is
he: ;n 'bein'ent TOV.juitsele . . to reitqf;
thin . 116tlY. • : 410tRolf aciniiiiiikfln
if i
nit Aevi::ealllog:tr t; spent fottivdaygi
_without , ativatpcank
. withcmt got thig ,u: ritv,t0m1f: :3 ,, 41 ,..
I rounilg the rest oLitie tiple A
tettg., :I:hfiekt - ed'VtiOtisiqa.iiiiii4l l .
'folio*: $-"iiii - tief;)".n o'hnd• hien . ' 1668-i
tingt on' , .th.ei' Ilion hg:lifetVe ',election; i t
Nvben there wdelsonly- .o.nefmtioketkiin
the field .all : : the, candidates oo ;i tl ec
Obey tickets:baying lisecpilq.ti9ht?.: i
leave lifeli. . I liteseed.' th i s; , "youligi'
gentlehiltii . *hti ilispliied '-iiiir4iilf-1
- 1 1 9 89 Eidgatingly; bn the , grohnd tlift.t . ..
911e,..wags: not L.l.m.ttilkeilf i to.!. ;takoaoarsi
.of h imeelt; , I I .t,oo.ic hint to„ the pelisse . I
court, and l : had; hin'i . qualified: Ire
litaitted . ntee'td tit' er6ile I .W. r(flir
Ntietite) . and wadlikosimbi:i . diieliiig-,
fed;: alle,gingitlistAesintici -been! dishon-.
orithlyiohurgei.N!! 4. Akeprok4eo.,s . .- . . ~,,...,
C , T . W. e k v e 4ftliVi n t .).ve,if( l ••••ci % :i ; ;
' .I; iitifi r ' 4.4 ii*...116 . ' •v,,,eitic: i.: kir) . 4l:i . with: lilia* lateeiiarineiFi--
.hraiievfm2i Ntorii4Cli giligestiedicivilli c
by...d Were itwitellings,.. that ..1....whil nut
.donwthe 'fair Mitt*. by pu rs e , I notilch);,tl 1
hOp le: I said. toy let thstito .
hiilight; iftia. it- :gas light: I *was 11-:.. 1
"diood"to th 4 litibiiil otitillie: 'Or& liaiii..,
A , hAa.indiiidual- ...IN-4VA trelioling
.show tried• to. hire ,tno fok -ti transpa- .
ou.e,yi .to.
.irie in, i,to, imagip:J a ntern, • ~,X.
was in .th 0 last.. stage, of, a deed fh
nr4. :I re'sOlred ,to inike one i n oro
unrest aiid *die Ail& 'A"lierV:' - BUt'l" . • . ooithoo- my tathotitr
to ivreak :fe melee :I; ii d . *md hhoy.s.: , 1 .
,could i ne.longsr risk, iny.nisole)rith s .
riinsut4iiik n o g ln atter Alow enntlf.thoy
;night' te: ntet it : y . iinr . ig . huly: . Corti-f
iiig out of i'dky goods - stall iviiiil
bandlaot goods that , 'Seethed: is& itieitiy '
-I hnifttrnsted it:. Twasl not-paid i . fori: %I .
frnined i a toly . nrrestod her. on a charge,
othweeny. . . ..; ~.. .•.. . , f ~....
fl.ty Inyttx ... in a id t !
.. snid I; ~. T.iyOt .
. „
*S- . 6.e.".• 1 :•• ' : "
3 yod;. ertsVf::sho
.reOecl; "IfhwPitp•havetnoblenos;fi
me three months f
r "My bliiiiihig . ,.
n.roao.budi i -Lremark-;
1 ied, "I. -Itnow•you•not. -1.• !1:. 71 .
I "What 1 - hiite ivilif,:dbit tiliou deny !
irie•? :Dolt 'Elkin iloifloVi'ini W:tiltlit :
. • • • Don't- cull 'lie liti I f,' • !::'ivivi; My: in-;
i dig'nuot reply . . :.'.l,d / rts• thee:?.-.Xesoii
L lovcAlloo • lo,ts- . )y,... . - ;ome . ,,Anith.; .
• the . police court and r will tell thee
'it hy ' I 'll - .)ve 'thee:" • • '" ' • ` ' ' ' " ' ...
1 :• . z •••• The ;text -ninth ent i IF ) wai4 I loi)ltillio
-slcy.- ivard i , hp,vingt hpon-41etilidiared AT
I a man len : pounds my, superior. !Ili' hen l
I,Tccavered., the yoking ; lady wholigil
[hair ace loci! gi 1 i 1 ly of pet 1.y., lumpy : i
l'(or ' pretti3 la i.ed fiy).l! lad 'abilitioanlti- . i
I, tcd. ' =:: -...:•! ••
i I
I TiVelver':di.illayit'''it''' - i'f,ea,. and al
71)'relccrilitiult - •;:!. ! ` , 4! •-"-) 'VI },
•,: ...I - raised Incnicy ininagbitlin4 , dupto:
.pnrelinso. 7 a meal., 4.„ si t iing. Itvol4c
: in a.)nilii)„fr i iii4ifl o lino 10, a, .:,
'hook •lii iiifery,...... TWO Propri,etoii filiil,
ii, Job 'iiii Intuit tliiit'they'7liviteirtO,
finish; im mctliiviely; - 4ifd! I' VolittilliNOY-i
, oil am :a; snbsti bit tee.: for ,the • a Wing: i f: tl.'
ult r
did Vory..,)yoU,.„4.ce' I4hati . l ;warm II!
Cif ale ti,a4ner.tl4!) : l, lq ci110r...4.(rj nm,.
and iiltide 4finol."i . : - rt.' 'l;tsOeired IV
•qiiinitdr for'iicy • licii. - iiiii iriti s 41411;
l 1 ti . utithaitediii.ifiealt. kTlieliniiiiViiiiide
ane:Bl6k, I • was :annsedl,;tole tfoli . :A!
t i
I ;thing: . , I Ten•opionte . after I-patit i OD .
hiy,ffs.taicen . tcaji9.,.o .trvil gAwl,ien, in-;
. sfiiiii;ble-rldead ! T here wat . ),,,a-•rni;
*i . i.metiticin; of •iiourg,. lind e nt ry bilk.
!liilairitightehell/•'Th' Ithlicenien Ni/gii)!
afraid there would b an inqueit? th d!
they knew. -what-7011f -verdict would',
ben !"Dibtl:of Wel re - #ol I arA 'a' wdek..":
• ,4 pjwsician :was, n,feir, butrihe .
~iliopidn',l,s te pro,: l 49c4 ",).),(1. Ito* Vite ,
..amount:, of , niy,.,igill •.•y.. , lii • said .I.:
- Woitld l i4llll prOh`libil ty ieddver; 'VW
it:Nit.Ottict . gd , IVard Aril. i witi:ii iliVitill).
,of Kr& IV inklon.'s•soothingOktirktas
sent .for -4 okays : lip:oo trutt.l.me4l- . .
1 ciilo,.;bonti,se , a, Indy , invented it;,,
I Strange to sto , ,, ii yronttln:f p 4 . esiArrocit ! , l
„In e. "!A bucket of Ilit . fr'ily 4 iN ; it.4l- l'loiti ' i
ir i tli 0 il t itnly • .visplito 'dike:: • ' •Itilialli
the ;brought:lnel: one bottle; ;cf . :Nis- •
nrd. Oil i . and: ‘lnkt Ilroegle tone. :to:: ...1;
p.i..epeted .on ..0f,...thent,..t0 .the. opt-
'non . Cotineil:' . l),elcfl4n : elre o:iitlktr
• 4 *o6k.'i• - •': "
.... -4... ‘d.- .; :
• : ' it'r stilrliiat Tlie!'cliptain'Actiti nib
I bad .better.".esigni. .1. had proviid
myself, Ili) said, one of those persons
unable to -oudnre--the -ow:immure inci
lout tp,a . pol;ginnalits.lifo„Att,.t%xplve
. .401 a .rs n . Ave,ek... ! , cop I f rary.. apci
ironl4lnit: . ;Os:igli: Ile e t nia t Aust.
I' said' I uivelildic't.•••• • Figalli .. I' nlcii,
Colonbl!:;Richardson' and' f changed
my.-.mind: ' . I .:had no•desiro to be !ft
policeman . while .11 . e •was In, the cipy. i t
.I . resikiiiid. ~ . 11 1 , !IP-0. 13 InI1 10 , 1 1'CjC0 ( 1 1 1
Witili a Splo 4 lidid ' , oini Man ilp,)iyie
. 14 a sph- f . ,;
for' ir poi ictiniah nereeteilleY .
foil g gext .totigain•.k.live3iteOoshi
think rwill-follow-any.—inclinations
and go 140.1.4091 Or, Arooliv. or some
other.foro,igNt W
, - ,:trourth.f9r, t*
7. . • B.EAU .41114.01(ET.T.:::4,
. . .
. - r
THE "TRUTH TOLD."' .. '."
A Terrible Against ` .14,1101#
:Sy - '4l. Fremont .Or gan : . ,
[Wm •lbe New York New Nmtion
thatworthy citizen
of Atli . ens
.. yrko • bunished•_,
solely .bedatiso it u . unbyod hinitO hear
the •epithut, '"tbe 4ust,',' constantly
coupled,with his name. W e .) lave a ll
b. 43130 strilek,by this strange. i sp'eorbioli.
ofrittical liberty, and by.; the •licfr:
ajkiakilient in. "thf ,
7,lort:'4Po l 4§Plt d A undaft 1315 1; 1 1;tkr,
givein't!o 'the •nan!e , ,of eitizen.of e;
,falifitlid 4 inight 'after ,•ar:310,7.:1!,y 0 vg;
dangerous, nor because the epithet
of "just" was questionable, that the
r •'n
. . . .
, .
.. .
........,:,...„..,..3., ::„...•....... .;.:.... a: .. ...'" .• !
`•.'' :: - .. ,I. r.
.'.:;... -:•., , : i .. .; 11 ; ~ .ell f. 1.::: 1 ..t .. , % .; ~...; ;:x .•.. •
":, ' ••, /0. "t. :I ;. .
wcortkyi,citiAn ..00,,G(M09aNin.10,9d
eas.-the,„mitter;the Lge annoyed
Ril-lidilottedatel3eBter:!`lz -'this
.:iversee art lutessing lihe3tty And: a.lark
no e itiark i ba t a ti m
than Lthe..-nexedient ktbsifihn , siittrni
4!.4T9 , 114,01c Mat-PE9P.o.serthefQFP ("Ara ,
jtinthe Wb(te
- gale ti"gdnaper,AsjiletZ;. i t'6%
dr-IsiTiirfigt." l4 "Po egitufdlie'
thitt s Of•
thirty) millions., t 7nht soap u.Oll Shia
gqinPlLlllAlitto!Aki9- #l 3 a rtatINMP9 II
all, . _rept. lqe,lus ,o, Anto,.bis
a aniriogibtlity : tkree
Tiget; i l' 'and , it la% diolido'ter
Mai, Li neoin itoJesamineo(yotrratoo
.aII4:P44aY :then), 494 1 .atifehaiN.A9
,ginuremp copliding,tbr .r fat . t,4l
our Cause, he' bon& of our arms and
't4 'Akin afigtfir e ,
iYo'fii lion • s ash' Ids 0141011 a
host ofy,votertwat Lfheiis command,
.Nlyn39-ggpps.wt, yot,9o.yetf*--, order
..toladvagee l L tike veltarc 4,14q ! a1ty..
; t. , . •
:allO)v , e4._ Pill P.. Alstsho
YRT , PoAtielq, Renplial .4denwt.s,
arsl I•oll;trautif9 An to :'. 12 01 . . 0 9 1 3, irt}tVi
Whose / ,InellicielJeTl)lo rit}ltQWPd
,tho,usands. of lives, ;.antd,oniillors • of
_treasure; softhat Toy ; ahlr
(Laszlo .the,,,eyeA , of the : people:will
3ictinzies ,mora- , -than t•No
:have permitted:en :l: to ,aucrifice
pAtlioto; .001084 f pOrriaritr.Adoglutfl '
.you and ; w koac., u ergy.Aisappo ntoll
049. 1 1)1* ••• ,
ITo hnye allowed!. you, to, ;; flee° 419
therrottl k uilwe. ; Calve,act yow i to truoit
;forir.l•disgrareful„ .defea : auto
'ries* and ,e;veu Ave .4nade •my outcry
mli'etyyou iwortiirsd,o.cod to,,brg,oxon
oration: for:actetWilioll
dish tbe ybooar , ,Of 'our( aDol§.--'
:You have beeninnuhle either (to forc
see o:r • foroatalt: 11 fly thin g,..l , . What!hes
beC(kite . Alia Ai
-What% !MAT....yoCt done. with igrt••
igense iesources,
iiiisto4l;.thitt, the : nuti on. Alas ! *viably
givb.n . you .-• ,", • ' •,* 4 t .
i:' , lssu arc now apPACklit%l•o.4onsgrAP
rtion, tind milli . not enter into:
cnssion 4f.the prigeipi ft, itself, but •we
tbll you. tlii4t y,ou zi g.l4ould 4ave
4be.ese e en • ttrat.i. the ,44,ay:.7nust comp
when you would tbeappen
.4t.qou were to; bianle.iqActt
. t t iftpi.irlieu 'the peopled enthinn
eillva,l4oaketi tr,t4to4slautepiintsinudh
tis,threktigh yOgl':.ll4cAPAt4W-Airkci-4)OX
ACIai sehemeßt th,VbeSessqft for out h
it anneal "has. freconle, a questiot! of
'depfivi tig"or 'ctn.
tiblisinsni, mrs 1:14* Ilf•EIJ
1 , - /X2u4HVee•vt/Abitket tr bi a -1 4P'
ituit s wee
ego e i)liople that
thl9 fades ofith-rrtilk tifetialted tided
by: dosektionailundr_ftbaoti•.theyr.•could
Pots . 1 .)Thl:fleN1 1 qe9P?,t!leti , SO
ylplyinr.e 'f t .741f
dp ensiye„: ebd • 't
I) . 4 l.lii ttg . .ts :2; Vroi:a 71":1
—AVhedevefelkhi fittvoNfifts&ed
-artioircif one troop's tlioyi 'Ave. bean
-unifoXPOIY-c - .ulklkueeessA l . l 4.73r o o - • 4.`69
pß.rtpulla o r 'ffered., j u s ..
.ap9efacle . of gpladia 4 rpsouicei and
intediciit cltr noes OrsitedeiiSiMilead
I Phell 'ithly • gcretega
lybietyoul.rtano• neititiattaparrg,, , :but
tbe crOitroft-which-wo4ntend to take
&din -yoVi'lla:duelo Oro incredittiMin
airhiativqness y.olt have
AC it) mliawritOng, tapt4i, Oh Rime„ 91
bvse ninst?Nly mtgrlll,• q,nd
• • Iv , •
npnattn4i ityr.e iucee9dotl eacti . otuer
' - with if t i:d'pidit,YWchlthillrithis ki•cat
eat shoWman of iioddetnq timbio- Phd
immcnSe varietrof ..cirounistantea is
Only:MaleAb.Y. - the iiico t4tOr• of the
results , -.,A 1r431 9M G .Lin.:; -, IFA 1 4 • • 4
Sfiernlira ieC6ADOIESiitiZ r e..
Smith' s „te.c.onActissa '
reeonnoislante • •
SI 16 • .• • ..L. . • •
,Custv;,s reecifitu .
1 ' fikyik i i:ottY •1"
•u Oilm'ore's• ;:thail6stOn , •.-• retfennoid
saneef4 • 4: : ,^ • :
frhe res*.iS zverYwliere the: sanl9,
ridipAloys •and disastrous.. Tht,sole
COneesiion eon' inike`tO'your-bim
iktirtiS,• - th . .y6u' (ire 'im ve'd tpsfiti
the nhalip 0P: base.: in 1861 A; yon' de-
stroy desw.ersoidierwand; linrh•less of
the Pai!loces,P.rOPeAti- r •
4or,isit• that. tutor . tlw,fe yerrs qr
ineompparnli i7ieforiO„nepsi•iding'o
tangtans'expreseidn;' , 4ll-.
litddelited• iff'thtiffmilltary• -- hist6rt
of nationsiYi rount!..are i still I pondering
how to preserve--therTational Capitol
iindYhUrbalies`oft•ptration ?, • -mot
re.cward thr tteh:asteeoss;, fdi
4aise. l )l o 7qinciAgit l l9o . 4 1P 8 ,014.1
no 7
Vote of i•cinfidenee and t rq ; , dot; ythi,
: ;•:40 .n.f.rho
..,4nlyou.tinauguralaitWresa ybogave,
,01)iltc.rne,sty i b)Jegarill!f; 'TV)
self, .aetfortlane•:),;:with' the
known'Orineipleii Of Ltheykrty
had elected - you, not to serve another
terra ; . - thili,7TE — a. manner
df:your snprrei~• men
midersfockl; -hitt yourifolidiciverei. - eirJ
iden tI7 dildgzilmt • -to i ;•balin.• al iloublit
meaning;iftio thatvir.yog t :fin4,-.
t49)P.;e9tiliof9l#9PinAST9ifilficilh f ithn
3.' 1 3' 1,1 11 8113/ 711991 4 0,4ETC1 Tisr
elkillge, your Purn se' AV 1 tft •"?
g , 04141103" rSi6fiAtke!' erituidt
ptoitBmierslkBeten4l4 , iise. angcfcAtodeak
u kp A bwoidenee,!6l.?eurriiiing.f:Slan of
The whole truth ul this, you are
leading the nation quietly to•thia de
stifle:46n .15Sr•doepiviog tho , poopittats
to thii daogerAst hieh threhte4l,iti : ,;(llo
tire ifireV part bf-tp 'ithropaignao Jag
frotti.lgtipfid. lidvantitges,:whicia; you
were:mita:tip cir -eon ixotain
in:lB66.Li wrirr• • •' 77 Via::"_ .
. .
t'...You 'sacrificed:Ake entire, Aeit.for ,
t.liktbaptire of ;Vicksburg : p.-3nd: ;ilea
ryipprbelaitit to atke dour.Vind*that
the !.If ississippi lad sfred,-3 hile-rtiotit
sit being attiektd on perhaps Minn-
Oran &mitt' onteinert:paSsengaitlia
ingsythe fear: of 'death! for, eaptiviiii,l4'
rove afie;gos: ;Ts • .*r; .71.1 .
ruiCniscrve the eudhl old- your.. dance.
you - hate quad° ahem!, cut "of it
InfOriswhonNyetfulllyze lavished every
!thing;ity hd..hadrevery iobittaclekeniou-;
::path,:., and,
lykomiAlpoturitish •:withr:Areinforce-,
remold andinappl les ; .ti , sllle Rh iecumfs'
Coil geotione 4-and! wher:h as sbaron-
lk:beonaldettublildvlvithtice inirsenhe.
resources atllliareoirotuandLthe•gbatnid
.which Ole pre'decessor gain ed:te. spite
"CoD Ton ib,y, '
‘,.. ; ;Aron ; bavec..qifored us: ( t)lft,djatresaing
B .P,Att a ff h l•Pcltln s k t Ak i C t° 9`. 4 14. :,Inc r At+4°
eKirieO mist persbnal . politicat!
ists; f anif t tag reOhrlig'iii`tihse
iftiihßtittid 'itifiehr the titbit Of
anierkoigiity.;lt 'Asi 043
1 ; A 1449 e 49 fi A 1 4.91 18 .4x111 4 11 1
to Imp lietmitactus,likelhie j :,•
In unconditional 'loyal' is'oe3
iill4 l ,:iiiiNiatkh' 'not' b
miss cars Aitken Barthel governinirit,
spriroves them:all and. *eves them his
onetautAllPPPrk i tr i --
- tt „ It • ue2a3ik aim oat. r immdil f tle, I Are
.w.o in Conitipifinoblo; in at. :St4i
illilfear4.Oi . ,
ohss*hi) relheed .'ecamh..iter: - .auy.
Take ; or the a iilegi tin Ats, 0. 15 314.i5gVf.
i fiselciwr c .. to . .s.etiure, for d
aticl esi - hy aTenielnal woilehipl;
iv 4" "ibe 'tdeliteitaYnti - • Of
oe'e diedifildeatif ;ThithArl' Masa,
rithnEt haireabjept!theiiivasoh
.to An agthority!whiph:theyAmpieed,.
preferred to t c ; xp*r a iato OemuelF9ato •
those;thoieta o erhurethcougli
013 f 'hllerty ) , fdunded Ohr
'al gidatnesev:*lifeh:pite.litir
ing- .to drditit a sca of cowardiela
and adulation, corruption andTindom-
Tetencyj. Were ..our: . ancestors to.
visit the iiarth A ptiy: would . ceitainljt
bo gitriiiistill - p ace that; eighty years
after thh•reVolntion ide gave': life
and liberty:TO' natiinithapingoln
party fonid; TAM - nit "other aesotton
ofloyaltry Windt aubmispion ".ttr.
the- detree4.3. Othognmornment.
; energised. ,this blind
u . atite three
tiirere:y6iri - , yee likce
1140,41 liiitttfincs ti e!
. e r;Sult)Q true ~d~cetl,p:tTriots;Rttid :not
%' O 9, ,;SVQ(b..I : Te-, l 9§VennAdenep
in -rr*P a °n!. ~ Mat p k;;ipfl°9e,,94.
8164 rq a
I t4ar " ' •
.jer • and, Sigel Jiaxe. donei; yrilatawa
PAP' lll (4. l .e his been osoriba4.e
(R9pgk i tP . 15f eP ,fi leaPe+ ! •4 1 * #l4
nt,Ste .1.1. in he .
tbeliecer fS6 innOli'
eilentlilEitabatime- t tbat a fresh 'del
9relfgtabf; EMPRfiIic.TRI-Qufg.reifo
peers, INongpit . rl an AldAna.4t,, exeys.
rilatabv to.oui,lipe, we reitlrained - 14
e!tehEbetaconib:ofibbetie unknown
PoW9e,lreNattikilkf ,AptikieclotrY,
w o. NW? , fanon,.tippgan„:4o , ,*oom,
petAllejArna' Ole; bold 'AK insatiable
embiti if Of ill &Mel ssiod it
Tati4o l / ;. 0114 . `son's to - c• vict o ry, but
Av.borbeingeblintied , , by political , : caul_
449P4ti9 1 )f1ig 4 47. ttiefr.PqrsonA - Ad Yugo;
9Pqt, b#,AL destli T:9 Q I YAc a414.14As r
/you Ylave not - ispitys mo
Talent' or Wu: ' ,Nappgon,
itgiv .. ts: - a
kireVi'dlsr - rdirkblid ' rnsoleinily
notified 'n a bf,aiblOckavie - Of the kelti
osoicoBBt, atidAtlirozon Me Monroe doe-.
triftl*giguriare , J .; . •
. is. plaster. now
in AmetzipaN . he who lays down the
Ti(xr; oPhe Wile submit's' to the Same ?
Ili it' Nivel €be`Trc c success
ofiWashitrgten ? • ' • •, !•'
God alOrto;• - br i •hestowiag .aporLthe
country filiikhavistibleriialmialwa r arth,
and • :that , . ardent patriotism which
Mak•ga e.rflTY:siztliVer het°, has. saved
the .com?,try,frpm g thc,rivip i vnto-which
y out . ir0.4. 1 .A Rl.Ont,i, 1 "ft... 7
Ttiie'ie the diffeAin cc bc-'
tweentriar+ijartbiittfithd ` tliiit'of the
Scw•thLf 'll3 •
ti.}P' ll 4•Yle!bign:iiiipoltedmpovitilong
caou,.o. 7 7,Tha:,ilN wfivolv i ,you kayo
beeirAinitoli peeiminilisb -in. fovw,
-YeWiVivulill'6eitainly beftillY . di;4l-
.Surnimateil (Were - you - rema in'-i#
*mei lovirbrenitBi - lonteiriw , r4tit:lifilil'
(417,00VorrIgrel , au1rabeit !itrokcist
Marshals,gyer#ll And the
echo of' th :%*.rneti..hoOL:rivw forth as.
qlecTly,•pow,in as Ali 2,11 co
9 . ..r il .Apttria, „ I y.9lh:4l3ave , :ancr.oawhe.d
yibtoiy, arid' w-niat: e' Wave both. ". •
slra mel vise mi,4repreihr, t ati Wit uis
• oor ; trus &oath ).PlaceaLitluge..sice
occupied in 1862,ar0p tiguiwin i tbe
hands of the..rehele, and blid knows
• appro i viefil.siqlOalpojg,wa.rol adequate,.
t Cuorrlptiop bas,, evv,terpd..ipto:
le - pirtinent
4141 . 6Weit" veiy,'
l i *bielf needs taterealifeds"fithir stre-i
:(teesor:•: , tithil. tints •foriltheAlcy,tit to
8 1 1 ),91 3 ,Atritti 9041.0 fi•hotttrfttlCiskfullyi
' 4 {fi e STP.( l 4Vh a iiiia l AinflerflollakjiiM4
a men o to.° nottliiz furtbfr.•
I trsetiaglrelklibliftyPinaly ralf rani drier
icompantakddy . ,%ibividichti'ereat:tirit
.eipls of liberalism, and fOrm &liberal
party really worthy of the name.—
litrutttiAtr: .
242::ataerlid"illik . .7:**/;/: iamb% (Aenberiefia
jw r At One D6lfar and fifty Cents a Tsai •
WADvEvetraienele frserted . at tleiritioalrrutge.,ko
AWILINDBILLB Printed nt an. Ewan! oolt".
in Lebanon County. postage free , . .
10 Peranyhen* out ot - Lebanorx Conntj cents p”:
out of tbia State, e9i cts. pir iitiarter, or i 8 cie. n yfte
(the poetege•fe not•pald to ithiihiee. rata are doular.,
Such' a man can ciartaire &inn-
7zs4nrier With all krie•lMP9l 3 o l l l / 4 09
i i4yl3 4 in,yadcd'i„bc teseple of..
,libeggr o
4nd 40.0, 1 9 d it into a vetsi:nsitilief.—
'l:!a r lisbriNilinisiidliftiiii;iiiiiailoiii
fa 3niy '- fitli.o%trciregelievotes of those
tfchils,iwbb; , .itpteigi sirAssi'Seg Wei
:soot 1 301:ko,St4iTtfilk:beii,e,Ice stil
is ter o giqe‘talqlbstri i pistitished
' applaud
- add ei76 vrofg.
eukr. Linectlielf ttorveitty itidfirriente
tiescripi4o dinceinsfete 141 1 i 6 earlyitti
its intereste in,ordet,to angcp.tibtessf,
• 'T -1 / 1 .
power for
.. csur yisars, ongei. • Q 0
'exiii,;ftee`initir:trligq r at' - ilijfirived : his
Skive lit:its
-6gsve - i3+iteniywhoixaslieen:ateuble.lki
analgeranS:llsOlit'r JOlte•Rf..olk , f!lchilli
-4 0 1„ srloil 4 4EV? 11140°, 4 t ;l4l i .
*AIR, 4t,e,,r4isiliEti tig, 50 - man.): mune
owiriittee. iazipiteft - y,
is, of all the citizens of the- Visited
Atidep,ithe.l444t, ;1,1,98,e5, and Ails inyst
.4aEgeFP4 ll3 t.f , ' "J "• •
But *even: if *reeiKert. iicol n wcrp
ifte'fiOileii s iiiali s 'aitit: hie 01111 (fviiib
I;efiellentAlin-tisc dinkisiblfe
4.&ald this file...election iisrove,t;ci;the4ik
e . ayil
round as.. be is,
that 'be
atligi'llack I Lot - i:erneinber
( tb • O' . ieiiehiAiii, Of history add the' In
, :Standee Ofifeign6d or rball4mbeality,
.411.0 f which .have 'resulted: in ;descait
aiztae.V., the half,stapid %oak
in his cell, and Napolev .:
scottish debauch, keit:1_1)0o - ifieitsme
,imhopl 3; , ; (4sk . i4ifin who had,. to
,epiAare,ttspim i ple9ied. - I.lieia" is. Ulm-
for rellecdoli
COnsiderittioif will-soon" be site
years) that Irrance , has:' relkoted . Sind
IPPAderclitoviirLh'or.lo4 liberty. .. ; f',oo;-
. 11) 4:9' 4 •IT#0:*; 1 1 1 40.9 hrh ) 1 01 0 4)!Tte
e, • liorinniltion!k bh. leCideft,tal 'OS
dAe i tillytierd
Wail); roWtlitt ithintoiheri
Tev.040048 hit*t6
. -1 , Jgrlet tr~gt,;;Lebaipp,
, -:'t •-•-'. irio l ipeieiiif.> T'?-7
7 - '''' 1
41 1 = 7 iliOp ' fietZt i)l= tfiliNotii : G;iabii;shealit;Pig;p - 44:
,uvr*A. would rettattfolty,ioloot.the pablicttbat
Wriill be c'oollected at alt tibias' to the' comfort ink
couvenionce'otitp. guestga Ryas beenlboroastbly.44-:
fitted - arid 'reollraftll rind no fiffini will Ve seared . to
.make lball'able and tbet . Bar. T at alf times, aioi
. . . .
in Ilie county. ' ' . . .
at . §TiA B gip is o.Tard:ake auptri,fr t09,4aul sort,
titteueire, Nan any oilier in tehoWon. A 10 4 1iiMIND
it also in:tbektouttar.ofriarectillv,f,rtli. it' - . triil tirottr.
jilttgl io 14 4+ol tlibf: 'Vie potiona:ro of the Partied'
And.Ab * JtjTrayrfiug.paylim gormral.typja:respectfill3s far'
)lobtod. '
.:11)A0Mtrost ridifiriMarkor•Otroot, soil , aif s`
square eolith from the Market Moose.
--...rfr.i..1; - 1.:!1t..4. .; Jon A f a t rriimH — •
- ,
itt l ,ol l rs4Fl ll , 5!-.4.P 1 : ..
:4.1 -.. A.& I:i. "3 0 7.1 11.
EMUS t - z • :. SSD' /,7
PE T iimPs,-L-07R- A K
Inut ItilotitiOtellianbriettfei
•-• . 4 .
friiitierW42: • iiilifrea( - 'Nevi tbriqi? t ' f
WaNd I,ll9,sttey t4or Ft dbalgrttp the ,scwlde o
Idiinautritictitre, A,
rn,iorOWO SHOW •
)1•012box. • • D•Finkirci,g•
•• n ~ .-:;:lhiteintiffift;..
• I
. . .
&Web; fleecy Dew Scotch.
High Tout Scotch, Frenh liontirDerrActotoh•
Irish Eligtagitat•—..-.FrAstacoccif.
qr Lundy . foot, , • ,
' iar"intention'is.tiaDsith
CU rifte-CUI Chnvirg Smoki:rirg. Tobaccos
Nrili liefois'isiA of al.Stipeitoi•*atlilsr;;j ••• ;; •
..;111 •1 1' fibaCCßlg
f L.., or p1ainP:' , .,. , 3M.40,g0,, • .
'O. 2.,CorendiAb, or Sweet, S
. :•••NoL k giro% t 4430 tolVOEVID0051;;=.
0 1 • 7 mll:ed .lo,
: I;; : ofl , o4 .. rewndart,` . "
rrariontoted. • g
'3IM 4 - 2 ./V wircu Lir of prfeiQw:llo4Virstiiiii•
::Wr: Nei! INtikeflitkill W I
• •
• ?..
FIT 4I C 9 ' - it
A .U. lUdietrilitailtrat ? Mar, teappetfaily
ratoWetsta the alexia bitheliTiteh - hitalihilitily
that hehasfaet.ratsated from the city with a Satcr
eortaketts : • IS.; : .s•
all of which bewtll no ß. or make , up to or prat
snit;tliv itn,es, at WI, No. V Rkflonne *Nig'
lishment In )(tine*, New .819 c doom tioutb of ftior
Buck . IfOtel. Foliar Wntittistkket.'''
Lit work entruddcrto. kW:O%mM be marldfkotSic7
ed inn workthaitlike ma.ider' as to tiebion and 'Som.
poictia‘eil elftwitere will be ibiirfulli
up ti.l.ortletUu
,neint model-et!. farot,rl tt •••;
Iliuriug,had yenta of expeileodiiii
pry-pnot!o.ktoointutti, and•ludiug.inolitted to
suivuntage of big custorner.a all tbe a4raoteraa ragellk.
fog from e.lid itcquirumento, ho f o als satitled:tbialt
will be respond cal to by a 'or, liberal Blunter theliadlir
pa. troy ate. : : . t • :
Friends call'auoe to please me after thatlyseii
July 8, 1 8 slli
. •
• iteggiontat
01+ 1.1 . •
NEW " A:NI6 .
S111101E;411111tz: -
r tin 4. enbecri4er would' resnedflally.itinnin: thg - left;
iseas of Lebanon and' eleinity„, }hat he km t•sinaa r
oed is•TIOF Ili:1.5110N STOKE 4o l!ilsilket areettlCaik
btd math of , BlAii.Ri , EO Aotel, / 0 4 . 4°14 R i k,
4 10i -eye elm t
i•• • • i: ° lett e t:= l /01% .
'"••• ' •• - • slll.'olf me Nee,
• - • • 3 .11049.0 t poop:t r ams
• - -
•to or d a ri all
;,„ d 4Ol-rizoi DOHS 'add
60104, 'and nr!, virr
. - 'slat notice H 6
,A i.r o iiie D b et h .. n ..0 .
l a rZ it rt ,
od 4 lloollc.of hit i oaqqll44 Rif,j)..AN 020x - som
CEATII2R, CALF AND KIP iNs,.Bfoßocco Ayp
IMIPY 1 410 11 0:1Kilialittiti0a,
'e., and all kinds of Shoemakers' TOOLS AND
4114 1 / 1 N 9.6 IiIJ4 I I3IIP 'iltoOtanc4WassTs,;. 1100T_
Cias , 4 2 1 AMAIERS t vesamellsi.ift ASP% •iTster.l.a
Coogan tilf dirllntid an assortineut tiflastifigajhreada,*
Tegi, 1 111444143i01(11
Anil Sloe Toola.of every_ daiiription. Ilatldgfieesi ea;
404 ed thitirallairaiitirrtirlaii tfififtitiyeare, lie feelo
satisfied that be Fart Ora salliditetlop to all wlicy .11,11 .
favOrlilet-wkih•a•eill. tbe conntrr,
w?l•by calling Lai bim befOre.lneekaelr u t i eln
wh ere :4,; • • • • tAlEtlaßli'Uit
1:a , 1.D7 27 ,. 1864 -; •74 Ls7o'
*Jacob g:44. - _ zninker Inties*•
-viitsptiGAM . ifirg:DßEOBlriti "AA!
..k", p. SA 1.09 N ~ Market -40. W ?tt,en!..setantlatt2and,'
RIM opraisite the Pegle'll - oTel: - Being thahltftfe.for'W.
I iberal, petrel , ale b1e4115Ax49e 4 40, ' k }4it i br , fi:tra
reape'dttritly Bench a coritinnanct,ol themes.
Zetlitliott•jtaYA 4 8 tcr .41S.heri is eq
• N;l—Tlie 'Efalood win ne Glow eft
p $
4 . 4
I_, Sexual Syeteins—uevr and itliable treattuen
reporte of the 110 . WAIWASZOCPATI1111441 bi • -
in settled letter envelopes, free of charge. Additess,,s
11;•:. J. SiiILLIN HOUGHTON, Iloward AesociatleaW
No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phitadelphht,,P•os
March 9, I864:-0.-